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Re: Rise & Fall (A&I,UC/OC/CC; adult)AN* 04/26; p.5

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 5:38 pm
by chanks_girl
Thanks to all readers, who were patient with me and lazy updating for this fic. May is for me the busiestmonth so far and then the updates will come a bit frequently. Thank you.
This part is rather short and it doesn't deal with Alex and the rest of the gang but with two other important characters. I hope you enjoy it.

Flamehair: Thank you so much for your feedback. Yeah, Liz was quite nervous around Craig though there is no reason for it. He is just a really niceand sweet guy who likes her....maybe more :wink:
As for the vision Isabel had...maybe Alex had the same maybe not...we'll see.

syikana: Yay...a new feedbacker. Cool that you enjoy the story so far. School is a bitch.

Like I said, the new part is rather short and I hope you enjoy it.
Have fun!


She was so close to him. Finally, Lonnie found him. She found out where Khivar was. It took her time but with his growing power, the connection to him grew. She felt him. It was all so clear now. Lonnie had to smile that she didn’t think of it first. Roswell, New Mexico: it was the alien capital and probably the best way to hide if you’re a different species.

Lonnie tried to reach the connection by dream walking him. She felt his fear and confusion as well his strength which grew with every passing day. Finally, as Lonnie was able to enter his dreamscape, she found him. Though his dream was confusing and irritating, there were some signs about Roswell in it. It was worth it to give a shot there. So, Lonnie made up her mind to go to Roswell and find Khivar.

He looked like back then on Antar, just younger. It worried her that he looked so afraid because Lonnie didn’t know how much he knew about their past. Did he know he was the reincarnation of a powerful king who was feared and admired? Everything was at stake right now for Lonnie. This could get her killed and others as well.

Lonnie knew that she had to get to him fast. Nicolas was bugging them about the summit and getting to their duplets. She wasn’t sure what Nicolas exactly planned and if he knew that Khivar awoke it would already too late. But time was running out for her. She had to find a way to leave New York without Zan and the others noticing it. Furthermore she had to make sure that they don’t know about her plan. Finding Khivar and fight by his site ending Nicholas’ racketeering. No matter what would happen in the end, Khivar needed to survive it and save their Galaxy.

Khivar. It was all coming back to him. Everything she knew from her past was about him; with him and everything she did she had done it for him. Vilondra’s feelings were strong for him and he had wanted to make it better for her and everybody else.

Her memories of their past life on Antar were jumbled but she felt Vilondra’s feelings for him. The love, desire, lust, need, desperation, fear, confusion and more. Lonnie could feel everything that Vilondra had felt for this man. Truth to be told, those feelings were just part of a past. A past Lonnie didn’t want to live again. If the past taught her something it was that the end was always near and nothing was for sure.

Therefore, Lonnie wanted to change things.

Nicolas was out for blood, especially the Roswell aliens were his target. They destroyed half of his army at their last confrontation. Lonnie didn’t know what the Skins’ plans were but she was determinate to stop it. To do so, she needed Khivar. Only he would be able to stop Nicolas. He was powerful enough to defeat the Skins’.

Nicolas planned a summit with the five leaders of the galaxy. His problem was that he needed all Antarian royals for the summit or the other leaders wouldn’t follow him and his plans. Nicholas was on the bad side of his plan.


Nicholas was pacing the room, waiting eagerly for his Second in Command to report the progressions about finding Khivar. Deehil was looking for Khivar and there were still no news about Khivar’s whereabouts. It was all going so slow. Khivar couldn’t be found. The summit was about to be cancelled because he needed the other set of the Antarian royals. Therefore, the other leaders of the galaxy want Khivar there as well.

There was no room for excuses anymore.

The only way out was to kill Khivar and get all eight Antarian royals together. After the royals would have fulfilled their purpose, Nicholas would execute them. He just needed them for this one summit then Nicholas had the ultimate power. He would rule over all five planets. And no one would knew it was all him.

Everybody thinks it would be Khivar behind all the scheming and the wars. Khivar was far from being the one, who pulled the strings in the background. Nonetheless, the former king was a good cover for Nicholas. All crimes, all murders and all pain was on Khivar. Khivar was the perfect figurehead for his plans.

It had been so easy to deceive everybody back then, turning Khivar into the bad guy. It was a shame that in reality, Khivar didn’t want anything to do with Nicholas’ plans. Khivar was not happy with Zan’s politics but he would have never gone behind him to overthrow the Antarian throne. Khivar had been too loyal for his own good. In the end his loyalty to Zan had broken his neck.

Khivar had just to fight with the rebels instead of listening to a king who was weak and acting like a little boy. Khivar would have been the perfect leader for their galaxy but the man had had other priorities. Khivar had other goals. He wasn’t all for conquering new worlds. His aim was that the people should have good lives. Establishing confederations between all planets would be more helpful instead of wasting money and lives in wars.

Khivar had a lot of visions. People were ready for those changes but the leaders of the different planets weren’t ready. It was all about power.

