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Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 2:19 am
by Hunter
pijeechinadoll wrote:
Hunter wrote:Belong
wow :shock: that was beautiful ^^ actually that was better than mine. it feels and sounds like a poem. :D
there's such power in it, it's really moving. HUNTER you defantly should write more.
:cry: Thanks so much. I'm not feeling well upset about how things are going and this was the poem that just came out from my mind.

It's not better then yours obviously. Lol. Thanks for beleiving in me. I felt like an idiot though, posting that poem.

Thanks :D

I'm From

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 3:52 pm
by DreamerM&L
This is a poem that I had to write for my A-Level the first lesson.
and it was similar to another poem but i cant remeber what!! plus the last two lines of this poem are just rubbish!

I'm from Nairobi, Where there is as much
Wealth as there is poverty
From a small town
Which has two different worlds

I'm from my mother who does the best for us
Who wants the best life for us
From a father who loved me very much
Even if it was only for six years.

I’m from a family where I was taught to do the right thing
Where I was taught to take responsibility for my actions
From a family who once lived together
But not any more

I'm from a place where war and crime rages on
But I never let that effect me
From a family who loves me
And a brother and sister who annoy me


Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 9:03 pm
by dreamer19
Plucked Away

It hurts deep inside,
An ache
I want gone.

Resistance I try
By playing memory games
And artificial substitutes.

Imagine a swan’s feathers
Ivory and soft, delicate looking
All being plucked away
One by one, they are harshly disappearing.

An adult ugly duckling,
What a sight.

Skin still tender and soft,
But unavoidably abused.

Afraid to reach out and touch it,
Not wanting to neglect it.

Dislike of my very being,
Being that swan, I plucked out all my feathers.
Not exposing myself to the public,
Only to myself.

The truth about ugliness,
Is it involves only poisonous thoughts.


Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 9:32 am
by April
Beautiful poems, everyone! WOW!

Okay, so here's the deal: I'm in a Creative Writing class right now, and I'm getting ready to turn in my end-of-the-semester portfolio in, oh, about a week. I have to have two poems in there, and one of them is really causing me problems. I'll post it as it is right now. If it sucks, please tell me. Any suggestions? Tell me those, too.

Note: It's about the end of the world, a party at a church, and the 7 Deadly sins.


The end of days seeps in at night.
Broken clouds fracture moonlight.
Shivering, adamant flames
sway towards the place of weird prayers.

It’s the place where punks and thugs
slam angry fingertips
onto the rusty organ ivories,
And hymns are hip hop now,
a dirty dancing beat.
Bodies in motion have clothed sex.

The place where the baptismal
christens Corona, where
gluttons stagger and crash on pews,
And grating envy cloaks
the wallflower who nail-bites
his final minutes away.

The place where glassy-eyed gazes
at the grey mural on the ceiling see
faded artwork, religious once.
Hands of opportunists
seize silver coins and Washingtons
from the offering plate.

The place where stained-glass windows
shine with proud rainbows of youth,
too focused on their own reflections
to notice the orange flicker outside.

Last Sunday they called themselves Christians.



Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 8:12 pm
by POM

Everytime I look into your eyes

I see a glimpse of hope,

a glimpse of love,

the bitterness that eats my soul,

the loss of someone becoming whole

As time moves on,

but still I stand

this loneliness is becoming my second chance,

Everytime I look at you,

you remind me of all the good times,

all the good laughs,

and the memories we shared...

it's hard to think of what will happen,

now that your not here.

Still the tears fall,

and still my heart is calling for you,

because you are no longer here...

but the memories live on... and I still cry,

will this remorse end--I need to get on with my life.

Everytime I hear your voice,

my heart swells,

and my body grows limp,

Only you could to this...

Everytime you are near,

I never want the day to end...

But suddenly it has...

I keep my head held high,

because I know...that even though you aren't here with me,

you are looking down upon me.

Everytime I look at the sky and the clouds above,

I smile knowing that your love was never gone.


Finding me

It is my soul that blinds me,

it is my heart that frees me,

it is my love that confindes me,

lingers over the morning dew,

drowning on the sarrows on another day,

deepened thoughts and cloudy summers,

leave me in a whirlwind of emotions

the yearning calls out my name...

the wind screams for me,

but I never come

never come to its beckoning

afraid of what it will bring and

whether it will be my last breath,

whether it will be my last morrow...

whether the darkness will take me,

swallow my whole

and leave me cold,


and unloved--

my mind wondering this lonely dirt covered earth,

and I wait...

I wait in silence for someone to claim me

and I wait for my love to find me.


My destiny

Im just so tired,

tired of all the lies,

and wondering why...

why can't I be free from you,

every time I think I have,

you drag me back in.

You were the one to say Good-Bye,

and yet you are the to crawl back,

Like a fool I give in,

thinking that maybe this time,

you will get it and give in

take hint and notice that everything is not alright,

I want to throw a fit every time you call me up,

and beg for another chance,

but i'm the one with no will,

because I am always the one to cave in.

I feel like I'm trapped for always trying to be

the bigger person,

but yet always falling back into last place,

and into your arms once again.

I smile to hide the anger,

and you believe every word out of my mouth,

I try and talk to you...

but I don't want to listen,

I'm always the nice one,

also considered to be 'Too Nice'...

I guess that's true considering the situation we are in now,

I can't take it anymore,

your smile,

your laugh,

your kisses..

they will not change my mind this time,

this time I will say no,

and push away...

This time I'm standing up to you,

and I'm going to be alright without you,

just you wait and see--

I'm going to create my own destiny.


Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 3:23 am
by pijeechinadoll
awww pompom i just read ur poem. its really beautiful.

and everyone else great job!! all the poems are fantastic.x
much love pingx


Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 9:21 pm
by POM
pijeechinadoll wrote:awww pompom i just read ur poem. its really beautiful.

and everyone else great job!! all the poems are fantastic.x
much love pingx

Awe :oops: thanks <3 . I've been writting poetry since I was 11yrs. old and attempted to write a novel when I was 13 yrs. old--this is the one thing that comes easy to me ;) .

Here's another poem off the top of my head. Enjoy.

Move on
By: Erica aka POM <3

That's how the heart goes on,
continues to thud against purest of pains.
how each breath is numbered,
and counted upon the highest of hopes.

My love was never tainted,
washed with sorrow,
and simply vanished without knowing how to control it.

I thought I loved you,
but I guess I was wrong,
so many times--you said that I was the one.

A second chance is what you wanted,
but my heart cannot go back,
the time spent apart--
lingering and stolen
my soul has moved on, even when yours hasn't.

Just leave me be,
and move on with your life.
I will never be calling you back,
just go home, and find another
to love, and hug.

I cannot take back the words you said,
even though you wished you did not say them.
what's done is done--
there is the smallest of hopes for us to continue.

It is just to hard, why can't you see?
your hurting me just by standing here--
stop arguing with me.

Just let me live my own life,
while you continue on with yours--
I hope you find happiness, and success
in this future of yours.

Move on--and let me go,
for I do not love you.

Please just move on, and let go.