Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Complete 07/12/2009

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Addicted Roswellian
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Re: Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Pt. 8 12/14/08 Pg.3

Post by candysteffi »

Hey guys :)

But there's a difference between being a GUY in a gang and being a GIRL in one.
That´s true. I´m glad that you like the M&M dynamic, that was the goal, lol. You´re on vacation now, right? So have a good time. :)

Something tells me her life in "captivity" was better..
You´re maybe right here...

Candyland: I won´t take long until M&M meet again, promised.

are Liz and Maria going to see each other soon ? Because I think their realationship can be so good, they need girl friend !
Is Ava going to be a good person ? cause can decide If I like her or not...
Liz & Maria will have their moments ;) and their friendship will increase. To Ava, well her character isn´t really a main part here, so I can´t really say something about her now :)

TO ALL: Thank you so much for the great FB and MERRY CHRISTMAS :)


Part 9

At Brody’s....

Brody’s apartment is very small. Even smaller than Sean’s, I think, but it is the closest place to the skate park. We sit in the living room, and Brody wraps a blanket around me and brings me a cup of tea.

Ryan enters the flat, rushing through the door. Billy had called him and Ava as soon as we arrived at the apartment. “Are you okay, Maria?” he pants, winded from his exertions.

“When did they capture you?” Sean asks.

“Wednesday morning,” I reply. “I was on my way to school, but Kyle and this Alex-guy grabbed me at the underground station.”

Everyone seems worried about me – everyone but Billy.

“Where did they take you?” Ava wants to know.

“First I was at Kyle’s, but than M.... uh, Rath took me to his apartment.”

OMG, I almost said Michael!

“Did they hurt you?” Sean inquires.

I shake my head. “No.” I won’t tell them about Kyle. I’m too ashamed of it and it only would make things worse between us and the Bandits.

“And then you decided to fuck that bastard, you little bitch?” Billy roars, standing in front of me.

“What?” I wince, afraid. “NO, I didn’t fuck any of them, okay?”

“Fine!“ He doesn´t seem convinced to me. “So, where does he live?”


“Rath!“ Billy hisses in anger.

“I don’t know,” I lie.

Billy takes my head in his hands roughly and forces me to look at him. “Tell me where he lives! You were there, so don´t give me this shit.“

“I said, I don’t know, okay?” My voice shakes, but I try to stay calm. “They blindfolded me, I couldn´t see anything.”

“He’ll pay for touching my woman!” Billy decides and looks at Sean, Ryan and Brody to get their understanding nods.

“Billy, he didn’t touch me! Ever! Okay? Why don’t you believe me?”

“Maybe I do believe you. But he acted like he fucked you and I’ll make him pay for that.”

“He didn’t say that. Max was the one who made the insinuation. Maybe we should go after him,” Brody suggests.

“No!“ Billy decides, refusing to accept anything that might take the heat off of Rath. “Rath didn’t deny it and I don’t like the way he looked at her. Forget about Max for a while. Rath is our target!”

A wide grin appears on his face. “Let’s figure out how we can blow him away,” he says to the guys. “Ava, take Maria home and then you go home, too.“

I try to hide my desperation when I walk out of the apartment. What will they do to Michael?

“Are you okay now?” Ava asks me on the way home.

“Yeah, thanks. As I said, they didn’t hurt me, so...”

“I’m sure it was scary for you to be alone with all of them. Especially with Rath, he seems so cold and violent to me.”

I was scared in Kyle’s apartment, but not in Michael’s. I’m more scared now, with Billy, than I was with him.

I desperately want to tell the truth to somebody, but Ava wouldn’t understand. Instead of I say, “Yeah, a little bit. But at least I’m out now.”


The rest of the way we walk in silence. I don’t have anything else to tell her, and she doesn’t have anything to say either.


I’m home again and I find my mother and George half naked in the living room. They passed out on the couch, an empty bottle of vodka between them. I shake my head in disgust and quickly walk into my bedroom. It’s so cold that I pull on another pullover, sit down on the bed and wrap the blanket around me.

Michael’s words still resound in my head: Didn’t you even notice that your little bitch was gone?

Tears are running down my cheeks, but it’s okay. I’m alone now, so nobody will see them. I allow myself to be weak in these rare moments.

A small smile appears on my lips as I clutch the old Teddy, which was a present from my grandma, when she was still alive. It reminds me of the better times in my life.

I often stayed at my grandma’s house when I was younger and my mom was still at work in the hospital. I always felt safe and happy with her. But when she died four years ago everything went south. My mom started to drink because she didn’t deal well with the loss. Then she lost her job because of the alcohol. Every week she brought home another lover, who paid our bills until he was sick of it. But she still loved me.

Until George came into our lives. He’s worse than the others. He completely drags my mother away from me. In his opinion I’m the disrupting factor in her life and he wants to get rid of me.

I hope my mother will come to her senses soon. She’s my mother; she wouldn’t dump me, would she?

What should I do, when even my mother doesn’t love me anymore?

Billy doesn’t give a shit about me. He wasn’t worried about me for a single second. All he could think about was his injured ego.

I think back about the days in Michael’s apartment. I can’t see him as an enemy. I don’t know why, but I have the feeling that he cared about me, even if he tried to play it cool.

Take care after you’re free, okay? have to get away from him.

I can remember his words so clearly. But does it matter? We’ll probably never talk again. I won’t get the chance to find out more about him. All I can do is hope that Billy and the others don’t kill him.

Day of Billy´s payback November 3rd, 2007 – Saturday - 8:00 am

I didn’t sleep well last night. I was haunted by nightmares.

Suddenly my mum walks into my room. “Where have you been?” she hisses.

“Nowhere! As if you care,“ I answer, still a little sleepy.

George shuffles her to the side, storms into my room and drags me out into the kitchen. He shoves me into the room, causing me to lose my balance and fall on the floor, hard. “Answer her question!” He shouts while I pull myself together and get up.

“I was with Sean!” I breathe heavily.

“Don’t you dare lie to me!” George yells and slaps me across the face with the palm of his hand.

I hold my cheek as pain explodes through skin and bone and turn to face my mother. For a moment she seems to be shocked by what happened, but she doesn’t do anything.

“You let him hit me?” I scream at her.

She doesn’t even react.

Before George can make the next move, I’m out of the flat.


I decide to go to the park, where my grandma and I often went when I was a child. I wasn’t here for years but it hadn’t really changed. The playground is still there and I sit down in a swing.

The cold wind makes me shiver. I didn’t even have the time to grab my jacket. Fortunately, I’m still wearing the extra pullover from the night before and I had pulled on my shoes. My cheek hurts like hell when I move my face. I think it’s swollen and most likely black and blue.

I watch a father and his son playing football. The little kid laughs every time when his father pretends to fall down from the “hard” thrown ball. “One day my boy, you’ll be a great football player,” the man says and the young boy squeals with delight. I smile at them sadly.

“Maria?” Someone jolts me out of my daydreams.

I look in the direction the voice had come from and my heart skips a couple of beats.

“Michael!“ I whisper, afraid that somebody would hear or see us together. It looks like he was jogging or something because he’s wearing a pair of sweatpants.

“What’re you doing here?” he asks, puzzled. “It’s early and it’s cold out.”

I look around nervously. What if Billy sees us?

“Don’t worry, I haven’t seen anyone from your gang around this place and my friends are fast asleep, I’m sure. So, what’re you doing here?”

“Just hanging around. And why’re you here?“

“Well, I try to stay fit and morning’s the best time to go jogging.”

He studies me intently and crouches down on his haunches. “What happened to your face?”

“Nothing. I just fell on the stairs to my place last night.”

He turns my head with his hand so that he can have a closer look at my cheek. I close my eyes. No, Maria, you can’t let yourself enjoy his touch.

“It doesn’t look to me like damage you could have done to yourself. Somebody hit you, right?”

I don’t respond. I don’t have to, we both know that he’s right.


I can feel his muscles tighten as he speaks his name aloud, but I’m too shaken to answer.

He slips closer between my legs and his hands grip the ropes of the swing. “Look at me,“ Michael orders gently.

I turn my head slowly until we are face to face. I almost can’t stand his strong gaze. “Who did that to you?” he asks seriously.

I can’t choke back my feelings any longer. Tears flood my eyes and a few stifling sobs escape my throat. I hide my face behind my hands. This is so embarrassing, I don’t want to be weak, but I can’t keep it in anymore.

“Go away, Michael,” I plead while crying.

But he doesn’t. All at once I can feel his hands on my hips. He brings me up against his chest. At first I try to resist it, but after a short time I give in and wrap my arms around him. I bury my face in his neck and revel in his warmth as it surrounds me.

We stay in this position for long minutes. He holds me tightly against his body without saying a word until I calm down.

“You don’t have to tell me the details. Just let me know if it was Billy or not?” he says while he strokes a strand of hair behind my ear.

“It wasn´t him. I promise.“

He nods. “Okay. I believe you… I have to go now. Max wants to see me in a few minutes.”

“Sure.” I try to hold onto him a little longer, but I know I have to let him go.

“Bye.” I pull my arms away from him.

He stands up. “Go home, it’s too cold outside.”

“I will” .... not .

He turns around and starts to leave.

Suddenly I remember the conversation between Billy and the others. “Michael,” I jump from the swing and run after him, “you have to be careful. Billy’s planning to come after you because of my abduction.”

“I’ll keep my eyes open.”

Today it’s my turn to look at him with concern as he leaves.

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Re: Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Pt. 9 12/21/08 Pg.4

Post by candysteffi »


I hope you a had a good time during Christmas :)

art_junkie: Yes, Billy and Amy aremaybe the worst people in Maria´s life right now...
I don't think Billy could take Michael.. he's way too smart.. and probably stronger too..
MIchael is definitely stronger, but also Billy will get his revenge... sorry :(

mrs_guerin: Hey new reader :) Thank you, I have a great beta reader, who always doe a great job, lol.



Part 10

In the afternoon...

I decided to go to the skate park, but when I got there I was alone. Nobody was there. Now I’m sitting on one of the picnic tables and I’m bored. The smell of food reaches my nose and my stomach immediately starts to growl, but I don’t have enough money to buy anything.

