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Re: TheLegendofDaringElk&HorseDreamer(M/LAdult)pt9(p19)6/8

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 8:15 pm
by Shadowlynxbehr
***Remember italics means they are speaking Udeyona.

Part 10

Liz resisted the urge to laugh as she heard Maria’s voice above the rest of the chatter. Looking over to where Fighting Dog was standing, she grinned as she saw the uncomfortable look he wore. Granted, the only braves around were the ones who happened to speak English and most of them already knew that Fighting Dog now had an English name like they did.

Of course, Maria was the only slave who openly called him by it. Even Liz didn’t address Horse Dreamer as Max unless they were alone. However, that wasn’t really what was making Fighting Dog uncomfortable.

The fact that Maria kept talking to him in English and expected him to answer back in the same way was what put that look on his face. Maria figured it was only right, after all the other four braves were talking to the slaves at the washing river by using a mix of English and Udeyona.

Unlike Max, Jesse, Will and Tom, Fighting Dog wasn’t as fluent as them since he’d only been learning English for the last three weeks. The other four had been in the group that had gone to learn at the white man’s school for those few years. Still that didn’t stop Maria’s teasing even though she knew the story behind Fighting Dog’s new desire to learn English.

After he’d met Maria, he’d gone to his younger brother and asked him if he would help him learn English so he could communicate with Maria. Max had been a little shocked at the request, but had agreed to help out. Then Max asked if Fighting Dog didn’t mind having Liz help out since she occasionally stood in as the translator for Gentle Otter and the two slave girls.

It didn’t take long after that for Maria to find out exactly what Fighting Dog was doing with Liz and Max. And when she found out he wanted to learn English, she decided there was no harm in lending a hand herself.

Normally Maria wasn’t that outspoken around the others such as Gentle Otter and Bright Moose, but that day she just couldn’t keep quiet. Especially since Fighting Dog had been teasing her about her new Udeyona name which she’d received.

As a take on the fact that she was a quick learner and such a sweet girl, Gentle Otter had thought to name her Swift Fawn. However, Fighting Dog got into the act and said she wasn’t an innocent little thing. While she was a quick learner, she was also quick to respond and become defensive when she had to. That and he knew how fast she could talk. So, fawn was changed to antelope and she was now known as Swift Antelope to the tribe.

So, while he teased her about the origins of her name, she retaliated by teasing him about his halted way of speaking English.

“What did you say?” she teased.

Fighting Dog pursed his lips before commanding. “Wass close!”

Maria giggled. “Don’t you mean wash the clothes, Michael?”

He rolled his eyes and looked at his younger brother. “Women! I take back what I said about a spitfire being amusing!”

Liz couldn’t hold back her giggles at hearing what Fighting Dog said to Max. Then again, even Max was grinning at it. However, since Maria was still learning Udeyona, all she was able to understand was the ‘women’ part.

With a sigh, she went back to washing the clothes since she knew she couldn’t respond to whatever he’d said unless someone translated it for her. She’d been a slave for a little over two years, although most of that time had been spent with the Alastigi tribe.

When she’d been with them she had never taken the time to learn how to speak their language because they had been nothing but rude to her from the beginning. She hadn’t seen any reason why she should attempt to communicate with the tribe when the majority of them tended to sneer and talk down to any of the slaves that were there. Granted, the tribe wasn’t an abusive one, but they weren’t warm and friendly either.

That was why she had come to the Udeyona tribe an angry young woman with a chip on her shoulder. However, once she’d realized just how different this tribe was from the Alastigi, she’d calmed down considerably. It helped that Gentle Otter and Bright Moose were much more friendly than her previous owners had been.

With the new hospitable tribe, Maria was more eager to learn not only the language, but about the culture as well. Then there was her own personal curiosity about her owner’s oldest son, Fighting Dog. Something about him just called out to her.

She knew she couldn’t exactly ask her owners about him or even Horse Dreamer when he was translating for them on occasion. She’d thought about asking Liz when she was helping Maria learn the language, but she didn’t want to be overheard by anyone who could get them into trouble. Still, she had been able to glean some information from Liz and also from keeping her ears sharp when Fighting Dog or anyone who knew him was close by.

Liz leaned in closer to Maria and whispered, “Don’t look now, but a certain brave seems eager for more of your teasing words.”

Maria raised an eyebrow in question. “It wouldn’t happen to be a brave whose name starts with an m, i, and c would it?”

At Liz’s wink, Maria gathered herself together and tried to come up with something to tease Michael about. Looking out of the corner of her eye, she could see him intently watching her when he was supposed to be watching their surroundings like the other braves were doing.

She made a show of taking the laundry off the rock and wringing them to get the excess water out before placing them into the basket she had. As soon as she was done, she rose to her feet and turned to face him.

With her hands on her hips, she gave him a nod. “See Michael! I did as you ordered! I wass close!”

Max and Liz chuckled at Maria’s imitation of Michael’s English while Michael shook his head at her words. However, even he had a ghost of a smile on his lips.

Max stepped towards Maria and was about to speak when one of the other slaves noticed the bushes near her were moving. Just as she was about to shout an alarm, a man stumbled through the bushes and fell at her feet. With one look at the bloody man, she screamed loudly, alerting the others.

Her scream had most of the braves reaching for their weapons even as they noticed the man was down. Despite all the blood, Max recognized him right away.

“Alex!” He shouted as he made his way to his friend’s side.

The others began to gather around as Max knelt next to Alex and held him up slightly. The other braves kept a keen eye out just in case someone was lurking in the bushes waiting to ambush them.

“Who did this to you?” asked Max as he took in most of the wounds.

Alex didn’t answer as his eyes rolled back into his head and he lost consciousness. Several of the women gasped as Liz leaned over Max’s shoulder to get a better look.

“Is he dead?” asked Maria.

“No, he is just asleep. The wounds must be taking the strength from him,” replied Max.

Jesse sheathed his knife before turning towards the village. “I will return with a travois to carry him to our village.”

Max nodded as he continued to look over Alex’s wounds. Liz moved to his side to help administer to Alex even as the rest of the braves continued to watch the surroundings.


“Horse Dreamer, Laughing Coyote is awake!” announced the brave who had been sent by the healer to fetch Max the moment Alex had awaken.

When Jesse had returned with the travois, they had lifted Alex up and taken him to the building that acted as the infirmary for those who needed serious healing. There he had been tended to by one of the tribe’s healers who had ushered everyone else out while saying he would send word when Laughing Coyote woke up.

Max quickly rose from his seat where he had been carving several pieces of wood to make new arrows in an attempt to keep himself calm. Although the moment the brave had made the announcement, Max had discarded the wood and sheathed his knife before walking swiftly through the village towards the infirmary.

Inside, Bright Moose was already there waiting for Alex to explain what had happened to him, just as he knew everyone else was waiting at their homes. As Max moved to the other side of the cot, his father gave him a nod before leaning over Alex.

Keeping his voice low, he spoke to Alex. “Laughing Coyote, can you hear us?”

Alex slowly opened his eyes even though his left one was slightly swollen. Bright Moose gave him a smile.

“Hello Laughing Coyote. You gave us a little scare for a while.”

Alex’s eyes wandered over to Max who also smiled down at him.

“Hi there Laughing Coyote. Can you understand us?” asked Max.

They watched as Alex licked his lips and swallowed as if he was parched. It took a couple of tries before he managed to croak out a response.

“Max,” he spoke in English. “…Gineduli.”

Max looked up at his father for a moment before looking down at his friend and answering in English. “The Gineduli tribe?”

“Yes,” answered Alex.

Max nodded. “They did this to you?”

“An-and my home…” They waited for him to continue. “Attacked…raided...”

Bright Moose frowned as his son translated the words he didn’t know. “Why would the Gineduli raid a lone trapper’s cabin?”

Max leaned over Alex and asked him, “Did they say why?”

“N-no. Left me for….for dead. Think they were…passing…angry they found noth…nothing.”

Max nodded as he straightened up and once more gave his father a brief translation. Bright Moose shook his head at the senselessness of the incident. He knew most tribes tended to raid and attack full camps, not just a lone person.

After all, raids were done in order for tribes to retrieve goods needed for survival. Attacks were done when the tribe had a beef with whoever they were attacking. While most tribes tried not to kill anyone during a raid, there were obviously exceptions. But from what Alex was saying, these braves from the Gineduli not only raided a lone person, but also attacked him brutally.

“I will ask to take a group of warriors to see what we can find at Laughing Coyote’s home,” Max said.

Bright Moose nodded at his son’s words. “Yes, I believe we should look at that first before we jump to any conclusions.”

Leaning over Alex once more, he spoke softly to him. “Get some rest, Laughing Coyote. We will find out why the Gineduli did this. Rest and I will fetch the healer again.”

Alex nodded as much as he could as his eyes began to close once more. The two men waited until he seemed to be sleeping before taking their leave. Walking into the outer room, Brave Moose turned to his son.

“Go call the council together so that we can tell them what happened and request that you go to Laughing Coyote’s home. I am going to talk to the healer.”

Max nodded before leaving the building in search of the council members. He hoped that they would be allowed to go before the light left and the evidence disappeared.


Six warriors sat astride their horses wearing a mixture of looks on their faces. Staring at the smoldering remains of what had once been the cabin of the Whitman trappers, they all knew this was nothing to take lightly.

Upon arriving, they discovered the cabin still in flames. They had quickly worked to put the fire out and in the end could only make sure the fire didn’t spread out into the surroundings. They had waited a bit before venturing close to the remains to see what they could discover.

Max had been the one to say that it did not look as if anything had really been taken. Granted he didn’t know everything that Alex kept in the cabin, but he’d been visiting enough to know some things. In fact, he and Liz had been to Alex’s cabin not even two days before and from what he could tell, it really did look like the raid had been just a random act of violence.

The only thing they could do now was to return to their village and see to sending someone to talk to the Gineduli in the hopes a plausible explanation could be had. Max seriously doubted there would be a good explanation for the destruction of his friend’s home, but he knew that was the protocol.

Michael moved his horse closer to Max’s knowing his younger brother was smoldering just as silently as the ruins of the home. “Horse Dreamer, we have done all that we can here. Let us return home and see to helping Laughing Coyote heal. Then we can see to helping him rebuilt his life as good as we can.”

Max’s hands tightened on the reins while he gave a curt nod as an answer.

“Laughing Coyote fought well to defend his home,” said Jesse as he reined his horse in on the other side of Max’s. “There are signs of struggle in front of the house and leading away from it. There are also many empty shells where windows would be.”

Jesse didn’t say anything Max didn’t already know. Those that knew Alex knew both he and his father had been great at trapping and hunting. Alex had been handy with guns so there would never have been a question of Alex being able to defend himself.

However, they knew the group of braves that had arrived had been too numerous for Alex to fight off alone. Still, Max knew Jesse and Michael were just trying to help him keep his temper reined. After a few moments, Max finally nodded.

“Fine. We found what we were looking for. Let us return home with the information.”

As the warriors turned their horses towards the village, Max could only hope the council would send someone to the Gineduli for some answers. And if it wasn’t good, he hoped the council would give them permission to retaliate against the tribe. After all, the Whitman trappers and all their belongings were supposed to be under the protection of the Udeyona tribe.


Re: TheLegendofDaringElk&HorseDreamer(M/LAdult)pt10(p20)6/18

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 7:17 pm
by Shadowlynxbehr
Part 11

A few days after the attack on Alex’s cabin, the dawn saw a stealthy group of warriors approaching an unsuspecting Gineduli tribe. Silently, the warriors crept closer and closer to the enemy’s homes using the ground and any shadowy brush they could find.

After Max and the others reported back to the council, Bright Moose and another elder were sent with two warriors as an escort to the Gineduli tribe to find out the truth. Bright Moose had returned tight-lipped with anger and told them what he had found out.

The warriors who had attacked the Whitman cabin had been returning from an unsuccessful raid of one of their rival tribes. Not wanting to show up empty handed, they decided to try to raid anyone and anything along the way back home. The Whitman cabin hadn’t been the only lone place to be raided.

However, what angered Bright Moose the most was that these warriors didn’t just raid the places they found. They destroyed the entire property even when there was nothing that they took from there. Then they assaulted the people and left them for dead.

These warriors hadn’t even cared if the people they assaulted were men, women, or children. No one had been spared. Alex had been one of the lucky ones too because he’d survived the attack. Some of the others had not only lost all their belongings, but they’d lost a family member or their own lives.

When Bright Moose asked why these warriors were not being held accountable for their actions, especially when the Gineduli were supposedly following the same laws as the Udeyona and the other allied tribes, he was told that it was not his concern. In the end, he’d found out that all those warriors had gotten was a slap on the wrist and told they would not be allowed to go out on the next raid.

Bright Moose had tried to reason with some of the council members of the Gineduli, but they insisted that they were taking care of things. Then right before he was about to return to the Udeyona, Bright Moose found out that the reason the warriors were not being held accountable was because the leader of the raiding party, the one who’d made the decision to raid and destroy on the way home, was the favorite son of the chief of the tribe.

This chief wasn’t like the chief of the Udeyona whose orders could be vetoed by the council. Instead, this chief ruled the council and the tribe with a cruel fist. Anytime one of the council members, or anyone else for that matter, tried to stand up to the chief they quickly found themselves or members of their families meeting with untimely accidents.

Bright Moose had taken that information and returned home upset over the fact that the Gineduli didn’t seem to hold any regard for the loss of lives or property. That and the fact that they all allowed the chief to be the dictator of the tribe.

Still, he’d managed to keep a rein on his temper as he told the Udeyona council what he’d found out. Luckily for him, most of the council were of the same mind as he was when it came to the careless use of lives, property, and most especially the land. They knew something had to be done, so they ordered for a group of warriors to raid the entire Gineduli tribe.

During this raid, the warriors were to collect anything that would be of immense value to the Gineduli. Anything the tribe needed to survive such as food and clothing, but they were not to damage lives or property unless it couldn’t be avoided.

The Udeyona council felt that by taking everything the Gineduli needed to survive on a day to day basis was enough to teach them a lesson. They would still have their shelter, their families, and their lives but they would be reduced to scrounging up meager scraps for food and the like.

Once the raiding party had been organized and given their orders, they were sent on their way. This was the group that now approached a still sleeping Gineduli tribe in the wee hours of the morning.

Among this group were Max, Michael and Jesse. Jesse had been the one chosen as the leader of the raid due to the fact that he was usually the calmest under fire and he was also the eldest with the most experience in raiding.

As a few of the warriors approached the edge of the tribe on foot, having left their horses a few leagues back with the rest of the waiting raiding party, Jesse signaled to them to get ready for the attack. All of them stopped in their tracks and waited silently and patiently for Jesse to give the order.

He scanned the area for a few moments, listening and watching for any sign of life or any warning. When he was certain that they would have the element of surprise, he signaled once more to the others and made his move. The others were only a second behind him as he dashed towards the homes and began the first wave of attack.

Within moments, the first wave had already managed to do what they’d been ordered to do before the Gineduli was aware of what was going on. The still sleepy inhabitants were finally becoming aware of their misfortune when the second wave came in.

Soon, the tribe was overrun with Udeyona warriors both on foot and on horseback. Gineduli warriors began scrambling for their weapons only to find that they’d already been taken or a Udeyona was preventing them from getting to them. The Udeyona quickly took care of those whom they figured would be the most threat to them which were mostly the warriors.

Still, the Udeyona warriors made sure not to mortally wound anyone from the Gineduli tribe. Several of the people were rendered unconscious, but were otherwise unharmed. The chief himself was dragged out to the center of the tribal village, tied to a pole, and striped of everything he had on his person.

All of his sons were treated the same way since none of the Udeyona warriors knew which one was the favorite and they were not going to take the time to ask. For most tribes, it was the greatest shame for a warrior to be captured and striped bare then left out in the open for all to see. As long as the Udeyona remained in the tribe, gathering up everything they could find, no one dared to rescue the chief and his sons.

In the end, archers on horseback remained behind with Jesse who spoke to the people of the Gineduli. While the archers kept their arrows notched in the direction of any capable Gineduli, Jesse’s voice rang out loud and clear for them to hear.

“For the senseless destruction of one who is under our tribe’s protection and the other innocents along the way, this is your punishment. Know that word of the destruction your last raiding party caused and your lack of disciplinary action has been sent to the other allied tribes. We have been ordered to take into possession anything we deem necessary for your day to day survival. All of these things will be given to those whose lives you have destroyed. Should any of you think to follow us, the warriors hidden in the surroundings will not hesitate to take you out. Should you try to raid our tribe in retaliation for what we did today, know that you will have declared open war with the allied tribes.”

He paused for a moment to let that sink in before he finished. “This is the will of the Udeyona council and that of the other councils of the allied tribes. Be thankful they have been merciful in allowing you to keep your lives and your homes.”

With that, he nodded to the other warriors surrounding him before turning his horse away from the tribe. The archers on horseback remained behind, allowing Jesse and the rest that were still on foot to disappear into the surroundings. Once they were gone, the archers spurred their horses to leave the tribe, but still kept their arrows notched. Even though they knew there were others hidden in the surroundings watching their backs, they were taking no chances.

Max and Michael had retreated before Jesse had and were waiting on horseback once more until the others joined them. When Jesse approached, Max handed him the reins of his horse then went to join Michael in leading a pack of horses they’d procured from the Gineduli. These horses were loaded down with plenty of belongings they’d taken from the Gineduli, including a number of slaves.

As Jesse signaled the order for them to begin their trek back to their home, Max took in everything they had managed to take and wondered if any of it would help to rebuild his friend’s life. For the time being Alex had been taken in by Max and Michael’s parents, but Max knew that kindness wasn’t always the answer to healing the kind of wounds Alex had received.


Tess looked up from doing her chores when she heard the sound of many hooves in the distance. She watched as the raiding party made their way into the village, bringing with them all the things they had taken from the Gineduli. Frowning when she realized that they had also brought back more slaves, she returned to doing her work in a pique.

Jesse dismounted from his horse as the council members approached them. He gave them their due before speaking to them. “We have done as you ordered. No one was mortally wounded and these are the things we have taken from them.”

He swept his arm out to encompass the stolen horses and their contents. The council members moved among the goods, murmuring to themselves. Finally one of them spoke to Jesse. “You have done well Black Weasel. We thank you and your raiders for a job well done. Let us take these supplies to the storage building were we can divide them up to be sent to those who have suffered needlessly.”

