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Re: Crossroads (AU,M/L,Adult) Chapter 11 5/12/09

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 5:44 am
by jake17
KeepSmiling x2
L-J-L 76
Michelle in Yonkers

Monica and I would like to thank you all for your incredible fb!! I love how everyone has such different opinions~!

Just to let you all know I wrote my update first and within a couple of hours I recieved Monica's....I was blown away!! IT WAS AMAZING!! I'm sure you all will feel the same way too! I am extremely lucky to have such an incredible writing partner!! Your awesome sweetie!! :D

Chapter 11.

Max Pov

I know killing Kivar in this way is not what you call a strategically intelligent move.

With his armed guards everywhere and hundreds surrounding him there is no way I will come out of this alive.

Logically I know this but logic isn’t fueling the blood rushing through my veins right now.

Pain, betrayal, rage …these emotions are keeping my legs moving, my heart pumping as I run towards my target.

Fuck everything, fuck trying to save this pathetic little world.

I've given a lifetime of sacrifice to save countless lives and this is what I get in return.

Let someone else be the hero, the protector.

I want him to feel the agony I feel in my heart.

I want to look into his eyes as my blade rips into his beating bloody black organ.

I need to see the end as he sees it… as everything goes black before him.

As I push through the crowd I can see the couples clapping applauding the happy couple on their engagement.

Tears blur my vision momentarily as I brush them away.

Flashes of her looking up at me while I make love to her stab continuously into my heart, it was all a lie, her breathless moans her sweet kisses, it all meant nothing.

Just a few more steps and it will be over …the beast that took my love will pay.

And that’s when it happened.

From out of nowhere I feel a hand grab me from behind pulling me backwards.


My scream is drowned out my thunderous cheers as Kivar places the largest diamond I've ever seen on her finger.

Within seconds I am tossed out the door.

With madness in my eyes I turn with the knife held high in the air aiming for whoever destroyed my chance at vengeance.


“Get in the car.”


Liz's POV

The caravan of dreams stopped for a few moments
and then where did you walk off, and where did I?
This story of hearts lasted only a few moments
and then where did you go, and where did I?

I've never taken the risk of breaking my own heart. I was too scared for that until now.

Becoming engaged to Kivar was probably the smartest thing I've done. At least lives for spared for now giving me enough time to think over my next move.

Yes I know I've also done a wrong thing by becoming the ultimate decision maker and shutting Max out; but it's for our benefit. He would have been hurt or killed tonight. I don't know which one is worse.

The diamond on my finger is worthless. I try to break it against the mahogany desk but it's fruitless and the wood chips on my skin. I feel disgusting, oh yes I do.

I never saw this day coming.

I could feel Kivar's thoughts. I could sense his next moves.

I was turning into an alien myself. The old me would have been disgusted but now I feel like I was destined to become an alien. If this is how I can save everyone including Max, then so be it.

I just need to convince Kivar a bit more and then find the golden opportunity to kill him. They say, keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer.


I turn and see myself standing by the doorway. My dark hair is in locks and I look very powerful. Sleek black dress and the eyes have been doused with kohl. "You made the right move." She smirks.

Am I going mad?

Gasping, I stand up. "You're a shape shifter aren't you?"

"You know you hate the soppy part. You're built to cut straight to the chase. Max can survive a few days without you." She laughs. It's menacing. Could I ever look like that?

"No." Another voice comes from across the room.

To my shock it's another me but in a white dress. "You never should have left Max." She clicked her tongue, shaking her head in disapproval.

"Back off bitch. She made the right choice." The dark version of me snapped.

"Max needs her just the way she needs him."

"No, she can fight for herself."

"Love conquers all."

"What is going on here!" I scream, practically throwing a vase at the wall in agony. It's insane and pathetic.

They disappear and I'm the one left standing in the room, heaving and breathing harshly. I have lost my mind.

My tears are now released and I can't take this madness anymore.

The door opens and that blonde walked in. "Hello Liz."

"Tess is it?" I snapped irritably.

"So I see we were having a little heart to heart with ourselves huh?" She smirked and closed the door behind her.

"I don't need another bitch to piss me off." I hissed. "Get lost."

