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Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 9:10 pm
by Roslover39
Rath and Zan return to the reservation the next at the same time as last night. They're met by the same braves that were there then. One of the braves instructs,
"Riverdog is waiting for you in the ritual tent, please go inside."

The guys enter a weathered beige canopy that is adorned with beautiful pictures of ancient Native American symbols.
"Knock knock," Rath exclaims as he peeks his head inside the tent.

"Gentlemen, come in!" Riverdog answers happily while sitting lotus style on the floor of the tent.

Zan takes one look at the position Riverdog is in and can't help asking,
"Yo, is we here ta talk or take a yoga class?"

Rath starts to laugh at the comment as Zan chuckles. The joking remark doesn't bother Riverdog in the least.
"Have a seat and get comfortable. He gestures to a few pillows situated on the floor. Rath takes a pillow and places it under him. Zan decides he doesn't want one.

Riverdog precedes to tell the guys what he didn't get around to yesterday. But before he can get started, the men are interrupted.

"Oh excuse me, I didn't know anyone was in here."
The woman is about to turn and leave the tent when Riverdog bids her to stay. He gives the visitor a somewhat annoyed look and then introduces her to Rath and Zan.

"Gentleman this is....." Zan stops his sentence abruptly.
"Wat da fuck is going on here?" He is fit to be tied as he rises from his seat to face the young woman.

Then he turns to ask Riverdog,
"Is this some kinda fuckin joke?"

Rath is stunned silent. He's just staring at the young woman. Riverdog tries to regain control of the meeting.
"I assure you this is no joke. She is but one of the things I wanted to discuss today. Zan, please sit down and let me explain everything."

"Dis shit betta be good!"
Zan peers between Riverdog and the young woman and then returns to his place on the floor. The young woman walks past him and takes a seat by her guardian. Zan finds himself captivated by the woman's scent and the way she moves. It's not just the way she looks that has him befuddled.

Riverdog notices that as he takes the young woman's hand and tells the guys,
"Gentlemen, I'd like you to meet Tess Harding. She's from Antar just like you but instead of being placed in New York like the four of you were, she was hatched here. I've raised her as my daughter ever since. It's a good thing not many whites come here or they would have started digging into why a blue eyed blonde lived here amongst native people." Rath and Zan nod their heads in understanding.

"Hatched, what do you mean by hatched? Are we fuckin chickens or somethin?"
Rath doesn't like the implications of that word.

"Gentlemen, you all came out of pods. After you have the chance to take all this information in, I'll be glad to take you to the place."

Tess glances at Zan and then Rath throughout the conversation. She wonders if they will accept her as one of their own.

Zan stares at her while telling Riverdog,
"She looks just like Ava, wat's up wit dat?"

Riverdog answers the question.
"That's no coincidence Zan. Two sets of the king, his wife, his sister and his second in command where genetically engineered. You and Rath's genetic twins along with Lonnie's didn't survive the trip to Earth. That left Zan and Lonnie as the sole heirs of Antar.

Gentlemen, there is a war raging there and your subjects need their king to lead them to victory."

"King, I'm a king somewhere?" That revelation shocks and amuses Zan.

"Yes Zan and I will explain all that entails at another time."

Rath asks,
"So, ya told us who we is. But who is you?"

Riverdog ponders the thought for a moment and then answers the question.
"I'm a shape shifter; a being who can change form at will. Unfortunately you don't have the ability to do that. Anyway I was picked by Zan and Lonnie's mother to be your protector here. It was my job to make sure you developed fully so that you could go back to Antar someday."

He reads their minds and answers the question about the reservation.
"Why the Native American disguise? Simple; I figured no government official would bother to think that Native Americans could harbor or actually be aliens. These beautiful people took me in graciously when I arrived. In return, I've done everything I can for them.

My powers are different from yours, if you will allow, Tess will show you how to use them effectively."

The conversation continues as a brave enters the tent. He walks over to Riverdog and whispers something into his ear. He tells the guys,
"Gentlemen I'm sorry but there is a matter I must attend to. I'll be in touch very soon."

Zan and Rath stare at each other very surprised. They want to stay and learn much more about themselves. They take one more long look at Tess before being led out the tent by a brave. Three native men walk into the tent to speak to Riverdog. Before the meeting begins, a puzzled Tess walks over.

Before she can ask her question, Riverdog pats her arm lightly while assuring,
"All in due time dear, all in due time."

That night, Zan's mind is busy thinking of how much Tess reminded him of Ava. Then his mind wanders to how much he misses the sex they used to have and the vibes he felt coming off of the look alike. He hasn't had sex since the accident in New York and finds himself hornier than ever.
While asleep in his bedroom, he hears a knock on the door.

Then he hears a soft female voice ask seductively,
"Can we come inside?"

He rouses from sleep and then he hears a different female voice call out to him.
"Zan, we won't hurt you."

"We, who is we?” Zan thinks he recognizes the two voices but isn't sure.

The first soft voice he heard says,
"We'll come in and show you who we are."

First Zan hears giggling and then the door opens slowly. He rises up in bed to find Tess and Liz entering his bedroom holding hands.
He can't believe his luck as both girls walk his way. He was already horny but having two gorgeous girls in his room makes him even more than ready for some action.

Zan's normal macho bravado is replaced by shock and disbelief as he asks,
"Why, why are ya here? Ya sure ya got da right place?"

"Oh yeah! I've wanted you from the first time I saw you at the reservation. Liz and I have something very special for you."

Zan's eyes leave Tess and goes over to Liz. He asks,
"And you want me too?"

Liz peers at Zan lustfully while she removes her snug brown t shirt to reveal a lacy pink demi bra that makes her breasts seem more ample.

She tells him,
"I've wanted you since the day you towed my car. I was scared of our differences, but no more. You've got what I need."

