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one more time

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 12:15 pm
by ken_r
It had now been 10 years since the Antarians had made liaisons with the Earthlings. For Alex, it had been the best thing that ever happened to him. He had willingly walked away from his dream of being the richest man in the world. That, he ever was so small to think riches were that important, haunted him sometimes. He had insisted that they move out of the palace. In fact, when Liz and Max, along with Kyle, Tess and their families returned, Liz, as the queen was to suggested that a large part of the palace be made into something that would belong to the people.

it was now part government building, part university and part museum. Alex had built a small home by Antarian royal standards. He and Vilondra who in private he still called Isabel, had found it so comfortable that they had now a family of four children. The first had been born before the queen had left to return to Earth. She and Kyle had chosen to go as soon as stability had been achieved because they still had family back on Earth. Alex’s parents had been dead for many years. They lived to see their son graduated from college, but maybe, they were spared the knowledge of his ambition to become the richest man in the world. It was after their death and while seeing his life so lonely, so bereft of social engagements, that he did not have to pay for, that set him off on the extravagant dream of rising to the top in wealth. From the moment he met Isabel and the night she seduced him, she had made that dream of riches unimportant. Alex had extreme pride in the creation of the constitution of the three worlds of Antar. How could riches compare to the saving of a race spread over three worlds? When he looked at his four children, three boys and a girl, how could he ever think of so narrow a design for his life? Kyle had been a soldier and Kyle had entered the killing zone. Liz had been chosen to be the nominal queen and she had been willing to walk with her bodyguard, trusting first in the cowboy actions of Michael/Rath and, then later in the totally unexpected salvation of the two shots made from almost two miles away by Kyle. They both had put their lives on the line. Alex all the while had stayed with the intellectual base of the Imperion. Watching the Imperion crumble and turn into first the monarchy under Liz, and then the democracy nurtured by all of them. This had been a strain in itself. Alex was faced with great responsibility when and if things went to plan, but until that plan was nurtured to fruitition, he had no control over anything. That is until he made the announcement of the new constitution. Then the many things he had instituted began to jump-start the government.

Because it had been the base for both the Imperion and the Plebic forces the central planet had suffered the worst. Alex walked outside his home. He had, as an example, been one of the first to plant a garden and lawn. The huge machines still ran, hidden deep in the caverns, to churn out oxygen, but patriotic gardens had been encouraged and most of the citizens had taken this seriously. Alex had now become used to the red sun. It made his color sense have to readjust. Darker and more bronze complexions were already beginning to look normal to him. As he was walking in his garden he heard noise behind him. The most beautiful woman in the world, no he had to learn to be more cosmopolitan, the most beautiful woman in the universe, walked toward him carrying a baby in her arms. He marveled that the arms and legs of this woman could still send him into throws of romance. He also marveled that this package had teased him into turning from a businessman into a political scientist. She was responsible for causing him to write the constitution. Alex didn’t care that she had instructions to do this. He wouldn’t have complied if he hadn’t been madly in love with her. The four children should say something about this. When Isabel had walked up to Alex, she kissed him. He planted a kiss on the head of Jason who took no notice whatsoever. Behind Isabel trailed three young children. There was Charles, named for his father. There was Elizabeth named for his best friend, the queen, and there was William, better know as little Billy, who was named after the man, who in the past, had been Alex’s inspiration. He knew that soon the ship would return with Liz and Max and, then he, Alex, was going to visit Earth. He had planned to close out his holdings, set up foundations and divest himself of Earthly ties. Alex had long realized, Earth no longer had any ties for him, but he did want to leave it with his past all in order.

There had been some hard times and, in hindsight, it had been good that the queen, Liz, had been gone. Alex perpetrated many things in her name and, finally, the populous had found a shaky peace with democracy.

Maria was no longer connected with running the government. She had found a letter written in Earth English from Prime, that is the old and now dead Prime. When Edvard had requested her presence in his chambers, he had handed her the letter written and addressed years before the Earthlings had arrived on the center planet. The letter had told her that a world empty of arts was not a world worth fighting for. As an Earth writer had once said, “Truth was the first causality of war.” So, it seemed that the second causality of war was the gentler things such as performing arts and the creative arts. In libraries that the queen had instituted, Maria was working to assemble collections of poetry, literature and philosophy. She, then, started theaters and was considering having Liz and Max bring back cinema equipment, if she could get the message through, from Earth. Maria had hinted she wished he could bring a volunteer Earth person who could help establish the cinematic arts on the three planets. Maria had found the technological knowledge of the Antar system to be the most confusing. Just as Kyle found their complex fighting tactics to be appalling and so easy to vanquish, Maria found so many holes in their art history. They had fantastic mental imagery and programs devoted to sharing this, but they had no visual imagery, either static or moving. Maria had taken a young girl. She dressed her in the most beautiful clothes that showed her body and form in the best way. The Antarians were used to that. They had models who would sit for hours to be appreciated. Maria used a group of mapmakers to redirect their equipment and take the girl’s image. Then, she had them embellish the whole scene to make it almost surreal. She had this picture printed on the cartographic equipment and reproduced. The people had never thought of using the photographic equipment, which they had developed for maps during war and exploration during peace, in this manner. Maria was envisioning a combination of Earth arts with those of this so distant system. She had no reason to return to Earth if Max could just talk a few professionals into returning with him. Maria didn’t see this as so big a deal. Max and Elizabeth had just toppled a government. Getting a few Hollywood types couldn’t be harder than that.

