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Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 3:10 pm
by dreamangel

Update: This starts three years after part 8. Zan is now 21, Kalila is 18. Niko has come, he’s reporting all of Antar’s actions (via Vilandra) to Kivar, who is back in Paerhna. Paerhna is declining more and more, and the invasion is set to begin as soon as Kivar gives the word. Kivar has acquired two new wives to replace Ria and Kalila, but he hasn’t touched them. He has, in fact, abstained from all women until he has Kalila. In Antar, Kalila and Zan are out among the people nearly every day. They are widely beloved by the whole of Antarian society (excluding Tynan, he still doesn’t like Kalila).

“Good morning Princess!”

“Good morning,” she replied happily to the merchant.

“And where is his Highness this morning?”

“His father called him in for a meeting. I’ve been stalling before going home, his Majesty’s news is never good news, but I fear I must return now.” She sighed heavily. Whenever Zan talked to Tynan he normally came back upset and would never tell her what the matter was.

“Well, then I’ll bid you a good day.” He gave her a smile so bright that she had to return it.

“Good day to you as well, I hope business picks up.”

“Oh, it will, it will. It always does.” He waved her off, smile still in place, and turned to help a new customer.

Kalila continued through the busy market, slowly making her way toward the palace gates. Greetings came from all sides, greetings that she returned enthusiastically. She loved being among her people, and they were hers now too, Zan had insisted upon that. What was his was hers, and what was hers was his. It was only natural.

It had been strange at first, being surrounded by so many people, but she had come to love it. Days of a quiet, lonely childhood and isolated harem were long forgotten. Her old life seemed a dream to her, the only thing real to her was when she first viewed the city from atop Ember. She smiled contentedly in remembrance. That moment, when she fell in love with Antar, and later its Prince, that was when her life began.

The guards at the gate gave her a quick salute, which she returned with a slight nod of her head, flashing them a radiant grin. Making her way through the winding halls, she met up with her mother-in-law.

“Zan’s meeting with Tynan is over, dear, I believe he’s in your chambers.” Kalila smiled in thanks and picked up her pace. The door was partly open, and she pushed through to the sitting room, nearly tripping over bags placed in front of the door.

“Zan,” she called, shutting the heavy door, “Zan?” She frowned, not liking the implication of the luggage.

“I’m in here, Kali,” his voice responded from the bedroom. He sounded so tired. Her frown turned from one of suspicion to one of worry, as she headed toward where he was. He was sitting on the edge of their bed, he looked like a man who was on the verge of giving up.

“Are you all right?” she asked, concerned, “What happened at the meeting?” He didn’t answer right away, just sort of looked at her sadly. “Zan?”

She was caught by surprise as he suddenly reached up and pulled her into his arms, but she relaxed immediately and snuggled closer, sighing happily. She felt like she could just melt right into him…

Everything was right in the universe as long as she was in Zan’s arms.

He buried his nose into her hair, memorizing the feel of her fragile body in his arms, the texture of her silky hair, the smoothness of her skin, of the scent that was just Kalila. He couldn’t believe he had to go a whole two weeks without experiencing the touch of her hand, or the sound of her laugh, or the softness in her eyes. His father had probably planned this whole trip to Gorganin just to torture him.

“I have to leave,” he told her quietly, his lips still muffled by her long dark tresses. She lifted her head to stare him straight in the eye, her own questioning.


“Father says it’s a political thing. Rath and I are leaving tonight with him, we won’t be back for two weeks.” He wished he could stay. That’s all he wanted, just to be able to spend time with his Kali, but his father always found some way to disrupt all his carefully laid plans. It continually amazed him how his father knew right when Zan was on the verge of getting somewhere with his wife, and purposely screwed it up. He took it back, it wasn’t amazing, it was frustrating and increasingly annoying.

“Ria and I aren’t allowed to come along?”

“No, he’s forbidden it.” She normally went along with him for all ambassador missions. She had been to three of the four other planets in the Alliance, and the people there fell in love with her too. Of course, there was no possible way anyone could not love Kalila. She was so gentle and giving, so perfect in every way. Anyone who didn’t fall in love with her as soon as they met her would have to have something seriously wrong with them. Which explained his father. The man was totally brain dead.

It wounded her, he knew, that his father didn’t accept her. But how was he supposed to tell her that the king deemed her unworthy to be his son’s wife? That he considered her nothing more than a whore? That all the times he came back upset from seeing Tynan was because his father was trying to convince him, yet again, to annul the marriage between them?

He couldn’t. He just couldn’t bring himself to inform her of that. He wasn’t going to be the one to bring that devastation into her beautiful eyes. He never wanted to see a look like that in her eyes, and Eros help him, he was going to make sure he never did. If that meant he had to give in to Tynan on a few things, he would, damaged pride and all.

“But…With Ria in her condition, surely he wouldn’t separate her from Rath?”

“We’ll be back before she’s due. I’ll make sure of it.” He smiled down at her slightly doubting face. “Don’t worry, Kali, Rath will be present for the birth of his first born, promise.” The clouded look in her eyes cleared, and she smiled at him. It nearly did him in.

His thoughts at that moment were not on the trip, or Rath and Ria, but solely on his wife. On the way he wanted to lay her down on the bed and make love to her. He wanted to conceive a child of their own. He wanted to see her small body change to accommodate their heir. He could see it, her breasts plumper, riper, her belly growing gradually, a part of him and her growing inside…

The very idea of her pregnant with his child was enough to make him want to throw away duty, and obligations, and the whole rest of the universe! But he couldn’t do that, not if she didn’t want it too, and he was pretty sure she didn’t. He was pretty sure she thought of him as a brother/best friend/protector, but not a husband, and definitely not a lover. So he did the only thing he was able to in the role he believed she had assigned to him. He gave her a soft kiss on her forehead.

Unfortunately, his lips seemed to have a mind of their own. They didn’t seem to want to stop at a brotherly kiss to her brow, they traveled down further, over closed eyelids, the tip of her pert nose, and down…

His mind had gained back a little more control, and he managed to just brush over her soft pink lips, instead of the full-out, devouring one he more than likely would have given her if he was still out of control. But it was just enough, he managed to retain the sweet taste of her on his own lips.

He set her on her feet quickly, imagining a small sigh of regret from her as he lifted her off his lap, but of course, it was only something his mind had made up. He himself stood, and, taking her hands, he brought one to his lips. He met her stare for stare, but, sure that she would catch his longing for her, he looked away.

“Walk with me to the launch pad?”

Her only response was a silent nod.

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 3:11 pm
by dreamangel

She stood beside Zan, watching Ria and Rath wistfully. They looked so happy together. He had one hand on her huge tummy, feeling for the baby inside. She assumed the child had kicked, because a delighted smile appeared like magic on Rath's face. Ria laughed and covered his hand with hers. Kalila was a fair distance away, but the love and contentment surrounding them was obvious.

She sighed heavily and tightened her grip on Zan's arm. Her husband looked down at her and smiled sadly. He wrapped strong arms around her tiny waist and pulled her to him. She wrapped her own arms around him and just breathed him in, trying to imprint the feeling into her memory.

She saw King Tynan glaring at them, disapproval in his eyes. She ignored him, not having time to spare to wonder why he didn't like her. She needed to concentrate on Zan right now. On her last moments with him. It's only two weeks, she chided herself.

"I'll only be gone two weeks," he said, echoing her thoughts, "I'll be back before you know it. You probably won't even have time to miss me." She smiled half-heartedly at his attempts to cheer her up. He was so sweet.

A flight technician walked over to the passengers. "We'll be ready for take off at the fifteen mark, your Majesty. You may wish to board now."

"Yes, of course. Zan, Rath, hurry up." Then he walked away without even a by-your-leave to Ariann.

"Bye, sweetie," Rath whispered to his wife, "And you," he told the baby, "don't come out until I return!"

"Yes, sir!" Ria gave him a mock salute and Kalila burst into a giggle fit. Rath gave Ria a gentle kiss, and followed his king to the ship.

She quieted quickly, realizing Zan was going to be leaving now. She had to fight the urge to cry. Her chin was being tilted upward, and suddenly she was looking deep into golden-brown eyes. Eyes that mirrored her sadness.

"It won't be that bad." But his words had an undertone to them. She had a sudden, wild thought that maybe he'd miss her, but pushed it aside. Zan thought of her as a little sister. It was obvious in the way he kissed her.

Over the years they'd kissed a lot, but he always stuck to the safe places. Her forehead, her cheeks...only occasionally would his lips brush over hers.

Like earlier, she had been sure that he was going to really kiss her, but he hadn't. It was getting fairly frustrating.


"You have to go."

"I know." But he didn't move. He just stared down at her, or, more specifically, at her lips. Her eyes widened in surprise as she saw his own darken slightly. Her whole body seemed to become hyper-sensitive as he leaned down...

Their lips met fiercely, and she yielded immediately when his tongue demanded entrance. She felt him pick her up, her feet swinging above the ground. Her hands moved from his back, traveling over his perfect abs, to twine around his neck...

He wanted to devour her. He wanted to take every single part of her and make it his completely. He wanted to claim her as his own in every possible way.

He held her closer, kissing her harder, deeper. His tongue dipped into every crevice available to him, tasting her. He wanted to know all of her, needed to know, craved it...

"ZAN!" His father's voice severed the moment. They broke apart, Zan closed his eyes in displeasure at his father's interruption, and Kalila bit her bottom lip uncertainly.

He leaned his forehead against hers, trying to regain his bearings. The tiny girl in his arms just threw him for a loop. She somehow managed to make everything around him, other than her, disappear.

He stared at her, and she stared right back up at him. Her brown eyes filled with wonder. He looked closely for any hint of disgust or revulsion, for any of the terror she had projected when Kivar had first kissed her, and her didn't see any. He only saw acceptance. Relief flooded over him.


"Coming," he whispered, still focused solely on his wife.


He glanced over to the ship's hatch, and then back at her. "Kali..." He didn't want to leave her. Not now, not ever. Two weeks really was too long to be away.

She closed her eyes against the pleading in his eyes, hating the soon-to-be absence just as much.

"Good-bye..." She felt the warmth he provided fade away, and an aching emptiness started in her heart. She opened her eyes to see his figure retreating into the space ship. Again she had to hold back the prick of tears she felt lurking behind her eyes.

"Bye..." She kept her eyes glued to the ship as it took off, wanting to be on it. To be with him. The loneliness was overwhelming.

