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Chapter 10

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 7:43 pm
by Tasyfa
*waves like mad* Hi mareli!! :D
hugs, Tas

FROM Chapter 9

“The one and only,” I confirm. We nicknamed her that after the sock on the door went missing for the last time while she was over here. That’s one thing that’s totally different about Michael from the stereotypical guys with multiple partners: he can name every single one of them, and match the names to the faces.

Of course, that may have more to do with the fact that there’s no alcohol involved on his part in any of his encounters, but I’m feeling generous.

Or not. He lets out this massive laugh. “You bought these? On some girl’s advice?”

“What of it?” Now I’m shading more towards belligerent.

“Nothing.” He shakes his head, smirk firmly in place. “Horse’s mouth is probably good to listen to, anyway. I don’t get the spermicidal ones because some people are chemically sensitive.”

“Really?” Man, that’s a bad place to have an allergic reaction of some kind. The thought alone squicks me.

“Unfortunate but true. The latex is a much better disease barrier, so it doesn’t matter that much.” He snorts in amusement. “Bathroom, under-sink cabinet, back right corner.”

“What about it?” I ask when nothing else is forthcoming.

“Box of non-spermicidal ones. In case you need them.” Michael leers—badly—and I laugh at him even though I can feel my face reddening.


He shrugs, knowing I’m referring to more than the offer to borrow rubbers. “It’s nothing. I can hear the puck calling my name. You up for hockey viewage?”

I stand. “Nah. I have some…stuff to do.”

Michael nods, not even bothering to tease me as he flicks on the TV. Right before I close my bedroom door, he calls out.

“And you’d better apologize to Maria tomorrow, because this blew my intimacy quota for like the next five years!”

*****NEW Chapter 10*****

Liz moans and I feel the sound in my mouth, along my tongue. I can’t begin to describe how incredible she tastes. I’m drowning in her sweetness.

The scent of rotting flesh rises, choking my nostrils. Immediately I pull back, horrified at the soft sucking sound that ensues. The woman standing in front of me isn’t Liz any longer; it’s Tess. I want to protest that Tess is dead except yeah, here she is, a walking corpse. Literally. Partial decomposition, and the stench! I stagger backwards with my stomach heaving, frantically wiping at my lips.


Startled, I spin to face Michael. He hands me a slim object. I regard it in disbelief. This can’t possibly be what it looks like.

“Use the Force, Max.”

Okay, it is what I thought it was. Weirder and weirder. I aim it away from Michael and flick it on, watching in amazement as a green light saber emerges. This is cool. Um, except it’s growing some kind of protective skin. Light sabers aren’t supposed to do that. It resembles a giant…

Oh, shit. Wouldn’t Freud have a field day with me?

“Michael? What the hell is going on?”

“You have to smite her, Maxwell. Don’t tell me you don’t know that already.” His voice is an annoying monotone.

“With this?” The symbolism couldn’t be more obvious, and I don’t want any part of me anywhere near Tess, even if she is dead. Ew, especially since she’s dead.

“It’s okay. You’re protected. Smite her.”

“Right.” I take a deep breath and turn to face Tess. She’s not running or fighting, just standing there with an odd little smile on the half of her mouth that’s left. Gingerly I extend the latex-covered light saber and poke her in the shoulder.

The effect is stunning and instantaneous. She shrieks at the top of her lungs and begins to dissolve, chanting, “I’m melting!” Hmm, Wizard of Oz meets Star Wars. Maybe Luke and Glinda getting it on will be next.

When Tess is a puddle on the floor, rapidly evaporating into the atmosphere, I feel a physical presence behind me, pressing close. Uneasy, I move forward in an effort to escape. “Michael, quit it.”

“Don’t you want to claim your prize?” a husky feminine voice asks.

“Liz?” It is, indeed, her. Michael’s nowhere to be seen. I don’t get a chance to ask if Liz understands any of this, though, because as soon as I turn to face her, she rises onto her tiptoes and kisses me. Her fingers stroke the back of my neck, ruffling my hair. I always thought I would hate that kind of contact, thanks to some early childhood trauma involving Isabel’s need to play hairdresser, but with Liz it’s a signal. Conscious on her part or not, when she reaches for my hair, she’s telling me that she’s turned on.

“Max?” Michael’s voice intrudes. I ignore him, trying to recapture the sensation of kissing Liz, until he shakes me roughly. “Wake up, man.” The dream fades.

“Go away, Mike. I’m busy.”

“No shit. If you moan Liz’s name again, either you’re going to cream all over the couch or I’m going to hurt you. Possibly both.”

“Fuck off.” He laughs and leaves me alone to drag myself upright. Vague images run through my head but I can’t quite grasp them. There’s something nagging at me, some concept that seems important. It’s slipping away as I awaken more completely, as normal dreams do. That’s why I scribbled everything in those notebooks when I dreamed about Alter-Max’s life; I’d expected it all to fade too, like so much ethereal smoke. I didn’t expect those dreams to take up permanent residence in a distant corner of my own mind. “What time is it?”


“The girls are supposed to be here at seven-thirty! Why didn’t you wake me up earlier?” That would have looked good. ‘Hi, I’m so happy you’re making dinner for us that I couldn’t help sleeping.’

Michael gives me a disgusted look. “This is Maria we’re talking about.”

“Good point.” He gives me a once-over, raising an eyebrow. “What?”

“You’re not actually planning to wear that out of the house, are you?”

On the defensive, I look down at my jeans and T-shirt. “What’s wrong with it?”

“Nothing, if you’re trying to pick up guys.”

I grimace. He’s got a point. It’s my favorite T-shirt, but I’ve kind of outgrown it in the last five years. “When did you turn into the fashion police? I thought that was Isabel’s job.”

“Iz ain’t here. Besides, if I’m anywhere in your vicinity while you’re wearing that, people might think we were an item. Thanks, but no thanks, Maxwell.”

There are days where I feel like my irises might as well be glued to my eyelids, for all the heavenward looks I can’t help giving. I yank the shirt over my head on the way to my room, muttering, “Just because I’ve been labeled as ‘taken’ doesn’t mean I’m about to get labeled as gay, Michael. Especially not since you’re my brother. Seriously, it’s about your ego.”

He snorts and there’s a muffled giggle. It dawns on me that Michael isn’t the one doing the giggling, not with that pitch, and I turn around. Just kill me now.

Liz bites her lip in a concerted effort not to laugh. I must look as deer in the headlights as I feel, because Maria doesn’t hold back and howls. I stand there dumbfounded for a few minutes while Maria holds her sides, her blonde hair flopping into her face, and Liz’s mouth twists further and further in containment. Finally I regain the capability of motion and growl, “Learn to knock,” before escaping into my room, T-shirt held close to my chest.

And stand in front of my open closet. Now I’m all paranoid about what my shirt’s going to say. Where’s my sister when I could actually use her help?

“Green looks good on you.” Liz reaches past my shoulder and pulls out a dark green button-down shirt. She holds it up in front of me. I conceal my surprise at her sudden appearance. “Brings out your eyes.”

“Yeah? Thanks.” I settle the collar against the back of my neck. She laughs and runs her hands up my arms, slipping inside the short sleeves.

“Loose enough not to endanger Michael’s rep, too.”

“Right, because that’s my primary concern in life.” I shake my head with a rueful smile, trying to ignore the swift ignition of desire at her touch, and she laughs again.

“Here.” She does up the second button, leaving the neck open, and then the third. Her pinky fingers are inside the fabric, sliding down my bare chest with the slight sharpness of fingernails as she buttons my shirt. Can she feel how crazy my heartbeat is?

“Liz?” I whisper her name in confusion and longing.

“Yes?” She lifts her gaze from her task. Unfathomable dark eyes stare up at me and I can hardly breathe. I want to ask her if she knows what she does to me. If she’s playing games, although I sense that she’s not. If anything, she’s probably as bemused as I am. But nothing emerges from my mouth.

When she looks at me like this, even when I can’t quite read what she’s thinking, the whole world falls away and I feel invincible.

And terrified.

“Should it be tucked in?” I stutter. Critically important information there, Evans. When do I ever tuck my shirts in, unless someone’s managed to get me into a suit?

Liz blinks, undoubtedly surprised at the question. A mischievous smile curves her lips. “Well, let’s see.” She gathers the front shirttails and folds them under, making it look like the shirt ends at the waistband of my jeans.

She steps back a tiny bit and pretends to study the effect. I say ‘pretends’ because it’s clear from the angle that her eyes are trained somewhat lower than my waist. Liz Parker is totally checking me out! Do I look different than I did naked? And if I do, please let it be bad different. As in, worse when clothed. Please.

Her smile deepens. “I think you’ll be more comfortable untucked, Max.” She releases the handful of fabric. My breath hisses out as she tugs the shirt straight, brushing seemingly negligently across my fly and the painfully erect flesh underneath. Idly I wonder if it’s possible to get zipper marks, like how you get pillow creases on your face from sleeping. No, wait, I’m wearing button-fly jeans. Thank God.

Shattering glass disturbs the mood and I slowly retract the hand that had begun to move with a will of its own towards Liz. We share a smile at Maria’s strident yell, “Michael!”

“I’d better go offer my services before she kills him.”

I nod. “Good idea.”

I follow her out to the kitchen, noting with pleasure that my original hypothesis about her hair was correct. When it cascades loose and wild like it is tonight, the shining length definitely draws the eye to her lovely ass. Is it possible to be hypnotized by the sway of a woman’s hips? Because I am so there.


“Hmm?” I look up to find Maria smirking at me. Caught. My neck reddens but I don’t get apologetic, and her smile smooths.

“Take your brother and stay out until I tell you it’s okay to enter.”

“Right, Mare,” I chuckle. “Come on, Michael.”

Once we’re comfortably sprawled on the couch in banishment, I inquire, “What’d you break?”

“Nothing big. A glass. It was the water on her clothes part that pissed her off.”

“Least it was water.. Didn’t look like anything was ruined.”

“Exactly the point I tried to make. And I wouldn’t have dropped the damn thing if she hadn’t…” he trails off into a sigh and spikes his hands through his hair. “Maria has the most perfect mouth, did you know that?”

It’s nice to not be the only confounded person around. “She’s a good kisser.”

“Excuse me?” There’s a note I’ve never heard in his voice before, but I recognize it nonetheless. Territorial.

“You saw us, Mike. In the kitchen, last weekend? You made some crack about two women not being enough.”

“I saw you hugging, Maxwell. You kissed her, too?” Michael’s angry. I smother a laugh. Then again, what am I laughing for? The reason she kissed me is on the embarrassing side.

I tell him anyway, and he relaxes. Still grumpy, but he’s not pissed. Never thought I’d see Michael so possessive, not even of Maria. She and I have seen each other naked and there’s still no attraction, so I don’t know what he’s twisted up about. I understand the basic feeling all too well, though. There would be hell to pay if I found him kissing Liz—or anyone else kissing her. While logic says that I have no right to feel that way, the rest of me says something else entirely.

Michael rubs his eyebrow and glances sideways at me. “Well, at least I’m not so bad off that I’m moaning her name and getting off in my sleep.”

“I was not—it was a weird dream, Michael, not a wet one.”

He nods, lips twitching. “I see. BDSM, then?”


“Bondage/sado-masochism.” He speaks the words slowly, like I might not understand them otherwise.

“I’m familiar with the acronym, thanks. But any dream that includes you behaving like a medieval Obi Wan Kanobi is strictly bizarre, not kinky.” There’s another level of frustration added to the growing pile. Sometimes my family just really pisses me off.

“Obi Wan, huh? Did I tell you to ‘use the force?’” Michael chuckles when I roll my eyes in exasperated confirmation. “Too bad I wasn’t Vader. Maaax.” He exhales noisily. “I am your father, Maaax.”

I stare at him for a long moment then burst out laughing. Soon my sides ache with mirth. “That was classic, Mike.”

“Thank you, thank you.” He takes a bow. “So, any other cameos I should know about?”

I consider what to say. The in-depth bull session we had last night was pretty, well, deep for us, but we do talk. It freaked Michael out when he first moved into our house in Roswell. He told me I’d spent too much time with my sister; I talked as much as a girl. He’s more or less used to it now. Still teases me, but any humiliation is strictly private, so that’s cool. I’ve long since realized that I’m just me, and I don’t need to pretend to be someone else when I’m with the people I care about. Maria tells me that’s why I’m an excellent girlfriend, because I actually admit to having feelings, unlike most men in her experience. (By which we both know she means Michael.)

I shrug and lower my voice. “Tess. You handed me a light saber and told me to kill her, in archaic wording. I forget exactly; it’s fuzzy now.”

“And did you?” he asks intently.

“Yeah, I touched her shoulder with the saber and she melted, all Wicked Witch of the West.” I sigh. “But I only killed her after you said I was protected.”

“Weird. With all that mythology crap, why wouldn’t it be a sword? It’s not any less obviously phallic,” he snorts.

Ever had one of those moments when the clouds part, and the sunshine suddenly blinds you in its brilliance? “Because it’s energy.”

“Yeah. And?”

“Alien energy, Michael. My energy. I was protected because the saber was covered by a condom.” I glare at his snort of laughter. “Think about it: Alter-Tess got pregnant. Meaning they didn’t use anything.”

“Okay.” He’s not getting it yet, but at least he’s listening.

“So what if pregnancy wasn’t the only ‘complication?’”

“You mean like she gave him some kind of alien S.T.D.?” Michael ponders the idea.

“Yeah. Not even something sexually transmitted, exactly, but more like a—a contamination of his personal energy. Which he passed on to Alter-Liz, and it made her sick.”

“It sounds like a good theory, but you’re basing it on a dream, Max. A regular old dream, the kind everyone’s subconscious spins. I don’t know that I’d be thinking of it as a reliable source of information.” The very fact that he shoots me down that gently says that he understands what is riding on this for me. My ballooning excitement abruptly deflates.

“I know. But it’s more than either I or Dad have come up with so far.”

“Tell D; see what he thinks. Maybe it matches something in your notes.”