One of the other council members spoke up then. “Most of those who we seek to help do not deal in the use of slaves. There are a number of slaves among the supplies.”

Jesse nodded. “I apologize for that Elder Winging Owl. By the time I realized some of the warriors had taken slaves, it was already to late to return them.”

The elder who’d first spoken, waved him down. “It is of little consequence. We did not specify that slaves were to be left behind. Let us see if anyone in our tribe has need of a slave, if not we can send them on to the other allied tribes in thanks for backing us up.”

Jesse nodded once more and waited for the council to take their leave. Once they were gone, he began giving orders to his warriors to disperse or take the supplies to the storage building. Then he instructed Max, Michael, and two other braves to help him deal with the slaves.

The other four followed Jesse to where the small group of slaves were huddled. He walked up to them using a stance that wasn’t threatening to them at all. Standing before them, he spoke to them in a soft voice.

“Do not be afraid. We do not seek to harm any of you. I am Black Weasel and I would welcome you to my village, home of the Udeyona tribe.”

Before he could continue on, one woman who was nearly equal to him in height stepped forward. “You…you speak English?”

Jesse turned towards the voice to answer her. For a moment, his voice seemed to lodge in his throat as he stared at her. Awed by the way her hair shone like the sun, he remained speechless.

Max stepped up to take over for him. “Yes. Some of us do.”

She turned to look at him. “Some of you?”

He nodded. “Yes, those of us who were fortunate to attend a school owned by the white man learned English while there.”

“How many exactly?”

“Enough to fit on one hand,” replied Max as he held up his hand to her.

She nodded, understanding that there were probably only five Udeyona in the tribe who could speak English and she was looking at two of them. “I see and what is it that you would do with us?”

Jesse, who finally found his voice, answered her. “If you will come with us, we will take you to the council building. There you will be given to someone in our tribe who has need of a slave to help them with their life or you will be given to another tribe.”

She frowned. “So, we remain slaves then. Like we were for the other tribe you took us from.”

Jesse nodded. “Yes.”

“Are your people so useless that you have to resort to stealing slaves from another tribe?” she asked.

Max raised an eyebrow at her courage in saying that, but Jesse merely met her unwavering gaze with one of his own.

“No, we are not. Our orders were to take anything of value from the Gineduli to teach them a lesson. We were not told to leave the slaves behind. It was an honest mistake.”

She glanced to Max before looking back at Jesse. “A mistake huh? Well, to tell you the truth, I can already see that this tribe is at least civil to their slaves. I believe the Gineduli thought we were incapable of thinking. We were treated as if we were cattle.”

Max frowned. “Is that so? Were you not taken in by a family?”

She shook her head. “No, we were made to stay in a locked building with no windows. When they wanted to put one of us to work, they dragged that one out and tied a rope around our waist. Like I said, we were cattle to them.”

Max and Jesse exchanged glances before Jesse spoke to Max in Udeyona. “This is something else we are going to have to report to the council.”

Max nodded as she frowned at them. “What is it that you say?”

Jesse turned to her. “What you have just told us I will report to the council. The raid on the Gineduli tribe was a punishment for something they did wrong. Now I am hearing that the tribe has refused to follow more of our laws.”

“Are you saying we were being mistreated?”

Jessed nodded. “Yes. Come with me and I will show you how the allied tribes are supposed to treat their slaves.”

He gestured towards a building where several people could be seen casually walking in and out of it. From what she could tell most of them looked like the Udeyona warriors who stood in front of her. However, there were a couple of people who didn’t look like any of the Udeyona she’d seen so far.

Finally nodding, she began to walk towards the building. She stopping when she realized the others weren’t following, she gestured for them to join her. “It’s alright. I think we can trust them.”

Slowly, the other group of slaves began to join her. She held out her hand to one of the young boys in the group and when he placed his hand in hers, she turned to follow Jesse towards the building. Max, Michael, and the other two warriors took up the rear of the group.


Tess put away the last of the tools she’d been using and straightened up while pushing strands of hair away from her face. As she wiped away the sweat from her brow, she happened to glance in the direction of the council’s building. Her eyes went wide as recognized someone walking towards the building.

“Oh my God!” she whispered in disbelief. “Is it…”

For a moment she thought her eyes were playing tricks on her. In that moment, she thought she saw her mother holding the hand of a child as she walked along a garden path. But the vision faded only to be replaced with an image that was far better than anything she’d seen in years.

“Isabel!” she exclaimed as she took off at a run towards the group that were walking to the building.

Tess’ smile widened as the woman who’d been following Black Weasel turned her head in her direction. The woman frowned for a moment before recognition appeared on her features. Even as Tess neared her, the woman let go of the little boy’s hand she’d been holding and ran towards Tess.

“Tessa? Is it you?”

Tears of joy fell from Tess’ eyes as she flew into her older sister’s arms and hugged her tight. She sobbed against her sister’s shoulder.

“Oh Izzy! You’re alive! You’re really alive!”

Isabel held her little sister in her arms the way she used to when they’d been younger. Whenever Tess would cry or be upset about something, Isabel had always been there to comfort her and make things alright again. Even when she was just a little girl, Tess had always thought that her big sister was so much like their mother. They had both been gentle and nurturing with those they loved, yet still possessed the strength to protect them too.

The others watched the exchange between the two blonde women. Jesse leaned in to Max and whispered in Udeyona, “We should tell the council to try to make sure that one stays in this tribe since it appears that they are sisters.”

Max nodded his agreement. He knew he father would definitely agree to that one. Bright Moose was one of the few people in the tribe who believed slaves tended to be healthier and happier when surrounded by those they were close to. And it was clear from watching the two women that Tess would be a lot happier to have her sister nearby.


Michael hastened to Max’s side as he headed towards their parent’s home. “Hey Horse Dreamer, going to see Laughing Coyote?”

Max nodded as he wiped the last of the water from his hair. After he and the others had taken the slaves to the council building and left them in the care of the elders, they had gone to the river to bathe. Now clean again, Max was anxious to get to his parent’s home to see how his friend was doing.

Michael tugged his jerkin over his still wet torso as he kept pace with his younger brother. Unlike Max, Michael had taken his time bathing until he’d seen his little brother leaving the river bank. He glanced at Max out of the corner of his eye before murmuring.

“Are you really in a hurry to see Laughing Coyote?”

Max frowned at him. “I want to see if he’s any better than he was when we left.”

“Really?” At Max’s nod he added, “And it’s not because a certain someone is supposed to be there helping the spitfire out?”

Michael didn’t miss the slight redness that appeared on his brother’s face.

“What are you talking about?” Max asked in feigned innocence.

Michael chuckled. “Oh come on Horse Dreamer, you and I both know that Daring Elk has been helping Swift Antelope to care for Laughing Coyote even while translating for our parents and their new slaves.”

Still Max refused to admit it. “So?”

Michael stopped Max with a hand on his arm. Facing his younger brother, he gave him a serious look. “Horse Dreamer, I am not blind. Just as you know of my attraction to Swift Antelope, I know of yours to Daring Elk. And I want you to know little brother, I don’t see anything wrong with that. If you like her, if she’s what you want then go get her and I will stand behind you no matter what. Okay?”

Max gave his brother a grateful look. “Okay. Thank you, Fighting Dog.”

Michael gave him a smile before they both resumed their walk to their parent’s house.


Liz looked up when she heard the flap being pushed aside. Michael walked into the room followed by Max. The moment Max’s eyes met hers, they shared a secret smile. She was glad he had made it back okay.

Michael moved to sit next to Maria while she sat near Alex’s head. As Max moved to sit near Liz at Alex’s feet, Michael whispered to Maria.

“How is he?”

Maria turned to smile at him. “He’s getting better, but still sleeping.”

“No, I was asleep until they made all that noise walking in here,” came Alex’s groggy voice as he opened his eyes to grin at them.

Max chuckled to see that his friend still had his sense of humor. “Well, well look who’s still alive.”

“What can I say? You two made enough noise to wake the dead.”

Michael frowned. “I do not understand?”

Alex repeated his words in Udeyona making Michael laugh.

“You are never going to forgive us for sneaking up on you and scaring you when you were ten are you?” taunted Michael.

“You two got lucky! I wasn’t trained to be a warrior yet!” replied Alex.

Max laughed at Alex’s excuse. “A warrior? Who said anything about being a warrior? I was only nine Laughing Coyote! I wasn’t even a man yet, let alone a warrior!”

Alex rolled his eyes before replying in English. “Fine, laugh it up you two. Just you wait, one of these days I’m gonna get you back.”

The others laughed as Alex continued to banter with Max and Michael for a little longer. However when it was clear that Alex was beginning to tire, Michael told Alex that he would come to visit him the following day and Max offered to walk Liz back to her home.

Maria and Liz made sure Alex was comfortable before they followed the two men outside. Leaving Maria to chat with Michael, Max and Liz made their way towards her home.

Max led Liz along a path near the outskirts of the village. As they slowed their pace to a leisurely stroll, Max slid his hand into Liz’s. She glanced up at him with a smile.

“I’m glad you’re okay, Max. I was worried when I heard Bright Moose talk about what he saw there.”

Max gave her hand a squeeze. “Thank you. It wasn’t that hard, we planned it well. And Jesse is a good leader.”

She grinned at him. “You know, you’re not so bad yourself.”

When he gave her a puzzled look she added, “there are plenty of people in this tribe that look up to you too.”

He shrugged. “That may be so, but I’m not as experienced as Jesse is. Especially with raiding.”

She stopped walking to look at him. “But you fight well.”

He arched an eyebrow. “I do?”

She blushed when she realized that he didn’t know about that day. “Oh, um…”

When she faltered, Max moved closer to her. “Liz? What is it?”

Blushing even more, she looked him in the eyes. “I saw you Max. It was a few days before you saw me bathing at the river. You were in the field sparring with another brave and there were others watching you. I saw you win your round.”

Max looked away from her as he thought back to that day. He remembered it well. Lizard Walks had been a tough competitor, yet he had managed to get the upper hand to win that round.

He grinned. “Oh, you saw that.”

She nodded. “Yes and you won. I saw them congratulate you.”

“Right. Well, Lizard Walks was a good fighter. I thought I was going to lose.”

She smiled at him. “But you didn’t.”

He shook his head before starting to walk along the path once more. “No, I guess I didn’t.”

As he started to lose himself in thoughts of that day once more, he almost missed the soft words Liz spoke. “You looked really good that day.”

When those words registered, he came to a halt. Looking at her, he noticed the faint blush of her cheeks and the fact that she was looking at the ground. At first he couldn’t understand why she would be embarrassed about watching him fight until he thought more about that day. And if she had seen him the way he’d seen her at the river, suddenly it became clear to him.

He smiled as he realized why Liz hadn’t pushed him away when he’d kissed her. She had wanted it just as much as he had. Now he understood her words when she’d told him she had been wanting him to do that for a while. With that realization, he knew his brother was right. It was time he went after what he wanted.

Leaning closer to Liz, Max lifted her chin with his hand. Looking into her eyes, he smiled at her. “I forgive you Liz, for spying on me,” he said with a twinkle in his eyes.

She laughed softly at his joke until his lips covered hers and stole her breath. Just like before, his lips brushed hers lightly but only for a moment. In the next moment, he wrapped his arms around her waist and deepened the kiss.

Liz didn’t hesitate to wrap her arms around his shoulders. Parting her lips, she teased his tongue until he dipped it into her mouth, tasting her. As their tongues dueled, Max slid his hands up her back pulling her even closer to him.

When they came up for air, Max pressed his forehead against hers. “Kissing you is dangerous for me.”

“How so?” she asked in a breathless voice.

“I can never get enough of it. Every time I kiss you, I just want more.” He took her lips into his again, kissing her until air became necessary again. Even then his lips remained close to hers.

“I can’t stop,” he murmured against her lips.

“Me neither,” came her reply.

He smiled at that and went in for another deep kiss. His hands buried themselves in her hair to hold her to him. And when he felt her hands slide up the front of his jerkin clad chest, he couldn’t stop the moan that escaped his lips.

“Liz,” he mumbled against her lips.


“We have to stop.”

“Mm hm,” she replied as she curled her hands into the front of his jerkin.

They continued to kiss for a few more moments before Max finally forced himself away from her lips. Once more he leaned his forehead against hers. “Liz…”

She pressed a finger against his lips. “It’s okay. I know. I should be getting home.”

Max nodded as he pulled away from her. They collected themselves before resuming their walk towards her home, hand in hand.


Re: TheLegendofDaringElk&HorseDreamer(M/LAdult)pt11(p22)6/29

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:37 pm
by Shadowlynxbehr
Part 12
*One month later*

Isabel finished putting the last of her laundry into her basket before glancing at her younger sister. Straightening up, she turned a grin on Liz.

“You almost finished?” she asked.

Liz nodded in reply. However, when the two of them looked at Tess, they knew she was far from finished.

Shaking her head in disgust, Isabel moved closer to Tess’ side to help her. “Tessa, you’re going to be the last one here if you don’t hurry up!”

Tess shrugged. “What’s the rush? It’s not like we have anything interesting to do once we go back to our owner’s homes.”

Isabel and Liz shared a look before returning to what they were doing. It had been a little over a month since Isabel had become a slave of the Udeyona tribe. Jesse and Max had both made sure the council knew that she was Tess’ older sister in order for her to stay within the tribe.

Once that was established, an older couple whose children were no longer there to help, put in a bid for Isabel. The day after she’d arrived, she became a slave for the couple. At that point, she had met Liz and some of the other slaves who had helped to soothe Isabel’s wariness as well as the other slaves who had arrived with her from the Gineduli tribe.

A couple of days after the raid, the remaining slaves who were not claimed by the Udeyona were taken to other tribes who would have use for them. Will, one of the braves who had learned with Max, went with Bright Moose and the other Udeyona braves to help with translating for the slaves.

Isabel began learning the ways of the Udeyona with the help of Liz and Tess mostly. Of course, there was also the fact that she was getting help from a source no one else knew about. A source whom she was more than happy to receive help from. If she was ever asked, she’d use the excuse that he was often the closest one she could run to if she needed a translation, but deep down she knew that wasn’t true.

Even Jesse knew that the reason Isabel often came to him for help was because she was attracted to him as he was to her. The moment Jesse had found out that the girl with the hair like the sun was his new neighbor, he had readily volunteered his services to help her fit in.

Isabel had admitted to him that once she’d gotten over the shock of hearing him speak English, that she had thought he was the most handsome man she had ever seen. And as the days turned into weeks, they had spent more and more time together because of their proximity to each other.

It was during that time that they both began to see that there was more than just a physical attraction between them. Isabel liked the way he was very direct and to the point with everyone, including her. Jesse always seemed to be quick to answer truthfully and he was also good at keeping the peace. In other words, he could look at a situation and get it fixed within moments.

Not only did he have a quick mind, but he also had a very dry sense of humor which most of the others didn’t always understand. However, Isabel got it and loved that he always went out of his way to make her smile. At first, he had kept a respectable distance, but when she had told him she liked him, he had relaxed enough to get closer to her.

For Jesse, he had immediately been attracted to her strength once he’d gotten past her radiant beauty. He loved the way she was very nurturing towards others. She was always looking out for everyone around her, but most especially the couple she now belonged to and her little sister.

He also loved the inquisitive nature she had. Isabel was always asking questions and trying to find answers as to why things were the way they were. She was the kind of woman who could keep a man like him on his toes and he’d begun to realize that when he needed someone to bounce ideas off of or to help figure out a solution, she was the best one to go to.

So, their meetings had quickly gone from Jesse teaching Isabel about the Udeyona to the two of them just getting to know each other. Jesse had told her about his life as a Udeyona and going away to learn English among the whites. She also knew who his closest friends were and some other personal things about him.

She had told him about her own life as a child and how the Gineduli had treated her. Then she had confided in him how she felt to be reunited with her sister and the way she felt about Tess’ reluctance to do anything about her situation.

The moment she’d found out about Tess, Isabel had done what everyone else had. She’d tried to talk sense into her sister. When that hadn’t worked, she’d gone to Liz and asked if she knew what was going on. Eventually she had discovered that not only had Liz tried to talk to Tess, but so had Max, most of the slaves, and a few others including Jesse.

However, she had quickly realized how all of their hands were tied unless Tess spoke up first. So, dealing with her little sister’s strange behavior was yet another thing she confided in Jesse about. For his part, he always lent her a shoulder to lean on and gave advice if she asked for it.

Once the other slaves were done, they began to split up into groups to head back to their homes where they would finish up their chores. Liz, Tess, and Isabel were among one group that went one way while Maria went with another group. As their group made their way down the trail, some of them would veer off onto an adjoining trail which would lead them to their homes until only Liz, Tess, Isabel and one brave were left on the main trail.

The three slaves talked among themselves as they walked down the trail with the lone brave taking up the rear position. They reached another fork in the road just as Tess had finished telling Liz how happy she was that Isabel had been chosen to stay within the Udeyona tribe because it gave them the chance to be a family again.

Liz waved good-bye to Isabel and Tess as they walked down the main trail before she and the brave went down the other trail. When the trail branched off once more, the brave went one way and Liz the other.

Liz had taken only a few steps when she suddenly heard shouts coming from the direction she knew Isabel and Tess had gone. She stopped to listen with a frown until the high pitched scream rang out. Dropping her basket, she took off at a run towards the scream and burst into a chaotic scene only moments later.

Tess’ screams continued to echo around them as she lay on her back on the ground desperately fighting two men off of her. One held her arms down as the other worked on ripping her clothes off from the waist down.

Isabel was lying on her side a few feet away, curled up with her arms around her middle. There was blood and dirt scattered all over her face and arms. Another man and a woman holding a thick stick, stood over the softly moaning Isabel as the other two men continued to work on Tess.

Without a second thought, Liz jumped into the fray, launching herself at the man who’d been tearing Tess’ clothes off. Grabbing fistfuls of his hair, she yanked as hard as she could which made him stumble back and scream in agony.

The man righted himself and turned to glare at Liz’s hands which held bits of his hair before he advanced on her. Cursing in Udeyona, he lifted his hand to strike her.

“You bitch! How dare…”

Before his hand could make contact, Max grabbed his wrist and twisted his arm behind him holding him prisoner as he hissed a warning. Liz stared wide-eyed at Max’s timely rescue as Michael dragged the other man off of Tess and pinned him to the ground.

Jesse was in the process of dragging the third man off of Isabel since he and the woman had resumed beating her moments ago. The woman now sat on the ground nursing a bloody nose while the third man began swinging at Jesse. Jesse ducked and landed a perfect punch to the man’s jaw effectively knocking him out.