“Hey Maria.” Sean appears.


“You waitin‘ for somebody?“

“Nope, I was just hoping to meet someone here.”

“Well, you got me. I’m on my way to Billy’s. He called us because he has some great news. Wonder what it could be. You want to come with me?”

I don’t want to go to Billy’s, but I’m afraid that the great news relates to Michael. And if I’m right, then I have to know what happened. “Sure.”

“So…” I start after a few minutes, “what do you think the great news is?”

Sean shrugs. “I don´t know.“

“Maybe it has something to do with the Bandits?”

“Yeah. That may be. Uh… by the way, are you okay?“

I have to resist the urge to roll my eyes. Does he really care?

“Yes, totally alright,” I assert.

“And Rath really didn’t ...”

“He didn’t touch me, Sean, I promise.”

I feel sick, when Sean knocks on Billy’s door. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to come here.

“Hey, Dude!!” Billy greets Sean with their typical handshake and gives me a cold look.

We enter the apartment and meet the rest of the gang. “Hey Maria, how’re you doin’?” Brody asks.

“She´s fine!” Billy answers for me.

“So what’s the big news?” Ryan wants to know.

A big, evil grin appears on Billy’s lips. “I got my revenge!” he announces proudly.

I hold my breath in horror but Billy is too busy with his ego to notice.

“What‘d you do?” Brody asks, curious.

“Today, fate was on my side; I spotted Rath alone in a small, empty alley.”

“Did you blow him away?” Ava asks.

“You can count on that. I’m not sure he’ll ever see the sunlight again.”

“You killed him?” I scream.

“I’m not sure. When I left him he was unconscious and bleeding like hell.”

“I’m gonna be sick!” I hold my stomach, run to the bathroom and throw up.

Oh my God, he probably killed him. This morning he held me and now he’s probably dead. No, no, it couldn’t be true.

I pull myself together and go back to the living room. I have to be strong now. To my surprise everyone except Billy is gone.

“Weak stomach?” he asks.

I nod.

“So...” He closes the distance between us and presses me against the wall, “...what do you say, Babe? He got what he deserved. He‘ll never lay a hand on you again.”

Billy rubs his body against mine, and I could easily throw up again.

“That was really brave of you!” I force a smile and slide my hand through his hair. I have to pretend to be happy otherwise he would lose his mind. But I have to get out of here soon.

“You´re right. And I deserve a little pleasure from you now, huh?”

What, now? I try to find an excuse, but I can’t think of anything logical.

Suddenly there is a hard knock on the door. “Billy, open the door!” Sean shouts.

I sigh with relief; that was salvation at the last second.

Billy pulls the door open. “Damn it, what’s up? I’m busy right now.”

“Brody...” Sean pants, “Max retaliated… he took him down hard.”

“Son of a bitch!” Billy shouts and leaves the apartment with Sean.

For a moment I stand there in silence. What happened to my life? Will things get worse and worse? I leave the flat still in shock.


I have to think about Michael the whole time. How can I find out if he’s dead or not? I have to know!

Maybe I could ask Liz? I try to remember the name of the restaurant where she works. It was something with Crash... Crashdown!

I run to the next payphone and look for the address in the yellow pages. It’s not too far. If I hurry I can reach it in a few minutes. Hopefully, she’ll be there.

8 minutes later….

I walk into the Crashdown, breathless. “Please be there!” I whisper to myself and look around nervously.

There isn’t a lot going on. I recognize a man in a suit eating a muffin and a group of teenagers. Suddenly someone taps me on my shoulder. I turn around, alarmed. I freeze when I see an old woman with a tablet in her hand.

“Can I help you, Miss?”

“Uh...,yeah, I was looking for Liz.”

“Oh, her shift starts in twenty minutes. She’ll be here soon. Would you like to wait?”

I nod.

“Okay, have a seat. Do you want a hot chocolate?”

I shake my head. “No, thank you. I don’t have any money on me.“

“It’s on the house” She smiles at me.


Liz enters the Crashdown about ten minutes later. She looks horrible; her eyes are red and swollen.

He´s not dead. He’s not dead. I repeat it to myself over and over again.

“What do you want here?” She asks weakly. “If someone from my gang sees you here...”

“Is he dead?” I blurt out.

She takes my hand and drags me along with her to the back room.

“Are you talking about Michael?” she asks angrily.

I nod.

“Why don’t you ask Billy!” she snarls sarcastically.

I want to say something, but my lips move without making a sound. A bitter sob escapes my throat and I lay a hand over my mouth. I´m such a big crybaby lately. “I met him this morning,” I begin. “I was at the park and he was jogging. We talked and ...” I have to calm down a bit, before I can go on “... I was upset and he... cared for me. He hugged me… I can’t imagine that it was the last time I’ll see him... I warned him about Billy´s revenge, but….“

“You care about him, too, don’t you?” Liz notices.

I nod without hesitation.

“He’s not dead, Maria.”

“He’s not?” I blink away my tears and my hope awakens.

“No, but Billy hurt him badly. He stabbed him four times. Fortunately, he missed all of the important organs. Max found him just in time. They operated on him for two hours this morning. I think it must’ve happened shortly after you met him.”

I sink down against the wall. My hands shake. “He’s not dead!“ I whisper.

“You have to get out of here now, Maria. And make sure nobody from my gang sees you.”

“Where is he?” I ask.

“He’s at the hospital near the basketball court. But you can’t go there, Maria. It´s too dangerous.“

But I’ve already made my decision. “I don´t care!“


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Re: Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Pt. 10 12/28/08 Pg.4

Post by candysteffi »


How was your start in 2009?

art_junkie: She is :) She has to see him to make sure he´s ok.


Part 11

In front of the hospital…

I hide in a small alley, when the Bandits leave the hospital. That’s good, now I can be sure that none of them are with Michael at the moment. I know that I shouldn’t go inside. Max or someone else could come back at any time. But I have to see him. I have to see him alive with my own eyes.

Will they let me see him? I’m not a relative.

“Excuse me,” I speak to the woman at the nurse’s station, “where’s Michael Guerin’s room?”

She checks her computer for several seconds. “Sorry, no more visits for him today. He needs rest.”

Shit. But I won´t give up so quickly.

“Only for a minute, please.”

“Who are you?”

“His girlfriend,” I answer directly. “I know, I’m not a relative, but he doesn’t have any family. I had to work until now and I couldn’t get here any earlier. Wouldn’t you want to see your husband, if this had happened to him?”

I got her with that one.

She leans forward a little. “Okay, but only five minutes. He’s in room number 245.”

I smile. “Thank you!”


I slowly open the door to his darkened room. My heart constricts painfully as I see him in the bed. He hasn’t noticed me yet because his face is turned to the window. I walk over to him quiertly.

His eyes are closed. I wince when I see all the machines he is connected to.

“God, what’d he do to you?” I whisper to myself in shock and have to turn around for a moment.

“Maria?“ His weak voice comes from the bed.

I rush to his side.

“What’re you doin’ here?”

“I wanted to see you!“ I blurt out. “How do you feel?”

“I feel great, can’t you tell?” he says, his tone ironic.

“God, I’m so sorry,” I sob, “I should’ve known about this! I should’ve prevented it!”

He manages to take my hand in his. “It’s not your fault. There’s nothin’ you could’ve done.”

“I thought you were dead, Michael!” I cry.

He squeezes my hand slightly. “I´m not. But how did you find me?“

“I went to Liz at the Crashdown and she told me that you were here. Then I waited until the others left and told the nurse that I’m your girlfriend… I was working late and couldn’t get here any sooner.”

A weak smile reaches his lips. “You’re a very brave girl.”

“No, I was just scared.”

“You don’t have to be scared anymore. Go home now. And promise me that you won’t come here again. It’s too dangerous and I can’t protect you right now.”

“Okay, I promise,” I whisper.

He releases my hand and I slowly walk to the door.

“Stay away from him,” Michael urges with all his strength.

“I just don’t know how,” I admit. “He’d come after me.”


I lie in my bed tonight and shiver. It only gets colder and colder, I don’t know what I’ll do in December. So I close my eyes and try to remember the meeting with Michael this morning. I try to feel his warmth again, how I felt when he hugged me. I can´t stop thinking about him.

The present November 16th, 2007 – Friday - 3:30 pm

It’s been almost two weeks since Michael was hurt by Billy. I haven’t heard or seen him since that day in the hospital, but I think about him every day. I want so badly to know if he’s okay, but I can’t do anything. I went to the Crashdown on Monday, but the nice old woman told me that Liz took a vacation.

At least I was in school every day. Kyle and Lonnie haven’t been there since the fight. In the afternoons I hung out at the skate park with the others, but I didn’t once go with them to Billy’s. We haven’t run into the Bandits the whole time. Maybe they won’t show up until Michael is back to his full strength. They aren’t very strong without him; I don’t think that this Alex-guy is a real bad ass.

I’m glad that school is over now and I’ve made the decision to stay at home the entire weekend and study. But first I have to do a job interview at a supermarket. It’s not a really great job; I’d have to unwrap food and place it in the shelves, but at least I could earn some money on my own. I applied on Monday and the manager asked me to come in today.

“Miss DeLuca, it’s nice to meet you again. As you know, my name is Mr. Charles.”

“Hi, Mr. Charles.“

“So, you‘re still a student, right?“

“Yes, I’m in my senior year.”

“Have you ever had a job before?”

“Um, no.”

He asks me some more questions, they aren’t really important and I wonder why he wants to know so much – but maybe it’s just a formality thing.

“Okay! We´re almost done. Well, I would like to have you here, Ms. DeLuca.”

“Wow, thanks, that’s great.”

“But first you have to bring your father or mother with you. You’re under 18, so one of your parents will have to sign a consent form.”


“Uh, I don’t have a father and my mother works all day. Maybe you can give me the consent form and I can give it to her to sign.”

“No, sorry, she has to come here.”

“Oh… okay, I’ll try,” I lie. I’m never gonna ask her. Damn it!

“If not, come back when you turn 18. That’s in December, right?”

I nod. “Yeah!“


I walk home depressed.

Permission from a parent. There is no way I could take my mother with me. She wouldn’t do that... and if she would do that, she would be drunk. No, thank you.