"I know you want to kill Kivar." She frowned. "I knew it the moment I played with your mind."

My eyes widened, so it was that bitch mind warping me. How dare she! Not thinking straight, I grabbed a couple of items from the desk and started to throw them at her. A perfume glass smashed on her forehead and caused her to wince in pain.


"I'm not scared of you aliens anymore!"

When I had ran out of things to throw, I raised a hand and a blast shot Tess back. I was too mad to notice what I had done and came charging straight at Tess. I picked her up and pinned her to the wall. "You monsters will only have one place to go to and that's hell!" I screamed.

"Liz..." The blood trickled down her cheek and past her throat. "It's hurting." She sobbed.

That's when it hit me. I never saw another alien bleed like that. I saw Max with his injuries from the accident but to see warm blood from an, she was mind warping me again.

But I could smell the metallic blood dripping down her face and the shards of glass with the
perfume stains on her shirt. I slowly let her go.

Oh god, I've not only turned into an alien but I was becoming like them...a monster...

The rage, the all got to my head in such a way....and I loved it for the moment.

Is this how they feel?

Tess straightened her shirt and in her eyes there were swimming tears. "I'm sorry Liz, I really am but this time I'm not the bad girl. I just want to understand how you feel."

"I feel like I've just killed my love!" I growled back, I was defiantly more powerful then Tess and the truth won't cost me my life.

"I am so sorry." She shivered.

"Sorry for what?" I laugh. "Sorry that you're on the side of the monsters?"

"Kivar had given me shelter." She said. "He's always looked out for me."

"Ha, because he was training you to be his slave."

"Yes." Tess nodded. "His intentions were those just to degrade me." Tess's face was genuine and I could feel the shame.

"Oh god...he..."

"Raped me." Tess admitted with eyes full of shame. "Just before he put that ring on you."

My eyes are full of horror. I can see the terror in her mind. "He..."

"He's always done this to me, I was too scared to go against him because those who had have perished Liz."

"So you need my help." I concurred,

"I will help you." She answered. "I will help you to destroy Kivar but I need a favor in return."


"I need you to help me find my lover."

Re: Crossroads (AU,M/L,Adult) Chapter 12 7/14/09

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 10:28 am
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb everyone!

Jessah (x2)

Me and Carrie appreciate your support! Sorry it took so long to get an update out, Summers are very busy aren't they lol.

Love Monica.

Chpt 12

Max’s POV

Reluctantly I get into the black SUV and stare blankly forward still hearing the cheering coming from the grand ball room.

I was so close …so close to seeing his blood run …to watching him take his last breath.


I slam my fist into the dashboard. I can’t believe I’m leaving her there …in his arms

“You’re welcome.”

“I didn’t need your fucking help Michael!”

I can feel Michael searching my face for some clue as to how far off the beam I actually am.

“Really because it looked like you were about to commit suicide in there.”

Rage is an understatement as I sit there, jaw clenched, hands curled into tight fists , my body shaking as I try and restrain myself from jumping out of the truck and resuming my murderous rampage.

“So what exactly was your plan Max?”

“Not now Michael.”

I watch out of the corner of my eye as Michael takes his cell phone out and makes a call.

“I got him, no were fine.” He looks over at me suspiciously “for right now anyway.”

“What happened to you Max? You used to be smart, responsible always in control of your feelings. The decision’s you made were crucial to the lives of so many lives. Everyone counted on you. Now what? You’re willing to throw it all away on some girl?”

Michael slams his breaks as soon as he notices me reaching for the door handle.

“What the fuck Max are you insane! I was going sixty miles an hour! So is it true? You really do have a death wish?”

We sit still on the side of the highway as the dust from the brakes billows all around us.

My brain can’t take it anymore. I can’t escape the images in my head of her in his arms. Of her words …her words ripping my heart apart. Nothing matters anymore. I feel dead inside …lost.

I open the door and start making my way down the darken road. Maybe If I just keep moving something will come to me… maybe if I never stop none of this will be real.

“Great Maxwell, how far do you think you’re going to get with Kivar’s henchmen looking out for you?”

“I don’t care.”

I can hear Michael’s footsteps as he attempts to catch up with me.

Suddenly I’m pulled back my shoulder to face him.

