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Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 11:44 am
by Icequeen
Ok guys here is the next part. As always thank you SO much for your FB. I love that you guys like this story as much as I like writing it. From now on lyrics from the song Let Go by Frou Frou will be scattered through some chapters. No infringement is intended.

Michelle in Yonkers

~*~*Chapter 11~*~

My Trip ended up taking longer then I thought. There are times when I think I’d like to quit my job and work at a ski lodge or something but I think I’d miss the craziness to some extent.

Tonight I’m having dinner with Isabel and by the way she sounded on the phone it’s not going to be a happy dinner. I can tell when she’s pissed and she had that voice when she called me to demand that I meet her tonight.

I get dressed and hail a cab to take me to the restaurant. Isabel, as usual, is there and has already ordered a drink as well as one for me.

“You’re late.” She says handing me a drink.

“Traffic.” I don’t bother reminding her that I just got off a flight three hours ago.

“You’ve been keeping secrets from me.” She raises an eyebrow at me.

“I have?” I play dumb. It never works though.

“Why haven’t you told me that you’ve been keeping in touch with her?” She sounds a little hurt and annoyed at the same time if that’s possible.

Who am I kidding? This is Isabel, anything is possible.

“I don’t know, it’s not a big deal.” It hurts me to say that because it’s definitely not true.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s a big deal or not, you should have told me something like that Max.” I start to wonder how she even found out.

“How did you know anyway?”

“I went to Marco’s.” She doesn’t need to say anything else. I should have known that the minute she went there they would tell her.

“I just want you to be careful Max.”

“Isabel please, I’m not a child. I know what I’m doing ok?”

“I know that. It’s just – I think it’s too soon that’s all.” I roll my eyes, I can’t help it. Funny how she is the only one that thinks it’s too soon.

“Can I ask you a question?” I don’t wait for her answer. “Why is it that you’re the only one telling me it’s too soon? Everyone else is happy for me except for you. You’re my sister Isabel you should be the first person to be happy for me.”

“As your sister I know that your still broken whether you want to admit that or not Max. No one knows you like I do; they didn’t how you were after…” I look up at her warning her not to finish that sentence. “Anyway, I just don’t want you to jump into something and get hurt or hurt her.” Wow she actually thought of Liz, I think I am going to faint.

“Thank you but I know what I’m doing. We know what we are doing. I’m taking this slow Isabel, I know that I’m not ready to be in anything serious and Liz respects that.” I feel badly for snapping at her but she’s been driving me crazy with this.”

“That’s all I can ask then.”

“So how are the wedding plans going?” I change the subject as soon as we order our food.

“Good. I’m not at the freak out stage yet but I’m starting to narrow down the date.

“You still haven’t picked the date?” I’m surprised she waited this long.

“I have to take my schedule and Alex’s schedule into account not to mention the various award shows and things like that. It is my job after all.”

“I didn’t realize. Well if there is anything I can do to help let me know.”


After dinner I made sure she got into her car safely and hailed a cab home. I have the next two days off and can’t wait to enjoy my free time. It’s been months since I’ve had a free weekend to do whatever I want.

I toss and turn all night and wake up around three in the morning in a cold sweat. I was reliving the night of the accident and woke up just before we crashed.

I haven’t had dreams like that in almost a year and wonder why I’m having them now.

Knowing that I’m not going to go back to sleep I make myself some tea and sit next to the bay window in my apartment. I look down at the city and smile when I see all the lights and people walking around. Even at three in the morning the city is bustling. This is why I love it here. Even if you are alone, you never really are.

I finally fall asleep at seven only to have my cell phone ring and wake my up.

“Yes?” I’m annoyed; I was actually having a good dream. Liz and I were…

“I’m around the corner, I’m coming up.”

“Isabel it’s too damn early. I’m going back to bed, come back in three hours.” I hang up and roll over on the couch. Just as I close my eyes I hear a knock on the door.

Note to self: Take Isabel off list at front door.

“Fuck Isabel I’m tired. What’s your problem?”

“Alex is- he’s- he’s cheating on me!” I see her red rimmed eyes and know that she’s serious.

“What happened?” I sit her down and put a pot of coffee on for me and some water for tea for her.

“I called his cell phone and some woman answered.” Ok? So that means he’s cheating?

“Isabel he owns a big company, I’m sure there are tons of woman working there.” She shoots me a dirty look.

“His cellular telephone Max!” Ok, I guess she thinks I’m on the slow bus today.

“How many times have one of the women you work with answered your cell phone?”

“A few.” She smacks my arm. “Ok none, but why didn’t you talk to him and ask him who she was?”

“I can’t talk to him. I hate him.”

“Isabel I’m sure it’s not what you think. Don’t jump to conclusions.” I get up to grab the coffee and make her tea.

“I’m not an idiot Max.”

“I know your not.” I hand her the tea. “But you have to talk to him about this. What are you going to do just ignore him?”

“I can’t talk to him right now. You know it starts off with this and the next thing I know we’re in the middle of a war of the roses divorce and we’re fighting over who gets the vase we picked up on one of our vacations.” I hold back a laugh. She thought of all of this in what, ten minutes? Amazing.

“I’m calling him then I’m going back to bed.” She folds her arms over her chest.

“I need the phone number Iz.” She scribbles something down and hands me a piece of paper.

“Max Evans for Alex Whitman please” I’m put on hold.” Why didn’t you give me his cell phone number?” She throws a magazine at me and I walk away before she finds something heavier.

“Max hey, this is a surprise.” Alex answers and I would think he was in the middle of the stock exchange with all the noise in the background.

“Hi, how are you?” I feel like an idiot.

“I’m great. How about you?” I find it amazing that he’s obviously in the middle of something and he’s talking to me as if he has all the time in the world.

“Well I wanted to ask you something.”

“Ok.” I hear some cheering in the background.

“Well Isabel is here and she’s upset about something.”

“What happened? Is she ok? Is she hurt?” He sounds frantic.

“No she’s not hurt, physically. She um…called your cell phone and someone answered, a woman to be specific and well, she’s upset about it.” I hear him shout for everyone to be quiet and I’m surprised when he actually gets them to shut up.

“When did this happen? Today? What time?” He sounds pissed.

“I’m guessing early this morning.” I hear him ask who answered his cell phone.

“Max please tell Isabel that I’m very sorry. I guess she was calling me a back to back and I left my phone in one of our think tank rooms. One of my IT department workers answered. It will never happen again.” He emphasizes never.

“I’ll let her know. By the way what are you working on?” I’m curious I can’t help it.

“A new cell phone. We’re upgrading the one we had out last year. It’s going to hold MP3’s and has a better internet browser.”

“Sounds interesting.”

“I’ll send you one after the unveiling tomorrow.” I’m surprised but never one to pass up a freebie.

“Thanks.” We say our goodbyes. I sit next to Isabel.

“Look at me.” I tilt her head so she’s looking me right in the eyes. “I just got off the phone with a man that adores you. You’re smart, beautiful, funny, loving and caring. Any man would be lucky to have you and that man knows it. It was a misunderstanding. Not get up and call him.” She shakes her head.

“Isabel I’m serious. You have to stop this. He loves you, he didn’t do anything wrong. So get over yourself and call him.” She looks at me with wide eyes and grabs the phone after I hold it out for her.

She’s only been here an hour and has already exhausted me.

“So?” I ask her when she comes back with a huge grin on her face.

“You were right. I just have to trust people I guess.” She stands up and starts to inspect my apartment.

“They’re gone.” She says softly.

“Not gone, just out of plain view.” I join her next to where most of them were.

“Why?” Is she kidding me?

“They were killing me that’s why. I couldn’t look at her everyday Isabel. I know where they are if I need them, and sometimes I do, but I can’t have them up all the time anymore.”

“How are you doing? You seem much better?” This is the first time she’s asked me since it happened.

“I am doing better.”

“Has Liz been helping you?” That’s a surprise.

“She has. She might not know it but she really has.” She smiles and I think that she’s starting to accept that Liz is a part of my life.

“Well since I woke you up lets go have breakfast. I owe you.” Shit! Now I have to tell her that I have plans with Liz and can’t go with her.

“I uh have plans.”

“Oh.” She grabs her purse and I can tell she’s pissed.

“I don’t want to break my plans Isabel, you know I hate that.”

“Whatever Max. Bye.” She slams the door behind her. OK maybe I’m wrong; maybe she’s not accepting Liz being in my life….at all.

I jump in the shower after checking my e-mail. For the first time in years I’m worried about what I’m going to wear. I stand in the middle of my closet and literally have no clue on what to wear.

Being the nerd that I am I check the weather channel to see if it’s going to rain or be extra cold. The weather is chilly so that helps.

Yeah right. I’m still clueless.

“Come on Max, it’s not that hard. Dress yourself.”

Almost an hour later I get dressed and start walking to my destination. We decided to meet at a nearby place and take it from there. I live near what’s called the flower district and stop to grab a flower for her.

Girls like that right?

As I’m picking out my flower I think of Sarah and how much she loved that we lived near here. She used to drag me here every Saturday morning and would tell me what each flower meant and where it was native from. I look at my watch and see that I’m running behind. I hate being late.

“Hey.” When I see her my heart literally skips a beat. I know, I know lame but it happened.

“Hi.” I hand her the flower. “This is for you.”

“Thank you.” She brings it up to her nose to smell. She’s beautiful.

“So are you hungry?”

“Oh yeah.” I take her hand in mine as we walk to the restaurant.

“So you look like you could use a weeks worth of sleep.”

“I could. I had a bad night and when I finally got to sleep Isabel had a crisis.”

“Is she ok?” It’s amazing how she knows Isabel isn’t fond of her but she’s still concerned for her.

“Yeah, it was just Isabel being Isabel that’s all.” I laugh.

“Well at least nothing major happened. How are the wedding plans going?” I can’t for the life of me think of why she’s interested in Isabel but I answer her anyway.

“She’s not in freak out mode yet but I have a feeling that it will be anytime soon.” Our food arrives and we eat in silence for a few moments. I watch her eat hoping that she doesn’t catch me staring at her. For some reason I can’t seem to take my eyes off her even when she’s doing the most trivial things.

We finish our food and walk to Central Park.

“Do you want to do something totally touristy?” I ask.

“Sure why not. I mean if it’s not beneath you being a native and all.”

“Shut up.” I laugh and lead her towards the horse drawn carriages. We get in and place a blanket over our legs. The sun is out but doesn’t seem to be doing much to warm us up.

Or maybe I’m using that as an excuse….anyway it is chilly out.

“So Max Evans, tell me something about yourself that I don’t already know. Something that not many people know.”

“I don’t know. I’d have to think about it.”

“Oh come on, I’m sure you keep lots of secrets.” I turn to look at her.

“You think I do?” I don’t think I keep secrets at all.

“Umm yeah you do.” That’s the first time anyone has ever said that to me. I wonder if no one has said it but thought it.

“Ok well I sing around the house all the time.” She starts laughing. “What? I’m a good singer.”

“Did you forget about our little duet back in Roswell? I know all about your singing skills mister and trust me when I say they are lacking.”

“Ok miss American Idol; tell me a secret about you.” She gets serious for a moment and looks me straight in the eyes.

“I’m afraid of the dark.”

“You are not.” I laugh for a second but realize that she’s serious.

“When I’m alone I have to sleep with a light on.”


“I’d rather not say—not now anyway.” There is something there. I just hope that she can open up to me one day.

“You know every time I’m on one of these things I’m always paranoid that the horse is going to…you know.”

“Ugh why did you say that?! Now I’m going to be thinking about it.” I laugh when I see her stand up to get a better look at the horse’s rear end.

“It’s never happened to me before. Don’t worry.”

“It better not. That would totally ruin the day.” She sits back and relaxes through the rest of the tour ride. I didn’t think she would like it but she seems to be enjoying it. I however, am not looking forward to the end. For some reason I don’t want her to go home yet.

We get off the carriage and stroll through the park. The weather has brought tons of people out and we enjoy our surroundings.

“Max! Max!” I turn when I hear someone calling my name and come face to face with my past.

“Hi Lindsay how are you?” I give her a kiss on the cheek and a warm hug.

“I’m great. You look really good, how are you?”

“Better.” I realize that I haven’t introduced Liz to her yet. “I’m sorry. Liz Parker this is Lindsay Douglas. Lindsay, Liz Parker.” I introduce them and carefully watch Lindsay’s face.

“Nice to meet you. How do you know Max?” Leave it up to Lindsay to be so bold.

“She did some auditing work for us.” I cut in and come up with what has to be the lamest excuse in the history of the world.

