Hero (XO SV, Liz/Oliver Mature) Complete- 05/26/09

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Hero (XO SV, Liz/? Mature) Ch-10 02/20/09

Post by fourrightchords »

Thanks for all the replies!

Lets get ready to rumble....

Chapter 10

Liz woke with a gasp, shooting up out of the bed. Oliver, who had taken residence beside her in a chair, shot his head up along with her.

“How long have I been out?” she asked breathlessly.

“Hours. It’s almost one am.” He answered.


“You feel okay?”

“Yeah…just…groggy. I need coffee. Is everyone asleep?”

“No, I don’t think so. We’ve all been kind of waiting for you.”

“God…I didn’t know that would happen.” Liz threw the covers off and placed her feet firmly on the ground, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

“What exactly…did happen?” Oliver inquired.

Sighing she pulled a sweatshirt over her head. “Let’s go downstairs, I should explain to everyone.”

The group was currently situated around the television and large cups of coffee. They all stood when Liz teetered down the stairs, followed by Oliver.

“So what’s going down?” Bart asked.

Liz sat in the recliner and motioned for everyone to follow. “It’ll happen tomorrow…well, I guess later on today. I can’t pin a specific time, but I know that he’ll come early rather than late.”

“What exactly happened when you were…doing what you do.” Victor frowned.

“Look, sometimes if I try hard enough I can find people by their…I don’t want to say aura’s but…I don’t know what else to call it. In any case, everyone kind of has a different signature and if I’m reaching out or looking sometimes I can tap into that signature and get what I need. When you’re in someone’s subconscious you can get information sometimes without the other person knowing. Problem is, Khivar noticed.”

“So he knows what we’re planning?” Clark spoke.

“No. Well…not everything. Look, if you know what you’re doing you can block certain things. He tried to get more information from me but I blocked as much as I could before pulling out. I’ve never tried to block against that much power before, that’s probably why I passed out like I did.

Anyways none of that matters. Here’s what’s happening. He knows about me. He knows I’m here with Clark. And he might know about you all. But he doesn’t know about the device yet, so we can still catch him off guard. He’ll show up, probably with reinforcements. We have to wait till they’re all in range, turn the device on, and kill as many of those suckers as possible. Clark…its imperative that he doesn’t get anywhere close to you before the device has been turned on. If he can touch you he can get information from you, and that’s what he wants. Some…power source your father gave you…I think that’s what he’s going to use to change the planet. I take it you’re the only one who knows what that is?”

Clark nodded guiltily.

“Right. So, stay as far away as possible.”

“So do we have a plan? Or are we just winging it?” Bart yawned behind his hand.

“Yeah.” Liz nodded. “I go out first. Distract them long enough for them to get within range. Bart’ll follow, he’ll flip the device on. It should knock every single one of em on their asses, throw them off. Then we take them out one by one. They’ll be gunning for the device to try and change it. Bart, you think you can out run em?”

The young teenager gave her a look as to say, what do you think?

“Wait…if we turn this device on when you’re out there with them, it’ll knock you on your ass too.” AC realized.


“No…we’re not leaving you out there in the middle of all of those skin thingies powerless.” Oliver stated.

“Uh…yeah, I’m not powerless. I’ve taken bigger guys than Khivar down before. And besides, we know the device doesn’t affect Clark, he’ll be out there in a jiffy, as will the rest of you, I’m sure.”

Oliver gave her a serious look, one that showed he was not convinced.

“Stop it.” Liz scolded. “It’ll be fine.”

He only grunted.

Everyone collectively rolled their eyes.

“Alright. When do we come in? And what about the civilians? I take it we’re not cramming Khivar’s army into this joint.” Victor asked.

“Right. Well…I doubt they’ll do what they did in Roswell when the skins invaded, they made all the human’s disappear. Problem is, I’m part human and Khivar wants me there. Plus there’s not anywhere close enough to try that and I doubt they want that affect anyway. Can we put up some barricades? Close off some roads? By the time anyone notices hopefully we’ll have finished. I mean, it’s not like the Kent Farm is right off Main Street or something.”

“We should be far enough away that, unless there’s some kind of explosion, we should be okay.” Clark added.

“Okay. I go out first, get Khivar talking. Bart’ll flash out when everyone’s in range, and then once the device has been activated, the rest of you can follow. Take out as many skins as you can as fast as you can. I’ve got Khivar. Plan?”

Everyone nodded at Liz.

“Dinah and I will get started on the blocks.” AC offered.

“I’ll go with.” Victor stated.

“Bart. Let’s get you used to some Alien technology, hey?” Liz slung her arm around the younger boy and pulled him toward the kitchen.

Clark and Oliver were left standing with each other.

“This is pretty big, huh?” Oliver noted.

“Yeah.” Clark agreed.

“Whole lot could go wrong. I mean, what if there are more people than we bargained for? What if the device doesn’t work on them? Liz is going to be out there with them alone for a while before they’re all in range…and even so…who’s to know Khivar won’t have something else up his sleeve?”

“Well…I guess we just have to hope for the best. We won’t let them get away with it, that’s for sure.”

“Yeah…but what if, you know?” Oliver met Clark’s eyes and Clark smiled knowingly.

“I’ll rush right out to her, first thing, alright?”

“Okay. Thanks. I would do it if I had the whole super speed thing…but…”

“Got it. Consider it taken care of.”

The group continued to prepare for the next day, barely noticing as the sun rose on the horizon. They all, save for Clark, got suited up, Liz opting out of her mask for the moment.

Instead, she sat starring out the window as the rest of the group waited in their own way. Feeling a slight tingle in her mind again, she shot out of her chair.

“He’s here.”

As soon as she had spoken, a loud explosion shook the earth. A large chunk of the barn was now missing. Liz held everyone back.

“The plan stays the same. I go out first.” She said firmly.

“Be careful.” Oliver spoke softly, his hand on her arm.

She nodded with a small smile. “You too. Bart? You know what to do? If you go too early and miss any of them, they’ll have you immobilized before you can run off.”

Another nod, and she was walking out toward the field.

Khivar was standing on a hill watching as Liz walked toward him. As she ascended she noticed the numbers behind him. Ten…twenty, fifty…at least fifty skins slowly making their way toward them.

“Quite the group you got here, Khivar. What’s the matter, scared?” She grinned.

“Liz, how nice of you to show up. Where’s your friend?” He glanced around.

“He’s around. Why don’t you and I just handle this; girl to…obsessed alien.” She gestured at him disgustedly.

“Oh name calling. How mature. I tend to handle things in a more proactive manner.” Khivar bit out, releasing red energy from his hands toward Liz.

She raised a shield immediately and then began to try and hit back with some of her own. The energy matched for a moment, hers green, his red, before Khivar slowly started to over power her.

“Bart…go!” The others urged.

“Not yet!” he said. “They’re almost all in range.”

Liz had a good two feet before Khivar’s energy would over take hers completely. She jumped out of the way quickly and allowed Khivar’s blast to burn a hole in the ground.

He came at her again, faster this time, caught her barely in the shoulder as she dove out of the way.

“You can run darling…” he taunted.

“Fuck you.” She screamed, thrusting her own energy toward him. He dodged it easily and sent a wave toward her, causing her to fly backward a good ten feet.

Slowly rising, and slightly out of breath she smiled defiantly.

“You’re not tired already, are you? I’m just getting started…who’s that? That’s not Kal-el is it?” Khivar laughed, noticing the teen aged boy behind Liz.

“Who, him?” Liz played nonchalant as she pointed to Bart behind her. “No. Let’s just call him…my own personal Nicolas. Now, Bart!”

Bart smiled, bringing the device to his hands. “Eat ground, asshole.”

A twist of the wrist later and a white pulse erupted from the device, knocking everyone minus Bart down to the ground within seconds. Groans were heard all around as Bart helped Liz to her feet quickly.

“Get out of here, Bart! Run!” Liz gasped.

Bart didn’t need to be told twice noticing the murderous looks on everyone’s faces. In a flash he had disappeared.

“Where does he think he’s going.” Khivar raised his arm and frowned when he realized nothing was happening. “What the fu—.”

He was silenced by Liz’s foot coming in contact with his face.

“Welcome to earth, Bitch.”

The two engaged in hand to hand as Clark sped over as quickly as possible.

“Liz, you okay?” He asked, punching a man that approached him, sending him flying.

“Fight now, Clark. Talk later!” Liz yelled.

Khivar smiled when he saw Clark. “So this is him, huh?” He said, panting. “You may have taken our powers for the moment, but Kal-el, don’t think we can’t do the same to you.”

As if on cue, all the skins pulled something out of their pockets, pieces of glowing green rock. They held it up as if warding something away, and Clark looked physically ill.

“Clark?” Liz spoke concerned, kicking a skin in his back. She frowned when she realized Khivar was making his way toward her friend, and that he was falling to his knees.

“Shit…the meteor rock.” She had remembered him mentioning something about his only weakness once upon a time. “Clark! Get out of here NOW!”

He shook his head vehemently. “No…” he groaned.

“RUN! DO IT NOW! I’m okay! Just GO!” she urged.

Slowly he rose to his feet and began to stumble in the opposite direction. Once he was far enough his run turned to supersonic.

The others joined soon after, Oliver kicking and shooting as many people as possible. Victor and AC did the same, AC holding his own as he wasn’t in his element.

The world stopped for a moment when they heard the Canary Cry, and five skins went poof in mere seconds from it.

“Woah.” Oliver said, smiling at a smug looking Black Canary.

Liz took the opportunity to gain the upper hand on a surprised Khivar. He was strong, but she was stronger, and he was no match for her without his powers. Soon he found himself on his knees, Liz behind him, his head in her arms.

“Wait! We could rule this planet, you an—.”

Liz rolled her eyes.

“Really? A monologue? Shut the fuck up!”

“But—.” He pleaded.

“This is for my husband, you piece of shit!”

She twisted hard and felt him collapse to the ground. Taking a moment to look him over she lifted her boot and slammed it down hard on his back, reveling in the way he turned to dust under her.

Letting a breath go, she glanced around the field. The others were finishing up the last of the skins, and then slowly walking toward her with big grins on their faces.

“Did we do it?” AC asked in awe.

“Yeah. We did it!” Liz laughed.

Cheers and hugs were exchanged as Bart returned and reversed the device so Liz could have her powers back. The group was already planning a celebration as they half walked half limped back toward the house.

Oliver hung toward the back of the group with Liz.

“So it’s over, huh?” He asked.

“Yeah. Thank God.” She smiled.

