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Re: Linger, 11/? [Mature] M/L 04/08/09

Post by azure_horizon »

Notes: Wow, another update from me and you guys didn't even need to bump me! I think my mojo is starting to come back :D I want to thank y'all for your continued support. I hope you continue to enjoy this little story of mine. Plenty more still to come!
Part Eleven
Twice as much ain't twice as good
It was harder for Liz than she cared to admit to not react when Max’s thigh brushed against hers underneath the table. She tried to pretend that her breath didn’t hitch, or that heat didn’t flood to her groin, or that her fingers itched to reach out and touch his hair. But she pretended that it didn’t bother her; she had to. When she turned to him, she saw him chatting animatedly with Michael, his hands gesturing as words left his mouth but she could see the sly grin trying to spread across his lips whenever he stopped speaking.

She narrowed her eyes.

Soren had come back from Sweden and to celebrate, Maria had organised a nice quiet dinner amongst the group of friends and Liz had chosen not to interpret the half glare Maria had directed at her before she’d even thought of protesting. To be honest, Liz had been avoiding Maria for the past few days – since her encounter with Max in the shower. Maria was far too perceptive for her own good sometimes and Liz really needed her to be oblivious right now. She was doing a fairly good job of dealing with this on her own right now.

And then Soren had come back and she’d still not told him that Max was living with her and now they were out together and Max hadn’t toned down the way he acted at all. In a way, she was glad. If he toned it down, others might notice and think that something had happened. But at the same time, when he rested his hand on her thigh when he spoke to her she hoped no one would notice the quick intake of breath she’d take before gulping and turning away from him as quick as possible.

It was ridiculous – she and Max had played these games for years; why was she suddenly reacting to him like this? Oh, that’s right: she hadn’t had sex for almost two months and, better yet, Max had made her come with his mouth in her shower.


“You all right, hon?” Serena asked from across the table and Liz bit back another groan. So much for not drawing attention to herself.

Both Soren and Max turned to her, their hands touching her shoulders and she almost laughed out loud at the irony. Either that or moan in pleasure at the thought of the both of them touching her elsewhere. She barely bit back her groan and managed a nod as she reached for her glass of wine, taking a large gulp. She winced at the bitter, dry taste and looked at the glass in disgust.

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

Maria narrowed her eyes but looked away, turning to Michael who seemed only too happy with the attention.

“You think we can get out of here soon?” Soren asked and Liz took in his dark rimmed eyes and the glazed look his eyes had taken on after his half glass of beer. She nodded and smiled tightly. “I’m sorry I’m just... I’m beat.”

She reached out and covered his hand with hers, smiling more genuinely.

“It’s fine. Just finish this course and we’ll go, okay?” He nodded and she turned back to her plate but Soren didn’t lift his fork and knife. He really did look beat and she suddenly felt that rush of guilt she’d managed to push aside for the last couple of days. The fork shook in her hand and she closed her eyes for a second too long and Maria turned on her.

“You sure you’re okay, Liz?”

She nodded but put the knife and fork down, closing her eyes again. This night was supposed to be fun. So much for that.

“Yeah, I’m kind of beat. I think the wine has given me a headache,” she murmured as she tried to smile reassuringly to her friends on the other side of the table. She could from the miniscule tightening around Maria’s eyes that she didn’t buy it; Liz only hoped her friend knew enough to leave it alone, for now.

“We’re going to go home,” Soren butted in and Liz smiled thankfully in his direction. “Sorry guys,” he said with a wince as he rose but the others didn’t protest.

They quickly said their goodbyes and Soren helped Liz into her jacket before palming fifty dollars to Michael. Liz slid the strap of her bag over her body and leaned down to Max, brushing her lips against his cheek as they said goodnight. She nodded to Maria, blowing her a kiss and waved to the others. She made it two paces away from the table before she felt a tug at the back of her jacket and she almost lost her balance as she swung around. Max thrust his arm out to hold her steady and she glared down at him for a moment before he smiled.

“Are you going home, home?” He asked, his eyes dark as he looked up to her and she frowned slightly before turning slightly to Soren, who was waiting for her by the door. She shook her head when she turned to Max and he smiled slightly, his eyes laughing as his fingers circled her wrist. “You’ve got the keys, sugar.”

Liz frowned for a moment then laughed lightly, nodding. She dug through her bag for the keys and handed them to him, lifting her eyebrow when a sly grin spread across his lips.

“And no strange men in my bed,” she warned lightly, glad for the banter.

He quirked a smirk and his eyes glittered. She hated when they did that.

“What about strange girls?”

“So long as they don’t try and take my place.”

Max’s posture stiffened slightly and he quirked a disbelieving eyebrow and Liz eye him curiously.

“Liz, honey, no one would even dare.”

As she walked away from him, Liz felt strangely buzzed by his words. Soren slid his arm around her waist and she snuggled closer into his loose embrace as they waited for the taxi to arrive. When it did, he slumped into the back seat and closed his eyes, not even bothering to question why she had given Max her house keys. Liz gave the driver his address, knowing she wouldn’t be getting any kind of release that night.


Liz yawned and stretched, feeling her stiff muscles clench at the motion. Sunlight streamed in the window and fell across their bodies and she smiled at the lines on Soren’s bare back. The light did wonderful things to his pale, almost translucent skin and she ran her fingers over the soft skin there. They had both fallen into a deep sleep the night before and she looked at the clock; they’d been asleep for eleven hours. She listened to his deep breaths and realised that he would not be rising anytime soon. She sighed and leaned down to press a kiss to the back of his neck and he snuffled.

She wrapped the robe around her body, feeling the chill of the room seep into her bones as she moved out into the hallway, silently closing the door behind her. In the kitchen, she turned on the coffee machine then realised there was no milk; she couldn’t take her coffee black so she turned it back off and took a bottle of water from the fridge. She checked her messages – all seven of them –, replying to the emails from work first before rifling through her text messages.

‘Bed just isn’t the same without you in it :( x x x’

She chortled a laugh at that, noting that it had been sent at half past one. He, thankfully, hadn’t gone out and had hopefully made it the interview he had at a local high school. She quickly replied, asking him just that and with a request that he please wash the sheets if there had been any unfortunate explosions on them. She chuckled to herself and shook her head, moving through the room in search of her laptop that she’d dropped off the night before they’d gone out to dinner. She would give Soren a couple hours more sleep during which time she could try and write; she’d been neglecting it and her editor had been emailing her for days for an update she hadn’t even started yet.


“So,” Soren said as he slouched back into the comfortable leather chair in the local Starbucks, the remains of his hastily eaten sandwich lingering on his shirt and she leaned over to brush the crumbs away. He caught her hand, cradling her wrist to his chest before lifting it to his lips and kissing her knuckles. “I missed you,” he murmured, his blue eyes piercing in the mid-afternoon sun. She smiled and licked her lips, pulling her hand back across the table as an elderly woman glared at her from across the cafe.

“I’ve missed you too,” she said and dipped her cookie into her now lukewarm cup of tea.

He quirked an eyebrow and she hated the look that passed over his face. It was a look that had once had almost permanent residence on his features when they’d first started dating back in college.

“You’ve had Max to keep you company.” Liz’s eyebrow rose and she tried to swallow her cookie quickly but he simply smirked and looked down, tapping his fingers on the edge of the table. “I called a couple of times and he answered.”

“He didn’t tell me,” Liz murmured, suddenly frustrated with Max.

“I think he was drunk.”

“Every time?” Soren lifted his eyebrow and Liz conceded with a nod. “You may be right.”

“And I figured that since it was like, two thirty in the morning, he was staying with you.”

Liz nodded. She knew she had to tell him at some point but she really hadn’t... thought about what she would say. What was there to say? She and Max had lived together when they’d been at college – Soren knew that, even though he’d had a problem with it at the time – and it was really no different than it was now. Right?

“Yeah, he and John broke up.” Soren nodded as though he wasn’t surprised. “He’s just staying until he can afford to move out.”

“You’re not his mother, Liz, you don’t have to look after him,” Soren commented but there was no resentment in his tone.

“I know,” Liz retorted and looked down to her tea, moving the scummy milk around with her wooden stirrer. “I want to; we’ve always taken care of each other. It’s not like I can toss him out on the street is it?”

Soren smiled and shook his head but his smile fell after a moment and Liz closed her eyes, letting her tongue sneak out and dab her bottom lip. She knew what was coming but she still wasn’t entirely prepared for it.

“You could at least make him sleep on the couch.” Before Liz could protest Soren held up his hands in surrender. “I have a solution, anyway.”

Liz smirked and lifted an inquisitive eyebrow.

“Really?” She murmured, amused.

Soren nodded, suddenly smug.

“Yep.” Liz motioned for him to continue and he was suddenly sheepish again. “You could move in with me.”


“Why is it that you can live with him but not with me?”

“Soren-“ she began again but he cut her off, once more.

“I know, I know. I’m sorry; it’s just... being away from you – my grandma dying, everything... It’s just shown me how fragile and fleeting these things in life are and... I don’t want to miss any of this. Not with you.”

Liz sat back, astounded. She could feel her pulse rushing through her veins and could hear the thud-thud of her heart in her chest as adrenaline – fear? – pushed the blood faster and faster. She met his eyes and he looked terrified, fragile and she wanted to reach out and touch him, to comfort him but her hand was frozen in her lap.

“Soren what are you-“

“Just think about it.” She nodded, though she didn’t know what she was supposed to be thinking about. Had he just proposed to her? She didn’t think so but he had mentioned spending the rest of his life with her and Liz loved him but... was she there? Was she ready to spend her life with someone? She knew that the answer, actually, was yes. But was that person Soren? She wanted to say yes but there was a part of her that knew that that place in her life was already filled by someone. “What are your plans for the day?” He said, executing a perfect shift in topic and Liz was left with emotional whiplash.

She murmured something about the lab and he nodded, trying for casual small talk before giving up when Liz’s monosyllabic answers didn’t get longer or more literate as time went on. Eventually, he smiled and stood, telling her he was heading back to the apartment to get unpacked. She nodded dumbly, returning his quick kiss.

Minutes after he left, she picked up her cell and dialled Max’s number, hoping he was out of his interview.

He picked up after the third ring.

“I think Soren just proposed to me.”

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Re: Linger, 12/? [Mature] M/L 04/18/09

Post by azure_horizon »

Part Twelve

Max flopped into the chair that Soren vacated a little over an hour before. He slid the steaming cup of cappuccino in front of her face and Liz looked up and smiled.

“Thanks,” she murmured and Max nodded, smiling. She knew he hated Starbucks coffee – what was so hard about making a coffee with milk that wasn’t frothed up to resemble marshmallows? – and was glad he was subjecting himself to her lowly local fix. “How was your interview?”

He smiled, a crooked half smile and Liz looked down, revelling in the taste of the coffee as it burned down her throat. There was no other cure.

