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Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 4:42 am
by madroswellfan
“Uh…Well, now is as good a time as any.” She says with an adorable giggle. “I’m just going to vege out in sweats. If your going to take the plunge you might as well see exactly what you are getting yourself into.”

I laugh...and then stop when I realise all I own is basically suits. "Uh...yeah sure sounds great...I'll be over as soon as I find something... that isn't a suit to wear. Clearly everyone thinks as a King all I can possibly wear is a black or a blue, or if Im very lucky, a grey suit." I say with a small sigh.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 5:16 am
by FaithfulAngel24

"Uh...yeah sure sounds great...I'll be over as soon as I find something... that isn't a suit to wear. Clearly everyone thinks as a King all I can possibly wear is a black or a blue, or if I’m very lucky, a grey suit." He admits with a troubled sigh.

Poor Guy. When I was little my parents used to tell me fairy tales about handsome princes, beautiful princess, and a kiss that saved the world. Funny they forgot to mention politics, three piece suits, and arranged marriages.

Don’t get me wrong. I know I am doing the right thing by marrying Max. It is my duty to the world to help keep the Antarian and Human race going. Still I wonder if in different circumstances if things would still progress as they have now. Such as what if Max was just a boy and I was just a girl? Not an Alien King and a world renowned scientist. Would we have found each other?

I guess I’ll never know ,but just for tonight I want to pretend that we are just a new couple getting to know one another’s quirks. “Well, then I must insist that you run down to the store this instant and purchase something presentable. If it’s made by Armani it’s a no go.” I tease good naturedly.

“Just throw on something that makes you comfortable and be prepared to eat.. A lot. Maria has all the food delivery services wrote down on a piece of paper on my refrigerator.” I giggle a bit at my best friends system. Not exactly organized but in fact effective. I read off the list’s requirements.

“The ones crossed out have been nixed. They took too long or t he food was awful. The ones circled have been okayed and the ones with big stars next to them have cute delivery boys.” I blush a tad embarrassed. “Her system not mine. So what kind of food do you like? Chinese, Italian, Tai. Japanese? Anything you can think of it’s all the list.”

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 7:58 am
by madroswellfan
“Well, then I must insist that you run down to the store this instant and purchase something presentable. If it’s made by Armani it’s a no go.”
Armani? Who's Armani?

“Just throw on something that makes you comfortable and be prepared to eat.. A lot. Maria has all the food delivery services wrote down on a piece of paper on my refrigerator.” Her giggle is so cute. I swear I could listen to it all day.

“The ones crossed out have been nixed. They took too long or t he food was awful. The ones circled have been okayed and the ones with big stars next to them have cute delivery boys.” Cute... she rates the delivery boys?
“Her system not mine. So what kind of food do you like? Chinese, Italian, Tai. Japanese? Anything you can think of it’s all the list.” Ahhh that makes more sense.

"Um...I don't know... we never order out here... so you pick what ever you want... I'm sure I'll like it.... uh...if its ok I'm gonna bring some tabasco sauce with me...little dietary quirk..."
I bite my lip as I think. I look at the huge mirror next to me, and smile as an idea comes into my head. I look through the window to see a guy on the street wearing jeans and a black sweater. I look back at the mirror and accurately copy his look with my powers, so a moment later Im wearing the same outfit. "Ok well... I'll be over in about ten if thats ok?" I say, before realising that according to my people girls take forever to get ready... I hope they don't mean literally. "Or would you like longer?"

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 8:28 am
by FaithfulAngel24

He takes a brief pause while deliberating and I concentrate on the sound of him breathing. Okay, that sounds really sad but it‘s not. The long steady inhales and exhales he makes kind of soothes me. Makes me calm in a way I never thought I could be while having a conversation with an alien. "Um...I don't know... we never order out here... so you pick what ever you want... I'm sure I'll like it.... uh...if its ok I'm gonna bring some tabasco sauce with me...little dietary quirk..."

He likes his food spicy. That’s so cute. I grin from ear to ear like an idiotic school girl. I should be more mature then this. We are both adults here. Both of age consenting adults who are about to be married. Okay, so that line of thinking will take me no where good very quickly.. "Ok well... I'll be over in about ten if thats ok?" Wow, that‘s quick. Though the sooner then better I say. "Or would you like longer?"

Not wanting to give him the wrong impression I pipe up with, “No, ten minutes is fine. I’ll just wash my face and throw my hair up in a ponytail. I’ll let the doorman know that you’ll be arriving shortly.” Before I can chicken out I add this little tidbit before hanging up. “I’m really glad we are doing this, Max. See you in a few.” Then I do something I haven't done since I was fifteen years old.

"A boy is coming over! A boy is coming over!" I chant in a sing song voice. Then it hits me. "Oh my god! A boy is coming over!" I automatically begin to clean absolutely everything. Ten minutes will never be long enough. :wink:

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 8:32 am
by madroswellfan
“No, ten minutes is fine. I’ll just wash my face and throw my hair up in a ponytail. I’ll let the doorman know that you’ll be arriving shortly. I’m really glad we are doing this, Max. See you in a few.”
I smile to myself as she hangs up. Quickly I check my hair, get some tabasco sauce, grab my keys and head out to the limo. I get in and tell them to drive me to Liz's.

