Passion (M&M & CC/UC, AU, Adult, ) (Complete)

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Part 11

Post by April »

Aw, I love my readers! You guys are so great! Thanks for all the fantastic feedback! I really appreciate it! :D

I won't ramble too much this time. Here's the next part!

Part 11

The next few days were filled with more not-so-subtle hints. Maria came up with lots of little ideas, like “accidentally” bumping into Liz and pushing her into Michael. Little things like that that would get him to put his hands on her. Albeit briefly.

A few nights later, when she was thoroughly behind on her homework, Liz waited outside the house with Maria next to the car. She wasn’t really sure whose car it was. They all seemed to drive it, but something told Liz that Maria and Michael hadn’t been the ones to pay for it. They weren’t really working types from what she could tell. Kyle had probably been the moneyman. He seemed like a nice guy, and Liz was gradually coming to accept his relationship with his girlfriends. It was weird, but they all seemed happy. That was really all that mattered.

She really wanted to be happy like that with Michael.

“I swear to God,” Maria grumbled, chewing on a piece of gum loudly, “these so-called ‘men’ take longer to get ready than we women do.”

Liz laughed a little, then felt a vibration from inside her purse. She reached in and looked at her cell phone. It was her mom calling. She thought about flipping open the phone and talking to her for a few minutes—they tried to talk everyday—but she didn’t want to look un-cool. Not now. Not when she was finally starting to be a little bit popular.

She turned off her phone and slid it back into her purse.

“Who was that?” Maria asked.

“No one,” she answered flippantly. “Just my mom.”

“Yeah, I never talk to my mom, either,” Maria said.

“I usually do, but . . .” Liz shrugged. “Whatever.”


Before Liz could think about it anymore, the front door opened and one of the guys came out, a dark-haired one who she hadn’t met before. Or had she? He looked vaguely familiar.

“Max,” Maria said. “You haven’t met Liz yet, have you?”

He studied her for a moment and said, “Uh, I don’t know. I might have seen you around.”

“Yeah, I think so,” she said, starting to remember. “I came up to you one day and asked you where the library was.”

“Yeah, I knew you looked familiar.”

She smiled, surprised that she even remembered.

“Where are those other two?” Maria grumbled impatiently. “I’m getting blisters; I’ve been standing out here so long.”

“Uh, they’re coming, I think,” Max replied.

“We still have to stop and pick up Isabel and Tess. The party’s gonna be over by the time we get there.”

“Where are we going again?” Liz asked.

“Sigma Chi, where all the boys live,” Maria replied with a grin.

As she said that, Michael and Kyle walked out the front door.

“Where all the hot boys live,” she amended. “No offense, Max.”

He just shook his head.

Liz watched as Maria crossed her arms over her chest and addressed Kyle and Michael, mainly Michael. “Took you long enough.”

“What can I say?” Michael said. “Some of us aren’t into that bed-head look.”

She laughed sarcastically, then flipped her middle finger up at him.

“Oh, real mature,” he commented. “What’s up, Liz?” He gave her a nod.

“Hmm.” She didn’t know what else to say. She was so happy that he nodded at her. What was that? It was something, maybe, but was it much? Maria had promised that she’d be dating Michael by the end of the week. Here it was, almost that time, and she didn’t feel as though she were any closer.

“Can we go?” Maria whined. “Who’s driving?”

Kyle grunted. “Driving? Are you kidding?”


Kyle shook his head. “No one’s driving. There’s no place to park up there.”

“But . . . what about the cops?”

“Cops?” Liz echoed, not aware that there might be cops showing up at this thing.

“If we hear sirens, I wanna make a getaway in an el automobile.”

“Probably faster on foot,” Michael reasoned.

“Hello, I’m wearing stilettos.”

“Well, too bad,” he said, obviously not sympathizing. “Come on, you know the cops aren’t gonna be there. They never are. Suck it up, DeLuca.” He started off down the sidewalk, Kyle beside him. Liz followed for pure want of being close to him, and Maria stayed right where she was standing, looking exasperated. Max stayed with her.

“Wait a minute!” she exclaimed. “I’m not walking all the way to Sigma Chi! It’s, like, three miles! And we still have to pick up Isabel and Tess!”

“On the way,” Kyle called back to her.

“But I don’t wanna walk!” she whined again.

“Fine, stay here,” Michael suggested, barely slowing down.

“You jerk!”

He rolled his eyes, then turned and headed back for her. Liz watched as he placed his arms around her legs and hoisted her up and over his shoulder.

“Ah! Michael!” she screamed. “Put me down!” She pounded on his back with her fists.

“If you’re not gonna walk . . .” He trailed off. “I’m too nice.”

“Too nice?” she spat. “My skirt’s blowing up in the wind! My whole ass is hanging out!”

“Nothin’ new,” he muttered, walking past Liz and rejoining Kyle at the front of the group again. “Party train’s movin’. Let’s go, people.”

“Michael!” Maria kept shrieking. “Ugh, I hate you! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!”

Liz brought up the rear with Max—not Maria’s rear, but the rear of the ‘party train’—thinking that she wouldn’t mind having Michael carry her the way he was carrying Maria.

God, she thought. Michael and Maria are always . . .


The party was in full-swing by the time they got there. Alcohol was flowing like a rapid river, people were dancing, couples were making out. Maria coaxed Liz out into the middle of the room to dance with a group of fraternity guys. She was tense at first, of course, but she started to loosen up, and soon guys were noticing.

Which one of these guys am I going to sleep with tonight? Maria wondered, surveying her choices. Too tall. Too fat. Too . . . yummy for words. She made eye contact with a blonde guy who was trying to act like he wasn’t watching her but obviously was. She couldn’t wait to see him naked.

“Alright, enough dancing,” Maria said, grabbing Liz’s hand and pulling her away from the fraternity guys. “Time to get serious.”

“Serious about what?” Liz asked. “I’m already serious. Maybe I should drink and get less serious.”

“No, don’t do that.”

“Why not? Everyone else is.”

“And if everyone else was jumping off a bridge, would you?” Maria shook her head and mentally scolded herself for sounding so parental. “Look, drink if you want to, but keep in mind that you’re a light-weight. If I were you, though, I wouldn’t drink tonight. You have work to do.”

“Michael work?” Liz guessed.


She shifted her weight from side to side and said, “I don’t get it, Maria. Why are we over here if he’s over there?” She pointed to the other side of the room at Michael. He was standing on the bottom of the stairs, romancing a girl who was clearly oblivious to his womanizing ways. It actually amazed Maria that he was still able to charm so many innocent girls, even with his reputation.

“Don’t worry,” Maria told Liz. “It’s a tactic.”

“It is?”

“Uh-huh. The jealousy tactic. Now contrary to what that prick keeps saying, I was not jealous. The cat-fight catastrophe was for you. You know that, right?”

“Of course.”

“And Michael, he acts all macho like, ‘Oh, I can’t get jealous.’ But he can. And he will,” Maria said confidently.


“Well, the one thing any guy hates is seeing another man’s hands on his girl. So you’re gonna flirt it up with a hottie, make him flirt back with you, and catch Michael’s attention. Hopefully he’ll come over here and get really pissed off. Jealousy.”

Liz smiled nervously. “Okay, that all sounds great in theory, but I still don’t know how to flirt.”

“Watch and learn.” Maria sashayed over to the blonde guy who had been watching her, motioning for Liz to follow. She stopped in front of him and said, “Hey, what’s your name?”


“Got a girlfriend, Steven?” she asked.

“Yeah, she’s home sick.”

“Hmm. You’re hard, I see.” She glanced down at the bulge in his pants and grinned. “For me or her?”

“Definitely for you.”

She moved in closer to him, resting one hand on his shoulder. Usually, she would be way more aggressive than this, even, but since Liz was watching and trying to learn . . .

“You know who I am, right?”

“Of course,” he said. “Maria DeLuca, former captain of the dance team.”

That word, former . . . it bothered her a little bit, and she took a step back from him. “What else do you know?” she asked, feeling as though she’d just lost a little bit of her edge somehow.

“That you’re a whore,” he said, “fuck everyone. So I guess it’s my turn.”

He reached behind her and grabbed her ass, trying to pull her towards him.

“Okay, I’m not in the mood anymore,” she said, trying to get away.

“Oh, no, you don’t.” He grabbed onto her arm roughly, yanking her back again.

“Stop it, I’m serious.”

“Little tease, huh?”

“Let go of me,” she warned.

“No, fuck me, bitch.”


“I’m totally drunk,” the cute little freshman Michael was flirting with slurred. “Can you take me back to your place?”

Can I?” He grinned. This was almost too easy.

For some reason, though, he glanced up, and it was a stupid thing to do; because when he did, he saw Maria across the room. Some blonde guy was holding onto her, and she seemed to be trying to get away. Liz was standing nearby, but there wasn’t really anything she could do.

“I’ll be right back,” he told his companion, sidestepping her and pushing his way through the crowd of party-goers. He heard the blonde guy seething things to Maria when he approached. “I’m gonna fuck your ass.”

“Just let go of me, you son of a--”

Michael curled his hand into a fist and swung at the guy before Maria could finish. The impact knocked him off his feet, and he sprawled on the floor, obviously not as tough as he pretended to be.

Michael to the rescue, he thought to himself, smiling.

He thought that maybe, just maybe, Maria might show some gratitude for once. But instead, she gave him an exasperated look and demanded, “What the hell did you do that for? Now I look weak!” She placed her hands on his chest and shoved him backwards before stomping off, not one hint of gratitude anywhere.

“Or,” he suggested, “thanks?” He cast a glance at Liz and shook his head. “She’s crazy.”

Even though she couldn’t possibly have heard him, Maria must have somehow known what he said, because she raised her voice to shout over the music, “You’re crazier!”


Max was happy when Maria invited him into her bedroom late that night, even though it was just to talk. Just being around her any time was euphoric to him.

“I mean, can you believe that?” she said so animatedly. “Where does he think he lives, the O.C.?”

“Yeah, they do a lot of hitting on that show,” Max agreed quietly.

“Which he secretly watches, and will never admit to!” She huffed, clearly exasperated. “You know, his ego is really out of control. What makes him think he can just go ahead and defend my honor without even discussing it with me first?”

“Um . . .” Max didn’t really know what to say. Michael hadn’t done anything wrong. Maria had just said it herself. He had ‘defended her honor.’ Lucky him.

“Am I right, or am I right?”

“Uh . . .” He didn’t want to disagree and upset her anymore, so he just said, “Yeah?” and left it at that.

She breathed a sigh of relief. “See, this is why I like you so much, Max. You’re like a girl, or a loveable brother.”

He really didn’t want to be either of those things.

“I can tell you anything, and I know you’ll agree with me,” she added. “You’re so much better than Michael. Ugh, I can’t stand him!”

“That’s . . . obvious.”

“This eight years of knowing him is really starting to grate.”

“Well, you know, for what it’s worth,” he said cautiously, “I would’ve done the same thing.”

“What, you would’ve hit that guy, too?”

“Yeah,” Max replied, “in an instant. Because, even though I know you’re strong and you can handle yourself, I could never stand back and watch something bad happen to you. I care about you, too much.”

Maria smiled. “Aw, Max.” She hugged him briefly, and he wondered if she could tell how it affected him, having her arms around him and his arms around her in return, being close, contacting.

She pulled away from the hug all too soon and reverted back to her ever-present subject: Michael Guerin. “See, that’s the difference between you Michael. You care. He doesn’t. At all!” She seemed to realize what she was saying then and added, “I mean, not that I want him to.”


“I care about you,” Michael murmured in his best impassioned, dramatic voice. “So much. Too much. I can’t breathe without you; I can’t live without you. Let me take you, my darling lover girl!”

“What’re you doing?” Alex asked, spinning around in his chair to give him a look of utter confusion.

“Just adding some dialogue to your cheesy soap-opera movie,” he replied, gesturing to the soundless footage playing across the computer screen. Lots of random teenage couples in the midst of seemingly random conversations.

“It’s not a soap-opera,” Alex insisted. “It’s a work of art.”

The footage switched, and Michael raised an eyebrow at what he saw next. “Yeah, I can see that.” He sat down beside Alex, surprised that his friend had done some filming of Isabel Evans.

Alex wet his lips and tried to explain. “She was just . . . in the area.”

“Sure. Whatever, man.”

“Well . . . can you blame me? I mean, look at her.” Alex gazed at the footage of Isabel walking to class wistfully. “She’s so . . .”

“Kyle’s,” Michael filled in.

“Oh, don’t remind me.”

Michael chuckled. “I wouldn’t waste your time, man.”

“What do you mean? You don’t think it can be done?”


“Thanks, that’s a . . . great boost of confidence there.”


Alex paused the film and leaned forward, burrowing one hand in his hair. “Soap-opera movie,” he grumbled. “You’re one to talk.”

“What do you mean?”

“You ever notice how there’s one girl in just about everything you’ve ever filmed?”

Michael thought about it, and unfortunately . . . Alex was right. Holy crap. For some reason, it’d never occurred to him before, but Maria was a constant in his videos. Every time. “That’s different,” he reasoned. “She gets pissed, and it’s funny. I like comedies.”

“No, maybe it’s an epic romance,” Alex suggested. “Like Titanic, without the boat.”

Michael chuckled at the insane thought of that and shook his head. “What the fuck, man?”

Alex laughed, too. “I don’t know.”


After the complete un-fun that had been Sigma Chi the night before, everyone decided to stay in the next night. Even though it was a perfectly party-able Friday night.

Feeling a bit cold, Maria slipped on a bright, colorful bathrobe over the top of her pajamas and went out into the living room to join Michael on the couch. She sat down beside him grudgingly and ignored the sounds of the television as she started in. “I’m sorry I yelled at you last night, but what else is new?”

“Was that an apology?” Michael asked incredulously. “‘Cause . . . it sucks.”

She immediately reverted into combat mode. “Well, what do you want me to say?”

“How ‘bout thank you?” he suggested.

“Ew, no.”

“You are so . . .”

“Gorgeous? I know.” She smirked. “You know what, Michael, you should be the one apologizing to me.”

“Are you . . . fucking kidding me? I saved your life!”

Saved my life?” she resounded emphatically. “Wow, that is . . . really overstated.”

“Well, I took a swing for you and that’s the point. Hence the two simple words thank and you.”

“Oh, please,” she scoffed. “You’ve never said that to me.”

“Because you’ve never done anything worth my gratitude.”

“You could still say it.”

“What, thanks for driving me insane?”

“Or . . . for being so gorgeous.”

He chuckled. “Oh, you are insane.”

“I may be insane, but I’m not sorry,” she decided.

“Neither am I.”



Just then, Kyle strode into the living room and glanced down at the two of them. “You guys are . . . really bad apologizers. You know that, right?”

“I’m not apologizing,” Michael pointed out.

“And I did, but I didn’t mean it,” Maria added. “He’s an ass.”

“She can kiss mine.”

“In his dreams.”

Kyle gave them both a wide-eyed, slightly confused look and just said, “Okay. I’m gonna go . . . masturbate.” He headed off downstairs.

“Where’s your women?” Maria called after him.

“That time of the month for both of them,” he replied. “I’m not into it, I’m afraid.”

Michael made a sound of disgust. “Ugh, just thinkin’ about that gives me the creeps.”

“Wimp,” she commented.

He cast a glance at her and speculated, “Is that why you’re always such a bitch to be around? Constant PMS?”

She rolled her eyes. “Whatever, I’m going to bed.” She made a move to stand up, but he grabbed her arm and pulled her back down.

“Hey, wait a minute. The night’s young,” he said. “We could still annoy each other some more. I was gonna go hit the campus rec center. Wanna come?”

Instinctively, her self-conscious female mind turned wanna come? into you need to come. “Are you saying I’m fat?”


“I’m fat and I need to work out?”

“See, I don’t get you. Why do you do that?’

“What, get offended when someone calls me fat?”

“I didn’t say that!”

“You were thinking it!” she shouted, stomping off into her bedroom to change into some workout clothes.


Maria sat next to Michael on one of the stationary bicycles that even at the campus recreational center, trying to pedal as fast as he did. But she couldn’t. Either he was just showing off or he was in decent physical shape.

“You know, you’re burning, like, one calorie a minute,” Michael commented, motioning toward the tiny computer screen on the bike that indicated her heart rate, miles traveled, revolutions per minute, and calories burned. All of his numbers were much higher than hers.

“There you go, calling me fat again,” she mumbled under her breath.

“Oh, screw it. I’m gonna go lift weights in a minute.”

Maria laughed a little to herself and smiled.

“What?” he asked.

“Nothing. I just had this beautiful fantasy of you attempting to bench press and then, like, accidentally dropping the whole bar on your face.” She sighed wistfully. “Oh, that’d be funny.”

“You think I’m not strong, huh?” he said, still pedaling on the bike. “Strong enough to knock that guy to the ground in a single punch. Strong enough to lift you over my shoulder the other night.”

“Oh, and that must have been so difficult because I’m so fat.”

He chuckled. “You said it; I didn’t.”

She rolled her eyes and then spotted a particularly gorgeous male over in the corner doing pull-ups. She gazed at him for a minute, wishing that she was here alone instead of with Michael. It was really hard to pick up guys with him around because everyone always grossly assumed they were together.

“I’m not stupid, you know,” Michael blurted suddenly. “I know you’re trying to hook me up with Liz.”

She turned to face him again and decided there was no use in denying it. “You’re right. I am trying to set you up with her. But you’re wrong about the stupid part. You’re very, very stupid.”

“Smarter than you.”

“Oh, really? If you’re so smart, why don’t you tutor me in calculus, huh? Mr. Smarty-Pants.”

“‘Cause . . . no, I’m not that smart. But I’m not stupid, either,” he replied. “The Liz thing’s pretty obvious. ‘Michael, help her stretch. Michael, dance with her. Michael, isn’t she hot?” he mimicked in an over-exaggeratedly Maria-esque voice.

“Well, isn’t she?”

“Yeah, she’s a pretty girl, but she’s not gonna be my girlfriend. So just give it up.”

Maria sighed. Liz’s forward progress had just came to a screeching halt. “So there’s, like, no chance. No chance whatsoever?”

“No chance,” Michael said. He stopped pedaling and stood up. “Screw this bike. I’m gonna go lift.”

Maria stopped pedaling once he was gone, not really caring about all this exercise stuff, and worried about what she was going to tell Liz. Her friend had a total first-love crush on him, and if she found out there was no chance, it was going to break her heart.


“So, usually nerds cave easily, you know? But this one, I swear to God, he must be bi, because I showed him my boobs, and he still wouldn’t write the paper for me. I let him touch my boobs; still nothing. Finally I just fucked him and he was finally convinced.” Maria sighed heavily. “Worst five minutes of my life.”

“Five minutes?” Liz echoed. “I thought it was supposed to take longer than that.”

“It is.” Maria turned on the sidewalk and headed up towards the house, Liz right beside her. “I can’t wait ‘til you have sex, Liz. You’ll be so happy.”

“As long as I’m with the right person,” Liz added. “Which, speaking of . . . how close am I to dating Michael?”

Maria slowed down her steps and tried to think of a way to answer. “Uh . . .”

“’Cause I mean, you said I’d be dating him by now, but I’m not.”

“Well, I’m not a mathematician, Liz. My calculations could be off.”

“How off?”

Maria sighed again, not having the heart to tell her friend that pursuing Michael was a lost cause. “Look, I gotta talk to you about all this. Let’s get inside first.”

“Is something wrong?”

Maria opened the door and stepped inside, purposefully not answering. Michael was sitting at kitchen counter eating a hamburger. “I knew I smelled something,” he muttered when she shut the door.

“Oh, very funny.” She walked over to him, grabbed his burger out of his hands, much to his protest, and took a bite. She immediately cringed when she tasted something disgusting. “Ew, did you put . . . mayo on that?”

“Yeah, it’s good.”

She shook her head and handed it back to him, spitting the bite she’d just taken into the trash. “Sick.”

Kyle came out of the bathroom then, belched, and headed into the kitchen. “Hey, gang’s all here. Except Max. You think he’s gettin’ laid?”

Michael and Maria both laughed at the thought. “Yeah, right,” Michael said, setting his burger down on his plate. “He’s probably just studying.”

“Poor guy,” Maria added, thinking that he must be so sexually frustrated. A twenty-two year-old virgin. That had to be painful.

“So.” Michael turned to face Maria and smirked, asking, “Who’d you do today? I gotta keep up.”

“Oh, just some geek,” she answered flippantly, “and no, I don’t wanna talk about it.”

“That bad, huh?”

“I said I don’t wanna talk about it.”

He chuckled and reached out to pinch her side.

“Hey!” she yelped.

“You’re such a slut,” he said, smiling.

“Yeah, so?”

He just chuckled.

She couldn’t resist smiling as he teased her. “Shut up,” she teased back. “You’re a slut, too.”

