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Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 1:55 pm
by isabelle
Bio for Max

Name: Maxwell Phillip Evans
Age: 29

History: Max never had any real serious girl-friends and has stuck to his studies for the most part. He's finished med-school and is working on his residency. He wants a girl-friend but he's not sure where to start. He blames his busy schedule but really he's just afraid to put himself out. He has several good friends, (both male and female) but he's not trying to change his life right now.

He loves his sister and brother although he's seen very little of Michael lately. It saddens him, as they used to be very close, but there doesn't seem to be anything he can do to change that. He still sees and talks to Isabel and his parents several times a week, in spite of his hectic schedule.

Personality: Max is open and friendly-- to a point. He doesn't let too many people see all the way inside. Still, he's a very likeable and caring person -- sorta like everybody's big brother.

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 10:59 am
by Corina Star
Name: Alex


Age: 27
Personality: Alex is a very lean back guy. He knows where he's going and how to get there and doesn't need a map. Alex can be very protective over his sister Maria and best friend Liz. Don't get him wrong he can have a sense of humor but it all depends on his mood. He loves his sister to death, so she is very important.

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 9:50 am
by littleroswell

I'm at the office, looking over a couple of files when my phone rings. I pick it up glancing at the clock. It's still a little early for most people but I'm a busy man. "Phillip Evans," I say into the receiver.

"Mr. Evans, my name is Kathleen Starks. I work for Roswell Memorial Hospital and we have you listed as an emergency contact for a Mr. Michael Evans..." a feminine voice says on the other end.

I immediately drop everything I'm doing and she has my full attention. The hospital is calling about Michael. "Yes, yes, I'm his father. Is he ok? What happened? What's wrong?" A thousand horrible scenarios run through my brain and I try to shake them off in order to pay attention to this Kathleen whoever and get done what needs to be done.

"Sir, he's been in an accident and we were asked to have you come here to the hospital. He's still alive but I'm not really sure of his condition or the details. I was just told to call and ask you to come," she answers me.

Great, that's just great! They give someone the job of calling and stressing out the family without any details. "I'll be there as fast as I can," I say and hang up without waiting for an answer. I pick the phone back up as I grab my briefcase and my coat and dial the number for the house. I wait for Diane to answer it, impatiently searching for my keys.

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 8:46 am
by littleroswell

Now, I don't want to panic my wife but there are only so many ways you can say that your son is in the hospital and you don't know any details except that he's alive. "Diane, honey, I'm afraid I got a phone call from Roswell Memorial. Apparently Michael has been in some kind of accident and they want us to come down there. Can you call Max and Isabel and have them all meet us there?"

I finally locate my keys. They are actually in an ashtray that Max made in school when he was eight. I've never smoked but I told him I would use it to hold my keys so I always know where they are. Go figure that I actually used it this morning for that! I glance at the picture of Michael that sits on my desk and sigh. He was always different from Max and Isabel. He always had so many dreams and ambitions and I just found him pulling away further and further over the years. We didn't even see him at Christmas the past two years. What did we do wrong with him? What made him pull away when Max and Isabel are so happy to be around their family?

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 8:00 am
by littleroswell

I quickly sign my name on some paperwork for my secretary then mouth for her to cancel or reschedule all my appointments for the day. Then into the receiver, I tell my wife, "Yeah, I'm heading for the hospital right now. You meet me there as soon as you can, lovie. I'm sure it's nothing too serious. I love you and I'll see you at the hospital." I make a kissing sound into the phone and hang up. With some last minute instructions to my secretary, I'm out the door, in my mercedes and heading down the road toward Roswell Memorial.

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 3:31 pm
by isabelle

"Here you go," I say, handing over the prescription for pain-killers and a follow-up x-ray in four weeks. The man is gingerly holding his shattered hand, now wrapped in plaster with his arm in a sling. He'd come in hours ago. I'd sent him for x-rays, then set the hand. Three carpal fractures and four meta-carpals. That's not going to be fun.