Max had to think a lot about this request. It was Jeff who suggested they visit the Sundance film festival. Max and Liz had left Ajay with his grand parents. Since the Parkers had finally sold the Crashdown to José, they enjoyed their grandson immensely. Max had requested the Imperion intelligence organization to be prepared to do fast research. Liz had left the intelligence organization intact because she hated to disrupt the families and workers who were living, and in some cases, were born on Earth. She also felt that she did not want to cut herself off from all contact of her home planet.

They toured and listened to the discussions of many young and daring artists. He was interested in several groups who seemed to be producing shock value rather than very good drama. Liz felt that they might be willing to take the chance better than teams who produced more acceptable work. There was one particular team led by a man in his early thirties named, Charlie Haskins. Charlie was rude and crude. So much so, that Liz was sure it was part of some ploy on his part to gain attention. Charlie has long, tangled, black hair. His beard was dirty and his clothes patched. Charlie never talked, he invariably screamed. It was as if he felt his volume would make up for the rejection the cinematic community was giving him. Liz began to study the examples of his work that he had presented. His team had good cinematic skills. Their photography was good and Charlie seemed to have a flare for positioning his actors well. It was that wild thing in Charlie’s countenance. Charlie wanted to be a martyr so badly that he would do things like have his actors exit a church naked. And, he pushed on the sacrilegious content so much, that it was clear that he wasn’t trying to say something, but rather, was only trying to incite viewers to anger. Max sat with this group in a bar one day listening to them. Max was very dapper in his dress, but his scars made him have a mysterious appearance. The free-loving production group thought this mystery would have a story behind it. It was almost like when Max was in college waiting for Doctor Parker to come to the point in her life where she could move on to greater things. Then, Max had regaled the students with stories so outlandish that they felt they couldn’t help but be true. Now, the young cinematographers were holding on to every line Max spoke. He noticed the two writers working feverously, scribbling as fast as they could, writing notes and making outlines. One of them looked at Max. At first, he surreptitiously was going to start his recorder then he thought better of it. Those scars were given by professionals, that were fighting Max. The writer wasn’t that professional. He held his recorder up to Max and Max nodded his assent. Max bought round after round of beer. Max was always served a ginger ale as arranged by the bartender.

Max, that night, sent the information he had gained about the group to the Antarian Intelligence group. It would take them over two days to do a complete search.

Another of Charlie’s movies was turned down. Naked dancing at a funeral was just more than the judges could stand. Even the atheist of the group of judges thought having the priest naked as he read the burial service was over the top. Liz arranged to meet some of the judges and discuss Charlie’s work. They were shaking their collective heads. When graduating from cinema school, Charlie had had all the promise of one of their finest. It was his driving need for recognition that was producing publicly unacceptable work. It was almost at the end of the festival that Max dropped the suggestion. “How would you all like to enter a cinematic market that was totally untapped. Creating for a people that had never seen a cinema nor even had the concept of such?” Max asked.

The group laughed. Where on Earth were there a people so isolated that they never had heard of a cinema? Max just left it there. The report stated that these men were all estranged from their families. They, also, were free from any responsibilities.

Max had also, by careful design, made the acquaintance of a young man Roger T. Meyer, who had worked on the financial end of cinematic productions. After several drinks, Max cajoled him into outlining what it would take to set up a production company. Max was suggesting a large screen viewing of recorded work rather than film. He had sent a message stating the limitations film would have in production to Maria, where smaller scale using tape, they might discover ways to accomplish her dream. Using Alex’s name, Max arranged for 1000 of the brand new 60 inch LCD screens to be purchased. Alex’s company was very curious when he would return and Max assured them that Alex would be back within a year.

By the end of the festival, Charlie was convinced that the world was not ready for his productions. He was ready to disband his group when Elroy, one of his camera guys, suggested, “What about that stuff spouted by Max? Do you think any of it was for real?”

Charlie just shook his head. In his mind, he was going to graduate from these small budget flicks and see his name in lights, accept awards and the world would know him for his works. “Don’t you imagine that that was just a strange man blowing smoke?” he replied.