“Michael the man-whore!” Kyle exclaimed. “Ah, I love it!”

Michael shrugged. “It is what it is.”

Suddenly, Liz cleared her throat quietly and said, “Maria?”

“What?” Maria spun around, once again almost forgetting that her friend was there and that they were supposed to talk. “Oh, right. Liz and I are gonna go have a little girl time.” She grabbed Liz’s arm and pulled her out of the kitchen and down the hallway. She didn’t even have to be looking at him to know that Michael was raising an intrigued eyebrow at the prospect of ‘girl time.’ “It’s nothing sexy,” she informed him, “so don’t even ask.” And with that, she opened the door to her bedroom and dragged Liz inside. “Okay,” she said as she shut it into place. “We’ve been making some progress, right? Things have been going good?”

“I guess,” Liz said, not sounding as enthusiastic as Maria wanted her to.

“Wait a minute, where’s the girl who would do anything to be with this guy? Where’s the girl who got dreamy every time she thought of him?”

“Oh, I still do,” Liz assured her.

“You’re still that girl?”

“Yeah, I just . . . it seems to be taking awhile, and it’s frustrating.”

“I know, and now, you’re really gonna have to bring it,” Maria told her, seeing no other options.

“What do you mean?”

“Go out there and talk to him. Flirt with him. Make-out with him. Have sex with him if you want to. Just do something to get his attention, to make him ask you out on a date, or, worse case scenario, ask him out. You got it?”

“But . . . no, you have to come with me.”

“I can’t, Liz. It’s pretty much now or never for real this time. If you screw up, there’s not gonna be a next time.” She saw the terrified look on her friend’s face and added, “But no pressure.”

Liz whimpered as Maria told her exactly what to say to Michael.


Five minutes later, Liz walked out of the room. She was happy to find that Kyle wasn’t around anymore and that it was just Michael sitting alone on the living room couch. He was watching TV, some kind of cartoon, and laughing out loud.

Liz took a deep breath and tried to remember what she was supposed to say. She’d just rehearsed it with Maria. Why couldn’t she remember? Why was she such a spaz?

She looked back towards Maria’s bedroom, a safe haven, in a sense, but the door was closed. Now or never, she reminded herself, her heart pounding in nervous anticipation. Oh my god.

“Hey, Michael,” she squeaked out, hating that her voice sounded so high-pitched.

“Hey,” he said, never taking his eyes off the TV screen.

She stood there a good fifteen feet away, looking around, feeling like an idiot with nothing to say. Just say anything, she told herself. Anything’s better than nothing.

“What are you watching?” she asked, sitting down beside him.

“Oh, who knows. Just somethin’ funny,” he replied.

“I love funny TV shows.”

He nodded. “That’s nice.”

That’s nice? Was that an attempted brush-off? Did he want her to go away? She had to admit, in that awkward moment, she actually wanted to go away, be anywhere else, but she knew she couldn’t. Now or never.

“So, um . . . do you know if there are gonna be any good parties tonight?” she asked.


“Parties. Any good ones?”

“Oh. Uh . . .” He still stared at the TV. “I don’t know. I’ll probably just go to The Lightning Strike.”

“Sounds cool,” she said. “I wish I had something fun to do tonight.” Not bad, she thought, proud of herself for being as subtle as she was.

He laughed again at the television show. “This is so funny.”

She sighed impatiently and decided to scoot a little closer to him. How did Maria make this look so easy, talking to him, being near him?

Michael laughed a few more times as the show came to an end, then said, “Ah, dammit. It’s over. Now what am I gonna do?”

“I don’t know,” she said. “I’m kinda bored myself.”

“I’m not studying,” he said decidedly. “I gotta do something fun.” He finally turned his head to look at her then and asked, “Hey, where’s Maria?”

Something inside of her died a little then, lost all hope completely, and she realized something that had somehow never completely occurred to her before: Maria. It was all about Maria.

“Oh,” she said. “I don’t know. I think she’s still in her room.” She pushed herself up off the couch cushions then, saying, “I’ll go get her.” Michael didn’t say one more word to her as she walked away from him. He was probably too busy thinking about someone else.


Maria honestly wasn’t surprised when Liz slipped back into the bedroom a few minutes after she’d left it with a sad look on her face. She hadn’t expected Michael to be responsive to Liz’s advances. Liz didn’t really know how to make advances.

“No luck?” Maria asked, even though she already knew.


Liz looks really devastated, Maria thought. What did he say to her? “Do you wanna talk about it, or--”

“Not really,” Liz said. “Actually, there isn’t much to talk about. Except for the obvious.”

“The obvious,” Maria echoed. “Right. I’m glad you see it, too, Liz. Michael’s just not boyfriend material. And he’s never gonna get a girlfriend; he’s made that perfectly clear. I mean, if he ever does, God help that girl, because . . . well, obviously, she’s gonna be driven insane. Just be happy it’s not you, Liz. Just be happy it’s not you.”

“Yeah, it’s definitely not me,” Liz agreed. “I should have noticed it sooner.”

“Noticed what?” Maria asked, slightly confused by that remark.

“Don’t you see it, Maria?” Liz said, right before saying something that was completely psychotic and made no sense. “Michael’s totally in love with you.”

Maria just stood there for a minute, staring at her friend in shocked silence. Then she made a face and managed the only response she could. “Huh?”

TBC . . . :wink:

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Part 12

Post by April »

Wow, such AWESOME feedback! And another new reader, too, and a Dreamer, no less! Hi, RiceKrispy! :mrgreen: Welcome to the fic! Glad you like it!

Alright, this next part . . . not to toot my own horn, but I think it's pretty funny. Raunchy, though, too. Maria really is . . . raunchy.


Part 12

Maria lay awake in bed for a good five hours that night until she couldn’t stand it any longer. She couldn’t just keep lying there thinking about what Liz had said. Because it was crazy. And it was making her crazy.

It’s not possible, she thought as she strode out through the living room into the kitchen. There’s no way in hell Michael’s in love with me. Unless you pick on the people you love, bully them, humiliate them, infuriate them, annoy them, drive them absolutely insane . . .

She grabbed a carton of ice cream out of the freezer, peeled open the top, and nodded when she saw what flavor it was. Strawberry. Excellent. She took a spoon out of the silverware drawer and dug it into the sugary sweet goodness, closing her eyes and moaning as the food hit her tongue. This was what life was all about. Ice cream. Not Michael. Never Michael.

She sighed and glanced at the clock on the microwave as she dug her spoon in again. 4:30 a.m. She might as well stay up now, maybe do a little dancing to get her mind off Michael.

Freakin’ Michael.

Of course, it was at the exact moment she was trying her hardest not to think about him that he walked in the front door and made that impossible. He’d gotten semi-dressed up and gone out earlier. Part of her had been hoping he’d never come back.

“Hey,” he said, flopping down in the reclining chair.

Suddenly, she realized what she was wearing—a very short black t-shirt and a pair of silky pink panties. It was something she’d never thought twice about wearing in front of Michael before, something she wouldn’t have even given regard to if not for what Liz had stupidly said. “Hey,” she returned, tugging down on her t-shirt. No use. She was still skimpy. Although she supposed it didn’t matter. He’d seen her naked countless times.

Oh god, he’d seen her naked.

“What’re you doin’ up?” he asked her.

She shrugged. “Couldn’t sleep.”

“Huh. Well, you should’ve come tonight. It was fun.”

She paused as she was putting the ice cream away, and once again her brain started to warp his words. “You wanted me to go with you?”

“No, I just said you should’ve gone. Sheesh. Don’t get crazy.”

“Right.” Don’t get crazy, she told herself as she shoved the ice cream carton back into the freezer. You’re already crazy enough.

He gave her a puzzled look as if he could sense she wasn’t herself and asked, “What’s with you?”

“What do you mean?” she responded a little too quickly.

“You’re weird tonight. Weirder than usual.”

This was the guy who was supposedly in love with her? Impossible. Absolutely impossible.

“I just . . . don’t feel very well,” she lied. She didn’t want to keep going on that topic, so she quickly changed the subject. “So where’s tonight’s unlucky girl?”

He got up out of the chair and sauntered toward her. “Not here.”

“Why not?” He didn’t have something planned for her, did he? No romantic dinner or . . . oh, she was losing it. This was Michael.

“Well, I did meet . . . somebody,” he said, once again at a loss for a name. “I didn’t need to bring her home, though. Fucked her right out in the parking lot.”

“Oh, how cozy,” she mumbled.

“See, you say that, all sarcastic and shit.” He came up to the counter and stepped up close to her, even leaning forwards slightly as he spoke. He was close. “But you don’t know,” he went on. “You’ve never been with me, because if you had, you’d know I can make sex of any kind enjoyable. Anywhere. Best of your life.”

His proximity was mind-bending enough, but those words . . . was he trying to, what, entice her or turn her on or something? Clearly it . . . wasn’t working. “I’m gonna . . . go to bed,” she muttered, turning and heading off in the direction of her bedroom.

“Sleep tight, baby,” he called after her.

Baby? Oh, she hated this. She hated that Liz had even put the insane, ridiculous idea in her head, because now she couldn’t even act normal around Michael. All she could do was over-analyze ever stupid little thing he said.

Dammit, Liz.


Maria sought out her friend that day, needing her to elaborate on what she’d said. After the words ‘Michael’s totally in love with you’ had left Liz’s mouth, she’d made tracks out of the house, and Maria hadn’t even gotten the chance to ask her what could possibly make her think that. Had he said something? Had he done something? Was it just a wild hunch?

She knew Liz had an afternoon biology lab, so she waited outside Arthur Hall for an hour. When Liz did finally walk out, the first thing Maria noticed was that she had reverted back to her nerd look, no make-up, no cute clothes, no cute hairstyle. She’d really given up.


Liz spun around and smiled weakly. “Hey, Maria.”

“Hey, yourself.” Maria let out a heavy sigh she had been holding and said, “Okay, last night after you said what you said, you kinda left and left me hanging. And I was up all night thinking about it and driving myself crazy, and I just need to know what you meant.”

“Well, I meant . . . Michael’s totally in love with you.”

Maria made a face. “No.”

“He is.”

“No, he’s not, Liz. He doesn’t love me; he hates me. And I hate him. That’s just the way it works.”

“But there’s an attraction,” Liz insisted. “There’s a bond, a bond that’s lasted for practically eight years already.”

“It’s not a bond, Liz; it’s venom!”

“Look, it isn’t easy for me to say this,” Liz pointed out, “but it suddenly hit me last night that Michael and I hardly talk. You guys always talk.”

“Or yell.”

“Yeah, but the point is, you never run out of things to say to each other. And he’s never made a move to touch me.”

“He doesn’t touch me, either.”

“No, sometimes he does. He tickles you or pinches you.”

“Because . . . he’s immature,” Maria rationalized.

“He calls you baby.”

Yeah, he did do that.

“He watches you when you dance, not me.”

“Oh, not true! State championships, he was off with another girl while I was dancing! My last dance team performance ever, and he was too busy screwing to notice it!” Maria whimpered and shook her head. “It’s just impossible, Liz. It’s insane. You’re insane!”

“Maria,” Liz said, “it’s okay.” She turned and started off down the sidewalk.

“It’s not okay, Liz!” Maria yelped, stomping off after her. “Nothing about this is okay!”


The next few days were horrible. Just horrible. Maria couldn’t remember ever feeling so uncomfortable in her own house. Stupid Michael. Stupid Liz. Stupid, stupid everything.

She was paranoid. Plain and simple. Whenever Michael said something to her, she consciously analyzed it for hidden romantic meaning.

“There’s a Sopranos marathon on tonight.”

Stuff like that. Sopranos? she wondered. Does he want me to watch it with him?

“I’m hungry.”

Does he want us to go out and get something to eat? Like at a French restaurant? A quiet, secluded, sexy French restaurant?

“You’re awfully quiet tonight.”

Oh my god, does he want me to get loud? Like sexual loud?

Her suspicion kicked in whenever he did anything, too, even something completely normal. Like one evening, he sat down beside her on the couch to watch a movie. He had a bowl of popcorn in his hand. “Want some?” he asked, offering it to her.

She gave him a rather alarmed look. Why is he offering me popcorn?

“What?” he asked, noticing the look.

“Nothing.” She dug her hand into the bowl, took out a handful, and stuffed it into her mouth, hoping he’d just let it go.

The worst part was that the ridiculous ‘love’ idea was affecting her, too, making her analyze her own behaviors. Why did she always parade around in skimpy little panties and tight t-shirts? Why did she let him see that much?

“Whoa,” he said when she walked out of the bedroom in baggy pajama pants and a sweatshirt one night. “It’s not winter.”

I’m covered up. Is he disappointed? she wondered. Oh my god.

Mornings were the worst. She still wasn’t sleeping well, but Michael always strolled into her bedroom shirtless and said, “Rise and shine, dirty girl.” He pulled the sheet back and then looked at her expectantly. “That’s where you’re supposed to call me ugly boy.”

She just rolled over onto her other side so she wouldn’t have to look at him. Why did he think it was okay to walk into her room without a shirt on? Why was he so comfortable around her? Why was she freaking out?

“Did you, like, lose your ability to talk or something?” he asked.

She hadn’t, but she felt as though she had. She hadn’t said one witty or insulting thing to him in three days. That was just not normal.

“Whatever,” he said, shrugging as he left the room. “I prefer you like this. Much less annoying.”

She scrunched her forehead up in confusion as he left the room. If he actually had feelings for her, he wouldn’t say she was annoying or a slut or insane. Would he?

She sighed heavily. Michael was a very strange guy. Anything—absolutely anything—was possible.

Just the thought was enough to make her want to throw up.


Maria texted Liz and asked her to meet her for coffee that Wednesday afternoon. She waited around for awhile and was surprised when Liz actually showed up. Her friend had been sort of distant lately. It was obvious that she was envious, maybe even a little jealous. Maria still thought she had nothing to be jealous about, but . . .

“I got your text,” Liz said, sitting down in the chair across from her. Once again, she wasn’t dressed to impress at all. The new captain of the dance team, resigning to nerd status . . . Maria couldn’t even think about it, not with all the other things she was thinking about.

Maria started right in by saying, “I hate you, Liz. You know that, right?”

Liz smiled, seeming to understand that it was only sarcastic hate. “I know.”

“It’s just . . . uh, I can’t even act normal around him anymore. I’m too busy wondering what he’s thinking about when he looks at me or why he’s looking at me in the first place. I can’t even fight with him anymore, Liz, and I was, like, so good at that.”

Liz laughed lightly. “You’re just nervous.”

Nervous? She didn’t get nervous. “No, I’m just disgusted. I can’t stand the thought of it. It’s too weird. And unnatural. It’s completely unnatural, Liz.”

“No, it’s not.”

“Yes, it is. Which is why I’m thinking, why don’t we go back to the original plan? All hope is not lost. You can still get your man.”

Liz shook her head. “He’s not my man.”

“Well, he’s certainly not mine!” Maria shrieked.

“He could be.”

“I don’t want him to be! Liz . . . I don’t get it. Four days ago, you couldn’t get enough of Michael. You talked about him constantly, thought about him constantly. Why are you so ready to give up?”

“Because there’s no point, Maria.”

“No, there is. You guys would make a good couple.”

“Funny how you never thought that before.”

Maria sighed. “Okay, so maybe selfishness is a part of my motivation. I just-I don’t wanna be jittery in my own house anymore. And I don’t want you to backtrack on all the progress you made. You were starting to make friends, Liz, and get popular. I made you the captain of my dance team, for God’s sake.”

“What are you saying?” Liz asked. “That we can’t be friends if I’m not popular?”

“No, we can be. I mean, we will be. But you can’t date Michael if you’re not popular.”

“Well . . . maybe I don’t wanna date him anymore.”

Maria grunted, seeing right through that flimsy lie. “Yeah, right.”

Liz sighed. “Okay, fine, if he wanted to, I definitely would. But . . .” She shrugged sadly. “He doesn’t want to.”

“Well, we’ll make him want to,” Maria promised. “Please, Liz.”

Liz just shook her head and stood up from the table. “I’m sorry, Maria. My heart can’t take it.” She grabbed her many backpack, turned, and walked away, leaving Maria sitting at the table all by herself, wondering what to do.


The answer came quickly. Boys.

Maria got all glamorous and headed straight for The Lightning Strike that night. No Kyle. No Max. Most definitely no Michael. Just her and her hormones. Quite a nice combination.

She trailed her hand across the bar, smiling at men who couldn’t take their eyes off of her, and scanned the scene. Even though she usually sat back and let men pursue her, she was going to go out of her way tonight and find somebody that she wanted, somebody she wanted more than anyone else. She was going to be the pursuer this time, no doubt about that. The question was, who was going to be the lucky man pursued?

She tipped her sunglasses down and peered over the top rim, surveying her options. (Yeah, it made no sense to wear sunglasses in an already dark club, but they added to the pornographic Hollywood look she was going for. Short denim mini-skirt. Gold-sequined backless halter. High gold heels. And sunglasses.)

Who to pick? she thought, walking along slowly, seductively. Not you. Not you. Definitely not you. And then, as if by some miracle, she spotted not one, but two guys who were exactly what she was looking for. They were playing a game of pool together. Both were groomed well, dressed well, almost too good-looking to be true. Most importantly, they seemed to be the exact opposite of Michael Guerin. They didn’t have that bad boy appeal, that slight rough around the edges look. They didn’t look conceited. They didn’t look arrogant. They looked like two really nice, really sweet guys. She was going to take such pleasure in rocking their worlds and riding their cocks.

Kyle, you’re gonna be so proud of me, she thought, approaching her targets. She picked the eight ball up off the pool table, garnering their undivided attention, and smiled at them. “Perfect.”


Maria burst through the front door a mere ten minutes later, dragging her soon-to-be-sexual partners with her. She’d learned their names on the drive home, and subsequently forgotten them. So to her, they were Joe and Jed. Simple enough.

“Whoa,” Joe said in awe, glancing around a moment. “You live here?”

“Shut up,” she said, grabbing him by his shirt collar and yanking his lips down to hers. She kissed him hungrily, then tore her lips away and kissed Jed in the same manner. Both of them were excellent kissers. Both of them would no doubt be excellent in bed.

Oh, she couldn’t wait any longer.

“Come on,” she said, grabbing them by their shirts and dragging them into her bedroom. She slammed the door, then stripped herself of her clothing in record timing. The last thing to go were her high heels. She met Joe and Jason’s eyes once she was nude and loved the astounded looks there, like they couldn’t believe it was really happening.

Well, it was. Because she wanted it to.

She reached one hand out in each direction and unbuttoned and unzipped their jeans simultaneously, a move that took a bit of talent. She shoved them downward then to pool at their feet. Both of them kicked off their shoes, stepped out of their jeans, and took off their shirts. Once they were all completely naked, Maria practically pounced on Jed. He caught her in his arms and staggered with her for a moment, apparently surprised. She reached down in between them, grabbed his dick in her hand, and positioned him at her entrance. He entered slowly, too slowly as far as she was concerned in that moment, so she pressed herself against him, urging him deeper.

“The bed,” she gasped out.

He stumbled over to the bed and fell down on his back, her on top of him. She fucked him for a few seconds that way, setting the fast pace she wanted, then rolled over onto her side and motioned with one free, frantic hand for Joe to get in on the action. He got the message and crawled into bed behind her. He placed his hands in the curve of her gyrating hips and slammed into her from behind. Maria literally screamed, the sensation of being penetrated twice almost doing her in. This wasn’t the first time she’d had a threesome by any means, but it was the first time in a long time.

“Yes,” she hissed, easing up and letting them do all the work. “Harder . . .”

Everything was going great. She was feeling it. Her boys were definitely feeling it. And then, suddenly, just like that, everything changed.

“Wow, it’s a Maria sandwich.”

“What?” she choked out, faintly recognizing that voice through her sex-induced haziness. That voice . . . that annoying voice . . .

Oh, no.

She turned her head to the side and watched in horror as Michael casually strolled into the room, apparently unfazed by the fact that she was in the middle of a very intense double penetration. And naked.

“What’re you doing?” she barked, her worst nightmares coming true. She didn’t want to be doing this, feeling these sensations, approaching orgasm while looking at him! She didn’t even want him in the room! Hell, she didn’t even want him in her life! “Get outta here!”

“Just, chill, a minute.”

“I . . . uh!” she cried as Joe rammed into her especially hard. “Can’t!” she finished. “In case you haven’t noticed!

“I’ve noticed too much, I’m afraid,” Michael muttered. “I just wanna know where you hid all the chocolate chip cookies.”

“What?” She moaned again as her boys kept on. She clung to Jed’s sweat-slicked body, thinking that she’d already have cum twice if Michael wasn’t in the room.

“You’re the only who eats ‘em,” Michael kept on, “until now, ‘cause I’m gonna start eatin’ ‘em.”

