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Re: Holding on..(AU, M/L, Adult) Chpt 13 & 14 1/21/09 p. 10

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 7:46 am
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb


A/N: I thought of updating this since my muse kicked in after a long time. I know you guys have questions to how Amber ended up with Max but don't worry. Gradually I'll reveal that. Hope you enjoy the next two chapters.

Chpt 13

"Daddy I finished eating all the spaghetti letters." Little Amber sung in a mantra, holding her fork in the air. "I'm a good girl aren't I?".

Max smiled as he grabbed the empty plates of the table and began washing them. "Yep, my little girl is a very good girl."

Turning the tap on, he gave the plates a quick rinse before applying the washing liquid and using the sponge to wash them. Amber picked up the glass of water and drank it.

"Princess how was school today?". Max asked while washing up the dishes.

"Well, it was okaaay." Amber put her glass down and hopped off the chair. "Mr Whitman made us write a story today."

"Is that why I found a box of chocolates in your bag?". Max teased his little girl. She was a really cheeky girl but so adorable.

"He really liked my stowy." Amber yawned and trotted her way towards the sink where Max was washing up.

Max smiled. He knew Amber was Alex's favourite student and he also knew that his sister had a huge crush on his daughter's teacher, Mr Whitman.

Max moved aside and turned the cold tap on along with the hot water so his daughter's hands wouldn't get scorched with the hot water. Amber put her tiny hands under the water. "Thankooo daddy."

When she was done, Max resumed washing and Amber dried her hands using the dishcloth. "I'm tired daddy." Amber said, watching her father dry the dishes and stack them away.

"Come on then sweetie, let's get you to bed." He said and scooped her little frame into his strong arms and carried her towards her Disney painted room.

When she slipped into her Sleeping beauty nightgown and hopped into bed, Max was busy finding a story to read his daughter as he did every night and picked her most favourite one. Smiling, he held the book close to his chest and used his large hands to cover the cover of the book to stop his daughter from peeking.

"Guess what story I'm going to read to you today?".

Amber tried to peek through the gaps between her father's fingers but she couldn't get a glimpse. Returning the smirk to her father, she waited till he sat on the stool near her bed.

"I am no good at guesses." She folded her arms and pouted.

"Come on Ambs.." Max grinned.

"Er..." Rolling her eyes, she tried to remember the story she loved the most. She had so many. But nothing could beat the one which seemed new to her every time it was read to her. "Beauty and the Beast?".

"Yess!". Max flipped the book over and showed her the cover. Amber squealed with joy.

"I LOVE THAT!". Her eyes glittered with utter joy as her father was going to read her favourite story to her. "I love that story so much! start please! Start!". Amber pleaded.

"Okay, Max sat on the stool and flipped the book open to the first page. "Right here we go..."

When she had finally drifted off to sleep, Max finished the last line and closed the book. Even he was enticed by the enchanting tale of this beautiful love. Watching his precious daughter sleep, he stood up and lifted the covers up to her neck and bent down, pressing a tender kiss to her forehead.

Love was what he shared with his daughter. Parental love.

He really missed the love he heard about in the movies, stories and even from people around him. If people were happy in love, he envied them. He had love like that and had lost it. Love for him was short-lived.

He shook his head in denial and laid the book on the nightstand and dimmed the light down a little on the lamp. "Goodnight my angel." He whispered to his daughter and was about to leave until she, in her sleep whispered out one word.



"Beth! Beth!" Poppy Su Lee and Maria gasped, running towards the hyperventilating young woman who looked like she was gasping for air.

"Pops the fire!". Maria said, remembering why her friend had been knocked down in the first place. The fire wasn't much but for Liz it seemed like a inferno.

Maria took hold of Liz as everyone gathered around to watch the drama. Poppy Su Lee looked around and found a scarf hanging on the marquee and pulled it before whipped the fire down.

Liz hiccupped when Maria slapped her out of her trance. "Are you alright Beth?".

In deep breaths, she could only not. "I-I thi-think so."

"I think she needs to be inside." Poppy gasped, looking at Liz's pale face.

"Come on." Maria wheeled her inside the house while Poppy assured the guests that everything was okay.

When Maria took Liz inside the house and allowed Liz to wash her hands, she watched her and wondered why Liz had almost had a fit over two feet of flames.

"Beth...I hope you don't mind me asking this but fire? are you by chance a fire phobic?".

Liz shut the taps and wiped her hands dry. "I don't know Maria. I was never really around fire before."

"That's weird." Maria pondered, pulling a face. "So all your life you've never been around fire and now you're scared of fire?"

Liz shook her head as she stepped out of the bathroom. "Maria I have no clue what's going on. I swear, I haven't...actually I don't know my life at all."

"Because you lost all your memories five years ago." Maria repeated the words her friend had told her before. "But it's weird that you don't remember anything." She wondered as she followed her friend down the hall and into a room. "I'm surprised. I thought your parents filled you in on everything in your life what happened before the accident?".

"They did." Liz sighed, looking at the ring on her finger which her parents just told her that it was a vintage ring she brought at the local shop. They had told her everything about her life hence she had that box of memories. But something wasn't right. "They never told me about my fear of fire." Liz softly said.

"Beth, talk about leaving some details out of your life." Maria rolled her eyes. "Well, it's just a little detail. Maybe you weren't scared of fire before." Maria shrugged.

"Ah...I don't know Maria." Liz said. "I'm having little blackouts lately. I mean, it happened as far as I can remember. About a year ago, I would just see things and...well I think I'm starting to remember my life." Liz gasped.

"Wow...this could mean you could get your old self back." Maria smiled.

"Maybe." Liz said. Wondering if that was a good thing or a bad thing.


Re: Holding on..(AU, M/L, Adult) Chpt 13 & 14 1/2/09 p. 10

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 7:50 am
by Hunter
Chpt 14

Nancy Parker fiddled with the plane ticket in her hand. Today was the day, things would change for the better. She should have done this years ago she told herself. Standing at the terminal, she looked at the time of the flight. In no time she would be on the plane back to America, back to Roswell.

She hoped this plan of hers would work. She left a message on her daughter's phone and made sure she left no flaw in the message. Her daughter would read the message and then come and try to find her. Nancy smiled. Jeff was busy elsewhere as usual and during the years she had made use of her time by familiarizing herself with his pattern, knowing when and where he usually did things and chose the right timing to set her plan.

The lady handed back her passport and wished Nancy a safe flight. Nancy took off with her boarding pass and left.

Things were going to change.


Rubbing his eyes, Max got a better view of the thin slender form lying on his couch. "Serena?". He stared into her face.

Serena yawned. "Hey Max. I used the key under the mat."

"I don't have a key under the mat." Max stated watching her.

"I borrowed..well I made a duplicate of Michael’s spare key to your apartment." Serena said, getting up. Max averted his eyes from her bare legs.

"Just clean up will ya? I don't want my little girl to be seeing a half naked lady."

Serena laughed as she slipped on her jeans. "Don't worry Max. Ambs won't see a thing. And it's eight o clock. She'll be still sleeping." Serena zipped her jeans up.

