Stow Away (AU, ML, Adult) Ch 14 3/31/07 [WIP]

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Post by maya »

L-J-L 76

Part 11

“I mean, I’m studying my ass off for community college and Jack, he’s just hittin the drums all day, and yet he says he’s too tired to go out at the end of the day,” Maria complained.

“Now, I don’t believe that,” Liz said with a raised eyebrow.

“Why not?” You know how lazy he is.”

Liz shook her head. “I meant the part about you studying your ass off. When was the last time you cracked a book?”

“Ok, ok, I admit I’m not your perfect student. But I do go there everyday, you have to give me points for that.”

“Uh huh,” Liz said with a laugh.

“Good. See this is what I was aiming for. You have no idea how long I have been waiting to hear you laugh.”

“I’m sorry Maria…it’s just…”

Maria took a seat beside her and put her arm around her. “Why won’t you tell me?”

“Maria, don’t,” Liz warned.

“Look, if your worried that going out on a few dates with Kyle would hurt Pedro,” Maria started but wasn’t sure how to finish the sentence.

Pedro. Liz hadn’t thought about him in days. Now she could add his lack of response to her growing list of disappointments. “No, Maria. That’s not it.” She sighed. She had always been a positive person, never succumbed to self defeat like this. She didn’t like the person she had become.

Maria paused to think for a moment. “Ok, then, its Max isn’t it?” she asked. “I mean you had to go out on the date and it’s all water under the bridge now anyway. Just let it go.”

At the mention of Max’s name, Liz found herself looking up at Maria. “Max and I were never together, Maria.” She hoped her disappointment over that thought didn’t show.

Maria rolled her eyes. Did Liz really think she could pull one over her? “Technically no, but come on Liz, you can deny it all you want, make a million excuses even, but that will not change the fact that you have feelings for him.”

Liz could only muster a snort. “I was really wrong about him being interested in me.” An image of Max and the laughing blonde came to mind and she wanted to be sick.

“What? How could he not love this beautiful face?” she asked, pinching Liz’s cheek, happy to elicit another laugh from her.

“You’re a good friend Maria but I have to go to work,” she replied, getting her things together. “I will see you later.”


Max had been watching Liz for the last few days at the clinic. She still was not herself. She was pale, sad and seemed preoccupied with the weight of the world. He wanted nothing more than to help her but she had put so much distance between them that he found it near impossible. It seemed that everything he said was the wrong thing.

Every time he tried to start up a conversation she would reply with only a sentence and then say she had work to do. He had just come into the file rooms to find her with a file in hand staring off into space as though she had forgotten where it should go.

”You know, if you’re still not feeling well, you should take a few more days off,” he suggested, startling her.

Liz composed herself quickly and went back to her filing. “I’m fine, Dr. Evans,” she said as she made her way to the boxes of vaccines that had just arrived. They needed to be sorted.

When she looked back at him, Max raised an eyebrow at her she cleared her throat, “I mean Max.”

She didn’t seem fine to him but what else could he say to help her? He sighed, picking up the file he had come for and headed back to see one of his patients.


Liz was taking Miss Bartlett’s pulse when the blonde came in again. Liz, inwardly groaned at the sight of her, wondering how much more of this she would have to endure.

The blonde noticed the scowl on Liz’s face the minute she entered the clinic. This was the second time she had received a cold greeting from the receptionist and yet Max spoke so highly of her. Deciding to give her the benefit of the doubt she put her hand out. “Hi, Liz, I’m…”

Before she could say her name, Liz cut her off. “I’ll let Max know his girlfriend is here,” she replied curtly and was shocked at her tone. She had never spoken to someone that way before. What was wrong with her? She herself could never be with Max so this woman was doing her a favor. Besides, Max deserved to be happy, she would just have to keep reminding herself of that fact every time she got the urge to push her out the door.

The woman threw her head back in a laugh. “Girlfriend. No.” Again she laughed. “Max is so not my type.” So this is why Liz had been giving her the evil eye.