“Not as interesting as your afternoon with Soren, apparently,” he said and he looked up to see him stick his tongue out at her. She laughed and shook her head, running her hand over the edges over her hair and smiled; she wondered if he had ever really grown up.

She instantly dropped her head into her upturned palm and let out a laugh, shaking her head again in an attempt to shake the grin from her face. She wasn’t even sure why she was laughing because this was a situation that did not need to be laughed at.

“I don’t even know if he did propose or not,” she said eventually and when she looked up at Max he looked amused, even though he was frowning. “Don’t look at me like that,” she said as his smirk began to break out on his face and he reached out with a condescending hand and patted her shoulder. She narrowed her eyes, glaring at him but he simply smirked back at her.

“If he proposed to you, you would know,” he said and Liz closed her eyes, nodding before quickly shaking her head.

“I don’t know,” she said quietly and she felt an involuntary chuckle leave her body and she frowned at it. She hated her reaction to stress sometimes.

“Trust me, you would know,” he reassured, his voice more serious and after a moment, she nodded. She would know, wouldn’t she? Surely he would at least have a ring, right? But then, what if he hadn’t meant to do it just yet? What if he just wanted to ask so badly that he couldn’t wait? She closed her eyes and shook her head; or maybe he hadn’t asked at all. Yes, she nodded, he hadn’t asked and – if he had – she could claim ignorance at his obscurity. “What did he say anyway?”

Liz thought back. What had he said, anyway? She only remembered parts of it. Parts that sounded like he had proposed to her. Holy crap – what had he said to her?

“Something about...” she frowned and trailed off, noting that Max was studying his cup but she shook it off. “Something about realising life was too short and not wanting to miss a moment of mine.” She gulped when Max snapped his head up to hers, his eyes wide. “See!” She exclaimed and Max nodded after a moment, lifting the cup to his mouth to hide his smirk. “It’s not funny!”

“What did you say?”

“Nothing!” She dropped her head into her hands again. “He just told me to think about it and then left.”

He quirked an eyebrow at her and she thought that the soft smile was almost forced. But she didn’t question.

“Do you want to marry him?” Liz’s face scrunched up before she could regulate it and Max pulled his lips between his teeth and Liz thought he was trying not to laugh at her again. “I’ll take that as a ‘no’ then.”

Liz sighed.

“He’s just being like this because his grandmother died.” Max didn’t buy it. “Remember what I was like when my grandmother died?”

Max chuckled at that and nodded.

“When you tried to grope me in your bed the night before the funeral?” Liz nodded, feeling that familiar blush rise up her cheeks at the memory. “I think that’s what swore me off women for the rest of my life...” he murmured and looked innocently away, as though deep in thought. Liz threw her napkin at him.

“Shut up!” She said and laughed and he joined in. “You’ll not be wanting that favour returned then, huh?” She said, not entirely sure what the hell that meant. She watched as his eyes darkened slightly before he smirked and lifted his eyebrows. “Shut up,” she murmured again and rolled her eyes, looking away. She’d walked herself right into that one. “He’s just... reaching out.”

“Or he could really want to spend the rest of his life with you.” Max shrugged and Liz looked back up to him, tilting her head in thought. “I just don’t like the idea of sharing you for that long,” Max said with a light laugh and Liz smiled slowly.

“If you say so, Max, if you say so.”

They finished their drinks in silence, watching the others in the cafe filter in and out, enjoying their comfortable silence.

“What are you doing now?” Max asked as he checked his watch and she suddenly noted that he was still in his interview outfit; starched black shirt and dark gray suit trousers, his hair tousled into his usual ‘just rolled out of bed’ shag and she smiled at the way the colours complimented his skin tone.

Liz checked her watch realising it was later than she thought.

“I have to get to the lab to pick up some things,” she said as she began gathering her bag and phone, checking the two emails she’d gotten and had been too lazy to check. Yeah, she definitely needed to get to the lab before the night was out. “What about your interview?”

Max frowned slightly and Liz was sure she wasn’t supposed to see it. Again, she didn’t question.

“I got offered a job – permanent. Well, for a year, at least,” he said and frowned again, choosing to look out of the window as he spoke instead of at her.

“That’s good isn’t it?” He nodded but his eyebrows lifted and she couldn’t understand it. “What did you say?”

He looked back to her and smiled tightly.

“I said I’d think about it.” Liz sighed internally. This was just Max, shirking responsibility again. She shook her head but didn’t comment. “Anyways, I got to go meet Maria to organise your party.”

Liz frowned.

“What party?” Max’s lips formed an ‘O’ but his laughing eyes gave him away as they widened with mirth. “Max, she’ll kill you if you’ve ruined her surprise.”

“What surprise?” He asked casually as he stood up, sliding his phone into his pocket. As Liz looked up at him from her seated position, she remembered just how tall he was. And how good looking he was from this angle. “Bye, sugar,” he said as he leaned down and brushed his lips against her cheek, his fingers through her hair.

“Max, you’re bad,” Liz murmured to the empty seat across from her.

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Re: Linger, 13/? [Mature] M/L 04/23/09

Post by azure_horizon »

Life is trial by fire
And love’s the greatest taste...
Liz was glad that Max had managed to talk Maria out of the surprised party she’d intended throw Liz for her birthday. Instead of a big hall filled with people Liz didn’t really want to spend her time with, they’d settled on a nice little under gazebo barbecue that had quickly migrated indoors as soon as the food was cooked and the night’s coldness finally settled in. In the lounge, they all sprawled across the chairs and the floor, chatting and drinking from bottles of wine and beer, studiously ignoring Maria’s attempts to crack open one of the two bottles of Tequila that were on show in the kitchen.

Liz sighed and leaned her head against the back of the couch, smiling as Maria recounted a tale from their Homecoming dance that they had all heard before but still laughed at incessantly. To her left, Soren chuckled quietly and she rolled her head to look at him; he met her eyes fleetingly before looking away and she winced slightly and closed her eyes again. She had tried to ignore the maybe proposal he’d thrust upon her two weeks prior in the coffee shop but he’d cornered her a couple of hours before and asked if she’d thought more about it. She had and her answer remained the same; she didn’t want to get married – and the moving in thing? That might not be a good idea either, considering he was going back to Sweden for a month in a couple of weeks.

He’d tucked his lips between his teeth and moved around her.

Between her legs, Max shifted, nudging her knee with his chin and she smiled slightly, flexing the fingers that were immersed in his hair and continued to massage his head and play with his hair like she had been before she’d slithered off to guilt-land. She felt him shift and smiled when he tucked his arm behind her knee and hugged her leg, massaging her calf lightly. She sighed and felt herself sink further into the soft cushions of Max’s would-be bed.

“I still remember the first time Liz saw me with John,” Max said lightly, pinching her calf tighter than before and she growled in the back of her throat as he chuckled at the memory. He his forehead against the skin above her neck and let out a breathy laugh and she tugged on his hair lightly in a move meant to discourage him but she felt his breath hitch against her leg.


That was interesting.

“Wasn’t that like... in your last year of college?” Kyle asked, almost managing to sound unfazed by the talk of Max with another man. She felt Max nod enthusiastically and Liz rolled her eyes, casting her eyes to Soren who was simply staring at Max, an unreadable expression on his face.

“Yeah, you should have seen her face!” Max exclaimed and laughed loudly, and Liz swatted him, pulling his hair harder this time. He went on, unfazed. “It was like she walked in on a scene from a porno or something!” He laughed and Liz rolled her eyes.

“I wasn’t that bad,” she murmured and shrugged, feeling the heat climb up her cheeks. “And I’ve walked in on much more since then.”

“I swear, if I didn’t already know you watched gay porn, sugar, I’d have thought you’d never seen two guys kiss before.”

“I’d never seen you kiss another guy before. It was... unexpected.”

Max turned to her, his warm shoulders brushing against her legs as he turned his upper body around, smirking at her. She took in his raised eyebrows and narrowed her eyes.

“You knew I was gay, honey, it shouldn’t have been that unexpected.”

Liz froze as she rounded the corner into their small kitchen and guffawed at the sight before her. Max was pressed up against the work top by another man, slightly taller, who was kissing him like the world depended on it. While Liz knew Max was gay and that John had stayed the night (she’d purposely fallen asleep listening to her iPod) it was still... unnerving to witness their post-coital bliss first hand. It was an odd sight and she felt her head cock slightly as she watched them, hands roaming and touching and feeling, running through hair that already looked like sex hair.

She’d admit, it was kind of... hot.

She cleared her throat and when they broke apart a few moments later, Liz raised an amused eyebrow at John’s sheepish grin and Max’s smug expression before John mumbled his excuses and left. Liz took a step towards Max, still smiling and pressed her finger into his chest.

“I know that you two had sex in places other than your bedroom. Now, I am going to take a shower and when I come out, I expect you to have cleaned all the places you two had sex, okay?”

Max rolled his eyes.

“It’s not like we have cooties, Liz,” Max said lightly, capturing her finger in his fist and pulled it to his chest and she continued to mock glare at him.

“Neither does me or Soren but I still clean the sofa every time we have sex on it.”

She took a step away from him and cocked her eyebrow at his disgusted expression.

“Too much info, babycakes,” he said in a low growl and Liz smirked.

She took another step away from him and turned away, glancing at him over her shoulder.

“Clean, now.”

She was almost out the door when he shouted her back. She paused and turned around, wishing she hadn’t when she saw him wiggling his eyebrows as he took the scrubber to the worktop. Liz contained her gag reflexes and glared at him. She went to move away again when he spoke.

“Admit it, sugar, you liked what you just saw.”

She rolled her eyes and walked away.

“You watch gay porn, Liz?” Maria asked, managing to sound scandalized and Liz rolled her eyes, pointing an accusing finger at Maria.

“You forget, Mar, that it was you that got me into it!” Maria’s eyes widened and she glanced sideways to Michael but he just smirked back at her, clapping a big hand onto her knee and smiled.

“It’s okay for you to get off on two guys; I get off on two girls,” he said with a shrug and they all laughed good naturedly.

Max nodded.

“Yeah man, two girls is hot,” he said enthusiastically and everyone stopped laughing, turning to look at him. “What?” He said defensively and they all raised their eyebrows. Liz stopped massaging his head, wondering when Max had started watching lesbian porn. What did that mean? “Come on, man, porn is porn,” he said indifferently with a shrug. “Except het – that’s just weird.”

“You watch lesbian porn?” Serena asked and Max nodded, his face pressing against Liz’s thigh and she patted his head condescendingly. She could imagine the flush that he would try to deny. “And you get off on it?”

“It’s... educational.”

Something in Liz’s mind clicked and she sat up straighter, her hand clamping down on his hair. She could feel Max’s chuckle and she narrowed her eyes when he turned around to her, a smug grin on his face.

“That’s how you...” She trailed off, realising what she was asking and where and she felt her own flush rise from her chest and she looked away from him.