“Oh.” I look towards Liz and give her a crooked smile.

“Mom and dad have been asking about you. They haven’t seen you in months.”

“I know. I’ve been really busy. I’ll try to get up there soon.” I regret not visiting them.

“Well ok then. Stop by and see the kids sometime, they miss you.” I give her a kiss on the cheek again and watch her walk away.

I never would have thought I’d run into her today of all days. I feel badly about lying to her about Liz but what was I supposed to say? I’m not sure how to answer questions about Liz and me. Is there a Liz and I?

“That was Sarah’s sister.” I say after we walk in silence.

“I figured.” I feel awkward now, it’s my fault.

“I’m sorry about what I said. I just didn’t know how to answer her. I’m still not sure what this is myself.”

“Don’t worry about it. I understand. We’re just spending time together. We don’t have to have a name.” I stop and sit us down near one of the water fountains.

“Thank you. Thank you for being so understanding all the time. I keep thinking that you’re going to come to your senses and not want to be around me anymore but you’re still here. I know that I have a lot of issues but I like being around you and I want to continue whatever this is.” She laughs.

“I like being around you too. I stick around because I want to, I enjoy your company.” I can’t help myself and run my hands through her hair resting my hand behind her head. Our faces inch towards each other and finally I get a taste of her sweet lips again.

So, let go, let go
Jump in
Oh well, what you waiting for?

I completely take control and explore every corner of her mouth as if I’m on an expedition. She makes small noises that drive me wild and I want to tell her to stop, because if she doesn’t I’d have to take this further and neither of us want or need that right now.

I place my hands on either side of her face needing to bring her closer if that’s possible. I slowly pull away and rest my forehead against hers struggling for breath but loving every moment of the kiss we just shared.

“That was incredible.” I say peppering her face with kisses.

“It always is.” I smile when she says that. I hope that every kiss we share can be that amazing.

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:14 pm
by Icequeen
Thanks for the awesome FB! This is a fly by posting as RL is insane right now. Hope you like this part. I apologize in advance for any spelling/grammar errors. Word is giving me a hard time :cry: :D

~*~*Chapter 12~*~*

Time has passed so quickly. It’s now spring and I’ve been spending more and more time outdoors. Liz and I were in constant contact for about a month or so but then it seemed that things were always in the way of us seeing each other or calling. I actually haven’t spoken to her in about a month and I miss her.

Isabel’s wedding is in two months and I was hoping that Liz would come with me but that doesn’t seem like it’s going to happen. I’ve been handed a huge case and if it weren’t for Tess’s help I’d never be able to handle it.

“So hot stuff, what’s been going on with you?” I forgot to mention that Tess was on vacation for the past two weeks and now that she’s back she’s going to drill me for information about Liz and me.

“Not much. How was your vacation?” I try to divert the attention to her.

“Great. It was just what I needed.” She has a mischievous smile on her face and I want to ask but the last time I did that I got way too much information and wasn't able to look at her in the eye for weeks.

“I’m glad. I missed you though.”

“Awww I knew you loved me. It’s too damn bad you’re not my type.” She kisses my cheek and I have to laugh.

“Well here are some contracts I need you to look over. See if you can find anything in there that would get us out of this mess. I doubt it but you never know.” I hand her a box and hope she doesn’t yell at me.

“Ugh. Are there anymore? I mean how many freaking contracts are in here? I do have a life Maxwell.” I laugh.

“Not for the next month or so you don’t”

“So what’s been going on with you? Made any progress with Liz yet?” I knew she was going to ask.

“Umm I’ve been busy with this case and she has some stuff going on too.” I don’t look up at her. If I don’t make eye contact she might back off.

“Busy huh? Well, it’s your life; I’m not going to push you into actually living it.” With that she walks away.

I hate her sometimes. She has a way of saying something that stays with you for days.

I look out my window and wonder what Liz is doing right now. I find myself doing that more and more lately.

“Fuck it.” I pick up the phone and call her.

“Hey, It’s Max.” She picks up after one ring.

“Hi. How are you?” So far so good, she sounds happy to hear from me.

“I’m great. I’ve been busy with work but that’s a good thing right?” Lame Max. very lame.

“It is.”

“So I’m going to be swamped for the next week or two but I was wondering if you’d like to get together after that?” Say yes say yes.

“I’d love to.” I smile.

“Great. I’ll give you a call once things slow down.” We say our goodbyes and hang up.

A smile forms as I come up with an idea. I’ll have to do some research first though and that will have to wait until later.


The next three days go by fast as hell. We have one full day to prepare for this case and I still feel like we’re nowhere near done. Having no other choice Tess and I decided to bring on two interns to help with some of the research.

“Don’t be mad.” Tess comes into my office.

“What?” I fear the worst.

“Promise you won’t be mad first.”

“Tess come on.” I don’t have time for this.

“Well you know how we’re getting help from two interns. Well someone got whiff of it and well…Raquel is helping us.” I let out a breath.


“Whatever, she better stay out of my way and the minute I see her doing something that’s not helpful she’s out.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll watch her.”

We work until six and decide to take a small dinner break.

“I’ll go and get menu’s Mr. Evans.” I nod and watch Raquel walk out of one of the conference rooms.

“I’m surprised she’s being normal.” Tess says once she walks out.

“Yeah thank God.” We notice that she’s taking long with the menus and I decide to go get her since I have to grab something from the copy room anyway.

I look around the office and don’t see anyone but the receptionist there. Walking past her I hear Raquel’s voice and I’m about to call for her when I hear another voice, a familiar voice.

“Hi, you work with Max right?” I hear Liz ask.


“Could you do me a favor and give this to him. I know that he’s working late and don’t want to disturb him.” I peek around the wall and see her hand Raquel a basket full of muffins.

“Look, I don’t know what Max has told you or not told you but he and I are dating now.” What! Is she nuts?

“Oh, I didn’t know.” Liz can’t seriously believe her. Doesn’t she remember her?

“Yeah I guess he realized his true feelings for me and well we’ve been back together for a week now. It was just a matter of time before he came back to me.”

“Back to you?”

“Oh he didn’t tell you that we dated before? Yeah, we dated a while back and broke it off but now everything is better.”

“I see. Well congratulations then.” Come on! I hope she’s not buying this.

“Thanks. I’m sorry things didn’t work out for you two but you’ll find someone.” I have to put a stop to this.

“Thanks. Well I’ll be sad to miss his brothers wedding. I was looking forward to it.” Huh?

“Yes, it’s going to be great.” I smile when I catch on to what Liz is doing.

“Oh I know. I mean getting married in the Bahamas is so romantic. I was looking forward to the trip out there. I’m sure you’ll be going with Max now.”

“As a matter of fact I am. Listen I have to get back to work.” Liz smiles and hits the button for the elevator. I have to laugh as I walk back to the conference room.

We place our orders for food and spread out to take a break while the food gets here. I see Raquel make a beeline towards me and look around for Tess but don’t see her.

“I just wanted to thank you for giving me the opportunity to help you. I made these for you, I hope you like them.” She hands me the basket that Liz brought and I look at her wondering what her damage is.

“Thanks.” I grab the basket and put it on the floor. Hopefully she got the hint

“So a little birdie told me that your brother is getting married in the Bahamas, how exciting.”

“Who told you that?”

“Um – they made me promise not to say.” She looks around the room, for what I don’t know.

“Well the next time someone gives you gossip they should get their facts straight.”

“Wh – “

“I don’t have a brother, I have a sister. A twin sister and yes she is getting married but it’s not in the Bahamas.” She stands there closing and opening her mouth with no words to say and I laugh. "Let that be the last time you try to get involved with my personal life."I walk away then I go and call Liz, to thank her.

“Your horrible you know that?” I laugh as I retell the story.

“I recognized her a few seconds after I handed her the basket and thought I’d have a little fun.”

“Well thank you. You have no idea what you saved me from.”

“Looks like you owe me again Evans.” Is she flirting with me?

“Looks like it. I promise as soon as this case is over I’ll make it up to you.”

“I’ll be holding you to that.” She laughs. “I read about the case in the business section, things don’t look too good for your client.” I wince when she says that. I hadn’t realized the paper was covering the case.

“I’m not worried. Today it looks bad for my client the next day it looks bad for the other side. Journalists.” I huff.

“Well good luck. Give me a call once you’ve won.”

“Will do.” I hang up and focus all my attention to work, well mostly.

It’s one in the morning and my eyes are burning.

“Tell me you love me.” Tess bursts in looking way too happy.

“What?” I rub my eyes trying to get them into focus.

“Tell me you love me.” She says showing me a sheet of paper.

“What’s going on? I’m tired Tess.” That came out way whineier then I wanted.

“Ok ok you big baby. Take a look at this.” She places the paper on my desk. My eyes focus on one small paragraph that has been highlighted.

“How did you get this?” I asked amazed that she got this information.

“This is how.” She cups her breasts.

“Your sick.” I shake my head at her.

“Look I just broke the case so be happy. Now you can go home and do us all a favor by taking a shower – with soap!”

“I love you I love you I love you.” I kiss her cheek three times and grab my briefcase and the muffins Liz made me before heading towards the elevator.

We just won the case!

I want to call Liz but when I realize what time it is I decide to call her after court tomorrow.

When I get home I place the basket down on the kitchen table and see that there is a card sticking out the side.

I pull it out and smile at the delicate handwriting on it.

I made these from scratch…just kidding but I personally went and bought them from a health food store so go nuts and enjoy! Good luck with your case.



Love? What does she mean by that?

I obsess over it for the next thirty minutes then decide to go to bed and Tess is right, I do need a shower but I’ll do that in the morning.


The next morning I take an extra long shower and hail a cab to the office. There isn’t anyone there when I get there. Maybe the fact that it’s only six has something to do with it.

“Why are you here so early? Have some last minute prep to do?” Tess comes in about an hour later dressed and ready for court.

“Just anxious I guess.” We gather the paperwork we’ll need and catch a cab to city hall.

“So she sent you muffins huh?”

“Don’t start.”

“Was there a note?” I don’t want to answer this and turn to look out the window. “There was a note, I knew it! What did it say?” She’s not going to stop.

“Nothing.” I lie.

“She sent you a blank note?” Now she’s just being a smart ass.

“No. She wished me good luck that’s all.”

“How did she sign it?” I really don’t want to talk about this. “Because it’s important you know. How she signed it. Max?” I pray for someone to call me on my cell or for the cab to get there already just so I don’t have to talk about this.

“She signed it regular I guess.” No one called and we’re stuck in traffic about three blocks away.

“Regular? What the hell does that mean?” I love Tess but I’m not in the mood for this right now.

“Tess not now please. I’m trying to focus on the case.” She rolls her eyes and sinks back into the seat.

When we get out of the cab I see a few reporters setting up in front of city hall.

“Great the circus has started setting up.” We enter through the back and set up waiting for the trial to begin.





Either way you put it a win is a win and it’s always a beautiful thing.

The ride back couldn’t have gone any slower. I have been dying to call Liz but didn’t want to do it in front of Tess.

As soon I get to my office I shut my door and tell my secretary I’m not to be disturbed for the next hour.

“Hey Mr. big shot. I heard you won.”

“News travels fast.” I should have known it would be on the news stations since by the time we got out of there about six news cameras were set up. I let Tess talk to them, I’ve always hated doing that anyway and lord knows she loves it.

“You know I think I’m a little jealous. I didn’t know you worked with such pretty lawyers. You and that Tess seemed awfully chummy.” I don’t know weather she’s serious or not and pause before answering her. I wonder what exactly she saw.

“Tess and I are not like that. It’s pretty much never going to happen and it wouldn’t matter anyway because I’m not interested in her.” I don’t think I should tell her about Tess over the phone. You never know how a person will react to something like that.

“You don’t have to explain yourself to me.” She says softly. I can tell that it’s bothering her. I kind of like it in a total caveman macho way.

So, let go, l-let go
Just get in
Oh, it's so amazing here

“I want to explain. Tess is a good friend. As a matter of fact I’d love for you to meet her. Come out with us tonight. A few of us are celebrating and I’d love for you to join me.” Desperate much Max?

“Are you sure? It’s not a work thing?”

“I’m positive. Everyone is bringing someone anyway. It’s tradition.” I would usually bring Isabel with me but I’d much rather bring Liz.

“Ok then.”