Good plan, except that our parents are at Grandma and Grandpa’s tonight and Dad must have forgotten to set his cell phone to forward to voice mail again. What’s the point of carrying a cell if you don’t turn it on and you don’t have any voice mail? I’m sure as hell not leaving a message at my grandparents’. Or even at my parents’, for that matter. Hi, can I lose my virginity yet? Don’t think so.

Exercise in futility completed, I collapse back onto the couch. Michael shrugs sympathetically and we sit in silence until Maria informs us that we’re allowed back into our own kitchen.

I’m less than scintillating company through dinner. I smile when I’m supposed to and participate in the conversation, but my mind is somewhere else. I don’t have any concrete information, no plan of action, no options left open to me. And Liz leaves tomorrow.

Methodically I dry and put away the dishes. My self-absorption is finally interrupted when Maria announces, “So, you guys ready to go?”

“Go? Go where?” Are we supposed to be going out tonight?

Liz smiles at me. “Michael didn’t tell you the details of the deal, huh?”

“Apparently not.” He’s looking everywhere but at me, whistling innocently. I just ignore him. “Tell me now.”

“Liz and I make dinner; you guys come do whatever we want for the night.”

That sounds dangerously appealing. I direct the question to Maria, but I gaze at Liz while I ask, “So what is it you want to do for the night?”

“No Jackets Required.” The capitalization is audible.

“What’s that?” Michael wants to know.

“It’s a dance club,” Liz confirms his worst fear. I’m amused; Maria knows that Michael hates to dance.

Liz looks up at me through a fringe of eyelashes. “Do you do more than slow dance, Max?”

“I’m no Fred Astaire, but I don’t break toes.” I can’t help but smile when she takes my arm.

“Good. I’m definitely in a party mood.”

As we walk out to Maria’s Jetta, my head starts spinning from barely-there whiffs of Liz’s perfume and the soft press of her shoulder against mine. One thought keeps running through my mind.

I am in deep trouble.

Splitscreen: Take 2

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2003 10:37 am
by Tasyfa
I made a second CD to the soundtrack. :lol: I swear, this is insane! But it's so much fun. :D Anyway, the CD is called Splitscreen: Take 2.;)
hugs, Tas

1. Strip Poker ~~ Sonny Lester & Orchestra
2. Overkill ~~ Colin Hay (from Men At Work)
3. Hot Blooded ~~ Foreigner
4. Can't Fight This Feeling ~~ REO Speedwagon
5. Still Desire You ~~ Melanie Doane (M&M specific;) )
6. Like Lovers Do ~~ Heather Nova
7. You Can Leave Your Hat On ~~ Joe Cocker
8. Just For ~~ Nickelback
9. I Was Made For Loving You ~~ Kiss
10. I Need You ~~ LeAnne Rimes
11. You Took The Words Right Out Of My Mouth ~~ Meat Loaf
12. Slow Like Honey ~~ Fiona Apple
13. Lay All Your Love On Me ~~ ABBA
14. Say You Will ~~ Foreigner
15. I Just Want To Make Love To You ~~ Etta James
16. Made Of Steel ~~ Our Lady Peace
17. Lay Your Hands On Me ~~ Bon Jovi
18. Baby You Belong ~~ Faith Hill

Chapter 11

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2003 6:18 pm
by Tasyfa
rar great suggestions! :)

I'm just and run. :D
hugs, Tas

FROM Chapter 10

Liz smiles at me. “Michael didn’t tell you the details of the deal, huh?”

“Apparently not.” He’s looking everywhere but at me, whistling innocently. I just ignore him. “Tell me now.”

“Liz and I make dinner; you guys come do whatever we want for the night.”

That sounds dangerously appealing. I direct the question to Maria, but I gaze at Liz while I ask, “So what is it you want to do for the night?”

“No Jackets Required.” The capitalization is audible.

“What’s that?” Michael wants to know.

“It’s a dance club,” Liz confirms his worst fear. I’m amused; Maria knows that Michael hates to dance.

Liz looks up at me through a fringe of eyelashes. “Do you do more than slow dance, Max?”

“I’m no Fred Astaire, but I don’t break toes.” I can’t help but smile when she takes my arm.

“Good. I’m definitely in a party mood.”

As we walk out to Maria’s Jetta, my head starts spinning from barely-there whiffs of Liz’s perfume and the soft press of her shoulder against mine. One thought keeps running through my mind.

I am in deep trouble.

Chapter 11

So far, so good. It is packed in here, but Michael and I are looking out for each other. Which means we’re dancing in a group. No couple-type stuff. Of course, he’s more or less standing in place and swaying, and I’m not much better, but we are on the dance floor, so Maria’s happy.

I don’t have any trouble understanding the fascination of the groups of guys ringing the smoky floor, staring at the gyrating bodies while they drink, despite my lack of interest in indulging in the same activity. I figure that if I’m in a dance club anyway, I may as well join the crowd instead of spectating. I’ve been out dancing with Maria numerous times before, but she’s not usually quite this animated. Apparently there’s something about she and Liz being able to goof off together that makes them both insane. I suspect I’m not the only one struggling to ignore extra snug-fitting jeans tonight.

Glancing at Michael, I know I’m also not the only one fighting the urge to lay public claim to our crazy dancers.

A song comes on that’s one of those is-it-fast-or-is-it-slow numbers, with a sultry croon. Liz and Maria bump hips excitedly and as if that’s some kind of signal, they separate and target each of us. I give Michael a slightly desperate look and he shrugs, equally helpless when Maria pulls his arms around her waist.

I thought Shakira sounded sexy until Liz speaks, looking up at me coyly. “Dance with me?”

I nod, incapable of denying the invitation in her gaze. I have to close my eyes when she slips her hands up over my shoulders, her fingers lightly stroking the back of my neck. I pull her close, tightening my arms around her waist and inhaling the fragrance of her hair when she lays her head on my shoulder.

I could do this forever, just holding Liz. I’m not saying that I don’t want more, but this feels good. Special.

“What did you say?” I can hear her kind of mumbling.

“Oh.” Liz lifts her head with a sheepish smile. “I was singing. Quietly. I’m not much of a singer.”

“Not everyone is blessed with Maria’s talent, but I’m sure you sound okay. You don’t need to restrain yourself around me.” Her eyes widen a tiny bit and I’m already kicking myself. That wasn’t a charged sentence or anything.

Almost in challenge, she locks eyes with me while she softly sings.

“Underneath your clothes
There’s an endless story
There’s the man I chose
There’s my territory
And all the things I deserve
For being such a good girl honey.”

Oh, boy. “And are you a good girl, Miss Parker?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” she smiles.

“Only if you want to tell me.” Are we really still spinning on the dance floor while having this absurd conversation?

“What if I’m not? Would it matter?” Liz tilts her head to one side, regarding me intently.

“Not in the slightest. It only matters that you’re you.”

She glows with the brilliance of her answering smile, before she rises on her toes to kiss my cheek and then places her head back down on my shoulder.

What am I doing, flirting like this? I’m not sure that I care anymore. I’m allowing myself to move in the moment, and it feels damned good.

The music changes, the beat loud and heavy. Reluctantly, I start to pull away and Liz wraps her arms around my waist. “Where do you think you’re going?”

“It’s a fast—I don’t usually…” I trail off at her head shake.

“Don’t you know the chorus to this one?”

“Sure.” It plays out in my head, I’m feeling hella good, so let’s just keep on dancing. “Oh. Um, okay then.”

Liz grins at me; a slow, luxurious lip stretch. So low I can barely hear her, she sings along in a throaty, slightly offkey voice.

“The waves keep on crashing on me for some reason
But your love keeps on coming like a thunderbolt
Come here a little closer
‘Cause I want to see you baby, real close up.

“You got me feeling hella good
So let’s just keep on dancing
You hold me like you should
So I’m gonna keep on dancing.”

Oh, my God. I’m a good slow dancer, and I’m okay with fast songs. I wouldn’t win any prizes (assuming someone bribed me enough to enter a contest), but I’m good enough not to publicly humiliate myself, which is all I care about. But I have never moved like this. I cup Liz’s hips, holding her tight against me while she directs this sinuous movement that makes me feel like my entire body is liquid.

Well, almost. There is a notable exception.

Once she’s sure that I’m not going to let go, Liz slips her hands up my chest and right into my hair. I know what that means. Even if I didn’t, her eyes speak to me, whispering of the same longing that I feel.

She’s wearing a miniskirt. It wouldn’t take much to just unz—unbutton, I’m wearing button-flys, why can’t I remember that?—and pull her skirt up enough to…Jesus, Evans, rein it in! You’re in a club!

The second verse of the song should have started by now. This is some kind of extended version. Fuck. No, no, don’t even think that word. Not now!

I want to signal to Michael for help but I can’t tear my eyes away from Liz. Or the rest of me, for that matter. My chest burns with my breath as we dance fluidly. Liz licks her lips when Gwen Stefani’s voice finally reappears in the song, and continues singing along.

“A performance deserving
A standing ovation
And who would’ve thought it’d be
The two of us?

“So don’t wake me
If I’m dreaming
‘Cause I’m in the mood
Come on and give it up.”

Something wicked sparkles in her expression when she mouths the last line. I don’t know what she’s up to, if I’m being masterfully manipulated or if she’s as lost in the moment as I am, but I have had enough.

The loose ends of Liz’s hair tickle the backs of my hands on her hips. Without disrupting our motion, I slide one arm further around her waist to anchor her, freeing the other hand to tangle in her hair and tug, tipping her face up.

Her eyes widen and she starts to say something in protest. Perfect. I seal her mouth with my lips. There’s about thirty seconds of shocked resistance before she opens completely to me. It’s a total rush.

“What happened to being—” she begins dazedly.

“Forget friends. I can’t do it.”

“But I thought—”

“Liz.” I kiss her again, tasting her thoroughly. No hesitation on her part this time. Her lips cling to mine when I gently withdraw. I lean my forehead against hers and speak, sounding incredibly husky. “Liz, I need you. If you’re still willing…”

She knows exactly what I mean. I don’t know how she could miss it with the way our hips are locked together. Deliberately I stop our dance movements but don’t lessen the contact between us. A faint exhalation from her parted lips tells me that she understands me.

Liz does, however, still possess the ability to surprise me. “Do you have your coat check ticket?”

Huh? “Yeah, it’s in my pocket. Why?”

She purses her lips mischievously then slips her hand in my right front pocket, feeling around for the ticket.

“Other side,” I choke out.

“Got it,” she smirks. She waves it in front of me.

“I see that. What do you want it for?” My voice isn’t the steadiest.

Liz gazes at me, searching for I don’t know what. Finally she smiles and reaches up to kiss me softly. “I’ll get our jackets. You find Michael and tell him to find somewhere else to sleep. Meet you at the Jetta in a few?”

“I’ll be there.” I capture her lips for another swift kiss before she walks away, threading through the crowd. No one seems to have noticed our little interlude as being anything unusual, for a post-exam Saturday night celebration. My relief outweighs my vague disappointment. Stupid. I don’t actually want to call attention to myself. I just…don’t know what the hell I’m doing.

I spot Michael at the bar, squirting lime into his Coke. Before he can go rejoin Maria, wherever she is, I cut him off and put a handful of cash in his shirt pocket.

“Sorry, man, no table dances outta me.”

“Thank God.” I shake my head. “Don’t come home tonight.”

“What?” He stares at me in disbelief. “You’re serious.”

“Yeah.” Michael keeps staring at me, so I add, “I have to tell her. Liz, I mean.”

He snaps out of it, nodding. “Yeah, right.”

“You know what that means.”

“All for one and one for all. I know, Maxwell. Three of us and three of them makes six. I’ll tell Maria.” He sighs. “Probably for the best that you’re making it impossible for me not to.”

“What about Alex? Should we get the girls to tell him over Christmas?”

Michael rolls his eyes. “Boy, have you been out of it. I vote we let Iz tell him.”

“What?” He points, and I see Alex and Isabel intertwined on the dance floor. “I thought Alex scared the hell out of her!”

“Yeah, Maria thought that was ridiculous. Of course, she doesn’t know all the reasons behind it, but she’s right, it’s ridiculous. She set them up.” He laughs at my shock. “Didn’t you think it was weird that Maria had a car tonight?”

“Well, I assumed her mom came up early.” Is that Alex’s hand moving down onto her ass? That’s my sister, buddy!

“Ms. DeLuca sent Alex instead.” He nudges me, clearly not concerned about Isabel’s actions. “Save the passion for Miss Parker. I believe she’s waiting for you?”

Oh, crap. I have to go. Izzy’s a big girl, she can take care of herself. Probably better than I can. “Right. I’ll see you tomorrow sometime.”

“Maxwell, be careful.” For a split second I can see how worried he is and I smile.

“It’s okay, Mike. I can’t explain it; I just know that it’ll be okay. It—it feels right.”

Michael shrugs, not really convinced. “Whatever. If you, Mr. Paranoia Incarnate, think it feels right, then I’m sure as hell not going to object.”

“Gee, thanks. See ya.” I don’t hear his parting shot because I’m ducking through the crowded club, heading straight for the exit. Where Liz waits for me. So we can go back to my place.

Oh, God. I need to hyperventilate.

Chapter 12

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2003 8:07 pm
by Tasyfa
*cough* I'm going to post this now, since you're all so...frustrated. :D Next chapter will come on Wednesday.
hugs, Tas

FROM Chapter 11
Liz gazes at me, searching for I don’t know what. Finally she smiles and reaches up to kiss me softly. “I’ll get our jackets. You find Michael and tell him to find somewhere else to sleep. Meet you at the Jetta in a few?”

“I’ll be there.” I capture her lips for another swift kiss before she walks away, threading through the crowd. No one seems to have noticed our little interlude as being anything unusual, for a post-exam Saturday night celebration. My relief outweighs my vague disappointment. Stupid. I don’t actually want to call attention to myself. I just…don’t know what the hell I’m doing.

I spot Michael at the bar, squirting lime into his Coke. Before he can go rejoin Maria, wherever she is, I cut him off and put a handful of cash in his shirt pocket.

“Sorry, man, no table dances outta me.”

“Thank God.” I shake my head. “Don’t come home tonight.”

“What?” He stares at me in disbelief. “You’re serious.”