Not her type? Liz cocked her eye in disbelief. There wasn’t a woman in this country or world for that matter that wouldn’t find Max Evans attractive. What kind of game was she playing? Liz finished marking down Miss Bartlett’s pulse and asked her to go wait back in the waiting room.

“He’s my brother,” the blonde clarified. “I’m Isabelle.” She extended her hand.

Liz was floored. “His , his sister?” she asked.

“Yes,” Isabelle grinned. “Are you going to shake my hand?”

“What?” Liz stuttered, still processing the information. “Of course.” She grabbed Isabelle’s hand and shook her hand quickly.

The two women just stood and looked at each other for a minute and then the strangest thing happened. Without warning, Liz burst into uncontrollable sobs.

She was so embarrassed but that didn’t stop the tears from coming, so she did the only thing she could, make a B line for the back room, hoping she wouldn’t be seen.

To her surprise, Isabelle followed her in.

“You’re not allowed back here,” Liz said turning away from her so that she couldn’t see her, although there was no way she couldn’t hear the loud sobs that racked every part of her body. When Isabelle still didn’t move, Liz begged her, “Please, this is really embarrassing.”

“Liz, it all makes perfect sense. I can tell my brother is crazy about you and well, it’s obvious that you feel the same. Anyways, I am sorry for giving you the wrong idea. Please don’t be embarrassed.”

“Don’t be.” Liz was starting to compose herself, but was still somewhat crying. She’d never had such an extreme emotional reaction to anything in her life.

“I’ve cried like that out of happiness before, too,” Isabelle explained.

Happiness? Is that what she thought? My god, that couldn’t be father from the truth, or could it? It felt like all of the despair she had been carrying had flown out of her, the pain over Gaspar’s death, their living conditions, Kyle; with every racking sob. None of which she could tell Isabelle. But it was the relief, maybe even happiness over Max’s now single status that had opened the flood gates and allowed her to feel. She was both happy and sad all at once.

Suddenly Isabelle had a brainstorm. “Look, I have an idea. I’m supposed to meet Max for supper. Why don’t I cancel and then the two of you can go out instead.” Matchmaking was so much fun.

Liz panicked. “No, Isabelle, I can’t.” This didn’t change anything. She couldn’t go out with Max for so many reasons.

“Oh,” Isabelle’s face fell. She had been hoping that Max would start dating again. He needed more balance in his life.

“And please don’t tell Max about this.” The last thing she wanted was for Max to know her true feelings.

Isabelle groaned. Were they back in high school? There was no way she would keep a secret from Max but one look at Liz’s panic stricken face changed her mind. “Of course I won’t.”

Liz relaxed and began to pull herself together. “Let me help.” Isabelle handed Liz a tissue.

“I really should apologize. You should hear some of the things I’ve been thinking about you. Not nice at all.”

“Hey, I’m used to it. I tend to bring out the green eyed monster in many women.”

Liz laughed. “I bet you do.” Thank god she was Max’s sister.

As the girls continued to chatter and laugh, neither heard Max close the door slowly, and make his way back to his patient.
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Post by maya »

Thanks so much for the feedback. Sorry for the delay, I have just had a lot going on. The good news is that I did get into screenwriting school for this coming fall so will soon be leaving the corporate world behind to follow my dreams which I am pretty pyched about.

Break Me was update today as well.

L-J-L 76

Part 12

After her conversation with Isabelle, Liz focused on cleaning up. There were only a few more patients before closing and she was hoping to get home as soon as she could. She had promised Alex a walk in Central Park after dinner. He kept saying he didn’t want her to be lonely but she knew that really he was being overprotective; unconvinced Kyle had really left on another ship for Europe as he had said.

There had been no sign of Kyle since he had come to say his strange goodbye and she wasn’t worried about him coming back but she also didn’t mind spending time with Alex, especially when he let her get her own way.