“I don’t care!”

“But they’re not out there. I think you hid ‘em somewhere.”

Did he honestly have nothing better to do than interrupt her very hot sex to speculate about cookies? Or maybe . . . a horrible thought occurred to her. Maybe it was something else. Maybe it was just all an excuse to see her naked, to see her going at it. Voyeur! she thought in outrage.

She dug her nails into Jed’s arm, desperately seeking a release that she knew was going to elude her now. “I didn’t fucking hide them, Michael,” she ground out.

“But you eat ‘em all the time,” he reasoned.

“There you go, calling me fat again!”

“You’re such a bitch.” Then gesturing to her current activities, he added, “Obviously.”

She was about to yell at him when she got jolted by another set of wild thrusts. “Oh!” she cried, closing her eyes, desperately trying to hold onto the man in front of her and the man behind her and not think about the other man in the room. “Leave!” she shouted. “Michael, please . . .”

“Whoa, Michael, please?” he echoed. “You’re not havin’ sex with me, baby.”

“Go!” she told him. Then, as she felt herself approaching that climax . . . so close . . . “Go, go, go,” she urged Jed and Joe on. These boys had some stamina.

“I’ll just take a look around,” Michael said, opening up Maria’s underwear drawer.

“What?” No! He was ruining this! He was ruining everything!

“ Nice,” he said, holding up a tiny pink thong, smiling.

“Michael, I swear to God!” He was the most exasperating person in the history of the world. Had to be!

He then opened up her nightstand drawer, and his face lit up when he saw some what was in the top of it. “Well, well, well, what do we have here?”

Horror engulfed Maria when he pulled out her old high school journal. “No, Michael!” she shrieked, placing an insistent hand on Jed’s chest, trying to signal him to let up a little.

He grinned. “Yes, Maria.” And with the journal in hand, he fled the room.

“Michael!” Completely fed up, she shoved Jed away from her and disconnected from Joe, too, probably just about as they were to climax.

“What the hell?” Joe said.

She ripped the sheet from the bed, wrapped it around herself, and scurried out into the living room after Michael, ready to kill him. “You fucking bastard!” she roared, trying to seize the diary from him.

But he kept it just out her reach and flipped it open to a random page.

“I haven’t written in that since I was, like, sixteen!”

“Obviously. Dear diary,” he read in a high-pitched girly-mimicking voice. “Kyle is so hot. I wish he wasn’t dating Priscilla Prescott. I’m way prettier than her.” He chuckled. “Yeah, right.”

“I am!” she insisted, trying once again to take it back.

He held it far above his head, way out of her reach, and kept reading in the same high-pitched voice. “Michael’s such an ass. I hate him. He makes me hot.”

“I didn’t write that!”

“You should’ve.”

Unable to take anymore, she shrieked, “Ew, gross!” and impulsively kneed him in the groin. He grimaced in agony, dropped the diary, and brought his hands down to cover his package.

“FUCK! Oh . . .”

“Serves you right, you perv,” she said, picking her old diary up off the floor. She turned and shuffled back toward her bedroom as he dropped to his knees, still making sounds of pain. When she got to the doorway, though, she glimpsed something inside that sorely disappointed her. Joe and Jed had decided to finish without her. Jed was on all fours on the bed, and Jed was doing him. They both looked really into it.

Dammit! Maria thought angrily. They were too far gone down the gay road now. No hope of intervening.

She slammed the door on them and marched back over to where Michael. He was curled up in a ball on the floor now, still pissing and moaning.

“You suck!” she screamed, taking her diary and hitting his head as hard as she could with it repeatedly. “You ruin everything!”

“Abuse!” he yelled, trying to block her hits with his hands. “Abuse!” He started laughing, though, and she knew that her violence was having little effect on him. Oh, well.

At that moment, the front door opened and Max walked in, probably home from an evening stint at the library. A baffled look came across his face at once, and Maria could understand why. Seeing Michael on the floor and her wrapped in a sheet hitting him with a diary was probably weird to say the least. Once he sorted it out, though, he smiled at her and said, “Nice.”

“Thanks.” Maria smiled back at him and whacked Michael again.

“Hey!” he shouted, trying to scramble to his feet. “Maxwell, help!” He laughed then, and reached up towards her. He yanked the sheet down, exposing her naked form, and she shrieked.

“Michael!” And then she slapped him with her free hand, and it felt good. “UGH!” Oh, yeah, she thought sarcastically. This is definitely true love.

TBC . . .

-April :lol:
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Part 13

Post by April »

Thanks Alien_Friend, nibbles, guelbebek, stinebiene, RiceKrispy, crazysnape, starcrazed, cassie, and tequathisy for the wonderful feedback!

So you guys are on page 123 now. Yea! Good job, guys!

Part 13

Michael’s shoulder hurt that night, so he went in the bathroom, took his shirt off, and examined it. Incredible. With one little journal, Crazy DeLuca had managed to give him a bruise the size of Texas. He was a wounded soldier for sure, nursing a fight scar from the Battle of Dear Diary. It hurt now, but it was worth it to torment her.

“Bitch,” he said, surveying the bruise again. That was going to be there for awhile. “Hey, Maria!” he called out into the living room. “One of these days, I’m gonna put you in an asylum! I think you’d fit right in!”

“Oh, ha, ha, Michael,” she responded dryly. “What a knee-slapper.”

Speaking of knee . . . He rolled up his pant left pant leg and surveyed the damage he’d done there. Holy hell, if he’d left those marks on her, he’d go to jail for assault.

He smiled. Being assaulted by Maria was something he didn’t exactly mind. In fact, in a weird, twisted way, he looked forward to all their little fights. He hated it when she got quiet and refused to fight. She'd been strangely quiet the last couple days. It was good to see her reverting back to form.

Without putting his shirt back on, he headed back out into the living room. Max, Maria, Isabel, and Tess sat in the living room, and Kyle was fixing some drinks in the kitchen. “Toss me a beer, man,” Michael said.

Kyle reached into the refrigerator, grabbed one, and did just that. Michael caught it and sat down next to Maria on the couch, smirking as she rolled her eyes. “Want some?” he asked, tipping the bottle towards her.


“Why? Afraid you’re gonna get drunk, start kissin’ me?”

“Oh, in your dreams.”

“No, in my nightmares.” He opened the bottle and took a swig.

“No, your dreams.”

Kyle came into the living room then carefully carrying a two glasses of champagne for his girlfriends and a plain old glass of water for Max. “Gang’s all here,” he commented.

“Well, except for Liz,” Maria put in.

Michael grunted. “She’s not really part of ‘the gang.’”

“She might have been if you’d taken the time to get to know her,” Maria mumbled.

He decided to just ignore that. “Okay.”

“Maybe she and that Alex guy should date,” Isabel suggested. “Anybody else think they’d make a good couple?”

Michael chuckled, finding it ironic that Isabel was the one saying that. “I think Alex has someone else in mind.”

“Who?” Isabel asked cluelessly.

“Oh, some blonde girl. Tall. Big boobs. Who knows?”

Isabel shrugged and took a sip of her champagne.

Kyle cleared his throat and said, “So, since we’re all here, I’ve got an idea. A little game, let’s say.”

“Beer pong?” Maria guessed, smiling excitedly.

“No. I got a quiz tomorrow. Can’t get too wild. Here’s what we do: we each take turns, gotta use one word to describe the person sitting to your left.”

“What is this, Kyle, like a fifth grade birthday party?” Maria asked.

“Retract the claws, DeLuca. It’ll be fun,” Kyle promised.

She sighed and gave in. “Fine. One word descriptions. Who’s gonna start?”

“I will,” Michael volunteered, glancing to his left at Tess. Too bad Maria’s not sitting there, he thought. He had a lot of vulgar single words to describe her. “Dolly Parton,” he blurted, referring to her huge breasts. “I know it’s not one word, but it’s the only thing that comes to mind.”

Everyone laughed, including Tess. “Okay, fair enough,” she said, patting her breasts proudly. “My turn?”


She glanced over at Kyle and smiled. “Incredible.”

“Aw,” Maria cooed. “Is that, like, incredible in bed or--”

“Just incredible,” Tess replied.

Kyle silently mouthed “In bed,” to the rest of the group, causing everyone to laugh again. Michael shook his head, fairly confident that, even though Kyle was a threesome expert, he couldn’t hold a candle to the Guerin skills.

“Alright, Isabel,” Kyle said, turning to face his other girlfriend. “I’m gonna keep it tame ‘cause you’re brother’s in the room.”

Max smiled. “Thanks.”

“Beautiful. How’s that sound?”

“Sounds great,” she said. “Definitely worse things. Like what I’m about to say to you, Max. Nerd.” She cringed. “Sorry. But you know it.”

“I know it,” he admitted. “Still . . . worse things.”

Michael wasn’t sure about that. He’d never been classified as a nerd before, which was probably why he would lose his marbles if he ever was. He’d always been the hot, popular guy. Which was cool.

“Alright, Evans, your turn,” Kyle urged.

Max folded his hands and didn’t even look at Maria when he spoke. “Oh, I don’t know . . . superstar or something.”

“Alright!” she exclaimed. “About time somebody got it right.” She cast an evil glare at Michael.

“Slut,” he muttered.

Kyle rubbed his hands together anxiously and said, “Ooh, I can’t wait to hear this one. Go for it, Maria. Describe Michael in one word.”

Not possible, he thought, grinning smugly. I’m too glorious.

She grunted and managed to find a word that didn’t apply at all. “Psychotic.”

I’m psychotic?” he responded emphatically. “Look at this!” He pointed out the huge bruise on his shoulder. “Look! That’s your doing, Missy Psycho Freak!”

“And I’m proud of it! You know what, Michael?”


Kyle just groaned and mumbled, “Here we go,” as Michael and Maria entered combat mode again.


Michael could hardly keep his eyes open in Advanced Videography the next day. Usually, he had no problem staying awake in there because working with films was obviously something he liked; but he’d stayed up almost all night arguing with Maria about . . . something. He didn’t even know what. It’d been fun, but he knew now that he should’ve tried to get some sleep. Hopefully she was as dead tired as he was. It was only fair.

“Dude, you are so out of it,” Alex commented. He, of course, was hard at work on one of his many projects, his eyes glued to his computer screen.

“I get tired, man,” Michael admitted. “My life’s too eventful.”

Alex chuckled. “I wish I could say that.”

Michael yawned, stretching his arms up in the air, when his friend Luke walked over. “Guerin,” Luke said, “I thought you were gonna put in a good word for me.”

“What do you mean, man?”

“With Maria. I’m still waitin’, man. I haven’t even seen the chick naked yet. How many guys can say that?”

“Not many,” Michael admitted.


“Well, come to that party at Sigma whatever tonight. She’ll be there. I’ll make sure of it,” he said nonchalantly.

“You promise?”

“I promise, man. She’ll be there.”

“And she’ll just . . . put out?”

“Oh, yeah. Shove your dick in her face. She’ll suck it.”

Luke grinned and nodded. “Righteous.”

Alex tapped him on the arm and said, “Hey, dude, look at this.”

“What?” Michael leaned over and noticed something extremely disturbing on Alex’s computer screen. “What the hell is that?”

Alex turned his screen so that it was easier for Michael and Luke to see and smiled proudly. “Ah, a little Photoshop, a little manipulating and . . . ta-da! That would be the Guerin family. See? We’ve got Daddy Michael, his three kids, and—oh!—Mommy Maria.”

“That’s sick, man,” Michael said, but he couldn’t help being intrigued. “How’d you do that?”

“Just your basic computer manipulation. See, I scanned that picture of Maria you had in your wallet . . .”

“You have a picture of Maria in your wallet?” Luke asked incredulously.

“You were going through my wallet?” Michael asked Alex.

“I was . . . just passing through,” Alex said. “The point is, I scanned the picture, found a picture of you, scanned that, too, slapped ‘em together, put a couple of fake kids in there. The Guerin family.”

Michael studied the manipulated photo closer and wondered aloud, “Is that what our kids would really look like?”

“Oh, probably not, but you gotta admit, the little baby’s cute,” Alex said, pointing to the toddler computer Michael was holding in his arms. “I’m talented, aren’t I?”

“That’s good stuff,” Luke said, chuckling. “You know what we should do? Print, like, hundreds of copies of that, hang ‘em up all over campus. It’d totally freak her out, right?”

“Piss her off is more like it,” Michael said. “No, I can’t have people gettin’ the wrong idea. No family man stuff for me.”

“It’s probably for the best,” Luke agreed hesitantly. “I mean, think about it. You guys would have the most dysfunctional family ever.”

“Yeah!” Alex agreed, laughing heartily. “That’s why I had to make this.”

The Guerin family. Michael scoffed inwardly and shook his head. “You’re stupid, man. I’m goin’ back to sleep.”


Maria looked all around, left dozen of messages on Liz’s voicemail, texted her more times than she could reasonably count, and finally lucked out by finding her sitting by the fountain outside the Student Union, her nose in what looked like a very boring book. It was obvious that she was trying to make herself as unnoticeable as possible and even more obvious that she was avoiding Maria. Maria hated that Michael was getting in the way of her newfound friendship. She genuinely liked Liz. The girl had the entire dance team in her hands. She had been on her way to becoming the predecessor of Maria’s campus legacy until stupid Michael had stupidly given her the stupid cold shoulder. Ass.

“Hey,” Maria said quietly, taking a seat beside her.

“Oh, hey,” Liz said quietly, barely glancing up from her reading.

“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to bother you,” Maria said. “I know you’re studying but . . . can we talk?”

“About what?” Liz asked.

“About . . . what do you think?”

Liz smiled. “He asked you out, didn’t he?”

“If by asking out you mean stealing my old diary and ruining my sex with two hot and horny guys, then yes, that’s exactly what he did.”

Liz gave her a confused look.

“They turned out to be gay anyway,” Maria admitted, “but they were good, you know? And if it weren’t for him and his son-of-a-bitch voyeuristic tendencies . . .”

“I’m not sure I wanna know,” Liz said, glancing down at her book again.

Maria sighed and said, “Liz, can you just . . . can you listen to me for a minute? Please? I mean, I listened to you when you were all ga-ga over . . . him.”

Liz reluctantly shut her textbook and said, “It’s just hard for me, Maria. I really . . . really had feelings for him.”

“And you still can, Liz,” Maria insisted. “’Cause . . . look, I’ve been . . . thinking about it for the last couple days and, like . . . ew, observing him, and I really-I think he’s not . . . you know, he’s not in love with me,” she stuttered. “Because that would be . . . just completely insane.”

Liz opened her mouth to protest, but before she could, Maria kept on.

“And I know he does things that make you wonder, you know, like constantly finding ways to see me naked or . . . but he’s never, like, acted on it. He thinks of me as a pain in his ass; I know it. And that’s how I want him to think of me.”

“Maria . . .”

“Liz, it’s simple. Every guy who’s ever looked at me has wanted me. But Michael . . . eight years, and he’s never shown any indication of that. So that means he’s either gay or just not into me, and I’m about seventy-five percent sure he’s not gay. So he’s just not interested.”

Liz sighed heavily, still looking less than convinced.

Just then, at the exact wrong moment, Michael came up almost out of nowhere and spoke to her. “Hey, Alex wanted you to see this,” he said, dropping a piece of paper in her lap. “It’s stupid. Later.”

Maria flipped over the paper once he walked away and saw a truly startling sight. The Guerin Family?

“Yeah,” Liz said as she peered over and took a look for herself. “He’s definitely not interested.”

Maria tensed, wondering what this meant. Sure, Alex had made it, but Michael had made sure she saw it. The paranoia was killing her.


She couldn’t take it anymore. She just couldn’t. The wondering, the not knowing. It was too much. If she didn’t come out and ask him about this, she was going to go insane. And she was already a little bit insane. She really couldn’t handle any more insanity.

She stepped into his bedroom that night and found him pulling back his sheets, fluffing a few of his pillows, obviously preparing for a night sexual romping with someone. Nothing new.

“Michael?” she said quietly.


“Can I talk to you?”

“Yeah, but make it quick. I got a girl comin’ over in ten minutes and I don’t want you ruining the mood.”

She gave him an exasperated look and reminded him, “Well, I had a pretty good mood going last night until you barged in and--”

“Maria, you were with two gay guys.”

“That’s not the point!”

He threw his hands in the air and said. “Whatever. If you hadn’t hidden those cookies to begin with . . .”

“I didn’t hide the fucking cookies! Michael!” She raked her hands through her hair and forced herself to calm down before their conversation escalated out of control like it always did. “Okay, can we just, like, be serious for one minute, please?”

“Serious?” he echoed as if he didn’t know the meaning of the word.


He flopped down onto his bed and said, “Okay, shoot.”

“Okay.” Hesitantly, she sat down beside him, not too close, because she was afraid to get too close anymore. “Alright, the other day . . . Liz said something to me, and . . . it’s been making me do weird things and say weird things and really, really think weird things.”

“What else is new?”

“No, Michael, I’m-I’m serious, okay? Please.”

“Baby, you don’t have to beg.”



She sighed and tried to get to the point. Michael wasn’t capable of having long, intense conversations. Long , intense fights, sure, but . . . “I just need you to set the record straight, okay, because it’s really bothering me.”

“Maria, just spit it out. What’d Liz say?”

“She said . . .” Oh, no. She felt the words on the tip of her tongue, but they wouldn’t go any farther. It was too hard, too strange, too uncomfortable. She knew right then and there that she couldn’t ask him how he felt about her, that maybe a part of her didn’t want to ask him because she was too afraid of what he might say. And what was she hoping to hear anyway? Yes? No? Definitely no. Probably.

In her state of confusino, she made up one of the most stupid lies she’d ever told. “She said that . . . that you were just the prettiest boy she ever did see. Something like that.”

“Pretty?” he echoed. “She called me pretty?”

“Mmm-hmm.” She probably had, at one point. She’d used just about every other adjective to describe him.

“And you want me to . . . set the record straight? About that.”

She nodded mutely, feeling like a total idiot. Since when did she feel embarrassed in front of Michael at all?

“Well, it’s true,” he said. “Common knowledge. I am pretty. Although, you can tell her, I prefer the term sexy.”

“I’ll . . . be sure to tell her that.”

He gave her a skeptical look. “Are you alright? You look awful.”

She rolled her eyes. “Gee, thanks.”

“Well . . .”

She sighed. “No, I’m fine. I’m just . . . glad we cleared that up.” She stood up and started for the door.

He stopped her, though. “Maria, wait.”

She reluctantly turned around.

That’s what’s been bothering you this whole week? Are you serious?”

No. Not at all. “Yeah,” she lied. “What else would I have to be bothered about?” She left the room then before he could ask any more questions, before she gave him anything else to be suspicious about.

TBC . . .

-April (I told you it'd be frustrating . . .) :P
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Part 14

Post by April »

Oh my gosh, it's been over 48 hours since an update! :shock: I'm ashamed of myself!

Thanks, everyone, for the feedback! And I have another new reader! Yea! Hi, Behrgirl21!

Well, more sluttiness in this chapter. Big surprise. :lol:

Part 14

Even though Liz was the new dance team captain, she still wasn’t a natural born dancer. Maria choreographed a very hard-hitting hip-hop routine for the new team to bring to camp with them during the summer, and she met with Liz in the gym to try to teach it to her; but Liz seemed uninterested and despondent.

“So are you getting it?” Maria asked her. “The hip section? You got it?”

“I guess,” Liz replied.

Maria was beginning to suspect that Michael was right, that it was a mistake to make Liz captain. “Okay, so just remember to make it really noticeable, okay? Like, if it’s small, no one’s gonna notice, so . . .” She trailed off, waiting for some kind of response, but she didn’t get any. “Liz, are you okay?” she asked.

“I’m fine.”

“What, are you just, like, tired or--”


“Or are you gonna give up on this or what?”

“No, I’m not giving up,” Liz insisted. “I just . . .” She flapped her arms against her sides helplessly. “I don’t know. I never really wanted to try out for the dance team anyway. I definitely didn’t wanna be the captain.”

“Liz, you won’t even technically be. I’ll still make up the dances for you. Hell, I’ll even teach ‘em to the girls if you want. Just . . . just put in some effort, please.”

“I’m trying, Maria, but I just don’t see the point,” Liz admitted. “Michael may like dancers, but he only loves one dancer.”

“Please don’t say that word, Liz,” Maria begged. “It’s so not true.”

“Have you asked him about it?”

“Yeah!” She didn’t want to lie to her friend, so she eventually resigned to the truth. “Okay, no, not really, and I’m not going to, because there’s no point. Because it’s just impossible. Because I don’t care.”

“You don’t care?” Liz grunted. “You pretty obviously do, Maria.”

“Well, not about him. And I’m just . . . I’m tired of questioning his motives. I want things to go back to the way they were. I want you to go after him again. I mean, Liz, you were so much more confident when you were trying to get his attention. You seemed like you actually were happy with the way you looked, and you were excited about dance team and . . .”