Zan is beside himself watching the two girls undress in front of him. He needs to join the party.
"Well hell! Get on da bed and we can do dis."

Zan's cock is leaping under the covers as he notices Tess take off her blue jean mini skirt and then her orange colored thong. She turns so that her ass is to him and that's all he needs.

He attempts to throw off the covers and rush over to them but Liz stops him.
"No, not now. Just be patient with us."

A very anxious Zan sits back down on the bed to wait for the fun to begin The tip of his cock is weeping while he watches Liz take off her blue jeans and pink panties and Tess take off her orange bra.

He starts stroking himself as he declares anxiously,
"Come on girls, my dick needs attention now!"

"We're gonna ride that big cock of yours all night long," Tess tells him as she blows him a kiss.
Her words make Zan's cock jump in his hand as he continues to stroke it.

"Hey, make it soon before I shoot my load. I wanna cum in one of ya."

"And you will," Liz assures him.

After a few more minutes the girls slowly move over to the bed. Zan's mouth is watering as he stares at their supple and young naked bodies.

Tess reaches him first and instructs,
"I want you to lay back."

Zan does what he's told happily as the girls ready themselves for what's to come. Liz straddles his face as Tess lines herself over his cock. He can't wait to taste Liz so he moves his head up to meet her treasure. He knows that she's gonna taste sweet from her aroma, but the girls still aren't ready yet.

"Nope Zan not just yet." Liz moves herself out of his way.

Zan angrily returns his head to his pillow.
"What da hell are ya bitches tryin ta do ta me?"

The girls ignore his remark as they synchronize themselves for action.
"Are you ready Liz?"
Tess grabs Zan's cock firmly and runs her hand along the shaft.

"Ohhhh," Zan moans in pleasure.

"Yes Tess, let's do it."

Then Liz lowers herself onto Zan's face as Tess leads his cock into her.


Just then Zan wakes up.

The sudden outburst awakens Rath who is not too pleased to hear his friend screaming at the top of his lungs.
"Huh? Wat da fuck is goin on dude?" Rath hollers as he rises up in his bed.

"Something's happening ta me that I can't explain."

"Don't worry, we'll work it out." Rath has no idea what Zan is talking about or how to help but hopes he's reassured him in some way. Something tells him not to go into the room.

Meanwhile Zan puts head in his hands wondering why he had a dream like that and what else will happen.

After a minute Rath goes back to sleep as Zan pulls back his sheets to find that he's jacked off all over himself.

he grumbles angrily to himself as he get up to clean himself and the bed.


Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 7:19 pm
by Roslover39
The next day a very curious Maria goes to see Rath after her shift. He's at home because Fantasies is closed for maintenance. After she enters the house, she has a seat, gives him a knowing look and then asks a blunt question.
"So, what have you been doing the last couple of nights?"

Rath takes a seat opposite her. He wants to tell her the truth but decides it's best not to.
"Nothin much just checked out da town a little."

Maria gives him a skeptical I don't believe you expression. Noticing that he's not looking at her, she leans into his face and asks,
"Why are you lying to me Rath?"

He plays offended hoping it will get her to stop the interrogation.
"Lying, why would I do that doll? Now I'm hurt!"

Not only is Maria not buying his act, she's not about to give up until she gets the truth.
"I know you're lying to me because you can't look me in the eye. Besides, I know you went to the reservation with Zan two nights in a row."

That revelation sets Rath on edge.
"Ya spied on me?"

He can't believe that he's involved with that kind of a woman. Needless to say, he's very upset that Maria would do such a thing. He gets up and starts pacing around the sparse living room. Maria goes over and gets in his face to stop his pacing.

"Yeah I spied on you. I thought it odd that you of all people would go to the reservation. Why did you go there?"

Then from out of nowhere, the lights in the room start to flicker as Rath tries to give a plausible explanation.
"Doll, ya mother showed me some tribal tattoos dat she did with dat Indian dude. We heard about some cave drawings there. Zan and I went ta see them for more ideas."

Now Maria is irritated. She shakes her head while raising her voice to declare,
"I don't believe you Rath. My gut tells me that it's much more to it than that. "

Not hearing that,Rath explodes in front of her.

He runs his fingers annoyingly through his Mohawk, and then out of the blue there is a terrible crash of glass. He and Maria look around to find the tv shattered.

Maria puts Rath's escalating rage, the flickering lights and the exploding tv together. She doesn't know what to think as she gives Rath a look of fear and confusion. Sensing her fear, he decides that now is the time to come clean.

He backs up a bit to show that he means her no harm while revealing,
"Ok, ya wanna know da truth, I'm gonna tell ya da truth. Zan and I were lured ta the reservation by that dude Riverdog. He told us stuff about our lives and families."

What could Riverdog possibly know about Rath and Zan, she asks herself as she digs for more information.
"So what did he tell you about yourself?"

Again Rath figures it's best not to reveal all and tries his best not to.
"Maria trust me,ya don't wanna know."

Maria heads back into Rath's face while uttering,
"Yes I do but if you don't trust me enough....."

She takes a minute before finishing her sentence.
"If you don't want to tell me I'll leave and never come back."

With that she heads for the door hoping the whole truth will be revealed before she walks out.
"Wait doll I'll tell you but ya gonna wish I didn't."

She grins knowing he cares enough to reveal what's going on and walks back over to him.
"What is it Rath, are you Mafia," she asks hoping that's not his revelation.

Rath nods his head and then says,
"You wanted the truth, well here it is baby."
Deciding that it's now or never, he waves his hand and knocks a beer can off the table. The action makes Maria's eyes bug out her head from fright.
" did you do that," She asks trying to keep her knees from knocking.