Liz thought back to her conversation with Isabelle with a grimace. If only she hadn’t lied, she hated lying, but what other alternative did she have?

As Liz started to sweep she was surprised to see Isabelle pick up another broom and help her. Max was busy in the back doing some research on a rather complex case he would be following up on the next day and so Isabelle and Liz took the time to chat. Liz learned that Isabelle was three years younger than Max and was in law school, planning to follow her father in his career. Unbelievably she was single, sick of guys who were into status or just wanted to party. Isabelle gave off this snobbish vibe when she entered a room, but Liz was quickly learning she was anything but a snob, in fact she really liked her.

When Max emerged, he found the two of them finishing the cleaning amidst laughter. It had been a while since he had seen Liz smile and it warmed his heart. “Well, I see you’ve met my sister,” he said with a smirk.

“Yes.” Liz blushed, embarrassed by the fact she had called her his girlfriend the other day. Max couldn’t help but notice.

“So, where to?” he asked Isabelle as she and Liz put their jackets on.

“Well,” Isabelle replied with a twinkle in her eye. “I made reservations at your favorite sushi bar but I can’t go, work called.” Was that a twitch in her eye, Liz wondered, or had she just winked at her?

Liz’s head snapped at the comment. She had been with her for the last hour and her cell phone had not rung. What was going on?

“Oh well, another time, then,” Max said, putting his own coat on.

“Don’t let the reservation go to waste. Why don’t you and Liz go?” she suggested. Liz’s heart practically stopped at the suggestion. No. No. This was not happening. She had told Isabelle that she couldn’t go out with Max. So why was she going ahead with this ludicrous plan anyway.

Isabelle noticed the nervousness that had overcome Liz but pretended not to. Her gut was telling her that despite Liz’s earlier protestations, she and Max were meant to be together. Without a little push, it would never happen and she happened to excel at pushing.

“I’m sure she has other plans,” Max said, not wanting Liz to feel pressured.

“She told me she was free tonight,” Isabelle replied.

The look on Liz’s face told Max otherwise. He silently cursed his sister for meddling in his love life.

“Well, Liz?” Isabelle asked, when Liz still hadn’t uttered a word.

Liz found herself in the midst of a three was battle. Her heart wanted to jump at the chance to go out with Max. Her mind on the other hand was throwing up red flags, alerting to the danger of getting involved when she had such a big secret. And lastly, but most pertinently, her gut was telling her that she would never be able to trust another guy after what Kyle had done.

“Hey.” They all turned towards the door to see a tall, gangly guy enter.

Liz’ face lit up. “Alex,” she cried. What perfect timing. She immediately gave him a hug.

“Wow, that was a great reception,” he joked.

“This is my brother Alex. Alex, this is my boss Max and his sister Isabelle.” They all shook hands at the introductions.

“Alex and I actually have plans tonight,” she explained to Max. “Right, Alex?” she asked but Alex was too busy staring at Isabelle to notice.

“Alex,” Liz yelled again.

“Oh, sorry, what Liz?” he asked coming out of his Isabelle induced gaze. Max couldn’t help but laugh. There were very few guys that Isabelle did not have that affect on.

“We have plans,” she repeated.

“We were just going to the park. Did you get another invite?” he asked, hoping it involved Isabelle and that he could snag an invite as well.

Isabelle took the opening as an opportunity. “Well, I was suggesting that Liz join us for dinner and why don’t you come as well?” she asked.

Max was confused. “But Izzy, you said you had to work?”
“Oh that.” She watted the air with her hand as if to say it was no big deal. It can wait a few hours.”

Max and Liz both looked at each other shyly, Isabelle’s plans now completely evident. “You know we’ve been played,” Max said.

“I don’t think your sister is used to taking no for an answer,” Liz laughed.

“You’re right. What can we do but go along with her?” he shrugged, pretending to be nonchalant about the whole thing.

“Exactly,” Liz replied. Even though she knew it was wrong, she felt secretly pleased.

