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Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 2:27 am
by Elizabeth Kivana
Thanks for the feeback!

Liz2Infinity - I'm not sure I understand.
kittens - Yeah, me too.
Asabetha - Thanks.
irish_girl - Well, If I didn't leave you all wondering, what fun with it be?

Chapter 10

The week after, the group said their good bye’s to the dupes who then left Roswell to travel through the States. Liz and Ava promised to keep in contact to e-mail, which they kept. Liz would sit by her laptop every other night and write a huge letter only to find one of the same sizes the next night.

The group grew among each other again. Isabel and Alex decided to date after junior prom and they seemed so wonderful together. Michael and Maria actually made love the very same night. With protection of course. It seemed Amy DeLuca’s teaching were finally paying off.

Liz and Max were back to being the dreamer couple of the group with a bit of more maturity. With the Parkers, knowing the truth, they aliens felt more at ease. Max would often have sleepovers and as much Jeff wanted to forbid it, Nancy never allow it. She was still highly devoted towards her king and queen. Liz and Max would sit up for many hours and talk about a million things. Sometimes it was their past life or their present life, Tess and sometimes, they even talked about the future. They would laugh at the silly stories they would make up about their children. But in the end, they would smiling thinking how their children would be perfect. They just loved each other too much to have it any other way.

>End of Senior Year<

It’s 10th of June and I’m Liz Parker. Oh what a wonderful journey it had been for me. From being brought to life by Max to learning that he was truly my destiny, we have all come a long way. I still look up and wonder about that life. I have all these memories in my head now but they’re still not all that clear. But I know one thing though. I don’t like Max because he was Zan. I love him because he’s Max. The boy that stepped out of the tree. A man who touched me in a way nobody every would

~A few days earlier~

It was two days after Liz had received her first vision. Zan had told Max she would but until now, it was just a future power. Now it was real and here. She had seen a vision of a woman being shot by a man in the back alley. She and Max prevented that. But the moment the woman looked at them, she knew she couldn’t allow her to remember this day. She had used the power she hated the most that day, Tess’s mind warps on the woman, as well as the robber. Only she and Max would remember that day. And maybe it was for the best.

She shook her head clearing her head from that day. Instead, she focused on now. She and Max were on the balcony with candles lighted all around them. It was beautiful. -“There’s this trick I learned from Superman.”- Max finally spoke and turned his back from her. She tried to see what he was doing but she just couldn’t. But she felt him use his powers.

She waited as he did something more and then he finally turned to her, smiling. –“Max, what’s going on?”- she said, looking at him. He didn’t say anything, he just kneeled down before her. Instantly, her hand went over her mouth and her eyes shinned with joy.

“Liz, we both know that we happy, even for a short time in that other life. And we also know that we’re not them. We’re us. A little them and a little of humans. And to be honest, I wouldn’t want it any other way ‘cos, you’re the girl that I love. I don’t know what our future will be, neither us do, but I know now. And I know my love for you has survived two lifetimes and it can last for another 12.” – she paused as he opened his fist, showing her a small diamond. Her eyes fell to it for a second before looking back at him.

“Will you, Liz Parker, marry me?” – he finally said it. As soon as he did, she fell down to her knees and nodded. –“Yes.”- she answered simply. They both smiled at the same time and leaned in, kissing. It was official, they were to be wedded.

~Present Time~

Yeah, Max Evans proposed. And it didn’t take me a second to think about it. I knew my answer long before he even asked. I think he knew too. And I’m glad. When he asked me, it felt like it was about time. Finally, things were right. Max was proposing. Alright, in the last life, it was arranged. But it was real, for both of us, the love, just like it is now.

~Next day~

The following day, Max picked Liz up for school. As she got into the jeep, she leaned in and kissed him. For a moment, she didn’t even see Isabel in the back. As their lips parted, she turned her head to the back and smiled, getting a smile back. –“Did he tell you?”- she asked right away. Isabel was Max’s sister and Liz’s best friend in another life. And even since last year, they had become a lot closer.

A nod was an enough answer. –“I think the ten minutes that he waited was hell.”- he added, smiling. Liz only giggled and kissed Max on the cheek before he drove to school.

~Later that day~

“So what is this all about?” – Michael asked inpatient as usual. There was a game on and he really didn’t want to deal with anything before it was over. He sat by the counter with Maria beside him. Isabel, Alex and Kyle sat on the couch while Liz and Max stood on the center. –“The game can wait.”- she hissed at him and then smiled.