“About earlier…I should have said something…and I didn’t…I’m sorry.”

Liz shook her head negatively. “It’s alright, Ollie. I get it, and its okay. Thank you for listening.”

“Just…” Oliver thought for a moment. “You shouldn’t be so quick to judge yourself. No one else does, you know?”

“Thank you for saying that.”

“Listen…I’ve got this…stupid thing…the Governor’s birthday. Black ties and fancy dresses.” He stopped them both outside the house. “Would you go with me? As my date?”

Liz contemplated for a moment before smiling. “Sure, Oliver. I’d love to go with you.”

The two shared a wide-tooth smile before joining the others inside.
Love is not a victory march. Its a cold, and its a broken Hallelujah. -Leonard Cohen
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Hero (XO SV, Liz/? Mature) Ch11- 02/27/09

Post by fourrightchords »

Hey thanks for all the replies...glad you liked! Hope this new part brings you joy in this frusterating no-new-episodes-of-anything time.

Chapter 11

The buzzer rang for a minute before he heard Maria’s voice over the intercom telling him to come up. The door clicked open and he found himself shaking a little as he opened the door. He wasn’t nervous. Oliver Queen didn’t get nervous.

Okay. Maybe he was a little nervous.

It was the first time he would ever take Liz Parker out on a date that didn’t involve crime fighting or evidence stealing, or something that involved their alter ego’s. What if he froze? What if all his charm went straight out the window? Did he treat her like any other girl he took out? Or did he just act like he normally did when they hung out together? He couldn’t do that…half the time they hung out together other than “missions” he was in sweat pants eating cereal from the box.

Before he knew it he was standing in front of her door, raising his hand to knock. He pulled his hand away for a minute, running his hands over his suit, making sure everything was in place. The door flew open quickly and he viewed Maria in the distance making her way around some boxes. Liz popped out and quickly shut the door behind her.

“Hurry, go. If we don’t leave now she’ll start snapping pictures like it’s our high school prom.” She said, laughing slightly. “Hi.” She smiled.

“Uh…hi…Wow, you look…” His mouth suddenly went dry, scanning over her outfit.

“Oh…thanks. You do too” She smiled again, this time a little more shyly. Her Cobalt blue dress was a one shoulder chiffon piece. It stopped mid thigh leaving her tanned limbs exposed, her feet encased a black peep-toe patent pump.

Oliver smiled at her, held his jacket covered arm out for her to hold on to. He had opted for a charcoal grey shirt and black Dolce dinner jacket, no tie.

They rode in the Limo in mostly silence, chatting about music and movies and books. As they pulled up to the venue, Liz froze at all the camera’s flashing along the red carpet.

“What? Them?” Oliver said referring to the shutter bugs. “They’re harmless…most of the time.”

“Oliver I’m wanted by the FBI, I can’t exactly make an appearance on the society page.”

“Right. Well, then. Back way it is! Remind me to look into that whole FBI thing, huh?” He laughed as he directed his driver to the back entrance.

The inside was almost like a fairy tale, large chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, women dressed in dresses that had come from runway to red carpet, to the upper class. White covered tables covered in red roses and candles, a marble dance floor and a live band.

“Woah.” Liz said, appreciatively.

“Yup. Usually these things kinda suck. But…with you here it might not be as bad.” Oliver smiled down at Liz who was doing the same to him. “So I figure, if I hurry up and do all the formal, meeting and greeting and general schmoozing now, we can have the rest of the night to do as we please.”

“Sure, yeah, go do your thing.” She waved him off “I’m just gonna get a glass of champagne and wallflower it up a little bit.”

He smiled at her and leaned in close. “If you wanted to be a wallflower tonight, you picked the wrong dress to do it in.”

She felt a bit of heat come into her face as he winked and then walked away. Holding her clutch under her arm, she grabbed a champagne flute off a passing cocktail waiter’s tray. Posting herself at the table that held places for ‘Mister Queen’ and ‘Guest’ she watched as a group of men laughed and smiled around Oliver. It was obvious that his charm didn’t limit itself to women.

“He looks good tonight, doesn’t he?” A woman’s voice spoke from beside her. Liz turned her head quickly only to be met with Tess Mercer in a green floor length gown. “Looks like this is my table.” She said, sitting a few seats down. “Tess Mercer.”

“Mmm.” Liz spoke, pressing her lips together.

“I’m assuming you’re Oliver’s date?”

“You’d be assuming correctly.” She answered.

“You know, usually he goes for taller, stronger types. Oliver’s got a thing for powerful women.” Tess sipped from her wine glass.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Liz looked the other way hoping to put an end to the conversation.

“So…what school do you go to, are you in a sorority? You totally look like you could be in a sorority. I was a Theta Phi back in the day.” She said, patronizingly.

“What?” Liz turned confused.

“You just look like the co-ed type.” Tess smiled smugly.

“No, sorry, I’m not in school. I actually work at Queen Industries and no, I’ve never been in a sorority.” Liz rose, grabbing her clutch and glass. “Sororities always seemed a bit too…pretentious and stuck up for me.”

Tess only raised an eyebrow.

Liz smirked before walking away. With a flick of Liz’s wrist, Tess’ wine glass jumped in her hand, causing the red liquid to cascade down the front of her dress, leaving a dark spot. Smiling wider, she walked further into the crowd.


Oliver searched the room for his date. He had spent a good amount of time sucking up to all the ‘important’ people and was now ready to have a good evening with Liz. Except he couldn’t find her.

She wasn’t at the table, she wasn’t outside, he had considered for a moment asking a female to check the restrooms for him before he spotted her. Her tiny frame surrounded by large men in suits, by the looks of it, the Governor, the mayor, and a couple other CEO’s and senators.

He smiled and shook his head, walking toward them to go rescue her.

“Hey, there you are.” He said, placing a hand on the small of her back.

“Hey.” She grinned widely.

“Don’t tell me you’re here with Queen, as well?” The mayor said, good naturedly.

“Afraid so.” Liz laughed.

“Oliver…don’t let this one get away. Son, you always bring pretty girls, but this ones got brains, to boot!” The Governor laughed as his own joke.

“Oh, he’s just saying that because he wants to get his hands on that new biotechnology we’ve been working on.” Liz teased.

Oliver looked at Liz shocked. “Oh he does, does he?”

“Well, you’ve caught me. Oliver, why don’t you join us for our boys’ lunch this Monday, I’ll have my secretary call yours and set it up?”

“That would be great, sir, absolutely.” Oliver took his outstretched hand and shook it. “Now, if you boys’ll excuse me, I’m going to ask this beautiful woman to dance.”

The men all laughed. “If you don’t, I will!” One of them added.

“May I?” Oliver held his hand out for Liz to take. She smiled before grabbing onto his arm.


He led her onto the marble floor and elegantly spun her into his arms. Pulling her close the couple inhaled and both absentmindedly sighed.

“So, you’ve managed to woo men that I’ve been trying to get on my good side for years in a matter of minutes.” Oliver noticed.

Liz looked at him with an obvious look on her face. “Well, yeah. I’m awesome.” She joked.

Oliver laughed. “Hey, no arguments here. Are you having a good time?”

Liz nodded. “Besides a quick run in with Ms. Mercer…”

A quick flash of terror crossed Oliver’s face. “Tell me her head’s still attached to her body…”

Liz rolled her eyes. “You would be really proud of me. She’s still alive, and barely scathed.”

Oliver gave her a strange look.

“Okay…I may have made her spill her wine on herself…but I mean, red wine stain? Decapitation? What would you choose?” Liz said, weighing the options with her hands.

Oliver only laughed and pulled her back into his arms. “You make a very good point. Can’t argue with that.”

“Really? Hmm….usually you love to argue with that.” Liz teased.

“This is true. But tonight…everything’s much to perfect to argue about anything. I’m having a really good time with you tonight….”

“I’m sensing a but in there somewhere.” Liz claimed warily.

“I…uh…saw the boxes at your place…”

“Oh.” Liz realized. “I kinda hoped you didn’t notice.”

Oliver shrugged.

Liz fell silent for a while before speaking again. “I…the plan was never to stay…I mean…I’m sorry, that came out all wrong…Can…Could we just not talk about this right now?”

Oliver nodded, his eyes not willing to meet Liz’s. “Look its getting late, I should probably get you home.”

Liz nodded in defeat. “I’ll go get my coat.”

He stared after her, not noticing that as she left, a tall woman with red hair was approaching.


“What do you want, Mercy?”

“Just thought we could talk.” She said softly.

“I thought you said everything you had needed to the last time we talked.” He said bitterly.

“Ollie…can we please talk? Not here, somewhere more private? It’s important.”

Oliver sighed in defeat. “Yeah. Okay, lets go on the terrace.” He led her by her back out toward the balcony.

Neither of them noticed a pair of brown eyes following their exit.
Love is not a victory march. Its a cold, and its a broken Hallelujah. -Leonard Cohen
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Hero (XO SV, Liz/? Mature) Ch12- 03/06/09

Post by fourrightchords »

Thanks so much for all the replies...If i could make you all cookies...I would do it.

Chapter 12

“It’s nice out tonight.” Tess commented.

“Let’s just get this over with, okay?”

“Obviously I over estimated your ability to be civil…but okay. Look, I’m sorry, okay?”

Oliver frowned. “What?”

“I know that it was unfair the way I treated you, and I’m sorry. You hurt me badly back then and I was just concentrating on getting back at you and that was wrong. I was so caught up in becoming this…person…I mistook vicious for successful, and that was wrong, and now I can barely recognize myself in the mirror anymore, and I’m sorry.”

Oliver couldn’t form words to answer her with. “Tess…”

“I want to get back to that person that I was, the person I want to be, and I know I don’t deserve your help, but I figured I’d start by helping you with something to show you that…despite it all, I’m still me.” She looked at him with sadness, her hand rested over her heart.

“What do you mean?”

“I know Lex’s location. And I can show the Green Arrow where he is.”

“Wait, what?” He looked at her shocked. She looked at him with an obvious look.

“I thought you’d give me more credit than that. Of course I know it’s you. It would have to be just the two of us. And it’d have to be quiet. If anyone found out I showed you where he was, I’d lose everything.” She pleaded.

“Are…you’re serious about this, aren’t you?”

“Yes. Look, I’m leaving by private plane tomorrow night. Meet me at 11:30pm.”

“This isn’t a game? You’re really going to do this?” Oliver questioned.

“Please, Oliver, just this once, trust me, okay? Look you should go, your date will be looking for you. I’ll see you tomorrow night, okay?”