"No, she usually wakes up around that time and...what's up Serena?". Max asked and turned around when she had put on her jeans.

"Ashley threw me out." Serena shrugged. "Turns out she likes cock."

Max's jaw dropped as he saw his daughter emerge from her room. "Serena." Max hissed.

Serena noticed Amber in the room and wanted to kick herself for being clumsy. "Sh-shorrry." Serena's face went red as Max shot her a serious look.

"Daddy, me hungry." Amber said, holding her little teddy in one hand and rubbing her eyes with the other tiny hand.

Max thanked god his little girl hadn't noticed Serena half naked and using the C word.

"You brushed your teeth sweetie?".

"Yep". Amber nodded and flashed her set of pearly whites to her father.

"Very good." Max smiled. "I have breakfast for you my princess."

Amber ran and jumped into her father's arms while Serena watched in awe. Hugging her father, Amber then acknowledge Serena's presence. "What is aunt Serena doing here?".

"She's going to eat breakfast with you guys." Serena answered instead of Max. "Hey Max, what's up for breakfast?".

"Pancakes." Max said.

"PANCAKES!" Amber shrieked, now fully awake. "DADDY I LOVE YOU!". She clapped her hands happily as he placed her down on the chair. Serena helped herself to a chair and sat with them. When Max handed his daughter her breakfast and Serena gladly took the remaining pancakes.

"If I had known you were going to crash here tonight." Max said, walking towards the electric cooker. "I would have made waffles."

"Awww, ain't that sweet." Serena laughed. "You know I hate waffles".

"Exactly." Max grinned, pouring the pancake batter into the pan.

"Why you hate waffals?". Amber asked curiously, swinging her little legs back and forth while biting in to her pancake.

"It's just not my thing sweetie." Serena answered the cute little girl. "Besides, it's bad enough my mom loves it."

"Daddy...." Amber hesitated. "We don't we ever talk about mommy?".

Max froze.

An uncomfortable silence passed between them to which Serena noticed the awkwardness between father and daughter. Amber was watching her father with eagerness to get a response to him, she feared she was expecting the reaction she wanted and Max hadn't even moved an inch. His back stood like a statue, still and unmoving faced towards them, hiding the emotions that were running through his face.

He did a good job of hiding his feelings, thought Serena. "Amber..." She turned her eyes on the little expectant girl.

"No Serena." Max said in shaky breath and finally turned around. He knew that someday Amber would finally ask him directly about her mother and she had a right to know about the woman who gave birth to her. "She should know."

Serena's eyes sparkled with worry as it finally dawned on her that Max was finally going to tell Amber about her birth mother.


Liz's jaw dropped when she received her mother's message and the words she could only have playing over and over again in her head was "I'm leaving your father, don't tell him. Find me if you can. Alien Central." Now that didn't make sense. Either she hadn't noticed how bad things between her parents had gotten or this was just a nightmare.

"Shit, shit..." Liz cursed and put her cell phone away from her ear. "Don't tell dad." She repeated softly.

Liz wondered what the problem was between her parents. Her father was on business tour with her fiancé now which gave her time to go find her mother and talk some sense into her.

She looked at her cell phone and dialled her friend's number.

Half an hour later when Maria had arrived at Liz apartment, she couldn't believe the news. "Alien Central? USA?". Maria repeated.

Liz nodded. "Do you know what she means?". A clueless Liz asked.

"Beth...I believe she's talking about Roswell." Maria smiled. "The forty seven crash". Maria used her index and middle fingers to emphasize the sarcasm in her tone.

"The forty seven crash?". Liz asked, wondering what on earth Maria was going on about.

Maria shook her head. Not only her friend had forgotten about her own life before the accident but had wiped out historical events from her mind. "You just book your flight to Roswell and I'll show you what I mean sister." Maria chuckled.


Re: Holding on..(AU, M/L, Adult) Chpt 15 1/12/09 p. 11

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 8:31 am
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb everyone!



Hope you enjoy the next part! :D

A/N: Dedicated to keepsmiling7, thank you for your lovely fb to this story. My muse is back in action thanks to you! :D

Chpt 15

Max is 16 and Liz is 15 years old.

"Go away Max." Liz snapped, folding her arms as she stormed away from him.

Max jogged after Liz and grabbed her arm, forcing her to face him. "Don't run away from me please..." He begged, catching his breath. "Please tell me what's wrong."

Liz flashed her angry eyes at him. "Tell you what's wrong?". She raised an eyebrow. "The fact that you're butting in my business. Who I date or like is none of your beeswax Max, how dare you interrupt my date with Lewis!".

"Liz.." Max wanted to knock some sense into his best friend. "If you call that a date!" Max scoffed. "That guy is bad news, I don't want you to get hurt."

"'s okay for you to go around with Constance and not me to date whoever I want to?". Liz snapped, tears threatening to spill. She was pissed that Max stopped her from sleeping with Lewis. She assumed he had already taken that step with Constance and it killed her that Max was in love with someone else and not her.

Liz was sure that she was in love with Max, deeply in love with him.

"Liz, Constance and I are dating genuinely, Lewis only wants one thing from you and that is..."

"Sex!". Liz shouted. "Yes I know but I want the same thing back!". Liz screamed. Did Max know how much those words haunted her? That his relationship with Constance was genuine.

Max gasped. Who was the girl before him? Liz always was careful not to fall into that world and now she was desperate to recklessly jump into a world of sorrow and lonliness. He couldn't beleive it.

"Liz..." The pain in his glassy eyes was evident. "I can't watch you get hurt...I..."

"What Max?". Liz demanded. "Say it."

"You're my best friend and I care about you."

And that wasn't quite the answer she was hoping to get.


Max sat Amber on his lap ready to finally let her in on the secret he kept about her mother. "Amber, I need you to stay quiet and listen okay?". Max stroked his daughter's soft hair as she snuggled against him.

"Okay daddy".

Max took a deep breath and began. "Your mother....well she...I knew her from a very very long time ago. She everything. It wasn't until late until I realised I loved your mother so much." He gulped, remembering the night they had spent their final moments together, who knew that this would be their first and last moment together..."I told your mommy how much I loved her and she loved me too. But..." Tears swam in Max's eyes as he looked down in shame. "But she had to leave."

"Why daddy?". Amber couldn't help but ask.

"Because she had to. She was afraid things won't be good if she stayed. Her-" Max stopped himself. The last thing he wanted to do was cause his daughter more confusion. "Mommy had things to be taking care of and then she had you when she went away."

Amber eyes widened as they glimmer with tears.

"She had to go to...god....and she left you to me..." Max shut his eyes and the tears seeped out.

"Mommy died...because of me?". Amber concluded. She had heard things about some mom's dying after having a baby and she feared that was the case with her.

"No." Max hushed his daughter. "It's not your fault." He looked up at his tearful daughter. "God wanted her so god took her."

"But that's not fair." Amber pouted. "I didn't even meet my mommy."

"You will one day." Max promised hugging his daughter. "We'll all be together one day."