“Yeah.” Michael keeps staring at me, so I add, “I have to tell her. Liz, I mean.”

He snaps out of it, nodding. “Yeah, right.”

“You know what that means.”

“All for one and one for all. I know, Maxwell. Three of us and three of them makes six. I’ll tell Maria.” He sighs. “Probably for the best that you’re making it impossible for me not to.”

“What about Alex? Should we get the girls to tell him over Christmas?”

Michael rolls his eyes. “Boy, have you been out of it. I vote we let Iz tell him.”

“What?” He points, and I see Alex and Isabel intertwined on the dance floor. “I thought Alex scared the hell out of her!”

“Yeah, Maria thought that was ridiculous. Of course, she doesn’t know all the reasons behind it, but she’s right, it’s ridiculous. She set them up.” He laughs at my shock. “Didn’t you think it was weird that Maria had a car tonight?”

“Well, I assumed her mom came up early.” Is that Alex’s hand moving down onto her ass? That’s my sister, buddy!

“Ms. DeLuca sent Alex instead.” He nudges me, clearly not concerned about Isabel’s actions. “Save the passion for Miss Parker. I believe she’s waiting for you?”

Oh, crap. I have to go. Izzy’s a big girl, she can take care of herself. Probably better than I can. “Right. I’ll see you tomorrow sometime.”

“Maxwell, be careful.” For a split second I can see how worried he is and I smile.

“It’s okay, Mike. I can’t explain it; I just know that it’ll be okay. It—it feels right.”

Michael shrugs, not really convinced. “Whatever. If you, Mr. Paranoia Incarnate, think it feels right, then I’m sure as hell not going to object.”

“Gee, thanks. See ya.” I don’t hear his parting shot because I’m ducking through the crowded club, heading straight for the exit. Where Liz waits for me. So we can go back to my place.

Oh, God. I need to hyperventilate.

Chapter 12

We took a cab to get here. As soon as we met up, we realized that a) neither of us have keys to Maria’s car, and b) even if we did, we’d be stranding everyone else. Hence, cab. Nice driver. Wouldn’t shut up.

I do have a key for my front door but I’m having some trouble operating it. Fortunately, I have a way around that problem, and I click the lock open while making it look like the key’s doing the work.

I didn’t leave a light on, so it’s pitch black in the apartment. I flick the switch for the living room and go to close the door.

“Wait.” Liz reaches for the ‘Welcome’ sign. Watching me, she carefully hangs it on the outside doorknob. Then she lets the door fall closed, and slides the deadbolt home.

I feel the faint thud in my knees, threatening to give out. We haven’t touched since she left to get our jackets in the club. It was too weird in the cab, with the chatty guy. Now I’m paralyzed; unsure of myself.

We stand there, staring at each other, for who knows how long. I can hear her breathing elevate. Feel my own become harsher, sighing in my lungs.

“Jackets and shoes?” Liz suggests at length. I agree enthusiastically and hang the black leather on a hook by the door.

Shoes, however, are another issue. I generally take them off without hands, using my toes to push the sneaker off my other foot. This works for one shoe tonight. When I push off the second of the pair, I lose my balance and land flat on my back. “Oof.”

Liz giggles. “You didn’t even need my help this time.”

“What makes you think I don’t want it anyway?” The invitation comes out without any assistance from me. She bites her lip, her memory obviously as vivid as mine. Slowly, as if to give me a chance to object, she stands over me and lowers herself down until she’s straddling me. Her little black skirt rides up her bare thighs as her knees bend, and I can feel heat through the denim covering my groin as she settles right on top of me.

“Is this what you had in mind?” Liz asks softly. It isn’t a coy question; she seems as suddenly uncertain as I am. Before I can answer, she shifts, wiggling to get a bit more comfortable, and my breath hisses out in pleasure at the unexpected stimulation.

Her gaze snaps to mine with an awareness of my sensitivity to her that didn’t exist a moment ago. Experimentally, she shifts again, her motion deliberate this time.

I close my eyes and swallow hard at the thunder in my blood. I feel Liz unbuttoning my shirt, retracing the path her fingers laid out earlier tonight until the green cotton parts, exposing my skin to the cool air. I can’t look at her while her hands wander, caressing every part of me she can reach. It’s already so intense, felt blindly like this.

I slide my hands onto her thighs, dizzy at the knowledge that the stretchy material of her skirt isn’t a barrier to my palms. There’s only smooth skin under my fingertips, all the way up her legs. Including the round curve of her buttocks. There’s a thin length of lace across her hips—another thong. I think I’m glad I didn’t know that while we were still dancing. My imagination was running wild enough as it was, for being in a public place.

We’re in private now, and we have all night. I tighten my grip at the thought and Liz makes a faint sound. My eyes fly open. Am I being too forward?

In the next instant, her lips crash down on mine in a hungry kiss and all hesitation fades. I pull her right down on me, her skirt flipping above her waist as she stretches out. I navigate all the various fabric to slide my hands up her bare back, and she breaks the kiss long enough to whip off her top. Then her tongue is back in my mouth and I can feel lace rubbing against my chest.

I can’t remember the first time I daydreamed about Liz’s breasts. There’s never been a time in my life when I didn’t want to touch her, even when it was such an innocent desire as to hold hands. Tonight I have her tacit permission to claim it all.

I find the clasp of her bra and unsnap it with surprisingly little fumbling. Michael told me once that the key is to make sure the straps are stretched far enough for there to be room to play with the hooks and eyes. Actually, he’s told me a lot of things, usually in a smug, ‘You’ll never need this information’ kind of tone, but I remember all of it. Thank God.

I maneuver the black lace off of her upper body and do what I’ve been dying to do all week: cup her breasts firmly, one in each hand. Her nipples feel slightly pointed against my palms, and grow harder as I begin to massage her sweet flesh. She fits as perfectly I thought she would.

I was worried that if things ever did progress between Liz and I, that I would be forced to compare the experience with that of my alternative self. That his memories would rise in my mind, clouding my reality. But it was a groundless fear. Only the Liz Parker and Max Evans of this universe exist, here and now.

Warm fingers unbutton the top of my fly and Liz makes an irritated sound when nothing else happens. I’m not the only one surprised that there’s no zipper.

“It’s buttons,” I manage. This time her little sound is pleased, almost a sigh, as she gets the rest undone and spreads open the denim. I sigh myself in relief. It’s like taking a deep breath after being released from a chokehold.

Then those slim fingers reach down to caress my cock and I need to breathe. I release her breasts and just hold Liz close, because I can’t focus and I don’t want to accidentally hurt her.

“Oh, Liz.” Who knew my voice went that deep? Her mouth starts traveling, teeth nipping at my skin. Her hair puddles around my head in a heavy, perfumed curtain. It’s a three-dimensional assault on my senses and I want it to never end. Except it will, and far too quickly, if she keeps stroking me like that. “This is crazy.”

I kiss her deeply while moving her hand, and then roll her over. Her thighs part to accommodate my hips, her calves lifting to wrap around me. I can feel more lace, pressed against my freed erection. Liz stares up at me with huge eyes, full of frustrated passion. She wets her lips and another surge of desire crests through me. “You make me so wild, Liz.”

“What do you think you’re doing to me?” she asks with a smile.

I chuckle, offering a rueful smile in return. “Compared to what I want to do, practically nothing.”

Her breath hitches at that admission and her eyes grow even darker. Stormy. I’m blown away by how responsive she is. Liz isn’t at all shy about going after what she wants, and it’s an incredible turn-on.

“Maybe it would be a good time for a change in venue, then.” Right, because we’re still on the carpet just inside the living room. Rug burns would be a good thing to avoid.

“Hang on.” Liz looks puzzled but tightens her limbs around me and I push off the ground, rising first to a kneeling position, then standing and heading for my bedroom at a slow walk, supporting her against me. Now she looks vaguely impressed. I know I’m showing off, but I also don’t want to lose contact with her. There’s this fear that if we stop, we’ll never get started again.

Only, I haven’t said anything to Liz yet. Granted, I haven’t had much of a chance, but still. I lay her on my bed and take a step back.

My jeans are basically hanging off my hips—boxers, too. This is as good a time as any so I push them down my legs and kick them off before joining her.

Liz reaches to kiss me and I hold her steady, making sure to smile at her when she seems confused. “I need to—we need to talk before things go any further.”

“Oh,” she says knowingly. “I already know about the potential danger, Max. You were very open about that.”

Her smile seems approving, which I guess is a good thing. Me being upfront worked for both of us. “Yeah, I know, but…” I trail off in bewilderment.

She takes my left hand, thoughtfully rubbing my ring finger. “Are you secretly married?”

“What? Of course not!”





“In love with someone else?”

“Absolutely not.”

“And you’re certainly not gay.”

“Very true,” I agree emphatically, and Liz laughs.

“Then it can wait.”

“Well, but—” She cuts off my sentence by occupying my mouth with her lips.

“I know you’re worried about my safety, Max, and I’m glad for that.” Liz trails a hand down my side and over my hip, her eyes following along, clearly appreciative of my nudity. “But I’ve already made an informed decision that the potential risk is worthwhile. If it would make you less nervous,” she smiles at me mischievously, “you could always double-bag.”

“Doub—you mean wear two?” Huh. Presumably two condoms would lessen sensation more than one, which could be a plus in terms of not humiliating myself. Then again, what if it reduces it too much and I can’t finish because I can’t feel anything? Wouldn’t that be worse? “Um, what do you think?”

“One is plenty. I’m perfectly comfortable with that.” She struggles not to giggle at my relief, then gives it up and laughs. I’m having trouble formulating a verbal response because her nomadic hand is squeezing my ass.

“All right, one. Maybe I should do that now, just to be safe.” At Liz’s murmur of agreement, I shift to reach into my bedside table. She must decide to take advantage of my change in position because she licks my nipple.

It feels odd. Not bad or anything, but not really any different than the rest of my chest. Guess I don’t have sensitive nipples. Good to know. Liz obviously picks up on my less than enthusiastic response because she generalizes her attention, placing wet kisses across my skin. Just as I close the drawer, she slips a hand between my legs and I groan. That part of me is definitely sensitive.

“Liz, that’s going to make this really difficult.”

“Want to be sure you’re ready is all.” She grins as I slide back down to face her and I laugh. I’m not about to tell her that if I were any more ready, the presence of a condom might become an academic question.

“I’m just going to,” I say vaguely, my face heating. I turn around so she’s not staring at me. I know how to do this, but I don’t exactly have a lot of practice so if I screw it up, I’d like to do it with some modicum of privacy.

Okay. Open package, squish the tip…you don’t need to walk yourself through it, Evans. Just put the damn thing on already. It works the way it’s supposed to and I turn back to Liz.

She’s facing the other way, with her skirt pulled all the way down and her arms visibly crossed, shoulders shaking. Holy shit, is she crying? “Liz?” She won’t move, so I grab the box of tissues from the bedside table and circle to the other side of the bed. I climb in beside her, stroking her hair away from her face. “What’s wrong?”

God, she looks miserable. I don’t get it. I’m reasonably sure she doesn’t think I’ll force myself on her if she’s changed her mind, not after she said last week that she felt confident that I wouldn’t take advantage of her while she was drunk. So it can’t be that she’s scared of me. She’s been all over me, trying to drive me insane, right up until I…oh, shit.

I always figured the expression ‘seeing red’ was metaphorical. Perhaps originating from burst blood vessels in the eyes when emotions ran high enough; who knows. Turns out it’s quite literal. There’s a reddish haze to my vision when I flash on the reason Liz is freaking out. I hear an echo of the crackle of ripping plastic, followed by derisive, masculine laughter. Auditory only, no visuals, but it’s enough to send me into a seething fury.

Michael was right. I killed Tess out of self-preservation. It needed to be done if I wanted to live, and so I did it. There was no glory in it, no self-aggrandizement; it was merely a task to complete. But if Gord were in reach at this precise second, I would take a great deal of personal satisfaction in making him suffer for what he did to Liz.

“Come here.” Liz doesn’t resist when I pull her into my arms. I let her cry for a few minutes. I wish I could say that I’m not preternaturally aware that there’s very little clothing between us, but I am. I ignore it as best as I can and just try to be supportive.

Finally I reach for a few tissues to dry her face. “Here. I see you wear waterproof mascara. Smart girl. Maria’s starts to run during long distance commericals.”

That gets me a surprised giggle. “I’m sorry, Max.”

“For what?” I want to use a nickname, some kind of endearment, but nothing sounds right in my head. “It’s okay. I don’t melt at a little water. Not even the salty kind.”

“I didn’t mean to ruin everything,” she sniffles.

“Who says you ruined anything?” Her eyes are a little bloodshot but otherwise Liz looks pretty much normal so I toss the wet tissues onto the floor, followed by the box.

“Well, I kind of killed the mood.” Oh, man, her bottom lip is protruding in a definite pout.

I take her hand and guide it to my cock, wrapping her fingers around the engorged length. It is different with the barrier of the condom, but it’s unquestionably still good. I was feeling guilty that my attention was divided between her tears and her topless state, but maybe that wasn’t such a bad thing. It could be helpful for her to realize just how badly I want her.

“My mood seems to be intact. How about yours?” I smile when she raises an eyebrow. I know that look. I can practically hear the sarcastic, ‘Men!’ And then I do hear an echo playing out in my mind, of something else. Something that Michael said earlier in the week, when he was yelling at me.

‘… hurt feelings and low self-esteem, that a lot of therapy or a little love from the right person could cure .’

Please, let me be the right person.

Chapter 13

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2003 8:40 pm
by Tasyfa
Well, I have good news and bad news. The good news is, here's the new chapter. :D The bad news is, I'm going on vacation late next week, so this will be the last update till later in July most likely. :( However, if I have to leave you hanging, I think this is an excellent place to do it!
hugs, Tas

FROM Chapter 12

Finally I reach for a few tissues to dry her face. “Here. I see you wear waterproof mascara. Smart girl. Maria’s starts to run during long distance commericals.”

That gets me a surprised giggle. “I’m sorry, Max.”

“For what?” I want to use a nickname, some kind of endearment, but nothing sounds right in my head. “It’s okay. I don’t melt at a little water. Not even the salty kind.”

