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Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 9:55 pm
by kaladala
wow....Thanks guys. This story is my first one so I have some difficulties in writing it and trying to make it perfect.
Thank you for all your feedback I really appreciate it. This is the next chapter . I hope you are not gonna kill me because it's pretty sad. :D

Max P.O.V

My father's request brought me out of my thought. I slowly rise from my spot and went to sit down on my office chair. I look at where Liz is. She is kneeing down in front of our daughter and kissing her. OUR DAUGHTER. She is beautiful, she looks just like me except her hair. She has her mother's hair and smile. I wouldn't change it for the world though because she is perfect, I wouldn't wish anything else. How could I be so stupid? I wanted to kill her when she was still inside Liz. How could I even think about killing this precious little person in front of me.

Guilt.......That's what I feel right now. Then her word come back to me " if you really love someone you wouldn't want them dead because they are too important for you" How right she is, she is the most important little person I ever seen and I feel so protective of her right now. God how could I be so stupid? How could I be such a coward? An asshole, a heartless bastard that's what I really am. I am nothing compare to this little person in front of me, I feel ashamed of myself. Liz's voice brought me back from my misery.

"During my high school years, I was in love with your son. He was this most fascinating person I ever seen. But for him i didn't exist, I was just Elizabeth "Ugly" Parker. They even used to call me "Myrtle" but I went on, on my everyday life. My goal was to study and then get out of Roswell so I can live my life in peace. On my Senior year though, Mr. Popular here decided to play a little game on me."She said, she referred to me as Mr. Popular because that's how people call me in high school. She still remember that.

"He already slept with every single girl in our school, I was the only virgin and untouched left. I wouldn't give him the time of the day, I wouldn't let him touch me so he got frustrated and used the only thing he knew to get me to sleep with him. He threaten my mother's life, he looked for some dirt on my mother and used it against me." She paused. I'm ashamed of myself, how much did I hurt her? How can I make things better? How can I change this? But she continue on.....

"I didn't want people to know that the reason why I am my person's only child was that a month after my birth, my mother was raped. the damage was really sever that it destroyed my mother's womb completely. The doctor then told my parents that my mother couldn't have any more kids because her womb couldn't handle it. My parents were devastated that it become a family secret. Max founding it out was a shock for me, I didn't know how he found it out but he did. He used it to get me to sleep with him" she paused again. I see tears rolling down her cheek because this must be taking it's toll on her. It must hurt her a lot, I HURT her a lot. I wish I could make her pain go away, i wish I could take those pain she has and take them on me instead. I don't know what to do or what to say, I put my head down in defeat. I feel all the things that she is feeling as she try to tell the story and know I understand. I understand what a horrible person I am, I understand what an irresponsible person I am and what type of father I am. There is nothing that make me different from a murderer, as a lawyer I know what my fault is, and I know that i would pay for it. And right now I'm paying for it emotionally but i will make sure that I pay for it physically too. She took a deep breath and continue on, on her story...........

" We didn't use protection, i wasn't even on the pill because I never thought I would make love to anybody until I get married. But I lost my virginity protecting my mother and I don't feel guilty for breaking the promises I made to my grandmother that I would stay virgin till I get married. I don't feel guilty because I broke by protecting my mother and anyway why should I feel guilty if I get this little precious person in front of me." She said and took another deep breath while wiping the tears away from her eyes, her beautiful eyes.

"Anyway, a month later, I found out that I was pregnant, I went to the doctor and he confirmed it for me. I didn't know what to do so I went to my only friend Maria and I told her everything, she told me then to tell Max and go from there so I agreed. The next day I went to the UFO Center to find him working. I told I'm about the fact that I was pregnant and he is the father, I told him that I don't know what to do. He accused me for tricking him then, he said that I am doing this to keep him with me because I am a stalker. He was the who force me sleep with him then he has the guts to accusing me of tricking him. The he told me that he doesn't want to have anything to do with the baby, he told me to get an abortion. Then he gave me a check. I ripped it into pieces and throw it at his face. How could he want to kill a baby that is so innocent and fragile? I got so mad, my parents doesn't even know that he is Hope's father because he said he doesn't want to have anything to do with the baby then I left him as he wishes. I didn't want to press charges because it's too emotional for me so i let it go. I struggle to work 2 jobs at a time to keep us alive. Sometimes I got beating up because I fall asleep while working. I made it in the end and I'm proud of myself, I raised my daughter alone. I never told her all the things that she just told you, I don't know where she learn all those from."