"You're my best friend and I care about you." Liz mumbled in her sleep. Poppy and Maria tried not to laugh as Liz was talking in her sleep.

"She said that like an hour ago." Poppy told Maria.

"I think she's having one of her flashbacks." Maria said and pinched Liz to wake her up. "Morning Beth!".

Liz jerked up in her seat and it took her a few moments to realise that she was still in her jet plane with her friends. "Huh? Why haven't we landed yet?".

"Beth, we'll be off soon. We just passed New York." Poppy Su Lee. "Besides, I'm just excited to go to America as you are."

Liz brushed her hair back and grabbed a refresh towel before wiping her face.

"Beth, what does you're my best friend and I care about you mean?" Maria asked in curiosity.

Liz turned her head towards Maria. "Was I sleep talking again?".

Poppy Su Lee and Maria nodded.

Liz groaned. "Fuck, I keep having these weird dreams and I can't make out who the guy is in them."

"Ooh, is he hot?". Maria beamed.

"I can't see his face but his voice...kind of blocked but I happen to love the sound of his voice." Liz half whispered. "I was saying you're my best friend and I care about you?".

"Yeah. You said that quite a lot." Poppy nodded her head.

Liz shrank back in her seat. "I haven't said that for a long"

"It must be a very special memory." Maria suggested. "Besides, does this dream guy always come in your dreams?". She asked playfully.

"Always." Liz whispered, wondering who the guy was that would never leave her dreams.

Who was he?


Re: Holding on..(AU, M/L, Adult) Chpt 16 1/13/09 p. 12

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 12:46 pm
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb everyone! :D

Chpt 16

When they had landed, the girls checked in a hotel and Liz was busy ringing up the cops to help track her mother down. It was very unusual for her mother to run away like this and after getting off the phone with the cops, Liz sighed and lay down with the two girls on the huge king sized bed.

"Found anything?". Poppy Su Lee asked.

"Nope." Liz sighed in frustration. "All they said that they'll keep an eye out for her."

"Sucks to be you right now." Maria rolled her eyes.

"Sorry Liz but your mom did the right thing by running away." Poppy laughed. "I mean, what a great excuse to finally be in America. I always wanted to go."

Liz snorted. "Yeah, I think it's a great idea to get away from Paris for a while. Besides, I..this could help me retrieve some of my memories. Being here." Liz sat up. "I don't know why but Roswell...I feel like I know this place my whole life."

"Yeah." Maria laughed. "You didn't know what your mother meant by Alien central."

Liz got off the bed and then ran towards the phone, picking the phone up she dialled a number by heart and waited. "Yeah, can I have three blue moon burgers with Saturn rings and three alien blasts?". She told the person and then put the phone down. Maria and Poppy Su Lee climbed off the bed with her.

"What is it?".

"Okay, how did I know that number?". Liz asked, feeling a bit suspicious.

"You tell us. You run off and dial some weird number asking for some alien stuff." Maria answered.

"I've known that number for a long time." Liz bit her bottom lip. "But I don't know how or why I know it."

"Maybe you ordered things from that place before." Poppy suggested.

"Maybe." Liz said. "But I haven't been told about the Crashdown but I know everything off the menu."

"Wow....creepy Liz.. next you're going to tell me you know where you lived here before."

Liz looked at Maria.


Michael flipped the burgers over while his boss Linda Troy swooned over Pam who obviously didn't leave Michael alone. Yeah, sure he must have banged her a few times but he wasn't interested in pursuing a relationship with the whore. Her ginger hair and green eyes weren't his cup of tea but she was a wild lay. He needed a light releif and he used it. After Max had left the university to take care of his daughter, Michael had also went to Roswell with him and commuted between Santa Fe and UCLA. Max was the only brother he had and he always wanted to support him so he applied at the crash down and was also training to be an engineer as his course. He was pretty content with his life, it was the Troy’s that he couldn't stand. So fussy over everything.

"Michael, don't she look beautiful?". Linda lifted her daughter's hair which she straightened for the past half an hour.

"Yeah." Micheal said unenthusiastically. "She looks perfect." He nodded and went back onto focusing on the cooking. Apparently this was a special order so he had to make sure everything was well done.

While the mother was fussing over her daughter, Michael took the time to finish the order and was about to place it in a takeout box until the door chimed open and a honey blonde walked it.

At that moment, he happened to turn around and see a gorgeous woman smiling at him. He almost dropped the box out of his hands until she actually spoke to him and he realised he was actually living his fantasy.

"Hi." Maria gave a friendly smile to him. "I am here for the special order." She whispered.

God, he was so lost by looking at her juicy full lips that he was tempted to have a taste. No woman's lips had ever seduced him simply by looking at it. This woman was fine.

"Ur Special?". Michael repeated and looked at his hands. "Oh yeah." He nervously thrusted the box on the counter towards her and closed it before taking out a bag from underneath the counter and putting the box in it. He threw in a few sachets of ketchup, Tabasco, mayonnaise and barbecue sauce with a bunch of tissues. "Enjoy." He handed the box to her.

"What about the alien blasts?". Maria reminded him, looking at him as if he lost his marbles.

"Oh yeah, be back in a mo." Michael shot her an apologetic look and rushed to grab three alien blasts and sticking the lid on them before putting them on the cardboard cup holder and grabbing three straws and handing them to Maria. "Here you go." He felt like kicking himself for stuttering. This girl was so beautiful. He would love to run his fingers through her soft curly locks and suck on those lips.

"Here's twenty dollars." She handed him a crisp clean note. "Good thing I bloody exchanged the French currency for dollars."

"You from France?".

"I spent the first six years of my life in the US but I was moved to Paris and now I'm back. Dad's an American and my mother is a Frenchwoman." Maria laughed.

"Wow..." Michael gasped, taking the money. "No wonder you so beautiful."

"Ah, shucks, I'm a model for a some French magazine. Not a big deal." Maria blushed. "I have to doll myself up all the time and I can't be bothered to get it all off."

Michael watched the way her lips move, hearing the love songs in his head. He was floored by this french beauty.


"You.." Michael said, looking away and at the money in his hands, embarrassed for gazing at her. "You paid three dollars more."

"Ah, keep it." Maria said. "Like they say.." Maria puckered her lips up. "Keep the change." She blew him a kiss before grabbing the stuff and making her way out of the Crashdown.

"Hey wait!". Michael called after her. "What's your name?".

"Maria." She smiled. "And Michael." She looked at his name tag. "I'll be seeing you often." She winked at him before leaving.

He definitely would like to see her again.


Later on that day, Liz was feeling a little homesick and decided to have a stroll around the town. Maria was busy fast asleep and Poppy Su Lee was bored, eager to explore the town so the two girls decided to leave a sleeping Maria and head outside.

The weak sunlight was powerful for them as it's hot rays almost scorched them, Poppy in particular. "Damn. it's 100 degrees here. Now I see why people need an air conditioner in their houses here."

"It's pretty bad in the winters." Liz smiled and then stopped.

"You remember Beth!". Poppy squeaked and then her smile faded as she saw Liz's frown of confusion. "You don't mean this town in particular do you?".