“When did you stop caring Max, because I’d really like to know. Was it when you started letting your dick do the thinking for you?”

“Fuck you Michael, I loved her! I still love her! She’s the only real thing I’ve ever felt.”

I didn’t even feel my fist connect with his jaw, I was that numb, “ Stupid thing to say my friend. You should’ve thought it through.”

I watch as a look of betrayal covers his shocked face.

“She’s just a girl Max, I’m your family, and this mission…this mission that you are so carelessly throwing away used to be your life!”

“She far from just a girl Michael, fuck the mission and fuck you too Michael! I’m done!”

Walking over his body I continue down the dark road. Intense anger and pain is fueling my blood pumping to my broken heart.

I hear him struggle to get up from the ground suddenly as he rushes up behind me.

“Is that what you want me to tell the army of people that follow you Max?

I can hear the desperate plea in his voice now.

Kivar is coming for them, he has a plan, we heard rumors but we don’t know anything for sure. The spies we have on the inside can’t get the information we need. We need you Max, the world needs you.”

Frustrated he stops and tries to catch his breath as he yells out to me.

“For all we know Liz may be a part of that plan but we’ll never know if you continue to play the victim. Lives are at stake here Max; this is bigger than you and me. You used to understand that.”

“Go home Michael.”

“Fine I’ll go home but did you ever think for a second that maybe she knows more than she’s letting on. That maybe she’s doing this for a reason? Maybe to even save your ass?”

I stop for a moment as my mind throws around the possibility of what Michael is saying.

“No she would never go that far. She would never lie to me and marry that monster.”

“Really Max? Tell me what would you do to save her? How far would you go? What would you sacrifice?”

Looking down at the ground I close my eyes.


Suddenly I can see her clearly in his arms. She wasn’t smiling, there was no joy in her expression… she was miserable…sullen…distraught.

I turn quickly and run back to the truck this time getting in the drivers seat.

Michael jumps in and stares at me for an explanation.

“Where are we going Max?”

Rocks and dirt fly up against the windshield as I slam the car into drive and turn the steering wheel.

“We’re going back… we’re going to save her.”

“How are we going to do that? She’s going to be surrounded by guards Max?’

I stare straight ahead as I push down hard on the gas.

“We’re not going to find Liz.”

“Then where are we going?”

“We need to get on the inside, we need to get as close to him as possible and there’s only one way to do that.”

“You mean?”

“I have to find Tess.”


Liz's POV

"Aren't you going to join in?" Kivar hums in pleasure as a redhead is giving him a head. He's sprawled on his king sized bed, naked with these maids of his giving him intimate pleasure.

I'm strapped down to a seat to watch, I am so disgusted, I think about hurling.

"How can I?" I kept my voice cool. "When you have strapped me down?"

I tug at the tight ropes and give Kivar a smirk.

"Maybe I can assist you." He ushered the other women back and slides out of his bed like a panther. His disgusting hard organ jutting along the way.

I shudder as he stands before me. "Suck me."

Oh god. I really think I'm going to hurl.

I looked at the candle which sat on the dresser so hard it moved. I swear it moved. My own eyes were playing with my mind. Kivar spoke again and this time, with one more push, the candle levitated and landed straight onto Kivar’s dick causing him to scream.

My smile fades away when Kivar delivered a big slap against my left cheek. "You stupid bitch, you think you're funny don't you?" He cursed. "I know you love that stupid Zan. But you're my whore. You will fulfil only my desires!" He hissed. "I am your master."

An animalistic urge suddenly overtakes me, it's raw rage and I feel the ropes snapping off. I sprint up and grab Kivar by the neck, pushing him against a wall as I cry out in anger.

Kivar seemed to wince at my tone of voice, I can see myself in his eyes. My eyes are dark with a deadly rage and I'm feeling really good about it. I squeezed tighter and let him squirm in pain.

He chocked and pleaded with me.

He hadn't expected me to react so quick before.

I can see it in his mind.

I can read his eyes.

"You wanted this." I growled, my nails tearing into his flesh.

"It's mine." He croaked. "You have my powers."

I chuckled. "Silly boy." I shook my head. "You always want whatever's better then you. But this time..." I whispered. "You lose."