“I didn’t mean to ruin everything,” she sniffles.

“Who says you ruined anything?” Her eyes are a little bloodshot but otherwise Liz looks pretty much normal so I toss the wet tissues onto the floor, followed by the box.

“Well, I kind of killed the mood.” Oh, man, her bottom lip is protruding in a definite pout.

I take her hand and guide it to my cock, wrapping her fingers around the engorged length. It is different with the barrier of the condom, but it’s unquestionably still good. I was feeling guilty that my attention was divided between her tears and her topless state, but maybe that wasn’t such a bad thing. It could be helpful for her to realize just how badly I want her.

“My mood seems to be intact. How about yours?” I smile when she raises an eyebrow. I know that look. I can practically hear the sarcastic, ‘Men!’ And then I do hear an echo playing out in my mind, of something else. Something that Michael said earlier in the week, when he was yelling at me.

‘… hurt feelings and low self-esteem, that a lot of therapy or a little love from the right person could cure .’

Please, let me be the right person.

Chapter 13

“I must look awful.” Liz lets go of me and brushes ineffectually at her tangled hair.

“You look fine. Better than fine.” I halt her actions. I don’t think there’s much point in telling her that she looks sexy with messed hair; I doubt she’d believe me right now. I have to show her somehow.

I let my hand leave its perch on her shoulder and trail down her arm, then across to her waist and up her torso. Deliberately, my eyes drop just as my fingers touch her more intimately. “Has anyone ever told you that you have perfect breasts?”

Liz laughs uncertainly. “Only you, during the card game last weekend.”

I’d forgotten I said that. “Right. But that was before I knew how you fit into my palm. How I could hold you, and feel the weight, and still be able to do this.” I stroke the pad of my thumb across her nipple and it tightens, her rosy skin pebbling into a stiff peak while I watch, fascinated. Whose benefit was this for again?

“Max, you’re staring.” She sounds kind of shy, rather than upset. Good.

“Yeah. I should close my eyes.” Which I do—right after I lean forward and take that lovely nipple into my mouth.

“Max.” It’s not a protest, not with her fingers stealing into my hair.

I taste the faint musk of sweat on her skin and an underlying sweetness that has to be uniquely Liz. It doesn’t take me long to discover that if I suck hard enough, I can feel the imprint of her tight flesh against the roof of my mouth. And that the sound reaches right to my toes when she moans.

I lick and nibble my way across her cleavage to pay the same attention to her other breast before moving up to kiss her. Liz responds eagerly, making my head spin. I’m half on top of her now, my chest pressing her into the mattress while I explore her tongue with mine. Gently I reach between us and start inching her skirt up.

I can feel a slight change in her kiss. She’s nervous. God, so am I. I pull back a little and brush my lips over her cheek.

“Listen. You can say no at any time, and I’ll stop, okay? I don’t want to push you into anything you’re not ready for.”

“I know.” Liz smiles and turns her head to kiss my hand where it cups her face.

“But I’m not going to lie to you and tell you that I want to stop, because I don’t. I’ve never wanted anything the way I want to make love to you right now. You’re so beautiful.” She colors a little at that and her smile brightens. I’ve got the flimsy black material around her waist now. I rest my hand on her abdomen, sending the tiniest bit of energy along the lace covering it.
“You are, Liz. I can’t even express what it means to me, to see you like this. You’re gorgeous.” I have to taste her lips briefly before I continue. “And as long as you’re still offering, I’m going to take it all.”

With that, I gather the front of her lace thong in my hand and tug roughly, hearing the fabric rip. I’ve fantasized about doing that for a long, long time. Okay, so I weakened the elastic so that it wouldn’t bite into her skin, but still. It felt good.


“I’ll replace it.” I make any other comments impossible by sealing her mouth with mine.

There’s a small knot of fear buried in the center of my stomach, left untouched by the desire raging through the rest of me. I’m not one hundred percent sure that I’m doing the right thing. Or rather, I do know that it’s the right thing for Liz. She needs to understand the kind of passion that she can inspire. That what happened with Gord was because of his twisted values, not because she isn’t utterly desirable. Of course there’s a selfish component, because everything I said to her is true. If she says no, I’ll stop, but it’ll be the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I already know that. Her kisses are like a drug racing through my system and I can’t get enough. I want everything she’s willing to give me.

And if Liz hates me in the morning when she learns what I am, then at least we’ll have had this one night. I’ll know what it’s like to taste perfection. Maybe years later, when she’s not angry anymore, she’ll remember me as the man who showed her that she was beautiful.

I push all the doubts away and let instinct guide me into trying to please Liz. Her torn panties join the tissues on the floor. I slide my hand up her thigh, feeling the silken glide of her bare skin against my palm. It startles me when Liz spreads her legs to allow me access to her. Not that I expected her to snap them closed, but I guess I thought she might need more time to be so open with me. Then again, maybe she’s under the same heavy, irresistible spell that I am.

I reach the apex of her thighs and find her already wet. I want to say her name but I can’t stop kissing her long enough to speak, so all that comes out is a low groan. She’s so slick and creamy. My fingers glide effortlessly along her skin and into her body.

Wow. There’s more natural muscle inside this slip of a woman than I could ever hope to achieve even if I took massive steroid doses. (Which I wouldn’t do.) Liz feels incredible; tight. Even better are her breathy moans. They vibrate my lips, locked with hers.

Her hips lift in response to my stroking. Is it too much, or not enough? I don’t know what that means! She must know that, because she runs her hand over my shoulder and pushes my arm down. It’s not enough, then. I move a little faster and Liz rewards me with another moan. I could get used to this, all too easily.

Soon my fingers quest upwards, following the outline of her parted folds. I don’t want to make her sore or something, and at this point I have no idea how much stimulation that would require. Better to play it safe. Besides, external is supposed to feel better for a woman, isn’t it?

My fingertip brushes over a firmer surface and Liz makes the most amazing sound. I don’t even know what to call it. It’s not really a moan or a sigh, but almost a squeak? Only instead of being annoying, it’s completely arousing. I want to hear it again. I slide my finger back down, feeling that same slight change in texture, and she vocalizes another needy little sound.

It dawns on me that I’ve found what I was searching for—and that I probably wouldn’t have, if Liz hadn’t made it obvious. The hardened nub under the pad of my fingertip isn’t small, like I’ve always heard. It’s fucking tiny!

But powerful, it seems. Her kisses acquire a new level of urgency when I carefully caress her. She starts circling her hips, pushing against my hand. She clutches my shoulders and digs in with her fingernails. It stings, but not too badly. Finally, Liz tears her mouth away to gulp in air, and moans my name. “Ma-ax.”

Oh, yeah.

My need to kiss her conflicts with her need to breathe, so I move to the side and nibble her neck and ear lobe. I can’t believe how vocal she is. Yet it’s all hushed—I wouldn’t be able to hear her, standing on the other side of my bedroom door. Only that’s not where I am. I’m not a spectator this time; not ‘on the outside, looking in.’ This is me, Max Evans, naked and in bed with Liz Parker, with full permission to touch and be touched. I’ve never been so exhiliarated and terrified at the same time in all my life.

“Max, don’t stop.” Listening to her breathless plea is almost enough to make me cream on the spot.

“Not a chance, Liz. I want to feel you…” come, only I can’t say that out loud. Can I?

Liz giggles, her laughter shaky and strained. Clearly she finished the sentence in her head, anyway. “I think that can be arranged.”

“You think?” Oooh, and the doubt is out there before I have a chance to censor myself.

She laughs again. “Well, I hope!”

I grin at her infectious smile. She threads her hands into my hair and drags my head down so that she can kiss my forehead.

Then, everything changes. The easy warmth doesn’t vanish so much as transform into a high-pitched cry from Liz, and her fingers twist sharply in my hair. Ow. I try to ignore it as her legs stiffen and her hips thrust up hard.

“Oh, my God,” she moans, and I have to look at her.

She’s closed her eyes. Liz’s expression is the most seductive thing I’ve ever seen, fairly screaming of sheer decadence and satisfaction. It strips everything down to the most basic level.

I need to be inside her. Now.

“Liz.” She lowers her bottom to the mattress and I withdraw my hand, wiping it on the sheet. My room has smelled like her all week. Now it’ll smell like Liz and sex. Can’t say that I mind.

“Mmm. I almost feel like I could sleep for a week now,” she smiles.

What? She does look languorous, like a drowsy cat. Surely she’s not serious, though. I guess she could have changed her mind, but she doesn’t seem—

“Max. I said almost.” Her lashes flutter and I’m caught. The hypnotic power of the storm in her dark eyes is enough to make me question which of us is the alien.

Next thing I know, I’m tugging her skirt off and tossing it to the floor, then crawling up her body. Thanking all that’s holy that Liz isn’t backing down. She reaches for me and guides my cock right to her, with a whispered admonition not to take it slow.

I don’t. I can’t. As soon as Liz’s hand has me in position, I sink into her, all the way. And feel something tear inside her.

“Liz?” I’m frozen now.

She scrunches up her face. “Oh, damn. I knew that was going to hurt.”

She’s a virgin. Or she was, until I… “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Does it really matter?”

How can she even ask that? “Yes! I would have been more careful. Tried to make it special for you. I don’t even have any candles.” Most of the light in the room is from the half-open door, along with the bedside lamp on the dimmest setting.

Liz laughs and kisses me. “You are a romantic.” I know that. “Why should it be any different because it’s my first time, too? Don’t you deserve the same candles and flowers?”

“It just is.” I’m helpless to explain it.

“Why, because I’m female?” Definite edge to that question.

I sigh. “No. Because you’re you, and I’m me, and I don’t need those things. But you should have had them. It’s…your first time is supposed to be slow and sweet. Special.”

“Oh, Max.” She cups my jaw. “What makes you think that this isn’t special? You, me, here together. It’s perfect. Or it would be, if you would move.” One corner of Liz’s mouth lifts into a smirk with that remark.

“I can’t.” I feel panicky. So far, my utter shock has kind of crowded everything else out, but I can feel the pleasure creeping in and it scares me. “I’ll hurt you.”

“It’s not that bad. We already got through the really painful part.” Liz strokes my face soothingly. I think she understands how difficult this is for me. Maybe that’s the real reason she didn’t say anything, because she didn’t think I’d go through with it if I knew it was going to hurt her. I can’t even say that’s she’s wrong, because I don’t know. I wasn’t given the chance to find out. And I’m not sure how that makes me feel. Or, rather, I can’t sort out the mad jumble of feelings it engenders.

I do know that there’s a little part of me that’s jumping up and down in glee, because I’m not the only one who’s been keeping secrets. I’m a little ashamed of that, but I can’t help it. I can’t help thinking that it might tip the scales in my favor when I tell her what I am.

“Max.” Liz waits until I focus on her, instead of the dizzying swirl of emotion. “Make love to me. Please.”

The soft wonder in her eyes is what finally breaks me out of the fear and makes me realize exactly where I am: inside Liz. I’m inside her, and somehow she waited for me, and this is us, making love. Holy shit.

As gently as possible, I start to move. The instant I do, sensation overwhelms me. I hate that this is causing her pain, but oh God, it feels fabulous. “Liz, ah.”

I want to keep it gentle, I do. And sweet, and slow, and all those things I said. I can’t. There is too much flooding my system, insistent and demanding. I can’t control the way my pace picks up, or how I bend my knees for better leverage, to drive as deep into her as I possibly can.

“Oooh, you’re hitting something,” Liz says haltingly.

“I’m sorry.”

She laughs. “No, it’s a good something, Max.” There’s a good something? Must be her…I forget what it’s called. No higher brain functions operating at the moment. But talk about beginner’s luck! “Can you, a little harder?”

Bless this woman. “Sure.”

The mattress gives way beneath Liz’s body with each thrust. Her intoxicating little sounds are back, and they arouse and reassure me both. I feel things happening on the inside—like doors are opening. There haven’t been any flashes, for which I am grateful and disappointed both. Maybe it’s simply too physical an experience. The tension building in me threatens to eclipse anything I’ve ever known.

Last weekend, while I watched Liz seemingly asleep in my bed, I would have said that I brought myself to completion. Now I know better, because what I can achieve with my own hands is a faint echo of the kind of maelstrom being created by her welcoming heat.

“Max, oh, Max!” Liz widens her eyes and then arches, throwing her head back with a low moan. I have just enough time to congratulate myself on outlasting her when those gorgeous internal muscles I admired earlier contract tightly around my cock and take me with her.

We drift together, suspended in an exquisitely endless moment of blinding ecstasy. It’s only when we emerge from that hazy pleasure cloud that I feel my body empty into Liz in quick spasms.

Well, not quite into her, and if I don’t want leakage I need to pull out. The only problem is, that requires movement. Don’t know if I can manage any.

“I am no longer kidding about the sleep,” Liz announces. I start to laugh and she joins in.

“I’ll be back in a sec.” I kiss her softly, noting how swollen her lips are, then reluctantly withdraw from her and dispose of the used condom. “Are you okay? Really.” I wish I could heal her. I don’t dare use my powers, though. I managed to come up with a reasonable explanation that allowed me to make love to her, but power usage is another story altogether.

She smiles and strokes my jaw when I settle back onto the bed. “I’m a little sore, but I’m fine. Maria told me it would hurt like a bitch for the first five or ten minutes, and then fade to just a dull ache for a few days.”

“A few days?” She’s kidding, right?

“Relax. I’ve had cramps that were worse than this,” she teases.

“As long as you’re sure you’re okay,” I persist.

“I’m sure.” Liz presses a kiss to my cheek. “Thank you, for being so sweet when I freaked out earlier. It caught me off guard, too.”

I shrug it off. At first. And then it occurs to me that had he not been a first-class asshole, Gord might have gotten the precious gift that I received tonight. Aside from the instant spurt of jealous fury that I tamp down immediately, what made her so positive she could trust me? “Liz, I don’t quite understand. You said that being here tonight with me is what made this perfect. Why? Why me?”

Such a luminous smile that it takes my breath away. She cuddles up closer, fingers playing with my hair. It’s a sign of affection right now, not seduction, and that’s my first clue. “I very nearly made a huge mistake before, when my natural intuition failed me. But I didn’t, even though I got hurt, and I didn’t stop trusting myself because of one bad experience.”

