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Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 8:03 am
by Darkstar
Four Square From The Start
Chapter 5B: Into The Woods

A/N: Sorry that this is such a short chapter, but I’m trying to get back into the swing of things after my two month hiatus. The next one will be longer.

Quote of the Day:
Rocco: I killed your cat, you druggie bitch.
Donna: What? Why?
Rocco: I thought it would bring closure to our relationship.
~Boondock Saints~

Roswell High School- Friday, December 5th, 1999
The buses are all ready and waiting for the students and parents going camping to get on as Tess and David Harding pull up in the Harding’s little chevette. Tess gets out and looks at the bus, letting out a sigh as she stares at her fate for the next couple of days.
“I cannot believe that I’m doing this.” Tess complains to herself. Her look brightens slightly when she sees Isabel walking over.
“Hey.” Isabel greets, not looking too thrilled about the prospect of spending the next 48 hours out in the woods either.
“Morning.” Tess replies with a like wise tone of voice.
David looks over at the two girls. “Oh come on, it’s gonna be fun.” He says, hoping to raise their spirits but they just shrug. Jeff Parker’s car pulls up next to where Tess and Isabel were standing as the two alien girls walk away going off to find Max.
Liz and Maria get out of Jeff’s car and start collecting their stuff.
“I can’t believe that you bribed me to go on this stupid trip with you.” Maria complains.
“Sixty-seven dollars should be enough to keep you quiet. Come on Maria, it’ll be fun.”
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever.” Maria grouses as she hauls her bag out of the truck of the car.
Alex is standing a few yards away as his dad pulls into the parking lot. He waits until his dad opens the car door and then greets him.
“Hey dad, I’m so glad that you could make it at the last minute like this.” Alex says.
“Are you sure you really want to do this?” Mr. Whitman asks, offhandedly, obviously not to keen on making the trip either.
“Yeah dad, I’m sure.” Alex replies quickly, glancing over at Isabel, who catches the look and gives a small smile.
Isabel turns and faces Max and Tess. She shifts uncomfortably, biting her lip.
“Uh, guys. There’s something I need to tell you before we go on this trip.” Isabel says hesitantly. Max and Tess turn to look at her.
“What is it?” Max asks.
“I think that the sighting was Nasedo.” Isabel says so that only Max and Tess can hear.
“What makes you say that?” Tess asks, slightly perturbed.
“Last month, someone disguised as Michael came into my house and left a symbol that was like an X with a picture of each one of us at the ends of each line. He did it when I was on the phone with Max, and when I found out that the real Michael was with Max, I turned and he was gone.” Isabel explains. “Above the symbol he wrote ‘Watch for the signs. I freaked out and used my powers to erase the message. Nasedo’s here and he’s trying to make contact with us.”
Tess is silent for a moment before blurting.
“Why’d you wait a month to tell us this?”
“I was scared.” Isabel replies.
“Well, we can sort it out when we get there. The bus is about to leave.” Max says.
The two alien girls nod and then the three of them grab their stuff and head for the bus. After they have walked away, Kyle Valenti walks out from where he was standing out of sight behind the van parked next to Max’s jeep. He has heard everything


Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 4:35 am
by Darkstar
Four Square from The Start
Part 5C: Into the Woods pt2

A/N: No quote this time, but I would like to give a very special thanks to Misha for the new banner.
A/N 2: See as how she was not raised by Nasedo, but by David and Eileen Harding, Tess also has a younger sister named Tamara, who will be

Jervis Park
Michael comes storming out of the trailer, fresh off from the most recent fight with Hank. He is carrying a gallon of milk and looks furious as he heads for the picnic table in what could be considered the front yard. He is about to sit down, but stops at the sight of Riverdog. The two of them lock eyes for a few moments, then Riverdog turns and starts to walk away. Michael quickly discards the milk carton onto the table and hurries after the departing native American.
“Wait!” Michael call out, causing Riverdog to stop in his tracks. Michael jogs up to the elder man. What are you doing here?”
“Did you see it?” Riverdog asks urgently.
Michael looks confused. “See what, what are you-“ he pauses. “The sighting in Frasier Woods. It was real, wasn’t it?”
“It was him.” Riverdog reveals. “Nasedo has come back to Roswell.”