Without mercy, I snap his neck and let him go. He falls to the ground lifelessly and the maids all scream in horror. I look at them and laugh. "You all were nothing." I click my fingers and with my newfound powers, I tied the ropes around them. "Bitches." I muttered as I left the room.

Tess is busy crying with her face down that she doesn't notice me as I pulled her by her blonde locks and dragged her out of the room. I had no time for chit chats, it was all action now.

"Wha? Liz? What's going on?" She mumbled.

I released her and rip the doors open. "We're escaping."


Two hours later...

Tess manages to get a pilot and a barmaid onto a private jet which we used to escape. The pilot introduces himself as Brody and the barmaid is the same woman from the bar me and Max had gone to the other night. She seemed to calm me down.

"I've heard about aliens only in movies." She scoffed. "But you are one mean ass alien." She smiled as she handed me a bottle of soda.

I'm an alien.

I don't know how but I was going to find out.

Maria scowled at Tess. "I hate it that I owe you my services." She spat at Tess.

"Consider us even." Tess replied with narrowed slits.

"Girls please." I leaned back. "We can't be fighting over petty matters."

"Smooth talking." Maria winked and sat down behind me. Tess looked out of the window and patted her stomach. She began to wince.

"What's wrong?" I inquired.

"Nothing." Tess spoke with a strained voice.

I was about to say something but Brody announced that we were going to land soon.

"Buckle up." I said after putting on my belt.

The private jet plane landed with a shaky sensation and the engine stopped humming. Tess, Maria and I get up and grab our stuff.

Brody emerged from the cockpit and opened the door for us. "Hope you enjoyed your flight ladies." He winked.

Maria kissed him on the cheek. "I loved it."

We hailed a taxi and Tess began to hold her stomach again. This time Maria noticed it too. "Tess if you're going to hurl, don't do it on me." She warned.

Tess didn't reply and took the front seat which left me and Maria to take the back seat. I told the driver to take us to my parent's home who lived in Roswell, New Mexico, just next to Arizona. They owned a diner which Maria was more then happy to work for in the meantime.

Reaching my parent's place, I took out my key and unlocked the door. The girls quietly followed me inside into my parent's home.

We crept upstairs and I showed Tess and Maria the first guest room. "I'm not sharing with her!"

"You have to." I hissed, trying to get Maria to be quiet.

"Whose this?" We all jumped at the sound of another voice in the room.

Kyle was standing at the doorway of the bathroom in nothing but a towel. A girl stepped out from behind him in her underwear and giggled. "I'll call you later Kyle." She kissed him on the lips and dashed out of the room after grabbing her skimpy dress that was lying on the lampshade.

"Kyle?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Liz." He smiled uneasily. "I thought you weren't going to be home for quite a while."

"Were you guys having sex?" Maria interjected.

Kyle blushed. "Well it was a free house!" He replied.

"You sneaked into my parent's house to screw some ho?" I was amused.

"My dad is always home and the walls are thin!" Kyle hissed. "So since your parents were not here and you were elsewhere, I thought why not bring a girl here and enjoy some sexy time." He imitated borat's tone.
"How did he get in here anyway?" Tess asked slowly.

"Key under the doormat."

"Old habit." I rolled my eyes. "This time I'll melt the locks."

Tess looked a little panicked at what I said but Kyle didn't seem to notice. "Anyway, erm should I take the second guestroom?"

"No, we'll take that." Both Maria and Tess replied.

Re: Crossroads (AU,M/L,Adult) Chpt 13 11/14/09

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 4:11 pm
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb everyone! Sorry for the delay, It's my fault, I hit a brick wall with this one! Thanks for the bumps everyone!

L-J-L 76 (x4)- Wow! Thanks so much for your bumps! :D
Jan (x2)

Chapter 13

Liz's POV

There is this sharp pain in my head that won't go. My body feels like it's been lit on fire and I'm unable to move, instead these small impulses run through my body making me weak as I'm being shocked alive.

All I can taste is bitter hatred. I feel like killing someone. I really feel like destroying something.

I shudder as my mind goes to dark places and I see Kivar's face etched into my mind.

"Get out of my head." I command.

