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Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 5:22 pm
by Amelia
oops!!! :oops:

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 5:22 pm
by Amelia
Hi, I just read A Tale of two Zans and I loved it!!! If you could please do one with me in it I would die of pure happiness! :D
This mission if you choose to accept will change my life forever.

Amelia Stone
Nickname: Mel, May, M, Stoner, and Stoney
Name of Roswellian you'd like me to incorporate: Future Max and Khivar(who is not evil but has more of a Zan personality), both if possible. However, if you want only one leading man then you can choose which one you prefer.
Any special ideas for your story you like me to incorporate: I am going to leave it up to you, but if you choose only one of my men then I would like to have the other want me.
Tell me about your personality: fun, trustworthy, very protective of those I love, eccentric, wild, do my own thing kind of gal with a bit of a temper.
Any special interests: I love reading, singing, dancing and to party. I also have a small obsession with dragons, fairy, butterflys and all beautiful things.
Anything else you like to add: My friend Sarah made me read the fanfic you wrote about her and Zan (A Tale of two Zans). Which is how I found out about this AMAZING idea of yours. So, if you could would you have Sarah be my cousin that has come to visit with her hottie of a boyfriend Zan that would be great. Oh, and my favoriate color eyes are green and silver.

P.S. I feel I should tell you that if you include both of my men in the story than I shall love you until the end of time!!! If there is anything else you need to know feel free to ask.
Amelia :wink:

lol nice idea!

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 7:17 pm
by JRose
Luv your idea! I'll add it to my list and get started! Don't mind me if I ever have to PM you with small questions, sometimes I run into things that would be better if I knew some facts =)
And yes you can have them both, it's your story! lol
Will Keep in touch =)

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 11:40 am
by Zanssoulmate08
Stoner wanted me to check in and let you know that she is not a psyco stalker and that we actually are friends in real life, which we are seeing as I just copied her homework about 3 hours ago for Algebra. :wink: :lol: And that I consent to being in her story with my sexy lova man! (whom I ADORE, btw! :D ) But alas, I cannot tell a lie...Meggie is not a stalker, but she is however a psyco! :lol: hehehe...


Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 2:59 pm
by Amelia
I thought you should know that I have brown eyes and long brown hair (it is down to my waist and is wavy). Oh, by the way I am not the psyco.... Sarah sooooooooooo has that one covered!!! ....And I only stalk those I love! hahaha...
Thanks for taking me on,


Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 3:08 pm
by JRose
lol u guys are hillarious...
If anyone is interested I just posted up my second personalized fan fiction made for kayla who sent me her form by email =)
It's title "The Royals" and is located in "the alien abyss" section, enjoy!
I will be working on Deserea's next! =)
JRose @--->

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 9:49 pm
by littleroswell
Ok, I think I got it! LOL! I'm not sure how long a fic you are talking but I kind of had an idea about it and really wanted to be a part of this. If I didn't already say it, what a fantastic idea! Ok, so I filled out the form but I'd like to give you at least one of the details in a PM if that's ok. Just PM me when you're ready. Thanks, my e-friend!

Name: Elizabeth Barker
Nickname: Everyone calls me Beth
Name of the Roswellian you'd like to be paired up with: Michael and Max, sort of, but not in the way you're thinking. LOL!
Any special ideas for your story you’d like me to incorporate?: I'd like to be an alien, maybe a noblewoman from Antar. Anyway, it'd be cool if Michael and Max both have feelings for me but don't know why but they originally did on Antar. (Xan was forced to marry Ava for political reasons and same for Rath and Vilandra.) Unable to be the reason for any upheaval to the kingdom, I originally killed myself but neither man could live with that and had me remade as a hybrid and sent to earth, giving me up for the good of their friendship and the people. (You can make up my alien name. LOL! :wink: ) I show up in town and am attracted to both guys and they feel a pull towards me too.
Tell me a bit about your personality: I'm actually a happy type person, always trying to see the best in people and situations. I often sacrifice my own happiness for the happiness and well-being of others. I get along with almost everybody and it takes a lot to really make me mad. (My mom says that Liz on the show always reminded her of me. I don't really know why.)
Any special interests? I love to read, write, and love music, especially oldies and classic songs (not necessarily classical but that's cool too) I also love animals.
Anything else you’d like to add?: Not sure if I'd be comfortable with an ADULT or MATURE rating with my name in it. I don't mind kissing and the leading up to being with the characters sexually but no details. Leave those to everyone's imaginations, please, including my own. :wink: Any cool powers you can think of would be really great. LOL! Oh! And I have long brown hair and hazel eyes that go from green to blue depending on my mood. (When I am in a naughty or mischievious mood, they're really green.)

Anything else, please feel free to PM me or email me for answers/questions. Thanks again and don't worry about getting to me for a while if you're really busy.


Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 11:20 am
by JRose
Great idea! I'll let you know when I'm able to get started =) and If I have any questions I'll PM you =)

New fic posted!

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 2:44 pm
by JRose
Ok Deserea! Your first part of your personalized fan fiction is ready and entitled "A Second Beginning."It is also located in the "Alien Abyss" section.
Enjoy all!...
Jrose @----->
Auhor of ongoing fic Everywhere This Love Goes... I Will Follow... I Will Follow... (located in the canon section)
A Tale of Two Zans (1st personalized fan fic for Sarah located in the Alien Abyss)
The Royals (2nd personalized fan fic written for kayla also located in The Alien Abyss)
A Second Beginning (3rd personalized fan fic written for Deserea, located in The Alien Abyss section)

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 9:23 am
by Flamehair
Great Idea

Name: Sibylle Claudine Barbara
Nickname?: Flammi
Name of Roswellian you’d like to be paired up with?: Michael :oops:
Any special ideas for your story you’d like me to incorporate?: Hm, how about I live around 1450 and either I travel to the future, where I meet Michael or he travels back ?
Tell me a bit about your personality: shy, friendly, loyal to friends, good sense of humour, caring
Any special interests?… (i.e. – Your love of playing volleyball or your obsession with catching butterflies?): Medieval history, reading, cooking, sewing, mucic, cats
Anything else you’d like to add?: Don't mind if it's adult or mature. I have blue eyes and red hair ( a bit curly).