Frasier Woods – Parking Lot
The caravan of school buses come to a halt, and the students and their fathers start to get off of the buses. Tess, Isabel and Max get off of one of the buses, David Harding, Tess’ younger sister Tamara, and Phillip Parker following. A few moments later, Kyle and Jim Valenti get off as well. Jim goes to help get the stuff off of the bus. Kyle hesitates for a moment, glancing off at Max, Isabel and Tess, who he recently discovered the secret of. He looks unsure as to what to do. He is contemplating telling his dad that he knows but also weighing Tess’ words to him a month and he visibly shudder at the thought at what the petite blonde he previously thought harmless could do to him. After a moment he shakes his head and goes to help his dad with their stuff. He doesn’t say anything about what he knows.

Frasier Woods – Campsite
Max and Isabel are working on setting up the tent that they would be staying in for the weekend. Tess and her sister are nearby, but neither are having much luck with getting it put up. Max glances over at Tess who is just barely restraining herself from using her powers to get the job done. He starts to walk over to help, but Kyle beats him to the punch. Max stops as Kyle grabs the main pole and ties the top of the tent canvas to it so that it is fully erect. Max turns and heads away as Tess looks at Kyle in surprise at the unexpected help.
“Uh, thanks I guess.” Tess says after a few quiet moments. “Not to sound ungrateful, but why the help? I thought you weren’t doing me any more favors.”
Kyle glanced over at where Max and Isabel were finishing setting up their campsite, then making sure that Tamara is out of hearing view, he leans in and puts his mouth close to her ear.
“I know what you are.” Kyle whispers, and Tess’ eyes go wide. She starts to back off, but Kyle stops her. “Relax, I haven’t told my dad or anyone else.”
Tess looks at him through frightened eyes. “What do you want Kyle?” She asks, lip quivering slightly and casting a terrified look at him.
“I didn’t come here to threaten you or expose you, and I don’t want anything. I just want to know the truth.” Kyle says.
Tess glances at her younger sister, then at Max and Isabel, who are now talking to Liz and Alex.
“Okay, I’ll tell you everything, as long as you swear not to tell anyone, ever.’ Tess says after a moment.
“I swear that I will not tell anyone Tess.” Kyle says.
“We should probably go somewhere private to talk about it.” Tess says and leads Kyle away to tell him her story.


Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 9:48 pm
by Darkstar
Four Square from the Start
Part 5D: Reconciliations

Frasier Woods Campsites
Tess quietly unzips the lining of her tent, taking extra care not to wake her younger sister Tamara. She gets out of the tent, fully dressed in a warm winter parka and moves over to where Max and Isabel are waiting for her and the three pass by the not quite sleeping Maria and Liz, then Kyle and Jim.. Liz opens her eyes and quickly gets dressed. She then follows the aliens. Jim Valenti watches from afar and moves to follow, but a gloved hand with a cloth slams over his mouth, knocking him out with chloroform. After a moment, Jim falls to the ground unconscious and Kyle stands over his father’s limp form.
“Good luck guys.” He whispers to himself.

Frasier Woods
Max, Isabel and Tess are walking at a brisk pace, heading away from the campsite when Isabel turns around and stares at the darkened foliage.
“You can come out now, we’ve known that you’ve been following us for the last half mile.” She calls impatiently and ‘the three amigos’ as Tess and Isabel have dubbed them come into view, Alex leading.
“Was the sighting real then?” Maria asks, confused.
“That’s what we’re trying to figure out.” Tess replies quickly, not wanting to waste time with unnecessary pleasantries.
“Can we come?” Alex asks hopefully.
“Fine, whatever, let’s just go. Please.” Tess says, secretly wishing that Kyle had come as well and slightly disappointed that he had opted to protect her secret by taking care of his father. She and Isabel continue walking, giving the others the choice of either following or going home without finding what the sighting was all about.