Isabelle and Alex had already headed out the door deep in conversation. Liz waited for Max to lock up, and then linked her arms through his and they followed their siblings to the restaurant.


“You’ve never has sushi before?” Isabelle asked Liz dumfounded.

“I haven’t either,” Alex added.

“Ok, Max, we need to get them the works. Spicy tuna is the best, eel is out of this world, we can throw in a few other California rolls too……” Isabelle made sure to order enough to give them the full sushi experience.

To say Max was confused was an understatement. He had overheard Isabelle saying that Liz was interested in him and Liz hadn’t denied it. And the fact the she had been crying over the fact she had thought Isabelle was his girlfriend gave him even more hope that she liked him. But at the same time something seemed so off, she hadn’t been herself for quite some time, it was almost as if she was suffering from Post Traumatic Disorder. Had something paramount happened to her?

Then there was Kyle. Where did he fit into all of this? She had gone on a date with him but hadn’t talked of him since. Was it possible that she had broken things off with him, is that what had her so upset? And if she had been dating Kyle, then why had she been sending him a vibe that she liked him? Max’s head was spinning with possibilities. Would it be out of line for him to just ask her at some point?

“Earth to Max,” Isabelle said, bringing him back into the conversation. For the rest of the night Max worked hard to stay in the conversation. Isabelle was leading most of it which didn’t give him much time to talk to Liz but maybe that was for the best right now, since he wasn’t sure what to say. Liz seemed to be enjoying herself, which was nice to witness, so he didn’t want to ruin her evening with anything too heavy.

When the bill came Liz and Alex looked at each other nervously. Liz had five dollars in her pocket and she wasn’t sure how much Alex had. Would they be able to cover their half.

Seeing her apprehension, Max reached for the bill. “This will be my treat.”

“Oh no, Max. That isn’t fair.”

“Liz, you spend forty hours a week, volunteering for me, it is the least I can do.”

Liz looked to Alex who was silently begging her to concede. Obviously he didn’t have much money on him either. “Thank you Max.”


Once they got back to the clinic it was time to say goodnight and go their separate ways. While Alex and Isabelle were still talking, Max took the opportunity to pull Liz aside and get something off his chest.

“Liz, I need to be honest. I heard your conversation with Isabelle earlier.”

“You, Oh!” Liz turned bright red.

“Please don’t be embarrassed. I just, I really like you and I need to know if you feel the same way.”

Before Liz knew what she was doing, she answered honestly. “Yes.”

“What about Kyle?” He had to know.

Liz had to think fast. “That was just one date…my father had set us up, our fathers know each other so….”

“Oh, so you’re not going out with him?” he asked hopefully.

“Oh, not at all.” So she had gone out with him once as a favor to her dad. That made sense.

“So, maybe we can out again…like tonight, except just the two of us.”

“Yes,’ she said dreamily and then realized that he was asking her out on a date. “Wait, I mean, no, sorry. It’s just that there can be nothing between us.”

Nothing between them? Why did it seem like every time he talked to Liz, she was speaking in riddles.

“But, Liz…”

“I’m sorry Max, but we can never have more than a working relationship.”

Before he could reply, she called over to Alex and told him she was ready to go.

“Thanks for everything Max. It was fun,” she said as she and Alex headed home.

“So, I bet you love your little sister now, don’t you?” Isabelle asked Max after Liz and Alex were gone. “Looks like things went well.”

Max glared at her. “Do me a favor and stay out of my love life.”
Last edited by maya on Sat Feb 24, 2007 2:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by maya »

A/N Thank you for all the feedback. Sorry I don't have time to post individual replies today, but know that you are all appreciated. I know the delay has been long but I have been going through some rough stuff and appreciate your patience.

Break Me and Behind Bars have also been updated, so please check them out as well. :D

Part 13

“So Isabelle, she’s really great,” Alex said to Liz as they walked home. He was trying to be subtle but failed miserably.