Rath looks at her knowing he's going to regret what he tells and reveals all.
"I'm a alien; that's wat Riverdog told me and Zan at da reservation. He said we from a planet called Antar."

The show of his powers and the confession is too much for Maria to process. She looks at her watch and then exclaims nervously,
"Oh wow just look at the time. I gotta get to work. Well I'll see you around. Bye."

She heads for the door and runs out leaving it wide open.

"Maria wait!"
Rath calls out to her but just watches at his open door as she gets into the Jetta and speeds away like a bad out of hell.

DAMN, he thinks to himself as he notices the tread marks the Jetta left in the street along with thick black smoke.
Zan comes into the cafe for dinner as Liz walks through the dinning area in her street clothes. She notices him and gets his attention.
"Let's get a table, I need to talk to you about something."

"Ok bet."

They go to the nearest booth and sit down opposite each other.

"Zan,I've got a confession to make. I've wanted you since the day you towed my car. I was scared of my feelings for you, but no more. Can....can we get together tonight?"

Zan is in shock.
That's wat she said in my dream. Is dis really happening, he thinks to himself. After the initial shock he reveals that crooked grin as he replies,
"Ya know I've been thinkin bout you big time from the beginning."

Liz leans into him as seductively as she knows how and suggests,
"Well, why don't we take a ride for a while."

She's rubbing her foot against Zan's under the table as she speaks.

"Let's go!"
Zan bursts out the booth first and then takes Liz's hand as she does. They're heading for the front entrance of the cafe as Maria rushes inside.

She sees Liz and grabs her,
"Liz, I got something to tell you."

Liz takes her hand from Zan's and gestures that she'll meet him outside. Zan waves at Maria and it makes her blood run cold.

Then Liz gets her attention by saying,
"Maria you'll be so happy. You've tried to get me with Zan and now I've decided to take the plunge. I'm finally gonna do it.....I'm gonna have sex! "Oh, don't wait up."

Liz winks as she passes Maria for the door. That is not what Maria wanted to hear and so she tries to stop her.
"But Liz I really have to talk to you, it's important."

Clearly Liz is in no mood to listen to anyone but Zan tonight.
"Sorry Maria. We can talk tomorrow, bye."

"But Liz?"
Maria watches Liz fly out the cafe like a blur and hop on the back of Zan's motorcycle.

She plops herself into a booth in her station and puts her head down.

"Are you alright?"
Eddie walks over to her full of concern.

Maria looks up with a pained grimace and answers,
"No I'm not alright. Actually my ass is in a sling."

Hearing that Eddie slides into the seat opposite her.
"Anything I can do? Anything you want to talk about?"

"Sure thing Eddie! Tell me, how do you regroup from hearing something totally crazy and then realize it's true?"

He thinks on that for a minute and then replies,
"It depends on what you've heard. Pardon me for asking but does this have anything to do with that guy you've been seeing? Did he do something to you?"

"As a matter of fact he did, he......"
Then it hits Maria. She can't tell Eddie what she knows. She can't tell anyone but Liz and that's only because she involved her in the alien craziness by introducing her to Zan.

She thinks,
Damn it, Just when I don't want them together that's when Liz decides to like the guy. I am so totally screwed!

Not ready to be escorted out the cafe by the men in white coats, Maria decides to put an end to her conversation with Eddie.
"Thanks for letting me rant to you but I've got to go now. Bye."

She rushes out of the booth before Eddie can stop her and runs full speed up to the apartment. She plops herself on her bed and starts to cry from frustration, and fear of the unknown.

In New York:
A woman answers her ringing cell phone.
"Yeah, and make it quick!"

"Lonnie, you don't know me but I know you. I need you to come to Roswell as soon as you can."

She stares at the phone like something is wrong with it and then returns it to her ear.
"Ok, I'll take my private jet and be right there. Who are you and what the hell do ya want?"

"My name is Riverdog and I'm the man that's gonna get you out of that rat hole and into luxury if you'll allow yourself to take a leap of faith."

Lonnie laughs at the man's audacity and then comes the questions.
"Look G,I don't know ya from Adam. How did ya get my number?Riverdog, what the fuck kinda name is that?"

Riverdog overlooks her coarse language and answers her questions.
"Lonnie, I know more about you, your brother Zan and your lover Rath than you could ever imagine. I know you have no parents and you've been together since the age of six."

Lonnie is thinking that someone is playing mind games and she doesn't like it.
"Ok pops, you tell Zan and Rath that I'm gonna stomp mud holes in their asses when I see them again. This shit ain't funny."

Just when she's about to violently slam her cell phone closed, Riverdog tries one more time. He's desperate to get through to her.
"I couldn't agree with you more. To prove to you how serious I am, I'm gonna have a two way plane ticket waiting for you at the airport.

All I ask is that you come to Roswell, meet with me and hear me out. If what I have to say doesn't convince you that I mean business, you have a return ticket back to New York at my expense. So Lonnie, what do you say?"


Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:58 pm
by Roslover39
Eddie is a man on a mission. When he spoke to Maria, she didn't mention the problem she had having anything to do with Rath. But he took it upon himself to interpret their conversation just that way. Somehow he knows that Rath is to blame. After the conversation, He rushed back to the station to propose a plan to Sheriff Blackwood. He's working late this evening.

"Sheriff, I have reason to believe that Rath character is a troublemaker. I don't like the effect he's having on Maria. I'd like to arrange for him and his friend to be tailed. I'm sure it wouldn't take long to find them doing something wrong. They look like trouble waiting to happen. We have to protect the citizens of Roswell against such a threat."

Blackwood gestures for his anxious deputy to have a seat while he tells him what he thinks of his plan.
"Eddie, you know I agree with you about that idiot with the Mohawk and his friend, but there is no money in the budget to pay two cops overtime. Even if there was, I couldn't justify it. No matter how strange looking they are."

