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Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 8:53 pm
by DreamerLaure
<center>Alexander Charles Whitman</center>

I’m not looking forward to this…I was volunteered for this, but come on, I know the truth. I was tricked, bamboozled, and deceived. So first, one of our bright young interns suggested that we run a test on one of our model smart houses. Ok, that sounds like a good idea, in theory, right? Well, it’s definitely not.

It’s not such a great idea when everyone at the board meeting throws around names and more than five people mention yours at the same time. The sense of dread multiplies in your stomach tenfold once they start crossing out names and yours is one of the top three contenders. You know there’s no esacape then when everyone tries to convince you.

Then it practically explodes when they point out all of your good qualities and Jim from accounting, who’s six years older than you and is probably the only one in the building who can estimate a ballpark figure of how much your worth, is the one that gives the deafening blow:

“He’s fresh out of college too so I’m sure he’ll have a lot to connect with to anyone else we pick,” and that’s when your face visibly pales because there’s no counter point you can possibly make except a wisecrack joke, “so who’s going to run this place without me,” which is just as good as giving in. And of course it’s after the meeting that you remember the redhead you dumped last month was his sister.

She wasn’t the one, and I told her that much as succinctly as I could, and go figure….she couldn’t take it. I didn’t feel anything for her. Is it too cliché to say I wanted, no, I’ve wanted something more?

I’m 25 years old, fresh out of Stanford University with a degree that has more than fifteen syllables on my diploma and I’m still not happy. There was a sense of accomplishment that infected me after I graduated and I used that sensation to propel me through the business world up to where I am, head of the Advanced Researching Department. I look down at the sketch of the house that’s sitting on top of my briefcase. I know this house inside out; I’m the one who designed it and I’ve been with it every step of the way.

And as we’re driving to the house, I can’t place my finger on why staying here is unnerving me already so much.

Jim from accounting isn’t the only problem…In fact, when I get back, I can hand Jim from accounting a pink slip if I so desire.

The limousine driver exits his front seat to take out my luggage from the trunk and I wait in the car for him to come around to my side and open the door. I turn off my cell phone and slip my palm pilot into the bottom of briefcase; I should try to forget about work for a while, but it is proving harder than I thought it would. As soon as the pilot goes out of view I ache to whip it out and double check my appointments. I can’t believe I have nothing to do for the next week. I’m so agitated just by knowing that. I always have something to do.

I step out onto the pavement as soon as the door opens and once I eye my luggage neatly lined up by the door, I realize I can’t prolong it any longer. I nod curtly to the driver and he shakes my hand before he goes. I ride with him every day and we don’t speak much, but it’s in my routine, and I’m going to miss our rides together.

I ring the doorbell. Five, four, three, I mutter under my breath and before I say one, the door swings open to reveal B308, the automated hologram butler who is attached to the main computer itself and is designed to respond properly to any high frequency sounds. He has a built in five second response time after a sound like the doorbell is produced and the house will place him in the appropriate setting.

His voice is very stilted, I note. I’ll have to add that to my evaluation. As much as I know about this house I’m surprised to see how things actually play out. It feels dark as soon as I step in and I ask, “Lights?”They flicker on immediately and I smile. I turn to the butler when he asks, “That will be all, sir?” “Yes,” I say, and he disappears, seemingly into thin air. I turn to bring my luggage over the foyer and once it’s down before me at my feet and the door is shut, I turn to look more closely at my surroundings. Not bad; it doesn’t match up exactly to what I’ve imagined or the house I’m familiar with but it’s not disappointing.

I look around for a bit, and when I can’t find anyone right away, to be sure if the house is all mine for now, I call out, “Hello? Anyone here yet?”

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 12:25 am
by Dream Weaver
Dr. Maxwell Evans

A light breeze rustles my hair as I make my way down a secluded street in my sleek BMW towards my so-called vacation. I still can’t believe that I volunteered for this crazy research project. I guess if I hadn’t been so pressured by my friends and colleagues Tess and Kyle, at the John Hopkins Institute, to regain my life I wouldn’t have gotten the crazy impulse to do this. I would be moping comfortably the hospital working and at least not be about to completely put myself in the most vulnerable situation I have been in for a long time.