Jesse immediately went to check on Tess while Michael and Max held their prisoners at bay. Glad that she only had a few scrapes and bruises besides the slightly torn clothes, Jesse took the blanket Michael tossed to him and wrapped it around her body before going to Isabel’s side.

Kneeling next to her, he took in her much worse injuries. She had a black eye and blood ran from the corner of her mouth. He could tell from the way she lay on her side, breathing heavily and clutching her middle that she had to have a broken rib or two. Her bad condition plus the soft sobs that escaped between her labored breathing tore at Jesse’s heart.

Suddenly seeing red, he rose to his feet and grabbed the woman by her arms. Yanking her to her feet, he shook her as he roared at her.

“What is the meaning of this?”

The woman spat blood on the ground before glaring at him. “It is none of your business what we do here. That girl is our slave and we will do what we wish with her!”

She indicated Tess with an incline of her head.

Jesse grabbed her by the front of her shirt and dragged her over to Isabel. “She is not your slave, yet you beat her!”

The woman shrugged. “She’s still a slave who should be taught her place. She should know better than to interfere in our business.”

Jesse gritted his teeth as he shoved the woman to the ground. “How would you like to know what it feels like to be beaten and raped the way you were helping these men do to helpless women?”

Michael, Max and Liz could see the way Jesse’s hands were curling into fists. They knew he was about to give the woman a taste of what she’d helped to start. But before he could take a step towards the woman, Max spoke up.

“Black Weasel, we should take these people to the council and see to the injuries of the two women!”

Jesse slowly nodded before glaring at the woman. “You go first. I’ll be just behind you.”

She lifted her chin in defiance, but did as Jesse ordered. As she led the way, Jesse knelt next to Isabel and whispered to her.

“I will lift you up and carry you to the village healer, yes?”

Isabel nodded as she gritted her teeth against the pain while Jesse helped her sit up. She wrapped an arm around his shoulder while she kept the other one around her middle. Jesse positioned her in his arms so that he would inflict the least amount of pain possible to her ribs before he rose to his feet and followed the woman out of the clearing.

Michael hauled his prisoner to his feet and shoved him in front of him even as Max motioned for his own prisoner to fall in beside Michael’s prisoner. As they set off, Max went to kneel at Tess’ side while Liz was on her other side.

“Tess, can you walk?” he asked.

She nodded numbly in reply.

Max glanced at Liz with a soft smile. “Will you help her get to the village healer? I have to get him.”

Liz nodded as Max indicated the unconscious man still lying where Jesse had left him. While Max went to the man and managed to drape him over his shoulder, Liz helped a dazed Tess to her feet. Wrapping her arm around Tess’ shoulders, Liz began to lead her back to the village with Max taking up the rear.


The four accused Udeyona stood before the council awaiting the outcome. Three of them were the family that owned Tess. The husband, who had originally owned Tess stood between his second wife and his son as they faced the council. Next to the son was his best friend who’d also been involved in the assault on Isabel and Tess.

Off to the side standing between the council and the accused, were the three rescuers and Liz. Jesse had immediately summoned the council and accused the four perpetrators of assault and attempted rape in front of the council members.

Once Jesse had made his accusation, two of the council members had gone to the healer’s building to see if they could get statements from Isabel and Tess. While they were away, the rest of the people left in the council building remained were they were and silently waited for their return.

When the two council members finally returned, both Isabel and Tess were with them. It was clear that Isabel wanted to be there to make her statement in person, so they had placed her on a travois that could be wheeled into the building. As soon as Isabel was comfortable and Tess had sat down next to Liz for support, the hearing began.

“Blue Deer, are you aware that Black Weasel is accusing your family of assault and attempted rape?” asked one of the council members.

Tess nodded without looking up at them.

“You must respond vocally, my dear.”

came her soft reply.

“Very well. Can you tell me what happened?”

“My sister and I were walking back from the river…we were…walking…”

When Tess faltered, Isabel spoke up for her. “We had just come from doing laundry at the river. The two of us were on the path that led to our homes when the four of them came up to Blue Deer. Her owner yelled at her and accused her of being late, but when she didn’t reply, his wife slapped her.

When she still didn’t say anything, he told his son to teach her a lesson. As soon as he and his friend grabbed Blue Deer, I knew what they were going to do so I tried to stop them. Before I could pull her away from them, her owner and his wife came at me with a stick and began to beat me. I yelled at them and tried to fight them off even as the two others pushed my sister to the ground.”

“Blue Deer, do you agree with Golden Skunk’s account?”

replied Tess.

“Very well, continue Golden Skunk.”

“I couldn’t fight them off and the two of them had Blue Deer pinned to the ground. I could hear her screaming as they tried to force themselves on her. That’s when Daring Elk showed up.”

The council members turned to Liz and indicated that she move closer to the center. “How did you know what was going on?” One of them asked.

“I had been down at the river with them too. I had been a part of their group walking back to the village, but I left them when I reached the other path that would take me home. I had only been walking on that path for a few minutes when I heard someone shouting. When I stopped to listen, I heard the first scream. That was when I ran towards the sounds and soon came upon them.”

“What did you see?”

“Blue Deer’s owner and his wife were standing over Golden Skunk and his wife had a stick in her hand. Their son was tearing Blue Deer’s clothes off while his friend held her down. I saw how badly they had beaten Golden Skunk and knew what they were doing to Blue Deer, so I ran at the son and grabbing him by his hair to pull him off of her. When he tried to hit me for interfering, Horse Dreamer stopped him.”

The council members nodded as the motioned for Max, Michael, and Jesse to take the center. “How did you three come upon them?”

It was Max who answered. “We were returning from helping Laughing Coyote to rebuild his home when we heard the screams. Black Weasel was the first to reach the scene.”

“I saw the two of them beating Golden Skunk, so I went to them first since they were closer. She swung the stick at me, so I grabbed it out of her hand and back-handed her before I struggled with her husband to get him off of Golden Skunk.”

“I was right behind Black Weasel and since he was taking care of those two, I went to stop their son from hitting Daring Elk,”
added Max.

Michael finished it off. “I grabbed his friend and pulled him off of Blue Deer before he could pick up where his friend had left off.”

“He wouldn’t stop swinging at me, so I had no choice but to knock him out,”
added Jesse as he pointed at Tess’ owner.

The council members continued to listen as Jesse explained the rest of the incident with Max and Michael filling in from time to time. When they were done, the council asked Liz if what they had said was true and she agreed that their story was correct. Even Tess and Isabel had backed up their story.

Once the council had the full account, they told the four accused that they could tell their side of the story if they felt they were being wronged. However, when the wife began to rant at how it was still their business to reprimand a slave who refused to obey orders, the council asked her where it said in their laws that it was permissible to beat a slave into submission.

The four of them couldn’t deny that they had not used violence on the slaves since the evidence was right in front of them. They couldn’t deny that they had taken the laws of the tribe into their own hands and misused it according to their benefit.

The council could clearly see that Tess’ owners and their son were not at all sorry for how they had been treating her. The only one who seemed remorseful was the son’s best friend who had remained mostly silent through it all with his head hanging in shame.

Since his family was also in attendance, the council handed down the ruling to him that he was to be stripped of his warrior status and sent to a neighboring tribe where he would become a slave to one of their families for five years. Only after that time would he be allowed to come back to his own family and given the chance to regain his warrior status through hard work.

To the family that had owned Tess, a much harsher punishment was handed down. The entire family was to be stripped of all their possessions, including their home. Everything they owned would either be given to the new owner of Tess or divided among the rest of the tribe.

Then their names would be erased from the tribal records and the three of them would be cast out into the wilderness to fend for themselves. It was said that if they wished to act like animals, then they would live like animals. They were warned not to try to go to another tribe for help since their names would be listed as enemies to all the allied tribes.

As soon as the punishments were handed out, the braves who were on guard duty for the council took the four accused into custody and walked them out to begin their exiles. As soon as the room was cleared of all except the council members, the three assaulted women, and their three rescuers, Jesse stepped into the center again.

“If I may, I’d like to put my request to the council for the ownership rights of Blue Deer.”

As one, his friends and Isabel and Liz turned to look at him. Isabel wore a smile on her face as she realized what Jesse was doing for her. No one spoke as the council members murmured among themselves once more.

Then a few moments later, they turned to look at Jesse. “We accept your request and agree that it will be in her best interest to be taken in by you. As soon as the healer gives her leave, you may take her into your home. In the meantime, you should go to her previous owner’s home to claim anything you believe you can use.”

Jesse gave the council a respectful bow as they dismissed him and the others from the room. As he made his way through the village, Isabel asked him to accompany her back to the healer’s building for a few moments.

It was there while they had a few moments alone that Jesse told Isabel the truth of why he’d done it. He was falling in love with her and as such, he wanted to do anything to make her happy. He knew Isabel would love having her sister close by and since Tess was the sister of the woman he loved, he would do anything to protect them both.

Isabel told him how grateful she was that he had done that for her and then confessed that she too was falling in love with him. Making sure that he knew her feelings for him had started long before that day, she accepted his formal request of courting her. Soon, he left the healer’s building after telling her that he would formally ask her owners for the right to court her openly.

And Isabel, she reclined on the bed in the healer’s building with a dreamy smile on her face while she stroked the feather entwined in her long golden tresses.


Re: TheLegendofDaringElk&HorseDreamer(M/LAdult)pt12(p23)7/10

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 6:27 pm
by Shadowlynxbehr
Part 13
*Two weeks later*

Max walked along the path that led towards Liz’s home. Glancing up, he smiled when he saw Jesse and Isabel strolling along the edge of the forest holding hands. They looked like they were headed towards one of the more private sections of the river where couples often liked to meet.

The day after Isabel’s owners had given Jesse permission to court her, Jesse had gone to confide in Michael since they were best friends. Michael had been working out with Max, so Jesse had told them both the news. Now, two weeks later it was common to see Jesse and Isabel having quiet moments to themselves. Although Max knew that neither one of them had made a huge announcement of their courtship, they did tell anyone the truth when asked.

However, he knew that Liz and Tess still didn’t know about it. Isabel had said she wasn’t ready to tell her little sister about them because Tess was still trying to adjust living with Jesse while dealing with what had happened to them. As for Liz, Isabel hadn’t really been around Liz long enough to be able to tell her the news.

As he neared Liz’s home, he glanced in that direction in time to see her staring after Jesse and Isabel who had just disappeared into the forest. He saw the look she wore as she continued to gaze in that direction even after the couple were gone. There was a smile on her lips and a far away look in her eyes.

She turned in his direction and the smile widened, a sparkle replacing the look in her eyes. “Hi Max.”

He returned her smile. “Hello, Liz. It is a nice day, yes?”

She nodded. “Yes it is.”

He fell into step with her as she walked back to her home with a basket of vegetables in her arms.

“So, what are you doing here Max?” she asked in a soft voice.

Max shrugged. “I thought I would…”

“Horse Dreamer!” came the call of a young brave as he scampered up to them. When Max looked down at him, he continued. “The council has called an emergency meeting. All warriors are being asked to go to the building immediately.”

Max sighed as he gave the boy a nod. “I’m on my way then.”

The boy gave him a polite bow before running off to find any other warriors to relay the message to. Max turned and gave Liz a disappointed look. Liz smiled at the way he almost looked like he was pouting.

Patting him on the arm, she gave him an understanding smile. “It’s okay Max. I’ll see you later.”

Reluctantly, Max nodded and gave her a wistful smile. “Yes, I will see you later.”

She watched as he stood there for a few more moments as if there was something on his mind that he’d wanted to say, but then thought better of it. He turned to walk away, before looking over his shoulder and giving her a wave.

Liz returned his wave, watching him until he’d disappeared in the distance. Then she hoisted the basket back into her arms and continued on her way to her home to wash them. As she walked, she thought back to seeing Jesse and Isabel earlier.

She wondered just what was going on between them now. She knew Isabel had taken a liking to Jesse since she’d already mentioned that before, but at that time it hadn’t seemed to be serious. From what she just saw, it was definitely getting serious.

As she reached her house, she wondered if Tess knew anything about it since she now lived with Jesse. Then again, Isabel might not have told her anything since she knew how her younger sister felt about being in the situation she was in. Not only was Tess having to adjust to living with Jesse as his slave, but she also made no bones about how she didn’t like living among the Udeyona or any other tribe for that matter.

Sighing to herself, she hoped that Isabel and Jesse were truly happy with each other. In fact, she hoped that she and Max could look that happy some day too. Unfortunately, it seemed that every time one of them wanted to find some time with the other one, something was always interrupting them.


Max entered the council building to find it already filling up with warriors and elders. Michael spotted him and motioned him over to where he stood with a few other warriors. He made his way over to his older brother’s side just as Jesse appeared in the doorway looking a bit disgruntled.

Then again if Jesse had been interrupted from his sojourn with Isabel the same way he’d been interrupted with Liz, Max could completely understand why he was scowling. Jesse made his way over to the group and narrowed his eyes in the direction of a group of council elders.

“Any idea why this emergency meeting has been called?” he asked.

Michael and Max shook their heads as Michael answered him. “All I know is that a few warriors and elders from our allied tribes rode in earlier this morning. They’ve been meeting with our council since then.”

“Well whatever it is that they met about is probably the reason we are all here now,” replied Max.

The other two nodded in agreement as others continued to walk into the building. Everyone waited around in small groups, chatting idly among themselves. It was apparent the council wasn’t going to start explaining anything until they were sure everyone who needed to be there was present.

Finally, after several more minutes the council called for silence in the room. As the noise died down, Max looked around to see who was all there. He could see his father standing with a group near the council seats. His mother was standing in a group that wasn’t that far from her husband’s group. He noticed that most of the women she was standing with were also the elders of the tribe.

Then looking around the rest of the room, he realized that it was full of nothing but the council, the important elders, and the warriors. That meant that whatever the meeting was about, it affected then entire tribe since those in important positions were in attendance.

“People of the Udeyona, I thank you all for coming as quickly as you could,” began one of the council members. He was standing on a dais and projecting his voice as loud as he could so that everyone could hear him.

“We have called you all here this day because there has been misfortune for several of our allied tribes. It seems there is a group of tribes from the north who have come down to raid our allies. This group has many in number. Too many for any of our allies to fight off alone. As such, those that have already been hit have traveled among the rest of us not only to warn, but to ask that we all band together and head off to defeat our enemies.

From what we have been told, our allies have already been sending their willing warriors and some elders who are experts in warfare to a camp that is to be the site of the war. We have all discussed this at length and feel it is our duty to send our own warriors and elders to this camp in the early hours of tomorrow morning. There is no time to waste since the raids continue even as we speak.

Now, we must decide which warriors will stay behind to protect our tribe and which we will send to war. We must also decide which elders will go as part of the war council. That is why we have called you all to this place. We must make the decision as soon as possible so that those who will go to war can have the last part of the day to prepare for tomorrow and to spend time with their loved ones.”

The moment he was finished with his speech, the room began to fill with many voices. It was apparent that while many did not like the sudden need of a decision, it couldn’t be helped. They all knew war would wait for no one.

That being said, it was also obvious that no warrior would refuse to go since doing so would bring shame on himself and his family. And as the council began to make the list of which elders and which warriors would be going off to war, Max turned to look at his older brother and their friends.

While every one of them wore the proud faces of a warrior, there was some sadness in the eyes of those who would be leaving a loved one behind. It was the same look Max was certain was in his own eyes.


Liz glanced up as she heard a scratch at the front door of her family’s home. Since she was in the process of tidying up the room and the remains of the family dinner, Squirrel Gathers went to the door and pulled back the flap. A smile spread over Liz’s lips as she saw Max standing in the doorway.

He nodded to Squirrel Gathers in greeting and asked if Crow Flies was within. She replied that he was and asked him to wait while she went to fetch him from his room. Liz continued to clean up the area even though she was aware of Max’s gaze following her as she moved around.

A few moments passed before Crow Flies appeared in the room with Squirrel Gathers behind him. He greeted Max and stepped outside to talk to him for a bit. Since the flap had been allowed to fall back into place, Liz couldn’t hear what they were talking about. All that reached her ears were soft murmurs of a conversation between the two men.

The conversation didn’t last too long since the flap was once more pushed aside and Crow Flies entered the room again. He went up to Liz as she finished stacking the dirty utensils in a basket and waited until she looked up at him.

With a soft smile he spoke to her. “Horse Dreamer has requested that you accompany him for a walk to the horse’s compound. I have allowed that if you are willing. May I tell him you will be along shortly?”

A little stunned and curious as to why Max wanted to see her at this time of night she nodded her assent. Crow Flies grinned at her.

“Then I will relay your answer while you go get ready.”

As he returned outside, Liz went to her room to freshen up since she was covered in soot and grease from the preparations and what not of the evening’s meal. A few minutes later, dressed in a clean hide-skin dress, she pushed the flap open and stepped outside where Max and Crow Flies were still chatting.

The men turned upon hearing her and Crow Flies gave Max a nod. “Ah, here she is Horse Dreamer. I will leave you to your walk now.”

He gave Liz a smile as he walked back into his home, leaving her alone with Max. As she glanced up at Max, he stepped to her side and motioned towards a path.

“Come, let us go for a walk, yes?”

Liz nodded and fell into step with Max as they began to make their way towards the horse’s compound. They were half-way there when Max reached out and took her hand into his. She graced him with a smile, but otherwise the two of them stayed silent as they continued to walk down the path.

The moment Max had found out that he was one of the warriors chosen to go, he knew he was going to seek out Liz. He knew he needed to talk to her before he left for war. All he was hoping for was that Crow Flies understood why he had wanted to talk to Liz at that time of night. Luckily for him, he had. Especially since most of the men in the village already knew about it.

Crow Flies knew because both of his sons had also been chosen to go. In fact, his sons had just finished telling him the news right before Horse Dreamer had shown up asking to see Daring Elk. While most would have found it strange for a warrior to come asking to take their slave out for a walk, Crow Flies knew this wasn’t just any walk.

While Horse Dreamer hadn’t come and told him outright, Crow Flies knew Horse Dreamer’s interest in Daring Elk ran deep. He was certain that Horse Dreamer had feelings for Daring Elk the way he had feelings for Whispering Dragonfly. It was obvious when the younger man looked at Daring Elk when he believed no one was aware of it.