“Good, that’s good.” Her soft voice mesmerizes me and I cup her face, stroking my thumb delicately along her cheekbone.

Liz gazes at me—gazes right through me, into my soul. “Max, I’d only give my body where I’d already given my heart.”

The stunning rush of emotion that swells in my chest rivals what happened between us tonight. I lean in and capture her lips, oh so lovingly, while I wait for the ability to speak to return. When I’m able to use my voice, I kiss her forehead and look at her. I’ve never seen anything so beautiful as the light in her eyes.

“Yeah, so would I. You’re my angel.”

Chapter 14

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 7:24 pm
by Tasyfa
Yee-haw!! :D LOL okay, so here, at last, is a brand new chapter. Usually I post the end of the previous chapter, but it's not really break-up-able this time and besides, does anyone NOT remember what happened? ;)
hugs, Tas

Chapter 14

Warmth. I don’t own a blanket this warm and heavy. One of the few ways my body functions differently than a full human’s is in the realm of temperature regulation: mine works a lot better. Even in the depths of winter—such as it is in New Mexico—I never have more than sheets and a light duvet on my bed. The only reason there’s a blanket folded across the bottom is because Isabel insisted it made the room look ‘finished.’ Whatever.

The blanket shifts and I feel skin-on-skin. A rush of knowledge replaces the waking fuzzies. That’s Liz draped over me, and we’re both still naked. Because we made love last night. My first time, and hers.

And I still haven’t told her that I’m not human. Nice going, Evans.

Before I have a chance to follow through on that thought, my cell phone starts to ring and I groan. I fumble around to pick it up, trying not to jostle Liz too much.

“Maria. Can’t it wait until this afternoon?” You know, until after I’ve talked to Liz? Not that she would know I haven’t, but there’s no excuse for calling at—what, seven-thirty in the morning on the weekend.

“Good morning, Max.” My father sounds vaguely amused.

“Oh, sorry, Dad. I just assumed. Give me a sec to wake up a bit, okay?”

He murmurs agreement and I carefully ease out from under Liz, recovering her with the duvet. She cracks an eye open. “Max? Where are you going?”

Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. Where is the fucking mute button? I hit it and then lean over to kiss Liz’s forehead. “I’m going to take a phone call in the living room. Go back to sleep; I’ll only be a few minutes.”

I snag my jeans on the way out of my room and tug them over my hips before I hit the mute button again and talk. “So, what’s up, Dad?”

“Was that Liz?” he asks softly. His quiet disappointment hurts more than yelling would have. For a moment I can feel shame creep in, primed by my own earlier thoughts, but I shake it off. I didn’t act irresponsibly. I was careful. I knew what I was doing, and I sure as hell am not sorry it happened.

“Yes, it was.”

He sighs. “Max.”

“I’m wearing pants,” I blurt out. That ridiculous statement earns me a rueful laugh, and another, more amused sigh.

“I’m sure you are, now. I take it that you didn’t get my message?”

I glance over at the answering machine, seeing the blinking red light. It hadn’t even crossed my mind to check it last night. “Um, no. Did you—did you find something?” I take a deep breath and continue before he can answer, “I kind of figured it out on my own, yesterday. I tried to call but you didn’t have your voice mail on.” I want him to understand that I wasn’t entirely ruled by hormones. Why that should matter so much, I don’t know, except that he’s my father.

“Right, the battery went dead. I’d had it in the charger, but the plug got knocked out so it didn’t charge at all. I’m sorry, son. What was your conclusion?” He sounds warmer now and silently I breathe a sigh of relief.

“Why don’t you go first, Dad? You went through my notebooks, and that’s a little more concrete. I’d like to see if our theories match,” I hedge. I mean, I know, on a deep level, that I’m right. That my subconscious mind put together the clues and fed the result to me in a way that I could understand. If I hadn’t been completely sure, I wouldn’t have gone all the way with Liz. I would have found some other way to please her, even if I had to turn my electric razor into a vibrator or something. (Never mind how I’d explain that one.) But Dad doesn’t go much for intuition, and truthfully, I’m hoping that whatever he’s found will back me up.

“All right then, Max. After sifting through everything, I came to the conclusion that it all pointed to Tess. More specifically, the night the other Max spent with her.”

Woohoo! I feel like I should do a victory dance, except I don’t do such things. “That’s what I concluded too, Dad.” Even I can hear the thick relief in my voice.

Dad chuckles then his manner becomes more hesitant. “There are two things I need to discuss with you about this, though, Max. The first is, there’s no way of knowing exactly what it was about his night with Tess that caused a change in him, which later affected Alter-Liz. It could have been something deliberate on Tess’s part, to poison his system, so to speak, or it could be a natural function of your body.”

“What do you mean, a natural function?” He’s making me nervous now.

He sighs. “You were created using very advanced genetic engineering, son. You may have been hardwired to be monogamous.”

“But Michael—”

“Isn’t the king,” he cuts in. I close my eyes. Will it always come back to that unwanted royalty? “Or it may be even more complex. It might be not the first woman you make love with, but the first woman you impregnate which triggers some kind of genetic monogamy in your body. And that could very well apply to both you and Michael.”

It makes a sick kind of sense when you factor in Antarian society, such as it is. The first woman who got pregnant would earn herself a highborn husband by way of proven fertility.

So, I don’t know why sex with Tess made Alter-Max ultimately toxic to Alter-Liz, but the upshot is clear. Liz and I made love last night. Therefore, since there’s no way to narrow down the source of that toxicity any further, it means that no matter what happens with Liz in the future, I will never have another bed partner.

I rub the back of my neck. “Okay. I get it. I’ll talk to Michael, let him know his potential risk. What was the other thing?”

“When I said I went through everything, I meant everything.”

That takes me a second to puzzle through and then I straighten in fury, remarking flatly, “The red notebook.” He read it on me!

“Yes, the red notebook. Max—”

“How could you, Dad?”

“Max, listen to me. It wasn’t something I did lightly, and I skipped over a lot of it—most of the really personal parts. But you had some references in your black books to certain events, which you elaborated upon in the red one. Reading it was the only way to get the whole picture, son. The bit that finally clicked it all into place for me was about when Alter-Liz went to the doctor after she began to change, before she realized that her illness was due to her developing powers. Her doctor was most adamant in asking her about the possibility of sexually transmitted diseases.”

I can’t stay angry. Not when I’d already given him permission to go through everything else. I can’t deny that it stings still, but he did do it on my behalf. I’ll deal. “Yeah, the STD angle was the one that I came up with yesterday. Some kind of alien energy pollution.”

“I’m sorry, son.”

“No, it’s okay. I needed to know. It’ll be fine, Dad.”

“I am sorry.”

“I know.” Any minute now he’s going to ask how Liz took the news of my alien origins, and there’s no way I’m admitting that I haven’t told her yet. “Listen, Dad, I should go. Company and all. We can talk when I get home, all right?”

“Yes of course, but—”

“We’ll talk when I get home. Bye.”

I turn off the phone before he can attempt to continue the conversation. Then I sit and stare at it for a while, my mind whirling.

I knew there would be no turning back if I took that final step with Liz. I knew it, and yet knowing it and being confronted with the cold reality of it are two very different things, it seems.

It isn’t that I want to be with someone else. I don’t think I ever have wanted anyone else, not really. I didn’t realize that until I ran into Christine and figured out that I’d been dating women who reminded me of Liz, but just because I was too blind to see it before doesn’t make it any less true.

The thing is, knowingly or not I was making a choice. I chose to ask those women out. Hell, I chose to ask Liz out in high school, and then chose to deliberately snub her, believing it to be the lesser of two evils.

And as powerless as I might have felt to do otherwise, I did choose to make love to Liz last night. I suppose the question is, if I had known then what I know now, would I have made a different choice?


The lack of time I need to even think about it tells me that it’s the right answer. I had one perfect night with Liz Parker, and if that’s all I’ll ever have, then so be it.

I stand up with a sigh and drop the cell phone on the coffee table. Isn’t there some supposedly meaningful saying about the highs in life equaling the lows or whatever? Last night was definitely a high point. This morning, not so much.

I can’t be bothered to pull my jeans back up after using the bathroom so I leave them puddled on the floor. For the first time, I notice the texture of the liquid soap when I wash my hands. My fingertips feel sensitized. It must be from touching Liz, trying to learn her body by feel alone.

I bite back a groan at the inevitable reaction to thoughts of Liz’s bare skin. If I’m this trigger-happy just thinking about her, I guess I’d better raid Michael’s stash of condoms before I rejoin her in my room.

There’s also a devilish little voice in the back of my head saying that this way, I’ll be prepared for anything. You know, on the off chance that Liz decides she likes the idea of alien sex. Somewhat more sensitively, it also occurs to me that this circumvents the sound of ripping plastic that freaked her out before, so maybe it’s not such a bad idea after all.

Man, I can rationalize anything, even the fact that what I really want is nothing more or less than to make love to Liz again, in complete disregard for everything else. I would venture to guess that she doesn’t feel the same way, however.

Then again, I could be wrong. I’m abruptly glad that I brushed my teeth while I was dithering around in the bathroom, because my mouth dries instantly when I re-enter my room. Liz has wriggled her way out of the covers and lays open in the center of the bed, a little smile curving her lips below her closed eyes.

Well, I don’t need an engraved invitation. Her very posture serves as an irresistible lure. And okay, I’ve never done this either but I fumbled my way through last night so I’m reasonably confident I can manage. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what Liz wants, thank God. She communicates extremely well, even without words.

Carefully I slide across the bed, stifling a groan at how readily she spreads her legs wider to allow my shoulders to wedge between her thighs. I flinch a bit in surprise as she presses the soles of her feet against my ribcage. Her toes are cold!

The first thing that whips through my mind is that the concept of a neat triangle of curls is a total crock. What little hair is left is much too short to curl. It’s like an accessory, a dark crown atop all that smooth, pale, naked, skin… Desire corkscrews crazily in my stomach. Shut up already, Evans.

I lean in, using my fingers to part the pink folds of skin, and lick. It’s a familiar taste, much the same as Liz’s neck or breasts. Slightly baffled, I lick her again and this time my tongue catches a silken liquid. It’s almost a scent more than a taste, a heavy muskiness with a disarming sweetness. I keep licking, opening her wider for the easy glide of my tongue. Even with my new awareness of texture, it’s considerably less difficult to find her clitoris with the far more heightened sensitivity of the human mouth—and with my eyes to help.

Mango. It occurs to me just as a flood of new moisture greets my licks that that’s what this reminds me of—eating a mango, one that’s ripe almost to the point of fermentation. When your teeth close over the rich flesh, the juice drips down your chin and the experience consumes and inflames your senses. Nothing matters except your next mouthful and its utterly sensual intoxication.

And the addition of extra protein, as what feels like an eyelash (but isn’t) goes down my throat. Ignore it.

Liz is moving now, her hips rising and falling in a gentle rhythm that echoes the movement of my tongue on her slickness. Soft puffs of air become harsher moans as we pick up the pace, and she digs her heels into my ribs even as her hands reach down, slipping into my hair.

“Oh my God, Max, what—ooooh!”

That sharp cry cutting off her sentence sends pure lust shooting straight for my groin. It feels almost pre-orgasmic, it’s so strong, and I can feel my cock straining against the surface of the mattress. Words can’t express what a rush it is to drive her crazy like this. Even when her fingers twist hard. What is it with the hair-pulling?

Who cares when she’s moaning and writhing under my licks, her body flushed in ecstasy?

“Max!” Liz thrusts her hips up aggressively and her small feet scrabble against my sides, like she’s trying to find purchase so she can climb me. She starts to tremble and suddenly her inner thighs cradle my head as her knees close. There’s enough room to breathe still, but every inhalation is full of Liz. She’s all I can smell, taste, feel. I’m as drunk from this experience as she is.

There’s the addition of a slight metallic tang to the juices filling my mouth and the lance of pain from under my tongue tells me that it’s because I’ve ripped the connective tissue there. I pay it no mind; it’s hardly life-threatening and I can fix it later. Actually, it instills an odd sense of pride that I’ve worked this hard to please her. I knew this wasn’t going to be the easiest thing I’ve ever done, but I didn’t realize it would be incredible for me, too.

Slowly Liz calms, her shudders subsiding, and she unclenches her fingers and her thighs. I take that as my cue and stop licking, drawing back to wipe my face on a corner of the sheet before I sit up and look at her.

“Wow, Max. That was one hell of a wake-up call!”

“You mean you weren’t already awake?”

“Nope. Did you think I was?”

“Well, yeah. You were lying like that when I came back in the room, with no covers, and you had this little smile…I figured you were pretending again.” Like you did last weekend, when you saw me.

From her smile, I know she’s thinking of what I didn’t say, too. “I wasn’t. But just to be clear, I didn’t mind at all. In fact, you could wake me up like that every day if you really wanted.”

I return her smile, relieved. “Noted.”

Liz stretches luxuriously. “Mmm, Maria was right about the toe-curlers. I definitely want something else now.”

Toe-curlers? What’s that, some kind of hair accessory? I’m about to betray my ignorance of her terminology when her expression changes subtly.

“Then again, you seem to be prepared for that, too.”

I follow her line of sight to my groin. Oh, boy. “It’s not what you think.”

“Oh?” Her eyebrow arches, eloquent in its own right.

This isn’t going anything at all like I’d intended, but somehow I don’t think Liz is in the mood to believe that. “I mean, it is what you think, but not for the reason you think. I was thinking about you and last night, and, well.” I uncurl my index finger to point straight up and Liz purses her lips, understanding my meaning. “I thought maybe I should, just to be careful, in case case something happened. Leakage, or whatever.”

Her smile grows as my face reddens, and when I finish speaking she sits up and kisses me lightly. Whatever transgression I committed, apparently I’ve been forgiven whole cloth. Whew.

“So, how were you planning to wake me up?” she asks mischievously.

I hadn’t really considered it. Fortunately, I am occasionally capable of thinking fast. “I figured I’d crawl back in bed and curl around you, whisper your name. Kiss your cheek if you didn’t rouse.”