Life tends to throw you curves every now and then and sometimes you are batting a thousand. But on occasion you strike out. I guess my last time at bat was my time to strike out. I found the love of my life and girlfriend of five years in bed with my brother last September. Imagine my shock to also learn that their love affair had been going on for over two years and the only reason she was staying with me was because my salary was putting her through school. I was not only betrayed by her but by my brother. His only answer as to why he could hurt me in that manner was that I had everything that I ever wanted and it was about time I knew how it felt to be the looser.

My life has been going in a downward spiral ever since. The only thing that has kept me sane through this ordeal has been my work. I used to love life. I took yearly trips skiing in the Alps, snorkeling off the coast of Hawaii and sipping coffee in the quaint cafes in Paris. But loosing the woman I was planning on spending the rest of my life with destroyed my soul and spice for life. I know my new lifestyle is not healthy and that I need time off, but spending every waking hour at the hospital keeps me from having to go home the empty house and my empty life alone.
So to pacify my worried friends, here I am heading to a new state of the art “Smart House”.

I see the sign up ahead and make a left heading up a long black paved driveway. Large slender trees line the way, shading my car. Once I enter the clearing, I am mesmerized by the breathtaking view of this wondrous mansion. I was expecting some futuristic looking contraption not this wonderful piece of gothic romanticism. I pull my BMW up and park then turn off my cell phone and pager. Any emergency would have to be handled by Kyle and Tess. I am vowing to try to relax and enjoy myself.

I grab my suitcase and laptop from my trunk and head up the stone walkway. I ring the doorbell and within seconds a holographic man greets me. He bows slightly before speaking, “Welcome Mr. Evans. I hope you enjoy your stay here at the manor. I am Butler. Please come in. The bedrooms are up the stairs. You may pick any that are to your liking. If you need anything, do not hesitate to call.” Then as quickly as he appeared he was gone.

I closed the door and entered the foyer and was blown away with the stone pillars and the most exquisite tapestries. I put my suitcase down when I hear a man’s voice call out, “Hello. Anyone here yet?”

I see a tall, lanky man standing in the center of the room, studying the layout of the house. He looks a little tense, but I guess I am too with the realization hitting me of living with five complete strangers for a week. I clear my throat before I answer, “Is this where the party’s at?”

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 4:27 am
by Sternbetrachter
like the start :)

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:13 am
by rpchick2006
Maria Deluca

Today was an amazingly beautiful spring day! Wildflowers were in full bloom, the friendly sun played hide and seek with the clouds that spread across the dazingly blue sky and to place the real topper onto this whole thing I would be away from that abusive son-of-a bitch for an entire week.

With a smile playing upon my lips I readjusted the black Oakley sunglasses which were were disguising the new black eye my father had given me just a few days ago. That had been the finale Straw. The deciding factor that had me packing my bags with enough clothes for an entire week so I, Maria DeLuca, could live in this supposed 'Smart house' with five complete strangers. My only hope was that I would be the first to arrive so I could be given a chance to come up with another way to hide the bruise.

As the limo entered the gates to the house that I'd be staying all thoughts slipped from my mind as my eyes rested against the beautiful gothic era looking house.

Joseph, my limo driver, stopped the car and opened the door for me with a smile he offered his hand to me. "Ms. O'hare, I do believe that we are here."

Cracking another smile, which was rare, I felt that this vacation might actually turn out to be a good experience.

As I stepped out of the car with the help of my driver, and friend for five years, my red flowy dress nestled against the upper part of my slim long legs.

Sighing gently trying to settle my nerves Joe picked up my bags from the back before joining me once again at the side of the limo. We waited for about five minutes trying to think of a lie, for the bruise, and settle the butterflies which seemed to be extra fiesty today when Joe finally cleared his throat which was our sign for 'It's now or never'.

Nodding my head in understandment I sighed once again as I took in one last breath before making my way up to the front entrence, my heart all the while going a mile a minute.

As I extended my right hand to the heavy oak door it sprung open as fast as a speeding bullet. Now standing before me was a balding white haired halographic butler.