“She’s too old for you Alex,” Liz reminded him. It was one thing for an older guy and a younger girl to date but when the genders were reversed it just didn’t work, not in this age bracket anyway.

“But she was flirting. You did see her flirting, didn’t you?” he protested, dreamily.

“Yes, I did but that’s just Isabelle.” Liz was sure that Isabelle was responsible for millions of broken hearts in the city.

Alex sighed. “Maybe your right but who knows, maybe I will see her again. She certainly talked a lot about you and Max. She thinks you’re exactly what Max needs. I of course agree Liz, I want to see you happy.”

“Max and I will never be together. I told him that tonight,” Liz explained, trying to push the conversation from her mind. She knew she had confused the heck out of him and hated having to leave things that way.

Alex stopped walking and looked at Liz with question. “Why?”

“After what happened with Kyle, you have to ask?”

“I don’t think he would use your situation against you, he’s not like Kyle.”

“Maybe not, but we can’t let anyone else in, we promised mom and dad and I just don’t think I could be in a relationship if I wasn’t honest, at least not the type of relationship I’m looking for anyway. Besides his father is the district attorney.”

At that comment Alex’s eyes lit up. “District Attorney? You mean?”

“Yes, that’s exactly what I mean. If he were to find out, we’d probably end up deported or worse in jail.”

“I’m sorry Liz,” Alex said as he put his arm around her shoulder and they resumed the walk home.

“Me too.”

“You know, you could just start off slow, not tell him much and see where things go.”

Liz sighed longingly. “You have no idea how much I want that.”

“You really like him, don’t you?” he asked, to which Liz just nodded dreamily.


Across the ocean, in El Salvador, Mr. Lopez sat in his home office sorting through the mail. He had just arrived home after a lengthy business trip and was annoyed at the amount of mail he had to go through. A hand written envelope in the pile addressed to Pedro caught his eye. He opened it and read the letter, his mouth turning into a wider grin with each and every passage he read.

Eliza Perez was alive and well and living in New York under the name Liz Parker. Interesting, very interesting indeed. He immediately summoned his hired help into the study.

“When does Pedro come back from his school trip?” he asked.

“In five days, Senor.”

“Wonderful,” he replied. Pedro had been complaining about how mundane school was, whining that he wanted to help his father with something more important and political in nature. Pedro would be very happy to know he was arriving home to just that.


Max was going out of his mind. It had been three days since Liz had told him they could never have a romantic relationship and all that did was make him want her more. Work was becoming more and more akward, she just looked so damn cute even in the plain clothes she wore to the office and he didn’t want to give her the wrong idea by flirting. As a result found himself walking on eggshells around her.

Isabelle had come by again, suggesting they all go to dinner again, both Max and Liz gave excuses so that they wouldn’t have to go and when Isabelle pushed this issue, Max sent a death ray stare her way and she quickly bowed down and left.


Liz was having an equally difficult time. Now that Kyle was out of the way, she was finding it more difficult to stay away from Max and she couldn’t help but think of Alex’s advice. Maybe she could give things a go, at a snails pace and see who they went. But could she date him without being truthful?

The clinic was busier than ever. Amanda, a sixteen year old girl they were treating for kidney disease had been coming in weekly for treatments. She seemed sad and alone and Liz spent a lot of time talking to her.

When Amanda came in today she seemed more somber than usual so when Liz took her to the treatment room she asked her what was wrong. Within seconds Amada was in tears.

“My sister just died. It was really sudden. She had this blood clot in her leg,” she explained.

Liz’s heart went out to her. “I’m so sorry sweetie.”

“The worst part is that we had this big fight a year ago. She stole my boyfriend and I never forgave her. She died thinking I hate her and I don’t. I was just always jealous of her. I’ve been sick for a long time, in and out of hospitals, on one drug or another and well that really wreaks havoc on my love life.”

“Oh dear.” Liz could only imagine.

“Trevor, that’s my ex, he was really worried about me and so was my sister, they spent a lot of time together and I’m sure I don’t have to draw it out for you…”

“That must have hurt though.” Liz replied with sympathy.