“Well then I have good news for you, Max Evans.” Liz wraps her arms around my neck, her eyes sparkling wickedly. “I have definitely been roused.”

My balance dissolves with her kiss and we fall backwards onto the bed. Her thighs are sleekly muscular around my hips. There’s a heated slick of moisture pooling low on my abdomen where she’s sitting, silently confirming her words. I can’t hold back a groan. “Liz, we need…”

“To talk; I know.” She kisses me hungrily and I’m helpless in her arms. “First you need to finish what you started. All I can think about right now is having you.”

I never knew the throaty sound of a woman’s voice could be such a powerful turn-on.

Before I can make any kind of response, verbal or otherwise, Liz pulls back a little, her brow furrowing. “Um, you…you can say no, Max. I know I’m coming on kind of strong, so if you—”

“I want you.”

I catch the brief flash of a brilliant smile before I drag her back down for another kiss. She’s impossible to resist. Then she moves, and the sudden air feels cool against my body. I forget about it as she takes me, sheathing my cock in her fire. “God, Liz!”

I can see all of her. The flowing curves of her form. The soft bounce of pert nipples, thrusting high and proud. The rich chestnut of her hair, streaming behind her like a cloak of fine silk. And with each rolling motion of Liz’s hips, I simultaneously see and feel the way her body tightens around my cock. Claiming me.

I’ve been to the Grand Canyon. Spent vacations on three different oceans. Hiked through a rainforest. Camped high in the mountains and awoken to the breathtaking beauty of sunrise on virgin snow.

This view is unparalleled.

And yet… Liz startles when my chest pushes upright against her breasts, her eyes flying open. “Is something wrong?”

I kiss her thoroughly before answering, feeling her relax into me. “Yeah. You’re too far away.”

She throws her head back and laughs outright, and I laugh with her as I fill my hands with her sweet flesh. Watching her has fueled a need to touch her. I indulge myself shamelessly in the satin glide of her skin. Tasting her with lips and fingers.

“Oh, Max.” There is no part of my body or hers that has gone unexplored in some fashion. I hear the breathless yearning in her voice and I have to look at her.

The instant I do, I’m caught. Falling forever into that earthen gaze. I can’t put a name to the emotions I witness there but I feel their echo inside me. My peripheral vision dims to an invisible blur as my world tightens and focuses on Liz. Only Liz.

Then I’m shaking in her arms in absolute release. She holds me close, breaking the spell of her eyes to gather me to her and we cling together until the intense pleasure subsides. I’m not even sure if it was just me or both of us, but I sense that it doesn’t really matter. Not because Liz’s gratification isn’t important, because it definitely is. But this experience—this lovemaking—has been satisfying on another level entirely.

However, I’m not quite so enthralled as to refrain from asking. “Liz, did you? I can do something, if you didn’t.” What exactly I don’t know, but it seems like I should at least offer.

“I think so.” What does that mean? Other than, thank God, there’s no faking between us if she’s not giving me an automatic affirmative.

She smiles, undoubtedly following my train of thought. “It was just, really gentle. Not the toe-curling kind like earlier; much more subtle than that. I almost wouldn’t be sure I did, except that I feel like I do after. Relaxed and content and,” she pauses to kiss me then grins. “And totally, deeply satisfied.”

Well, I’m relieved, and it must show because Liz laughs and kisses me again. Clearly she doesn’t mind doing a little ego-stroking on top of everything else. Plus, now I know what she was talking about earlier without needing to humiliate myself by asking—always a good thing.

Reluctantly I move her aside so I can dispose of the condom. When I come back to the bed, she’s stretched out on her back and motions for me to climb in. Carefully I settle on top of her, placing my head on her chest, right over her heart. Of course I notice the perfect curve of her breast beside me and the scent of sweat and sex, but that’s irrelevant right now. Mostly.

“It’s easier, sometimes, to talk about personal things when you don’t have to make eye contact,” Liz muses, and I understand why she’s positioned us like this. When I don’t respond immediately, she asks sympathetically, “Are you nervous?”

I think about that for a long moment, and the answer surprises me. “Oddly enough, no. I just don’t know where to start.” There’s so much to tell her. But it’s the truth that I’m not frightened. Sometime in the last twenty-four hours I lost the fear that Liz wouldn’t accept me for who I am.

She makes a soothing sound and kisses the top of my head, stroking her fingers idly through my hair. At her gentle urging, I lift up enough to look at her and she smiles, so vibrantly that it hurts to breathe. I’m conscious that she surrounds me no less at this moment than she did only a few minutes ago, and that maybe that’s a large part of why I’m no longer afraid.

“It’s okay, Max. You’re safe here with me.”

Chapter 15

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 9:15 pm
by Tasyfa
Sorry for the delay, folks. RL has been kicking my butt, unfortunately. But here we go with a new chapter at last! :D Cookie, my chickiboo, this one's for you. ;) Posted in 2 parts for length.
hugs, Tas

from Chapter 14

Then I’m shaking in her arms in absolute release. She holds me close, breaking the spell of her eyes to gather me to her and we cling together until the intense pleasure subsides. I’m not even sure if it was just me or both of us, but I sense that it doesn’t really matter. Not because Liz’s gratification isn’t important, because it definitely is. But this experience—this lovemaking—has been satisfying on another level entirely.

However, I’m not quite so enthralled as to refrain from asking. “Liz, did you? I can do something, if you didn’t.” What exactly I don’t know, but it seems like I should at least offer.

“I think so.” What does that mean? Other than, thank God, there’s no faking between us if she’s not giving me an automatic affirmative.

She smiles, undoubtedly following my train of thought. “It was just, really gentle. Not the toe-curling kind like earlier; much more subtle than that. I almost wouldn’t be sure I did, except that I feel like I do after. Relaxed and content and,” she pauses to kiss me then grins. “And totally, deeply satisfied.”

Well, I’m relieved, and it must show because Liz laughs and kisses me again. Clearly she doesn’t mind doing a little ego-stroking on top of everything else. Plus, now I know what she was talking about earlier without needing to humiliate myself by asking—always a good thing.

Reluctantly I move her aside so I can dispose of the condom. When I come back to the bed, she’s stretched out on her back and motions for me to climb in. Carefully I settle on top of her, placing my head on her chest, right over her heart. Of course I notice the perfect curve of her breast beside me and the scent of sweat and sex, but that’s irrelevant right now. Mostly.

“It’s easier, sometimes, to talk about personal things when you don’t have to make eye contact,” Liz muses, and I understand why she’s positioned us like this. When I don’t respond immediately, she asks sympathetically, “Are you nervous?”

I think about that for a long moment, and the answer surprises me. “Oddly enough, no. I just don’t know where to start.” There’s so much to tell her. But it’s the truth that I’m not frightened. Sometime in the last twenty-four hours I lost the fear that Liz wouldn’t accept me for who I am.

She makes a soothing sound and kisses the top of my head, stroking her fingers idly through my hair. At her gentle urging, I lift up enough to look at her and she smiles, so vibrantly that it hurts to breathe. I’m conscious that she surrounds me no less at this moment than she did only a few minutes ago, and that maybe that’s a large part of why I’m no longer afraid.

“It’s okay, Max. You’re safe here with me.”

*****NEW Chapter 15*****

Her eyes have this amazing light in them, and I can’t help but smile and respond to her words. “I know, Liz.”

The weird thing is that I do know. I do feel safe. God knows it’s not a term I use lightly, but here, now, with this woman, it’s true. On a gut level, some part of me understands that this is the way it’s supposed to be. And maybe, with all that happened in that other life, the reason why neither of them ever moved on was because they felt it, too.

Maybe that also explains Maria and Michael in both incarnations. I haven’t doubted that Maria would take the news more or less in stride for a long time now, and Iz agrees with me. Michael, though, he’s never been quite sure. It isn’t even so much about the alien thing. That’s been something to hide behind; a quasi-valid reason that he puts forth to hide the truth that he’s afraid of Maria rejecting him. Because he’s Michael. All three of us know that ultimately she’s not going to care about our non-human status. It’s the last barrier Michael’s erected between himself and Maria, though, and it’s not going to go down without a fight.

I really don’t know about Alex. I trust him, insofar as you can trust someone that you aren’t personally friends with, but who’s best friends with your best friend. Aside from being relatively sure that he’s not going to go running to the F.B.I., I haven’t the slightest idea how it will turn out if Michael has left it up to Isabel to tell Alex.

A husky laugh floats to my ears. “Earth to Max.”


She strokes gentle fingers through my hair. “No need. Tell me what you’re thinking about.”

Where to start? Considering my current view, perhaps it makes sense that my next thought is of that day in September; of a shot ringing out. It’s logical, I guess. That moment is the beginning, middle, and end of the story, depending on whose life you look at.

“At the beginning of sophomore year in high school, there was a…a gun went off in the Crashdown. Do you remember that?”

“You don’t forget a near-death experience, Max.”

No, you don’t, even when it’s not your own. Instinctively I flatten my palm against her smooth skin, my fingertips resting just below her right breast. “What would have happened if you had been shot, Liz?”

“But I wasn’t. I was down on the floor by that time.” Not surprisingly, she sounds bewildered.

Only because of Isabel, I think, but it’s not time for that part of the story yet. “Yeah, but what if you hadn’t been? What if you’d been frozen in shock and couldn’t move fast enough?”

Liz stays quiet for a long time, clearly mulling it over. “Well, I would hope that someone would call 911, and administer first aid. The ambulance would get there and take me to the hospital, and I guess I’d be in surgery for a while, then in a room recovering. What’s this about, Max?”

“They wouldn’t have gotten there in time.”

I don’t realize that I’ve spoken aloud until Liz gives a nervous laugh. “How would you know that?”

I’m in the grip of the memory, sensory stimulation assailing me though it’s not—never has been—my own experience. Thickly I explain, forcing the words out of a mouth gone bone dry as the images unravel in my mind. I can smell gunpowder and blood.

“You would have been shot. Right here. The bullet pierced your lung and lodged in the back of your ribcage. Crazy amount of internal bleeding. Too much for CPR; too much, too fast for the paramedics to make any difference, no matter how fast they got there. You would have died.”

Liz is shaking ever so slightly, trying to disguise it. She whispers, “Max, you’re scaring me.”

I know. I know I am but I can’t stop. I reach deep for my power. “I was in the Crashdown, Liz. I was there; I would have seen it. God knows I would prevent it if I could. But if I couldn’t—if this beauty had been marred—I would have fixed it.”

“What?” Her trembling is more pronounced now, as I spread my fingers wide along her ribs. She can’t escape, not with me weighing her down, but she’s not trying to get away. Only to understand.

Softly, so softly that at first it’s barely visible, my hand begins to glow. Fingers outlined in growing light against the pale satin of her skin. At last Liz sees it and her chest heaves convulsively as she gulps in air.

But when she speaks, the thread of fear has been succeeded by wonder. “You’re a healer.”

The word disperses the spell over me and the light fades. “Yeah.”

“You would have done that, for me. Do you know what kind of exposure you would have risked?”

I feel an amazed pride at her leap of logic, how effortlessly she burrows to the salient point. “Better than you’d realize.”


Her exclamation is barely audible, but it hits home deep inside me. Wow. Both of us know now that I’d give my life for hers. That’s what Alter-Max did, no less than if he’d jumped into the path of the bullet. He knew the risks and nothing else mattered. It’s one area where he and I are in complete agreement.

I need to see her face. What I find when I raise my head takes my breath away. Liz is…transcendent is the only word that comes close. Her expression holds an awed radiance, and her eyes—her eyes hold my heart, cradled there in the brimming tears.

“Liz, I—”

“Sh.” She tugs me up by the shoulders until she can kiss me. “I understand.”

What she understands, I’m not quite sure, but it’s all too easy to lose my train of thought in the sweetness of her mouth. At length we settle back, my head resting on her shoulder. With her fingers back in my hair.

“That’s too much detail to be a guess, Max.” Liz sounds remarkably calm and I can only marvel at her poise.

“Yeah, I know. It’s not a guess. Not even a highly educated one.”

She laughs at that. “So what is it then?”

Here we arrive at the hard part. How the hell do I explain the insanity that is my life? Lives? I’m confused already.

“Are you familiar with any theories about alternate universes?” Might as well dive right in.

“Well, super string theory says that—”

I wince and interrupt. “No, not the quantum mechanics theories that us laypeople can’t understand. Please.”

Liz stifles a giggle. “Okay. How about, something like what happened on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine? There was an alternate universe populated with all the same people, except that it was a totally different place and the people might have been genetic matches but their personalities, et cetera, were totally different as well. Is that more what you meant?”

Oh, man, and she watches Star Trek, too. “Not exactly, although that’s actually a good example. I think maybe a better term for what I mean might be parallel universes.”


“Right. At any given moment, choices are being made. If I choose door number one, there’s a different outcome than if I choose door number two. But what if, at the precise instant of that choice, both choices are valid? What if I, the person choosing, kind of split into two identical copies, and one of my selves goes through door one, and the other through door two? Door one Max would then experience his life on a different tangent than door two Max would, even though they were originally the same person. Er, we were the same person. Whatever. The two lives are now separate, but parallel. Do you know what I mean?”

“Yes.” She pauses for a long time and I can feel her tense a little. “What you’re saying is that behind door number two is a universe where I didn’t duck in time, and you saved me.”

I swallow the sudden lump in my throat. “Yeah.”

“My God, Max. How do you know? How did you find out what happened in another universe? How is that even possible?”

I prepare for ridicule. “Uh, dreams, actually. I dreamed about it. What happened when you got shot, and everything that followed. It wasn’t—a lot of it wasn’t pretty.”

Liz emits a strangled laugh, her hand tightening in my hair. “Yeah, people being shot isn’t pretty. I—wait a minute. When? When did you dream about all this, Max?”

Squirming inside, I answer her honestly. “They came spread out, and not all in chronological order, but that part I saw the summer after freshman year.”

“Then it wasn’t by chance exactly, was it? You were in the Crashdown on September nineteenth because you knew what was going to happen.”