"I don't know." Liz mumbled and crossed the road. Poppy trailed behind and a car screeched to a halt almost knocking Poppy over.

Serena sighed in frustration as she had to hit the brakes because someone didn't see the don't walk sign on the traffic light. Her star bucks coffee in the cup holder almost spilled over and she cursed. Poppy stopped.

"Holy Eiffel tower! Watch it!"

Serena pressed the button to get her electric window down and stuck her head out of the window. "Hey, can't you see the sign? No walking duh!". Serena pointed at the traffic light.

Poppy looked up and then looked back at the female driver who almost knocked her over and she stuck her tongue out. "When Poppy walks, the cars must stop!".

Liz sighed and walked back to her stubborn friend, pulling her off the road. "I'm sorry." Liz apologised to Serena as she dragged her friend to safety.

She felt stupid for walking on the road without looking first. Poppy almost got hit because of her.

Serena pulled her head back in as soon as some brunette took the Chinese girl off the road and then drove off.

"Poppy, most people aren't very friendly all the time so you have to watch out." Liz said. "Besides, you want to stay alive don't you?".

"Beth, I'll be fine." Poppy laughed. "Let's forget about it. Come on, let's go get some soda."

The two friends passed a couple of tourist shops and then stopped at a toy shop because Poppy loved her doll collection. "Oh come Beth, me wants an American dolly!". Poppy pouted. "Pweease?".

"You know, you're like a baby." Liz giggled.

Poppy clasped her hands together. "Pwease?". Her dark brown eyes shining like puppy dog eyes.

"Okay...okay." Liz relented and then walked in the toy shop with her friend following her.

While Poppy was too busy gazing at various type of toys, Liz was standing by the rolls of Pixar gift-wrap with her arms folded.

She was too busy looking around with her eyes that she hadn't noticed a little girl heading her way and then bumping into her.

"Oh." The little five year old girl looked up to see a very pretty lady.

Liz looked down to see a very beautiful little girl looking back at her. Her sweet amber eyes staring back at her.


Re: Holding on..(AU, M/L, Adult) Chpt 17 1/21/09 p. 13

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 12:44 pm
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb everyone! :D
Shell- Shell your fb was so sweet! Thanks for the compliment on my banner! Love your fb!

A/N: This part was corrected by Jan last minute. I write this a long time ago but wasn't satisfied with it. Jan fix the mistakes. So I'm dedicating this chpt to Jan for being such a sweetie and a help whenever I need her. Love you Jan!

Chpt 17

Liz was in awe of this little girl who had bumped into her.

"I'm sowwy." She said in her cute little voice.

"Aww, it's okay." Liz fought the urge to ruffle her soft brown hair.

"You look like a pwetty lady." The little girl stood on her tip toes and touched a strand of Liz's long hair. "You have nice soft hair like mine." She experimented with Liz's hair, twirling it between her tiny fingers. She didn't know why this lady seemed so important to her and Liz had no clue why this little girl was so mesmerizing. Her beauty was indescribable. She had seen many children but none had captured her heart like this simple girl here.

She couldn't put her finger on it.

"Amber honey, come on.." Serena fiddled with the shopping bags full of toys for Amber as she made her way towards the little girl, who she feared she had lost and then noticed the girl touching some woman's hair.

The same woman from the road, the friend of the Chinese woman. "Oh, I'm so sorry." Serena apologised before pulling Amber away from Liz. "She doesn't usually do this." Serena shyly said, wondering why Amber was touching some random stranger's hair. She and Amber would need a good talk later on.

"It's okay." Liz urged. "I don't mind." She gave the little girl a smile. "She's so pretty."

"I like you." Amber innocently told her. "What's your name?"

"Beth." Liz smiled at her.

"Well Beth, if you don't mind we have to go. Nice seeing you again." Serena said, wanting to leave now.

"But-" The little girl frowned as her aunt Serena lead her away from the pretty lady. Amber turned around looking at Liz while she was being taken away.

Liz watched sadly as they were parted. She couldn't mistake the sadness on the girl's face when they left.

But those amber eyes...

She knew she saw them once in her lifetime.


Nancy waited until the door opened.

"Sorry I-" Max stopped and his mouth dropped in shock as he registered the presence of Liz's mother standing before him. "Oh, my god."

"Max, we need to talk." Nancy said. "Can I come in?"

Max simply nodded as he couldn't think of an excuse to turn her away. He let her walk into his home and he shut the door.

Nancy stepped inside the small cosy apartment that Max had provided for himself and her granddaughter. She had to admit, it felt more of a home than the lavish mansions Jeff had bought. Every inch of this room was covered in love and warmth while her home had been stripped bare. The expensive furniture did nothing to hide the bareness of her barren home, deprived of love.

"Quite a nice place you have here." Nancy looked around before noticing lots of pictures of him with her grand child but most of them were of the beautiful girl alone. Max adored her more than his own life, it was evident enough that he worshipped and cherished his little girl.

Walking towards a picture of her daughter's daughter, she picked it up and cradled it in her hands. The girl bore a very close resemblance to Liz. She inherited her button nose, the way her eyes lit up whenever she smiled and captured the essence of Liz so perfectly.

"She's so beautiful." Nancy gasped.

"What do you want to talk about?" Max tried not to sound emotional.

He couldn't help but blame her for the misery in his life and also for the man who killed his daughter's chance at meeting her own mother.

"Max, I need you to listen." Nancy said, gently putting the picture down before turning to face Max.


Liz and Max are 17 years old.

"Suppose if I were to leave and never come back?" Liz asked while lying in Max's arms in the hammock they shared.

Max sighed. "I would hunt you down and bring you back." Max leaned into Liz's caresses as she was tracing her index finger on his rough stubble, liking the way it felt under her soft fingertips.

She rested her leg on his thigh, entwined the other with his comfortably. They were best friends but it felt like so much more. None of them knew of how much love they held for each other but they were comfortable being locked in intimate positions. Neither questioned the level of which their friendship had risen to.

"Oh really?" Liz teased, "Suppose if you had no idea where I was?"

"My heart would lead me to you." Max smiled. "We can always find our way back to each other."

"Are you sure about that?" She toyed with his undone buttons on his shirt.

"Yes, I'm sure." He murmured, his large hand finding her small one and resting it over his heart. "My heart belongs to you."

Liz smiled. "Doesn't that mean you're in love with me?" She winked.

"It means that wherever you go, you're taking my heart with you." Max told her. "I cannot live without you."

"I can't live without you." Liz whispered back.

"So we will always find our way back to each other." Max brought her hand up to his lips, kissing it.

Liz snuggled into his arms and they just lay there, together with no interruptions as the wind swayed the hammock they slept in.

"I love you." She whispered into his ear before falling into a relaxing slumber.

What she didn't hear was his own love professed for her.

Re: Holding on..(AU, M/L, Adult)Chpt 18 & 19 1/22/09 p. 13

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 5:47 am
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb everyone!


A/N: I'm going to try and post this more often now, hopefully. Thank you all for the fb! :D

Chpt 18

Handing his daughter the glass of milk, Max quickly braced himself to prevent himself falling. Amber took the glass and drank. “Guess who I met at the toy store today daddy?”. She sang before sipping on her milk.