Elsewhere, Frasier Woods
Michael and Riverdog are making good headway towards the spot of the alleged crash. They begin to make their way down an outcropping of large rocks when Riverdog falls and twists his ankle, causing him to go down hard.
“Oomph!” He grunts as he hits the ground. Michael is next to him in an instant.
“Are you alright?” Michael asks concerned.
“I think that I broke my ankle. You’ll have to go on without me, it isn’t far.” Riverdog says, clutching his leg in pain. Michael doesn’t look like he believes him at all.
Why don’t you fix it then?” Michael asks, somewhat impatiently.
“What?” Riverdog replies in confusion.
“Heal yourself. I mean you’re him right. You know all of this stuff about us, even before we did. And you want me. Max, Izzy and Tess to believe it’s all coincidence.”
“You think that I’m Nasedo?” Riverdog asks, and Michael nods in confirmation.
“You haven’t done anything to show me otherwise.” Michael says.
“I’m sorry Michael, but I’m not your father.” Riverdog says.
“Well, I had to be sure, right.” Michael says and holds his hand over Riverdog’s ankle, healing it.

Sighting Site- Frazier Woods
Max, Liz, Tess, Isabel, Maria and Alex walk up to the cave entrance, just as Michael and Riverdog arrive from the other direction. The two groups regard one another in surprise.
“What are you doing here?” Tess asks, perplexed.
“The same reason as you, I suspect.” Riverdog replies. “Hurry, we haven’t much time before the mark will fade.”
He leads the seven eager teenagers over to a burned out spot in the grass. As if drawn to the spot, Max, Michael, Isabel and Tess crouch down and run their hands over the surface, making it glow and reveal a glowing version of the symbol Isabe found in the kitchen of the Evans’ house a month back.
“Wow.” Liz says aloud and the other seven can only nod in agreement at the sight.


Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 3:59 pm
by Darkstar
Four Square From The Start
Part 6A: Christmas Tidings and Arguments

Two Weeks Earlier
Frasier Woods
Nasedo smirked to himself as he laid down another clue for his four young charges to find so that they would know that he was watching them from afar. As he finished he let out a heavy sigh and popped back a couple of painkillers. He smirks to himself.
“Soon, the signal shall be sent and then I can go home.”

Roswell Town Square
Max and Liz are walking down a crowded sidewalk, taking in the sights of all the Christmas decorations hanging in the storefront windows.
“This is really beautiful Max. I’m glad that we’re together on this now.” Liz remarks happily.
I’m glad too, and you’re far more beautiful than any of all this.” Max replies with a grin.
The young couple makes their way over to the Crashdown, where the rest of the pod squad and the other three members of the ‘I know an Alien Club are waiting. They enter and both Kyle and Tess look over from where they’re both enjoying a blood of alien smoothie. Kyle is wearing his football jersey, and Tess is dressed in the UFO Center uniform, a souvenir of the job that Max helped her to get. Alex, Maria and Alex are sitting at the counter, and Michael is working the grill in the back room, the restaurant is empty other than them. Liz smiles, then turns and flips the open/closed sign and locks the door.
“Finally got a chance to be alone to talk about what we’re going to do about the signs.” Max says and begins the discussion to fill Kyle in on what they discoverered out in Frazier Woods, and the rest of the sotry that had been unfolding for the last couple of months in Roswell..
About a half an hour later, Max is exhausted from all the explaining and Kyle looks thoughtful.
“So if this Nasedo guy is looking for you to take you home, that means you’d be leaving permanently, right? Journey to a new world and all that junk?” Kyle asks and all four aliens nod. “Sounds fun, where do I sign up?”
“This isn’t a game Kyle, there is no signing up. Besides all we know about Nasedo is that he’s killed and is a potential threat to us.” Isabel says.
“Oh come on Issy.” Michael retorts, with a roll of the eyes. “He wants to help us. That’s why he’s been leaving us all these signs.”
“If he truly wants to help you, then why has he been waiting in the wings so to speak for so long? He knows who you are and where you are, why wait? He’s planning.” Alex says, throwing a comforting arm around Isabel’s shoulder and she leans into his embrace.
“You don’t know what it’s like for me Alex, you’ve never met my foster dad. I need something better than Roswell, New Mexico.”
“Would that something better include me?” Maria asks timidly, and Michael looks at her.
“If you wanted to come, I guess you could.” Michael says after a moment.
“Look, no one’s gonna do anything stupid until we get a better idea of what we’re up against here.” Comes a new voice, and the eight teens turn to see the Sheriff standing in the now unlocked door.


Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 10:35 am
by Darkstar
Four Square from the Start
Part 6B: Old Friends, New Enemies

A/N: Let’s all pretend that the gang are all seniors. ;) This Story is going to get extremely AU and possibly become a Firefly crossover for when the group heads off for Antar around part 10. That will be where this story ends and will be continued in Antar Ho!
A/N2: Due to a poll I conducted via pms and posts, Serena will be portrayed by Jewel Staite. She will essentially be taking on Tess’ entrance into the series, but not her personality or deceit. She has met Max, Michael, Isabel and Tess before, when the Evans’ took them on vacation to California when they were 13. She is an alien as well, and has formidable powers of her own. ENJOY

Crashdown Café
Max and the others watch in shock as Jim Valenti steps out of the threshold of the door leading into the Crashdown.
“I thought that you locked the door.” Michael mutters. “We should just post a school bulletin letting the whole world know.”
“I’d strongly prefer you didn’t do that Michael. Having the FBI here in full force would put a serious damper on my day to day operations, as I’m sure you know and agree.” Jim says. “I have no intent to cause you harm, I just need you to trust me over the next couple of days.”
“And why would we want to do that?” Michael asks contemptuously.
“Because there is a man on his way here. A bon-a-fide alien hunter named Everett Hubble, and he’s got more than just the convention this weekend on his mind.”
“What are you talking about?” Liz asks, slightly unnerved that the sheriff was so able to bypass the security system so easily.
“His wife was murdered 30 years ago, by the one you know as Nasedo.”

Greyhound Bus from Santa Fe to Roswell
The 11 p.m. bus to the Alien Capital of the world is packed to the brim, full of alien nuts and experts, all looking to make it a memorable weekend. There are two other people on the bus, however that are going to Roswell for very different reasons. One is an alien hunter searching for the creature who killed his wife, and the other is a teenaged alien girl in search of her family. The former is none other than Everett Hubble, and the latter is Serena Crowley. The bus pulls into the parking lot of the bus depot of Roswell and the passengers slowly disperse and go their separate ways.

Roswell High
Tess and Isabel and Alex are sitting at their usual lunch table, eating. The same girl from the bus is slowly walking up to them, unsure on how to proceed. As if on cue, Tess and Isabel sense a familiar presence behind them and turn around, gaping in shock at who they see.
“Serena?” Tess asks in disbelief, and the young redhead nods in acknowledgement. “Well come and sit down.”
Serena grins and moves over to their table, taking a seat next to Alex.
“Alex, this is Serena Crowley, Serena- Alex Whitman. He is one of a couple humans who we trusted with our secret.” Isabel introduces.
“Hey.” Serena says with a grin and a nod., reaching out to shake Alex’s hand, and happy that it would be a new beginning for her, something she was sure would never happen since the murder of her parents.


Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 3:41 pm
by Darkstar
Four Square from the Start
Part 7A: The Convention, pt. 1

Quote of the Day:
“The only reason I exist is so that my shadow will have something to do.”
~Steven Wright~

UFO Center- 24 hours after the arrival of Serena and Hubble
The Center is decked out to the nines with convention paraphernalia and information booths relating to all sorts of alien sightings and the ‘alleged’ 1947 crash. Max, Tess and Serena, the UFO Center’s newest victim, look at the displays proudly, pleased with their handiwork.
“Are we sure there’s nothing else that Milton needs?” Serena asks, ever the overachiever.
“Just us to stick around and answer the tourists questions about alien stuff.” Max replies.
“Which shouldn’t be too hard, considering our heritage.” Tess adds, a smirk on her face.
Both Max and Serena wince at the irony that Tess’ statement holds, alien crazy tourists getting lectured by actual aliens. Sighing the three go back to work.