Not about to give up his quest to win Maria's heart, Eddie flashes a brilliant smile.
"What if I volunteer to follow that punk when I'm off duty and get someone with access to shadow his friend?"

Blackwood smirks as he speaks,
"Eddie, as the law I have to say I veto your idea. As a concerned citizen of Roswell all I can say is to proceed with caution. If you're found out, it could mean both our jobs."

"Don't worry Sheriff, I've got everything under control."

"You better Deputy!"
Blackwood admonishes him. Eddie is too happy to be worried about anything going wrong in his little stake out.

Liz and Zan arrive at the nearest nookie motel on the outskirts of Roswell. They find a strange looking man behind the desk as they enter to pay for a room.

He leers at Liz so hard that Zan has to comment about it.
"Wat da hell ya trying ta do dude? Stare her clothes off?"

Liz stands as far from the desk as she can while still staying inside thesmall reception office.

The nasty looking desk clerk apologizes for his lapse in judgment.
"Oh I'm sorry sir but your lady friend is so beautiful, pretty, beautiful, gorgeous....."

He's just annoying Zan further.
"HEY! Cut that shit out dog! Now take ya eyes off her and gimme a room!"

"Yes sir,
The clerk is still mumbling about Liz while searching through his book to find a vacant room. He finds a room and raises his head mischievously.
"You're in luck sir, there's only one room left. You've got room #69."

Then the clerk lets out what sounds like a giggle but then it turns into a cough. Not wanting Zan's fist to make contact with his face, he quickly stops making any noises other than breathing and grabs the key from a rack behind him.

"There you go sir, and enjoy your stay."
He guy wipes drool off his mouth.

Not wanting to get arrested for assault, Zan places his hands on Liz's shoulders and leads her out the open door. She knows it's wrong but she's compelled to look at that weird looking guy one last time before she leaves. When she does, he meets her gaze and winks at her. That action leaves Liz wanting to hurl.

Zan opens the door to the motel room and lets Liz enter first. Then the next thing he does is turn on the TV to find a porno channel. She walks inside slowly and surveys the less than romantic accommodations.

No candles, no soft music, no flowers. What was I thinking, she asks herself as she surveys the room.

Just as she's getting her bearings as to why she's there and what is going to happen, Zan takes off his leather jacket and throws it on a chair. Then he walks over and grabs Liz by the waist and pulls her into him.
She surprises him as she pulls away from him quickly.

Her action leaves him very confused.
"Wat gives baby? Aint we both on da same page?"

The pervy clerk, the room and dashed expectations are all working on Liz. She has no choice but to tell him,
"Look Zan, I'm so sorry for wasting your time coming here. See, suddenly I don't want to do this."

This is clearly not what he wants to hear.
"Why not doll? You da one that had da idea to come here. I was just grantin ya wish."

Liz tries to explain in a way that he'll understand where she's coming from.
" I thought I was ready but I'm just not....not at this point in time."

"What up, ya a virgin or something?"

Liz nods her head slowly with her head down as she heads to the chair by the door to sit down.

A bewildered and quite disappointed Zan plops down on the king sized bed adorned with a dull brown floral comforter and matching dull brown pillow cases and tells her,
"DAMN! Hey look, I want ya but I ain't into raping nobody fa some ass. Shit, I was hoping ya wasn't a dick teaser."

Liz takes offense at that comment. She already feels bad about stopping the party before it started.
"Look Zan, there is no reason for you to say that to me. I had every intention of sleeping with you tonight but something is holding me back."

"Right, ya fagit ta take off da chastity belt before ya left home?"

He thinks about what he just said to her,
"Hell, I'm sorry Liz. Ya just got me frustrated."

"Well, if it will make you feel better, I'm frustrated too. This is the closest I've ever come to having sex. Sorry Zan, but I have to be sure when it happens. I thought I was but I'm not."

Zan stands up and rubs his cock through the black jeans he's wearing.
"Doll, ya can't be any more frustrated din me. My dick is so fuckin hard, it feels like it could break off. Hey, ya know there's more than one way ta get off. Why don't ya come over here and let ya mouth......"

Zan thinks about that and realizes she wouldn't want to do that either.
"Oh fuck it! Well, what da hell we gonna do now? I ain't brought no cards wit me. If we leave now, maybe I can get my dough back fa da room."

Liz is desperate to make amends,
"Don't worry if you don't get a refund. I'll give you the money for the room. That's the least I can do considering this was all my idea."

Zan walks over to where Liz is siting. He leans down to tell her,
"I'd rather be in dat bed wit ya but if It ain't goin down, it ain't goin down. Let's just get outta here."

He goes to the door and opens it as Liz gets up and heads over. They were in the room less than half an hour so the clerk gave Zan back his money. The desk clerk seemed surprised that Zan and Liz didn't stay in the room.

Zan thought it was because he didn't want to give him back his money. The truth was that the pervert desk clerk is the owner of the motel and he has every room rigged so he can watch people get it on. He was really hoping to see each and every bit of Liz.

Zan gets her back to the cafe safely and goes home. He knows Rath is at work, so he decides to watch porn and take care of the business at hand.
wink wink

Liz enters the apartment with her mind swirling. Maria hears her and she heads for the living room. She needs to tell her what she meant to in the cafe.

"Liz, I know you're a big girl and have every right to keep your private life private but....."

Liz interrupts her with news of her own.
"Maria, I need you to sit down. I've got something to tell you."

Not knowing what she's going to hear, Maria takes a seat.
"What happened?"

"Nothing, Zan and I went to the motel as planned. But when I got there, I lost my nerve. Things were just not right. I mean I've always dreamt of how my first time would be, and that just wasn't it. Everything just told me don't do it. "

Maria rushes over and hugs her friend. Then replies,
"Oh I'm so glad to hear that, now check this out. I went to Rath's to find out why he was at the reservation two nights in a row. As I tried to get to the truth, weird things started happening."