“Maria!“ Someone whispers my name.

“Huh?“ I turn around but can´t see anyone.

“Over here!“ The voice appears again.

I blink. “Liz?“ I ask surprised. “What’re you doing here?”

“I’ve been following you since you left school.”


She looks around nervously. “Uh, can we go somewhere else first?”

“Okay!” I take her hand and pull her into the backyard of my house. “Nobody will see us here,” I promise her. “Why are you here?“ My heartbeat pounds against my chest with the hope that her visit has something to do with Michael.

“Michael got home from the hospital on Wednesday,” she starts.

“Wow, that’s great. I was at the hospital that day... you know...”

She nods. “He told me. I wanted to ask you for a favor.” Liz hesitates.

“Go on!”

“I’ve been so scared since the day Michael got hurt by Billy,” she confesses, “and all I can think about is: What if he does something to Max, too?”

“I totally understand, Liz. But what can I do?”

“I want to ask you to call me when Billy plans something like that. I know, that’s a tall order, but I can’t help myself. Sorry, it was a stupid idea.” She wants to leave but I hold her back.

“It’s not stupid.” I lay a hand on her shoulder. “But Billy won’t talk to me about things like that and even if I pick up on something... I don’t have a cell phone and I don’t have money to use a payphone.”

“Michael gave me something for you,” she interrupts me.

“What is it?” I ask her, startled.

She rummages around in her bag. “Here.”

“A cell phone?”

“His number is already saved in it and he loaded 20 dollars up, so you can call him in case of emergency.”

“I... I don´t know what to say.”

“He wants to protect you, Maria. But he doesn’t know how. Max isn’t aware of the fact that I’m with you now and I have a guilty conscience about it. But Michael trusts you and so I am.”

“Thank you,” I whisper.

“I have to leave now. Take care!“

“Liz, wait. How’s Michael doin’?”

“He’s okay. He wanted to come by himself to give you the cell phone, but he had a doctor’s appointment today.”

“Tell him thank you, okay?”


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Re: Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Pt. 11 01/04/09 Pg.4

Post by candysteffi »

Hey :)

It´s a Saturday uppy this time, 'cause I´m busy tomorrow.

crazysnape: LOL, the taking care of each other will continue...


Part 12

And then we met again November 17th, 2007 – Saturday - 8:30 pm

I’m at home in the kitchen searching for something to eat. “We don’t have anything to eat!” I state, knowing my mother can hear me.

“Go and buy something if you’re hungry”, she answers without interest.

“Give me some money,” I reply.

“Your mother isn’t giving you any money.” George comes out of the bathroom.

“But I’m so hungry. You’re responsible for me,” I say to my mum.

“Go to your room,” he yells.

“I’m not talking to you,” I shout back.

“I. Said. Go. To. Your. Room.“ George stares at me with anger. I remember my swollen cheek from two weeks ago and leave the room.

Back in my room, I lie down on my bed and wrap the blanket around me. I’m still freezing, but there is nothing I can do about it. As they do every day, my thoughts roam to Michael the second I close my eyes.

Suddenly a ringing occurs.

“What the hell?“ I sit up, confused.

The cell phone! I totally forgot about it. I open my nightstand and pull it out.

‘Michael is calling,’ it says. Instantly, my heartbeat quickens and my hands get sweaty. Why is he calling me?

“Hello.” I answer the phone in a nervous voice.

“Hi. It’s Michael. How’re you doin`?”

“Fine!” Big lie.

“Doesn’t sound like it...”

Why does he know how I feel every time? He can’t even see me.

“I just had a fight with my mom.”

“So you’re at home?”


“Wanna meet me somewhere?”

I gasp at his question and want to scream: Yes, yes.

“But aren’t you still sick?”

“I’m still a little weak, but I can handle this. I need a change of scenery.”

“It’s dangerous,” I say, making him stop and think.

“It is,“ he admits.

I don’t know what to say. Of course, I want to meet him, but wouldn’t that just make everything worse?


I breathe out. “Okay, where should I go?”


We decided to meet at an outlying subway station. I glance around as I step out of the vehicle, but I can’t see him. Maybe he hasn’t arrived yet? I put on my cap and walk away from the tracks.

Suddenly I see a male figure at the end of a passage. He makes me a sign to follow, it has to be him. I scout around one more time to make sure nobody followed me, and then I go after him.

Michael is waiting for me around a corner, leaning against the wall. He wears a beanie and over it a hood. I smile a little when I see him. “You look like a gangster!“

He smirks and comes up to me. “I won’t rob you, promise.”

“Well, you wouldn’t find anything to steal anyway.”

“But I could’ve kidnapped you.”


He shrugs, and then – to my surprise – takes my hand.

“Good to see you in an upright position again,” I add softly.

He gives me a wink. “Let’s go.”

“Where’re we goin`?”

“To a little bar I know where no one will see or recognize us. It’s too cold to stay outside.”

“Okay.” We walk in silence until we reach the building Michael mentioned. He never let go of my hand.

“Let’s go in the back. I don’t think that anyone from my gang or yours even knows about this bar, but just to make sure…”

We take a seat at the other end of the room and Michael grimaces as he takes off his jacket.

“Are you okay?” I ask quietly. “Should I help you?”

“No, it’s okay. It still hurts a little sometimes, but I can stand this. But...“, he slides next to me after he’s finally gotten rid of his jacket, “maybe I could help you with yours?” He shoots a flirty grin at me.

“But I’m not hurt...” I babble, unsure.

“I know. Does that matter?“ He lays his fingers at the collar of my coat.

“Uh… I guess not.“

“Good answer.” He slowly unzips my jacket and pulls it off. I shiver as his hands run down my arms.

“When did you last eat, Maria? You look thinner than the last time I saw you.”

“Uhm... I... can´t remember,” I admit.

He looks at me, shocked. “You don’t think you’re fat or something, do you?”

“No, no, I´m not. I was just a little... busy the last few days. I forgot about eating, that’s all.”

Oh, I’m so winning an award for being a liar!

“Busy, huh?” He doesn’t buy it. “What’ve you been doin’ then?”

“Um... a lot of learning, searching for a job, I met my gang a few times.”

His muscles tighten at the mention of my gang.

“I just stayed at the skate park with them. I didn’t go home to Billy or anything. I avoided him as much and inconspicuously as I could.”

“That’s good,“ Michael says, relieved. “The waitress is coming up. What d’you want?”

“I don’t have any money with me,” I mumble, ashamed.

“That’s okay, I’ve got it. So..?”

“You don’t have to...”

“I know, but I will, okay?”

“Okay,” I whisper, “...a hot chocolate, please.”

“Hey, welcome to our pub. What can I get you?” the tall blonde asks.

“A hot chocolate, a coke, and a big serving of fries for the lady.” He gestures at me.

“Okay, I’ll be right back.”

“What? I didn´t say I wanted fries.”

“I know. But I’m gonna make you eat something, cause you look like a ghost.”

“Thank you. You’re not exactly looking all that healthy either.”

“Yeah, ‘cause I was almost stabbed; you don’t have that excuse.”

I wince at the mention of the stabbing. I still can’t believe what had happened to him. I’m so glad that he’s sitting right next to me at this moment. His arms is stretched out behind me on the backrest. If I were to lean back…

“Were you successful with the job search?” he asks, changing the subject.

Damn it. Why does he always have to ask about the things I don’t want to talk about? I shake my head.

“Where‘d you apply?“

“At some supermarkets – but they don’t need anyone. Maybe I’ll find something next week.”

Then the waitress comes again. “Here you are. Enjoy!”

The moment I see the fries my stomach starts to rumble. Michael hears it – of course.

“Hungry, huh?” He takes one of the fries and shoves it into his mouth.

“Hey, I thought these fries were for me?” I complain with a smile.

“They are... mostly.” He takes another one and act as if he wants to eat it, but at the last moment he sticks it into my mouth.

“Yummy. I almost forgot how delicious they are.”


It’s almost midnight when we arrive back at the subway station, walking in silence. Sadly, Michael hasn’t taken my hand this time. I wish he had.

“When’s your subway coming?” he asks.

“In a moment,” I respond. “You’re walking home?”

“Yeah, it’s not too far from here.”

“What’d you tell Max you were doing this evening?”

“He and Liz took off this morning to spend some time together. He won’t notice that I was gone.”

“I think I have to go...” I mention, nodding at the arriving subway train.


“Oh, I haven’t said thank you for the cell phone...”

“Don’t worry about it.” Then he lightly pulls me into his arms for a second. “And call me, if you need anything, okay? Or even if you just want to talk.”

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Re: Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Pt. 12 01/10/09 Pg.5

Post by candysteffi »

Hey :)

April: Awwwww thank you for your wounderful and loooong feedback :) It´s good to hae you back here, but I hop you enjoyed your time off at home. I´m really looking forward to your new fic and I´m very glad you like SoNY. :)

starcrazed: Thank you. I hope you like the new M&M action in this part, too :)


Part 13

When you want to escape your life November 23rd, 2007 – Friday - 3:30 pm

I went to school with a new plan this week. It´s called: Try to listen to your teacher. And – who would have thought it – it actually works. Kyle and Lonnie stayed out of my way the entire week, maybe Michael had something to do with this?!

Today Billy and Sean are waiting for me in front of the school. I saw them too late, so now I have to deal with them.

“Hey!” I greet as nice as I can and try to force a smile.

“Why’re you avoiding us?” Billy comes straight to the point.

“I’m not avoiding you,” I deny. “I was just busy. I was looking for a job and studying.”

“So you’re a nerd now?” He takes my books from me.

“Give them back!” I try to stay cool and confident, but he throws them into a nearby puddle.

“Oops!” He makes a fake startled face, grabs me my shoulder hard, and drags me along with him for a few meters.

“I swear if there’s someone else behind this, I’ll kill him ... and you!”

I pull away from him. “There isn’t.”

“We’ll see. Come by my place at 5:00 pm.”

“I…” I try to find an excuse, but come up empty.

“You’ll be there, or else I’ll come and get you. Got the message?” He glares at me in anger.

I nod. “Okay.” Then he leaves and I bend down to pick up my dirty, soaked books. “Great,” I mutter under my breath.