Oliver continued to stare at her for a couple of moments before staggering backwards toward the double doors. Giving her one last confused look, he entered back in the banquet hall. Spotting Liz standing by herself by the exit, he made his way toward her.

“You ready?” He asked.

“Yeah. Where’d you go?” She wondered.

“Just to get some air.” Oliver smiled, leading her toward the car.


The ride back was uncomfortably silent. They were half way back to Liz’s place before Liz couldn’t take it any more.

“What did Tess want?”

“Huh?” Oliver seemed confused.

“I saw you walking out with Tess. What did she want?” Liz folded her arms, trying to hide the fact that it had bugged her. Oliver pushed the button, sliding the barrier up between the back and the cab of the limo.

“She…wants to show me where Lex Luthor is.” Oliver answered, waiting for the shit to hit the fan.

“I’m sorry, what?”

“She said…”

“I heard you!”

Ollie sighed. “She says she feels bad about how she’s been and she wants to make amends. Tomorrow she’s taking the Green Arrow to where Lex is.”

“And you believe her…” Liz shook her head unbelieving.

“Yeah. Look, I know a different side to Tess Mercer than the rest of the world does. I think she’s being genuine. I have to take this risk. We’ve been looking for Lex for months now…and none of our leads have panned out. This can’t hurt.”

“Well…can’t I come with you? Or one of the boys or Dinah? You can’t be thinking of going alone.” Liz said.

“It’s too dangerous for her to take anyone else. She’s risking her job and her life doing this.” Oliver tried to make her see.

“I can’t believe you’re actually going to go with her.” Liz sat back and pouted a little.

Oliver felt his face get warm as the limo came to a stop. “What do you care? It’s not like you’re going to be here anyways.”

Liz opened her mouth in shock. “Unbelievable….” She opened the door hastily and got out. Turning straight around as she got out she stared back into the cab.

“Screw you!” She shouted before slamming the door.

Oliver stared straight ahead, frowning and fuming at the same time. He knew this was what he had to do, but even so, why did he have such a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach?


A woman on the street corner fished for her cell phone ringing from her purse.

“Hello?” She answered.

“Yeah. I’m dropping him off at the agreed location…Yes. I’m expecting either her or him to come after. Either way its win/win….I’m sure. Yes. Prepare both just in case…we’ll be seeing you. Goodbye.”

She clicked end on her blackberry and slipped it back into her clutch. This was all too easy.
Love is not a victory march. Its a cold, and its a broken Hallelujah. -Leonard Cohen
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Hero (XO SV, Liz/? Mature) Ch12- 03/13/09

Post by fourrightchords »

Hallelujah...TV is back! At least Smallville and Supernatural. Anyone else excited for the Dean/Sam smack down coming? Think we could convince the writers to have em do it shirtless?

In any case. Enjoy the next part.

Chapter 13

The air felt charged, in Oliver’s apartment. Maybe it was the air, or maybe it was his nerves. He sat on the edge of his bed, getting his gear ready to go, leg bouncing up and down rapidly. He had to leave in 15 minutes.

In his hand was his cell phone. The name highlighted on the screen was ‘Liz Cell’. He didn’t know if she’d leave before he got back…would he get a chance to say goodbye?

There he sat debating on whether or not to press the call button when his door bell rang signifying someone’s arrival. He frowned and pushed the clear button on his phone.

Tess wasn’t supposed to pick him up. He was to meet her at the LuthorCorp air strip and they would take off for the location that Lex was scheduled to be at next. Tess only knew one location at a time, she said, so it was now or never.

There was no one at the other end of the security camera. He panned the street looking for someone that could’ve buzzed, but there was no one near. Shrugging, he turned back and headed toward his living room.

Another knock, this time on glass, sounded. The balcony.

Oliver leaned over cautiously to see who had made it onto his balcony. Not a lot of people had been able to do that, besides Dinah when she tied up him and Lois. He was caught by surprise as a fully costumed Black Widow waved nervously from the other side of the glass.

“Liz? What are you doing here?” He stepped aside to let her in.

“Uh…I’m the new girl scout cookie sales person?” She smiled nervously, unclipping her mask.

“Right.” He half smiled.

“I’d just thought I’d see if you’d changed your mind, maybe wanted me to come with?” Liz looked at him hopefully.

Oliver frowned. “You know you can’t.”

“Right. Well…I mean…what if it’s dangerous? Or…what if I need your help with something here? What about Chloe’s wedding? Or what if—.”

“What’s this really about, Liz?” Oliver halted her rambling.

She closed her mouth, turning away from him and then back toward him again. He crossed his arms, almost wanting to laugh at how funny she was acting, but wanting to hear what she had to say more.

“Don’t….Don’t go with her, Oliver!”

He looked taken aback. “What?”

“Don’t go. It doesn’t feel right, something doesn’t feel right. Just…you shouldn’t go, okay?”

“Did you have a vision?” he frowned.

“No.” She shook her head. She almost wished that she had had a vision.


“I just…I don’t trust her.”

Oliver sighed heavily. “I don’t get it, Liz. You…you came to Metropolis because of this vision, you came here to stop Khivar, and then you do and so you plan on leaving…but now you want me to give up finding Lex’s location because you don’t want me and Tess together? I’m sorry, I’m just not sure how this affects you?”

“God! Don’t you get it?” Liz raised her voice, becoming impatient.

“Get what?” Oliver asked just as frustrated.

“I…Ollie…In this past month I’ve felt things that I never thought I could feel again. You…you make me feel things…You make me want to scream and laugh, and sometimes cry and as much as I’ve tried to fight it and you…you’ve…you opened me up again, you know? I thought that I was just dead inside and that the world didn’t have anything left for me…but you proved me wrong. You’ve been through a lot yourself and still you just always try to take care of me. I don’t… I really don’t want to let that go. I don’t want to let you go.” Liz stared hard at the black of her boots trying to ignore Oliver’s eyes boring holes into her.

“I—then why are you leaving?” he said, more baffled than ever.

“I…I’m not. I never planned on leaving. The boxes were Maria’s. She’s going, she doesn’t really have any reason to stay besides me. I didn’t know how to tell you because I wasn’t sure whether or not you’d want me to stay.”

Oliver chuckled like it was a joke she had just told. “What?”

Liz half laughed back. “Look, I know I’m a mess. In the span of a little over a month, I’ve managed to lay every heavy piece of baggage I have all over you, and…I know I’ve got some serious shit going on. I just…wanted to give you an out. I mean, I knew you thought you liked me I just wanted to make sure that you knew why.”

“Why?” He asked, shocked. “You wanted me to think about why?”

Liz opened her mouth only to quickly shut it.

“Let me tell you why.” Oliver started again. “Because you chew on your lower lip when you’re trying to figure something out. Because you bring new meaning to the phrase big things come in small packages. Because, no matter what people do to you, you still have the desire to help man kind, even if you try to hide it.” He paused when she smiled. “Because you’re funny, and charming, and smart, and incredibly beautiful. Because you’re awful at singing, but I’d still listen to you do it all day.”

Liz blushed, and her hand went to cover her face. Instead he grabbed it away and held it in his.

“Because…no matter how many people I’ve helped, you’re the only one who’s made me want to be a hero.”

“You are, you know.” She grabbed his hand in return and pulled it around her own back, bringing him in close.

“I’m what?” he followed suit with his other hand.

“A hero. You’ve been saving me since I got here.” She said smiling widely, biting a giggle at her own corny comment.

He fought the urge to laugh. “Cheesy, but…I like it.”

Leaning down, he slowly captured her lips in a kiss, one he meant to be brief, but as he found himself melting into her, he simply couldn’t pull away.

Eventually, she did it for them resting her head against his. “But you’re still going to go aren’t you?” she said sadly.

“That vision thing really comes in at the worst times.” He tried to make light. “I’d stay if you asked me to.” He kissed her again. “This is a lot more fun than Lex Luthor.”

Liz laughed. “No. This…finding Lex, I know it means a lot to you. So…if it means riding with the she-devil, it means riding with the she-devil. So go.”

“You sure?” Ollie cocked an eyebrow.

“Yeah. But if she tries something I’m shoving that large Fendi bag of hers up her ass.”

“I’ll be sure to inform her.”

“You do that.”

“And you’ll be here when I get back?”

“Well duh. Someone has to work around here. And my boss is a hard ass.” Liz playfully shoved him toward the door.

“What? Who is he? I’ll have him fired.” Ollie joked back, leaning down for another kiss. “Goodbye, Liz. I’ll call, okay?” He said, halfway into the elevator.

“Goodbye, Ollie. Be careful…Hey!” She called after him. “Am I really that bad at singing?”

He nodded somberly before breaking into a smile.

She laughed at his mischievous grin as he winked and set his glasses on his face. She didn’t know what they were getting themselves into…all she knew, is that it would be one helluva ride.
Love is not a victory march. Its a cold, and its a broken Hallelujah. -Leonard Cohen
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Hero (XO SV, Liz/? Mature) Ch14- 03/30/09

Post by fourrightchords »

...sorry its been a while...I went on a mini vaycay and then just got lazy. But at least its still March...heh heh?

Chapter 14

Maria stared at Liz who was currently sitting on the bed. Placing one of her last belongings in her suitcase she paused, and with a hand on her hip cocked an eyebrow toward her best friend.

Liz was lost in thought, looking intently at nothing in particular, cell phone in her hand. Her leg was bouncing up and down at break neck speeds, causing the entire bed to shake. She hadn’t said anything in a good 15 minutes.

“Okay, stop.” Maria walked over and calmed Liz’s knee with her hand.


“You’re going to break this bed if you keep shaking your leg and you’re driving me nuts! Tell Maria what’s the matter.” The blonde girl sat next to her on the bed, pulling her in.

“I’m just…worried. I think Tess is playing games and I think that Oliver wants to believe her. That and he hasn’t called yet. I think I should’ve gone after them.” Liz sighed.

“Okay…but, you didn’t have a vision, and you don’t know where they are…and you and Ollie finally bit the bullet, any one can see he’s smitten with you, so you don’t have to worry about THAT angle…sweetie there’s nothing you can do.”

“Well…not nothing…” Liz said glancing down guiltily.

Maria sighed in dismay. “What did you do…”

She simply shrugged and smiled. “I may or may not have squeezed the landing destination out of the pilot. He just texted me with the info.” She held up her phone.

“Well…what are you doing then? You’ve clearly made up your mind!” Maria said with a sarcastic twinge.

“You don’t think I should go.” Liz stated rather than asked.