"Weird, like what," Liz asks wondering what happened.

"It seemed that the lights started flickering when he got upset with me. The more he raised his voice the more the lights flashed. Then the TV exploded when he shouted at me."

Liz fell silent for a moment and then went about coming up with a plausible explanation for what happened.
"Well, technically you can't really put the flickering lights and Rath's anger together. At least I don't think you can."

Maria asks,
Why not?"

"It's like you're trying to say that something is wrong with Rath. Is that what you're saying? Please tell me what you mean."

Maria looks at Liz but says nothing.

"Well," Liz asks totally confused.

Maria tells her confused,
"Somehow I got the feeling that the Rath I thought I knew is gone. Well what are you gonna do about Zan?"'

Liz shrugs and says,
"It's late, why don't we go to bed now."

Both girls turn in for the night but don't sleep much for different reasons. Liz still feels bad that she led Zan on but didn't put out. Maria on the other hand, really believes something strange is going on with Rath, but can't explain it.

The next day:

"Hello, Toby's Garage."

"Kyle is that you?"

"Yeah, and who may I ask is this?"
Kyle is hitting hips with a rag he wipes his hands with.

"It's Eddie. I just got off work and was wondering if I could interest you in a game of pool and a pitcher of beer. All on me of course."

Kyle grins,
"Well, if you don't mind paying, I don't mind playing. I get off work in two hours. See you at the pool hall at eight-thirty?"

"Works for me, see you there Kyle."
Eddie rubs his hands together shrewdly. I got my pigeon, now all I gotta do is reel him in., he thinks to himself.

Kyle enters the smokey pool hall and it is electric with sights and sounds. All around him are the sounds of pool balls noisily going into designated pockets along with laughter and the occasional argument.

Heavy metal music seems to richochet off every wall of the mahogany wood paneled room. Kyle makes his way through the place and notices that the pool tables are newly adorned in rainbow colors of green, blue, purple, and red felt. Those colors make the wood of the pool tables look a little less ancient.

Those pool tables got to be as old as Dad, Kyle tells himself as he inspects each of the new additions to the tables he passes.

One of the tables even has a picture of three little green men and a metallic silver spaceship against a black background. He stops to look at it and wonders what all the fuss about aliens is about. Then Kyle hears a voice call to him.

"Hey Kyle, right here."

Kyle throws his hand up to let Eddie know he sees him and goes right over. The first thing he notices is the pitcher of beer, buffalo wings, celery sticks and a container of bleu cheese dressing on the table.

He smiles and says,
"I hope those wings are extra spicy. I like em like I like my women. SIZZLIN!"

Eddie tries not to laugh at that comment,
"If they're not to your liking, you can always drown them in tobacco."

He doesn't hesitate to pass the small bottle of the red liquid his way. Then he peers at him in all seriousness.
"Have a seat Kyle, we have something more important to talk about than food."

"Really, and what would that be,"Kyle asks while picking up the pitcher of beer to fill the empty glass by him.

"How about this, I saw Liz leave the cafe with the punk friend of the punk Maria is seeing last night. They looked very cozy I might add."

"Is that right,"
Kyle raises an eyebrow very intrigued. He's trying to hide the disappointment of finding out that little bit of information.

Just what I thought, I got my pigeon!
Eddie wastes no time to tell him,
"All may not be lost. As their friends, we've got to save them from themselves. If you care about Liz the way I do Maria, you'll agree that we've got to rescue them away from those clowns before it's too late. Now, are you with me?"

Kyle nods and asks,
"What's the plan?"


Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 9:14 pm
by Roslover39
Author's note:
In this update, Tess only uses her powers on the car. Period!

In New York:

Lonnie doesn't believe that Riverdog is serious about his invitation to come to Roswell and throws the thought right out of her mind. Then the next day, a delivery man arrives at the door to her apartment. She opens her door and peers at a tall, middle aged delivery man who is smiling down at her.
"Top of the morning to you!"

She sneers while his expression turns to one of confusion as he examines the package.
" I'm looking for Lonnie...hmm there must be a last name here somewhere."

She brings the man out of his fog quickly.
"Yo, I'm Lonnie, don't worry about da last name. Where do I sign?"

The delivery man shrugs baffled and then points to the dotted line on a card attached to the package. Lonnie signs the card and then the man detaches the card from the package and hands it to her. He smiles again and bids,
"Have a great day!"

She looks up at the man for the last time and just nods at him.

As she closes the door behind her, she wonders,
What da hell is dis? I ain't expectin nothin."

She leans against the door as she opens the letter. She finds a round trip airline ticket to Roswell along with a note:


I meant what I said to you over the phone. Give me the chance to explain everything to you. When you get to town, ask the cab driver to take you to the Crashdown Cafe. I'll be there waiting for you.


Lonnie stares down at the note and frowns.
Damn, this old fart just won't give up.How da hell could he ever know more about me den me?"

She thinks about the trip to Roswell as she ambles through the shabby basement apartment to her grim and tiny bedroom. She enters, places her hands on her hips, and takes in her meager surroundings. A sickly green hued paint is peeling off the walls. Two black milk crates stacked on top of each other, along with a rotting piece of plywood laid across it is her vanity table. A large jagged piece of glass with a crack through the middle, that leans against a dingy wall is her mirror. A camouflage colored military cot is her bed and two red crates serve as chairs.

Then suddenly her mood lightens as she begins to mull over the positive aspects of taking Riverdog up on his offer.
"Oh what da hell. I got a free trip out of this hole in da wall for a while."
The trip is on. The first thing she does is dump all necessary items into a large black duffle bag.