I knock on Billy’s apartment door with a shaking hand.

Why does he want me to be here?

He opens the door. “You’re late!”

“Sorry, the first subway was too crowded.” And I was in no hurry to see you.

I enter the apartment and sigh with relief as I see that the others are there, too. Thank God, I´m not alone with him.

“So, now that we’re all here, will you tell us why we’re here?” Ryan asks Billy.

“I’ve got news: I saw Rath today. Sad to say, he seems to be alright again,” he starts. A murmur goes through the room, but I stay silent and bite my bottom lip.

“Bad weeds grow tall!” Sean replies emotionlessly.

“Too true! We’re gonna have to be careful now... Without Rath they’re nothing, but when he´s fit again, they may call for retaliation soon.”

“And what should we do? Hide in our apartments?” Brody says.

“Of course not. We´re not gutless. Just be careful.”

“That´s all, man? Cause there’s a hot chick waiting to get laid.” Ryan grins and high-fives Billy.

“Sure! Get out of here and fuck that bitch.” He turns in my direction. “Wanna fuck me?” he asks, but it sounds more like an order.

“Sorry, I’m on my period.“ Wow, quick excuse. If I could, I would pat my own back.

Billy grimaces. “Eww, disgusting. Well, I’ve gotta find someone else then.”

His remark hurts me, even if I don´t care about him.

“So, Brody… Sean… were can we meet some chicks? Girls, you stay at home this weekend. You don’t go out in public.”

Ava nods obediently.

“It’s getting dark. Can we go home now?” I ask and try not to sound as pissed as I am.

He seems to think about it for a moment. “Leave,” is all he says.


I rummage around in my bag to find the key for the front door. “Where are you?” I murmur to myself and then I finally find it.

“What the...?” I try to put it in the lock, but it doesn’t work. I think there must be another key in the lock at the other side of the door.

“Great. This day really sucks.”

I knock on the door, but – of course – nothing happens. “Mom!” I shout. “Open the door, I can´t come in; you left your key in the lock.”

Still nothing.

“MOM!” I yell, louder.

“Shut up.” A voice behind the door yells back – it´s George.

“Then let me in.”

“We don´t want to see you right now.”

“But I live here.” I desperately try to convince him to open the door.

“Not today. Go somewhere else.”

“There’s no place I can go. Mom, are you there? Please, just let me go to my room. Please Mom, don´t listen to that bastard. I’m your daughter.” My voice sound so desperate at the end of the sentence.

“Shut up, bitch,” George howls.

Tears cloud my eyes as I silently stare a moment longer at the locked door, then I go back outside and shiver as the cold wind blows in my face.

I stand in the in the middle of the street and look to the left then to the right. Where should I go? There is no place where I can go. Billy is not an option, of course; Sean hangs around with him, and Ava would never let me stay at her place.


I stayed at one of the malls until it closed at 8pm, looking at all these things I could never afford. At least it was warm and dry.

The smell of food in the air made me very hungry, but I don´t have a single penny to spend. So I´m sitting on a bench in the subway station right now because it’s been raining for hours outside. I pull my legs against my body and wrap my arms around them to keep me warm but it doesn’t help much. My eyes close every now and then; I’m so tired, but I know that I mustn´t fall asleep outside – it´s too cold.

Suddenly, someone rouses me out of my light doze. “Look at the bitch.”

I turn in the direction where the voice had come from and spot Lonnie and Michael. My heart pounds as he meets my gaze, but I know that he can´t be nice to me when someone from his gang is around so I just answer weakly, “Leave me alone,” and turn away.

“Come on, it´s cold,” I hear Michael say to her.

“But she’s alone, Rath. At least we could annoy her a little.”

“I’m not interested. Come on, I wanna find something to eat.”

He pulls her away from me and they disappear into one of the trains. I exhale and try not to be disappointed.


Only a few minutes had passed when my cell phone starts to beep.

‘One unread message’, it says. It takes me a while to open it and I smile a little when I see the name of the sender. Of course it’s from Michael. Who else?


“Easier said than done!” I murmur to myself.

I try to answer the message – but I’ve never had a cell phone before so it takes a few minutes.


Preferably, I want to ask him to come back here again, but I won´t. He can´t change my situation and I don´t want to bother him. Besides, he’s still hurt and it’s too dangerous.

I stare at the phone in my hand. Will he text again? The renewed beep releases me from the waiting.


I’m so excited as I read his short sentence. Even though I know it´s wrong... I’m impatient to hear his voice again.


An hour has passed since his last text – but nothing; no call, no message. Maybe he forgot about me? How could he forget me while I was thinking about him the whole time?

I stand up and walk around a little, because my feet are very cold and they ache. Where should I go? I can’t stay here all night. Homeless people will arrive soon as they seek a little shelter from the cold wind. They won’t accept my presence here.

Suddenly – and finally – my cell phone starts to ring. I nervously pull it out of my bag. What will he say?

“Yeah!” I answer the phone.

“Hey, it’s Michael. Sorry, took me a while to get rid of her. Where are you?”

“Still where you saw me last,” I confess, my voice shivering.

I can hear him sigh at the other end.

“Okay, you wanna meet me at the park? You know... where we met once before?”

I know that I should say no and hang up because he’s not able to help me, but I just can´t say those words out loud.

“Maria?” he asks again.

“Yeah,” I reply quietly. “I… I wanna meet you.”


He’s already there, leaning against a tree, when I get to the park. I try to find something to say to him when I reach him, but nothing smart and intelligent comes to mind. So I stop in front of him and just say, “Hi.”

“Hey!” He takes a step forward. “I brought you a pullover from home. You’ve gotta be really cold.”

I nod. “Thank you.” Then I pull it over my head. It’s way too big, but I don´t care.

He shoves his hands in his pockets. “You wanna take a walk?”

Again, I nod silently.

“Tell me what´s wrong?” Michael asks directly.

“Nothing!” I deny without conviction.

“You look horrible!” he declares.

“Thank you. That’s just what I wanted to hear,” I snarl at him.

“But it’s the truth. You look like you haven´t slept or eaten in days. I´ve always imagined that Billy’s the only trouble in your life, but I was wrong, right?”

I don’t answer. I can’t. I would start to cry the moment I begin to speak.

He scratches his eyebrow. “Maria, how am I supposed to help you when you won´t tell me anything?”

“I didn’t ask you to help me, Michael.” I almost scream at him, because my emotions are so overwhelming. “Because you can´t help me... you can´t change... my situation.”

We stop and stare at each other; tears are streaming down my cheeks. I want to turn away to hide my face from him, but he grabs my wrist.

“Come here!” He pulls me against his chest and loops his arms around me. “You’re so cold!” he whispers into my hair.

I hold onto him desperately. “Everyody wants to get rid of me or lies to me,” I sob quietly into his jacket, my whole body quivering.

“I won’t!” he promises in a soft tone.

He pulls his cell phone out without letting me go.

“Liz? It’s Michael.”

“You alone?”

“Can you distract Max for a while? Take him out for dinner or something.”

“Maria’s gonna sleep at my place tonight. I´ll explain later.”

I look up at him in horror, shaking my head and mouth the word NO without making a sound. He calmly stares at me and continues talking to Liz.

“Okay, call me when you´re leaving.” Then he hangs up the phone.

“No, Michael. I can’t sleep at your place. It’s too dangerous. What happens when someone from your gang drops by?”

“Liz will distract Max for a while so we can get into my apartment unseen. We’ll have to be qiuet tomorrow morning, but it’ll work. Kyle, Lonnie and Alex don´t come to my apartment uninvited.”

“But...” I start again. I don’t want him to risk anything for me.

He presses a finger against my lips. “It’s okay. Nobody will know.”

I hope he´s right.

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Re: Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Pt. 13 01/18/09 Pg.5

Post by candysteffi »


April: Hey girl, I´m really glad you like SoNY, 'cause I looovve your stories, lol. Michael is sweet, huh? :) I hope he´s still our Michael: strong and mysterious. lol


Part 14

One hour later...

Michael turns the key and opens his apartment door. I don’t feel comfortable with the whole situation and I look back into the hallway to make sure that nobody has seen us.

He kicks the door shut behind us, takes my hand and leads me to the bathroom. “You’re taking a bath now to get warm, okay? After that, I´m gonna make you something to eat.”

Michael sits down on the edge of the tub and turns on the faucet. The moisture from the warm water rises as he pours some bubble bath into it. Then he stands up, grabs a big towel from the shelf and comes over to me again. “Stay in there as long as you want.”

He leaves the bathroom and I stare at the closed door a moment longer, before I strip my clothes off and let my body sink into the warm water. I sigh and close my eyes.

Thirty minutes later, the water is getting cold and I decide that it´s time to step out. I secure the towel around my body and walk over to the mirror. He was right – I do look horrible. There are bags under my eyes, my skin looks pale and my lips are raw from the cold.

There is a soft knock on the door. “You can come in,” I reply.

I watch Michael in the mirrow as he carefully opens the door. “You need somethin’ to wear? I brought a t-shirt and some boxer shorts for you.”

He comes toward me, sets the clothes down on the sink and looks at my reflection in the mirror from behind me.

“Thank you.”

He nods as his gaze roams further and stops at the light bruise, courtesy of Billy’s painful grip on my shoulder this afternoon. I know that he wants to ask me about it, but he stays silent and bites his tongue. I can see the muscles of his neck tighten. “I’ve got some frozen lasagna, you want some?”

“I love lasagna.“ A small smile escapes my lips.

He slightly smiles back at me and then I watch him leave.

I have to tell him the truth.


I enter the living room after putting on Michael’s clothes.

“Have a seat on the couch. The lasagna still needs some time in the oven.”

“Okay.” I slip down on the sofa and watch him moving around in the kitchen. He’s doing the dishes or something.

Okay, DeLuca, time to take your courage in both hands.

“Michael?” I ask hesitantly.

He turns around. “Yeah?”

“Can we talk?” My voice sounds uneasy.

“Sure!” He leans his weight on the counter and looks at me in expectation.

I breathe out and sit up straight. “I...It´s not so easy for me, you know... to tell you all these things.” My gaze drops to the ground because I’m uncertain and nervous. “Look, there are a few things in my life... that really suck.” I gulp for air and try to go on, but no words escape my lips.