"Holy Beejesus y-you can't just surprise someone like that." Now my heart felt like it just might give in from the strain I was putting on it but I couldn't help but think just how awsome this entire thing was.

"Ah, Ms. DeLuca I am sorry about that but this is just a part of the experince of the smart house program." The butler replied with a friendly smile upon his face before turning his attention to Joe. "And you must be Ms. DeLuca's driver. If you don't mind could you please follow her with her bags to which ever room she chooses?"

Joseph just smiled for that had been his plan alll along. He wanted to make sure of the fact that I would have the best room and just to be sure that there would be no problems. He did this for me whenever I had to travel he saw this time no different then the rest.

Before I had a chance to look around my blue eyes spotted two of my roommates.

Feeling a bit foolish with my sunglasses on I straightened my shoulders and removed the glasses. Smiling in the direction of them I folded up the sunglasses with one hand while trying to cover up the bruise with the strands of hair that gently rested against the black eye while waiting for someone to begin the introductions.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 6:12 am
by magamnm
I like this idea very much...and it was a great start guys... :wink:


Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 7:02 pm
by DreamerLaure

I turn around surprised that anyone’s answered. I really wanted to be the first one here so I could gage everyone’s reactions and sort of figure them out, but here someone else is. It seems as if he’s just come in though; he’s not even settled in. He’s about five inches shorter than me but I can tell that the man before me is an impressive man, the kind of man that makes an impression whenever he walks into the room. I wish I could give off that aura because it would have been useful during college when I was the gangly kid who knew all of the answers to the equations and who could do all of the translations. People might have respected me more when I gave the answers and all of my responses if they could see something in me to respect, but the sad truth is that they didn’t; people didn’t see anything like that at all in me.

That was one of the reasons that I was petrified when I first started working at the computer company; I was so worried about making that strong first impression, the one that could shake the room and make people stop to wonder about me and where I’d come from, and what personal past could have brought me to where I am today. And that’s partly why I chose the other tactic; I chose to be the impressive one, the one who could shake things up and make things happen.

It might have earned me a less than perfect reputation in the business world but it’s a part of me, and unfortuanately it’s who I’ve become. I don’t like who I’ve become because of the path that I’ve taken to get here; I’ve lost many good friends along the way and even the ties between me and my family are weaker, and the fiasco last month with the last girl is the only hint I need that something needs to change. Maybe it can start here, or maybe after we leave, but I know it needs to happen; I’m just scared to really let it happen when it’s not in my control.

Can I trust this man in front of me as a potential friend or is he one of the people I need to avoid? I don’t like the prospect of living with five strangers for a week because to be frank, it’s definitely going to make for close quarters; unbelievable things can happen when you’re this close to someone else.

I know that just standing here is probably unnerving him a little bit, and he’s probably sizing me up too, but I don’t care. I think, and it’s quite possible that it was a trick of light, but I’m pretty confident that I saw a bruise on the girl who’s just joined us. She’s trying to stand behind him inconspicuously, but let’s be honest, there’s no way anyone can hide here, and I say, “Hi,” directing my short greeting at the both of them.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 7:24 pm
by DreamerLaure

A young woman descends the stairs interrupting my scrutiny of the blonde woman who is hiding carefully behind the broad shouldered man before me. She takes a look at the man, and I see something light up in her eyes already; I wince inwardly at the thought that something could happen between them during this week, and at the same time it would also be entertaining to see it play out.

As soon as that thought enters my mind, another darker and less pleasant one is fast on its heels: "What if everyone pairs up except me?" I cannot let that happen...That would be really tough to handle socially if it did, and let's be honest, my social skills are weak; all I do is work recently and don't even get started on a romantic relationship that I could have possibly had. That has not been on the forefront of my mind in months. Who can I side with...Hmm, let's see then. There's this fast approaching brunette coming down the stairs who's got stars in her eyes for our resident Mr. Darcy in front of us, and there's the blonde who's hiding her face.

Right now, I think I should try to play it cool; the reality is that anything, and I do mean anything can happen.

Once the brunette is standing on the ground, and possibly her head may be out of the stars too, I think to stave off the inevitable greeting with the guy she's got eyes for, she turns to me first.