She finally looked away as it disappeared into the never-ending blackness of space. Blinking rapidly she glanced around the spaceport, trying not to think about her husband's departure. So she thought about the incongruous nature of Antar.

It really was intriguing. The high-tech society was hidden away in favor of a more traditional, court society. Some of the other planets relied solely on technology, but not Antar...

"Little one," the soft call broke through her rambling thoughts. She turned to Ria, who was watching her with silent sympathy. She gave a tremulous smile and headed over to her friend, who enveloped her in a big, comforting hug. "Don't be so sad, it's not as bad as it seems."

"I know." And she did. Who cared if it was the first time they'd been separated in the three years they'd known each other? Who cared if they'd just had their first real kiss? Who cared if she felt hollow and alone? Who cared that the 'not as bad as it seems' speech was making her want to choke her best friend? Not her. It's not like any of it was that big of a deal, nope.

"So." Ria again tore her away from distracting, self-pitying thoughts.

"So what?"

"What's with you and Zan?" she asked, smiling conspiratorially.

"What do you mean?"

"Well...If I didn't know any better, I'd think that that was you guys' first kiss."

"It was," Kalila told her defensively, blushing furiously.

"No way! You've been together for three years! And he never made a move?!" She looked shocked beyond belief as Kalila nodded. "That's like so impossible. He is totally in love with you, and I know you fell hard for him...How did you manage not making love?"

"Yes, dear, I've been meaning to bring that up." The two girls turned, surprised, to the Queen.

"Ariann?" Kalila asked. She loved her mother-in-law, loved her kindness, loved the fact that she actually liked her. Enough, even to be on a first name basis.

"Your Majesty?"

"Kali," Ariann took her arm, guiding her along, as Ria walked a demure ten paces behind. "I think it's obvious that you and my son haven't...consummated yet." Kalila felt her cheeks start to burn. She couldn't talk about this with her mother!

"I...I, um..."

"Don't worry dear," the Queen smiled gently, "I realize you had a bad time of it previously. But my son has very strong feelings for you, and I believe that you feel the same. And I realize that you might not be ready, but-"

"I am ready," she interrupted eagerly, "I've been ready since I first laid eyes on him, I just never thought he was ready." Ariann gave one of her little musical laughs.

"Oh, goodness, I believe Zan has been more than ready for the same amount of time. When he returns, make sure he understands your...desires. Antar needs an heir."

An heir. That's what she wanted too. Not just for the planet, but for herself. She wanted Zan's child. She had been jealous of Ria for a long time, wanting what she had, well...Her mind was made up.

When Zan got back things were going to change. For the better.

He sighed, his eyes never leaving the small blue and green planet. She was on that planet. Waiting for him to come back. She was missing him as much as he already missed her. As bad as it sounded, the thought made him happy.

He had told her that it wouldn't be that bad, that the time would be over quickly. He knew he had been lying, and he knew that she knew, but they had pretended just the same. And then he had kissed her.

He knew it had been wrong, but he had needed to do it. Something in him had just demanded it, and he had done it. And it had been wonderful.

He could still taste her. Her sweetness. Made all the more sweet by her response to the kiss. When he came home, things were going to be a lot different. He'd make sure she knew how he felt about her, and he'd make absolutely sure that she felt the same way about him, that the kiss wasn't a fluke. He was pretty sure it wasn't, but he needed to be careful with her.

Her experience with Kivar had made him take things slow. He never wanted to frighten her the way that brute did. His blood began to boil at the remembrance...

"Zan?" Rath patted his knee to get his attention.


"We're landing on Gorganin at the five mark."

He nodded. Good. The sooner they got there, the sooner they could leave.

He stepped off the ship behind his father, Rath at his side, to be confronted with the whole of the Gorganin court.

"King Tynan, welcome!"

"We thank you for the invite Queen Kathana. I don't believe you've seen my son since he was two, have you?"

"No, I don't believe I have. Zan, It's a pleasure to see you again." She ran appraising eyes over him and smiled, extending her hand. "And all grown up."

"The pleasure is mine, Majesty," he responded automatically, brushing his lips lightly over her hand. She laughed.

"Such a charmer." She beckoned behind her, and a short, blue-eyed, blond stepped forward. "Prince Zan, may I present my daughter, the Princess Ava?"

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 3:35 pm
by dreamangel

"Damn it!" He threw the note down on his desk. So close. He had been so close.

Zan and Tynan were away, the capitol city was undefended, vulnerable. It would have been the perfect time to attack, but for one thing.

Kalila. She was still in the palace, and he couldn't take the chance of her getting hurt. Or worse yet, killed.

He closed his eyes in frustration. He'd have to wait longer, until he could figure out a way to make sure she would be absolutely safe.

Taking up a piece of parchment and a pen, he drafted out a letter to Niko, ordering him to keep eyes and ears open, and a warning to keep the Princess Vilandra unaware of their plot.

Just a little bit longer. He could feel it in his bones. Soon everything would be going according to plan, and he would have all of Antar along with his Queen.

She sighed, looking around the bedchamber. It seemed so empty without him. She walked dejectedly toward the bed and turned down the covers. But she didn't get in. She stood there, staring down, wishing he was here.

Turning away, she hugged her arms around herself, trying to warm up. She headed to the walk-in closet to find her nightclothes.

She had switched her old harem outfits for the style of dress used in court. It had taken awhile to get used to the confining bodice and thousands of petticoats, but now she enjoyed the swish of long skirts against her ankles.

She had kept her old outfits however. Not because of some emotional attachment, but because they really showed a lot of skin.

She loved the feel of Zan's arms wrapped around her when they cuddled together in bed. The skin to skin contact was electrifying, and she never quite figured out how she managed to fall asleep with all the feelings his hands invoked, but it was always the most relaxing sleep. Just being with Zan soothed her soul and all the petty little troubles of the day dissolved the minute he climbed into bed beside her.

She sighed longingly and dropped the clothes currently in her hands. She stripped quickly and turned to rummage frantically through the laundry bin. She smiled as she found the long shirt Zan had worn yesterday. Slipping it on, she buried her nose in the fabric, inhaling his scent still lingering on it.

She slid to the middle of the bed and burrowed her face into their pillows, pulling the covers up tight around her.

"Good night, Zan."

He sighed wearily, rubbing his forehead. Reaching his assigned room, he hit the doorpad angrily. He didn't understand why his father had brought him to Gorganin.

So far, there had been no talk of war and politics, no discussions of Summits. There were just parties and more parties, and flirting by girls who couldn't hold a candle to Kalila. All in all, he was incredibly irritable, and his father's cajoling attempts to get him to entertain the Princess Ava, Rath's whining about Ria, and those annoying women, were not helping.

He was on the verge of screaming that Ava was a big girl and quite capable of entertaining herself, that Rath had just thank his lucky stars that he had a pregnant wife, and tell those...those sluts to find some easy prey.

He just wanted to go home to Kalila.

Collapsing onto his bed, he hugged Kalila's pillow to his chest. He smiled, her vanilla-rose combo clung to the silk, calming him instantly.

He had discovered the first night here that he couldn't sleep. He had spent all night tossing and turning and wanting his wife anchored to his side. The next morning, as he had finished unpacking, he had discovered a small silk pillow in his bag. One of Kalila's. She must have snuck it in while he hadn't been watching.

He smiled as sleep started to overcome him. It had been just the thing. The reminder of her lulled him into a euphoric state of mind, making sleep come easily. He wondered how she had known he would need it.

He wondered what she was doing right now.

Kalila wiped dirty hands on her pants. She shaded her eyes and peered across the newly planted field. Satisfied, she turned to the people waiting patiently behind her.

"Everything looks good, I think we'll have a good harvest this year." She smiled as expressions of relief passed over their faces.

"Aye, Princess," one farmer spoke up, "We thank you for your help. We probably couldn't have gotten it done in time for the rains if not for your Highness' help." He gave her a toothy grin.

"Yes, thank you so much," his wife agreed, "Now you head back to the palace. You've been here from dawn 'til dusk every day for the past week. You must be tired. Besides," she added, "the Prince should be home tomorrow night, and you'll want to be at your best." The older woman smiled slyly as the young princess blushed a rosy red.

Kalila couldn't help the dreamy smile and blush that accompanied her words. She knew her love for Zan was no secret among their people, considering the first week after his departure she never came to the market and was reported to do nothing but mope around the palace all day.

Ariann had finally convinced her to take a walk, and she had overheard several conversations about how behind the planting was. It had snapped her out of her Zan-less daze. She had been selfish when her people needed her the most!

The next morning she was up bright and early and ready for some hard work. They had welcomed her with open arms, and she had spent the rest of the second week gossiping and laughing with the city girls and the adolescent boys who were trying to catch their fancy. They had finally gotten everything done, and it had taken her mind off Zan's absence. But he was coming home tomorrow!

"If...if it's all right with-”

"Fine! Fine, dearie, shoo." She laughed at the woman's gestures and skipped her way back up to the palace gates. She cheerily saluted the guards, not stopping to chat, and missed the amused exchange of looks they gave each other behind her back.

She woke up the next day in a spectacular mood. She soaked abused muscles in a rose water bath, scrubbing herself clean. She smiled as she leaned into a jet. Her muscles were going to be even more abused after tonight, but it would definitely be worth it. She blushed, even though she hadn't said anything out loud, but just to think such thoughts...

Oh pooh! Girl, shape up. You told yourself things were going to change and they are. She was determined that they would.

Tonight she was going to erase any misunderstandings that Zan had about her feeling for him. She was going to show him how much she loved him, Eros help him, she was!

Dressing in her new gown, she did her hair up in the latest fashion, imagining Zan slowly releasing her long locks from confining clips...His hands undoing each clasp on her dress...

Heat rose up throughout her body, from both want and embarrassment. Stop, she scolded herself, you’re a woman grown and you want your husband to make love to you. There was nothing wrong with that.

But what if she couldn't please him? What if he wanted someone experienced? What if he had met some beautiful girl on Gorganin and didn't want her anymore? What if he hadn't ever wanted her? What if Ariann and Ria were wrong? What if...

She pushed the doubts aside. She'd just make him want her. She'd make him fall in love with her. It was as simple as that.

She walked confidently to breakfast. Ria and Ariann smiled at her as she sat down.

"Good morning Mother, good morning Ria," she greeted them. She gave an amused smile as Ria mumbled something through her food. She hoped she never had any of the weird cravings Ria did when she was pregnant.