Riverdog arranged for the flight to be the next day so Lonnie arranged for a friend to drive her to the airport. Once there, her presence scares practically everyone in the terminal.

At five foot nine and one hundred forty pounds with short mousy brown hair worn in messy spikes, she is a sight to behold. Although it's a nice seventy degrees in New York, she is head to toe in her usual black leather. Like Rath and Zan, she's adorned with piercings on her eyebrow, ears and lip.

Her menacing presence has passersby bumping into each other in an effort to stay out of her way. It doesn't take long for the stares to annoy her and she has no problem expressing it.
"What da fuck ya lookin at," she asks in a loud voice.

They never seen such a beautiful bitch before, she rationalizes in her mind.

Lonnie's comment forces women to place there hands over their children's ears and usher them far away from the source of the outburst. The action doesn't bother her in the least. When the time comes for her and her belongings to be screened by airport security, many of the people ahead of her let her go ahead of them.

Her lucky streak stops there though, because when she gets to the airport checkers, they take their time with the inspection. They want to make sure she's not some wacky terrorist.

Once she's allowed to board the plane, the first thing she notices is the smell. Dis fucking place smells like a hospital, she thinks to herself.

That thought fades quickly, as she marvels at the colorful decor and amenities available to First Class passengers. She manages a good mood until she's escorted to her seat and discovers that an elderly person will be sitting in the window seat beside her.

Like the incident in the terminal, the man can't stop staring at her which does nothing but upset her.
"What da fuck ya lookin at fat ass?"

The man turns away from her and bellows,

Lonnie scared the poor man so much, that when he was told the only other seat available was in economy class, he didn't hesitate to take it. That left her by herself for the rest of the flight. She smirked as she watched the old man haul ass to the back.

Later in the flight:

A stewardess approaches Lonnie with a cart full of DVD's to use with the portable DVD player stationed by her seat. With a very pleasant voice she asks,
"Would you be interested in a movie Miss? We have many of the latest titles available."

"Cool! Hmm, ya got Six Degrees Of Penetration?"

The stewardess can't believe what she heard. She clears her throat before informing her slowly and thoughtfully,
"Is that a pornographic movie? Miss, we don't offer those kinds of films. We can't risk innocent little eyes viewing that by mistake, now can we?"

She beams brightly at Lonnie who wastes no time communicating her displeasure.
"That ain't my fuckin problem. Ya asked and I told ya what I wanted ta see."

"Oh, well I'm so sorry for your inconvenience Miss. But rules are rules."
The stewardess smiles as she leaves. Then shakes her head as soon as she is safely out of Lonnie's presence.
Six Degrees Of Penetration? Oh Brother!

No, Lonnie's rants didn't stop there. She complained that there were no forty ounce beer or hamburgers on the flight. She even hollered about not getting seconds on the complimentary honey roasted nuts. So, several passengers willingly gave their nuts to her to shut her up.

When the time came for the her to depart the plane, the flight crew couldn't be happier. Lonnie had no idea that a steward took her picture when she was asleep. It was done just in case she became an issue with airport authorities.

At the Reservation:

Tess is in her room at the sanctuary having a dream:

An elegantly dressed man is coming her way. She can't make out his face but she can tell from his aura that he's attractive. When he reaches her, he takes her hand in his and declares,
"You're the woman I've waited my whole life for. Tell me you'll be mine."

"Oh yes, I'm yours,"she tells him.

They embrace and then kiss.

She wakes from the dream confused by what she sensed.

The next day:

Tess is compelled to drive into town and visit Toby's Garage. When she gets there, she loses her nerve to play femme fatale. Needing an excuse to be there, she parks the car, breaks the muffler with her powers, and then pulls up to the garage. The sound of the muffler dragging the ground arouses the attention of everyone in the garage but Kyle who is busy underneath a yellow Corvette. He has his headphones on listening to With You by Linkin Park.

Zan just happens to be by the garage door. He walks out into the sunlight to find Tess bent down with her back to him surveying the damage. She's wearing tight white jean shorts and a snug blue midriff top that highlights her Sapphire eyes. Zan likes what he sees and rushes over to assist her.

His delight is short lived. He finds himself taken aback then she turns around.
"Yo, ain't ya dat chick from da reservation?"

Tess decides to play it cool.
"Yep, that be me! Listen, my muffler needs to be repaired. Is it going to be expensive?"

Zan tells her,
"Bring da car in so I can take a look at it."
The fact that Tess looks so much like Ava makes him feel strange. He feels oddly attracted to her for that fact, but doesn't want to be.

I know Ava is dead but now I got dis broad looking just like her. It fucks me up every time I see her.

"Ok great, thank you."
Tess pulls the car into the garage. Then Zan hoists it onto the hydraulics and takes a look at the muffler. It's not long before her presence brings the owner of the garage lumbering to her.

He's got a corned beef sandwich in his left hand and a big sweat stain on the brown button down shirt that fails to hide his huge pot belly.
" Hello, I'm Toby. Man, It's hot in here! Can I offer you a seat and a cool drink?"

What a slob, Tess thinks while looking at Toby.
"No thank you, but what I would like is to know how long it's gonna take to get my car fixed."

Tess points to the car.

Toby turns is attention to him and barks out,
"Hey, how long will you be? We can't keep this young lady waiting."

Zan straightens up, pulls a handkerchief out of his back pocket and wipes his brow.
"Da way dis muffler is jacked makes no sense. It's"
He doesn't finish the sentence, he keeps the thought to himself.

Toby shoos him with his hands as he demands,
"Just take care of the repair as fast as you can."

I'd like ta shove my foot clear up his ass as fast as I can,Zan thinks to himself while peering at Toby with a menacing snarl on his face.

