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Post by Zansgirl »


I walk in through the back, into the Crashdown and see Liz with her phone. She looks worried. 'Oh god something happened. Max? Michael? Oh, god.' I think to myself.

"Chica? Whats wrong?" I ask her trying to keep calm. I set my bag down and walk over to her. "Is everything, alright?" I asked her giving her a look that ment I was talking about the Aliens.
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Post by ~Ruby~ »

Nice posts. I'll try and get something posted later today.
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Post by StormWolfstone »



Even though I know that the threat of Khivar is real, I am not about to let him keep me from enjoying my honeymoon with Jesse. I exchanged vows, and even with how strangely drawn I might be feeling where Khivar is concerned, I love Jesse. In fact, our vows play over and over again in my mind the entire trip to La Jolle.

I, Isabel Amanda, take thee, Jesse Estaban, to be my wedded husband.

I, Jesse Estaban, take thee, Isabel Amanda, to be my wedded wife.

In sickness and in health

In plenty and in want

In joy and in sorrow

For as long as we both shall live.

I'd felt so much joy after those words were spoken and the priest announced us husband and wife, felt so much relief. I guess, somehow I had expected Khivar to show himself and find a way to stop it. Even when he kept trying to say that I'd be the one to stop it. I'd proven him wrong, I didn't stop. Yet, he had still shown himself at my reception. I couldn't believe that he was really there. I'd thought he had simply been enjoying sending me the dreams. Instead, I had learned that not only was he on Earth, but he was there specifically for me. Even now, I can feel him out there. Jesse and I arrived two days ago, got settled into our hotel room and I'm frightened for my husband. He's been hanging out with Khivar, who calls himself Kevin.

The more I'm around Khivar, the more I begin to feel a yearning for him. There have been times that he would be speaking to Jesse and I could almost feel his hands on me. As soon as I saw him, I should have done something to get him away from me. But, there was something that kept holding me back. Laying in bed beside Jesse last night, I couldn't help but wish I could tell him everything, warn him away from Khivar. What if he tries to hurt Jesse? I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

"Isabel?" The sound of Jesse's voice pulls me from my thoughts and I shake my head to clear them.

"Sorry, I guess I spaced there. Were you saying something?"

"Actually, I was asking my beautiful wife for a dance." He holds out his hand to me and I smile, forcing myself to pretend that for a moment I can be a normal newlywed.

"I'd love to dance with my charming husband." He grins and we move over to the dance floor. For a few minutes, I'm actually able to relax, but just when I thought that maybe 'Kevin' had given up trying to get close, I see him standing near the bar. The second my eyes connect with his, I find myself remembering the kiss in the dream and close my eyes for a moment before leaning up to kiss my husband. I was not going to allow my past self's lover to win. Dancing close with my husband, I drew back from the kiss and smiled at him only to watch his face screw up and he suddenly grasped at his stomach.

"Oh, I'll be right back." He says and rushes off toward the bathroom.
Without him there on the dance floor, I'm beginning to make my own way off when Khivar is right in front of me, instantly taking me into his arms for a dance. "I've told you, you can not escape me.”

“What have you done to Jesse?” I demand, not about to let him think for one moment that I am not on to his antics. He had to have done something.

“Don’t concern yourself with the human, he’ll be fine. I just needed to make certain I had a moment with you.” He begins dancing and because causing a scene could be problematic I flow with it. Not to mention I can feel a strange contentment with his arms on mine. “I’ve been searching for you a long time, an eternity it feels.”

“Khivar, you need to stop this. I’m not Vilandra anymore. I am a different person now.”

“You’ll never stop being Vilandra, you are still her. I know you can feel it.” His voice seems to sink into my mind and I can’t help but feel as though I’m losing myself as he continues, “Ditch the human, come to me by the water.” He leans forward and before I can make myself react, his lips are on mine. The instant our lips touched it was as though something deep inside me opened up. Something unbidden, unwelcomed by who I am now.

Pushing him away was difficult because I wanted to lose myself. “No… just leave me alone.” I tell him and step away from him. I won’t go to him. I won’t! Yet even as I tried to convince myself of this, I was already thinking about the fact that I needed to do something to distract Jesse.

Later, when we get to our room, Jesse is preparing himself for bed. I know that I love him, but I’m unable to stop myself from using a small bit of power to keep him from opening the bathroom door. Standing there, I hear him try to open it before he calls out, “Isabel, the door seems to be stuck. Can you try pushing it or something?”