"Good morning, dear. I trust you slept well?"

"Oh, yes, very well, thank you. I'm just a little nervous about tonight. And more than a little excited," she confided.

"Don't worry," Ria told her, gulping juice, "It'll be great." She nodded, reassured that at least two people supported her endeavors.

The door opened and boomed shut.

"Vilandra, you're late," Ariann said sharply to her daughter.

"So sorry Mother," she replied, not sounding sorry at all, "This came for you." She tossed an envelope across the table as she sat down. She gave Kalila a look at distaste before digging into the food on her plate.

Ria rolled her eyes at the princess. She found the snotty, stuck-up girl a nuisance. She had told Kalila on more than one occasion that Vilandra thought it was her fault Kivar had snubbed her, and so forced her to settle for Niko. A small sound came from the Queen, distracting her from her contemplation of her sister-in-law.

"What is the matter?"

"It is a letter from Tynan. He says they are enjoying their stay on Gorganin too much and won't be home for another week."

Kalila's face fell. Zan wasn't coming back yet. She closed her eyes against the tears. Why did Tynan continually try to take him from her?

"Well, isn't that just like a man!" Ria burst forth, "I bet he forgot the baby was due! That is so typical of him! Well, you can just bet that I won't be speaking to him when he gets back. No siree, not me." She nodded decisively and turned back to eating.

"May I please be excused Majesty?"

"Of course, dear," the Queen said kindly.

"I wish you all a good day." She fled quickly back to her room, landing face down on the huge bed as despair overwhelmed her and she finally let herself cry.

Zan whistled happily. His bags were packed, now all he had to do was find his father and Rath.

He was going to be back in Kali's arms tonight, and he couldn't wait.

Arms slipped around his waist and a sickeningly sweet giggle reached his ears. He had to work hard to stifle a groan. "Good evening Princess."

"Oh, Zan," she giggled, batting lashes up at him, her blue eyes adoring him, "How'd you know it was me?"

There was a lot he could say in response to that. None of it flattering, but he couldn't be rude. Not even if her presence was starting to ruin his good mood. So he shrugged.

She gave that insipid giggle yet again and looped her arm into his. "Walk me to dinner?"

"With regret, Princess-"

"Ava," she corrected.

"Ava," he agreed, and removed her arm, "I'm afraid I am leaving tonight. If I stayed for dinner I would miss my flight."

Her clouded expression cleared. "Silly, you know you're not leaving for a week."

What was she talking about? Another week? She must be the biggest ditz in the universe if she couldn't remember a simple thing like when he was leaving.

"Didn't Tynan tell you?" His father? No he wouldn't... "He told my mother just yesterday that you'd be delighted to stay awhile longer." He would.

Zan sighed. "My father was misinformed. I'm afraid I really can't stay. It's imperative that I leave tonight."


"Make excuses for me? Thank you." He gave her a soft kiss on the cheek and his most dashing smile, hoping to leave her too flustered to protest.

His efforts were rewarded when she gave him a dazed smile and lifted a hand to her cheek.

"Bye, I had a wonderful time, really," he lied.

"Bye," she whispered weakly. Giving him a small wave as he ran off to his room.

He hauled his luggage to the ship after ordering the captain to prepare for take-off. Settling down into his chair he gave a large sigh off relief at a clean getaway.

"Hey!" He jumped nearly five feet out off his seat at the gruff voice. Turning fearfully, he saw a laughing second-in-command.


"You didn't think you could leave without me, did you?" Zan shook his head ruefully. "Didn't think so. Ria's gonna need me soon. What was you father thinking?"

"I have no idea. I just want to get back to Kalila as fast as possible." Rath nodded in understanding.

"Well, this ship better take off soon, 'cause Tynan doesn't look too pleased."

"What?!" He followed Rath's gaze to the window, and saw a very irate father storming through the port.

Just then the ship jumped to life, leaving his father behind. Thank Eros!

The men separated ways as they returned to the palace. Rath going to Ria, and Zan to Kalila. He opened the door carefully, trying to be quiet. It was late, he didn't want to disturb her slumber.

His efforts were obviously wasted, because when he looked up, she was staring right at him.

His desire for her flared up immediately. He couldn't help it. She was so beautiful. He took in her dark hair, lying smoothly on her head, her wide, surprised eyes, her parted lips, her heaving breasts...


Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 3:37 pm
by dreamangel

She couldn't stop staring at him. She couldn't believe he was really here. "I thought you weren't coming home until next week?"

He gulped and walked forward slowly, his eyes never leaving hers. He shook his head, his mouth working, but no sound coming out.

"No," he finally managed, sounding hoarse.

"No?" Her whole body was tingling from the way he was staring at her. His amber-dark eyes penetrating into her soul. Why were they talking? she wondered. They shouldn't be. They should be ripping each other's clothes off.

Again, her naughty thoughts made her blush.

"C...Couldn't stay away that long," he rasped, finally on the bed. She threw the covers back, inviting him to lie beside her. He didn't take the invitation.

He crawled up the bed, eyes still locked with hers, until he was kneeling between her legs.

Oh Eros! She could feel herself readying for him, for his touch, his loving.

One of his hands slid through her hair, and he leaned down slightly...She closed her eyes, tilting her head to accept his kiss...She felt lips brush over her forehead...

NO! That was not what she wanted! She was on the verge of attacking him, when his lips again descended. They were everywhere on her face except her lips!

Finally, finally, and ever so slowly, he yielded to her wishes without her even asking. His kisses were soft, hesitant...

"I missed you," he told her softly, in between kisses, "So much."

She brought her hands up to clasp his as they framed her face. "I missed you too." She felt him smile against her lips, and then the kisses became more demanding.

Her tongue met his, probing deeper. Her arms came around his neck wanting him closer. He broke away, kissing a path down her neck. Teeth scraped teasingly over the bone at the hollow at the base of her neck, followed by a light sucking.

"Zan," she moaned in pleasure, before forcing his lips back upon hers. Again, tongues clashed, dueling for dominance, until she gave up full control to him, gasping in delight as his hands ran up and down her back.

The need for air became too great, and they parted, just slightly, lips still touching as they took deep, heaving breaths. Then he frowned.

"Are you wearing my shirt?" he asked, pulling away to look her over. She blushed under his hot-eyed scrutiny of her garments, turning pink for another reason as his eyes darkened even more when he came to where the shirt ended at her mid-thigh.

"Yes," she said sheepishly. "I could take it off," she offered, "Or," she closed her eyes, not believing she could be this forward, "you could do it." She peered at him from under her lashes, hoping he wasn't put off by her brazen attitude, but she thought he needed a little push.

He was still staring at her thigh, a shocked expression on his face. "Zan?" she asked, a little worried. He finally looked up at her, and she knew her efforts would be rewarded. The look in his eyes...

"I...I think..." he stuttered, "...I think it would probably be best if I did it."

She nodded in complete accord. "Probably."

He rested his hands on her ankles, looking up at her for permission. He seemed encouraged, because he slid his hands further up her legs. She shivered in anticipation as his feather-light touch made its way up her thighs.

She watched him, taking in each reaction his face showed. He paused slightly as the fabric of the shirt caught on his wrist, but he took a deep breath and continued. His pace no faster, no slower, just nice and easy. She saw his eyes widen as he realized she wasn't wearing any underwear, she saw them darken even more when his hands came in contact with the curves of her breasts.

The shirt was off. She closed her eyes, feeling her hair settle back down on her shoulder, and finally found the courage to open them.

She hoped she was enough for him.

He closed his eyes. He couldn't help it. He wanted to cry at the sight of her naked body. She was completely perfect.

He opened his eyes, to see her looking at him, slightly nervous and embarrassed. He cupped her cheek. "You're beautiful," he whispered, seeking to reassure her.

She smiled happily and turned her head to kiss his palm. He sucked in a breath, and then gave in to his desire to kiss her.

He pulled her body flush against his, never releasing her mouth. She gave a soft sigh, and then he felt her small hands press in between them. She worked quickly on the buttons of his shirt, taking attention away from his kisses every so often to concentrate on what she was doing.

At the moment, she was trying to push it off his shoulders. He gave a low growl of frustration and sat up so that he was again kneeling instead of lying on top off her. He finally managed to shrug the fool thing off, and was rewarded by caresses from those tiny hands. She leaned up, pressing soft, teasing kisses to his abs and chest.

He groaned, and pushed her back down. She lay, dark hair fanned out across the pillows, her hands on either side of her head, breasts rising up and down in an erratic rhythm. His attention was captivated easily, and he bent down to explore.

He took one into his mouth, licking and suckling, the other he gently teased with his hand, before switching so that the other could receive equal attention. She was soft and firm at the same time. He licked the hollow between her breasts, and then proceeded on down, until he came to the edge of her femininity. He stopped, the scent of her leaving him wanting more, wanting to taste her. But he wouldn't give in. Not tonight.

He could tell she felt his attention shift, because she arched up. "Zan," she pleaded, her velvety eyes begging for his touch. He made his way back up her body leisurely, listening to her mewling cries. The soft noise aroused him even more.

He heard her intake of breath as she felt his response to her. He winced, afraid to frighten her, but his fears were pushed aside when he felt her hands reaching down, fumbling for the clasp to his pants. He pushed them aside, quickly undoing the button himself and throwing the offending garment to the floor.

He looked up to see her reaction, and was surprised by her fascination. She reached out again, her cool hands on his fevered skin were like torture.

"Kali, please," he begged. She looked at him and nodded, eyes wide.

"Make love to me Zan."

He nodded, and kissed her deeply, positioning himself to enter her. "Are you sure?" He had to make sure she was ready, he didn't want to hurt her in any way.

Her eyes meeting his were full of certainty. "I'm sure."

He took a deep breath and captured her lips again. He slid into her easily. He groaned with pleasure. She felt so good!

She sighed happily as he slid further into her. He fit into her perfectly. It was as if he was born to be inside of her.

He moved his lips lower on her body, pleasuring her in ways she couldn't believe, and on so many levels. Eros please let it be like this always.

She had a feeling it would. That everything would always be this wonderful as long as she was with him.

She felt him pause slightly as he reached her barrier. She bit her bottom lip, knowing what was coming.


"Hurry," she told him, wanting to get the pain over with. She felt him nod against her neck and he thrust hard and fast through her maidenhood. "Zan!" she cried, her grip on his shoulders tightening for an instant, but the pain was quickly gone, lost in a sea of other emotions.