“Maria, I appreciate all your help; I really do,” Liz said, “but it’s just not gonna do any good. So I just wanna go home.” She grabbed her practice bag and water bottle and sullenly said, “I’ll see you tomorrow,” before heading out of the gym. Maria stood there alone then, no dance team, no Liz. Her gymnasium suddenly felt very cold, and she wondered why.


Liz walked fast, trying to make it home before the tears fell. She wasn’t in a good emotional place right now. She hadn’t been ever since she’d formulated her theory about Michael.

God, I really liked that guy, she thought. I really still do. She wasn’t trying to blame anyone. It wasn’t Maria’s fault. It wasn’t even Michael’s fault. She wasn’t mad at either of them; she was just sad, sad that Michael didn’t want her the way she wanted him, sad that she would never be popular enough, pretty enough. That’s how she felt.

She was hurrying along when she bumped into somebody. “Oh, sorry,” she said, glancing up at the face of . . . not a stranger. None other than Michael Guerin. Why was it that he was always around whenever people were talking about him or thinking about him? This was the last thing she needed, to be so near someone she could never have.

“Hey,” he said.

“Uh, hi.” She was going to keep on walking, pretend making such brief physical contact was no big deal, but he stepped to the side and blocked her.

“I’m kinda glad I ran into you, actually. I was lookin’ for you,” he said.

Her heart began to beat rapidly with excitement, and she was sure her face lit up. “You were?”

“Yeah, I wanted to invite you to this thing tonight.”

A date? He was asking her out on a date?

“See, I don’t know if you’ve heard, but it’s Maria’s birthday.”

And her excitement immediately waned. Maria. Maria’s birthday.

“She’s the last one of us to turn twenty-two, so Kyle and Max and I are throwin’ her a surprise party. It’s gonna be really fun, and I’m sure she’d like having you there, so . . .” He trailed off and shrugged. “I don’t know. If you want, drop by our house at 8:00, alright?”

“Um . . . okay,” she said, unable to turn down the invitation. Maria was still her friend, after all.

“Great, I’ll see you there.”

“Yeah.” She held her breath as he walked on past her then, his arm brushing against hers, sending electrical currents through her body, electrical currents that he probably didn’t feel unless he was touching Maria. “See you there,” she mumbled to herself, wondering if he would really notice her at all.


Michael’s behavior just got weirder and weirder all the time. He picked Maria up after her last class that afternoon for no apparent reason and said he’d drive her home. But instead, he drove her around for hours running errands. Errands. Michael never ran errands. But she went with him to the hardware store—who the hell went there anymore?—and the library (as if he could possibly read) and to a kinky sex shop, where she felt extremely uncomfortable because she wondered if he wanted to use those handcuffs with her.

When he finally pulled the car into the driveway that night, she was a bit exasperated to say the least. “Great,” she said, slamming the door. “You know, you could’ve dropped me off at home before you decided to run all these little errands.”

“Oh, stop complaining,” he said as he walked with her up to the front door.

“I’m just saying, it’s already 8:00. Half my evening’s shot.”

He grinned and pushed open the door. “Not the better half.”

She had just stepped foot inside when the lights flipped on and at least a hundred people jumped out at her and yelled, “Surprise!” They tossed confetti at her, and a few blew party horns. A birthday party.

“Oh my god,” she said, looking at all the people who were cram-packed into her house. Most of them she knew or had slept with. There were only a few she didn’t know. Max and Kyle were there, of course, and so were Isabel and Tess. And so was Liz. She smiled at Max and Kyle and said, “You guys! You remembered!” Last year, they’d all forgotten. Except for Max. For some reason, he always remembered.

“I remembered, too,” Michael made sure to add. “This whole thing was my idea.”

“Really?” She gave him a suspicious look. “This whole thing?”


“I blew up the balloons,” Kyle volunteered.

“I put up the streamers,” Max added quietly.

“I baked the cake,” Michael said proudly, and when she gave him a knowing look, he admitted, “Okay, I bought the cake. And the beer.”

Her guests erupted in joyful shouting when he said that, and a lot of people ran off into the direction of the keg, cups or beer bongs in hand.

“Welcome to the can’t-miss party of the year,” Michael said to Maria. “You’re welcome.”

“I never said thank you,” she pointed out, even though she was secretly thinking it. This party was just what she needed to lift her otherwise downtrodden spirits.

He glared at her and grunted, “Brat.”


Maria had to admit, the birthday party was a pleasant surprise. Even though it was the unfortunate brain-child of Michael Guerin, it was shaping up to be somewhat of a shin-dig. The people were cool, for the most part, the music was blaring, and the beer was flowing. What more could a birthday girl ask for?

Oh, that’s right, she thought as Michael opened up the refrigerator and brought something else out. Cake.

“Is that chocolate?” she asked, hoping he had enough sense to buy the right kind.

“Of course, baby.”

Baby. She probably would have dwelled on that more if she hadn’t been having so much fun already. “Alright, let me have a piece,” she said.

“Now, wait a minute. You gotta blow out the candles, make a wish and all that shit,” he reminded her. “Hey, Kyle, come help me out.”

Kyle squeezed through the crowded living room into the kitchen and said, “What’s up?”

Michael handed him a match before lighting one up for himself, and together they lit up the twenty-two candles.

“Everybody gather ‘round!” Kyle hollered. “Sing it out!”

Michael, of course, was the first to start in. “Happy birthday to you!”

She smiled as more people joined in. Being popular definitely had its advantages. Everyone loved her.

Michael sang horribly and off-key, but he still sang louder than everybody else. “Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday slutty Maria!” He grinned at her, and she rolled her eyes. “Happy birthday to you!”

Everyone whooped and hollered, and Michael eased the cake toward her. “Blow ‘em out, babe.”

“Oh, just one thing,” Kyle added. “For every candle you don’t blow out on the first try, you gotta take a shot.”

“Of what?” she asked.

He reached under the counter and took out a bottle of straight vodka, along with four small shot glasses.

“Oh, I bet these are trick candles that never blow out,” she speculated.

“No, we wouldn’t do that to you,” Michael said with a smirk.

She shook her head. Ass.

“Make a wish,” he reminded her.

A wish. For what? She met his eyes for one second, then quickly looked away and focused on the task at hand.

She inhaled a large breath, leaned forward, and let it all out in a whoosh of air, not really quite sure what she was wishing for. She managed to extinguish most of the candles, but there were four left lit when she was done blowing.

“Oh!” Kyle explained. “Kay, here we go.” He opened the bottle and poured the vodka generously into all four shot glasses, filling them up as far as he could.

“That’s enough,” she said, not wanting to be completely wasted for her party. Just a little bit.

“Shot! Shot! Shot! Shot!” Michael began to chant, slamming his fist on the counter, and eventually everyone joined in. “Shot! Shot! Shot! Shot!”

Maria shook her head, knowing she would probably regret this in the morning, and motioned for Kyle to slide her one of the glasses. He did, and she picked it up and downed it with no problem, garnering some cheers from her party guests. She did the next three just as effortlessly, and when she was done, she threw her head back, stuck her arms up in the air, and hollered. “Woo!”

“Yeah!” Michael exclaimed, clapping his hands. “That’s the stuff!”

Maria blew out the remainder of the candles and demanded, “Now gimme my cake!” She dipped her index finger in the frosting, then stuck it in her mouth and licked it off. She couldn’t be sure, but she thought she saw Michael eyeing her mouth as she did so.


Any girl who can do all those hard shots in a row and stay standing is really something, Michael thought, smiling as he watched Maria dance around the house and mingle with all her guests. He knew he’d done a good thing by throwing her this party. It definitely made up for last year, when he’d completely forgotten.

Yeah, she was a bitch, but it was her birthday, and he was glad she was having a good one.

“Hey, Michael.”

Michael turned and saw Luke standing beside him, looking very nervous and excited all at once. “Hey, Luke,” he greeted. “Great party, huh?”

“Yeah, you’re the master. But tell me something: where were you and Maria last night? The Sigma Nu party? You said you’d be there.”

“Oh, yeah, Maria got really weird last night, didn’t wanna go out. And I was just fuckin’ lazy, so . . . but, hey. You’re here. She’s here. Obviously,” he pointed out. “I think it’s your turn, buddy.”

“Hell yeah, it is.”

“It’s your night, man. Go make somethin’ of it.”

“Yeah.” Luke nodded and took off in enthusiastic pursuit of Maria.

Michael laughed a little. He, Kyle, and Max were probably going to be the only guys in the room who hadn’t had sex with Maria by the end of the night.


“What’s up, Maria?”


“Great party, Maria.”

“Thanks.” She had no problem taking credit for the bash Michael, Kyle, and Max had thrown. It was definitely, as Michael had put it, the can’t-miss party of the year. Her living room was so crowded with people. The music was so loud. Everyone was so crazy, and the alcohol was so good.

She grabbed a full cup of frothy beer from the keg and danced around, mingling, talking, flirting. And then, through all the hustle and bustle, she saw Liz standing by the front door, looking as though she were ready to bolt at any moment.

“Excuse me,” Maria said, trying to push past a couple making out. “Okay, move.” She practically shoved them aside, accidently spilling half her beer on the floor, and made her way over to her friend.

“Hey, Liz.”

“Oh, hey. Happy birthday.”

“Thanks. I’m really glad you came.”

“Yeah. I think I might go, though.”

“What? Why?”

Liz shrugged. “I just don’t fit in here.”

“Come on, Liz, you did fine at the frat party last week. This is nothing.”

“No,” Liz said looking around, “this is really something.”

Maria turned back over her shoulder and saw that some guy had taken off all his clothes and started break dancing. Badly, too, but it was making everyone laugh.

“Okay, so it’s a little wild,” she acknowledged, “but it’s fun. And there’s lots of guys here. You might find somebody.”

Liz shook her head. “I don’t think so. But, uh . . . it looks like someone’s finding you.” She pointed behind her.

Michael? Maria wondered, slightly panicked. She spun around and came face to face with . . . oh, what was his name? Michael hung out with him once in awhile. “Hey,” she said. “Liam?”


“Oh. Close.” At least she’d gotten the L.

“You, uh . . . you look really good tonight,” he came right out and said, smiling at her.

Well, aren’t you gorgeous? she thought. He had beautiful sandy blonde hair and angular features, not to mention muscles in all the right places. “I look good every night,” she informed him.

He chuckled. “I know. Wanna dance?”

“Sure,” she answered, setting her beer aside. “We can fuck after.”

He was obviously happy to hear that. “Sounds good.”

“Okay.” Remembering Liz, then, Maria turned back around. “Hey, you should, you know, stay here for awhile longer,” she suggested. “I’m really glad you came.”

Liz nodded, but she still looked completely out of place.

She felt unsure about leaving her friend, but she couldn’t just stand there with her all night. It was her birthday, and there was fun to be had. So she gave Liz an encouraging smile, let Luke put his arm around her, and let him lead her away.


Maria didn’t actually get many presents, considering how many people attended the party. But she didn’t seem to mind. Liz got her a sweater that was way too conservative—Michael knew she’d never wear it. Isabel and Tess got her make-up and CDs. Kyle got her a Victoria’s Secret gift card, and Max, interestingly enough, got her real diamond earrings.

“Thanks for the presents, guys,” she said.

“I got a present for you, too,” Luke assured her, “but you’ll get it later.”

She smirked. “I know.”

Nice, Luke, Michael thought, pleased that his friend was finally going to stop bugging him about Maria and finally get some. “I’ll be right back,” he told the group. He made his way down the crowded hallway and into his bedroom. There were a couple of couples lying on his bed, making out. “Get out,” he told them, and they immediately scattered. Once they were gone, he opened up his closet door and took out his present for Maria. Well, one of them. On the outside, it appeared to be a giant birthday cake, but on the inside . . .

He knocked on the fake cake and asked, “You ready?”

“You know it,” came the muffled reply.

He wheeled the cake out of his room and out into the hallway. “Comin’ through,” he said, practically running people over. Eventually, they began to clear the way for him, and there was enough room for him to position the cake in the middle of the living room.

“What is that?” Maria spat, slipping out from under Luke’s arm to go examine it.

“That, my dear, would be a present. For you.”

She gave him a confused look and asked, “What’s in it?”

Just then, the top of the cake popped off, streamers and confetti flew everywhere, and the present popped out. “Candy the stripper!” he announced, thrilled. Candy was gorgeous, and she looked especially good in the little thong and bra she was wearing now.

“Hey, birthday girl,” Candy said, eyeing Maria sultrily.

Maria raised an eyebrow. “Say what?”

Candy started swaying her hips and rubbing her body, much to the enjoyment of everyone at the party who had a penis.

“Happy birthday, Maria,” Michael said, a huge smile on his face as he watched the stripper.

She grunted. “Seriously! Can you sink any lower? This isn’t a present for me; it’s a present for you!”

“No, I . . . I really meant to get a male,” he lied. “Must’ve . . . miscommunication or whatever.”

“You liar!”

“Well . . . yeah.”

“It’s my fucking birthday!”

“And . . . you know what? I bet you’d go for this. You would.”

She threw her hands up in the air, motioning towards Candy, and spat, “She’s not a guy!”

“So? I know you’ve kissed girls before.”

“Okay, it was all of one time!” she quickly reminded him. “And there was some alcohol involved.”

Kyle came up on the other side of her and muttered, “I heard there were some handcuffs involved.”

“Ew, no. I just kissed her.”

His eyes still glued to Candy, Michael absentmindedly asked, “Who was that girl anyway?”

“I don’t even remember her name,” Maria said. “Didn’t she die?”

Michael and Kyle both laughed. “Whoa,” Kyle said. “Must’ve been a bad kiss.”

“Shut up!” Maria hit his arm, but she laughed, too. Michael smiled and looked down at Maria instead of up at Candy. He was glad she was having a good birthday.


I have to get out of here, Liz thought. She felt like such a nerd, walking around with her glass of water, not talking to anyone. A few people tried to talk to her, but she wasn’t in a conversational mood. Every ounce of confidence she had gained seemed to have vanished the moment the possibility of dating Michael had.

At last, though, she saw someone who was in the same boat. Max Evans. He was sitting on the couch all by himself, and even though he was old enough to drink, he wasn’t drinking. Liz hadn’t talked with him a lot, but he seemed like a really nice guy. It was weird to picture him being such good friends with Michael, Maria, and Kyle. He was so different from them.

“Hey,” she said, sitting down beside him.

“Hey,” he returned, smiling gently.

She sighed and said, “Oh, I’m so glad I’m not the only one hating this.”

He chuckled. “Yeah, it’s just a little . . .”

“Wild,” Liz filled in.

“Yeah. But Michael and Maria love it, so . . .”

Michael and Maria love each other, Liz thought sadly. Probably.

“Looks like she’s having fun,” she said, pointing to Maria. She was with the same guy she had been with all night, dancing seductively, rubbing her body all over his.

“Yeah.” Max quickly looked away.

Liz looked around, and it didn’t take her long to spot Michael. He was lying on the couch, and the stripper, Candy, was on top of him, all over him. His hands were everywhere. Her tongue was everywhere.

“Maybe I should go,” she said more to herself than to Max.

“No, stay,” he said. “It’ll calm down soon.”

Liz gave him a close-mouthed smile. Somehow, she really doubted that.


“Damn, girl,” Luke groaned, arching his neck back as she grazed her hips against his. “Can we get a room?”

“Don’t be stupid,” she said, pointing a finger to his muscular chest. “We can do it right here.”

“That works, too.”

She leaned up and kissed him, but before the kiss got the chance to go anywhere, Kyle came up to her and said, “Hey, hey, hey, party ain’t over!”

“Kyle, I’m sorta busy.”

“No, no, you gotta get your birthday spankings.”

This caught everyone’s attention, especially Maria’s. “Spankings?”

“Yeah, twenty-two of ‘em.” Kyle pulled a hand out from behind his back and held up a wooden paddle. “Who’s gonna do the honors?”

“I will,” Luke volunteered, stepping forward. “She’s with me tonight.”

“Oh, correction, you’re with me,” she informed him.


“Nah, nah, I’m not-I’m not feelin’ it, I’m afraid,” Kyle said, motioning to the two of them. “We just need some-we need some passion, is what we need. Hey, Michael?”

Michael?! Maria’s mind screamed, and she immediately went wide-eyed.

He poked his head up over the back of the couch, stripper Candy still slobbering all over him. “Huh?”

Kyle shook the paddle. “You know you want to.”

Michael chuckled and lifted Candy off of him not at all gently.

“No, Kyle, no,” Maria said lowly and insistently.

“It’ll be funny.”

“No, it won’t. Kyle.”

But it was too late. Michael was right there, ready to go. He took the paddle from Kyle and people immediately started to cheer him on. “Go for it, Guerin!”

“Alright, turn around,” he told her.

“What?” She couldn’t believe this was happening. It was just . . . too weird.

“Come on, it should be a natural pose for you.”

She felt like a statue, frozen, unable to move or think or do anything worthwhile.

He rolled his eyes impatiently. “Good God, Maria.” He put his hands on her hips and spun her around to face the counter. He grabbed her arms and placed them on the counter so that she was bending over slightly, her ass facing towards him. “That’s better.”

Oh my god, Michael’s going to spank me, she realized in horror.

“Here we go!” He whirled the paddle in the air like a pretend lasso for a moment, then started in.

He wasn’t gentle when he spanked her, and at first, it stung a bit, even through her jeans. She cringed and jumped forward a little bit, surprised. But she was even more surprised when he spanked her with the paddle again and it felt . . . not bad.

“One! Two!” the guests counted out loud.

By the third hit, it was feeling full-on . . . good. What the hell? she wondered, trying to make sure her facial expression displayed absolutely no indication of pleasure. Michael’s ego was already big enough. He didn’t need to know that she was actually sort of enjoying having him spank her.

It all went . . . unfortunately fast.

“Twenty-one! Twenty-two!”

But just when she thought it was done, he whacked her ass once more. “And one to grow on!”

Everyone laughed and hollered.

“Nice,” Kyle said.

Michael handed the paddle back to him. “I gotta get one of those, man,” he said. He turned to Maria then and grinned. “You liked that, huh?”

Oh, yeah, she had. She definitely had. “No,” she lied, rubbing her butt cheeks. “Ow.”

He just laughed.

Okay, time to get your mind on other things, she told herself, right now. She grabbed Luke by the chin and pulled his face down to meet hers. They kissed deeply, and she promised herself that, for the rest of the night, she was only going to think about him.

Only him.

TBC . . .

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Part 15

Post by April »

SweetnSpicy: Thanks for reading! I hope you keep enjoying it! :D
nibbles2: No, don’t spontaneously combust! :lol: Lol, thanks for reading!
starcrazed: Well, I’m glad I saved you from a meltdown. Thanks for the feedback! :D
crazysnape: Ha ha, if Michael had used his hand instead of the paddle, Maria probably wouldn’t have been able to handle it. :wink:
Alien_Friend: Lol, yes, Max and Liz are such a “there, there pair” right now. That’s a good way to put it. :P
guelbebek: Yeah, Maria is a little cheap right now, but soon, she just might narrow it down to one guy. :wink:
tequathisy: How did M+M end up as such sluts? Well, you know, some people are literally just born that way. I swear, I have this friend, and I don’t want to say that the Maria character is completely based off her, but . . . well, my friend did give me a lot of inspiration. I’ll leave it at that. 8)
cassie: Glad you liked the last part! Thanks for the feedback! Much appreciated! :D

Part 15

By the time the clock struck midnight, Maria’s birthday bash had escalated into a full-blown drunken orgy. Rhythmic music pulsated throughout the house, but no one was dancing anymore. Every square inch of the floor seemed littered with naked or at least semi-naked bodies. Some people managed to snag a chair, the kitchen counter, the bed, or other furniture. Kyle had retreated downstairs with Isabel and Tess. Michael, of course, was on the couch going at it with Candy; Maria was perched atop Luke on the kitchen table, impaling herself on him. Max had to look away from that.

It smelled like sex in there. Big-time. But then again, it always did.

He was used to these kinds of parties. It seemed that every party they’d ever thrown ended up this way. There had been a couple of girls who had begged him to have sex with them, but they were too drunk to realize what they were asking, and he wouldn’t ever do it anyway. No, there was only one girl he wanted, and sometimes, he wasn’t even sure why he wanted her.

He stepped over a pair of lesbians going down on each other and collected some of the trash on the floor. It never hurt to start the clean up early. No one seemed to notice him.

He glanced up and saw Liz making her way to the front door. She looked so uncomfortable, so out of place, and he had to agree that it was probably a good idea for her to leave. She stopped with her hand on the doorknob, turned back to smile at him, then slipped out the door.

In a way, Max wished he could leave, too. But this was where he lived. And these were the people he lived with. Well, not all of them. Just the three wildest, craziest ones.

