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Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 12:51 pm
by Jezebel Jinx
Taken by lizandzackfan


X-tremer Kidnapping

Couple: Liz/Alec

Rating: Teen-Adult

Summary: Liz is Lydecker’s daughter, Max (DA) or Zack or both kidnap her thinking they can get Lydecker to back off as long as they have his daughter. Lydecker sends Alec to get Liz back.

Must Have

-Since Lydecker is her father I don’t want Liz to be meek or weak. However I also don’t want her to be cruel or mean.

-Liz knew Alec before he is assigned her rescue mission so she gave him his name instead of just his number.

-Liz was regularly brought to the base to see what he father did


-Liz was also experimented on when she was child. If she was then her abilities are up to whoever takes this challenge.

-Alec and Liz having a sexual relationship before she was kidnapped (maybe she met him after his missions.)

-Lydecker realizing Alec has more then platonic feelings for Liz and tries to tear them apart.

-Incorporating Max (Roswell), Michael, Isabel, Tess, Maria, Alex, and/or Kyle into the story.

Everything else is up to the author.

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 12:52 pm
by Jezebel Jinx
#11 Taken by SnowyOwl-17

Uncontrollable Heat

Couple: Liz/Alec

Rating: Adult

Summary: Liz is an X-5, she can’t control her heat so in order to not jump any of her friends she leaves Roswell, she tells them that she’s going on vacation, and goes to Seattle to find her family.

Must Have

-Liz parents know about her X-5 status. (I always hated that the parents knew nothing)

-Liz runs into Alec when the heat hits again.

-Liz isn’t always in heat but a lot of the time she is.

-Alec tells Liz he knows where one of her sisters is.


-Zack is in Seattle working with Max, Logan, and Alec.

-The virus has been cured.

-Joshua takes an instant liking to Liz.

-Liz breaks in to steal something and Alec is there to steal it too.

Everything else is up for grabs.

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 12:53 pm
by Jezebel Jinx
Taken by LizNdAlec4eva


Dr. Troy Will See You Now

Rating: Adult (lots of nookie)

Couple: Liz/Christian

Summary: After Graduation Liz needs a break from all the alien drama. She goes to Florida and starts a new life, a couple years pass and Liz meets up with Dr. Christian Troy. Liz only wanted a one-night-stand, so did Christian (Author can decide where and how they meet.) Now Christian wants more from Liz and she's unwilling to give more then a few rolls in sack.

Must Have

-The aliens never went on the run after Graduation.

-I want Christian to pursue Liz and Liz acting like she doesn't want him around (although she really does).

-Many sexual encounters between Liz and Christian in many different places (Christian's office, a restaurant bathroom, his place, her place, anywhere else the author can think of.)

-Sean thinks Liz is too young for Christian and tries to get Christian to stop chasing after her.

-Kimber makes an appearance, tries to hurt Liz +/or tries to get Christian back, but he wants nothing to do with her.

-Eventually Liz gives into her feelings for Christian.

-Happy Ending for Liz/Christian.


-Pod Squad making an appearance.

-Liz going back to Roswell for a reunion and bringing Christian with her.

-Liz gets pregnant and doesn't want to tell Christian, she's afraid he might not be there for the baby so she starts to pull away.

-Liz works in the same office as Christian and Sean.

-Everything else is up to the author

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 12:55 pm
by Jezebel Jinx
#13------> Taken by Jennifer24

Couple: Liz/Logan

Rating: Teen-Adult

Summary: Liz is a mutant (hardly anyone knows), Charles Xavior is her uncle, the mutant hate groups are becoming more violent in Roswell but Liz refuses to leave her home. So Xavior sends Logan to keep her safe, in the process of protecting her Liz and Logan fall for each other.

Must Have

-Liz’s parents Kyle and/or Alex know she’s a mutant and love her no matter what, no one else knows.

-Maria is a member of a mutant hate group is very vocal about it.

-Logan teaches Liz how to defend herself in hand-to-hand combat so she doesn’t have to use her powers.