“Ok I’ll have a car pick you up at seven.” She gives me her address and I hang up. Time to put my plan into action.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 1:30 am
by Icequeen
I'm SO sorry for taking this long. I tried my best to get this to you as soon as i could, hopefully the wait is worth it for you. I have this all planned out i swear, it's just a matter of literally typing it out. LOL Thank you all for reading, and please please please ignore any errors. I'm still having issues with my computer. Special shout out goes to Amy, you know why :wink:

~*~Chapter 13~*~*

“I hope you had a nice time.” I smile and look down at her arm laced through mine.

“I did, you have nice friends.” We wait a few moments for the car to come around and I secretly hope for him to take as long as possible.

“Yeah, Tess keeps me grounded most of the time”

“When I first saw her in your office I thought…” I laugh and finish for her.

“That I was interested in her? I get that a lot. She is one of my best friends.” I would certainly be lost without her. We get into the car and ride in a comfortable silence. Just being near her is enough for me.

We get to her place and i get out to walk her to the front door.

“Would you like some coffee?” she gestures for me to join her upstairs and i don't hesitate.

“That would be nice." We take an industrial looking elevator up to the third floor and walk to her apartment down the hall.

"Your place is cozy” I say after looking around. The walls are painted a warm brown color and her furniture is all in neautral shades.

“Is that a nice way of saying I have too much stuff?” she laughs.

“No, I like all the pictures and the artwork. Sarah liked…” I stop. “I like the artwork”

“Me too” she doesn’t react to the mention of Sarah’s name and I am almost relieved.

“So you said you hate to fly, but you’ve done work in other states?”

“I take the train when I can but I’ve flown alone, I just hate it.”

“I have to fly to San Diego in two weeks” I actually hate the thought of leaving her.

“You fly to the west coast a lot. I actually have to be in Miami next month for a project” I suddenly don’t like this idea. I don’t like the idea of her being unavailable to me.

“Will you be there long?”

“About three weeks. It all depends on how smooth things go” she sits next to me on the sofa curling her feet under her. I have to stare at her and when she smiles back at me it warms my heart and I know, I want to be with her.

“I want to say something but I want you to promise you’ll be honest with your feelings no matter what” She slowly nods and i go for it.

“I want to get to know you, I want us to date—exclusively.”

“Max Evans, are you asking me to be your girlfriend?” she laughs and I smile.

“Yeah, I guess I am”

“I’d really love that” I reach over and seal our lips together.

“I can’t get enough of these lips” I nip her bottom lip gently. When we pull away she lies on my chest and slowly starts to drift off. As her breathing evens and I know she is sleeping I let my breath out. I hope that I don’t ruin this.

Not wanting to wake her I slowly start to slide out from underneath her. She stirs a little and I freeze. Her breath evens out again and I grab my jacket.

“Max?” her sleepy voice stops me and I smile.

“Go back to sleep, I’ll let myself out.”

“Could you leave the light on please?” I guess she was serious about the lights.

“Ok, I’ll call you tomorrow. Goodnight” I kiss her forehead and let myself out.

The ride back is quite and I cant help but wonder what happened to make her afraid to sleep in the dark. Thoughts of someone hurting her or something happening to her flood my mind and I start to become angry.

I wake up and decide to go into the office late and sleep in. It felt good being able to take my time getting ready.

I walk into the office and see Tess walking straight for me.

“Good morning” I say grabbing my mail.

“Hey” she follows me into my office and shuts the door. “Slow day today?”

“Tell me everything. Did you go home with her?” I laugh.

“I did but not in the way you are thinking. I didn’t stay the night”

“Well I knew that! I love her by the way. You two just seem to…I don’t know—fit” I smile when she says that and I cant help but think the same.

“I really like her too.”

“Well don’t mess this up because I’ll kick your ass.”

“Thanks mom” I sort through my mail when a thought pops into my head. I make a phone call I’ve been avoiding but I can’t anymore.

“Tess I’m leaving early, I’ve got to go upstate.” I hang up and head for the subway. I have at least an hour to prepare for this.

I step out of the cab and look up at the house I’ve visited a thousand times. This is the house that Sarah grew up in. I take a deep breath and walk up the stairs to the bright red door. I knock softly and wait. The sound of their bull mastiff barking brings back memories.

When I first saw the dog I thought I was going to be eating alive by him.

“Max! It is so good to see you. Come in” her mother steps aside to let me in. I take a moment and look around. Everything looks the same as the last time I was here. It's a little freaky and sad at the same time.

“Aaron is in the study. Have a seat, I’ll go get him.” those words bring me back to when I asked for Sarah's hand in marriage. I sit on the sofa and laugh when I see the plate of cookies and the cherry coke.

“Max, it’s been a while. How are you son?” he shakes my hand and stands in front of me.

“I’m great, I’m sorry I haven’t stopped by in so long.” I don’t bother saying why, they know.

“Well you’re here now. So what have you been up to? How are your parents?”

“They are fine. I just saw them recently. Isabel is getting married.”

“The Ice queen?” Sarah’s father says. They actually love Isabel but she was of course her normal ice princess self when they first met and it took time for them to warm up to her.

“Aaron, do not call her that” we laugh and he starts to ask me about work

“How are things at the firm?” I talk about work for a little while and when I am ready to bring up Liz Sarah’s mom cuts in.

“I’m sure that Sarah would have been so proud of you. She always talked about how good you were and how proud she was. I’m sure you knew that.”

“I did” I have to look away so I don’t see the tears in her eyes and what I come face to face with is a picture of Sarah and I at our wedding. I shouldn’t have turned around. My eyes wander the room and I am assaulted with memory after memory as I look at all the pictures.

Pictures of Sarah in grade school.

Pictures of Sarah in a cheerleading uniform.

Pictures of Sarah in her cap and gown.

“I made all your favorites for lunch Max” Her voice snaps me out of my thoughts. She really cant expect me to stay longer, this is already more than I can take.

“Uncle MAX!” I turn toward the all too familiar voices.


“We not munchkins we big now” I laugh and scoop them up in my arms.

“Wow, I think you are getting big” I look at the twins and for a brief moment I wonder if Sarah and I would have had twins.

“Mom called and told me you were coming and the kids missed you” Lindsay kisses my cheek as she puts the bag on her shoulder down.

“I’m glad you came” the kids rope me into several games including hide and go seek and before I know it dinner is ready.

“Max please stay for dinner? It beats eating alone” I was planning on taking Liz out for dinner but I decide I need to stay.

“I just need to make a phone call” I step outside onto the porch and call Liz.

“Hey, what’s going on?”

“Nothing, what are you up to?” do I tell her?

“Not much, I have been working from home.”

“I’m upstate visiting Sarah’s parents” she is quite for a moment.

“That is really nice of you” I can hear she is holding something back

“I wanted to take you out but they asked me to stay for dinner”

“It is ok, they need this time. I am sure they missed you”

“I miss you” that is really the first time I have told her that. I have shown emotion toward her but not to the point of telling her I missed her.

“I do too and I didn’t realize it until you called. I didn’t realize how nice it is to hear your voice.”

“I love hearing yours too” she laughs and it puts a smile on my face. “I’m going to go back in before they send the cavalry out for me. I just wanted you to know where I was and if it isn’t too late when I get back I will call you.”

“Sounds good, I will talk to you later” I shut the phone and take a deep breath in.

“You’re seeing someone” I turn and come face to face with Lindsay. I know right away that she knows, her words were more like a statement of truth than a question.

“Sort of, it is all really new”

“It is the girl at the park” I say nothing, this is quite awkward. I never thought I would have to tell my sister-in-law I was dating someone else. “I knew you were seeing her”

“How?” now I am curious

“When you walked away I turned back and your hand was on the small of her back. You used to do that with Sarah all of the time. I also saw it in your eyes. You looked at her the way I have only seen you look at Sarah” this is making my heart hurt.

“Please don’t tell you parents. I want to do it”

“I wont” she sits on the swing tied to the old oak tree and looks up at me. “How are you doing?”

“I’m better now. I am able to talk about her” I see the tears in her eyes and I have to look straight ahead as I lean against the tree.

“I miss her so much” she is looking at the sky to keep from crying

“I do too”

“I’m glad you are moving forward. Sarah would want that” I smile.

“It is a slow process but I think I’m finally ready and Liz is really great. She is really understanding”

“That is good, you need that. I know you loved Sarah but I am glad you are opening up to other possibilities, you are too young not to, and you deserve to be happy”

“Thank you. It is hard sometimes. There are days when I feel like I am betraying Sarah by spending time with Liz. I’m holding back because of that and it isn’t fair to Liz.”

“Well I’m no expert but I’m sure wearing your wedding band isn’t helping and I’m sure its awkward for Liz too” I look down at my ring and play with it.

“I’m not ready to take it off” I stand up and get ready to head back in.

“Max wait! I’m sorry, I just meant…no one is going to think badly of you. I don’t know Liz but I know women and as one I know it would bother me. What I’m trying to say is if you are going to do this…do it right. I love you and I want you to be happy, even if it isn’t with Sarah.”

“Thank you Lindsay” I hug her and we walk inside.

Dinner is just like I remember with laughter and conversation mostly about the past. It was almost as if Sarah were right there with us. We have dessert and coffee in the family room. I look around and feel a sense of sadness. Sarah should be here, she is missing so much.

When I am ready to leave Sarah’s mom walks me out. “You look good. We are happy you stopped by, please don’t be a stranger. No matter what we are always family and we will always consider you our son”

“Thank you. I’ll try to stop by more often” I hug her and get into my awaiting cab. I should have told them about Liz but I chickened out. I’ll tell them next time I come up.

My trip to San Diego is approaching faster than I thought. I leave tomorrow and I wish I didn’t have to go. Liz and I have been spending more and more time together,. She gave me a tour of her favorite places and in Jersey and I have to admit I had a good time.

Tonight I am inviting her over for the first time. I’ve ordered take out from my favorite place and picked up a few movies. I left her name with the doorman and now all I have to do is get ready.

I hear a knock at the door and I know it is her. I walk slowly to the door needing to compose myself.

“Hey” she smiled and gives me a kiss on the lips.

“Hey beautiful” I wrap my arms around her and smile at how perfectly she fits in my arms.

“This building is beautiful” I take her jacket when I bring her into the apartment.

“I love it here” I stand back and watch her look around

“I would too. It must have cost a small fortune” I laugh

“Yes, but what is more important then being comfortable? I’ve never been cheap when it comes to my home”

“I agree” she walks around and ends up in the kitchen.

“Do you do much cooking?”

“Um…no. I don’t have the time and I never really needed to”

“I love to cook but then I don’t. I hate cooking for one” I can understand that.

“Are you hungry?”

“Starved” she says eyed the containers.

“Sit, I’ll serve, why don’t you pick out a movie. I have few different ones to chose from” I prepare our plates as I watch her sort through the movies. I take the plates over and hand her hers.

“Here you go” she takes the plate and smiles at me. “What did you pick?”

“This one looks good and I haven’t seen it yet” I shake my head and put the movie on. I take a seat next to her. I pause the movie to clear our plates and then get comfortable again. She lays her head on my chest, something she’s been doing a lot lately and I love it.

By the time the movie is over she is asleep and for some reason I do not want to wake her tonight.

I am so comfortable right now that I close my eyes and join her in sleep. Somehow in the middle of the night we’ve shifted and she is lying on top of me. Her head is just below my chin and I can feel the soft puffs of air on my neck. I kiss the top of her head, wrap my arms around her and drift back to sleep.

The sunlight is streaming into my apartment and we both awaken at the same time.

“Did you sleep ok?” she is still lying on my chest and she has that morning look.

“Perfect, you?” she scrunches up and I have to say it is beautiful

“Perfect” I look at my watch and notice that I have three hours to get ready.

“What time does your flight leave?” she tries to get up but I keep her on my chest.

“I have some time, don’t move” she laughs and I play with her hair as she relaxes against my chest.

“I could make breakfast”

“You assume I have food” we both laugh and she looks at me.

“Is there a store nearby?”

“Just around the corner”

“Ok, you get ready and I’ll run down there”

“You are the best. Here is some cash, and my keys” I watch her walk out the door and go get my things in order. I’ve done most of my packing already but I need to double check.

About twenty minutes later I hear the key in the door and I go to help her out. As soon as I see her face I know something is wrong.

“What happened?” I ask taking some of the bags she was carrying. She is about to answer when I hear familiar voices.

“Max, we were in the city this morning and decided to stop by”

“Hey” I stand there awkwardly; this was not what I had planned. “Come in” I let them in and

Now I know why Liz is upset or at least I think I do.

“Could you excuse us for a moment?” I gesture for Liz to join me in the kitchen while they wait in the living room.

“I can explain” I say not really knowing what happened.

“What exactly are you going to explain?” she has her hands on her hips. It is the fist time I have seen her upset with me and I don’t like it.