“There’s a lot of good can come from porn, sugar,” he said and cupped her knee with his big hand, mirroring her condescending pat before he turned around and nestled himself further between her legs. Liz couldn’t deny the heat that centred in the southern regions of her body. She glanced over to Soren, but he wasn’t looking at her. In fact, it seemed as though he wasn’t looking at anything.

Liz knew, without having him tell her, that her refusal to marry him had been an ending of sorts. But his lack of response to the conversation that seemed to have piqued everyone else’s interest showed her that they had ended. She felt a pang and just as she was about to look away, he looked up to her, his blue eyes sad. There was something else there that she dare not interpret and she smiled over to him, reaching out with her free hand to cover his. He turned his palm up under her touch and let her trace her fingers over his skin. He shuddered and she smiled when he closed his large palm over her fingers, giving them a gentle squeeze.

She’d missed these quiet moments with him and it saddened her greatly that she most likely would never get to experience them ever again. As she looked at their fingers, together but not entwined, she wondered when they’d lost that spark. She wondered when she stopped being in love with him. She sighed and when she looked up to his eyes, she could see the same quiet expression on his features that she was sure would be on hers. He pulled his hand from under hers and pulled his lips between his teeth, looking away from her.

“Liz?” She was snapped from her quietude by Maria’s voice and she stood to see Maria standing over her, eyebrow raised and hand on hip. “You coming?” Liz frowned but nodded, gently pushing Max’s head out of the way so she could stand and adjusted the sweat pants that had ridden up slightly.

Maria led her to the kitchen, shuffling about the small space, pulling bowls and packets of Doritos from the cupboards with more force than necessary. When she’d managed to almost smash a bowl from setting it down so hard, Liz laid her hand on her friend’s elbow and urged her to look at her.

“Maria, what’s wrong?”

Maria turned to her, scowling for a moment before she wiped the expression from her face. Liz almost preferred it to the look of utter confusion and loss that replaced it.

“When did you stop being my best friend, Liz?”

Liz took a step back and frowned.


Maria motioned with her hands the space between them and Liz frowned, feeling something claw up her chest.

“I... I don’t know. I just... when was the last time we had a proper conversation? When was the last time we sat in, just the two of us, or went out for a drink or shopping or... Ever since Max has moved in, you’ve gone all mother hen on him and I never see you. I never hear from you. Last time we talked it was about Max – did I offend you? Are you mad at me? Because I’ve been trying to figure out why you’ve not told me any of the things I know have been going on. I mean – Soren proposed and you don’t mention it to me? He asks you to move in and you don’t send me an excited text. You’re hiding from me and I don’t like it. I thought it was something... I thought something was going on with you and Max but – you guys are always like this and I came here expecting to see some kind of different but all I saw was that strange conversation about lesbian porn and Liz what was that? And then the look between you and Soren and I just feel like... I just feel like I don’t know what’s going on in your life and it’s made me mad at you because I think you’re pushing me away but I don’t know why.”

When she finished, Liz felt the burn of tears at the back of her eyes and she pulled Maria to her tightly, surprising the taller woman.

“Oh, Maria,” she said with emotion, squeezing harder when Maria sobbed into her shoulder. “I’m so sorry, I had no idea...” She took in a breath. “I didn’t mean to push you away. It’s just that Max has been here and he’s here when I need to talk and it’s just so easy to forget that I need to talk about stuff after I’ve talked to him about it. I didn’t think it was that big of a deal; you know how I deal with things. I’m sorry,” she murmured again, turning her head into Maria’s neck tucking her friend closer to her.

“I just...” Maria pulled back and leaned against the work top, but didn’t really separate their bodies. Neither made any move to brush the tears from their faces. “It’s always been you and me.”

Liz’s let out a watery laugh at that, nudging Maria with her shoulder.

“You’re jealous of Max?” She teased but Maria tensed slightly and Liz drew back, astonished. “You are jealous of Max?”

Maria looked uncomfortable at being caught out but Liz laughed, engulfing her into another hug that Maria readily returned.

“I’m sorry,” Maria murmured and sniffed a few more times before she withdrew.

Liz smiled up to her before narrowing her eyes conspiratorially.

“Want to know something Max doesn’t know?” Maria nodded fervently and Liz had to hold back her chuckle. Instead, she looked down as she felt that same melancholy clench her chest in a vice grip. “Soren and I broke up tonight.”

Maria pushed Liz away from her, holding her by the shoulders as her eyes swept over her face.

“Oh my God! Are you okay? Liz, why didn’t you say-“

“I’m fine Maria,” Maria went to interrupt again but Liz shook her head. “I really am.” She looked down again, gulping when she felt a lump in her throat. “So fine that I actually feel guilty about it,” she murmured and Maria bent her knees so she could meet Liz’s eye. When Liz looked up, Maria had an unreadable expression on her face – a contortion of pity and confusion and Liz was glad that Maria was, somehow, unquestioning.

A few moments passed in long silence and Liz felt her shoulders slump in something akin to relief as she realised her and Soren weren’t together anymore. Just as suddenly, they were tense again as guilt took control and she shook her head.

“Thank you,” Maria murmured, drawing Liz’s confused body closer to hers.

Long minutes later, someone cleared their throat and Liz pulled back to look at Soren, who was shuffling in the doorway, his jacket in hand. Liz gulped and looked back to Maria, who quickly made her escape with the bowls tucked professionally in her arms.

“I’m...” he cleared his throat again and fidgeted. “I’m going to go,” he murmured thickly, his eyes rising to meet Liz’s.

She gulped again and nodded, following as he hesitantly moved to the door. It was awkward and horrible and at the door, neither knew what to do. She kept staring at his chest, unwilling to meet his eyes for fear that the tears she was trying valiantly to hold back would spill over. He made the decision for them, taking a step closer to her and wrapping his arms around her body, lowering his head into the crook of her neck. She breathed in his scent, so familiar, but didn’t try to memorise it. She buried into his chest for a moment before he pulled back, lowering his head and dropped a chaste kiss to her cheek.

She took in a deep breath, lifting her eyes up to meet his. He smiled warily down at her, sadness lingering in every shift in his muscle.

“I really could have spent the rest of my life with you,” he murmured sadly and Liz felt a sob tear through her throat. He lifted his fingers to her lips to shush her but she couldn’t bring herself to look at the grief she had caused him. “I didn’t mean to make you cry,” he murmured but stepped away from her. The gesture made her cry more but he didn’t return to her. He slid out of the door, closing it quietly behind him.

When Max came to find her, she was leaning against the wall, her head in her hands as she doubled over at the waist. She had wanted to cry but no tears came out. He reached out to her, taking her wrists in his big hands pulled her arms around his body. She fell into him and he shushed her, swaying them gently from side to side as he ran his fingers up and down her back.

“Sugar,” he said to her after a few minutes, “I know it’s your party and you can cry if you want to but the sight of those tears on your pretty face is breaking my heart.”

She clutched onto him tighter and sobbed dryly, the tears still refusing to come.

After another couple of minutes, she let him lead her back to the lounge. He sat down on the sofa and patted his lap. She lay down, resting her head on his thighs, rubbing patterns on his jean clad knees while he ran his fingers through her hair, rubbing her temples or shoulder. The others didn’t talk about Soren leaving and Serena tried to urge them all to crack open the bottles of Tequila. Liz refused – as did Max – but the others relented. When the first bottle was done – and they were all pretty plastered – they left. Liz didn’t rise to see them out. Neither did Max.

They stayed like that and when Liz looked out the window again, dawn was burning on the horizon. She snuggled further into Max and he sighed, sliding further down the sofa as his fingers dug into her skin for a moment.

“We should go to bed,” he said and Liz nodded but neither of them moved for a long time. Evetually, Max shifted and Liz lifted her head high enough for him to pull his legs up onto the sofa and slid them behind her. She could feel his back press up against her, his arm snaking around her waist and she screwed her eyes tight shut when he tangled his legs with hers. “Good morning, sugar,” he whispered quietly into her neck, his lips pressing against the skin just beneath her ear.

She fell asleep to the sight of the tawny dawn breaking through the inky night and Max’s breath on her neck.

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Re: Linger, 13/? [Mature] M/L 04/27/09

Post by azure_horizon »

Part 14
Liz didn’t bother saying anything to Max about the stubble he’d left in the sink that morning when he’d shaved; she’d learned long ago that it made no difference. Instead, she dropped his toothbrush into the sink on top of it and smirked as she left the bathroom. Outside the window, dawn was barely tinting the horizon so she was more than surprised to wake up and find Max gone; his brief note about going to the gym only served to pique her curiosity as it had been many months since he had partaken in his one time favourite activity.

She was due at the labs in an hour so she dropped a waffle into the toaster and set the kettle to boil. Normally, she hated instant coffee but she simply lacked the energy to go about setting up the coffee maker. She dropped a teaspoon full of granules into her cup, added a dash of milk and leaned against the counter closing her eyes. It had been two weeks since she’d broken up with Soren and she was surprised by how easy it was to adjust to not being with him. Logically, she knew it was because he hadn’t been around in the months leading up to their break up but there was still a part of her that felt guilty for her lack of reaction. She was still waiting for the pain to hit, expecting it to come at her like a freight train. It never did and the guilt swelled.

She stiffened when she felt two arms slide around her waist before relaxing and melting into Max’s chest, breathing out a long heavy sigh. She covered his arms with her own and drew in a breath when his fingers began massaging her hips.

“Oh God, Max,” she groaned and tried to pull away from him but he just chuckled and pulled her in closer. “You stink!”

“It’s just the heady scent of man, Liz. Don’t pretend like it doesn’t turn you on.”

At his words – and maybe the fact that she could feel his very obvious arousal pressed against her back – she felt heat flood between her legs and she bit back another, much more pleased groan. She felt him duck his head into her neck, bending his knees behind her and managed to succeed in rubbing his erection against her butt.

“It’s disgusting.”

He made a noise but it was wordless and Liz couldn’t stop her hips from rolling slightly and she smirked at the low rumble that emanated from Max’s chest. His fingers on her hips tightened and he pulled her further back against him, his hips jerking and Liz lost coherent thought for a moment.

“You heading off to work?” He asked conversationally as his fingers worked their way under the shirt she wore, stroking the skin of her waist before he brushed the back of his fingers across her abdomen. She felt her thighs rub against one another as her body tightened against his fingers.

“Yeah,” she replied, her voice husky as she pressed herself back against him, eliciting another grumble from him. Her waffle popped and Liz reached over to pull it from the toaster, rubbing her butt against Max’s cock and he gripped her hips, thrusting against her a couple of times before groaning and pulling away from her. She sighed in relief as well as frustration as he settled against the counter beside her, his arms crossed over his chest. He made no attempt to adjust the protrusion in his pants and Liz couldn’t help but let her eyes drift down as she took a bite of her waffle.

