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Re: What do you like about yourself?

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:47 am
by Flamehair
Hmm, that's really hard :lol:

1) my love for my husband and my son - and for my friends (All say I'm a very friendly person)
2) I like the fact that I'm rather good at cooking and baking
3 ) that I can play the piano and my voice isn't too bad for singing - and that I love music
4) I'm creative (sewing, stitching and cooking :lol: )
5) my love for books ( :wink: to killjoy - I think we have several hundreds of books all over the house too :lol: ) and it's looks like we could already awaken this love in Leo too :D

Re: What do you like about yourself?

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 3:15 pm
by Hunter
What I like about myself was the hardest question anyone can ever ask me because I didn't know what I liked about myself until a very special friend (Jan- Janetfl) had been supporting me for the past few days and made me realise the positive traits in me. I always thought I was a failure, seriously. I needed Carrie and Jan to talk some damn sense into me all the time. I love these two ppl!

I don't mean to brag we go..

What I like about myself

1) That I can control my muse most of the times and easily get inspired by my surroundings. I write to my heart's content, I can write all day if I could! That's what I like about myself, the ability to constantly write. I'm not the best out there but I'm a devoted writer. I would say it's one of my developed talents. That's why I'm here. To better myself.

2) I have long hair which is naturally straight and apparently I've been told not only by my friends but from people I don't really know that my hair is one of the beautiful features on me (They thought I straightened it) But I never which surprises me. How the hell does my hair manage to straight? I can't curl it though which is upsetting because after all that effort! It just goes back straight again. I also want to cut it short but no one supports me in having a hair cut, not even my own mother! :shock:

3) My fashion sense lol, I love the way I dress. Smart, Casual and chic in one. :D

4) When I have homework, I actually finish it off and never leave it hanging around. I don't like having incomplete homework so that keeps me out of trouble. No penalties for me lol.

5) I'm good at cooking now. My mother was showing me the ropes and I learned pretty fast.

6) Now this is the special trait....thanks to Jan! I'm becoming more stronger emotionally. I did get upset recently and doubted my own character but Jan set me straight and she said some things which actually got me thinking and you know what, don't give a rat's arse what nasty things people say to you. It's better to accept yourself for who you are and if they don't like it (the offending person) then it's their issue. Not yours. I've always took insults to heart no matter how they're worded. Now I'm just learning how to move on and like myself as a person instead of hating myself.

Re: What do you like about yourself?

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 4:11 pm
by Heavenli24
Hunter wrote:2) I have long hair which is naturally straight and apparently I've been told not only by my friends but from people I don't really know that my hair is one of the beautiful features on me (They thought I straightened it) But I never which surprises me. How the hell does my hair manage to straight? I can't curl it though which is upsetting because after all that effort! It just goes back straight again.
I have this trait too... my hair has always been totally straight and will not hold curls at all :(! It was so depressing when curly/wavy hair was in fashion (back in the '90's, before all this 'straightening' stuff started) and no matter how nice my hair looked just after I'd curled it, it would be completely straight again within half an hour :(. It was funny a couple of years ago though, when my younger brother (then 21) asked if he could borrow my straighteners (don't ask why - something to do with his girlfriend straightening his hair and him wanting to try it again)... he got really confused when I told him that I didn't have any straighteners. He said, "Why not? I thought all girls had straighteners?"... well, duh - my hair is already straight, what do I need straighteners for?!
6) Now this is the special trait....thanks to Jan! I'm becoming more stronger emotionally. I did get upset recently and doubted my own character but Jan set me straight and she said some things which actually got me thinking and you know what, don't give a rat's arse what nasty things people say to you. It's better to accept yourself for who you are and if they don't like it (the offending person) then it's their issue. Not yours. I've always took insults to heart no matter how they're worded. Now I'm just learning how to move on and like myself as a person instead of hating myself.
Good for you :).

Re: What do you like about yourself?

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 3:01 pm
by begonia9508
The only thing which comes in my mind is that I went throught my divorce with minimal disastrous effets on my kids!
They were 11 and 13 and it is a bad age to have troubles bc of school and teenagers problems...
Having to deal with a father living the family for another one is hard and I tried with all my forces to keep my little family together and now, 10 years after, they are both doing well with school and jobs and the most important things, they stood behind me all this time!
It costed me some nerves, heartaches and headhaches going through it but I'm OK about my life now....