“Whatever it is I can explain. What happened?”

Excuse me, too busy you're writing your tragedy
these mishaps
you bubble wrap
when you've no idea what you're like

“I was coming up and they were asking the doorman for your apartment number. I told them I was coming up here and introduced myself. I figured who they were before they told me but when they didn’t know who I was I got upset” she lets her breath out. “Now I know we are taking this slow and I am ok with that. However, I don’t like feeling like I’m the secret. I know this must be hard for you to tell them but you led me to believe you were going to at least mention me. I let it slide at the park but not this time.”
“I’m sorry. I was wrong and now you are hurt. I should have told them.” I can see tears in her eyes and it hurts me.

“I think you need to decide what you really want. It’s not fair to either of us to go on like this. This time apart will help. I’m going to Miami sooner then I thought anyway, we both need this time.” She wipes her face and walks toward the door. I follow behind her wanting to walk her out.

“It was nice meeting you” she says to Sarah’s parents before walking out the door.

“Liz wait” I catch up to her and gently take her hand. “I really am sorry. I never wanted to hurt you but I did it anyway. Please let me fix this. I hate the thought of you leaving here upset with me”

“I’m not mad Max but I am upset. Let’s just take this time ok? We will see what happens when we both get back”

“I’ll take that for now but I will be calling you Liz Parker, you can count on that” she smiles slightly and walks away. I can’t make another mistake like that again.

I walk up the stairs prepared to tell Sarah’s parents everything. My heart breaks for them but I have to do this. Liz has become an important part of my life and I need to start acting like it.

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 4:34 pm
by Icequeen
Ok so it took me a while but I’m back with a new part! Thank you all for your comments I’m seriously surprised so many of you are reading even tho I’m MIA half the time :oops: . Hopefully I can come back with the next part soon for all of you! Thank you again for your comments. :D

~*~Chapter 14~*~*

Telling Sarah’s parents wasn’t as hard as I thought it was going to be. They took it much better then I thought they would. I seems like everyone around me just wants me to be happy, it’s time I start wanting that for myself. I hate having these doubts when it comes to Liz but I still do. It’s a nagging feeling in the back of my head that won’t go away.

I start to clean up a little when something catches my eye. Somehow the hallway closet door was opened, the one door I haven’t opened since I placed Sarah’s belongings in there.

“That’s odd.” I walk over to the door to close it when a box falls to the floor. I reach over to put everything back when I see her planner. Curiosity has gotten to me and I start to flip through it. I come to the page where she has anniversaries and birthdays written down when one name catches my eye. It’s someone I haven’t seen since the funeral and even then it was by chance.

I wonder what he’s doing and more importantly how he is doing. He and Sarah were especially close.

Sarah had an older brother named Michael. I say had because he’s been pretty much erased from the family tree. The only one he kept in contact with is Sarah; she was the only one that wouldn’t judge him when everyone else did. We were never close; I guess I was sort of jealous of his closeness to Sarah. They had this bond that no one could understand. Michel was a doctor up until a few years ago. I know that he knew Sarah like on one did, not even me.

When her family shunned Michael Sarah was the only one that would keep in contact with him. She didn’t talk to her parents or Lindsay for close to a year. When they did start speaking again they never mentioned Michael or what happened. I still don’t know why but I won’t be the one to open old wounds.

I place everything back in the box when something else catches my eye. It’s a framed black and white picture of the Eiffel tower. Sarah always dreamed of going there. We kept putting it off because of my work, which is something I’ll always regret. Before I put the box away I write down Michael’s telephone number and address.


“You look like hell again. What’s the deal with you anyway?” Tess always has a special way of saying good morning.

“Good morning to you too. Thank you for taking the time to comment on my appearance.” She sits down in the chair across from my desk and I can feel a lecture coming.

“Be a smart ass if you want but you do look like hell. I’m pretty sure that means you messed up and spent all night thinking about what you did right?” I say nothing. She can read me like a children’s book. It’s kind of sad really.

“Liz ran into Sarah’s parents at my place.”

“Oh this sounds juicy.” she leans forward as if I’m about to tell her some recent office gossip.

“It didn’t go well. They had no clue who she was and she was upset about it.”

“When are you going to learn? You know I’ve never been in your situation and hope to never be but I just can’t understand your reluctance on telling her family. I don’t even understand why you feel you need to in the first place. Their daughter, your wife died, I don’t understand why you feel like you have to clue them into every step you take.” She has a point. Even I don’t know why.

“I don’t know why Tess I just do. I don’t want to cut them out of my life just because I’m not with Sarah and I don’t want them to find out by running into me somewhere.”

“I can’t help you then. I guess you have to figure it out on your own. Short of having some kind of out of body experience where you talk to Sarah it seems as if no one can make you feel OK about moving on. I will tell you that Liz is a great girl and you’re going to mess this up if you don’t get your shit together and fast. You’re not going to find another person that’s as patient as her and you need that.”

“Thanks.” I get up to give her a hug.

“You know I wish you would stop trying to feel me up. I’m just not into you.” I start to laugh and walk her to the door. She blows me a kiss before she leaves and I shake my head. She’s crazy but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I sit in my office staring out the window when a thought comes to mind. I grab my cell phone and scroll through the contacts. Once I find the number I make a phone call that I never thought I’d be making.

A few awkward moments later I have an open invitation. I sit back and think about Liz and how I’ve been messing up pretty much since we met. Tess is right, she is a great person and she has been more then patient with me and the situation. Suddenly I realize that I don’t want to lose her. I pick up the phone and put a plan that I’ve had in mind for a while into action.

Sarah loved flowers and I picked up a few things here and there from her. She was especially fascinated with what each flower means. There are a few that I still remember.

I call the florist and have them deliver two types flowers to Liz. I had them write down the names of each flower on a card. Hopefully she won’t know what they mean and have to look them up. I put a rush on the order and am guaranteed delivery by 1:00.

“Max, Liz Parker is on the line for you.” I’m in the middle of reviewing some depositions when I’m buzzed. I smile, she got the flowers.


“Hi.” She sounds a bit annoyed; maybe she didn’t look it up yet.

“I go your flowers.”

“I’m glad.”

“I don’t get it. What’s with the note?”

“Look up the meaning.”

“What?” she laughs.

“Look up the meaning of each flower and call me back.” I hang up with a smile. This should work like a charm. I sent her a dozen purple hyacinth meaning I’m sorry and a dozen gladioli meaning I’m really sincere. Not more then five minutes later she’s back on the line.

“Did you look it up?”

“Yes. How did you know what they mean?” I don’t want to blow it and mention Sarah’s name.

“I like flowers.” I lie.

“You’re a liar but thank you. You’re not forgiven yet but I’m willing to give you a chance.” I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding.

“Thank you. I’m really going to change, I know that I haven’t been fair to you and I’m willing to fix that.”

“I know you have good intentions Max.” I brace myself for some bad news. “Let’s wait and see what happens when I get back from my trip. I’m leaving tomorrow afternoon.”

“Why so soon?” My heart drops. I was hoping to spend more time with her before she left.

“I called to see if there were ready for me and they are. I think the time apart might be good for us anyway.” She laughs a little.

“What’s so funny?”

“We haven’t been dating a week and we’re already taking time apart. I just hope it’s not a sign of how the future will be.” God, I hope not.

“It’s not. I will fix this Liz.”

“I know you’ll try.” She tells me what hotel she’s staying in and hangs up. I feel like things aren’t going to be the same between us. I just hope that I haven’t done too much damage.


With Liz gone I find myself with nothing to occupy my time. Before I met her all I did was work but I don’t feel like doing that anymore. I don’t want to be a workaholic anymore. It’s a typical Saturday afternoon and I no longer want to sit in my house staring at the same four walls. I get dressed and call the car service. It should take me no more then an hour to get there.

When we pull up to the address I was given I laugh a little. If you knew Michael you would laugh too when you saw the place he now calls home. I tell the driver that I’ll call him when I’m ready and step out of the car.

I should have brought a camera because no one would believe that Michael Guerin, hot shot cardiologist would be living in the suburbs in a white house with a red door.

The person that greets me when the door opens is not who I thought I’d be looking at. What was once a clean shaven face and trim hair now has a beard and long shaggy hair. I’m sure the soccer mom’s that live around here just love him.

“Maxwell.” He knows I’ve always hated that.

“Michael.” He nods and steps aside to let me in.

“So what brings you up here? It’s been what, two years?” I look around the house and can’t believe that he’s been living here for years. The house is barely furnished, it almost looks as if he bought just what he needed to be semi comfortable and forgot about the rest.

“I actually don’t know. I was looking through Sarah’s things and came across your phone number and here I am.” I smile but he just look at me with that same stone face that he’s always had.

“Have a seat.” I’m about to ask him where since I only see one chair when he produces another one seemingly from thin air.

“So how have you been? I ask him. So I’m fishing for conversation so what. Michael and I have never been close and this is the first time I’ve ever been alone with him. Without Sarah here it seems odd.

“Oh I’ve been great. I no longer a doctor, my life is ruined and I have no friends or family. How are you?” So he’s still angry about that.

“I’m alright I guess.” Maybe if I ignore his sarcasm he’ll stop.

“Alright? Just alright? You mean you’re not suicidal after your wife died in a car accident where you were driving?”

“You son of a bitch! How dare you say that!” I get up and a grab him by the shirt collar ready to rip his head off.

“Well that’s what everyone thinks right? I mean isn’t that what you thought I’d do after my life was ruined?” I let go of his shirt and step away from him.

“I never thought that about you.”

“Bullshit! Everyone thought I was guilty except Sarah, I saw the way everyone looked at me. Even my own parents didn’t believe me. Do you know how that feels? Do you have any fucking idea how it would feel for your own mother and father to think you’re a murderer!”

“I can’t say that I do know but I never thought that about you and neither did Sarah. She stood by you and you know that.”

“Yeah well whatever.” He takes a seat on the worn chair in front of the television and stares straight ahead. It’s strange to see him like this and I wonder if he was this bad when Sarah would come to visit. He’s a shadow of the man he was when I first met him.

“Want a beer?” He asks catching me off guard.

“Sure.” I look at my watch and realize it’s only one in the afternoon but I didn’t want to say no. While he’s in the kitchen I notice a stack of papers on the small table next to me. One of them catches my eye since it’s from the American Medical association. I can’t help myself and end up reading it. Quickly I scan the letter and see that it’s dated almost a year ago and says that he has been cleared of all charges and that his medical license will be reinstated pending his signature on his re credentialing application. I hear him coming back and quickly put the letter back in its place.

“Here you go.” He hands me a cold beer and takes his seat again. We sit in silence and I want so badly to bring up what I read.

“So seriously what’s new with you?”

“Not much really. Just working.” He looks at me strangely.

“Just working? Come on Max it’s been what, two years or so? You’re going to sit there and tell me that you aren’t dating anyone?”

“Well, I’m sort of seeing someone but it’s not serious though.” As soon as the words leave my mouth I regret them. Something I’ve been doing a lot lately.

“Well I bet the fact that you’re still wearing your wedding ring isn’t helping either. Why don’t you take it off Max? It’s not going to bring her back you know.” Usually I would have gotten pissed at a comment like that but coming from him it doesn’t bother me.

“I know it’s not Michael.” I start to play with my ring. “I want to take it off but I’m not ready.”

“Why? You did your part didn’t you? Played the grieving husband and all that. It’s time to move on. I’ll tell you one thing if it were you that died and Sarah was here I would tell her the same thing. There is no way I’d let her live like you are. I mean, look at you. You’re a good looking guy have a successful career and your miserable. Your not even thirty yet Max and your living like you should be in an assisted living facility.” I realize that he has some points but does he have to be so harsh about it? Feeling myself backing into a corner I lash out.

“Why haven’t you renewed your medical license?” his eyes go wide and I see him getting angry.

“Did you come here to snoop? Why were you looking through my things?”

“I didn’t come here to snoop but I’m glad I saw it. Michael this is your chance, a chance to get your life back.” He starts to laugh and I’m annoyed.

“You really think it’s that easy don’t you? You think I can just sign on the dotted line and poof I’m a doctor again? I don’t think so Max. That won’t erase everything that’s happened; you and I both know that.”

“I know it won’t but at least you can start to rebuild don’t let this chance slip by you Michael. That letter is a gift, take it and start to live again.” We sit in silence for a while.

“I’ll do it but only if you make a deal with me.” That takes me by surprise; Michael isn’t the type to make “deals”


“I’ll sign the papers and be a doctor again only if you take your ring off.” I swallow hard. I don’t know if I can agree to that. I take a few moments to think about it and finally agree. After all he’s got the hard part of the deal right?

