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Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 11:36 am
by Athenea
I assumed Max was speaking English. Also the Skins do speak English so they were at the time of Hope's Capture. The Skins aren't Antarian so they would have there own language too but at the time it was English they were speaking in an effort to scare Hope more.

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 3:18 pm
by Athenea

“Listen,” he says in Antarian and my head jerks up in surprise at hearing my native language. “Your young friend says I should trust you. I can help you, if you let me.”

I glance at Hope then back to the man and my eyes narrow in suspicion at him. Yeah, I’m sure he’s just dying to help me. I glance around at all the people, I can’t mind warp, them I’m not strong enough to do that but maybe just this one person, there leader.

I look him directly in the eye and try and summon up some power. “Why don’t you just let me go?” I say in Antarian, trying to put the force of the mind warp behind the words but as soon as I try it I hit some sort of mental shield of his and it feels like my head in going to explode. I quickly look away and grab my head in an effort to dull the pain. By the time I look up again I realize my mistake. He knows what I tried to do. I made a mistake.

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:28 pm
by isabelle
OOC -- Let me know if this is okay. I'll be happy to re-write if you have something-else in mind.


"YOU LITTLE--!" I say in English, not finishing my sentance as I jump to my feet. So much for offering the hand of friendship.

"He tried to mind-warp me," I explain, not looking around. I stare at this blonde boy, growing more and more angry.

In Antarian, I growl at him. "You saved my daughter. And for her sake, I would have granted you some goodwill, but you've returned my kindness with evil. This, you will regret." I was glad he helped Hope but I won't be mind-warped. I had enough of that from Tess. I've worked long and hard with Ava to be certain that I could resist if someone-else tried.

Turning to the guard, I tell them, "Secure him and then bring him to a TAG cell. I'll go with you to be sure he keeps his mind to himself." Most of our military holding and interogation rooms have TAG (Trithium Amplification Generator) technology to keep the Antarians and Skins from using their powers. His attempt seemed weak and I don't think he'll be able to try again, but I don't want to risk losing him.

"Then get a medic for his injuries. This boy is more important than he looks," I say. I'll come question him myself as soon as I have Hope settled again.


Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 12:57 am
by M&M<3

I hear mummers among the crowd, “the Seer”, is shouted for everyone to hear. I don’t care about them right now all that matters is Hope. I pull her into my arms and hold her tightly wishing I never had to let her go.

“Mom you gotten tell them he’s a good guy.” She begins to walk away from me toward Max and whispers something in his ear, I stay where I am for a moment then when she stands back up I move toward her wrapping my arms around her shoulder and pull her into my chest. I feel like I have to protect her from this boy, I know she said he’s good but after everything that’s happened in the last sixteen years I don’t think I could trust any Skin or Antarian no matter what they’ve said or what act of peace they’ve committed.

I keep my eyes on the space between Max and the boy, my mind reeling with thoughts. Who is this boy? What could he have done to make Hope trust him so much? I feel Hope pulling away from me to look up at my face, Mom its ok, he wouldn't hurt us... He saved me... She sends this feeling throughout me and I feel guilt ripping my body into pieces. Saved her from what? Or who? Why couldn't I have helped her? Why did...

I'm pulled out of my thoughts as Max jumps to his feet, causing me to flinch and take a step back pulling Hope with me.

“YOU LITTLE..! He tried to mind-warp me," Max continues to stare down at the boy as he utters the last words with disgust and anger. My arms wrap Hope a little tighter as he speaks. Max turns to the guard beside him, "secure him and then bring him to a TAG cell. I'll go with you to be sure he keeps his mind to himself." Max paused not allowing his eyes to wonder away from the prisonor. "Then get a medic for his injuries. This boy is more important than he looks.” Max supervised the guards pulling the boy to his feet then they walk toward the building and disappear inside.

Against me I can feel Hope grab my shirt as if in protest. I turn her around and see the tears in her eyes. I don’t understand how attached she got to this boy, but at this moment I don’t care she’s home with me and Max and that’s all that matters. I pull her into my arms again and kiss the top of her head. “Its ok, dad is going to see to your friend.”

I can hear her sniffling and feel her tears across my shirt, I push her back a little in order to see that face I have prayed would return to me. I wipe the tears off her cheeks and give her a little smile, “Lets go." I take her hand in mine and start walking out of the courtyard.

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 3:43 pm
by Athenea


"You saved my daughter. And for her sake, I would have granted you some goodwill, but you've returned my kindness with evil. This, you will regret." He says to me standing up and he says something I don’t understand before two guards grab me and get me to my feet.