“Oh god, yes!” he heard Maria scream out in the kitchen, the sound of her voice louder than all the other moans and groans combined.

“Fuck yeah,” he heard Michael growl from his spot on the couch with Candy.

Max glanced back and forth between the two of them, shaking his head in disbelief. They were so much more similar than they knew.


Michael grabbed his stripper girl’s hips and urged her down harder atop him. The girl could go for hours, and he was loving it. She was pretty loose, though. The only downside.

She tossed her head back and moaned. “Uh, you’re amazing.”

Yeah, he knew that, but it was always good to hear it.

He could tell by the animalistic look on her face and by the desperation of her movements that she was dangerously close, so he quickly flipped them over so that he was on top of her and pounded into her unmercifully, causing her to cry out with each thrust. She came first, literally screaming. He kept thrusting ferociously, even when her body went limp, and closed his eyes as he released himself inside of her. That was a great feeling. He never got tired of it.

“Oh my god,” she whispered throatily.

He immediately withdrew his spent cock, having trouble supporting himself in that position. He sat down on the end of the couch, looking around. People were going crazy, fucking anyone they could get their hands on, the only exception being Max, who was walking around picking up trash.

“That was great,” Candy said. “Can we do it again?”

“Yeah, just get me hard again,” he said.

She grinned, sat up, and leaned forward, bringing her face down to his lower anatomy. He sat back and reveled in the sensations of her skilled lips as they wrapped around his cock and started to suck on him. Wouldn’t be long.

For some reason, though, he glanced back over the edge of the couch and saw Maria in the kitchen, on the table with Luke. Luke looked as though he were having the absolute best time of her life. Maria looked pretty happy herself. She was on top of Luke, completely naked, bouncing up and down at such a rapid pace, it was almost unfathomable. She was leaning back, pressing her hands against his thighs, really riding him, really getting into it. Even from where he was sitting, Michael could see the bright sheen of sweat accumulated between her breasts . . .

“Damn, you get hard fast,” Candy commented.

Damn, Maria rides a guy fast, he couldn’t help but think.

And suddenly, there was a knock on the door, one that made him tear his eyes away from Maria and made Candy tear her lips away from him all at once.

“Oh, shit,” she said.

Apparently, Maria hadn’t heard it, because she just shouted at the top her lungs, “Oh, yes! I’m cumming! I’m cumming right . . . now! Uh!”

The knocking grew more insistent.

“Get your clothes,” Michael told Candy. “Get out of here.” He found his own discarded jeans among all the other clothing items on the floor, yanked them on, put on a shirt that wasn’t even his, and stepped over the couples sprawled out on the floor to go to the door. He peered out the peephole, and what he saw sucked.


“Crap,” he cursed. “Maxwell, go get Kyle.”

Max nodded and headed downstairs.

“Everyone get dressed, go out the back door,” Michael told the party-goers.

It didn’t take anyone long. It never did in college. They were all dressed—or at least halfway dressed—and escaping out the back in a matter of a minute.

“Police. Open the door now!”

“What’s going on?” Maria asked, walking to the front door naked. She looked really dazed from her orgasm.

“Get dressed,” Michael told her.

“I can’t find my clothes.”

He rolled his eyes and peeled off the t-shirt he had just put on. He slipped it on over her head, his hand grazing her side as he did so.

“Ew,” she said. “This smells.”

“Suck it up.”

“What’s goin’ on?” Kyle asked, traipsing upstairs with Max.

“Who knows?” Michael shrugged and opened up the front door when he was sure all the other party-goers had cleared out. The two police officers—female and sexy as hell—glared at him.

“Why, hello, ladies,” he said with a charming smile. “How can we help you?”

“We’ve gotten some calls about activity at this house tonight,” the African American officer explained. “Your neighbors are complaining about loud, seemingly reckless behavior.”

“Oh, no, that’s just . . .” Michael glanced around and, thinking fast, pulled Maria in against his side. “That’s just us. She’s a screamer.”

“What? Ew!” She tried to push him away, but he wouldn’t let her.

“I keep tellin’ her to be quiet.”

“Excuse me, officers?” Kyle jumped in, always the one to rectify a situation. “Hi, I just want to apologize for any inconveniences, and I promise this won’t happen again. We’ll be quieter. We were just having a birthday party, you know. You know how it goes.”

Michael hugged Maria tighter to his side. “Yeah, my girl’s twenty-two. Hard to believe, huh?”

Your girl,” she grunted, crossing her arms over her chest.

The blonde officer stepped inside and looked around. “Looks like it was a pretty wild birthday party,” she noted, gesturing toward the three kegs and massive array of alcohol in the kitchen. “It’s hard to believe only four people did this.”

“Well, only the best for my sweetheart,” Michael kept on, giving Maria tight squeeze.

“Do not make me kill you,” she warned.

Just then, the worst thing that could have possibly happened did happen. A girl Michael didn’t even know came out of the bathroom, clearly drunk and disoriented, and asked right away, “Hey, what happened to the orgy?”

Shit, Michael thought, seeing no possible way out of this one now. Shit, shit, shit.

One officer glared at Kyle; the other glared at Michael and Maria. And they all tried to smile and act innocent, even though none of them were.


“This sucks,” Maria complained, gripping the bars of her jail cell tightly. Michael, Max, and Kyle were all across from her in their own cell. Max looked completely terrified, while Kyle looked just a little nervous. Michael seemed completely calm, standing with his arms draped through the bars.

“You already mentioned that,” he informed her.

“No, but it really does. Luke and I had this whole night of sex planned but . . . oh, not anymore.”

“Boo-hoo,” was Michael’s unsympathetic response.

“I’m in jail,” Maria stated, surprised she’d never been there before in all her years of acclaimed bad behavior. “I’m in jail.

“We all are,” Michael reminded her.

“Yeah, but it’s my birthday.” She sighed heavily and, out of pure boredom, started to sing in a monotone voice, “Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday, happy birthday. . . happy birthday . . . to me.”

“Technically,” Michael said, pointing to his watch, “it’s not your birthday anymore.”

“Whatever, ass.”

“Fine, bitch.”

She rolled her eyes and he grunted, and then out of nowhere, Max squeaked out, “This is gonna go on my permanent record.”

Maria laughed a little. Poor Max. Sometimes she didn’t know how he could put up with all three of them.

Footsteps sounded as the same African American officer who had arrested them came down the corridor, a stone cold glare on her face.

“Oh, excuse me?” Maria piped up. “Are we gonna get mug shots? ‘Cause I’d like to touch up my make-up if we do.” She watched both Michael and the cop roll their eyes in unison.

“Valenti and Evans,” the officer said, inserting a key into the lock on their cell and sliding back the bars. “You’re free to go.”

“Oh, thank God!” Max cried, pressing a hand to his heart.

“About time,” Kyle muttered, stepping out as well.

The officer closed the door to Michael’s cell again, and she made no effort to unlock Maria. “Wait a minute, what about me?” Maria shrieked. “And him? Why aren’t you letting us go? Is this some kind of sick joke?” Was this the fates trying to push her and Michael together or something? Oh, gross . . .

The officer turned and motioned Max and Kyle to leave. “Right outside,” she said.

“No, guys!” Maria whined. “You can’t just leave us here!”

“My cash stash is at home,” Kyle muttered dejectedly. “I’ll go get it, bail you guys out.”

“But that could take forever!” Maria didn’t want to be stuck there with freakin’ Michael. She glanced at Max, meeting his eyes and pleading. “Max!”

“Well,” he said with a shrug, “I could stay.”

“No, you can’t. Get out of here, both of you,” the officer snapped.

Max gave her a helpless look and reluctantly followed Kyle out of the holding area.

“No!” Maria whined. “No, this isn’t fair!”

“Gotta agree with her on that,” Michael mumbled. “Why do they get to go and not us?”

“Both of you were well over the legal blood alcohol content,” the officer explained.

“But we’re of age,” Michael pointed out. “And we weren’t driving.”

“Well, you were having an orgy. Deal with the consequences.”

Michael sighed heavily as the unwavering police officer turned her back on them and went back out into the station. “Dammit.”

“Oh, don’t try to act all upset,” Maria grumbled. “I bet this is all just some big scheme, some practical joke.”

“And why would I do that?” Michael said. “You really think I want all this quality time with you?”

“Yes!” she blurted, then quickly changed her answer. “No. Maybe.” There, that was a reply that definitely reflected her current state of mind: Confused as hell.

He just stared at her and said, “You’re so weird.”

Yeah, she felt weird, too. “Look, I just wanna go home. This jail cell is doing nothing for my complexion.”

“And that’s all you care about?”

“Pretty much, yeah.”


“Don’t ‘hmm’ me. You don’t really care about anything, either.”

“Movies,” he reminded her.

“And nothing else.”

He looked at her for a moment and then smiled. “Nothin’ else.”

For some reason, she felt the need to look away in that moment, the power of his gaze almost too much to handle. Michael Guerin did have a way with looks, with the expression in his eyes and the grin that constantly pulled at the corners of his mouth. She would admit that much.


She reluctantly met his eyes when he spoke to her again.

“Did you have a good birthday?”

She had. Even now, standing in an uncomfortable, stinky, unflattering jail cell with no one else to talk to, not knowing when she was going to get out . . . it wasn’t horrible. “Yeah,” she replied after a moment of thought.

He nodded his head twice and said, “Good,” as though he had honestly been hoping to hear that.

“You could’ve gotten me a better me present, though,” she quickly put in, still pissed that he had hired a female stripper.

He backed away from the bar and shrugged. “Maybe I did.”

Oh no, she thought, trying her best to remain calm. What does he mean by that? Part of her didn’t want to find out.


Michael and Maria were released about an hour later. Kyle didn’t have to pay bail, because the officers technically had nothing to charge them with. Even though they had been drinking, they hadn’t been driving, and even though the party had turned into an orgy, there was no solid proof of that. Maria threatened to sue the police station on her way out, spouted off at the mouth about her constitutional rights or something, and Michael just laughed. The girl was crazy.

Kyle drove them home that night, and it didn’t take long for Maria to fall asleep in the car. When they pulled in the driveway, Kyle yawned and said, “I’m so tired.”

Michael glanced back into the backseat and looked at Maria, eyes closed, lips gently parted. If it was possible, she looked almost . . . sweet.

Kyle looked back, too, and said, “Oh, man.”

“I got her,” Michael said, opening the door and stepping out.

“I gotta crash,” Kyle said, getting out as well and heading straight for the house. “I’m never gonna make it to class tomorrow.”

“Yeah, no kidding,” Michael agreed. He shut the passenger’s side door, opened the door to the backseat, and reached inside to scoop Maria out.

“Mmm,” she groaned.

“Come on, birthday girl,” he said, placing one hand around her back and the other under her knees. He carefully lifted her out of the car and kicked the door shut with his foot. He carried her into the house easily—she was so light.

“Tired,” she mumbled as he strode down the hallway. She didn’t seem to be awake, though, even as she was talking.

“You partied too hard,” he said, pushing open the door to her bedroom. He walked over to her bed and set her down atop it, but the mattress squeaked loudly and she made a face in her sleep.

“Mmm, hate this bed,” she grumbled, barely understandable.

Yeah, he knew she did. He hated it, too. That’s why he stolen her first-choice room on move-in day. For some reason, maybe because it was her birthday or maybe because she just looked so cute asleep like this, he went ahead and asked her, “You wanna sleep in my bed?”


“You wanna sleep in my bed, Maria?”


He smiled, scooped her up into his arms again and said, “Alright. Just tonight, though.”


He chuckled and carried her out of her bedroom and into his, knowing she’d be pissed when she woke up tomorrow and found herself lying next to him. But hell, he wasn’t sacking on the floor. Forget that.

He kicked the door shut behind him.


Maria smiled as she stretched her legs and her arms the next morning. God, she’d slept well.

She rolled over onto her side and encountered another person beside her. Opening her eyes, she saw a gorgeous bare chest and rested her cheek and one hand atop it. “Mmm, good morning, Luke,” she murmured, trailing her hand down to caress his stomach.

“Good morning.”

She flipped out when she heard Michael’s voice and sat up instantly, scooting back on the bed and yelling. “What the—ah!” Why was he shirtless? Why was he smiling? Why was her in her bed?

She first glanced down at herself, happy to see that she was still wearing clothes, then looked around, soon realizing that she wasn’t in her bed. She wasn’t even in her room. She was in Michael’s room, in his bed. With him.

“What the hell?” she shrieked, so completely confused. The last thing she remembered was riding home in the car.

He chuckled. “Relax, drama queen. You said you wanted to sleep in here. Just consider it part two of your three-part birthday present.”

“So . . . nothing happened?” she asked fearfully.

He grunted loudly. “No. I’d kill myself before I let anything happen.” He laughed and tossed the covers aside. He swung his legs over the side of the bed, stood up, and strode out of the bedroom in only his black boxers.

Maria sat there alone in the big bed once he was gone, thoroughly freaked out. What concerned her most wasn’t that she’d slept in a bed with Michael, but that she’d slept well. She had awoken feeling warm and comfortable. With Michael. That couldn’t be a good thing.

TBC . . .

-April 8)
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Part 16

Post by April »

Thanks for the feedback everyone! I really appreciate it sooooo much!

Interesting little fact about this fic . . . I've been writing it in size 11 Calibri font, and in that font, it's 834 pages long right now . . . but if you put it in the standard size 12 Times New Roman font, (which is what I've written all my other fics in), it's actually about 900 pages long right now. :P So I'd say this is definitely going to end up being the longest thing I've ever written.

Yet another vid for this fic here, if you're interested:
xmag suggested the song, and I have to admit, it's a perfect match for the fic. :D
Just turn the volume up a bit if you watch it. The song plays a little soft.

Part 16

Even though she wasn’t technically on the dance team anymore, Maria still felt like the captain. She had suggested to Liz that the team have a practice that morning, so she headed out to the gym after she got ready, thinking that they would already be hard at work by the time she got there. But when she stepped through the big double doors into what used to be a majestic setting, her heart sank. The members of the team were there, but they were just sitting around on the floor doing nothing. And Liz was nowhere to be found.

“What-what’re you guys doing?” Maria demanded angrily.

All the girls fell silent. None of them seemed to want to speak to her.

“I said, what’re you doing?” Maria repeated, louder this time.

“Well, we don’t really know what to do,” one girl finally admitted quietly. “Liz isn’t here, so she can’t teach us the dance.”

“Well, where is she?”

“We don’t know.”

“I think she might’ve quit,” another girl piped up. “I mean, I ran into her the other day, and mentioned practice, and she kind of just shrugged and walked off.”

Maria sighed heavily. Her dance team was going down the drain. It had been ever since tryouts. “Okay, get off your asses. I’ll teach you the dance,” Maria said. She rolled up her shirt to keep it from getting soaked with sweat and tied it in a sloppy knot beneath her breasts. When no one made any effort to move, she whirled around to face them and snapped, “Now, ladies.”

Even though she wasn’t their captain, they then sprung from the floor to their feet.

“Okay, just stand where you can see me; I’ll get you in a formation later,” she said. “Alright, you’re gonna start out facing the side, left leg popped. And on five, six, seven, eight . . .”


Liz heard an angry pounding on her dorm room door and knew without a doubt who it was. Maria. She’d expected it.

She got up from where she was studying at her desk and opened the door only slightly.

“Where were you?” Maria demanded, shoving the door open further and slamming inside. “You had dance team practice this morning!”

“I know,” Liz mumbled.

Maria rolled her eyes and blatantly fought to stay calm. “Okay, Liz, I know it’s hard to wake up in the morning, but you have obligations now. You’re the freakin’ captain.”

“But I didn’t wanna be captain,” Liz reminded her. “I didn’t even wanna be on the team. I just wanted to be with Michael, but that’s not gonna happen, so . . .” She sat back down at her desk again, staring down at her open biology book but not really reading the words.

“No big loss, okay? Trust me,” Maria said. “Look, if you actually commit to it, I think you’ll end up really liking dance team. And if you keep working with me, I know you’ll get really good. I just know it.”

“But what’s the point?” Liz grunted. “Guys like dancers, right? Well, guys don’t like me. And I’m not gonna be a good captain. You only gave that position to me because everyone else was hung-over.”

“You’ll be great,” Maria promised. “Just . . . Liz.”

Liz looked up at her friend and saw the pleading expression in her eyes.

“Please,” she begged. “This team’s pretty much the one thing in the world I care about.”

“But I don’t care,” Liz said flat-out. “I just . . . I really need to study right now, Maria. I really need to study.”

Maria’s expression became a slightly angry one again, and she shook her head in disbelief. “You sound like Max,” she muttered as she spun around and stormed out of the room. She slammed the door behind her, and Liz felt bad. She knew she was letting Maria down, but she just didn’t have the motivation to commit to dance team. As long as Michael still had a thing for Maria, Liz had no reason to be the captain team’s captain, or even to be popular for that matter. She’d just go back to being boring, lonely Liz Parker.

Too bad . . . so sad.


“Why not?”


“Because why?”

Michael rolled his eyes at Maria’s whining and spun around to face her. “How many times do I have to tell you people? I do girls, not girlfriends.” He smiled when he said those words and proclaimed, “Ooh, I like that.”

“Stupid!” she yelled at him. “What do you think you’re gonna do when you’re, like, fifty? You think you’re still gonna be hooking up with girls every night then?”

“What about you?” he countered, happy to remind her that he wasn’t the only one who had a thing for random, casual sex. “What’re you gonna do?”

“I . . . asked you first.”

He shrugged. “Fine. I’ll still be good-lookin’, so yeah, I’ll still hook up with girls.”

“Oh, you will not be good-looking.”

“Hotter than you.”

“Oh, please,” she scoffed. “This body ain’t goin’ nowhere.”

“Until you get knocked up a couple of times.” He shook his head, noting that her ass and stomach were indeed smoking. “Damn shame.”

“Okay, could we just focus here for a minute, please?”

“No.” He reached into the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of Snapple, pondering completely ignoring her and seeing how pissed off she’d get.

“Michael, my whole dance team’s gonna, like, turn to poo if you don’t show some interest in Liz.”

“Poo?” he echoed, unscrewing the lid to the Snapple.


“Well, then that’s your fault for making her captain,” he reasoned.

“Shut up.”

“Make me.” He grinned and took a drink of his Snapple.

“Come on, it wouldn’t be that bad,” she persisted. “All you have to do is flirt with her, go out with her, maybe have sex with her.”

He took another drink.

“Michael!” she whined.

“What?” he spat. “Give it up, baby. I’m not helpful. It’s not in my nature.”

He could practically see the smoke coming out of her ears as she yanked the Snapple from his hands, shouted, “No kidding!” and stomped off toward her room. “Being a jerk is in your nature!” She slammed the door shut for added emphasis.

“Kiss my ass,” he muttered, pulling another Snapple out of the refrigerator. “What a crazy bitch.”


Maria painted on the last line of pink nail polish on her left big toenail, trying to forget how pissed off she was. Her anger stemmed from a lot of things, mainly Liz’s unwillingness to lead the dance team and Michael’s unwillingness to . . . motivate her. Some people . . .

She set her polish aside and fanned her right hand over her toes hurriedly, wanting them to dry as quickly as possible. There was a frat party that night that she wanted to get to.

There was a knock on her bedroom door, and she exasperatedly asked, “Who is it?”


She rolled her eyes. “Sorry, Michael’s not welcome here. Only Max and Kyle.”

He opened the door and sauntered inside anyway.

“Did you not hear me?”

“No, I heard you.”

She shook her head. The guy drove her absolutely insane. “Then what do you want?” she asked impatiently, fanning off her toes some more.

“Well, you know how I told you I might have another birthday present for you?”

She shot her head up to look at him and smiled. “You’re going out with Liz?”

He made a face. “No.”

She frowned. That present would have made her life so much easier on a number of levels.

He smirked and held out his hand. In it was a small box, poorly wrapped, too much tape. But at least he’d tried.

“Here,” he said, setting it down on the bed beside her. “I didn’t wanna give it to you in front of everyone.”

“Why not?” she asked suspiciously. “What’s in it?”

He sat down beside her on the bed. “You gotta open it, Maria.”

She glanced back and forth between him and the present and felt fearful. “I don’t want to. I bet it bites.”

“It doesn’t bite.”

“Then it spits or something. Or farts. It’s something gross; I just know it.”

“Just fuckin’ open it.”

After a moment’s contemplation, she gave in. Bracing herself, she picked up the box and slowly tore off the paper. Then she carefully lifted the lid of the box and peered inside. Beneath a layer of tissue paper was . . . a CD? Or a DVD. One of the two

No, she thought, giving him a confused look. Can’t be. It’s too normal.

She took the disc out of the box and looked at it. It was in a simple, clear case, and it wasn’t even labeled. “Great,” she muttered. “What’s on it?”