“Good when I get my medical license I want to see you with the ring off. I also want to see that your skin under the ring is not stark white either.” I laugh.

“Ok deal.” We sit and talk for a little while then I call the car service. On the ride back I start to slip the ring off stopping just before I get to the tip of my finger. Michael was right my skin is a strange shade of white from having it on for so long. I sink back into the chair and think of Liz and what she’s doing. I reach into my pocket and dial her cell phone.

Drink up baby down
Are you in or are you out?

“Hello?” I breathe a sigh of relief when she answers. I thought she would have avoided my calls after the way things were left off.

“Hey, are you busy?”

“No I was off today. I’m on my way back to the hotel actually. What are you up to?” I want to tell her everything but not on the phone.

“Not much I was visiting an old friend today.”

“That’s good. I’m glad you’re getting out.” I smile knowing that she’s thinking of me make me feel good.

“So you’re not out picking up guys are you?”

She laughs and it melts my heart. “Why? Are you worried?”

“Me? Nah.” We both laugh and it feels good. “So is there any chance you’ll be home soon?” I feel like an idiot for asking but it just came out.

“I don’t think so. I have a lot of work to do here. Why? Are you missing me?” I want to say hell yes but I decide to play it cool.

“Maybe just a little.”

“Well I’ll be there as soon as I’m done here.” We say our goodbyes and I hang up and close my eyes for the rest of the ride. When I step out of the car I glance down at my hand and realize that somehow I took my ring off and placed it in my pocket.

Everyone was right, it was about time I did it. I smile and head up to my apartment by this time tomorrow I’ll be in Miami.

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 8:41 pm
by Icequeen
WOW thank you for the great FB. I’m so happy to see some of you really getting into this fic and everything that’s going on. I’ve never been through losing someone super close to me so I’m just winging it when it comes to Max and moving on. Michael’s story will come out in bits and pieces throughout the next couple of chapters so no worries. Again. Thank you for the comments they make me want to write faster. :wink:

Dreamer 3

~*~Chapter 15~*~

I have a hard time falling asleep in anticipation of surprising Liz tomorrow. I’ve never done anything this spontaneous and really don’t exactly know why I’m doing it but my heart is telling me to go.

I flip the television on and start channel surfing when my telephone rings.


“Hello stranger.”

“Hey Iz. What’s up?”

“Not much, just wanted to call and see if you were still alive. Too busy to call your sister?” She always does that and I hate it.

“Actually I have been busy. I had a major case not too long ago and – “

“I wanted to confirm you for the wedding. It’s still just you right?” I suddenly realize that she didn’t call me to ask about me, she called to talk about herself. Surprise surprise.

“Actually no it’s not just me remember. I’m coming with Liz.” I hear her take in a deep breath.

“You were serious about that?”

“Isabel I can’t keep doing this with you.” I flip off the television and start to pace around the room.

“Doing what? Talking to me?” She just doesn’t get it.

“I can’t keep keeping quiet and just going with the flow all the keep the peace with you. I’m going to your wedding and I’m brining Liz. If you have a problem with that I won’t go and you can explain to everyone why I wasn’t there.”

“You’re choosing her over me.”

“It’s not about Liz it’s about me making a choice for myself. I love you but I can’t keep worrying about what you think.” She doesn’t say anything for a while and I start to think that she hung up on me.

“I’m not trying to get you to please me Max I just worry about you.”

“Well please stop because it’s killing our relationship. I appreciate that you care but maybe you care a little too much. Just let me live my life ok?”

“I’ll try to understand you more.” I’m not sure I believe her but I have no choice but to accept it for now.

“Thank you.”

“So have you told mom and dad that you’re bringing someone?”

“No, didn’t want to make a big deal about it. They’ll find out when I get there I guess.”

“You sound happy, I’m glad.” We say our goodbyes and I hang up and try to get some sleep.


I get to the airport two hours before I’m supposed to and buy a few magazines to kill some time. Something hits me on the back of the head and I turn around to see what it was.

“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry.” I instantly think of Liz and the first time we met.

“It’s fine.” I turn my head to see the face that belongs to the voice and come in contact with a pair of strangely colored eyes. It’s not quite blue but it’s not quite green.

“No it’s not. I’m really sorry I should have been paying attention.” She struggles with her bag and I move to help her.

“It’s fine, really.” I don’t mean to stare at her and I know she must be cued into the fact that I am staring. “Do we know each other?” I have to ask. It sounds so lame but I really feel like I know her.

“I doubt it. I’m not from- I’ve been out of the country for a while.” She gives me a lopsided smile and now I think I’m going crazy. I swear I know her.

“There’s something about you that’s so familiar.” She smiles and the feeling gets stronger. I know her from somewhere.

“I get that a lot. I guess I have one of those faces or something.”

“Yeah, I guess that’s it.” I pretend to read my magazine while I rack my brain to figure out where I know her from.

As I walk to my seat I laugh when I see who is sitting next to me.

“I’m not following you I swear.” She moves her legs so I can get in next to her.

“I’m sure.” She laughs as I take my seat.

“I’m Max by the way.” I might as well introduce myself.

“Nice to meet you Max. I’m Sandra.” She extends her hand for me to shake. When I grab her hand I can’t help but notice that I can’t really feel it. It’s almost as if she’s not really there. The plane starts to take off and I smile as I think of Liz and how scared she was when we were on a flight together.

“You’re thinking of someone.” Her voice breaks me out of my thoughts.


“You were thinking about someone. I can tell, I have a gift for those things. Who is she?” Well she’s bold. “You don’t have to tell me. Your girlfriend right?” Really bold.

“Um - yeah sort of.” Its progress, I usually would have said no.

“I knew it! I told you I have a gift. You really like her, I can tell that too. What’s her name?”

“Liz.” I don’t know why I’m going along with this.

“Liz huh? Let me see your palm.”

“What? No way. What are you some kind of witch?” She starts to laugh.

“Don’t be silly there are no such things but there are people that have gifts, like me. Now give me your palm. It’s not like your doing anything else are you?” She has a point. Reluctantly I give her my palm.

“So let me guess I’m going to be rich, get married and have a thousand babies.” I roll my eyes.

“Man, you need to stop watching TV. I don’t look for things like that. Those are things that are completely in your control, if you want to be rich you will be, if you want to get married you will and if you want to have a thousand babies you can dream on because no woman will go for that.” I hear someone laugh and figure it’s the lady in front of us holding a baby.

“So what do you look for then?”

“Just things so shh and let me look.” She traces her hand over mine and again her hand feels like a feather. Her touch is so light I can barely feel her. She stops and has a huge smile on her face.


“I don’t know if I want to tell you. You’re cynical as it is you wouldn’t believe me anyway.” I smirk at her.

“Come on, you can “read” my palm and not tell me what you saw.” She shakes her head and I start to get annoyed. She sits quietly for the rest of the flight while I rack my brain trying to figure out what the hell she knows or thinks she knows.

We make it to our destination and start to de-board the plane. She still hasn’t said a word to me. By the time we get to the luggage area I’m about to scream when finally she walks over towards me.

“Let go Max, its ok. She’ll be happy for you. Liz is the one.” She walks away leaving me stunned. I try to follow her but she’s literally disappeared.

I grab my luggage and get into a taxi. Suddenly I feel less apprehensive about going to see Liz and less worried about my feelings towards her. I can’t but think about the virtual stranger that I met on the plane. The more I think about her the more it becomes clear that she reminds me of Sarah. There was something about her eyes and the way she carried herself that screamed Sarah but there is no way it could have been her. I laugh at the absurdity of it but then again it makes sense. Sarah would be the one to come to me in another form and leave me a seemingly cryptic message.

“Here you are sir.” The cab pulls up to her hotel and I step out and grab my bags. I check in at the front desk then head up to my room. It would have been nice to know what hotel Liz was staying in but I figured it was downtown somewhere since most of the businesses she deals with are here. I need a way to find out where she’s staying without her knowing. A smile forms on my face as I think of a brilliant way of finding out.

I call Liz’s office here in New York and use my name and influence to get the information I needed. So I threatened to sue them, it’s for a good cause. I call the font desk to ask how far the hotel is just to find out that it’s not even a block away. I take a shower and change then call her just to make sure she’s there.

“Two phone calls, you must really be bored.”

“Not bored just missing you. What are you up to?”

“Not much. Being lazy, where are you?” She must hear all the people around me as I walk to her hotel.

“Just walking around, I couldn’t stand being in the house anymore.”

“I was out earlier, I’m tired now. What’s with this new talkative side of you? Your being so – open lately.”

“Do you not like it?” I get to her hotel and step into the lobby.

“No I love it, it’s just different that’s all.”

“Can you hang on a moment?” I put the phone on mute as I try to get Liz’s room number from the woman at the front desk.

“Hi I’m Max Evans and I have a certified letter for one of your guests a Miss Elizabeth Parker.” She looks tough; I hope I can crack her.

“I can call her down here for you.” Shit! Think fast Max.

“That would be great but the thing is that she’s not going to be happy about the contents and well I wouldn’t want her to create a scene which trust me she’s going to.” She looks like she’s thinking it over and I hope she gives me the room number.

“She’s in room 1107. Please try to be discrete.” I thank her and take Liz off of mute.

“I’m sorry about that are you still there?”

“I’m here. It’s ok. So tell me about work. Do you have anything interesting going on?” I try to get into the elevator with as little noise as possible. Hopefully she doesn’t hear the bell ringing as I go up each floor.

“Not really. I’ve just been going over some depositions for a few cases I have coming up but they are pretty cut and dry. Nothing sensational.” I laugh.

“Well your job is still more exciting then mine.” I get to her door and put the phone on mute before knocking.

“Hang on a sec, someone is at the door.” I’m still holding the phone to my ear when she opens the door.

“Surprise!” I yell.

“Oh my – what are you doing here? How did you find me?” I laugh when I realize she’s still talking into the phone.

“I needed to see you.” I close my phone and pull her in for a tight hug.

“I’m so glad you came.” She brushes her nose into my neck and I breathe deeply into her hair.

“So am I.” She has no idea how happy I am that she’s not upset with me showing up like this.

“Wow, I can’t believe you’re here. I mean I never would have thought you’d come all the way down here.” We walk further into her suite and I notice the papers scattered everywhere.

“I don’t want to interrupt your work but like I said I had to see you.” She starts to clear away some of the papers making room for me on the pull out couch.

“Don’t take this the wrong way but why the change of heart? I mean you never struck me as the type to just have to see me.” I can’t argue with her, she’s 100% right.

“Your right.” I want to tell her everything but now doesn’t seem like the time. “Have you had dinner?”

“No, I was thinking about ordering in but we can go out if you want.”

“Ordering in sounds perfect.” I watch her work her way around the room as she clears a few things then grabs the menu.

We order our food and decide to sit on the small balcony just off the bedroom.

“Have you been to Miami before?” She asks me. I almost didn’t answer her on account that I was staring at her hair flying in the wind. She may not know it but this is the first time in years that I’ve thought about being with someone again – sexually.

“I have but it was a long time ago. I wasn’t able to go sightseeing or anything though.” I’m about to tell her what I’m thinking when room service arrives. He wheels the cart in and sets up our plates on the balcony.

“I didn’t realize how hungry I was until now.” She laughs.

We begin to eat but I can’t take my mind off of her. I think about how patient she’s been with me even though I don’t deserve it. I think about the mystery person on the flight over here and I think about Michael and what he said to me.

“Earth to Max.”


“You were a million miles away just now. Are you ok?”

“I’m perfect. Jus thinking about the friend I visited the other day.”

“How did that go?” She turns her attention to me and I know this is it. I have to tell her everything.

“It was an eye opener. I actually went to see Sarah’s brother. They were close and I hadn’t seen or talked to him in a long time. I’m glad I went to see him, he’s been going through a hard time.” She puts her hand over mine and squeezes gently.

“I’m sure that was hard for you.”

“Not as hard as I thought it was going to be. The hard part wasn’t seeing him or thinking about Sarah the hard part was what he said to me. He helped open my eyes to a few things, things that many people have been saying to me.” I wait for her to ask me what things but she doesn’t

“Sometimes you need an outside perspective on things. It takes a while to get it sometimes, trust me I know.” I sit back and realize that she may have her own secrets. Something is defiantly going on with her leaving the lights on and now this cryptic comment.

“Have you had a bad experience before?” She looks at me then quickly turns away and shakes her head no which screams yes.

“It’s something I’d rather not think about but yes I have.” I know better then to pry. She’ll tell me when she’s comfortable…hopefully.