That was why he’d allowed Horse Dreamer to take Daring Elk out for a walk. Because he knew Horse Dreamer needed to be with Daring Elk before he had to leave for what could be a very long time. He knew they would both need time with each other just like all the other warriors needed their time with those who were close to them.


Liz glanced at Max out of the corner of her eye. They had arrived at the horse’s compound some time ago and in that time, Max had remained silent. He had yet to let go of her hand as they both sat on a small haystack just outside of the fence that kept the horses together.

At first, she hadn’t minded the silence since it had been nice to simply walk at his side while he held her hand. She had assumed that they would talk once they were at the compound where there would be less chance of anyone seeing or hearing them. However, here they were and he was just sitting there looking lost in thought.

Finally deciding he wasn’t going to say anything unless she spoke up first, she gave his hand a gentle squeeze and waited for him to look at her. When he did, she gave him an encouraging smile as she asked him what was on his mind.

Max stared at her for a few moments before he pulled their clasped hands into his lap, making her move closer to his side. When she was sitting as close to him as possible, he seemed to gather his wits about him before he began to talk.

“I know we have not had time to spend with each other, but I think it is time to just tell you the truth.”

Liz gave him a puzzled look. “The truth?”

He nodded. “I want you to know how I feel about you. How I’ve felt about you since the first day I ever saw you.”

Liz blinked as she realized what he was trying to say. “Max?”

He gave her a smile as he continued. “Even then, at such a young age you had a fire inside of you. I remember thinking that you were the most interesting girl I had ever seen. You were so full of life, more so than any other girl in the village. You were standing there being brave and strong to all of the strangers in the tribe and all I could think of was how much I wanted to touch your hair.”

With those words, he did reach up to run his fingers through her hair. Liz smiled at him as his fingers moved from her hair to cradle her cheek in his hand.

“And when I returned from the white man’s school and saw you again, you were all grown up. And I still wanted to touch you hair.”

She blushed. “Oh Max…”

He leaned closer to her as his voice came out in a husky whisper. “I also wanted to touch your skin just like this. And your lips.”

He brushed his own lips over hers before continuing. “Then when I had the chance to do all that, I began to realize that I wanted more.”

He looked into her eyes as he held her face in his hands. “I wanted to be able to touch you whenever I felt like it and I wanted you to want to touch me.”

She smiled. “I do Max.”

He touched his nose with hers for a moment before he leaned back to look into her eyes again. “I’m glad Liz, but I want to be able to do this with you in front of everyone. But only if you are willing.”

“If I’m willing?” she asked.

He nodded. “Yes, I would like the honor of courting you, Liz Parker. I want the world to know how I feel about you, that I hold you in my heart. Will you allow me to do that?”

She didn’t even have to hesitate with her answer. “Yes, Max,” she replied as she covered his hands with hers. “I would love that very much.”

Max graced her with a full blown smile right before he leaned in to take her lips in a tender kiss. Liz could feel just how much he loved her from that kiss alone. She could feel it all the way down to her toes. Still, she didn’t stop him when he lowered his hands and slid them around her waist before pulling her into his lap.

He settled her comfortably so that she sat sideways with her legs stretched out on the haystack. She leaned her side into his chest as he held her close to him and trailed his lips across her cheek. She laughed softly when he nuzzled her neck, feeling him smile against her skin.

Slowly he pulled away, but kept one arm around her back to support her. Looking down into her eyes, he asked her once more.

“Are you sure about this?”

Liz cupped his cheek with her hand. “Yes, Max. I want to be with you. I want everyone to know that I hold you in my heart too.”

He let out a sigh as he lowered his forehead to hers. “I am glad,” he whispered.

She smiled as he sat up and unraveled a feather that hung from his jerkin. Holding it up for her to see, he smiled.

“So that everyone will know that I asked to court you and you accepted. May I?” he indicated her hair as he asked her.

It was then that Liz realized what that feather she’d seen Isabel sporting in her blonde hair meant. Looking up at Max, she asked him a question to confirm her suspicions.

“Isabel wears Jesse’s feather in her hair, doesn’t she?”

Max gave her a proud smile. “Yes, he asked to court her the night he claimed Tess as his slave.”

Liz beamed at him. “So, he took Tess in because of his feelings for Isabel then? He wanted to take care of them both.”

Max’s smile matched her own, clearly proud that she had deduced this all on her own. “That is what he told Michael and I. And that is what he told Isabel. He holds her in his heart and as such, it is his duty to protect those she is close to.”

Liz chuckled. “Jesse is a good man. I know he’ll do right by Isabel.”

Max nodded. “Yes, I believe that too.”

She covered the hand that held the feather as she looked into his eyes. “But I think I’m getting a great man in you too.” At Max’s chuckle she asked, “So this feather means…”

“It means that the woman who wears it has given the right to court her to the brave who gave it to her. No other brave has the right to approach her for her affections in any way. And the brave who gave it to her has made the claim that he will court only the woman who wears his feather.”

She nodded, amazed at the fact that Max was telling her that once she accepted that feather, it meant he was no longer available to anyone except her. By giving her his feather, he was sending a huge sign to the entire village that he was serious about being a part of her life and making her a part of his.

The fact that he wanted the world to know his intentions towards her and he didn’t seem to be worried about what anyone thought of it made her heart swell with pride. Just like her, Max was strong enough to know what he wanted and stood up for that despite knowing things could get difficult. Especially since he was a warrior and she was a slave.

With a definitive nod, she leaned in to give him a quick kiss on his lips before leaning back to look in his eyes. “I accept, Max.”

He grinned as he took his feather and braided it into her hair. Once it was done, he sat back and allowed her to finger it for a few moments before he took her lips in for another deep kiss. This time the kiss grew heated and before Liz realized it, he was holding her in a near death grip.

Finally coming up for air, she looked up into his eyes to see the smile and joy had faded a bit. Now it looked like there was a hint of sadness there.

Frowning at the sudden turn in his mood, she ran her fingers along his arm. “Max? What is it?”

He sighed as he leaned in to give her a tender kiss. He lingered there for a few moments before pulling back to rest his forehead against hers. “There’s a reason why I didn’t want to wait any longer to ask you. And I’m afraid of what you might think…”

Liz wrapped her arms around his shoulders. “Just tell me, Max.”

“I’m leaving for war in the morning, Liz.” He said in a rush and when she didn’t say anything, he continued. “That was why I was called to the meeting this morning. Some of the other allied tribes have been raided by a group of northern tribes. All of our allies are sending warriors and elders who are good at making war to a camp where we will band together to go after the northern tribes. I don’t know…”

Liz placed a finger against his lips. She knew what he was trying to say. He had been one of those chosen to go to war. And that meant it could very well be a long time before they saw each other again. Now she understood why Max had come to see her at so late an hour. With that looming over his head, Max didn’t want to leave their relationship unfinished.

“I understand Max.”

He closed his eyes. “Do you?”

“Yes,” she whispered as she pressed her lips against his. “And I want you to know that no matter what. I will be right here, waiting for you to return to me.”

She heard his exhalation of breath right before he enveloped her in his arms, took her lips in a passionate kiss and proceeded to give her something to remember him by.


Re: TheLegendofDaringElk&HorseDreamer(M/LAdult)pt13(p3)7/27

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 4:45 pm
by Shadowlynxbehr
Part 14
* One week later*

Max was jostled awake with a hard nudge on his thigh. Groaning, he rolled over onto his back and cracked an eye open to peer up at his brother. Michael was already dressed for war once more, but his face showed the strain and weariness Max felt.

“Get up little brother, it’s our turn again.”

Max simply lay there staring up at the lightening sky for a moment before he forced himself up. It had been too long since the fighting had started, but the Northern tribes were proving to be formidable. No matter what strategies the war council came up with, their enemies never seemed to falter.

The Udeyona tribe had arrived near the end of the day when they’d first set out for the camp. It had taken another two days before all of the allied tribes were represented at the camp. During that time, those that were already at camp kept an eye on the Northern tribes.

This enabled them to intercept two of their attempted raids. Still, they had managed three more raids before the allied tribes could prevent it. So by the time all allies were together, they were more than ready to put an end to the raiding.

Working as quickly as they could, the war council began to plan strikes against the Northern tribes. Their hope was to take them unawares and push them back to the North, while they made sure they would never return. However, the North managed to pull themselves back together after the initial surprise attack and held their ground.

After that, both sides knew all raiding parties had ceased as they began to concentrate on defeating each other. The North knew that if they defeated the allied tribes, they would have free reign to take whatever they wanted from the decimated allies.

That knowledge was also what kept the allies fighting with everything they had. No one wanted the thoughts of their homes being ransacked and destroyed to become a reality. Most of all, not one wanted the pain and suffering of their families and friends to weigh down their souls as they journeyed to the Great Spirit above.

For his part, Max used those horrible images to keep the fire lit beneath him; therefore allowing him to find the strength to fight on. There was no way he wanted to see anything happen to his parents or his friends. Most of all, he wanted the chance to return home to Liz so that they could begin to have a real relationship.

It was the same for Jesse and Michael. Although Jesse wasn’t quite as obvious about it as the brothers were, they all knew he missed Isabel as much as they missed their women. The three of them had briefly talked about their relationships during the journey to the camp, which meant they all caught up on where each one stood with their women.

Max and Liz had officially become a courting couple the night before the journey. They had said their good-byes quietly while at the horse compound, simply holding each other close and whispering words of comfort and support until they had to return to their homes. Since it was the way of the Udeyona for the people to say their emotional good-byes in private, Jesse and Isabel had done the same thing.

He had gone to call on her after dinner to have some quiet time with her before he left. While Michael hadn’t officially started courting Maria, he had at least been with her at his parents home while the rest of the family had been off helping the village to prepare.

The next morning everyone in the village was out either saddling up or standing aside to see the warriors off. Liz had been there, standing with Crow Flies and his family to see his two sons off. She had simply looked Max in the eyes and gave him a smile, but he had seen the prayer in her eyes.

Isabel was there with her family simply to see everyone else off since they had no one going. However, Isabel did the same as Liz, smiling at Jesse for encouragement even while her eyes begged him to come back in one piece.

Only Maria had been more obvious than the other two. Unable to hold in her tears, the fell freely as she tried to keep her sobs as quiet as possible. She was there with Gentle Otter and Bright Moose to see their sons off. Gentle Otter had subtly wrapped an arm around Maria trying to help her remain calm.

Even though those that would remain behind were all outside to watch, it was a completely somber mood that followed the group that went on the journey. However, once the group reached the camp, things became more hectic and their focus was now on the impending war instead of those they had left behind.

As Max finished preparing to go back into battle, Michael rejoined him with Jesse in tow. “Ready little brother?”

Max nodded as he slung his quiver of arrows over his shoulders before picking up his long bow and doing the same with it. He’d already strapped on a knife at his left hip and right thigh as well as a tomahawk on his right hip.

Michael was outfitted the same as Max, but his horse carried an extra set of knives and a quiver of spears hung from both flanks of the horse too. While Michael was best with spears, Max was best with the bow which meant his horse had two more quivers of arrows slung on either side of the saddle.

Jesse’s horse was equipped with extra knives and tomahawks, just as he had a tomahawk hanging from each hip along with his own bow and arrows on his back. He was known among the Udeyona as the brave who had the furthest and most accurate throwing arm in the tribe. No one had been able to beat him in any contests they had and he had beaten all previous champions by the time he was nine.

Although he knew how to use a bow and arrow just like all braves did, he preferred the tomahawk. Among the Udeyona, every brave was taught how to use a knife and bow and arrows, but they were allowed to hone the skill they were best at. Hence Jesse with the tomahawks, Michael with spears, and Max with a long bow and arrows.

Once all the warriors were on their horses, the one chosen to lead that group had them on their way to relieve the current group that was holding the Northern tribes at bay. Although Jesse was one of the better leaders of his age, he had deferred to others with more war experience for the time being. However, that didn’t stop him from taking second position so that he could learn from the others.

Both Michael and Max had no desire to be leaders of war, but knew their strengths lay elsewhere. It was already a given that Max was going to follow in his father’s footsteps as a negotiator while Michael had more organizational skills that would help to run the village or get him a seat on the council.

If they survived and lived to be elders, that was what they each hoped to accomplish. At the moment, their focus was on defeating the Northern tribes so that they would return to the North with their tails between their legs and leave the allied tribes alone.

The group could hear the sounds of fighting before they could see it. It wasn’t until they rode up the hill, that they were able to see the on-going battle. Bodies from both sides already littered the ground among those who still fought. Thankfully, the Udeyona was one of the few tribes who had not suffered a great loss of warriors yet.

Some fighters had lost their horses and were now on foot, barely managing to stay upright due to fatigue or the slippery, blood-coated field beneath their feet. As the new leader let out a war cry, he led his group down the hill and into the fray where they tried their best to relieve those who had been there since the night before.

There was another group standing by who waited for the relieved warriors to make it behind the new fighters. At that point some of them rode down to pick up those on foot and return them to camp. Those who had managed to keep their horses under them simply urged their tired mounts back to camp where all of them would be tended to and allowed to rest a bit.

This was the way of things since the war had started and it would continue to be that way so long as the war went on.

Within moments of entering the fight, Max was surrounded by enemies just like the others in the group were. All of them were already focused on the enemy around them and fighting to the best of their abilities.

Max had already had his bow out and an arrow notched the moment the leader had issued the war cry earlier. Before they had even reached the fighting Max and several other braves had let fly many an arrow, downing their enemies and creating a hold to charge into.

Max continued to use his long bow every chance he got, having trained on his horse how to sweep through and unseat his enemy with arrows and even the bow itself. When he ran out of arrows, he began to use his bow as his primary weapon, occasionally leaning down to snatch an arrow from the ground or from the dead around him. When he couldn’t use his weapon of choice, he improvised with the knives he had, as well as the tomahawk or anything else nearby that proved to be a good weapon.

At one point, he’d gotten close enough to his enemy to deflect the knife with the tip of his long bow before leaning in to punch the man in his jaw. As the man tried to right himself, Max used his own knife to cut the saddle then tipped the man off his horse using the end of his bow to hook his foot and flip him off.

The man went tumbling to the ground as Max spotted an arrow nearby. He snatched it up, turned in his seat and let it fly. It found a home in the man’s chest as Max turned back around in his seat to engage the next enemy he encountered.

Michael was still seated on his horse as well, using his spears to fight off those that surrounded him. With a spear in hand, he would twirl it over his head or around him effectively making them give him a wide berth. He would use the spear the way one would use a sword, defecting blows from knives and limbs alike before getting a good grip on it and thrusting it as deep as he could into an enemy’s flesh.

Sometimes he could do so without ever having to let the spear go. At that point, he’d yank it back out and move on to the next man. Sometimes he was in pursuit of an enemy and had to take aim and let the spear fly. Just like his younger brother, Michael had learned to use spears on the back of his horse. Which meant he could aim and launch a spear so that it found a home where he wanted it too without interference from the horse’s movements.

Unlike Michael and Max, Jesse was on his feet. However, his horse had been trained to remain close by. Jesse preferred to fight on his feet rather than on the back of the horse. This gave him a much freer range of movement to be able to use his tomahawks. He could swing the weapons in any direction and not worry about slicing his horse in the process.

No matter which way Jesse swung, he was often guaranteed to have his tomahawk connect with the enemy. It could come from above, below, the side, or even from an angle. There was no way for the enemy to know which way he was going to be sliced from.

Anyone watching Jesse as he fought would think he looked like he was nothing but smooth, flowing air. The moment his tomahawks began to move, there was no stopping the intricate dance Jesse was in until the enemies disappeared or someone managed to take Jesse down.

As the fighting continued around them, all they could do was focus on trying to make it go in their favor. Later, when they could breathe again, they would pray that it was finally coming to an end.


In the Udeyona village, life went on as if the majority of the warriors and some of the elders were not at war miles away. There were still clothes to wash, food to gather, and meals to cook. The young and old were still to be cared for and looked after. Laughter and light chatter could still be heard despite the noticeable difference in the amount of people there.

While most of the villagers were able to go about their day without being obvious that they were worried about those at war, there were some that were not. No one said anything out loud, as if to do so would bring misfortune down on the village and those that had gone away. But in the privacy of their homes, they were allowed to worry or grieve as they saw fit.

Liz continued to go on with her days the way she always had. Doing the chores Whispering Dragonfly had given her without a fuss. It kept her busy so that she wouldn’t dwell so much on how heavy her heart felt with his absence. It was only at night, when she finally laid her head down that tears would sometimes come.

Even then, she tried to be strong. Praying that Max was all right and that he would return to the village whole. She knew she could dwell on the fact that it wasn’t fair since he’d been taken right when they had finally gone forward with their relationship, but she wasn’t going to stoop to that.

Instead, she continued to keep hope alive inside of her and waited as patiently as she could with each day that went by. It also helped that there wasn’t really anyone there to make things hard for her. Especially since Badger Turns Quickly, who was at war with his older brother making it impossible for him to mess with Liz.

Surprisingly, Maria had seemed to keep herself together despite the little display of emotion she’d showed when the warriors had left. Like Liz and most of the other women there, she too had thrown herself into her chores and continued to learn all about the Udeyona and their language so that when Michael returned, she could understand him better.

Of course, it helped that she truly enjoyed spending time with her owners, Gentle Otter and Bright Moose. Both of them already knew that their eldest son took a liking to Swift Antelope and had found that they liked her too. Once the girl had realized no one was out to belittle her or mistreat her, she had calmed down considerably.

Now she was a bright and funny woman whom Gentle Otter loved to have accompany her for walks to the vegetable garden in the evening. Swift Antelope was much easier to chat with than their other shy slave, Silent Fawn. Needless to say, it was during those walks that Maria learned the most about Michael and his family as well as the ways of the Udeyona.

Like Liz and Maria, Isabel also kept herself busy with the chores her family gave her to do. Even when she was working alongside other slaves of the village, none of them really talked about the warriors that were away. However, they did talk and gossip about things that were more upbeat.

By this time, Isabel had finally talked to Tess about her relationship with Jesse so it was no longer an issue with keeping it a secret. This left Isabel free to talk about him to Liz and Maria since they often talked about Michael and Max too. She was able to tell them that she had actually been attracted to Jesse the moment she’d laid eyes on him, but hadn’t said anything since she was new to the village.

She had also still be a little wary of everyone and it wasn’t until she had been with her family for a few days and seen that the Udeyona were nothing like the Gineduli that she had finally relaxed and allowed herself to open up. Then she’d learned that Jesse lived close by her family and the two of them had taken to chatting when they could.