“No.” Maria shook her head. “I think you should stay and wait. I think you have nothing to be worried about, and if you go I think you’ll only be putting yourself in more danger. Listen, my cab’s going to be here any minute. And I’m sure lover boy will be running back on the double, too. He’s a guy! They never call when they say they will. Why don’t you go to Chloe and Jimmy’s wedding? Take your mind off of this, okay?”

Liz nodded. “You’re probably right.” A horn sounded outside the building.

“Honey, I’m always right. And that’s my cab,” Maria said, peeking out from the curtain. She stopped and smiled sadly. “You sure you don’t want me to stay? It’s not like I haven’t had my fair share of fun in this city.” She smirked.

Liz laughed, thinking back to Maria and AC’s guilty expressions at a breakfast table a while ago. “No. I’ll be fine, you go. You’ve done enough for me, its time for you to figure out what you want for you.”

“And you’re sure this is what YOU want to do? You’re happy?” Maria asked, worried for her friend.

“What?” Liz smiled widely. “Scientist by day, crime fighting by night; all with a fantastic apartment and a hot millionaire boyfriend? Yeah, Maria, I think I’ll manage somehow.”

Maria shook her head, grabbing her bags up.

“Smart ass. Listen, the movers will be here for the rest of the boxes on Thursday. I love you. Be safe, call me everyday, and please…please just go to that wedding. Give Chloe and Jimmy my best.” She pleaded, walking toward the door.

“I love you too, I’ll call. And travel safe, okay?” Liz pulled her best friend in for a tight hug before releasing her.

A couple of short bye’s and watery eyes later and Liz was left staring at her open apartment. It wasn’t very long before she found herself sitting on the bed once more, leg bouncing up and down, between two outfits. On her left, her Black Widow outfit, her right, a wine colored dress.

Shooting off the bed, she grabbed one of the outfits and headed toward her phone. Dialing a number quickly she waited a couple of rings before an answering machine answered.

“Clark, it’s me. I’m not going to make it to the wedding. I’m going after Oliver. Something doesn’t feel right about this…anyway. Give Chlo and Jimmy my love, have a good time, okay? I’ll call you when I know more. Bye.”


Several hours later the barn on the Kent farm seemed to glow as soft music paraded out of it.

“You ready?” Oliver, dressed in a nice suit, asked a shaken looking Lana Lang.

“Not really, no.” She smiled. “But I’m here. So let’s do this, huh?”

“‘Let’s’ nothing. I’m going to find my girlfriend. Have fun with your awkward ex encounter, though.” Oliver smiled and waved as he walked backwards away from her.

He had looked all throughout the house, the barn, and even watched the shit hit the fan as Lana Lang waltzed back into his friend’s life. He had spent a bit of time consoling his ex-girlfriend, who was too stubborn to admit she loved Clark Kent, and even had a bit of cake. No where, in this time, had he seen his girlfriend. And he was getting impatient.

“Clark, hey!” he raced over to where the darker haired boy had sat, looking over the entire room.

“Oliver, you’re back soon, how’d it go?”

“Dead end. I guess someone got word that we were coming and changed the location last minute.” He shrugged.

“Bummer. Where’s Liz?” Clark asked, waiting for the small brunette to poke out from behind.

Oliver looked at Clark strangely. “I was going to ask you the same thing. She hasn’t been here?”

Clark frowned. “No…she called and left me a message saying she was going after you… and that was hours ago.”

“Huh, That’s weird. She didn’t know where we were going.” Oliver clicked some keys on his Blackberry and held it up to his ear. “Straight to voicemail…her phone’s off or she doesn’t have service.”

“Maybe she decided to stay home?” Clark shrugged.

“Yeah…look, I’m gonna run by her place and see if she’s there. If you see her will you tell her to call me?”

“Sure thing.”

“Thanks man, have fun tonight, alright?” Oliver clapped Clark a couple times on the back before jogging to his car.

Clark turned his attention back to the smiling couple on the dance floor, ignoring the light flickering above him.


The hall way seemed to echo the sound of a water droplet leaking down from the hanging pipes. One lone stretch of dim fluorescent bulbs hung down the entire way, lighting the hall in a sickly green manner. Only every other bulb worked, and sometimes, three would run in succession that were out, leaving weird patterns and shadows along the floor. Other than the pipes and the lights, nothing else occupied the space, save from the occasional rodent.

She stalked the hallway carefully, walking slowly as to not make too much noise. Her knife lay flat in her left hand; her right would remain open just in case she needed other worldly help.

Coming to her fourth dead end, she sighed, picking her phone out of her hidden compartment that to the uncommon eye resembled her bra….okay, so her phone was in her bra…she frowned at the five empty bars staring at her. No service.

Walking back the way she had come she held her phone in various angles hoping to catch a sliver of reception. There ahead, as she entered a large opening, one bar appeared. She smiled to herself as she walked further in, two bars. That would do.

Scrolling down her call list she froze in her place, the hairs on the back of her neck standing at attention.

A soft click made out in the distance.

“Ow!” She exclaimed, a strong pricking sensation in the back of her neck. Reaching back she plucked the offending object from her skin; a small dart with a red feather tail. Her head began to swim when the pain happened again, this time in her leg.

“Fuck!” her voice sounded slurred and deep to her own ears.

She pulled this one out too, but now she was unable to move any of her limbs. Crumpling to the ground in a heap, her breaths became shallow, but heavy, as the world turned to shadows and dark figures crept upon her.

Her cell phone lay mere inches away, flashing and vibrating loudly. The name on the screen seemed to dance across the floor.

*Incoming call: Ollie.*
Love is not a victory march. Its a cold, and its a broken Hallelujah. -Leonard Cohen
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Hero (XO SV, Liz/? Mature) Ch15- 04/05/09

Post by fourrightchords »

If you haven't already seen it...Thursday's Supernatural was the best thing I have seen ever.

What does that have to do with anything? Nothing. Just thought you should know. :) Anyways. Here's the next part!

Chapter 15

The boxes that Oliver had seen when he had picked Liz up a couple nights ago remained in the same place, in fact, nothing in the apartment seemed to be much different, other than Maria’s old room being sparse and empty. He let himself in with the key they kept under their mat, an unoriginal hiding place at best.

In Liz’s room he found nothing out of the ordinary. A red dress still laid out on the bed, various cosmetic and girlish items littering the dresser. It would be on the fridge in the kitchen that he would find any useful information.

“In case of emergency, call this number.”

He had no way of knowing that this number would get to Maria, who he was sure was long gone by now, but it was his only option.

The ringing stopped after the fourth ring, and a gruff male voice spoke hello.

“Yeah, is Maria available?”

Incoherent mumbling followed, along with slight shuffling, and then the sound of an argument. He was considering for a moment hanging up the phone when Maria’s voice came melting over the line.

“Maria Deluca, here.”

“Maria? It’s Oliver.”

“Oh.” She said, sounding a bit disappointed. “What’s up?”

“Uh…you wouldn’t happen to know where Liz is, do you?”

“If she knew what was good for her, She’d be at the wedding. Why?”

Oliver sighed. “She’s not at the wedding. Clark said she told him she was coming after me.”

A chain of expletives followed on the other line. “I told her to go to that freaking wedding, but does she listen? No! Why would she its not like I know what I’m talking about or anything, no I’m just the quirky best friend—.”

“Maria!” Oliver spoke firmly, growing impatient.

“What?! Oh sorry, what?”

“Where did she say she thought I was? How did she know where to follow me to?”

“Oh, she didn’t know where you were. She…I think she got the pilot to text her your location and followed that way. That’s what she told me.” There was a pause on the other line for a moment. “You think she’s in trouble?”

Oliver scratched the back of his head. “I don’t know. She won’t answer her phone, I’m a little worried. I’m going to look into this pilot thing and call you back, alright?”

Maria agreed quickly and then hung up the phone.

Oliver sighed dramatically, throwing himself backwards onto Liz’s bed. This didn’t look good.


Walter Freidman was a damn good pilot. He’d gone into the Air force at 18, served his time and flew jets, and by the time his tour was finished he’d tried for his commercial license and had been flying ever since without a single complaint. Now he flew private Jets, the money was better and it allowed him to stay generally close to home most of the time.

He didn’t even keep true the stereotype that all pilots did was get drunk and fuck flight attendants. No, he was above reproach in that matter, although he had ended up marrying a flight attendant, who now stayed at home to watch over their three children.

His three children…two girls, one boy (the youngest), were currently waiting for him to get home so they could be tucked in and read their story. He smiled as he thought of their faces and slipped on his over coat. He wouldn’t keep them waiting.

A dark figure in the door way had him dropping his back and jumping out of his skin. “Jesus!”

The figure said nothing. Walter squinted a bit to get a clearer view. “Mr…Green Arrow, sir? Is that you?”

The Green Arrow stepped into the light. “A girl contacted you earlier today inquiring about mine and Miss Mercer’s destination.” His synthesized voice came out crisp and clear. “What did you tell her?”

“Sir…I would never relay that information to any—.”

He was on him like white on rice, pressing him into the wall. “WHAT did you TELL HER!”

“I-I told her a different location from where you were taken, sir.” He stammered out, his eyes wide with fear.

“WHY?! On who’s orders?” the Green Arrow screamed.

Walter shook further “Those were my instructions, sir! To tell any one who asked, reluctantly, that those were our coordinates. It was a direct order from Ms. Mercer herself, I swear! Please, sir…I have children!” And what he wouldn’t have given to be with those children right then and there.

“What were the coordinates?”

“They’re still in my phone! In my duffel! Front pocket!” Walter held a wobbly finger toward the bag, forgotten on the floor.

The Green Arrow was there in an instant, flipping through the man’s text messages. When he had found what he wanted he tossed the device toward the shaking pilot, murmuring a quick thank you and running out the door.


Liz was dizzy. Even with her eyes shut tight, and trying not to move a muscle in her body, her head felt as if it weighed three hundred pounds. She felt as if she had killed an entire fifth of Vodka by herself and the room would not stop spinning.

Warily, she opened her eyes. The room was dark, thank God for that, and not white, thank God again. She was strapped down, connected to what seemed like hundreds of wires. There was an incessant beeping to her right, and the place smelled like a dirty hospital; like bile and vomit and bleach. It was cold. One solitaire light hung directly above her, preventing her from seeing anything else in the room.

“You’re awake.” A male voice noted. “Ms. Parker, isn’t it?”

The majority of his face was covered by a surgical mask, his hair covered and he was wearing green scrubs. His eyes were kind, covered in thick coke bottle glasses.

