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Re: When Dreams Change (UC Mi/L MATURE) Chapter 10 - 1/25 Pg

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 9:09 pm
by Whimsicality
Chapter Fourteen ~ Tangled Threads

Liz stared at the tall and lanky figure with horror in her eyes. Had they created a skin to look like him? Was this an alien or some FBI trick to prey on her vulnerability? Fighting the twin urges to tackle hug, and blast, the thing who had stolen the appearance of her best friend, she took a step forward, warm green currents forming in the palms of her hands and racing up and down her arms. If she could have seen her eyes, Liz would have seen that their color had changed to a matching blaze of green.

The man in front of her however, could see them, and to her surprise his shoulders slumped as he let out a sigh of relief. “Thank God you’re alive; you even have powers, that’s perfect.”

Liz blinked, not quite sure what to make of that unexpected reaction. “Who are you, and what are you doing in my best friend’s body?!” She demanded, refusing to let down her guard.

He just smiled and held up his hands in a show of defenselessness. “I am Alex. Not your Alex admittedly.” He said with an ironic twist of his lips, sending a jolt of fear, confusion, and hope through her chest. “But I am the Alex who grew up in Roswell with his best friends Liz and Maria. The Alex who had no luck with girls, was too geeky for his own good, and just happened to fall in love with an alien princess.” A shadow passed over his face as he spoke the last words, but it quickly vanished as he resumed smiling, his tone sad and sarcastic. “I take it I’m dead in this timeline?”

His words were far too calm for such a question, and Liz shoved down the hysterical laugh that was threatening to come bubbling to the surface. “Yes, you are, and what the hell do you mean by this timeline?” She was so angry that her voice shook and hot tears burned at the corners of her eyes.

How dare he be so blasé about the worst event in her life? Grief choked her and she shook her head wordlessly, staring at his strange but achingly familiar features. Dread was spooling in her gut, threatening to drown her with vivid memories of the last time an alternate timeline had impinged on her own and sent her life spiraling into a pit of loss and despair.

He sobered, smile disappearing into a grimmer look, and he reached a hand towards her, pulling it back with a resigned look when she flinched. “That will take a bit to explain, do you mind if we sit?”

Liz debated for a moment, exchanging a wary glance with Ava, whose presence she had almost forgotten in the heat of the moment, before nodding to the nearest table.

He moved towards it, pulling out a chair each for her and Ava before taking a seat himself, once again letting them have the advantage. Liz hesitantly sat down and opened her mouth to ask another question, but pressed her lips together instead when he held up his hand for silence and then closed his eyes. To both of the girls’ shock, his hands started to glow with a faint purple light, and with a sharp gesture he raised them, palms up, sending a wall of dark energy away from him that settled over the walls and ceiling for a brief moment before disappearing. “Now that we have some privacy, let’s begin.” He stated, smiling slightly at the open mouth that Liz was sporting.

Liz just couldn’t wrap her mind around Alex, any Alex, using alien powers with such confidence and obvious experience. Her Alex hadn’t had any powers. If he had, the bitch wouldn’t have found him such an easy target. Once again she blinked back angry tears and turned her attention to this Alex, noting the shadows under his eyes as well as the ones in them, attesting to experiences her Alex had never had, and revealing a darkness that she had never seen in his warm, blue eyes before.

“I am from a different timeline, or dimension might be a better word. I traveled to this reality using the Granolith in order to prevent your death and to kill Tess Harding.”

Liz barely reacted to the shocking statement, her brain already overloaded with the surprises revealed so far. Her eyes darkened with their own shadows at his declaration of intent and she replied bitterly, “Well, you’re a little late. Tess is gone, back to Antar with no one but her bastard child for company, damage done and plenty of ruined lives left in her wake.”

Ava glanced from the clearly surprised stranger in front of her, to Liz, finally understanding why she never spoke of Tess and why she had attacked without provocation when Ava first found her. Tess had killed Alex, or so Liz had said when he appeared, and somehow left with Max’s child, stealing Liz’s best friend and boyfriend in one fell swoop. She couldn’t blame her for not being able to let go, and she was humbled by the fact that Liz never looked at her like she was seeing Tess; Ava didn’t know if she could be so understanding if she were the victim.

Alex frowned, clearly not having expected that answer, and muttered to himself. “But she didn’t leave until after she killed you, and Max went with her.”

Liz stared at him, anger and confusion still evident on her face. “What are you talking about? Tess killed you; after making you translate the book, then left after she got pregnant. We figured out what she’d done and stopped Max and Isabel from going with her. She never even tried to kill me.”

He didn’t stop frowning, but spoke directly to her instead of himself. “Our realities are a lot more different than I originally thought. Did you go to the cave with Max after we rescued him from the White Room?” She nodded slowly and he let out a breath. “Okay, let me start from there and see if we can pinpoint where they diverged.”

After a moment of internal debate, Liz nodded in agreement while Ava kept quiet, absorbing everything and waiting patiently to see if they needed her input.

“After what they learned, you left, visited your Aunt in Florida. But you came back after less than two months, and after a few weeks of dancing around, you being your usual self-sacrificing self, the two of you got back together.” Liz’s eyes were filled with calculation rather than surprise, so Alex hurried to continue, anxious to hear her version of events.

“Tess, as you can imagine, wasn’t very happy with this and started distancing herself from the group. A few weeks later you suddenly broke up with Max, claiming that you needed space and had been right all along about him needing to follow his destiny. You started pushing him towards Tess and pulling away from everyone, even encouraging Maria and I to end things with Michael and Isabel, and pushing Kyle away from the group entirely.” Alex shook his head, face dark with remembered pain. “None of us could figure out what had changed until Maria and I went to visit you to try and talk some sense into you, and found you writing in your diary, the same three words over and over again – I’m a liar. I’m a liar. I’m a liar.”

Liz’s eyes widened, visions of headless pictures and ‘Leanna isn’t Leanna’ running through her head; she had a feeling she knew where this was going.

“We realized that Tess had been mindwarping you for over a month, first to get you to break up with Max, and later to try and drive a wedge between the humans and the aliens. No one believed us but Michael, and the others wouldn’t listen to him. By then Max had given in to Tess and was openly dating her. You wouldn’t leave the Crashdown – your mind wasn’t always there anymore, but you knew you had to stay away from Tess.”

He paused, eyes closing in anguish for a moment as the memories washed over him, the image of Liz’s brown eyes wide and pleading as she begged him to tell her who she was and what she had done, why she was a bad person burned indelibly into his psyche. His fists clenched and when he opened his eyes again, they were burning with rage and misery. “We confronted Tess on our own and she threatened to kill you if I didn’t translate the destiny book for her. Hoping it would help us, I agreed, and then secretly recorded our conversation when I gave her a highly edited copy of the translation.”

“The next day, before we could show the others and prove her betrayal, Max announced that she was pregnant and that they would be leaving. We played the recording and Michael backed us up, but Max didn’t care. He was completely under Tess’s control by then and didn’t even care that you were dying; your brain had been destroyed by Tess’s manipulations. Michael was furious, we all were, but all Max cared about was Tess’s baby and so he left, not even trying to heal you.”

Liz rocked back in her seat, tears coming to her eyes at the thought of Max, any Max, not caring if she died. She knew he had betrayed her, and that he believed she had betrayed him, and she didn’t think she could ever forgive him for letting Tess go, for not believing in her, but a part of her still held onto their connection, to the fact that he had once treated her like the center of his world. Yet he had let her die, not in this world, but she could easily see how their timeline could have happened that way if she had never received a certain visit and Tess had chosen a different victim.

“Isabel went with them. She didn’t want to leave, but she wanted to protect her nephew and I believe that she thought we would never forgive her for her involvement in your death. Michael tried to stop them, but Tess attacked all of us. Michael saved my life, healed my burns, but it was too late, they were gone. Michael tried to heal you, but your mind was too far gone; only Max could have saved you.”

¬There was a stretch of silence as he gave them a moment to absorb the shock of his story before telling them the end. “I developed powers as a result of Tess’s attack and Michael’s healing, and with his help, and my translation, we figured out that they hadn’t actually taken the Granolith, just used its power, and that we could use it too. I left a few months after your funeral and was attempting to go back in time in order to prevent her from ever warping you in the first place, but I knew it might not work and apparently the Granolith decided to put me here instead.” He shrugged. “That was one of the risks of using it once we learned that it isn’t just a machine and has a sentience of its own. I suppose I could use the power of your Granolith to try again, but that would probably be tempting fate.”

Ava nodded vehemently. “If the Granolith wanted you here, it was for a reason, and I don’t think it would take too kindly to you disagreeing with it.”

“What happened to Michael and Maria? And Kyle and the sheriff?” Liz asked softly, still trying to process everything he had lived through, and wondering deep inside how she could have ever made such an error in judgment. She had always prided herself on her ability to tell someone’s true character, but she was beginning to think that she had never really known Max, and she knew that she had never really known Michael. She had seen more in him than the others perhaps, but clearly not enough or things might have turned out quite differently.

“If I was not successful in changing the past, Michael and the others were planning on hiding the Granolith and leaving Roswell to start a new life somewhere else, after faking their deaths to throw off the FBI and any other aliens who might come looking for them. As I am here and did not succeed, I assume that is the course they took.” Alex explained, and then looked expectantly at Liz. “I know this is all shocking, but I would like to know what happened in this timeline, and maybe then we can figure out why the Granolith brought me here.”

Liz nodded and gathered her thoughts, digging her nails into her palms to keep herself under control as she shoved the new revelations aside, and purposefully relived the events of the past year for the first time since fleeing her home. “I know where the timelines diverged.” She said quietly, causing both Alex and Ava to straighten as they wondered what had happened to Liz, though for different reasons and with different concerns.

“I didn’t get back together with Max. Before I could decide to I had a visitor – a visitor from the future.” Glancing up she gave the two of them a wry smile that barely masked her pain. “The Granolith seems to like bringing me visitors.”

She sighed and looked back down at the table, away from their startled and probing gazes. “That time it was Max. At first I didn’t want to believe that it was really him, but he proved it beyond a doubt. He told me that in the future, he and I were married, but because of us being together, Tess had left, abandoning the group, and so when our enemies came, they weren’t strong enough to defeat them. Isabel and Michael had already been killed and a friend of ours had helped us devise a plan to use the Granolith to come back in time to make me break up with Max, so that he and Tess would be together and the future would be safe.”

Ava and Alex exchanged bitterly amused glances at the fallacy of that plan, before turning their eyes back to the hunched over figure of their friend, who radiated pain and regret although she still refused to look at them.

“I believed him and proceeded to persuade Max to leave me alone, finally pretending to sleep with Kyle in order to convince him that I no longer wanted to be with him. It worked and gradually he and Tess became closer. At some point during that year, Tess began warping you, or rather our Alex,” She stated, forcibly separating them in her head. “And had him translate the destiny book while he was supposedly on an exchange trip to Sweden. But after returning his mind had been damaged too much and he eventually died.”

Her fingers were white as they locked together, and she struggled to keep her voice even and calm, refusing to cry. “Tess covered up his death with a car accident, but I didn’t believe it and tried to convince everyone that his death was alien related. No one believed me, so I tried to find proof on my own. Before you, he, died, and unknown to all of us, Max and Tess had slept together. While I was still searching for proof that Alex’s death was not an accident, Tess realized she was pregnant and she and the rest of the foursquare made plans to leave for Antar using the Granolith once they realized the baby couldn’t survive in Earth’s atmosphere.”

Ava’s breath sucked in sharply and Liz finally raised her head, seeing the truth in the blonde’s blue eyes. “She was lying wasn’t she?” Liz said, more of a statement than a question, and Ava nodded, leading Liz to close her eyes briefly as a fresh surge of anger boiled through her blood.

She kept them closed as she continued, clamping down fiercely on her emotions. “On the day they were supposed to leave, we finally figured out that Tess had killed Alex when Kyle broke the warp she had placed on him after he witnessed Alex’s death. We managed to catch them before they left, but Max let Tess go anyways, because of the baby” Liz said with a sarcastic twist of her lips. “Max thought I would forgive him and I left. I couldn’t handle being around him anymore. I haven’t been back since, but according to Isabel, Max has been trying to find another way to Antar since the baby has been contacting him for help somehow.” She trailed off, eyes sliding open and staring at the ceiling while the other two watched her.

Liz and Ava were both lost in thoughts of how these revelations, how this not-quite-stranger’s presence, were going to change things, while Alex was wondering how he was going to complete his mission. Liz was alive and that truth had his stomach somersaulting with joy, but that didn’t change his other goal. Tess was going to die, one way or another, and her leaving the planet and becoming a mother wasn’t going to stop him.


Michael stared determinedly down at the light brown, calloused hands folded in his lap, refusing to look up at the mockup for the new display that Brody was raving about. Telling the man the truth had been the right choice, given what had happened to Alex, and the fact that Kyle had been strong enough to break the warps on his own; it had been the only choice. And, since they had let him in on the secret of their existence, he had proved to be an invaluable asset.

His connections and mass amount of resources, were paramount to helping them understand the information in the destiny book, and in beginning a search to locate any other aliens, as well as seeing if there was any way that conventional, human means, could detect their abilities and presence. All of which were undeniably useful.

But the man was annoying. Learning the truth that aliens had abducted him, and in fact, were very present in his life, had not dimmed his passion for finding new alien life, and he was still very involved in his other pursuits, convinced that the Antarians could not be the only extra terrestrials on Earth. Michael didn’t necessarily disagree; he just didn’t care. But, as a result of being one of the only ‘people’ who didn’t think the man was insane, and who knew the ‘truth’, Michael had become his new sounding board and it was slowly driving him stark raving mad.

An idea bloomed in his mind and a smile crossed his face so fast that a blink would have missed it as he finally raised his gaze to the wiry and excited man. “You know, Isabel is a lot more into science than I am, and she’s done a lot of her own research. You should tell her about this, I think she’d be really excited.”

“You think?” Brody asked hesitantly. “I got the impression she didn’t like me much.” He fluttered his hands nervously. “She’s so…” He trailed off, clearly not sure what descriptive word to use, and Michael resisted the urge to fill in a few adjectives himself, instead shaking his head and smiling as innocently as he could manage.

“That’s just Isabel. I’m sure she’d love to talk you about all this.”

Brody smiled, his eyes bright. “Okay, well if you’re sure. I’ll give her a call!”

Michael nodded again and grinned, rising to his feet. “Sounds great. Sorry to cut this short, but I do have homework to get to.”

“Oh, of course, say no more.” Brody said, ushering him to the door. “I’ll let you know if my programs turn anything up.”

Michael thanked him and left, walking down the street with a rare genuine smile on his face. Life was good. Aside from Max, nothing alien was an immediate or pressing issue, and they knew more now than they ever had before. He had just gotten payback on Isabel for the vacation, and for sacrificing him to Brody’s curiosity, and he still had most of his day off left.

It had been several weeks since Maria left, and he no longer had to fight the urge to explode everything breakable in a thirty-foot radius when he thought about her. He loved Maria, probably always would in part, but he had come to the realization that he had never been in love with her. She had never truly accepted him for who he was, not as an alien, or as a person aside from his differences. Even Liz, her best friend, hadn’t hesitated to point out how much Maria had tried to change him, constantly telling him what he was doing wrong and how he could do it better. Not all of their explosiveness had been due to chemistry, and not everything had been his fault.

Both he and Isabel had been visiting Liz’s dreams almost every night since the night he broke down, sometimes together and sometimes alone. She had been instrumental in his ability to move on, and her casual acceptance of her best friend’s flaws had done wonders for his wounded self-esteem. She had also been thrilled when he told her that her parents had given him the assistant manager position, although she’d made it clear that if he screwed up her parent’s business, she’d kick his ass. Which, given the powers she had displayed, wouldn’t be that hard.

Liz had revealed to them that Ava was staying with her and had taught her everything she knew, including the information in the destiny book, which apparently wasn’t as unique as they thought. He had mixed feelings about the hybrid, who had yet to join them on the dream plane. Knowing what he did now about their past, he felt drawn to her as the family he’d always craved, but Tess’s betrayal was still fresh in his mind and he didn’t know if he would be able to separate the two of them in his mind as Liz had; something he wasn’t particularly proud of admitting, but that couldn’t be denied.

Ava wasn’t Liz’s only secret though, and he was convinced that she was hiding something else. The brunette was an excellent liar, something he approved of, but his own increasing powers included an ability he remembered from childhood: aura sight. Liz’s aura was a beautiful gold color that shimmered with darker streaks, streaks he blamed on Max and the alien abyss. Whenever she spoke to them about anything alien related, her aura flickered instead of holding a steady glow and it worried him.

Liz trusted them, of that he was certain, just as he trusted her more than anyone aside from Isabel, and if she was hiding something from them, either she was being threatened, or, she was protecting someone or something and he wanted to know what it was. He was sick to death of secrets, of the constant layer upon layer of deception that made up their lives, one of the many reasons he had wanted to tell Brody, and wanted all of them – Isabel, Liz, Kyle, and even Ava, to know everything each other knew. That was the only way for them to be safe from their enemies, and to prevent another Alex, or another Tess.

To quote a cliché, honesty was the best policy, and it bothered him more than he liked that Liz wasn’t being completely honest with them. Well, if he was really honest with himself, it bothered Michael that she was lying to him, not just the group.

He had felt inexplicably drawn to her ever since she appeared in the book, since before that if he was willing to admit it. Trusting Liz hadn’t come easy, but bit by bit, she had proved herself – helping them at the Crash festival, warning him about Topolsky despite Max’s disapproval, and of course the things he had read in her journal – all led to him giving her his trust, and respect. Many times over the past two years, she had proven her loyalty to all of them, not just Max, and he had come to rely on her coolheaded responses and innate intelligence to get them out of the innumerable tight situations they got into.

And because of all of that, he refused to believe that she had cheated on Max with Kyle, partially because he knew Kyle better than that, but mostly because he knew Liz, of all people, was incapable of that kind of betrayal. He didn’t know if that was the secret that Liz was currently hiding from them, but he was determined to find out the truth of that incident if nothing else. Once he reached his apartment, he headed for the bedroom and pulled out his favorite sketch of her, laying down on the bed with the drawing propped up on his chest, then closed his eyes as his fingers rested on the picture.

The now familiar beach appeared, indigo waves crashing beneath a stormy grey sky. The sky’s color changed with her moods, and since she liked storms, he had rarely seen the sky in any other state, although the ‘weather’ only grew truly violent if one of them was upset. The dream plane could give any mood ring a run for its money.

He walked along the shore, reveling in the feel of the wet sand beneath his now bare toes, and wished that graduation wasn’t so far away as he wanted to see the ocean in reality. Liz was sitting in her usual spot, hair blowing in the wind and her fingers tracing patterns in the sand as she stared out across the sea. Glancing down at the tracings, he was surprised to see the familiar foursquare symbol.

Looking closer, he saw that she had altered it, adding two additional squares. Ava would account for one those squares, but what about the other one? Surely she wasn’t thinking of Max… Losing himself in thought, he didn’t realize that she had noticed his presence and he started when she cleared her throat, looking down to see her staring up at him with a puzzled expression on her face.

“What are you doing here Michael? It’s ten in the morning, don’t you have work?”

Seating himself beside her, he studied her face for a moment, watching her concern grow at his silence. “I need to know the truth Liz, why did you pretend to sleep with Kyle?”

Liz’s mouth fell open and she paled, fighting the urge to flee the dream and Michael’s penetrating gaze. “Did Kyle tell you?” She stammered out, hands clutching convulsively at the sand.

“No.” He shook his head, shaggy hair shifting over his eyes. “I’ve always known. You’re incapable of cheating and I want to know why you lied.”

“Max didn’t know that.” She said bitterly, and then looked away from the empathy in his implacable stare, wondering how much he was going to hate her for what she was about to say. “The night before I pretended to sleep with Kyle I had a visitor. It was Max, but he was different, older. He told me that he was from the future, and that he had used the Granolith to come back in time to warn me.”

Michael blinked in shock, definitely not having expected that answer, and then frowned, knowing that she would have had this visitor prove he was who he said he was, and wondering what the hell was so dire that it demanded time travel. “That’s why you told Max the Granolith was important; you knew it was more than just a one-way trip to Antar.”

Liz nodded, relieved that he believed her without protestation, and continued. “I didn’t trust him at first, but eventually it was clear that he wasn’t lying. He told me that he and I had been married in Vegas after graduation, and that because of our love, because he refused to follow his destiny, Tess left, and that without the power of the foursquare we weren’t strong enough when our enemies came. He told me that you and Isabel had died, that the world had ended, and that I had to make him fall out of love with me and convince his younger self to be with Tess, since that was our only hope of survival.”

She gave a soft sarcastic laugh, still looking away from Michael, not yet ready to see his reaction. “Obviously he was wrong; horribly wrong, but I believed him and tried everything I could, finally using Kyle to convince Max that I no longer loved him.” She shrugged, the nonchalant gesture doing nothing to hide her tension. “As you know, it worked, mostly, and he and Tess did eventually get together. Which clearly did not save the world; I probably just sealed our fate sooner. At the very least, I caused Alex’s death since he,” her voice broke, the knot in her throat threatening to dissolve into sobs, “He danced at our wedding.” She managed to say, her voice dark with self-loathing as she curled in on herself, wishing she still had her long, protective curtain of hair.

Michael touched her shoulder, ignoring the flash of Liz looking lovingly up at a leather-clad Max as they danced on her balcony, and pulled her into his arms. “You are not responsible for anything. Max, the future one, is the one who made an idiotic decision, the present Max chose not to trust you, and Tess is the one who betrayed us. You are not to blame and you are not allowed to beat yourself up over this.”

Gently tilting her head so she had to look at him, he stared into her eyes, willing her to believe the truth of his words. “You have done so much for us, given up so much; I could never blame you for anything, none of us could or would. We should be kneeling at your feet in gratitude.”

Giving a half sob, half laugh, she finally managed a tremulous smile, the sight making his heart beat faster. “That’s ridiculous.”

Michael shrugged, the right side of his mouth curling into a smirk. “Maybe, maybe not. The point is that what you did, while misguided, was incredibly brave, and Max is an idiot for ever believing that you could betray him, or any of us.”

“Well, I don’t completely agree with you, but I do know that Max is an idiot, so at least we have that in common.” She said pertly, flushing with self-consciousness when she realized he had his very strong arms wrapped around her and was holding her disturbingly close.

Michael laughed, noting her blush and wondering at himself that he found it kind of sexy. Carefully setting her back down on the sand next to him, he scratched his eyebrow and turned to look at the ocean, unaccustomed to the strange intimacy between them, although emotional breakdowns seemed to be par for the course for their new friendship. “So what are you still doing in bed at ten in the morning, Parker? Kind of lazy if you ask me.”

Giving him a mock glare, she lightly shoved his shoulder. “I’d like to see you handle drunks all night and still look fabulous with five hours of sleep.” Tossing her hair she grumbled. “Lazy my ass, hmph!”

Fighting a sudden half-jealous, half-protective urge to quit school just so he could glare at the patrons in her bar, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and laughed. “Don’t get your panties in a twist, Parker, I was kidding.”

After some more grumbling, the two of them fell into a companionable silence, staring out over the imaginary waves, and both trying their hardest to ignore the tingling warmth where their bodies touched.

Chapter Fifteen ~ The More Things Change

Alex glanced up from his computer screen as his attention was inevitably drawn back to the blonde moving happily around the kitchen while humming ‘Hotel California.’ Watching her was like an itch that had to be scratched, almost painful but utterly irresistible. The first week he had seen Tess every time he looked at her, had had to fight the urge to wrap his hands around her delicate throat and squeeze. The second week he had only seen Tess in certain moments, certain glimpses, as Ava’s distinct personality made itself known. Now, in his fourth week in this new world, he wasn’t quite sure what he saw when he looked at her.

Her mixture of boldness and sweetness confused him, her sharp wit and cleverly disguised intelligence baffled and intrigued him by turns, and the pain filled shadows he sometimes caught lurking in her eyes made him feel things he didn’t want to feel. She was the physical duplicate of the only woman he had ever hated, but as much as he wished otherwise, he could no longer deny that appearance and past were the only things she shared with Tess. In all other regards, they were two completely separate individuals and it was frustrating the hell out of him.