“I can’t believe you’re eating that dry,” he said but the scratchy tone of his voice gave him away. Liz smirked and watched as he slid up onto the counter, his hands resting in his thighs as he looked just past Liz’s head. “You’re right,” he said a few moments later as he dropped his head to the side and lifted his arm over his head, “I do stink.” Liz lifted her hand and set it on his thigh, rubbing gently, barely holding back her laugh as his hips jerked involuntarily. His large hand came over hers, pressing hers flat against his thigh and Liz looked up to his face that was contorted with barely there restraint. “Don’t start something you’re not going to finish.”

Liz smirked and drew her hand away from him, wondering what the hell she was doing.

“Who said I wasn’t going to finish it?” She asked as she stepped in between his legs, settling her hands on either of his thighs. She felt his ankles wrap around the back of her knees holding her in place even as his eyebrows drew together in confusion. “You still have that favour to call in,” she said quietly, wishing that he would, hoping that he wouldn’t. She heard him draw in a quick breath as his hands settled on her hips and she looked up to his face again and saw him looking over her shoulder.

“You have to leave for work soon,” he said tightly and Liz frowned, feeling the instant sting of rejection. She quirked an eyebrow at him, despite it, and tried for playfulness as she drew back.

“Well in that case, I better go.”

She struggled against his grip for a moment before he let her go. She tried to smirk at him as he sat on the worktop before she turned and fled to the relative safety of her bedroom. Once there, she shut the door and leaned against it, dropping her head into her hands.

“Shit,” she said, barely holding back the tears that stung the back of her eyes. “I can’t believe I just did that,” she murmured and fought back the sob that threatened to escape. That would not do. She banged her head quietly against the door a few times before pushing herself off it and walking to her bed. “Of course he wouldn’t want you, stupid,” she murmured to herself as she pulled the covers back, tossing the pillows over as she searched for her BlackBerry amongst the sheets. She grit her teeth and shook her head and fought against the stubborn lump in her throat. “Fuck.”

It took her a few minutes but she found her phone tucked inside one her pillowcases and she gripped it victoriously in her fist when there was a knock on the door to her bedroom, followed by Max’s voice.

“Liz?” She saw the handle dip slightly but he made no move to open the door. “Can I come in?”

She wanted to say no, she really did but when she went to voice her protest, she acquiesced instead and the door opened slowly. Max stood there, still holding the handle as he stared at her sheepishly, the faintest hint of regret lining his eyes. She looked away and moved to the closet, pulling out a bag and dropped her phone into it, not speaking to him.

The floorboards creaked alerting her to the fact that he had stepped into the room. A few moments later, she felt his heat behind her alerting her to his proximity and she felt the embarrassment sting across her cheeks. She didn’t turn around, even when he placed a hand on her shoulder, attempting to turn her.

“I’m sorry,” he murmured quietly and she felt his body sag slightly and take a step away from her. His hand dropped from her shoulder and she gulped at the loss of contact. Damn hormones. “I don’t want to...” Liz but the inside of her lip, feeling the humiliation rise. “It took every ounce of my willpower to tell you no, just now.” Liz tilted her head in his direction, surprised by his words. “I just don’t... I don’t think it’s a good idea to... to...”

She spun then, smiling brightly. Falsely. She put her hand on his shoulder as she moved past him, making sure she didn’t brush against him as she passed.

“Don’t worry about it.”

As she fled to the hall, grabbing her jacket and purse, she heard his voice calling to her but she didn’t stop. She didn’t listen. On the stairs outside her apartment, she put a hand to her face, covering her eyes and let out a ridiculous laugh.


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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Re: Linger, 14/? [Mature] M/L *May 17*

Post by azure_horizon »

Part 15
Come up to meet you
Tell you I’m sorry
You don’t know how lovely you are
I had to find you, tell you I need you
Tell you I set you apart...
When Liz got home that night, the apartment was in darkness. She would admit that she’d stayed out longer than was entirely necessary in the hopes that she wouldn’t need to see Max. She’d gone out with a few people from the labs and Jesse had offered to ‘take her home’ and she’d thought about it, she really had but she knew that it wouldn’t be fair to either Jesse or herself. Because she knows she wouldn’t be able to think of anyone other than Max and she didn’t need to add that to the guilt she already felt for her lack of feeling for her break up with Soren. She’d not been entirely sure what she’d wanted when she’d stayed away; there was no escape from Max while he lived in her apartment and she didn’t want to think about where he’d be or who he’d do to get out of the apartment.

She sighed and dropped her bag onto the sofa in the living room after making sure Max’s prone form wasn’t there. She leaned against the back of the sofa for support as she reached down and pulled her shoes off before running a hand through her hair wearily and let her body flop over the back of the chair until she was lying haphazardly across the cushions. She didn’t know what was wrong with her.

Well, that wasn’t strictly true. She did. But she just didn’t care to admit it, even to herself.

She had always thought she would spend the rest of her life with Max. There was still a part of her that wondered if maybe it would still happen the way she really wanted it to. And it was that tiny, zero point five per cent of her mind that stopped her from giving herself to someone even half of what she’d already given to Max. While she accepted their friendship and had pushed those feelings far, far away she just... wondered.

She remembered in high school, a couple of months before Max told her he was gay, the way he had watched her or touched her; his stare used to burn holes in the back of her head in Math and he’d always ‘accidentally’ rub his arm against hers in Biology. And she was pretty sure that they made more chemistry in Chemistry than the teacher ever managed to create in his experiments. She had thought that Max telling her he was gay would have broken her heart but... she had been selfish enough to believe that it was just a phase. She had hoped it was, at least. Because there had been times over the past years where she had thought it was obvious he still wanted her – like that. But then, they’d shared a bed pretty much all through college, even now, and nothing had happened until the past few months that Soren had been gone.

And she hated it. She hated him, in a sense, for showing that kind of interest in her again when she was finally managing to get over him in that way. She had finally committed herself to someone more than she had any other boyfriend – even Kyle – and then Max had moved in with her and everything had gone to pot. And she knew it was because no one could ever measure up to Max. There was no one else for her, just Max. And she hated that about herself.

“God,” she murmured, her words muffled by the cushions on the sofa. “Pathetic.”

And she felt pathetic, mooning over her gay best friend who just happened to have a very talented tongue. And that! What the hell had that been? She fought back a scoff, swallowing down the bitter venom that lined the back of her throat at the memory of his rejection of her earlier that morning.

”You have to work soon.”

“Fuck,” she murmured and fought back a sob. She’d managed to not think about it, really, all day. Sure, her mind had wandered to it every now and then but... Fuck. She’d really been rejected by him. She wasn’t what he wanted and she was annoyed at herself for ever thinking that she was. It was ridiculous. He was gay and even if he wasn’t, he could have his pick of any girl he wanted; he wouldn’t want Liz.

“I wouldn’t lie face down on that couch if I were you.”

She sprang up and spun around to face him in the doorway. He leaned against it with his shoulder, one leg folded over the other, his hair tousled and arms bulging against the tight white shirt he wore. God, he was beautiful. The darkness of the room seemed only to amplify how much she wanted him, as the shadows caught his face, highlighting half of it against the dark backdrop. She knew she should say something to him, but she didn’t know what. So she didn’t say anything and watched him as he pushed off the wall with surprising grace and walked towards her, crouching down in front of the sofa to meet her eyes.

“Sweetheart, you okay?”

And Liz hated even more that he could pretend nothing had happened.

She ignored him.

“You’ve been drinking.”

Well, yeah. And it may be adding to her hatred towards him now but she really did feel all these things. And she really hated that she felt this way. It was just that the alcohol was making her acknowledge the feelings. And she hated the alcohol too.

“Jesse asked me to go home with him.”

She watched as Max’s brow furrowed, as his eyes darkened slightly and she smiled smugly to herself. Maybe she should have gone home with Jesse, if it made Max react the way he was. She had never particularly been fond of jealousy but the way it made Max’s eyes – if, indeed, it was jealousy he was experiencing – was pretty fucking hot.

“To have sex?”

Liz snorted slightly and met his eyes for a brief moment, hoping he would be able to see some of the hatred she had for him in that moment.

“No, to bake cookies.”


“Why would it be a bad thing if I had sex with someone?”

“It wouldn’t but you’re drunk.”

“Do you want to have sex with me Max?”

His lips quirked slightly into a half smirk as his eyes scanned over her body and Liz felt her traitorous body respond to his probing gaze.

“Not right now, no.”

Liz sighed heavily and folded her arms over her chest and glared at him, quickly removing the smirk from his face as he leaned forward towards her, resting his palms flat against the cushion in between her thighs. She didn’t dare think about what else he should be doing in that position.

“Stop doing that.”

Max’s frown deepened and she watched as the fingers of his right hand flexed, as though wanting to reach out and touch her. She wished he would. She hoped he wouldn’t. He did and she felt his warm touch burn through her skin. She flinched away from him.

“Doing what?”

It had been a long time since she’d heard his voice like this; she had probably only heard it once in the whole time she’d known him. That one time when he’d stayed over before his ‘revelation’ and he’d asked her to stop moving. She scoffed at the memory; ridiculous thoughts, sure she had imagined the severity of his tone.

“I want to have sex with you.”

There. It was out there. She cringed and instantly wished she could take it back. But Max let out a low chuckle and his fingers reached out to stroke her cheek with his knuckles. She hated that her body reacted to his touch, that her head leaned into his touch.

“You’re just horny, sweetheart.”

“No!” She protested but he smirked at her and she rolled her eyes, letting a smirk spread over her lips. “Well yeah,” she said as she shuffled forward on the couch, urging him between her legs more and she delighted in the way his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down and the way his eyes flickered between the apex of her thighs and his fingers on her waist. “But that’s not what I meant.” She watched as her fingers drifted up his arm, over his neck – he shivered at that and she smirked lightly – and on into his hair. She loved the feel of his hair between her fingers and she watched as they tickled the soft skin between her fingers. “I want you, Max.” She looked down to his hooded eyes and tugged on his hair until he looked up to her, his eyes dark. “I know you want me too,” she whispered huskily and she felt Max shift between her legs.

“I do.” He leaned forward, his breath washing over the exposed skin of her chest and she drew her bottom lip between her teeth. “I really do.” She watched as he licked his lips, so close to her skin that she could feel the heat of his tongue as it passed over the thin layer of skin on his lips and she shudder. “You have no idea,” he whispered against her skin, his lips a mere ghostly presence on her skin. “I have no idea what I’m doing,” he murmured and she felt his presence at her neck, so she tilted it for him. His breath bathed her in his scent. There was pressure just below her ear and a sound escaped her lips.

“Let me teach you,” she whispered breathily and Max pulled back from her, looking up to her from beneath his lashes and she groaned at the evident vulnerability there.

“You’re drunk,” he murmured, his own voice hoarse with desire and waning restraint. She dragged her hand from his hair, capturing his face between her two palms and leaned in to him.