Amanda nodded. “But they got married last year and they were really happy. I realized that about 6 months ago, that he was meant to be with her, not me but I didn’t tell her.” Amanda started to sob again. “I didn’t tell her I forgave her. I think it was just that jealousy thing, that she was healthy and I’m not…but now….”

“She knew, she knew you loved her. You couldn’t have hid it if you tried,” Liz said squeezing her hand.

“Thank you Liz. Get me a Kleenex will you so I can clean up before Dr. Evans comes in.”

“Sure thing.” Liz passed her the Kleenex. “Ill just go track him down.”

Liz walked into the next exam room, closed the door behind her and burst into tears. After that story she couldn’t help think about Gaspar. No matter how many times her parents or Alex told her differently, she couldn’t help but think there was something more she could have done to save him.

“Oh there you are,” Max said as he entered the exam room causing Liz to jump. When he walked a little closer he immediately saw her tears. Liz thought about turning around but what was the point, he would only wonder why she wouldn’t turn and face him.

“Liz, Liz what’s wrong?” he asked when he saw her tear stained face.

Liz nodded as she gulped back tears. “It’s just Amanda.”

“Is she ok?” he asked.

She nodded as she began to wipe her face with her hands. Max immediately grabbed a Kleenex box and passed it to her.

“Thank you,” she said as she took one. “Yes, she’s ok. Her sister just died and it was just so sad…”

“And you’re thinking about your brother?” he asked softly.

“You remembered,” she said with a small laugh.

“Of course I did,” Max replied with a smile as he took a step forward. “I’m sorry Liz, is there anything I can do?” Was it ok to touch her? He put his hand on arm in a consoling gesture. She didn’t back away, so he left it there.

Life was short. That phrase was playing through Liz’s mind on automatic repeat. Gaspar had been taken from them in the blink of an eye. Who new what tomorrow would bring? There was only so much time to do the things you really wanted and what Liz wanted at this exact moment was Max.

“Max?” she said moving closer to him.

“Yes?” he asked, both of his hands were on her shoulders now as he looked at her expectantly.

“I need….” She looked down at the floor nervously.

“What do you need Liz? I’ll give you anything.

She took another step forward and stated her intention as boldly as she could. “You.” And with that statement Max bent down and their lips met.

The kiss was soft at first, unsure but tender, Max wanted nothing more than to devour Liz completely but given her fragile state , didn’t want to take advantage. He pulled away, and when he was sure there was no regret in her eyes he took her lips in his once more. With every second, things between them intensified quickly. Max pulled her hair out of its clip and ran his fingers through it like he had imagined in his mind a million times while Liz massaged his back with her hands. He ran his tongue across her lower lip and then slid it into her mouth when she gasped at the sensation.

Suddenly Liz pulled away and stepped back. “What, what is it?” he asked, worried she would pull a one eighty on him again, something he wasn’t sure he would survive for the third time.

“Amanda,” she said still panting as she ran her hands through her hair and then fastened it back with the clip. “She needs her treatment.” Not too mention the other patients stranded in the waiting room.

“Right, right,” he stammered, grabbing her chart off the chair where he had left it.

“Wait,” Liz said before he headed out the door.

“What?” he said turning with a lazy grin.

“You’re a mess. Here.” she helped him straighten his medical coat which was falling off his shoulders and ran her fingers through his hair to straighten it out. “Better. OK, Go.”

Max bent down for one last kiss. “Thank you,” he said as he walked out the door.
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Post by maya »

Thanks for all the bumps and feedbcak. Please keep them coming!

Stars at Night10

Part 14

As Max and Liz worked on Amanda together the mutual grin never left their faces. Liz could tell by the way Max was watching her that he was wondering if she had regrets and it was a great surprise to her that she didn’t. She felt happy, it had been a long time since she had and she was planning to trust in that.