Hating her would have been easy. Grudging tolerance would have been acceptable. Liking her, it was inconceivable, but somehow he found himself smiling whenever she was in the room.

Cursing under his breath he jerked his gaze back to his computer screen, irritated by his wayward thoughts. Maybe he could blame it on his emotional instability. He knew that after everything that had happened, he was no longer the poster child for sanity and mental health, his obsession with murdering a certain blond, however justified, was proof of that.

Sometimes he would catch Liz watching him, worry clear in her eyes if something he said was too bitter or sarcastic. Being here, seeing her alive and happy, it helped. But the months of grief and near constant study of the book, the Granolith, and his growing powers, had taken their toll, and he wasn’t anywhere near normal yet. Nor would he ever again be the lighthearted computer geek who just wanted to make music and keep his girls happy. Some things were irrevocable and the loss of innocence was one of them.

The fact that he was constantly plagued by dreams that made no sense, of people and places he’d never seem but were somehow familiar, certainly wasn’t helping, although he wasn’t quite ready to discuss those with either of his new roommates.

However, he could make more of an effort. He wasn’t willing to let go of his anger, or his need for vengeance, but if he was here to stay then maybe it was okay to let himself be happy. He found himself watching Ava again and sighed, not bothering to look away. Maybe it was even okay to befriend her.


“So Billy finally took me on a real date, bought me roses, we had champagne, it was the perfect New Years.” Maria said with a sigh, her green eyes sparkling as she stared out over the New York skyline.

Liz smiled at her, glad that she was happy, and that her best friend’s happiness meant that she could feel a little less guilty for her own growing feelings for her best friend’s ex. She flushed at the thought and quickly asked another question before Maria could notice, not yet ready to admit to those growing feelings and knowing that her friend was surprisingly perceptive when she wanted to be, despite her frequently ditzy demeanor. “How is the singing going?”

“Well the CD deal fell through, but I have a regular gig at a very popular club, sometimes with Billy and sometimes alone, so I don’t care. Who needs soulless music contracts anyways?” She said flippantly, only an edge of hurt to her voice.

“Not you.” Liz said with a chuckle, wrapping an arm around Maria’s shoulders. “I’m so happy that you’re doing so well. It makes me feel better about you being alone and so far away.”

“I’m fine; I’m more worried about you, what with the freaky alien powers and freaky alien roommate.” Maria exclaimed, her free arm waving dramatically.

“Maria, Ava is not freaky.” Liz said with a warning eyebrow raise. “And we couldn’t talk like this if it wasn’t for those alien powers.”

Maria sighed. “I know, I know, but it’s still weird to think of you, Liz Parker, working as a bar tender by night and learning how to be an alien by day. I mean, did you ever picture your life turning out like this? Even after Max healed you?”

“No, I didn’t.” Liz said, shaking her head. “But I choose not to think about the what-if’s. My life isn’t what I planned, but I’m making the best of it, and I’m actually happy for the first time since Max was taken by Pierce.” It was true, a realization she’d made just a couple weeks before, a realization that still made her smile with genuine relief. Her life wasn’t conventional by any means, but it worked for her, for who she was now, and that was all that mattered.

Maria studied her, noting the smile, and gave a wistful one in return. “Well, good. I want you to be happy, even if it wouldn’t make me happy.”

Liz pulled her into a tight hug, feeling wistful herself over how much their friendship had changed, but glad that it was still intact and that not all remnants of her childhood and its dreams were gone.


Liz shifted sand through her fingers, both anticipating and dreading Michael’s appearance in her dream. They had become even closer since he confronted her about the whole Future Max debacle, and for the first time since the shooting, she felt like she could call him her friend, and not just one of the group, bound together by lies and secrets but no genuine feelings. And, if she was honest with herself, something she was getting really sick of doing these days, maybe even a little bit more than just a friend.

That fact, that frustrating and kind of exhilarating fact, was why she knew she had to tell him about Maria, about the fact that she was in contact with her, but dreaded his reaction. A reaction she couldn’t predict, despite how much better she knew him now. Would he be angry with her, with Maria? Would knowing about Billy hurt him? How would she handle it if it did? She didn’t know how deep his feelings still ran, and frankly she was terrified of finding out, and destroying the fragile bond they were oh-so-carefully building between them.

Warm water lapped at her bare toes, and an equally warm hand touched hers, stopping her idle movements, jolting her out of her reverie as a shiver of electricity ran down her spine.

“Stop thinking so hard, Parker.” Michael said with a soft smirk as he dropped down unceremoniously next to her on the beach, and she managed an almost sincere smirk back.

“Well one of us has to do the thinking, Guerin.”

He laughed, glancing down at her with warm, whiskey eyes, before returning his gaze to the ocean, his hand still lightly resting on hers, completely ruining her concentration. “So what deep thoughts are causing that wrinkle in your forehead today, Parker?”

She bit her lip and pulled her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them after reluctantly pulling away from the warmth of his skin, feeling a pang of loss that worried her. “I’ve been talking to Maria.”

He had turned to look at her when she pulled her hand away and so she saw his eyes darken momentarily at her words before lightening again as he nodded. “That’s good, you have been friends for a long time, and you’ve lost enough because of us.”

Liz’s own eyes widened at his statement, before narrowing in irritation. “Anything I’ve lost, is not because of you, so please do not start with that.” He opened his mouth to speak again and she arched a pointed eyebrow until he closed it again. Her expression softened and she smiled. “And it is good. I’ve missed her. It’s not the same of course, but it’s nice to know she’s doing well.”

She hesitated, not sure whether she should mention Billy or not since he didn’t seem too upset, when he preempted her. “She’s seeing that Billy person isn’t she?” His voice was calm and his gaze steady and so she nodded, heart beating strangely fast as their eyes remained locked, unable to conceal her worry. After a moment he shrugged and bumped his shoulder against hers. “I kind of figured; she’s not the type to remain alone long.”

She smiled her agreement and finally found her voice again. “I know you don’t talk about feelings, but are you okay with this?”

He looked away so all she could see was his profile, much harder to read than his eyes, before nodding once and stating simply, “Yes.” Before glancing back at her with a barely there smile that made her heart echo in her ears for a brief moment before she looked away to hide her own eyes, feeling a sudden surge of affection for her best friend, for reasons she didn’t care to examine at the moment, while the body heat of her best friend’s ex seeped comfortingly into her. She’d had enough self-honesty for the day, for now she was content to enjoy the moment.


“So just how close do you think Liz and mullet man are getting?” Kyle asked Isabel, leaning back in his chair as she spread peanut butter onto some bread slices, still silently amazed and amused that she let him see her doing such domestic tasks.

She flicked him a disparaging glance at the nickname, before shrugging, her lips pursing thoughtfully and making his definitively teenaged mind stray for a moment. “I’m not sure. Michael isn’t exactly big on feelings, but whatever their relationship is, she’s been good for him.”

He nodded, forcefully yanking his thoughts back to more appropriate venues, something that had become increasingly difficult lately as the two of them grew closer. “He’s definitely been less broody lately, and, Buddha be praised, I’ve even see a few smiles.”

She chuckled and handed him a plate, sitting in the chair next to him with that inherent grace that made even the most mundane gestures mesmerizing. He realized he was smiling in a soft, dopey way he could never admit to his brooding alien friend, and quickly took a bite of his sandwich before his feelings manifested themselves in words that he wouldn’t be able to take back, and wasn’t quite ready to say.

Although he had told her he was willing to just be friends, he had come to the realization that he had been wrong, and that the more time went on, the more he wanted to be a lot more than friends with the beautiful, intriguing, and vulnerable blond. He had never been so close to a member of the opposite sex, not even Liz, and definitely not Tess; in fact he wasn’t sure he’d been so close to anyone before.

They had always been aware of each other, he and Isabel, both members of the popular clique. And as such she’d been the one of the aliens he was most comfortable with, even prior to their new closeness. But now, in the wake of Tess and Liz’s departures and all of the subsequent revelations, they’d been drawn together while Maria and Michael both withdrew, and she had quickly become his best friend, even over his growing bond with Michael as the best male friend he had ever had, other than Alex.

Alex was the reason he was holding back now, both his remaining guilt over his friend’s death, and over falling for the only girl he had ever loved. In addition there were his worries that Isabel hadn’t moved on, and that if she did see him the same way he saw her, it was only because of her grief. So he maintained their closeness, but did his best not to indicate the true depth of his feelings, at least not yet.

“Excellent sandwich my dear.” He stated after swallowing, giving her a charming wink and silently preparing himself for the possibility of being zapped for his impudence.

Instead of zapping him, she merely raised one aristocratic eyebrow, before plastering on a simpering smile. “Thank you kind sir.”

He shuddered. “Don’t do that.”

She rolled her eyes, and then grinned before taking a dainty bite of her own sandwich. He couldn’t help but grin back; mentally tightening the reins on his self control and returning to his own sandwich, vowing that he wouldn’t wait too long before telling her the truth. Sometimes boldness outweighed patience as a virtue.


“So brother mine, what brings the smile to your face?” Isabel asked, dropping onto the bench across from Michael and grinning smugly at him. He shot her a half-hearted glare and pointedly took another bite of his burger, ignoring both her, and the curious looks of his fellow students who were scattered around the lunch area. Between Alex’s death, Liz and then Maria’s disappearance, and Max’s incarceration, the remaining members of their little group were subject to intense scrutiny by their peers, especially since both Kyle and Isabel had withdrawn from their prior groups of ‘friends.’

It was something they all endured with as much calm and cheer, or in the case of Michael, stern stoniness, as they could manage. Isabel got off lucky, since she only dropped by the campus for the occasional lunch with Michael or Kyle, and the Albuquerque college students couldn’t care less about high school drama. But, even for Kyle and Michael it would end soon enough. It was January, which meant they had less than six months left before their graduation, when they could leave Roswell with its memories and rumors behind. It would always be home, as long as her parents, and Alex’s grave, were here, but she was more than ready to move on.

“So how is Liz doing?” She asked, already knowing the answer, but unable to resist needling him. She knew he cared for the brunette, and although he might not yet realize just how much, she could see the signs and frankly she was thrilled. Liz had become a good friend, the best female friend she had ever had, and if the two of them could find happiness together, well, it would just be one more way to keep her family close, which was all she had ever wanted.

He took his time chewing and swallowing before setting his burger down and glaring a little more intensely at her. “She’s fine, as you know, since you talked to her last night.”

Her smile widened but she relented, not pushing the point further. “And how are you? Heard anything new from Brody?” She queried, voice growing a little sharp at the end as she flashed back to the disturbingly perky phone call she’d received from the man after Michael had implied that she would make a good sounding board for his all of his crackpot theories. She was glad he had taken their secret so well, although it hurt that this relative stranger knew the truth while her parents still did not, and respected what he had been through, but that did not mean she saw him as anything more than a useful annoyance; her ice princess tendencies were not entirely a façade.

Her brother snorted and then smirked at her. “He’s doing fine, making progress on figuring out why and how to sense our energy. We still haven’t figured out how to call Larek to him though, either that or he’s not responding for whatever reason.”

She hummed in thought, wondering if her powers would be successful where Michael’s were not, given her aptitude for the mind, but not quite ready to suggest it. They might need information, but not immediately, and she wanted to enjoy their current peace while it lasted, since she was smart enough to know that it had to end, and sooner rather than later if her other wayward brother had anything to do with it. One more semester without any alien madness, that was all she wanted.


The chamber was silent, the last echoes of the day’s council meeting long since faded. Khivar leaned back in his throne, studying the play of light on the room’s solid crystal ceiling, his mind settling into familiar, morbid patterns. Thirty cycles, or fifty-nine years if one used earth terms, that was how long it had been since he had first sat on this throne, wearing robes still stained with the blood of Zan, Ava, Rath, and his beloved Vilondra. He had not slept more than one night in ten in all those cycles; every time he closed his eyes he saw Vilondra throwing herself in front of the blast intended for the spy in his ranks.

The hate he had felt for Zan in that moment had surpassed rationality, had surpassed reason, had driven him to madness, madness that turned his well organized coup into a bloodbath with repercussions that made themselves felt to this day. That hate still dwelt within him, dulled from a raging inferno to a cold ball of ice over time, ice that lingered in his veins until even his own men were afraid of him, of his hard, lifeless eyes that they refused to meet unless absolutely necessary.

His lips quirked for a moment with dark amusement. He knew how they referred to him, the whispers that he was empty, hollow, mad. They weren’t wrong, and their fear kept them in line, so he never punished the rumor mongers, even encouraged them on occasion.

He had ordered another town under martial law at the meeting, a decision bound to increase the people’s hatred and discontent. The method of his ascent into power, the death of most of the Royal Court, had ensured that the people would never love him, would never serve him of their own will, as they might have had his original plan to rule with Vilondra by his side, with as few death’s as possible, succeeded. Unrest had begun the day after his reign began, the first riot occurred soon after, followed by the first use of military force on the civilian populace. By the time the fledgling rebellion had been subdued, all chances for earning the trust of Antarian people, or the trust of the rest of the alliance, were destroyed.

So he had not bothered, instead becoming as ruthless and cold as they assumed him to be, until it no longer took effort, and he almost came to enjoy the palpable aura of fear and despair that lingered wherever he went.

Unfortunately, not all were content to live in quiet misery, and that fledgling rebellion had gone underground, gained a backbone and some supporters from the other planets, support he could never prove. Not to mention those blasted clones on that blasted planet he wished he had never heard of. Losing the Granilith when the meddling old Queen interfered had been bad enough. Although the general populace had long since lost awareness of its true nature, it was still an important symbol, the loss of which removed any possibility of using it to his advantage. But the rumors that the so called Royal Four, only named and legendized in death, had somehow been reincarnated, would yet be his downfall. No matter how his long withered heart leapt at the thought that he might see Vilondra again.

The arrival of Ava, with her bastard brat, apparently the result of some plan Niklan had concocted without his consent, had seemed fortuitous. But she was ignorant and uncooperative and the existence of her son under his control had done nothing to soothe the people, nor did he particularly care to soothe them. No, he would keep them alive for leverage until the remaining clones on Earth were dead, and then they too would perish, in as public a spectacle as he could manage. For he had become accustomed to being hated, and if he could not rule with reason, then he was content to rule with fear.

Re: When Dreams Change (UC Mi/L MATURE) Chapter 11 - 1/31 Pg

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 10:53 pm
by Whimsicality
A/N: Here are some notes on my little timeline/dimensional theory that some people had questions on when I originally posted this story. The way I see it the Max that came back in the show was from the direct future of that timeline. I’m working on a couple different theories but either that event fractured the timeline and split it into multiple possibilities, or there were multiple dimensions all along, some of which he came back in and some of which he didn’t. In the timeline or dimension that Alex is from Max didn’t come back but it also didn’t go the way that the original timeline for our foursquare’s dimension went either. Basically this Alex isn’t from the future. He’s from about the same place in the timeline as they are, just a different dimension.

Chapter Sixteen ~ Can’t Run, Can’t Hide

Liz watched the sleeping figure silently, part of her still disbelieving, even after a month and a half, that he was even there. Alex, this Alex, had seamlessly become a part of her Ava’s life with surprising quickness. He had found a job fixing computers at a less than legal store downtown, a necessity given his lack of workable identity in this world, and was staying with them, sleeping on a futon in the living room. He participated in long discussions about the Granilith and its capabilities, helped them cook, and made her laugh in the way that only Alex could, but, something was different, something was off.

He wasn’t her Alex, although most of the time she was able to forget that fact. Until she’d see shadows in his eyes she’d never seen before, or he’d make some cynical comment that her Alex would have made fun of for being so serious. His laugh was different too. You wouldn’t think something that small could make such a big difference, but it did. Alex’s laugh had always been free and unfettered, full of simple joy in life. This Alex didn’t laugh as long or as loud, and there was almost always a sarcastic or bitter edge to his mirth.

Letting out a bittersweet sigh, she stood up, making her way back to the bedroom to get ready for class. He was different, but he was here, and that was the important thing. Besides, she wasn’t exactly the same Liz he had known either, and the guilty shouldn’t throw stones. Thinking of the world he had left behind, the world that changed him so, she couldn’t help but think of another Michael and Maria, out there somewhere hiding, together. Guilt and irritation made her cheeks flush as a wave of jealousy swept through her at the idea. It was too early for such thoughts, for feelings she wasn’t ready to voice yet.

So she shoved all of those confusing emotions deep down into her internal lockbox, put her new laptop in her backpack, and slipped on her shoes before giving the sleeping Ava an affectionate smile and walking out the door, leaving her car keys on the night stand for the other two to use, since the college was only a few blocks away.

She enjoyed her classes immensely, as always, but something kept her from being entirely comfortable that day. There was an itch between her shoulder blades that told her she was being watched, a stronger itch than the one she had become almost used to feeling since arriving in California, and she couldn’t stop looking over her shoulder or listening for footsteps when she walked downtown for lunch. By the time she left school at the end of the day, heading for her apartment, she felt like she had developed a nervous twitch, and for the entire walk home she kept a discreet ball of green electricity concealed in the palm of her hand.

By the time she got home, she felt needlessly paranoid, as not even one suspicious thing had happened. Alex must be rubbing off on her; either that or her desire to avoid thinking about her feelings for Michael was driving her batty. She was more than ready to forget she had ever freaked out, and was definitely not planning on telling her roommates. Ava would mercilessly tease her and Alex would probably go even more paranoid than she had, and either forbid them all from leaving the house, or insist that they leave town immediately.

A few hours after she arrived home, the others returned from work and/or errands, and together they made dinner for the three of them. Matt was training the new employee their increasing success had required that night, so for once, all three of them would be home for the night. They kept the conversation light throughout the meal, and afterwards enjoyed a companionable silence spiced with the occasional debate as they each followed their own methods of entertainment, research, or in her case, homework. When she collapsed in bed a few hours after midnight, she had completely forgotten about her earlier fears, and fell easily into the dreamscape where Isabel and Michael were already waiting for her.

The two were seated on a large, smooth boulder, bare toes digging into the loose sand, a peaceful and happy sight that still made her do a small internal double-take at the things in her life that had become routine, and once would have been the strangest of the strange. Isabel was wearing a beach appropriate one piece with wrap around sarong, while Michael was wearing a much more casual combination of loose, grey sweatpants and a tight black t-shirt that emphasized his understated muscles. Liz fought a blush, and ignored Isabel’s knowing glance, trying not to think about how much time she had spent lately contemplating those muscles, and wondering how she had never noticed his lean strength before.

Entirely glad of the fact that neither of them possessed mind-reading abilities, she approached them and sat down on a freshly made boulder of her own. “Has Brody found anything yet?”

Michael shook his head as Isabel replied. “Nothing specific. He says he has found evidence of power signatures similar to ours, but he hasn’t pinpointed them yet.”

Liz nodded, filing that away and wondering what she would if Brody located her and the others. Being found now wouldn’t be such a bad thing, but she hadn’t revealed the presence of Alex yet, as per his request, and she didn’t know how his existence would affect the group, or if Brody’s systems would even be able to tell how many signatures were in one location.

“So what else is new?” She asked, her smile wide and bright with false enthusiasm, anxious to think of more lighthearted topics instead of the continuing lies she was keeping, a deception that grew more difficult by the day as they all grew closer, trust between them no longer the exception but the rule.

Michael chuckled and was about to reply when he saw a look of disorientation wash across Liz’s expressive face. He paused, and was about to step towards her, when a flash of terror filled her eyes and she disappeared from the dreamscape, the look on her face haunting him as he leapt to his feet as if to follow, only to collapse defeatedly against the boulder when he realized that he couldn’t.

“What happened?” Isabel asked tremulously, her voice shaking with fear and concern.

“I don’t know, but it wasn’t good.” He replied grimly, staring at the spot she disappeared from as if willing her to return. “And I’m not leaving until she comes back and tells us she’s okay. You go see if Brody can figure out how to locate her, or if you can find any kind of contact information at her parent’s house.”

She nodded and disappeared without another word and he began to pace, fiercely commanding the uncaring universe with every step to keep Liz safe while his powers searched continuously for her unique mental signature, and continuously failed to find it.


Meanwhile, Liz was gasping for air as she stared at her darkened bedroom ceiling, wondering what had yanked her so forcibly from the dream world. As she went to sit up, she realized with a sudden lurch of dread that she couldn’t move. Fighting her rising panic, she rolled her eyes to the side and saw Ava pinned against the wall, her blue eyes wide with fear and anger as she stared at the third person in the room.

A figure was standing in the doorway, spiky hair silhouetted in the dim light, his face hidden in shadow. A bitter laugh broke the tense silence, sending fear skittering across Liz’s nerves; what the hell was going on? “I see you’ve found more family.” The tone was cutting and he clenched his raised hand, causing Ava to gasp in pain. “How nice for you.”

The sheer menace in the voice sent chills down Liz’s spine, and as the figure stepped forward, she realized with horror that it was a voice she knew. He was almost unrecognizable as the preteen who had depopulated the town of Roswell, but the hate in his eyes was proof enough for her that this was Nicholas, the crazed skin who had murdered Lonnie and Rath, and was apparently here to finish the job.

“You pathetic excuses for Antarians are the reason I will never see my home again.” He grit out, fingers flexing and eliciting more strangled sounds of agony from Ava. “My last miserable days are going to spent on this hellhole that calls itself a planet, and if taking you with me is the only pleasure I can get, well.” He grinned, the sagging of his decaying face adding a new dimension of horror to the scene. “Then that’s just making lemonade out of the lemons you gave me, isn’t that swell?” His voice grated harshly at the end and he swung his hand through the air, leaving a bright red mark on the side of Ava’s face.

Liz let out a muffled growl at the continued abuse of her friend, and even though he didn’t turn, she felt the weight of Nicholas’s regard shift to her, crawling across her skin as if he could physically manifest his fury. “Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you, my sweet. Oh no, the new Queen and I are going to enjoy several long discussions. But if you don’t mind, I need to kill the old Queen first, so why don’t you just –”

Before he could finish his horrifying and shocking sentence about what she should do, a bloodied and bruised Alex appeared in the doorway, glowing with dark indigo light, his eyes almost black as he glared at the alien. “It’s time to die, Nicholas.” His hands were shooting energy before he even finishing speaking, and Nicholas stumbled under the onslaught.

Stumbled, but didn’t fall.

Instead he straightened, a maniacal smile on his face, and laughed, a disturbing and unbalanced cackle. “Back for more? You do like abuse, don’t you, little boy?”

Nicholas was still unscathed, but Alex’s attack had removed his hold in Liz, apparently without him noticing, and Liz didn’t even take a bare second to revel in that freedom before sending her own crackling green beams at Nicholas’s seemingly frail body. “Who are you calling little?” She asked through clenched teeth, smiling grimly as he found himself frozen between the joint assaults.

The Skin chuckled and then choked, his own power cascading outwards in a malevolent wave of energy that fire singing through her veins and stabbing pricks of pain across her skin, but it wasn’t enough, and neither her nor Alex faltered. The alien’s body swayed, and then finally dropped to its knees as the energy became too much for him to resist. “I’m not the last; you will all die.” He stated matter of factly, not even a flicker of fear crossing his face although there was a gleam of something like satisfaction in his unhinged eyes.

Before Liz could reply, Alex let loose an angry cry and redoubled his efforts, eyes almost as crazed as Nicholas’s as the power swirling around him darkened and grew. He walked towards the Skin, hands curled into claws and face frozen into a mask-like grimace. He dug his fingers into the smaller boy’s shoulders and sent a bolt of energy through him, snarling with rage.

Nicholas screamed, his head thrown back as black energy streamed out of his mouth and eyes before he suddenly burst into a cloud of dust that swirled around the room, coating everything with a foul black taint.

Alex collapsed onto the carpet, tears streaming down his face before he buried his head in his hands, shoulders shaking as his anguished sobs filled the otherwise deathly silent room. Liz slid onto the floor and crawled towards him, wrapping her arms around his wiry frame and rocking him back and forth, her eyes locked with Ava’s as the blond panted for air. She closed them after a moment and rested her head on Alex’s shoulder, relief and reverberating shocked horror overwhelming her.