“At least, that’s what your file says. It took a little bit to get this from the Special Unit, but then again, anyone can be bought.” He said. “I’m Doctor Zellner, I’ve been overseeing your care. You’re of course, Elizabeth Parker, born in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Home town; Roswell. You, miss Parker, are a mystery wrapped in an enigma. It’s been quite the pleasure working with you.”

She fought to form angry words but found her tongue heavy and sluggish.

“Yes.” He answered, sensing her struggle. “You should be feeling a bit slow. The anesthesia hasn’t really worn off. You’ll find yourself without your alien powers for a bit, too. I’ve injected you with a serum that blocks your access to that part of the brain. When we ran our tests we found your body was completely human, not even an imperfect mole. But your brain…You’re brain was teeming with activity. Quite more than any other normal human being, so we gathered that is where your powers came from. Lucky for us the serum the Special Unit created was not hard to duplicate. And…your chest will heal up in no time.” He smiled.

Liz’s eyes widened to the size of saucers. Fighting her bonds, she lifted her head high enough to look down at herself, and the long ugly red scar she saw that disappeared into her gown. They hadn’t bothered to clean the blood off, obviously, as there was a large amount of dried blood caked to her skin.

She felt her consciousness come back to her slowly, struggling more against her bonds.

The doctor laughed. “I’d stop that…that’ll only cause your Morphine to wear off more quickly.” He leaned in, breathing directly into her ear. “And once that pain medication wears of…It’s gonna be a bitch.”

She could hear his laughter and footsteps disappear slowly down the hall, but soon that was drowned out by a blood curdling scream.

It wasn’t until the scream had lasted for what seemed like hours that she realized it was her that was screaming.
Love is not a victory march. Its a cold, and its a broken Hallelujah. -Leonard Cohen
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Hero (XO SV, Liz/? Mature) Ch16- 04/13/09

Post by fourrightchords »

Chapter 16

Maria Deluca sat perched on a closed toilet seat, her leg twitching as she had watched her best friend’s do merely a day ago and then some. A phone sat against her temple, a generic ringback tone playing over the line.

“Hello?” A male voice finally answered.

“Oliver! Bout damn time! Where did the coordinates lead? Did you find Liz?” She jumped from her place on the bed and began pacing.

“No. I haven’t found her yet.” Oliver sighed, his voice showing obvious exhaustion. “The coordinates led to a warehouse, and if she was there, she’s long gone now.”

Maria nodded. “Okay. We’re gonna try something over on our end, okay? I’ll keep you posted.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll just let you know if something changes.”

“Maria…Tell me what you’re going to do!”

“I said don’t—.”


“OLIVER!” She mimicked. “Look, I get that you love the girl and all but from my end and from my people’s perspective you’re on a need to know basis. I’ll tell you what I can when I can, okay?”

There was no response, just a click of the cell phone. Maria hung up on her end and sighed. She walked out from the bathroom to face her friends. “Liz is officially missing. He’s pissed. He doesn’t like being kept in the dark, who could blame him.”

The three hung their heads nervously.

“Who the hell is…he?” Michael asked, annoyed.

“He is…Liz’s friend.” Maria shrugged, not willing to give any more information.

“So what do we do?” Kyle asked. “Have Izzy dream walk her?”

“I told her not to leave. I told her her place was here with us….” Isabel said to no one but herself.

“Okay. So we dream walk her. We figure out if she’s actually in any danger and then we decide what to do. Who knows…the girl could have decided to take off again. We’ve all known for some time now that Parker is a bit off her rocker.”

“No…Michael something is wrong. She had a life there, a job, a boyfriend. Things were good she wouldn’t just leave—.”

“Yeah well Liz had a life with US too!” Isabel shouted.

Maria closed her mouth and then stared quietly at her shoes. “Liz did what she did for reasons that none of us can even begin to understand. But she’s still family, regardless of her location Isabel. And right now we’re the only ones who can help her.”

The group silently agreed.

“You’re right.” Isabel nodded. “I’m sorry…I just…I’m sorry” Kyle placed a hand on her shoulder in support. “Okay. Let’s do this.” She grabbed for the frame in her suitcase, a picture of Liz and Max on their wedding day, and placed her hand over Liz’s smiling face. Leaning back on the bed she allowed her breathing to even out.

When she opened her eyes, she found herself in a dark hallway. The only light came from several doors ahead. Walking carefully to the first, she peered in. It was like a scene from a movie playing in Liz’s head, Liz in grey clothing, fighting a man twice her size, more or less getting the shit kicked out of her while trying to hold her own.

“Bout damn time.” A voice came from down the hall. Isabel’s head whipped around toward the sound, sighing with relief when Liz came into view.

“Liz! Are you okay?”

“No Iz, not really. Come on. I’ll show you as much as I know, but I can’t hold this for long. My powers aren’t working, they injected me with the same serum they did Max when he was taken. Let’s hurry…it hurts like hell to do this.” The smaller girl grabbed Isabel by the hand, tugging her down the hallway. They finally came to another doorway and Liz shoved Isabel inside it.

The images assaulted Isabel quickly and strongly, Liz was trying to make her point. Coordinates on a cell phone, asking a teenaged boy to flash her over. The warehouse she was taken in, Men in black uniforms, face covered. A quick flash of a car ride, sluggish and blurry. A bright light, then, strapped to a table. The doctor’s face in view, struggling to see the items around the room, a metal engraving scraped onto every item, a logo. A logo Isabel recognized from Forbes and Time Magazine, from the Stock market her father had taught her to follow…LuthorCorp. A name sewn into a white lab coat, Zellner Then a look down at a body that was not her own…scars…blood, pain…lots of pain.

She was sucked out of the dreamwalk abruptly, as if she had been thrown out. The other members of her family jumped as she did. She gazed at their hopeful concerned eyes. Quickly rising, she ignored their looks of confusion.

“Pack your bags, we’re leaving.”


“Clark I know Chloe’s in trouble. I know. Yeah. Man, I get it…but I’m really worried about Liz. I’m sorry. Just, let me find her, and then we’ll both help with Chloe.

I know, man. I wouldn’t be doing this if I wasn’t sure…something is off, it’s been too long. I’m still waiting to hear back from Maria. I’ll call you when I know more. Alright. Good luck…Bye”

Oliver pushed the end button on his blackberry and tossed it on the hotel room bed. He had followed the coordinates to the coast, a warehouse right by the docks, but there was no trace of anyone or anything having ever been there.

Clark had just phoned him, frustrated about his situation with Chloe. Apparently after he had left the wedding there had been an attack, and whatever did it almost killed Jimmy and took off with Chloe. He wanted to be there to help but this thing with Liz was looking more and more dangerous by the minute. His phone began buzzing by his head, he reached above him to pick it up.

“Oliver Queen.”

“Oliver, its Maria.” A voice whispered from the other end.

Immediately he shot up in his bed. “Maria…what’s up, any news?”

“Big news…big big news.” She said.

“Well? Spit it out!”

“Alright! So you know how Liz is…special, right? Well we have other friends who are…special and they were able to get in contact with Liz….through her dreams.”

“I don’t even care that that was ten kinds of weird…what did you find out?” He annunciated every part of the sentence.

“Liz was taken…by LuthorCorp. She doesn’t know where she’s being held but they’ve disabled her powers and they…they’ve been doing some pretty bad stuff to her, Ollie. Anyway…all she knows is she’s somewhere in a LuthorCorp facility, and there was a doctor…last name Zellner. In any case we’re on our way to meet you at the coordinates Liz showed us.”

“No…stay where you are. I’ll figure it out and get her out on my own.”

“Oliver…mine and Liz’s….friends….we can help.”

“Absolutely not.”

“Well…that’s too bad. We’re already here.” He could hear Maria smiling smugly on the other line.

“What?! Maria….Where are you guys?” Oliver sighed exasperated.

“Well currently we’re at the diner downtown.”

“How much do they know about me?” He pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Nothing! I swear. I was careful, okay? Just…find the location and meet us at the warehouse in 2 hours, capiche?”

“Yeah yeah.” Oliver ended the call once again. It wasn’t that Oliver minded company on the job, in fact, recently he had come to enjoy it. It was the fact that he had never met any of these people…and now he not only had to worry about Liz’s safety, but theirs and his secret as well.

Not only that, but Chloe was out of commission. Chloe, who had at one time had a world of knowledge at her finger tips, and even without Brainiac’s powers could find things better than any of the staff on his team. Liz would be heart broken if anything happened to Chloe. She had gotten close to the girl Clark Kent considered his best friend.

“Guess I’m doing this solo.” He said to himself, flipping his lap top open. It was an easy hack into the Luthercorp Database. He had snuck some info and some passwords out of Tess’s blackberry the last time he had spent any time with her. He shook his head, it seemed like lifetimes ago.

He searched employee’s, last name; Zellner. Six matches popped up. Two of which lived on the coast, three spread out in various labs across the continental US, and one stashed somewhere in Africa. He really hoped it wasn’t the one in Africa. Printing out the pictures and filing them neatly, he went on to search for locations, real estate belonging to LuthorCorp in the area, just in case they got lucky and Liz was local. LuthorCorp owned two labs in the area, one two blocks from the original warehouse, and 7 different unused warehouses scattered along the coast. It was unlikely that they had stashed Liz in a working plant or lab, two many witnesses, but the warehouses/ store houses seemed plausible enough.

The other listed facilities were the ones in Montana and a couple here and there in Kansas. But there was no Dr. Zellner listed as an employee in any of those spots. He kept thinking back to the pilot…he had said the orders came directly from Tess herself. All the signs pointed to Tess being responsible for Liz’s disappearance. But he still wanted to believe that deep inside Tess was still that girl he had met in the jungle.

A couple hours later he stood in the middle of the warehouse, watching as Maria and three others filed in. They looked young, around Liz’s age, but they looked like they carried the weight of their shoulder’s on their backs.

“Hey.” Maria greeted. “Guys, this is the Green Arrow, Liz’s partner. G, this is Michael, Isabel and Kyle, Liz’s friends.”

The Green Arrow nodded his head in recognition.

“Yeah, yeah. Do you have the location, or not?” the one Maria had named as Michael crossed his arms in front of him.

“I have several locations that employ a Dr. Zellner. However we can’t be sure that any of these locations are the right one.”

“So…we check all of them out. Process of elimintation.” Kyle stated.

“No.” G shook his head. “They get wind we’re looking, they transfer her first thing. I know how they work.”

“So, what? What do we do?” Isabel frowned.

“I…have a contact. I need to try and see if I can get Liz’s location the easy way.” G stated.