No matter how Nicholas had tried to convince Khivar to come to follow him, he wouldn’t do it. Khivar wasn’t a follower, he was a leader.

That’s why it was surprising to see Khivar being loyal to the Antarian throne. It was obvious that it was all about Vilondra. She was the most beautiful woman in their galaxy.

Nicholas could only hope for his own sake that in this lifetime and on this planet, Khivar would be gone for good soon.


Lonnie sat in the last row of the coach towards Roswell, New Mexico. Lonnie didn’t know how to feel about all she was going to encounter. Would he still be the man she that she knew from a past life. She couldn’t expect that he was still the same man like back then. Nonetheless, there was this nagging feeling that things were going to change fast when she would arrive there.

From Nicholas’ goonies, she knew that the other set was in Roswell as well so her first goal was to avoid any encounter with one of them. Her priority was Khivar and then she would take care of the other royals. She could only imagine their dumfounded faces when she would make her presence known. Lonnie hoped that her brother and the others wouldn’t interfere with her plans. They needed to stay in New York. With them coming to Roswell, it would end in chaos.

For now, Lonnie was the only hope for Khivar.

Re: Rise&Fall (A&I,UC/OC/CC; adult)AN*, 10/18/09; p.6

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 12:51 pm
by chanks_girl
Thanks to Flamehair and to the lurkers.


She was close to him. Finally, Lonnie found him. She found out where Khivar was. It took her time but with his growing power, the connection to him grew. She felt him. It was all so clear now. Lonnie had to smile that she didn’t think of it first. Roswell, New Mexico: it was the alien capital and probably the best way to hide if you’re a different species.

She knew that the other set of aliens was there as well but she had guessed Khivar was somewhere else. Apparently, she was wrong. Nicholas had told Zan where he could find the first set. It wasn’t surprising that they were all this time in Roswell. To stay in control and not too many people in, Nicholas convinced Zan to not tell that he had knowledge about the Roswell aliens. However, Zan wasn’t known for his secretiveness so he had told Rath, who told Lonnie. It was easy to get the information about the Roswell aliens. Khivar was another story. He was unpredictable. Another problem was that Lonnie didn’t know if the Roswell aliens knew who was among them.

It was certain that any new development would cause trouble.

Lonnie tried to strengthen the connection by dream walking him. She felt his fear and confusion as well his strength, which grew with every passing day. Finally, as Lonnie was able to enter his dreamscape, she found him. Though his dream was confusing and irritating, there were some signs about Roswell in it. It was worth it to give a shot there. So, Lonnie made up her mind to go to Roswell and find Khivar.

He looked like back then on Antar, just younger. It worried her that he looked so afraid because Lonnie didn’t know how much he knew about their past. Did he know he was the reincarnation of a powerful king, who was feared and admired? Everything was at stake right now for Lonnie. This could get her killed and others as well.

Lonnie knew that she had to get to him fast. Nicolas was bugging them about the summit and getting to their duplets as well. She wasn’t sure what Nicolas exactly planned and if he knew that Khivar awoke it would already be too late. But time was running out for her. She had to find a way to leave New York without Zan and the others noticing it. Furthermore, she had to make sure that they didn’t know about her plan. Finding Khivar and fight by his site ending Nicholas’ racketeering. No matter what would happen in the end, Khivar needed to survive it and save their Galaxy.

Khivar. It was all coming back to him. Everything she knew from her past was about him; with him and everything she did she had done it for him. Vilondra’s feelings were strong for him and he had wanted to make it better for her and everybody else.

Her memories of their past life on Antar were jumbled but she had Vilondra’s feelings for him. The love, desire, lust, need, desperation, fear, confusion and more. Lonnie could feel everything that Vilondra had felt for this man. Truth to be told, those feelings were just part of a past. A past Lonnie didn’t want to live again. If the past taught her something it was that the end was always near and nothing was for sure.

Therefore, Lonnie wanted to change things.

Nicolas was out for blood, especially the Roswell aliens were his target. They destroyed half of his army at their last confrontation. Lonnie didn’t know what the Skins’ plans were but she was determinate to stop it. To do so, she needed Khivar. Only he would be able to stop Nicolas. He was powerful enough to defeat the Skins’.

The leader of the skins planned a summit with the five leaders of the galaxy. His problem was that he needed all Antarian royals for the summit or the other leaders wouldn’t follow him and his plans. Nicholas was on the bad side of his plan.


Nicholas was pacing the room, waiting eagerly for his Second in Command to report the progressions about finding Khivar. Deehil was looking for Khivar and there were still no news about his whereabouts. It was all going so slow. Khivar couldn’t be found. The summit was about to be cancelled because he needed the other set of the Antarian royals. Therefore, the other leaders of the galaxy want Khivar there as well.

There was no room for excuses anymore.

The only way out was to kill Khivar and get all eight Antarian royals together. After the royals would have fulfilled their purpose, Nicholas would execute them. He just needed them for this one summit then he had the ultimate power. He would rule over all five planets. And no one would knew it was all him.