This was her life now – attacks in the middle of the night, vicious killers hiding in children’s bodies, and comforting friends when it became too much. Not the fear or the pain or the loss of companions, but the loss of self, the terror of no longer recognizing the person in the mirror, or what that person was capable of.


Michael had been pacing for over three hours when Liz’s slender form finally reappeared in front of him. Grabbing her by the arms, gently, he looked her over, making sure she was alright although clearly shaken, before pulling her into a bone-crushing embrace. “Don’t ever scare me like that again, Liz. Ever.”

“My first name? Wow, you must have really been worried.” She responded teasingly, only a hint of a quaver in her voice as she peered up at him with those impossibly large brown eyes that did such strange things to his stomach.

“Real funny; what happened?” He ground out, debating between the equally strong urges of shaking her until she realized how terrified he had been, or leaning down to kiss those impertinent pink lips.

Sobering, she sat down, pulling him down onto the sand with her and leaving their hands laced together, a gesture that did not go unnoticed, and that sent warmth curling through his veins. “It was Nicholas; he’s been looking for Ava, well, for me too I guess; he wanted to kill her.” Seeing the frantic look in his eyes she gave him a half-smile. “He’s dead, but,” she shook her head, “He said that he wasn’t the last of them; he said that there would be more.”

Her words sent a resurgence of angry panic flowing through him that he was hard pressed to hide. Damn her for being so far away, and damn their enemies for going after her instead of him. “What did he want with you?” He asked, noting that she hadn’t mentioned that and doing his best to conceal the pit of fear that still lingered in his stomach at the thought that Nicholas had been in the same room with her, without Michael there to protect her.

“I don’t know.” She said softly. “He said he wanted to talk to the new Queen.” Looking up at him, she bit her lip nervously. “What did he mean? I know I’m in the book, but Ava is too, why did he say that I’m the Queen? Why am I the only one in both books?” She paused, looking down at their joined hands as if noticing them for the first time before meeting his gaze once more. “And if I’m the Queen, does that make you the King?”


Michael stared at the small blonde, trying to focus on the pink streaks in her curly hair and her piercings, instead of how much she looked like Tess. It was the first time Ava had joined them in the dream plane, and she was clearly as uncomfortable as they were – to her they were the ones with the faces of traitors and murderers, something he and Isabel needed to keep in mind. Liz was the only one of the four of them completely comfortable, and she was sitting in the sand, waves lapping up to her toes, clearly occupied with thoughts of what Ava had joined them to discuss. “Staring contest done yet?” She asked quietly, one side of her mouth quirking up in amusement as she glanced over her shoulder at the three of them.

“We still don’t have a winner.” Ava replied cheekily, giving Michael and Isabel an almost genuine grin before settling down on the beach next to Liz.

Michael chuckled and Isabel smiled as they joined the two girls, Michael sitting down on Liz’s other side with Isabel next to him. “So, what is that big brain of yours working on now?” Michael queried sardonically, gently bumping Liz’s shoulder with his own.

She glanced back up at him, lips curled into a bemused smile. “I think my brain’s a bit tired, because it still can’t make sense of everything. Nicholas’s actions, the Skins wherever they are, none of it is logical – I hate it when things aren’t logical.” She complained with a grimace. “Frankly, as glad as I am that they haven’t, I don’t understand why the Skins haven’t killed us all yet, if there really are as many more as Nicholas implied.”

“I’d make a comment about looking a gift horse in the mouth, but I agree with you.” Michael responded. “Either Nicholas was lying, they have a bigger plan, or there are other circumstances we don’t know about yet.”

“Maybe we do have allies? Somewhere?” Isabel offered hesitantly.

Michael and Ava looked doubtful, but Liz nodded slowly. “What if there were more like Courtney? She implied that there were more who supported Rath, so you,” She stated thoughtfully, nodding at Michael, “Maybe there are enough of them to sabotage the efforts of the Skins loyal to Khivar.”

“We could only hope.” Ava muttered while Michael shifted his gaze to the waves in front of them, feeling oddly disturbed and excited by the idea of their being aliens out there loyal to him, possibly killing and dying in his name. Liz reached out and gently squeezed his hand and he managed a reassuring smirk.

“I guess we’ll have to wait and see.”


Liz’s questions and suppositions had been repeating endlessly in his head all week. They were the same questions that had been plaguing him since he first saw the book change, and it frustrated the hell out of him that he still didn’t have any answers. The thought that there were aliens out there, still actively seeking their deaths, enraged and terrified him.

He couldn’t protect his family if they weren’t all in one place, and while he trusted in Liz’s ability to take care of herself, especially with Ava’s help, the two of them wouldn’t be enough to stop a well planned attack. He didn’t know if all of them would be enough, but he knew their powers were stronger when they were together, and he would feel a lot better if Liz was somewhere he could see that she was safe with his own eyes, and not the dream variety. There were other reasons he wanted Liz to be within reach, but those were reasons he wasn’t quite ready to deal with yet.

How did the Skins, or at least Nicholas, even know where Liz and Ava were? How did they know that Liz had changed and how did they know that she was apparently the Queen? Why was she the Queen, and what did that mean to them, and to their enemies? And the one question that Liz had brought up that really bothered him, if there truly was an army of Skins out there dedicated to killing them, why hadn’t they done so? They were essentially sitting ducks in Roswell, and so far the Skins hadn’t shown that they cared much about potential exposure. It worried him that there might be more to whatever plan they had, than the vague menace Nicholas had hinted at. Or was the answer really that there were Skins who wanted him to be King?

During the shared dream with Ava they had discussed the Granilith. He had never fully understood or appreciated its powers or influence over events, and he found himself grateful to Liz once again for helping to prevent Max from giving it to their dupes. The Granilith was the reason he was standing in the desert, staring at the heap of broken rock that concealed what used to be their birthplace. If Liz and Ava were right, and it was more than just a one-time use ship, much more apparently, then some sign of it should still be here, some physical evidence of its existence beyond the pieces contained in the books.

Staring at the rubble however, he was hard pressed to believe that even an all powerful alien object or life form or whatever it was, could have survived the destruction caused by Tess’s departure. As he made to turn away, a sudden faint glow appeared in one of the deeper crevasses, and he felt a sudden presence in his mind. A presence with a distinct tinge of amusement in its mental signature.


Nancy stared at the phone, willing it to ring, willing her daughter to be on the other end. Liz called far too rarely, and her longest conversations were with her father, each contact only serving to increase the longing that Nancy felt to physically hold her daughter in her arms once more. She had long been aware of and accepted the fact that her little girl was a daddy’s girl through and through, that the two of them shared the traits that had drawn her to Jeff in the first place – stubbornness, loyalty, intelligence, and a tendency to be too serious for their own good. It had been frustrating as Liz grew older and turned to either of her parents less and less often, but Jeff infinitely more so than Nancy, and even more difficult in the past two years when her daughter had changed so much that she hardly recognized her.

Sighing, Nancy ran a hand through her wispy red hair, lips curving into a faintly amused smile. If anything, Liz running away had only improved her relationship with her parents, once she began to communicate with them – first by letter, and later by phone. She was more open and honest with them now than she had been in years, although there were still secrets she kept, secrets that Nancy knew were responsible for how she had changed, who she had become. It wasn’t what she’d wanted for her only child, nor what Jeff had wanted, but at least Lizzy had goals, was still using that fierce determination to forge a life for herself, even if it was a different life, and a life too far away, for her parents liking.

Standing up, Nancy trailed her fingers over the cool plastic of the phone, sending one last desperate prayer to a silent deity, before leaving the living room and heading towards the kitchen to begin dinner. At least her daughter was safe and seemed happy when she called; after everything, that would have to be enough, was enough, for any mother.


She was tired, and it was growing increasingly difficult to conceal her weariness from her companions. She wasn’t supposed to still be here, to still be leading the rebellion a full thirty cycles after her husband and children had been murdered, children she should have already held in her arms again. The whole procedure had been fraught with uncertainty and risk, a mix of newly developed science and the powers of a being they didn’t fully understand, but it had given her hope as they sent the children into space, hope that they would serve as a symbol to motivate the Antarian people, and hope that she would see them again, would survive to teach her grandchildren the history of their family and people.

But Khivar had learned of their plans, a traitor had infiltrated the ship containing the fetuses, and for some reason, one they might never know, the protective pods had malfunctioned, keeping their precious cargo in stasis far longer than they were originally programmed too. So here she was, still the only symbol for a populace who was more oppressed every day, living on a planet that wasn’t home, and trying to direct a war effort with few soldiers and fewer resources.

Sending the Granilith Shards to Earth had been better than allowing them to fall into Khivar’s hands, and even Larek’s palace had spies and other factions, but it meant sacrificing their greatest symbol and greatest power source, and as a result of that, and the other rulers of the alliance’s unwillingness to support her against Khivar, her planet still languished under his control.

Dropping the reports she’d been leafing through back onto the desk, she leaned back with a sigh. At least this cycle, Larek had finally made contact with her reborn children, gotten proof that they were, in fact, alive, and that the traitor had not been successful in killing them once again, at least not yet. They had sent help shortly after, but traitors in his own court had damaged the technology used to reach Earth mentally, and they hadn’t been able to confirm the arrival of the Guards, or the continuing survival of her children.

Closing her eyes, she sent another silent prayer to the Granilith that they were alive, even if they never returned to Antar, and that they were happy. It was all a mother, even one who was also Queen, could hope for.

Re: When Dreams Change (UC Mi/L MATURE) Chapter 12 - 2/07 Pg

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 9:08 pm
by Whimsicality
Chapter Seventeen ~ Ch-Ch-Changes

Michael blinked and then, ignoring what he was sure was a powerful alien being laughing at him, he began to climb the rocks. He swore quietly when he cut his finger on a particularly sharp piece of obsidian, and then cursed again in astonishment as his finger lit up with the same burnished copper glow as the object he was approaching, a faint note of apology whispering in his mind as it healed. Finally, he reached the point near the pinnacle of broken stone and crumbled dirt where the glow was emanating from, his shirt sticking to him with sweat and his mouth dry, making him wish the water bottle he’d brought wasn’t all the way at the bottom of the small hill with his bike. Turning his attention to the object of his quest, he cautiously reached into the darkened space and pulled out a spherical black stone, flecked with tiny points of something that glittered ruby red. Sitting down on a conveniently sheared off boulder, he stared bemusedly at the small stone that fit neatly into the palm of his hand, unable to stop himself from thinking this is it?

Before he had a chance to dwell on the fact that maybe that hadn’t been the best thing to think at a being who could clearly read his mind, he was elsewhere, taken away from the pile of desert rocks baking in the sun without so much as a by your leave.

He was surrounded by black; he couldn’t see, hear, feel, or sense anything around him – there was nothing but emptiness, nothing but nothing. Just before true panic took over, light appeared, rushing towards him with all the speed of a freight train, and then he was crashing, hitting the ground with a force he knew would have killed him had he still been in his own, fragile body. For a moment, he thought he was dead, but then his other senses kicked in, senses he had never had before. He could feel life, feel it at his very core as a primal energy he could never have expressed with words. Bare moments after he discovered that sense, and before he could truly appreciate the magnitude of what he was feeling, a violent rush of memories washing over him. Memories of millions of lives, of places he couldn’t even comprehend with his usual five or six senses, and beings so far beyond his limited experience and understanding that he knew he wouldn’t even be able to remember them once he was returned to his own form.

Suddenly he sensed another presence impinging on his awareness, one like and not like who he was before he came to this place. It was a presence much smaller than his now vast self, but yet akin to it in a way he hadn’t experienced in a very long time, a time greater than the part of him that was Michael Guerin could even fathom. He greeted the awareness gently, not wishing to harm it, and learned much of the new world he was resting on. They communed often and eventually the awareness gave it a name, Granilith, or Great One in the language of its people.

The Granilith found itself at peace; it shared its knowledge and power with its new people and learned of their ways, the insignificant things that they found so important, and the amazing ability they possessed of seeing the profound in the simple. Over time, less and less of them communed with it, and it found itself drifting into slumber as the wealth of information and gifts it had to offer were called upon with increasing infrequency. Once was its slumber disturbed, when a war between different factions of its people caused its physical form to break into multiple pieces. This didn’t inconvenience it, its mental capacity was more than up to the task of maintaining separate ‘bodies’ and it slept once more.

Until one day it was awakened by force, its abilities were used in new ways, and it was once again flung through the dark expanse of space to find a new resting place. It was charged with the protection of some of the descendants of the first awareness to speak with it, and sent away from the continuing struggles of its people.

Since that moment, it had been waiting silently, fully awake and aware once more, nudging events here and there, but not revealing its true nature until now. Now was the time for its power and knowledge to be used again, for these its new children to come into their potential and fulfill their new destiny. Not the destiny originally intended for them by the ones who sent them here, but the destiny meant for them all the same.

Slowly coming back into an awareness of himself, Michael lifted heavy eyelids, realizing gradually that he was staring directly up at the darkening sky and lying in a very uncomfortable position on the scattered rocks. The sun was no longer overhead and had sunk almost completely behind the horizon, the desert air cooling rapidly around him. He sat up and groaned as he discovered bruises, stiffness, and sore muscles in places he hadn’t had that morning.

A sudden awareness that Isabel was freaking out about where he was filled him, then the realization that he could feel her freaking out hit him and he gaped. His extra sense had always been able to pick up certain things that most people were unaware of, but this, this was extremely out of the ordinary, even for him. He could not only feel that Isabel was freaking out, but he also knew that she was sitting in his apartment, calling everyone who might know where he was. He could feel Kyle beside her trying to calm her down, and the sheriff at work, surreptitiously putting out feelers to see if there had been any unusual activity. A stray thought crossed his mind, and he stretched his enhanced senses further, muscles tensing with excitement as he felt Liz, getting ready for work in her apartment, an apartment he now knew the exact location of.

Reeling from the impact, and implications, of his new abilities (for he could sense that there were others waiting to be discovered, and that the ones he’d already had, had grown), he almost fell off the rocks after pulling away from Liz’s consciousness. Staring down at the unassuming bit of sparkling stone still clenched in his hand, he had a crystal clear moment of realization that the only reason it was appearing as a mere rock, was because its true form would render him senseless.

Hands shaking slightly, he stood and began to make his way down to the desert floor, glad that for the moment, the being was remaining silent. Mounting his bike, he started the drive back into town, trying to regain his equilibrium and gain some measure of control over the seething power roiling inside of him. Once he felt sufficiently calm, he reached out with his mind and touched Isabel’s, feeling her astonishment and pushing past it, soothing her with the knowledge that he was alright and would explain everything when he got there. Ignoring her shocked questions, he blocked her from his mind and reached out further once again, wondering if he could find the Skins, but resisting the urge; being reckless wasn’t an option anymore.

Gently touching Liz’s mind, he sent the mental/emotional equivalent of hello. The speed of her mind awed him as she moved past shock with lightning speed and straight into scientific curiosity, greeting him in turn and questioning how he was speaking to her. He sent one word, Granilith, and then with a brief mental caress, disengaged from her mind, after passing along the intent to speak with her later on the dream plane. The feel of her still lingering in his mind, he turned into his parking lot, leaving his helmet on the seat of the bike and quickly jogging up the stairs to his apartment, Isabel meeting him at the door with a soft hug and worried eyes.

Kyle cocked an eyebrow in his direction from the couch and Michael smirked at him in response, glancing tellingly between the other boy and his sister on his way to the fridge; he might not have done much physically while he’d been linked with the Granilith, but he was drained all the same, and absolutely starving. Grabbing leftover pizza and a Snapple, he collapsed on the couch, both amused and irritated by Isabel’s continued hovering and Kyle’s mocking stare. The second the last piece of pizza disappeared between his lips, Isabel whisked away his plate and the not quite empty bottle of Snapple and stared at him expectantly, her deep brown eyes burning with intensity and her eyebrows arched demandingly.

He sighed and stared wistfully at the rest of the Snapple, before giving in and looking up to meet her and Kyle’s curious gazes. “I went to look for the Granilith.” He held up his hand to forestall the questions he could see just waiting to leap from their tongues and continued. “I found it, or rather it found me, and it showed me a lot of crap, some of its history, some of ours – I can’t remember everything but I’ll tell you what I do.” He could see the disappointment in Isabel’s eyes when he said he didn’t remember everything and tried to make up for it. “It increased my powers, a lot. That’s how I contacted you; I think it can do the same for you.”

Both of them looked surprised and he reached into his pocket, pulling out the black stone with the intention of handing it to Isabel, when the red flecks suddenly began to glow and the stone launched itself right out of his hands and into Kyle’s. Kyle stared at him in shock for a moment, his blue eyes wide and a little scared before looking down at the stone, which pulsed with energy, the red flecks gleaming with near mesmerizing power. Kyle’s eyes rolled into the back of his head and he collapsed; the stone continued to glow merrily for a few more moments, Michael could have sworn he heard it humming in the back of his mind, before returning to its prior dull sheen.

Isabel flung herself off the couch towards Kyle’s side, picking up his hand with both of hers and staring at his pale face, her lips trembling. “What did it do to him?”

“I don’t know.” Michael said, joining her on the floor beside Kyle’s prone form. “But I don’t think it was bad; it likes us.”

Isabel gave him a sharp look. “And how do you know that?”

“I can hear it in my head. Not words really, but I know what it’s thinking, kind of.” He responded with a shrug.

“That’s reassuring.” Her voice was dripping with sarcasm.

Staring down at Kyle, Michael suddenly realized something. Kyle’s aura had been a burnt orange ever since Michael had regained the ability to see it (something he had been able to do as a child) after experimenting with the powers listed in the destiny book. Now however, it had transmuted into a deep brick red. Something had changed and he had a feeling that Kyle was going to get his new alien heritage a lot sooner than he wanted.

With a gasp, their friend sat up, clutching his head in pain, Isabel’s hands fluttering helplessly in the air above him, the look on her face reminding Michael that he wasn’t the only one who’d been developing new feelings lately. “That was a rush.” Kyle muttered, sounding half pleased and half pained before shooting Michael a questioning glance. “What the hell did that thing do to me?” Michael shrugged, lips quirking in amusement, and Kyle stared warily back down at the unassuming black rock resting in his lap, idly reaching out with one hand to ensnare one of Isabel’s and smooth his fingers over it soothingly, before suddenly stiffening. “And why can I suddenly hear what both of you are thinking?”

Before Michael could think of a suitable, and profanity free, reply for that shocking statement other than Isabel’s deep gasp, his phone rang. Closing his eyes briefly as he was torn between actually answering it, or merely throwing it through a wall and demanding to know what exactly Kyle was hearing, he decided the safest bet was the former.

Leaving the two of them seated on the floor staring at each other, he picked up the phone, growling a barely polite hello into the mouthpiece, and then resisting the urge once again to throw it against the wall when Brody’s overly cheerful voice reached his ear. “I think I’ve found something!” Pressing his free hand, currently balled into a fist, against his forehead, Michael conversed with the man for a few more minutes before agreeing to meet him at the UFO center. Setting the phone down, he took a deep breath and turned around. “We will deal with this later. Brody thinks he may have found a way to locate other aliens, and that he’s already found some, so we’re going to go see what he’s found.” Turning to Kyle, he raised an eyebrow. “Are you going to be okay midget? I can go alone if you need some time to deal with your feelings.”

Kyle casually flipped him off and then shook his head. “I knew I’d be green eventually, and the thought thing seems to be dying down; I think you guys are blocking me or something. It was like a wall slammed up as soon as I told you, so I’m good for now; let’s go see what he found.”

Michael smirked and nodded, then exchanged a glance with Isabel that clearly said – watch him. Grabbing the leather jacket he’d discarded, he headed for the door, the others following close behind. It was time to start being proactive about this war of theirs.


It had taken several hours for Liz and Ava to heal Alex, both before and after her brief dream jaunt to reassure Michael, as both of them were weakened from the battle with Nicholas, and neither of them possessed more than a mediocre talent in that area. Repairing the three of them emotionally would take a lot longer, but the time they had spent together that night had helped. They had stayed up and just talked about everything from the attack, to the events that had led them there, and what the future might hold, leaving the three of them feeling more secure, and closer to each other. The next week had been long and they had all been noticeably jumpy, unable to completely relax unless they were together in the safety of their home and its now reinforced defenses. It was the end of their first mutual day off since the attack, and the three of them were lying on their stomachs on the living room floor next to Alex’s bed, the destiny book open on the ground in front of them.

Nicholas’s attack had been the push that they needed to start actively researching what other aliens were out there, and what they were capable of. Part of her had known that it wasn’t going to be as simple as leaving home and never coming back, that her changing meant more than just having powers and some minor genetic alteration. They were at war and Nicholas’s menacing words that there were more of Them out there had reinforced that. It was time for her to accept that at some point, she was going to have to go back to Roswell, and that running was no longer a possibility. She was part of the alien abyss for good now, and if she was honest with herself, she knew she wouldn’t walk away even if it was an option. Turning her attention back to the others, she was about to open her mouth to speak when Alex, who had been uncharacteristically quiet during their discussion, finally spoke up.

“I have a confession to make.” He said quietly, his dark eyes staring fixedly at the metal pages in front of them and refusing to meet their questioning gazes. It was silent for a few moments as he seemed to be working himself up to revealing whatever secrets he had been keeping, and they waited as patiently as they could. Suddenly rising to his feet, he leaned over the couch he slept on and reached into his pillow case, pulling out a small leather pouch, then folding his long legs, he sat down on the floor beside them once again.

The two girls propped themselves up on their elbows, watching him with identically raised eyebrows, causing Alex to chuckle, breaking the tension filled silence. Letting out a sigh, he opened the pouch and let a small, yellow-flecked black stone fall into his palm. Ava gasped while Liz just looked back and forth between the unassuming rock and her two companions, confusion in her gaze. “So, a sparkly stone; I thought you gave up on rock collecting when we were nine and you started collecting guitar picks.”

“It’s a piece of the Granilith.” Ava breathed, her blue eyes locked on it reverently. “I haven’t seen one since…” She stopped abruptly and gave them both a faint sheepish smile before letting out a sigh of her own. “I guess Alex isn’t the only one with secrets.”

“I guess not.” Liz said wryly, wondering when her life had become so complicated that learning more of her friend’s secrets no longer surprised her.

Ava nodded and winked at her, sensing her thoughts and continued. “One of the responsibilities of being Keeper of the Records was caring for the Granilith Shards. At some point during the war, the Granilith had been shattered, by who or what was never known, but our people had gathered as many Shards as they could find and turned them over to the King, who in turn entrusted them to the current Keeper of the Records, one who already had a bond with Granilith through the Books of Antar. There were seven Shards in her keeping, and when I took on the role of Keeper, they were turned over to me. I knew they had sent the Shards with us in the ship, but I haven’t seen one since we awakened in our pods. I assumed there was at least one in Roswell under the care of that foursquare and that maybe the protectors each had one, but the rest,” she shrugged. “Who knows? Turning to Alex, she reached out and lightly touched the Shard, causing the golden flecks to glow as it recognized her presence. “Where did you find it?”

Alex smiled, a genuine smile for the first time since Nicholas’s attack. “I didn’t, when I used the ship that had been infused with the Granilith’s powers to come here, it appeared in my pocket. I figured it was important, and knew it had something to do with the Granilith, but until I saw your reaction, I wasn’t sure.” Handing it to her, he gave a slightly shameful grin. “It enhanced my powers significantly and sometimes, sometimes I could swear it was conscious and aware and connecting with me somehow. I’ve had the strangest dreams since I began hiding it in my pillow, of places I know I’ve never seen, and that are nowhere on Earth.”

Ava laughed as she cradled the stone in her hands. “Of course it’s aware, the Granilith is a being that came to Antar before we had even established united rule. It communed with us and helped us develop our powers, shared its knowledge with us – it used to be one of the most significant parts of our society and the descendants of the ones who first came into contact with it became our royal families.” Her smile dimmed slightly. “By our time it had become no more than a relic, regular citizens had no access to it, and potential rulers no longer communed with it as they used to. When I was the Keeper, only I and the Queen Mother ever made an attempt to communicate with it, which is probably one of the reasons why I, and Tess, both have greater control of our powers here on Earth, not just our access to the book.”