“I want you to feel comfortable with me Liz.” I turn my chair to get closer to her. “I’m ready to let go and be with you completely. I think I’m – I think I’m starting to fall for you.” I place my hands over her and give her a slight squeeze.

“You took off your ring?” She looks surprised.

“I did.”

“Why?” She sounds more amazed then anything which makes me smile.

“It was time. It felt right. I’m ready to move forward with you and wearing the ring wasn’t showing that I felt inside.” She gets out of her chair and sits on my lap resting her head on my chest.

“Thank you.” I’m not sure what she’s thanking me for but I don’t want to ruin the moment by asking her.

We finish our dinner and decide to explore the city a little. By the time we get back to her hotel it’s close to midnight.


“So…” We both say. I feel like an idiot. Spending the day with her just reiterated what I felt earlier but I know that if I step inside that hotel room I won’t be able to control myself. I’m not entirely sure if that’s a good thing or not.

“Do you want to – “she gestures towards the room.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea.” I feel like an ass. How could I turn her down like this? The truth is that I want so badly to go inside but I don’t think it’s right.

“Oh. Ok then. When are you leaving?” I hadn’t even thought about that but I have work to get back to.

“Since you have work to do I think I’ll leave sometime tomorrow. I have a few things to get back to as well.” She has a look of disappointment and that shocks me.

“Ok. Well, will I see you before you go?”

“Of course. Give me a call when you are free.” I hand her my hotel information and kiss her goodbye.

I’m half way back to my hotel when I find myself turning around. My legs have completely taken over and I’m glad.

So, let go, l-let go
Just get in
Oh, it's so amazing here

“Max!” She opens the door wrapped in a towel and I feel myself getting an erection. “What are you doing here?”

“I had to see you. I need – “I fuse our lips together not wanting to talk any longer. Slowly walking her to the bedroom she starts to unbutton my shirt.


Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 8:31 pm
by Icequeen
Thank you guys for the FB’s even though I’m so random at updating. I’m trying to write whenever I get a free moment so I don’t leave you guys hanging. Hope you enjoy this next part. Thank you all again.


~*~Chapter 16~*~

“Wait” She says and I swear my heart stops beating. Does she not want this? Please don’t let her say no.

“I have to tell you something first.” She pulls me to the bedroom and sits me on the bed.

“What is it?” I start to fear the worst. Like she’s married or she’s met someone else.

“I just want to tell you before you find out. I wanted to tell you before but it just never really came up.” I see her reach over and turn the lights off.

“You’re starting to freak me out. What is it?”

“Remember when you asked me about my past and I sort of avoided it? Well I want to tell you now.”

“Ok.” I think it’s odd that we are in the dark but I let her tell her story. It’s obvious she feels more comfortable like this.

“I was in a relationship that went badly – very badly. I don’t want to get too much into it but he abused me for a long time.” My heart really drops and I’m suddenly angry. Whoever this guy is I want to rip his head off.

“What happened?” I’m not sure if I want to know but I had to ask.

“It started off small you know? A slap here and there. I know it sounds stupid but I would tell myself that I made him angry and that he had a right to hit me. The funny thing is that for the first year he never touched me. We didn’t even have sex. He said he wanted to wait and stupid me thought it was romantic. He was smart though, he made me fall head over heels for him in a matter of months.” My eyes adjust to the darkness and I can see her face and the tears that are rolling down it.

“He’s a pig. He knew exactly what he was doing to you. It’s not your fault.” I pull her closer towards me suddenly having this incredible desire to protect her.

“I know that now but at the time I didn’t. It went on for three years until I ended up in the hospital. He just went into a rage one day and broke a few of my ribs and gave me a concussion.” I hope this guy is dead because if he’s not I’m going to kill him myself.

“How long ago was this?”

“About a year before we met. I ended up moving to where I am now; I figured it was a large enough city where he wouldn’t find out where I live.” So he is alive.

“When was the last time he contacted you?” She looks at me and doesn’t answer. I have a feeling that it was recently.

“He tried to get to me through my work but everyone knows I have a restraining order against him. He doesn’t know where I live and I’m hardly at the office anymore.”

“Why are you telling me this now? I’m, glad that you did but you didn’t have to you know.”

“What I really wanted to tell you is that I’m a not that experienced. I’ve only been with two people and it’s been a long time.” She stops and takes a deep breath. “If you don’t want to do this I understand.” I laugh at how crazy she sounds.

“Look at me.” I tip her head up and look her straight in the eyes. Our eyes have now adjusted to the darkness completely and I know she can see me just as I can see her. “I don’t care about any of that. Right now I want you. I wanted you for so long. If you’re not ready I understand but trust me Liz Parker my body doesn’t lie.” I place her hand over my erection. “I want you more then ever.” She laughs and I reach over and wipe her tears away.

“Let’s just go slow.” We lay on the bed bodies pressed together. I hold on to her as if she’s going to slip away. I have his need to protect her more then ever. I want to find out more about this guy and teach him a lesson. If he likes to hit people then he can try to hit me.

I feel her start to trace circles around my chest and lean down to kiss her. The kisses start off gently but soon turn passionate and I fight to gain control over my body. Suddenly I start to think about how long it’s been since I’ve been sexual with someone and I start to worry about how long I’ll last. Pushing those thoughts out of my mind we start to take our clothes off peppering each other with kisses along the way.

I slide my hand down to her center wanting her to be ready for me. My fingers stroke her wet lips until I flick her clitoris. I hear her gasp and wonder if she’s enjoying this as much as I am. I want to ask her but then again it doesn’t matter. I stoke gently back and forth until I feel her start to move against my hand. I can tell she likes it and I smile.

“Max.” My name rolls off her tongue over and over and I know she’s close.

“Let go honey just let go.” I watch her face and she has her first orgasm against my hand.

“Oh my – “She can hardly talk. I wait for her to come down from her high before I touch her again.

I study the delicate features of her face wanting to remember every moment of tonight. We start to kiss again and I feel like I’m about to burst. I feel her start to grind against my erection and know that she’s ready for me.

“I don’t have a – “ I haven’t used a condom since I’ve been married.

“Look in the top drawer.” Sure enough there are a few condoms in the drawer. I look at her puzzled, did she buy these?

“It’s south beach, what do you expect.” I laugh and tear it open. I steal a quick glance at her asking her if she’s sure before I roll it on.

“I’m scared.” She says softly. “It’s been so long.”

“Don’t be. It might hurt a little but I’ll go slow ok?” she nods her head and I hold her arms above her head threading my fingers through hers as I position myself at her center. “Are you ready?” I ask one last time. If she said no at this moment I don’t know what I’d do. She nods her head and I hold her hands tightly and start to penetrate her. Inch by inch I ease into her not wanting to hurt her.

Giving her a moment to adjust I gently kiss her face then work my way down her to her breasts. She starts to move her hips and I know she’s ready for me. I start to thrust into her and know that I’m about to cum soon. Reaching down between us I start to rub her center needing for her to enjoy this as much as I am.

“Oh Max.” She sounds surprised and starts to moan and breathe heavily.

So amazing here
'Cause there's beauty in the breakdown

“Liz I can’t – “ I can’t finish the sentence when I feel the most intense orgasm. My body stiffens then goes limp after a few moments. “I’m sorry, I tried to wait.” I look down at her and see the most beautiful smile on her face. “Did you?”

“Oh yeah.” I laugh and shift my body so I can pull the condom off.

“Just so you know I usually last more then eight minutes.”


We lay together for a few hours before we make love again…and again.

As I watch her sleep that night I start to realize that I may be in love with her.


“I think I’ve created a monster.” My head drops onto my pillow feeling spent for the third time this morning.

“Are you complaining?” She lays next to me with her head on my chest.

“No not at all. I just didn’t think it would be like this.” Liz has turned out to be one of those rare women that is able to have multiple orgasms before I reach my peak.

“Me either.” She kisses my nose then walks to the bathroom. I love that she can walk naked in front of me and not be shy.

“May I join you?” I step into the shower with her and start to soap down her body. This is what I’ve been missing and this is what I’ve needed.


I wish I could have extended my trip but duty called for both of us. The flight back was lonely but Liz said she would try to come visit next week so I have that to hold on to.

“By the look on your face I take it things went well?” I don’t have to look up to know it’s Tess. Only she should be so blunt this early in the morning.

“It did.” I want to scream out loud I’m so happy but I don’t think my co workers would appreciate that.

“How well?” She eyes me up and down and I start to get nervous.

“Well enough.”

“You dog. You slept with her didn’t you? Don’t try to lie to me either you have this grin on your face that tells it all mister.”

“Am I that transparent?”

“Only to me. So are you ok? I mean with taking this next step and all?”

“Surprisingly yes. I’m very ok with it. I think she’s the one. I feel like I’m falling for her.” Tess just sits there and smiles and I start to worry.

“You better not be saying that just because you just slept with her.”

“Tess, come on. You really think I would say that?”

“I don’t know I mean you’ve been celibate for so long maybe your hormones are all screwed up or something. In any case what I’m saying is make sure you know exactly how you feel before you start spitting out things like love. She could really get hurt and then I’d have to hurt you for being a dumbass.” If this were coming from someone else I’d be extremely offended but as usual it doesn’t bother me.

“I’m not saying I’m in love with her I’m saying that I could be in love with her, eventually. Look, don’t complicate this please. I like the way things are going can we leave it at that?” I stand up and grab something to drink.

“Fine. Anyway take a look at this case, I know you don’t do criminal anymore but a friend of mine needs some help. I said I’d see if you could take a look.” She hands me a large folder.

“Tess you know I hate criminal law. Besides, I haven’t done it in years. I doubt I’d be of any help.”

“Just take a look. You don’t have anything big coming up anyway.” I watch her walk away and start to sort though the file. I know that she’s expecting me to look at it and give my opinion. I hate criminal law and was so glad to get out of it. I usually had a good instinct on weather or not my client was guilty or not but it became exhausting. The innocent would go to jail more often then not. I could never fully distance myself from my cases and it was starting to wear on me.

Sorting through the files it looks like a straight forward case to me. A man being brought up on battery charges.

“Why does he need my help?” I toss the folder aside and figure that maybe he’s a rookie and isn’t sure how to proceed.

“Mr. Evans I have a Steve Harring on the line, he says Tess referred you to him.” She didn’t say anything to me about him. I’m about to tell her to take a message when I look at the top of the file Tess gave me. Steve Harring Esq. Thanks a lot Tess.

“I’ll take it. Thank you.”

“Max Evans.”

“Hi Mr. Evans this is Steve Harring, a friend of Tess’s. She said I could give you a call to possible go over my case.” I’m going to kill her.

“Well I just got the file this morning and haven’t had a chance to look at it but why don’t you tell me what exactly you need my help with.” I listen to him tell me about the case and I get my confirmation that he’s a rookie and just need guidance. I even start to feel bad for the guy. Turns out this is his first case to see an actual court room and he’s scared shitless. I agree to meet with him to ease his anxiety. I’m glad he’s not defending the pig that is accused of beating the hell out of his girlfriend.

Listening to him tell me about his clients allegations made me think of Liz and what she must have gone through. I couldn’t imagine what would bring a man to hit a woman let alone to do it repeatedly. Liz is such a kind person what would make him want to beat her? I sincerely hope to never come face to face with this guy because I’d be the one needing a lawyer after killing him.

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 11:41 pm
by Icequeen
I suck, I know this. I can't even come up with a good reason for taking forever and three days to post this part. Hopefully some of you are still reading and hopefully this part doesn't totally suck. Thank you again for your feedback!

~*~Chapter 17~*~

Things with Liz have been going well. She's still in Miami but we talk everyday for a few hours. I'm counting down the days for her to come home. Glancing down at my calendar I see that I have a scheduled dinner with Isabel tonight, this should be fun.

"What are you up to tonight?" Tess comes into my office with a look that means she needs to talk.

"Dinner with Isabel, why what's up?"

"Dinner with the ice princess. Sounds fun." I roll my eyes.

"I'm sure she just wants to talk some more about the wedding. I can't believe it's next month already."

"I can't believe Alex is still going through with it. He must really be desperate or must never spend time with her."

"Hey, she is my sister you know."

"Yeah I know. Anyway I'll talk to you later." She walks out leaving me wondering what's going on with her. It's not like Tess to not come right out and tell me what's wrong.

I head home and decide to get ready for dinner. Hopefully everything will go smoothly, I don't know if I'll be able to handle Isabel's bitching tonight.