I am suprrised then by her genuine greeting, "Hey guys, I'm Liz Parker."

It's nice, simple, and direct, and maybe this is the best way to handle this. I say, "Hi, I'm Alex Whitman."

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 1:47 pm
by Dream Weaver

The tall man in front of me sizes me up. I can see in his eyes the nervousness I am feeling and I know what he is thinking. I am not the type of guy that usually puts himself out there for the world. Sure, I can put on a confidant and arrogant front for the world, but to really put myself in a social situation leaves me completely vulnerable in my mind. Appearances mean everything these days and the job I have requires a certain type of appearance, which I have become an expert at projecting. These circumstances will definitely challenge me.

“Hi” he states. I feel a presence behind me and turn my head slightly to see a short, attractive blonde standing quietly behind me. She is shifting slightly and apprehension is clear in her body language as she tilts her head slightly causing her hair to slightly fall across her face. She has a movie star quality to her and she carries herself with confidence but in her eyes I can read her uneasiness. I notice the unmistakable bruise on her eye. Someone has done a number on this young woman and I find myself slightly angry. If its one thing I can’t stand it’s an abusive person. I have seen too many bad things come through the ER caused by abuse. It sickens me.

I smile at her, making sure to not let her know I am aware of her eye. I don’t want to make her uncomfortable and draw any unwanted attention to her plight. Maybe once I get to know her better I can help her. I turn back to the tall man. He has turned his gaze to the staircase. Must be another one of my new roommates.

I turn to follow his glare to find the most breathtaking site as a young brunette woman is descending the staircase. My breath catches in my chest. She is a vision of loveliness and she carries herself with such confidence that it’s hard to take my eyes off her. She is the perfect picture of every idea of beautiful and I feel a flutter in my heart that I thought would never return. I shake off that thought. I am not ready for a new relationship.

She speaks holding her hand out to the tall gentleman, “Hey guys. I am Elizabeth Parker.”

Her soft velvety voice sends shivers down my spine but I must remind myself again that I am here only for the project. He takes her hand answering, “Hi, I’m Alex Whitman.”

Since the introductions seem to have begun, I step forward. “Nice to meet you Alex.” I can’t help but feel a smile spread across my face as I catch Elizabeth’s gaze. “I am Maxwell Evans but you guys can call me Max.” I turn towards the petite as to not leave her out. “And who might you be, Miss?”

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 6:35 pm
by rpchick2006

Stepping out from behind Joe, I forced a smile refusing to let my roommates know just how terrified I was. You’d believe that from my experience of being a well known performer, hell I had Brittany Byers beat plus I didn’t have that annoying bubble gum image, that small groups wouldn’t terrify the shit out of me. But then you would be wrong.

While I was on stage I could surround myself in my music and lose control. With the blaring white lights I couldn’t see my fans and for a while I could imagine that I was alone, until of course they began screaming but even their screams filled me with confidence.

A small group like this with my roommates was more private. So far it seemed that my roommates consisted of Alex, the tall lengthy goofy looking but in an adorable way who seemed to be just as nervous as her, then there was Liz, the first to arrive she was a pretty brunette who seemed to smile easily, and then finally there was Max, a cute brunette who was awaiting her name. As I continued to look at him I felt my nervousness begin to subside.

Joe nudged me in the side as he looked at me with a fatherly smile upon his face telling me that it would be okay..just breathe. Letting out a shuddery breath I returned my gaze onto the few of my roommates who had already arrived. Slipping my hand into my purse I begin to rummaged through it before pulling out a tiny vile of my cypress oil out and uncapped it. Passing the bottle across my nose I felt calmer as I looked at my roommates.

“Maria Deluca. Sorry..I,uhm, have this nervous factor when I meet new people. This-this is just cypress oil it helps calm the nerves..don’t worry it’s purely herbal.” I said as I recapped it and let out a tiny sigh. There that wasn’t so hard, was it? Remember you’re here to relax and forget about all the crap that you’ve been through for the past couple of months. So relax. I chided myself inside my thoughts as I let out another tiny sigh.

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 3:45 pm
by Dream Weaver
Just Bumping this! I will be getting a post up this weekend! :D