I felt like killing myself right now. God, she's been through so much and it's all because of what I did to her, I almost ruined her life. While in one way I did. how can I make this up for her? God help me because I sure as hell don't know what am I supposed to do. I want to hold her right now, I want to take those pain away but I don't know how?

I have made a terrible mistake in my life, a lot of them. But right now I'm too shocked and too overwhelmed to really say anything. I am afraid that I would say the wrong things, that if I open my mouth I would say something I would regret. I hurt a part of myself, probably destroyed her. That little person sleeping in that coach. I walk slowly toward her then knee down in front of her, she is so peaceful. All the things she said to me come back to me. I hurt her, I hurt her really bad, she is just five years old and she shoulder so much pain, she carries so much pain inside of her. She is in so much pain because of me, God, pleas take those pain away from her she doesn't deserve those. I wish I could go back in time and prevent all this from happening. I didn't only hurt Liz but my daughter too. What kind of person am I?

This is part A I will post part B soon............very soon

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 12:01 am
by kaladala
Hi everyone! I'm sorry it's taking me so long. Thanks for all the feedback LOL I appreciate it.

Part B

"Max? is that what you did during your high school year?" his voice is calm. controlled even. I'm scared, I know that tone and if this is my father's reaction, i don't want to know my mother's.

"I,I........." I couldn't find anything to say. I look up at Liz and find her frozen in place, she doesn't look up. She just stare into nothing.

"I didn't rise you to be like that Max. I thought you would always take responsibility for your action. I though I raised you to be a responsible person and have a common sense but I was wrong wasn't I? Know I'm looking at you and it's like I don't even know you. Have you ever thought what she would go through? Is that what you did with all those girls I saw you hanging around with during your high school year?" I see disappointment in my father's eye. I never disappointed my father until now and I feel guilty that I let him down somehow. Guilty that I almost ruin somebody else's life and broke my daughter's heart and her mother's at the same time. " I am very disappointed in you Max" That's the word I vowed I would never want to hear from my father's mouth. " I don't know what to do but I want you to stop by and tell your mother all the things that you've learned today." He took a deep breath and walked toward the door, just stop before opening it. "I hope you are happy now Max, you disappoint me, you ruined Liz's life, broke your daughter and Liz's heart. But what you would face with your mother will be far worse than this and don't forget about Isabel." With that he was gone..................

I know realize that I broke the bridge that connect me with the entire world. I broke the bridge that made me feel like a man, the bridge that give me pride and happy. Now I have to mend it but I don't know how. I have to fix it and make things right from now on I have to gain my daughter's trust and hopefully Liz's at the same time.

"What am I gonna do now Liz?"I voiced the only thing that I have in mind

" I don't know Max, you made a terrible mistake. You have the only power to fix it. If you want your daughter to love you, give her a reason to, show her that you won't hurt her and get to know her. That's all I'm suggesting you. I know she is stubborn but she needs you Max, she needs a father." she told me.

" What about you Liz? will you ever find it in your heart to forgive me?" I asked her then. She seems to hesitate then turn to look directly in my eyes

" I don't know Max, but this isn't about you and me. This is about you and our daughter. But for the record, I'm still hurt Max and only time will tell"

"Can we be at least friends?"

"We will see Max, we will see" With that she took Hope and walked out of my office leaving me to contemplate about everything that's just happen. I know what I have to do now, and I will do anything to get my family together even if it's the last thing I do.

Liz's P.O.V

My life has been a mess until a few months ago. Now I can rest, I felt like a huge weight have been lifted from my shoulder. I know that the road ahead of us is not gonna easy. It's gonna take time for Hope to warm up to Max,s he have been hurt and I didn't even know it. I want her to have a father, that will love her and if Max is willing to love her unconditionally then i won't stop him from getting to know her.

It's not easy to forgive, I'm still hurt but if Max willing to show me how far he is willing to go then I will give him a chance. My heart already belong to him I just didn't tell it to him yet. I don't know if that make sense but you will figure it out. I love him I won't lie about that but I don't want to lay my hurt down and get hurt again. He had been spending so much time with Hope. I see little progress. Hope start to warm up. She tried to push him away at first but I see the determination in Max's eyes.