Serena folded her newspaper and smiled. “Amber shouldn’t be talking to strangers.”

“I need some air.” Max muttered and then tried to back out of the room but his daughter stopped him.

“Daddy, I met this lady whose weally pretty. She looked like me you know, very pwetty.”

“That’s nice.” Max gave a forced smiled before leaving the kitchen, Serena noticed and Michael was too busy playing on his psp to notice Max’s uneasiness.

Curious, Amber turned her face towards Serena. “What’s wrong wiv daddy aunt Serena?”.

“I’ll be right back.” Serena said, leaving Amber with her uncle Michael.

“Max!”. Serena said, running into his room before he could shut the door. “What is wrong with you? You’ve been acting kinda weird today.”

Max gritted his teeth. “Maybe things are getting weird lately Serena.” He hissed.

“Whoa…you sound kinda pissed.”

“I am pissed off.” Max huffed and folded his arms.

The two stood there in quiet until Max broke the silence. “Liz’s mother paid me a visit today.”


“Her mother came here, told me that the past five years of my life has been a complete lie”. Max chuckled in sarcasm. “All those tears, all those sleepless nights and cries of pain…were based on lies.”

“Max…just come to the point. Tell me what is the problem please.” Serena pleaded.

“Liz isn’t dead.” Max replied. He went and pulled out a picture out of his drawer . Serena had never seen Liz before but knew how important she was to Max.

“Isn’t that good news?” Serena tried to lighten Max’s mood. “I mean, the love of your life is still alive.”

“She’s….she’s forgotten me.” Max sadly sighed. “She doesn’t even know who I am.”

He looked at the picture in his hands. Would he ever get his Liz back now that he knew she was alive?

“Who is this guy?”. Liz said as Maria dialled his number using Liz’s phone since she was currently charging hers.

“I can’t wait Beth.” Maria wiggled her eyebrows. “He’s this old friend of mine.”

“Oh yeah.” Liz rolled her eyes.

“Seriously, we used to play street fighter together.” Maria grinned.

“How the hell did you get his number?”.

“We chat online.”


“On msn, dammit why isn’t he picking up the phone!” Maria growled.

When someone finally answered the other line, Maria was surprised to hear a female voice. “Hello?”.

“Alex is that you? You sound like a girl?”. Maria asked, wondering if this was Alex or not.

“No, I’m his girlfriend. Who are you?”.

Shit. Maria thought. “Listen, I need to talk to Alex…it’s urgent.” Maria said, hoping to evade the unlikely conversation with this unknown woman.

“Who are you?”. She repeated.

“I’m Alex’s fucking godmother dammit, pass the fucking phone to him.” Maria snapped, eyes shining in amusement as she realised she had just said that.

She heard a shuffling in the background and the woman swearing before Alex answered it. “Hello?”.

“Jesus, finally your security guard of a girlfriend relented.” Maria sighed. “You’re Alex right?”.

“Yeah, who are you?”.

“I’m Maria, you know your good ole pal.”

“Maria!” Alex’s voice lit up with excitement. “How’s my sega pal?!”.

“Good as gold.” Maria grinned. “Listen, I’m in Roswell right now. You live here right?”.

“Yeah man. How did you get here?”.

“Well it’s a long story…when are you free? I want to meet up and I’m bringing my two best friends along as well.”

“Well I have to teach tomorrow as you know I am a teacher..hey…why don’t you pop in around half two, bring your friends along at the school and I’ll go treat you guys out after I finish. How does that sound?”.

“Sweet.” Maria smiled.

“You know the address right?”.

“Yeah course, Beth will help me.” Maria shot a glance at Liz who shot a death glare back.

“Whose Beth?”.

“A friend of mine. She knows this place or something. Anyway I’ll see you later. Half two right?”.


“Laters babe.” Maria put the phone off. “Yeah man. Now we’re talking.”

“You’ll be the death of me.” Liz sighed.

A knock on the door interrupted them. Poppy jumped up after painting her nails. “I’ll get it!”.

She unchained the door and opened it. There stood Jim Valenti in the doorway.

The girls got up and the first thing he seemed to notice was Liz.


Re: Holding on..(AU, M/L, Adult) Chpt 17 1/21/09 p. 14

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 5:47 am
by Hunter
Chpt 19

“Liz.” Jim whispered, remembering the brunette who had once been his son’s good friend.

The two other girls looked at Beth knowing Jim was addressing her as if he knew her from before or something.

“Liz?”. Poppy questioned. “Her name is Beth.”

Liz didn’t know what to say and looked horrified so Maria decided to step in. “Did you find Liz’s mother?”.

“No”. Jim said, taking his hat off. “We’re still continuing the investigation although several witnesses claimed to see Mrs Parker out and about.”

“Where?” Liz finally spoke, hopeful of finding her mother.

“Well she was seen around Holden Lane around noon which was the only vivid description we have.”

“Holden Lane?”. Liz repeated, trying to think harder. Holden Lane…why did that place seem so familiar…

“Thanks Sherriff.”

Jim looked at Liz who looked lost. She had grown up nicely. Her hair was longer and she looked more beautiful the last time she was seen but she still had the same innocent face. Everyone missed her when she left. She was the school’s star pupil he remembered. And best friends with that Max Evans who now lived with his daughter in Holden…


Then it dawned on Jim. Nancy had gone to pay Max a visit? But why?

“You must be gentle with her.” Was Nancy’s words to him as he searched for his shirt through the closet.

What a life!, she had been taken away from him and then life had taken memories of him, of them together our of her mind and now she was here. Max didn’t know what was worse. That he lived with the lie that she died in childbirth or that she had been suffering from memory loss while he had raised their daughter alone.

God, it was all because of her wretched father. Selfish selfish, intolerable man, he cursed. He wasn’t mad at Jeff for hating him all the time but he was mad at Jeff for taking away Amber’s rights to have her mother in her life. Fuck it, he was so mad. All this time, Amber could have been with her mother but no, Jeff the bastard had to go and fuck things up.

And that wasn’t the whole story. His beloved was engaged to some rich Frenchman who was probably working for Jeff anyway. What kind of a life was his Liz having?

She didn’t even know herself anymore which killed him.

Max stopped and rested against the door of his closet.

He would have to find a way to remind her of their past, of their love that still beat in his heart

He had to find his Liz.

Slumping on the floor, he finally gave in and brought his hands to his face and cried.

“Beth, what there might be in Holden Lane that is important to your mother?”. Poppy asked as they crossed the road and walked towards the school where Maria desperately wanted to meet Alex.

“I have no clue.” Liz said. “But I will find out, eventually”.

“Did you see the way that sheriff noticed you.” Maria pointed out. “It’s like he noticed you or something.”

“Holy Eiffel tower.” Poppy cried as a swarm of little kids ran past her. “I’m gunna get killed. Hold me Beth!”. Poppy grabbed hold of Liz.

