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Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 1:16 am
by StormWolfstone
A HUGE THANKS TO LOULOULOU32 for the Banner!!!!!!!!!!


Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 1:18 am
by FaithfulAngel24
Wow :shock: That's gorgeous. Thanks LOULOULOU32 :D

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 1:21 am
by louloulou32
Heh, -fwaps Storm- I'm glad you like it though. ;)

FaithfulAngel24 - Thanks. :) And no need to thank me, t'is always a pleasure making things for Storm.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 2:52 am
by madroswellfan
Thats beautiful Louloulou32! I know you said to Faith not to thank you but I'm gonna do it anyway :P Thank yooouuuu!!!

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 3:01 am
by StormWolfstone
Lou's so great isn't she? hehe...... You all are.... can't wait for us to all begin writing hehe

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 1:32 am
by KatnotKath
She is, you're all great, and I'm sure this is going to be one heck of an rp, which is why it's taken me so long to make the decision on whether to join in or not - apologies Storm. Unfortunately, after thinking long and hard, I don't now I can give the time and effort which this deserves, and therefore I think it would be better to just read along and enjoy it that way.


Thanks for thinking of me though :)


Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 1:36 am
by StormWolfstone
It's understandable, Kat. That's why I was giving you the chance to think about it because I'd love for you to be involved but I also know you have alot going on. I'd love for your feed back as this RP goes along :D and I hope everything goes well, sis. :D

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 1:14 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 2:11 pm
by StormWolfstone
This game will be starting as soon as I get back to reg net. At the moment I'm over at chris's checking things out so I can see what else I'll have to work with until we get the laptop with wireless that we're supposed to have at the house soon.

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 8:48 pm
by StormWolfstone

Dark Hunter. I still can’t get my mind around it. Three weeks ago I was just a Squire. Okay, I guess I should probably back up a little bit. I can still remember when I first became a Squire. It was shortly after Liz was shot. She was so wrapped up in keeping things from me and then Maria joined her. I ended up surfing the web, finding something rather interesting and filling it out.

Next thing I knew, I was suddenly drafted into this whole other side of things. I didn’t mind, it gave me something else to focus on especially when the woman of my dreams was out of reach. Then, when I found out the truth about the hybrids it just added to my web of secrets to keep. I couldn’t tell anyone about my working with the Dark Hunters and suddenly I couldn’t tell about the hybrids.

I feel badly that I lied to my friends about going to Sweden and had people help me make false slides so that I could do some training and be there for the Dark Hunter I was temporarily assigned to. But, it worked out and of course secret money was never noticed either. However, three weeks ago is when everything changed.

Liz and Maria left and I was trying to remain strong, but I couldn’t. I had to see Isabel. I’d left my place and started for town when I saw a group of Daemon’s heading across the desert. I shouldn’t have taken my eyes off the road, but it was dark and I couldn’t understand why they were there. I’d picked up my cell phone and called in about the sighting turning to look back at the road just as I hit something or someone, I’m not sure. The impact caused my car to swerve and I hit an oncoming truck.

I knew I was dying, I’ll never forget the feeling of it. Nor will I ever forget what it was like to come face to face with a Goddess. I don’t really know why I agreed to become a Dark Hunter when I knew I wouldn’t be allowed to see the people I cared about ever again, but I agreed. I don’t understand why she left her brand on the side of my neck instead of somewhere else, but I won’t question her either.

Just a couple of days before I’d been standing in the darkness thinking about everything, “Alex, let’s go. We’ve got a job to do.” I’d turned, shaken from my thoughts by the voice of a man I knew was not to be messed with. I’d heard enough stories from the people that were his Squire’s before.

“Where are we headed?” I had asked him.

“Roswell.” The short reply was given and sent me into shock. Roswell? I wasn’t supposed to return there. How would I explain to my friends and family what I’m doing alive? Or, how about, why I now have fangs; can’t go in sunlight and have freaky powers?

I’d turned to look at Roderick who shrugged, “Orders are order’s, kid. We’ve got a job to do and right now they aren’t worrying quite as much about mundane things.” That was just odd, I hated how the man seems to know my thoughts. “Just don’t start thinking about getting it on with that woman Isabel and I’ll be happy.” He’d added and I couldn’t keep myself from gaping as he began laughing only to be joined by the others.

“I’m going to send you, Raze and Shal on ahead to get Sera filled in. Stay out of sight once you get into Roswell other then to locate Serafina. In fact, let Shal go find her or Raze.” I notice him pausing and look at him questioningly, “I’m heading to Smallville to pick someone else up.” He’d headed off and I’d looked over towards Raze and Shalimar who were just standing there looking out into the darkness.