Kivar spreads through my body, infecting me with evil that cannot be easily eradicated. I screamed as I felt my will power being pushed out of me. Kivar's taking over me and I know he's alive.

"I'm in control now Liz." He laughed, echoes of his laughter rippling in my fragile mind.

Grabbing the gun that lay on the nightstand, I get off the bed and walk out of my bedroom. In a couple of minutes later, there is a few gunshots and a thud on the floor followed by weak crawling.

Tess crawls to me with blood oozing out of her arms that stains her bright blonde hair. "Liz...please don't..."

"You bitch." I pointed the gun at her head. "You fucking betrayed me." I cocked the gun, ready to blow her fucking brains out.

"Don't!" Another girl screams, holding my arm and pointing it upwards. She elbows me in the face and pushes me into the closet while the gun is torn out of my hands.

"Go!" A guy yelled and I hear their footsteps as they run out of the room. Amused, I blast the doors open and give them their chance to leave because I had better things to do, like find a certain someone and kill them.


"Oh yess! Harder Alex! Faster!!" The whore moans while some guy is fucking her brains out.

I stand, watching in amusement. The bitch was fucking another guy behind my back and she was clearly enjoying it. The lust on the bastard's face while he fucked her was making me mad.

But giving them a chance to finish before I killed them, I needed to find out where that bitch's brother was hiding. "Finished?"

The guy removes himself from Vilandra faster then a speeding bullet and throws the sheet over himself to see me standing in the room. Obviously they were too wrapped up in themselves to notice me standing here.

"Liz...what's up?" The guy sounds worried.

"Kivar." Vilandra whispers, holding the sheets up to her bare chest. I'm surprised how she notices people so easily.


Seconds later both Alex and Vilandra are screaming in agony as I punish them with electric shocks, volts after volts, I laugh while watching them squirm. I already know where Vilandra's brother is but forcing her to beg him to save her was making me happy.

"I called him, I did what you want!" She cried, screaming harder as the electric waves frizzled her hair.

I love this power so much that I'm becoming addicted to it. "Stop it! You're hurting her!" Alex yelled, shuddering at the jolts of electricity running through his weak human body.

I'm power hungry and so flipping mad that I am just dying to see Zan so I can just kill him. I really want to end his pathetic life.

"I wish your brother would just hurry up." I roared, shooting more electricity into Vilandra.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah" Her screams sounded like a terribly wounded animal. I'm surprised she's held on for this long.

"Do you know what the punishment for being a whore is?"

"No." She trembled, slowly shaking her head.

"Death." I laughed, watching her cry her eyes out.

It felt so good watching people suffer, it gave me peace and joy. I loved every minute of it. I fucking hate weak people, I hate losers and I hate whores. Once I kill Zan, I shall rid of weaklings and bring out my people to assist me in my kingdom of Antar. The dream was making me salivate like a greedy fat human in a all you can eat buffet. The smell of victory was getting stronger and more pleasant.


I smile and turn around to see Zan behind me.

Now the fun can begin.

Max''s POV


I feel Michael’s grip on my shoulder tighten as he puts the gun in my hand.

Something I should’ve had done to begin with.

I didn’t want to believe him …I couldn’t believe it.

As we stand here with ten of our best soldiers backing us up and Michael by my side I am devastated.

Unable to think or move I just stand there blown away that I can almost see him threw her.

I hear my men get into position. They are waiting on my orders but I have none. No solution for this …it can’t be it just can’t be. true.

I see Michael look back at the men as he stands by my side unsure of what to do. It’s my job to give the commands but I can’t even bring myself to speak.

He knows we’re running out of time, being second in command he must make a move if I am not capable.

“That’s not Liz Max. Shoot him!”

My hand begins to shake as I stare blankly into her eyes that are deep emerald green with flecks of red. Gone is the wide chocolate doe expression I’ve melted into so many times…still.

“Now Max!”

Michael’s voice sounds miles away like an echo from another world.

A sinister grin appears across her face as she raises her hand in the air towards me.

“Hello Zan I’ve waited a long time for this.”

As the growl coming from Kivar’s throat drifts from my love’s soft lips my mind spins.