They lead me away and I can’t help one look back at Hope who is being held by her mother. At least she’s safe now. I don’t even know why I should care but I do and it’s a new kind of feeling I’ve never experienced.

Once in the building they lead me down several staircases and I know we must be heading towards a cell. My suspicions are confirmed when I am roughly pushed into one. I feel like I am suffocating in here and soon I realize its because this room is preventing me from using my powers.

When an elderly man comes into the room with a medic bag I stand perfectly still and let him tend my wounds. “How old are you, boy?” the man asks in Antarian, though it’s a little off in its pronunciation I understand what he is asking. He must see the surprise on my face at hearing my native tongue once again coming from a unlikely source. He smiles at me and says. “I’ve studied the Antarian culture for years, you know the saying ‘know your enemy’, well maybe you don’t” he says chuckling and I am beginning to think this guy isn’t very stable but I answer his question anyway. “I’m sixteen.”

He nods his head to his and seems to be thinking it over before saying, “I thought Antarian youth didn’t get to go to battle until they were 21?” I don’t answer him I just continue to stare at the floor. That is true; we usually aren’t allowed to go until we are of age.

“Of course your not all Antarian though.” He says looking me over and rechecking some of the bandages. I think he’s just trying to linger now. He continues speaking as if my stony silence doesn’t bother him. “What are you, half Antarian, half skin?” at that my head jerks up to glare at him and he chuckles at me again, sensing how much the comment offended me.

“Half Antarian…” he says and I can feel him looking at the Silver Whirlwind tattoo I have on my wrist. “…And half human.” He says as if realizing something and I’m not sure I like where this is going. “This symbol is Antar’s Royalty Sign.” He says and I feel panic start to rise as he continues. How could any human know this?

“Khivar’s Queen is half Human herself, a hybrid.” He says as if all the pieces are falling together. I don’t look up because I’m scared my face will betray everything. “Well someone should be with you in a moment.” He says closing the door as he leaves. I know I’m in trouble now and I don’t know how to fix it. I go and gingerly sit down in a corner on the floor, pulling my knees to my chest, awaiting more questioning.

OOC: The medic was actually Jim Valenti. I always thought he was a smart man and this just proves what he's capeable of figuring out. Anyone can use him or the information he figured out.

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 9:23 pm
by isabelle

I stand back and lean against a wall once the blond boy is secured in the TAG cell. I'm trying hard to control my anger. I can't seem to prevent this gut-deep reaction to someone trying to mindwarp me.

Jim Valenti goes past me to patch up the boy and I straighten up. I get the attention of a nearby guardsman. "Joseph. Contact General Guerin and notify the Captains. We need to double our defenses and put everyone on alert. We may be getting some unwelcome attention once they figure out that we have this one here."

Joseph snaps to attention, salutes, and then starts off to follow my instructions. "Wait!" I call and he stops, waiting for more. "Nobody is to harm this prisoner." Joseph salutes again and then disappears up the stair to spread the word.

As he leaves, my thoughts go back to Hope. She's here. All the time she was missing, I wanted nothing more than to see her again. Now that she's safe again, I want hold her and comfort her and make sure she's okay -- and I want to read her the riot act for breaking the biggest rule we have here. Nobody goes outside alone. I can hardly believe that we were lucky enough to get her back. We didn't even need Michael's bold plan.

I'm about to head back up to ground level to find Hope and Liz, when Jim emerges from our prisoner's cell. "Where did you find that one, Max?" he asks.

"I didn't find him. Hope brought him home. He apparently killed several Skins and rescued her -- although he is a mind-warper. She may not have seen what she thought she saw," I explain. Ava's given Hope some training on recognising and resisting mind-warps, but it hasn't been much -- barely more than theory, really. We never thought she'd need it so soon. She's just a child.

Jim nods as if this makes perfect sense. "He has a tattoo of the royal seal."

That makes sense. "Hope did hear them call him 'Prince.' It's not too surprising that Tess' son would be able to mind-warp." We could hardly get a better source of information than this -- although I'm not sure I would trust anything he'd say. "Did he tell you his name?"

Jim shakes his head. "Nope. He did say he was only sixteen, 'though."

Hmmph, I think with disgust. Tess certainly didn't waste any time getting together with the man who murdered us, did she? "I'll deal with him later. First I have to see to Hope."

Jim looks away and I can sense he doesn't approve of this plan. "Yes?" I prompt.

"Well," the former sheriff says, rubbing his chin. His hand moves across his temple for a moment looking for all the world like he was looking to adjust the wide-brimmed hat that he's not wearing. "I know how much you want to be with your daughter, believe me, I do. But Liz can take care of her and this prisoner -- You might do better talking to him now while he's still off-guard."