“Okay… so when are we leaving?”

“Now.” Shalimar turned to look at me, motioning to the car, “And you get to drive since you know the way.”

“Fantastic.” I’d said, and we were on our way. Now, the sign for Roswell had come up and I was passing it, all the while thinking about how I was going to manage this.


Daemons. The single word echoes in my mind as I look at the night sky. How had the sun become so lost to the days cycle? How had Apollo lost his control? What could have weakened the Sun God? These questions had rung through my mind since three days before when the sun seemed to simply vanish hours before it was due to. Three days in a row sunlight was only seen for four hours.

I’d been called to Artie’s palace only to receive orders from my superior and the super bitch. All the God’s and Goddess’s were unable to leave the Mount and Ash was stuck right along with them. That bothered me. More then that, it bothered me that Simi couldn’t even leave. What great power had them trapped? What did that mean for mankind? And, what did that mean for my brethren and myself?

Dream Hunters, Dark Hunters and Were Hunters were protectors and yet Dream Hunters were no longer able to do anything so it was left up to the Were’s and Dark Hunters. So, it was when I left the Mount, I went to gather those I needed. Those that Artie and Ash said would best be able to assist me with this. To hear that I was going to have to implore the aid of humans, a witch, a human slayer of vampire kind, a vampire, and aliens, I was still a bit taken aback.

Of course, if we existed, how could they not? But, it still seemed as though I was stepping into a television series. Simi would certainly enjoy it, so would some of the other Dark Hunters, but then again, they hadn’t lived as long as I had. A couple days before I’d turned to the newest among our ranks, “Alex, let’s go. We’ve got a job to do.”

“Where are we headed?” The kid asked me and I simply looked at him.

“Roswell.” I could practically hear him questioning how he was going to handle things and explain his presence, it was going to give me a headache. I shrugged as I looked at him, “Orders are order’s, kid. We’ve got a job to do and right now they aren’t worrying quite as much about mundane things.” I couldn’t keep from chuckling, “Just don’t start thinking about getting it on with that woman Isabel and I’ll be happy.” The gaping of his mouth was just priceless. I don’t get to shock many people lately, it was nice to know I still had the ability.

“I’m going to send you, Raze and Shal on ahead to get Sera filled in. Stay out of sight once you get into Roswell other then to locate Serafina. In fact, let Shal go find her or Raze.” I’d paused a moment, trying to think about the plan before deciding to add, “I’m heading to Smallville to pick someone else up.” Without another word, I’d climbed onto my motorcycle, loving the purr of the engine as I started her up and sped away from Alex. I had a visit to make.

Smallville, man it was always harder to find the small hick towns and now that I was here I could see why. I’d already found Marina and was just waiting for her to return with her things, she’d told me she wanted her weapons. I can understand that with the fact that I’m a Dark Hunter as well as a Were, but she’s just a Were, so I wasn’t exactly expecting that. Still, it was around Midnight and the brat had better make it soon otherwise I’d just leave her behind and she could catch up on her own.


I’d never thought to be around two dark hunters that didn’t cause my powers to be depleted. It made no sense to me. I knew that Ash and his second were the only ones that had never depleted me with their presence, but how was it being around Raze and Roderick hadn’t depleted me. Would I be more depleted when we found Cer whom I understood to actually be located in Roswell? Or was it something about the situation that was giving us this strength?

I really wish I knew the answers before this entire thing gets out of hand. Then again, the Fates never do help in that area. Sighing, I note the sky as we enter Roswell. Raze and I had decided that it would be better if I located the Were Hunter, Serafina. He didn’t want to end up scaring her and he just had an aura that was dangerous even if he was also very seductive. Hell, if it weren’t for the current mission I’d have probably taken the time to enjoy a quick romp with him. It had been years since I’d taken pleasure in a man. Then again, I usually chose a human and made them forget about me afterwards.

Even after so many centuries, I still can recall the way I’d been tricked into a different form of servitude then the one I’d been born into. Artie had done it without explaining everything to me and just promising me the chance to gain vengeance on the man that killed me. She hadn’t told me about the fact that I wouldn’t be able to walk in sunlight or anything of that sort. Only told me that I’d have life again so I could make my killer pay.

Still, I know that if I had it to do over again and knew what I’d be, I would gladly do it. My vengeance was sweet and even now I remember the sounds and sights from when I dished it out. I was born Shalimarita Antimisiaris of Karpathos, but my second birth, the one as a Dark Hunter I was born as simply Shalimar.