Turning towards Liz, Ava held out the still glowing Shard. “My powers were enhanced by the book, it was made from the metal that formed where the Granilith landed and etched by the Granilith itself, like all the Books of Antar, and is infused with its powers much as the ship was. Alex had already connected with the Shard, assuming that using the Granilith’s powers to come here didn’t serve the purpose of enhancing his powers; that just leaves you. We’re going to need all three of us, all six of us, at maximum strength for this war, and I have a feeling you’re going to be the strongest of us, barring Michael.”

Liz took a deep breath, and then shook her head. “I agree, but not right now. I have to leave for work in three hours, and if I connect with the Granilith, I’m going to be buzzing for a lot longer than that; we want people to come to the bar for drinks, not the light show.”

Chuckling, Ava nodded, tucking the Shard back into the pouch Alex had kept it in, and setting it on top of the book. “Tomorrow then, when you wake up. You don’t have classes and I’ll still have a few hours before I have to leave, so I can keep an eye on you in case there are any…adverse effects.”

Liz grimaced. “Now I’m really looking forward to it.” The other two just laughed at her, Ava putting the book and the Shard away in the alien access only spot under the carpet and floorboards, and Alex pulling her to her feet so they could start dinner.

Two hours later, she was standing in the bathroom, staring at herself through the mist on the mirror, remembering what she saw two years ago on the day she died, and wondering what she was going to see tomorrow when she changed yet again. Life was supposed to be about change, that was something she knew, had even looked forward to – the change from childhood to adulthood, the change from high school to college and then finally to a career. The change from innocence when she became a lover and finally the change inside when she became a mother for the first time and got to watch someone else begin their first changes. She had never expected her very humanity to change, or her belief that science could prove anything, truth was always best, and that nothing could shake her faith in her friends, her family.

Her humanity, or however she was classified now, she no longer questioned. She had learned long ago that it was who you were that determined your humanity, not what you were. Pierce may have had cells as human as hers had once been, but he hadn’t had one shred of humanity in his body or soul. Michael, on the other hand, was green through and through, and had more compassion and honor in his pinky toe than Pierce or any of his goons had ever possessed. As for science, she still loved it, still believing in its ability to solve most problems; but, she longer trusted it to hold all the answers – some things were beyond even science’s grasp.

Truth, that was a hard one. Lying is bad, truth is always best; that was how her father raised her and how she had led her life until that bullet entered her body just below her ribcage and only a young boy’s affection stopped her from falling into the abyss. After that, truth no longer seemed as necessary, and protection, even love, these became the things of paramount importance in her life.

Finally her faith. No matter what happened between them romantically, Liz had always had faith that Max would do the right thing, that he would trust her and the others and hold their safety above his own, even when she wished otherwise. Alex’s death, and his actions after, had proved her wrong, and shaken her faith in not just him, but herself, and everyone else around her. If she was honest with herself, he had shaken it long before that. Hitting Michael when he lost the stone, knowing exactly what he went through with Hank, was something she didn’t know if she could ever forgive, and so she had repressed it, something she would always blame herself for.

If she could be that fundamentally wrong about someone’s character, how could she ever trust someone again? How could she ever trust herself again, or anything she believed about the others in her life? It no longer surprised her that Michael had been the one to restore her faith, at least partially; Kyle, Isabel, and Ava had all played a part. He had believed her when no one else but Kyle had, when even Maria was merely humoring her and Max had done everything but call her a raving lunatic. He had helped her, trusted her, even though it meant that he, that them, being in their lives, had caused Alex’s death, and she knew he would feel that guilt stronger than all of them, he who always put the weight of the world on his shoulders. Not to mention how kindly he’d reacted to her incredibly stupid actions regarding changing the future.

Smiling, she nodded to her reflection, resolving to be at peace with who she was now and who she would be tomorrow. Pulling her hair up, she was about to twist it into an elegant knot when a sudden presence in her mind had clutching the counter top in shock. “Michael?” His warmth, his strength was suddenly filling her mind, and closing her eyes, she could almost imagine he was there in the room with her. Pushing past her shock, and ignoring the way her heart sped up, she projected the only thing she could think of – ‘how?’ His simple reply of Granilith, accompanied by an image of a ruby-flecked black stone, made her smile, and wonder just how much of Alex’s decision to reveal his secret had been his own. Feeling him caress her mind in farewell, she shivered, flustered at how much she wished it had been a physical caress, and by just how physically she’d reacted to the mental gesture.

Chapter Eighteen ~ Companionship

Feeling his intent blue eyes on her once again, Ava finally snapped, her own eyes sparking a she met his steady gaze. “What do you want Alex?! You have been staring at me for three whole hours, ever since Liz left with that weird little smile on her face, and it is getting on my nerves!” Her anger rose another notch when he just smiled at her, his eyes twinkling as they crinkled at the corners and his tone slightly bemused.

“You’re cute when you’re mad.”

Her jaw dropped in shock as two thoughts simultaneously impacted on her brain. One – how dare he call her cute?! And two – was Alex flirting with her? The second thought was what made her pale, and then flush, as her insides twisted themselves into a neat little bow. Zan had been her life, her reason for being; she’d known he didn’t love her as she wanted him to, not even as much as he had in their first life, but he did care for her in his own way, protected her from Rath and Lonnie. When he died, she had been a compass without a North until she met Liz, someone who cared with no reason or obligation, someone whom she knew was going to be her family someday through a rare wisp of premonition. She had never even looked at another man, and in her experience, they only wanted the grunt and grind anyway, and it wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy that, but with her abilities, the act without the emotion wasn’t worth it for the hangover like headache and the emptiness inside she would feel afterwards, as she had one time Rath had decided to ‘expand his horizons’.

Was that what Alex wanted? Was that how he saw her?

Ignorant of Ava’s inner turmoil, Alex watched her descent into silence with growing concern. He hadn’t meant to offend her or hurt her in any way. Quite the contrary, his growing respect and affection for the petite blonde had morphed into something he would never have thought himself capable of feeling after Isabel, especially for the clone of the woman he despised. But it had, and seeing her tortured by Nicholas had made him realize that if he didn’t act, he would have lost not one, but two alien princesses that he loved, and he didn’t think his already fragile mental stability could handle that.

Seeing tears glisten in her eyes, and hoping he hadn’t wounded their friendship beyond repair, he crossed the distance between them in one stride, and dropped to his knees in front of her, taking her small, delicate hands in his own large, awkward ones. “I’m sorry, Ava, I didn’t mean to…it’s okay that you don’t feel the same way; I’ll never mention it again, I promise.” Great job, he berated himself viciously, throw yourself at the poor girl without so much as a warning. When will you learn, Alex, that the girls will never feel that way about you? Taking her continued silence as a rejection of his attempt to apologize, he pulled back, feeling the emptiness inside swallow him once more. “I’ll leave you alone.” He stated quietly, and headed for the front door, not entirely sure where he planned on going, other than away from here and the crying blue-eyed girl that was entirely his fault. Just as his hand touched the door knob, a single word spoken in a soft voice stopped him in his tracks.


When his hands had touched hers, she could feel him with startling clarity. The hurt, the confusion, and the soul tearing emptiness that threatened to swallow him whole – and the love. Not fully fledged, he wasn’t in love with her, but it was the beginnings, and for the first time since Zan, possibly the first time in this life, she felt the warmth inside that only comes when you know that somebody loves you for you; not because they have to or need to, but because they want to. She didn’t know if she loved him back, or even if she was capable of it, but she wasn’t going to let him be destroyed because she was too afraid to find out. Fear had cost her the first love of her life, and it wasn’t going to cost her a potential second.

“I thought, I thought you just wanted sex.” Seeing the instant denial spring to his lips as he turned sharply, she shook her head, holding up her hand to stop him. “I know I was wrong, and I don’t know if I can love you like you love me, but I’m willing to give it a shot. If that’s not enough,” she shrugged, the old, blunt Ava showing through, “Well it’s all I have to offer.”

Stepping hesitantly forward, Alex gave her a small smile. “It’s perfect.” Sitting down beside her on the couch, he carefully kept his hands in his own lap, first staring at them as he fought off the last slivers of doubt, and then boldly meeting her gaze. “I didn’t expect you to love me back, at least not yet, but I wanted you to know how I felt before you decided to fall for someone else.” Earnestly looking into her soft blue eyes, he resisted the urge to caress her cheek. “You are an amazing woman, Ava. You went through hell in your past life, and suffered through another one growing up in this one. You had no reason to trust anyone, much less any of us, and yet you found Liz, you helped her, protected her, and I know you love her as a sister just as much as she loves you. I only hope that someday you’ll see me as I see you, and I’m willing to wait as long as it takes.”

Tears threatening to destroy her well-maintained façade of bad-ass alien chick, Ava blinked determinedly. “I’m not as good or as strong as you think I am Alex. I let them kill Zan, I should have found a way to stop it; I should have known!” Her voice was even at first but slipped into a whispered anguish wail with the last words. Turning her face from him in an effort to hide the emotions she knew she couldn’t keep from showing on her face, she flinched as his arms wrapped around her shoulders, hugging her gently.

“You are strong and you are good; you trusted your family and there’s no shame in that. They are the ones who betrayed both of you, and they are the ones who take full blame for Zan’s death.” Sensing her resistance to believing her own innocence, he tried a different tack, all the while cursing her and Liz’s tendencies to place the whole world on their far too fragile shoulders. “If you were responsible for Zan’s death in any way, do you really think that the Granilith would have kept you in the book, do you really think it would recognize you as its keeper?”

Ava stiffened when he first touched her, but relaxed as she felt the gentle fashion in which he held her, not restraining in any way. However deeply she felt the guilt for Zan’s death, she couldn’t help but see the logic in his words. She had seen Lonnie and Rath’s faces erased from the book in the face of their treachery, and she knew that the Granilith could see into their very souls. If it had judged her worthy, then that was a judgment she’d have to accept, or she’d begin to doubt the Granilith itself, and that would lead to things she didn’t even want to comprehend.

Turning so that she could face him once more, she gave Alex a faintly sarcastic smile. “You just love being right, don’t you?”

His heart lightened by the twinkle that was back in her eyes, Alex let a smirk slip over his own face. “Well, when it happens so often, you learn to enjoy it.”

Ava smacked him, softly, on the arm and then grinned. “Whatever, ‘I had no idea I was sleeping with the Granilith in my pillow’ boy.” Ignoring his pout, she pulled him to his feet. “Come on, let’s make a midnight snack and then see what the book had to say about bonding with the Granilith; I have a feeling that Liz’s reaction is going to be much stronger than ours, and will surpass simple connecting.”

Alex paused in the entrance to the kitchen, watching her pull eggs and cheese out of the fridge for her favorite meal. “You know why Liz is the Queen, don’t you?”

Ava stopped, hands frozen in midair. Placing the eggs carefully on the counter, she raised her chin to look at him. “Yes, or at least I believe I know a few of the reasons.”

“Can you tell me?”

Shaking her head, she gave him a slightly sad smile. “I think Liz deserves to hear it first and I don’t believe she’s ready yet; maybe after she bonds with the Granilith…” She trailed off, and then shrugged. “But I don’t know.” Tilting her head slightly, she eyed him, one eyebrow raised in question. “Can you accept that?”

In answer, he stepped forward and placed a light kiss on her forehead. “Of course I can. Now, where did you put the cheese grater?”


Several hours later, Liz came quietly into the house, eyes drooping with exhaustion, to see the two of them asleep on the futon, Alex propped up against one end with the destiny book cradled in one arm, and Ava cradled in the other. Surprised flashed briefly in her eyes and then she smiled. It was about time he took steps, she wasn’t about to lose him again, and while part of her sent a silent apology to Isabel, the rest of her realized that Ava was a much better partner to this Alex, who was both stronger and yet infinitely more breakable than her Alex had ever been.

Plucking the blanket off the floor, she laid it over the two of them, then carefully slipped a pillow behind Alex’s back, and with one last look to freeze the image into her memory, she disappeared into the bedroom for some much needed sleep, doing her best to ignore the butterflies in her stomach at what she would have to do when she woke up.


Staring at the large screen before them, Michael couldn’t help but wonder how many other dedicated human believers had discovered a way to track them, and what that could mean for their survival. Why hadn’t the FBI had access to this sort of technology? Or did they, and were just biding their time for some reason? Were there other groups who could do this? If there were, were they friendly, or did they also seek to destroy them just for being what they were? Could he even blame them given the actions of Nasedo and the Skins? They knew there were other aliens out there, the Skins, and he wanted to know if there was anyone who supported them, instead of wanting them dead. They were supposed to the great hope of the resistance, had they provided them any backup other than one treacherous protector and one absent one?

Shaking off his rather morbid thoughts, he returned his attention to Brody’s lecture, glad that Isabel and Kyle at least had been paying attention to his information. “The white dots indicate sightings; the red dots are ones that I have confirmed.” Brody was saying as he gestured to the large cluster of red dots surrounding Roswell and a small cluster in New York as well as a few others scattered across the map. “The green dots are alien activity. Obviously there is a strong presence here, there used to be indications in New York as well, where your clones lived but it has since disappeared.” Moving to the left of the screen, he gestured to the only other significant area of green dots. “However California has become a hot bed as well. Here near the center of the west coast there is a small grouping, and another strong individual signature below them as well.”

“Liz.” He heard Isabel say softly under her breath, hope shining in her eyes as Kyle squeezed her hand, something he pretended not to notice.

Michael then nodded and stepped forward. “Liz and Ava are in California. I know exactly where too.” Seeing their questioning gazes, he elaborated. “I connected with her after communing with the Granilith.” Choosing not to mention the other things he had seen when he connected with her (like her instant and disturbing fear of Max, accompanied by images she would be explaining), he gestured to the board in front of them. “But I don’t know who that other green dot is, and I think it, and any others on that map as well as the sightings, are something we need to investigate and soon.” He lightly touched Isabel’s shoulder, acknowledging the worry in her eyes. “I don’t think we should go in person, at least not yet. I’m not Max, and I’m not going to run off alone. But I think with my new abilities and yours, once they’ve been enhanced, we should be able to learn something from here and on the dream plane.”

Isabel nodded back while Brody looked on, a million questions tumbling in his mind. He had some memories from Larek that he could access now that he knew they were real and he wasn’t crazy, but he didn’t know everything, and words like dream plane were enough to send his brain into scientific curiosity overload. He would be forever grateful to the aliens for saving his life years ago, even if their intentions had not had his best interest in mind, and he was eternally grateful now to them for revealing their secret this time because they did have his best interest in mind, as they attempted to prevent him from suffering a similar meltdown to the one their deceased friend had experienced.

He knew that his enthusiasm frequently annoyed them, especially Michael, but he was glad that despite this, they were allowing him to assist them and to continue to learn more about them. Before his abduction, he had been a savvy cutthroat business man, and after his abduction, all of that energy, all of that passion and drive, had gone into finding proof that he wasn’t crazy, that he wasn’t the deluded washout all of his colleagues said he was. Finding proof, or rather having it dropped in his lap, had validated his existence, had made him feel intelligent again, made him feel worthy of being a human being and a father. He still had fears for his daughter’s condition, but knowing them and their kindness gave him hope that even though their main healer was no longer an option, they would find a way to help, as Michael had promised when he revealed that particular reasons for his alien obsession.

Clearing his throat, Brody regained the attention of the three teens. “I also have found a way to duplicate this.” He said, holding up the device that suppressed their powers. Seeing the shudder run down Isabel’s spine and the tightening of Michael’s expression, he gave a grim smile. “They may be useful if you do find more aliens, especially if we can develop some sort of shield or immunity for you. If not, it can still be an advantage, as you will be prepared for the loss of power, and your enemies will not.”

Seeing the spark of ideas in Michael’s eyes, and the slow, calculating smile spreading across his face, he was once again appreciative of the fact, that despite his appearance of a mere teenager, admittedly a tough overprotective teenager, housed in that young body was the mind and soul of a war seasoned general, and a good one at that.

“I haven’t managed to duplicate the sensor yet, but I’m working on it, as well as a few other things.” Turning towards Michael again, he continued. “I’d love to talk to that Ava girl, since you say she has more knowledge of your planet than my fractured memories of Larek afford, and I’m sure your friend Liz would be of use as well, if you’re right about her intelligence and studies.”

Michael nodded, already considering a few tantalizing possibilities. Seeing the weariness on Isabel and Kyle’s faces, he reluctantly decided it was time to go. It had been a long day for all three of them. “Kyle, could you take Isabel home? The three of us can meet at my apartment tomorrow afternoon; I open tomorrow, so I should be off by three. We can discuss the –” he paused and smiled, “new developments then.”

Kyle nodded, more than willing to hold off discussing his startling new abilities, or what they meant, and then tugged gently on Isabel’s hand. “Come on, Princess, let’s get you home. Your parents don’t need another child to worry about.”

Isabel grimaced, but nodded. Her worry about Michael had successfully erased all thoughts of Max from her mind, and seeing her parents, who had become so withdrawn these past few weeks, would bring it all back again. Feeling Kyle squeeze her hand again, she gave him a small smile, and then nodded to Michael before bidding both he and Brody good night and following Kyle out to his precious car. She was ready for some sleep, dreamless sleep.

Michael promised Brody that he would check back in the next evening, and keep him apprised of any new developments, then thanked him for all his help, inwardly promising to focus more on helping his daughter, and what options were available other than breaking Max out of jail, unbinding his powers, and hoping for the best. Leaving the UFO center, he began the walk home, grateful for the time to think. His mind had been on overload all day; Liz’s questions, his own worries, and then communing with the Granilith, which hadn’t answered any questions, only created more. He understood what it was now, and some of its purpose – what it had allowed him to see – but he still didn’t know what it wanted from them.

Liz apparently was the Queen; the book showed that, their enemies believed it, and something inside of him, deeper than conscious thought, told him it was true. Then there was the even more disturbing revelation, that at least two of those indicated that he was King. Despite his frequent clashes and disagreements with Max, he had never wanted the responsibility of being the leader. He was content with his role as their protector, one he found difficult and frustrating enough as it was, and had even been growing accustomed to the idea of being their General in the war he could feel in his bones would be here soon, but King? That was more than he ever wanted or even thought he could handle.

Leading their little group right now when they were just trying to figure out who they really were and why they were here was one thing, and even that was hard. Taking steps like corralling Max and working with Brody were all things that had come naturally and could be seen of extensions of his role as protector. But he knew deep inside that being the King meant a hell of a lot more than that, and he knew he wasn’t ready, didn’t know if he ever would be.

What he really wanted right then, was someone to talk to who would just listen and understand when he needed to vent, and give genuinely good advice when he was ready to listen. Mounting the steps to his apartment, he could only hope that Liz was sleeping.


Isabel smiled as Kyle took her hand again, squeezing it gently without even looking away from the screen. He had been doing that, and other small touches, ever since he’d connected with the Granilith, and sometimes she didn’t even think he realized he was doing it. Every time he did, it sent warm shivers through her, shivers she welcomed, her guilt over her feelings now dissipated.

She had visited Alex’s grave the week before, just to talk, and had ended up spending three hours on her knees in front of his gravestone, speaking with a very persistent hallucination, or, as she liked to think in her most private moments, the spirit of the first man she’d ever loved. It had given her the strength to move on, the courage to actively pursue her feelings for Kyle, and his blessing as he refused to let her feel any guilt over falling for his friend.

Looking down at their joined hands, Isabel’s smile softened, and she slid down the couch until their thighs were pressed together, then rested her head on his shoulder. She repressed a giggle when she heard his breath suck in with surprise, before he cautiously wrapped his arm around her, pulling her more snugly against him and gently resting his head against hers. Lowering her mental shields and fighting her natural fear of vulnerability, Isabel sent him his next surprise, an intense broadcast of just how much she loved him.

Kyle stiffened, and then exhaled in shock. After a moment, he lifted his free hand to her face and tilted her chin towards him, blue eyes warm with pleasure and deep emotion. They stared at each other for a moment, emotions flowing freely between them, before he lowered his lips to her for a blindingly sweet kiss – she’d finally come home.

Re: When Dreams Change (UC Mi/L MATURE) Chapter 13 - 2/14 Pg

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 7:25 pm
by Whimsicality
Chapter Nineteen ~ Hand of Fate

Staring up at the ceiling, Liz sighed. She was currently on the futon, propped up by several pillows with a cold glass of ice water on the end table next to her. Alex was watching her carefully, while Ava reinforced their defenses on the apartment and fetched the book and the Shard from their hidey hole. If she hadn’t been nervous before all of those preparations, she sure was after.

Finally, Ava dropped into her seat beside Alex, handing him the book and, with a smile, holding the Shard out to Liz. “You ready?”

“As I’ll ever be,” Liz replied with a sardonic twist of her lips, taking the Shard and hearing her voice echo hollowly as she felt herself fall backward into darkness

As she fell backwards, Liz realized she wasn’t falling onto the couch, she was falling through time. Watching as if through a warped piece of glass, she saw that morning when she found Alex and Ava together, then the night before when Alex revealed the Shard to them, followed by Nicholas’s violent attack on them days before, sending chills down her spine – if she still had a spine – at the menace in his eyes before he died. Things started moving faster and she saw Alex appearing in her life, then Ava, then finally herself as she arrived weary and disillusioned on the bus. Even faster and she was back in Roswell, rushing to the Granilith chamber to stop them from leaving, confronting everyone in Alex’s room after the funeral, laughing with Alex as he showed her the slides from his trip as they plotted to get him Isabel back. Finally she was standing in her room, staring at Future Max, his scruffy, leather clad form frozen before her, and then she was following him, seeing his past. She watched him slip through the streets of Roswell as he observed each member of their group before arriving on her doorstep, the long walk through the desert from the pod chamber, and finally his arrival – a flash of light and swirling energy that should have knocked her off her feet.

A whisper in her ear – are you ready? – It was Ava’s voice again, only it wasn’t Ava’s voice and it wasn’t a whisper, it was a roar that drowned out all sight and sound and suddenly the world was spinning and shaking and her vision went black.

When she opened them again, she was sitting in an unfamiliar room on a bed much larger than her own. Blinking in surprise, she stared around her, noting the wicker laundry hamper next to the closet, the oak dresser with picture frames and knick-knacks scattered across the top of it. Directly across from her was a vanity – there were tubes of lipstick and little compacts of eye shadow, a small jewelry box, and the one thing that confirmed what she had already suspected – a leather bound journal. This was
her room. Finally gaining the courage, she raised her gaze and stared into the mirror, seeing the faint dark circles under her eyes, the shortened hair that was once again a plain, warm chocolate color, and the wedding ring on her finger.

Standing, she walked towards the dresser and reached out, touching the center picture frame that showed her and Max on their wedding day, wondering why the sight of their happy faces didn’t cause her any emotion other than a faint sense of guilt. Of the other pictures, one showed Michael sans Maria, leaning against a fence with no smile on his face, but a twinkle visible in his warm hazel eyes. The picture of Alex and Isabel kissing made her heart jump into her throat; he was alive, the original Alex. What future was this? Was this the one she had stopped, that she had changed? Or yet another possibility that the Granilith was showing her?

A sound caused her to turn sharply, hands raised defensively. The puzzled expression on Michael’s face made her smile and her heart gave another sharp tug, one she studiously ignored.

“You okay? Max was worried.”

“Then why did he send you?” she asked, not knowing where the bitter words had come from.

Michael’s expression was sad and knowing and he walked forward, pulling her into a hug and resting his chin on her head. They stood like that for a moment, and she reveled in his comforting warmth, conflicting feelings of guilt, happiness, and oddly, resignation warring for control of her heart.

“Let’s go, his majesty’s latest battle plans await us.”

Liz tilted her head up to look into Michael’s eyes and wished she could remember what had brought them to this point. The longing that he was unable to hide awoke feelings in her that she couldn’t explain – she knew they must come from the Liz of this timeline. Reaching up to touch his cheek, she opened her mouth to try and express the feelings bubbling inside of her, and suddenly she was thrust into a rush of memories.