-Pod Squad and company have a meeting, without Liz, about whom the stranger (Logan) that is always around Liz is. Kyle and/or Alex say he’s probably a relative but Michael speaks up saying it’s unlikely unless Liz is into making out with family. (Up to the author where Michael sees them kissing).

-Everything else is fair game.

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 12:56 pm
by Jezebel Jinx

Roswell/Alien vs. Predator (sort of)

Couple: Liz/? (UC or X-over)

Rating: Teen-Adult

Summary: After Tess takes off in the ship Liz leaves Roswell for the summer, not wanting to deal with Max letting Tess go. When she came back she had a scar on her cheek, that looked like alien writing. Liz doesn't offer any explaination to her friends about the mark about a month after she returns the Predator's need her help and come to Roswell to get her.

Must Have

-Now that Liz has the scar she can understand the Predator's language and can even speak it.

-Liz helped the Predator's (doesn't have to be against the aliens it can be against some other creature) during the summer between Season 2 and 3.

-Liz changed because of the experience, now she's tougher and doesn't take crap from anyone. But I don't want her to be mean to the group, just edgier.

-The Pod Squad and company think Liz has been taken over because she goes with the Predator's no questions asked. But later I want Liz to explain to them what's going on.

-Of course at least a slight romance with whoever Liz is paired with.


-The Pod Squad and company being invited onto the ship and seeing Liz train with the other Predator's

-Maria or Kyle moving to pick up a fallen weapon and Liz yelling 'No'. Then explains to them that if your not part of the 'Predator Clan' (author can decide the name I just used Predator Clan) and have a weapon they think you're violent and will kill you.

-Everything else up to the author.

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 12:58 pm
by Jezebel Jinx
#15 Taken by SnowyOwl-17

Roswell/Die Hard Movies X-over

Couple: Liz/Michael

Rating: Teen-Mature

Summary: Liz is John Maclane's (sp?) daughter. She and others are being held hostage.

Must Have

-The other people that are being held hostage are Michael, Max, Maria, Tess, Alex, Kyle, Jim, Isabel, Phillip and Diane.

-Someone gets shot (doesn't have to be killed)

-Jim had a twin brother (William Sadler was in Die Hard 2 as the bad guy.)

-John taught Liz how to handle and shoot firearms and how to fight hand to hand.

-Liz is a daddy's girl, she choose to stay with her father as opposed to living with her mother and other siblings.

-Explain why Liz is in Roswell, (maybe John needed a break from the big cities and decided on Roswell)

-Michael and Liz making out (either before or after their taken hostage) + John breaking it up.

-John not trusting Jim because he looks like the bad guy he fought before in Die Hard 2 (can't remember his name in the movie).

-The adults try to take charge and don't listen to Liz's orders/suggestions and end up getting beat up by whoever's holding them hostage.


-Can have aliens or not.

-Who is holding Liz and the group hostage.

-John getting back together with his wife. (I just love when she punches that reporter at the end of Die Hard)

-John sparing with Liz and one or more of the guys thinking he's really hurting her.

Everything else is up to you.

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 1:00 pm
by Jezebel Jinx

Taken by Lizzie

Pairing: Liz/Wolverine (Logan)

-Liz is 17 going on 18 and a mutant. (she's known since she was 9, author can decide what abilities she has.)

-Nobody (except her parents) know Liz is a mutant, but her, Maria, Alex, Jim, and Kyle know about the aliens. (just like the show.)

-Someone finds out about Liz being a mutant (People are scared and violent towards mutants). So instead of staying in Roswell, she asks her parents to send her to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.

-She has no contact with anyone from Roswell, except her parents.

-While at the school she meets Logan (author can decide if he's a teacher at the school or not.) and is instantly attracted to him.

-Liz is at the school for about 6 months. And her and Logan become close friends and have the beginnings of something more intimate. But before the relationship can go any further Liz has to go back to Roswell to help with either her sick mother or sick father.

-I would like Liz's look to change a little when she returns to Roswell. (Nothing too drastic but to have a slightly more bad-ass attitude, with some leather clothes, and at least 1 tattoo.)

-Liz and Logan talk on the phone a lot (or as ofter as they can afford)

-But Logan comes to Roswell wanting to be close to Liz

-I would also like the 'I Know An Alien' Club to gang up on Liz when she comes back to Roswell and her telling them off.