It hadn’t taken long for both of them to realize that their feelings for each other were mutual and Isabel, never being one for wasting time jumped into it feet first. Jesse was the same way she was. In fact, she had been thrilled to find that he seemed to think of things the same way she did, thus making it easier for them to communicate with each other.

Despite the fact that Isabel had talked to Tess and the girls were now more open about their feelings and comfort within the village, Tess remained the outcast among them. None of the slaves ever left Tess out of any of their conversations, and those that were closest to her always included her in everything they did as if nothing was wrong.

It was Tess herself who was keeping her distance. Since Jesse was away, she had been moved into Jesse’s parents home for the time being. However, she was still responsible for the upkeep of Jesse’s home even though no one was there. Jesse had simply felt that Tess would be better off surrounded by others than being left all alone in his home.

Isabel was grateful for Jesse’s foresight, but Tess couldn’t care one way or the other. Unlike the rest of the women, Tess wasn’t overly concerned about the warriors being away or not. She went about her day, doing what she was told to do, but she couldn’t be as happy and chatty as the rest of her friends seemed to be when they got together to talk about their lives and whatnot.

While the rest of her friends laughed and giggled about their lives in the village, Tess quietly wondered if she would ever see a real home again. And late at night, when the others lay down to worry and pray that their loved ones returned home, Tess hoped and dreamed of having a home like the one she’d lived in back in England.


Re: TheLegendofDaringElk&HorseDreamer(M/LAdult)pt14(p5)7/29

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 8:10 pm
by Shadowlynxbehr
Ack....okay thanks twilight. So, here's the repost...sorry for not leaving responses to feedback again...

Part 15

Liz glanced up at the sound of hooves, frowning as she saw it was just a couple of braves returning from a hunt for food. Sighing, she went back to working on the quilt in her lap. It had been nearly a month since most of the warriors had left to war with the Northern tribes and still there was no sign of them returning. Of course, there was always news from the war camp but it was mostly on the fact that they were still in the midst of fighting.

No one would know for certain just how bad the results were until it was over. Only when the warriors returned home would anyone know if there would be rejoicing or tears.

Still, Liz thought that it had to be bad if they had been gone for almost a month. She kept coming up with all kinds of thoughts about the war and none of them were good. She knew they had to be tired of fighting already and she wondered just where the fighting was taking place.

Depending on which side was winning, they could be closer to home or farther away. If it was the latter then the chances were good that there were heavy losses and extremely fatigued warriors.

Then there was the effect this war was having on those who remained at home. Those who had loved ones away constantly worried about them and prayed to the Great Spirit for their safe return. For most families they not only lost loved ones, but also the sole provider of meat and the like.

Because of these absences, things were now getting harder for those in the villages. While vegetables and fruits were still plentiful, the meats and care of livestock and weaponry was sorely lacking. Everyone already knew that they could only survive so long without those things because it was their normal way of life. Plus, with most of the warriors gone, the village itself wasn’t as well protected as it could be.

That wasn’t to say that those left behind weren’t good for anything, it was just that when everyone was in the village it functioned much better. It was like a well-oiled machine, where every piece was vital to the outcome as a whole.

Deciding it was time to set the quilt aside and start getting things together for the evening meal, Liz folded the quilt up and neatly packed it into the basket at her feet. After she finished putting away everything, she stood up and dusted off her dress before picking up the basket and heading towards her home.

She’d only been walking a few moments when she heard her name called.

“Daring Elk, is that you?”

Liz turned to find Gentle Otter walking up to her with her arms full of fruit. She smiled at Max’s mother.

“Hello Gentle Otter how have you been?”

Gentle Otter gave Liz a warm smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Oh I am doing as well as I can be without my boys here.”

Liz nodded, knowing that Gentle Otter and Bright Moose were totally capable of caring for themselves. Plus they had the help of two slaves, but that didn’t mean their hearts weren’t heavy with worry over their two sons who were at war. For now, the couple had to divide chores between themselves and the two slaves in order to take care of their own home and that of their son, Fighting Dog since he lived alone.

“How are Crow Flies and Whispering Dragonfly doing?”

“They’re doing as well as they can do for now, but they do have Turtle Dove to look after still, so that has helped them a little.”

Gentle Otter nodded. “That is good then.”

Liz smiled at the elder woman’s arms full of fruit. “Looks like there was good picking today!”

She chuckled. “Actually, this and the other two loads the girls are bringing will be divided between us and the three other families we are helping. Bright Moose and Laughing Coyote will hopefully catch enough game today for us to distribute also.”

Liz grinned at the thought of Alex Whitman and his generosity. She knew Alex thought nothing of it to be helping out the Udeyona tribe while most of the warriors were away. It was mostly due to the fact that they had gotten justice for the decimation of his home and then later helped him to rebuild it. To Alex, it was simply neighbors helping out neighbors.

Gentle Otter leaned in a little closer and gave Liz a serious look. “How are you doing Daring Elk?”

Liz gave her a grateful smile. She knew what Gentle Otter was getting at. After all, Max had made sure everyone knew that he was officially courting Liz since Crow Flies had given him permission to do so. “I’m doing just fine Gentle Otter.”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course,” she replied.

“Okay, but you know you are welcome to come by whenever you want no matter who is at our home.”

Liz leaned in to give her a one-armed hug. “Thank you Gentle Otter, I will keep that in mind.”

Gentle Otter gave her a wink before she walked off towards her home. Liz continued on her own way, waving to Isabel who was returning from washing laundry.

Ever since Isabel and Jesse had finally made the announcement of their own courtship, it had seemed that Liz and Maria had become closer to Isabel. Liz suspected the three of them were now close because each of them were attached to a brave of the tribe although Michael hadn’t really made it official yet.

Still, it didn’t take much to see that Maria and Michael were just as close as the other couples were and Maria made it clear that Michael meant a lot to her. He was almost all she talked about when she was with Liz and Isabel.

Even though Liz felt she was closer to Maria and Isabel now, she knew she and Tess were growing further apart. At first she thought it was because Isabel was now there, which meant Tess didn’t need Liz to step in and be her big sister anymore. However, Isabel had informed Liz that it wasn’t just her that Tess was distancing herself from.

When Isabel had finally broken the news to her little sister, Tess had been far from thrilled about it. Although Tess hadn’t said much more than an “I’m happy for you”, Isabel knew there was so much more she wasn’t saying. It was through the conversations Isabel had with Liz that she found out just how much Tess hated the life she was currently living.

Isabel knew that it didn’t all have to do with Tess’ previous horrible owners because even with Jesse as her new very hospitable owner, Tess still wished she wasn’t living in that village. Deep down, Isabel realized both she and her parents had spoiled Tess when she had been a child and now Tess’ behavior was the result of that.

As Liz began to prepare for the evening meal, Isabel had finished with the laundry and walked next door to see if her sister needed any help. Scratching on the door flap, she waited until Tess pushed it aside a few moments later. She smiled at her little sister, glad she was working in Jesse’s home for the moment.

“Hi Tess, I came to see if you wanted some help. I’ve got some time to spare before I have to start preparing the evening meal.”

Tess shrugged as she turned around and walked back into the home with Isabel following her. “There’s not much to do and since I’m staying with his family who already have their own slaves, I’m just hanging out here until evening meal.”

“Oh,” replied Isabel as Tess plopped down on a pile of cushions meant for lounging on. “Well, in that case we could just chat for a while before we both have to return to our duties.”

Again Tess shrugged as Isabel sat down opposite her on another pile of cushions. Once she made herself comfortable, Isabel looked up at her little sister with a smile.

“I know you haven’t really been with Jesse long, but how are things going for you now that you’re in his home?”

“Okay, I guess. When he was here my routine was pretty much set and he left me alone unless there was something specific he needed me to do.”

Isabel nodded. “Yes, he is a man of few words, isn’t he? I suppose that is a good thing since it means he doesn’t bother you unless absolutely necessary.”

“Yeah,” replied Tess.

Isabel chuckled. “Well, Snapping Turtle is like that too. He doesn’t say much and seems to leave the running of the house to his wife, Lark Sings. But I like Lark Sings when she’s there with me because she has all these interesting stories she tells me about when she was growing up and when she was raising her children.”

Tess rolled her eyes. “Eh, I’m glad I don’t have anyone here to talk my ears off. Who wants to hear mindless prattle about an injun’s past or that of her offspring?”

Isabel’s smiled faded at the hint of disgust in her sister’s voice. “I like listening to those stories, it makes the time go by faster. Especially when I’m doing a chore that is so repetitive and boring. Plus, having her to talk to also helps me learn the language better.”

“I suppose that’s true, if you’re interested in that sort of thing, but since Jesse knows English and the only others I want to talk to are English speakers, I don’t see why I have to learn another language at all.”

This time it was Isabel who shrugged. “I guess it’s just interesting to learn something new and I talk to plenty of Udeyona who don’t speak English, so it helps.”

“Hm, lucky you,” was Tess’ sarcastic reply.

Isabel decided she’d had enough. She’d hoped she could sit down and have a pleasant conversation with her little sister. They’d had great conversations when she’d first arrived to the Udeyona village after being taken away from the Gineduli, but obviously things had changed.

Ever since she’d told Tess about her relationship with Jesse, Isabel could feel the gap widening between the two of them. It was as if Tess looked down on any slaves who seemed happy to fully become a member of the tribe which she clearly did not want to become a part of despite having lived there for years.

In other words, Tess was what would one day become known as a racist. She even went so far as to be prejudiced against those who were white like her, but chose to become friendly with those of other races. Judging those races to be so far beneath her, Tess even looked down on her own family members who associated with those races.

Glancing towards the door with a sigh, Isabel slowly stood up. “Well, I should get going. It’s about time to start preparing the evening meal.”

Tess nodded, but didn’t move from her spot.

“You should be returning to the others soon, right?”

“They’ll send one of their slaves to get me when it’s time,” replied Tess as she picked at invisible lint on the cushion she was leaning against.

Not wanting to get into it with Tess, Isabel simply nodded before making her way to the door.

“Okay, I guess I’ll see you later then, little sis.”

“Later,” answered Tess as Isabel stepped out of the home and let the flap fall back into place.

She frowned at the empty room as she thought about her sister’s relationship with the one called Jesse. When Isabel had taken her aside and told her that she was being courted by him, Tess had been shocked. Never in a hundred years would she have ever imagined her older sister wanting anything to do with the heathens of the village.

Isabel had told Tess about how she and the other slaves had been mistreated by the Gineduli tribe which Tess had thought meant that Isabel felt the same way she did about the savages. So, she’d been speechless when Isabel said she truly had feelings for the brave named Black Weasel.

Granted, Jesse had always been kind to Tess and now that she was living with him, she saw the difference between him and the family she’d previously belonged to. However, that hadn’t changed her opinion that all Indians were savage heathens who were not to be trusted or befriended.

So, to hear directly from her beloved big sister’s mouth that she had not only befriended Black Weasel, but was trusting him enough to become intimate with him, it had blown her mind. Even seeing the two together, holding hands or whispering to each other, was such a disturbance to her that she had to turn away as quickly as possible.

Tess knew he was simply courting her sister and that the most they’d exchanged were kisses, but the thought of having a man like that touching her made her skin crawl. Since she was repulsed by the idea, she couldn’t fathom how it was that Isabel tolerated it at all.

Shaking her head, she silently wondered if there was a chance her sister’s new beau wouldn’t return from the war. As much as she didn’t want to see her sister hurt, she still prayed that her wish would be granted. After all, Isabel was a much stronger person than she was, so Tess believed her older sister would get over the loss quickly.

At least that’s what she kept telling herself as she made her way back to Jesse’s parent’s home.


Jesse had just launched another tomahawk at an enemy who was still astride a horse. He’d timed the throw so that the weapon embedded itself with a wet squelch into the back of the rider. The force was such that it propelled the rider forward, making him topple over the horse’s neck and plunge to the ground.

The horse continued to gallop away as the rider writhed on the ground, trying to contort his limbs to reach the tomahawk in his back. Jesse began to make his way through the others fighting around him, blocking others who came at him and using his other weapons to bring down more enemies. He could see the rider’s movements slowing down, which meant he was slowly dying as the strength bleed out of the wound on his back.

Before he could reach the man, Jesse felt something slice open his skin over his ribs on his left side. The twisted around just in time to see a spear aimed for his chest. As the spear stabbed him, he reached up and grasped the shaft, preventing it from going any deeper and causing even worse damage.

His attacker refused to give up and leaned into the spear, trying to force the tip further in past Jesse’s strength. Jesse let out a groan through gritted teeth as he felt the tip slide a little further into his chest.

However, he was saved from any further struggling when his adversary suddenly stiffened and then stumbled sideways. As the man fell to his knees, Jesse could see Max on his horse firing yet a third arrow at the man. That arrow lodged itself in the man’s throat, effectively sending the man to the ground where he lay drowning in his own blood.

Jesse nodded his thanks to Max before breaking off the spear and then yanking out the tip of it with a low growl. Tossing the useless pieces to the ground, he continued on his way to the other man who was now lying facedown on the ground. Staggering a bit from his own wound, Jesse saw that the man was now dead, so he retrieved his tomahawk from the man’s back.

Max reined his horse in and maneuvered him so that he could keep his eye on Jesse. He saw him stagger slightly and cursed beneath his breath. He could tell he’d been a little late in helping Jesse. However, Jesse managed to get his tomahawk before making his way through the fighting. Max could tell Jesse was trying to get out of the midst of it all so he could make it to the healers tents.

Knowing Jesse would need some help, Max spurred his horse in his direction even as he kept his bow and arrows handy. Alert to his surroundings, Max instantly noticed a brave who was fighting not too far away. Even though he could only see him in profile, Max thought there was something familiar about the brave.

He was currently engaged with one of the Northern tribe’s warriors which told Max he was one of the allied tribe’s own. As Max continued to guide his horse through the area towards Jesse, he glance back for one final look at the brave.

In that moment, Max took in the way the brave moved with quick grace as he thrust and blocked with the long knives he held. His shoulder-length hair was pulled back from a tanned face, held back with a leather strip. Wearing nothing more than leather leggings and moccasin boots, the brave downed one enemy before moving to the next. Even then, Max was aware of the tan line around the brave’s waist and the lighter shade of brown beneath that line.

Reaching Jesse, he leaned over and pulled the injured brave up in front of him. Allowing Jesse to slump over, he concentrated on keeping them both in the saddle and keeping their enemies at bay while he tried to get them out of the fighting as quickly as possible. His curiosity of the mystery brave slipped from the forefront of his mind as he got them to safety.


Max stepped out of the tent into the bright sunlight and took in a deep breath of fresh air. He’d been in the tent for the passing of almost a full day as the healers worked on patching Jesse up. When he’d brought Jesse in a little after mid-day, they had been worried because he’d lost so much blood and there had also been the possibility of infection.

So Max had remained in the tent with Jesse since word had come that the Northern tribes were beginning to disband. By the time a new day had dawned, a messenger had been sent to the allied war council from the North. He had told them that the Northern tribes had finally admitted defeat and would agree to the terms of surrender set by the allied war council. In the end, the Northern tribes agreed not to encroach on allied territory again or they would be killed on sight. Plus all goods, weapons, and captives the North had left behind were now the property of the allied tribes.

Although all of that wasn’t enough payment for the various villages, property, and lives the North had taken, at least they were no longer taking them. It was enough to know the Northern tribes were gone from allied lands and wouldn’t set foot there again if they valued their own lives.

With the end of the war, Max didn’t need to return to the fighting and allowed the healers to patch up the few minor injuries he’d sustained while he waited for word on Jesse. Michael had stopped in briefly to see them both before he went out to help with the cleanup.

Now at mid-day the following day, Jesse was resting peacefully and Max decided it was time for him to go help the others in the field. Once his eyes adjusted to the sunlight and he’d stretched his limbs somewhat, he began to make his way to where the remains of the battle were.

Just as Max spotted his brother, the familiar brave from the day before walked past him with a group of braves from the Taganila tribe. One of the braves noticed Max looking at them and stopped to trade pleasantries with him using the typical way the allied tribes communicated with one another. It was a mixture of words common to the tribes and sign language.

“Hello my brother, it is good that the Great Spirit has blessed you with life today.”

Max nodded as he clasped arms with the brave in greeting. “My thanks and I extend that sentiment to you and your fellow warriors.”

Max said the last with a nod towards the others. They nodded their thanks, all except the one brave Max had been curious about.

“I am Horse Dreamer of the Udeyona tribe, am I correct in thinking you are from the Taganila tribe?”

The one who’d originally spoke grinned. “That is right Horse Dreamer. I am Booming Thunder and these are my fellow warriors.”

Each warrior began to introduce themselves to Max, but the one Max had noticed before had turned away and began walking off before Max had a chance to learn his name. As Max stared curiously at the brave’s retreating form, Booming Thunder waved his hand in dismissal.

“Don’t mind him. White Snake is quite the loner. It is rare that he speaks to any of us.”

Max nodded as he looked back at Booming Thunder. “That is an interesting name he has.”

Booming Thunder chuckled. “It fits, but better when he first came to the tribe.”

Max arched a brow. “Then he is not originally of the Taganila?”

“Oh no, my uncle purchase him from the Danasga almost twenty-eight seasons ago.”

At the mention of nearly seven years of passing, recognition flooded through Max’s body. Suddenly very interested in the brave called White Snake, Max asked Booming Thunder if his uncle was there since he wanted a word with him. And as the warriors led Max to the man, he sincerely hoped his negotiation skills were up to par for what he was going to do.


Re: TheLegendofDaringElk&HorseDreamer(M/LAdult)pt15(p6)8/26

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 12:39 am
by Shadowlynxbehr
Part 16

It was mid-morning when the cry was sounded that the warriors were spotted returning to the village. As the call echoed from person to person, everyone began making their way towards the place where the battle-weary group was entering.

Unlike the quiet, reserved way the warriors had been sent off to war, their return was met with an abundance of cheers and cries of joy. Of course there were a few sad cried when some saw their loved ones returning on travois, but luckily the dead and seriously injured were few for the Udeyona.

As the warriors entered the village, friends and loved ones began to surround them. Max and Michael were immediately approached by their relieved parents, as was Jesse. Any slaves that went to greet the returning warriors hung back as was the custom. They would only be allowed to greet them once the Udeyona had their chance first.

Jesse had been on his horse upon his return, but was helped down by Max and Michael since his injury was still bothersome. Still, it had not been so serious as to weaken him to the point of needing to travel back on a travois.