She saw how happy she was when she and Max eloped and spent the first year of their married life together. The sadness when Maria left their group for the wide world outside of Roswell, and how she became closer to Michael as a result. The happiness they all felt when Isabel and Alex finally wed. Max’s growing controlling and unstable nature as he attempted to keep the group together and safe from the enemies who seemed to grow more frequent with each passing year. The bond between her and Michael growing as they weathered his moods; the controlling King with his never ending plans that never worked, the temper tantrums when things didn’t go his way, and the times when he would come to them, sobbing, to apologize for his behavior. The secret longing that developed in both of them that it could be different, that it could have happened another way if they had just seen the possibilities between them all those years ago.

Tears appeared in her eyes as the flow of memories stopped at the events leading to this moment, and raising onto the balls of her feet, she kissed Michael with all the intensity of their locked away desires, and then whispered a desperate apology as the Granilith whisked her away again.

Falling to her knees, she sobbed for the future she had seen and lost, the last remnants of her love for Max and regrets for changing the future fading away as the events leading from the moment she had left the original future to the moment she sent Max through the Granilith flashed through her mind. He had lied. She hadn’t been happy. She hadn’t been in love, at least not with him, and all this time she had spent mourning her lost marriage, she had been mourning for something that didn’t exist, and never had.

Her sobs gradually lessened, and rising to her feet, she realized that she wasn’t back in her apartment – it seemed that the Granilith wasn’t done with her yet. She was standing in a large and round stone chamber, empty of anything or anyone but her. There were etchings of faces on the walls, and after closer examination, she saw that there was one for each of them – Max, Michael, Isabel, Tess, and Ava, even Alex, Kyle, and herself.

Two etchings were different from the others. Both Max and Tess had crowns carved into the stone above their heads, and as she watched, they began to glow with an unearthly golden light. The glow intensified until it filled the whole room and she could see nothing but bright white light filling her vision. When it faded, the crowns were gone, and turning quickly with a sense of dread in the pit of her stomach, she saw that they had reappeared over her and Michael’s heads, their entire faces now glowing with that same light, their eyes seeming to be boring straight into her soul.

“What does it mean?” She yelled, staring at the domed ceiling and willing the Granilith to appear before her. No sight other than the staring faces greeted her eyes, and just as she was about to collapse in defeat on the floor once again, a voice filled the chamber. “You will see. The time of your destiny is at hand, and it is time for you to awaken.”

Suddenly she was being shaken; her head was throbbing, and blinking to readjust her eyes, she saw Ava’s worried face hovering above her.

“You were convulsing,” Ava said with concern as she helped her sit up.

“And glowing,” Alex added as he came out of the kitchen with a fresh glass of water and handed it to her.

“What are you doing here? Didn’t you have work?” Liz asked, a line appearing between her eyebrows as part of it focused on the strange event here, and the rest tried to process everything she had just seen and felt.

“I did. I went, and now I’m back. You were out for a long time,” he said, amusement and worry evident in his voice as he sat down next to her and began gently rubbing her back.

Liz just stared between the two of them in shock. “I was out for almost ten hours?” Ava nodded in confirmation and she slumped back against the pillows. “Well Damn.”


Michael smiled when he saw Liz’s orb, glowing with welcoming golden light. Closing his eyes, he appeared on the beach next to her. Her hand slipped into his of her own accord and he felt the tension of the day slip out of him as he opened his eyes and turned to look at her. “Hey, Parker,” he paused, weighing desire with duty, and then finally took the first step in admitting how he’d been feeling for months. “I missed you.”

Liz’s eyes widened in surprise at both the words, and the look on his face. She knew he cared about her, part of her even knew he cared more than he used to, more than just a friend, just as she cared more for him. There had been something unspoken between them for weeks now, but that was how she had expected it to remain – unspoken. He was reserved, a stone wall as Maria had so often put it, and she lacked the courage to speak of her own feelings. After the things the Granilith had shown her, she had begun to work on that courage, but never, in any realm of possibility, had she expected him to be the one to speak first.

Seeing him begin to tense at her continued silence, she smiled, her eyes softening as she reached up with her free hand to touch his cheek, reminding sharply of another him and another her. “I missed you too.”

Michael relaxed again, at least partially, his body now tense in other ways as he realized what they had just admitted, and unable to stop himself from both hoping and fearing what it would lead to. He was working up the nerve to speak again, when he felt Liz fidget, and glanced down to see her biting her lip, a sure sign of deep thought. “What is it?”

Liz was busy working up her own nerve. It was time for some revelations, and she wasn’t sure how he was going to take them, even, or maybe especially, after their new understanding. “I have a few confessions to make and I’m working up the courage to do so.” Feeling him tighten his grip on her hand for comfort, she let out a breath and looked into his eyes. “I have another roommate besides Ava.” He stiffened slightly so she squeezed back and continued, bracing herself for his reaction to her next words. “It’s Alex.”

His grip on her hand tightened involuntarily and seeing her wince, Michael quickly dropped it, cursing himself for causing her pain. Alex. What the hell did that mean? Alex was dead; he had seen his blood on Max’s hands and carried his coffin at his funeral, heavy with the body inside, and heavier still with the crashing waves of guilt flowing through him. At the time it was guilt for not noticing what he was going through, then later for knowing what, and who, had truly killed him. Repeating her words, or rather word, of earlier that day, he asked “How?” His tone grating as he fought the fear and anger threatening to control him.

“It’s not our Alex,” she replied softly. “He’s from a different dimension, an alternate time line. He used the Granilith to try and change the past like Max did, but instead the Granilith brought him here.”

Michael tried to process that, brooding silently as he stared over the waves. Knowing what he knew now about the Granilith’s abilities, and intelligence, not to mention Max’s use of it in the future that was no more, he wasn’t surprised that it seemed to be taking an active hand in their lives. What he could figure out, was why? Why was having Alex here important? Was it important for them, or for him, or for something else? Closing his eyes again he sighed, feeling an all too familiar tension headache building in the base of his skull. Every time he turned around, it seemed all he got were more questions that he couldn’t answer.

He felt Liz tentatively touch his hand and reopened his eyes, giving her a resigned smile. “I’m fine, just wondering when we’re going to get some answers instead of more damn questions.”

“Tell me about it,” ahe responded wryly, pulling his hand into both of hers. “Unfortunately, I’m not done, and what I saw today, just gave me even more.” Seeing his nod of acceptance, she continued. “When Alex appeared in this reality, the Granilith gave him a Shard, similar to the one you found in the desert. Apparently there are seven of them, and they each contain the full measure of its powers. I connected with it today. Well, Ava says I did more – she thinks I’m ‘bonded’ with it – I’m not exactly sure what that means, but I do know what it showed me and if it’s okay, I’d like to show you too.”

Michael reached up and scratched his eyebrow, worried by the revelation that there was not just one, but five other Shards besides the two in their possession, his mind immediately jumping to the ramifications of just who might have those other Shards, and how potentially lethal that could be for them. “Yes, I want to see, and then I can show you what it showed me,” he finally said, not giving any thought to the fact that it might have shown her anything other than the impersonal facts it had shown him.

Turning towards her on the sand, he held her small hands in his larger ones and met her gaze with a soft smirk. “Ready when you are.”

His words sent echoes through her mind, bringing the events of the day all too vividly to the forefront. Fighting the urge to say wait, she’d changed her mind and she wasn’t ready, Liz pulled him into her memories before she could convince herself that it was a big mistake, then gave a soft gasp as the wave of emotions and images surged through her again.

Michael also gasped as the sudden intense rush hit him with the force of a freight train. He saw her taking the Shard and Alex’s concerned face (something he was still trying to wrap his head around), and glimpses of her life in California – her classes, working at the bar, conversations with Alex and Ava. He witnessed Alex’s arrival, her powers developing, and then Ava’s dramatic entrance into her life. He saw her arrive and the long trip that had brought her there, his chest tightening at the thoughts running through her mind when she left, the guilt and self recrimination. Then a fast forward preview of the last year of their life in Roswell, only from her perspective, seeing events and people in ways he had never seen them before.

Then there was Max. All tough and leather clad, he looked more like a future version of Michael than Max, at least until he opened his mouth. Michael felt a surge of pure fury as he heard everything that bastard had put on Liz’s fragile shoulders, everything he had asked her to do, how little he had told her, all resulting in the shock and guilt on her face when he informed her that it was essentially her fault the world had ended. That their love had ruined everything. Then they were following him through town and through the desert and to the flash of light and he heard the voice ask Liz if she was ready before the swirling darkness took them.

When he/she opened their eyes, he knew even before she did that this was her room. He had spent more time in her room than she realized, mostly since she left, sneaking in when things became too overwhelming and he needed a peaceful place to think. Her presence seemed to fill that room, just as it did here, and it was just as soothing. Seeing how tired she looked, how weary from the effort to live despite the fact that she was far too young to have that look in her eyes, made him briefly regret, for her sake, the necessity of her being in their lives.

Then there were the pictures, almost a punch to the stomach as he saw the happy couple in their wedding finery and a smiling, alive, Alex. Their Alex.

When he entered the room, he once again recognized the look in his eyes before she did, their words only confirmed what he already knew to be true. That Max, his leader, brother, one time friend, even in a world where he got everything he wanted, couldn’t help but make the people closest to him miserable. The memories however, took him by surprise. The love fading, Maria leaving, he and Liz becoming friends, partners, then silently wishing for something more. The intensity of the kiss almost blinded him, would have brought him to his knees had he still been in his own body.

It was over all too soon and then she was crying, sobbing her heart out and he wanted to hold her, comfort her but could only watch from inside her mind as she saw the remaining years of that life – the attacks, the obsession, his death. When she stopped crying and began to look around her, he found himself once again in awe of her strength. Of the way she was able to push past events that would have driven most people insane, and despite the fact that her heart and soul were breaking inside of her, she was able to view things with detachment and still function on a higher level than others did when their world hadn’t stopped spinning on its axis.

The faces on the wall filled him with dread, the thought that his life was planned out, that every detail was being compared against some manifesto of what was supposed to be. Seeing the crowns over Max and Tess’s heads filled him with anger, what right did they have to bear that role? Then, almost as if in answer to his question, they didn’t. Instead it was he and Liz, their faces staring immutable as the seals of royalty glowed above. He echoed Liz’s cry of ‘Why?!’ and her fear at the voice’s response.

Then it was over and he was back on the beach, his arms wrapped around a trembling Liz, and wondering where the hell they were supposed to go from there.

Her trembling gradually subsided, and shifting her in his arms so that she was facing him, he used one hand to tilt her chin up and kissed her. It was a soft kiss, their first kiss, and it sent shivers all the way to his heart. “You are amazing,” he said when he pulled away and saw how big her eyes had gotten, and the half happy, half wary look in them. A pink blush spread over her cheeks, and this time he knew and welcomed the fact that he found it sexy.

“Do you still want to see what it showed me?” he asked after a moment, not wanting to, but knowing it was necessary before they could begin to try and answer some of the never-ending list of questions their lives had become.

After a moment’s hesitation, she nodded, as he had known she would, and still in awe of her courage, he pulled her into his memories, grateful that they possessed none of the soul tearing trauma of hers, and cursed the Granilith for adding to the burden she already had to bear.

His memories were over quickly, and he saw things in them he hadn’t seen before, now that he had access to her scientific mind and her mental comments at the things the Granilith had shown him of its journey here and on Antar.

Afterwards, it was she who kissed him, her lips melding to his with a gently ferocity that sent tingles through him, and proved beyond a doubt that all parts of his body were fully functional in the dream plane. Her giggle as she too felt the evidence of that made him flush with embarrassment and desire, and after one last kiss, he set her down on the beach next to him, not wanting their brand new relationship to progress any further in a world that wasn’t even technically real.

Liz pouted at him, then laughed as he leaned forward and nibbled on her outstretched lip. “Like that’s going to make me stop.”

He gave her a mock glare and she giggled again, unable to stop the happiness bubbling inside of her despite the traumatic revelations of the day. The things the Granilith had shown her, had given her the last push she needed to bid her last goodbye to the place Max had held in her heart, and she was more than ready to give into the feelings she knew both of them had been experiencing for months and allow Michael to make his own place there.

Finally leaning back with a sigh, she laced her fingers through his and asked “What are we going to do now? We know more, but…”

“We really don’t,” Michael finished for her when she trailed off, sighing from both disappointment that their impromptu make out session was over, and at just how true it was that they were no closer to the answers they needed.

“Alex doesn’t want the others to know yet, he wants to be the one to tell them. He knew I would have to tell you, you would have seen in my visions anyway, but he’s not quite ready to be an open secret yet,” Liz stated, glancing up at Michael through her lashes, and then adding a personal note. “He’s still pretty fragile from the events of his timeline, and seeing or communicating with our Isabel, would be too much for him.” Inwardly she added, and too much for his relationship with Ava.

Michael hesitated for a moment, and then nodded his agreement. “I would like to speak to him though. If the Granilith brought him here, then clearly he’s important and I would like to know what happened in his past and what he knows about us and the Granilith.”

Liz nodded her acquiescence, reminding herself to ask Alex later, and then tucked her head under Michael’s chin, tired from her very long day.

Michael wrapped his arms around her, content to sit in silence. He too was tired, and even though there were a thousand pressing issues they should be discussing, he wanted nothing more than to just sit there, feeling her warmth against his side, and be at peace.


Tess stared at the control panel in despair. Stealing this ship had been a desperate measure – she only had the barest idea of how to control it, and they already knew their technology had problems once it entered Earth’s atmosphere. As demonstrated conclusively by the two ships that had already crashed there. Grimly, she turned from the screen and gathered Zan into her arms; it seemed they were to be the third. Turning back to the panel, she pushed one of the few buttons that wasn’t flashing and tapped lightly on the screen as it interfaced with her mind, entering the required code.

It was a good thing that the ship hadn’t been the only thing she’d stolen, she thought with a small grimace, holding the eighth Shard of the Granilith up to her face and watching the deep green flecks sparkle in the flashing red light from the many alarms going off. Clutching it tightly in her hand, ignoring the pain as it dug into her flesh, she stared out the viewport and waited until the pile of broken rock caused by her departure came into view, then willed her and Zan away. The two of them appeared in Max’s jail cell in a flash of dark emerald light.

She felt the ship self destruct just before it would have impacted with the desert floor and smiled darkly – the humans wouldn’t get any more of their technology from her. The gape jawed look on her husband’s face made her give a short, sharp laugh. Poor Max, he really had no clue what life had in store for him.

Re: When Dreams Change (UC Mi/L MATURE) Chapter 14 - 2/21 Pg

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 10:54 pm
by Whimsicality
A/N: So as usual I’m taking some author’s license here and I will be disregarding the ‘completely human’ baby Zan thing as well as the Tasmanian Devil powers Tess displayed at the end of season three. This won’t necessarily be clear in this chapter but it will come into play later and I wanted to set the record straight now. Zan will, eventually, show abilities, and while Tess is definitely more powerful and knowledgeable after her time on Antar she is not going to be slaughtering dozens of people with super speedy whirling dervish powers….As you can tell I always found that a little silly. Also as should be clear from the end of last chapter there will be no new crash in the news as in my mind all good spaceships have a handy self destruct button.
Anyways that should be the only important note for now, read and enjoy!

Chapter Twenty ~ Something Old, Something New

Michael stared blankly at the empty jail cell, his brain refusing to come up with anything other than a large blue screen and a flashing error message. He had felt the block on Max snap earlier that morning, just after a surge of power he had yet to determine the origins of, and had known even before the sheriff started frantically knocking on his door that he was gone. What he was supposed to do about it, or even if there was anything they should do about it, he had yet to figure out. Stepping forward, he touched the cell door, left open with no sign of tampering just the way the deputy had found it. The flash hit him before he even began to concentrate.

“Close your mouth, Max. The goal here is to try not to look like an idiot,” Tess said scathingly, her voice dark with sarcastic humor as she watched him, gently cradling a baby in her arms.

Max’s jaw shut with an almost audible snap as he leapt to his feet, the anger that had been brewing in him for weeks finally finding a target. “What are you doing here, Tess, traitors aren’t welcome!”

“You don’t look so welcome yourself there, Maxie,” was her only response as she gestured to the jail cell, one eyebrow raised mockingly at him.

“It’s your fault!” he ground out. “If you hadn’t made me sleep with you then –”

Before he could finish, Tess began to laugh, a cold clear sound that echoed off the metal bars. “I made you?! That’s rich. I had given up on you entirely until
you kissed me. I didn’t force you to do anything you didn’t want to do Max. Don’t go blaming your mistakes on me; I have enough of my own to deal with. It’s time you started doing the same,” she stated, her voice mocking at first before settling into a deadly serious tone that caused Max to take an involuntary step back away from her.

Tess stepped forward, not letting him escape. “Starting with this,” she finished forcefully, holding the baby out to him. When he just stared, face blank, she pushed the baby into his arms. “His name is Zan.”

Max held the child loosely for a moment before tucking his arm more securely beneath him. His eyes closed in concentration and then snapped back open, staring at Tess. “I don’t understand, his powers are not developed. How has he been contacting me?”

Tess just shook her head. “Really, Max, did you honestly think that our infant son was contacting you from another galaxy? That was Khivar, trying to lure you into doing something stupid, maybe even making it back to Antar so he could kill you.” Eyeing him with disgust as she took Zan from him, she added “Clearly the first part of his plan worked.”

While he gaped, she looked at him more closely and chuckled. “So the General finally discovered his potential. Good, now he can kill Khivar for me.” Stepping forward, she rested her palm on Max’s chest before he could stop her, sending a bolt of emerald energy through him.

He fell to the floor gasping, then held up his hand and created a small white light. “How did you?”

Tess smirked. “Yes Max, I unlocked your powers. I’m powerful, more powerful than you, which is why you’re going to do exactly as I say.” Waving her hand, she opened the cell door before stepping closer to him, taking his hand with hers, a Shard clutched between them. “We’re leaving.”

Then they were gone in a flash of emerald light and Michael was gasping as he let go of the bars, almost stumbling as he stepped back towards the anxiously waiting sheriff. “Tess came back, she took him. I don’t know where they went.”

Hearing the sheriff curse under his breath, Michael’s lip curled up into the barest of a smile at the usually composed man’s display of anger – he knew how he felt.

Their situation was already so complicated, so full of questions, that adding Tess to the mix was enough to make his already sore brain wince with the added load. What the hell did she want? She mentioned Khivar, him killing Khivar, did that mean Khivar was on his way here? Shuddering, Michael hoped not, at least not yet. They had enough unknown enemies here without adding more that had the additional menace of spaceships and their inevitable array of weaponry.

He had to tell Isabel, she had to be prepared for when the sheriff contacted her parents to inform them of the breakout. Especially since the only explanation for his escape besides special alien powers, was inside help. The door was open and untampered with, to any regular investigation that spelled someone on the outside with keys letting him out. “I need to leave; there are things that need to be done,” he stated, turning to the sheriff, an apologetic smile on his face. “Also, I have a favor to ask.”

The sheriff nodded and clenched his jaw, clearly wary.

“Could you hold off on telling the Evans for about half an hour? I need time to prepare Isabel.”

Letting out a breath, the sheriff nodded, clearly relieved at the simple nature of the favor. “That’s fine, it will give me time to fill out all the paperwork and have our least talented forensic man go over the scene.” Cocking his head to the side, he looked at Michael questioningly. “There isn’t anything to find, right?”

Michael shook his head. “Nothing, and thank you. I wish Max hadn’t put us in this position, but I, we all, deeply appreciate your help.”

“No problem, Michael. Now get out of here before I have to explain your presence at the scene of the crime.”

Michael grimaced and nodded before turning to leave – just what they needed, one more complication in their lives. Standing outside the police department, he glanced up at the window he broke into sophomore year and couldn’t help a tiny smirk. He was no longer that angry, defensive teenager with Max swooping to the rescue and damn if he wasn’t glad about that.

As soon as he reached the parking lot, he sent his mind questing for Isabel’s. She was awake, having sensed the same energy surge he had, and was about to leave for his apartment to find out what he knew. Touching her mind gently, he told her to stay where she was, sending her the images he had seen in the cell. Shocked silence filled her mind, and then grieving acceptance, followed by the agreement that she would stay home with her parents, who would need the support of their only remaining child.

He respectfully withdrew when he felt her place a wall over her thoughts and emotions, reminding himself to send the midget over there later once her parents had a few moments to process. The sheriff would inform Kyle, possibly before he intended to given Kyle’s new abilities, so that left the crew in California. He didn’t think Tess would take Max anywhere near Liz, but you could never underestimate Max’s stubbornness, and she needed to be warned in case either of them came looking for her.

They didn’t know what Tess’s plans were, but on the off chance they included revenge, Liz and the others needed to know that she was here, with Max and her son, and worst of all, a Shard. Hopefully her only plans involved avoiding any other aliens, including them, but they couldn’t count on that being the case. Not to mention the unknown quantity of Zan. Tess’s words indicated a maternal bond, and he had to believe that despite his current instability, Max would protect his child. It might not be right to leave an innocent with those two, but he also didn’t see how they had any other choice.

Thanking the stars that he no longer needed sleep to contact Liz, he quickened his pace, aiming for the privacy of his apartment. He took the steps two at a time, idly noting that he’d been doing that a lot lately, before wrenching open his door and heading for the sofa as it closed behind him with a bang. Collapsing onto the worn but still comfortable couch, he reached out with his mind for another that was growing quite familiar.

The first few moments of contact were spent in silent mental embrace, the two of them still reveling in the newness of their relationship, even as the frustration of not being able to actually touch started to build. After those moments, he reluctantly withdrew just enough to give distance.

‘What happened Michael?’ Liz asked, clearly feeling the stress in his mind.

Instead of replying with words, he projected the memories of everything he had seen, including the emotions he had felt, something he was unable, and unwilling, to do with Isabel. He felt the shock hit her mind for the barest moment before she moved on to analyzing.

‘What did Tess mean when she said you could kill Khivar for her? Do you think he’s coming here?’

‘I don’t think so. I think Tess would have shown a lot more fear and urgency if he was. If she came back, it’s because something happened there, and if Khivar came here, I doubt it would be to welcome her back with open arms. But we should be careful, given this and what that asshole from the future told you, he must be coming here at some point, and our enemies here might become more active now.’

He could feel her mind sorting through the possibilities, and when she finally reached a conclusion, he almost jerked out of her in mind in shock. ‘You want us to what?!’

Her mental tone was very firm when she replied. ‘We need to find Tess. She knows more than we do about the situation on Antar. Also, if you’re right, then she has a Shard. Ava only knew about seven Shards and they are all here on Earth. We know Tess didn’t have one when she left, or she would have used it, therefore there is at least one more Shard that she now has. What if there are others? What if Khivar gets a hold of them? We need more information and she’s the only one who has it.’

Michael couldn’t refute her logic, but the thought of Liz, his Liz, going anywhere near Tess, made him want to revert to his random object blowing up days.

‘I’m not going to go near her, Michael, not if I can help it. I don’t want any of us to go near her, or him.’

His muscles relaxed and the anger drained out of him at her words. He didn’t want Tess near her, and, if he was honest, he especially didn’t want her near Max, not after that stunt he’d pulled on the dream plane. Not that her safety was his only fear. Despite seeing them in the future and knowing, in the way only mental contact allowed, that she wanted him, and not Max, he couldn’t help his old insecurities from whispering that she would choose Max over him if she could.

Suddenly she was in his mind again, closer than ever before, showing him just how much she cared for him and not Max, never Max again. They were both silent for several minutes, just enjoying the closeness as the walls Michael had possessed since his rather unusual birth crumbled just a little bit more.

Liz gently disengaged from the intense closeness with one last caress, reluctantly returning to the subject at hand. ‘I have a plan, and with any luck, we won’t even have to see her to pull it off.’

Michael listened to her plan and a slow smile spread across his face. If only he’d had Liz in their past life, maybe they would have won.


A week later and they were ready. He and Isabel were lying on their backs next to each other on his bed, their hands both clenched around the Shard he had found in the desert. Kyle was sitting in a chair next to Isabel’s side of the bed, watching them with worried blue eyes. He hadn’t liked the plan, especially the part where he wasn’t participating, merely monitoring to make sure nothing went wrong, but he had been unable to come up with a better idea.