“I’m quickly sobering up.”

His breath was a shudder when he released it and watched as he turned his head, kissing one wrist then the other before grabbing her elbows and pulling her onto the floor with him, her thighs straddling his legs. He lifted a shaking hand and rested in on her shoulder, watching as he drew it slowly down her body. At her waist, he hesitated and she nodded quickly and his hand slid beneath it, snaking back up her body bringing the shirt up with it. Her heart stuttered in her chest when his reverent touch skimmed the underside of her lace covered breast and she felt him shift his hips and she wanted to laugh but he cupped her breast through her bra and it turned into a breathy moan.


“Take me to bed, Max.”

He wrapped his free arm around her waist and she locked her legs around his as he shifted to stand. When he was up, she took his face in her hands again and, looking into his eyes, sought the permission she knew he would grant.

He nodded, then drew back slightly as his brow furrowed. “What?” She asked and reached up to poke her finger into the crease between his brows.

“You’ll...” he began hesitantly then looked up to her with a small grin on his face. “You’ll show me what you like?”

She nodded once and brushed her lips against his, hardly able to hold the grin back from her lips and she could feel the answering smile on his.

“Only if you promise to show me what you like.”

He squeezed her breast and walked them backwards to her room.

Oh, she was definitely sobering up.

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Re: Linger, 15/? [Mature] M/L *May 26*

Post by azure_horizon »

Part 16

There’s something 'bout the way your hair falls in your face
I love the shape you take when crawling towards the pillowcase
You tell me where to go and though I might leave to find it
I'll never let your head hit the bed without my hand behind it...

It took them a long time to reach the bedroom because, apparently, Max wasn’t shy anymore. He’d pressed her up against the wall and absolutely ravaged her neck with his lips and teeth and tongue while she’d been a helpless accessory to his desire. He’d managed, somehow, to get the tee shirt over her head while Liz was still coming to terms with the fact that this was really happening. Her hands dug underneath his shirt in search of skin and she clung to his shoulders as he dipped his head and grazed his tongue over the skin above the lace of her bra.

She moaned, loudly, when he pulled away from her and tried, once more, to get them to their bed. Their bed.

“Oh, God,” she moaned when she rocked her hips and felt his hardness press into her. If she had been wet before, she was uncomfortably so now and ground her hips against him for some much needed friction.

“Shit, Liz...” Max ground out as he nipped at her neck and Liz was sure she felt the skin break but she couldn’t cry out because Max’s tongue was in her mouth in a searing, open mouthed kiss and she wondered if she’d died and gone to heaven. Max stumbled as she sucked on his earlobe and they landed with a distinct lack of grace or ceremony on the bed in a tangle of limbs and lips and laughs. “I want you naked.”

He tugged at her work pants and Liz batted his hands away, hurriedly unfastening the buttons as Max untied the drawstring that held his pyjama bottoms up. She paused when they dropped to the floor and she felt her breath catch in her throat at the sight of him. She’d known he was big – hell, she’d felt just how big he was moments before as he’d been tucked between their bodies – but the sight of him unsheathed and hard for her was enough to have Liz rubbing her legs together in frustration. In a move that surprised even her, she found herself on her knees in front of him, gripping him in her tiny fist as one hand went out to his hip to steady herself. She pumped her fist slowly up and down and she marvelled at the bead of pre-cum that appeared. She licked it, flicking her tongue quickly over the slit there and she heard Max groan, his hands falling to her shoulders before he pushed her back roughly onto the bed.

She landed with a bounce and a giggle and Max smiled happily down to her as he leaned over her, sliding her pants down her legs. His fingers danced up her legs and she fought for breath that seemed to be working overtime to avoid her lungs and she squirmed when he traced along the crease of her thigh, his knuckles barely grazing her soaked panties. She heard him pant as he leaned over her, kissing the inside of her thigh, biting the skin lightly and Liz bucked her hips at that. When he travelled up her body, Liz felt the synthetic cotton of his shirt against her skin and she shivered, her hands falling to the hem to pull it up and over his head. He pulled back from her slightly as she dropped it to the floor beside the bed and she smiled at the ruffled state of his hair. She reached up and patted it into some form of order before looking back to Max’s amused eyes and she felt herself blush slightly as she tugged his head down to hers for a kiss.

“I want to do this right,” Max said between kisses as his fingers hooked around the waist of her panties and Liz lifted her hips from him to draw them off. “But I just really want to be inside of you right now.”

Liz groaned at the words and her leg involuntarily wrapped around the back of his thighs and he grabbed onto her hip, thrusting harshly against her. His cock teased her clit at he slid over her, his tongue working the skin on her neck as her fingers sought any part of his skin she could reach. His hands wandered a fiery trail down her body, between their heated flesh and she arched her back, keening as he slid a finger inside of her.

“Oh, God,” she managed before he added another and she groaned in pleasure as he crooked his fingers slightly before withdrawing them, stroking over her folds and moving the moisture about. His thumb brushed against her clit and she squeaked – actually squeaked – and opened her eyes to find Max smirking down at her.

“That’s where it is...” he murmured as his thumb sought out her bundle of nerves again and he slid his two fingers back inside of her. And oh fucking God, he was so fucking good. His fingers played her like an instrument, and she sang for him, bucking wildly against his fingers and body, her thighs clamping around his hips as he ground against her at the friction. She could feel his blunt head against her at points, only adding to the sensation and she bit down on his shoulder, sucking not-so-gently as her skin burst into flames and her body burned with the heat of her orgasm. “That’s got to be the most beautiful thing I have ever seen,” Max murmured reverently into her ear as she gasped for breath, his body a welcomed, grounding weight above her floating body.

“Max...” she managed on a breath and he turned his head into her neck, licking the column of her neck, sucking her skin between his teeth.

“I can feel your pulse in my mouth,” he said in wonderment as he pulled the skin between his teeth again and Liz could feel his teeth over her pulse. It sent a jolt of heat to her already sensitive core and she jerked against him. He moaned, some incomprehensible words escaping his lips and Liz slid her hands down his back, around his body until she could grip his cock in her hands. He twitched in her hand and she smirked slightly, squeaking again when Max nipped playfully at her jaw then her earlobe. Her nipples tightened at that and Max let out a breathy laugh. “Your body is so responsive to me...” He marvelled and Liz arched her back into him as she heard the possessiveness in his tone. A part of her brain was sure she could hear her heart speak with each thud in response to his words.

Yours, yours. Yours, yours. Yours, yours.

“I thought you wanted to be inside of me,” she whispered against his ear, flicking her tongue around the shell and he dropped to his forearms, his head resting on the pillow beside her head as he groaned loudly at her words. She squeezed his cock in her hand and he jerked into it. Steadily, she positioned his blunt head against her over-sensitized core, both of them moaning at the contact. Their hips moved against one another and she took his head into her and she was hit with a sudden thought. “Shit, protection.”

Max pulled his upper body from hers, the motion causing him to slide further into her and she closed her eyes, biting back to moan of pleasure at the sensation.

“You don’t have any?” He sounded distraught, and his fingers tightened on her nipple a little roughly but she found she enjoyed the sensation. She shook her head and fought to keep her hips immobile. She could feel his arms tremble – his whole body was vibrating – and she looked up to his eyes, meeting his contemplative stare. Her inner muscles squeezed, wanting to draw him further into her and she saw Max’s eyes roll slightly at the sensation of his head being sucked in by her. “Fuck...” he groaned and his hips flexed and it was Liz’s eyes who rolled as he moved infinitesimally further into her. He was going to feel so fucking good buried ball deep inside of her. If they ever actually got that far. “I’m clean,” he managed, his voice hoarse with desire and Liz looked up to him licking her lips. “And I know you’re on the pill...” His eyelids shuttered involuntarily as her fingers wove into his hair, pulling his upper body back to hers. “I’ve never... not without...” And Liz couldn’t help the small smile that erupted on her face at the thought that he had always been safe; she had too, never once having sex without a condom and she knew that Max was the only one she would ever want to experience that with. “But I understand if you don’t want to...” His sentence trailed off into a loud moan as Liz thrust her hips up into his, taking him inside of her. He dropped to his forearms and his open mouth latched onto her neck and she could feel his cock twitch inside of her. “Holy shit that feels fucking...”

He rocked them slightly and he slid deeper into her and Liz moaned out loud. His fingers sought out her body, his palm kneading her breast as his other hand held her hip up against his as he thrust slowly in and out of her, his face a mixture of awe and desire that sent another pulse through her core. Max sped up in retaliation and he back arched into him at the increased speed. He felt amazing. So deep and long and hers and holy fuck he was a divine creature sent from heaven just for her, she was sure of it, and her body pulsed for him.

“Slide your arm under my back,” she instructed, not wanting to lose an inch of contact with his skin and he complied, tightening his grip against her when he groaned at the deeper penetration.

“Holy fuck, Liz...” He ground out between clenched teeth. His head dropped to her chest and he nipped at a nipple and she bucked against him, meeting his eager thrusts and dug her nails into her shoulders, scratching lightly down his back and he vibrated – fucking vibrated – against her so she did it again, tightening her legs around his back and they both moaned at the freedom the position offered him. “You feel... made for me... holy fuck, fuck, Liz, fuck.”

Liz knew what he meant but comprehensive thought was not a viable option and the only sound she could make were moans of pleasure and breathy pants as his body surged against her, bringing him deeper and deeper inside of her. She could feel him against her womb and his size was almost painful but the pleasure was too much, too empowering for any of the pain to matter. He nipped at her skin and when a moment of clarity hit her, she realised his shoulder was spattered with teeth marks and small purple bruises and she smirked but he lifted one of his knees and he was brushing against a spot she never knew existed and she screamed out in pleasure. The tight spiral was almost at breaking point and she knew from Max’s erratic thrusts that he was just as close as she was.

She was about the tell him to touch her clit but his lips slid over hers as his hand reached for hers on his shoulder, drawing their hands between their bodies. His violent tongue mirrored the erratic thrusts of his cock in and out of her and Liz moaned into his mouth when he brought their joined fingers to where his cock was pumping furiously in and out of her. It was the single most erotic feeling in the world, the feel of their union beneath her fingers and she pulled her mouth away from his to cry out as her orgasm burst through her body, convulsing over Max’s cock. She could feel her wetness on his cock as he continued to pump through her convulsion before he stiffened above her, spilling his seed deep inside of her.

Panting, he collapsed on top of her, his sweaty forehead resting at the crook of her neck and shoulder and she lifted a heavy arm to wrap around his back. His fingers stroked her hip lazily while the other kneaded the thigh that was still locked around his waist. She could stay like this forever. She dropped a kiss to his hair and he mirrored it with one to her neck and she smiled. She fucking grinned because she’d just made love to Max.

“Please tell me I didn’t just dream that,” Max said, his voice muffled and still breathless and she chuckled, her breasts rubbing against his chest causing both of them to groan.

