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Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 2 3/14/18

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 3:15 pm
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn You don't like Bobby? Get ready to hate him! Liz will eventually get away from him. Don't worry Liz has protectors out there that will help her.

L-J-L 76 Trust me Bobby deserves what you want to do to him! Max isn't going to give up easy on getting to know Liz. As for how hurt Liz will be when she finally breaks it off with Bobby............

Part 3

Bobby pulled Liz out to his van. He opened it and shoved her in roughly. Liz winced as she landed hard. She bit her lip when Bobby stepped on her left arm causing a sickening crack and a sharp pain to go through her arm.

"You will do as I tell you bitch. You will stay away from that Evans guy. Don't think I don't know that your mommy has been trying to get my dad to agree to me marrying you after I get my millions. I might agree to that. You see the only reason I even agreed to go out with you is I thought you would make a good mother. Of course we would have some nice strong boys that would play football like me."
"Bobby, I think you broke my arm."
"So what? I will drop you at the hospital after we are done fucking for the night."

It was after nearly three hours of rough sex where Bobby didn't use a condom for the first time since they started to have sex, that Liz walked into the emergency room of a hospital about a mile from campus. After getting x-rays of her arm Liz sat in an exam room waiting for the doctor. It wasn't long before a woman in green scrubs walked with the x-rays and a chart.

"Miss Parker, I am Dr. Davis. Your left arm is broken in two places. Want to tell me how it happened?"
"I fell." Said Liz
"Where did you fall?"
"Down some stairs."
"I see. Ok let's get your arm set and in a cast. Do you have someone you can call to take you back to the dorm?"
"Yeah my sister."

Forty five minutes later Serena walked into the emergency room waiting room. She marched over to Liz and shook her head when she saw the pink cast on Liz's left arm.

"I saw him dragging you out of that party."
"Rena, I don't want to talk about it."
"I will leave this for now. But I am not going to leave it. By the way dad called. He and Nancy want you to come home with me for Christmas."
"I will think about it."
"Liz, dad misses you. Don't tell me you would rather spend Christmas with Lisa."
"She is our mother."
"No Liz, she may have given birth to both of us. But she hasn't given a damn about me in years. She only want you to control."
"Rena can we drop this? I just want to get some sleep."
"Sure. But can I ask where Bobby is?"
"He left."

Serena sighed. She will never understand why Liz let that jerk treat her so badly.


Bobby smiled as he thrust into the blond under him. Her name was Tess Harding. She had blue eyes blond hair and big boobs compared to his official girlfriend. She was also dumb as a brick. He liked that. He knew that Tess had fucked a lot of guys. Hell she was still in high school. In fact she was only thirteen when he fucked her the first time. They lost their virginity together. He didn't care that she fucked other guys. Seeing his bitch of a girlfriend refused to travel when the team went on the road, he had found other bitches to fuck in every town they went to. He grunted loudly as he had his release. He fell to the bed next to her breathing hard.

"Bobby, why don't you dump that prude of a girlfriend of yours?" Asked Tess
"Wish I could. But my old man cut a deal with her mother. I marry the bitch after I get my contract, have her sign a prenup of course. They after I knock her up a few times divorce the bitch making sure I get soul custody of my boys of course. Now I just need to do something about that jerk Max Evans."
"What is wrong with Max?"
"He is trying to move on my bitch. Oh I taught her a lesson tonight about spending time with other guys."
"What did you do?"
"Busted her arm and fucked her as hard as I could for over two hours. She could hardly walk when I finished with her."

Tess smiled. She hated Liz Parker. That bitch for no other reason then she was with the man she wanted for more then a fuck. But she also knew that she couldn't be seen with him in public until her eighteenth birthday.


Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 3 3/15/18

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 3:59 am
by L-J-L 76
Oh now I really hate Bobby. I still think he needs his dick cut off and shoved down his throat and tied to a live electrical wire and die a very painful death. No man should treat a woman like Bobby is treating Liz. Poor Liz her arm is broken and being forced into some very painful sex for 2 hours without protection. I hate the way Bobby is treating Liz. Unbelievable that Lisa and Bobby's dad agreed to Liz marrying Bobby. No one should be with a man like Bobby. Oh hell Tess the bitch is in this story. God Tess and Bobby deserve each other. What will happen the nest day? Will Liz tell Lisa what happened? What will Lisa say? What will happen when Max sees Liz's arm in the cast? Will Max try and help Liz? Will Liz become pregnant? Will Liz catch anything from Bobby? Will Liz tell Serena what really happened? Will Liz go to Roswell to see Jeff and Nancy? What will happen when Liz goes to Roswell? Will Serena, Kyle, Max protect Liz from Tess, Lisa, Bobby? Will Max and Liz get to know each other better? Will Liz start to fall for Max? Will Max and Liz admit their feelings? Will Max and Liz finally get together? Will Max and Liz get married and have kids? Will Max and Liz have a happy ending together? Sorry for the questions I was just wondering.