“If there was an easy way, why didn’t you do it already?” Michael scoffed.

G rolled his eyes behind his glasses. “Maybe easy way wasn’t the correct term. I’ll get back to you as fast as I can. Sit tight.”

With that he turned and began casually walking out of the building.

“Hey! Come back here, you can’t just—.”

“Kyle, its okay…he knows what he’s doing he’ll keep us informed.” Maria assured.

“Well screw this. I’m not waiting around like a little puppy while Liz is somewhere being tortured and tested on. I say we go check out those warehouses.” Michael stated.

“Yeah? And how do you suppose we do that?” Maria crossed her arms.

“It wouldn’t be hard to find. You can get anything on Google these days.” Isabel thought.

“Look Ol—…..Alls I know is that Liz trusts the Green Arrow. He said he would get back to us, he will. I don’t want to risk putting Liz in more danger if we go half cocked running after her.” Maria argued.

“Look, maybe Maria is right…I wouldn’t want to risk Liz being— OW! What the hell?” Kyle said reaching to the pain in the back of his leg. His hand froze when he touched something cold and metal.
Love is not a victory march. Its a cold, and its a broken Hallelujah. -Leonard Cohen
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Hero (XO SV, Liz/? Mature) Ch17- 04/19/09

Post by fourrightchords »

Hey guys! Thanks so much for all the feedback! I'm glad you're liking it so far. As far as Chloe's dissappearance; the fic is going to start quasi following the show, so 'Bride' has happened and Doomsday has Chloe. If you don't watch Smallville, tv.com gives great Episode recaps! As for Kyle...well...you'll see. Anywho. Thats that, and here's the next part. Hope you Likey.

Chapter 17

Oliver pushed open the door of the office at Lex’s mansion with a scowl on his face. Tess barely noticed his entrance as she was sparring with her trainer. They moved closer to him in almost a dance before Tess finally swung her fist around to Oliver’s face. He caught it easily in his hand and twisted her own arm behind her back.

“We need to talk.” He whispered sharply in her ear before releasing her.

“I love it when you get all rough.” She smiled. “We’re done for the day, thank you.” She said toward her trainer, bowing to him before he walked out of the room. “Not that I don’t love a good surprise…”

“Where the hell is she?” Oliver turned, his eyes fierce.

“What?” Tess looked confused.

“Don’t play dumb. You gave the order to give out false coordinates on our little fruitless journey. You knew she would come for me. Now, WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE!” he grabbed her forearms and shook her.

“Oliver…calm the hell down. I gave fake coordinates so we couldn’t be traced by my people. I’m sorry Lex wasn’t where I thought he was, but that was the Intel that I received. I guess they aren’t telling me everything anymore.” She shrugged and tore her arms from his grip. “As for she, I’m assuming you mean the Black Widow my paper likes to run stories on. I have no idea, Oliver. But the girl is new to Metropolis anyway. Maybe she decided to pick up and leave?” she finished.

Oliver stepped back a couple paces and ran a hand over his face. Tess wouldn’t talk. Even if she knew anything, she wouldn’t spill. She’d been trained better than that. Sighing, he walked back over to Tess and stood directly in front of her. “If I find out that you had anything to do with her disappearance….I will personally make your life a living hell.”.

His jaw set and he turned on his heel and began stalking out of the building. Clark may have an aversion to hurting the bad guys, but Oliver Queen certainly did not.


Liz woke, groggy and with a pounding headache. There were no more tray’s surrounding her. No more doctors floating around her in scrubs. Just her, the chair that held her, and the lone light hanging above her head. Struggling a bit against her restraints again, she groaned. They hadn’t gone anywhere.

In another thirty minutes she was more awake then before. More clear then…well…any of her time here. There weren’t any new cuts on her body, and she felt clear of any of the drugs they’d been using to keep her asleep or awake as they needed. All synopses were firing clearly.

Twisting her hand around in an awkward position, so that her palm was touching the leather binding, she closed her eyes and concentrated. On the third try, sweat began to form on her brow, but she had done it. The leather was cut all the way through. Leaning back on her chair she laughed to herself quietly, before reaching her hand over to undo the other bindings.

For some reason, the electric current she could throw came naturally. Besides foresight, it was the first display of power she had shown, and it was the quickest to get under control. All of the other things, however, molecular structure changing, came extremely difficult. She could do simple things, like moving objects and changing colors, but anything beyond that was beyond her. Maybe it had been because she hadn’t grown up with it like the others had, or maybe it was her lack of practice in that area, but she had failed to take to it like she had her other ‘gifts’.

Once free of all her restraints, she carefully placed her feet on the ground. Easing pressure onto them slowly as to not rush herself. She wasn’t sure how much time she had, and the lack of food or nourishment over the past however many days had left her weak, but now she knew she had her powers back. She hoped that would be enough to get her out of here and back where she belonged.

The door was significantly closer than she had expected, in fact it was only a couple feet away. It swung open with ease and she found herself in an empty hall way.

“For keeping someone captive, these people have no idea how to follow through.” She spoke into the hall, her voice echoing off the walls. She began her trek down the hall way, stopping to peer inside seemingly empty rooms that looked a lot like the one she was held in. There was a glowing green exit sign above two double doors, buzzing slightly along with the rest of the fluorescents. She pushed cautiously against the door, walking into a dark open space. She could barely see two feet in front of her. The large doors closed with a rather loud click behind her, and she tensed as she was consumed by entire darkness.

“You caught on quicker than I gave you credit for.” A female voice that was not her own.

Suddenly, the lights came on all at once, blinding Liz for a moment. When she was finally able to focus, she realized that she was not in an exit, but another room. Getting her powers back, all that time alone, no guards outside the doors…she had been tricked. They had wanted her to come here. It looked like an interrogation room, a lone chair and a large table, an enormous mirror taking up all the room on one side, on the other side several members of staff, including doctor Zellner and Tess Mercer, the woman’s voice from earlier.

“You shouldn’t be so surprised to see me here,” Tess spoke softly, walking over to her. “He likes to mix his business with pleasure. In more ways than one, I guess.” She whispered more softly, only for Liz to hear. “Of course I knew it was you from the second I saw you.”

“Mercer. What the hell do you want?” She bit out, her fists balling together at her sides.

“Just…to use a gift of yours. Have a seat.” Tess motioned for the chair.

“No. I’ll stand, thanks.”

“Fine. I’ve been going over your files, Ms. Parker. Yours, your late husbands, even the ones that aren’t supposed to exist. You were born human, we know that for sure. Then one day, you were shot, healed, and ever since that day you’ve been a little, different. Correct me if I’m wrong, at any point.”

Liz had nothing to say.

“You don’t have to be afraid. We don’t want you to work for us. We don’t want to kill you and we don’t want for you to hurt anyone else. We simply want you to HELP someone.”

Liz stared at her confused. “I…don’t get it.”

“I’m sure Oliver’s told you all about Lex Luthor. And the unfortunate accident he was in a while back.” Tess perched herself on the table that was set out.

“Mr. Luthor has sustained serious injuries. He should not be alive to say the least. We’ve managed to keep him stable thus far, but needless to say, that should only last a small while longer.” Dr. Zellner finished, pulling out files and laying them out on the table. The files showed the amount of damage Lex had suffered.


“We want you to heal Lex.” Tess smiled.


“That’s it. You just have to heal Lex, then you’re free to go and we won’t bother you ever again.” Zellner smiled.

“No…” Liz shook her head. “I can’t.”

“Look.” Tess said, standing. “We’ve been prepared to accept whatever…dislike you may have toward the Luthor’s due to your current company, and Lex may not be the best man…he may have made some bad decisions, but he’s still a man. He’s still a human and you have the power to save him.”

“No…you don’t understand.” Liz shook her head. “That’s just it. I…I can’t heal.”

“What?” Tess’ eyes narrowed.

“I’ve never tried before…well…I’ve tried I suppose but I’ve never been successful to that extent and that amount of damage….I can’t do it…its too much.” Liz said, frowning over the papers.

Tess’ mouth sat in a firm tight line before she stalked over to the corner and pulled a tv on a cart over toward the center of the room. Pressing the play button an image of Liz strapped to the table came onto the screen.

“We removed your neuro-inhibitors long before we weaned you off the rest of the drugs. You’ve had your powers back for a while now. This is you healing yourself when we released your arm bindings.”

In the video an unconscious Liz reached up toward a cut on her chest and held her hand over it. When she rolled her hand off the gash was no longer there.

“I…I don’t remember.” Liz stuttered.

“That’s because you were drugged…but you can do it, we’ve all seen it!” Tess hit her hand hard against the table.

“I wouldn’t even know where to begin…I…” Liz frowned.

Tess laughed. “Well sweetheart, you better figure it out.”

“What’s to say I don’t just say screw you and leave right now, Mercer?” Liz narrowed her eyes. “Why should I save Lex Luthor? From what I understand he got what he deserved.”

Tess smiled again. “Its cute that you think you have a choice. You WILL save Lex. If you don’t, I’ll take out everyone you love one by one.” She clicked the button on the wall suddenly, and the mirror became glass quickly.

On the other side of the glass wall, her friends hung by their wrists by large chains, gagged and swinging; Michael, Maria, Isabel and Kyle in order, their feet hanging inches from the ground.

“The floor is charged with the electricity of one lightning bolt. All they have to do is touch it and it completes the circuit.” Dr Zellner spoke somberly.

Liz found herself wondering if this was what the doctor had wanted for his life when he was choosing his career path.

“I could have them all out of here faster than you could blink.” Liz stared defiantly.

Tess raised her eyebrows. “Really?” She signaled to a man on the other side of the room and he switched a lever. The four in the other room lowered slowly, their faces constricting in pain as they came into contact with the metal floor. Their screams were heard through the glass.

“Stop! STOP IT NOW!” Liz fought against the two men who restrained her when she leapt for Tess Mercer.

Tess held another hand up and the man switched the lever back up.

Liz panted against the two orderlies in rubber suits; she had not yet regained her strength.

“Alright. I’ll do it.”
Love is not a victory march. Its a cold, and its a broken Hallelujah. -Leonard Cohen
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Re: Hero (XO SV, Liz/? Mature) Ch18&19- 04/26/09

Post by fourrightchords »

Double Whammy. Cause I can.

Chapter 18

“Dammit, Maria, answer your phone!”

The ringing seemed incessant in Oliver’s ear, taunting him, laughing at him. When Maria’s answering machine came over the line for the 12th time he threw his phone against the wall.


“What’d the phone ever do to you?” a sweet girlish voice sounded from the doorway.