Suddenly the laughter of children shone a memory before Liz’s eyes….the school cafeteria, the playground…swings…hopscotch and a little dark haired boy stepping out from the bus. Liz almost felt dizzy if Maria hadn’t steadied her.

“Whoa…watch it chica. You almost blacked out on us.”

“Sorry.” Liz mumbled, putting a hand to her forehead and trying to push the pain away.

“It’s another memory thingy isn’t it?”. Poppy Su Lee asked. “Seriously, I’m starting to wonder if you’re this Liz.”

“Let’s figure that out later, Beth needs some space. I’ll go get you a cuppa water inside okay.” Maria said, dragging Liz inside the classroom.

Once they entered the room, they found Alex talking to a group of little children sitting at their little chairs and tables. The girls stood outside the glass doors and Alex spotted them. Maria waved at him and without caring, she opened the doors and walked in. “Hello Alex.”

Poppy and Liz waited outside wondering what the hell was wrong with Maria.

“Hi….Maria.” Alex wondered what she was doing. “Erm…”

“Is that your lady friend?”. One of the kids asked.

“It’s his kissing friend.” A fat kid in the corner laughed. “He smooches her big lips”.

“Joel, she is not my kissing friend.” Alex corrected the insolent child.

“Beth, Poppy, do come please.” Maria said, gesturing for them to come.

Liz was the last to walk in the room and she noticed the little girl staring back at her again. “Oh my god! It’s you! Hi Aunty Beth!” Amber waved and hopped off her chair, running to give the lady a hug.

Liz couldn’t resist and bent down to return the hug to the adorable little girl. “Hey..Amber.” Liz smiled when she kissed her cheek. It amazed her that this small girl remember her name.

“Sorry about yesterday, my aunty doesn’t like me talking to strangers.”

“She’s your aunty?”. Liz raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah.” The little girl nodded.

Alex smiled. “I see you two know each other.”

Liz released the girl and stood up. “Yeah, we met at the toy shop yesterday.”

“You met this girl?”. Poppy asked. “How come I didn’t meet her?”.

“She’s my star pupil.” Alex beamed proudly.

“She sure is.”

When Alex had finished talking to the kids and saw them off, Amber still lingered around. “Will I see you tomorrow?”. She asked, tugging at Liz’ skirt.

“Of course honey.” Liz smiled, she hadn’t known this girl for that long but she felt so attached to her.

“I wish you came to the Crashdown with me tonight. I want my daddy to see you. You and me look almost the same.” Amber said and Liz bent down to kiss her cheek.

“I’ll see about that.” Liz promised. “Bye.”

“Goodbye.” Amber waved at her and the others. “Bye aunties and bye Mr Whitman.” Amber said and left the building.

Maria and Poppy laughed. “You do look as well.” Poppy pointed out. “Same dark brown hair and your face looks similar.”

“What are you suggesting? That she’s Beth’s daughter?”. Maria rolled her eyes.

“Anyway, anyone up for coffee?”. Alex said, putting on his jacket.


Re: Holding on..(AU, M/L, Adult) Chpt 20 & 21 1/26/09

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 10:03 am
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb everyone!, I am being distracted these days but I'm hanging on lol, Started a new fic "The Best Man" and updated Rising in Limbo today so I'm on a roll. I hope you guys enjoy the next updates I have in store. Thanks so much! :D


Chpt 20

Instead of going out for a simple coffee as expected, Alex had been forced to show the girls around Roswell. Poppy and Maria were the ones who cried the most. Alex take us there, Alex buy us that.

Alex was grateful for having Beth around, she was really quiet though which worried him.

They walked into a club where Maria insisted they try out American night life much to Alex’s protests. The bouncers allowed them in the club, admiring the three beauties Alex had brought with him.

Alex shot him a warning look before leading the girls to the bar. “We can only stay here for thirty minutes.” Alex told them. “You guys must be tired.”

“Nonsense.” Maria slapped Alex’s back. “We’re only getting started right girls?”.

Gwen Stefani’s What you’re waiting for boomed on the stereo and Maria grabbed Poppy. “Come on girl, this is our jam!”. Maria looked at Liz. “You coming Beth?”.

Maria and Poppy knew that Liz didn’t like to dance much. “No, I’m okay thanks.” Liz said. Thinking it was best to stay at the bar with Alex.

The two girls disappeared into the crowd and Alex shook his head. “She used to be like that when we were school kids.”

“I see.” Liz smiled.

“What can I get you?”. A deep voice from nowhere caught their attention, especially Liz’s as she turned to see a pair of amber eyes staring right back at her.


Shit, Max thought.

He knew she was here, in this very town but he didn’t expect to see her right in front of him within hours later…

God…she looked so beautiful…he could only think of how much he missed seeing her face.

“We’ll have four coco cola’s please.” Alex said and then realised he was talking to Amber’s father. “Max is that you?”.

Max was also surprised to see his daughter’s teacher here with three girls…but what surprised him even more was that Liz was one of those girls she was with. How the hell did they meet ?

“Yeah, I work here.” Max answered Alex’s question warily.

“What about the car job?”.

“I have two jobs.”

“You guys know each other?”. Liz finally spoke, wondering why those amber eyes were haunting her. His voice and his face…bore a striking resemblance to someone she couldn’t make out.

Max’s own eyes turned back to Liz. Her hair was a lot longer now, her features more softened but she had the same twinkle in her dark brown eyes and her beautiful voice brought back cherished memories right before his very own eyes.

He tried to breathe and concentrate. He wasn’t prepared for this. Seeing her after so many years, brought all those memories rushing back that it was hard for him to just sit there and pretend he hadn’t seen her before.

Because, god, if she remembered him still he would grab the back of her head, bring her face towards his and give her such a passionate kiss, pushing all of what he had to offer into that kiss and make love with her like no tomorrow.

He feared that she may leave again , that was the only fear haunting his mind.

“Max is Amber’s father.” Alex said.

“Oh, so you’re the father of that beautiful cute girl.” Liz smiled.

Okay, now Max was lost. Did Liz talk about their daughter? When had she met their daughter? God, he wished he was there…

“That’s him alright.” Alex answered for Max, noticing how quiet he was all of a sudden.

“I’ll get your drinks.” Max said, quickly making a move.

Liz was here.

That’s all he could think of.

Max watched in sheer jealously as Liz and Alex laughed together, there was hand to hand contact and Liz looked so comfortable with Alex, like she didn’t give a care in the world of anything else around her.

Be gentle with her, he remembered Nancy’s words.

Oh that’s right, how could he forget. Liz’s infamous memory loss no thanks to her father that she was here.

“Max…if you just want to do the girl, have the courtesy of seducing her first.” Ian, his co worker sighed. He had noticed Max looking at the brunette all night long.

Max never looked at other women and Ian was surprised that this new girl could capture his attention. “Don’t mind me taking off early tonight.” Max said, throwing the dish cloth on the counter and then leaving him standing behind the counter.

In no time Max was already there with them. “Hey Max.” Alex said, laughing away with the girls. It wasn’t long before Maria had him drunk and acting all tipsy.

Maria was such a spoilsport.