Exactly thirty minutes before we were supposed to meet Isabel calls me with the name of the restaurant picked out. Of course she wants to go to Marco's place.

I get there and notice that she's not there yet. This isn't like Isabel but I soon see Marco making his way towards me.

"Maxeo, long time no see."

"Hey Marco, how are you?"

"Not bad. Where is that beautiful girl you were with last time?"

"She's out of town." He walks me towards my usual table and hands me two menus.

"Well bring her back here soon ok?" I nod and wait for Isabel.

"I'm sorry." She breezes past everyone and kisses me on the cheek before she sits down.

"It's ok. What happened? You're usually right on time."

"Last minute wedding stuff. I swear some people are just incompetent you know?" According to Isabel eighty percent of people she meets are incompetent.

"Yeah." It's easier not to argue with her. We place our food orders and I wait for her to start complaining about something or asking me about my life or about Liz but she says nothing. She just sits there and stares at the bread basket. It's freaking me out. I've never seen her like this and really, I don't know what to say or do.

"Iz, are you ok?" I take her hand into mine to get her attention.

"Huh? Yeah I'm fine. Why?" She's not fine and she knows it.

"You're acting strange. You're too quiet. What's going on?"

"Just pre wedding jitters that's all, it's no big deal." Bullshit!

"It is a big deal. You've been planning your wedding since you were six, why are you getting worried?"

"Do you think I'll have what you and Sarah had?" She stuns me into silence. "Oh my God, I'm sorry Max. I didn't mean to - "

I put my hand up. "It's ok." I take a moment to collect myself. "I know you'll have what I had. Why are you worried about it? Alex is a great guy, you guys will be happy."

"I know he is. I'm just worried that I can't make him happy. Maybe I'm not what he needs."

"That decision was his and he made it Isabel. He loves you, that's all you need to know."

"Ok. You're right. Everything will be perfect." She smiles but I'm not buying it. For the first time in my life I see my sister worried and I don't like it. She tries to act normal during dinner but I can tell it's forced.

"Let's go for a walk. I need to shed some of these pounds." I try to get her mind off whatever she's thinking for a few hours at least.

"So how are things with you and Liz?" I stop walking and turn to face her needing to see if she's serious or not. "What? I'm serious, I want to know."

"Ok." I continue walking. "Things are good. I went to see her in Miami a few days ago." She doesn't say anything and I take it as a good sign.

"That's really good Max. I'm happy for you, I really am." We stop near an outdoor skating rink and sit down drinking some hot chocolate.

"I haven't been here in years."

"I know. Me either. The last time I came was when Lindsay was down with the kids." I look out towards the rink and picture Sarah skating around like a pro with the kid's right behind her. I remember thinking that she would do that with our kids one day.

"Do you think you'll stay in touch with them as your relationship progresses with Liz?"

"I don't know. I hadn't really thought about it I guess. I'd like to but I'll just have to wait and see." The truth is that I hadn't thought about it at all. I've come to think of Sarah's family as my family but I'm not sure that Liz would be too comfortable with it.

"I'm sure Liz will understand. She seems understanding." I hope so.

"I went to see Michael a few weeks ago."

"You did? How is he?" Isabel knows about his situation.

"He's alright I guess. I can tell it's hard on him. He's still so isolated."

"Sounds like someone I knew." I grin at her.

"It's just hard to see him like that you know? He was always so in control."

"Yeah well his whole world was turned upside down in an instant; you'd be the same way." She pulls her hair into a ponytail and loops her arm around mine for warmth. "I'm not going to sit here and analyze who got the raw end of the deal but Michael is the classic control freak so when things aren't in his control he doesn't handle it well. That and the fact that his family abandoned him."

"I still don't know why they treated him like that. He wasn't guilty and even if he was he's still their son."

"I don't know either but you'd think that losing one of their children would bring them closer to the ones that are still around." She has a point there and I wish that I'd have brought that up when I went to see them.

"I'm freezing my ass off here. Let's go." I pull her up from the bench and lead us back to my apartment.

"Only if you make me some white hot chocolate."

"Ugh! You know I hate that!"

"I know you do but you love me and I know you have some in the house." She's right. We pick up the pace seeking shelter from the cold.

As soon as we get inside I make her hot chocolate while Isabel no doubt snoops around my apartment.

"One disgusting hot chocolate." She takes the cup and frowns when she looks into it.


"You forgot the mint marshmallow." I roll my eyes and go grab one of the marshmallows.

"Here you go brat." She smiles like a kid on Christmas and drops it into her cup.

"Oh my gosh, I forgot to tell you. Alex's friends are throwing him some kind of bachelor party. He wanted me to ask you if you wanted to go." I hold back my laugh as I picture Alex and a bunch of his techie friends throwing a bachelor party.

"Where is it?" If I told Isabel what I was thinking she'd kill me.

"Well he has business here the week before the wedding so he and his friends are going to stay in the city and fly to Hawaii from here for the wedding."

"Sounds like fun. Just give me the details and I'll be there."

"I know you are thinking it's going to be a bunch of nerds but they are really nice guys."

"I guess I'll find out." She smacks me in the back of the head and I feel like the old Isabel is back, the Isabel that I loved so much.



It's killing me. Liz is due back in the city in a matter of hours and for some reason I'm a nervous wreck. A part of me can't wait to see her while another part wonders if the time we spent together in Miami was a dream. Will we go back to awkwardness or will we fall into our own rhythm and be completely comfortable.

"Ok I don't know what's going on but you look constipated." Is she insane?

"Nice way to phrase that."

"Well you do! What's wrong with you now?"

"Nothings wrong. Liz is coming back today and I'm a little nervous that's all."

"When is she getting in?"

"Her flight lands in four hours."

"Get up."


"Get. Up." She pulls me out of my chair, grabs my wallet and keys out of my top drawer and drags me out of my office.

"Where are we going?" I ask as we weave around desks while walking to the elevator.

"Disneyland. Does it matter?" I decide not to ask anymore questions and just go along with her.

"Tess what the hell are we doing here?" She takes me to Central Park of all places.

"We're going to observe something. It's a little thing called life now sit down eat your hotdog and shut up." She hands me a hotdog and a coke.

"I don't get it. What am I looking for?"

"You're looking at what you're supposed to be doing. Do you see those people over there?" She points to a couple sitting under a tree. The man is leaned up against the tree while a woman is leaning against his chest as he reads a book.

"Since verbal stimulation isn't working I figure we go for visuals."

"Tess what's your point?" I'm getting annoyed, this is pointless.

"My point is that there's stuff going on out here. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, stop worrying about so much and live." She sits down and starts chomping on her hot dog. She looks pissed so I decide to take her advice and look around.

It's the middle of the day but there are tons of people around. It feels like a city within a city. The wind starts to pick up making me look up at the sound of leaves shuttering in the wind. I see a V formation of birds and smile.

"I'm starting to freeze my ass off and you have a mission to get ready for."

"Ok I can't take this anymore. What's going on with you? You've been strange the past few days." We slowly walk back to the office.

"Nothings up."

"Liar! Now you better tell me because I'm not going anywhere until you do and I really don't want to be late to see Liz but I'm not moving until you tell me." She smirks at me and smacks my arm.

"Just relationship stuff I guess."

"Such as?" She raises and eyebrow at me.

"Don't tell me you're going to give me relationship advice." She starts to laugh, literally laugh at me.

"I'm trying to help you and incase you forgot I do know something about relationships."

"Ok just for fun, just for kicks I'll lay my situation on you."

"Wait. There are kids around are they safe?" She smacks me on the arm then begins to curse at me. "Ok go on."

"I think I'm not gay anymore. I think I'm in love with you." I must have turned white, I mean almost clear just now.

"Are you - serious?" I think I just swallowed my Adams apple I swallowed so hard. She says nothing and just stares at me. "Tess are you serious right now?"

She looks down at the ground and I think I'm starting to sweat. "Tess look at me please." She looks up and starts to laugh so hard she's literally holding her stomach.

"Oh my God the look on your face was freaking priceless." She can hardly breathe she's laughing so hard. People are starting to stare.

"Don't do that to me." I'm pissed now and start to walk away from her.

"Come on Max, I'm sorry ok." She catches up to me and pulls my arm.

"Why do you always do that? I hate that."

"I needed something to distract me from the real problem."

"Which is?"

"April moved in with me."

"Oh no." she always does this; she has to know this behavior is destructive.

"I know what you're going to say."

"Tess, how many times are you going to go through this?" She lowers her head much like the kid that's getting yelled at on the corner by what I assume to be his nanny.

"Let's finish this in my office." We walk three blocks to my office and I close the door behind us.

"Did you ask her to move in with you?"

"Not directly no." I raise an eyebrow at her.

"What the hell does that mean?"

"Well we were talking about how many times she sleeps over and week and I sort of joked about her moving in. The next thing I know she's telling me that she sublet her place."

"Shit. This is not good."

"Yeah tell me something I don't know."

"You're insensitive and selfish?" She throws a pencil at me. "Just break the news to her Tess. You can't drag it out like you always do. April is actually nice."

"It's not that easy. She has these eyes that get all sad when I tell her no. I can't handle that. I also don't have time for dealing with emotional shit right now. Relationships are exhausting." I have to laugh. Tess is the first one to give me advice telling me to step it up and here she is wanting to push a situation aside.

"Look you need to get your shit together and tell April the truth. It's not right Tess."

"You think your slick don't you? Using my words against me."

"What can I say, your words are good." She smoothes out her skirt before walking to the door and opening it.

"Have fun tonight. I hear reunions are the best." She winks at me and continues down the hall.

I glance at my watch and see that Liz is set to be here in exactly thirty minutes. I freshen up and head to the airport. She didn't want me to pick her but I practically insisted on it. I miss her terribly.

JFK airport is always crazy. Instead of having the cab driver circle around a thousand times I get out of the cab and decide to meet Liz at the baggage claim area. Her flight just landed so I take a seat on the bench and wait. As I look around I notice couples hugging and others running towards their loved ones arms. I wonder how Liz will react to seeing me after being separated for weeks?

"Is this seat taken?" I look over and notice a tall red head.

"No." I look around and wonder why she sat next to me. There are three other benches that are completely empty.

"I hate waiting don't you?"

"Yeah." I try to read the monitor from where I'm sitting to see if Liz's flight's luggage is coming out yet but I can't see from this far.

"Who are you waiting for?" She asks me and I wonder what is it with people in airports wanting to bother me. Do I have one of those faces that makes strangers want to speak to me. Do I look that lonely?

"My girlfriend." I smile when I say that. It felt nice.

"Girlfriend. wow." I wonder why she's surprised.

"Do we know each other?" I ask still wondering why she's surprised about me having a girlfriend.

"No, not really." I see her looking into the crowd that's coming down the hallway and wave to someone.

"It was nice talking to you Max, I have to go now." She gets up and disappears seemingly into thin air. I hardly get a chance to question the fact that she knew my name when Liz comes into view looking like a princess in white linen that shows off her tan perfectly. She spots me and flashes one of her signature smiles. I'm a goner.

"I had no idea how much I missed you until this very moment." She wraps her arms tightly around my neck and squeezes as hard as she can.

"Neither did I." I grab her bag out of her hand and hail a cab after getting her luggage. The ride back to my apartment is spent quietly with us holding each other close.

"I can't wait to get you alone again." She whispers in my ear making my erection press against my pants.

"Don't do that. I won't be able to get out of the cab if you keep it up." She places her hand on my bulge and laughs.

"Ok I'll stop but you better be naked the moment you step in the house."

"I'll do my best." I suddenly realize that I live much too far from the airport. The ride must be taking hours instead of minutes.

Finally after what seems like half an eternity we arrive in front of my apartment. I pay the driver, most likely with a hundred dollar bill since I was too distracted to look, and rush inside the building.

Such boundless pleasure
We've no time for later


"I'm going to start smoking again." I roll over and wipe my forehead.

"Again? You used to smoke?" She lies on her side stroking my bare chest.

"Yeah. I started when I first got out of law school. It helped with stress for a while but smelling like an ashtray wasn't too appealing." I have to stop myself from mentioning Sarah and i'm a little annoyed at myself for thinking about her at this moment.

So, let go, l-let go
Just get in
Oh, it's so amazing here
It's all right

"Well thank God because I hate smokers."

"Noted." I plan on starting round two when there is a knock on my door. Well more like a bang actually.

"Don't you dare move your cute ass. I'll be back as soon as I kill whoever this is." She swats my ass and tosses me my boxers.

"Whoever this is, is dead." I scream as I walk to the door. I open the door only to be met by a crying Tess. This shocks the hell out of me for several reasons. I'm not sure how to react to this. Tess never cries, she never gets upset, pissed, but not upset.