He turned to see a smiling Clark and Chloe, Clark leaning relaxed against the doorframe.

“Chloe! Back and alive…completely unscathed?” Oliver smiled.

“Eh…slightly scathed, but nothing a bit of R&R won’t fix.” Chloe smiled back.

“How’s Jimmy?”

“Stable. Getting more and more tired of being confined to a bed as the days go on, but he’s alive, that’s what matters.”

“Yeah, I heard a bit about your evil plan to take over the world. Sorry I couldn’t be apart of the rescue mission, but…” Oliver sighed, holding up his shattered phone.

“Yeah, Clark explained on the way over.” Chloe immediately sobered in concern. “Any news?”

Oliver sighed. “Nothing new. It’s been almost a week now…and Maria’s not picking up anymore…Tess wont talk… It’s obvious that LuthorCorp is behind this.”

“What if it’s not LuthorCorp this time?” Clark asked from the door jam. “What if it’s the Organization Liz was taken by the first time?”

Oliver shook his head. “Maria confirmed it. I know this is Lex’s doing. Even if Tess is playing dumb and knows more than she’s letting on…this whole situation reeks of Lex Luthor.”

“Well I’m only in the city for a couple more hours. I’ve got to relieve Lois of her nursing duties, but I’ll get right on the location. I’ll pop something out in no time. We’ll get Liz out and get her safe, Oliver…don’t worry, okay?”

“Thanks Chloe, I really do appreciate it.” Oliver nodded handing over the files he had already dug up.

Chloe left shortly after leaving the two men alone. “So how is it having Lana back in town?”

“It’s good? I guess we really haven’t had a whole lot of time to talk about things.” Clark answered.


“And I’m…wondering why she left…wondering why she’s staying now…”

“Do you want her to leave?” Oliver asked.

“No…no I don’t…but…it doesn’t change the fact that she did.” Clark stared down at his shoes for longer than necessary.

“Yeah I get that.” Oliver nodded his head.

“So look…Chloe’s working on the location…there’s not a whole lot we can do till then…don’t…don’t stress out too much about it. We’ll get her out, Oliver.”

Oliver shook his head. “If anything happens to her…Clark…I’m taking Lex down. He can mess with me and my company all he wants…but…not her. I’m not going to let this happen.”

“Why don’t you go out tonight, stop sitting around your apartment with your thoughts. We’ll all go.” Clark grabbed Oliver by the shoulder, squeezing firmly.

“Yeah.” Oliver nodded. “I could really use a stiff drink right now.”


They led Liz blindfolded into a room. It was dark even after they took the blindfold off. The air was cold around her, like they kept it in a hospital. She was surrounded by plasma screens, all turned off, and 5 feet in front of her was a man laying/sitting in a chair, tubes coming out of several orifices.

The man in the chair glanced over at her as she walked closer, his piercing blue eyes boring a hole into her. This was the great Lex Luthor that had caused so many people so much pain and misery.

As if on cue, a voice came over the loud speaker.

“Get to work, Parker. And if you try anything funny, I drop your friends and they fry like bacon, got it?” Tess spoke sharply over the intercom. “I don’t care if she’s in there all night. Do not let her out until Lex is well. In fact, lower them an inch every time she fails.” She said to the orderly in the room. “Call me when something happens.”

All you could see after was the back of Tess Mercer’s head walking out of the building.

Liz walked cautiously around Lex’s chair, shuddering as his eyes followed. His breathing was heavy, in and out like Darth Vader from Star Wars. She finally got to a comfortable position she held her hands over his heart, staring into his eyes.

“I…I just need you to keep your eyes open and look at me…okay?”

No response.

“I don’t know if this will work…but…but I’m going to try.” Liz let her eyes rise to the window she could still see her friends through. They looked miserable…tired and burnt. They dropped an inch as she watched them and her eyes went wide.

“Get to work.” A harsh male voice barked over the speaker.

Swallowing she met Lex’s eyes again. “Okay…okay…” Exhaling deeply she pulled herself into a connection with Lex. Images bombarded her instantly…things she didn’t want to see. So many feelings were passing through her at once…she tried to push them aside to focus on the task at hand. She tried to picture the molecules in Lex’s body fixing themselves…tried to imagine white blood cells being created and healing the damage there. There was nothing. Sweat leaked down her face…it must have been a couple minutes now.

Almost as if she had held her breath too long, she collapsed to the ground, fighting for air.

“Keep trying.” The voice said again as her friends were dropped another inch. Slowly she brought herself to her feet again. She closed her eyes and concentrated before she fell again several minutes later. After five more tries…she fell to a heap on the floor, drenched in sweat and out cold.

The orderlies could hear her friends, the shorter blonde especially, screaming as loud as they could considering they were still gagged.

“Should we get her up?”

“What’s the status on Mr. Luthor?” Dr. Zellner asked.

One of the lab tech’s checked the papers rapidly pouring out of a printer.

“Mr. Luthor’s stats are rising. His heart is beating now without the assistance of the machine…his lung activity is coming back slowly.”

Dr. Zellner got on the phone and began talking. After a couple of moments he hung up the line. “Let’s give her the night to rest up. We’ll wake her up tomorrow and begin again.”


“Oliver? Oliver! Wake up!”

Consciousness overcame Oliver Queen before he was ready for it. The ground was hard under him and he wondered where he was. Peering his eyes open he saw Clark standing over him frowning.

“Oh god my head….” Forcing himself to a sitting position he cradled his face in his hands.

“Geez…I shouldn’t have left you at the bar last night…How much did you drink?” he heard Clark ask him.

“Like…a bathtub full. God my mouth is so dry…Where the hell am I?” his eyes peered open once again.

“You’re at the Daily Planet…in the Men’s Restroom.”

“How’d I get here?”

“I have no clue. Last thing I new I left you at the bar and you had had ONE martini.” Clark handed him a water bottle and two small pills which Oliver took gladly.

“I believe at that point I felt like another drink or 5 was a really good idea.”

Clark slumped down to sit next to him. “You missing her?”

Oliver nodded and groaned. “This is so stupid. I know Tess knows something…I just need to go over there and get it out of her.”

“Well…I’d help but I’ve got my own girl to look for. Lana went missing this morning. Tess and I had an interesting conversation about that, as well. She seems to be in a talking mood, maybe you’ll have some luck.” Clark rose, offering a hand to Oliver. “Do you need help getting home?”

“Nah” Oliver took Clark’s hand and was pulled effortlessly up. “I just need a shower. And a greasy breakfast. And maybe another beer.”

Clark smiled. “Keep me posted. And Oliver? No more alcohol.”

“Right.” He nodded.

Here's the second part of the Whammy.

Chapter 19

When Liz woke she was met with a sea of grey. Grey ceiling, grey walls, even grey scrubs. How she hated the color grey. The bed she found herself on was standard issue…nothing special, but she realized she wasn’t bound to anything and was free to move around as she liked. They put faith in her, that she would not try anything, knowing that they had her friends captive. She knew she’d be unsuccessful at healing Lex. She knew she just didn’t have the juice toward that kind of power…it was Max’s specialty. She knew better than to push herself so hard, but she also knew that they wouldn’t be willing to give her the time to learn how to do it properly.

She also knew the risks. When Max healed the children with cancer he had to have Michael carry him out. When he tried to heal that millionaire…he lost his entire body. Lex Luthor was not supposed to be alive, and Liz was not God. Pushing herself to be God, she realized, might literally cause her to cease to exist. Peeling herself off her cot she staggered over to the mirror and sink in the room. Her face was sunken in, her skin pale greenish and slimy looking. She felt as if a million hammers were working on her head at once. Her stomach turned and if she’d had any food in it she would have been sure to puke it up. She was barely in existence as it was.

She knew she was not Lex’s only option. If she had learned anything about Lex it would be that Lex did whatever he had to, to get what he wanted and he was a resourceful bugger. She was not Lex’s only plan, but she was probably the best and they most likely would not move on until she had exhausted her efforts. They’d be coming for her again, soon. And just as she had had that thought the door clicked and swung open. It was Doctor Zellner. He muddled about the room, taking Liz’s temperature, her heart rate, blood pressure. Checking her nasal cavities and basically giving the girl a physical.

She watched his every move as he silently went about his tasks, avoiding her eyes. “Doctor Zellner?” She said, trying for his attention. He did not respond. “Do you have a family, Doctor?”

Again, no response.

“Listen…I know you’re just trying to do your job. That’s okay. I don’t expect you to set me free or help me out. I just…I know deep down you’re probably a good person. You probably have a loving family and children that you’ve taught and watched grow…”

His eyes flickered to hers, a bead of sweat forming on his brow.

“You probably don’t trust me. You probably don’t care about what happens to me, and that’s fine. I’m going to do what you’ve asked anyways to protect my friends. Dr. Zellner…you probably realize there’s a chance if I do this again I might not make it out alive. You’d be right to assume that. There’s a very real possibility if I try this again…that I won’t make it. If that happens…I need you to promise me that my friends will be let go unharmed. Under the assurance that none of them can do what my late husband could do. They’re my family, doctor…just like you have yours I have mine…I need to make sure they’ll be safe.”

He swallowed heavily and nodded. “Of course.”

She looked him seriously in the eye before nodding her own head. “Okay. Thank you. That’s all I ask.”

“It’s…uh…time to go.” This was as nervous as she had seen the Doctor since she’d been here. He’d almost been sadistic before…uncaring, unfeeling. It was in this time he’d probably realized this girl that he’d been told was dangerous and foreign to his own planet, that this girl was in fact human. She did in fact have family, and she was, in fact, a good person. And although he knew there was no other way, he’d felt a bit sad that he would now probably have to watch her die to save Mr. Luthor.

Liz only nodded again and held her arms out for him to chain. They both shuffled down the hall way, not wanting to rush the inevitable. Liz thought she’d slept for days…when in reality she’d only been asleep for the night, her body not really having enough time to recover from the first try.

Lex Luthor was in the same position she’d left him in, her friends as well, although they looked better rested. Maybe they had allowed them to sleep in similar quarters. She met eyes with Maria first, who looked like she would burst into tears at any given moment.

“Can they hear me?” She asked the voices she knew were listening.

There was silence for a while before the intercom sang out. “Now they can.” Dr. Zellner informed her over the com.

“Maria.” That did it for Maria, she burst into tears at hearing Liz’s defeated tone. Liz held her composure. “Maria? I need you to tell Oliver…tell Ollie…”

“No!” Maria’s voice screamed over the speaker. “You do your own dirty work, Parker.”