Toby turns his attention back to Tess.
"Since your car will be here a while, I'd be glad to take you home so you can wait in comfort. Then I can call you when the repairs are complete."
He's hoping that this will lead to a date. He hasn't had sex in ages and Tess is just his type.

Just as she is about to answer him, Kyle slides from under the car he's working on. Tess notices him, gets a strange feeling in the pitt of her gut, and then tells Toby,
"I want him to take me home."
She points at Kyle to make sure Toby knows who she's talking about.

Toby looks over at Kyle with a disappointed expression,
"Valenti take a break, I got something I want you to do. I want you to take this young lady home since the repairs will take a while."

Of course Toby is very disappointed,
Fuck, I wanted to take her home....among other things. He takes one last long look at Tess and goes back to his desk to devour his sandwich and drink his hot beer.

Not noticing Tess, Kyle nods his head nonchalantly and takes off his coveralls. He has on a white T shirt and tight indigo jeans. After going to the bathroom to clean up a bit, he heads for the the tow truck with Tess right behind him. He goes to the passenger side, opens the door and gets a good look at her.

As soon as he enters the truck, he turns on the AC and exclaims,
"Shit, it's hot today."

"Yes it's very hot,"
Tess replies as she sneaks glances at Kyle.

The ride to the reservation is quiet accept for the occasional attempt to be polite. Both Tess and Kyle feel something taking hold of them but they don't speak on it.

When they pull into the reservation, Tess directs him to the building where she lives. She gets out of the tow truck, thanks him for the ride.

She starts to walk off when Kyle calls her over to the driver's side.
"Hey,why do you live here of all places?"

Tess grins at him as she states,"It's a long story. Too long to get into now."
Way too complicated to ever discuss with you or any human, she muses.

Kyle nods and asks,
"So, can I see you again?"

The request shocks Tess, and she finds herself at a loss for words.
"Well, I'm not sure. Can I think about it?"
Should I have told him that?

That's not the answer I wanted to hear sweet cheeks. I gotta play it cool!
"Ok, I'll give you until the day your car is fixed to think it over. If you're smart, you won't let an A 1 mechanic like me get away. I'm handy in so many other ways!"

Kyle winks at her, backs out of the reservation parking lot and heads back to the garage.

A confused Tess enters the sanctuary and heads for her room. She's got a lot on her mind. When she gets to the peach colored room with pale pink and white accessories, she lays back on her bed and ponders to herself,
For as long as I can remember, Riverdog has told me that I was destined to be with a man I know nothing about and taken to a planet I know nothing about. I just accepted that as my future. But now that I've met Kyle, I find myself attracted to him. What do I do? Do I do as Riverdog commands or do I see Kyle again?


Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 9:41 pm
by Roslover39
Liz and Maria are at their lockers as another long work day comes to an end. Both are tired from lost sleep, but for different reasons. Maria because she realizes that the guy she has feelings for is probably an alien. She's scared enough to want to leave Rath and the whole situation alone.

Liz on the other hand, has not considered the 'alien aspect'. She needs proof from Zan himself to worry about that. She's wondering if he is the right guy for her. She knows she did the right thing by not sleeping with him, although it felt right for a moment. She likes the way he makes her feel, but she wonders if that's just because she hasn't had a steady boyfriend for quite a while.

She asks,
"Hey, why don't you go talk to Rath about what happened. I mean, if he is an alien and wanted to hurt you, he could have. There wouldn't have been anything you could have done to stop him."

Maria nods in agreement,
"And I understand that, but the whole thing is just too heavy for me man! I'm doing all I can to keep from being thrown in the padded room."

" Yeah, I see what you mean. I know you'll do the right thing."
Liz pats Maria on her shoulder, closes her locker door and heads for the front of the cafe. Just then, Kyle enters the cafe.

Liz calls to him,
"Hey Kyle, is Zan at the garage?"

He stops in front of her,
"Yep, but I got something I want to say to you."

She walks around him in a hurry.
"Look Kyle, that's just gonna have to wait. I need to talk to Zan."

Damn it, that's it! I'm through playing Mr. Concerned to your ass, he screams to himself.
"You know what Liz, I've always put you first while you always managed to put me last on your list of priorities. Hell, if I ever made your list at all. I think it's time I take myself off the list."

Liz turns to him with no idea what he's babbling about. Then she figures what ever it is he's talking about can wait.
"Whatever Kyle! I just don't have the time for this."

That was always your fucking problem. I really hope this guy is on the level, because if he's not, I'm not running to the rescue. I would have treated you like a queen but I guess since you want that neanderthal, you like it rough. I could be that too, Kyle thinks to himself as he watches her rush out the cafe.

Yet again Toby has given Zan the task of closing the garage. Pissed that he had to stay behind, he grabbed Toby's boom box and pumped up the volume to his favorite song Don't Leave The Light On Baby By Belle and Sebastian. Liz enters, hears the noise and tries to make herself heard over it.


"YO," Zan bellows not recognizing Liz's voice over all the racket.

She sneaks behind him,
"Guess who?"

He's startled but doesn't show it. He notices and likes the feel of her hands on his waist.
"Hmm, is ya short and cute with long dark brown hair and brown eyes?"

She rushes around him to look into his beautiful hazel eyes and say,
She gives him a welcoming smile and then goes on to say what she came to say as he turns the radio off.
"I hope you believe that I'm really sorry about the other night."

"Please don't mention it."
Zan starts to laugh as he takes off his black do rag and run his hands through his hair.

"Why are you laughing," Liz asks slightly annoyed.

"I was just thinking bout da way my night ended. It wadn't wat I had in mind."

Now Liz is very curious.
"Oh, what did you do after you left me?"

A devilishly sexy grin appears on his handsome face,
"Liz, trust dat ya don't wanna know."