Several states away, Liz and Ava were lying in a similar position on their living room floor, Alex hovering worriedly over them. As neither Isabel nor Tess had any idea that he even existed, he too had been forced to just watch, and was just as frustrated by that fact. Liz and Ava joined their minds together and then pulled on the power of the Shard, a warm golden light infusing their bodies.

Back in Roswell, Michael and Isabel were also glowing, their light the rich chocolate brown of Michael’s aura. Michael reached out to Liz, bringing her and Ava into their group mind and joining the power of the two Shards. The light around the four bodies had grown so blinding that both Kyle and Alex in their respective apartments were shielding their eyes from the fierce glow.

‘Ready?’ The Liz portion of the mind asked. ‘Yes.’ They all replied and the Isabel portion took control, sending their joint consciousness spinning into the dream world. They located Tess’s orb quickly, her hybrid nature drawing them like a magnet. It was a mottled emerald color and it flickered constantly as if in great turmoil. The group mind studied it, each portion offering their own commentary before the Michael portion and the Ava portion surged to the forefront. Drawing on the power that the four of them had gathered, they wove a shield around the orb. The shield was not to protect it from the outside, but to protect the occupant from leaving before they were finished. It was hoped that the shield would also bind her powers while in the dream world, but if not, they were confident that their combined powers would be enough to overwhelm hers.

Gathering themselves individually, the joint consciousness entered the orb, Liz’s mind taking the forefront as the others masked their presence to give the impression that Liz and Tess were alone.

Tess was standing in the middle of black, empty space. There were faint pin pricks of glowing stars visible around her, and in front of her were two planets. One was the familiar blue-green of Earth; the other was a red-brown color that the three alien members of the consciousness recognized as Antar.

Liz approached the former Queen, stepping on nothing as she drew closer to the fixated blonde. Tess was clearly unaware of anything other than the two planets before her, and several moments passed before she jerked around, sensing her presence. Her eyes dilated in shock before narrowing with calculation. “Oh how lovely. The new Queen, here to gloat over my fall?”

Only the collective minds of her companions were enough to stop Liz from screaming furiously. What the hell did all these people know that she didn’t? Drawing on their inner strength, she calmed herself, replying coolly. “Why would I care who the Queen is? What makes you think I’m here for any other reason than to punish you for the death of my best friend?”

Tess was unable to stop herself from retreating backwards in reaction to the cold menace in Liz’s voice. Visibly gathering herself, she opened her mouth to speak before pausing, a small and not completely cruel smile crossing her face. “You don’t know.”

Liz’s fists clenched involuntarily, the faintest flicker of green energy running through her before the group managed to calm her once again, fighting to continue the concealment of their presence. “I don’t know what?” she ground out, part of her reveling in the fear that had flashed through Tess’s eyes when her power spiked.

The blonde cocked her head to the side, studying Liz intently before the anger seemed to drain out of her. She waved her hand and suddenly they were in her old house in Roswell, standing in the entryway. “It all started here.” She turned, and suddenly there were two of her, they were watching her memories of her first arriving in Roswell and Liz’s fateful visit to her house. “I was already too late; I didn’t know it, but our destiny had already changed.”

“I don’t understand,” Liz said softly, not quite trusting this new Tess.

The other girl sighed. “Why would you? None of us did, and I at least knew the history. Even Nasedo didn’t realize just how much had changed. He was a fool.” Lifting her gaze, she met Liz’s dark brown eyes with her pale blue ones. “Let me show you.”

With another wave of her hand, they were at the Crashdown and Liz was lying on the floor bleeding with Max hovering over her. “A choice was made here, three choices really. Max chose to heal you, Michael chose to let him, and you, you chose to accept it.” Turning to meet Liz’s eyes once more she gave a faint smile. “I wonder if you would have if you had known what was to come?”

Before Liz could answer, Tess shook her head. “It’s not important. The point is that with those three choices you were marked. I was Queen in our first life by marriage only, not by right, and as much as Nasedo tried to convince me otherwise, I was not guaranteed the position of Queen in this life. The qualifications for Queen were twofold. First, the King had to select the individual as their partner, their mate. By saving your life, Max did that – he cared about you enough to risk his life, his family’s lives, all for you, and that completed the first part of the process.”

“The second part, required the Granilith to accept you as worthy of being Queen, a factor very few Antarians realize still holds true.” Tess gave her a wry smile. “That’s where things went south, for me anyways. If Max had selected some random bimbo with no emotional depth or integrity, my claim would have been safe. But no, he had to choose you, the wonder child of self sacrifice with enough intelligence and determination to make you sick.” The hybrid’s eyes took on a bemused, faraway look as she continued. “In that moment it was over. Your presence as potential Queen meant that I failed to win Max over, which led to me accepting Nasedo’s deal, and thus betraying the rightful King and losing the Granilith’s benediction. You were the only choice left, and the day I left this planet, is the day you became Queen Elect of Antar.”

Liz was reeling from all of Tess’s revelations and those last four words echoed in her mind with all the ferocity of a hurricane. Suddenly feeling a surge of power, she looked down to see the royal seal glowing on the inside of her right wrist.

“You accepted it,” Tess said quietly. “You had been chosen then, but you hadn’t accepted it until right now. No one can challenge your right to the throne now unless you are dead.”

The brunette’s eyes widened and she took a step backward, the thought that Tess had been waiting for this moment to do just that crossing her mind.

The look the former Queen gave her was bitter, but not angry. “I don’t want it, not anymore.” Seeing the look of disbelief on Liz’s face, she held up her hands as if to show innocence. “I wanted Max; I wanted our life the way I was raised to believe it should be. But this life isn’t like that, that life wasn’t even as perfect as Nasedo would have had me believe. Zan loved me then, in this life he met you first and I will always be second. In that life, I truly believed Zan deserved to be King. In this one, someone else deserves that title.” She shot Liz a shrewd and knowing glance. “And even he chose you as his partner. I’m done fighting.”

Her face grew fierce and she unconsciously reached down and touched her stomach. “I have a son now, and you might not believe me, but
nothing in my life is more important to me than his safety. Removing myself from this war is the best way to assure that.”

Liz hesitated for a moment, but then nodded. “I believe you,” she said, ignoring the mental shouts from her companions as they too recovered from their shock at everything they had learned. “But the others are not going to accept leaving you alone quite so easily.” Her voice suddenly hardened. “I still hate you for Alex, I always will, and if it wasn’t for the fact that I don’t think you’re worth becoming a murderer over, you would be dead already. I know how to kill you here.” Seeing Tess pale and flinch, she gave her a cold smile. “I want information. You are going to give it to me, and I will make sure that unless you give us further reason, none of us will try to find or harm you. That is my word as Queen.” Liz hesitated over the last words, before invoking her authority for the first time, and felt a pulse in her wrist as her right to do so was confirmed.

The other voices in her head were silenced by that proclamation, and they all waited as Tess nodded her agreement. “I can’t guarantee that Max won’t come looking for you, but I won’t, and I’ll do my best to keep him with me.”

Liz nodded her acknowledgment. “I will be back tomorrow, and I may bring others with me, but I have one more question tonight. Is Khivar on his way here?”

Tess shook her head in the negative and they all breathed a sigh of relief. “No, he’s dealing with rebellion on Antar and isn’t planning on coming here unless his agents on Earth are unable to deal with the ‘Royal Problem’ on their own.”

“Thank you,” Liz said, her voice softer. Gathering her power, she was about to retreat out of Tess’s orb when Michael revealed his presence, appearing beside them.

He strode forward until he was only inches from Tess. “I will respect the Queen’s words, but I do not trust you, and if you or betray us or her in any way, I will hunt you down and make you wish I just wanted to kill you.”

Tess swallowed, hard, before nodding, unable to meet his gaze.

“Good,” Michael stated coldly before stepping back to take Liz’s hand, the two of them disappearing as the blonde alien watched them with a half fearful, half wistful gaze.

A/N: I apologize if Tess seemed OOC to anyone or at least not like you were expecting. I never really disliked Tess, other than the Alex thing I always found her character very believable and complex, and while obviously she was supposed to be the ‘bad guy’ I never really hated her. In my mind her coming back and sacrificing herself completely redeemed her. Anyone who puts their child’s life over their own is okay in my book and the way I saw it, as soon as she really realized she was having a child she changed and that’s how I’m writing her. She’s not a good guy by any means and she’s not going to become a main character, but she’s also not going to be a villain.

Re: When Dreams Change (UC Mi/L MATURE) Chapter 15 - 2/28 Pg 9

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 8:31 pm
by Whimsicality
Synera: Yes you did, and I'm glad you were still somewhat surprised and that you enjoyed it. I put a lot of thought into the whole Wueen thing and I'm glad you enoyed that part as well. I look forward to reading your review for this chapter!
cjsl8ne: I definitely have to agree on your view of Tess and while she's not a main character in this particular story I did want to show at least part of that. As for Liz and Michael there will definitely be more about the role they will play as well as a nice section devoted to Michael becoming King. Thank you for your review and I hope you enjoy this chapter as well!
polar4eva: I am so glad to see so much support for how I portrayed Tess in my story , thank you so much for your review and I prome I will get my act together and review your story too! :D
Adian: Thank you! I love hearing words like excellent and seeing that other people don't hate Tess, and therefore don't hate her in my story, makes me happy. I am so glad you're still enjoying the story and I'm looking forward to reading your review for this chapter.
Ava: Thank you for reviewing and I hope you enjoy this chapter as well!
ashesfall01: The review was well worth the wait! I love seeing reviews that reach a paragraph in length not to mention two or three so tha totally made my day! I definitel wanted to bring some of the more secondary characters in the story and I always thought Brody was fascinating and deserved more than being reduced to Maria's sometime love interest so I'm happy to see others enjoying that part of my story. As for the dots well, there's more to it than just Alex but that will have to wait! And there will be some Brody/Liz/Ava scenes (not like that!) in the works. :-).
I've also seen Michael portrayed as more unpredictable and prone to angry fits and while that was part of his personality I definitely think it was over portrayed in the show as well as in fanfic and I think that he, and all of them, would have matured especially in the face of things they had to go through. The nookie was definitely fun to write and there will be more for all of them I promise! As for Tess I would be happy to sway you to the dark side while we leave Max brooding in the corner! And there is no need to apologize for the long post as I absolutely loved it and hope to see more after this chapter, :wink:

A/N So this part of the chapter is several weeks after the last bit as I’m trying to speed up the timeline, I need them graduated for some of my plans and while it may not all add up I’m trying to make the whole story seem as much like its lasted a year as possible. Also I deeply apologize for the chapter being overdue and it shouldn't affect the next one being posted on time.

~Chapter 16~

Antar’s Queen was curled up in a blue silk robe in one of her two basket chairs, the etched metal pages of the destiny book cradled in her lap. Her head was resting on one hand as her hair, grown out a little longer now, cascaded down her shoulder. The door slammed and she jumped, grabbing the book a bare second before it would have hit the floor. Alex’s dark eyes flicked her way before a stubborn and angry look crossed his face and he marched down the hall to the bathroom, slamming that door behind him as well.

Liz sighed, her head dropping back to hit the chair. Was he ever going to stop being angry at her? Could she really blame him if he didn’t?

Ava and Liz sat up, both of them a little dizzy from the sheer amount of power they had been using. “That was a rush.” Ava muttered as Liz nodded fervently; then winced and reached up to grab her head.

‘No nodding, nodding is bad.’

Ava giggled and then squinted her eyes in pain. “Laughing is bad too.”

Alex handed them both some water, almost shaking as he restrained himself from demanding answers immediately.

A few moments passed as they murmured thank you’s and drank, both of them feeling exhausted and yet strangely energized by the joining they had just accomplished.

Finally Alex couldn’t bear it anymore and unknowingly echoed Kyle two states away. “What the hell happened?!”

Ava and Liz both sobered and turned to look at him, Ava setting her cup on the bedside table and Liz resting hers in her lap.

“Did you find her?” He asked more calmly.

Ava nodded but it was Liz who spoke. “Yes we did, we learned quite a bit.” She said, and then paused. “Khivar’s not on his way here and I…I am the Queen of Antar.” Raising her right wrist she showed him the seal which was once again glowing with a pulsing white light.

His eyes widened and then a faint smile crossed his face and he gave her a courtly bow. “My Queen, how nice to finally meet you.”

Liz chuckled but then her smile quickly died. “You’re going to be angry with me Alex.” Seeing his questioning gaze she sighed and took a deep breath. “I gave her my vow as Queen that none of us will attempt to harm her as long as she cooperates with our demands.”

Alex was silent, staring at her as if waiting for the ‘Psyche!’ at the end of her sentence. When it became clear that she was completely serious his eyes went cold, his mouth set in a straight angry line. Turning his head abruptly from Liz he looked at Ava. “Is there anything else I need to know?”

After darting a glance between him and Liz the blond shook her head.

“Very well then. If you’ll excuse me My Queen I’m going to bed now.” This time the words held a biting rage instead of friendly teasing and turning on his heel he stalked to his bed, lying down with his back to both of them.

That was the last time he had spoken to her. Liz stared at her hands, frustration welling up inside of her. At first she had understood his anger, she too had wanted to kill Tess for what she had done but that would have been a selfish choice. They needed the information that Tess could provide not just for their own sakes but for the sakes of those on Antar, who apparently and terrifyingly were relying on them for help.

Also as much as she hated to admit it, she would rather Tess take care of an innocent child than Max. At least she knew Tess would do whatever it took to protect the child even if it wasn’t in her own best interests, she didn’t trust Max to do the same. But it had been almost three weeks now and he still hadn’t relented. Tess has given them a lot of information about what had happened on Antar and as much as she knew about their enemies here on Earth and the six of them needed to be united if they were going to survive. Beyond that she needed her best friend, more than she ever had before.

Her frustration turned to anger and rising to her feet she stalked towards the bathroom door, blasting it open with her powers to reveal Alex sitting on the edge of the bathtub glaring back at her. “Damn it Alex get over it! I made a decision and we all have to live with it. Do you think I want her alive? In this reality no one has more right to wish her dead than me and I’ve let it go because we had to. We needed the information she had. Do you want to be like her?! Getting what you want and then killing anyone in your way?”

His face was pale, the glare gone but she didn’t stop there. “I need you Alex, I need my best friend. I need someone who knows what it’s like to go from being a regular teenager to whatever the hell it is we are now.” Tears welled up in her eyes. “I’m terrified Alex. I’m a teenage runaway who’s now supposed to be Queen? I have no idea what that means or what I’m supposed to do. There’s a whole planet that’s going to expect me to save them once they know I exist.” She stopped to draw a breath and he was on his feet, his arms wrapped around her as she buried her head in his chest, tears streaming down her face. “I need you to not hate me.”

Three hours later Ava came home to find the two of them curled up on Alex’s bed animatedly discussing some disaster involving cupcakes when they were children.

“Well finally!” Was all she said, hands on her hips as she watched them with a fond smile. “It’s about damn time you two made up.” Plopping down on the bed beside them she scooted up next to Alex, resting her head on his shoulder. “No more fighting allowed, kay?”

Alex and Liz both flushed and nodded, Alex dropping a kiss on Ava’s head as she turned to look at Liz. “We have our meeting in an hour.”

Liz nodded, a smile still lingering on her face. All of them except for Alex had been joining in biweekly meetings on the dream plan to go over everything they had learned from Tess and discuss anything new they had learned from the books, the Shards, or about their powers.

Tess had revealed that when she first arrived on Antar Khivar had been furious that she hadn’t brought the other royals with her but had agreed to let her stay in the palace and was planning on naming Zan as his heir. Things on Antar were tense due to the political situation with the other planets disintegrating and the rebellion on Antar which had slowed in the past few decades beginning to stir again. Khivar hoped that naming Zan as his heir would solve a lot of his problems but two days before the ceremony one of Khivar’s lovers announced that she was pregnant with his child.

Khivar had wanted an heir with his blood since he assumed the throne and with this news decided forming his own dynasty was more important than reestablishing peace. He planned to assassinate both Tess and Zan; removing all possible contenders for the throne, present and future.

Luckily for Tess and despite her betrayal the loyalists on Antar wanted to protect Zan and arranged for her to escape from the palace as well as providing access to a ship. As for the Shard that had its own story. The last priest of the Granolith had had in his possession the eighth Shard for centuries and had been hiding it from Khivar since his takeover. Knowing that Khivar no longer trusted him and intending to go into hiding with the rebellion he entrusted the Shard to Tess, hoping to ensure both her survival and to provide more power to the Royals on Earth if she made it back.

The others had been reluctant to leave the Shard with Tess but Liz had managed to convince them to do so unless it became absolutely necessary for them to retrieve it. Neither Tess nor Max’s safety particularly concerned her but she didn’t want Zan’s death on her hands if those loyal to Khivar found the three of them and she had taken away their ability to defend themselves.

Liz stretched so hard her spine cracked and stuck her tongue out at the other two when they laughed. Then rose to her feet in a movement made graceful from weeks of physical training the three had put themselves through using Ava’s memories as a guide to Antar’s method of hand to hand fighting. Ignoring the two of them still giggling with quickly dissolved into tickling and then a make out session that Liz really wished she didn’t have to see or hear. Walking into the kitchen she pulled a few items out of the fridge, the meetings were always tiring especially once they had learned how to demonstrate powers in the dream plane and her and Ava would need sustenance if they didn’t want to wake up completely drained afterwards.

Soon the smell of bacon and omelettes drifted across the counter into the kitchen and the two lovers separated so quickly that Liz laughed, earning her two glares of her own. Of course this just made her laugh harder and Alex and Ava ended up having to serve themselves as their roomie was laughing too hard to dish up their plates. Eventually the three settled into a peaceful silence back in the living room. When the meal was finished Alex took the dishes into the kitchen to wash up and Ava and Liz settled themselves into comfortable positions on the bed, leaning against their new bolter pillows and taking each other’s hands as they settled into a meditative trance.

Their joined consciousness reached onto the dream plane and for the orb that Isabel had created specifically for this purpose, reducing the risk to their individual psyches. They separated as they arrived and now it was Ava’s turn to try and block out the sounds of Liz and Michael’s very affectionate reunion.

“I’d tell you two to get a room but I think we’d still hear you.” Kyle commented, his tone teasing.

Michael responded by flipping him off as he pulled Liz in for one more lingering kiss and then reluctantly pulled his lips away, tucking her small frame under his arm and turning to face the others.

Ava and Isabel laughed at the flushed look on Liz’s face and she responded with her own raised middle finger.

“Clearly you are rubbing off on Liz; we were all hoping it would be the other way around.” Kyle snarked, earning himself a glare from Michael and a giggle from Liz.

“Can we focus please?” Isabel asked, her voice serious even though there was a gleam in her eyes that suggested otherwise.

Liz giggled again when Michael pouted but nodded her acquiescence. “Yes we can.” Turning to Kyle she cocked an eyebrow. “Were you able to get here on your own?”

He nodded with a proud smile. “Yes I was, and I fixed the toaster when my dad blew it up yesterday, the only thing I don’t seem to be able to master is the blasting.”

They all nodded and Ava frowned, a considering look on her face. The others remained silent and waited for her view, she was acknowledged as their power expert despite the fact that Michael and Isabel’s memories had begun to return as they gained more control of their abilities.

“You might not have that power. You may not have any offensive abilities or they may develop later. For now I would focus on other uses for your telepathy, that will be very useful if it comes down to a fight as you can predict your opponent’s moves. I think we should focus more on your physical training as well. You’re the fittest of us anyways so you shouldn’t have any trouble surpassing us when it comes to physical defense.”

Kyle’s face reflected first disappointment at Ava’s first words and then pride at her last. “Works for me, if you don’t mind later I’ll pull your memories of Antarian fighting for reference.”

“Not at all.” Ava said with a smile, she was about to speak again with Liz interrupted her by bursting into laughter. Ava put her hands on her hips, a menacing look on her face. “What is so funny?”

“I was just remembering when you tricked me into thinking you could pull information directly out of my mind. And now Kyle’s pulling information directly out of yours!” The brunette managed to gasp out between giggles.

The others just stared until Ava finally cracked a grin before dissolving into giggles herself. Isabel and Kyle joined in soon after despite not knowing what happened the girls’ laughter was contagious.

Michael just glowered and muttered something about ‘better ways to release tension’ which of course sent the others off into a renewed fit of laugher.

Several minutes later the group had recovered their composure and were sitting on the floor in a circle. The orb had been designed as a featureless room with thick carpet and pale blue walls with any other features available whenever they wished it.

Their discussions ranged from the use and depth of their powers to the information gleaned from the destiny book and of course everything Tess had revealed.

“If Tess is right than whatever sparked the invasion in the alternate timeline has been diverted, at least for now. If the rebellion has grown that much in strength than Khivar won’t be able to even consider attacking Earth until he has regained control of Antar.” Isabel said thoughtfully.

“And if we’re lucky maybe he won’t regain control.” Kyle added, a hopeful if doubtful note in his voice.

There was a brief pause and then Liz spoke up, face pale. “What if he was invading because he didn’t regain control? What if he lost Antar and wanted somewhere else to rule?”

All of their eyes widened and Michael bit off a curse. “Damn Max all to hell, why couldn’t he have given you more information? ‘You need to fall out of love with me’ is not a good enough reason to come back in time and ruin your life.”

“Like Max ever thought with his upstairs brain.” Kyle said, his voice bitter causing Isabel to take his hand. He smiled gratefully at her and dropped a kiss on her palm before turning back to the others. “What do we do now?”

“We train as much as we can until graduation and then we join Liz and Ava in California and start actively hunting our enemies.” Michael said his voice hard with determination. “If we can eliminate Khivar’s sources of information on Earth and gain some information of our own maybe he’ll think twice about confronting us.” His eyes met each of the others as he spoke and he found equal determination in their depths.

Several moments of silence passed before “And then we’ll have to watch you two maul in each other real life, that’ll be fun.”

Michael through a suddenly materialized pillow at Kyle’s head and the end of the meeting quickly disintegrated into a free for all brawl, the girl’s winning with the inventive solution of creating multicolored eggs and splatting the boys into submission.

A little over two hours after the start of the meeting they went their separate ways, Michael and Liz stealing a few last lingering kisses to the catcalls of the others before she rejoined consciousness with Ava and returned to their apartment.

Alex was watching them with an impatient and oddly thoughtful expression when they regained awareness of the real world and at Ava’s questioning gaze his lips curved into a sad smile. “I was just thinking we should tell the others soon, I’m getting tired of having to wait for all the information.”

Ava pulled him into a hug and Liz took his hand, both of them radiating comfort. “Whenever you’re ready sweetie we’ll tell them.” The blond said, dropping a kiss on his forehead. The three of them stayed like that for a few moments then gradually pulled apart, the two girls telling Alex everything they had discussed.

Over the next two weeks they continued to meet while trying to maintain their normal lives as much as possible, Kyle and Michael both focusing on being able to graduate and Isabel working on finishing up her semester well so she could transfer to the school Liz was attending.

Liz had begun to have vivid dreams from the moment her head touched the pillow to the moment she woke up in the morning. Sometimes they were of places she had caught glimpses off in the vision the Granolith had given Michael. Other times they were of Antar, sometimes of the Royal Four in their past life and sometimes of the centuries of history leading up to their birth and eventual demise.

Ava thought it was symptom of her bond with the Granolith, proof that she had connected with it on a deeper level than any of the others. Liz wasn’t sure if she found it intriguing or frustrating; she was delighted to be learning more of their past, of Michael’s past and the scientist in her was fascinated by seeing this whole other culture develop. But on the other hand she hadn’t had any real sleep in two weeks and was more than a little exhausted.

After their latest meeting she tried to keep them up chatting, tired of sleeping and not resting but after Liz had sent them into three yawning fits they sent her to bed. Hours later she tossed and turned in what had become her room, Ava joining Alex on the couch more often than not. She moaned in her sleep as images flashed through her mind; blood and death, shadowy figures whose eyes burned with menacing intent. Familiar faces lay cold and still on the ground and she woke up gasping, biting her tongue so she wouldn’t scream. Tears streamed down her face as she shook uncontrollably, they would leave immediately.