Michael leaves the ktichen and comes over to the couch. He grabs a blanket from the armchair, wraps it around me and sits down beside me. “Tell me why you can´t go home tonight, Maria.”

I nod and try to find a point where I can start. “The door was locked and I couldn´t get in after I left Billy’s apartment.

“Billy? You were with Billy?” he asks, sounding a little alarmed.

“I had no choice. He came by school today and said he’ll come and get me when I don’t come to his apartment.”

“Did he hurt you?”

I lift my gaze to meet his eyes. My fingers are pulling the collar of his t-shirt, which I´m wearing, to the side, to show him the bruise on my shoulder again.

Michael clenches his fists. “Anywhere else?” He says with gritted teeth.

I shake my head. “No.“

“Why’d he want you to come to his place?”

“The others were there, too. He just wanted to let us know that he had seen you on the street and that you’ve almost recovered. He told us to be careful.”

“He‘d better be careful!” Michael growls. “I’m gonna beat the shit out of him.”

“Michael, no!” I grab his arm and look at him directly. “No! He’s dangerous and he will kill you. And I... I don´t want to lose you.”

He stares at me for a few seconds and then changes the subject. “Tell me what happened later, when you got home.”

“Like I said, I couldn’t get in.”

“You lost your key or something?”

“No. There was another key in the lock from the inside. I couldn´t unlock the door from the outside.”

“But if there was a key on the inside... somebody had to be at home, right?” He furrows his brow.

I laugh bitterly. “Yeah, my drunk mother and George.”


“My mom´s bimbo. He hates me and he wants to get rid of me. I didn´t know my real father…”

“Was he the one who slapped you the day we met in the park?”

“Yeah,” I croak and look at my hands.

“Damn it,” he half-screams, and then struggles for control again.

“Sorry. It´s just... I can´t believe that they’re beating you.”

“It´s okay,” I answer softly.

“No, it´s not okay.”

“Well, anyway, back to the original story. They didn´t let me in and there’s no other place I could’ve gone.” I try to suppress the tears I can feel coming on.

He wraps his arm around me and pulls me against his chest. “My mom doesn´t care about me anymore. It´s so cold in my room, because they shut our gas off and we have nothing to eat. She wastes all the money on alcohol.”

I have to stop for a moment because there is a lump in my throat. I have to calm down. Michael threads his fingers through my hair and squeezes my body against him.

“I have no money and I can´t get a job. I´ve tried, but I´m under 18 – they need the permission of a parent and as you can imagine, I can’t exactly take my drunk mother to an appointment to sign the papers.”

I lean back to gaze into his eyes. “Thank you for letting me stay here tonight.”

“I wish I could do more,” he answers pensively.

I shake my head. “No, don’t ever think that. It’s more than enough.” I let my body sink back against his chest and feel it rise and fall with his every breath. I want to lay my hand on his stomach, but hesitate. Would it still hurt him?

He seems to read my mind and lifts his shirt a bit – revealing a large bandage. “It’s not so bad anymore.”

“Billy! That motherfuckin’ coward!”

“I’m right there with you.” He pulls his t-shirt down again and his hand remains at the hem. I stare at it for a while before I muster the courage to place my hand over his and my fingers slide between his.

“What’s next, Michael? Because I really don’t know,” I admit quietly.

He squeezes my hand lightly. “We´ll figure something out. For now, you should eat your lasagna.”


“I’m so tired,” I murmur and shift my position on the couch.

“Wanna go to bed?”


He goes to the bathroom first, then it´s my turn. I stand up and stumble to the bathroom sleepily.

“You wanna sleep in the bed? I can take the couch!” he calls from the living room.

I dry my hands, turn around, and pause at the entryway. “Sleep with me in the bed?” I ask shyly.

“Okay.” Michael starts to pull his shirt off and grimaces in pain. He loosens the bandage from his stomach and I can see the still-tender scars where Billy wounded him. He takes a tube of salve from the shelf next to him, but it falls out of his hands and under the bed.

“Shit,” he swears quietly.

I slowly walk over to him and stop him from kneeling down on the floor. “Let me help you,” I say softly, and pick the salve up from the floor.

“Lie down,” I tell him.

“Maria, you don´t have to ...”

“Stop talking and lie down,” I repeat calmly.

This time he obeys and stretches out on the blankets. I open the little tube and prewarm the salve on my fingers before I brush it against the wounds on his stomach.

“Does it still hurt much?”

“No, it´s fine.” Michael answers.

I look at him doubtfully. “Don´t lie to me.”

“It gets better every day. Don´t worry.”

“Okay, I´m done. Sit up, so I can put a new bandage over those wounds.”

I support him as he lifts his upper body from the bed. “Raise your arms a little.”
I wrap the bandage around his stomach.

He winces in pain. “Too tight?” I ask.

"No, just right. Thank you.“

We stare at each other in silence and I sink into his deep brown eyes. My hand still rests on his shoulder and I can feel his warm, soft skin beneath my fingertips.

‘Take your hand away,' my mind screams, but I just sit there frozen. His gaze roams to my mouth and it makes me gasp.

Oh my God, is he going to kiss me?

My heart races with this realization. I've never thought about it. Do I want to kiss him? Maybe...

Suddenly we hear sounds from the the apartment below. “Max and Liz are coming home,” he declares and lays down. “Don´t worry, Max won´t show up.”

I nod and lie down, too. A little disappointment courses through my body and I close my eyes as I imagine what a kiss from Michael would have felt like.

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Addicted Roswellian
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Re: Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Pt. 14 01/25/09 Pg.5

Post by candysteffi »



Damn girl, I love your replies, lol. Thank you.

I'll tell you, I wish more people on this board were reading this fic. It's fantastic. I know that M+M fics will inevitably attract less attention on an M+L centered board, but there is something here for EVERYONE to enjoy.
Yeah, but I won´t write M&L centered fics to get more replies, lol. And as long as there are some great feedbackers like crazy and you.... it´s all good to me ;)
Anyway, I'm of course looking forward to the next part. How many pages are left, do you know?
Hm... I would say we´re almost half way done now.


Hey, good to have you back :)
To tell you the thrue I am reading a long candy story where the major part of it is sex, and in the end it's a bit tiresome. But then I read a fic like yours in which they are taking care of each other and building a realtionship where sex in not the focus so and it's really, really nice so : thank you
What´s the name of the story you´re reading?
Well, my fic includes a lot of candy-interaction, so there has to be more than just sex, lol.
just a question to you have some spectial day to post ? cause I didn't get the notification before and I wouldn't miss the next one...
Updates are every Sunday afternonn my time, so if you life in th US, than it would be Sunday mornings your time. :)



Part 15

When you want someone you shouldn´t Novemerber 24th, 2007 – Saturday – 9:00 am

For the first moments, I don’t know where I am when I wake up. But slowly, the memory of the day before comes back. Oh, it was a crappy day, well, at least until I met Michael.

I turn my head to look at him; he stirs lightly and opens his eyes sleepily.

“Morning,” he murmurs and closes his eyes again.

I smile at him. He looks so cute with his hair in his face. I wish I could stay forever.

“I have to go, huh?” I ask quietly.

It takes him a moment to respond. “What time is it?”

“Nine o’clock.”

“You can stay for a while,” he says and rolls to his side to come face to face with me. “Max goes to the fitness center every Saturday morning. He won´t be back until lunch.”

“Oh, okay.”

“Want some breakfast?”


He rolls back onto his back and rubs his eyes. “You can have the bathroom first. I´m gonna make some coffee.” He pushes himself up from the bed. “Fucking bandage,” he grumbles.


He’s already set the table when I come out from the bathroom. I take a seat on one of the barstools at the counter and inhale the wonderful aroma of fresh coffee.

“Smells good,” I rave.

“Enjoy, it’s the only cooking skill I have. “

I laugh. “Fast food junkie, huh?”

“Kind of.”

“Tell me something about you.”

“Why?” He looks at me, puzzled.

I shrug. “Cause it’s a little weird, you know? I mean, I’ve told you so much about me and … and I don´t know much about you. Well, except for the fact that you’re a Bandit and you can´t cook.”

“That´s more than anyone else, outside of the Bandits, know about me.”

“Not very much...” I state.

“All right, ask me something and maybe I’ll answer.”

“Okay,” I stuff a cookie in my mouth, “how did you become a member of the Bandits?”

“I met Max, Lonnie and Kyle at the children´s home, when I was four. We spent a lot of years there together and Max joked around about us and called us the Bandits… it just stuck. That’s pretty much it.”

“So you were at that place for your whole childhood?”

“Almost, yeah. We ran away a lot, but of course, we always got caught again. At the age of 16 we made an application for emancipation and – I still don’t know why – we got the approval. Maybe the staff at the children’s home was sick of us, but Max’ little brother had to stay there. We all got jobs and moved into an apartment together.”

“You all lived together?” I ask, surprised.

“Yeah, until the day Max met Liz. He totally fell in love with her from the first day and a few weeks later Max decided that Liz and her best friend Alex had to become members of the Bandits. I was sick of being around Lonnie and Kyle all the time and I rented this apartment.”

“I hope I’ll get out of my flat soon, too. But without any money.... At least I will turn 18 in December.”


One hour later....

“I should go now.” I push myself up from the couch and walk through the door.

“You think you’ll be able to get inside when you go home today?” Michael asks, concerned.

“Yeah, I think so. I hope…“

He goes to his jacket and fumbles in the pocket. “Here, take this.” He thrusts 20 dollars into my hand.

“No,” I give it back to him, “I´m not taking money from you.”

“Maria,” he reaches for my hand and puts the money back in it, “it’s damn cold outside and that’s not gonna change anytime soon. Take the damn money and buy something hot to eat now and then. Maybe I can´t pay your gas bill, but I won´t let you go with nothing.” He looks at me seriously and lets me know that he won´t tolerate any protest.

I nod slightly. “Okay.... thank you… for everything.” I stare at the ground in abashment. “Promise me you’ll stay away from Billy,” I plead. I remember something Billy said to me yesterday.

“I swear if there’s someone else behind this, I’ll kill him ... and you!”