Guilt spears through me as I wait a moment before saying, “It’s stuck, I can’t even move the handle. You know, what… I’ll go get someone in maintenance.” Then, before he can reply I start for the door. I can’t help it. The door closes and I walk out of the room, down the stairs and out into the garden by the lake. There he stands, Khivar. “What have you done to me? You used some sort of power.” I say and watch as he turns to look at me.

“I’ve done nothing. It’s you, Vilandra. You came because you wanted to be here. You can feel it, can’t you. You can feel her inside you. You like the way she makes you feel.” Khivar says and steps over, placing a hand on my shoulder, his other sliding behind my neck.

“I am not Vilandra. She killed everyone I care about. You are a killer, Khivar. I don’t want to be here with you. I… I love Jesse.” My argument sounds weak even to my own ears and I start to pull away but suddenly he’s kissing me and images from my dreams flash through my head. I can feel my control slipping.

“Come with me, Vilandra. Come back to Antar at my side. I need you.” Khivar says and I find myself thinking about it. Thinking heavily about it.

“No, I’ve been given a second chance at life. This time it doesn’t include you.” I watch as he smiles and looks in my eyes.

“Yes it does. Just by your coming out here, it shows that I am meant to be in your life. We can leave now, tonight.”

Leave? I couldn’t believe the feeling that suddenly swept through me. We could leave the planet. I could go back to Antar. I could see my mother, my real mother. “How?” I can’t believe I’m really thinking about this.

“A new mode, something we feel is much better then ships. Just come with me, Vilandra.”

I take a moment, considering and then shake my head, “No, if you really love me go away and don’t come back.” I start to turn away, but he pulls me back to him and this time, the instant our lips met I felt as though I was going to explode. The sensations flowing over me, so strong and so orgasmic I couldn’t keep from releasing a gasping moan. His lips slid down kissing my neck and I held to him, feeling as though I’d come home.

A ringing sound reached my ears and I drew back, “No… I’m married to Jesse, I love Jesse. I… I can’t do this.”

I quickly step away from him and head back into the room, moving to unlock the bathroom door. Even as I work out a lie for how the door was fixed and tell Jesse about it, I can’t help but feel in my heart that I will be seeing Khivar again. I want to see him again.


Last night, Michael and Max showed up. We made a plan, one that would allow me to hopefully put a close to the Khivar part of my life. I woke up early, dressed and left the room, Jesse still asleep. I love him, I don’t want to hurt him but a part of me already feels as though I’m leaving him. Walking past the place where Michael and Max were already hiding, I turned giving them a nod and walked on. I knew that I’d run into Khivar and when he came out from the corner in the small labyrinth the ground had, I couldn’t keep from feeling the excitement scream through my blood.

“Have you made up your mind, my Vilandra?” I hear him ask, his arms around me as his speaks softly against my ear.

“Yes, I’ve decided to come with you. Let’s go home.”

“Good. I’m tired of this body.” Khivar replies as we begin walking, him leading me further away from the hotel, deeper into the woods.

“How did you do this? Take over this body and have powers?” I find myself asking before adding, “I have to say, it’s impressive.”

“I prepared this body for seven years so I could personally get you.” We stop at one point and before I can think he’s kissing me, holding me against the host body and I am lost to it.

When he draws back, looks in my eyes and caresses my cheek he asks me softly, “What’s wrong? Tell me.” Once again, the dreams invade me and I hear him saying in the dream that I’ll always be his. Those words seem to sink into me and I open my eyes to look at him.

“Max and Michael are here. They are going to kill you.” I end up informing him as suddenly I feel a different freedom step through me and realize I am Vilandra and have always been her just as I’ve always been Khivar’s.
“Where are they?”

Without a word, I find myself turning and lifting my hand, concentrating on the remains of a wall. The wall shifts and crumbles into near dust to reveal my brother and Michael. “Zan, Rath, we meet again. I wondered how long it would be before our path’s would cross. I’m sure you never expected Vilandra to come to me of her own free will. You should have realized that destiny always does the unexpected.”

Max shakes his head, “Let her go, Khivar. You aren’t taking Isabel anywhere.”

“I’m Vilandra, Max. Isabel is gone and she’s not coming back.” I hear myself say and move to stand in front of Khivar in order to stop Michael or Max from trying anything.

“What about Jesse?” Max questions and I simply shrug and smile.

I suddenly feel as though I’m in a haze, not in a bad way either. Not at all in a bad way. Part of me is still yearning to be Isabel Ramirez, but then the part of me that is Vilandra feel so much stronger, so much wiser. Khivar speaks from beside me and I turn to see him smiling. “Come on, Vilandra dear.”