I tilt my head slightly, regarding Jim. There aren't many here who would so bluntly tell me what to do, but I appreciate it when I hear it. Especially from Jim. I've always valued his opinion. I nod slowly, thinking it through. It's possible he'd be more open later, after he's had some time to rest and to realize he's not being mis-treated. On the other hand, he could be scaring himself and firming his resolve against us.

I move over to the door and look in on Tess' son. He's sitting in the corner looking scared. Somehow it reminds me of the first few minutes I'd spent in the White Room at Eagle Rock. It looks like his worst nightmare has just come true.

"You could be right." I look up to see that Karen has come to replace Joseph. "Keep watch here," I tell her. Then turning to Jim, I suggest, "Why don't you come in with me?" It would be useful to have another set of eyes and ears on this problem, especially as Michael isn't here right now.

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 9:48 pm
by CalLen

"Ugh stewed beef? Who the hell is in charge of food at this joint?" I drop my fork into the plate and push it out of view. I open the files I brought with me and start to go over the information. 100 recorded skin kills yesterday. Many more may be unknown. The numbers seem down.

I notice a soldier running across the street towards the restaurant. "Damn it!" I stand grabbing my folders meeting him halfway. "What's up?" The boy looks as though he's only in his early twenties, pushed into this never ending situation. He's gasping for breath, "You...wanted...hhhhh" I roll my eyes. He's clearly out of shape, "Boy breathe!" I yell. He composes himself, "General Evans requested your presence in the TAG cells. Seems we have a guest, an antarian" I run past the kid straight towards the cells.

I notice as I'm running a boy running behind, "General Guerrin! General Guerrin!" I stop turning towards the panicing boy, "There are about 3000 skins headed our way. What are we going to do!? We aren't prepared! We're doomed, over..." I cut the boy off in mid sentence, "Calm down, we can handle what comes our way don't you worry." I pat the boy on the back. These kids would have never lasted if they had to deal with this for their whole lives. Lucky him he was probably raised within the walls of Haven.

I take off towards the cells. Walkin in i nod at the guards standing in the surrounding areas. I walked to where Max is standing, "Well, well, well what trash did we catch this time?"

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 10:13 pm
by isabelle
OOC -- Max is a General too? He doesn't get to be a Commander or anything? :P


"That was quick," I say as Michael appears. Then, answering his question, I go on. "We didn't catch him. Hope brought him home. Yeah, she's safe," I say, glad to pass on some good news.

I glance in the small window again, looking at our blond prisoner. "This one is part-Antarian and part-human. It seems he's a pretender prince to our stolen world. He can definately mind-warp so it's a fair bet he is Tess's son."


Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 1:31 am
by M&M<3

I get Hope home and put food in front of her, she takes a couple bites before pushing the plate away; it makes me feel better knowing I can do something for her at the moment. I can’t stop staring at her I don’t want to let her out of my sight afraid she might disappear again. I breathe in deeply knowing I have to read her the riot act about going outside alone. I still can’t believe she did it. I let the breath go realizing I’ll have to do it sooner or later.

“Hope, why did you go outside by yourself?” I pause giving her a chance to defend herself but she pulls her head down to stare at the floor. “You know the rules; no one goes outside alone. We’ve explained to you how dangerous it is out there. How could you have deliberately disobeyed your father and me? You scared us. We thought we were never going to see you again. I love you so much, you and your father are the most important people in my life and I don’t …“ I stop as the table my arms are resting on disappears from my sight, I look up at Hope and see she’s disappearing, right in front of me. My world grows black…

Everything is cloudy like smoke is surrounding me. Uniformed soldiers are running past me in a blur, I barley recognize them. Max runs past me looking toward the sky, Michael following closely behind him. I look up to see what he's staring at only to see the sky on fire. That’s when it hits me. We’re being attacked…

My vision starts to reappear; slowly I see Hope sitting in front of me staring. Her hands are wrapped around mine and I realize I’m shaking. I push the table away from us and lead her towards the door, “we have to find your father now.”

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 5:57 am
by isabelle

I give another thought to Hope. I want to see her so very much but Jim is right. I have almost fifty-thousand humans to protect here. I have to do my job. I may not get a better chance to talk to this boy. I know that Liz and Isabel will take care of Hope.

"All right, Michael. Let's talk to him." I look at Karen and the other guard, knowing that they know their job. They'll be watching to be sure that nothing goes wrong in there. Afterall, my powers and Micheal's won't work either.

Karen unlocks the door and I walk into the cell with Michael. The boy looks up but doesn't otherwise move.

"Hello. Are you feeling better now?" I ask in Antarian, keeping my voice level and as non-threatening as possible. "Are you ready to tell me your name?"