Everybody thought it would be Khivar behind all the scheming and the wars. Khivar was far from being the one, who pulled the strings in the background. Nonetheless, the former king was a good cover for Nicholas. All crimes, all murders and all pain was on Khivar.

Khivar was the perfect figurehead for his plans.

It had been so easy to deceive everybody back then, turning Khivar into the bad guy. It was a shame that in reality, Khivar didn’t want anything to do with Nicholas’ plans. Though he was not happy with Zan’s politics, he would have never gone behind him to overthrow the Antarian throne. He had been too loyal for his own good. In the end, his loyalty to Zan was his end.

Khivar had just to fight with the rebels instead of listening to a king, who was weak and acting like a little boy. He would have been the perfect leader for their galaxy but the man had had other priorities. He had other goals. He wasn’t all for conquering new worlds. His aim was that the people should have good lives. Establishing confederations between all planets would be more helpful instead of wasting money and lives in wars.

Khivar had a lot of visions. People were ready for those changes but the leaders of the different planets weren’t ready. It was all about power.

No matter how Nicholas had tried to convince Khivar to come to follow him, he wouldn’t do it. Khivar wasn’t a follower, he was a leader.

That’s why it was surprising to see Khivar being loyal to the Antarian throne. It was obvious that it was all about Vilondra.

It was foolish by Khivar to depend on one person but he didn’t want to learn. It was known to everyone that Khivar was lusting after Vilondra. There wasn’t a man, who hadn’t. Yet he had never given up his aim to win her over knowing it hadn’t been meant to be. Vilondra was promised to Rath, Zan’s best friend and Second in Command. It was needless to say that Khivar had been furious about Zan’s decision. It was a known fact that Vilondra was also interested in Khivar instead of Rath- who was more like a brother to her. However, Zan wanted to strengthen the royal court of Antar with an in-house marriage. Therefore, Vilondra had to be the one to sacrifice.. For all that Zan ignored the obvious: instead of establishing a strong alliance with Khivar by mending their royal dynasties, he gave his sister to his best friend.

Henceforward everything for everyone had changed and Khivar had become a dreaded man. It was known what he had been capable of.

It was just a matter of time before he was back.

Nicholas could only hope for his own sake that in this lifetime and on this planet, Khivar would be gone for good soon.


Lonnie sat in the last row of the coach towards Roswell. She didn’t know how to feel about all she was going to encounter. Would he still be the man, whom she knew from a past life? She couldn’t expect that he was still the same man like back then. Nonetheless, there was this nagging feeling that things were going to change fast when she would arrive there.

She knew that the other set was in Roswell as well; so her goal was to avoid any encounter with one of them. Her priority was Khivar and then she would take care of the other royals. She could only imagine their dumbfounded faces when she would make her presence known. Lonnie hoped that her brother and the others wouldn’t interfere with her plans. They needed to stay in New York. With them coming to Roswell, it would end in chaos.

If her brother had decided to follow her, it was just a matter of time until Nicholas would come as well to Roswell. There was still the hope that Zan and Rath didn’t notice her absence. Both were eager to help Nicholas in every way as long as they could get home to Antar. There was nothing and no one that could stop them.

It was scaring how brutal both men had become since Nicholas provided them the way home. Lonnie knew there was more to it but she couldn’t put her finger on it. Zan and Rath weren’t violent guys but somehow that all changed in a short time. They were always on the edge and short-tempered. A wrong move or a wrong word, both men would lose control over themselves. Their need to get to Antar was slowly clouding their judgement. It was certain that Nicholas was responsible for that.

And Ava was no help at all. The girl mostly kept to herself trying to be invisible as if she was afraid that someone would get her. It was obvious that there was more going on with Ava since she tried to stay out of everything. Though Zan and Ava were close something changed between them. Suddenly there was a gap between and Lonnie didn’t know what had happened between them. So much had changed within their group.

It had all started with Nicholas’ proposal. The day the little midget approached them, he knew the dynamic of the aliens was about to crack. Until today it’s not known which set of the Royal Four was the original one: Roswell or New York. Lonnie knew that Nicholas needed both sets for his plans. It didn’t matter if they were against or with him. He just needed them to get his hands on the Granolith.

Though he had been able to detect both alien sets, he still wasn’t able to use them. It was known that Zan had his own agenda. Like Zan was an instrument for Nicholas; he was also an instrument for Zan. Both men were using each other and both were aware of it. However, it was Nicholas, who had the better advantage.

He knew what the Granolith was; he knew how to manipulate situations to his advantage; he had an entire army. Though the new harvest had been destroyed it was wrong to assume that the Skins just remained in Copper Summit. The Skins had been able to build up bases all over the south and east coast of the country.

Now, Nicholas newest problem was Khivar. It hadn’t been known to anyone that Khivar was reincarnated. Yet, he was back. So far no one knew how strong he was. However, Nicholas had to watch his back. Certainly, Khivar wasn’t going to let go of the past. Nicholas knew that.

The past was catching up with them.

Everything would change.

Maybe not.