“Liz ….please can you hear me? YOU HAVE TO FIGHT HIM!”

I have to try and reach her. She’s in there somewhere. I know my girl has the power to fight against this monster.


Kivar cocks his head to the side looking at me like I’m a pathetic fool.

“Get into position.”

Our men are well trained they immediately respond to Michael’s orders.

Kivar is surrounded there is no way out. He will be dust.

My thoughts scatter like ashes into the wind.

Dust…Liz …my love will be destroyed along with him.



Suddenly I feel a tug of my hand and I am on the ground.

Michael has secured us away from the target.

Kivar has his eyes locked on me as I sit helplessly on the floor my heart shattered.

Suddenly her face softens. Her long eyelashes flutter and she smiles her smile that is only meant for me. She’s trying to connect with me. She’s trying to tell me she’s still there. I see the love in her eyes.

In my peripheral view I see the rifles pointed at her heart.


Her voice hits me like an angel from above reaching out to touch me.


“NOW! Michael gives the order the bullets are flying. In seconds I raise my hand forming a green shield around her.

Just in time the ammunition bounces off and land on the floor.

“Max NO!”

Michael covers my body with his as Kivar in the flash of an eyes raises the bullets from the ground with his powers and send them towards me.

I can barely see threw Michael’s fingers that are covering my face.

But I see enough.

The hard lines resurface along her mouth as his evil grin bares his true face. His eyes almost all red now glow with rage as he watches in delight.

My men sworn to protect their leader pile on top of me and Michael and I hear the bloody screams as they are torn to pieces by their own weapons.

A menacing chuckle drifts into my ear from behind me.. Sirens are blaring as out back up runs up the stairs to help.

“Thanks. You were a real help there Zan. It was you I wanted dead but your trusted army will have to do for now. Besides I know you, the guilt alone with bring you more pain then I could right now, plus the fact that I get to hold on to Liz a little longer. You should’ve told me how nice and warm it was inside her. I just wish you could hear her screams.”

Heavy boots stomp up the stairs as the sounds of screeching tires fill the air. The army Michael called for has arrived.

Before I could turn to look at her I could feel his presence leave.

With a flash of raven hair out the window she was gone.

As the remainder of our troops surround my fallen men and me I heard a trembling voice coming from the corner of the room.

With blood dripping from her mouth Tess lifted her limp finger towards the balcony as she crawled towards me.

“It’s kivar Max. He’s in her and now stronger than ever.”

Her voice cracked as she began to choke up blood.

“You have to do it Max. If you want to end Kivar’s rein you have to kill Liz.”

As the dead are removed from my body I sit back on my heels in despair.

“Our orders Sir? If we don’t move now we’re going to lose her.”

Motionless I stare out into the dark sky as I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders.

Everything could end now.

The world could be saved.

Thousands of lives spared.

But at what cost…

Her life...

Close my eyes and feel Michael’s hand on my shoulder.

“You have no choice.”

Taking a deep breath I struggle to my feet and raise my head more determined than ever.


A heavy sigh falls from Michael’s lips as his hand slides down to his side.

”There has to be another way.”

Re: Crossroads (AU,M/L,Adult) 3/13/10 Chpt 14

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 7:47 pm
by jake17
OMG! :shock: has it really been since November that we've updated this!

Well, I just opened my mailbox and OMG! I recieved Monica's part ... well I was blown away as I"m sure you will all be!!!!! Just in case anyone has forgotten she is writing Liz's part.. omg brilliant!!

I haven't asked if we could post :roll: I can't wait :wink: it's late in England and I"m sure she's sleeping, so I'm breaking all the rules because I just LOVE what she did and I HAVE to post it! :P Monica, you are an AWESOME writer!! :D

L-J -L 76 x2
Keepsmiling x2

thank you so so much for your fb, I really hope we haven't lost anyone I really love writing this story!and Monica is an awsome writing partner!! love you sweetie!!

Chapter 14.

Liz’s Pov

The sound of the piano crying vibrates through the hall. I can hear his thoughts and his memories. For the first time I see Kivar, I can actually see him. He's a spoilt selfish brat whose been emotionally damaged.

He's in my head but I'm stronger at this moment.