He had stopped again, waiting for her to get used to him. He was watching her carefully for any signs of discomfort, his golden-brown eyes concern. She smiled, and rocked against him experimentally.

He continued, knowing she was going to be all right. He kept their pace smooth and steady. It was the first time for both of them, and he wanted it to be perfect.

He knew it would be. With her, it always would be. He lifted his head to gaze down at her. Her eyes closed in ecstasy, her body flushed a rosy red, her lips all puffy and pink from his kisses. He took pride in the fact that he had caused that look of contentment, that he was the one to bring her so much pleasure...

She was his, and he was hers. And that was the way it would be for eternity.

He was coming closer to the edge, so he pulled almost completely out of her and waited.

Her eyes flew open. "Zan?"

"I love you," he told her, and he thrust deeply into her one last time. Her silken walls tightened around his length and he cried out her name as he released. His own triggered hers, and she came, writhing with pleasure beneath him, his name on her lips was like music to him.

He collapsed gently on top of her, breathing deeply. Her arms came up around his back, cradling him like an infant.

"I love you too, Zan," she told him. He looked up and smiled at her. She returned the gesture and they kissed sweetly.

He rolled off of her, his body feeling the loss of her warmth immediately. So he pulled her into his arms, grabbed the comforter so that she wouldn't get a chill, and buried his face in her hair as drowsiness overtook him.

They fell asleep wrapped around each other.

She awoke with a feeling of completion like she'd never known before. Her long lashes brushed across golden skin, and she smiled, snuggling closer.

It hadn't been a dream.

Zan had made her a woman last night. He had made her absolutely and totally his. And right now, she was more than content to stay wrapped up in her husband's embrace.

She thought back to yesterday morning and her grin widened. She had been right, her muscles were even more sore. Not that she was complaining, not at all...

He stirred slightly against her, and she felt him tightened his grip on her. "Kali," he murmured. Then, as if everything had suddenly just hit him, he pulled away slightly.

His face looking down at her was anxious, he was probably wondering if she regretted last night. Well she didn't.

“Good morning," she whispered, smiling shyly.

His face relaxed. "Morning," he whispered back.

They kept smiling at each other, his hand stroking her arm lightly, neither willing to break the quiet spell that had found it's way into their bedchamber.


The door burst open, and they both bolted upright. Zan shielded her body until she pulled the covers up to cover her breasts. They both stared at the intruder.

Rath didn't notice that he had interrupted anything, he was pacing back and forth on the carpet at the foot of his bed, mumbling unintelligibly, a panicked look on his face.

Kalila wondered idly if Ria had made good on her threat of no talking, and later, the no sex one she had made up when she had come to comfort Kalila.

"Rath, what're you talking about?" Zan asked, obviously bewildered.

"Haven't you been listening to a word I've said?" Rath demanded of his friend, his expression one of such comical despair that she wanted to giggle. "RIA'S HAVING THE BABY!!!"

"Congratulations," she exclaimed, "that's marvelous!"

"Yes, thank you. But what in the name of Eros am I supposed to do?" He started pacing again.

"Um," Zan said mildly, "You should probably be with her."

Rath turned to stare, a look of comprehension dawning. "You're right!" And with that he dashed off again.

Kalila looked at his retreating back, and then looked at her husband, who was looking at her.

They started laughing.

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 3:38 pm
by dreamangel

"Aaahhhh!" she screamed. She clenched the sheets in between her fingers, trying to stop the pain.

"Alright, alright, just breathe honey, please...Just calm down and breathe!" Rath pleaded with her.

"CALM DOWN!! CALM DOWN!!" She grabbed his shirt, the pain and discomfort she was in only fueled her temper. "Don't you DARE tell me to calm down, I'M HAVING A BABY FOR EROS' SAKE!!!!!! You have a baby, honey," she gritted out, "And we'll see how CALM you can be!"

He winced at her tone, and she smiled, happy that she had succeeded in intimidating him. But her triumph was cut short by another contraction. She screamed again, causing all the people in the birthing-room to cover their ears.

"Ria?" came a soft inquiring voice. She glanced toward the door to see her hesitant best friend and her husband peering in.

"Oh! Little one! Zan! Get your asses in here. Someone needs to get my stupid lug of a husband out of here before I rip him apart for all the pain he's put me in!" She glared at Rath, who at least had the decency to look away, but then ruined it by talking.

"The pain that I put you in?!" he responded, outraged.

"Yes you!, over-muscled, thickheaded...MAN, you! The one time..." she looked imploringly to Kalila, "You will not believe it, little one. The one time. ONE TIME, I let him be on top, and he gets me pregnant!"

"RIA!!" Rath thundered, turning an interesting shade of red. He seemed about to continue when she gave another tight-lipped scream.

"Ria?" Kalila asked worriedly, stepping to her friend's bedside.

"Oh, don't worry, hon," Ria said, through clenched teeth, as the contraction slowly faded, "I'll be okay, as long as you get the cretin who did this to me out of here!" She made a quick movement toward her husband, but was quickly restrained by the nurse and healer.

Rath backed away from his murderous wife until he was grabbed by Zan and pulled into the sitting room outside. "We'll be back as soon as she...well, you know," the prince stuttered, and ducked out, closing the door.

"Well," Ria sighed, "at least one of our husbands have some sense."

"Yeah," Kalila said softly, still looking at the spot where Zan had disappeared, blushing softly. Ria stared at her suspiciously, taking in the color in her cheeks, the new glow, the way she shifted a bit uncomfortably.

She cleared her throat and Kalila turned to her, "Aww, girl, you got some!" Ria exclaimed joyfully, heedless of the medical staff.

"Ria!" She responded, wide-eyed and scandalized. She sent a fearful glance at the healer, who was smiling gently.

"Oh, bother them. So, how was it?" she asked curiously.

Kalila got this dreamy look in her eyes, and she gave a deep, happy sigh. "It was wonderful," she told her, "But," she blushed, "I'm a little sore," she finished in a whisper. She bit her lip and looked at Ria, as if anxious that something was wrong.

"That's natural after your first time, it'll go away quickly." She glanced toward the door. "What do you suppose those boys are up to?"

"It's awful quiet in there man," he told Zan, "I hope she didn't kill anyone." He stared at the door fearfully.

Zan laughed at his friend, "I'm sure everything's okay. But it's Ria, you know how she dramatizes everything."

Oh yeah, he knew all too well. "Yeah, but…Zan...You saw her too, when that contraction ripped through her...She was in so much pain, I don't...I don't want her hurt, no matter how much I want a baby. I don't know if it's worth losing her."

"You won't lose her Rath, and you won't lose the baby. Everything will be fine, birth is a natural thing, and Ria is definitely strong enough to handle it."

"Yeah," he agreed, grinning in remembrance of all the uproars his spunky wife had caused over their married years. "Do you think it'll be a boy?" he asked, abruptly changing the subject to a more pleasant one.

"What do you want it to be?"

"Well, not an it." They both laughed. "I don't know. I mean a boy would be great, but a little Ria running around would be cool too." His grin widened at the image of a miniature green-eyed, blond-haired spitfire running around the palace.

"Oh no," Zan put in, eyes wide in mock alarm, "I don't think the whole of the Alliance could handle another Ria in the universe."

"Yeah," he laughed, "You're probably right." Besides, it probably wouldn't happen. Ria was one of a kind, couldn't be duplicated, not even by a daughter. "I think I want a boy," he finally decided. Zan just nodded in complacent sympathy.

"RATH!!!" The scream reverberated through the room. He stood up nervously, eyeing the door to the bedchamber.

"Do you think it's safe to go in?"

"Well," Zan cocked his head, obviously thinking, "Either she needs you, or she wants to kill you."

"RATH!!!" Ria's wail broke through his uncertain thoughts.

"I think I'll take my chances," he told his friend, striding determinedly forward. The scene that greeted him was one he had expected. The nurse behind the healer, who was kneeling before Ria, calmly giving her pointers. Kalila was holding her hand, whispering assurances. When she saw him she gestured over.

"Rath's here Ria," he heard her whisper before they switched positions.

He held onto Ria's hand firmly, letting her know he was here and he wasn't going anywhere. She opened pain-filled green eyes and looked at him.

"It's really happening isn't it? We're having a baby."

"Yeah," he soothed, "It's really happening, honey." He saw her smile through the pain.

"Good. I love you Rath," she whispered, clutching his hand harder as another wave hit. He kissed her forehead.

"I love you too, hon, now listen to the healer. Breathe deeply, calmly, try not to faint."

"You try not to faint," she made an attempt at humor, "You're more worked up than me!" He laughed softly, knowing that, in a way, it was true.

"Good Lady Ria, we need you to push."

"Did you hear that hon? They need you to push."

"I heard, I'm not deaf," she said irritably, swatting at him with her free hand.


"I AM PUSHING!" The arguing went on, and on, and on. But if it gave her something to focus on besides the pain, then all the verbal abuse was worth it.

A cry suddenly echoed in the room, and Ria collapsed gently onto the bed. "Thank Eros that's over," she murmured.

"Congratulations Lord Rath, Lady Ria, you have a healthy son."

"A son," he repeated, awed.

"A son?! All that work and all I got out of it was a boy?!" Ria complained. He looked down on her in consternation, and found her grinning up at him, happiness radiating out from her emerald eyes. "That's perfect." He smiled down at her, running a gentle hand over sweat-streaked cheeks.

"What're you going to name him?" Kalila asked eagerly as the baby was given to Ria.

"Um," he contemplated, "How about Terril, or Davin, or...or Arden, or...Yeah, Rath Jr..."

"Shut up," Ria smacked him, "We're naming him Ryley, and that's it! Got it?" She raised a threatening eyebrow.

"Got it," he replied meekly.

Zan gave a hearty laugh. He glared at his so-called friend. "Just wait until it's your turn," he threatened. Zan's laughter tapered off, not because of fear, Rath saw in disgust, but because of the swoony, moony-eyed way Kalila was looking at him.

She had that boy whipped, thank goodness he wasn't susceptible to Ria's attempts. To just roll over and heel like some...some trained animal. It was disgraceful to the male race! Completely-

"Rath! Get your ass over here and meet your son!" He, of course, quickly complied to her wishes. Not because he was on as short a leash as Zan, but because he really did want to see his son. Plus, he didn't want to make her mad.

He looked down at the small bundle in Ria's arms. The boy had a full head of brown hair, just like his dad! He smiled joyfully and finally looked at Ria.

Her blond hair was limp and hung flat against her shoulders. She was pale, but there was a slight rise of red high in her cheeks, and her green eyes were sparkling. She had this serene smile on her face as she watched her baby.

She had never looked more beautiful to him than at that moment.

Zan smiled down at Kalila, wanting to whisk her away back to their room and make their own baby. And, by the look on her face, she was thinking the exact same thing.

"Hey, little one!" Ria called. Kalila looked away from him. "Remember what I said about never letting a guy touch you again?"

Kalila nodded, blushing, and not meeting his eyes. Zan was on the verge of thinking that Ria might not be the best influence on his Kali.

"I take it back. It's worth all the pain." Ria's gaze drifted back to her small family, and away from the new lovers.

Zan looked back down as his wife fit herself into the curve of his arm. He tightened his hold, bringing her more firmly against him and met her star-filled eyes. "We'll have a baby of our own someday," he whispered.

"Soon?" she inquired softly, blushing deeply.

"Soon," he promised, kissing her softly. He wanted desperately to deepen it, but this wasn't the place to do it.

"Let's head back to our room," Kali suggested huskily.


Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 3:38 pm
by dreamangel

He strode through the spaceport in his typical "I rule all" manner. The flight technicians and repair workers all scrambled to get out of his way, bowing and tripping as they went. He didn't deign to acknowledge them.

He was a man on a mission.

The hover pad seemed to be going extraordinarily slow. He tapped his fingers impatiently on his armrest, anxious to get to the palace as quickly as possible. He had a rebellious son to deal with.

He couldn't believe Zan. The nerve of that boy to just skip out during a political visit, and he succeeded in taking Commander Rath with him! Those to were lucky he stayed behind to soothe the Queen Kathana. War with a military planet like Gorganin was something to be avoided at all costs.

Fortunately, the conferences with Kathana had proved...profitable. He smiled slyly, Zan would have to comply with his wishes on this matter, and there were added bonuses. A compliant son, and a chance to get rid of that Paerhnian whore he called a wife!

The hover vehicle stopped, landing gently outside the palace gates. He exited quickly, walking as fast as possible to his war room.

It was the most imposing room in the palace. It spoke of power and control. Two things he would need in order to make his son back down, for the boy would argue. He just had to make sure Zan didn't win.

Seating himself behind the large desk at the forefront of the room, he called in a messenger.

"Your Majesty?" inquired the timid man, obviously in suitable awe to be in the presence of his king. That was as it should be.

"Fetch Prince Zan and bring him to me," he ordered, not looking up from the documents he was examining. He heard a small squeak and lifted his head, frowning in a menacing manner.


"WHAT? What are you still doing here?! I gave you an order! Go get the Prince!" He waved his hand at the door imperiously.

"That's...that's just it, your Majesty, P-prince Zan gave...gave orders that he and the Princess Kalila were not to be disturbed."

Princess Kalila? Who was Princess Kal- It hit him instantly. That little slut was going around giving herself airs! Titles above her station! Well that would soon be remedied.

"Very well, fetch the Queen."

"Y-yes your Majesty!" The small man fled the room, trembling.

Ariann took a deep breath before knocking on the heavy door.

"Come in." She entered quietly, shutting the door firmly behind her, and turned, making sure she had a smile pasted on her face.

"Tynan! You did not send word that you were returning. We would have made proper preparations; an escort, a party..."

"Do be quiet. You know very well that you would not have cared whether I returned or not. I want to know what's been going on in my absence and since Zan's return. You are going to tell me." She clenched her teeth together, refusing to let him get to her.

"Well," she paused, enjoying making him wait, "Ria had her baby."

"Ria? Who's Ria?" Eros, was the man really that dense?

"The Lady Ria is Commander Rath's wife," she told him, as if speaking to a small child.

"Oh, another one of those whores from Paerhna." Her back stiffened at his condescending tone, but she didn't say anything.

"It was a boy."

"What was?" he asked, uncomprehending.

"The baby. It was a boy, they named him Ryley."

"Ryley? What kind of name is Ryley? It sounds common. Of course, I would expect it from a woman like that." He shook his head, tone disgusted.

You are a Queen, she reminded herself, screaming at an insufferable husband is unseemly.

"Not much else happened that was notable, Tynan."

"Oh, well, I didn't want to hear about it anyway. Tell me what Zan and this...Kalila, have been up to."

Oh! Zan and Kalila! Her favorite subject. Those two were just too precious!

"Well," she started, leaning forward excitedly, "When Zan came back, the first thing he did was go to Kalila, and..." she paused and lowered her voice, "Since then, the only time they've come out of their chambers was for Ryley's birth and for food. With any luck, that heir you've been wanting Zan to have will be along shortly." She leaned back, satisfied that she had managed to stupefy him.

"Do you mean to tell me that they are having sex at this very moment?!" he asked, outraged.

"No, they are not having sex," she said calmly.

"Oh, good-"

"They are making love!"


"What, what?" she asked irritably, "I thought you'd be pleased. I thought you wanted him to have an heir."

"No, yes, but...With a proper wife, not a whore!" That was it! She refused to listen to him belittle Kalila like that.

"Kalila is not a whore," she told him, stalking up to his desk and shaking her finger in his face, "She is a sweet girl who is as head-over-heels for Zan as he is for her, and you will not do anything to ruin their happiness!"

"I am KING, I will do whatever I want!" She stood her ground, not backing down at his menacing tone.

"Not while I'm around." Then she turned her back to him and walked calmly to the door.

"Ariann." She paused, but didn't turn around. "Send Zan to me," he commanded.

"I am not your servant Tynan." And with that she left.

She gave a low cry of pleasure, and came, writhing before she collapsed against him. He ran fingers over her wet back, planting kisses on her cheek, whispering his love over and over. She smiled against his neck.

"Zan," she whispered, sitting up. She was still straddling him, and the sight of her bare breasts made him harden within her immediately. Her eyes widened at the feeling of him filling her again.

He stood, and wrapped her more tightly around him. She tightened her legs around his waist, gasping as the change in position shoved him even more deeply into her.

He groaned as the change in temperature caused her nipples to harden. Leaning down, he suckled gently at her soft smooth skin. Her head fell back in ecstasy and she clung to him harder.

Making his way from the bathing chamber to their bed was of no difficulty. She released her death hold on his neck and he laid her down on the bed, careful not to dislodge himself from her depths. Their wet bodies began to soak the sheets, but they really didn't care.

He slowly removed the clasps in her hair, fanning the long dark strands out on the pillows. He had wanted to let her hair down before, but wet hair was just as hard to run his fingers through as when it was up, so he had let her keep it up. But now it was his turn, and he wanted to bury his hands in the silky mass.

"Zan," she said, pleading with him. Her big brown eyes begging for completion. He brushed his lips over hers.

"I know, Kali," he whispered. He started their pace slow and steady, taking his time, savoring each little sound of joy that escaped her lips.

They had spent the past two days making up for those wasted years, and he was enjoying it thoroughly. He loved making love to her. Loved reveling in the perfection, loved the way it just kept getting better each time.

They had managed to perfect perfection.

The concept was his Kali in and of itself. She became more perfect, more beautiful, more alluring every time he looked at her. He gazed down at her now, as he exploded her. He watched her parted lips as she gave a soundless scream, watched her flushed cheeks, her fluttering eyelids.

She opened her eyes and met his, she wrapped her arms around him tighter, pulling him closer. She kissed him softly. "I love you," they said softly against each other's lips.

He almost loved the intimacy of the afterglow the most. Almost.

A knock interrupted the moment. He rolled his eyes in annoyance and slid out of her reluctantly. He leaned down and kissed her in response to her soft mew of protest.

He grabbed a pair of pants and pulled on a shirt as he made his way to the door. Mumbling about the horrible deaths he would subject the intruder to, he flung open the door to see a cowering servant.

"I believe I gave orders that I was not to be disturbed," he said icily, glaring at the trembling figure, "What is so important that you had to disregard those orders?"

", well, your Highness," he stuttered, "His Ma-Majesty has returned, and he has requested your presence in the war-war room. Immediately." He gulped, obviously awaiting a curt dismissal or a harsh punishment. His father must be in a bad mood.

"Zan?" Kalila inquired softly. He turned to see her walking into the sitting room, fully dressed, finishing putting her hair up. She joined him in the doorway, glancing curiously between him and the servant.

"Your Highness," he said, bowing. She smiled kindly at him, a gesture that he returned happily. She turned back to Zan.

"My father is back, and has...requested my presence." Kali's smile dropped, and she seemed to pale.

"Oh, then you better not keep him waiting." He nodded and gave her a soft kiss, suggesting that she go visit with his mother. It was her turn to nod, and then he turned to the servant, who was looking at the floor, seemingly uncomfortable with his liege's display of emotion.

"Let's go."

"Yes, sir." He started forward quickly and Zan followed, a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. He glanced back at his Kali and wondered why his father wanted to see him.

It couldn't be for something good.

Ariann watched as Kalila gratefully sat down in the cushioned chair. She had explained that Tynan had wanted to see Zan, so she had come to see Ariann. Ariann smiled. It had taken Tynan an hour to realize that his wife had openly defied him.

"I was thinking, that since the King's lectures normally take up a large quantity of time, that we could go to the market together."

"That's a nice idea, I haven't been to the market in such a long time," she paused, "I haven't really spent all that much time with you lately."

Kalila blushed a deep red. ", Zan...we..."

"Don't worry little one," Ariann laughed, "I heartily approve of you and Zan's new pastime."

"Oh!" She blushed even more furiously and looked anywhere but at her mother-in-law. Ariann laughed harder.

"Come, dear, it's off to market we go."

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 3:39 pm
by dreamangel

Zan stared at his father in disbelief. “You’re not serious?”

“I am always serious, Zan.”

“Y-you can’t do that. It’s ridiculous, I won’t…Absolutely not.”

“ I’m afraid that the deal has already been settled. There is no going back.”

“Well you better find a way to break the stupid deal, because there is NO way I’m going to comply with the terms!” he said decisively.

He really did not understand how it came to pass that this man was his father. He was slow, ineffective, and a total moron. How he even came up with this scheme was beyond comprehension…Well, one thing was for certain, Zan would not go along with it!

“I believe you were the one who said I shouldn’t take Kivar lightly. I thought you would be happy that I was taking your precautions so seriously,” Tynan stated smugly, feigning surprise.

