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Re: Shattered (SPN,XO,UC, MATURE) Part 8 12/5

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:58 pm
by dreamerfrvrp3
Sorry for the delay...this is the last part that I already had written. Thanks for the feedback, as always I enjoy it thoroughly.

Part IX

How many times can I break till I shatter?
Over the line can't define what I'm after
I always turn the car around
All that I feel is the realness I'm faking
Taking my time but it's time that I'm wasting
Always turn the car around


Nineteen. She counted nineteen tiles on her bathroom floor. Her notebook laid haphazardly on the ground.

“I’m going crazy,” she muttered. She was starting to get claustrophobic, and it had been about five hours since she got off the phone with Dean. She never wanted to see salt again and when this was all over she would redecorate the bathroom.

She stared at her notebook, at the pictures she drew. She wasn’t an artist but the vividness of her dream was reflected on the paper. On the next few pages was the speech that she would give Dean about everything. She had a list of all the possible “things” that tried to kill her downstairs. Zombies, Ghosts, Shape shifters. And somehow she thought she put all the weird stuff behind her.

“How much longer?” Dean asked Sam. They’d been driving for what seemed like forever. His fingers were itching to grab his cell phone and check up on Liz but he couldn’t.

“Not much, about an hour and a half. Are you sure you don’t want me to take over, you’ve been driving for a long time,” Sam offered. He could tell that Dean was about to go crazy. He hasn’t seen Dean think this much in a long time. “She’s fine.”

“Yeah, what did your psychic powers tell you that,” he bit out. He needed to see for himself that she was okay. Dean didn’t want to admit but she meant a lot to him, she was ranking up there with Sam and the Impala.

“She’ll be fine,” Sam repeated.


I wanted to go back to sleep. My eyes were failing to stay open and my brain was beginning to shut down. I gave into sleep and this time the dream wasn’t a nightmare…it was a memory.


June 2002- Day before the Wedding

I pushed the cart to the next room. My feet were hurting as usual and my headache wasn’t getting any better. I’ve been saving up for the day. I hated working being a maid but it was better than waitressing. I don’t know maybe it was just being here that made me miserable or the thought that I’m getting married tomorrow. I slowly approached room six, I inserted my key not even bothering to knock.

He was sitting at the small table in the corner of the room, flipping through the classifieds. “Liz.”

“So, how’s the job search?” I asked sarcastically. Max had a job as a bus boy at the diner we worked at…up until two days ago when he punched a customer because he touched my arm.

He sighed, “I don’t get why you’re still mad at me. We’re getting married tomorrow. I’ve been sleeping in the same room with Michael for days.”

“I’m mad because you went all cavemen on him, I’m not your property and last time I checked I can defend myself,” I fumed walking into the bathroom. He followed me in there and practically pinned me to the wall.

“You used to like it when I defended you…sometimes I think that you’ve changed,” he murmured. I wanted to roll my eyes.

“Maybe I’ve changed, is that such a bad thing?”

“No, I guess not. I just really miss you and I miss sleeping next to you at night,” Max whispered.

“You know I’m going to love you for forever.”

I nodded, as he began to kiss my lips.


Re: Shattered (SPN,XO,UC, MATURE) Part 9 2/18

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 6:34 pm
by dreamerfrvrp3
Sorry, another short part but I promise the next one will actually be longer.

Part X

How many times can I break till I shatter?
Over the line can't define what I'm after
I always turn the car around

Strong hands gripped my shoulder, waking me from my deep sleep. There wasn’t a smile on his face or a sparkle in his green eyes.

“I should have gotten carpet in here,” I mumbled into his chest as I squeezed him tight. “I missed you.”

“C’mon lets get you into bed.” He lifted him off the floor and carried me into the bedroom tucking me under the covers.

I closed my eyes, “We still need to talk.”

“Trust me, you are going to want some sleep before we talk. Do you mind if Sammy stays here?”

“No at all you know where the blankets and pillows are,” my voice muffled by the pillow. “Dean?”


“Can you hold me?”

“Of course, just give me a minute,” he called from the door.


“How’s she doing?” Sam asked from the couch.

“Alright, I guess. She was pretty out of so I put her in bed.” Dean pulled the bedding out of the closet and shoved it onto Sam’s lap. He collapsed on the couch next to Sam. “Did you burn the bones?”

“Yeah, seriously, what are the chances…your girlfriend having a really dead dude buried in the basement? I haven’t figured out who he is it yet, I was going to wait until after we’ve rested,” Sam responded. “Our lives are messed up.”

Dean nodded, “Well I for one is exhausted so I’m going to go sleep, you think you can handle making your own bed?”

Sam scoffed and pushed Dean off the couch, “Jerk.”



I slipped out of Dean’s arms and threw my robe on. Sam’s body was flung all over the couch, his lanky arms sticking out from under the blankets. It was already late in the evening and I wanted coffee but I knew that I didn’t need the extra caffeine. I was dying to shake Dean awake and beg him to tell me everything. “Screw this,” I muttered to myself.

I stood in the doorway for a minute watching Dean’s chest rise and fall. I rubbed my eyes, when did my life get so complicated? I whispered gently, “Dean.”

“Five more minutes,” he groaned while pulling the pillow over his head.

I laid next to him cuddling up against his naked chest. I blurted, “I’m half-alien.”

Those three words got his attention as he sat up in bed. “What?”

“My ex-boyfriend was an alien and I got shot one day, he was there and he healed me. So I sorta become half an alien that day,” I rambled on staring at my hands not daring to see the look on his face.

“Wow, um alright I guess I should we are laying it all out on the table now,” he paused. I looked at him a small grin on his face. “Me and Sam hunt demons and ghost, just about anything else that is your worst nightmare.”

“Fine, you win,” I mumbled. “You don’t think I’m crazy?”

“If you were crazy then I’d be crazy I mean if there are demons, vampires, wendigos, shape shifters…I suppose aliens could exist too,” Dean reasoned. “So are we just dealing with the cliff notes version of our lives?”

“Hmm, how ‘bout we save that for another day…maybe after we’ve had a couple of beers,” I laughed. He pulled me closer and kissed me on the top of my head. “I’m going to make some breakfast, okay?”

He nodded, “I’ll be in, in a few minutes.”


Dean pulled his cell phone out of his back pocket, clicking on speed dial three. He waited for him to answer, “Bobby, I need you to check someone out for me. Her name is Liz Parker.”