”Alright, so we have something to say.” – Max said, after smiling at his fiancé. –“Make it quick!”- Michael added, earning a death glare from Liz, to which he instantly shut up and looked away. Maria just smiled. –“Liz and I are getting married.”- he finally said causing a lot of replays at the same time. ‘What’ ‘When’ ‘Chica, wow!’ ‘When did this happen?’ ‘I already knew’. The last comment stopped everything else. They all looked at Isabel. –“What?”- she asked, not sure how she became the main attraction of the night.

”Why did she knew before me?” – Maria asked, looking at Liz. –“Ria, it’s not like that. Max told her.”- she just added but it didn’t really help her. –“I’m sorry. We wanted to tell everyone together but he just couldn’t hold his tongue. I’m sorry.”

“I’m just playing you, Chica.” – Maria suddenly said as the smile returned to her face. Liz only shook her head as Max leaned in and kissed her forehead.

The rest of the evening was spent talking about how Max proposed, what the idea of the wedding was and things as that. Knowing what needed to be done, Liz turned to Isabel, who clearly was just waiting for this. –“Would you?”- she only asked and got a nod. –“I thought you’d never ask!”- she only said. –“So bridesmaids!”- Maria jumped right after that.

“That’s easy.” – Liz paused and looked one side and then next. –“You two, Ava and Lonnie.”- she said shorty. Isabel was already taking notes. She turned to her brother. –“Best men, Max?”- she asked him.

Max paused for a second not sure what to say. –“I’ll just follow Liz’s example. You three, Zan and Rath.”- he said. Isabel added it right away. –“Alright, that would be the basics. Now, Liz . . . ”- she paused as Alex put his hand over hers. –“Hunny, maybe you should start tomorrow?”- he suggest and she smiled, nodding.

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 2:36 pm
by Elizabeth Kivana
Thanks for the feeback!

aussietrueblue - Nope, sorry, that's it.


It’s December 24, 2005 and I’m Liz Evans. It’s been like three years since Max and I married. It was absolutely beautiful. Isabel is truly a Goddess at what she does. I even suggest her to make a profession out of it. To my surprise, she’s taken it. And she opened her own business ‘Isabel’, what a surprise there. But somehow me, Lonnie and Ava got into it. Why don’t I start from the beginning?

We had the wedding outside and there was like a million people. Even the protector Kal showed up. He turned out to be my mom’s brother. Imagine my surprise. Anyway, bridesmaids were as said, as well as best men and my dad took me down the ail. People were pretty surprised with all the twins but we asked them right away not to ask too much questions and stare.

After the wedding, the dupes asked if they could settle down in Roswell. We didn’t mind. Like I said, Isabel opened her company for all kinds of parties. Lonnie, Ava and I partner it. Maria was supposed to be part of it but she bailed with the wedding.

The ceremony was simple was beautiful. I still remember all of it. How could I not. It was the day I became Mrs. Max Evans. About a month later, Michael and Maria eloped. But not to feel left out, they came to the diner where we celebrated it. It wasn’t a day after that I had the best news ever. Nine months later came Amanda Velondra Evans. She has her father’s eyes and my hair. Officially, Michael and Maria re the Godparents but I told them after that they all were.

Alex and Isabel came around soon enough. They engaged about two month later. Unlike the four of us, they decided to take it slow. This worked for them. Ava and Zan tied the not long after but Lonnie and Rath decided to keep it single. Lonnie explained to me that it was so she could stick her tongue at all us tied down. To which I just had to laugh.

Well, I guess that’s where it ends. My journey has been amazing. My path confusing. But I still keep my grandmother’s words in mind, to always follow my heart. When I didn’t I failed. I took me to all the wrong places. That whole summer that I was away Max, my heart screaming to me that he was right, I was his destiny but my mind didn’t listen. We were both at loss for those few months. I don’t think I’ll ever forgive myself.

So this it. From now on, we are to live as normal as possible with a little alien help. We are family, small and happy and we don’t need anyone else to be at peace. Without Max, my world be nothing but with him, it’s everything. In the end, all I can say it – I’m Liz Parker and I can offer you is the wise words my grandmother left to me to always follow your heart. That’s the key to happiness.

The End.