A Love Worth Dying For(Adult/CC) *Starting*

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Post by POM »

I'll take Max :wink:
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Post by Zansgirl »

:D We can start now. Thanx, POM.
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Post by POM »

[OCC: I'll post something for max tomorrow, I'm off to bed] :D
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Post by Zansgirl »

Ok, Awesome. :D
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Post by Zansgirl »


Working on the plantation is probably the best thing that has ever happened to me. My parents used to work here, then they died and the owners took me in and I am grateful. I live in the East wing of the house, which is the maids courters. I live there with my best friends Maria and Alexander, but he likes to be called Alex. There are other maids and workers that live in the house, but most of the workers have homes of their own on the plantion grounds.

I here the bell and it is telling all the maids that they have to start work. I see Annalynn, about to go when I stop her. "I'll get it Ann, you've been up all night, cleaning." I tell her and she smiles at me and says, "Thank you, Liz. Your so, kind." She tells me. I just smile and head towards Master Maxwells room.

I open the door as quietly as I can and can see he has not, yet lit the oil lamp, so he must still be asleep. I go over to the bed stand and quitly take the match box and retrieve a match from it only to strike it on the side of the table and lighy the lamp. Turning the nob to make the flame a little higher. Then I go to the fireplace and sit a fresh Pine log in the soot. I retrieve another match and strike one, yet again and set it in the fireplace. Watching as the new flames are born.

I go over to the window and grab ahold of the drapes and peek out. It is as sunny as if the sun had actually touched the land. I dare not open the drapes all the way, for none of the masters like sun light. It never accured to me before, how ackward that was.

I shrug my shoulders as I leave the window and start to pick up the dirty clothes scattered across the room, trying to be as quiet as I can, so I do not wake Master Maxwell. I go over and pick up a pare on his blue slacks. And when I pick them up, I see a rat skitter across the floor, which makes me jump and fall back onto the Masters bed.
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Post by KarenEvans »

An hour before sunrise~

I love riding at night especially when the moon is out,there isn't a cloud in the sky,moonlight bathing everything in that beautiful silvery light,there isn't anything better.Well,may be there is but I can't think about that now,it's been so long since I've seen a sun rise or a sunset,it's a distant memory,one I will never relive ever again.

So not thinking about it spares me the angst and frustration I feel when I think of the possibilities we could have had,had we been like the other plantation owners.Instead we rely solely on our field hands and overseer to do their jobs right by day.They know that we are entrusting them with our land but at the same time they know that we pay them and treat them well which isn't what I can say for most the other land owners.

Michael and Max are probably going over the accounting books or are in one of the neighbouring fields.At least they have each other to talk to,not that I don't talk to them but it's something different when you have female companionship.Our maids Maria and Liz are courteous and friendly but when I am awake they are asleep,so that doens't give me much of a chance to talk to them.They also see me as the mistress so they tend to keep their distance.

A sudden hoot jerks me away from my thoughts and I see an owl hunting and my hearing picks up the scurrying of small feet in between the rows of corn.The hunt is on.It's a beautiful and deadly game and I am addicted to it.I watch with fascination as the owl swoops down and grabs a rodent within it's sharp claws before flying off.

Turning the horse around I head back for the homestead,I need to be safely indoors before sunrise.The stables are quiet and I jump down from my mare,taking the reins I lead her in quietly to her stall and push the latch down securing it,rubbing her between the eyes for a second before leaving her.I walk briskly towards the house wondering what my brothers are up to and whether or not our staff think it strange that their masters only work by night.
Last edited by KarenEvans on Tue May 16, 2006 11:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


Another boring day. Another tedious round of chores. Don't get me wrong I am extremely grateful to have a home and a roof over my head, but I ,Marianna Deluca, crave excitment! I want more than these dreary four walls can provide. I yearn for adventure and danger. I want to see this vast beautiful world ,and witness all of it's crowing glory, or I'd settle for Master Michael to get his head out of the accounting books and give me a good once over.

I snicler mischeviously to myself. Elizabeth would scold me profusely for such bold talk ,but I can't help it. That man gives me shivers in places I didn't know I had. Still, I don't get my hopes up. It's been three years sinc I've realized the depths of my feelings for him ,and I can count every single syllable he's uttered to me in passing on one hand. Although I'll let you in on a secret. When I'm dusting or sweeping or anything equaly as boring I daydream about what it would be like to be lost in his embrace.

My blonde curls fight against the restraints of my hair ribbon so I let it free for just a moment. Running my hands though the silky strands I don't take notice when someone enters the sitting room. "Oh!" I jumped obviously surprised. "You startled me." Rather anxiously I pull my hair back up in a tight bun for tis not fitting for a maids hair to be down.


The sun's early light draws me reluctantly from slumber. I'd like to rest a tad longer ,but alas the horses won't run themselves. Pulling on some comfotable slacks and shirt I smooth my hair back into a low ponytail as is the fashion of most young men my age. There are several signs of life already starting throughout the vibrate house ,but none coming from the Masters themselves. Tis the most peculiar thing. They waste the entire day away in bed and only rise when the sun has set.

Several think it odd. I just assume if one has enough money you can just about live out any lifestyle you so desire. Speaking of desire... In walks the object of mine. The proud womans stands gracefully as she makes her entrance into the house and I can't help ,but stop and stare in awe and appreciation of her charm and beauty. "My lady." I acknowledge her presence with a courteous wave. "Was you ride satisfying?" I'd like to teach her about true

satisfaction.:wink:Still she is too dignified a person to mess around with the help. Although what she and I would do together would probably redefine the term entirely. I need to relinqish this fascination with my employor before I'm out of a home. I can't leave Maria and Liz it would simply break my heart.
Last edited by FaithfulAngel24 on Wed May 10, 2006 2:13 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by KarenEvans »


The light of dawn is just about beginning to appear in the eastern part of the sky and I hurry along,not wanting to get burnt,I barely notice him but hear his voice,"My Lady." I nod to acknowledge his presence

"Was your ride satisfying?" he asks.
I answer without stopping,"Yes,very.Thank you asking Alexander.And if you could tell Marcus to give Starlight a brush down this morning,I'd be very grateful."

With that being said I enter the dark house and rush upstairs to my bedroom to undress.Max and Michael must already be tucked in.
Last edited by KarenEvans on Tue May 16, 2006 11:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Zansgirl »

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Post by Fehr'sBear »


Less than an hour before sunrise, I get up from the accounting books and make my way out of the room. The house is quiet, and I figure that Max is probably asleep, and Isabel out riding until the last possible minute. But now, it's time for me to sleep, for the light is just barely beginning to rise in the sky, and it will soon be at a deadly brilliance. Well, deadly for us.

I walk noiselessly through to the sitting room, planning on cutting across to the bedroom when someone moves and speaks, startled. "Oh! You startled me."

I look, and I see one of the maids, Maria. She must be up late, or early, either way I did not mean to startle her.

"I'm sorry for startling you," I say quickly but politely with a smile, still in a good mood from the way the books were looking. Then I walk past her and into the bedroom, closing the door. But now I must sleep until nightfall.
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