He has been trying to shower her with gift. He even spent time with her during the week- ends. I know he had a hard time it's been 2 months since he realize that he is a father. Since then, he has been trying to get Hope to warm up to him. I know he is hurt when his daughter refuses to talk to him, he will try to start a conversation and she will just stare into nothing like she found the wall more interesting than what her father has to say. A week ago, she told Max straight in the face that she hate him that she doesn't want him to be around then run up to his room. Tears well up to his eyes and I felt bad. but then I realized that this is the pay back people talk about.

A week after we had the conversation where I told the two Mr. Evan the truth, Diane and Isabel and Phillip came over to my house. They told me that they want to get to know Hope and ask if we could forgive them. I said to them that there is nothing to forgive it's not there fault if their pig headed son was a jerk.

Hope actually love Isabel and Alex, she also loves Diane but not as much as nanny Nance. I just hope that they will open her up and she will see that Max has actually changed. And he had. He really had. He became this caring, loving man that when he is around I feel like a sixteen year old again but I don't show it to him. He still think that I hate him. I don't hate him though, I just needed time to heal.

I have to stop this mourning over him and start my work, I have to pick Hope up after school and have dinner with Max. I want her to get to now her father. I hear someone knocking

"Come in"

" Hi, there beautiful" yeah it's Sean, he finally got over me and he is now dating Stacey. Yeah I know, Max's secretary but Max doesn't know that. He has been taking too much time off to spend with Hope that he doesn't really know what's going in the office. I even doubt that even if he does spend so much time in here, he wouldn't even notice that. That just typical guy character.

"Hi Sean, what can I do for you?" I ask him because lately, he only come in when he need a favor.

"Well, it's just that, you know I'm with Stacey now and she doesn't believe me when I tell here that there is nothing going on between you and me" Yep, people thing that I'm currently dating Sean even Max does and I want it to keep that way until I'm sure Max will not hurt me again. Sean continue on "She thinks that I'm using her which I don't. i really got to know her Liz and I think I'm falling for her. It's fast I know but I can't seem to stop How I feel. It's scared the shit out of me but I want to be with her Liz" Ok! I'm really confused right now

"What do you want me to do!?" I ask exasperatedly. He look at me as if it's the most obvious thing ever and raised his eyebrow

" What am Asking you to do is simple. Please tell her that there is nothing going on between you and me. i have a date with her tomorrow and I want you to talk to her before that. She will understand you and believe you more that she does me. Can you please do that for me........" He said with pleading eyes "Please............" I'm defeated so I say yes. He seems to really like her and if I am the problem the I will do for them.

"Ok, when you leave ask her to come to my office so I can get this over with" I said to him. I see him grinning from ear to ear "But please don't break the girl's heart"


For now.

Re: Pay Back is a bitch! (M/L MATURE AU) Pt 11 A- 12/28/07

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 12:08 am
by kaladala
hey sorry it took me this long to write again. But hey i'm back

Part 12
No body's POV

Max knocked the door to Liz's office

"come in"
"hey Max" she is surprised to see him. It's been weeks since the dinner disaster they had at her apartment
"So what can I do for you Max?" She ask him quietly

"Well I know that you said you will see if we ever could be more that just friends. And for the past year,we have been closer and i was wondering if we ever could be more than just friend I mean........."

She doesn't know what to say to that. This is what she wants after all. For the past few months she has seen the development of Max and how much he has changed. And he had, he has changed so much that she fall in love with him all over again

"What am trying to ask you is .............would you go on a date with me?"

he was meet with silence

" I mean you can bring Hope if you don't trust me. You can even say no........" he start rumbling

"OK Max I will go on a date with" she thought for a moment "and I think that it's better if i leave Hope with Maria. We should start getting to know each other better" She sent him a shy smile. and he smile back at her. The first real smile since she saw her again.

" about this Saturday. I'll pick you up at seven if that's ok with you of course"

"Sure...........see you Saturday at seven then"

"Bye Liz......and by the way, i can't come to diner tomorrow because i have a therapy"

Liz was surprised that he has therapy. What is wrong with Max. She has seen the changed, heck even Micheal have bee telling her that he got distant. His family doesn't even talk to him. The only members of his family that does talk to him is his mother and Liz understand that. A mother can always forgive their kids no matter what.

Liz may be right there that a mother can always forgive their kids but what Liz doesn't know is what turn Max into such a monster when he started his sophomore year in high school.


Diane walked into her son's old room. She remember the day he graduate, he was so happy. But even though he was happy........he smile that he have in his face didn't reach his eyes. And she know what causes it.