“Please, let us just go…”

“Yes, Rath, Zan… you should listen. Wouldn’t want her to have to kill you both again.” Khivar throws in and I look back at Max and Michael.
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by Buffsteraddict »

Occ~ Amazing post StormWolfstone. :) :D


I can't beleive this is happening. This just cannot be happening.

"Isabel, come on." I say, my voice pleading her. "You can't be serious about this. We need you here. Your husband needs you. Isabel, don't do this. Can't you see that basturd's just manipulating you!? This isn't you!"



"Chica? Whats wrong?"

Maria says as she enters the backroom, a worried expression on her face. She quickly sets down her bag and walks over to me.

"Is everything, alright?"

"I...don't know." I answer. "It's just- I've been trying to reach Max for a while now and he's not picking up his phone. I guess I'm just worried that something happened to him even though I'm prbably worrying for nothing. He's probably fine."
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Post by Zansgirl »

Hope dis is ok?



"I...don't know." She says. "It's just- I've been trying to reach Max for a while now and he's not picking up his phone. I guess I'm just worried that something happened to him even though I'm prbably worrying for nothing. He's probably fine."

I put an arm around her. "Not probably, he is" I clap my hands together," Maxie boy, can take care of himself. I'm sure they have everything under control." I say not so sure of myself. "Plus, Michaels there, he won't let Max do anything stupid." Now that I think of it Max never did anything stupid, except getting Tess pregnant.

I walk over to the lockers and jump when Kyle comes through the swinging door. He scared the living shit out of me.


"Hello, there's starving people in here." I tell them my body half-way through the door and my stomach growling. I see the look on Liz's face. I walk in the rest of the way. "Not back, yet?" I asked her as Maria gives me a look and walks into the other room filled with people. "Liz?"
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Post by ~Ruby~ »


Flicking through the Book of Shadows, I try and focus on the task in hand instead of daydreaming about certain parole officer. I know that I shouldn’t be thinking about Henry when Billie needs my help to find her sister but it is so damn hard. He’s the first guy who has accepted me for me. Witch, whitelighter, snappy dresser. He accepts me.

But I really can’t think about Henry right now because Billie needs my help and I promised that I would do everything in my power to reunite her and her sister. I just don’t know how I’m going to do it.

“There has got to be something in here that will help,” I mutter to myself. Turn the pages sharply, scanning each page for the hundredth time for something that I might have missed.
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Post by Buffsteraddict »


"Not probably, he is. Maxie boy, can take care of himself. I'm sure they have everything under control. Plus, Michaels there, he won't let Max do anything stupid."

Maria tells me, putting an arm around me just as Kyle walks in through the swinging door.

"Hello, there's starving people in here." He pauses looking from Maria to me. "Not back, yet?" He asks as Maria gives him a look and heads back out in the crowded restaurant. "Liz?"

I let out a small sighed. "No, they're not back. And they're not picking up the phone either."
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Post by Buffsteraddict »

Bumping! :) :D
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Post by StormWolfstone »


“Vilandra.” I hear Isabel begin, looking at Michael for a moment before looking back at my sister. I see a smirk lifting her lips even as I see that her eyes are no longer normal, instead they seemed to have bled black. “Get it through your head, Michael. The girl you knew is gone. I’m Vilandra now. Go back to your humans, boys. I’m going with Khivar. No more imitation life for me.”

I can’t stop myself from stepping forward. “Isabel is still in there, I know she is. Leave her alone Khivar.” Before I can even say another word or move much further I’m suddenly thrown back right into Michael. Grunting, I scramble to my feet only to see that Khivar and Isabel are already moving quickly away.

Glancing at Michael, I speak quickly. “Come on, we have to find a way to stop her from going.” Without another word I rush forward, following them through the woods, knowing that Michael isn’t far behind. I’m not going to lose my sister. I refuse to.


I follow Khivar, happily. Feeling freer then I’ve ever felt. I don’t feel like the hybrid anymore, I feel like I’m myself. And with Khivar, I know I can do anything. He’s absolutely perfect for me. Khivar stops and lifts his hand, a portal of some sort opening. When it does, I can’t help but smile as I realize there is definitely a new form of travel that could be interesting.

The next thing I know, Khivar is pushed to the ground and as I turn, I see Jesse. “Keep your hands off my wife!” I watch as Jesse punches Khivar a couple of times and then rounds on me, wrapping his arms around me. “Are you alright, Isabel?” He asks and looks in my eyes, “What’s wrong with your eyes?”