Max did wonder and resolved to talk to her about it later in the day. She had done a 180 yet again, this time in his favor. He thanked the heavens above for whatever had changed Liz Parkers attitude towards him. He only hoped the opportunity wouldn’t be snatched away as quickly as it had presented itself.

The rest of the day passed quickly as they finished up the waiting room full of patients as well as the usual last minute emergencies. When the last patient went out the door, Max closed it behind her and came back to exam room one, where he found Liz refilling the glass cotton ball jar.

He closed the door behind them and when she turned around, looked to her nervously. “You’re not going to tell me it was a mistake, are you?” He had been planning to work up to the question, cautiously, but the words just flew out of his mouth.

“What was?” she asked.

“The kiss.” He had been unable to think of anything else. Had she?

“The kiss?” she asked coyly. He was so cute when he was concerned.

His eyes never left hers. “Because, I can’t take another heart break, Liz Parker.”

“No Max.” She blurted out, wanting him to know how sure she was. “I mean I know I’ve been just a tad…” she bit her lip nervously. “Indecisive?”

“Just a tad,” he laughed in agreement.

“But, I do want to be with you,” she reassured him. “It’s just….”

He raised an eyebrow at her. “Complicated?”

“Yes.” That was exactly it. She hoped he wouldn’t ask for more of an explanation.

“I can take complicated.” He wanted to ask her what she meant by that, wanted to know everything there was about her but he got the feeling he needed to let her open up in her own time.

“Well, now that that…that we are settled, we should probably clean up.” She passed him a patients chart and their hands brushed softly sending a bolt of electricity through both of them.

Suddenly an urge overwhelmed him. He couldn’t not touch her. “Right, just let me..” he bent down and brushed her lips softly. “I just had to…”he said apologetically.

“It’s alright Max. I meant what I said. No regrets.”

The rest of the night, they did the clean and close up together. As they swept, Max found himself wondering exactly what Liz had meant about no regrets. Was she ready for a relationship?

“So,” he said trying to sounds casual. “We’re really giving this a go?”

She nodded, sure a blush had swept across her cheek.

“And you’re not with that Lyle guy?”

“Kyle,” she corrected him. “And no, I am so not with him.” His name sent an evil shiver down her spine, but then she remembered he was off sailing somewhere like Italy, where he could never hurt her again.

She stopped sweeping and looked at him with her big serious brown eyes. “Max, I just need to take things slow.”

“I can take it slow,” he replied with a smile.

‘Slow and Complicated. I sound like a winner. You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into,” she couldn’t help but laugh at herself.

“There’s nothing I want more Liz, so if you ever start to have second thoughts or feel its too much please don’t run from me again. Promise me that.”

“Ok.” How much more perfect could he be? She couldn’t help the sinking feeling that when he found out she was a liar…no she wouldn’t let herself think about that.

Tomorrow was Saturday and Max really hoped she didn’t have plans. He felt nervous asking her out, after all the previous times she had turned him down. “Do you want to go out on our first official date tomorrow afternoon? Oh and then Sunday, the clinic, are you coming?” There were so many things he wanted to do with her and he knew he was getting carried away.

“Yes, to both,” Liz beamed.

“You know,” he said jokingly. “It’s really good you didn’t turn me down. I don’t think Isabelle would have survived it.”

Liz was almost on the floor in laughter. “I think you’re right about that.”


Alex laughed when he entered Maria’s apartment after his shift at the Oriental Rose, to find Liz dreamily dancing around Maria’s bedroom, a purple pillow under her arm.

“Wow, whats up with her?” he asked Maria, who was lying on her bed flipping through a celebrity magazine.

“They kissed,” Maria announced. “And it was out of this world.”

“Oh Alex,” Liz added. “I’m so glad I took you up on your advice.”

“Hmm, see I don’t remember telling you to kiss the guy,” he tried to tease her, but Liz was too wrapped up in her happy thoughts to even mind.

He took a seat next to Maria. “See I thought that she would save that look for when she wins the Nobel prize.”