She gives him a "oh yes I do" stare. So he makes a silly face and sings,
"Bow chica bow bow!"
He's thrusting his hips while his right hand goes up and down in the air. And he continues to make that noise.

Liz thinks for a moment and then goes,

Then from out of nowhere one of the big overheard lights that the mechanics use to examine cars makes a loud creaking sound and then falls heading straight for Liz's head. With not enough time to push her out the way, Max uses his hands to produce a green light that makes the large light disappear right in front of her.

"What, what happened," Liz asks visibly shaken by what could have happened and what she witnessed.

"I guess I used my powers." Zan answered while examining his hands and looking very confused by what he did.

Seeing Liz looking as overwhelmed as he felt, Zan decides to grab her gently and embrace her.
"It's alright now babe, don't worry about nothin."

So, Maria was right about Rath and now Zan.
She pulls from the hug enough to look into his eyes and ask,
"So, what I see of you is you...right? I mean, you're not really three feet tall, green and slimy are you? And what does that make you? "

Then she catches herself.
"Oh, sorry to be so blunt but I'm very confused here."

Zan gazes deep into her eyes with eyes that convey warmth and not danger. Then he tells her with confidence,
"It makes me da same dude dat wanted to get ta know ya."
He leans down to her but waits to see if she'll cooperate. She does and they share their first kiss together.

While at the Crashdown, Maria gets ready to go upstairs to the apartment. All day she had a sinking feeling that everything she thought she had was now lost to her.
She goes to the door and turns the open/closed sign to the closed side when she notices a silhouette of a man outside the door.

She hollers while pointing to the sign,
"Sorry but we're closed. Please come back tomorrow."

Then she hears a familiar voice utter,
"It's me baby."

Maria looks out to see that it is Rath. She wants to throw open the door and run into his arms but she's scared.
"Wha....what do you want?"
She leans against the door wondering what to do.

"I wanna talk ta ya."

"About what?"

"About what ya saw at my place dat day."

"I didn't see nothing,"
Maria tells him trying to sound convincing.

Knowing he has to get through to her, he pleads,
"Come on doll, let me in so we can clear da air."

Maria turns and looks up at Rath for a long moment, then she unlocks the door and lets him inside. He walks in and takes a seat at the counter as she locks the door. She follows him over and leans on it opposite him while waiting to hear what he has to say.

"Look Doll, I came here ta explain wat happened da best way I know how...."

Maria stops him mid sentence with,
"Are you alien?"
She asks with wide eyes that show fear.

Rath slowly places his hand over her hand and looks deeply into her eyes.
"Nothin to be scared of baby, It's still me! I love ya and I'd never hurt ya. Ya gotta believe dat."

Hearing that declaration makes all the fear she felt fade away like a bad memory. Maria points at him joyfully,
"Did you just hear what you said to me?"

A sexy grin appears on Rath's face,
"Yeah, I said I love ya and I do. Ya know I'd never hurt ya, right?"

She's happily bopping around the counter as she tells him,
"Oh Rath, I love you too and I know you wouldn't hurt me. I was pretty weirded out over what I saw though."

"Maria, ya know ya can't tell anyone what ya saw. Riverdog warned Zan and me about what would happen if stuff got out. It ain't fuckin pretty."

"Wow, I always thought that guy was just too deep. To find out that he's not of this world is mind boggling. You know I wouldn't snitch on you. Besides, this is Roswell. Rumors about aliens fly around here everyday but nobody pays attention to them. "

Rath grins,
"And that ain't all. Zan got a broad waitin fa him. Riverdog said they was married in another life. He's into ya girl so he ain't trying ta hear that shit."

"Good! So, what about you? You got an old wife from a past life looking for you?"

Rath caresses her cheek as he replies,
"I told ya about Lonnie but she's in New York. She's a good fuck but nobody I wanna spend serious time wit. I already got a girl fa dat."

"Yeah," Maria asks wide eyed.

"Hell yeah, It's all about ya baby. I would neva hurt ya; powers or no powers. Can I show ya I'm safe?"

Maria thinks for a moment and replies coyly,
"Yeah, I guess so."

Rath takes her hand, lifts her palm to his mouth and kisses it.
"Now did that hurt,"he asks sporting a sexy grin.

"Actually it felt really good but what about the future?"

"Fuck da future, it's something I wanna do now!"
Rath comes around the counter to where Maria is standing. He takes her by the hand and leads her outside to his car. Then he lifts his right hand and locks the cafe door with his powers.

"Damn, you could really come in handy."
Maria gets into the car and kisses him on the lips. Rath grins, starts the car and they rush to their favorite nookie hotel.

After the realization of Liz no longer being his concern sinks in, Kyle aims to purge himself of the responsibility officially by going to the sheriff's station to tell Eddie the news.

He steps inside and finds Eddie at the front desk with a bunch of papers in his hand.
"Hey Kyle, get anything on that idiot that Liz likes yet?"

Kyle gives him an 'I don't give a shit' look and tells him,
"No, but that's why I'm here. I came to tell you that I can't help you stake out Zan."

Eddie can't believe what he's hearing. He leans in so no one will overhear him,
"Why...why not? Don't you care about her...about this town?"

Kyle shrugs while saying,
"Yeah and I guess I always will have a soft spot for her, but I finally realized that she doesn't give a flying fuck about me. She's doing her thing and it's time for me to do the same. Sorry Eddie, but you're gonna have to get something on Zan on your own."

What Eddie heard Kyle say disappoints him, but changes nothing. He's as determined as ever to dig up something on both Rath and Zan.

And Kyle is determined as well. He leaves with only one thing on his mind, seeing Tess again.
Oh well,what the hell! Out with the old and in with the new! He leaves the sheriff's office feeling like a weight has been lifted off of his shoulders.