“I won´t run away from him, I´m not some pussy.”

“But look what he did to you.” I motion to his stomach.

“I’ll keep my eyes open, okay?”

“Last time you said that, I had to visit you in a hospital,” I whisper.

“Not this time. Don’t worry about me. Just promise me that you’ll watch yourself.”

He’s still holding my hand and now he pulls me into his arms. I lean my head on his shoulder and inhale his smell. Oh, Michael Guerin, I love your scent.

He loops his strong arms around my waist and rests his chin atop my head.

“Call me, when you get home, okay?” he says, as he ends our hug, too fast.

“If you want me to.”

Suddenly I feel his warm lips at my forehead, and then he moves out of my way to hold the door open for me and I stumble down the stairs, dazed.


I sigh with relief as the front door to my flat opens. Thank God, I don´t have to sleep on the street tonight.

My mother and George are in the kitchen, huge bags held in their hands. “What’re you doin’?” I ask, startled and bypassing a greeting.

“Your mother’s moving out; she’ll live at my place now.”

“WHAT? You can´t leave me alone!”

“Watch us!”

I turn to my mother. “Mom, you want to leave me here?”

She looks at me drunkenly.

“I don’t have any money, how am I supposed to pay the rent? You want me to live on the streets?” I run to her side and shake her. “Talk to me!”

“Maria,...” she croaks.

George pushes me away from her harshly. “Get out of our way.”

“No!” I angrily stand up in front of him. “You’re a bastard, you´re taking my mother away from me!” I scream at him.

“Shut up, you little bitch!” he yells and shoves me again. I start to stumble and crash to the ground.

They go to the front door. “Mom!” I cry.

She turns around and looks at me, her features emotionless.

“How can you leave me? Wake up! He’s a jerk. Don’t turn away from me.”

For a moment, she seems to be confused, but then she walks out the door.

“I hate you!” I bawl after her when the door shuts. I stare at the ground in shock. What just happened? I can’t believe it. It has to be a nightmare or something, she wouldn´t leave me like this, would she?

Suddenly a wave of sadness washes over my body and I start to cry bitterly. I cry so much that I can hardly breathe.

Minutes, maybe an hour passes until I push myself up from the ground and walk to my room. I crash onto my bed, pull the blanket around me, and grab the Teddy I got from my grandma. “How can she leave me?” I whisper again and again.

Suddenly, my cell phone starts to ring. Michael, shit I forgot to call him. I don´t want to speak to him right now, cause he shouldn´t worry about me all the time. But when I don´t answer the phone, he’ll worry about me, too, right?

“Yeah,” my voice sounds weak.

“Where are you?” Michael asks tersely.

“At home, I know I...”

“Damn it, Maria, why you don´t use that phone? I asked you to call me, remember?” He’s pissed.

“Sorry!” I squawk, as new sobs begin to strangle me.

“Did something happen?” he asks, calmer now.

“She left me,” I breathe, afraid that the realization will hit me again hard, when I say it out loud.


“My mom. She moved out with George and left me. How am I supposed to pay the rent? And I don´t want to know how much money we owe our landlord.”

I can hear him grunt.

“At least George won’t hit me again.” I try to find something positive in all the mess.

“Listen, Maria. We’ll think of something, okay? For now you have the 20 dollars I gave you. Buy some food and try to avoid your landlord. And don’t stay at Billy´s at night.”


“I have to hang up now. Max is waiting for me at his apartment.”

“Goodbye then.” I whisper.

“Bye. I´ll call you tomorrow.”

I lay the cell phone on the bed and pick up a picture, which stands on my nightstand. It shows my grandma, my mother and me on a sunny day in Central Park. We had worn beautiful dresses, decorated with lots of flowers. It reminds me of the great times we had together in the past. Today, there’s nothing left.

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Re: Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Pt. 16 02/08/09 Pg.6

Post by candysteffi »


Oh god, I get nervous at the thought of what she might do if she really needs money and doesn't want to have to depend on Michael anymore.
You can relax, I promise :)
This story wreaks havoc with my nervous system.
I hope this part will change this a little, lol.

I fell like Maria keep going down and down and down...
Not in this part, promise.
Yeah I know the fic "Cuffed" - I read it a few years ago.


Hey girl :) I´m glad that you decided to read this story, even when you´re more a dreamer than a candy :)
Updates are every Sunday.

Thanks girls, here is the next part:


Part 16

Life must go on Novemerber 26th, 2007 – Monday – 16:30 pm

After school...

I set the grocery bag aside to find my key for the front door in my bag. I bought some food, pencils and a writing pad for school from the 20 dollars Michael gave me. I think it will be enough for a while.

I have decided that my life must go on and I can´t look back all the time. Yeah, my mom is gone, I don´t have money and it´s cold – but I can´t change these things. But maybe I can survive long enough to turn 18.

“Hey Maria, can I help you?” Sean stands up in front of me.

Oh no, I don´t want to see one of them today.

“Hey! No thanks, I just found my key.” I open the door and slip into the flat. Sean follows me with the grocery bag, which I had set on the ground.

“Where’s Aunt Amy?” he wants to know.

“She ran off!”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“She moved in with her bimbo George, and left me.”

“Is that the reason why you haven’t been showin’ up lately?”

“Yeah, I have a job now to earn some money.”

“Cool. I´m on my way to the skate park, you want to join me?”

NO! Leave me alone!

“Um, I don’t know, I´m so tired.”

“You should come with me. At least for an hour, okay? I know it´s bullshit, but Billy still thinks that you’re cheating on him with someone else.”

I feel sick to my stomach but try to act cool. “Yeah, like you said total bullshit.”

“So you’re coming with me then?” Sean smiles.

“Fine,” I give in.


At the skate park...

“Oh look, Ms. DeLuca graces us with her presence.” Billy comes up to me on his skateboard and glares angrily.

“Never mind. She’s had some problems lately.” Sean tries to calm him down.

Billy grimaces. “Poor girl,” he says sarcastically.

“Hey Billy,” Ryan shouts from the background, “you practiced the move I showed you yesterday?”

“Yeah, I did it.” He skates away from me and I take a seat next to Ava.

“Hey!“ she greets me.


“Where’ve you been the last few days?”

“I’m in trouble at home and I have a job now to earn some money.”

She nods. “Can I ask you something?”

I look at her, puzzled. She never really talks to me. “Sure.”

“What kind of people are they?”


“The Bandits, I mean.“

I shrug. “They’re not that different from us, I think. Just some young people with problems.”

The boys interrupt us and sit down next to us. Billy’s hand wanders over my thigh, but I try to ignore it. There’s a hickey on his neck – it´s definitely not from me – but I don´t care. I just wish Michael had kissed me last night, too.

“So guys, what do you think? Should we go to the basketball court? Maybe the Bandits are around. I never get sick of beating up on them.” Billy grins.

“Me, too!” Ryan says and high fives Billy.

“I can´t wait to punish Rath again.”

I want to slap him in the face and scream at him, but all I can do is to stay calm.

“Okay, let´s go then,” Brody states and stands up.

“I’m not coming with you,” I say quietly.

“What? I can´t hear you.” Billy pulls me to a standing position.

“I said, I’m not coming with you! My shift at work starts in an hour and I have to go home and change my clothes.”

“Pity!” Brody says.

But Billy won´t let me go with that. He drags me along with him for a few meters.

“Where are you really going now?”

“To work. That´s the truth. Wanna come with me?“

Please say no, or else I’m stuck.

“No, I don´t care. Just to let you know: If you’re jerking me around, I will find out and then you´ll see.” He shoves me aside and walks back to the others.

“Bye Maria,” Sean shouts after me.


I pull the cell phone out of my pocket and dial Michael´s number.

“Yeah.“ He answers after a short time.

“Michael? Where are you?“

“At home, why?“

“Good!“ I sigh with relief.

“Is something wrong?” he wants to know, puzzled.

“Uhm, no, no. Everything is fine. Billy and the others are on their way to the basketball court and I just wanted to know if you’re there. But you´re not.”

“No, Kyle and Lonnie are at the fitness center, Max, Liz and Alex went to the mall, I think. And I´m bored shitless.“

I smile slightly. It’s so good to hear his voice again. “What are you doin`? It’s kind of loud in the background.”

“I’m just getting rid of the others and walking home now to do some homework.”

“You think you could cancel your last two classes tomorrow?”

“Yeah, it´s only gym class, but why?”

“It might be that I have a job for you.”

“Are you serious?” I ask, excited.

“So you´re interested?”

“Are you kidding me? Of course I am.”

He chuckles. “Good. I´ll will wait for you at the subway station where we met before at 1:00 pm.”

“Okay. Thank you!”

I hang up the phone with a big smile on my lips.

New rising hope – keen disappoinment Novemerber 27th, 2007 – Tuesday – 12:55 pm

I step out of the subway and can already see Michael at the end of the passage.

“Hey,” I can’t prevent the big smile as I reach him.

“Hey,” he smiles back, “you look good.”

I look down at myself. What does he mean? I’m not wearing anything special.

“Not so pale and exhausted like the last time,” He explains. “Okay, come on.” He takes my hand in his.

“Where are we going?”

“It’s a restaurant not far from here. Kate Wilson, my boss’s wife, is the owner.”


“Hi Michael, how are you doin´?” The tall woman greets him warmly.

“It’s getting better. I’ll be back at work soon.”

“That’s good. My husband really needs you in the shop; he comes home overworked every day.”

Then she turns to me. “And you have to be Maria.” Kate shakes my hand and smiles. “Michael told me you need a job, but that your parents won’t give you permission?”

Michael and I exchange a quick glance. “Yes, that´s right, Mrs. Wilson.”

“Oh dear, call me Kate, please.”

“Okay, Kate.”

“So, we’re looking for a dishwasher at the moment. We can´t make a real job offer as long as you´re underaged. But you could come here after school for a few hours and clean the kitchen. I´ll pay you 20 dollars a day from petty cash. I know it´s not much, but you can also eat for free here.”

“Sounds fantastic!” I beam at her with joy, and then look at Michael, who nods.

“And when you turn 18, you could be employed as a waitress here, with a better pay rate of course.”