He smiled and jerked his head toward the hallway. “Go see.”

He was being too mysterious. He had to have had something up his sleeve. “Michael . . .”

“Come on.” He grabbed her arm and pulled her up from the bed. With the disc in her hand, she let him lead her out into the living room. “There you go,” he said, gesturing toward the DVD player.

So it was a DVD. She was so confused, but she decided to just go along with it. She knelt down in front of the DVD player while he sat back on the couch, inserted the disc, and waited a moment for it to play on the screen.

At first, her name appeared on a black screen. Maria. And then, what followed, really shocked her.

It was her, dancing, dancing at football games and basketball games and competitions. The clips dated all the way back to when she’d been a freshman, all the way back to high school, actually. Michael had filmed her and had put the clips together as a montage, of sorts, an ode to her dancing. It ranged from her executing such difficult moves as triple turns to simply breaking it down and shaking her backside. Sometimes it went into slow motion, and she was able to watch herself leap into the air, and it looked like she was flying.

She smiled as she watched the DVD, amazed by how beautiful it was. The music, the slow motion, even her . . . she didn’t just look hot. Or sexy. No, she looked beautiful.

She glanced back at Michael then, so surprised and in awe of the fact that he had taken the time to make this for her. She wasn’t sure when he had done it. He must have been working on it for a long time.

He smiled and pointed at the screen. “You like it?”

She glanced back at the TV screen and watched as a sophomore in high school version of herself executed a triple pirouette turn in slow motion. “I love it,” she told him, wondering how he had known what the perfect gift would be, something that meant so much to her, something that was such a big part of who she was. Her dancing. His filming. It was an awesome combination.

She looked back up at him and met his eyes, and for the first time that she could remember, she felt something, something that didn’t come from their dysfunctional friendship, but something that came from somewhere else. Maybe her heart.

She was . . . touched. And terrified.

She moved up onto the couch and hugged him, thinking that it was the first time she’d ever done that, too. He hugged her back, though, and his arms were warm. She hadn’t known how good it would feel to hug Michael Guerin . . . but it felt really good.


Maria went to the party that night, of course, but her mind wasn’t focused on drinking or dancing or flirting with guys. No, not this time. In fact, she didn’t feel like herself at all, because all she did was stand by the food table and watch Michael as he charmed girl after drunken girl.

She wasn’t jealous. No, nothing like that. She was just . . . confused. Ever since Liz had formulated her ridiculous ‘Michael’s-in-love-with-you’ theory, she’d been on edge around Michael, analyzing every little thing he said and did, but it was the dance team montage DVD he’d made her that really started her wondering. Maybe he felt something for her. Maybe he didn’t. Really, that wasn’t the issue. The issue was . . . did she feel something for him?

She watched as he danced to a slow song with a girl. The girl beamed up at him, looking totally happy, and he smiled back at her. He said something that made her laugh, and Maria felt herself tense slightly. She wanted to look away. She wanted to go do something—anything—else, but she was incapable of it in that moment. Michael Guerin had managed to seep into each and every one of her thoughts, probably without even knowing it. Once again.

Once again.

It wasn’t until he started kissing the girl in front of him that Maria felt the smallest pang of jealousy. It hit her hard and fast, but she did her best to ignore it. She was sure that what she was feeling was just due to what Liz had said. It all came down to that, that stupid theory. Yeah. It wasn’t . . . it wasn’t anything real. He was Michael Guerin; he was . . .

Michael Guerin.

She still couldn’t help but wonder . . .


Max eased his way from the kitchen to the living room, wishing he hadn’t gone to this party. If he hadn’t been the designated driver . . .

He looked around for Maria, for her eyes and her lips and everything else that made her so remarkable to him, and he found her almost instantly, standing by herself. Strange, he thought, staring at her for a minute. Maria was rarely ever alone. It took him a moment to realize that she was staring at something, so he followed her gaze and saw what she was seeing.

Michael. Michael, kissing a girl.

Max glanced back to Maria, and he felt his heart drop. He just stood there for a moment, watching her watch someone else, until he couldn’t take it any longer. He turned, discouraged, and headed outside to wait in the car until the party was over.

Figures, he thought dejectedly. Girls like Maria don't notice guys like me.

TBC . . .

-April (My apologies, I know that part was a few pages shorter than what I usually try to post, but . . . what can I say, I'm a major tease. :lol: )
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Part 17

Post by April »

tequathisy: Glad you liked the update. Yes, hopefully it will be a fun ride. :lol:
Mag: Interesting thoughts on Max and Liz. Thanks again for helping me with the vid! :D
Alien_Friend: I’m glad you liked this part and the video. And I’m glad you liked the “warm and fuzzy” M+M moment. They’ll keep happening, and raunchiness and drama will keep happening, too. :wink:
Zoi: Hey, welcome to Fanatics and thanks for feedbacking! Are you ZoiAstrea over at CID? :?:
nibbles: Yeah, Michael’s too manly to give her a gift like that in front of anybody. :P Glad you liked the part! Thanks for the feedback!
guelbebek: Oh, sorry I couldn’t fulfill your wish of posting again yesterday. I was tempted! :lol: Thanks for the feedback!
starcrazed: Yep, Liz is definitely book smart, whereas Maria is a lot more street smart. Thanks for reading! :D
stinebiene: I’m glad you’re still reading and enjoying! :D Yes, M+M are definitely clueless (although Maria’s becoming less clueless), and Max and Liz are not doing much better right now.
crazysnape: Isabel and Alex will definitely be in this some more as the story progresses. I like them, too. :mrgreen: By the way, your avatar is really cool. Just had to tell you that.
RiceKrispy: Yep, Liz is a little pathetic right now, I’ll admit. Okay, more than a little. Right now, she’s in sharp contrast to Maria. No confidence. No spunk. No initiative. It could be a long road for her, too. :?

(Michael sings "I'm Too Sexy" by Right Said Fred in this part.) :P

Part 17

Maria got up early the next morning to make sure that she got to the bathroom first. Sharing a bathroom with three guys shouldn’t have been that hard—guys weren’t supposed to care about what they looked like; but over the last four years, Kyle, Michael, and Max somehow managed to spend more time getting ready in there than she did. They really needed more than one bathroom, but they were just poor college students. It wasn’t as though they could afford to add on.

Even though it was her time to be in there, Michael knocked once and pushed open the door without waiting for an answer. He strolled in with a towel wrapped around his waist and looked at her confused. “What’re you doing?”

“Plucking nose hairs,” she replied unabashedly, leaning in closer to the mirror so that she could see better. She held her nostril up with one thumb and held the utensil in the other. She winced when she pulled out one that hurt a lot.

“Sick,” was Michael’s response.

“Way to be unappreciative,” she said, glaring at him in the mirror.

“What does that mean?”

“It means, why do you think girls even bother to pull out nose hairs? For guys. And the same goes for eyebrow hairs. And shaving underarms. And don’t even get me started on shaving legs,” she ranted. “Do you honestly think we’d do all these little mundane things if stupid men didn’t expect us to?”

“Hey, don’t blame me,” he said. “I can’t help it if your gender’s so screwed up.”

She rolled her eyes.

He chuckled, and then all at once, he unhooked his towel and let it drop to the floor. He stood there behind her then, completely in the buff, and her eyes practically bulged out of their sockets as she stared at his reflection in the mirror. She’d seen Michael naked before, sure, but it just seemed a little . . . different now.

“I know,” he said upon noticing her reaction. “I’m amazed at how huge I am, too.” He smirked and pulled open the shower curtain. He stepped inside, turned on the water, and immediately started singing.

“I’m, too sexy for my shirt. Too sexy for my shirt. So sexy it hurts!”

She set her nose-hair device down on the counter, unable to believe this. Michael was singing? About being sexy? In the shower? In front of her? Oh my god, she thought, this is so unfair.

“I’m a model. You know what I mean? And I do my little turn on the catwalk,” he continued, skipping a line or two. The lyrics were ridiculous and dorky, but he did make them sound sort of . . . well, sexy.

“Yeah, on the catwalk . . . on the catwalk, yeah . . . I shake my little tush on the catwalk.”

That did it. She couldn’t be in there any longer. She grabbed her blow-dryer and headed elsewhere. She was just going to have to do her hair in her room.

“I’m, too sexy for this song!”


Maria arrived at the gym again early that morning, expecting to see the dance team, not expecting to see Liz. Unfortunately, she saw no one. The gym was completely empty. There was a scheduled practice, and no one was there. She felt a sense of despair when she walked into the empty environment, a sense that it was all ending, that maybe it was already over.

Maybe it was stupid to care so much about something that she wasn’t even a member of anymore, but she had put so much hard work and dedication into that team that it agonized her to see it disappear beneath her fingertips. It was the one thing she truly cared about. Besides her friends.

She walked into the center of the gym, noting how big it felt when she was in there all alone. She glanced up at the wall and stared at the realistic painting of herself, her leg kicked straight up in the air. Back during her sophomore year of college, one of the senior fine arts majors had begged her to let him paint her picture on that wall. And it was still there. Probably always would be. No doubt, she was a dancing legacy at the University of Santa Fe. It was the only thing anyone could respect her for, the only thing anyone could admire about her.

She stood there in that oh-so-familiar gymnasium, remembering the hours of practice, the thousands of beads of sweat, the breathlessness, and the thrill of it all. And suddenly, she missed it more than anything, and she wanted nothing more than to go back, go back to that first day of tryouts when the captain at that time had come up to her and said, “You’re pretty good. For a freshman.” Maybe back to that day when she’d found out she’d made the team, or when she’d found out her sophomore year that she would be the captain. Maybe winning her first state championship or winning an award for best choreography. Something. Anything.

The cheer of the crowd roared in her head as she stood there in that dark, empty gym. She could hear the people chanting her name.

“Maria! Maria! Maria!”

And it killed her knowing they wouldn’t chant it anymore, except for when she was doing shots.

She sighed. She didn't like this. She didn't like feeling like this.


Max followed Maria to the gym that day. He wasn’t a stalker or anything, but he was worried about her. Something was changing about her. Gradually. Whether it was a change that worked in his favor or not remained to be seen.

She looked like a disaster, like a beautiful disaster that he just couldn’t get enough of. He wanted to just stand there and watch her forever. But he couldn’t.

“What’re you doin’, man?”

He spun around when he heard Michael and quickly tried to cover up his infatuation with the lovely Miss DeLuca. “Oh, nothing. I saw her go in there, just thought I’d make sure she was okay.” He glanced in again and noticed the way her foot was slowly moving from side to side. She wanted to dance, but something was holding her back.

“Hey,” he said to Michael, “you should talk to her.”

Michael gave him a confused look. “Me?”

“Yeah.” As much as it pained Max, he knew Maria had a connection with Michael, an unmatched passion. And when he’d caught her staring at him at the party the other night . . . well, that staring had just reinforced it. “I gotta go,” he said, readjusting his backpack on his shoulders. He hurried off, leaving Michael with Maria.

Michael and Maria. It was a bitter thought, but one that, after almost eight years of false hope, he would have to force himself to accept.


Michael peered into the gym, not expecting to see what he saw. He thought he might find Maria dancing around, shaking her hips, flipping her hair, acting crazy; but instead, he found her just standing there, looking down at the floor. She looked sad, but he didn’t know what to do about it.

He was about to walk in there and start teasing her to get her to perk up when all of a sudden she took off running towards the side of the gym and leapt into the air, her legs and arms outstretched, her head tossed back, blonde hair flowing behind her. She soared, landed, and then jumped again, up farther than Michael had ever seen a girl jump. She landed on the floor with a thud, but she seemed used to it. She somehow arched her back and pushed herself up off the floor momentarily, neither on her feet nor her knees. Michael watched in amazement as she literally rolled on her back and landed in the splits, one leg out to each side, her chest pressed firmly to the floor. Good God, he thought, the girl can dance.

She stayed in that position for a moment, then she slowly recoiled into a regular sitting position, bringing her knees up to her chest. She rested her elbows atop her knees, covered her face with her hands, looking as though she were about to cry. But she didn't. Maria DeLuca never did.

He slowly walked into the gym and approached her. She looked so small, so . . . helpless. Was it possible for Maria DeLuca to look helpless?

Strange. All he wanted to do in that moment was help her. Even though helping wasn’t in his nature.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

She jerked her head up when he asked that and quickly tried to pretend she was okay. "Nothing,” she lied.

“Cut the crap, Maria. What’s wrong?” he asked again.

She pushed herself to her feet and turned the other direction. “Nothing.”

“Is it your dance stuff again?” Dumb question, he thought, shaking his head. Obviously, it was.

“It’s not stuff, Michael. It’s my life,” she snapped, whirling around to face him. Her eyes were just blazing with emotion.

He just wasn’t sure how to handle this. All he knew was that he wanted to. “Alright, so tell me about it.”

She grunted and shook her head. “Like you care,” she muttered as she pushed past him and trudged out of the gymnasium.

He turned his head and watched her go, worried about her. He’d known Maria DeLuca for eight years, and he’d never seen her get truly sad about anything.

Maybe . . . maybe he didn't know her as well as he thought he did.


Liz sat outside beneath the shade of a tree with a chemistry book in her lap, trying to focus on the words she was reading but finding it difficult. She’d taken a short detour from studying to explore the realms of parties and popularity, and it wasn’t as easy as she thought it would be to switch back and start studying again.

“Hey, Liz.”

She looked up when she heard the voice of someone she knew, squinted her eyes against the sun, and made out of the figure of Max Evans. “Oh, hey, Max,” she greeted, happy to see him. “How are you?”

“Good,” he replied, taking a seat beside her on the grass. “And you?”

She shrugged. “Okay.”


“Mmm-hmm.” She closed her book and asked him, “So did you ever recover from that birthday party the other night?”

“Yeah, eventually.”

“It was pretty wild,” she said. “Are all your guys’ parties that wild?”

“Most,” he admitted. “I don’t know why Michael and Maria are always so surprised the cops show up.”

“The cops showed up?”

“Oh, yeah. We don’t usually get arrested, though.”

“You got arrested?” Liz was sure her face registered shock.

“Yeah. We didn’t get charged with anything, though, thank God. I don’t think I could’ve handled it if that’d gone on my permanent record.”

“Oh, me, too, for sure,” she agreed. “Wow.”

“Yeah. Maria had fun, though. That’s what matters.”

“Yeah.” Liz nodded her head slowly, thinking about her friend. They’d gone from hanging out almost twenty-four seven for about a week to barely talking. “Max, if I ask you something, will you be honest with me?” she asked him.


She sighed and asked what she had been so afraid to ask for awhile now. “Is Maria mad at me? Because she made me the captain of her dance team, and I’m basically in the process of quitting on her. And I feel really bad about it.”

Max waited a moment before answering. “No, I don’t think she’s mad at you,” he told her finally, “but she is on edge about something.”

Liz sighed again, knowing she was responsible. “Yeah, that’s probably my fault, too. I kinda . . .” She shook her head. “I told her that Michael’s in love with her.”

“What?” Max said a little loudly. “That . . . Michael’s in love with her?”


“Wait, did he-did he say something to you or--”

“Oh, no,” she admitted. “No, I kinda just . . . assumed, I guess. I mean, maybe he’s not in love with her, but I think he has some kind of feelings for her, so the potential’s there.”

“Potential,” Max echoed, looking away. "Yeah."

“So in addition to being all stressed out and nostalgic about dance team, she’s probably questioning how she feels about Michael, and that’s probably what she’s most on edge about.”

“Oh, I . . . I think she has feelings for him,” Max came right out and said.

“You think so?”


Liz felt her heart sink just a little more. It wasn’t as though she’d had any remote chance with Michael left to hang on to, but now it was all gone. If Maria had a thing for him and he had a thing for her, pretty much no one else stood a chance.

“I wonder if they could make it work,” she mused, “you know, if they could actually date without killing each other.”

Max chuckled. “I don’t know. They’re so dysfunctional that they might end up actually being functional.”

Liz nodded and remarked, “That’s an interesting way to look at it.”

“Well . . .” He shrugged. “I don’t know.” He glanced down at the watch around his wrist then and said, “Oh, hey, look, I’m sorry, I gotta go, but I’ll see you around, right?”

“Right,” she said, looking forward to it.

He picked up his backpack and got to his feet. “Okay, I’ll see you.”


He smiled and waved at her as he walked away. Liz watched him go, a little bit intrigued. Max didn’t have the same irresistible bad boy appeal Michael had, but he was definitely a nice guy, and nice guys had a lot to offer, too . . .


Maria lay on her bed that night with the lights off in her room, feeling sorry for herself. Normally when she felt like this, she’d go out and find a party and pretend she was fine, but she had a feeling that even a party wouldn’t help her tonight. No, she was beyond that solution. She wasn’t sure what would help her, but she was quite certain it wasn’t the person who came to stand in her doorway.

“Go away,” she mumbled, not wanting to deal with him right now.

He shook his head stubbornly and just said, “Nah.”

Freakin’ Michael Guerin . . . “You suck.”

“You know, if you hate me so much, you could always just, I don’t know, lock the door.”

He made a point. She could always do that, but she always kept it unlocked, always giving him free reign to come into her room, to come into the bathroom, to be where she was. What was up with that? “Can you just, like, make fun of me and leave already?” she said impatiently.

He frowned. “What makes you think I’m gonna make fun of you?”

“It’s what you do,” she pointed out. “You saw me sad today, Michael. There’s no way you’re gonna let me live that down.”

After a moment’s pause, he stepped into the room and made his way over to the bed. He sat down, and she groaned.

“No, don’t start making yourself comfy.”

“Maria, shut up,” he said. “You think I don’t care about you, but I do. Okay? There, I said it. I care about you. So you’re gonna tell me what the hell’s goin’ on or I am gonna make fun of you.”

She knew she had no choice in the matter, no choice but to spill her guts to someone who might or might not have feelings for, someone whom she might or might not have feelings for in return. “It’s just . . . stuff,” she told him.

He lay down beside her, not close but not very far away, either. “I thought you said it wasn’t just stuff. It’s your life,” he reminded her.

“It is. It’s . . . God, I don’t even know how to explain it,” she said, frustrated. “I just . . . I love that dance team. I’ve loved being a part of it, I’ve loved leading it; and I was really good at it. But it doesn’t seem to have a very bright future right now, and . . . that makes me sad.”

“Yeah, I get that,” he said, staring up at the ceiling.

“And it’s not even just that. It’s, like, college in general,” she confessed, surprised that it was so easy to be so open and honest with him.

He turned his head to face her and asked, “What do you mean?”

“I mean . . . I’m good at college,” she attempted to explain. “Not the studying, academic stuff, but the partying, popularity stuff. I’m really good at that. And it’s all coming to an end. It’s gonna be over in a few months, and that scares me.”

“Yeah,” he said. “Scares me, too.”

“It does?” She was surprised.

“Well, no, not scares, really, ‘cause I'm too macho to get scared,” he amended. “But sometimes I wonder. You know, what’s it gonna be like out there in the real world? I mean, I know this is real, too, but it’s just different. You know what I mean?”

“Yeah,” she practically whispered. She turned to lie on her side and face him, suddenly interested in what he had to say. “So what do you wonder about?” she asked.

“I don’t know. I just think . . . back in high school, we were both really popular. Prom king and queen.”

“Yeah, I still don’t know how that happened,” she said, remembering the two of them standing up there together, getting their crowns. “I campaigned against you.”

He chuckled. “The point is, we were popular then, we’re popular now . . .” He trailed off. “What happens next? I mean, do I go to L.A. and do that porn internship?”

“Do I just sit here and mourn the loss of my dance team?” she wondered aloud. “I don’t . . . I don’t want it to end.”

“Yeah, me neither,” he agreed.

She sighed, feeling a little better having talked about it now. Even though she’d talked about it with Michael, somehow, it had been a successful talk. “You know, I think this is one of two meaningful conversations we’ve ever had,” she said.

“No, it’s not meaningful.” He turned to face her and asked, “You wanna fight or somethin’?”

“Yeah, that sounds good.”

“Okay.” He smiled. “You’re a big slut.”

She smiled, too. “Takes one to know one, fucker.”

He chuckled. “Okay, that’s more like it.”

She laughed, too, feeling a lot better now. Who would have known that this side of Michael Guerin actually existed, the side that could be caring and carry on a conversation? It was a pleasant surprise.

TBC . . . :)

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Part 18

Post by April »

Hey, guys! Thanks for the awesome feedback! I really can't say thanks enough.

Crazysnape, to answer your question, college and university are the same.

And guel, as for your question regarding the implications of the videos . . . well, let's just say that, they're a VERY good indicator of the plot of this story.

Well, okay, so this part . . . I don't want to give away too much before you guys read it. But . . . you know how some people have to take two steps back before they can take one step forward? Michael and Maria and Max and Liz are those people. :|

Part 18

The next afternoon, Michael made sure to stop by his advisor’s office. He didn’t schedule an appointment because he was too lazy, but Bo always seemed to have enough spare time on his hands to squeeze him in.