“Do you want to go back to sacking groceries again?” His second camera man, Zack, inquired

After another pitcher of beer, that they had to go through their pockets looking for small change, to pay for, caused Charlie to decide to see if Max was still around. Max had been seen talking to Roger Meyer. Charlie knew Roger slightly as an assistant to some pretty powerful producers. Charlie wondered what Max would be saying to him. Charlie found Roger in a bar. The normal thing would to have bought Roger a beer and started small talk leading up to the main question. Trouble was that last search for change had completely wiped Charlie out. Charlie didn’t even know where he was going to sleep tonight. The motels had long ago learned that the bigger the ego, the more need to accept cash up front. Charlie just hoped they would let the boys get what little luggage they owned out of their rooms. He had no choice. “Roger, what were you and Max talking about the other day?”

Roger knew of Charlie’s reputation and that of his group of friends. He knew that they weren’t that bad of cinematographers, but that Charlie always tried to shock people. He just smiled for a minute. There was nothing secret about what Max was discussing. “Max is looking to put together a company of movies shown in small rooms over large screen monitors. He has ordered 1000 monitors from Samsung. He has been talking to me about what would be needed to outfit a company to produce theses movies.”

Charlie’s next question, “Is this guy for real. Does he have financial backing to do this?”

Roger shrugged, “He placed, at my suggestion, an order for ten top of the line tape cameras, along with lights and sound equipment. He also bought some digital disk making equipment. He is throwing a lot of money around and many of the places I sent him to only accept cash up front.”

“Has he hired a crew yet? Charlie asked.

“No, not yet. He asked if I would represent him in several deals he was looking into. He also asked what I knew about you.” Roger replied.

“Me, what did you say?” Charlie wondered.

“I told the truth that you were a good cinematographer, but your work sucked big time because you always tried to shock people.” Roger stated.

Charlie hung his head, “Thanks pal, I hope I can do as much for you sometime.” Charlie turned and started to walk away. Roger called back.

“Look, Charlie, this guy maybe is serious. He talks like he is taking cinema to some place where they do not have any thing like that. He wants drama, and other entertainment, not shock. If you can swallow that over grown chip you always carry on your shoulder, it might be a real chance. You would be somewhere where no one knew you and your work would be judged just on how good it was. You should talk to him and see just what he wants. If you could give that to him go for it.” Roger did not dislike Charlie, but a naked priest handing out communion was just over the top even though Roger was a Buddhist.

Charlie went looking for Max. He found him at a motel with his wife. They were starting to pack so they could get a early start in the morning. “Ah.. Mr. Max, I don’t think… I don’t think, I ever caught your last name. Ah…could we talk about that market you are thinking of opening up?” Charlie was trying to approach Max without being an asshole which was very hard for him.

Liz looked up and gazed at him without any expression. “Yes can we help you?” she asked.

Charlie didn’t know who would be the boss so he was looking from one to the other. Max came up and Charlie faced him, “Could you talk about that job you mentioned?

Max stood aside and he and Liz sat on the bed. “What do you want to know, Charlie? There is a job on foreign soil for a filmmaker. It is not for an exhibitionist. It is a job for a good cinematographic team. You would be working for foreign powers and you would be working under foreign conditions. It would require a five-year contract. You would not be able return home until the contract was up.”

Charlie scowled at Max. “What kind of visa would we need?”

Max smiled, “Charlie, if you were to be hired for this project, I would take care of all those things.”

Liz spoke up, “A foreign country wants to start up a visual arts program. You would have the best equipment and all the crew you would need. Your team would be responsible for the administration and production of the arts and training the local employees.”

Charlie grunted, “Then, I would be like the Steven Spielberg or George Lukas of some far off country? There is no other group that would be competing against our work? Is there anyone I might know working on this project?”

Liz smiled, “There is the singer, Maria DeLuca. She is one of the leaders of this project. She is the one who asked us to find experts to create this arts project.”

With this, Charlie was thoughtful for many minutes. When he spoke again, he was carefully guarded in what he said. “What would be the next step if we decide to join you?”

Max was thoughtful, “We will fly you to Roswell and there we can talk. If we mutually decide this won’t work, then I well fly you all to Los Angeles.”

Charlie talked to his friends, “Our alternative is to hitchhike out of here and get back to California on our own.” It was decided to take advantage of Max’s offer.

Once back in Roswell, Max was talking to Charlie and his friends, “If you decide to go, then we will not be able to get you back for five years. There will be no emergencies or no correspondence.”

Charlie stated, “Looks almost like you are kidnapping us. What would you do if some strange guy said he would take you completely away for five years with no communication with the rest of the world?”

Max looked at him, “I would say he was crazy and I would go else where fast, but I do not have that artistic urge or drive and there is nowhere else you would get this opportunity every again.”