She lost her little boy the summer of his freshmen year. He wasn't the enthusiastic and full of life little boy he once were. And it's all her fault because she didn't protect him. She wasn't there when her little boy needed her the most. She wasn't there to save him from that fateful day, which destroy her son's life.....................

And she fell down on her knew and cry..........It was hard for him to carry that dark secret around. She knew that. She feels guilty for it. But she can't tell Phillip the truth or he would have had her sister arrested.

"Diane...I'm home" came Phillip's voice from downstairs. She wipes away her tears hastily and fix her composure. she made her way down the stares to great her husband like the way she's done for the past 30 years.

"Hi was your golfing with the Whitman?" She putted on a fake warm smile and kissed her husband's cheek

"It was great. We had a great time" Phillip said greening from ear to ear like a little boy who came from Disney land. "Oh and Francis wanted us to come and have diner with them some day this week. Their oldest son just came back from Europe with his wife"

"Oh, that's great. I've been meaning to talk to her about Isabel's pregnancy. I mean she is already seven month along and I wanted to prepare her shower and everything. this would be a great time for that."

"Yeah I know" Phillip took a deep breath. All this women thing, he will never understand " I need to go and take a shower honey. When will diner be ready?"

"Everything is ready honey....I was just waiting for you." she picked up all his equipment "go take that shower so we can eat. We have to talk about Max and the firm anyway" she gave him a kiss and shoved him gently up the stairs


I know that it took me this long but i've been really really busy....................
Love you guys and thanks for all the feed back

Re: Pay Back is a bitch! (M/L MATURE AU) pt 12 02/23/08

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 9:40 pm
by kaladala
Sorry guys it took me so long but with exam and's little nuts....

School really does suck

Thanks for all the feedback

Part 13


The phone ringing brought Diane back from her dream. She got up before the phone could wake Phillip up.

"Evan Residence can I help you" said Diane with sleepy voice

"Hello Dear Mother"

"Dorothy! What are you doing calling my house 's phone number?" it was a mutual agreement between Dorothy Scavelli and her mother not to call each other. Ever.

"Well Diane, i just want to see my mother and I wonder if she is ready to see her grand daughter since i'm already in town"

"I don't want to see you Dorothy. I thought we had an agreement about that."

"Now, now Diane. I am your daughter, you cannot just dismiss me like that...........Alright I will cut the crap and get to the reason why i am here" She pauses for a moment before going on again " Listen, I have a daughter, she is 4 years old. I don't have money to take care of her. She is sick ok! and I don't have money for her medicament and I just need help. Trust me I wouldn't come to you if I wasn't desperate"

"I don't work Doth........I don't have money that I can just give you. What about the father or does she even have one?"

"Well he left us. He is New York. His name is Rath. Please Diane............just give me a call this is the number of the hotel that I'm staying in. 345-876-9876. Think about it. I don't expect you to do it for me but do it for you granddaughter" Then the phone went dead.

Diane doesn't know what to do with herself anymore......When she thinks that things are normal again, something like this come and stir trouble.

Dorothy Scavelli is Diane's least that's the truth.......for other people she is her sister. Even Phillip doesn't know that Dorothy was really Diane's daughter. She hadn't meant to lie to him.....Dorothy look so much like Diane.

Diane used to date Khivar Scavelli when she was in first year of college. Khivar was always the perfect gentlemen to her and she though she loved him. One night when they were in her dorm room they were watching T.V. 20 minutes into the movie, Khivar lost his interest and start running his hands all over her. She had felt uncomfortable since she never done that before.

When she refused him, he started blaming her and calling her names and he raped her. A month after it happen she had found out that she was pregnant and she started looking for him but he was nowhere to be found. He had disappeared from the face of earth. She went back to her parents and had baby Dorothy.

She knew that it wasn't Dorothy's fault but Dorothy got his blue eyes. And every time Diane would look into those eyes, she felt like vomiting.

Then she met Phillip, she had meant to tell him everything but it never came up and in the end she just left things the way they were. Until now, Phillip still thinks that Dorothy was her step sister not her real daughter.

"What are you thinking Di?" said her husband coming up behind her and wrapping his arm around her

"Just life.........and How much I still love you" Phillip would never get tired of hearing Diane saying that she loved him because he loved her just as much or even may be more.

"I love you too Diane" and he kissed her Cheek

Max got out of his black Mercedes coop and walk purposely to the love of his life's house. For people who look at him on the outside he may just look like a serious guy and really calm but inside Max was a nervous wreck

He rung the doorbell and five minutes later the door opened and there stood Liz Parker with short black dress. She looked beautiful, he knew that she was beautiful, but tonight, she look even more so than her everyday work outfit.

