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Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 10:22 am
by Chrisken
Kzinti_Killer wrote: But a movie that accepts canon as it was at the end of season three, and tries to build on it is little more than an attempt to revive a corpse that died in an ugly messy fashion..."Night of the Living Dead"-style. I repeat, no thanks.

Hmmm... now I have an image of zombie Alex chasing Jesse down the dark streets of Roswell and trying to eat his brains...

not sure whether to thank you sarcastically or seriously for that notion. :lol:

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 11:15 am
by Roslover39
Wow :(

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 12:09 pm
by Kzinti_Killer
Chrisken wrote:
Kzinti_Killer wrote: But a movie that accepts canon as it was at the end of season three, and tries to build on it is little more than an attempt to revive a corpse that died in an ugly messy fashion..."Night of the Living Dead"-style. I repeat, no thanks.

Hmmm... now I have an image of zombie Alex chasing Jesse down the dark streets of Roswell and trying to eat his brains...

not sure whether to thank you sarcastically or seriously for that notion. :lol:
Okay, going off topic for a minute, but.....

ROTFLMAO! Now that's one thing that I hadn't imagined. Think what a spoof fic it would make. Something like that campy b-grade zombie spoof movie "My Boyfriend's Back".


Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 10:53 pm
by SarahWhitman
What if they used the granolith (somehow) or another alien device, and went back in time to save Alex, etc? Maybe then, using the arguement that the gang would need to be portrayed as adults now, we could see how things would have turned out in the future of our season 1-early season 2 crew....just an idea.

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 11:16 pm
by Kzinti_Killer
There are a thousand ways in which to resurrect Alex. Everything from the G'Lith, to an alien hybrid clone...but judging from their past performance, TPTB don't have the imagination necessary to come up with something like that, or the skill required to make it work if they do. Ergo, they still don't have my support.

If they do something like that...along with sucking Jesse into non-existence, I'll consider seeing the (as yet hypothetical) movie. If they don't, I'll spend the money at McDonalds. In fact I'd probably enjoy the toys in the Happy Meal more than I would the movie. ;-)


Added in Edit: Personally though, the only "Alex resurrection" scenario that works for me, is one where he never died, and the crap that we were subjected to in season three never came to pass. After what they put us through, TPTB deserve to choke down the nice big helping of crow that would go with that. Now that I'd pay double price to see. Triple price.

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 11:47 am
by Roslover39
Here :!: Here :!:

I totally agree. Seeing the way they F@@@ed up a perfectly good show,

If a movie were possible TPTB would be wise to ask the fans what

they would be interested in seeing.( I know, I know that would never

happen) :cry:

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 9:40 pm
by Lorastar
Think they actually have any ideas what the storyline would be? Wouldn't it be cool to have a group of fan fic writers make a sample script to send to Katims and crew? *laughs* Not that they would care or it would do any good. But it could be fun. Says the girl trying to break into film.

Anywho. I don't think bringing Alex back for a movie would be a good idea. It's possible, but I just don't think it would work. The movie would have to focus on them five years later. Settled down somewhere, maybe? Happy aliens? Or still on the run aliens and humans?

Personally, I think if a film hasn't been made by now, it's not gonna be made. But it would be nice to see.

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 12:08 am
by Kzinti_Killer
Lorastar wrote:Anywho. I don't think bringing Alex back for a movie would be a good idea. It's possible, but I just don't think it would work.

Perhaps, and perhaps not. One thing that fan fiction has taught me is, with the proper writing, just about *anything* can be made to work.
The movie would have to focus on them five years later. Settled down somewhere, maybe? Happy aliens? Or still on the run aliens and humans?
As I stated before, I'd have zero interest in a movie that builds on where they left them at Graduation. The characters were so mutated that I have no interest in their future. Take it back to pre-Departure, and they have something solid to build on. Otherwise, no thanks.
Personally, I think if a film hasn't been made by now, it's not gonna be made.
I agree. That's why my money is on a "re-imagined" Roswell in ten years or so, with an entirely different cast and PTB.


Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 10:49 am
by Calinia
Kzinti_Killer wrote:As I stated before, I'd have zero interest in a movie that builds on where they left them at Graduation. The characters were so mutated that I have no interest in their future. Take it back to pre-Departure, and they have something solid to build on. Otherwise, no thanks.
I have to agree with this. I could hardly stomach S3, I would probably poke my eyes out with a rusty fork before watching a post-S3 movie.

The one scenario that works for me is the movie starting off post-S3, preferably with the world on the brink of ending (because that's the only way I can see post-S3 scenarios) and then they use the granolith to go back in time to change the course of events and wipe out everything that happened from HOM on (or even earlier). However, it would be hard to make a movie like that because then you'd need scenes with the S1 or S2 characters (depending on how far they go back in time) and the actors can hardly portray those anymore.

So nope, a Roswell movie doesn't work for me. Sorry.

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 2:51 pm
by Roslover39
We have so many talented writers here, I think it would be wonderful if

we could write and finance what we wanted to see. Iwatched

season 3 of Roswell last night, :cry: I just shook my head at how

took a wonderful show full of potential and f@@@ed it up beyond

recognition. :cry: DAMN THEM!!!