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Re: Getting to know you

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 12:14 pm
by dreamer19
A. My bedroom

If I ever get married or remarried (if currently married), it would be at
A) Courthouse
B) Large Church
C) Smaller Church
D) Backyard
E) In another location where you're honeymoon will also take place (ex: Hawaii)
F) None, common law marriage is for me
G) I'm never getting married!

Merry Christmas! :D

Re: Getting to know you

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 10:24 pm
by POM
E. Vegas baby!! :D

During the holiday season, what movie am I going to want to see the most?

A) Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons
B) Seven Pounds
C) The Spirit
D) Four Christmas
E) Twilight (again...:lol:)

Re: Getting to know you

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 10:57 pm
by RosDude
A) Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons

The only good thing about Winter is:

A) Nothing
B) Something
C) Next question
D) Ask me again in the Spring
E) Other (if you actually like Winter :shock: )

Re: Getting to know you

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 1:39 am
by POM
C) Next question (<--- I live out in CA so winter isn't that bad, it's just really cold in the morning < well, cold for native Californias 'cold' > :lol:)

I brought in the New Year by:

A) Parting till the sun came up
B) Went to see a movie
C) Stayed home and watched the Ball drop in NY
D) Did absolutley nothing
E) Tried to stay up but ended up alseep :lol:

Re: Getting to know you

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 11:42 pm
by Jezebel Jinx
D...and a bit of E. (I went to bed at about 10 that night on purpose).

If vacationing in Hawaii (any of the islands), what activity would you most likely be participating in?

A) Relaxing in your hotel or on the beach
B) Visiting historical sites
C) Shopping
D) Water sports (snorkling, surfing, scuba diving, etc.)
E) Nature things (hiking, horseback riding, camping, etc.)

Re: Getting to know you

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 9:11 am
by jake17
A.... I would lie under a palm tree and stare out into the ocean with an ice cold corona with a slice of lime in one hand and a trashy romance novel in the other.

If I had a serious crush on a guy/girl at work I would...

A.) straight out ask him/her out
B.) wait till the office xmas party when he/she's nice and drunk and make a move under the mistletoe
C.) Ask a co-worker to slicky find out how he/she feels about me.
D.) Pay attention to his/hers likes and dislikes and surprise them with their favorite candy/desert/coffee.
E.) Find someone else because it's not wise to date someone you work with

Re: Getting to know you

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 11:07 pm
by POM
E] I've dated someone at work and it didn't work out and now it's just awkward!!! Never doing that again :)

If you were the last person on earth would you...

A.) Be lonely
B.) Be happy
C.) Go on Quest to try and find someone else
D.) Afraid that Zombies have taken over the planet
E.) It would be just like anyother day...nothing different.

Re: Getting to know you

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 11:17 pm
by spacegirl23
C) Go on a quest and try to find someone else! (Unless it's like I am Legend.)

If you won a million dollars, what would be your biggest expense?

a) Shopping spree - cars, clothes, gadgets
b) Travel to other countries
c) My fave charities
d) Savings, duh! (not an expense, but still)

Re: Getting to know you

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 5:08 pm
by killjoy
d) Savings, duh! (not an expense, but still)
I'm not a penny pincher but I do watch my money and don't blow it if I don't have too.Hell I was almost thirty before I made myself break down to spend the hundreds of dollars for a computer.

Your friends ask you to go with them to a movie you KNOW you'll hate,you......

A)Go anyway...dude that's what buds do
B)Try to talk them into seeing something else
C)Make up some lie on why you can't go
D)Tell them the truth and let the chips fall where they may

Re: Getting to know you

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:28 pm
by POM
A)Go anyway...dude that's what buds do <-- Especially if they are paying for it...meaning...Free movie :lol:

For Halloween the usal action for all hallows eve is:

A.) PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
B.) Trick or Treating...never too old for free candy!!
C.) Passing out candy...trying to scare all the neighborhood kids
D.) taking the kids trick or treating...but still dressing up...
E.) none of thee above...hate dressing up...hate everything about it!!! <--- if u choose this...note: that's so boring...LOL!!! :lol: