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Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 3 11/24/16

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 6:51 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Yes Serena had a big surprise!

L-J-L 76 Serena did have a surprise. Now both Liz and Serena are being placed under protection.

Part 4

Liz sat in the passenger seat of the car as it drove into the mountains. She had not spoken to Max since he helped into the car. All she knew was that this cabin was hidden in the mountains and that her cousin and another officer were already there. If it wasn't for this situation she might find herself attracted to him. But she hadn't let anyone other than Serena into her heart since Ryan. Ryan had been her high school boyfriend the only one she had ever slept with. She had been willing to wait for him to finish college. But he told her he wasn't into long distance relationships. She later heard that he was having sex with a different girl every month. After him she didn't trust anyone.

"We will be there in ten minutes. Are you feeling ok?" Said Max
"A little sore." Said Liz
"The doctor said you would be for a while."
"Yeah, uh the doctor told me that you were the one that found me."
"Yeah, I was surprised that you were still alive with the amount of blood you lost."
"Well I am tougher than I look."
"Liz, we will be stuck together for a while. Your cousin is at the cabin with Sargent Kyle Valenti. He is a good guy."
"Yeah forgive me if I don't trust you."
"Not a fan of guys I take it. Are you gay?"
"You think I am gay just because I don't trust guys? God you are such an asshole!"
"Not gay then you had your heart broken by someone."
"You win a prize."
"Liz cut the sarcasm. Things will only be harder if you don't."
"Your job is to keep me alive while your buddies find Kivar so I can testify and put him in prison for his crimes. So just deal with me like I am."

Max took a deep breath and counted to ten. This was going to be a long assignment.


Serena stared out the window of the cabin. It wasn't very big it had one bathroom two bedrooms and a large living room/kitchen area.

"It shouldn't be long before they arrive." Said Kyle
"I know."
"Serena, I know things are not easy for you right now."
"It's not that. Liz will be less then happy about being here. She has very little trust in men. She is fine with males until they hit puberty. But then they become the scum of the Earth."
"Great. Is she gay?"
"No far from it. She was in love once a long time ago. Thought he loved her. But he dumped her right after graduation from high school. They had been together for three years."
"Did they have sex?"
"Yeah, the first time was on her eighteenth birthday. I found out later that he had been having sex with the two school sluts behind Liz's back. He went away to school and was screwing any girl that was willing to spread her legs for from what I heard. Ever since Liz has been very bitter about men."
"Not all of us are like that guy."
"I know. But Liz won't see past her broken heart. I feel bad about the man assigned to bring her here and be her guard."
"Max, will have his work cut out for him. But he is a big boy."
"Yeah but be warned Liz can be a real bitch sometimes."
"Isn't she a waitress?"
"Yes. She is friendly and polite when she needs to be. But if anyone does something to piss her off run."
"Good to know."
"Oh and never actually call her a bitch to her face."
"I am not stupid. I do have a stepsister. She can go from hyper cheery pixie to spawn of Satan in less than ten seconds."
"With Liz it's closer to five, only she is never a cheery pixie."
"Oh you are making this sound even more fun."
"Sorry. I just thought you should be warned."

Serena went back to staring out the window noticing that it was starting to snow.


Victor Kivar smiled as he entered the woman under him. He pounded into her hard. She was young. Late teens not that he cared. One of the perks of his job as a hitman for Juan Gomez was he got to help break in the new hookers. Juan being the head always got first go at them. He always picked virgins to train. Frankie Gomez, Juan's eldest son was the second to screw the new hooker. It normally took two months tops before they were ready to work the streets. Tony Gomez, Juan's younger brother was the one in charge of the hookers. Victor, enjoyed this part of his job almost as much as the killing. He grunted as he had his release. He rolled off her. She curled up in a ball crying.

"Don't cry. Girl you are one of the best new whores I been with in a while. You are seventeen. I was fifteen the first time I had sex. It was right after my first kill. You will grow use to having sex for a living. You will make Juan Gomez tons of money. Once you are put on the street if you even think of going to the cops you are dead."

Kivar dressed and left the room locking the door behind him.


Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 4 11/25/16

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 8:30 am
by keepsmiling7
Sounds like Liz had a very good reason not to trust the male species.
Wonder if Max can change that ???

Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 4 11/25/16

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 4:41 pm
by Natalie36
Just found this and this story looks awesome

Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 4 11/25/16

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 6:01 pm
by L-J-L 76
Juan, Frankie, Tony and Victor are major assholes. And they need to be in prison for what they are doing to those young women. Wow no wonder Liz don't trust men. Hopefully Max can change the way Liz see men. So Serena warned Kyle wonder if that will help Kyle and Max understand Liz better.

L-J-L 76

Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 4 11/25/16

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 6:56 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Liz has good reasons not to trust men. I think given a little time Max might change Liz's mind.

Natalie36 Thanks

L-J-L 76 Max might be the one that can change Liz's mind about men.

Part 5

Max parked the car in front of the cabin got out and went around to help Liz inside. He grabbed only the shopping bag that had the supplies needed to tend to Liz's injury. Once inside he lowered her to the couch and handed the bag to Serena.

"You are a nurse right?" Asked Max
"Yeah. Pediatric." Said Serena
"But you can care for your cousin right? Keep her wound clean?"
"Good. I will also put you in charge of her pain medication."
"Sure. Max, thanks for helping to save Liz's life."
"You're welcome Serena."

Max headed back out to get his bag. Serena went over to Liz and gently hugged her.

"Rena, are you ok?" Asked Liz
"Yeah. You don't look so good." Said Serena
"I don't feel to good."
"When was your last time you had any pain medication?"
"About two and a half hours ago when I left the hospital."
"Then I can't give you anything."
"I know. Will you help me take a bath later?"
"Sure. You want to go lay down in the bedroom?"
"Yeah that would be great."
"Can you walk or do I need one of the guys carry you?"
"With your help I can walk."

Serena nodded and helped Liz to her feet and helped her to the room they would share. Max watched them go. He had no idea why he wanted to help Liz so much.

"So she is a hand full?" Asked Kyle
"Yeah. She is a pain in the ass. Strong willed and stubborn."
"Give her time. According to Serena, Liz has very little trust of men. Her high school boyfriend really hurt her."
"Serena is the only family she has."
"I know. I will do everything I can to keep her safe."
"What does Donna think of this assignment?"
"Why does it matter? I went out with her twice Kyle. It's not like it was going to go anywhere."
"Man, you are in a serious need of a lay."
"Kyle, I am not like you. I can't just have sex with anyone."
"Well, I don't see either of us having sex while we are out here."
"So what do you know about Serena?"
"Not much. She is a girl that don't like to talk."
"Neither is Parker."
"Kyle, you got things under control?"
"Yeah man."
"Ok I am going to catch some Z's."

Max headed to the other room and closed the door.


Juan Gomez slammed the phone down. He was mad! His source in the police department told him there was a witness alive for the Sanchez hit. He called for one of his men. This man had just married his daughter. Not that the boy really wanted to get married. But he had been caught having sex with his daughter Carla.

"You wanted to see me sir?"
"Ryan, go get Victor Kivar and bring him here."
"Yes sir."

Ryan Davis, headed out to the house on the other side of town that they used to house and break in the new hookers. Not that he had any part of that. Juan had made it clear to him if he was ever caught screwing anyone but Carla his dick would be cut off. Though he had to admit that this guy Kivar scared the shit out of him. When he reached the house he headed in.

"What are you doing here?" Asked Tony
"Boss wants Victor Kivar at the house." Said Ryan
"He with a slut right now. Be done soon."
"I have orders to bring him back with me."
"Take a seat. We both know if my brother catches you even looking at one of the whores you lose your balls for good."

Ryan sat down and ten minutes later Kivar came out with a cigarette dangling between his lips.

"Boss wants ya. He pissed about something." Said Ryan
"Well pretty boy lead the way."

Ryan lead the way out to the car and headed back to the main house.


Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 5 11/26/16

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 3:21 pm
by L-J-L 76
Good thing Serena is there to help Liz with her bandage and bathing. Poor Max he wants to help Liz. But doesn't know if he can help her. It seems Kyle and Max might have their hands full with Liz and Serena.