“I... I don´t know what to say,” I stumble over the words.

“Well, just say that you’ll accept our deal.”

“Of course I will! I just can´t believe it.... When... when should I start?”

“Right now – if you want to.”


Kate laughs. “I really like you, Maria. Okay, I´m going back inside now. Follow me, once you’ve said goodbye to Michael.” She turns and leaves us alone.

“Wow... I... thank you so much, Michael.” With little hesistation, I throw myself into his arms and hug him tightly.

He runs his fingers through my hair. “You wanna sleep at my place tonight?” he whispers in my ear. It gives me a chill when his breath brushes against my neck.

I lean back slightly. “And what about Max?”

“He’s out of town until Thursday, his boss sent him to ... uh... I don´t remember, but it´s far away. I´ll make sure that the others won´t show up either.”

“You won’t cook for me, will you?” I ask with a smirk.

He laughs. “No, but I can buy a pizza… or you could cook for us.”

“Sound great. So, I´ll see you this evening then?”

“Yeah.” He loosens his grip around my waist and I take a step back.

“Maria, are you coming?” Kate calls from the kitchen.


Michael winks at me and turns to leave.

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Re: Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Pt. 16 02/08/09 Pg.6

Post by candysteffi »

Hi :)

he's sweet but also the stoney one from roswell, or so i have the feeling.
Cool, that´s the way i wanted him to be :) I´m glad it worked.
maybe this night there will be a kiss
uh-oh... hm... maybe your right? maybe not. lol
i cant wait for sunday, cant you post earlier
nope :)

I agree with guel. Post another part sooner than Sunday! No, it's nice to get weekly updates. Gives me something to look forward to on this otherwise mundane day.
I can promise you a weekly update until May for now. But there is still a little more to translate.
Maria has a job now! Yes! Are things finally looking up?
Hm... there will still be some up and downs in her life.

I´m really glad that you like Michael here ;)

OH, I almost forgot, the next part will have a special dedication to you, 'cause you made the beautiful trailer ;)

Thanks girls! :)


Part 17

Kate shows me the whole restaurant at first. It’s a really nice place with a lot of charm. “So, finally, this is our kitchen, we rebuilt it last summer,” she announces proudly.

“April, come here, I want to introduce you to Maria.” A young woman, maybe a year or two older than me approaches us.

“Hey.” She shakes my hand.

“April, this is Maria, she will be our dishwasher for the next few weeks. Maria, this is April, she´s my daughter and helps me a lot with the restaurant.”

“Nice to meet you,” I smile at her. She seems very pleasant to me.

“My dear, be a doll and show Maria what to do in the kitchen, okay? I have to get the food orders ready.”


Kate smiles and leaves the kitchen.

“Okay, let’s get started. First thing you should do every day is clean the range, the oven, and the steamer. We have some special cleaner for it, so it won’t be that bad.”

I nod. “Understood.”


The past hour, April had shown me all the things I have to do over the next few days. I never thought that there was so much to do in a kitchen.

“Okay, we´re done. Let´s get down to brass tacks.” She looks at me meaningfully. “You came here with Michael Guerin?” It’s more an inquisition than a simple question.

“Yeah!” I wonder where this conservation will lead to?! Does she know me from somewhere? Does she know I´m a Hurricane and he’s a Bandit. That could be bad.

“Is he your boyfriend?” She grins from ear to ear.

“Uh... no...” I stutter.

What are we? I really don’t know… friends? Comrades? Mates? Lovers? No, no, definitely not lovers… well, not yet…. Oh god, I’m running off the track now.

“We... we´re just friends, I guess.” I have to say something.

“WHAT?” She shrieks. “How can you just be friends? I mean, Michael Guerin ! ! ! – he’s like the hottest guy in the world. He’s appearance practically screams: SEX! Don’t you think?”

“Well, maybe.”

“Maybe? Maria, are you blind or something? Ohhhhh! I understand. You already have another boyfriend, right?”

“Um, no!“ My whole body refuses to still regard Billy as my boyfriend.

“You’re a lesbian?”

“What?” I rip my eyes open in consternation. “NO! I’m not.”

April laughs. “Sorry, it’s just that I can´t believe you´re not interested in him.”

“I didn´t say that.”

“After all, no woman can resist him. I think even my mother would like to get into his pants, if she wasn’t too old for him. So, will you see him again today?”

“I’m kind of sleep at his apartment tonight, so yeah...!”

She gasps. “You are so lucky, Maria.”

Lucky? Me? I don´t think so. Not at all.


It was 7:00 pm when I left the restaurant with my first earned 20 dollars. I’m so proud, and so glad that Michael organized this for me. Then I walked to my flat to pick up some stuff for the night and school. And now as I reach the front door of Michael’s apartment I reach up and knock.

Michael opens the door with a soft smile on his lips. “Hey,” he reaches for the bag in my left hand, “how was your first day at your new job?”

“It was really cool. Kate and her daughter, April were so nice to me. Thank you so much, Michael.” I won´t mention the littel conservation between April and me.

“It’s cool! I’ve known them for a long time. What do you want to eat? I went to the supermarket this afternoon and bought a few things.”

“Can I shower first? I smell a little greasy, I think.”

He snuffles at my hair. “Yeah, did you take a bath in the deep fryer?” He grins mischievously.

I slap him on the shoulder. “No! But, thank you!”


A knock on the door interrupts us and I look at him alarmed.

“It’s Liz!” A soft voice comes through the door and I sigh. Michael walks to the door and opens it.

“Hey Liz, what´s up?”

“Do you have any good dvd´s? I don´t have to work this evening and I´m so bored without Max being around.”

“You can check my films out and see if there is one you like, c’mon in.”

She enters the room and comes into my field of vision. “Hey Liz,” I greet her quietly.

“Hey, Maria.” She smiles at me and doesn’t look surprised. I guess Michael already told her that I’ll be spending the night here.

“Are you hungry?” Michael asks her. “Maria and I were planning to cook something.”

Liz looks shocked. “Last time you cooked Max and I could still smell the burnt sausages even a week later out in the hallway.”

I laugh and Michael glares at me.

I fall silent. “Um… I’m gonna go shower now.”

“Yeah, good idea. greasy-girl,” he says, playfully abused.


“Michael decided that he wants to relax on the couch and leave the cooking thing to us,” Liz says when I come out of the bathroom again.

“I think I can live with that. Have you decided what we’re gonna eat yet?”

“What about pasta?”

I laugh. “You have a thing for pasta, huh?”

“Yeah. I L-O-V-E it.”

“Okay Michael, what do you think about pasta?” I ask him.

“As long as there’s meat in it...” he grumbles from the couch.


“I’m gonna shower,” Michael tells me after dinner. Liz left a few minutes ago.

“Okay, I´m gonna wash the dishes then.”

“You don´t have to. I can do that tomorrow.”

“There’s nothing but a lot of crap on TV, so I don´t mind.”

A few minutes later I walk over to the kitchen and watch the water running into the sink. I smile, lost in deep thoughts. Who would’ve thought that at some point I would be standing in Michael’s kitchen, washing the dishes? It’s funny how things work out.

I start to put the dishes and utensils in the sink and grab a dishrag. Oh my God, this is making me so happy, I can´t believe it.

I´m not alone, Michael won´t let me down, he won´t leave me like my Mom. I´m washing his dishes...

A little pain in my left hand brings me back to reality. “Ouch!” I mutter. I cut my forefinger on one of the knives and it’s started to bleed a little.

“What’s up?” Michael, who has just entered the room again, asks.

“Nothing. Just cut my finger a little.”

He comes further into the kitchen, wearing only his jeans. I turn around to face the sink again and try to act busy.

Oh boy, don’t do that to me, I can´t stand that view very long.

“Let me see.” He stands still at my back and grasps my finger from behind.

The pain is all but forgotten as his upper body comes into contact with my back. He has to notice the tightness of my body.... and of course he has to make a comment about it:

“Why’re you all tense?” His breath touches my skin at my neck.

As if you don´t know.

“Uh... it’s just a little weird, you know... to be here with you... I mean, not weird in a bad way, but rather in a good way, you know? Oh my God, now you think I´m crazy right? Maybe I lost too much blood.”

He chuckles. “Maria, you’re babbling.”

I sigh. “Yeah, sorry.”

“But I think I understand what you mean. Weird, huh?” He opens the kitchen cupboard next to my head and takes a band-aid out of it. He unwraps it and softly places it over my little cut.

“I often cut myself, too. So there is always a first aid kit in my kitchen.”

I laugh. “Not a bad idea.”

“You´re done” He loosens his grip on my finger and places an ever-so-soft kiss on my shoulder where the pullover ends and bare skin begins. I shudder under the brief touch.

“I’ll wash the rest of the dishes.”

I just nod, still in daze, and sit down on one of the barstools, because I got weak in the knees.

After a few minutes I find my voice agian. “Can I ask you something?”

“That depends.”

“Have you had a lot of woman in your life?” I have to ask him. The question pops in my mind every now and then.

He looks at me, puzzled. “Why do you want to know that?”

I shrug. “I... I’m just curious.”

He turns away. “There were a few in the past,” he mumbles.

I nod to myself. That’s what I figured.

“Not lately,” he adds quietly.

“Because of your injury?”

“Not just that.”

I won’t ask him, even if I have to just accept his answer. Maybe because I’m too afraid that he will say no. Maybe because I already know that he won´t give me an answer.

“What about you?” He turns the tables.

“Umm, ... just Billy.”

“Of all people!” He looks at me, helplessly.

“I trusted him blindly, when we met first – that was a big mistake. He acted as if he cared about me. My mother was already an alky and treated me like trash, so it was a nice change to hang out with Billy and his gang. I really thought that they’re my friends. But after a few weeks things changed; Billy realized that I had no one but him. He started to make out with other girls, cause he knew, that I wouldn’t say anything about it. He wasn´t interested in me anymore. He just wanted to get in my pants now and then. I didn’t have the courage to say no to him, I was too afraid that he would leave me – I didn´t want to be alone.”

I pause for a few seconds and wipe a single tear away. “Today, I know it would’ve been better to be alone than to be with him. But it´s too late; I can’t leave him anymore without dealing with some pretty bad consequences. I´m already too involved.”