Once he was on his feet, his parents surrounded him and began to fuss over his injury. Max and Michael shared a laugh as they left a flustered Jesse in the care of his parents.

Walking over to Gentle Otter and Bright Moose were standing with a silent Maria behind them, Michael was the first to reach them. He happily hugged both parents then grinned as his mother looked him over for injuries. Of the three, Michael was the least injured since he only had a few scrapes and bruises.

Bright Moose hugged Max while Gentle Otter was busy with Michael, but when it was her turn to hug Max she was in full mother mode.

“Horse Dreamer, you are wounded!”

Max shook his head. “It is nothing mother.”

“Nothing! These are threads I see. What? Did you mistake your skin as a piece of cloth you needed to sew up?”
She motioned to the arm.

As Michael and Bright Moose tried to hide their amusement, Max squirmed under his mother’s attentions. “It was just a flesh would, not deep at all and it stopped bleeding quickly. See? It’s already almost healed.”

She tsked him. “Then it has been healing at least two days now if not more.”

Max gave her a sheepish look as Michael broke into laughter. “Mother, you should see his side and thigh.”

hissed Max as Gentle Otter lifted up his shirt to peer at his side.

“It’s not bad mother,” Max insisted as she worried over his side for a few moments before trying to lift his pants leg.

“Ugh, I cannot see the wound on your calf. Let’s get to the house so that you can remove your pants.”

As both his father and brother roared with laughter, Max turned bright red. “Really, I’m not a child. Besides, there is something I have to discuss with Daring Elk. Where is she by the way?”

He’d glanced at Crow Flies and his family when they’d arrived to greet their returning sons, but Liz wasn’t with them. As they all looked around for her, Michael frowned.

“I don’t see Golden Skunk either and I’m sure she would want to see Black Weasel since he is hurt.”

Maria walked up to them and gave them a slight nod. Speaking in slow, halted words she managed to speak to them in Udeyona. “Excuse me, but Daring Elk had told me last night she was to be on laundry today. Maybe Golden Skunk is there too and they have not been informed that the warriors have returned.”

Bright Moose frowned. “You may be right, Swift Antelope. I do not think the heralds were loud enough to reach the washing river. Would you please go and see if they know?”

“Yes and tell them all to come immediately. Take Daring Elk to my parents home to meet us there, okay?” added Max.

Maria nodded before she hastened to do as they asked.


Liz had just finished putting the last of her wash into the basket and was turning to help Isabel out when Maria came rushing into the clearing with a huge smile on her face.

“Liz, you have to translate for me!” she said in a rush before looking around at the rest of the slaves and braves who were there.

“Go ahead,” replied Liz as she waited for Maria to say what she needed to.

“I was sent here to tell all of you that the warriors have returned home from the war and they want all of you to go to greet them as the rest of the village is. They are near the council’s building. Isabel, Jesse is with his parents and more likely on his way to his home right now. And Liz, you are to come with me to Max’s parent’s house because Max wants to talk to you.”

Liz finished translating for the others who were there and as soon as the words were out of her mouth, everyone began gathering up their things to head back to the village. Isabel was frantically trying to finish up her wash, which Maria and Liz helped her to get done quicker.

Then the three of them headed back to the village with Isabel heading one way and Liz and Maria heading another once they’d reached the first line of houses. As Isabel disappeared around a corner, Liz looked at Maria.

“Any idea what Max wants to talk to me about?”

“None,” replied Maria, “but I should tell you that Isabel is going to be happy to see Jesse alive. It seems he was severely injured a few days ago.”

“Oh no!” gasped Liz. “Is Max…”

“Max is fine and so is Michael. They said Jesse looks much better now than he did a few days ago.”

“Oh, that’s good then.”

“Yep,” answered Maria as they approached the tent where Max and Michael were outside waiting for the girls. As soon as Max saw Liz, he smiled and walked to meet her with his arms wide. Liz laughed with joy to see him alive and ran into his arms where he hugged her tightly before kissing her. Not too far away, Maria and Michael were saying their own hellos in a similar manner.

As the two of them parted, Liz glanced down at Max’s arm. “Oh Max!” she whispered as she saw the stitches there.

Max ran a hand over them. “It’s almost healed now, nothing to worry about.”

Liz looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. “Are there any other wounds you have that I can’t see?”

Michael started laughing. “You cannot fool her little brother.”

Max rolled his eyes at him. “Maria, why don’t you take him for a walk so I can talk to my woman alone.”

Maria winked at Max as she slid her arm around Michael’s waist. “Come on Michael, let’s go find a quiet place for us right now.”

It was a testament as to how much Michael wanted to be with Maria when he didn’t argue with her, but grinned and winked at Liz before sliding his arm around Maria’s shoulders and leading her away from the others.

As soon at they were gone, Max cupped Liz’s face in his hands and kissed her. As he deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue between Liz’s parted lips to tease her tongue, Liz let out a soft moan. Before she had the chance to really lose herself in his kiss, he pulled away once more and leaned his forehead against hers.

“Sorry, I really needed to do that.”

Liz chuckled softly. “That’s okay Max, I needed that too.”

He smiled as he lifted his head, but before he could say anything else, Liz spoke again. “So, what other injuries are you hiding?”

Max laughed at the look she wore. It was a don’t-think-the-kiss-made-me-forget look. Still, he didn’t brush her off the way he’d tried to with his mother. Lifting his shirt slightly, he showed her the row of stitches on his side where an arrow had managed to knick him.

“Luckily my shirt stopped the arrow from making a deeper gash. As it was, the shooter wasn’t a good aim.”

Then he pointed to the spot on his thigh where the other wound should be. “There’s a hole from the tip of a spear, but again I was lucky to stop it before it went deep. It was cauterized to stop the bleeding and keep infection from setting in.”

As Liz grimaced, Max took her hand in his. “None of them were that bad really. Jesse’s was much worse.”

Liz frowned. “What happened to him?”

Max quickly told Liz about Jesse, but reassured her that he was now all right and probably more so since Isabel should be with him now. “But enough of that, I wanted you to meet me here for another reason.”

Liz gave him a curious look. “What’s that?”

Max gave her a smile before letting go of her hands. “Wait here, there’s someone I want you to meet.”

Liz watched as Max disappeared into his parent’s house for a few minutes. When he came back out, he wasn’t alone. “Daring Elk, this is White Snake.”

Liz’s eyes went wide as she instantly recognized him. Before she was able to say a word, White Snake threw his arms around her and hugged her tight.

“Oh my God, Lizzie!” he exclaimed.

Liz closed her eyes and hugged her older brother just as tightly as he held her. “Oh Kyle! I never thought I’d see you again!”

“Me too Lizzie! Me too!”

He pulled back to look her over and grinned at her. “Wow! Look at you! You’re all grown up now!”

Liz smiled as she took in Kyle’s appearance too. His hair was much longer than he’d worn it as a boy, reaching just past his shoulders. It was darker than she remembered it, but still had golden highlights throughout it. That had always been a sign of his spending time out of doors.

His eyes were still the blue she remembered, the kind that turned stormy grey when he was moody. His smile was still the same too. One that made his eyes sparkle when he was being mischievous.

He’d also acquired a darker skin tone like she had from living among the Indians so much. She and Kyle had been the two who had never really burned when exposed to excessive amounts of sunlight.

But what amazed Liz the most was that he wasn’t as tall as she’d thought he would be. She had thought Kyle would have grown up to be tall and slender like their father. Instead he was a few inches shorter than Max and a little stockier too.

Despite the fact that she was petite, she knew she’d be the one most mistaken for one of the natives than he’d ever be. Her hair and eyes were brown and she wore all native clothing as comfortably as if she’d been born to it.

In the leggings and vest Kyle wore, he still had very visible tan lines around his arms, waist and neck. Then there were those blue eyes that stood out when not obscured by his hair and the clothes sat on his body as if they’d been meant for another one except his.

“You look all grown up too Kyle.”

He chuckled at that before turning serious. “How have you really been Liz?”

She gave him a comforting nod. “Fine. The Udeyona have treated me well. Crow Flies and his family have been good to me.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

“What about you?”

“As good as I can be. Better now that I’ve seen you.”

Liz smiled. “How did you get here anyway?”

Kyle nodded towards Max who’d been silently standing nearby. Max smiled at them before moving closer.

“I recognized him in the midst of all the fighting. You both share the same features but the colors are a bit different. When the war was over, I saw him again with the Taganila. His owner allowed me to purchase him so that I could reunite the two of you once I was certain he was your brother.”

Liz’s eyes were wide as she stared at her brother. “You were fighting in the war?”

Kyle shrugged. “It was better than remaining at the village and feeling like a weakling.”

Liz quirked an eyebrow at that as Max spoke up again. “Since I now own him, I will look for my own home tomorrow so that we may have more room. It is time that I lived on my own, but for the time being Kyle and I will be here with my parents.”

Liz nodded to Max before turning to grin at Kyle. “Oh Kyle! It’s great to have you with me again!”

Kyle wrapped his arms around his younger sister and hugged her tight. “It’s good to be with you too Lizzie!”

As she remained in his embrace for a few moments longer, she looked up at Max who stood there with a smile.

“Thank you,” she mouthed at him.

He winked at her before speaking up again. “Liz, why don’t you show Kyle around the village while I speak to my parents. It will give the two of you some time to get reacquainted with each other.”

Liz gave him a grateful nod. “Thank you Max, I’ll do that.”

She took Kyle’s hand and began to lead him away from the house. “Come on Kyle let’s go for a walk.”

As the two of them walked away holding hands with smiles on their faces, Max couldn’t help but feel lighthearted. His negotiation skills had paid off well. He’d been able to give Liz her brother back, thus making her even happier than she’d already been. For Max, seeing Liz smile was one of the things he enjoyed most nowadays.


Kyle glanced at Liz out of the corner of his eye. Never in a century had he imagined he’d ever see one of his sisters again. And now that he had seen Liz, he was still surprised to see how happy and healthy she seemed.

Granted, his life hadn’t been a hard one either with the Taganila. The family that had taken him in as a slave when he’d been fourteen had been strict, but nice. He knew the firm way they’d treated him in the beginning had only been to control his rebelliousness. However, once he’d settled down and realized life wasn’t so bad, they had begun to treat him with respect and kindness.

As the years had gone by, he had begun to learn how to hunt, make weapons, and fight with or without weapons. He’d learned that the Taganila believed even slaves should be able to protect themselves. Of course, they did not encourage those who seemed eager to use their training to harm a Taganila in order to escape.

Those who attempted to do that were hunted down and killed as punishment for any harm they’d inflicted. It may have seemed harsh to some, but it was effective in preventing a huge loss of life and runaways.

Also, there was the bonus of knowing a slave could be freed someday, depending on the circumstances. For a slave like Kyle, all he had to do was continue his duties willingly and then put in extra effort if he wanted to. The extra effort was where his freedom lay. If Kyle hired himself out to other members of the Taganila with his owner’s approval, he was often paid for his efforts in various goods and bounty.

It was that bounty that would eventually add up if he took care not to spend any of it. Once a certain amount was reached, the slave would be allowed to purchase his own freedom. Of course, the owner could refuse to grant that but it was rare and only for legitimate reasons. The council also had a hand in those decisions so that everything went smoothly and fairly.

Now that Kyle was with the Udeyona, Max had told him he could continue to earn his freedom even though this tribe did not generally use that custom. Udeyona only brought female slaves since they were better suited to the tasks the Udeyona needed them for. That meant the slaves could only be freed if they were to be married off or if an outsider came to buy their freedom.

Udeyona slaves were not allowed to earn anything through extra effort like the Taganila slaves were. However, Max had assured Kyle that since he’d originally come from the Taganila, all rules and agreements that tribe had made with Kyle would be honored by the Udeyona.

He’d been allowed to bring his earnings with him and would continue to be allowed to be paid for any extra effort he did. Then, when he used those earnings to buy his freedom or anything else he wished to, Max and the council would either accept or deny his request according to the legitimacy of it.

As he walked through the village with Liz, he was certain he’d be able to afford both his freedom and Liz’s within a few months, if not sooner. He knew he’d have to work extra hard to get them both free as soon as possible, but he didn’t mind that at all. The sooner he and Liz could get away from the savages, the happier he’d be.

“So, have you heard anything about Serena?” asked Liz.

Kyle shook his head. “I was kind of hoping they’d let you two stay together, but I knew the chances were slim.”

Liz nodded. “They took me the day after they took you. I have no idea where she is now.”

Kyle sighed. “Wherever she is, I hope she’s treated as well as you and I have been.”

Liz nodded. “Yes, I’ve always hoped you both were all right. I’m glad things turned out well for you, but I knew you’d be okay on your own.”

Her eyes darkened as a frown appeared on her face. “The last I saw of her, she’d been screaming and crying as if they were torturing her. Sometimes I still hear that in my sleep. Even though I could see that she was whole and no one was hurting her, I just couldn’t stop thinking that she would never survive on her own as easily as we could.”

Kyle stopped and pulled Liz into a hug. “I know Liz. She was always the weakest of us three, but I haven’t given up hope. She’s a Parker after all and she has both ma and pa’s blood in her veins, just like we do. That has to account for something.”

Liz hugged him tight. “Yes, I hope so too.”

When he finally pulled away, he grinned at her. “So little sister, tell me about your life here. I want to know how it is that you came by the name Daring Elk.”

Liz laughed as they continued to walk on. “Not as much as I want to know how you got White Snake.”

He gave her a mischievous smile before beginning to tell her the story, knowing full well that Max would allow them a few hours to catch up with each other before they had to be separated again.


Re: TheLegendofDaringElk&HorseDreamer(M/LAdult)AN(p9)9/28

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 6:43 pm
by Shadowlynxbehr
Part 17

Liz grinned as she approached Max’s new home in time to see Max and Michael arguing about something just outside of the door. Something told her that Michael was trying to tell Max how to set up his house once again since he considered himself an expert after living on his own for a couple of years.

Max had managed to find a house to move into only two days after he had returned from the war. Granted, it needed some work, but it was ideal for what he had in mind. So once he had purchased it, he and Kyle had begun to fix it up with Michael’s help. Now his family was helping him move his belongings into his new home because Max expected to finally be able to sleep there for the first time that night.

Liz had managed to stop by each day to say hello. However, she was usually too busy for anything more than a quick hello since Crow Flies and his family were in need of help preparing for the upcoming winter months. Still, they had given her a respite since they knew Max was moving into his new home that day and Liz wanted to be there to celebrate with him.

As she approached the two men, Max glanced in her direction with a relieved grin. “Ah, there you are! Finally someone who may be able to reason with my stubborn brother.”

Liz raised her eyebrows in question before looking at Michael. Max folded his arms over his chest as he gave her a clue about what they had been arguing about.

“Tell my brother that it is not wise to wait until the last moment to prepare for winter and then gather all of it into one huge pile and leave it there for the rest of the season.”

Liz nodded her agreement as she began to explain in Udeyona about the disadvantages of the way he seemed to prepare for the winter months.

“You cannot wait until the last moment, Fighting Dog, because once you’ve started gathering and storing, you may realize you haven’t gathered enough. Of course by that time it may be too late to get anything else if the winter is too harsh to go out in again. Plus everything will probably be scarce by then because others who forage may have taken it or the winter itself may have destroyed it.

And you shouldn’t just gather everything you get into one big pile either. You’ve got to prepare everything accordingly. Dry your meats, preserve your fruits and do all the other things you need to do to make your food last longer throughout the winter.”

Max grinned at Michael as he slid an arm around Liz’s waist. “See Michael?”

Michael shrugged. “Yes, well my way has not failed me yet.”

Liz leaned closer to Max as she spoke to Michael. “Guess that means you don’t eat much during the winter. Then again, I do recall that you visited your parents often this past winter.”

Michael cast a sheepish look to the ground as Max let out a whoop of victory and pulled Liz closer to his side. “She’s got you there big brother!”

He turned and winked at Liz. “Thank you, love.”

Liz coyly batted her eyelashes at Max as she switched to English. “Hm, think you can give me a better thanks that that?”

Max grinned as he leaned over to nuzzle her temple, but when she began to pout he chuckled and turned her face towards his with a gentle hand. The moment he took her lips in for a kiss, Michael rolled his eyes even though he wore a grin.

“Okay, I know when I am in the way. I will be inside when you are ready to keep moving.”

Max waved him inside, but didn’t stop kissing Liz who had curled her hands into the sides of his jerkin.


Kyle felt the breath knocked out of him the moment the front of Max’s new home came into view. Right there, in plain sight of anyone in the area, was his sister and his owner! And they were kissing!

Liz was kissing a savage! What was she thinking? Kyle had no idea, nor had he ever imagined that he’d ever see his younger sister cozying up to one of them! He never thought she would have ever wanted to.

Then again, maybe she’d been coerced or forced into it. Yeah, that had to be it despite the fact that she didn’t seem to be struggling to get away from him. Even though deep down inside he knew Liz was too strong of a person to let someone force her into doing anything she didn’t want to do, Kyle convinced himself that Liz was doing it against her will.

He held that belief close to him as he made himself walk the rest of the distance towards the house and the couple standing in front of it.


When Max had no choice but to come up for air, he was met with a grinning Liz. Despite the fact that she was out of breath too, she still managed to speak.

“Now that’s a thank you.”

Max chuckled as he cupped her cheek. “You are very welcome.”

Noticing movement behind Liz, Max looked up to see Kyle walking in their direction with a basket of more of Max’s moving things. “Ah, here comes more of my things! Just when I thought all of it was already here.”

Liz turned to see Kyle and grinned. “Hi Kyle! You must be happy to be moving in here tonight since you’ll now have much more room than before.”

Kyle shrugged indifferently. “It’s okay.”

He barely looked at Max as he mumbled, “Where do you want this?”

Max motioned to the door with his head. “Michael is inside. He will tell you where to put it.”

Kyle disappeared inside without another word, prompting Max and Liz to exchange a look with each other.

Max shrugged. “He must be tired. We have been working since just after the sun rise.”

“Max! How is the moving?” came Jesse’s voice.

Max raised a surprised eyebrow in Jesse’s direction as he answered. “It is going well.”

He glanced at Isabel who was walking besides Jesse. “Should he be up?”

Isabel mock rolled her eyes. “We all tried talking to him, but you know how stubborn he is.”

Max chuckled as he nodded to Tess who stood behind them. “Hello, Tess.”

She gave him a genuine smile. “Hi Max.”