Zan narrowed his eyes, choosing his words carefully, “I am…pleased, that you are taking the threat that Kivar represents to heart, however, I do not see how this…agreement, that you made with Queen Kathana, will help.”

“Zan,” his father sighed, acting as if he were wit-deprived, “Gorganin is a completely military planet. If we form an alliance with them, we have a steady supply of weapons and well-trained, hardened warriors. Kivar will not stand a chance. So you see the need?”

“No,” he replied defiantly.

His father gave another world-weary sigh and Zan had to resist the urge to punch him, so he settled for clenching his fists. “If there is a war, Dagon will automatically side with us, due to the long-standing friendship between our planets’ rulers, and Vaina will, more than likely side with Paerhna-“

“Because of all the betrothals the lords on Vaina made with the governors’ daughters,” Zan finished for him, nodding in understanding. Kalila had told him of her sister’s planned marriage, and those of other daughters among the provinces in Paerhna. She had told him that she would also have been given away in such a fashion had Kivar not acquired her. He had just held her close, thanking Eros that, in whatever manner, fate had chosen her to end up with him, safe and happy and loved.

“Exactly,” Tynan beamed at his son, “With the addition of Gorganin to our ranks, Claren will follow along with her sister planet, and Antar will have the winning side, so you see, we need Kathana’s support.”

“But surely there is another way,” Zan pleaded.

The king shook his head in false sympathy. “These were the only terms Kathana would agree to. I’m sorry Zan,” he continued, obviously anything but, “but there is no other alternative. You have to weeks to prepare, have everything in order by the time the Gorganians arrive.”

Zan recognized the dismissal, however, he did not acknowledge it. He stood, straight-backed and tense at his father’s high-handed demand, in front of the large desk. Gritting his teeth he waited for his father to notice his presence. Tynan looked up about a minute later and frowned.

“Yes, Zan?”

“I will not marry Ava.”

“Zan, you do not have a choice. If you do not agree to the marriage than Gorganin and Claren will aid Kivar and Antar will be lost,” he paused, than added slyly, “Which is more important Zan? Your planet or your whore?”

A white-hot fury ripped through him then, and he snapped, lunging at Tynan. A sword point halted his advancement. He glared at his father, just waiting.

“You will hold your tongue when you think such thoughts about my wife. Father or no, another slur on your behalf toward my Kali and, Eros help you, not even a sword will stop me from initiating your death.”

Tynan slowly lowered the sword he had so hastily torn from its sheath, his hand shaking as he placed it on his desk. “Your actions could be misconstrued as treason my son,” he warned, “However, due to your unnatural attachment to the girl, I will allow her to remain in residence in the palace, but you will marry the Princess Ava. I am commanding you, as your king, and as your father.”

Vilandra jumped back in alarm as the large doors to her father’s war-room boomed open. She stared in shock at her angry brother. “Zan?”

“What are you doing Vilandra?”

“I’m…I…I wanted to speak with Father.” Her eyes darted frantically around, trying not to meet his penetrating amber eyes. If she did, he’d know she was lying.

“Really? Cause it appeared to me as if you were eavesdropping,” he insinuated. She blushed a deep red.

“Of course I wasn’t Zan!” she exclaimed, feigning hurt, “How could you even assume-“

“Don’t mess with me right now, sister dear,” he retorted, “I am not in the mood for your attempts to probe into my confidence.”

“What are you talking about Zan?” she asked, confused.

He gave a short bark of laughter, causing her to flinch. “I don’t know Vilandra? Maybe the fact that you’re sleeping with the enemy has given me some concerns as to where your loyalties lie.”

She gaped at him, stunned. She had had no idea that she and Niko were being so blatant about their relationship. “Niko isn’t the enemy. He’s a good man, who-“

“Forget it Vilandra. Niko works for Kivar, Kivar is our enemy. Any information you ‘accidentally’ spill during late night chats finds its way back to Paerhna and into the uprising’s plot. Both of them are playing you for a fool, and you’re too naïve to see it.”

“Me? Me?! What about your ‘wife’, huh? How do you know she’s not the one spilling Antar’s weaknesses?”

“Kalila would never betray me!”

“So you say, but you don’t know that Zan. She has you wrapped around her little finger with her wide-eyed looks and maidenly blushes, the same way she had Kivar. Don’t fall for it Zan, she’ll be your downfall in the end.”

“Eros, you expect me to believe you? You’re a traitor.”

“I am not! How dare you accuse me of such a thing?! I wouldn’t ever hurt you Zan. I love you too much.” She reached out to her beloved brother, her oldest, closest friend, and placed a hand on his arm.

His shoulders slumped, and he hung his head in defeat. “I’m sorry Lonnie,” he said, using her childhood nickname, “I just…there’s so much going on, and I don’t know what to do.”

“It’s okay,” she whispered, hugging him, “But Father’s right Zan, marrying Ava is the right decision. It will keep Antar safe, and it’ll keep treasonous whores away from you.”

Zan violently pushed himself out of the sibling embrace. He stared at her as if she had struck him, then a black mask descended over his features, concealing his emotions, blocking her. “You’re one to talk,” he snarled scornfully.

She watched, frozen, as he turned on his heel and strode away. Her brother had just as much told her she was a whore. Stinging tears welled up behind her eyes and she ran back to her chambers.

This was all that girl’s fault.

Kalila pushed open the door to her and Zan’s bedchamber gently, she walked in, glancing around. She sighed heavily when she realized it was empty, she had expected Zan to be back by now. Shutting the door, she made her way further into the room.

A low sob broke the quiet, and she spun around to see her husband curled up in the window seat.

“Zan?” She quickly crossed the floor and was at his side in an instant. “Zan what’s wrong?” She placed a hand on one of his drawn up knees, beyond concern. His shaking shoulders, and muffled sobs were distressing her more than anything. Zan was crying. He never cried. “Zan, please?” she begged.

He lifted his head, his bloodshot eyes looking into her worried ones. She ran her hand over his cheek, wiping away his tears. He gave a choked cry and she found herself pulled into his arms.

He held her close, closer than ever before, as if afraid she would disappear. She held him back just as tightly, sensing his need. “Please, Zan, tell me what’s happened.”

“My father has finally chosen to acknowledge the problem of Kivar, and has enlisted Gorganin’s help.” His voice was hoarse, unhappy, she didn’t quite understand the problem.

“Isn’t that what you wanted?” she inquired.

“I’m not done.” He took a deep breath, running his hands through her hair. “In order to receive Kathana’s support my father promised…” he took another shuddering breath before continuing, “…He promised my hand in marriage to Ava.”

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 5:32 pm
by dreamangel

He watched her expression carefully, tightening his hold on her, lest she try to flee. She was blinking rapidly, a small frown on her lips.

“What?” she questioned, bewildered.

Zan swallowed hard and he shut his eyes as he answered. “My father is forcing me to wed Ava.”

“But we are already married.” She sounded so lost. As lost as he felt. He opened his eyes to stare into hers, trying to convey the magnitude of mistake his father had made when he agreed to ruin two lives.

“I know.” He sounded broken, even to himself, and he knew, that no matter what horrors he might see in his future, nothing would compare to the bleakness that marred Kalila’s beautiful eyes.

“B-but why?”

“He says,” Zan started bitterly, “that this was the only way to gain a true alliance with Gorganin, and we need Gorganin’s support when Kivar attacks. Which is true,” he admitted, thinking aloud, “We do need Gorganin, but I can’t help thinking there was another way to do it that father purposefully chose to ignore.”

He frowned now, realizing all at once that Tynan had manipulated the whole situation to suit himself.

“Because of me,” Kalila said slowly in a small voice. He shifted his gaze, from contemplating the carpeting to her shiny eyes, quickly understanding that she had deduced his suspected reasoning in the king’s logic.

What little he had.

“Because he doesn’t think I’m worthy of being your wife. Of being a Prince’s wife.” A tear dripped down her cheek.

“NO!” he told her fiercely, cupping her face and forcing the haunted eyes to meet his, “Don’t think that! Don’t ever think that! You are my wife Kalila. My wife! And I love you. More than everything.”

“I love you, too, Zan, but-“

“No,” he cut her off, “no buts. How I feel for you, and how you feel for me is all that matters.” He kissed her gently, trying to take all the problems away.

“I wish I could believe that,” she whispered shakily.

“You can,” he said earnestly, resting his forehead against hers, “You can, because it’s true Kali. It’s true.”

She shook her head, and he pulled back slightly, confused by her resistance. “But it’s not all that matters Zan.” She blocked his protests with a finger to his lips. “If we were…If we weren’t who we are. If you weren’t Crown Prince of Antar, and if I wasn’t…a Paerhnian whore,” she spat out. Zan’s eyes widened in alarm, but still, she wouldn’t let him speak. The anger in her brown eyes faded and her voice grew soft. “Then maybe I’d be willing to let you defy your duty…But we’re not. We’re not. You are Crown Prince, Zan, and your duty is to your planet first.”

“But, I don't want-“

“I know. I don’t want you to either, but it’s not about us anymore Zan. It’s about Antar.”

He was silent, knowing she was right, but not wanting to believe. They just looked at each other, holding each other close, letting, but not wanting, reality set in.

He kissed her fiercely. Urgently demanding that she give him everything, and she did. Willingly.

She needed him at that moment, needed him as badly as he needed her. She wrapped arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her, kissing him harder…

Her body was on fire, a fire his lips and hands created. A fire he fueled every time he looked at her. A fire that could never be quenched. They couldn’t take that away, whether they took him away, their love would always be. Sparking, flaming, burning…it couldn’t be put out.

Their love would never die.

Kalila felt soft material come in contact with her back, and she realized with surprise that Zan had moved them to the bed. She had been too focused on him to notice, but now…

Now she was hyperaware of the satin comforter. Of the skirts of her new white dress foaming up to the naked skin of her thighs. Of Zan’s large, loving hands running up and down her body…

His lips came in contact with her neck and she arched upward, sighing his name. His hands fumbled slightly with the tiny buttons on the front of her dress, he gave a muffled curse, and the next thing she knew, her dress was torn open.

The expensive fabric was ripped, buttons went flying in every direction, but she didn’t care. All that mattered was Zan’s mouth on her breasts. He continued his assault, the gown being ruined in the process, but hey, she was doing a little damage of her own. His shirt was hanging off his shoulder, holes where her fingers had caught…His back would be covered in long red scratches tomorrow morning, she mused.