L-J-L 76

Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 5 11/26/16

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 3:34 pm
by keepsmiling7
It appears that neither Kyle or Max are very happy with this assignment.

Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 5 11/26/16

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 6:36 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Yes it is good that Serena is there to help Liz. Max and Kyle might have their hands full with these two girls.

Carolyn Max and Kyle aren't happy. But that might change!

Part 6 Seven Years Ago

Liz moaned as her boyfriend of the past three years lowered her to her bed. Her Aunt and Uncle weren't home and her cousin Serena was out with her boyfriend. It was only a week ago that she had given him her virginity. While she and Ryan Davis had been dating for three years they had known each other closer to five. It didn't take long before their clothes ended up on the floor. Ryan knew how to work her body to give her the most pleasure. Finally he grabbed a condom and pushed into her. She groaned as he filled her. He stared down at her with his sapphire blue eyes as he began to thrust into her hard. She placed her hands on his muscular arms. He grunted with each thrust. Sweat started to drip from his bleached blond hair. Liz could feel the orgasm washing over her. Ryan screamed out as he reached his own orgasm. He rolled off her breathing hard.

"That was good baby."
"Ryan, where are you going to college?"
"What does it matter Lizzie?"
"You know I can't afford college. So I was just wondering if you were going close by."
"Nope, not sure where yet. But it ain't going to be around here. Once I am gone I am gone for good."
"So what you are saying is that you are leaving me behind?"
"Look Liz, I like you a lot but the fact is I never intended this to go past high school. I'll see you later."

Ryan dressed and left Liz crying in her bed.



Liz laid in bed letting the tears fall. She could never understand why Ryan couldn't love her. Why no one seemed to love her. Yeah she knew Serena cared about her. But it wasn't the same. Men were all the same. All they wanted was sex and once they got it they walked away. She had never told Serena about Jack. Jack had been a cook at the diner. He always flirted with her. She thought he really liked her. But he didn't. One night when they were working late Jack started to kiss her and one thing led to another and she went home with him. They had sex. Serena had been on the night shift at the hospital so she never knew that Liz had not come home. It wasn't even god sex. Jack had only wanted to use her for his needs. It was after that Liz vowed to never let any man behind her wall. It had been a month after Liz slept with him that Jack was fired when the owner of the diner caught him having sex with his seventeen year old daughter. Not that Liz had cared. Liz winced as she tried to find a more comfortable way to lay in bed.


Serena stared out the window after getting Liz settled in the bed room the snow was really starting to fall faster now.

"Uh I was thinking that soup would be best for Liz eat right now." Said Kyle
"Yeah. She is still in a lot of pain."
"Could you tell how bad it was?"
"Another inch and I would have had to bury her. Kyle she is my only family. My parents were killed by a drunk driver five years ago."
"I'm sorry."
"Nothing you could do about it."
"You got a boyfriend?"
"Not right now. You got a girlfriend?"
"No. Use to but she was a little crazy."
"What do you mean a little crazy?"
"Uh she was always going on and on about destiny and shit like that. One day I came home and found a dead rabbit on my stove and her naked in my bed. Needless to say I called someone to take her away. She is now locked away in a mental ward."
"Wow. Sound kind of like that movie Fatal Attraction."
"Except I am not married and she wasn't the other woman."
"Serena, are you OK?"
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"Well you and Liz are now stuck with two men you don't know in a small cabin and we might be here a while."
"Kyle, if this is the best way to keep Liz safe then I am all for it."
"Some how I think that your cousin won't feel the same way."
"She will come around."

Kyle hoped that Serena was right. But some how he didn't think that brown haired girl was going to be easy to win over.


Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 6 11/27/16

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 8:55 am
by keepsmiling7
We couldn't blame Liz for her opinion of men and their desires after her experience with Ryan and Jack.
And Kyle......his own Fatal Attraction experience.
I will never forget that movie as long as I live!

Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 6 11/27/16

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 4:47 am
by L-J-L 76
Wow Liz had 2 bad times with men. Men that use women for sex are pigs. They should have their dicks cut off. Love how Kyle and Serena can talk about things easily. So Kyle and Serena are both worried about Liz. Wonder if Max is worried about Liz????

L-J-L 76