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Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 8:12 pm
by kiwigirl
Hi guys I am looking for a beta for my new story. …Well not really new it’s an old story I have posted it here before but I am going to pick it up again

It is AU without aliens called Baby Liz is a teenage mum her parents have sent her to live in Roswell.

Please let me know if you are willing to help me I already have the first 8 parts done

thanks jennie :D

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 12:22 pm
by DMartinez
I'm looking for a beta for an existing slash story of mine, Beloved Unloved series. It'd be mostly grammar check at first and then later to bounce ideas off of.

PM me here if you are interested or email me.

Got A Beta!

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 7:54 pm
by behrlyliz
EDIT I've found a beta

Hi all,

I'm in serious need of a beta. I've recently decided to post a story that I've been working on forever, it's called Another Morning Stoner. I need a beta to bounce ideas off of and correct grammatical errors.

If there's anyone interested, please send me a pm.

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 9:33 am
by guelbebek
Hi! :D

I was asking myself if i should translate my stories into english. but i cant do that without a beta.

Im not sure if im ever going to do it, but i wanted to ask if someone would beta this stories. (If not, the decision if i should translate them is taken away from me)

bye guel

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 5:05 pm
by singerchic4
Hi everyone!

I'm looking for a beta for my fic "As the Orb Glows...the Roswellian Soap Opera". It is a spoof of Roswell and soaps…basically its the premise of "What is Roswell was a soap opera?" I would like somebody who could check my grammar and maybe bounce ideas off of. Preferably, I’m looking for somebody who’s got a good sense of humor and good ideas.
Please pm me if you’re interested.
Here’s the link:


Need a Beta

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:41 pm
by a7065
Hey Guys,
I need a beta for my story Desolate Rage by a7065 (CC fanfic; mainly M/L). Currently, this story is posted in the CC section. If anyone is interested, please send me a pm. Thanks :)


PS: I have 2 more stories that I just started and I would really need a beta to bounce ideas off of or just tell me what I wrote sounds silly. So far their both untitled but they are dealing w/ conventional couples and angst (maybe). I seriously need help :wink:. Thanks.

Need a Beta

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 10:22 am
by a7065
Another member has answered my request for a beta reader. Thanks for the quick responce.

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 8:36 am
by Reamhar
Got volunteers, thanks.


I need a BETA for Walk Away & I Stumble (CC M/L Adult) mostly since I seem to be managing to read what should be there, rather than what is actually there when I proof read it. Advice or feedback on the content of any new parts would also be appreciated since this is my first FF, so I'm learning as I go along. Can you PM me please if anyone's interested. Thanks :)

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 9:38 pm
by Roslover39
Request filled, Thank you


I'm in desperate need of a BETA. I've started a Zan/Ava Max/Liz fic, and I need

someone to make sure my grammer is correct, and the story maintains

its continuity. If you're interested, send me a PM.

Thanks :)

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 11:08 am
by sprayadhesive
I'm looking for a beta for a story that I have in the works entitled: It Was You.

It's a spin off of the events in the pilot, but instead of Liz getting shot, Max jumps in the way of the bullet. I haven't posted it yet as I'm waiting to get someone's input on it.

I'm looking mainly for someone to make sure that it all flows and is coherent, is gramatically correct, has everything spelled right, and someone that I can bounce ideas off of as well as receive feedback from.

If any of the above makes sense and you're interested, feel free to PM me.

Thanks! :)

Request: Filled 5/14