The truth was, that conversation with Maria last night had gotten him thinking. He’d said things out loud that he’d never said before. He wondered. He wondered what life after college was going to be like. And he wasn’t exactly looking forward to it.

“Michael, two visits in two weeks. That has to be a record,” Bo said with a good-natured smile.

Michael chuckled a little. “Yeah, I know. Crammin’, I guess.”

“You? No.”

“No, actually I was just wonderin’ if any other mail’s come for me through your office,” he came right out and said. He could hear the sound of desperation in his own voice, and he disliked it.

“Uh, no. No, nothing since he last letter,” Bo replied. “Why? Are you expecting something?”

He was hoping for something, some kind of film internship that didn’t involve Cum-Hungry Coeds. “No,” he answered. “No, not really. But, uh, if something comes . . .”

“I’ll let you know right away.”

“Thanks, Bo.” Michael turned, slightly disappointed, and left Bo’s advising office almost as quickly as he’d entered. He really didn’t want to help make an adult movie. He really didn’t want to.


Michael sat at the kitchen counter with Kyle that night, eating dinner even though he wasn’t really hungry. “So where are Isabel and Tess?” he asked his friend.

“Who knows?” was Kyle’s response. “Probably off braiding each other’s hair.” His eyes lit up then as he began to speculate. “Maybe there’s gonna be a role-play. Two cute country girls—them—one rough-and-tumble cowboy—that’d be me. Oh, I like the sound of that.” He looked like a kid in a candy store as he thought about it.

Michael just shook his head. “How do you do it, man?” he asked. “The commitment thing.”

“I don’t know. I just do.”

“And you’re not just committed once. You’re committed twice. That’s really gotta suck.”

Kyle shrugged as he shoved a spoonful of lasagna into his mouth. “Nah, not if you’re with the right person,” he mumbled in between chews. “Or people, in my case.” He set his fork down, then, and gave Michael a questioning look. “You okay, man?”

Michael quickly took a bite of his own meal, hoping to avoid answering the question. “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”

“I don’t know, you just seem kinda . . .”

“I’m fine,” he snapped.


They sat in silence for a moment longer before Michael resigned and let it out.

“Alright, I’m kinda . . . pissed ‘cause I applied for all these internships and I’ve only been accepted for one so far. And it’s the one I don’t wanna do. But I feel like I have to do it if nothing better comes along.”

“What is it?” Kyle inquired. “Chick flick or what?”

“It’s a porno.”

“What’s bad about that? That’s good,” Kyle said.

“Not in my book.”

“Are you fuckin’ crazy?”

“Apparently.” He sighed. “I don’t know, I just . . . Maria got me thinkin’ about some stuff last night, and now I’m . . . I don’t know.”

Kyle picked up his fork again and dug it around absentmindedly in his lasagna. “Well, why would you do something you don’t wanna do?” he asked simply.

“Because I have no choice,” Michael muttered, and before Kyle could respond, the front door burst open and Maria crashed inside with a guy Michael didn’t recognize. He looked like a freshman. A little skinny, acne on the face. She could do better, he thought, watching as they swapped spit like maniacs.

“Hey, Maria,” Kyle called.

She gave him a backwards wave before hopping up into skinny/acne boy’s arms and directing him to her bedroom.

“Every night,” Michael muttered. Maybe she really did have more sex than him. Anything was possible.

He heard the door slam, and a minute later, her mattress started to squeak loudly. That could only mean one thing.


Oh, yes!” Vincent shouted. That was his name, and Maria was proud that she remembered it. Vincent. He wasn’t exactly model-material, but he was good-looking enough.

Okay, so he was the only guy she could find on short notice. As long as he got the job done . . .

“Yes . . .” she whispered, clawing at the shirt on his back. She couldn’t get it off, so she just scrunched it up in her hands and held on tight.

“I can’t believe this is happening,” he said, pausing for a moment.

“Just keep going,” she urged, worried that this obviously inexperienced boy wasn’t going to be able to make her cum.

“Okay.” He pushed into her deep, and she moaned loudly.

Oh!” Okay, maybe cumming wouldn’t be a problem. He obviously had some tricks up his sleeve.

“Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah,” he chanted as he pounded into her furiously.

“Wait for me,” she murmured, shifting beneath him slightly so that he was rubbing right against her g-spot. She groaned gutturally and bit her bottom lip at the sensation. “Oh, god.”


She closed her eyes and dug her head back into her pillow. “Please,” she whispered, thrusting her hips up to meet his. “Please . . . please.”







She froze, stunned, and her eyes snapped open. Had she just . . . no, she hadn’t . . . had she?

Oh god, she thought. Michael? No, that was just too wrong. It was a very bad name, the worst name in the world because it belonged to him.

Vincent gradually came to a stop, and she could literally feel him going limp inside her without even cumming. “What?”

She tried to rectify that situation. “No, I didn’t mean . . . I said--”

“Did you just say Michael?”

“Oh god, I did, didn’t I?” She couldn’t remember ever being so horrified.

Any moment of passion that had existed was completely gone now, so she said, “Okay, just get off me,” and shoved him onto the floor.


“Just get out of here,” she said, pulling up her pants.

“Fuck you,” he muttered, struggling to his feet and staggering out of the bedroom, pulling up his own pants as he went.

Maria ran her hands through her hair, feeling as though she were completely losing her mind. Michael. Michael Guerin. This couldn’t be happening, but she just couldn’t stop it.


Michael and Kyle were talking about Isabel and Tess again when the door to Maria’s bedroom flew open and skinny/acne boy came storming out into the living room. “That’s it! I’m pissed!” he roared.

Michael chuckled. “Overrated, huh?”

“Oh, I’d say so. She tossed me out.”

“Tossed you out?” Michael echoed. He glanced at Kyle and asked, “Has that ever happened before?”

“Not in this lifetime,” Kyle answered.

“Yeah, I’ve heard things about her,” skinny/acne boy went on. “Biggest bitch in the world, whores to just about anybody.”

“Hey, now, shut up a little bit,” Michael warned. It was okay for him to talk about Maria like that, but not anyone else.

“Then I get here, pretty psyched ‘cause we’re goin’ at it.” He grunted. “Imagine the buzz-kill when she screamed your name.” He pointed to Michael.

“My—what?” Michael spat.

“You didn’t hear her?” Skinny/acne boy shook his head. “Whatever, man.” He tossed his hands up in the air, clearly fed up, and left the house.

Michael gave Kyle a confused look. Why the hell was Maria saying his name during sex? That was just . . . strange . . . even for her.


Maria was too embarrassed to even leave her bedroom that night. So she just wrapped herself up in her warm, cozy bathrobe and laid on her bed, thinking of all the homework she should be doing but had absolutely no desire to do.

Then there was a knock on her door.

“What?” she barked.

“It’s me, Max.”

Sighing, she got up and answered the door, but she should have known it wasn’t really Max on the other side. It was Michael, lowering his voice to mimic Max’s. “Ugh, go away,” she groaned, trying to shut the door in his face.

But he pushed against the door to stop her. “Pretty dead-on impression, huh?” he said, slipping inside.

“Whatever.” She sat down on her bed, legs crossed, hands in her lap.

He shut the door, and she wished he hadn’t. Being alone in a bedroom with him was the last thing she needed at this very particular time in her life. To make matters worse, he sat down on the foot of her bed, turning to face her.

“What do you want?” she grumbled.

“Not you moaning my name during sex. That’s for sure,” he answered emphatically.

She sighed, trying to come up with an explanation that would work. She finally settled on, “It was a tactic.”

“A tactic?” he echoed. “Really?”

“Yeah. Vincent didn’t really know what he was doing; I knew I wasn’t gonna cum, so I wanted him to get off me. And I figured the best way to do that would be to, you know, say another guy’s name. And your name just happened to be the first name that came to mind.”

“Huh,” he said. “You know, this may sound crazy, but you could’ve just said stop.”

She grunted. “Right. And would you stop if you were about to cum?”

He thought about it for a moment, then conceded, “Huh, good point.”

“Exactly. So . . . just a tactic. Nothing more.” She looked down at her bedspread, wondering if he believed her. “It’s not like I was actually thinking about you or pretending it was you or whatever,” she mumbled, but subconsciously, she probably had been. She resisted the urge to shudder at the thought. “So no ego-boost for you. Boo-hoo.”

“Ah, don’t need one,” he said. “Don’t feel bad, Maria. Every girl moans my name during sex at some point in her life.”

It was a tactic,” she insisted, feeling like a broken record.

He smiled. “I know it was.”

She chanced a glance at him, but he wasn’t looking at her anymore. He was staring out the window, grinning like a self-righteous idiot. He probably wasn’t buying it, but he didn’t seem too affected.

I don’t get it, she thought. Why is he always so calm and I’m suddenly such a spaz?

“So who’s the guy?”

His question was so abrupt that it almost knocked her onto the floor. “The guy?” she echoed.

He turned to meet her eyes again. “Yeah, the guy who’s had you all fucked up for the past week.”

This . . . she hadn’t anticipated this. Oh god, having this conversation with him was her worst nightmare. “No one,” she replied hastily.

“Oh, come on, clearly there’s someone.”

“Well . . . even if there was, I wouldn’t tell you.”

“So you admit it? There’s someone?” he prodded.

She squirmed nervously. “Why do you care?”

“I just wanna know.”

“Since when did we become such conversationalists?”

He laughed out loud. “Since when did you get shy?”

“Shy? I’m not-I’m not being shy,” she denied. “I’m being . . . mysterious.”

“Oh, is that what you call it?”

“Yeah.” Hopefully if she danced around the question enough, she wouldn’t have to answer. “You should try being mysterious, Michael, or nice, or good-looking. You should try not being a self-involved asshole, for once. You know I think you really--”

“Oh, give it up, DeLuca,” he said. “You can ramble all you want; I’m still gonna ask the question. Who’s the fucking guy?”

You, she thought, staring straight into his warm brown eyes. Maybe.


“Anyone I know?” he went on to ask.

Oh, I’d say so.

But she couldn’t say that. There was no way she could say that. Ever. She felt gross enough and embarrassed enough thinking it.

“Come on, Maria, who is it?”

So in that moment, with him sitting a mere foot away from her, smelling so amazingly good and looking so freakishly adorable, she glanced at a picture of herself, Max, Kyle, and Michael sitting on her desk and blurted out a name she never really intended to.


His eyes grew wide. “Max?”

Oh, god, had she really just said that. “Uh . . .”

“Holy shit, Maria.” He started to laugh, slow and first and then faster and faster until he was literally rocking back and forth and slapping his knee.

“What’s so funny?” she demanded.

“It’s just . . . no, it’s just kind of strange is all, but . . . you know what, Maria? I like it. You and Max. Mrs. Max Evans.”

“No, it’s really not that big of a deal.”

He stood up from the bed, still looking so amused by her ‘admission.’ “No, it’s cool,” he insisted. “You guys could . . . like scales. You could be like scales. You could balance each other out.” He demonstrated with his hands. “You know, smart, dumb. Pretty, not so pretty.”

She couldn’t help but smile at that just a little. “You think I’m pretty?”

“No, Max is the pretty one.”

She rolled her eyes. He never ceased to grate her cheese.

“This is so great,” he said, clapping his hands together excitedly. “I’ll tell you what, I’m gonna-I’m gonna hook you guys up, alright? I’m gonna do that. You and Max.”

“Uh-huh,” she said, waiting until he opened the door and walked out of the room to allow her facial expression to fall. Max. Max? He was just about the last person she had a romantic interest in. And now Michael thought . . .

“Oh, no.” She could feel herself digging a hole, falling into it; but for whatever reason, she was too scared to climb out.

TBC . . .

-April (Remember how I said it was going to be a long and frustrating ride? I'm so evil.) :twisted:
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Part 19

Post by April »

Thanks for the feedback, you guys! Tine, I must say, I absolutely LOVE your "marriage" signature. It's hilarious, and oh-so true!

I won't ramble this time. Here's the next part!

Part 19 (Right now you're on page 171!) :lol:

Throughout the remainder of the week, Michael was not subtle. In fact, he was so overt that it was embarrassing. He went out of his way to make sure that he ‘accidently’ pushed Maria into Max, or vice versa, whenever he could. He brought up hints in conversations, like, “Hey, Max and Maria. Did you ever notice that your names both start with the letter M? M+M. Hey, that’s cute,” upon which Kyle pointed out, “Your name starts with an M, too, dude.” And Michael had no response to that.

Maria didn’t really mind at first. Granted, she wasn’t crazy about the idea of Michael trying to hook her up with Max, especially because she had no real romantic interest in Max; but she figured he would give it up eventually and the whole lie would just fade into oblivion. But she should have known better. Michael Guerin was as stubborn a jackass as they came.

As the days wore on, his tactics became even less subtle. One morning he came into Maria’s bedroom, scooped her up out her bed, rudely awaking her from her slumber, and just dumped her into Max’s bedroom and shut the door. It took her a moment to realize he’d done that because she’d fallen asleep in only a bra and panties and was probably bound to turn Max on.

The next day, he ambushed Max when he stepped out of the shower with a towel around his waist, tore the towel away, and grandly gestured to Max’s lower anatomy for Maria to see. “Ta-da!” The whole ploy was absolutely ridiculous, and Maria had to look away.

The worst was Friday night, though. Instead of going out clubbing, Michael had readily suggested that they all stay in and have a sort of family meal. “Not that we’re family,” he then quickly added, looking back and forth between Max and Maria. “Not that any of our relationships would ever be incest.”

The meal started out normal enough, with Kyle talking about Tess’s boobs and Isabel’s butt, Max begging him not to mention his sister in a sexual context, and Michael stuffing his face like a disgusting pig. Maria sat quietly, glaring at him, silently warning him that if he tried anything, she’d not-so-subtly kick his balls beneath the table; and then he’d be a miserable dork.

But he didn’t seem to get the point. “Hey, Kyle, was that your phone?”


“Yeah. Downstairs. I hear it.”


“Ears like a cat, man. Or a dog. Whatever. You better go get it. It’s probably your women.”

“Probably,” Kyle agreed. “Be right back.” He shot to his feet and flew downstairs like the poor, hormonal boy he was.

Michael stuffed his last bite of chicken in his mouth and announced proudly, “Alright, I’m gonna go, too. Gotta masturbate.”

“Eating,” Max reminded him.

Michael walked backwards through the living room and to the hallway, still talking with his mouth full. “You guys enjoy the rest of the meal. Oh, here, I’ll just . .. turn down the lights.” He lowered one switch, bringing the room down to a dim candle-like lighting, changing the atmosphere completely. “Enjoy the sex,” he said. “I mean meal. Sorry.”

Maria rolled her eyes, so completely exasperated with him that she briefly considered moving out. That was nothing new. He annoyed her to that point of consideration daily, but she’d never do it.

But seriously! Did he think he was some mastermind or something, conveniently arranging a romantic dinner that wasn’t even romantic? Idiot!

“Strange,” Max commented. “He just gets weirder and weirder every day.”

“Tell me about it,” she mumbled, absentmindedly shifting some food around on her plate with her fork.

“Did you know that he stole my books today?” Max went on.


“Yeah, my biology books. Took them right out of my room, told me all that studying wasn’t good for me.” He shrugged.

Maria shook her head. “He’s so retarded.”

“I think he’s just . . . unique.”

“No, trust me, he’s retarded.”

Max chuckled. “You know him best.”

She thought about it for a moment and realized just how true that was. “Yeah, I do,” she practically whispered, setting her fork down. She wasn’t hungry anymore.

Just then, Kyle stormed back upstairs, clearly outraged. “There was no phone call, Michael,” he whined. “I was very disappointed.” He stopped in the living room and looked around, confused. “Whoa. Who brought on the ambiance?”

Maria groaned and pushed her chair back from the table. “You know what? Why don’t I leave you boys to enjoy this so-called ‘ambiance.’ I think I’ll hit the hay early tonight.” She set her plate and its contents on the kitchen counter, giving Kyle a look, a look that said, ‘Do those dishes, lesser male, or die,’ and then started towards her bedroom.

Guys, she thought with contempt as she headed down the hallway. They’re so annoying. Why she had chosen to live with three of them, she did not know. Maybe something to do with their good looks.

Or Michael’s good looks.

As soon as the thought crossed her mind, she cringed and pushed it away. That was just not the type of thing she wanted to be thinking about someone she couldn’t stand.

And couldn’t get enough of.


Even though he’d claimed he was going to masturbate, Michael didn’t really feel the need to. He’d had a marathon of sex the other night with a girl named Latisha who did gymnastics and really knew how to give him a run for his money in bed. He’d cum enough last night for two nights. Or three nights.

No, just two nights.

He stood with his ear to the door and listened as someone—undoubtedly Maria—shuffled down the hallway, mumbling something under her breath about plotting to kill him. At first he smirked, thinking that it’d be funny to see her try. Then as he heard the door to her bedroom open and close, it dawned on him that she hadn’t taken advantage of the romantic dinner he’d set up for her and Max.

That ungrateful bitch.

He threw open his door, stomped down the hallway to her bedroom, and threw the door open, fuming. She was right in the middle of changing, of course, and had just taken her shirt off.

“Michael!” she shrieked, immediately covering her small but beautiful breasts with her arms.

“Oh, nothin’ I haven’t seen before,” he reminded her.

Still, she wouldn’t lower her arms.

“Aw, the blushing virgin,” he teased. “Or pissed off slut, in your case.”

She rolled her eyes and turned so that her back was toward him. “What do you want?” she demanded.

He shut the door and said, “I wanna know what the hell your problem is.”

“I don’t have a problem,” she denied, digging through her top dresser drawer for a shirt. “Well, except you. You’re a constant problem.”

“Are you fuckin’ kidding me?” he spat. “You tell me you like Max, so I go out of my way to get the two of you together. But I can only do so much.”

“Trust me, you’re already doing more than enough,” she mumbled, shooting him an annoyed look.

“I don’t get it. Why don’t you just sneak attack him tonight, suck him off?”

She quickly pulled a tight-fitting white t-shirt over her head and said. “Because I don’t want to.”

“Why not?”

She whirled around to face him, and his eyes were immediately drawn to the hardened nipples he could see through the thin material of her shirt. Fascinating . . .

“Because, contrary to what you might believe, not everything is about dick-sucking,” she explained, obviously more than a little exasperated.

“Just the good things.”

She rolled her eyes and held her hands out as though she were trying to keep from strangling him. “Michael, I swear to God, you’re like a walking penis.”

“Hey, that’s a compliment.”

“No, it’s not!”

“To me it is!”

“It means you don’t have a brain,” she said, stepping towards him, “or a heart, or anything else worthwhile.”

“My dick’s worthwhile!”

“No, it’s not!”

On impulse, he grabbed her forearms and pulled her closer to him, gazing down into her eyes. They were so green . . .

“Want me to show you how worthwhile it is?” he teased, feeling like his pants were a little too tight suddenly. What the hell?

For a moment, she stared right up at him, and it almost felt like she was staring right through him. He could feel heat radiating off her body. Just radiating.

And then, she took a step back, gently easing her arms from his grasp, and simply said, “Don’t be disgusting.”

He smirked.

“I realize that creep is, like, your default setting,” she went on, “but could you turn it off for just a sec?”

He sighed and decided to do just that. If it were possible. “Alright, seriously, what the hell’s your problem? I’m busting my butt trying to get you and old Maxwell into the sack, and you’re just sitting there. You never do that.”

She shrugged. “First time for everything.”

“That’s crap, and you know it. He’d go for you. Any guy would.”

She raised an eyebrow and echoed curiously, “Any guy?”

Fuck. “Except me.”

She rolled her eyes. “Look, it’s complicated, okay? Sometimes . . .” She paused a moment, then started over. “Sometimes . . . I’m not really sure if he’s the guy I like.”

He gave her a confused look.

“I told you it was complicated.”

“Well, screw that,” he decided. “Doesn’t have to be.”


Max was just starting to load dishes into the dishwasher when Michael came back out into the kitchen, a determined look on his face.

“I thought you were . . . you know,” Max commented.

“No, I gotta talk to you.”

He’s putting off masturbating to talk to me? Max thought in disbelief. I’m sarcastically touched. “About what?” he asked.

“Well, think about it, Maxwell. You. Maria. I haven’t exactly been subtle.”

Max wrinkled his head in confusion. “What about me and Maria?”

“Man, I thought you were supposed to be smart!” Michael shook his head and finally just spit it out. “She’s hot for you.”

Hot, Max registered. For me?


“What makes you--”

“She told me,” Michael blurted. “Four, five fuckin’ days ago, Max, I asked her who she had a thing for; she said you.”

No, Max thought, refusing to get his hopes up. It couldn’t be true. It was too good to be true. “You must have misunderstood.”