-Rating: Teen-Adult (perferably Adult, but doesn't have to be as long as it's not Child or YTeen.)

-Everything else is up to the author.

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 1:01 pm
by Jezebel Jinx
#17 Taken by SnowyOwl-17

Smut DA X-tremer

Couple: Liz/Alec

Rating: Adult

-Liz is taken by the FBI or Manticore and gets shot up with drugs that make her have an uncontrollable need for sex.

-The FBI or Manticore knows about her changed alien status and want her to become pregnant so they can study the baby and use the child to further their research or make them a special agent or a better solider (depends on who captured Liz).

-Alec is going to be her breeding partner, and depending on whom captured her, either Alec is going to be already at the compound or he’s to be sent for.

-Liz gets pregnant and the drug wears off. Now she’s nervous around Alec but is still attracted to him (he’s attracted to her too).

-Later Alec helps Liz and him escape, since he doesn’t want Liz and his child to become experiments. They go to Roswell and chaos ensues.

-Lots of SMUT!!!


-Liz’s parents know about the aliens, but the aliens don’t know they know, but Liz knows they know because she told them. (I hope that made sense)

-One or more of the Podsters or even Maria or Kyle find out that Liz is pregnant.

-Max and Alec get into a fight (Alec wins of course).

-A group meeting with Liz and Alec about her pregnancy, Alec telling them that it’s none of their business.

-Liz and Alec either getting caught in a lot of compromising positions throughout the fic or having Max find them having sex sometime in the diner (the place is closed and Liz’s parent’s are gone for some reason.)

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 1:02 pm
by Jezebel Jinx
#18 Taken by lizandzackfan

Buffy/DA/Roswell X-over

Couple: Liz/Alec

Rating: Teen-Adult (prefer Adult but doesn’t have to be)

-Liz is a Slayer (either following Faith’s death or one of the potentials that was turned into a Slayer)

-Liz is called to Seattle to battle the forces of darkness, (her parents are either dead so she’s on her own or they know that Liz is a Slayer and about the aliens.)

-Liz works at Jam Pony’s

-One night while hanging out at Crash she notices a guy whose really a vamp. She follows the vamp outside and proceeds to kick his ass but she didn’t notice Alec (who had been eyeing her at the club) come out and he sees the whole thing.

-I want either Spike, Willow, or Giles to come up to Seattle to train and be her Watcher.


-Liz and Spike caught in a compromising position and Alec seeing them and getting pissed/jealous but it being completely innocent.

-The Pod Squad showing up.

-Liz + Max (DA) get into a fist fight (not knowing what the other is).

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 1:03 pm
by Jezebel Jinx
Taken by lizandzackfan


Couple: Liz/Alec

Rating: Mature-Adult

Summary: A year or more has past (no more than 3 years please) since Liz and the others left during Graduation. Everyone has split up and gone their seperate ways (some can go off in pairs but I want Liz to have gone by herself). Liz ends up in Seattle where she meets Alec.

Must Have

-Liz is an X-5 (No one knows but her)

-Liz occassionally works at the strip club (the one that Alec, Normal, and Sketchy go too in Gill Girl).

-At the strip club some guy is getting too fresh with Liz and Alec puts him in his place. (I would prefer if Alec and Liz know each other at this point but they don't have too.)

-One or more of the 'I Know An Alien Club' passing through Seattle and seeing Liz.


-Liz also working at Jam Pony. (I do want her to have at least a part time day job it doesn't have to be Jam Pony)

-Liz + Max (DA) talk about the men of their lives. (their faults, cute things they do, annoying things, etc. Basically a girly talk)

-Max (Roswell) coming to Seattle to tell Liz to stop being difficult and agree to marry him. (They didn't get married after Graduation.)

-Alec kicking Max's ass

-Maria and Kyle keeping in touch with Liz.

-The lines: 'I may end up/be sleeping with you, but I'm not dating you.' and 'So I'm good enough to have sex with but I don't get a romantic dinner? I feel so cheap.' (Who says what is up to the author.)