He puts the dishtowel away when his phone, which is lying on the counter, starts to ring. “It’s just Liz, I´ll call her back later. He comes up to stand in front of me. “So ... you´ve had some not very good expieriences with men, huh?”

“No doubt!” I answer, tensing again. I can´t stay calm when he’s so near.

“You know...” he leans forward and supports himself with one hand on the edge of the barstool, “... I think someone should change that...“ His other hand brushes a strand of hair out of my face.

“Someone?” I croak quietly.

He smiles at me warmly. “I think you´re clever enough to know who I mean.”

I smile back slightly and lean into his touch with closed eyes.

“I’ll give you some better experiences...” he breathes into my ear.

I shiver with excitement and I start to feel dizzy.

“Someday,” he adds, his breath feathering against my neck.

I can´t answer him; I can’t think straight right now so I just sit there, waiting for his next move. He places feather light kisses on my right cheek while both of his hands slide down my thighs to the backs of my knees. He brings me up against him and leans his forehead against mine.

I open my eyes a bit – to find him gazing at me ... his lips so close. My shaking hands take a hold of his strong upper arms.

“You ready for your first good expierence in kissing?” he whispers with a little smirk. Luckily, he doesn´t wait for an answer – I´m not sure if I could have give him one – and brushes his lips against mine lightly.

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Re: Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Pt. 17 02/15/09 Pg.6

Post by candysteffi »

Hey girls!

I´m upatng one day earlier today, 'cause I´m busy tomorrow :)

April: Lol, I`m glad you like my April-person in the fic. I was thinking about it, after we talked on FF. I was asking: What´s the first world you would think about when you here M&M and you said: SEX. Lol

quelbebek: There is no way that I would put Lonnie and Michael together again, I´m tooo much a Candy for that. :). Hmm well, I´m already apologizing for the next part ... you´ll see why.


Part 18

“WHAT THE HELL...? MICHAEL?!!” A loud voice bellows into the room, abruptly interrupting our kiss. The next second Michael backs away from me.

“Max? What’re you doin’ here?” His voice sounds almost hysterical… almost.

Max crosses his arms over his chest. “I think the question is, what the fuck are YOU doin´here?” he counters angrily.


“Answer me!” he yells. “Why are you kissing the Hurricane-slut?”

Michael turns to me. “You better leave.”

I nod slightly, hop down from the barstool and walk slowly to the door. Max starts to grab my arm, but Michael detains him. “Let her go, Max!”

The door is slammed shut behind me. I stand in the hallway in shock. What did just happen? Why was Max at home? I hold my breath and then I hear Max’ voice again through the wall.

“Count yourself lucky that you’re still wearing a bandage... otherwise I’d beat the shit out of you! What’s gotten into you?” he screams.

“Relax, man!” Michael tries to calm him down.

“Don´t tell me to relax; I just saw you making out with that bitch!”

“It´s just a part of my plan, okay?”

“What are you talking about Michael? What plan?”

Yeah, what is he talking about?

Michael sighs. “Okay, listen. I found out that she hates Billy, too, when she was at my place during the abduction. Then she came to the hospital, when I got knifed. All I could think about the last few weeks is: How can I take revenge for that, for what he did to me? I can’t beat him up right now, cause I´m still too weak. But I think I found another way to avenge myself: HER.”

I clutch the railing that runs along the stairs. What did he just say?

“HER? What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I’ve been tryin’ to gain her trust, okay? She hates Billy, too. And just think about it Max, what’ll Billy say when he finds out that his supposed-to-be girlfriend is now... well, my girlfriend...?!”

“Okay, just to get things straight in my mind… You don’t have REAL feelings for her, do you?”

“No! I just want to pay Billy back.”

I start to leave the building. Slowly first, and then I’m practically running. Tears are streaming down my cheeks. How could I have trusted him?

How could I kiss that jackass?


I don´t know when or how I got home. I just know that I ran the whole way.

I’m lying in my bed now with lots of blankets wrapped around me. I´m still so cold and I can´t do anything about it.

I close my eyes and remember the moment when Michael kissed me. I felt so nervous and weird, but also a little beloved. Now I know it was all a big lie. He just pretended to like me. He just told me things I wanted to hear. And I believed him. Oh my god, how could I be so stupid?

It’s all so obvious now. He would never betray his best friends because of me. His sudden friendliness was overdone; he had too little fear of getting caught. I grab the alarm clock from my nightstand and throw it at the wall. “Motherfucking asshole!”

Suddenly, the cell phone in my bag beeps. I pull it out and read the message:

Hey Maria, just want to say good night. Sorry about Max. His job out of town was cancelled. I took care of him.

“Yeah, I heard you!” I whisper to myself. My tone is scoffing as new tears well up in my eyes, but I force them back. “The hell with you!” I power off the phone and throw it under the bed. I don´t need it anymore.

The only thing that doesn’t fit into the whole story is Liz. Has she really been lying to me this whole time, too? Max didn´t know anything about the so-called plan for revenge. Why would Michael tell Liz and not Max?

Well, it doesn´t matter. I won´t trust them anymore. Maybe I won´t trust anyone ever again

I can’t trust you anymore Novemerber 28th, 2007 – Wednesday – 7:30 am

I feel really awful this morning, ‘cause I didn´t sleep well last night. I spent half of the night thinking about Michael and wishing I hadn´t been so stupid in the past. I force myself out of bed and into the bathroom. It´s damn cold and I wonder if the mirror will freeze.


I arrive at work at 3:30 pm and Kate tells me to wash the dishes first.

School sucked today. Kyle and Lonnie glared at me the entire time. I´m sure they know something. Maybe Max told them about Michael´s plan.

The math test in the third period was horrible. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t concentrate and at the end I gave my teacher an almost completely blank paper.

I´m kind of lost at the moment.

“Hey, Maria. How’re you doin’?” April asks me with a grin.

“Tired. Very tired,” I answer, trying to relax.

“So, how was your night at Michael´s place? Didn´t get much sleep, huh?” Her grin gets even wider.

My heart tightens as she mentions him. “Uh.... I... I don´t want to talk about it.”

“Speaking of him...” April becomes silent.

“Huh?” I turn around and catch sight of Michael. He´s standing outside and makes a gesture through the window for me to come out, too. “Great,” I mutter under my breath and throw the dishrag away.

“What do you want?” I snap the moment I get outside.

He looks at me, confused. “I just wanted to see if you’re okay. You didn´t answer my text yesterday. Are you pissed at me or something?” He shoves his hands in his pockets.

“As you can see, I’m alive. Was there anything else?”

“What’s the matter with you?” he asks, still puzzled.

“Nothing. I’ve gotta go inside now.” I want to leave him alone, but he takes a step forward and grabs my wrist.

I spin around. “Don’t touch me, Michael.”

“You’re not leavin’ until you tell me what’s wrong with you.”

“You want to know what’s wrong with me? The question is: What´s wrong with YOU, Michael?” I yell.

“I still don´t get it.”

“How could you use me like that? How could you use me to pay Billy back? I told you what’s going on in my life and you took advantage of it.”

He´s getting kind of pale.

“I heard everything you told Max yesterday, you bastard! How could I believe that you’re different from the others?” I try to force my tears back but it’s not working very well. “I started to trust you, Michael; do you know how much you´ve hurt me at all?”

“Maria, listen! You’re well aware that the things I told Max aren’t true.” He’s almost screaming. “I had to tell him something. What should I told him? The truth?” He releases my wrist.

“I don’t know what the truth is anymore. I can´t trust you or anyone else,” I whisper.

“I’d better go then. Goodbye!” He turns around and I watch him leave.

I lean against the door behind me and bury my face in my hands. I try to convince myself that I did the right thing. But when I remember the expression of hurt in his eyes, when I told him that I don´t trust him, I´m not so sure anymore...


I come home at 9:00 pm tonight and find a letter pinned to the door.

Mrs. DeLuca,

I am waiting for the payment for the last three months rent until December 7th. Unless payment is made eviction will be immediate.

Your landlord

“Great.” Three months rent? That’s like $900. Where the hell would I get $900 in just a few days? I take the letter and storm the stairs up to the flat belonging to Mr. Wilson, our landlord.

After a few knocks he opens the door and looks at me, his gaze unfriendly. “What do you want?” he grumbles.

“Um… Hi, Mr. Wilson, I just read this…” I show him his own letter. “Well, my mother is out of town for a while and she didn´t leave enough money here. I can´t pay the whole amount until next week.”

He shrugs carelessly. “Either you pay, or you can start packing your bags.” Then he slams the door shut and I walk back to my own flat frustrated. I have to find a new home... and fast!

House-Hunting Novemerber 29th, 2007 – Thursday – 12:30 pm

I cut school for the last three periods because my mission for today is House-Hunting. And I don´t want to be late at work after that.

First, I try my luck with an apartment agency. A tall and lean blonde woman greets me with a skeptical look.

“Hi, I’m Maria.” I smile at her, but her expression doesn’t change.

“My name is Mrs. Cornwall. So, Maria, what do you want?”

“Um...” I’m nervous; the woman doesn’t seem very nice to me. “I’m looking for a little studio apartment or something. Nothing special and nothing too expensive.”

“Can you give me a better definition of not too expensive?” she says in a condescending tone.

I thought about it last night… a lot. I only get $20 a day at the moment. Kate told me I can come in five days a week, if I want to. So I get maximum of $100 a week and maybe $450 a month. I have to buy food, school stuff, pay for electricity, some clothes now and then, and other things.

“I think I can pay around $150 to $200 a month.”

She looks at me and frowns. “Huh? That was a joke, right?”

I stare back at her, puzzled. “Um, no, that… I wasn’t kidding.”

“Listen, Maria.” She leans forward on her desk. “Go back home to your mommy. There aren’t any apartments in New York in your price range.”


Two hours later...

I’m very frustrated right now. I went to like five other agencies; I read all the advertisements for apartments and flats in every newspaper I found – but nothing. They were all too expensive, and too far from school and work.

I can still hear the voices of the people:

“No, there are no apartments.”

“No, that’s too expensive.”

“No.” - “No.” - “No.”

I really have to think about something else.