“Hey guys, I thought I’d join you.”

Liz could no longer ignore his piercing stares. She noticed him taking a few glances here and there. He looked like he was ready to devour her right there which caused a burning ache between her legs. She discreetly rubbed he thighs together to ease the friction which had begun.

She felt shame. She was set to be married and here she was fantasising about how it would feel having sex with another man who was a stranger.

Her father would be so ashamed. Coming to America had opened up her desires. He always warned her that western culture made people sin by giving into their desires and burning in shame.

“Want to dance?” Max asked her hoarsely.

The things you do to me,
Have me goin crazy,
Close as we could ever be,
You are still so far away from me

Liz took one look at him and knew she couldn’t refuse him.


Re: Holding on..(AU, M/L, Adult) Chpt 20 & 21 1/26/09

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 10:05 am
by Hunter
Chpt 21

“Elizabeth…” The voice woke her up. “Elizabeth, wake up.”

Liz groaned at the sunlight hit her eyes. She was welcomed by the sight of her mother and then threw her arms around her. “Mom!”.

Nancy smiled and hugged her daughter. “Morning sweetie.”

“Jim found your mother.” Poppy said.

“More like you mother found Jim.” Maria snorted. “And us.”

Liz detached from her mother. “Mom, where did you go? Why did you run away like that…we were so worried.”

“I wasn’t happy in Paris.” Nancy admitted.

“You not happy with dad?”. Liz questioned. “You hid this from him.”

Nancy blinked the tears away. “Sweetie, get refreshed. I’ll talk to you later.” Nancy got up from the bed. Liz threw the sheets back and jumped off her bed. “Mom, I need answers and fast.”

Nancy stopped and turned around. “Just know this much. It’s not going to be worth going back to Paris now. You have so much here. I have so much here. Please just give this a shot please honey.”

“You want me to stay here?”.

“Hey…it won’t be that bad.” Poppy made the innocent remark. “It’s fun.”

“What about dad?”. Liz asked.

“What about him?”. Nancy shrugged, no longer bothered about her selfish husband’s desires.


“Alex would like us to join him with his trip to Frazier woods.” Maria said.

“I hate woods. They have big bad wolves in it.” Poppy squeezed her teddy bear closer to her chest. “I don’t like it there.”

“Stop acting like a baby.” Maria laughed. “Plus, we can finally go fishing.”

“What’s it with you and fishing?”. Liz laughed. “Haven’t you emptied the divine rivers of Paris?”.

“Now I want to empty America’s rivers of fishes.” Maria laughed. “I am the president and the queen of the states.”

“Attention seeker.” Poppy stuck her tongue out at Maria.

“Maybe I’ll try Lake Michigan after I am done with this river.” Maria pondered, wondering what to do with the fishes if she did happen to catch so much.

The phone rang and Maria answered. “Yeah, Alex we’re waiting outside for you to get your ass out.”

The girls were already waiting outside after putting their stuff and the brand new tents they had brought early morning into the belly of the coach.

Maria put her phone away. “Said he’ll be a mo…”

Alex emerged outside with a trail of little kids in pairs. Amber’s eyes widened when she saw Liz and the girls there. “YAAY!, Aunt Beth!”. Amber left her friend and ran towards the brunette who bent down and scooped the little girl in her arms.

“Hey there sweetie.” Liz smiled, giving Amber a hug.

“Mr Whitman said you coming also with us.” Amber snuggled in Liz’s arms. “I’m so happy!”.

Liz put the girl down and kissed her forehead. The other girls hugged Amber and Liz greeted Alex.

“Thanks for inviting us too.” Liz thanked him.

“My pleasure.” Alex said.

Amber looked up at Liz. “Daddy is coming too. I want you to sit by us.”

“I’m sitting by Alex.” Maria said. “We have a lot to catch up on.” She winked at Alex who groaned. Maria won’t leave him alone about his mystery girlfriend.

“Amber.” Max stepped onto the scene and picked his daughter up. Liz took a step back, remembering that Max was Amber’s dad.

“Daddy.” Amber hugged her father.

Max kissed his daughter’s forehead. “Hows my angel?”.

“So appy, look, this is aunt Beth who I was talking about.” Amber pointed at Liz. Max smiled at her and Liz shivered, she remembered their shameless dance last night. Never in her life had she been so aroused before.

“Hey Beth.” He whispered huskily, giving her a secret smile only meant for her.

“Hi.” Liz lowered her eyes.

“And this is aunt Poppy, my doll buddy and this is Aunt Maria who is so funny!”. Amber introduced her father to Liz’s news friends.

“Hi again.” Maria said. “Shocking to know you’re Amber’s father. Your little girl loves Beth so much and you were very keen with Beth last night.” Maria winked.

“Oh my…you’re Amber’s daddy?”. Poppy said. “You looked like you a bachelor. Last night you danced the night away with Beth like nothing else mattered.”.

“Daddy…you danced with aunt Beth last night?”. Amber asked, she was shocked at hearing that.

Max gulped. “Yes.”

Liz turned away, unable to take it anymore and walked into the coach. The other girls exchanged glances and walked in after her.

Max watched, this would be one heck of a ride he thought.


Flicking the songs on her ipod, Liz settled down as the notes of Rihanna’s song “SOS” entered her ears through the ear phones.

Poppy was busy apply another set of makeup in the tiny toilet of the greyhound coach they were boarding on.

Max noticed that Liz was sitting all alone and his daughter Amber was asleep in Serena’s arms. So taking this opportunity, he left his seat and went to Liz.

Plopping down on her seat, he was determined to spend some time with her. A shocked Liz put the volume of her I pod down and took the ear phones out. “What are you doing here.”

“Last night was amazing.” He admitted, giving her a lustful stare which made her heat pool between her legs.

“Max…we just danced.” She corrected him. She wasn’t aware of the term making love or dirty dancing but last night felt so…so special.

But she didn’t want to give him the hint she was interested because she was someone else’s fiancé.

“You know you want me.” He teased, his amber eyes gleaming in the sunlight that had reflected through the coach window.

“No..” Liz gasped. “How could you say that. You’re a father. You have a little girl to be taking care of. How could you…” Liz couldn’t believe she was about to say this.

Max smirked. “Say it.”

“How could you lust after me?”. She closed her eyes in embarrassment.

“Is that what you think it is?”. He whispered, coming closer to her. “Just lust?”.

“You should go.” Liz said, trying to think of getting him away from her. But she liked it, having this handsome man so close to her. No one else had made her feel like this…not even Pierre surprisingly.

His lips brushed against her neck and she closed her eyes, savouring the feel of his lips on her skin.

Max didn’t care if anyone was watching or not. He needed to kiss her, to feel her again. The instant chemical attraction which sparked up between them could no longer be denied. He wasn’t going to pretend to be some goody two shoes of a dad…well he was but he was also in love with Liz as he knew he would always love her. Just because she didn’t know she had played the role of his best friend, lover and the mother of his child didn’t mean he had to hold back from her.

“I want you.” He whispered into her ear.