I'm tearing him apart; I need to see his soul because I have to break him. I have to stop him from letting him have what he wants.

He wants to destroy Max Evans and I love Max.

As I lay on the hard floor, I replay one of Kivar's memories. This is where he lost his dignity. His own father was the brute responsible for the way he turned out.

I wince as I hear him laugh, the whip splitting Kivar's delicate skin with each lash.

"No son of mine will be weak." He thundered, hitting Kivar yet again.

Kivar, a meagre child of only eight was bound to the floor. His blood mingled with his tears and his eyes were dark. Each lash stripped a part of his soul away and he could only feel a burning hatred that was slowly eating him alive. It seemed like forever when his dad was done doing the dark deed.

Kivar was left alone in the house, broken and dejected yet the hatred was stronger.
Then a dark mist arrived and that was the moment when Kivar was the weakest.
"I shall grant you an amount of desirable strength, you shall be one of the few who will have ultimate power on this forsaken planet but...all of this needs a price." The voice rasped.

Kivar lifted his swollen eyes, barely able to move.

The voice continued. "In order for you to avenge your father, this is the only deal that will enable it boy. Your father is a strong man, you are merely weak. To defeat him, you need to be a product of me. I need to merge with your blood and brand you with my mark if you're going to sample the power which I hold."

Kivar coughed out some blood, shivering in disgust at the warm metallic taste in his mouth.

"What say, boy?"


Kivar awakens again and tries to push me away from his thoughts. May I remind you that you're in my head; I can see your soul now

He's not going to give up anytime soon and it's killing me. I can understand his actions and I can understand why he is this way. When his own parents didn't want him, he was confused. When his dad broke him, he was angry and now when he's become a powerful leader creating enemies from around the universe, he's broken. He doesn't know what he wants but I do.


But who could love such a beast? I know what he's done to people, he's killed and raped. He's given in to the dark side and now he has to pay. It's only right that he faces up to his actions instead of receiving the forgive and forget treatment. I don't know what I would have done if I was in his place but I certainly would have a conscience.

Kivar had nothing.

That didn't mean it was too late. He could change, he could repent but most importantly he has to mean them.

The only reason I chose you is because he's in love with you. Kivar sneered.

Otherwise I wouldn't have bothered.

Now I know that's a complete lie.
Like I said, he doesn't know what he wants.

But I do.

He wants me.

But he's not man enough to admit it because he doesn't know what love is. He doesn't know what it's like to open your heart up to someone and make yourself vulnerable to them. He knows that I will hurt him because I am in love with Max.

Do you ever shut up? He asked, annoyed.

I chuckle inwardly. "Your problem pal. You pushed yourself into my mind and now you're gunna have to pay the price."

What does he ever see in you? Kivar roars. You're so nosy, so annoying and you never stop thinking! Urghhhh! Shut up, shut up, shut up!

I wish I can tell him to get the fuck out of my mind but then he already knows. I'm sharing my mind with him against my will and it's really pissing me off too.

I should have just killed him instead of trying to find out why he likes you.

I guess you found your answer then, shithead. I think back.

Kivar loves me because of my ability to talk back. I was scared of him but I always answered back to him. I was brave. I guess he adores my bravery.

No I don't adore your bravery. He shouts back. I just like you because you're're precious. Better then the sluts. I need to have you but then when I see your pathetic annoying mind, I hate you. You should be dead.

I swallow and don't take offence at his insult. I am who I am, even though it hurts to be told this lots of times...I couldn't be bothered to be bothered with it.

Kivar doesn't say anything anymore. I guess he's gone back to sleep now.

Suddenly the whole house shakes, I sit up as the sound of the choppers become louder and much clearer.

They're right above the roof and I am in danger.


Max’s Pov

“Kiss me Max.”

Hands reach up to caress my chest as her mouth falls open and her body once again quivers beneath me.

Entering her warm inviting body her flesh melds to mine as if we were meant to always be this way, together as one…lovers above all the hate and destruction of this world.

My mouth covers her puffy pink lips as she releases a throaty moan only for me to hear.

My tongue gently flicks with hers as my hips rock against her small frame.

Without breaking our embrace I flip us over so she now is over me arching her back and whimpering words I cannot understand.