Liz smiled at Maria’s tenacity. “Its okay, Ria. Just please tell him?”

Maria nodded, more tears leaking down her face.

Lex’s skin barely held any form to it. She had been sanitized before she was let in. He was red and wrinkly and bloody and disgusting. The smell that came off him reminded her of over cooked hamburger. But his eyes this time held more fire, more excitement. He was waiting for her.

“Whenever you’re ready, Ms. Parker.” The doctor said over the speaker. In the room that held the doctor and several other orderlies, Doctor Zellner took his hand off the intercom and faced the other members. “Prepare the plane. If she dies before he’s one hundred percent we’re shipping him to the next stage for the suit. Either way he leaves in 4 hours.

“Should we try to revive the girl, should something happen?” one of the attendants asked.

His orders were to focus on Mr. Luthor. He wasn’t supposed to help the girl; he was supposed to just let whatever may happen, happen. But Tess Mercer hadn’t answered his calls in a long while.

“Help the girl. Do whatever you can.”

In that moment the lights began to flicker. Liz held her hand directly on Lex’s chest, her other hand framing his face. They were locked in a gaze and sweat was pouring down her face, a look of pain stamping itself permanently there. Everyone waited with tense anticipation as the girl slumped further and further down. Her weight was now all on the chair Lex was held in.

“Stop!” One of Liz’s companions screamed, fighting his restraints. “You’re killing her!”

Light bulbs popped, every machine in the building went haywire. The glass began to crack and creak. But Liz pushed harder. The air was thick with charge, every hair stood on end. One final explosion and the lights were all out in Lex’s holding cell. The emergency power kicked in as the doctors pressed their faces to the window. The small girl lay sprawled on the ground, collapsed at the base of the chair.

“NO!!!!” Maria screamed, kicking violently into the air, hoping by some way she could wriggle her way free to save her friend.

Lex Luthor looked down at his own body and saw no change. Sure, he felt better. Sure, his heart was now beating on its own and he could actually make himself take a breath of air…but there was no change to his body. He slumped in defeat, staring dejectedly at the small brunette lying next to him on the floor, a trickle of blood dripping from her nose. The doctors rushed in quickly, equipped in hazmat suits.

“Get me out of here.” Lex’s automated voice commanded and a team started the preparations to get him on the move. Dr. Zellner stayed at the door frame, watching his employer’s hasty exit with mixed feelings of relief and disappointment.

“Dr. Zellner!” One of his assistants shouted, hunched over Liz Parker. “She doesn’t have a pulse.”

He was snapped back to reality then.

“Start CPR!”
Love is not a victory march. Its a cold, and its a broken Hallelujah. -Leonard Cohen
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Hero (XO SV, Liz/? Mature) Ch20- 05/4/09

Post by fourrightchords »

So this ones kiiinddda short. But the next couple will be longer. Oh and PS, this story is coming to a close, only like three more chapters after this. Thanks for all the feedback!

Chapter 20

Oliver stalked through the halls of the Luthor Mansion. He was here for one reason and one reason only. To get Liz’s location…and he was damn near ready to take Tess Mercer apart piece by piece if Liz wasn’t safely returned. He had been planning on going about this a much different way, maybe rico suaving the answers he needed out of Tess, but then, after he had cured his ridiculous hang over, he had found a voicemail from Ms. Mercer herself, claiming she wanted to have a lunch date. Her nonchalant attitude only fueled his anger. His girl friend was being held captive by her company and she wanted to do lunch?

Oliver threw around a couple of choice words he would use before throwing open the doors to the study.

“Listen, you—.”

What he hadn’t expected was to see Tess Mercer crying, looking into a mirror. She turned her head quickly to hide the fact, but he was sure about what he had seen.

“What’s up Mercy?” He asked in a less loud, patronizing tone. He glanced over to the computer and spotted the screen open on an encryption program, one to block a signal from transmitting.

“Nothing. Come on, we’re going to lunch.” She spoke, grabbing her clutch from the desk and walking briskly past him. He caught her by the arm and pushed her against the wall. Using his forearm he held her there by the neck.

“Are you serious? Listen…I’m not playing games anymore. I know you know where Liz is and you are going to tell me where she is right now.” He said in a firm voice. "I've never willingly hit a woman. Don't make now the first time."

She looked at him, surprised for a moment. “You’re still on her, huh?” Tess smiled sadly. “Figures. For a while I thought she was just another flavor of the week.”

“You do not know how wrong you are, Tess…and if you think that it justifies—.”

“You’re right.” She said quietly, her red rimmed eyes fighting tears. “I do know where Liz is. And I’ll take you to her myself. First…I want to discuss a merger.”


“Ugh. I cannot believe this!” Maria yelled, pacing the couple feet of their holding room.

They had hung there, chained; inches from their death as they watched their friend fall to what could have been hers. Liz collapsed on the ground trying to heal Lex Luthor and all they could hear was ‘No pulse’ and ‘start CPR’ and then some guy hovering over her pushing his hands on her chest. All of a sudden they had dropped from the sky.

‘Perfect.’ Maria had thought. ‘They decided to kill us after all. So much for that promise.’

But when she and her friends weren’t writhing on the floor from pain, and one by one started to get up she realized they weren’t dead. They were quickly ushered out of the room then, and back into their holding cell, a room so confusing you couldn’t even tell where the door was.

But they had injected them with something anyway, and by the time they had come to, they didn’t have any idea where Liz was or if she was still alive. They had no idea what this would mean for them. Would they be set free? Would they be held captive and experimented on? None of them had any clue what they were to do.

“God…I can’t just sit here and—What if she’s dead? What if she’s dying? What if she’s alive and they make her try again? What are they going to do to us? Where the FUCK is Oliver!?” Maria screamed, her voice hoarse from yelling.

“Hey, calm down…okay? It’ll be okay…Liz is a tough chick.” Michael assured his shaken sometimes-girlfriend.

“Yeah but she’s not invincible! Why do I seem to be the only one that understands that? God I could KILL Lex Luthor!” She seethed.

“Michael…” Isabel asked from her curled up position. “What if they want us to take over for Liz? What if they want us to try?”

“I’ll heal him.” Bit Kyle. “I’ll heal him right into his next life. I hope he gets reincarnated into a fucking rat. It would be a step up for him.”

They all quieted down after that, taking in the silence, allowing their minds to weave horrible images of what was happening. Maria sat next to Michael and they all formed a line against the wall, leaning on it and each other for support.

“God…I hope she’s okay.”


The Helicopter whirred and shook, landing tightly on a small red ‘X’. They landed on a bay, just a couple miles from the location of the warehouse. Oliver jumped out first, followed by Tess Mercer. She shouted over the noise of the blades.

“You have every right to never speak to me again after this. I lied to you and I’m sorry. My only explanation is that I trusted someone who didn’t deserve it. I know that doesn’t mean much.”

Oliver frowned. Tess was a liar. She was manipulative and she was conniving. She had played him and used him and hurt someone he cared about deeply. In normal circumstances he might have eventually accepted her apology. But right now it was all he could do not to punch her right in the face.

“Just take me to her, Tess.”

She nodded her head and walked into a random boat house. A room that should have been a closet held an elevator. One that went directly into the water. Oliver cocked his eyebrow at Tess.

“It’s sealed tight. Completely safe.” She assured. Pressing a couple buttons the elevator flew down and soon enough opened once again to a room that looked like a hospital.

They passed through an entire system of doors and clearances. Badges checked, checked and double checked. Hallway after hallway lead to another staircase and then after that, one more hallway. Finally he found him self walking toward another person, a man in a white lab coat.

“Ms. Mercer!” he said, surprised.

“Dr. Zellner.” Tess said. “I take it things didn’t go well?”

He looked down at the floor. “No, ma’am, but…”

“Save it. We’re letting them go. All of them.” She responded coolly.

“Oh…okay…absolutely. Whatever you say.” The doctor led them through another system of hallways, leaving Oliver frustrated by the minute. They came to a door and Zellner passed his card in front of it. The light turned green and the door slid open. Oliver rushed in, only to find four tired worn out looking twenty something year olds.

“Oliver!” a voice sounded and suddenly there was a blonde in his arms. “Please tell me you’re here to get us out!”

“Maria? That’s why you didn’t answer the phone. Is everyone okay?” Oliver asked and the rest of the group nodded.

“Yeah we’re peachy…Where’s Liz, have you seen Liz? Is Liz okay?” She shot questions like you would fire bullets.

“No, but we’ll take you to her now.” Tess answered.

“Uhh…” Dr. Zellner stammered. “I’m afraid that might be difficult.”

Maria was in Tess’ and Zellner’s face in an instant. “You better have found a way to revive her or so help me god I’ll—.”

“Wait, revive her? What the fuck happened? Where is she, I want to see her right now!” Oliver ordered.

“Yes sir.” Zellner responded, leading the group out of the room.

Oliver glared at Tess Mercer for the first time with absolute loathing. “I swear to God Tess…”

The amount of time it took to where Liz was being kept really was miniscule to how long it seemed. They practically had the doctor sprinting to Liz’s location. He took them to the medical ward of the building, white lights and tiled floors. The cold smell of purified air and rubbing alcohol. They were led to a window which they peered in eagerly. There was a swarm of doctors standing around one gurney. Dr. Zellner knocked on the glass, alerting someone on the inside.

The other doctor came out sweaty and panting.

“How is she?” Dr. Zellner asked. Everyone held their breath.

“Alive. Exhausted, but Alive.” The man answered, allowing everyone to breathe a sigh in relief.

“What happened?” Oliver turned toward the window, willing the attendants to move so he could see for himself.

“They tried to get Liz to heal Lex Luthor but Liz can’t heal…at least not well and—.” Maria babbled, trying to give an answer.

“Yes, I know why she’s here…Dr. Zellner. What. Happened?” He asked again.

“We had no idea the toll using that amount of Liz’s…power would take on her. She was pushed too hard. Her heart was so exhausted it simply gave out. We tried to revive her but every time we did it she would go back. Her body was simply too weak to sustain any life.”

“Yes but now she’s doing better. We’ve given her some adrenaline…it should keep her heart going until we can get her rested and nourished.” The attendant added.

“No, what you’re going to do is get her well enough to travel.” Oliver said using his strictest voice. “She’s not going to be in this hell hole a second longer. My jet is waiting as we speak. We’re going home.”

Maria sighed in relief. Oliver had come to the rescue and saved them all. Everything would be okay.
Love is not a victory march. Its a cold, and its a broken Hallelujah. -Leonard Cohen