“I don’t think either of our imaginations are that good.”

Max lifted himself from her slightly and they both hissed as he withdrew from her, both smiling like idiots at that. He shifted his weight until he was lying half on top of her, his ear resting over her heart as he looked up at her through his eyelashes. Her heart stuttered and her breath caught in her throat but she couldn’t stop the smile that crept across her features.

“Are we doing this?” He whispered as he stroked his fingers over her stomach, the muscles contracting beneath his touch.

He ran her fingers through his hair at the nape of his neck and traced the column of his neck with her index finger, watching as he bent his neck for her touch.

“We already are doing this.”

He looked up to her again, smiling and Liz stopped breathing for a moment. He shifted again, bringing his lips closer to hers and neither could keep the smiles from their faces as he brushed his lips against hers. She pressed her palm against the back of his head and pushed him against her and he chuckled, the sound vibrating through their chests. His lips were soft but not hesitant and she met him with equal gentility. She let out a breathy laugh with him, almost giddy and she drew his smiling bottom lip into her mouth, flicking it as he groaned in pleasure. His tongue sought entrance to her mouth and she granted it, meeting each lazy thrust of the muscle with one of her own and his hands cradled her face. She sighed against him when he pulled back some time later when the sun had begun to lighten the horizon outside of her window.

“We should get some sleep,” Liz said sadly as she watched the room lighten incrementally.

Max turned his head towards the window and glared at it for a moment before he turned back to her with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

“It’s already morning, maybe we should just stay up.”

Liz laughed and rolled her hips against his hardness and he growled playfully at her, grabbing onto her hips as he ground into her.

“It seems someone’s up already anyway.”

Max growled again and nipped at her jaw before rolling them over so she was on top, moaning when he leaned up to take her nipple between his teeth.

She could definitely get used to this.

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Re: Linger, PART SIXTEEN [Mature] M/L *May 26*

Post by azure_horizon »

I've found a way to make you
I've found a way
A way to make you smile

Liz was humming when she woke from the short one hour nap she’d been allowed that morning. The humming was both physical and metaphorical; her body was humming in appreciation of all the good loving it had gotten the night before, while her throat was humming along in appreciation of all the good loving she had gotten the night before. She yawned and stretched, grinning when she heard Max groan against her stomach at her motion. She felt heat flush her cheeks as he peaked up at her from under his bangs and lashes. She could feel his answering smile on her ribs and the gentle laugh he emitted as he nuzzled the underside of her breast with his nose. Liz dropped her hands from above her head and ran them through his tousled hair, sighing in pleasure as Max pressed almost evanescent kisses onto the skin he could reach.

She would quite happily have lain there all day and let Max have his wicked, wicked way with her body but her alarm blared for the second time and she knew she really had to move if she had any hope of getting into work on time.

“You’re not leaving,” Max murmured against her, ceaseless in his kissing quest and when his lips latched onto her nipple, gently sucking, she was ready to acquiesce to his request. With the intention of pushing him off her body, she slid one leg between his ready to toss him off her and froze at the feel of his very, very hard morning glory against her thigh. Max froze, tensed then let out a long hiss as Liz drew her thigh back across his cock. “Do that again,” he said excitedly and Liz laughed, sliding her leg against his cock again and Max dropped his head into the crook of her neck with a quiet moan.

“I’ll tell you what,” she said against his ear and he drew back, looking at her eagerly. “Let’s kill two birds with one stone.” He frowned down at her and she quirked an eyebrow. “This,” she said and rubbed him again, “and me showering.”

He sprang away from her and was halfway down the hall before Liz was even out of bed.


When she made it to the kitchen half an hour later, her hair still damp and curling around her shoulders, Max was leaning against the counter watching her as he cradled a mug of coffee in his hands. He grinned lazily at her and handed her a steaming cup which she accepted readily, gulping down two large swallows while trying not to think of what she had swallowed not so very long ago.

“If you don’t get that look off your face, you definitely won’t be going to work today,” Max said huskily as he reached out and grabbed into her hips, pulling her flush against him. He plucked the mug from her hands but she didn’t protest and dropped his forehead onto hers, his eyes staring fixedly on her lips. She felt a smile play about on her lips at Max’s curious – cute? – behaviour. “Can I kiss you?” He murmured, his eyes rising to meet hers and she had to swallow down the sudden lump in her throat at the intensity of his stare. She nodded, not trusting her voice. Max’ hands came up to cradle up face and he tilted her head up from her chin, slowly lowering his lips to hers.

It was slow and warm and just so right that Liz felt a distinct prickling behind her eyes that she fought valiantly against. She brushed her tongue against his tentatively, then more surely until they were swirling together in a complex dance that Liz didn’t want to end.

Max pulled back long minutes later with a sigh. His arms around her tightened and he pulled her flush against his chest, resting his cheek against the top of her head as his fingers massaged the skin at the small of her back. She purred in contentment and felt his puff of laughter in his chest but she was too content to even consider moving.

Last night... She had waited a long time for that. And while it was confusing, Liz couldn’t imagine a better way for her night to have ended. She was glad of the wine and the beer and maybe even for Jose – and certainly for Jesse offering to take her home – but mostly she was glad that she had felt so rejected before any of those delicacies had been thrown her way. Because if she hadn’t... Last night wouldn’t have happened.

She was still surprised that it had.

“Max?” She asked cautiously a few moments later. He hummed above her and Liz drew her head back slightly, feeling her brow crinkle as she took in his tender expression. “Last night... what was...”

A slow smile stretched across his lips and Liz felt her breath catch in her throat again. Damn him for being so attractive.

“I think that is what they call a night long romp in the sheets.”

She quirked an amused eyebrow but instantly shook her head, removing the grin from her face.

“I know but... Why?”

His expression faltered and when she looked back up to his eyes they were more guarded than before and she felt his arms loosen around her. Instantly, she felt chagrined and maybe even a little rejected but she pushed it aside. She watched as he lifted his hand to his face, then scrub his fingers through his hair before meeting her eyes again, his stare obviously confused.

“You asked me to.” She quirked a questioning eyebrow and she felt him sigh, and she didn’t know what to make of that. She felt him shrug and she hated that he was attempting to be casual about it. “It was you.” She watched as he swallowed, his Adam’s apple bob up and down and she closed her eyes momentarily. “I find it difficult to refuse you, especially when you ask twice.”

She pulled back from him sharply, her eyes snapping open to stare up at him. She flitted between confused and hurt before the hurt won and she dropped her eyes, pressing her palm flat against her forehead.

“You didn’t want to?” She asked on a whisper, afraid to hear the answer, sure that he would say no.

Stupid, stupid Jose Cuervo. Stupid, stupid Liz Parker.

“No!” She snapped her head up, feeling tears sting her eyes as she met Max’s frantic gaze. “That’s not... That’s not what I meant,” he said again as he reached for her wrists, pulling her back towards him. One hand rose to her chin as he urged her to look up at him; she resisted but her was persistent and she met his gaze hesitantly, afraid of what she would see there. “I wanted to,” he said quietly, sincerely, looking into her eyes. “I really wanted to. I have for a long, long time.”

Liz swallowed and closed her eyes as a wave washed through her. She wasn’t sure what it was; relief, love, joy, relief... She bit her lip and squeezed her eyes shut before popping them open and staring up at him again.

“Kiss me.”

He grinned and lowered his head to hers.

“My, you’re a fast learner.”

Liz barely got her grin out before his lips were on hers.


Lunch time finally rolled around and Liz pushed herself away from the computer screen. The results from the labs hadn’t matched up with the control or their expectations and she had been sitting staring at the screen for the past three hours trying to figure out what it was that had gone wrong. The glare had given her sleep deprived brain a headache and her already dry eyes were itchy and sore now. She saved her work and shut the computer down, reaching into the bottom drawer for her bag and pulled out her cell, smiling when she saw she had three text messages and a voicemail.

Two messages were from Max (one about where the sheets were, the other telling her to ‘never mind’). The third was from her voicemail telling her she had a voicemail. She rolled her eyes and called her inbox, listening to the automated message tell her Michael had left her message two hours before. She was half way out of her office when the tone of his voice halted her steps and had the blood running cold through her veins.

“I’m picking you up for lunch at one. And then you’re going to tell me what the fuck you said to Max to get him to stay this time.”

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Re: Linger, AUTHOR NOTE [Mature] M/L *June 1*

Post by azure_horizon »

Part 18

I should never think
What’s in your heart
What’s in our home
So I won’t.
The furious silence in Michael’s car was broken only by his hard shifts of the gear shaft and the loud hum of the engine. She watched the city streets zoom by out the window and often caught her own frowning reflection. When she’d gotten into the car, Michael’s response to her reserved ‘hello’ was a snarled “Don’t talk until I’ve stopped driving.”

Liz had felt her stomach clench at that and she shot him worried glance after worried glance but he studiously ignored her imploring gaze and continued glaring at the road. She had seen Michael’s fury a handful of times and never had it been directed at her; the closest it came to her was when she’d walked in on him and Max throwing punches at one another that summer before they’d all left to go to college – the summer that Max told them that he was gay. It had taken Liz a long time to forgive Michael for the way he treated Max’s ‘coming out’, even after Max’s attempts to reassure her that it wasn’t what she thought.

Liz felt the car slow and when she looked out the window she saw that they were on the outskirts of town at a little cafe that Liz had heard about but never been to. She unbuckled her seat belt and Michael turned to her, watching as she reached for her bag.

“What?” She questioned warily but he shook his head, averting his eyes from hers to look at the cafe again. He winced in thought and Liz watched the muscles in his jaw tense and relax, over and over again.

“I won’t be able to keep my voice down,” he said and Liz felt her shoulders sag. Michael’s premonition at his temper unnerved her and she racked her mind for any clue as to why he might be this mad at her. “If we go in, I’ll no doubt cause a scene so... We can either scene cause, or get a take away and go to a park around the corner.”

Liz nodded. “Okay.”

Michael shifted in his seat, his face contorting again and she wondered what it was he was trying to say. He took a breath, then another before shaking his head and opening the door to the car. He paused, turning back to her and gave her a shaky smile.

“I’m sorry for kidnapping you,” he said almost lightly and she felt his fingers brush the back of her hand.

They didn’t make it to the park after Michael brought back their sandwiches and it was only when Liz lifted it to her lips that she realised just how not hungry she was. Her stomach was in knots but she took a bite anyway, mindful of Michael’s watchful gaze. She chewed slowly, taking a sip of coffee to help wash down the bread while she watched Michael watch her as he scarfed down his own foot long sub.

“Michael...” she began a few moments later, twisting in her seat to look at him as he wiped his chin with a wad of napkins. He closed his eyes and took a breath but she could see his shoulders tense after only a moment and she swallowed passed the nervous lump in her throat.

“What did you say to get him to stay, Liz?”