Re: Holding on..(AU, M/L, Adult) Chpt 22 2/1/09 p. 16

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 2:27 pm
by Hunter
Thanks for the feedback everyone! :D


A/N: Please don't blame me but you guys might get sick of hearing marshmallows lol :lol:

Here we go..

Chpt 22

"Where is she?!". Jeff demanded, slamming the phone back onto the receiver, smashing it to pieces in the process.

The terrified housekeeper shook her head with tears streaming down her cheeks. "I do not know sir." In a quivered French accent she sobbed.

Jeff roared in anger as her stormed towards the frightened woman, grabbed her by her braids and hauled her against the wall, twisting her braids in his fists so tight she could feel the strands tug at her stinging scalp. Jeff neared his face towards her. "You bitch, you don't get paid for nothing you cheapskate. I'm going to fucking kill you if you don't tell me where my wife and my daughter is."

Coming back from the south of France only to find his wife and daughter missing worried him. He knew his wife started to hate him because of all the hard work he seemed to be doing himself. His daughter was a sitting duck who was so ignorant who'd believe anything if told so. He worried if Nancy said something to Liz during his absence. He should have known better to leave his conniving wife with their dumb daughter.

"I do not know sir." She repeated, trying to cover her face to protect herself.

Jeff screamed before punching the woman and throwing her to the floor.

He grabbed the table and broke a leg before hitting the helpless woman with it. "Die bitch! Die!". He constantly hit her until she passed out, her face was torn and bloody with the broken wood chips tearing her delicate skin.

When Jeff was done with her, he threw away the battered table leg and took out his cell phone. "Take care of this mess." He said before putting his phone away.


When they had finally reached there, Liz had never been happier to get off the coach and try to escape the sexual tension that Max had weaved for her. God, that man was so...

Liz sighed heavily as she and the girls were already searching for a spot to set up their tents. "I hate the woods." Poppy said. "They so scary."

While Maria and Poppy began to bicker, Liz had already set up the tents by herself and before she could get inside hers, Max and Amber arrived.

"Don't mind if we share with you guys." Max said.

Liz froze. Oh god, she thought.

Max wasn't going to leave her alone.

But did she want him to?


When they all had set up their tents and had settled in, Amber, Maria, Alex, Serena and Poppy were sitting around a log with Max and Liz while roasting marshmallows on skewers and they were sharing their stories.

"This guy name Riverdog actually kidnapped me one day." Alex said. "He actually thought I was possessed by an alien and he kept calling me Larek." He laughed.

"That is the craziest thing I've heard." Serena laughed.

Amber handed Liz some more marshmallows. "Here you go aunty Beth."

"Thank you sweetie." Liz smiled, taking the marshmallows from Amber and putting them on both skewers before warming them up with the crackling fire.

"If you think that's crazy, Maria was dangling off the Eiffel tower one day." Poppy laughed. "And she still was worried out her Gucci sandals even when her life was on the line."

"That sure does sound like Maria." Alex laughed.

"Hey, those gucci shoes were my life!". Maria protested, chewing on her soft marshmallow.

Liz brought the skewer away from the fire and blew on Amber's set of marshmallows to cool them down. "Thank you aunt Beth." Amber smiled gleefully as she took the marshmallow from Liz.

"Be careful honey." Liz said, making sure the little girl didn't burn her tongue.

Max watched in awe as he saw his Liz interact with their daughter. How he prayed for this to happen, his one and only wish was that he and his daughter would be reunited with Liz forever. It brought tears to his eyes that his wish had come true, although Liz didn't know she was talking to her own daughter, the relationship between them was beautiful.

"Time for bed sweetie." Serena said taking Amber in her arms as soon as she finished eating the marshmallows.

"But I want Aunt Beth to tuck me into bed." Amber protested, refusing to move away from Liz.

Serena sighed, she was surprised that a stranger had wormed their way into Amber's heart and worried that this Beth might replace her in Amber's life.

"Serena." Max said, noticing the look on his friend's face. "Let it be."

Serena was even more shocked that Max trusted some stranger over her but didn't say anything and sat back down again. She and Max would have a good talk later on.

Amber smile and Liz put the skewers away before taking Amber towards her tent.

"I'm so happy you came to the trip with us." Amber said, while holding Liz's hand and skipping over the rocks.

"I'm happy too." Liz smiled at the innocent young child.

"This is our tent." Amber pointed at the light blue tent with the black and yellow strips at the edges.

Liz allowed Amber to step inside first and then crawled in after her. "Whoa..what a big tent." Liz smiled.

"Yep, me and my daddy have this all to ourselves." Amber beamed proudly, finding the huge sleeping bag and settling in it.

A curious Liz bit her bottom lip contemplating on whether to ask the question or not. "Amber...erm...what about your mommy?".

No one talked about Amber's mother and it kind of bothered her. She had assumed Serena to be the little girls' mother but Amber also called her aunt. Liz also wanted to know the reason why Amber's father was attracted to her all of a sudden which was unexplainable.

Sure he was hot and sexy plus he had that aura about him that he didn't set out to impress people and didn't give a damn what people thought of him which had caught her attention. She wondered about Max's relationship with the mother of his child and Amber's relationship with her mother. Why no one talked about her and why Max behaved the way he did.

It took Liz few seconds to notice the long face on Amber. "My mommy's not here." She said in a small voice, just staring down at her tiny hands.

Liz didn't need to hear anything else to understand what Amber meant. "Oh honey..I'm so sorry." Liz went out to hug the poor little girl. She cursed herself silently for bringing up the mom topic. What an awkward situation she thought and cringed. Her curiosity hurt this poor little girl.

"It's okay Aunt Beth." Amber wiped the baby hairs back. "It's a long time ago besides, Daddy said mommy is always watching over me making sure I'm okay. I love my mommy and I know she loves me."

Liz wanted to hug Amber so tight and never let her go. The words spoken from this little girl brought tears to her eyes. Max Evans was such a lucky man to have a daughter like Amber. "I think you should go to sleep Amber. It's very late. I'll stay here until your father comes back." Liz said and released the girl.

"Can you tie my hair?". Amber asked. "Daddy always does it but since he's not here.."

Liz laughed. "Course I will do it." Liz answered. "Turn around sweetie."

Amber turned around and Liz took the hair band out of the girl's hair and began tying her hair up in a neat French braid, something she had picked up during her time in Paris.

When she was done, Amber felt the new hairdo and was amazed. "Whoa! what is this style?". She gasped excited. "It feels so neat."

"It's a French braid." Liz answered, kissing Amber's head. "I used to have these back in Paris."

"Is that where you're from?".

Liz thought about it. Was Paris really her hometown? She hesitated before answering Amber. "No."


It was really late and Max had left to join his daughter in the tent. Crawling in, he noticed a figure holding his little girl in her arms. Soft dark brown hair in cascading waves spilled down from her head onto her shoulders and arms. Max smiled, pausing for a moment watching his two girls sleep contently.

Liz was still here and looked like she fell asleep while lulling their daughter to sleep.

Max took his shoes off and stripped his top and jeans off before throwing on a t shirt and climbing in the sleeping bag with his two favourite girls.