The patient takes the slip with his other hand, his face still tight with pain even though I'd already given him a shot. I know it has to be very uncomfortable.

"Next time you have a fight with your wife, I'd suggest you'd stick to just shouting and skip the part where you punch the walls," I say. Truthfully, I'm glad he did chose the wall as his target and not the wife. At least this way he'd only injured himself.

The man grimaces and nods. "Yeah, I'll do that," he says, sliding off the exam table and putting the script in the bag with the other printed instructions I'd given him for taking care of the cast and his hand. In that package, I'd also included a brochure for anger-management classes, although I'm not at all sure if he'd even look at it.

I turn and head out of the room. I'm flipping through my clipboard to remind myself of the particulars of the next patient when my cell phone rings. Grimacing, I pause and retrieve the phone. Flipping it open, I'm a bit surprised to see that it's mom. She rarely calls when I might be on duty but my hours aren't very steady so it does happen.

"Hello Mom. What's going on?" I ask.

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 12:13 am
by isabelle

As soon as she says my name, I know there's something serious going on. I can hear it in the tone of her voice and I brace myself, not even able to guess what she might be so upset about.

"...Michael was taken to the hospital. He's been in an accident."

An accident? Michael in the hospital.

I glance around the hall as my mind is racing ahead. Can I get out of here early? I only have another hour before my shift ends. I rarely hear from Michael and I barely know what he's up to most of the time, but that doesn't change the fact that I love him. He's my brother. I'm going to be there if he needs me.

"Okay, Mom. Just stay calm. I'll be there," I say. I want to tell her things will be okay, but I don't want to make promises until I know more. I wish Dad was there with her. Probably he's already on his way to see Michael.

"What hospital? What kind of accident? Do you know how badly hurt he is?" I ask.

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 9:45 pm
by loviedovie

Slipping my black heels off, I slumped down into my desk chair. Now that I’ve made sure that the fragrance display was fine I could finish the stock inventory documents I was working on.
I typed in my password and waited as the computer went back to my files.


I turned to see my secretary Sophie at the door of my office. “Yes?”

“Your mother is on the line, she sounds upset.”

I frowned, wondering what could be wrong. “Thanks Sophie.”

“Sure.” Sophie nodded before leaving.

I took a deep breath, unsure of what to expect, before picking up my phone. “Mom?”

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 10:29 pm
by isabelle

"Your father is headed to Roswell Memorial as we speak, I think they only told him that he was in some kind of accident. I don't know how badly, they probably wouldn't tell us if it was serious over the phone do you?" Mom says and I can hear her voice rising with underlying panic.

"You don't know that, Mom. They probably just have some sort of rule about not giving medical information over the phone. Don't go jumping to conclusions," I say, although I'm wondering the same things. What kind of accident could it be? My first thought it car accident, but it could just as easily be something else. Drowning, power-tools, maybe a fall. I see them every day. I don't even know what Michael is doing these days so I can't eliminate anything just yet.

"I have to call Isabel too, so we might meet you there together."

"All right," I promise. "I'm supposed to be done here in about an hour. I'll try to leave early. Good-bye. Drive safely. We don't need you to be in an accident, too," I say, and I hang up the phone. She's normally an excellent driver but I can just imagine her careening through traffic on the way to the hospital.

I take a deep breath, wondering about my remaining patients but my mind is still on the conversation with Mom. She said dad was on his way to the hospital all ready. Maybe he'd already arrived. I open my phone again and call up my dad's cell phone number, listening to it ring in my ear.

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 1:24 am
by loviedovie

"Hi honey, Now don't get too worried yet, but Michael has been in an accident. I don't know whats happened, but your father is there right now, or almost there and we have to meet him there. Do you think you could meet me at home, and we can drive together? I don't know whether I'm good enough to drive right now."

“Of course.” I replied calmly, digesting this information the best that I could. I knew that she told me everything she knew and that I would just waste time if I questioned her.

I quickly began shutting my computer off, the inventory could wait.

“I’ll be there as soon as I can.” I said, gathering my purse and slipping my heels back on.