The drive seems to take FOREVER. I know its not, that I'm probably just too excited. But it still seems it. I smile as we finally arrive. I check my outfit once more and head into the building. The doorman greets me politely and tells me where to go. He directs me to "the lift", which I have to say is like a spaceship except a billion times easier to navigate, and I quickly arrive at the right place. I smile as I head inside, check my hair once more, scratch my ear, and then finally knock on the door nervously.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 8:53 am
by FaithfulAngel24

In what seems like no time at all there is a swift knock on the door. I know it’s Max just by the way he knocks. Steady and firm but also unassuming. I stuff another one of Maria’s Cosmopolitan magazines in between the couch cushions and I almost trip and fall over a black high heel that was severely misplaced. Chucking it into the bedroom I scoop crumbs off the counter as quickly as I can and dump them in the closest plant.

Usually I keep much better house but let’s just say it’s been a hectic couple of days. I survey my reflection in the hall mirror to find that while I am a little flushed I look fine. Smoothing my black track pants down I then immediately pull self conscious on my the strap of my black spaghetti strap top. ‘It looks fine’ I tell myself in an attempt to ease the jitters. I run my hand over my pony tail once before opening the door.

Wow, he looks…well better then fine. “H..Hi. I mean come in.” With that I usher him into my humble abode. “Please ignore the mess I’ve been a tad distracted lately.” I admit reluctantly. "Can I get you something to drink? The chinese should be here shortly." :wink:

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 8:59 am
by madroswellfan
“H..Hi. I mean come in.” I swallow as I see the beautifulness that is her. Wow... I grin at her as she ushers me inside.

“Please ignore the mess I’ve been a tad distracted lately. Can I get you something to drink? The chinese should be here shortly."

"Uh... sure um...water would be great, thanks." I bite my lip before saying, "You look beautiful Liz....and really... I know you probably think that I'm as neat as a pin or something but trust me... the only reason where I live is tidy is purely because of the people who tidy it for me... plus I think your place is perfect as it is." I say looking around. I smile as I come in and stand nervously, not sure what to do.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 9:13 am
by FaithfulAngel24

He strolls in casually and I do a quick scan of his magnificent body. Goodness. Just the look of him sends me into the shivers. I try my best to look calm and collected but on the inside I‘m thinking about how the most gorgeous man I have ever lain eyes on is standing in my living room.

"Uh... sure um...water would be great, thanks." I quickly whip around the :| counter and into the kitchen. The bar over looks the living room so I still have a very good view of him as I pour him a large glass of aqua. As soon as I return with his drink he states,

"You look beautiful Liz....and really... I know you probably think that I'm as neat as a pin or something but trust me... the only reason where I live is tidy is purely because of the people who tidy it for me... plus I think your place is perfect as it is." He flashes me that sexy smile and I melt. Then he looks a tad uncomfortable as if he’s not entirely sure what to do.

I motion towards the couch. “Well, thank you.” I admonish toward his compliments. “What do you say we just watch a movie till the food gets here.” I lean forward and immediately begin to scan movie titles in my DVD cupboard. “Let’s see I should have a couple of guy friendly DVD’s in here somewhere.” I scrunch my nose up as some of the titles.

Evidently Sean left some of his whore and gore films in here. A desperate attempt at coming back I suppose. Oh well. They are going in the trash as soon as Max leaves. “ Well, I’ve got Brave heart, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, the Matrix, and E.T.” Opps. I frown at that last one clearly embarrassed. “What do you think? Any worth watching?” :wink:

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 9:22 am
by madroswellfan
“Well, thank you. What do you say we just watch a movie till the food gets here.” She looks in a cupboard with DVD's. “Let’s see I should have a couple of guy friendly DVD’s in here somewhere.” I smile as she does this cute thing with her nose. I sit down on the couch and watch her every movement.

“ Well, I’ve got Brave heart, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, the Matrix, and E.T.” Ah now Ive read about these great movies...wait...isnt ET about an alien? And these other movies...arent they kinda fight stuff? “What do you think? Any worth watching?”

"Um....why don't you you....have anything else? Im not really into fight type movies... reminds me too much of... things.... I see that she has a huge collection of romantic type movies. "Why don't you pick one that you like." I say with a smile.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 10:03 am
by FaithfulAngel24

He seems a bit put off my the testosterone filled films. Instead he offers, "Um....why don't you you....have anything else? I’m not really into fight type movies... reminds me too much of... Things” A dark sad look plays across his features but just as soon as it appeared it just as quickly vanished.

"Why don't you pick one that you like." I tilt my head slightly to the right as if I must not have heard him correctly. He wants me to pick?! I knew that being engaged to an alien would be different entirely but never in my wildest dreams could I have ever imagined it would be like this. He’s so tender and caring and…unbelievably gorgeous. I have to resolutely keep from drooling. That would be poor form.

“Well..” I scan the classic romances. ”Aha!” I squeal with joy. “Clutching the DVD to my chest with pure admiration I begin to inform, “This is Casablanca!” I hold up the movie as if that should say it all. Alas he still looks confused.

"It is set during World War II. It stars Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman.” Still nothing. “It’s about two people who loved each other very much and how their love got swept away during a very confused time by politics, war, and even ethics. She was meant to be with another but she just couldn’t stay away from her one true love.” Now I am getting all mushy.

“There’s this big climatic scene in the end which everyone quotes but I don’t want to ruin it for you.” I spring over to the DVD player and pop it in. Once it has started I make my way back over to the couch. Should I sit right beside him or give him a little room. I compromise with myself by sitting as close to him as I can get but still leaving enough room for him to stretch if need be. :D