“I didn’t.”

“Maybe she said . . . slacks.”

Michael made a face. “Oh, yeah, that’s it, genius. She’s hot for slacks.” He sputtered a bit, then literally smacked Max upside the head. “What’s it take to knock some sense into you? You’re almost stupider than she is.”

Max cleared his throat and softly corrected, “More stupid.”

“Whatever. Are you even listening to me? Maria DeLuca’s into you. She wants you. Do you know how insane that is?”

Now that it was finally sinking in . . . Good God, Max thought in astonishment. It really is insane. He had fallen for Maria the moment he first saw her, but he had never thought . . . never in his wildest dreams had he even imagined . . .

“No way,” he said, unable to quell the huge smile that spread over his face. “No . . .” He shook his head, still doubtful. Girls like Maria didn’t fall for guys like him. “No way. It . . . it can’t be.”

“Well, it is.”

“But . . . no, you’re joking me or something.”

“Ha, ha. Okay, joke’s over. She still likes you.”

Max studied Michael, noticed the seriousness etched onto his face, and finally accepted it. “You’re not kidding. Holy . . .” He resisted the urge to swear in astonishment. “You’re not kidding!”

“Calm down. You’re startin’ to sweat,” Michael warned.

“I can’t help it, man.” Max smiled some more, suddenly so unbelievably happy. “Michael, you have no idea. I’ve never let on to this, but I’ve had a crush on Maria for years.”

Michael raised an eyebrow. “Seriously?”


“Well, kudos, man. You hid it well. How many years?”

“Oh, you know . . . about eight now.”

Michael laughed. “From the moment you saw her, huh?”

“Oh, yeah.” Max smiled wistfully, remembering that fateful day. “She was . . . beautiful.”

“Yeah,” Michael said. “When I first saw her, she was . . . furious.” He shrugged. “Figures.”

“Yeah.” Max laughed lightly to himself, still trying to wrap his head around this amazing concept. “Wow. Wow, so, uh . . .” He didn’t know how he was managing to stay as calm as he was. “So she likes me.”


Max felt hesitant to ask the next part, but he had to. “More than she likes you?”

For a minute, Michael seemed taken aback, but soon he replied confidently, “The girl likes gonorrhea more than me.”

Max laughed again. If Michael said Maria didn’t like him, then maybe Maria simply didn’t like him. Maybe he’d misinterpreted the way she’d been staring at him the other night. “Wow,” he said again. “I thought . . . oh, and Liz . . . oh, man, Liz had me thinkin’ you liked her.”

“That I liked Liz?”

“No, that you liked Maria.”

Michael grunted. “I like my Spanish professor. That’s who I like. Senora Martinez, hot like a Jalapeno.” He grinned.

“Well, that’s good to know,” Max said. “But you know what’s really good to know? That Maria feels the same way I do. I mean . . . oh, man, this is just pretty much the best moment of my entire life.”

“Yeah. ‘Bout damn time,” Michael grumbled. “I was gettin’ tired of trying to hook you guys up.”

“So you were . . . you were sort of . . . our matchmaker?”

“Hell, yeah, man. Matchmaker’s like-it’s like my middle name.”

“It is?”

“Yeah. Michael Matchmaker Sex-God Guerin.” He nodded as though it were common knowledge.

“Or . . . Anthony.”

“Shut up, man. Or get Maria to shut you up.” He grinned.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, first off, I said, ‘enjoy the sex.’ Really, how much more obvious did I need to be? Second . . . I said ‘enjoy the sex.’ So enjoy the sex, man.” Michael gave him an encouraging pat on the back, and Max’s mind raced at the thought of it, but he knew even then that he would never just enjoy the sex. Not with Maria. She was too important to him.

“Wow,” he said, still shaking his head in disbelief. How on earth had this happened?

He decided he didn’t care. However it had happened, he was just happy it had.

TBC . . .

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Part 20

Post by April »

Thanks for the feedback guys! You all seem to be handling the frustrating pace of this fic very well. :P And I must say, I'm glad you guys are feeling sorry for Max, because that was definitely what I was going for.

It's a tangled web they're weaving, right? Well, this next part is about to tangle things up even more. :?

Part 20

Even though MySpace was pretty juvenile, Maria got suckered into it. She sat at her desk using her laptop computer that night to check all of the comments on her page. Most were from people she didn’t know, usually derogatory.

you look like you know how to have a fun time bitch we should fuck sometime.

Stuff like that.

It said she had over two-thousand friends. But did she really? Yeah, right. Even she wasn’t that popular.

She sighed, bored by the website. She didn’t want to remain holed up in her bedroom all night, but she was afraid to leave. Because of Michael. And now Max.

It was just getting way too complicated. Max was the only name that had come to mind when Michael asked her. She’d just blurted it out, and now she really regretted it. But . . . there was no way she could have just told Michael. She could picture that whole awkward scenario in her head.

“Who’s the guy, Maria?”

“Well, his name’s Michael. You might know him. He's you, after all.”

Yeah, that would’ve gone over great.

She powered off her computer and went to lie down on her bed, trying desperately to rationalize her semi-feelings for Michael. And that’s all they were, too, semi-feelings. Just a slight attraction, mostly still annoyance and hatred. Just a tiny, nagging feeling that there might be something there . . .

Oh, sick. Those disgusting thoughts . . .

There came a knock on her door, and she shot her head up. “What do you want?” she barked, thinking that it was Michael. “If you came to make fun of the Max thing . . .”

The door opened, and Max poked his head inside shyly. “Max thing, present.”

She tensed. “Oh. Max. Hi.”

“Hi,” he echoed. “I, uh . . .” He trailed off, apparently at a loss for what to say.

“Yeah,” Maria said, at a loss as well. She was at a slight disadvantage in this conversation. She had no idea what Michael might have told him. Knowing Michael, though, and that stupid big mouth of his and the way he always managed to make her life miserable, he’d probably told Max about her "feelings" the first chance he got. But, undoubtedly, Max wouldn’t go for it. It wasn’t as though he had any real interest in her. Which worked out well, because she had no real interest in him. Not romantically, at least.

“I wanted to . . . um . . .” Max looked so nervous as he shuffled his feet back and forth. He clasped his hands behind his back, then brought them around to his front and held them together there. After a moment of contemplation, he just brought both arms down to his sides and forced his feet to stand still. “Alright, Michael told me something today . . .”

She rolled her eyes. Of course he had. No big surprise.

“He said that . . . well, he said that you have feelings for me, and I just wanted to know if he was being serious or—‘cause he sounded pretty serious, but you never know with him; and I just thought it’d be better to ask you since you’re the one with the alleged . . . feelings.”

She had expected this, too. Again, no big surprise. “Max--” It was time to clear the air.

“And I just wanted to say, I’ve had a crush on you for years.”

Her mouth dropped open. Big surprise. “What?”

“Yeah, I . . . I don’t mean to be so blunt, but . . . from the moment I first saw you, Maria . . . I just thought you were the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. And I know I should’ve said something years ago, but I’ve just been too nervous. But now that you—I mean, now that Michael says you . . . I mean, I really believed him, so I really hope it’s true. Otherwise I’m gonna feel like a complete idiot, and there’s gonna be awkward silences at the dinner table, and that’s just . . .that’s not something I’m looking forward to.”

Oh no, she thought, feeling overwhelmingly guilty. Everything was snowballing, turning into an even bigger disaster by the minute. Max liked her, but she lied about liking him because she didn’t want to admit to liking Michael, even though she hated him. And Liz probably still liked Michael, and she and Liz were friends. Not to mention that her former awesome dance team was totally dependent on the brunette’s unprepared shoulders.

Things couldn’t possibly get any worse.

Yet, they did. Max smiled hopefully before straight-out asking her, “So, is it true? Do you really have feelings for me, or have I just completely humiliated myself?”

She couldn’t remember ever feeling so conflicted before. She didn’t want to lie to him, lead him on, give him all that false hope. But at the same time, she didn’t want to disappoint him. He seemed totally sincere in what he was saying. Plus, he was right when he said that things would be uncomfortable between them if she didn’t . . .

“Max,” she started, “we’ve been friends for such a long time.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“And I just . . .” Part of her knew it was wrong, but another part of her saw it as an opportunity, a chance to hopefully get over Michael, get rid of the disgusting things she was feeling for him due to Liz’s horrible suggestion.

Maybe I could make myself have feelings for him, she thought, and when she realized how ridiculous that sounded, she shook her head.

Max seemed to take that as a no, because he lowered his head and mumbled, “Oh, that’s okay. It’s okay, Maria,” his face immediately growing red with embarrassment.

“No, Max.” She got up off the bed and went to stand in front of him, trying her best to see him as anything but a friend, but it didn’t happen. Still . . . the lie came. “What Michael said . . . is true.” She tried to look him right in the eye, but she couldn’t, so she stared at the floor and said. “Maybe we should just . . .”

“See how things go?” he suggested. “Great.” He smiled, a huge smile that spread from ear to ear. “I mean, I won’t pressure you for anything, Maria. I care about you more than anything in the world, and our friendship . . . it means so much to me.”

“Me, too,” she said quietly, feeling worse with each passing second.

“Okay, so . . . so we’re on the same page,” Max said. “I guess we’ll just have to take things slow. But . . . I don’t know, if you wanna go out to eat tomorrow night or something, maybe we could do that.”

She nodded, forcing herself to look in his eyes again. “Sure.”

“Cool,” he said. “I, uh . . . I can’t wait.”

She could. She could wait a long time.

“So tomorrow night,” he said. “It’ll be a lot of fun, I promise.”

She had a feeling that fighting with Michael would have been a lot more fun for her. “Okay,” she said. “I’m actually kinda tired, so . . .”

“Oh, right. Sorry, you were probably sleeping.”

“No, just tired.”

“Okay, well . . .” He backed out into the hallway and said, “I’ll see you tomorrow. Sleep well.”

“Thanks,” she said, knowing that would never happen now.

He smiled at her once more and shut the door.

She sighed, distressed, and lay back on her bed. She knew this was all her fault, but she didn’t feel like blaming herself, so she decided to blame the same person she always did: Michael Guerin.


Michael was stoked when Maria finally got out of bed the next morning. He couldn’t wait to tease her about her Max crush. He’d done a lot of thinking about it and come to realize . . . it was hilarious.

She plodded into the kitchen, a frown etched onto her tired face. Michael couldn’t help but notice that she wasn’t wearing her skimpy pajamas, either. She was wearing an old university sweatshirt and loose-fitting plaid pants. Bummer.

She went straight to the refrigerator, not even glancing at him.

“What’s up your ass?” he asked, leaning back in his chair. “Max?”

This elicited a glare. “Very funny.”

“I’m just saying . . .”

She took a carton of milk from the refrigerator and slammed the door shut. “You had no right to tell Max what I told you.”

“You had to know I was gonna tell him. You could’ve told me not to say anything,” he reasoned.

She stood on her tip-toes and stretched her right arm upward, trying to open the highest cabinet where all the cereal was stashed. “That’s not the point.”

“Then what is the point?”

“That you pissed me off.”

“Ah, what else is new?”

She rolled her eyes and kept reaching for the cabinet. “Care to help?” she spat.

“Nope.” He happily sat back and ate his own cereal, eager to watch her struggle to get her own.

She ended up having to climb up onto the counter in order to open up the cabinet and get her Cocoa Puffs down. Michael couldn’t help but chuckle as she muttered something under her breath about how short people lived such unfair lives.

She grabbed an empty bowl and a spoon and sat down beside him at the counter. She poured a substantial amount of cereal into the bowl and opened the milk carton, but when she tipped the carton to pour milk into the bowl, only a few drops came out. Silently, she turned to survey the overflowing milk in his cereal bowl and then glared at him.

He shoved another spoonful into his mouth and said, “Better write it on the grocery list.”

Clearly furious, she picked up one of her Cocoa Pebbles and threw it at him.

“Hey!” he said, fending off the attack. “No need to get violent.”

She set the empty milk carton back down on the counter and pushed her dry bowl of cereal away from her. “Typical guy,” she muttered. “Carton’s empty? Oh, just put it back in the refrigerator. Yeah, that makes sense.”

He grinned and nodded. “Yeah . . .”

She shook her head exasperatedly.

Oh, she was going to annoy easily today. He could tell.


“So I gotta ask,” he said, “why Max? I mean, what is it about Max Evans that makes you have a thing for him?”

She didn’t say anything.

“I mean, is it the brains? Is that really a turn-on?”

“Why? Wanna buy some?” she jabbed.

“Oh, you’re a regular comedian, DeLuca. I’ll have you know, I got a big brain. I just-I have this huge dick, too, and when you have a huge dick, you don’t have to use your brain as much. That’s just how it goes.”

She laughed a little.


“Oh, I was just thinking about that Saturday Night Live skit Justin Timberlake did. You know, ‘Dick in a Box.’ I could so see you doing that for real. You're so stupid.”

He laughed, too, remembering when they’d watched that on TV awhile back. “So I guess I know what you want for Christmas.”

“Shut up,” she said, smiling.

“Dick in a box. Sounds good.”

She rolled her eyes again and said, “Alright, if you claim to have a big brain, too, which you clearly don't, why don’t you use it?”

He set his spoon down in his cereal and said, "What is this, some kind of academic challenge?”


He grinned. “Bring it on, baby.”

“Alright, how ‘bout, uh . . .” She paused as she thought of a problem. “Square root of . . . sixty-three.”

Square root, he thought, trying to think back to calculus. That’s a weird lookin’ line, sort of half box thing. Involving numbers. What?

He pretended to think about it for a moment longer, then confessed, “I don’t fuckin’ know. What is it?”

Apparently she didn’t know, either, because she forcefully said, “No, I’m asking you, Mr. Small Brain.”

“And I’m sayin’ I don’t know. What’s the answer?”

She sighed and hesitated a moment before feeding him a bunch of BS. “It’s . . . a number that . . . when you do something to it, it’s sixty-three. Duh, Michael.”

He smiled. “Okay, that’s cool.”

Just then, Max came into the kitchen. “Three times the square root of seven,” he said. “Square root of sixty-three.”

“Sounds good,” Michael said. “Maria, you think that sounds good?”

“I think that sounds good.”

“Okay. Good job, Max.” He leaned forward and said, “You know, you might wanna think about tutoring this chick,” he said, gesturing to Maria. “She’s dawdling in calculus, and she can’t sleep with her professor. There’s a vagina problem.”

“Oh, and while you’re at it, you should teach this guy how not to be an ass,” she retorted. She held up the empty milk carton and exclaimed, “He drank all the milk! And he put the empty carton back in the refrigerator!”

He just nodded, accepting responsibility. “Damn right.”

Maria grunted in disbelief and tried to toss the empty milk carton into the trash, but she missed, of course, and Max had to reach down, pick it up, and dump it in.

“You know, Michael has a point,” Max said. “If you want, I could try to help you. Maybe after dinner tonight.”

“Dinner?” Michael echoed. “Oh, that’s cute. Max Evans and Maria DeLuca, out on their first date.” He glanced between the two of them and, just to make sure he had the facts right, inquired, “It is a date, right?”

Max was the first to answer. “Well, yeah. I mean, I think it is.” He looked to Maria, who was looking at the counter.

“Yeah, it’s a date,” she said, not looking at him when she said it.

Michael stared at her and tried to remember the last time she’d been out on a date. And couldn’t. “Whoa,” he said. “Have you ever been out on a date before?”

“Well, have you?”

“Oh, I’ve done everything,” he assured her. “Dates, yeah. Aqua Kama Sutra, done it. Dick in a box, gonna do it.”

She groaned and stood up from her chair. “I’m going back to bed,” she decided, treading back into her room.

Michael watched her go, chuckling. He turned back to Max and said, “Man, I love teasing that girl.”


Even though Maria was wary about this inevitably awkward date with Max, she spent most of the early evening getting ready. She curled her hair and shaved her legs and took a long time deciding on an outfit, an off-the-shoulder pink top and white Capri pants. She didn’t know where Max planned on taking her, so she decided to dress for the ambiguity. She had hoped that dressing up might increase her excitement a little, but she found herself thinking about the approaching date with an undeniable sense of dread.

She sat before her dresser mirror applying a light pink eye-shadow hue to her right eyelid when there was a knock on the door. “What?” she barked, not stopping the eye-shadow application.

Hesitantly, the door opened, and Maria turned her head in surprise when Liz stepped inside.

“Hi,” Liz said.

“Hey.” Maria said her make-up down, wondering what this was all about. Liz hadn’t said a word to her in days.

Liz shut the door and started off by saying, “I looked for you in debate.”

“Yeah, I kinda slept in late,” Maria admitted. “Way late. I’ve just had a lot of stuff going on lately. I didn’t see the point in going to a class I don’t even like.”

“Yeah,” Liz said. She sat down on the bed, looking as though she wanted to say something.

Maria turned in her chair to face the freshman and urged, “What’s up?”

“Oh, just . . . stuff, you know?”

“No, I don’t know,” Maria reminded her. “You haven’t even talked to me. You haven’t been at dance practice, either. But, then again, no one has, so . . .”

“Oh, Maria, I’m sorry,” Liz apologized. “I don’t mean to be such a crappy captain. And a bad friend. I know I’ve kind of been in my own world lately.”

Maria shrugged, willing to forgive her. “It’s okay. I’m not exactly the world’s greatest friend, either.”

“No, you are,” Liz insisted. “Which is why I came to talk to you. I need a favor. And I realize I’m in no position to ask for a favor, but I’d really appreciate it.”

“Of course, Liz. What is it?”

Liz bit her bottom lip for a moment before responding. “Okay, I know this seems like déjà vu, but I kind of like this guy, and I’m not sure if he likes me back. But he’s just so cute and so sweet and so smart. I really like him.”

“We are talking about Michael, right?” Maria asked for clarification. “I mean, not that he is any of those things you just said, but I’m assuming we’re talking about him.”

Liz smiled and said, “Well, I guess this is where it isn’t déjà vu; it’s Max, actually.”

Maria’s heart dropped. Had she just said . . . “Max?”

“Yeah. You know, I haven’t really spent a whole lot of time with him, but we’ve had a couple of nice conversations and I just think he seems like a really great guy. I mean, he is, isn’t he? He’s a good guy.”

Maria nodded, unsure what to do about this. “He is.”

“And, I don’t know if I stand a chance with him or whatever, but he seems like a lot more of a realistic possibility than Michael.”

Oh god, Maria thought, in shock. Just when she thought things couldn’t get more complicated, they did. What the hell was she going to do now?

“Well, you know, Max and Michael both have their . . . good and their bad qualities,” she said.

“Well, if Max has any bad qualities, I haven’t seen them yet,” Liz said. “So I don’t know. I figured you’ve lived with him for a few years; you’ve known him a really long time. Maybe we could change Operation: Snag Michael into Operation: Snag Max.” She smiled hopefully. “What do you say?”

I say . . . I’m an awful friend, Maria thought, trying to concoct a way to say this as kindly as possible. “Liz--”

But just then, the door to her bedroom opened once again, and the exact wrong person came in. “Hey, sorry, I didn’t knock,” Max said. “Hey, Liz.”

“Hi,” she said, looking very excited to see him.

“So, Maria,” Max said, “I was gonna book us a reservation at Jean Marc’s, that French café, you know? But then I remembered you don’t like French food, so I tried to get a reservation at that Mexican restaurant on 48th, but I couldn’t. So I was thinking we could be spontaneous, kind of an unplanned date. Is that okay?”

Maria looked over at Liz. She seemed shell-shocked and appeared to still be registering the word date in her mind.

Maria felt caught between a rock and a hard place. On one side was Max, her friend and pretend crush, and on the other side was Liz, her friend who actually did have a crush on him. If she made Liz happy, she would make Max sad. If she made Max happy, Liz would be the sad one.

“Uh, yeah,” she answered finally, rationalizing her response by knowing Max longer. “Yeah, that sounds good.”

“Okay, good. I can’t wait.” He smiled at her, then said, “Bye, Liz.”

Liz didn’t say anything as he left the room. She just stared at Maria. She didn’t look angry. She just looked sad.

Maria looked down at her eye-shadow and tried to explain. “Liz--”

“So, you and Max, huh?” Liz cut in. “I didn’t realize you guys were . . .”

“No, it’s just, like, one date.”

“Wow, I feel really stupid.” Liz quickly stood up.

“No, don’t feel stupid,” Maria said. “Liz, really--”

“You guys make a really cute couple,” Liz said, backing up towards the door. “Uh, have fun tonight. I have to go.”

“Liz, wait.”

“I’ll see you.” Liz was gone before Maria could even attempt to stop her.

She sighed heavily and looked at herself in the mirror. She was messing up so many people’s lives, including her own. But it was like a drug addiction, just so hard to stop.

She wanted to make Liz feel better, to try to rectify their friendship. And she knew just the person to help.

TBC . . .