Re: When Dreams Change (UC Mi/L MATURE) Chapter 16 Pg11 A/N 3/23

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 10:48 am
by Whimsicality
cjsl8ne: Thank you for reviewing! I had a lot of fun writing the dream plane scene so I’m glad you enjoyed the funny bits and not just the serious parts. Michael’s time will come soon I promise and may even end up more dramatic than Liz’s ;-) Sorry for the long wait and I hope you enjoy this chapter!
mary mary: Wow! Reading the whole story in one night is quite a compliment I’m glad you enjoyed it so much! I feel horrible that right when you discover this I slack off on my updates but they will be back to regular scheduling now so I hope you forgive me ;-) and I’m glad you checked out the board! Thanks you so much for the feedback.
polar4eva: Given how I had him enter this world, with the purpose of killing Tess, I definitely wanted to show his anger but honestly that whole scene kind of wrote itself. I’m glad you enjoyed both his and Liz’s reactions to the situation. And this chapter has the long awaited real nookie! Plus the Alex revelation so I hope you enjoy! I’m definitely still enjoying your story and I think I’m due for some more feedback over there too :-D
Adian: I definitely want to show how Liz and Michael complement each other and both bring strengths to the table when it comes to ruling so I’m glad that you’re noticing and enjoying the little bits of plot I slip in with that goal in mind. I also wanted to show that they are going to start having to make harder decisions and ones not entirely based on their own feelings but what’s best for the group or, in some cases, the planet. As for the big Alex reveal there are some fireworks and they’re in this chapter so enjoy!
Synera: It makes me happy to read that people are liking and understanding my portrayal of the characters and their reactions to everything so thank you! I definitely had some fun with the naughty dream time ;-) As for the dreams well they will be revealed in this chapter but that was part of the plan all along. And I have to agree on the Tess, Max situation. Tess already proved she’s willing to kill or die to protect the baby and even when I liked Max (long long ago) he still struck as a little to self centered to be a good parent on his own. I hope you continue to enjoy the story and thank you so much for the reviews!
bella_svetlana: I inspired two people to read the whole thing from start to finish! (almost) Yay! *cough* Pardon my happy dance. Anyways I am so glad you’re enjoying the story and the way I approached the Michael/Liz relationship. I always wanted Ava to come back in the series and befriend Liz again (it would have made so much sense for her to be the fourth alien so future Max’s warning didn’t come true but the writers sucked..) and I always thought Liz and Isabel would have gotten along better than they did. As for the Kyle/Isabel/Alex thing, there will be some tension in this chapter and it will be addressed more in the chapters to come. Thank you so much for letting me know that you are enjoying the story and I hope you continue to do so!
ashesfall01: Yay for nookie! And there’s more in this chapter only now it’s real nookie! And I hope you like Tess a little cause the new story I’m posting next week on the crossover boards has her in it as a good guy *gasp*. Anyways back to this story I’m glad you liked the wrench I threw in their with Alex and Liz, I’m definitely trying to show them developing and growing instead of just magically becoming more mature and able to handle everything life throws at them (which I just like every other author am tempted to do sometimes). Also good job with the last guess there ;-) You seem to be good at picking up on all my hints. I love reading your reviews they make my day, and thank you for your patience and continued comments in the fact of my little disappearing act. I hope you love this chapter too and I will be soon with more!

A/N: So as I warned in my note on Monday these are now going to be every two weeks instead of every week but I will be posting a new story next Friday/Saturday over in the Crossover boards so you will get something from me every week just not the same story. I apologize again for disappearing and I thank you all for patience and I hope you enjoy and review this chapter as well! Thank you!

~Chapter 17~

Immediately proved less that feasible. It had taken minutes for her to convince them of the seriousness of her vision and intent to leave, with or without them. The actual preparation for leaving took hours and it involved her begging Matt to let her and Ava leave for two weeks, eventually it was her statement that she would understand if he let them go and hired someone else that brought him around with a grudging admittance that he would survive without them and while he might hire temporary help he would never replace them until they told him they were leaving for good.

After embarrassing him with her grateful tears they then moved on to packing and then stealing and modifying a car, if Liz’s instincts were right it was the remnants of the Special Unit after them and having an untraceable vehicle would be very important. Finally they, the destiny book, and a bare minimum of rations and other supplies were in the car and ready to go. Liz had been vetoed as driver after she hopped the curb twice just leaving the parking lot and instead Alex was driving while Liz and Ava sat in the backseat meditating in an attempt to calm Liz’s frazzled nerves and pull as many details from the vision as possible.

It wasn’t until they were half way through Arizona that Liz realized she could connect with Michael and warn him and the expletives that filled the car after that realization had Alex doing some of his own inventive swerving. Closing her eyes she reached down the bond that was uniquely Michael and lightly brushed his mind, the mental version of a tap on the shoulder. After a moment she got the impression of him leaving the Crashdown kitchen for the freezer and then he widened the connection until their minds were fully interlocked.

The tension vibrating down her entire body prevented her from being diplomatic and instead she shoved her entire vision into his mind, barely softening it with a slight emotional barrier.

Feeling him gasp and stumble she felt a brief surge of guilt before shoving it down and waiting for him to recover. ‘What the hell was that?!’ He finally sent; mental voice harsh and edgy.

‘Someone’s going to kill all of you at Graduation, I think Max’s escape triggered the attack but there’s no way to be sure. I’m on my way to Roswell ; we’ll be there late tonight.’

The connection was silent for a moment and then he wrapped her in a mental caress, clinging as tightly as he could. ‘I love you and I’ll see you soon.’ Then he pulled away and closed the connection leaving her breathless and teary eyed. He had never said that before and neither had she. Damn if she was going to let him die now.

"Once we get there we'll have six days to figure out what we're going to do." Liz said before resting her head against the car window and staring at the road disappearing beneath their tires.

After several minutes she realized Ava was staring rather intently at her and after frowning back she finally ground out "What?"

"You have foresight. Do you realize what that means? You’re the first Royal in over three centuries by earth reckoning to have that gift. Khivar doesn't have a prayer now of convincing the people to keep him as ruler over you."

Liz’s lips parted in shock as her brain started to catch up with her body; she had been running on autopilot ever since the vision and hadn’t taken the time to think through the implications of it beyond the fact of stopping her family’s death. Now she remembered when Ava had first shown up again in her life and told her the history of Antar and how important a role that particular ability had played in their history. “Would I have had this gift anyways or was it part of bonding with the Granolith?”

Ava shook her head, “I don’t think the Granolith would have given you that gift unless you were meant to have it, although it may have been latent and therefore awakened by the bond.”

“I never thought Destiny was real, never believed we had a fate planned out for us or that the future held anything but what we chose but this… If I’m really the first person in 300 years, how can that be coincidence? Did the Granolith choose me because I had the potential for this gift, did something in Max sense that? Or was it totally random, just happenstance?”

Seeing Ava’s sad smile and shrug she smiled back. “It’s ok; I didn’t really expect any answers.” Liz’s fingers started restlessly tapping on her leg as her gaze returned out the window. Her mind was running around in a million circles from destiny to assassination attempts to visions of the future and suddenly she started to hyperventilate.

When had her life become set on a track that led to her being Queen of a planet she had never even seen? Was it when Max first laid eyes on her in the third grade or when the man pulled out the gun in her father’s diner? Was it when she got the flashes of the Crash or when she changed the future or was it the moment she realized that Max was no longer her future and that every dream she had ever had was gone.

There was a hand on her arm and someone was saying her name over and over again and finally she looked up and realized she was moments away from passing out. Gripping Ava’s hand with hers she slowed her breathing, trying to regain control of herself, the only thing she had left she could control. When her vision cleared Ava was staring at her worriedly and Alex had pulled over to the side of the road and was watching both of them with familiar brown eyes, full of concern. A tear trickled down her face. “I miss you.”

At that instead of asking what the hell she was talking about he crawled into the back seat and pulled her into his arms, “I miss you too.”

She was openly sobbing now, “I just don’t know what to do anymore. The last time I made a decision this big you died, I can’t lose anyone else, I can’t lose you again. What if I make the wrong choice, what if I’m not meant to do this? How does seeing the future and having someone fall in love with you in the third grade qualify you for a throne?”

“That doesn’t qualify you for the throne, you being you does. You are smart and caring and loyal and you would never make a decision for the group based on your own wants. That makes you perfect for it and I won’t leave you as long as you promise not to leave me, I can’t lose you again either.” Alex said, hugging her tightly and kissing the top of her head, his own tears streaking down his face.

Liz half leaned out of Alex’s arms and pulled Ava into the hug, “I don’t know what I would do without you two so let’s not ever find out ok?”

Ava giggled and Alex smirked, “I have two hot girls in my arms, I’m not going anywhere.” The girls gave soggy laughs and they stayed that way for a few moments until Liz complained that her right arm was falling asleep and Alex admitted that he almost numb from the waist down. This time the laughs were a little less soggy and they broke apart, Ava scooting back to her side of the backseat and Alex climbed awkwardly into the front seat after giving Liz one more hug and Ava a lingering kiss.

The rest of the ride there was largely uneventful and they arrived in Roswell around two a.m., parking on the street in front of Michael’s apartment building and grabbing their stuff out of the back.

Now that they were here and she was moments away from seeing Michael Liz found herself terrified. She knew how she felt about him and she now had heard from his own lips how he felt about her. They had been intimate for weeks now in the dream plane and they knew each other on a level most people couldn’t even dream of but they hadn’t even laid actual eyes on each other in almost a year, what if it was different now, what if in person he realized she was just the annoying brunette who had ruined their lives? What if

Large warm hands on her arms interrupted her thoughts and looking up she was suddenly drowning in Michael’s warm whiskey eyes as he pulled her to him for their first real kiss. His lips caressed hers gently, lovingly, then firmed, deepened. He buried his hands in her hair and pulled her as close as he could as if he was trying to drink of her so deeply that she would always be inside of him. Her lips parted and he penetrated instantly, stroking the depths of her mouth with his tongue. Her arms circled his neck, now pulling him closer, the two of them addicted to the feel of their mouths together...

Finally pulling away his caressed her cheek with his fingers, “What on earth could make me not want you?”

Liz blushed, realizing that this close to him he would have heard her thoughts through the connection. “I don’t know.” She finally replied, feeling the love pouring into her through their connection and turned her face, kissing the palm of his hand. “I was being silly.”

He chuckled and the sound vibrated through her sending tingles to places they had chosen not to go in the dream plane. Flushing again when his eyebrow raised at her R rated thoughts she mock glared at him, then leaned up to whisper in his ear. “Like you don’t think about me when you play with yourself every morning in the shower.”

This time he flushed slightly as he tried to control his physical reaction to her words, a reaction she could feel all too clearly through her bond and she grinned triumphantly before turning back to the others. “Shall we go inside before people start wondering why two runaways and a dead guy are standing in the street?”

The other two nodded, clearly trying not to laugh and followed her and Michael up the stairs, the latter now grumbling under his breath. It wasn’t until they reached the apartment and were standing in the doorway staring at a white faced Kyle and Isabel that Liz realized they still hadn’t told them about Alex.

“Alex?” Isabel whispered before fainting, Kyle barely managing to catch her before she hit the floor. After making sure she was alright he turned to glare at the people in the door way. “What the hell is this? Why is Alex, or someone who looks a hell of a lot like him standing in front of me instead of lying in his coffin? And why didn’t anyone tell us?” His voice started out concerned but ended angry as he fought down feelings of betrayal. “I thought we were done with secrets.”

They were all silent before Alex stepped forward, kneeling down beside Isabel and looking directly into Kyle’s eyes. “It's my fault and I’m sorry. I didn’t want them to tell you because I wasn’t ready for you to know.”

Kyle studied him for a moment, he couldn’t read Alex’s thoughts but Michael had been showing them how to read auras and Alex’s aura was clear, no dishonesty showing. “How are you here?” He finally said in a quiet voice, still cradling Isabel in his arms.

“I’m from a different timeline or dimension, one in which Tess killed Liz instead of me. I was trying to change the past just like Max in your timeline did and instead the Granolith sent me here.”

“That makes sense, or as much sense as anything makes these days.” Kyle said, a hint of his old humor showing through. He wanted to be happy about this; happy about having his friend here and alive but something was holding him back or rather someone. “Do you still love Isabel.”

Alex gave a sweet slightly bitter smile. “Part of me will always love Isabel, my Isabel, but she left me and I found someone else, someone I love more than I could have ever loved Isabel.” He said, standing and pulling Ava over to them, his arm wrapped around her waist.

Kyle nodded slowly before picking Isabel up and setting her on the couch then hesitating for a moment before pulling Alex into a brief hug. “I’m glad you’re alive.” He was still worried that Isabel might not want him anymore now that Alex was here but he had missed his friend and refused to let that worry stop him from renewing that friendship.

Alex returned the hug and couldn’t help a real smile. Kyle wasn’t the only one worried about losing things and coming to this new reality he had accepted the fact that some his friends might no longer remain so. Pulling Ava into a hug he rested his chin on her head, a little ashamed that he was glad for Isabel’s unconscious state, he wasn’t ready to face her yet.

For her part Ava wasn’t sure what she felt. Isabel, Kyle, and Michael had all accepted her in the dream plane but that was before Isabel knew that Alex was not only alive but that they were dating. She wasn’t confident enough to believe that Alex would choose her over Isabel although Alex’s words had gone a long way towards assuaging those fears. But she was still afraid that Isabel would now hate her for stealing Alex even though she had begun a relationship with Kyle and now she would have to wait for the answer to that question.

Deciding that ignoring the situation for now was her best bet Ava turned in Alex’s arm so that she could see Liz and Michael where they were still standing by then door, Liz looking at her with concern in her eyes. Ava managed a smile even though it was a little shaky “Shall we work on our game plan?”

Liz nodded, still concerned for Ava but willing to move past it. She knew they should all be exhausted and ready for bed but she was wired despite the long drive and had a feeling none of the others wanted to sleep either. Still holding Michael’s hand she walked towards the table where Kyle and the others had seated themselves. When everyone remained silent for several moments she spoke up. “I think we should tell Mr. and Mrs. Evans the truth.”

There was a dead silence and Michael’s arm dropped from her shoulders. “Please tell me that’s sleep deprivation talking.”

Liz just shot him a look before taking her seat at the table. “No its not and I have some pretty damn good reasons. First I think they deserve to know why their son was in jail and why and how he broke out. They’ve been put through a lot these past few years and I think they deserve to know just as much as the Sherriff and Brody do. Secondly it has proven very useful to have a law enforcement officer who knows our secret and I’m sure it will prove just as useful to have two lawyers on our side.”

“Lastly I think they can help us with the current situation. I put a lot of thought into this on the ride over and I think the best way to handle Graduation is for you to not show up. Isabel’s already graduated and her spring semester is finished so you and Kyle are the only two we have to worry about. If we tell the Evan’s they can help the Sherriff spread the story that the three of you have decided to take one last summer trip before starting at your respective colleges and that you decided to leave before graduation in order to avoid questions about Max and I. This will serve the dual purpose of getting you safely out of graduation and throwing off the trail of where you’re going to be afterwards.”

This time the silence was stunned as the other four around the table stared at her. Michael opened his mouth to speak and was interrupted by a cool female voice from the living room. “I agree with her, my parents are about to lose the only child they have left and I think they should know why. Besides I don’t think any of us have a better plan.” The blond said as she walked into the kitchen to join them, standing behind Kyle’s chair and resting her hands on his shoulders as she raised her eyebrows challengingly at Michael.

There were a few more moments of silence before he sighed and nodded. “Ok. I don’t have a better plan, we’ll tell them tomorrow.”

Isabel’s smile was triumphant and she quickly circled the table, pulling Liz from her chair and into a hug “Thank you” she whispered in her ear as tears welled up in her eyes.

Liz hugged her back, smiling at Michael over her shoulder, his expression now soft as he watched his sister.

He smiled back at her and mouthed “Sorry.”

She smirked and raised her eyebrow before reaching out mentally and brushing his mind with her own, ‘Love you.’

Isabel pulled away and suddenly yawned; blushing until she realized her yawn had set off three of the others in the room.

Liz grinned and turned towards Michael, “So have we figured out sleeping arrangements?”

Re: When Dreams Change (UC Mi/L MATURE) Chapter 17 ~ 3/27 Pg 12

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 3:02 pm
by Whimsicality
Synera: :-D I can definitely agree that that was what Michael was thinking but unfortunately I decided to postpone that scene until a time when they don’t have four people a wall away ;-).I hope the conversations lived up to expected in this chapter and there will more to come (especially between Alex and Isabel, sorry to postpone that one) I’m glad you enjoyed and I hope you enjoy this one too! Thanks so much for all of the reviews.

Polar4Eva: Yeah, I feel for the Evans, they did a pretty good deed and then in essence lost both of their children. And s’ok, I have all of these yummy fictional males to make me feel better! Lol.

cjsl8ne: I’m glad you’re enjoying all of the Queen plot devices I’m slipping in there ;-), there will be more in the chapter after this one and some Michael as King fun. I’m definitely happy about finally having them saying I Love You and there will be more Michael/Liz goodness to come. Hope you enjoy this chapter!

Behrstars: Thank you for giving feedback, I’m glad you liked it and hope you continue to enjoy! :-D

AshesFall01: Yay for the happy dance! :-D And I’m very happy you managed to squeeze in a quick review before leaving. I love the drama I enjoyed writing the nookie and there will be more to come for all of our favorite couples. I hope you enjoy this chapter too and I look forward to any review, even if it isn’t long ;-)

Sablaine: Yay! I missed you, I’m glad you’re still enjoying it and here’s that more!

~ Chapter 18 ~

The girls ended up with Michael’s room and used their powers to expand the size of the bed. Michael claimed the couch and Kyle and Alex ended up on the floor with the rest of the blankets. Morning came all too quickly and Isabel called her parents to let them know she had something to tell them and could they please go into work late, just for today. They agreed and after a quick breakfast of bacon and Snapple all of them excluding Kyle and Alex went to their house.

The two boys went to Kyle’s to discuss things with his father and pack Kyle’s bags. When they arrived the Sherriff wasn’t home from his night shift yet so the two went to Kyle’s room, Kyle packing and Alex watching.

Seeing his friend standing there, the last place he had seen him before he died was a disturbing experience for Kyle and he couldn’t help but flash back to that night, to Alex’s bloodied body dangling from his arms like a piece of luggage. Suddenly Alex touched his arm and he snapped out of his reverie, and smiled shakily at the young man.

“Sorry, just a little strange to see you here, this is...this is where you died.”

“Oh.” The other boy’s voice was a little shaky too, “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to bring up bad memories.”

Kyle gave him a little half smile. “It’s ok; it kind of helps to talk about it now.” Tilting his head he added “If you don’t mind me asking, how did your Liz die?”

“Same way I did here I guess, Tess warped her until her mind just stopped working but her death wasn’t covered up like mine. She died in her own bed; the doctor’s called it an aneurysm. Obviously we couldn’t tell them the truth.”

Kyle snorted, “Tell me about it, I can’t remember the last time I told the truth to an authority figure other than my father. This life of ours doesn’t lend itself to honesty.”

“No it doesn’t” Alex agreed as he tossed Kyle the Buddha statue from his bedside table. When Kyle looked at him curiously he smiled. “I figure you’ll want the big man along.”

“Well we already have Michael.” The other boy replied with a smirk, Alex’s reply was cut off by the slamming of the front door indicating that the senior Valenti had arrived home.

Kyle slipped the statue into his duffle before slinging it over his shoulder and following the taller boy into the living room where his dad was standing, sorting through the mail in his hand. “What are you doing home Kyle?” the Sherriff asked without looking up, only raising his eyes when he received no response. The letters fluttered from his hand and onto the floor as his jaw fell open and his face paled. “Alex?”

When his dad took a step forward and stumbled Kyle rushed to his side and guided him to the couch, pushing him down into a seat. “It’s ok dad, he’s not evil and he’s not exactly our Alex.”
The Sherriff just blinked for a moment before his personality reasserted itself. “What do you mean not our Alex?” He ground out, eyes burning directly into the tall dark haired boy standing in front of him.

“I’m from an alternate timeline, one where Liz was killed instead of me and when I tried to fix it the Granolith sent me here.” His lips quirked slightly, “I’ll understand if that doesn’t make a lot of sense.”

Jim stared for another moment before finally cracking a smile “Of course it makes sense, I’ve learned to just nod and smile. What I really want to know is why my son is carrying a rather large duffel bag?” He said, turning towards Kyle with a faint frown.

“I’m leaving, we all are and we need your help.”

“What do you mean by alien?” Diane asked; her voice forcibly calm while her husband just stared at the three teens in front of them, his eyes a little too wide and his hands folded tightly in his lap to hide their trembling.

Isabel glanced at Michael and Liz before concentrating and lifting every picture and knickknack in the room, smiling slightly at the gape jawed expressions on her parents faces as they watched the hovering objects. Gently setting everything down she sat on the coffee table in front of them and took her mom’s hands in hers. “Do you remember when Max healed that bird and saved you from the fire? And when we were younger and you had nightmares for weeks after swearing you saw me in your dreams?” Her mom nodded rather shakily and after a moment so did her father.

“That was all real, those were all times we used our abilities. When you found us in the desert we weren’t abandoned, we had just been born, so to speak anyways. That’s why we didn’t know how to speak or eat or any of the things that you had to teach us. You’ll never know how grateful I am that you took us in and loved us even though you had to put so much work in. Max..Max doesn’t know how lucky he is and I am so sorry that he betrayed your trust. I’ve wanted to tell you forever but we swore to keep it secret.”

The room was silent for several minutes, Isabel anxiously awaiting their reaction to the news. She knew they loved her, had told Max and Michael many times that they always would no matter what but that didn’t stop the doubt that filled her when it came time to actually tell the truth.

It was Philip who broke the silence, his eyes turning not to his daughter but to Liz. “What do you have to do with all of this? I know you were born to Nancy and Jeff Parker. Diane went to your baby shower and I shared a bottle of champagne with your dad when you were born.”

Liz smiled. “I’m not an alien, or at least not exactly. Three years ago I was shot in my parents Cafe, Max healed me and saved my life. Since then things got a little crazy, after Alex was killed I couldn’t handle it anymore and I left, unfortunately it wasn’t that easy. When your son healed me he changed me, now I’m not quite human.” She raised her hand palm up, allowing a strand of crackling green power to weave in and out of her fingers until she closed her hand, snuffing it out.

“I don’t regret anything, despite your son’s behaviour recently he did save my life and because of that I became part of something bigger than myself. I became close to your daughter and to Michael and I wouldn’t change that for the world.”

“I agree.” Diane said softly, her eyes shining before she pulled Isabel into a hug. “I love you sweetie, and your brother and neither his crimes nor your heritage will ever change that.” Both women were crying as Philip wrapped his arms around both of them and even Liz was a little teary eyed, she missed her own parents and being this close to them was harder than she had thought it would be.

Michael took her hand in his and squeezed gently; he was struggling with disbelief and jealousy and could feel through their bond that Liz was experiencing similar feelings.

Pulling away from the two women Philip stood and tugged Michael into a very brief hug, both of them clearly uncomfortable with the show of affection. Before Michael could speak the older man held up his hand. “I don’t know everything that’s happened these past few years and I’m pretty sure I don’t want to know but I want to thank you for keeping Isabel safe and for sticking around. I know she considers you her brother just as much as Max and you being here has helped her deal with him leaving.” Seeing the stunned look on the boy’s face he smiled, glad he had managed to cause an emotion in the usually stoic young man.

“Also I have a feeling you didn’t decide to tell us now just out of the blue, you need our help and the more we know the more we can do that.”

Liz grinned as Michael just stared in shock, highly amused at her boyfriend’s inability to process the man’s affection and obvious intelligence. “Yes we do need your help Mr. Evans.” She said, stepping forward slightly to allow Michael time to process but before she could continue there was a knock on the door.

On the other side of the door was Kyle and the Sherriff, Alex having been dropped back off at Michael’s apartment to help Ava get everything in their stolen SUV, they had decided that explaining the presence of someone dead and another missing would be too much to add to the already large bomb they were dropping on the Evans’s.

“Hey Philip, Diane, we have a lot to talk about.” The Sherriff said with a somewhat sheepish grin as he and Kyle followed the senior Evans into the living room.