Liz frowned at the question – again – and wondered what the hell he was talking about. She thought back to last night and racked her brains, wondering if she had said something – other than the obvious – that would have Michael so furious. Or, was it the obvious that he was furious about? Had Max told him they’d had sex? She couldn’t imagine it but she’d given him no reason not to talk to Michael about it. But that begged the question as to why Michael was so furious.

“I haven’t said anything to him. Nothing out of the ordinary anyway,” she replied diplomatically and in a quiet tone but Michael simply closed his eyes and took another breath. It was a testament to his self-restraint that he was managing to control his temper so well and while the thought should terrify her, she had never felt unsafe around Michael.

“You might not realise you’ve said it.” Liz felt panicked. What did that mean? Had she inadvertently told Max that she had always wanted him? That she’d planned a life for them back in high school? Oh, God, what if she’d been talking in her sleep? While rare, it wasn’t impossible for her subconscious thoughts to slip passed her lips in the depths of slumber. Michael shifted in his seat, propping his knees on either side of the wheel and dragged a hand through his hair. “Remember that fight you saw Max and I having before we all left for college?” Liz huffed out an incredulous laugh but nodded anyway. The skin around his eyes tightened and he dragged his hand over his face again. “It wasn’t about what you think it was about.” Liz sighed and nodded.

“I know, Max told me-“

“Did he tell you what it was about?”

Liz shook her head.

“No, he wouldn’t tell me. He just told me it wasn’t what I-“

“That’s because it’s not. The guy is like a brother to me Liz, do you think I’d care if he was gay or not?” Liz bit the inside of her lip. “Sure as hell, he surprised me and I may have questioned him but never once did I judge him.”

Liz nodded again, wondering if this was going anywhere.

“What was it about then?” She asked when the silence dragged on. Michael looked over to her, his assessing gaze lingering on her face for a moment before he turned back to the windshield.

“What did Max tell you about UCLA?”

Liz guffawed at the abrupt turn of questioning, her mind reeling as she tried to follow Michael’s train of thought. It was futile and after a moment of her silence, Michael prodded her again.

“He just said he didn’t get in.”

“And you believed that?”

Liz felt anger bubble under the surface, mirroring Michael’s but she held it in check. She took a calming breath of her own before she replied, her voice steadier than she felt.

“Why wouldn’t I?”

Max had applied to two colleges: Boston University as his back up but his heart had been set on UCLA. He had applied there for a course similar to the one Liz had completed at Harvard but he had been turned down. Liz had never understood why they hadn’t accepted him, or why he hadn’t applied to Harvard the same as her but had opted to go to Boston to do sports but she whenever she had questioned him he had always told her, in his flirtatious way, that he couldn’t stand to be that far away from her and that he didn’t want to steal all her thunder by going to Harvard and kicking her ass in all the classes.

“Liz,” Michael scoffed out and glared at her. “He had a better GPA than you. Do you really think Harvard would accept you but UCLA wouldn’t accept him?”

Liz returned his glare but her mind was reeling. She had thought all of this at the time but combined with Max’s casual brush off and her excitement at getting into Harvard and classes starting, she’d never given it much further thought. She had just been glad Max was with her rather than on the other side of the country. Now, she wondered if she had been naive but... why would Max...?

“What are you getting at Michael? Why are you bringing this up now?”

“Max got into UCLA; they offered him a full scholarship.” Liz felt like her stomach had dropped out and she felt her eyes bug as she stared at Michael’s furious face. Thought fled her and she was left with a blank mind, staring at her childhood friend.


Max had struggled to pay his way through college at Boston because they only offered him a partial scholarship; it was part of the reason they had roomed together as well. That he turned down a full scholarship at the college he wanted... Liz couldn’t understand it. She wouldn’t understand it. Max had gotten into UCLA but had chosen to go to Boston. She was the one who wanted Boston, not him. He wanted beaches and sun and California while she wanted rain and fog and muddy rivers. She hadn’t even applied to UCLA as a back up.

She tried to swallow the lump in her throat but she couldn’t. So, speechless, she turned to Michael who was watching her carefully.

“You asked him not to.”

Liz sat up straight, one emotion coming to the fore and she spun on Michael, mouth agape, eyes ablaze.

“I did no such thing!” She guffawed.

Michael narrowed his eyes at her.

“Think about it Liz.” But she couldn’t. She wouldn’t. There was no way... “We were all sitting right there when you said it. And a week later, Max turned around and told us he was going to Boston – a week later when you walked in on us fighting.”

Liz’s mind reeled as she stared at Michael incredulously. They had all been there? No, she would remember if she asked Max to come to Boston with her. She hadn’t even know he’d gotten into UCLA how could she...



She giggled and curled up against his side, feeling the effects of the single bottle of beer she’d had. She laid her hand on his chest and peered up to his chiselled features through her eyelashes, smiling when he stroked her hair away from her face.

“What are you thinking about sweetheart?” He asked quietly and Liz grinned at the endearment before she sighed and dropped her head to his shoulder again, watching her fingers trace the lines of Max’s chest through his tee shirt.

“I’m going to miss you if you go to UCLA,” she murmured and she felt Max shift beneath her. She giggled again. “Come to Boston with me Max,” she said dramatically, pushing herself away from his body and straddled his hips. She watched as his eyes widened, his hands going to her hips to steady her but she had a firm grasp of his chest under her palms. “Come live in the rain and we’ll have tea parties and I’ll gloat when I kick your ass in class,” she giggled as she playfully slapped his chest.

“You want me to leave behind the sunny shores of LA and come to Boston with you?”

She rolled her eyes, laughing and she weaved her fingers into his hair, watching as his eyes flickered over her face.

“Well I don’t like the idea of you being all the way on the other side of the country Max. Besides, who’ll keep you out of trouble all the way over there?”

Her hips tingled where his fingers drew little circles on them and she wished that he actually meant it the way she wanted him to mean it. She pushed those thoughts aside.

“You could come to LA with me,” he replied, contemplatively and Liz laughed loudly at that.

“I could,” she murmured thoughtfully, a smile tugging at her lips. “But I burn.” He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her fully against him. She sighed when he buried his head in her neck and she took a whiff of his skin before pressing her forehead to his neck. “I’ll miss you,” she said again and Max’s grip tightened around her for a moment.

“I’ll miss you too.”

“I was kidding!” Liz exclaimed, unbidden tears in her eyes threatening to spill over. “I was kidding...” she repeated, dropping her head into her hands.

“I know. We all knew you were kidding. Even Max knew you didn’t mean it but...”

“You asked me to.” She quirked a questioning eyebrow and she felt him sigh, and she didn’t know what to make of that. She felt him shrug and she hated that he was attempting to be casual about it. “It was you.” She watched as he swallowed, his Adam’s apple bob up and down and she closed her eyes momentarily. “I find it difficult to refuse you, especially when you ask twice.”

“That’s why I had such a hard time believing... I’m not saying Max didn’t love John but...” He trailed off and Liz peered over to him, not wanting to even consider what it was he saying. “It was you, Liz.” She clenched her eyes shut and tried to keep the plug that she’d inserted years before in place. She couldn’t deal with this, not when she was already shaky from last night. She... she... “I think he was looking for any excuse to come to Boston with you.”

Liz heaved a shaky sigh, felt more tears run down her cheeks but she couldn’t stop it. There was no way... She couldn’t... Her mind was jammed; thought processing was backed up and it was all clogged in the back of her throat, bursting out of her mouth in heavy sobs.

“But... Why?”

Michael looked at her sadly, his lips turned down at the corners and Liz gulped again, shuddering in her seat.

“You know why,” he said quietly and Liz looked up to him, shaking her head.

“I can’t deal with this, take me back.”

Michael shook his head ardently and reached out to grab onto her shoulders. She tensed beneath him and he pulled his hands away as though she had burned him, his eyes wide.

“Did I hurt you?” She shook her head and he sighed in relief, running a hand over his face as he turned back to the windshield. Liz watched his profile, as his features shifted above his muscles. She concentrated on the line of his nose, the gentle pout of his lips because she knew that if she concentrated on what she really should be concentrating on, she’d break. The wall would come down, the plug would come out and she’d be right back to where she was eight years ago. She couldn’t go back there. “That’s why I need you to think about everything you’ve said to him that would even hint that you don’t want him to go.”

Liz sat up at that and turned to Michael, frowning.

“Go where?”

He snapped his head around to look at her, his face incredulous as he scanned her features.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” he roared, thumping his hands down on the steering wheel, the horn blaring under the pressure. He thumped a few more times, murmuring curses under his breath as he pounded his fists on his baby. “Maxwell Evans, you are a fucking idiot.”

Liz reached out to touch him, frantic and he turned to her.

“Michael, is Max going somewhere?”

He laughed but it wasn’t a kind sound and Liz shrunk away from him. He noticed and managed to reign in his manic laughter but he took his hands in hers and turned to face her, his face a curious concoction of fear, disappointment, incredulity and anger. His touch was gentle. His shoulders tense.

“Liz, Max was offered a job.” She nodded. She knew this. He told her he wasn’t sure about it. Oh God. She closed her eyes, waiting for it. “They want him to tutor the football squad and be a part time talent scout.” She clenched her eyes; Max’s dream job. A combination of his two favourite subjects – his intellect and his body. Fuck.

His hesitance to tell her about the job offer. That morning he’d rejected her.

“Don’t start something you’re not going to finish.”

Liz smirked and drew her hand away from him, wondering what the hell she was doing.

“Who said I wasn’t going to finish it?”


“It took every ounce of my willpower to tell you no, just now.” Liz tilted her head in his direction, surprised by his words. “I just don’t... I don’t think it’s a good idea to... to...”

To start something they couldn’t finish because he wasn’t going to be there. Stupid, stupid man. Had he decided to go and the changed his mind? Had he been swithering? Why had he not told her? Why, why, why. Oh God.

“Where?” She asked quietly, her fists clenching in Michael’s grip. He returned the pressure.

“San Francisco.”

“I find it difficult to refuse you, especially when you ask twice.”


“You want me to leave behind the sunny shores of LA and come to Boston with you?”

“So, whatever it is that you said to him... he said he wants to stay.”

“Are we doing this?” He whispered as he stroked his fingers over her stomach, the muscles contracting beneath his touch.

He ran her fingers through his hair at the nape of his neck and traced the column of his neck with her index finger, watching as he bent his neck for her touch.

“We already are doing this.”


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Re: Linger, PART 18 [Mature] M/L *June 4*

Post by azure_horizon »

A/N: So, I made the changeover of POV a chapter earlier because it just seems better to do it this way. This will now be told from Max’s POV. Enjoy!

Part Nineteen

Max was surprised by brightness of the room when he awoke. He had gotten used to the perpetual gray of late fall months and he knew he would hate it when winter did eventually roll in. He had never really been one for the cold, or the wet and this September weather was killing him. He tugged the duvet up around his chin and lay quietly, letting his body adjust to being awake. He could hear the sounds of life from down the hall and he took in a deep breath and could almost taste the coffee on his tongue. It was almost enough to tempt him from bed.