She didn’t object to the roughness he showed when he pounded into her. She needed it, and she knew he needed it too. This wasn’t the leisurely lovemaking they had been experiencing recently. This was him staking his claim on her.

She was his.

Zan was just making sure the world knew it, even though the world would never see the inside of their bedchamber.

She felt the first shiver of release course through her, and she bit down on his shoulder, leaving teeth marks.

Marking him as hers.

He pulled nearly all the way out of her before plunging back in. He cave a hoarse cry, her name on his lips…She held him tightly as he tensed and relaxed, collapsing on top of her, burying his face in her neck. She felt deliciously crushed beneath him.

He raised his head, tear-filled amber eyes, and he gently tucked her hair behind her ear, a startling contrast to his frantic actions of only moments earlier. She kissed him sweetly, knowing he was going to apologize for hurting her, but not wanting him to.

“I love you,” she told him softly.

“I love you, too,” he replied, his tone equally as soft.

“They can’t take that away from us.”

“I know.”

Kivar stared at the letter from Niko, then glanced over at the wedding invitation that displayed the Antarian and Gorganian royal seals. He smiled.

“Interesting. Very interesting.

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 5:33 pm
by dreamangel

They clung together silently, dreading the coming morning.

It would change everything. The separation ceremony would take place at dawn, before the Gorganians awoke, in the afternoon Zan and Ava would be married, followed by a reception, and then…the wedding night.

Kalila made a small sound of distress at the very thought of another woman in their bed, in her husband’s arms. Yes, but he won’t be your husband, a little voice reminded her sadly, he’ll be Ava’s.

“Love?” She gazed up into Zan’s pain-filled eyes and felt tears well up in her own.

“They can’t do this, Zan. They can’t take you away from me!” she cried.

“Ssh, ssh, Kali, I’m yours. Always. No matter what my father does, no matter what he says…You are my wife. Only you. Forever,” he tried to reassure her.

“Forever?” she sniffed.

“’Til death and after,” he promised. She nodded, feeling a teensy bit better. “We love each other Kalila, and you said it yourself, they can’t take that away from us.”

He was right. She knew he was right, but her insecurities wouldn’t go away. “But what if you fall in love with Ava?” she asked, so softly that she wasn’t sure he heard her. But, of course, he had.

“Never,” he swore, looking at her as if she were crazy, “Never, ever, EVER! The woman is a brain-dead idiot, much like my father, who couldn’t hold a conversation if her life depended on it. Her skin is too white, her hair is too blond, her eyes are too blue…In effect, she is the very antithesis of you, and if I ever feel anything for her…I will die from pure shock.”

She stared, stunned by his passionate declaration, and then began to giggle. She couldn’t help it, the situation they were in was not a laughing matter, but the fact that she had doubted him was just funny. Come to think of it, she’d been experiencing mood swings a lot lately, going from mad to happy, or crying for no reason…

He was still looking at her funny, but there was an edge to his expression, an anxiousness for her to understand. She sobered immediately and reached up, brushing his cheek. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, “I don’t doubt your feelings for me, and I have no idea what I was thinking suggesting-“

“It’s fine,” he interrupted, smiling gently, “This whole…thing…is just…”


“Yeah, we’re both kind of stressed, emotional…”

“But we’ll be okay.”

“Yeah, we’ll be okay. I’m not going to let them take you away. He can’t make me forget. He can’t make me feel things I don’t really feel. She’ll never be you, Kali, and he’s a fool to think she could ever replace you.”

She felt herself tearing up again. “Oh, Zan, I love you. I love you so much it hurts sometimes!”

His lips brushed over hers. “I know what you mean Kali. Sometimes I feel like I’m going to die if I don’t touch you, or hold you, or kiss you, I love you so much,” his voice trailed off into a hoarse whisper.

She gave a muffled sob and kissed him fiercely. His response was just as passionate, and the spent the last of their time as man and wife together, exchanging vows of faithfulness and never-ending love…

Until the knock rang out against their chamber door.

“The bond is severed,” he announced, not bothering to mask his triumph. He glanced down at the newly separated couple kneeling before him, who weren’t doing as tradition dictated and unclasping their hands.

Their hands were still locked together, and they were staring soulfully into each other’s eyes. He wanted to hurl. The nerve of the princeling, manhandling his Kalila! He stepped forward angrily, grasping Zan’s hand and exerting pressure on the nerve, causing his grip to loosen and Kalila’s hand to fall away.

Zan rose quickly to his feet, a murderous expression on his face, Rath placed a restraining hand on his arm, and Kivar just smiled at him. Behind the prince were Tynan, obviously pleased, and Vilandra, who was grinning at him seductively. Her earlier frosty attitude over his past transgressions ended. And then there was his future Queen…

His smile faltered as he looked at his beloved. Her sunny smile and innocence was gone, instead there was a small girl with big, sad eyes that were shiny with unshed tears. Ariann and Ria, with an obnoxious brat on her hip, were comforting her.

As if she needed comfort. Thankfully he had just taken the first steps to rescuing her from the Antarian Prince’s clutches. As soon as she was back in Paerhna, with him, she’d return to normal. He’d remedy whatever emotional scars that brute she’d been bonded to had caused.

She was free now, and he just had to make her realize his love for her, and hers for him, and everything would be all right.

Soon, a month at the most, and everything would be all right.

He came up for air slowly, the heavy, silver liquid of the purification bath running down him. He was using this time to think, but all his mind could dwell on was his Kali’s face as Kivar ripped their hands apart. She had looked as devastated as he felt, the light surrounding her nearly diminished…

And now…Now he was going to be married to another. A girl he didn’t like in the least, one he couldn’t stand, all for the sake of Antar.

He hated being Crown Prince.

He began swimming over to the stairs leading out, but pulled up short, standing up fast, the liquid barely covering what needed to be covered. He ducked down further, and she pouted cherry lips.

“What are you doing here, Ava?” he demanded.

“Just wanted to check up on my husband-to-be.” Her eyes raked over him hungrily, licking her lips in anticipation. Zan suppressed a grimace, but couldn’t manage to stop the wince.

What had ever given her the impression that he wanted to be with her?

The door to the bath opened. “Zan!” Ah, yes, his father, that must’ve had something to do with it. The king slowed, surprise and then a grin crossing his face at the sight before him. Zan groaned inwardly. “Princess Ava, what a pleasure, what has caused you to grace this room with your beautiful presence?”

Yes, Ava, he thought sarcastically, whatever could the reason be?

She gave Tynan a simpering smile and giggled at bit. Eros kill me now, he pleaded with the god. “I was just visiting Zan, wanted to make sure he wasn’t getting cold feet.” She looked back at him, but his gaze was locked on his father’s.

“I assure you Princess, Zan has NO intention of leaving you at the altar.” The prince heard the king’s command, and bowed his head.

“Well, fabulous! I’m just going to go find my mother and finish getting ready. I’ll see you in an hour, Zan,” she called as she walked away.

“Yeah,” he replied sullenly.

“Zan.” He raised his head. “Get dressed. It’s time.” Tynan spun on his heel and strode back the way he came.

And the Prince felt like his world was ending.

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 5:35 pm
by dreamangel

Larak watched his old friend carefully. He hadn’t had much of a chance to talk to Zan in the years since he’d become King of Dagon, but the Prince visited him on occasion. And on the last visit he had brought along his new wife.

What had happened, Larak wasn’t sure of, but he knew that Zan and Kalila had been it love. When they had come to Dagon, it had been obvious with every look and touch between the two, and that had only been a year ago.

And now Zan was marrying another. He was marrying that self-absorbed Princess from Gorganin. Larak wondered if Zan was losing his mind. Sure, Ava was pretty, in that I’m-a-dumb-blonde-doll sort of way, but she wasn’t Zan’s type.

Kalila was Zan’s type, with her sweet dark looks and soft breathy voice…And, he realized, she still was Zan’s type.

The Crown Prince was not looking at his bride as he made his vows and exchanged rings. His sorrowful eyes were locked on the pale, sad-eyed girl sitting beside the Queen and the Lady Ria in the first row. She was looking back at him, her breaking heart and eternal love shining clear from her velvety eyes.

He felt tears sting his eyes at the depth of the emotion between the two. It was obvious, as the holy man blessed the union and the new couple walked down the aisle to the doors in the back, that this wedding had not been a voluntary act.

Larak followed the other planetary leaders out to the waiting hall, exchanging glances with them, he saw the knowledge within them as well. They knew Zan and Kalila would never willingly part from each other. They also knew that Kathana would never have agreed to the marriage if Zan had not been free.

Therefore, Kathana must not have known of Kalila. An unspoken pact was made at that moment, one not to tell. If Zan had agreed to this, he must have had good reason.

The question was: What reason could he have had, that would cause him to give up Kalila?

He pulled Zan aside, sending Ava an apologetic smile. The young man gave him a smile out of sheer gratitude.

“Thank you,” he whispered, shooting a quick glance around, his eyes resting a second on a certain girl before focusing on Larak.

“Think nothing of it. What are friends for, after all? Now then, how did this happen?” He listened with keen interest as Zan related the whole story, and was suitably outraged to learn of Tynan’s part in it.

“You mean-“

“I’m sorry, King Larak,” Ava interrupted, as she came up and hooked her arm into Zan’s, smiling up at him, “But I must steal my husband away. His family wishes to make congratulations.”

“Ah, of course Princess Ava.” He clapped Zan on the shoulder, gave him a sympathetic smile, and walked away.

She led her new husband back over to her new family, smiling winningly at all her guests. This was the happiest day of her life. She stole a glance at Zan, and realized with concern, that he was looking a little pale, his eyes locked on the group of people they were approaching.

Ava tightened her grip, trying to assure him that everything would be all right. He was no doubt worried about whether his family would accept her, but she knew they would. Indeed, King Tynan had said she would be welcomed heartily. Zan was so sweet to worry for her though.

The first moment she had seen him, she knew he had to be hers. His dark hair and warm eyes had just drawn her in, and then when she had discovered what a sensitive and caring nature he had, she had fallen even deeper in love with him. And his shyness was so adorable!

Her mind drifted back to earlier this morning, when she had come across Zan in the purification pool, the silvery liquid flowing over smooth, sleek muscles. She felt herself shiver and grow hot all over at the memory of the hard, clean lines of his body.

A body that now belonged to only her.

Her arousing thought disappeared at Tynan’s booming voice. “Ava! Wonderful!” She found herself in a crushing embrace and then put back on her feet. “Welcome to the family!”