Georges’ Motel
Everett Hubble is sitting on the motel bed, looking through his notes for the round table discussion when a knock comes on the door. He quickly stands and goes over to open it. There is a middle-aged balding man standing there.
“Can I help you?” Hubble asks, figuring that the man is a door to door salesman or perhaps a Jehovah’s Witness.
“My duty is to protect the Royal Four, you are standing in the way of my goal. Die quietly.” The man says, and holds his hand to Hubble’s chest. There is a bright flash and Hubble is sent flying backwards into the far wall of the motel room. He’s dead before he hits the ground.


Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 7:23 pm
by Darkstar
Four Square from the Start
Part 7: Crazy

A/N: The characterization of Serena is from a story I wrote years ago about three teenagers who were mutants like in the x-men. The story never really fell through with anyone, so I gave up on it. Lucky for me, one of the characters was named Serena, so instant Roswell tie-in. The other two characters, Jade and Tobias will join the gang at the end of this story, being portrayed by Katharine Isabelle and Kris Lemche respectively and have major parts in Antar Ho!

Roswell Police Station
Jim Valenti was not happy. In the weeks following his discovery of the otherworldly status of Max and Isabel Evans, Michael Guerin and Theresa ‘Tess’ Harding, there had been a rash of unsolved murders throughout the county, the most recent taking place right here in Roswell to unsuspecting Everett Hubble. He sighed and rubbed his palms against his forehead distractedly, not really wanting to study the damned casefiles anymore. His wish was almost immediately answered as a small pebble bounced off the barred window. He quickly got up and looked down into the alleyway below. There was a figure standing there with a hood over his/her head and a couple wisps of bright, but disheveled blonde hair. With a shake of his head, he grabbed his coat and holster, then made his way down into the main part of the department and out the front door. He heads over to the alleyway, quietly drawing his pistol.
“Alright, come on out of there.” He calls, gun at the ready. After waiting for a few moments, then an exxtremely dirty and frightened looking Kathleen Topolski comes out of the shadows. Jim is stunned into silence for a moment. “Ms. Topolski, you left without saying goodbye.”
“I had to warn you. Max and the others are in danger.” Topolski says in a stage whisper.
“Danger from who?” Jim asks. “The FBI?”
“It’s so much worse than that.” Topolski tells him. When my cover was blown, I was sent back to Washington. That's when I found out about the special unit. Alien hunters.”
“That sounds a little bit crazy, Kathleen.”
“I’m not finished. I was the first agent to make direct contact with...with the subject. I spent 4 weeks being debriefed by the agent in charge. His name is Pierce. And after what he did to me, I'd hate to see how he'd treat the enemy. When it was over, that's when he told me I was theirs for life. Once you know about the unit, you don't get out.”
“I think that you could use some psychological help.”
“Did you really think that you could cover up Hubble’s death with out sending up a red flag?”
“How did you-“
“Hubble was a UFO nut, they all get tracked. The point of the matter is that the special unit has a list. Your name is on the list. Max’s sister Isabel is on that list. Elizabeth Parker. Alex Whitman. You’ve gotta protect them Jim. I have to-”
Whatever Topolski is about to say is drowned out by a deafening boom. Jim throws his hands over his head as if to ward off an invisible attacker, then looks over to where Topolski had been standing. She is now lying facedown in a pool of blood that is growing bigger by the second.
“Oh gods no.” Jim yells, then runs over to Topolski’s limp form. He checks for a pulse but she’s dead.