“So, where’s this older brother of yours we’ve been hearing so much about?” asked Isabel as she looked about.

Liz grinned. “Inside putting some things away. Hold on, I’ll get him.”

She disappeared for a few moments while Max asked Jesse if he preferred to sit down for a while, but before he could also ask his friend how he was healing, Liz returned with Kyle.

Kyle had walked out with a slight frown on his face until he noticed the woman standing slightly behind the one called Jesse. As he stared in slight awe of her, Liz began the introductions.

“Kyle, I’d like you to meet my friends Isabel and Tess Harding.”

With each introduction, Kyle had shaken their hands, but lingered a bit longer with Tess’ hand than was the custom. Still, Tess said nothing nor tried to remove her hand from his.

Instead, she stared into his blue gaze just as intently as he stared into hers. When she realized just how intense he was, she began to blush.

Then before anyone could really take notice of their behavior, Kyle let go of her hand and smiled at the two women. “So you two are siblings like Liz and I?”

Isabel nodded. “Tess is my younger sister and we were fortunate enough to have been reunited again not too long ago.”

“Ah, you were separated when you were first captured then.”

Liz answered for them. “Tess was brought here about a year after I was and we became close then. We always talked about our siblings, so when Isabel was brought here, it felt like I’d known her forever.”

“I see, well it must be nice to be reunited again. Thanks to Jesse you two can be together huh?”

Isabel grinned as she took Jesse’s hand in hers. “Actually, Tess was slave to another family here and I’m currently a slave to a different family. However, when things went bad with Tess’ other family, Jesse was kind enough to take my little sister in since he is courting me.”

Kyle’s smile faded slightly. “Courting? Like the courting our people back East do it?”

It was Max who answered. “Not quite. The whites would court with the intention of it leading directly to marriage. Our people court first and if the couple finds themselves compatible, the male then decides if he wants to ask the woman to be hand-fasted to him.”

Liz picked it up from there. “I’ve been told that courting here is not as final as engagements tend to be among the whites.”

Isabel agreed. “That’s true, but there are still other rules of intimacy that are similar between the two races. Just because a couple is courting does not mean they have ruined each other for anyone else. That is just in case it doesn’t work out between the two, then they will still be valued by anyone new who comes along.”

“Then any other man can ask to court you at the same time?” asked Kyle.

Isabel shook her head. “When a woman agrees to be courted, everyone will know she’s being courted.” She gestured to the feather in her hair before sliding her fingers over one of the feather’s on Jesse’s jerkin.

It wasn’t hard for Kyle to notice that the feather she wore was nearly identical to those that Jesse had in his clothing. In fact, Kyle was certain all of the clothing Jesse owned had the same kind of feathers somewhere on them. The feathers were obviously a form of identification of ownership among the Udeyona. It was probably true among many of the other tribes too. Before Kyle had the chance to say anything else, Max’s parents and Maria walked up with the last of Max’s belongings.

“This is the last of it,” announced Bright Moose as he followed Maria into the house.

“Thank you father,” replied Max.

Gentle Otter stopped to make a suggestion. “Listen, since the sun is high in the sky, we should take a break to eat our mid-day meal. Then we can finish getting you settled.”

Max smiled. “Sounds good.”

“Swift Antelope and I will go prepare the meal then we will send for all of you when it is done.”

“My thanks Gentle Otter,” answered Jesse, “but I was only allowed to come for a brief hello with Horse Dreamer. Now I must return home to rest.”

“I can help with the meal,” volunteered Liz as Maria, Bright Moose and Michael walked out of the house.

“That would be wonderful,” replied Gentle Otter.

“Horse Dreamer, could you and Fighting Dog accompany me to the council building for some business I need to take care of? It should not take long.”

Max nodded before turning to Kyle. “While we are gone, you can continue putting your own belongings away. When I return we will move the heavy things.”

“I could stay and help if you need me to,” replied Tess as she gave Kyle a hopeful look.

Max chuckled. “I do not mind if Kyle does not.”

Kyle nodded his agreement and motioned for Tess to follow him into the house. As soon as they disappeared, Max gave Liz a kiss on the cheek and set off after his father and brother.

Jesse and Isabel walked along with Max and the others until they reached the path that would take them to Jesse’s home. The little walk allowed Jesse and his friends to have a little more time to chat with each other. Once Jesse and Isabel said goodbye to the others, he and Isabel took the side path while Max and the others continued on to the council building.

Maria, Liz and Gentle Otter had set off in the opposite direction, towards Gentle Otter’s home. As they walked, the three of them discussed what they could make for a meal, something large enough to feed at least eight people yet light enough that it wouldn’t interfere with the rest of the moving they had to do.


Kyle glanced out of the door to make sure no one was around before going to stand near Tess. She was currently arranging several cooking utensils where Kyle had indicated when they’d first walked in while Kyle got to folding blankets in the corner.

When the two of them had first entered the house, they had tried to chat to dispel the awkwardness that seemed to exist between the two of them. It had been clear that they were attracted to each other even though they were both hesitant to move close to each other.

Kyle had decided to try to find out as much as he could about Tess, so he’d asked her questions about her childhood and her life there with the Udeyona. It hadn’t taken long for the awkwardness to disappear as they talked about their childhoods.

After a while, he decided to make sure they had some privacy before they continued talking, which was why he’d gone to glance out of the door. Now that he knew they were definitely alone, Kyle hoped it would stay that way for a while.

Waiting until she looked up at him, he changed the course of the conversation. “So, your sister is being courted by a savage, huh?”

A slight frown appeared on Tess’ face, clearly telling Kyle that she didn’t really like the idea. “Yeah, almost since she arrived here.”

Kyle shook his head. “Gee, they don’t waste time do they?”

Tess shrugged. “She’s my older sister and she’s always been headstrong.”

“Right, but I can’t imagine wanting to see someone from the same race that keeps you as a slave.”

Tess put down the utensils she had in her hand and turned to face Kyle. “Me either, but it seems I’m the only one who feels that way.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Well, Isabel is with Jesse, Maria is with Michael and….”

At her hesitation, Kyle prompted her. “And?”

“And Liz is with Max,” she finished softly.

Kyle frowned towards the door. “I figured it was something like that. Especially after Isabel pointed out the feather thing. It was then I realized Liz has a feather in her hair that matches the ones in Max’s clothing.”

Tess nodded. “He gave her the feather the day before he left for war.”

Kyle glanced up at Tess. “Really?”

She nodded once more.

“Hmm, then they really haven’t been together have they?”

Tess saw the thoughtful look on his face as he said that. She knew he was up to something. “What are you thinking Kyle?”

A ghost of a smile played on his lips. “There might still be time to convince Liz that these savages aren’t real people that we should get involved with.”

“Good luck with that. Liz is close to many of those in the village, not just Max.”

Kyle frowned at that. “Well, I’ll just have to talk some sense into her.” He turned to look at Tess. “You should do the same with your sister.”

“But she’s been seeing Jesse for a lot longer than…”

“It doesn’t matter Tess! Don’t you think it’s wrong for your sister to be with a savage like that?”


“Think about it Tess! It’s bad enough that we have to be their slaves! Why would anyone want to be a slave to a savage then turn around and become hand-fasted to one? It’s as if they want to be a slave their entire life!”

Tess scowled. “Well it certainly makes sense when you put it like that! I would never want to be a slave to a savage for the rest of my life!”

“Exactly! That’s why we have to convince our sisters that what they are doing is wrong! We have to make them see how bad it really is!”

“How are we going to do that?”

“Just talk to them. Maybe we’ll be able to see why they got involved with the savages and use that to come up with something to talk them out of it.”

Tess watched as Kyle walked away, clearly lost in his thoughts for the moment. With a sigh, she stared at his back knowing it was going to be hard for her to convince Isabel of anything. Her older sister was much too headstrong for Tess to do that. Tess knew she was nowhere near as outspoken and quick on her feet like Isabel was.

Even Kyle seemed too strong for Tess, but she thought Kyle would be able to talk to Liz. While Liz was headstrong in her own right, Tess believed Kyle was much stronger than his little sister. In fact, he seemed strong enough to talk both Liz and Isabel into seeing their mistakes.

At least that’s what she really hoped because she didn’t like the idea of Isabel being with Jesse anymore than Kyle liked seeing Liz with Max. None of them belonged with the savages. None of them.


Re: TheLegendofDaringElk&HorseDreamer(M/LAdult)AN(p9)9/28

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 7:07 pm
by Shadowlynxbehr
Part 18

Isabel sighed as she made her way to meet Jesse. She had been waylaid by Tess again and just like last time, she had been trying to get Isabel to stop seeing Jesse. It had been a couple of weeks since the men had returned from the war and Jesse was nearly all healed by now.

Isabel had been spending nearly everyday with him, dividing her time between her family and Jesse. Of course when she was with him that meant she often saw Tess also. However, when Tess was around Jesse she hardly said much. Isabel knew it was because Jesse was Tess’ owner. Because when it was just the two of them alone, Tess didn’t hesitate to ask her if she really knew what she was getting herself into by letting a savage court her.

It started getting bad when Tess started calling them savages and telling Isabel that associating with them might ruin their chances at going back to their old lives and making something of themselves. Isabel knew Tess hated living a rustic lifestyle like the Udeyona and missed the grand life she’d lived in England.

Still, she thought Tess had been too young when they’d left England to remember much. She believed the memories Tess had of that time were now mostly what she’d fabricated in her mind, a way of escaping the life she now lived.

For her part, Isabel didn’t mind living the life she had now. Sure she missed her old life from time to time, but she had to admit there was something gratifying about doing a task and completing it on your own. She had always been a hands on kind of person, preferring to do her own hair and clothes rather than letting her servants dress her.

Of course she didn’t like the idea of slavery, but she understood why the Indians had them. She’d really come to understand that when she’d become the slave of her current owners. The couple she lived with were an older couple who obviously needed someone younger and more spry to help them with day to day chores.

Plus, they didn’t treat her like a slave. They didn’t give her orders or talk down to her like some others did. In fact, they often reminded Isabel of her own grandparents with their friendliness towards her and others.

She’d tried to get Tess to see that the Udeyona were just as human as she was, but Tess wouldn’t see it. And Isabel knew Jesse never treated Tess like a slave. He never told her what to do and didn’t get upset if she didn’t do the day to day chores.

Then again, Isabel often made sure Tess did the chores anyway which meant Jesse didn’t always see when Tess was slacking off. Still, she knew Jesse wasn’t clueless about Tess’ behavior. Jesse was just as sharp as she was at recognizing the signs, but he let them slide because Tess was Isabel’s younger sister and he knew how Tess felt about being there. He also knew Tess had been treated badly before he’d taken her in.

It was that understanding and kindness that was part of the reason she loved him so much. That and the fact that he had always treated both of them with the utmost respect. Isabel loved the way it wasn’t obvious that Jesse had a good heart unless you were one of the lucky ones he was close to. In that respect, he was a lot like her. Stoic on the outside, tender on the inside.

“There you are, my sun!”

Isabel smiled at the nickname he’d given her. He had told her it was because her hair always reminded him of the sun’s golden rays and that she always brightened his day just like the sun would.

“Hello my love,” she replied as she stepped into his arms for a welcoming kiss.

When their lips parted, he gave her a grin. “I was beginning to think you were not coming today.”

She sighed as she fell into step with him towards his home. “Sorry, I ran into Tess along the way.”

He gave her a curious glance. “She told me she was going to do the wash today.”

Isabel nodded. “Yes, she was on her way I think. She had the basket of clothes with her.”

“Ah, so she was waiting for you then.”

“Yeah, I think so.”

He chuckled as he wrapped his arm around her waist. “What did she want to talk to you about?”

Isabel rolled her eyes. “What do you think?”

Jesse sighed. Isabel had told him what Tess had been up to lately. Both she and Jesse never kept secrets from each other. Still, he wasn’t angry with Tess for what she did because he was certain he wouldn’t be happy if he had to live a life he wasn’t comfortable with either.

“I am sorry Isabel. You know I would set her free if I could.”

Isabel nodded. “I know, but I don’t think she even knows what she would do if she were set free. She has nowhere to go or to live. At least here, she’s taken care of.”

Jesse nodded in agreement. Isabel had already mentioned that before. Despite not liking the idea of slavery, at least she knew they were both alive and well where they were. She knew things could have been far worse and that they still could be. Tess would have no idea how to survive on her own out in the wilderness.

As they reached the front of his house, Jesse stopped walking and turned to look at Isabel with a smile. “Isabel, there is something I wanted to talk to you about, but I do not know if this is the right time.”

“Oh? What is it?”

He sighed. “It is something I have thought about for a while. I have talked to your owners about it and they told me they will agree with your answer.”

That got Isabel even more curious. “Really? What are you talking about?”

He just looked at her for a few moments before he finally took her hands in his. Lifting their joined hands to his chest, he pressed them against him and leaned forward slightly.

As he looked into her eyes, he spoke to her in a solemn voice. “Isabel Harding, would you allow the Great Spirit to bless a hand-fasting between us?”

Isabel gasped as she realized what he was asking her. Stunned, she stammered for a few seconds before she could get it out. “Are you asking me what I think you’re asking?”

Jesse gave her a hesitant smile. “Yes. I would be honored if you would become my other half. My…what do you call it?”

“Wife. Your wife.”

He nodded. “Yes, my wife.”

“Oh Jesse!” she whispered as she squeezed his hands in hers.

“Is that yes?”

She laughed. “Yes! Oh yes, I would love to!”

He grinned as he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her to him.

As she hugged him back she asked, “Is that what you talked to my owners about?”

He pulled away to look in her eyes. “Yes. I asked them if they would allow you to be free to be hand-fasted to me and since they will be without help once you leave them, I offered to give them Tess in your place.”

Isabel frowned. “But Jesse, you know Tess won’t do anything unless you tell her to.”

Jesse grinned. “I know, but we will be right next to them. I trust you to keep an eye on her as you have been.”

She shook her head with a grin. “You are a crafty one my love! But you are right. I will keep an eye on her. I’m sure I can get her to do her chores when I am doing my own in our home.”

Jesse caressed her cheek. “I will purchase another slave as soon as I can to…”

Isabel shook her head. “No Jesse. I don’t need any help. Please, don’t bring a slave into our home.”

He stared into her eyes for a few moments before he conceded to her. “All right. It will be as you say.”

She smiled as she threw her arms around him and hugged him again. “Thank you,” she whispered.


Tess glanced across the firelight and met Kyle’s gaze. He gave her a smile which she returned with a blush. In the few weeks since they had met, the two of them had actually been allowed ample time to spend with each other. Granted, they were not always alone, but somehow they managed a few moments here and there.

Just as she once had Liz to talk to, she now had Kyle. However, there was a world of difference between what she’d once had with Liz and what she now had with Kyle. For starters, both she and Kyle had much more in common which made it easier for them to have conversations together. Then there was the fact that she didn’t consider Kyle like an older sibling the way she had Liz.

Tess would never look at the brown haired, blue eyed Kyle as an older sibling. Not when he flashed that smile at her that made her melt inside. And when he talked about being free and the things he wanted to do, it made her heart speed up.

She’d already spent many a night thinking about what kind of life they would live if they were free. She could imagine the home they’d purchase and the lifestyle she’d missed so much.

And the more they talked about it, the more she believed he would one day accomplish it all. She just hoped he’d take her with him when he finally went free.

“Isabel!” came Liz’s voice, breaking into Tess’ thoughts. “You made it!”

Tess looked up in time to see Isabel making her way towards them. Most of the tribe was gathered around small fires to celebrate the end of a good harvest. All of the crops had been gathered, distributed and stored away for the coming winter. And it had been a good season for the tribe, so the celebration was held to honor both the Great Spirit and the land for blessing them with the bounty.

As the celebration went on, it was common for the men and women to break into little groups of their own in which they could gossip and such. Tess sat with Liz and Maria while Kyle sat with Michael and Max. Jesse was making his way towards the men just as Isabel was joining the women.

“Yeah, I know we’re late,” she grinned at her friends and younger sister. “But I had a good reason!”

Maria laughed. “Really? Do tell!”

Isabel was obviously doing her best to contain her giddiness as she sat down besides Tess. “Okay, I have some good news to tell all of you!”

She glanced towards Jesse which made all of them look in that direction too. They all watched as Jesse was patted on the back and given handshakes by the others. The men surrounded him with grins and good-natured gestures. All except Kyle who remained seated where he’d been and appeared to be glaring into his cup.

Liz looked back at Isabel with a smile. “What’s going on Isabel?”

Isabel’s grin was even bigger than Jesse’s “Jesse asked me to be his wife and I said yes!” she squealed.

“Oh my lord!” cried Maria as she shot up from her seat and clapped her hands together. “Oh congratulations!”

Isabel laughed. “Thank you!”

Maria hugged her as the two of them jumped for joy. Liz laughed as she joined in the celebration. “That’s wonderful news Isabel! Congratulations!”

The three of them hugged and laughed, sharing in Isabel’s joy just as the men where doing their own version of bonding across the way. Tess glanced over to where Kyle was still sitting and frowning at the women’s joy.

When he looked at Tess, she could see it in his eyes. Kyle was dead set against ever showing any happiness or consent for what Isabel and Jesse were doing. His eyes moved to where Liz was now sitting next to an animated Isabel who was explaining how Jesse had asked her to marry him.

His frown deepened even more. With a sigh, Tess looked away from Kyle to watch as her sister told her story. When she finished, Liz and Maria congratulated her once more. Tess remained silent until Isabel looked in her direction.

Despite how she felt about all of it, Tess managed to put a smile on her face as she got up and went to hug her big sister. “Congratulations Izzy, I’m happy for you.”

Isabel returned the hug, a look of gratitude on her face. “Thanks, little sister.”

Tess gave her a nod as she returned to her place. Once more Isabel was drawn into happy chatter with the others, leaving Tess to wonder what was going to happen next.


Kyle paced back and forth mumbling under his breath. Tess sat on a log with her head down and angry tears threatening to spill from the corners of her eyes. It was the next day and she and Kyle had managed to get some time alone.

The moment she’d seen him, she had launched into a tirade about the fact that she couldn’t convince her sister to stop what she was doing. She’d tried everything and Isabel had ignored all of it and said yes to Jesse’s proposal.

Tess had tried to talk her out of it again later that night when they had a moment alone. She’d tried to get Isabel to see how awkward it would be for one sister to be Jesse’s wife while the other was his slave. However, it seemed they’d had a solution to that problem before it had even come up.