I feel kind of guilty now, like she’s berating me for not telling her about it. But she doesn’t know the whole story yet. “That, and also that’s usually where I was after school.”

That exasperates her. “Max!”

“Sorry,” I mumble. She finally notices that she’s practically yanking my hair out by the roots and lets go, rubbing the sore spot for a second before moving her hand away. Then she sighs.

“The way you phrased it. Your choice. Door one and door two Max, not Liz. Was it really my own initiative to get down on the floor?”

Her voice is so even, I can’t tell how she feels about that possibility. But I’m not going to leave anything out. “It was Isabel. She has this ability…we call it dreamwalking. She can enter someone’s subconscious when they’re sleeping.”

“Okay,” Liz draws out the last syllable. “I wasn’t asleep.”

“No. You were in shock, though. We thought it would be enough to make you, uh, open to suggestion.”

“I see.” Still that impenetrable tone. “And if it hadn’t worked, you would have rushed in there with your magic hands?”

Ouch. I think she might be a little pissed off. She hasn’t tossed me off the bed yet or stormed out, though. I have no choice but to keep going, anyway. “Not quite. One of the not so pretty things I learned in the dreams was that healing—Liz—had had a disastrous effect on her body a few years later. Except—except—” I repeat myself over whatever she begins to say. “Except I have since discovered that it wasn’t because of the healing that she got sick. It was something else, something which isn’t possible here. You are not in any danger from me, Liz.”

“You’re sure? Never mind, of course you are. That’s why you kept putting me off at first. You didn’t know then, did you? You still thought it was you. That being with you would hurt me. I knew you hadn’t lied to me even when I couldn’t find anything.”

“Huh? Find what?” I latch onto the last statement.

“I am a molecular biology student, Max. I’ve taken several courses in genetics. I’d never heard of anything like the disorder you described, but it sounded obscure so that didn’t surprise me. When I researched it and still hadn’t heard of anything like it, there were two possible conclusions. Either you’d lied to me, and to Maria, or your case was undocumented for some reason. I decided on the latter,” she informs me coolly.

I, on the other hand, am a prize idiot. I know what Liz’s major is. Her brain is one of the sexiest things about her. And it didn’t occur to me that she might check out my cover story? Nice one, Evans.

I should probably apologize. What for, I’m not sure, but I definitely feel like I’m supposed to be apologizing. Instead I ask her, “Why?”

Liz laughs a little. “The eternal question. ‘Why?’ It’s because of what you said, and the way you said it, and the way you kissed me last weekend, when I told you that I knew.”

Chapter 15 cont.

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 9:16 pm
by Tasyfa
“I don’t get it.”

This elicits a huge sigh. She shifts like she wants me to move and I oblige by rolling onto my side. Liz echoes the movement, facing me and meeting my gaze head-on. “We were here, in your bed, just like this.”

Except for the clothing part, yeah, but I nod in agreement. “I know.” I still don’t see how this answers my ‘eternal question.’

“I looked at you when you spoke to me, Max. No, not at you—into you. I deliberately left myself wide open, and I know that you told me the truth.”

Liz is quite serious and while I understand what she’s saying, I feel like I’m missing something elemental. She obviously sees that and continues talking, a faint smile creasing her mouth. “I thought at first that that’s why I reacted so strongly when you kissed me, because I was so open. I figured I’d been caught by surprise, no big. But I wasn’t sure and that’s why I had to kiss you again, that day when I knocked you over.” She laughs a little. “I found out it didn’t really change anything. It’s just the way that you kiss. It totally destroys me.”

“It destroys you?” My heart sinks at her word choice. I don’t want to be any kind of destroyer.

She cups my jaw, her fingers moving soothingly along the stubble there. It must scratch but she gives no indication that she finds it unpleasant. “Perhaps a more accurate statement would be that it destroys my self-control. That you do. I’ve never…” Her cheeks grow rosy but she doesn’t look away. “I’ve never wanted anyone, or any thing for that matter, as badly as I wanted you. Last weekend, when we first kissed; the second time I kissed you; last night. God, all of last night! And then this morning, when you woke me so sweetly, I—” she breaks off, blushing madly. I’m completely entranced.

“I told you the truth, Max. We probably should have talked first, but I couldn’t think past needing you. Having you. It’s so unlike me to be this forward, really it is. But you make me feel so wild. Free to just be myself, admit that I have…that I have needs, too. And that you can fulfill them.” Her voice is down to a whisper and she’s not looking directly at me anymore, with her face flaming. It’s the most unbelievable sight and I feel warm all over.

“You do the same to me, angel.” I pull her close and gratefully she rests her head under my chin, hiding her blushes.

We remain silent for a while, simply holding each other. When Liz next speaks, her voice is muffled, her breath warm against my shoulder. “You still don’t get it, do you?”

“Get what?”

“About my intuition.”

I wrack my brain for whatever she’s said about it. Nothing seems that out of the ordinary. “I guess not. Is there something I should understand, besides that you get feelings about people and stuff?”

Liz giggles at that, then sighs. “I really thought you’d get it. I mean you have…abilities…of your own. I guess I thought that you might naturally pick up on it that I meant something different than what most people do when they talk about intuition.”

Instinctively I tense in her arms. Is she saying what I think she is? “Do you mean that it isn’t the regular type, where you get a feeling about something? There’s more to it with you?”

I can feel her nodding. “Yeah. It’s, um, a fully developed ability in me. An extra sense, if you will, one as reliable as my eyes and ears if I’m paying attention to what it’s telling me.” Her tone becomes somewhat self-deprecating and abruptly it all makes sense.

Liz Parker has powers, and they have absolutely nothing to do with me.

In that parallel universe, healing her must have interfered in the development of what, for her, is a purely human talent. Tess may certainly have been involved, and Dad’s theory about the genetically-enforced monogamy following impregnation can’t be disproved or taken lightly, but the real reason that Alter-Liz was so sick was because her personal biology had been compromised in a way that none of us had ever considered possible.

It wasn’t his fault. There was no way Alter-Max could have known—Alter-Liz never even knew, and maybe the Future versions didn’t either. Maybe the reason that Future Liz didn’t get sick was because they made love when they did. Because the reapplication of his energy happened early enough to fix whatever imbalance the healing had initially created.

It wasn’t my fault.

“Max?” Liz pulls her head back to look at me, slightly worried. I shake my head and smile at her.

“Sorry. It’s a lot to take in, you know? I unfortunately didn’t pick up on your true meaning in our previous conversations.” Could I sound like a bigger dork?

She laughs, not holding it against me. “I would venture to say that you’ve spent most of your life overly conscious of your differences, not looking for similarities.”

“That’s uncannily accurate, yeah.” Makes me a tad squirmy, in fact.

“Is there anything else you can do? Besides the healing and the empathy?” Liz asks seriously.

Whoa, wait a second. “Empathy?”

“You probably have a different name for it. When we—get close, you transmit some of your emotions to me. Sometimes when they’re strong, like last night,” the fading roses in her cheeks bloom again. “Well, sometimes you send images, too.”

My mouth literally falls open in shock. “You’ve been getting flashes from me?”

“I knew you’d call it something else! You didn’t realize you were sending?”

I grope for what I should say. “No, I didn’t. It’s usually a two-way street and I haven’t gotten any from you.” Not since the disaster known as our first date, anyway.

“Really? Hmm.” She scrunches her nose in thought. “I suppose I generally block off my own thoughts. At least, that’s what Grandma Claudia taught me to do, so I wasn’t constantly bombarded with intuitive realizations about other people.”

“Grandma Claudia?” I ask weakly.

Liz beams. “My dad’s mother. Apparently intuition runs in my family. My dad’s tends to be business-related. Like, he knows when he should order more of something because there’s going to be an increased demand for it in a couple of weeks, stuff like that. He doesn’t like to talk about it or admit it exists, actually, so please don’t say anything to him.”

“I won’t.” Easy promise to make, particularly when I can’t think past having been completely blindsided by all of this.

“But mine is more like Grandma Claudia’s, so when I spent the summer with her after senior year, she taught me the whys and wherefores. Max, are you okay?”

“She’s not dead?”

“My grandmother? No. What would possess you to ask that?” She sounds angry but it fades as she looks at me closely. “Oh my God, did she die in the door number two universe? She did, didn’t she?”

I nod slightly. “Stroke.”

Her bottom lip trembles for a moment then firms. “Well, that’s there and this is here, and she most certainly is not dead, thank God.”


“You’re not okay, are you?” Liz rubs my shoulder. “Max?”

I heave a sigh and offer her a small smile. “I think my brain quit about five minutes ago.”

She smiles back. “Since I don’t care that you were genetically engineered, you shouldn’t care that I can sense things, too.”

“I don’t, I—what do you mean, genetically engineered?” As I ask the question I realize that all this time, we’ve been talking as if she knows who and what I am, but at no time have the words actually exited my mouth. Yes, the flashes will have given her some indications, but still, how does she know? And what, precisely, does she know?

Liz rolls her eyes. “You have an undocumented genetic anomaly that you thought might render all bodily fluids dangerous to another person. It’s not a blood disease, or something relatively normal like that, which is usually what would affect your whole body; you were quite clear that it was inherent. Put that together with the fact that you have special abilities and it points to genetic enhancement. It wasn’t until you sent—I mean, until I had a flash of you as a child pushing your way out of an organic incubation pod that I figured it all out. I know you and Isabel were found wandering in the desert as little kids. Obviously you escaped from some government facility shortly after you were born.”

Obviously. Holy shit. What’s that old saying my father likes, so close and yet so far? “Your deductive reasoning is fucking amazing, but that’s not entirely accurate.”

She raises her eyebrows. “Which part is wrong?”

“The escaping part.”

“You mean they just left you there? Or they let you go?” Her forehead creases as she thinks about those possibilities.

“Neither, exactly. Um.” I’m in far too deep now to do anything but lay it all on the line. “You’re right that I was—am—genetically engineered, and that it was done by a government. It wasn’t the US, though.”

“Who then?” Liz interrupts.


“Where’s that? I’ve never heard of it.”

I inhale slowly, filling my lungs, and blurt it all out as I exhale. “Antar is the fifth planet circling a star in a system in the Whirlwind galaxy. I’m half Antarian, half human; both halves were cloned from adults. I don’t know anything about my human donor, but my Antarian side was originally the king. We were supposed to retake the planet when we grew up, but we managed to eliminate most of the threat here on earth when they came looking for us and none of us want to go back to Antar, so essentially I’ve renounced any claim to the throne and they can limp along and rebuild without us.”

Liz stares at me like I’ve gone insane. Finally she breaks the silence. “You’re dead serious. Wow.” Her mouth twitches. “I had sex with an alien.”

Oh, boy. I tense, ready to cover the important parts if she decides she wants to have at me. I wouldn’t blame her if she did.

Instead, she begins to giggle. I watch her, dumfounded, as she laughs until she’s gasping for breath and clutching her stomach. “Uh, Liz?”

“Hang on a sec.” Eventually she calms herself down and smiles gently at me. “All this time, you thought that you were going to drop this bombshell on me, and you didn’t know how I would handle it. You must have been so worried.”

“It crossed my mind,” I reply cautiously. Frankly, I’ve been somewhat lost since Liz first told me about her intuitive ability and I’m not sure my brain’s caught up with the conversation or its implications yet.

“I’m sorry.” She leans in and kisses my cheek. “It just struck me suddenly as really funny. I’ve been worried that you’d think I was a freak, and you’ve been worried that I’d spaz out over your genetic history, and the truth is that neither of us is what most people would call normal.” Her smile broadens. “I think it makes us perfect for each other.”

“So you’re not mad?” I ask gingerly. She doesn’t seem to be, but I have to risk the answer.

“Mad? About what?”

“About me not telling you that I’m not human before we made love.”

Liz shakes her head, her eyes growing soft. “No, Max. I’ll admit that I hadn’t thought of asking you that, but I still think that you answered all the important questions.” She glances pointedly at my ringless hand. “Besides, I didn’t tell you everything about me, either. I know you weren’t expecting it to be my first time.”

“No, I really wasn’t, but I’m not complaining,” I reassure her.

She laughs a little. “Truth be told, I simply didn’t think about it at first. Then you were so caring and gentle when I flipped out, and after…Even with what you said, I thought you might stop if you knew, and I didn’t want to. I wanted everything you could give me.”

Her expression is shy as she speaks, letting me know that she isn’t used to this kind of soul-baring any more than I am. I can’t deny how good it feels to hear what she says, though. Or to continue to feel the length of her nude body resting alongside mine, knowing that she knows and has chosen to stay here, in bed with me.

I can’t help but smile, either, remembering what I was thinking when I pulled her skirt up. “Funny, I said almost the exact same thing to myself right before things got really intense last night.”

Her face lights up. “So we’re on the same wavelength, then.”

I lean close and kiss her. It feels different now, with nothing standing between us. Possibly scary too but mostly? It’s awesome.

I cradle Liz’s face and when I pull my lips away from hers, I absolutely must kiss her nose. She giggles. “Goof.”

I have to laugh. “Maybe so, but I’m a goof on your wavelength, angel.”

Liz smiles brilliantly and snuggles close. “I’m so glad.”

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 10:29 pm
by Tasyfa
Yes, Coley, it does mean I'm working on Splitscreen now! :lol: I will hopefully be ready to post soon, amidst the holiday bustle. :)

Dropping off a pretty picture and a thank you, for nominating me in this round. :)
hugs, Tas

Round 6 Nominee for:
Writer Who Should Have Written for the Show
Best Author of a Conventional Couples
Best Fluff Fic - Splitscreen
Best Supporting Maria - Splitscreen
Most Passionate/Romantic Love Scene - Splitscreen
' (Max masturbates while Liz is "asleep" beside him)
Fic You Most Want to See Completed - Splitscreen ( Image )


Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 8:35 pm
by Tasyfa
Helloooooo! An early Christmas present for ya'll. :D
hugs, Tas

from Chapter 15

“I’m sorry.” She leans in and kisses my cheek. “It just struck me suddenly as really funny. I’ve been worried that you’d think I was a freak, and you’ve been worried that I’d spaz out over your genetic history, and the truth is that neither of us is what most people would call normal.” Her smile broadens. “I think it makes us perfect for each other.”