He ducked his head back under the duvet and closed his eyes for a couple of minutes.

He was awoken by a heavy weight being dropped across his torso and he groaned, pushing at it while simultaneously pulling at the duvet that the evil fiend was trying to pull off him. He grumbled and struggled but eventually light and cold air wafted into his warm sanctuary and he tossed the duvet back dramatically and glared maniacally.

“Seriously, Tess, what the fuck?” He groaned as he blinked against the brightness.

“You were supposed to get up forty minutes ago, you lazy ass now get up.”

Max groaned and flopped back onto the bed, arms spread eagled by his head and he shook his head from side to side, not daring to look at the clock on his bedside table. He was supposed to be meeting Paul at the gym what was now ten minutes ago. Damn.

“I told you I had to get up early this morning, why did you make me drink so much?”

Tess levelled him with a stare and quirked her delicate eyebrow. Her blue eyes turned icy in a moment but the small smirk playing around her lips gave her away. He returned her glare.

“I may have taken you to the bar but at no point did I force alcohol down your throat.”

“You may as well have.” Tess shrugged and swung her legs off the bed, straightening her gym clothes out before reaching down and tugging the duvet clean off the bed and Max whined; for such a tiny person, she was deceptively strong. “It’s a good thing I don’t sleep naked,” Max grumbled as he slowly sat up, running a hand through his hair.

“It’s nothing I haven’t seen before, sugar buns,” Tess quirked and Max sneered at her as she flounced out of the room, her blond curls bouncing behind her as she went. “We’re running down to Baker Beach this morning so set your iPod onto the second playlist I made for you.”

Max just grumbled as he stood at the side of the bed, stretching his arms about his head.

“You could at least feed me first, woman!”

Like he expected, Tess didn’t answer him.


Normally the run didn’t bother Max but when his sweat smelled like alcohol and his head felt like it was going to explode with every drop of his foot on the sidewalk it was getting to him more than usual. They didn’t usually run so late in the morning – usually they were up and out before the sun broke the horizon – and the streets were getting busy with eager tourists wanting to take in the sights of San Fran. It was probably the only thing he didn’t like about his choice of locale and if it had been up to him, he’d have chosen an abode a little further out of the centre but, as it was, it was just too convenient for him to be close to the centre.

Ahead of him, Tess was pulling away, her tight body vibrating along the paving stones and Max thought about just stopping where he was to wait for her to come back up. Instead, he palmed his iPod looking for the skip button and flicked through a couple of songs before setting back on pace. The day was bright and he wished he had picked up his sunglasses before heading out.

A group of tourists stepped out from a hotel and stopped on the sidewalk and Max had to skirt around them, smiling tightly to a few women who turned as he passed by them. He couldn’t imagine he looked any kind of attractive in that moment with his longer than normal hair pushed back from his face with a hair band, his chin decorated with days old grizzle or his shirt sticking to his body with alcoholic sweat.

Liz had used to laugh at him for his running gear but-

He wasn’t thinking of that. He felt the impact of the pavement up his shins and he realised he’d increased the tempo of his running. He forced himself to slow down and skipped the ACDC song that was blaring in his ears; he settled on some classic Meatloaf and found his head bobbing along to the music as he turned the corner and the sparkling sea appeared in front of him with the bridge looming high above it. He smiled, despite the wheezing noises coming out of his chest, at the sight before him.

Apparently, his momentary lapse in control had opened the flood gates because he thought, again, about Liz and what she would think of San Francisco, about Tess and his job. He thought about calling her and was glad that he didn’t have his cell with him. It was always that way when they took this route; the way the sea opened up before him triggered something and he couldn’t stop thinking about her until Tess clipped him about the head and dragged him to some inane sporting event until his voice was hoarse from cheering and his mind was blank with adolescent/caveman glee. In recent weeks, it had gotten better but it had been a few days since they’d taken this route and he’d not had time to mentally prepare himself for the onslaught before turning. It didn’t help that he’d been dreaming about her the night before, or that he’d been thinking about her moments before.

He channelled his frustration into running and he could see that he was gaining on Tess as they descended a steep slope. His lungs started to burn but he didn’t ease up until he was once again by her side. She turned to him, surprised, but smiled. She turned away but snapped her head back towards him and looked back at his face. He tried to turn away but he caught the frustrated glare on her face before he could. He met her eyes and shook his head once and focussed back on the path in front of them.

Tess didn’t like it when he thought about Liz.

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Re: Linger, PART 20 [Mature] M/L *June 22*

Post by azure_horizon »

Part Twenty

Max shielded his eyes from the low sun as he tucked his scarf tighter around his neck. The team he was watching were lacking in spark; the quarterback wasn’t leading the team, and neither was their coach but Max could see their potential. He made a few mental notes and continued to watch the line, the passes thinking about when he had used to play football back in college. It seemed like such a long time ago, when he’d been on the field and Liz, Maria and Serena would be in the stands jumping and screaming after him and Michael.

He sighed and shook his head.

Rationally, he knew it was okay to miss Liz – she had, after all, been his best friend. He’d spent most of his life with her. But he couldn’t now think of Liz without thinking about how royally screwed up everything had gotten. He had wanted her – he secretly believes that he had always wanted her, despite being gay – and when she’d asked him (not once, but twice) he had been helpless to resist. He had thought she wanted it too. He’d known she did but apparently, only as a one time thing.

And she’d had the audacity to be mad at him for wanting to actually try and make a go of it. Because if there was any one he wanted to make it work with, it was her. Especially after the sex. God, that night – that one night – had been... it had been heaven and hell all at once. Heaven to participate in, hell to try and forget. A part of him is certain that he doesn’t actually want to forget it.

He shook his head and rubbed the back of his neck, trying to ease some of the tension that was creeping up from his shoulders.

And that was why he didn’t let himself think about Liz Parker.

“Hey Max, what’s up?”

A freshman moved across the bleachers towards Max and he was surprised to see him out of the game.

“Nothing. What happened to you?”

The freshman – Chuck, maybe – rolled his eyes as he plopped down next to Max and leaned back against the bench behind him.

“Went over on my ankle; coach doesn’t want to push me too early in the season. It’s fine, though.” Max nodded and looked back down to the game. They were sitting around on the ground stretching out and Max realised he’d completely missed the last fifteen minutes of training. “You sure you’re all right man? You seemed pretty out of it.”

Max smiled again and turned to the kid beside him, nodding.

“Yeah. I was just thinking.”

“Women troubles?”

Max snorted but shook his head and laughed slightly.

“Something like that.”

After a few minutes of conversation and a promise from Chuck to actually do his coursework on time this week, Max was left alone on the bleachers to think. The sky was quickly darkening as the winter sun began to set but he made no move to leave.

He had been in San Francisco for almost four months and, aside from Tess, had told no one of his sexuality. It wasn’t that he was ashamed of being gay; he just wasn’t sure he was anymore. Since Liz, it seemed like he was asexual. He hadn’t looked at another man. Or woman. He hadn’t wanted another person. He and Tess had fumbled about a little one night after too many bottles of wine and he had felt nothing. Nothing. And Tess was hot. He’d made out with a few guys in various bars across the west coast but it had never felt quite right.

So he let his new friends and colleagues believe what they wanted. He supposed, in a sense, he should be glad that people were trying to set him up, or ask him out – that meant that they cared, right? And he really wanted to be with someone; he hadn’t gone this long without any kind of action since he first had sex and it was killing him. But the thought of having sex with someone other than Liz? Nope. Nuh-uh. He wanted to; he just couldn’t.

His cell vibrated in his pocket and he fished it out, his eyebrows rising involuntarily at the number that flashed across his screen.

“Hey Ser,” he said brightly as he answered. It had been too long since he had spoken to her – maybe even as long as a month ago. “What’s up?”

“Just calling for a chat, cutie.” He smiled and leaned back against the bench, ignoring the biting wind that whipped up out of nowhere and stung his cheeks. “Where you at in the world?”

“Just in San Francisco for now,” he replied. He’d travelled a lot in the first few weeks, just to make contacts and meet with team coaches across the western area but with semesters coming to a close for winter break, he’d been in San Francisco trying to keep his school’s boys on the straight and narrow.

“I’m going to cut to the chase here because I’ll be honest, Kyle is sucking on my neck and it’s turning me on.” Max guffawed into the phone and Serena laughed. “Are you coming home for Christmas?”

Max flinched slightly at that, bristling a little.

“Which home?” He didn’t wait for an answer. “Isabel is going to be in Roswell for Christmas this year, I was going to fly down and spend the break with them.”

“Oh.” There was a noise like a low thump and Max could hear Kyle cursing; Serena must have pushed him off and Max laughed at that. “That’s okay.”

Max frowned.

“What do you mean?”

“Oh! No! I just meant... I didn’t think you’d come back here and since Michael is staying with Maria this year, I didn’t want you to be alone; Kyle and I were going to offer to come over and spend time with you.”

Max was more than aware of how obviously she had left Liz out of the list but he didn’t comment. He was glad his friends hadn’t taken sides. He smiled into the phone.

“Thanks, Ser, but I think I’ll head to Roswell. I haven’t seen Is in... forever.”

“No, that’s okay. Was just a suggestion.” There was a sigh and Max copied it. “I miss you Max. We all do.” He snorted instantly and then groaned quietly at his reaction. “She does.”

“Yeah well, she knows where I am.” He huffed. “If she misses me so much, why hasn’t she called?”

“You haven’t given her your new number.”

Max snorted again. What a piss-ass excuse. He shook his head.

“It wouldn’t be too difficult to ask one of you for it.”

Serena sighed and Max regretted instantly putting her in the middle of his squabbles but she responded before he could apologise.

You didn’t give her your number. If that’s not a sign that you don’t want to talk to her, than I don’t know what is. She thinks so, too. She’s giving you space.”

Max huffed again and pushed himself forcefully off the bench, stopping down the metal stairs.

“It doesn’t even matter. She didn’t even say goodbye before I left so it’s her own fault.”


“I have to go Serena.” He hung up before she could respond. At the bottom of the steps he stopped and spun around quickly in a circle, half tempted to stomp his feet. Instead, he kicked at the bottom step, revelling in the instant sting of pain that shot through his toe. There was a reason he didn’t think about Liz, let alone talk about her. And talking to Serena had ripped the proverbial band aid off and all the pain and anger came rushing forward all at once, with no direction and nowhere to go. He jumped up and down a few times, trying to expel the energy. He kicked at the bottom step again and again until his foot was numb. “Fuck!”

He flopped down onto the dented bottom step and dropped his head into his hands but he refused to lash out anymore. It hadn’t did him any good four months ago and it certainly wouldn’t now. He may not understand why, but Liz Parker didn’t want him. And he had to get the hell over her.

Welcome to the beautiful