She was going to be taking Isabel’s place with the elderly couple while Isabel played house with Jesse. That had been the last straw. She couldn’t believe Isabel would just let Jesse trade her like that and had told her so.

Isabel had tried to make Tess understand that Jesse couldn’t just let Tess go. The council would never allow something like that. But he could trade her to Isabel’s owners as a kind of collateral for Isabel’s hand.

Isabel had tried to convince Tess of just how wonderful the elderly couple had been to her and that they would treat Tess the same way. She tried to make Tess believe that she wouldn’t even feel like their slave, but it didn’t work. Not even telling her that she’d convinced Jesse not to purchase another slave for them once they were hand-fasted had made Tess feel any better.

After that conversation, Tess had spent the night fighting tears of anger and frustration until she’d finally seen Kyle. He’d let her get it all out before she’d finally collapsed in defeat on the log and he’d begun to pace in anger.

That had been nearly an hour ago and suddenly he whirled around to face her. “Look, I don’t know what we can do for your sister anymore Tess. I don’t think there is anything really, but there’s still hope for us.”

She wiped a tear from her cheek as she looked up at him. “What do you mean?”

“Remember I told you about the bounty I earned when I was a slave for the Taganila?”

Tess nodded.

“Well, I’m still allowed to earn more here with the Udeyona even though they don’t normally do that. So, all I have to do is earn enough to purchase my freedom, yours and Liz’s. And when I do that, I’m going to take you with me and we’re going to go find my younger sister Serena. We can all still get out of here together and when we do, we’ll be able to live the life we’ve always dreamed about in freedom.”

“So, I just leave my sister here? And what makes you so sure Liz will want to come with us?”

Kyle gritted his teeth. “Liz will come, she wants to find Serena just as much as I do. And you can try to convince Isabel to come with us, but I don’t think you’re going to get anywhere. I think she’s already in too deep to want to leave.”

Tess sadly nodded her head. He was right. It was too late for Isabel. But there was still hope for the rest of them. Closing her eyes, she began to wish that everything Kyle said would come true. She wished the two of them would finally be free.


Re: TheLegendofDaringElk&HorseDreamer(M/LAdult)pt17/18(p10)10/12

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 9:06 pm
by Shadowlynxbehr
Part 19

Max was sitting on the ground before his home whittling away at a piece of wood. Michael sat next to him as the two of them continued to make new arrows to fill their quivers. There was already a small pile of arrows between them and a large pile of wood in front of them.

The two of them had been at it for a while already and chatted amicably among themselves as they worked. Eventually the conversation had turned to Isabel’s and Jesse’s new life they’d been living together for the past two weeks and the trading of Tess to Isabel’s family as collateral. Then it moved on to Michael’s feelings for Maria and Max’s for Liz.

Michael was currently telling his younger brother that he was thinking of going in the same direction Jesse had with Maria, but hadn’t discussed it with her yet. He also said that he didn’t want to wait as long as Jesse and Isabel had to make the hand fasting. It had taken them nearly two and a half weeks before they went through the ceremony. Still, the two weeks after that had shown the new couple to be completely happy now.

“Why did they take so long again?” asked Max in English since he knew Michael now preferred to speak that as much as possible to keep up with Maria.

“Jesse told me Isabel wanted to have Tess moved into her new home first. She wanted Tess to have time to know her new si…”

“situation,” Max supplied.

“Yes. Si-chu-a-ton. And she wanted to move into Jesse’s home before the ceremony too.” Michael gave him a puzzled look as he finished. “Jesse said she wanted to enjoy her honey and moon.”

Max grinned. “Honeymoon.”

Michael arched an eyebrow. “What does that mean?”

“I’m not entirely sure, but the way Liz explained it is that after the whites get married, that’s the hand fasting part, they have a dinner with their family and friends before they leave for a few days or more. It’s the part when they leave that is called the honeymoon.”

“Yes, but where do they leave?”

Max shrugged. “The couple picks somewhere to go be alone for that time. Liz says it’s during that time that no one bothers the couple so that they can get used to being with each other.”

Michael looked at him for a few moments as he absorbed what Max had described. After a while he finally nodded. “I think I understand.”

Max chuckled. “I suppose we could ask Liz to explain it some more. Maybe she can do so in Udeyona so that we could understand better?”

Michael grinned. “I think we should ask.”

Max nodded his agreement just as they heard Alex’s voice calling to them. “Howdy Max! Michael!”

The two of them turned to see Alex walking up to them with a huge sack on his back. They rose to their feet with grins on their faces to match his. Max was the first to approach his friend. Greeting him in the traditional way by clasping his forearm.

“Hello Alex, it is good to see you again.”

Alex nodded as he greeted Michael too. “Same here. I hear another one of you got hitched.”

They both looked baffled at his remark which made him laugh. “Hand-fasted.”

Max laughed as Michael answered. “Jesse did. To Isabel, but I thought you called it mar-age?”

Alex shrugged. “The correct term is marriage, but hitched is the term some of those who don’t live in the big towns call it.”

“I see,” replied Michael as he shook his head at Max. “Just when I think I am getting used to speaking, there is yet another change.”

Max simply grinned at Michael’s confusion over the constantly changing English language. What had Michael stumped the most was that there always seemed to be more than one word to describe an object where their language was much simpler than that.

He still wasn’t as good as Jesse and Max were, but then they had a few years of schooling to back them up. It also helped Max to have Liz who was fluent in both Udeyona and English, making it easier for her to translate for him. While Jesse had Isabel, she hadn’t known Udeyona until she’d joined the tribe recently. Still, he was miles ahead of Michael.

Max clapped his hand on his friend’s shoulder. “So, what brings you here Alex?”

Alex patted the sack on his back before answering. “Got some goods I thought the village might be interested in trading for. I have my sled of things already parked inside the council building, but I thought I’d look for your father so that I could have a word with him.”

“Something wrong?” asked Michael.

“Well I was recently trading with another tribe when I noticed something strange about some of their behaviors. I figured when I got here, I’d run it by your father before I started getting alarmed.”

Max nodded before turning to Michael. “Why don’t you take him to father while I put these things away? I’ll join you at the council building soon.”

Michael gave Max a quick nod before motioning for Alex to follow him. Once they had set out, Max moved to clean up the arrows and wood.


Liz leaned back against Max’s shoulder as the two of them sat beneath a tree not too far from the vegetable garden. This was the first day the two of them had been able to have some time to themselves since Isabel and Jesse had been hand-fasted. There had been other days in which Liz had been with Max, but there had always been someone else around.

Usually it was because all of the couples liked to hang out with each other since they were also all friends with each other. Then the times Liz hung out with Max at his place, her brother always seemed to be there too. Liz had tried to hint to Max to send Kyle on an errand or two so they could be alone, but Kyle always seemed to find a way to put off the errand or returned too quickly.

Liz knew Kyle wasn’t thrilled about her being close to Max. He’d hinted a time or two that he didn’t think it was a good thing to befriend any of the heathens and Liz had gotten the impression that Kyle thought they were beneath him. She hadn’t wanted to start any arguments with him since she’d barely been reunited with him after all these years, so she’d always steered their conversations to much easier topics.

Still, she was glad that she finally had the chance to just enjoy Max’s company and no one else’s at that moment. She smiled when Max curved an arm around her so that he could slide his hand into hers. Curling her fingers around his as their hands rested on her thigh, she leaned back to look up at him.

“This is nice,” she said.

He returned her smile. “Yes, it is. Finally some time to ourselves.”

She chuckled at that, happy that Max was on the same page as she was. “How much longer do you think your father and the others will be gone?”

She felt the slight rising and falling of his chest against her back, which indicated that Max had sighed. “I thought they would have returned by now.”

“Maybe the talks took longer than was planned?”

“Maybe,” replied Max.

They fell into silence as they each thought back to the day Alex had come to the village with his news. Once Max had joined Michael, Alex and Bright Moose at the council building Alex had told them what he’d witnessed at the Danasga village.

By the time he’d finished his story, Bright Moose had agreed that Alex should tell the entire council about it. He’d sent Max and Michael to gather up the council members while he and Alex remained in the building. By the time the sun had set, the council had heard Alex’s story and had made their decision.

According to Alex, the Danasga tribe he’d gone to trade with had not only been mistreating their slaves, but also their own women. Alex had painted a very bleak picture of how any female in that village was treated as if they were creatures with no thoughts or choices.

Their own women were treated as if they were nothing more than property, abused just like the slaves were. Every female and slave had been poorly clothed, poorly cared for and allowed only scraps for meals. If one of them even so much as thought of standing up for themselves, they were whipped and chained inside a tent meant for the troublemakers.

Both Michael and Max had grimaced as Alex told the story, knowing full well their own women would have been in that tent for as long as they’d survived that treatment. Liz and Maria were not women willing to be submissive, which was the reason why the brothers were so attracted to them.

Liz had proved Max’s thoughts right when he’d met her outside the council building after Alex’s recounting of the story. Word had gotten around the village that there was a council meeting and most villagers had gathered to find out what it was about.

Once the council had heard the story, everyone else had left the building to allow the council to discuss what they should do. That is when Max had met Liz outside and told her what Alex had said. Her reaction had been swift just like he’d known it would.

If it had been up to her, she would have gathered up as many warriors as she was allowed and gone to put a stop to that atrocity. But she knew that the council had to decide what action to take and if they should even get involved with another tribe’s business since it really had no effect on them.

Thankfully, the council was just as appalled as Liz was since it didn’t take that long for them to call everyone back in to tell them what they’d decided. They would be sending Bright Moose and three other elders as well as eight warriors to the Danasga tribe.

The four elders would then try to negotiate with the tribe in favor of better treatment of the women, while the eight warriors were there for the elders protection and to hopefully make a statement to the Danasga about the seriousness of the issue. Once the plans were discussed and made, everyone was allowed to return to their homes for the night to prepare for their departure.

The very next morning, the small party of twelve had set out with Alex’s directions to try and change things for the good among the Danasga tribe. That had been seven days ago.

According to Alex, the Danasga tribe was only two days ride from them. That meant it would have taken two days to get there, one day of talks, another for helping the changes take place and other negotiations, then two days of riding back.

But now on the seventh day, there was no sign of them. There had not even been a messenger sent to the Udeyona to let them know they’d be taking longer than planned. And since it was now late afternoon of the seventh day, Max was beginning to get worried. He didn’t even have to outwardly show it for Liz to know that. It was a given since she knew him well enough now.

Liz lifted their joined hands and began to play with Max’s fingers in an attempt to keep his mind off of things. For a few moments, Max watched as she moved the fingers of her free hand over their joined ones. He smiled as she trailed her fingers from hers to his in no particular pattern.

Leaning down, he pressed his lips against her temple as he gave her hand a light squeeze. She tilted her head back and to the side, giving him the perfect angle to take her lips in his for a kiss.

As the kiss deepened, he let go of her hand to wrap both arms around her waist. She lifted her now free hand and slid it over his shoulder, around to the back of his neck. His tongue slid into her mouth as her fingers began to tease the nape of his neck.

He tilted her back a little more as he savored the taste of her, using his shoulder and arm to hold her in the perfect position. Her fingers curled deeper into his hair and a small moan rose from her throat.

Max was about to shift her in his lap so that she would be facing him when a cry sounded from the village. Immediately they broke from their kiss and turned to stare at the village. Moments later, they could hear several voices shouting that the negotiators had returned.

Without another word, Liz scrambled out of Max’s lap and stood to brush off her dress. Max stood up and did the same to his clothes before taking her hand and leading her to the village at a run.

By the time they’d reached the front of the village, they were besieged with different noises. Max slowed to a walk as he began to take in the chaos before him. Sounds of weeping and shouting reached their ears as Liz peered around Max’s shoulder to see what had made him slow down.

The villagers were beginning to swarm around the returning party, or what was left of them. Max and Liz could clearly see that only four of the warriors remained on their horses. Two more of the warriors were being escorted towards the healer’s building, while the last two warriors were laid out on travois and surrounded by others.

It was clear from where they stood that it was too late to take those last two warriors to the healer’s building. Especially since the majority of the women surrounding them were in various stages of weeping, while the men wore forlorn looks on their faces.

The moment Liz realized that they were dead, she began sweeping her gaze around the rest of the crowd, looking for the four elders that had gone with the warriors. She immediately caught sight of one of them standing and talking with several council members before she continued looking around for the last three.

Max uttered a soft curse, which made her look up at him to see the look of horror on his face. She followed his gaze until she could see what had put that look there. Not too far from where she’d spotted the one elder talking with the council, she saw Michael leaning over a travois while Maria stood nearby holding a weeping Gentle Otter in her arms.

A gasp of disbelief left her lips a moment before Max let go of her hand and ran towards the small group. Liz was only a few steps behind him, but by the time she’d reached them he was on his knees next to the travois looking down at his father as if he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

Michael reached out to give Max’s shoulder a squeeze as tears began to well up in his eyes. Max reached out to place a hand on his father’s arm and continued to stare down at him as if willing him to wake up from his sleep.

“Father,” came the soft, broken word. It was the only indication that Max was feeling any kind of remorse over seeing his father lying in death on the travois.

That word was enough for tears to flow from Liz’s eyes as she too wrapped comforting arms around Gentle Otter who was now depending on both girls to hold her up in her grief. Liz glanced over to Maria to see that she was watching Michael even as she held Gentle Otter. Maria met her gaze for a moment before returning to watch Michael even as Liz watched Max.

Suddenly it seemed as if the noise around them had receded as they stood there next to the travois, the only loud sound being that of Gentle Otter’s weeping. Michael stood behind Max, eyes full of tears that would never fall. Max knelt next to his father’s torn and bloody body with a myriad of emotions playing over his face.

Then the sounds began to intrude once more as more shouts were heard.

“We should attack them for their rudeness!”

“They must be killed!”

“We cannot just rush off to kill them…”

“How dare they think they could do this!”

“We must not allow them to get away with this!”

“We cannot stoop to their level.”

“This means war!”

“We will discuss this..”

“What is there to discuss? They killed our people!”

Max squeezed his father’s arm before slowly rising to his feet. Turning towards the large group of protesters that had begun to surround some of the council elders, he began to make his way to them.

As soon as he had managed to get close enough to the elders so that they could hear him, he spoke in a loud voice. “I call the council to an emergency meeting right now.”

Slowly, the elders turned to look at him as others within the group began to take up his degree. Michael had followed his younger brother and now stood next to him along with Jesse, repeating the words as the others were doing.

Within moments, the council began making their way towards the council building with several others in tow. Max turned to look in the direction of Liz and the others as he spoke to Michael and Jesse.

“Fighting Dog, have the girls take mother home. Black Weasel, could you enlist the help of some others to carry my father’s body to the healer’s building so that he may be prepared for the passing ceremony?”

Both men nodded before leaving to do what Max had asked. For his part, Max met Liz’s eyes silently telling her that he would talk to her later before he turned to follow the others towards the council building.


“We were taken to a tent so that we could talk with the elders who were the leaders of the village,” continued one of the two elders who’d gone to negotiate with the Danasga. It was he, along with a second elder and the two warriors who’d returned on horseback that were now recounting the entire episode to the council and those who’d been allowed into the council building.

Max stood to one side listening as Michael and Jesse eventually joined him after completing their duties. The elder was saying, “When we were all seated, Bright Moose began to talk to them, asking them to change the way they treated their women and slaves. He worded it in such a way that there was no blame placed on the Danasga, nor would they feel that we were condemning them for their behavior.”

The second elder then continued. “Bright Moose did not even get the chance to finish his talk when a few of the elders stood up and called for their warriors to seize us all and take us to the holding tent. There were only two of our warriors in the tent with us and they tried to protect us, but we were outnumbered.”

One of the warriors took it from there. “I was outside with the other five warriors when we heard the commotion from inside the tent. Before any of us had the chance to find out what was going on in there, we were set upon.”

“It was almost as if they had been waiting for us to do something wrong. They were more than prepared to attack us. We were ambushed then chased out of the village, but not before the damage had been done,”
finished the second warrior.

The first elder spoke up again. “Since the two warriors with us tried to protect us, they were immediately disarmed and we were caught in the crossfire. Bright Moose and Eagle Feather tried to stop the fighting, but were killed for their efforts.”

“By the time everyone came out of the tent, Bright Moose, Eagle Feather, Panther Stalks and Running Wolf’s cold bodies were being dragged out. These last two elders were still struggling against their captors as we tried to make our way to them,”
added one of the warriors.

“But we were overpowered and forced out of the village. It was during that struggle that two more of the warriors were wounded, leaving only four to protect us and recover our fallen brethren,” said the first elder.

“We were able to recover all of the horses and those who had fallen. It took us a day to make the travois for the four fallen before we were able to make the journey back home,” explained the first warrior. “Plus it was slow traveling since we had two injured men, but nature was with us to allow us to finally return.”

Silence followed the end of their story for several long minutes before an uproar filled the room. It was quite evident from the angry voices that the Danasga needed to be taught a lesson. Drums sounded from behind the elders, signaling for the room to quiet down.

As soon as they were, Max stepped forward and waited for the elders to acknowledge them. When they did, he spoke in an even voice.

“Although I agree that we cannot just rush off and attack the Danasga no matter how much our hearts want revenge. We cannot forget the original reason why we sent the negotiation party in the first place. So, I must ask you all to think about how the Danasga reacted to the negotiation party’s simple words of concern about their behavior towards their women and slaves. If they were this violent to simple, peaceful words from outsiders then how do we think they really treat those that live with them? I cannot in good conscious stand here and allow this kind of rudeness to go unanswered. I cannot just stand here while those women and slaves could be in serious danger of losing their lives.”

Jesse stepped forward to back up Max’s words. “I second that. We must think about those that remain with the Danasga. If they are being treated as badly as Laughing Coyote says then we must do something about it. The council agreed to send a negotiation party to see if things could be solved that way. Clearly it was the wrong thing to do. Now, we must take the next step.”

One of the council members stood up with a nod of his head. “I agree that we must take that next step. Clearly we cannot just have peaceful talks with them. As far as I can see, we must now attempt to free the women and slaves from that horrible existence using a more forceful option.”

As more people came forward to raise their voices in favor, the drums sounded once more and the head elder stood up with his hands in the air. When silence descended again, he spoke to the room.

“We have heard all your concerns and will now discuss our next move. Rest assured that we will not allow those women and slaves to remain in such undesirable conditions for that long. We will now discuss what we will do and reconvene all of you when we have made a decision.”