“Thank you, King Tynan,” she replied, blushing.

“Yes,” Vilandra stated exuberantly, “I’ve always wanted a sister!” Ava’s smile widened. She had always wanted a sister too, or even a brother, but she was an only child, and her mother had never remarried after her father had died. The smile faded a bit when she saw the dirty look the green-eyed woman in the back sent the statuesque Princess. But then she was turning to greet the Queen Ariann.

The Queen was a lovely looking woman, with a soft, motherly smile on her face, but it seemed distant, as did her eyes. And her hug was not firm, her brief word of welcome almost forced. Ava was puzzled by her polite, but cold, demeanor.

“I’m Rath, Zan’s second,” the spiky-haired man said when it was his turn, “and this is my wife, Ria, and,” his voice filled with pride, “our son, Ryley. Welcome to the palace Princess Ava.”

“Thank you, Commander Rath.” She turned to his wife, a bit taken aback by her narrowed eyes and suspicious attitude. She held out her hand. Ria just looked at it, and then back up at her, one eyebrow raised, but made no move to take it. Ava dropped it self-consciously, then made an attempt at peace. “Your son is very handsome, Lady Ria.”

“I know.” Her voice was hard and unyielding, but her eyes softened when she looked at her son. Ava sent Rath a helpless look, but he was rolling his eyes at his wife in an affectionate sort of way, obviously used to antics such as this from her. But Ava would not give up, she was so hungry for Zan’s family’s approval.

Ava reached out, hoping that if Ryley accepted her, his mother would warm to her as well. But the boy let out a wail as soon as her hand brushed his small head. Ria jerked him away, glaring at her, then focused on the baby, her voice a mix of scolding, exasperation, laughter, and love.

She felt her face fall, and realized this was a battle she was not going to win. Ria just didn’t like her for some reason. It was so unfair. Ria didn’t even know her, she didn’t have any right to be making snap judgments.

“Ava?” She turned at Tynan’s inquiry.

“Yes your Majesty?”

“It’s time to start the reception.”

“Of course.” She gave him a soft smile and turned to Zan, who was no longer by her side. She glanced around frantically, finally spotting him conversing with his mother a few yards away.

She strode towards them quickly, happily calling out Zan’s name. He turned towards her, and then she noticed the tiny girl beside the Queen. She had dark hair and these huge brown eyes. And she was looking as if it were the end of the Five Worlds.

For some reason, Ava felt a small stab of jealousy, but shrugged it off, taking Zan’s arm possessively. The girl looked no more than fifteen. She was too skinny and too flat chested. There was no way a man like Zan would find a runt like her attractive.

“I don’t believe we’ve met?”

The girl shook her head. “No, Highness, we have not. I am Kalila.”

She gave a fake smile, “I’m pleased to meet you, Kalila. What do you do here?”

The girl’s eyes widened even more if that was possible. “I-“

“The Lady Kalila serves as a companion to myself and the Lady Ria,” Queen Ariann defended smoothly.

“Oh, that’s fabulous. Perhaps I might use your services sometime?”

“Of course, Highness,” she curtseyed, “It would be an honor.”

“Yes, it would.” She turned to her husband. “Zan, your father told me to tell you that it’s time to start the reception.”

“Okay,” he said faintly. He led her towards the ballroom, looking back at his mother once. He was still pale, she noted anxiously, and a slight sheen of sweat coated his forehead. She hoped he wasn’t falling ill.

Zan felt like he was suffocating. He was sitting at the head table on the dais, with Ava on his right and his father on his left. Tynan was displaying him like a trophy. ‘Oh look at my power, I can control my son’ Yea, go Tynan.

He hated this, he wanted to be in his bedchamber right now, with Kalila. Preferably beneath him, her hands on him, her lips being ravaged by his own…But that wasn’t happening, not thanks to his father.

He looked over to where she was sitting beside Ria. Her eyes met his, and he felt his heart shatter into another million pieces. It happened every time he looked at her, the pain in her eyes was killing him. He hoped his eyes were telling her of his love, of his misery at being apart from her.

She gave a soft smile, mouthing the words, and Zan smiled back in relief. He couldn’t say it back though, his father was watching him at the moment. So he just sent her a look and nodded, still smiling goofily.

His smile faded and his eyes narrowed as he caught sight if a blonde-haired, violet-eyed man lurking close behind her.


If that…If he even laid one finger on Zan’s Kali…He’d be dead. Zan would make sure of it. He couldn’t believe his father had invited the Paerhnian. Of course, it was probably another of his power trips, letting Kivar know that they now had more support then him.

But Kivar did not look nervous. If anything, he looked speculative, almost happy even. What was he up to?


“What father?” He turned his attention away from his rival and to another one.

“Kathana was just telling me how wonderful it was to see her little girl happy, and what a wonderful couple you two make.”

“Oh,” he said uncomfortably, “Thank you?” he finally offered.

“Yes, now I was also thinking the same thing as well as what a good idea it would be to grant your new bride a kiss.”

“Um…” he was blushing furiously, not wanting to offend, but the idea was making him physically ill, “I’m not sure-“

“Let’s do it,” Ava interrupted eagerly, forcing him to turn to her. He suddenly became aware that the party had stopped, the couples no longer dancing, people no longer chatting, all eyes were now focused on him and Ava, and the scene unfolding.

He swallowed and looked back at his demanding father, than at Kalila who seemed about to cry, but she nodded bravely and looked away. His heart filled with love for her, for understanding the situation.

Zan finally allowed his gaze to rest on Ava’s hopeful face. He lifted a shaking hand, to her cheek, feeling really sick, and bent down, closing his eyes.

He meant only to brush lightly across her lips, but she had other ideas. Her tongue snaked into his mouth and she exerted pressure to keep him from breaking away. He was going to vomit, he really was. This was nothing like his Kali’s kisses, this was just like…lips.


Kalila’s hand unconsciously clenched around her dinner knife, and watched with a morbid fascination, somehow unable to tear her eyes away from, the gruesome sight before her.

Zan kissing another woman.

She shuddered as they broke apart to approving applause. The Princess looking pleased and Zan looking dazed. His gaze swept toward her, and she read the apology in it as well as his disgust and disturbance at the act that had he had just committed.

She felt an enormous sense of relief when she realized he was still hers. That he hadn’t even liked kissing another woman, even one as buxomly beautiful as Ava.

“Little one!” Ria exclaimed from beside her.


“You’re going to hurt yourself!” Her friend reached over, taking the knife away from Kalila, who had just realized that it was very close to piercing her skin.

“Thank you,” she whispered sheepishly.

“No problem. Hey,” she said giddily, “Wanna find a way to teach that slutty little whore a lesson? We’ll teach her to take your man!”

“Ria, no,” she told the excited blond sternly, knowing Ria was serious, “This had to happen, as much as we hate it, it’s necessary.”

“I still think we should find a way to make her miserable,” Ria muttered, then, “Ryley, no!” She managed to stop her small son from starting a food fight. Kalila laughed as Ria reached over the boy to smack her husband. “You were supposed to be watching him!”

Kivar watched her silently from across the room. He watched her dance with Larak and Sero and Rath, watched her decline an invitation from Niko, watched her avoid Tynan, and play with Ryley.

He watched her watch Zan.

He didn’t try to approach her. She would only find a way to avoid him. Kivar smiled and set off to find Vilandra.

Soon avoidance would be impossible.

The reception was winding down, practically over, and the guests were filing out the doors, past the newly wed couple, offering more congratulations and well wishes. She followed, staying toward the back, not wanting to be noticed.

But as she passed the doors, she felt a hand brush her arm, sending warmth throughout her entire body, and a husky voice whispered, “Kali…”

She looked back and met his amber eyes, bottom lip trembling, love flowing between them, and then she was swept away in the crowd of tired people heading toward to their provided guest chambers.

She didn’t want to think of what might happen between Zan and Ava tonight.

Their wedding night.

Her wedding night! Ava thought joyously. She followed Zan blindly as he led them to their bedchamber. Their bedchamber!

They were standing by the bed now, Ava waiting for him to say something. But he was staring at the large bed, sorrow in his eyes. “Zan?”

She gasped when he turned to her. He was visibly shaking, his eyes darting here and there around the room, sweating heavily. The thought of illness returned to her. She had not noticed during the reception, but she had been distracted, and the half-formed notion had disappeared in the excitement, but now it came back to her.

“Zan, are you ill?”

“No,” he said quietly. She reached up, and he flinched when her hand touched his brow.

“You are.” She looked at him, incredibly worried. He was burning up. “Get in bed, hopefully your fever will be gone in the morning.”

“Ava…I need to tell you something.”

“It can wait.”

“No, no, it can’t, you have to understand-“

“I’m not going to listen to a word you say tonight. You could be delirious! Now get in bed!” she ordered. He appeared about to argue, but she pointed to the bed, and he got in without a fight. She slid in against him and he stiffened.

Wrapping a hand around his arm, she tried to get him to relax, but he just lay there, back to her, rigid. She sighed and settled down, trying to dispel the keen disappointment about the fact that he wouldn’t be making love to her.

Oh, well, there’s always tomorrow.

Tomorrow, he thought, tomorrow he had to sit her down and explain to her that he couldn’t be the husband she wanted him to be. He had to tell her of his love for Kalila, and only Kalila. He felt bad about deceiving her, she really was a nice girl, just not for him.

He waited until she was asleep, then carefully pried her fingers from his arm and got out of bed. He made his way to the back of the closet and into the secret passage.

Zan had discovered the passage when he was about eight. They led to an unused chamber where he had often hid to escape his father’s lectures. He had had no idea at the time that he’d be needing it for an entirely different reason when he got older.

She shivered. This was her first night in her new room. Away from Zan. Intense pain welled up at the thought that right now, at that very moment, Ava would be in her bed, with her husband.

Kalila felt like crying. She didn’t think she’d ever be able to sleep without Zan next to her in bed, without his light snores and warm body soothing her. She was alone tonight for the first time.

The room had been unused for a long time. Ariann had suggested giving her a chamber already decorated, but Zan had been adamant about her having this one. So they, Ariann, Ria, and herself, had spent a lot of time getting it prepared for her. Well, mostly Ariann and Ria, she and Zan had been busy…

She sat up abruptly, her gaze homing in fearfully on the wooden wall directly across from the bed. A scratching noise seemed to be coming from behind the tapestry…