Maria laughed. “Well she’s won the Maxwell Evans prize. He sounds like a charm,” she said with a sigh. She was happy for Liz, yet feeling sorry for herself and trying desperately not to let it show. “Does he have a brother?” she asked hopefully.

Alex shook his head. “But he has a sister,” he replied dreamily.

“Not you too.” Maria swung a pillow at him.

“What?” he asked mystified.

“You’re both in love and I’m all alone,” she said with a pout.

“What do you mean?” Liz asked. “You have Jack.”

“Jack and I have not so sweetly parted,” she drawled dramatically.

“Maria, why didn’t you tell me?” she asked.

Maria felt bad, she didn’t want to ruin Liz’s high so soon. “You’ve had like a one thousand times worse year than me on the suck-o-meter. I didn’t want to take away from this.”

“I’m gonna kill him,” Alex screamed with frustration. What did he do, exactly?”

“No, don’t. I started the whole lets break up conversation, calling his bluff, you know? Thinking he’d pay me more attention,” she looked down foolishly.

“And?” Liz asked.

“He agreed. How did he put it? Oh ya, we’re two different people, blah blah blah.” Maria felt stupid.

“Maria, I’m so sorry.” Liz pulled her friend into an embrace and Alex put his arms around them both.

“It’s ok, I mean we all knew he wasn’t my soul mate, but when I was at least with someone, I could pretend you know, now I’m alone and it’s just staring me in the face.”

“Maria, we will find you someone,” Liz vowed, feeling sympathy pains for her friend.

“All I want right now is something sweet with thousands of calories.”

“I think that can be arranged,” Alex winked as he headed for the kitchen to dig out some extra fattening snacks.


“Well isn’t he picking you up?” Alex said as they dig into triple mocha fudge ice cream.

Liz looked down with embarrassment. “Yes, but not here. I told him that I had a previous engagement near the clinic and that he should just pick me up there,” she explained.

“How long do you think he’ll fall for that line?” Maria asked. Liz was already asking herself that very question. He had already asked her why she lied on her application, given that false address and if they started dating, he’d expect to see where she lived, wouldn’t he?

Liz turned to Alex. “You’re the one that said I should let him in a little at a time, see if I can trust him. So what do I do about this?” she demanded. God, maybe this was a mistake, that would all come crumbling down around her. No, she thought, she’s push it from her mind and enjoy every moment with Max she could.

Alex shrugged. “Tell him a half truth.”

Her interest was piqued. “What exactly do you have in mind?”


“You look beautiful,” Max said as he pulled up in front of the clinic to pick Liz up. She was wearing a green dress she had borrowed from Maria, a jean jacket in her hand just in case she had to dress it down a bit, after all he hadn’t specified where they would be going.
She was wearing sandals but held up a pair of sneakers in her hand. “I wasn’t sure what we were doing, so I came prepared,” she laughed.

That was just another thing he loved about Liz Parker, her planning and practicality. “Well, you must be a mind reader because you’re actually going to need both,” he laughed as he held the car door open for her.
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Post by maya »

I will be finishing Break Me before I update this fic.


Maya :D
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Please see note on my author's page.

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Re: Stow Away (AU, ML, Adult) A/N Nov 24

Post by maya »

Unfortunately, I haven't been well for quite some time hanging on by a thread and may not even be able to finish school.... which is why I haven't been around the board and haven't updated this fic. Once I am feeling better I look forward to revisiting my fan fiction.


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Re: Stow Away (AU, ML, Adult) A/N Jan 20

Post by maya »

Just adding an A/N. When school is done in 6 weeks I will finish posting Break Me and then will work on this fic and Behind Bars at the same time.

Maya :D
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Re: Stow Away (AU, ML, Adult) A/N Mar 20

Post by maya »

Just adding an A/N.
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Re: Stow Away (AU, ML, Adult) A/N June 22

Post by maya »

Just posting an A/N.