UFO Center
Tess and Serena are working on getting the last of the extra stuff from the convention.
“So the sheriff knows about you?” Serena asks, slightly perturbed that they had trusted a law official with their secret, Serena didn’t think that she’d ever be able to trust anyone else who wasn’t an alien. “You guys haven’t told him about me yet have you?”
Tess shakes her head. “That wouldn’t be right. It’s up to you if you want to trust him. But I can tell you that he has had more than a month to report us to the Federal Government, and hasn’t done so.”
“Yeah but what if…” Serena stops talking at the sight of the sheriff standing at the bottom of the stairs that lead into the center.

Half an Hour Later
Crashdown Café
The entire gang is gathered together in the small restaurant.
“Topolski huh?” Kyle says. “Never would have guessed her for a government agent.”
“Doesn’t matter much, now that she’s dead.” Maria mutters
“So you didn’t get a look at the shooter?” Michael asks, and Jim shakes his head.
“I highly doubt we have to worry about the shooter, as he’s already in the room.” Jim’s voice says, and all ten people in the room turn to see Jim standing in the doorway, his gun pointed at the man wearing his face.


Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 3:27 pm
by Darkstar
Four Square from the Start
Part 7B: Antarians Cometh

Max, Liz, Serena and Tess back away from ‘Jim’ as quickly as they can, Serena and Max raising their hands up in case they need to blast the imposter.
“Nasedo?” Michael asks, and the fake Jim nods.
“I’ve been watching the five of you for a while now. Where are the other two?” Nasedo asks.
“The five of them?” Jim asks bewildered, still unaware of Serena’s otherworldly status.
“Yeah, Mr. Valenti.” Serena says, taking a chance. “I’m an alien too.”
“Oh, well, that answers one of my many questions.” Jim says offhandedly.
“Mine as well.” Comes a male voice from behind the sheriff. Jim turns around to reveal a man in his mid-twenties with short black hair standing there in an expensive suit.
“Who the heck are you?” Jim asks.
“My name is Daniel Pierce and I’m taking charge of all the aliens in this room.” The man says with an evil glint in his eye. He steps out of the way and ten men wearing combat gear flood the entrance.
“Get out of here!” Jim yells, and all the Roswellians make a break for the back, but are all taken down with tazers. Nasedo manages to get away however.
Pierce stands over the fallen forms of the nine teenagers and the sheriff.
“Take the subject and the girl who just admitted to being an alien as well.” Pierce says, turning to his men.
The men comply and grab Max and Serena hastily and make for the exit, but there are now two new people standing there, dressed in punked out clothing. One is a girl with shoulder length red and black dyed hair, and the other is a guy with high spiky black hair.
“Ah look Toby, another goon squad.” The girl says. “Looks kinda like the one they sent after us last month.”
“I think yer right Jade.” The guy agrees. “Let’s mess these dudes up.”
Suddenly there is a huge explosion of light and Pierce is thrown backwards. When he gets up, he finds that all of his men have been disabled and both Tobias and Jade are standing strong, their hands reaching out, ready to blast again. Pierce goes to run away, but gets hit by a small blast from Toby. Jade moves over to him quickly and grabs him by the lapels of his jacket. She forces him to stare into the deep depths of her dark green eyes.
“You will forget about what happened in Roswell today. You will forget about Max Evans and his friends. You will forget about me and Toby, and you will return to DC and report that you were unable to find anything on aliens here in Roswell.” Jade says harshly, brushing her mind against his, washing away the thoughts of bias and the memories of what he found out.
Nasedo comes back in and nods to the two aliens who had previously been unaccounted for.
“Good work you two.” Nasedo acknowledges. “Come, you and the others must finally be informed of your destiny.”


Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:35 pm
by Darkstar
Four Square from the Start
Part 8A: Destiny

Nasedo drove Jade’s van up to the rock outcropping that he had designed to house the pod chamber for the Royal Four years ago, right before he delivered the pods of their three most trusted lieutenants to Langley in Los Angeles for safekeeping. Now fifty years later, he has finally come back to where it all started.
“Hey the small blonde one is waking up.” Toby announces
“That’s your queen. Ava. She goes by Tess now.” Nasedo says gruffly.
“Owww…” Tess moans as she comes to and feels the aftereffects of the tazer burns on her upper back and shoulder. She opens her eyes and sees Jade and Toby sitting in the swivel chairs nearby. “What have you done with the others?” she demands, immediately noting the distinct absence of Jim, Kyle, Maria, Liz and Alex in the van. “Where are the others?”
“They’re safe. And you need not worry about that Pierce dude anymore either. He’s been taken care of.” Nasedo assures her. “Soon the seven of you will return to Antar and free our people from a seventy year enslavement from the tyrant Khivar.”
“Who?” Isabel asks groggily, waking up as well.
“Just a little longer Princess, and then you will have all your answers.” Nasedo promises.
“I don’t understand why you can’t just tell us yourself.” Jade complains.
“It is not among my duties to inform you of your destiny, just to protect you and lead you down the right path that will allow you to uncover your destiny. I am not the king.” Nasedo says, indifferently.
“If you’re not the leader, then who is?” Max asks, as he, Michael and Serena come too. Nasedo turns around and gives Max a pointed look. The other six aliens in the vehicle look at him in surprise. “Oh.” Max says sheepishly.
“We’re here.” Nasedo says as he pulls the van to a stop.

Pod Chamber
The stones shift out of the way, flooding the early morning light into the chamber. Max and Isabel enter first with Nasedo, followed by Michael, Tess and Serena and Jade and Toby bring up the rear.
“So what is this place anyways?” Jade asks impatiently.
“This is where it all started for the seven of you. The technology in here is what I was able to salvage of the ship that we crashed in, way back in 1947. Max, Michael, Isabel and Tess were born here, but I made a miscalculation on the exact time of birth, and so you were lost to me for many years and are not at your full potential. Never the matter, you will all be trained to use your powers effectively on our return trip to Antar.” Nasedo explains.
“Return trip?” Michael asks eagerly.
“Of course, did you really think that they were going to leave us on this forsaken rock?” Nasedo retorts.
“But this is the only home that we’ve ever known.” Isabel says, defensively.
“Actually, it isn’t.” Nasedo corrects. “There are three orbs in here that will help you to iunderstand how urgent it is that you accept your destiny.” Nasedo says, indicating three oval shaped artifacts lying on an small alcove.
Max and Tess move to take one, Michael and Isabel another, leaving Serena, Toby and Jade to take the last one.
After a couple moments of silence, the orbs begin to glow, sending three separate beams of light into one concentrated area. The beams form the figure of a beautiful woman. She begins to speak.
“If you are seeing me now, it means that you are alive and well. I take this form because it will be familiar to you, and it will help you to understand what I am about to say. You have lived before. You perished in the conflict that enslaves our planet but your essence was duplicated, cloned, and mixed with human genetic materials so that you might be recreated into human beings. My son, you were the beloved leader of our people. I have sent with you your young bride. My daughter, the man you were betrothed to, and your brother's second-in-command. Also sent with you, were your three most trusted lieutenants; Rya, Deena, and Krys. You seven our the last hope for our survival. In six of your Earth months following this broadcast, a transport ship will touchdown in Roswell, New Mexico to take you home and back to me so that you may free our people. Remember that I love you and look forward to holding you in my arms again. End of transmission.”
The figure fades away, and the seven young aliens look at eachother, looking for a closure that would take six more months to come.

Max and Tess decided that they would be better off as friends, rather than lovers immediately, as did Michael and Isabel, leaving Kyle and Tess to become a couple, as well as Michael and Maria.
Four months passed with out a hitch. Toby and Jade joined the gang at school and that June, the seven of them graduated from West Roswell High.
Nasedo disappeared after a while, saying that he had business to take care of elsewhere and that he would be back in time leave.
Two months after their graduation, just as promised, NASA picked up a large unidentified flying object entering Earth’s atmosphere directly above Roswell, New Mexico. . .