They talked it over for over a day. Charlie was feeling some responsibility for the group. He also was dying to find out where on Earth this mysterious place could be. If they stayed, the group was going to have to break up. As it was, the reputation of working with Charlie and his productions would be a detriment rather than an advantage on their résumés. In the end, they had almost nothing to lose, except for going back to their day jobs, and the possibility of gaining a lot. They informed those who needed to know that they would be working in a hush, hush project abroad. They were not informed that the abroad was totally off world.

When the ship arrived, Charlie and friends were aghast. Max told them they had the choice of fulfilling their contract or of trying to go back and be labeled as crazy as well as a failure if they told what they had seen. They finally calmed down when they saw the families getting ready to embark as well. Hell, this might as well have been a normal cruise.

Once they returned to Antar, Jim with his son Kyle went on extended sight seeing tours. Neither had ever seen so many places of interest. The Parkers were content for now just to stay in the small corner of the palace where Liz still maintained residence and play with their grandchildren. Jeff thought later he might like to explore the food business. Alex went home, that is, back to Earth. He met with the Gates and donated most of his holdings into a trust that would be managed to perpetuate a foundation for young programmers. Along with the Bill Gates foundation, they started a school where students could learn advanced programming methods. Acceptance was by competition and no fees were charged to those whose ability earned them positions. Bill questioned Alex many times about where he had been and what he had been doing besides the four little ones following behind Isabel. As soon as Alex was convinced everything was going to be as he had envisioned, he made arrangements to return to Antar and leave these pale-skinned inhabitants. Alex just couldn’t wait to get back to the bronze skinned appearance of those around him.

Maria and Charlie were a huge success. They enfranchised small theatres around the central planet. The large screen monitors were set up. With Maria in charge and Charlie as director-producer, they were bringing entertainment to Antar. As years passed, Jeff and Nancy began to love the new, fresh world. Even though, in reality, the civilization was ancient, the revolution and the recovery program was creating a new start for everyone.

Maria did take time off twice to have first a son, who she named Elvis, and later a daughter, named Amy, after her mother. They both went into show business with their mother. She and Michael did have a hard time coordinating their schedules. She was so active in the Arts program and he was away much of the time with Max coordinating deployment the armies.

When Max traveled without Michael then, he was accompanied by the queen. Even though Liz abdicated that title, the people always called her that. Later, they had another child. It was a girl named Victoria. Alexander, their first born, went to Earth and studied political history. He returned to work in the government. Victoria went with Kyle’s daughter when she went to Earth to attend college. Victoria went on to become an educator. She married an Earthman and was pleasantly surprised when he agreed to return to Antar with her. She worked in her mother’s educational plan. Celeste the daughter of Kyle took her term at Earth colleges and returned a scientist working with those of Antar to better their people. What happened to Lonnie Abella? She returned to Earth. She would visit Antar from time to time. She married and had a family. She had been born on Earth and just always felt that was where she wanted to live. As trips between Earth and Antar became more and more frequent Lonnie found herself working with the Imperion Intelligence trying to explain UFO sightings to the public and government. Her husband was a psychologist and he was known for his studies on group hysteria. He knew all about his wife’s linage and did manage to visit his in-laws several times.

Kyle settled down just like Max had promised him he could. He and Tess had twin girls to add to their family. None of Tess’s old suitors ever came around. They all knew of the almost two mile shot Kyle pulled off to rid the three worlds of Kivar. His oldest son, James Avery, joined the army. He became an instructor under Kyle’s old friend, Michael. Samuel to the confusion of his father, Kyle, became a poet. He also was involved in Maria’s program.

Alex and Isabel had two more children named Lissa and Lizza. Yes, they also were twins. They became the heart throbs of Antarian society. They were involved in many charity programs and also many scandals. Alex worried about them, but when they became of age, there was little he could do until, finally, they settled down with their own families. Of his older children, Jason traveled to Earth to attend college and remained working for the Bill Gates Foundation. Charles, the oldest. involved himself with the new democracy on the three worlds. His other two children became involved in imports from Earth. They were opening up new markets all the time.

Finally, Kyles twin babies reached adulthood. They were the first two ambassadors to approach Earth governments. By this time Earth was finding that trying to explain UFO sightings was becoming difficult.

I guess that just leaves us with the cinematographers. Charlie Haskins and his group married and founded families of their own. Charlie didn’t have much incentive to return to Earth. Here he was renowned and back on Earth he had many years to live down.

Edvard walked through the gardens. He looked at the peaceful sky. There were no enemies threatening the peaceful world. He smelled the flowers. He felt the cool wind on his face. He would bring his report to the congress of the New Democracies. The report read that, by the latest calculations, they were well back in mid-stream. The time machines had been dismantled and the information on how to manufacture them had been locked up. Knowledge is a difficult thing to hide, it has a way of freeing itself. For now, the worlds looked bright.