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Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 3:29 am
by Luvya
I've pm'd you Dream Weaver :-)

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 9:19 am
by Dream Weaver
I am excited :D All the bio's are in! I will get the starting posts up ASAP......probably by tomorrow (kids have been sick :( )

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 11:06 am
by RiaRath101
cool :D

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 9:42 am
by Dream Weaver
Hey guys.....dropping off the banner! Thanks Luvya! :D

Ok my net is still down at my house and I am hoping to get Liz's starting posts soon.....but here is the begining and anyone can start with these parameters!

Isabel is at the bar preping for the evening to come and Liz is going to happen by and see the help wanted sign in the window. Max is at the bar waiting on Michael to come in....his first night will be tonight. Max can see Liz when she arrives but remember he is a slient partner at the bar and no one but Isabel knows he's rich. The rest should just believe that he's her brother and head of security (until later :wink: ). You can have Alex, Tess and Maria maybe finishing up their by day activities with school maybe meeting somewhere after class........Maybe even have Tess and Maria be roomies.....Kyle will be finishing up a shift at work, and be meeting Tess later at the bar.

Now let's get this party started! :D I can't wait to see where we all take this adventure.

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 11:02 am
by Dream Weaver
Hey guys! Sorry I have been MIA.....been under the weather.....but will have this restarted here in a few days! Hope you are all with me! :D

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 11:04 am
by Dream Weaver
Dream Weaver wrote: Isabel is at the bar preping for the evening to come and Liz is going to happen by and see the help wanted sign in the window. Max is at the bar waiting on Michael to come in....his first night will be tonight. Max can see Liz when she arrives but remember he is a slient partner at the bar and no one but Isabel knows he's rich. The rest should just believe that he's her brother and head of security (until later :wink: ). You can have Alex, Tess and Maria maybe finishing up their by day activities with school maybe meeting somewhere after class........Maybe even have Tess and Maria be roomies.....Kyle will be finishing up a shift at work, and be meeting Tess later at the bar.
OCC: Ok........Let's get this party started! :wink:

Elizabeth Rae Parker

God could life suck any more than it already does? It seems no matter what I do these days my dreams are just not destined to come true. A mist has began to fall and I can smell the hint of the rain moving in and of course to make matters worse, I don’t have my umbrella with me.

My feet are absolutely killing me and I feel a slight pain on the back of my ankle, signaling a blister that will probably materialize tomorrow. I think I have been to every record company in New York and I am only finding that my patch is filled with slamming doors and horrid people. I guess all they see is a small town nobody from Roswell, New Mexico.

I have been here in this city now for a little over a month and my money supply is beginning to run short. My stomach growls and I cringe knowing that I will be lucky to even to find a dollar to buy a cup of coffee. I was hoping that by now I would have been on my way to living my dreams, but I guess that my hopes will have to be put off for a while for a regular run of the mill job.

My feet shuffle on the sidewalk as I slump over staring at them, despair in my heart. Why should I have assumed that this would be easy? Everything else in my life hasn’t been so why would this be any different? I guess I just hoped that Elizabeth Rae Parker would finally find her time to shine. Maybe I am just not meant to be happy.

I sign as I raise my eyes, noticing the area around me. I hadn’t realized I had been walking so long. I am now surrounded by a few unsightly buildings and I trip, falling hard on the sidewalk.

“Damn it!” I yell out to no one in particular. I can feel tears welling up in my eyes. “Maybe I should just give up and go home.” I think to myself.

I slide over, bracing my back up against the dirty brick wall. I close my eyes as a tear escapes, cascading down my flushed cheeks.

“Grandma Claudia, please give me a sign that things will be alright.” I say as I pull my knees up against my chest. The mist is beginning to become a drizzle and I sigh knowing that I need to find shelter.

I open my eyes to find that across the street a flashing neon sign has just blazed to life. The colors are almost blinding as they swirl casting a glare of bright red and yellow.

“Wild Hearts Salon.” I say reading the words that have sprung to life.

I then notice a large black and white sign in the window reading HELP WANTED! Then just as quickly as the sign lit up, it was off. I chuckle slightly as a familiar calm washes over me. “Ok Gram, I get the hint.”

I stand, wiping off the dust and grime that collected on my jeans from my fall. I then quickly sprint across the street, barely missing a taxi that honks at me in annoyance. I take a deep breath. I was a waitress at my parent’s café at home so how hard could this job be?

I pull the handle, sounding the bell as I enter. The bar is empty. I swallow, gaining my courage as I call out, “Hello, Anyone here?”

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 11:35 am
by Dream Weaver
Bumping.......are you guys still interested? :D

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 12:06 pm
by FaithfulAngel24
I am still here. This is short and no where near what it should be but I wanted to post something to get the ball rolling.


It's just common knowledge that most comic book superheroes have secret identities. Well, how would you feel if you were a brainy bookworm by day and as soon as the sun set you transformed into a sultry siren seducing men with her song? Some days it's a rush. The thrill of the chase. Other days like today and not so much.

I just finished my Chem midterm and seeing as how I had to work a double last night I didn't have time to sleep before taking the big test. I am a little bummed but I am sure I will make it up. I have to. I have worked way to hard on my degree to give up now. I decide to stop for a cafe moccha before meeting up with Tess in the student center. I seriously need some caffeine if I am going to perform tonight.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 5:36 pm
by Luvya

I yawn heading toward the mail box. It seems packed but I have no doubt I know what they're going to be. Regection Letters.

I wonder how many actually have the CD in them and how many don't. If I'm going to get my big start... I sigh.

Taking a deep breath I gather my mail shifting back to my small apartment. No work today so sending CD's is a possible salution. Suddenly I hear the phone ringing and manage to get there just in time.

"Hello Alex speaking,"

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 3:20 pm
by RiaRath101

I pull my Harley into the parking lot of the bar that Max wants me to bounce at for him.The need for some cash is the only reason that I agreed to do this for him. Normally I would be back at my studio apartment working on some of my art work Well when I wasn't getting me a little something. I smirk thinking about the advantage to bouncing here.Should be able to find me some hot number. Putting the kickstand down, I shut the engine off and swing my legs off my bike. Pulling my helmet off, I ran my hands through my hair before grabbing my keys and placing them in the front pocket of my tight black denims.

Walking around to the main doors to the bar, I read the sign, 'Wild Hearts Salon'. Pulling the main doors open, I walked inside knowing Max would be waiting for me at the bar. Looking around, I determined that the bar seemed to be just starting to fill with people. Rumor had it that this was one of the hottest places in the city to get into. I imagined that later in the night they would be lined up to get inside. Max had told me that i needed to check the IDs before allowing the person to pass if I worked at the front door and inside I was just to make certain no fights broke out. Easy money, I thought while noticing Max sitting at the bar. Walking over to him, I said, "Yo."