L-J-L 76

Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 3 3/15/18

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 9:48 am
by keepsmiling7
YES, I do hate Bobby now. What a sorry jerk.
I really hate that Liz's mom made the deal with his family.......
Tess deserves someone like him.

Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 3 3/15/18

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 12:47 pm
by roswell4life
Ugh Bobby seriously needs his ass kicked ASAP!! And hopefully Max is the one to do it!!! :x I really, really hope Liz is on birth control too!! :(

Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 3 3/15/18

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 7:38 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Go a head and hate Bobby. Yes Tess is around but she is not much of a threat to Max and Liz. Tess is only 16 years old in this. Max doesn't look at high school students he's almost 19. You will meet Liz's mom later, she is a piece of work. As for Liz getting something or pregnant well.............

Carolyn Well you are about hate Bobby more now. Liz's mom really doesn't care about anyone but herself and money. She sees Liz as a way to get money. Not even Tess deserves Bobby.

roswell4life Bobby will get what is coming to him. But it might not be Max that does it. Max will be there to help Liz when she really needs it though. Liz is on birth control but it doesn't mean it will work.

Part 4 Two weeks later

Liz laid in bed next to Bobby after they had sex. Bobby was breathing hard.

"Beth, you got your ticket to come to watch me in the Citrus bowl?"
"Bobby, I'm not going."
"Why the fuck not?"
"I want to see my dad. He invited me to spend Christmas and New Year's with him."
"You're my girlfriend!"
"No Bobby, I'm not. You use to take me on dates. We haven't had a real date since college started. All I am to you is a fuck. I am not stupid. I know that you sleep with other girls. You can consider tonight the end of our relationship."
"Like hell bitch! Your mother made an agreement with my father. You belong to me until I say other wise."
"No I don't! I am my own person. I make my own choices."

Liz pulled on her clothes and started to leave. Bobby grabbed her and started to hit her.

"Like hell I am going to let you go. I am the one that fucked you until I got you so you can please a man."

The last thing Liz saw was Bobby's fist punching her in the face before everything went black.


Max walked through the quad outside the library when he saw someone laying on the grass not moving. He made his way over to them. It was when he bent down that he recognized who it was.

"LIZ!" Yelled Max

Max placed his fingers on her neck gently. He breathed a sigh of relief when he felt a strong pulse. He pulled out his cell phone and called 911.

"Yes I need an ambulance at the college library. There is a eighteen year old female that has been beaten. She is breathing and has a strong pulse. But unconscious. I don't know how long she has been here."

Five minutes later an ambulance pulled up.

"Do you know her name?" Asked one of the paramedics
"Yeah, Elizabeth Parker. She goes by Liz."
"Do you know what happened?"
"No I just found her here."
"Does she have any family?"
"Uh her sister is a student here too. I will call her to meet Liz at the hospital. "

Max watched as Liz was loaded into the ambulance then called Serena.

"Max, this better be important It's after midnight." Came Serena's voice
"Rena, Liz is on her way to the hospital. Someone beat the crap out of her."
"Shit. I bet I know who did it too."
"I have a good idea too. But unless Liz admits it we can't prove it."
"She going to the one right off campus?"
"I am on my way."
"I will meet you there."

Max hung up and ran to his dorm and jumped into his jeep.


Serena put her cell down then threw the covers off her and reached for her clothes. Kyle who was laying next to her was already pulling his jeans on.

"You don't have to come Kyle."
"Your car is on the other side of campus by your dorm. Let me drive you to the hospital. Evans meeting you there?"
"Then he and I will ride back together and leave one of our cars for you to drive back to campus."


Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 4 3/17/18

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 10:39 am
by L-J-L 76
I really hate how Bobby beat the crap out of Liz I hope someone will make Bobby pay for what he did to live. Thank God Max was there and found her. and thank God he called Serena to meet him at the hospital. Good thing Max and Kyle are there for Liz and Serena. Can't wait to find out if Bobby will pay and if Max will be there for Liz.

L-J-L 76

Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 4 3/17/18

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 7:35 pm
by keepsmiling7
Well that does it.........there is no reason for Bobby to hit Liz like that.
So glad Max found her, and knew to contact Serena.
Wonder how Liz will do??

Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 4 3/17/18

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2018 11:26 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Yes Bobby did beat the crap out of Liz. You find out here how bad she is. Max will be there for Liz when she needs a friend. Don't worry someone soon will make Bobby pay.

Carolyn No Bobby had no reason to beat Liz the way he did. It is good that Max found her. Liz is going to have some hard choices to make soon.

Part 5

Serena paced in the waiting room twenty minutes later waiting for the doctor. Max and Kyle were sitting near by. Serena had called her dad to let him know that Liz was in the hospital. He had told her that he had to inform her birth mother. Serena turned to see her father and stepmother walk in.

"Any word yet?" Asked Jeff Parker
"No dad. Is she coming?" Asked Serena
"No. Lisa is in France with some man. She told me to handle it. Only thing she said was that your sister is expected to spend Christmas with her boyfriend's family. Serena you told me she wants to come home with you."

Serena sighed.

"Dad, Liz does want to come home with me. Our so called mother forced Liz into a relationship with Bobby Jackman. You know the quarterback of the football team that started this year."
"The true freshman?"
"Yeah. They went to the same high school. Our mother had Liz put on birth control at 13. Told the doctor that Liz's period was very irregular. Then after dating that jerk of only three months at the beginning of 10th grade she encouraged Liz to start having sex with him. Actually I think Liz told me that Lisa wanted her to have sex after the first date."

Jeff growled. He had tried unsuccessfully to gain custody of both his girls in the divorce. But Lisa some how got the judge to give her Liz.

"Serena, Liz has been sexually active for over three years?" Asked Nancy
"Yes. Liz, call me the night she lost her virginity to set up our meet the next day. She told me that she made a mistake."
"Does Liz love this guy?" Asked Jeff
"No. She told me she was planning to break it off with him."
"Be honest with me. Would Jackman beat Liz for breaking things off with him?"
"I believe so. Two weeks ago we all were at a party at a frat house. Bobby was hanging with his buddies laughing about how easy it was to take Liz's virginity in high school. That he only planed to go along with what Lisa and his dad planned until Liz had a bunch of kids. That she would have to sign a prenuptial agreement so that when he divorced her she would be left with nothing even any sons they had. Liz was sitting on the stairs looking unhappy. Max went over to her and just had a friendly conversation with her. Bobby got mad dragged Liz from the party. I got a call from Liz four hours later asking me to pick her up here. She had a broken arm. I can't prove it and Liz wouldn't admit it but I bet he broke her arm."
"Damn It! Serena, I told you to look after your sister!"
"Dad, Liz is an adult. Yes a fucked up one because of that bitch. But still an adult. She made choices the same as anyone."
"I know. I just feel I failed as a father to Liz."
"Jeff, you did the best you could. You didn't get to see Liz very much over the years." Said Nancy

Just then a doctor came out.

"I am looking for the family of Elizabeth Parker."
"I'm her father." Said Jeff
"Mr. Parker, Elizabeth is going need to spend a few days here. She has three broken ribs a bruised lung and a concussion."
"Doctor, when will we be able to see her?" Asked Serena
"We are moving her up to a room now. Once she is settled her family can see her for a short time."
"Thank you doctor."

Kyle and Max headed out with Kyle leaving his mustang keys with Serena.


Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 5 3/18/18

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2018 12:38 pm
by keepsmiling7
Can't believe that a birth mother would care so little for her daughter........just sell her off for what ever would make he life better. It's too bad that Jeff didn't get full custody of both daughters.

Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 5 3/18/18

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2018 2:01 pm
by L-J-L 76
I can't believe Lisa would care so little about Liz. It seems all Lisa cares about is money and how she use her daughter to get more money. Liz's mom Lisa is a major bitch I wish Lisa would just fall off the planet and never come back. Thank god Serena called Jeff and Nancy to come. Wow that was a lot of news for Jeff and Nancy to take in. Hopefully Liz will go and see Jeff, Nancy, Serena and friends for Christmas and New Years Eve.. Liz needs to get away from her mother and Bobby quickly. Oh my god poor Liz she has been through a hell of a lot. What will Liz do when she sees Jeff, Nancy and Serena? Will Liz talk to them? Will Liz go and stay with Jeff, Nancy and Serena? What will happen when Liz gets back to the dorm room? Will Lisa and Bobby be there? What will Liz do? Will leave with Serena? Will Serena, Max, Kyle be there for Liz? Sorry for the questions I was just wondering. Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon?

L-J-L 76