“Nothing is wrong with my eyes, Jesse. Nothing at all.” I say, smirking as I draw him to me, kissing him deeply before pressing a hand above his heart and concentrating with just a small amount of energy. He struggles against me, a cry of pain muffled by my lips and then I feel him go limp. Stepping back, I release him. “Now, no more human ties for me to worry about.”

I can’t help but laugh and then move over to help Khivar up. “Come on, let’s get home before anymore idiots try to stop us.”

“Isabel! No!” I hear Max yelling and stop just shy of the portal, long enough to turn around, wave and then before anything can stop me, Khivar and I step into the portal.


Following Isabel and Khivar, we finally come upon them just as they are about to enter some sort of portal. “Isabel! No!” I call out, hoping that she’ll stop. When she turns and waves, I feel helpless and am torn as she disappears into the portal, Khivar going with her. A moment later, the portal spits out the host body but by that point, I’m already running over to Jesse’s side. I can’t feel a pulse when I check, and as I close my eyes, trying to connect, I realize I can’t. Yet another man that my sister loves dying and I can’t do anything to help him.

Looking up at Michael, I shake my head. “Jesse’s dead. Isabel’s gone. I failed. Some leader I am.” I sigh, “Get that guy out of here so he can go back to his wife.” I motion to Khivar’s host. “Let’s get out of here.” I break off, I can’t even think about this.

I reach into my pocket as I stand, flipping the cell phone open and noting that it was Liz’s number that had called last. It had been on vibrate in my pocket this time and we’d been too busy. Now, I needed to call Liz. Dialing her number, I tell Michael. “We have to head back to Roswell.”
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by StormWolfstone »

On Antar (a few hours difference)


Time is different once the portal spits you out. Once my essence returned to my real body, I instantly found Isabel, my darling Vilandra lying unconscious and carried her to the nearest lab office. She needed to rest for the time being and then I’d take care of more for her. She’d awakened once and we’d ended up in heated pleasure before she’d fallen back into sleep. I had missed her body beneath mine and even though she wasn’t the true Vilandra I’d fallen for, she was still her deep inside.

I will never forget how wonderful this plan of mine has worked out. Isabel returning with me, turning back into the true Vilandra I had enjoyed loving, but also had killed when it had become necessary to do so, it was simply brilliant. If the King wouldn't do what I demanded, then I'd use his sister once again to gain my end results. Having her return with me is going to turn out to be one of the best things that could happen, especially when we had our bonding ceremony in front of a gathering of the people on Antar. I turn and look at her, watching her sleep. She'd come to me, struggling at one point with her humanity, but the alien gene's had won out. Her memories of us had made her long for me. Now, she slept peacefully, looking nothing like the wild vixen that I'd pleasured through the night. When she awoke, she would have her first real glimpse of Antar. What she didn't realize was that she would be a pawn to me. An item that I could use and toss away when the time was right.

If they'd never activated those orbs, I would never have known where to find them. Now, Max would learn a dire lesson. He didn't have the complete set with him. He wouldn't have a chance against my army's once I had them invade Earth. Tess wouldn't be happy with Isabel's return, especially in the mental state that she was now in, but the bitch would learn her place. The brat, the Queen and the Princess were now mine. I couldn't help but laugh as I slid from the bed and moved to dress. I had every intention of being seen with the Princess on my arm soon. Once I was dressed, I moved back to the bed and leaned over Isabel, kissing her forcefully which woke her instantly, her lips pliant beneath mine.

Listening to her moan, I was tempted, but I'd have time for that again later. Drawing back I looked down at her with a grin, "Time to get dressed, Princess. Your home awaits and we have much to do."

I watched her smile, her arms lifting in a stretch which pulled the sheets off of her. With a smirk, I slid my hand between her legs, teasing for the briefest of moments. The look on her face when I removed my fingers caused another laugh to sound, "Get up, darling. I've got plans to take you to our true bed soon."

With a raised eyebrow, she stretched again as she sat up. "Am I going to have to face that bitch, Tess? Can I kill her?" I hear Isabel ask, no trace of true human emotion there to be heard or seen upon her expression. Yes, this was going to be perfect.

"No, we still need her for the moment, Vilandra." I tell Isabel as she gets dressed and once she is, she looks at me with a familiar smirk. Yes, my Vilandra is back. And, watch out Antar because now there is nothing that can stop me.
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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