“So you’re not mad?” I ask gingerly. She doesn’t seem to be, but I have to risk the answer.

“Mad? About what?”

“About me not telling you that I’m not human before we made love.”

Liz shakes her head, her eyes growing soft. “No, Max. I’ll admit that I hadn’t thought of asking you that, but I still think that you answered all the important questions.” She glances pointedly at my ringless hand. “Besides, I didn’t tell you everything about me, either. I know you weren’t expecting it to be my first time.”

“No, I really wasn’t, but I’m not complaining,” I reassure her.

She laughs a little. “Truth be told, I simply didn’t think about it at first. Then you were so caring and gentle when I flipped out, and after…Even with what you said, I thought you might stop if you knew, and I didn’t want to. I wanted everything you could give me.”

Her expression is shy as she speaks, letting me know that she isn’t used to this kind of soul-baring any more than I am. I can’t deny how good it feels to hear what she says, though. Or to continue to feel the length of her nude body resting alongside mine, knowing that she knows and has chosen to stay here, in bed with me.

I can’t help but smile, either, remembering what I was thinking when I pulled her skirt up. “Funny, I said almost the exact same thing to myself right before things got really intense last night.”

Her face lights up. “So we’re on the same wavelength, then.”

I lean close and kiss her. It feels different now, with nothing standing between us. Possibly scary too but mostly? It’s awesome.

I cradle Liz’s face and when I pull my lips away from hers, I absolutely must kiss her nose. She giggles. “Goof.”

I have to laugh. “Maybe so, but I’m a goof on your wavelength, angel.”

Liz smiles brilliantly and snuggles close. “I’m so glad.”

*****NEW Chapter 16*****

We simply lie there for a while, holding each other and thinking our separate thoughts. The reality is beginning to sink in now, and it’s not the horrible experience that that phrase always makes me expect it should be. No, it’s very much a pleasant sensation indeed.

Liz knows, and she’s not running.

In fact, she’s still plastered against me, as close as possible without actually being physically joined. Which of course makes me consider the merits of completing that closeness—again. Michael is never going to let me hear the end of it, after my years of teasing him about keeping his brain in his pants. Seems mine’s done the same southward traveling lately.

“Hmm, someone’s excited,” Liz drawls in amusement.

I flush. “Sorry, I can move if you—” She cuts off my words with a headshake, wrapping a leg around my hips to prevent me from leaving. We’re level with each other now and I can feel her heat cradling my sudden erection. Her gaze traps mine with equal fire.

“You can just come right here.” The tone of her voice leaves no doubt that I am meant to take that statement all kinds of different ways, and I can’t breathe for a moment as desire blasts through me uncontrollably.

“God, Liz, what are you doing to me?” I whisper, running a hand over her hip.

She laughs shakily. “Nothing that you’re not doing to me, Max.” Her lips seek mine and I oblige us both with a deep taste. “Maybe it’s an alien thing.”

I draw back a little, nervous about her musing. She sounds curious, no more, and her face sparkles with mischief and happiness both as she continues, “Maybe that’s why one night with you totally spoiled me for anyone else, even if you did run instead of kissing me. I kept looking for the same kind of emotional connection and everyone fell short. Right up until I cracked open my eyes and found you staring at me while you masturbated.”

Her blunt speech has me wincing but before I can apologize, again, Liz smiles and kisses me briefly. “Do you have any idea how sexy that made me feel? That you were so turned on by me that you had to touch yourself?”

“It did?” No way would I have guessed that.

“Yes,” she confirms with a laugh. “That’s why I kept, well, coming onto you. Finding out that way that you did really want me gave me the courage to finally pursue you. Because you didn’t know I could see you, so you weren’t pretending.”

“No, I wasn’t.” Her behavior over the past week is becoming clearer with this revelation. After the way she’d been hurt before, it makes a great deal of sense that Liz’s particular set of fears would have been soothed by pretty incontrovertible proof of my feelings for her, at least in that one area—her most vulnerable one. Combine that with the fact that Maria’s been tattling on me all this time, and I should feel kind of like I’ve been set up.

Except that I’m far too happy with the outcome to lodge even a token protest.

Liz kisses me again and the conversation’s over for now. Hands are getting involved and she rubs against me shamelessly, robbing me of the ability to think of anything beyond her. I roll us over, settling on top of her to a feminine moan that has me grinding my hips into hers.

Her head falls back and she pants for breath then gasps, “Max, if this is an alien thing, then thank God you’re an alien. I don’t know how I lived without feeling like this.”

“Yeah,” I agree fervently. I can’t even focus enough to truly take in what she’s saying as her fingernails bite into my ass and her legs curl around my thighs. I need to feel her, feel the tight clasp of her body welcoming mine and the tremors running through her when her eyes go blind with ecstasy.

I lift up a little to slip into position and I’m just beginning to push inside when the front door bangs open.

“Max Evans!”

Oh, shit, it’s Maria. I slide down until my abdomen rests against Liz’s wetness, hearing her frustrated sigh, and aim a hand at the duvet. In answer to my powers the edge comes straight to me and I pull the covers over us just as Maria stomps into my bedroom.

“You total pussy! You left Michael to tell me about this goddamned anomaly shit, all by himself, when you know bloody well it’s like pulling teeth to get the man to talk, while you were—while you,” she falters. “You’re not, right now, are you?”

“No, Maria.” I smother a laugh when Liz whispers so only I can hear her, “Not anymore.”

Maria must have heard me laugh because she whacks me one on the backside. I swallow a grunt of pain as my pelvis mashes into the mattress. It’s not a good action when you’re hard as a rock.

“You have five minutes to get dressed and get out of this room, Max. Or I will drag you into the living room as bare-assed as the day you were born or hatched or whatever you call how you came to be, and you can explain yourself like that.” She harrumphs and spins on her heel, stalking out and slamming my bedroom door behind her.

I look at Liz apologetically. “Unfortunately, she’s got a point. God only knows what Michael actually said to her.”

“I know.” Her rueful smile grows more suggestive. “We can always pick this up later. A little anticipation never hurt anyone.”

“Right.” I kiss her cheek and rise from the bed to get dressed. I wiggle into the tightest pair of jeans I own, knowing that they’ll make her words about anticipation not hurting into somewhat of a lie. But they’ll also prevent me from advertising the boner that won’t go away.

“Um, Max? Can I borrow some clothes?”

I turn around to see Liz holding her skirt and grimacing. Beyond her, I spot a tiny splash of black lace on the floor—her ripped panties. As for the rest of her outfit… “Oh, man, your stuff’s still in the living room.”

She nods with a light laugh. “Yeah. And honestly, I wouldn’t wear a skirt this short without underwear, either. So, can I borrow?”

“Sure. Let me just find something that might fit you. Or not hang too badly, anyway.” The implication that she might go commando with a longer skirt does not escape me, but I shove the immensely appealing idea to one side for the moment.

“How about that T-shirt Michael vetoed last night for being too tight?”

I laugh. “Good choice.”

A minute later, I’m dressed normally and she’s decked out in a pair of my workout pants, cinched at the waist and rolled up at the ankles, and my old T-shirt. They look ridiculous on her small frame.

And disturbingly arousing.

I clear my throat. “Better go face the firing squad.”

Liz links her arm through mine. “Well, at least we’ll face it together.”

Together. The ease with which the word rolls off her tongue suffuses me with warmth as we exit my room to find Michael slouched sullenly in a chair and Maria pacing in the kitchen while talking to herself under her breath, gesturing every so often. Liz and I exchange glances and gingerly take seats on the couch.

“At least it went well for one of us,” Michael gripes. He offers a tiny smirk to Liz that has her blushing, but she shrugs it aside and moves closer to me, snuggling in. His expression changes to a real smile and she returns it, while I wrap an arm around her shoulders.

“Finally!” Maria catches sight of us and strides over. She stands right in front of me and plants her hands on her hips. “I’m listening, Max.”

There are twin spots of red burning on her cheeks but the rest of her face is stark white, and suddenly I feel awful about leaving Michael to explain everything to her. Yes, he is the one in love with her, but she’s my best friend too and she deserved better. It’s clear that she’s been quite thoroughly shocked.

“Maria, I’m sorry. I should have been there, too.”

She softens a little and heaves a sigh. “Yes, you should have. But since I know where you were, and can guess at what you were doing, I suppose that you’re forgiven.” She shakes her head. “That does not, however, let you off the hook entirely.”

“I know, I—”

The front door bangs open again.

“Oops, sorry, guys. It’s windy out there!” Isabel sweeps into the apartment with Alex trailing behind her and then helpfully closing the door. She sends him a brilliant smile in thanks while they remove their coats and shoes, and his face creases in a huge grin.

I tense. My sister seems very comfortable with this guy. Too comfortable.

“Max,” Liz speaks quietly, waiting until I look at her. Her hand slips onto my thigh and squeezes. “Don’t be a hypocrite.”

The fight leaves me at her pointed words, issued in a compassionate tone, and I tug her onto my lap, kissing her forehead in gratitude. I don’t have any right to supervise or criticize Isabel’s love life. Especially when I happen to know that her suitor is actually a really nice guy who could be good for her, and when I took my own leap of faith last night with her blessing.

“Hi Iz, Alex. How are you?”

She comes over and ruffles my hair. “Gagging that you’ve been revealed as someone who engages in public displays of affection.”

Alex laughs and offers a slightly more serious answer. “Tired. We were up pretty much all night, talking.”

“All night, huh? And how do you feel this morning, Alex?” Liz queries. I’m sure she can feel the way I’m almost holding my breath for the answer. I never had any doubts about Maria, or even Liz, but Alex’s potential reaction has always made me nervous.

“Good, I feel good. A little more insignificant in the universal sense, but you know, that’s balanced out by being entrusted with a deep, dark secret.” He flashes another grin and reaches for my hand, shaking it firmly. Warily I meet his gaze, noting what a sharp blue his eyes are. “I’m also very much alive and planning to stay that way.”

I nod, my shadow guilt lightening in his warm acceptance. Liz utters a little cry and squeezes the crap out of me.

“Door number two?” she squeaks. Alex lets go of me with a chuckle and I stroke Liz’s hair comfortingly, whispering to her, “Yeah, angel, but it’s okay now.”

The conversation continues as the new arrivals find themselves seats, settling on the couch beside us. “So how does it feel to be an exiled head of state anyway, Max?”

“Excuse me?”

Blue eyes twinkle at me. “Well, you’re the king, right?”

I shrug. “Technically, yeah, but—”

“King? No one mentioned that you were a king!” Maria sputters, spearing Michael with a heated look.

I take a deep breath and repeat the short version that I told Liz this morning, about the planet that we’re from and the way we handled the threats, deeply grateful when no one blurts out that they had sex with an alien in response.

“So your lives are your own, then. I mean you need to be careful, obviously, but basically you can just go about your business however you want to now, right?” Maria narrows her eyes, waiting for me to answer.

“Well, yeah,” I agree with her.

She nods slowly, her lack of expression worrying me. Then she looks straight at me with so much hurt swimming in her gaze that it knocks the breath out of me. “Why didn’t you ever tell me?”

I glance over at Michael for some guidance, but he’s staring moodily into space. A quick check of Isabel shows her to be on the verge of tears, too. I sigh. “Mare, I don’t know what to say. We decided a long time ago that we had to tell all three of you if we told one of you, because of how strained your friendships grew in that other universe. And then you became such a good friend, and we were reasonably sure we would be able to trust Liz and Alex, even with the stuff between Liz and I, and…” I trail off, having absolutely no idea what else to say.

“I wasn’t ready.” Michael’s voice rasps like he hasn’t used it in a while, and he stands up, shoving his hands in his pockets. But he’s still looking off somewhere distant, not at Maria, when he repeats, “I wasn’t ready to tell you before. That’s why Max never said anything.”

I see it in her face before she whirls on him, her understanding that Isabel and I had been willing to spill earlier. The four of us on this side of the room remain silent as Maria pounds on Michael’s chest with her fists while he holds his arms passively at his sides, knowing that the rest is up to them.

“How could you? All this time, we’ve been friends. All this time, I’ve watched you chase skirts like the horn dog you are and let it all slide because you mattered to me. And Max matters to me, and Izzy, and…how dare you shut me out like that, Michael? I thought you cared about me!”

It’s the last wail that breaks him.

Michael grabs her wrists, pulling her arms out to the side, then ducks his head and kisses her. Hard. Maria struggles for a second, her elbows waving. But she relaxes almost immediately and he lets go of her wrists, giving her the freedom to slide her arms around his neck and kiss him back.

I feel vaguely voyeuristic but I’m too concerned about my friends to not watch just because of a little kissing, no matter how, um, enthusiastic.

At length Michael draws away, his eyes fluttering open with a new softness. It lasts about thirty seconds, which is how long it takes Maria to recover her anger and bitch slap him.

“Asshole!” she hisses, and I can hear how close to tears she is. I shift, wanting to help, but Liz shakes her head at me. She’s fighting tears, too, but she’s letting her friend sort this out for herself and I have to do the same.

It’s as hard to do with Maria as it is with Isabel.

“Maria, listen—” he starts.

“No, you listen, Guerin. We have rules about that kind of conduct. You are not allowed to kiss me, and you know it! Not while you’re still—”

He kisses her again. It’s really kind of amusing how she’s yo-yoing from being completely pissed off about him kissing her, to returning his kisses with complete passion.

This time when Michael withdraws, he prudently grasps both her hands in one of his and uses the other to cover her mouth while he gets his words in.

“I know the rules, Maria. And I’m not breaking them.”

“You…what?” she gasps, as soon as he puts his hand down.

“You heard me.”

He lets go of her entirely, leaving himself wide open to another attack. They’ve shifted around from the scuffling and now I can see her profile, staring up at him in astonishment.

The tableau doesn’t last, of course. But I don’t think Michael expected it any more than I did when the next attack comes and Maria launches herself into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist.

“Everybody out!” she demands, propelling Michael backwards towards his bedroom.

Isabel’s mouth hangs open. The rest of us know Maria better and laugh, then get scrambling.

Michael’s wanderlust is about to be cured, permanently.