“I guess so.” Philip replied wryly, only a barest hint of anger in his voice at the thought of this man, someone they trusted, helping their children lie to them all this time. On the other hand this man had also protected them and so the gratitude cancelled out the anger leaving him simply glad he still had one child left, even if he had a feeling he was about to lose her too.

“We should probably finish loading the car.” Ava whispered as she nibbled on Alex’s ear.

“Mmmhmm.” He murmured noncommittally as his lips dipped into the valley between her breasts, eliciting a gasp from her that made him grin. “You were saying?”

She glared at him then pulled him in for a breath stealing kiss that sent tingles all the way to his toes before pushing him off the couch and onto the ground where he landed with a loud thud.

“Hey!” He protested, pouting as he propped himself up on his elbows, “I didn’t deserve that.”

Ava just grinned before shaking her head and standing up, stretching her arms over her head and giving him a tantalizing glimpse of her smooth golden stomach. Walking into the bedroom she reappeared carrying Michael’s two bags. “Come on, we’re supposed to be ready to go when they get back.”

“You’re no fun.” He replied and he rose to his feet, still pouting.

Moving forward so that her face was merely inches from his she spoke in a low, purring voice. “Yes I am.”

His eyes widened and he gulped, his reaction to her growing much more visible. She winked and then pulled away laughing, heading out the door with the bags before he could grab her. Glaring and muttering under his breath about evil women as headed into the kitchen to make sandwiches to pack, hopefuly the drive back wasn’t going to be at the same hectic pace as the drive here had been and they were bound to get hungry.

The Evans’s and the Sherriff had made arrangements with the school as well as setting up a fake trail of hotel reservations and car rentals indicating a road trip going towards the East coast. Michael had called Brody to let him know what was happening and that they would contact him once they were settled in California. Everything was as ready as it could be and later that afternoon everyone but Liz and Michael were in the car that they had stolen for the drive to Roswell , the two of them were in his apartment having the same argument for the third time that day.

“You should say goodbye to them Liz, they deserve that and we have the time.” Michael said, his voice gentle but firm as he stood in front of her, blocking her access to the door.

She shook her head vehemently, “No, seeing me would just hurt them more. It’s too dangerous to be around them, we needed the Evans’s help and the Sherrif already knew but I don’t want my parents to be part of this!”

“You don’t have to tell them anything, just tell them you’re ok and give them a hug and let them see their daughter one more time before you disappear again.” He said urgently, trying to convey to her everything he was feeling. He didn’t have anybody who cared about him like that here but she did and he knew how much her parents had missed her, and he knew how much she would regret not getting to say goodbye if something happened to them.

“I don’t want to get their hopes up.” Liz said softly, her eyes lifting to meet his and almost breaking his heart when he saw the tears brimming in their chocolate depths. “I know I hurt them when I left and I don’t want to hurt them again. If they see me…I think it will make it worse, maybe not knowing is better.”

Pulling her into his arms he kissed the top of her head, still reveling in the fact that he actually got hold her when she was sad. “They still love you and they’ve already forgiven you for leaving.” He chuckled, “In fact I don’t think they were ever mad at you, just Max.”

A sudden noise at the door startled them, Michael pushing Liz behind his back with his arm raised defensively. Mr. Parker’s startled face was staring at them, tears running down his cheeks.

Jeff had decided to head over to Michael’s that day, his excuse was to drop off the one change of clothes Michael had forgotten in his employee locker since the last day of his last two weeks had been three days ago. In all honesty it was to ask him to protect his little girl. He knew that Michael was going to find Liz after graduation, the boy hadn’t said as much of course but it was obvious to a father’s eyes and even if he never saw again he wanted to know his daughter was safe. He couldn’t think of anyone better to keep her that way than the gruff young man who had become part of their family.

He noticed the car parked down the block that seemed to be full of teenagers but ignored it, he didn’t recognize the car and there were too many people in it for it to be someone Michael knew, he didn’t have that many friends. Raising his hand to knock on the teenager’s door he stopped when he heard raised voices, one of them Michaels and the other one he had prayed every day to hear again.

Listening to Michael comfort her brought tears to his eyes and he opened the door, drinking in the sight of his little girl safe and sound.

“Lizzy.” Jeff pushed past Michael and hugged her tightly, wishing he never had to let her go. She clung to him just as tightly and after a few moments he reluctantly pulled away and held her out from him, looking her over carefully. “Are you ok? Are you happy?”

“Yeah dad, I am.” She bit her lip and it made his heart swell to see the familiar gesture. “I’m sorry I left I just couldn’t.”

He stopped her by pulling her back for another hug. “It’s ok, I’m just happy you’re ok. I know you’re leaving again and I’m not mad, just...Try and write ok?”

She nodded, a few tears leaking out and he kissed her forehead before looking up at Michael. “You keep her safe ok? I’m trusting you with my little girl, make you sure you don’t stop deserving it.”

Michael looked briefly flabbergasted before nodding sincerely, “I will Mr. Parker, nothing is more important to me than her safety.” Except the fate of the world he added mentally, having decided not to mention that tidbit to the man in front of him.

“Will you tell mom, will you tell her I love her and I’m sorry?” Liz asked, and when he nodded she pulled him in for one last hug. “I miss you guys and if I can ever come back for a real visit I will.”

Jeff nodded rather reluctantly at that comment, fighting the urge to ask why she couldn’t now when he knew he would never get an answer. Kissing her on the forehead he whispered one last I love you in her ear, shot a warning glance at Michael and left, the hardest thing he had ever had to do.

Liz watched her father go, a few tears trickling down her face that couldn’t decide if they were happy or sad. Suddenly she gave Michael a blinding smile, “You were right. I would have regretted not seeing him.” He gave her a cocky little smirk and her eyes narrowed although the smile remained, “Won’t happen again mister so enjoy it.”

Resting his hands on her hips he pulled her towards him until their bodies were flush against each other, then tilted his head down so their lips were almost touching. “I know.” He said in a low voice before closing the gap between them and giving her a searing kiss that left both of them breathless and aching for more.

“We should get going before they send a search party.” Liz said with a giggle as he nipped at her bottom lip.

Michael’s lips moved up the side of her neck towards her ear, making her gasp as electric points of pleasure sizzled from her neck all the way to her core. “This is the only time we’ll be alone for the next two days, if not longer.”

Burying her fingers in his hair she yanked his lips back to hers, tongues entangling in a heated dance as he lifted her up, legs wrapping around his waist as the passion they had repressed came boiling to the surface.

His hands were creeping under her shirt when an amused chuckle from the doorway shocked them both, Michael cursing while Liz buried her face in his neck.

“Well I’m suddenly not feeling so guilty for what we did on your couch.” Alex said dryly, eyebrows raised as he watched them with a grin.

Michael glared at him and then pouted as Liz unwrapped her legs and slid down to the floor.

“I’ve seen you and Ava doing far worse on my couch so hush.” Liz said, the warmth in her brown eyes belying the sharp tone to her voice. Ignoring Alex as he stuck his tongue out at her she turned back to Michael, hand caressing his cheek. “The faster we leave the sooner we can be alone again to..finish this little discussion.”

He grinned and picked her up, eliciting a squeal that made his grin widen. “Let’s go then!” He walked past a laughing Alex and headed down the stairs, calling over his shoulder “Aren’t you coming?”

Alex just shook his head and closed the door, locking it behind him with a glowing hand. “The things men will go through to get laid.”

A/N: Sorry if anyone felt the conversations were a little short but I was trying to keep all of this in one chapter cause the next one's going to be a biggy plotwise. I hope you all enjoyed and I'll see you in two weeks and pretty pretty please go check out my new fic Wander Into Darkness on the Crossover board!

Re: When Dreams Change (UC Mi/L MATURE) Chapter 18 ~ 4/10 Pg 13

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 10:32 am
by Whimsicality
behrstars: Thank you! I really wanted to bring in at least one of her parents but with the pacing of everything wasn't quite sure how to pull it off so I'm glad that I did get it in there and that you liked it :-)
polar4eva: Lol, I am teasing you but I promise that in..3 chapters there will be so much Michael/Liz nookie that I still can't believe I wrote it. :oops: Anyways, thanks for the review! and I hope you enjoy this part even without the nookie.
Synera:I completely agree and most stories I’ve read have that but every now and then I’ll see a story where they freak out or can’t handle it and I’ve always thought that was really OOC for them since as you pointed out they loved them and took them in despite their already special status.
I did think Jeff was a little OOC in this chapter, I wanted him to be happy with Liz leaving and based on his own troubled youth understand why she didn’t tell him everything but I do think the Jeff on thes how would have freaked a bit more and I just didn’t have time for that long drawn out of a scene, lol.
Thank you very much for the feedback and here’s some more!

A/N:So I know I said that I was only going to be updating every two weeks but I simply cannot stand taking that long to post so I’m going back to weekly updates. However these are going to be half chapters instead of the full chapter so they will be a little shorter than you’re used to seeing.
Also, this is my first real action scene barring the little tiff with Nicholas and I’m not quite sure how it turned out so constructive criticism is a good thing! Please review and enjoy!

~Chapter 19~

The fire flickered, casting strange shadows over their faces. It was just past three in the morning and they were camped somewhere in Arizona. They hadn’t wanted to risk a hotel but were too tired from their late night before to continue without a break so they decided to take half the night and rest. Sleep had been the plan but none of them had managed it and so they were paired off around the campfire, mostly quiet with only the occasional comment floating on the night air.

After an hour of peaceful silence Liz was overwhelmed with a sense for foreboding, it wasn’t the threat from her vision, that had passed for now. This was a new threat and it made every sense she had tingle with dread, the feeling suddenly peaked and then all of them could feel it, waves of danger disrupting the energy around and inside of them and as one they rose to their feet, backs to the fire as they faced outwards towards the desert.

The enemy appeared suddenly, tall forms dark and menacing as they encircled the small group of friends. The leader reached up and scratched at his neck, flakes of skin falling away and he smiled at the brief flash of fear that crossed their faces. “Well look what we have here, the wannabe royals.” Scanning all six faces he frowned, “No Zan but that’s ok, Khivar will be happy to have all of you dead too.”

While he talked Liz had pulled all of them into her and Michael’s mental link, Ava asking her urgently ‘Do you still have the Shard?’

‘Yes.’ Liz replied shortly, feeling the pulse of energy from her jacket pocket as her fingers touched the stone.

‘You are a Royal so you can make a shield, draw power from the Shard and you should be able to Shield all of us.’

‘Will we be able to attack through the shield?” Michael interjected.

‘Yes, we will still be able to attack, it won’t block our energy but the shield will only block physical attacks, we still need to shield ourselves against mental attacks.’

Both Liz and Michael felt like they should say something stirring or battle worthy but settled for a warm wave of determination along their group connection before their personal mental shields were erected. Focusing herself Liz took Michael’s hand so their connection wouldn’t be broken and she could feed him power from the Shard.

“How cute.” The leader said with a sneer as he eyed their linked hands, “Fall..”

His next sentence was cut off as Liz pulled on her own power and that of the Shard and a glowing golden shield rose and covered the six with a dome of pure energy.
Shock rolled over the assembled group of Skins before the leader snapped out of it and glared coldly at them, “The shield will fall as will you, Khivar is our ruler now and we will stop any rebellion.” Raising his hand he gave a deceptively casual flick back towards his troops. “No Mercy.”

There was a brief second of silence, of pure peace that seemed to stretch forever in Liz’s mind as she stared at the well trained troop of soldiers heading for her and felt the humming power of her fellow five teenagers at her back. In that moment it all seemed so incongruous, like a dream or a nightmare that she would soon wake up from.

Then the moment ended and the night became nothing but sound and movement, action and reaction. Power rained down on her shield with concussive force and she gritted her teeth, gripping Michael’s hand tighter as she held it firm. Dimly she was aware of Michael blasting furiously next to her, husks exploding into tiny pieces that looked like fireflies through the glowing gold curtain between them. There were explosions behind her as more of the Skins attacked, hoping to find a weak point in the shield. Alex’s lethal streams of black energy flowed out followed closely by the actual fire that Ava wielded with impressive strength; together they destroyed dozens of enemy soldiers.

Sudden shadows appeared in her mind and the shield flickered as her focus began to slip, just before it would have fallen completely there was a bracing sense of warmth and she felt the mental tingle she associated with Kyle as the Shadows fled back to wherever they came from. Tightening her grip on the energy she flung a thank you over her shoulder to Kyle where he stood with his eyes closed, Isabel holding his shoulders and feeding him energy as he fought the new surge of mental attacks.

For a moment there seemed to be a stalemate, they were safe behind the shield but there was only so much damage they could do from a stationary position. None of the enemy who had directly attacked had survived but from a numbers standpoint they could win by simply wearing the six of them down, something the leader seemed to have realized as he pulled most of the troops back leaving just a few to continue their attacks, enough to force her to keep the shield up and therefore draining her energy.

Tense stillness filled the air, only the rumble and sparks of the explosion providing an eerie backdrop to the silent battle of wills. Liz reached out to Michael through their bond, his steady strength reassuring her. ‘At some point they’re going to wear us down, I think its better if we drop the shield on our own terms.’

‘Agreed.’ Michael replied, his eyes roving over the troops in front of them. ‘I wish we had a distraction but at this point I think our best bet is all out attack.’ Without moving a muscle he turned his attention to Kyle and Isabel. ‘Do you think you can protect him sis? The four of us can handle the physical stuff if you can keep him alive while be blocks everything else.’

Isabel nodded, indicating her willingness with a mental wave of agreement and her ability with a casual display of telekinetic power that sent the leader skidding back into his troops, knocking them over like Domino’s.

Michael grinned and tightened his grip on Liz’s hand, knowing he would have to drop it when they attacked. ‘On the count of three’ He sent out, a faint question to the mental tone. As one they send back their readiness and he nudged Liz.

‘Three,’ she began and before she could reach two the distraction Michael had wished for suddenly appeared, the back ranks of the skins exploding into clouds of dust. Not bothering to finish the count Liz dropped the shield, all of them perfectly prepared to take advantage of this opportunity, wherever it came from.

She thought it had been loud before but nothing prepared her for the sheer volume of noise as they reached the first of the Skins, the crackle and boom of powers and the thuds as bodies hit each other and the ground. Hoarse grunts of pain and sharp cries of excitement as blood was spilled. Ducking a blast she spun gracefully, the electricity streaming from her fingers in unbroken deadly threads that incinerated every enemy that crossed their path. She found herself grateful that with all of the training they had been doing she hadn’t let her jogging lapse, sparring in the dream plane didn’t take into account the physical exhaustion of actual battle.

Then all thought was lost and there was nothing but survival, kill or be killed. She ducked and spun and ran and tumbled, all the while blasting green energy from her fingers and occasionally sending a well aimed elbow or foot into an enemy back. All around her there was chaos; fire and explosions from both sides as bodies fell and disintegrated into nothingness.

A sudden sharp pain in her mind let her know that one of theirs was hurt and spotting Alex standing over a bleeding Ava she pulled deep on the power of the Shard and flung a shield over them, impressed and surprised when it actually flickered to life and didn’t flicker right back out. Acknowledging Alex’s grateful glance with a nod she turned her attention back to the battle, narrowly dodging a blast that would have severed her head from her neck and retaliated with a blast of her own that sent the Skin careening back into three of his own, his dust showering them as she bared her teeth in a semblance of a grin.

A face she didn’t know appeared behind them and before the energy pooling in her palms could lash out to incinerate all four of them the strange man had raised his hand and destroyed the Skins with sharp blast of telekinetic energy, all three dissolving between one breath and the next. Warily she watched him, her own hand still raised but the energy within it contained. To her surprise he bowed at the waist then straightened and gave her an odd salute with three fingers of his left hand before turning and plunging back into the fray, swirls of skin left in his wake.

Re: When Dreams Change (UC Mi/L MATURE) Chapter 19 ~ 4/17 Pg 13

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 1:08 pm
by Whimsicality
cjsl8ne: Thank you! I'm glad I pulled it off and the newcomers will be revealed in this chapter :-D
polar4eva: Thank you for the feedback! I will be reviewing on your story soon I was so happy to see a new chapter :D. I definitely wanted Kyle to have his moment to shine just like everyone else and there will be more for all of them to come
Synera: Yay for more reviews! I'm glad the action was believable, that was a big worry of mine that it would seem too scripted or not detailed enough. I like your guesses on the newcomer especially the Guardian one (although that's not it :wink: ) because I do think there were four. Nasedo indicated that he and another one were captured, only he survived (I think) and then there's Kal so it makes sense that there would be one more. And Rah! for the instant gratification generation because I too want to post every week :D.
Adian: Thank you, I love words like excellent :D As for the mysterious helper his identity is now revealed! Lol, enjoy the chapter!

~Chapter 20~

What felt like hours later although she knew it couldn’t have been more than twenty minutes there were less than a dozen skins left trapped between Michael, the strange man who had bowed to her and two other figures she didn’t recognize. All four raised their hands and darting forward she said “Stop!” Putting all the force she had felt the night she accepted the seal behind that one word. It hung in the air like a physical thing and four sets of eyes turned towards her.

Ignoring the eyes for now she detoured first towards Alex and Ava, the shield dropped and she knelt next to where her friend cradled the blonde’s head in his lap. Blood was oozing from a wound in her side and her breath was coming in short sharp gasps. Footsteps came from behind her and Liz raised her hand in warning as the man who had helped her before approached, his fair hair a stark contrast with his dark clothing. “I can help My Queen; I will not harm the Keeper.”

After a moment she nodded and moved to the side, slipping her other hand back into her pocket and wrapping it around the Shard in case her trust was misplaced.

The man’s hand began to glow with a clear white light and he held it over Ava’s wound until it closed, the blood drying in rusty streaks on her fair skin.

“Thank you.” Alex said, his voice deep with concern as he met the man’s eyes before his attention returned wholly to his lover.

Liz smiled happily and accepted the man’s help as she stood. “Thank you..?

“Athan.” He said, his lips tilting slightly upwards in the closest thing to a smile she’d seen from him yet.

“Thank you Athan.” There were many questions she had for him but for now they had to wait and she quickly moved towards Kyle and Isabel, taking Kyle’s hand and feeding him some energy. His warm blue eyes opened and his wan face brightened with renewed strength.

“Whatchya need Liz?”

“Information.” She said succinctly, giving him a bright smile before tugging on his hand and leading him towards the huddled group of Skins. Among them was their leader, his arrogance bled out and replaced by fear. Dropping Kyle’s hand she stepped forward, eyes boring into the Skin’s. He flinched as she showed him her palm and she smiled before letting the six stars of the Royal Seal appear instead of the death he was expecting. “Do you know who I am?”

He glared for a moment before nodding reluctantly as the seal brightened.

“Say it.”

“You’re the Queen.” He said through gritted teeth, eyes dropping to the ground.

“How many more of you are there? How many soldiers has he sent to kill us?”

The alien stubbornly remained silent and with a grimace Liz turned to Kyle, “Can you pull it out of him?”

Kyle hesitated for a moment and the nodded, “Yes, but if he has good shields I may need a little boost.”

Liz grinned “A boost we can manage, just let me know when you need it.” Stepping aside she moved to stand next to Michael, her hand finding his as she sought the inner strength to match her outer confidence. Mentally wrapping her in a hug she felt his own weariness, weariness that began to fade as they shared each others strength.

Kyle was now standing directly in front of the Skin leader, his fingers lightly touching the man’s temples as he searched for the information they needed. After a moment Isabel moved forward, resting her hands on Kyle’s shoulders and his expression changed.

Finally the Skin collapsed to the ground, gasping and Kyle turned to face her and Michael with a satisfied smile on his face. “He doesn’t know about all of them but I have numbers and locations of four more groups, it’s a good start.”

“It’s a very good start.” Michael said before tilting his head to look down at Liz. “Do we need them anymore?”

Liz just shook her head before leaning it against Michael’s chest and closing her eyes as several pops filled the air. When she opened them again the Skins were all gone and Michael was leaning down for a brief but hungry kiss that washed away all of her aches from battle and left entirely different aches in their place.

Biting back a moan and shaking her head to clear it she glared at Michael as he smirked. Lifting his head he looked at the three strangers watching them with apparent fascination. “I think it’s time for some answers.”

“I agree.” Athan said with a respectful nod to the couple and gestured towards the surprisingly, still burning campfire where Alex and the newly recovered Ava were already sitting.

The six teens sat on one side in a loose group and the three strangers stood on the other; Athan in front with the other two standing behind him with almost military stiffness. They stared at each other over the flames with a variety of emotions ranging from simple mistrust to outright suspicion.

The others seemed to be counting on her to take the lead so Liz stood and turned her attention to Athan, her voice firm as she tried to hide the exhaustion that was catching up with her. “Who are you and why are you here?”

“We are the Royal Guards, bound to protect the lives of the King and Queen. We have been tracking you ever since the seal activated,” he said with a nod towards her as his dark eyes gleamed in the light from the flames. “We would have been here sooner but this is not the first group of Khivar’s troops we have faced this week.”

Liz’s forehead crinkled with thought, she believed he was telling the truth but none the less she reopened the group connection and asked the one person who actually remembered Antar what she thought.

‘There were Royal Guards although then there were four, two for each the Queen and the King. I don’t recognize any of them but that means nothing as our Guards were killed trying to protect us.’ Ava said, her mental tone weary and sad.

“Where is your fourth?” Liz asked, partly out of curiosity and partly out of suspicion. With their lack of current knowledge it would easy to deceive them. The way they had killed the Skins seemed to prove their loyalty but from everything Ava and Tess had revealed about Khivar she wouldn’t put it past him to kill his own troops in order to gain their trust if he knew they had the Shards.

The three visibly stiffened and there was a tense moment of silence before Athan spoke again. “She was killed. The last group we fought outnumbered us by over fifty troops and while we are skilled we are not invulnerable.”

“I’m sorry.” Liz said softly, a pang of guilt shooting through her at forcing them to relive what were obviously painful memories. Their emotions proved not to be false as she tapped into Michael's aura sight and found them clear and unwavering.

Athan just nodded and gave her another nearly invisible smile. “I understand your mistrust my Queen.” He hesitated for a moment before arching an eyebrow at her. “I have a question of my own if I may?” At her nod he flicked a glance at Michael before returning his gaze to her face. “Where is the King?”

Michael’s face darkened as old doubts and fears surfaced at the man’s words and he rose to his feet, barely hearing Liz’s carefully worded answer through a haze of anger.

“He abandoned his duties and showed unstable tendencies, he is no longer part of this.”

Athan gently shook his head, “I did not ask why Zan was not here I asked why the King is not here. The mantle has fallen upon you and Commander Rath. You have accepted the responsibility as evidenced by the Seal, Rath has not. Why?”

His words were like an electric jolt to Michael and he looked up, shaken from his moment of self doubt. “What does that mean? Are there special words I have to say?” He asked sarcastically.

“No my lord, there are no words. All you have to do is accept the power and responsibility and the mantle will know.” This time his smile was clearly visible and he saluted Michael with the same three fingered motion Liz had seen earlier. “I believe the Granolith has chosen wisely Commander Rath and it will be an honor to serve you as a Guard as it was an honor to serve you as a soldier.”

Michael could only blink at the man’s declaration, something inside of him swelling with pride and happiness. While he had known this moment was coming, even though a large part of him had been ignoring it with everything he had, it was a shock to him that other Antarian’s outside of their group would be happy about this. Liz being chosen he understood and agreed with on a level that words did not reach but his own part in this he had seen merely as a replacement for Max. However this man, Athan, had indicated that the power chose him over Max and he didn’t know quite how to wrap his head around that.

Casting his gaze over their group and seeing their supportive smiles he began to accept that maybe that choice had been the right one. Maybe he did deserve this power in his own right and just maybe he would be able to handle its responsibilities with skill, he smiled, after all Liz would be there right by his side and she was quite capable of keeping him in line.

A sudden glow appeared around him and he started with surprise, a warm tingling started in his right hand, currently clasped around Liz’s and letting go he turned it palm up, staring in awe at the six swirling points of light that had appeared.
All three of the Guards bowed at the waist, smiles on their faces as the Royal couple once again took each others hands. This war was not over yet and Khivar had rather large surprise headed his way if he thought it was going to be an easy victory.