"Hi" Max said breathlessly....."you" he struggle with his sentences

"HI" she said "Thank you" she couldn't help but blush at the intense way Max was staring at her.

" to go?" Max asked her

"Sure...I''ll just go and get my purse"

When she got back, they left to Max's car. Liz was looking at his car and sight internally...boys are always boys....give so much value on cars. Throughout the entire car ride.....Max and Liz couldn't help but trade little glance to each other.

Once they got to the Italian restaurant that just opened, Max got out of the car and open the passenger side for Liz to step out. when they reached the sidewalk......Max heard the voice that haunted him for years.......a voice that destroyed his life

"Well well well....if it isn't my little nephew. And who is this little lady may be......hummmm let me guess...." she said while looking at Liz like a researcher examining something under a microscope "dark chocolate hair like waterfall, doe eyes, full red lips......I'm guessing this must be Liz Parker"

Liz was shocked to say the list, she never saw the girl before and when she reached her face, Liz couldn't help but gasped at her resemblance to Diane Evan. Liz extended her hand, trying to be polite......

"Yeah I'm Liz Parker.......and you are?"

"Oh! Max didn't tell you who I was......I am his......" but the statement was cut off when they saw Max Evan fainting and falling to the ground. Everything happen so fast that Liz couldn't register what happen. The next thing she knew she was at Max's side and crawling his head in her hand. Max head was bleeding due to the fact that it heat the sidewalk really hard. It has a crack on the back. Liz was yelling for someone to call (11. She looked around for the person who just talk to them but she was no where to be around.

Who was she..Liz asked herself.....Why does she have such a strong reaction on Max and most importantly why did Max look scared when he met hers?

So many question run through Liz's head and yet there were no answer. She looked up and found herself in the waiting room of Albuquerque's hospital Memorial.

Re: Pay Back is a bitch! (M/L MATURE AU) pt 13 05/1/08

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 6:33 pm
by kaladala
Sorry guys but i was so busy the last couple of months........this is a new updates

Chapter 14

Liz have been pacing back and forth on the waiting room for the last 47 minutes. She doesn't know what to think, everything is so messed up right now. All this question, then the only that have the answer is still in there, in the middle of surgery or something.

As soon as she got to the hospital and the nurses and doctors took Max to the operating room, she immediately called Michael and Maria. She didn't know the Evan's number to notify them and also she doesn't know how the relationship between Max and his family were. The last time she ever heard from Phillip was when she reveals the existence of Hope, after that, Phillip just ignored the fact that he had a son. Diane on the other hand, tries to contact her son, but Max is not too eager to see or talk to her, which add to Liz's puzzlement. Isabel just ignored the fact that she has a brother. As far as Liz knows, the last couples of months, Max was alone.

Liz was brought back from her thought when she heard Michael's voice calling her.

"'s he? Is he ok? What happen?" Michael said

"I don't know Michael, we were on the sidewalk and all of the sudden this women came, she looked a lot like Diane but except the eyes, she has a cool blue eyes instead of green. Once Max saw her, he fainted and then she just disappeared. I was too focused on Max to notice where she went........" Liz finished telling the story

"Dorothy......." came Michael's whisper

"huh? Dorothy? who is Dorothy Michael? You better starts talking right now?" came Maria's bubbly voice

" Umm....she''s not my place to tell you this Liz but when Max gets better may be he will tell you the whole story and you will be able to understand him better."

That didn't help Liz but she could see from Michael's face that, that was all the things that she will get out of him. But that didn't stop Liz's brain to work so hard. Then she remembered.....

"Did you call the Evan?" Liz asked Michael

"Yeah i did but they don't seem to eager to see there son.......Phillip said it's too late and they will came by tomorrow morning"

"What the hell.....they heard that their son is lying in a hospital probably dying right now and that's how they react at the news about him? What kind of family are they? huh?" exploded Liz

"Liz! Calm exploding isn't gonna help the situation. I know that Phillip will eventually come to his sens and then he will probably come here and try to help. Diane, well she is a mother, she will be here"

"i know's just......i can't lose him now Michael. I need him and i know Hope will be devastated if something happen to him. They've become so close the past couple of month." sobbed Liz

"shhhhhh.......everything will be ok" smooth Michael " he just fell that's all......he won't have anything more than a concussion and probably amnesia but it won't last"