EVE :mrgreen:

Re: What do you like about yourself?

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 9:20 pm
by Jared
lol this is really all i could come up with.

1. i like the fact that i have an IQ of 141.
2. and i like that I'm generally a friendly person.

Re: What do you like about yourself?

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 3:34 pm
by pijeechinadoll
Hunter wrote:What I like about myself was the hardest question anyone can ever ask me because I didn't know what I liked about myself until a very special friend (Jan- Janetfl) had been supporting me for the past few days and made me realise the positive traits in me. I always thought I was a failure, seriously. I needed Carrie and Jan to talk some damn sense into me all the time. I love these two ppl!

I don't mean to brag we go..

What I like about myself

1) That I can control my muse most of the times and easily get inspired by my surroundings. I write to my heart's content, I can write all day if I could! That's what I like about myself, the ability to constantly write. I'm not the best out there but I'm a devoted writer. I would say it's one of my developed talents. That's why I'm here. To better myself.

2) I have long hair which is naturally straight and apparently I've been told not only by my friends but from people I don't really know that my hair is one of the beautiful features on me (They thought I straightened it) But I never which surprises me. How the hell does my hair manage to straight? I can't curl it though which is upsetting because after all that effort! It just goes back straight again. I also want to cut it short but no one supports me in having a hair cut, not even my own mother! :shock:

3) My fashion sense lol, I love the way I dress. Smart, Casual and chic in one. :D

4) When I have homework, I actually finish it off and never leave it hanging around. I don't like having incomplete homework so that keeps me out of trouble. No penalties for me lol.

5) I'm good at cooking now. My mother was showing me the ropes and I learned pretty fast.

6) Now this is the special trait....thanks to Jan! I'm becoming more stronger emotionally. I did get upset recently and doubted my own character but Jan set me straight and she said some things which actually got me thinking and you know what, don't give a rat's arse what nasty things people say to you. It's better to accept yourself for who you are and if they don't like it (the offending person) then it's their issue. Not yours. I've always took insults to heart no matter how they're worded. Now I'm just learning how to move on and like myself as a person instead of hating myself.
LOL ^^ monica you had 6 things LOL :mrgreen:

PS: i like no.3 hehe im like that BIG GRIN! :mrgreen:

Re: What do you like about yourself?

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 10:07 pm
by Jezebel Jinx
Such a good topic, here is what I like about myself.

1. I'm a fairly positive person. I tend to look on the good side of things in a bad situation. Which is a personality trait I get from my Mom because she's the exact same way.

2. I love my body shape, I have a curvy figure and I love that. In the same category as the body thing, my favorite parts are my breasts, butt, and feet. Breasts are the right size for my body, my butt looks good in a pair of jeans, and my feet are cute (I hate other people's feet though). :lol:

3. My hair is long, natural blonde, straight and easy to manage. All do is wash my hair then brush it, sometimes use the curling iron for certain areas and then I'm ready to go. During high school if my friend sat behind me they'd play with my hair and braid it or put it in a bun.

4. I'm a kick ass video game player (when I play that is).

5. I learn things quickly. In high school, when I did my school work, I didn't have to work that hard to get A's and B's on an assignment, even if I hadn't been there for a couple weeks.

6. I can cook really well.

7. And I have a great, supportive, and protective family. We all look out for each other and encourage each other to go after what we want whatever it might be and I think that's very special.

Re: What do you like about yourself?

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 10:07 pm
by April
I really need to post in this thread more often. It makes me feel good about myself.

I like this new self-confidence thing I have going on.

I like that I wasn't afraid to get into a debate with the Michael Jackson-hater I ran into yesterday. (It's fine to not like MJ, but this guy was insulting his kids and everything.)

I like that I have such thick hair. I've gotten used to managing it.

Re: What do you like about yourself?

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 10:50 pm
by NotYourChick
1. I can calm almost anyone down.
2. Kids like me. For me I think that is cool.
3. I'm sweet most of the time.
4. Loyal to my family. I will fight for them. *makes face*
5. I can bake.

Re: What do you like about yourself?

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 8:11 am
by girl afraid
There's nothing to like about me. Sometimes I think the world would be better off without me in it.