Her beauty is unmatched as is my love for her.

My heart swells as she opens her sweet but intense brown eyes and stares down at me.

My hands smooth up from her tiny waste to softly embrace the curve of her breasts as they move gracefully up and down.

She is setting the rhythm the movements as she leans back and grasps my thighs.

Her head is back as her mouth falls open I can no longer see the ecstasy that covers her flushed panting expression.

I can feel the tips of her silky raven hair sweep against my inner thighs and I cannot hold on any longer.

Gripping her hips I help her lifting her up and down my body driving her harder towards her culmination.

Her cries of elation are more than I can take as I feel her walls clamp down on me.

Suddenly as we both rush toward completion she picks her head up and looks down at me.

Her breathy words are hard to make out as she gazes down at me through her long luscious black eyelashes.

Again and again she speaks but I cannot understand her.

“I love you.” I mouth softly as I grasp her hips and move her faster and faster bringing us to the edge of our climax.

Two words keep falling from her sweet mouth as she stares down at me more intensely now.

Over and over she speaks this muffled mantra that I still cannot understand.

Finally I groan loudly as the rush of her essence coats me causing me to come hard inside her.

Pulling her down on top of me my eyes shut as I revel in the warm sweat of our bare bodies pressed against each other.

Our hearts hammer away speaking their own language of longing and forever as my hands lace through her thick damp locks.

I am in heaven still lying inside her free from the world and all its problems that I am now released from.

Both hands cradled her head as I begin to kiss her jaw making my way to her cheeks and finally to her mouth.

Without warning I feel her wrench her head up to glare at me.

My heart drops in horror as thick drops of blood drip from her eyes, nose, mouth, and ears.


Torturous pain covers her once peaceful beautiful face as she tries with all the strength she has to open her cracked split lips.

Forcing herself to release a strangled cry from her damaged throat the two words spill from her mouth along with the crimson blood that is now choking her.



Screaming I sit up in the seat of the SUV gasping for air and sweating profusely.

“What is it?!”

Looking over at Michael who is working diligently on a laptop I am speechless.

“Another dream?”

Nodding I wipe my damp forehead and look out the window wondering where we are now.

It's been a solid month of chasing one dead end lead after another across the country searching for him...her.

After countless nightmares of her screaming for me to help her the body count continues to stack up.

Kivar has left a trail of death in his wake.

I can't imagine how she is holding on.

I just pray that she never gives up ...that she believes i will come for her.

It's the only thing that keeps me going...hope.

“We’ve got a lock on his location. He’s hiding out at a safe house of a dignitary that has been working for him since he’s been on this planet.”

“How far?”

My eyes watch as the rain falls against the sidewalk and streams down into the drain below.

“A couple of blocks from here, the men are already in position.”


I can feel Michael’s stare burning a hole into the side of my face. I know he blames me for the death of our fallen soldiers, and I know he won’t let that happen again.

“When will we be moving in?”

“As soon as the perimeter is surrounded and secure… any second now.”

Looking over at Michael I watch as he loads his Smith and Wesson 500 .50 calibre magnum, his baby.

I can't wait any longer.

“I’m sorry old friend.”

Confused Michael trustingly lowers his weapon and looks up at me.

In a second it’s over. He never saw it coming.

Lifting my hand from his chest I check his pulse.

He’s still alive but he'll never be the same again.

Carrying him I put in the back of the truck and reach for the phone.

“Attention P31 unit. Abort mission. I repeat abort mission.”

A gruff voice repeats the unusual order verifying it.

“Abort Sir?”

“Correct head for the southern quarters for further instructions, leave immediately.”

“Copy that Sir.”

Sitting outside the safe house I see her shadow move across the window.

I will not let her down.

Together I know we can fight him.

My plan will work.

It has to.

Re: Crossroads (AU,M/L,Adult) 12/12/10 A/N

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:13 pm
by Hunter
Alright people, looks like I've forgotten to update or should I say my muse is busy with my uni essays & projects. I've not had the chance to write or plan anything yet for my stories so I'm leaving this author's note. I'm really sorry about not updating for months. I don't think I'll be free to write until 2011, I do apologize for that. Have a merry xmas and a happy new year. :)