"Tess, what's going on?" She slowly walks inside and takes a seat on my sofa. Is it wrong that I want to ask her to remove her wet jacket so she doesn't ruin my sofa?


"I talked to April." She says slowly.

"And?" I'm in a rush to get back to Liz.

"She dumped me." I can honestly say this is a first for Tess. Or at least the first that I know about. I'm surprised she's taking it this hard though.

"I'm sorry." I don't know what else to say. I don't have much experience in this situation.

"It's ok. I should have known anyway I just thought she would actually understand." I don't know what to say and simply nod.

We sit in silence for a while when Liz walks into the room looking sexy as hell in one of my t-shirts.

"Hi Tess." She sits next to Tess and I'm actually amazed she doesn't have the ' I just had the best sex ever' face on. Maybe that's just my assumption.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were here." Tess wipes her eyes and offers Liz a smile.

"It's ok. How are you? What's going on?" I smile and I watch Liz scoot closer to Tess and put her arm around her shoulder. I'm sure I'm witnessing some rare woman bonding ritual here.

"Oh the usual. Relationship issues."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Liz asks and just like that Tess starts spilling her guts as if Liz was her therapist or something. I was waiting for her to bring up her mother or something.

Knowing that I'm no longer needed I decide to make myself useful and head to the kitchen to make some drinks and snacks. As I listen to Liz and Tess share war stories about relationships I smile. I'm so glad she fits into my life so perfectly.

so amazing here

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 8:01 pm
by Icequeen
I don’t even know what to say. I’m sorry for taking so long with this update but I sincerely thank anyone who is still into this story. I can’t promise when I’ll update again. It’s just a matter of actually sitting down to type it out as I have everything outlined already. I will try my hardest to post as soon as possible.

~*~* 18~*~*

"How much do you love me?" Tess walks into my office with a rather large folder in hand and by the look on her face I know that she wants something that she knows I don’t want to do.

"What is it?"

"I need you to look through these." She places the folder on my desk then steps out of my office and grabs a box.

"What is all this? I'm not working on anything right now." I don't have any large cases and wonder what all these papers are for.

"These are for the case that Steve needs help with. I need you to go through these reports and try to find anything you can on this bastard."

"Why are you so invested in this anyway?" I love Tess but she's not the one to go out of her way for others.

"I feel bad for him. He's being considered for a promotion and this is the deciding case. He needs all the help he can get. We went to law school together and he always helped me out. He's a good lawyer he just gets nervous sometimes. He needs help growing a thick skin too."

"Tess I don't know what I can do. If he has police reports then what do you need me to do?"

"Well these police reports don't actually prove he did anything. All of the women that pressed charges would drop them a week later. I need you to find out why. I know you have someone that does this sort of thing Max." She has a point. I do have someone that I’ve used quite often.

"I'll see what I can do." She smiles and leaves me with a mound of paperwork.

My cell phone rings and I hoped it was Liz but I look at the caller ID and see that it's Isabel.


"Are you almost packed? I don't want you to be late Max, you can't be late." One week to the wedding and Isabel is in full freak out mode.

"Yes Isabel I’m all packed." It's a lie but i don't want to set her off.

"Good. Good." I hear her breathe a sigh of relief and I’m glad I said I was packed. Too bad I haven't even found my suitcases yet.

"Everything ok?"

"Everything is fine. I'm flying out tomorrow. The girls are giving me a bachelorette party tonight." She doesn't sound thrilled about it. “Don’t forget Alex’s thing tomorrow.”

“I won’t.” One of his friends gave me a call and set everything up already.

“Ok well have fun.”

"I’ll try. I have to go, I’ll see you soon." She hangs up on me as if I was the one that called her in the first place.

The phone rings again and this time I’m sure it's Liz. So much so that I don't even look at the caller ID before I answer.

"Hi beautiful." the hysterical laughter on the other end assures me that it's not Liz.

"Well hello to you too gorgeous." It's Michael. That smartass.

"Well you’re the last person I thought I would hear from. What’s up?"

"I'm in the city. Can we have lunch?" Something is up. Michael doesn’t do lunch.

"Um sure. Meet me outside my office in ten?"

"I'll be there." I hang up and decide to call Liz before I embarrass myself again.

"Hi beautiful."

"Hey. What are you up to?" She sounds as if she's in the middle of the stock exchange.

"Just about to have Lunch. You?"

"Trying to diffuse a bomb that's about to go off. You know the usual."

"Well I just wanted to say hello. Give me a call when you're free." I hang up and freshen up before meeting Michael.

So what brings you into the city?" We walk down the street and I’m still trying to figure out what he's doing here.

"I need to talk to you about something." We head to a diner and find an empty booth.

"Ok." He waits until we place our orders to tell me.

"How are things with you and Liz?" The fact that he remembers her name seriously shocks me.

"Good. Things are good."

"That’s good. I'm happy for you. Not that it should matter but I am."

"What's going on Michael?" I can't take it anymore and have to ask him.

"I applied for my license last week. I have to go in front of some board tomorrow but they say that everything will go smoothly."

"That’s good news. I'm glad you did it." His face doesn't convince me that he's happy.

"I know it is and I know I should be happy but I’m scared."

"I'm sure you are but you were a great doctor Michael. You'll get back into the swing of things right away."

"I know. It's just odd that's all. I haven't stepped into a hospital in years." He seems fidgety and I’m wondering why.

"Is there something else you wanted to tell me?" I feel like grabbing the straw he's mutilating right now out of his hands.

"Well I was thinking of making contact with Maria again." Now I fully understand his nervousness.

"Do you think that's a good idea?" Knowing Maria and knowing what Michael did to her I’m thinking he needs to stay very far away from her...for the rest of his life.

"I think it's the worst idea ever but I love her. You know I always have Max. I have to try to get her back."

"I'm not going to bullshit you here. What you did to Maria was wrong, beyond wrong and I’m not sure she's going to forgive you for it. I'm not sure she's going to want to lay eyes on you again." He smiles and I see a glint in his eyes. He's not going to give up.

"I know it was and I’m sorry for that. I have to talk to her Max; I have to try to explain myself."

"Well I wish you luck. And for the record the fact that you did love her so much makes what you did more of a shock and more hurtful to her. You didn't see her right after it happened. It was bad Michael. You need to know that you broke something inside her that day."

"Thanks for helping."

"I just want you to be prepared. Maria changed a lot since then and who knows how much she's changed since I last saw her." His face lights up for a moment.

"When did you last see her?"

"Two weeks after Sarah's funeral."

"Well I found out where she lives so I thought I’d drop by there and - "

"Yeah, um I don't think so. You can't just barge into her life and show up at her house Michael. Start small. Maybe send her flowers or something."

"Flowers? That's your thing Max. You’re the one that knows all the meanings and shit. I'll end up sending her one that says I loathe you or something." I laugh because he may not remember but he did send Maria a flower that meant sorry for your loss when she hadn't lost anyone.

“I don’t think showing up at her house is a good idea and I’m sure when you sit and think about it you’ll agree. Send her tulips, she’s always loved those.”

“Thanks Max. I know what I did was shitty but I have to try to get her back. I won’t be able to live with myself if I don’t try my hardest.” I look into his eyes and know that he really means it. That is why I feel bad for him. I doubt Maria will take him back let alone have a conversation with him.

“Anytime.” We dig into our food and eat in a comfortable silence.

“So tell me some good news, something not depressing.”

“Well, Isabel is getting married in Hawaii soon.”

”Holy shit the Icequeen is getting hitched!” I grin at him.

“She’s not that bad anymore.” I try to defend her.

“Sure she’s not. Anyway who is the lucky man?”

“Alex Whitman.” He spits his drink out.

“Ok I know we’re not thinking of the same Alex Whitman. He’s just some guy that has the same name as someone famous right?”

“I hate to break it to you but it’s the same Alex that you’re thinking.”

“How the hell did that happen?” I try to explain to him what Isabel told me when I had the same reaction to her breaking the news to me.

“Well congratulate her for me. Let me know where she’s registered to so I can get her something.” We finish our food and parts ways once I get back to the office. The rest of the day is uneventful and I wonder why Liz hasn’t called me yet.

I try her cell phone but get no answer. Once she sees the missed calls I’m sure she’ll get back to me.

After eating some leftover Chinese, a true New Yorker meal, I finally feel my eyelids getting heavier. Dragging myself to my room I get a strange feeling. Almost ad if I’m not in control of my own body. I guess I must be more exhausted then I thought.

I thought I was in my room in my bed when I look around to see that I’m actually on a deserted beach and wonder what the hell is going on. Looking around I don’t see anyone or anything but the water and sand. I bring my hands up and shield my eyes from the bright sun when in the distance I see a lone palm tree. As if someone has taken over my feet I walk towards it hoping that I find someone rather then something.

“Hi Max.” I don’t see the face but instantly know who it is.

“You’re not really here.” I don’t mean to say it out loud and I’m almost afraid to turn around.

“I’m not. It’s a dream.” I turn to face her and the moment I see her tears blur my vision. She looks exactly the same as the morning of the accident.

“Why?” It’s stupid but that’s all I can manage to say right now.

“Well because I’ve been trying to talk to you for the past few months but you haven’t been able to piece it together so I figure this would work.”

“What are you talking about?’ She starts to walk down the beach and I follow. Instantly we fall into step with each other as if we had never been apart.

“I’ve been watching you Max. I saw how hard everything was on you.” I look at her and see the tears in her eyes.

“But why?” this is all so confusing.

“I wanted to make sure you were ok. You took it so hard Max and I was starting to get worried about you.”

“Have you seen Liz and I?” The thought of her watching me with someone else seems like I’m cheating.

“Well when you put it like that it seems like I’m a stalker.” She laughs and it makes me want to cry again. “I can see bits and pieces.” We continue to walk and come to a bungalow. I follow her inside and find two chairs set up around a square glass table.

“I miss you. I still miss you so much Sarah.”

“That is what I want to talk to you about. It’s time Max. It’s time for you to let go and move forward with Liz. I’ve been trying to tell you that every time I visited you.”

excuse me, too busy you're writing your tragedy


“Yes visited. The birds, the airport.” I sit and think about it for a moment.

“Makes sense now.”

“Max, I know that you loved me but I couldn’t bear to see you like that so I decided to bring Liz into your life.”

“What do you mean?”

“Come on Max, what are the chances of two people from the same metro area going to Roswell of all places? I knew she was going so I set it up so that you would decide to see your parents too.” The thought of my dead wife picking out my girlfriend bothers me a little.

“But why?” I must sound like a broken record.

“Because you were miserable and she’s perfect for you. The why doesn’t matter Max. What matters now is that you have to move forward with Liz. She loves you and all she wants is for you to love her – completely.” A lump forms in my throat at hearing her say that.

so let go, jump in
oh well, whatcha waiting for

“I do love her.” This is awkward. “She knows I care about her.”

“She does but do us all a favor and make yourself clear. You have to let her know that you’re ready for it to be just you and her. She’s the one for you Max.”

“You were the one for me.” A tear rolls down my face but I don’t bother to wipe it away.

“I was but that was only for a short time. This one is forever. Trust me on this.”

“I don’t think I can ever fully let you go Sarah. You were it for me.”

“Max look at me.” She pulls her chair closer to me and I want nothing more then to reach out and touch her but I’m scared. “You will always be the love of my life. I am thankful for every moment I had with you but my life is over now. Our time is over; it’s time for you to move on with someone else. I don’t want to see you alone anymore; I love you too much for that.”

“Will I ever get over you? Will I ever not be in love with you?”

“You will get over me and you’re not in love with me anymore. You want to keep my memory alive but you are not in love with me. Open your heart and you will see that you love her.” I sit there and simply stare at her. Even in death I am still in awe of her good heart.

“I don’t know what to say. I love you but I love Liz too. “A tear rolls down my face and I see her move to wipe it away but right before she touches me she leans back in her chair.

“A small part of you will always love me but I know that you love Liz now just as much as you loved me. Be with her Max.” She gets up and starts to walk back to where I first saw her.

“Will I ever see you again?” It’s stupid of me to ask but I do anyway.

it's alright
'cause there's beauty in the breakdown

“Not for a long long time but I’ll always be with you.”

“Thank you – for sending Liz to me.”

“Your welcome. I’m really happy for you Max.” She blows me a kiss and walks towards the water disappearing into the horizon like the angel that she is.

I wake up the next morning a new man, a man on a mission. I love Liz Parker and I want her to know it.

*Lyrics: Let go by Frou Frou*