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Re: Taken (UC,L/Z,Adult) chptr 11 10/23/09

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 2:50 am
by jake17
darkmoon: yes you know I love to torture you. only because if love you :wink:
Jan x2: I've missed you so much sweetie thank u for the bump, it made me write and I really needed to, love you so much!
Carolyn: I love that I have you checking the UC board!! I really hope you like this! thank u so much for all your support!
garcia88: Kris, so happy you love liz and Zan together! thanks so much for your fb!
roswell3053: Yes, they will face each other eventually. thank you so much for your support!
roswellianlove: in time Max and Zan will have it out, i promise. so happy your here! thank u!
Addicted2AmberEyes: I love that your here! never see you on the UC board! hope i don't let you down, thanks so much!
destiny: again thanks for the idea :wink: see if you can find it, I so appreciate your help, even though you don't know you're doing it :wink: love you here! thanks so much!
Scorpio6: :lol: omg you had me cracking up with your fb! singing Maria Carey's "vision of love?" your poor children! :lol: I will write more often to keep them from that horrid song :wink: love your support, means so much to me. thank you so much.
angelina: yes Zan is so sweet to her, and she so needs it. thank you for everything, I think I need to see your fb now :wink: it helps me so much!
Alien_friend: Yes I promise there will be a Max and Zan patient :wink: thanks so so much for your sweet fb!
crazedearthgirl: sorry it took so long for me to come back, I promise it wont happen again. thanks so much for your sweet fb!
singerchic4: I can't believe you read this in one sitting, I am just stunned. I so needed to hear that. thanks for being so sweet! I hope you like this update.
Wimsicality: seriously I am speechless after reading your fb. I was so down and having horrible writers block and your fb brought me back. I don't know how to thank you enough for all your kind words. PLease know they mean the world to me. From my heart thank you so much!

so sorry this took so long, I promise it won't be that long again.

please excuse any mistakes, I had to write this very quick and it's 5:30 am. :oops:

Chapter 11.

Quickly I tie my bathrobe around my naked body that I managed to grab before running down the stairs.

Holding Zan’s hands tightly in mine I look deep into his eyes pleading for him to listen to me.

Once again I hear Max pound on the door this time slurring his words revealing to me that he has been drinking.

“Zan he’s drunk he’ll believe anything I tell him at this point. Just please go; I will call you later when it’s safe to talk. I promise.”

Smiling softly I kiss his lips savoring the sweet taste of him.

With a deadly serious look on his face he stares into my eyes.

"Do you really think I'm buying this? You're going to be safer with him drunk? Liz how stupid do you think I am? way I'm leaving. I can handle Max."

Tears fill my eyes as I brush my hair away from my face impatiently.

"That's just the problem Zan. I know you can handle Max. In fact I know exactly where this will lead to and there's no way I'm risking you getting arrested."

With a defiant step towards me I surprise him by putting his hand under my robe over my heart.

His expression softens immediately as his hand connects to my skin.

I have his attention.

"Zan, can you feel my heart beating? For the first time in my life I'm in love, you have made me feel something that I know I can't live without again. Please, please I can't risk loosing this. I will never lie to you Zan. I know how to handle him. We have to do this right. Max has too much power and pull in this town you take one step towards him and you'll be standing before a judge by morning."

He's knows I'm right but I can see he doesn't care. The thought of Max hurting me in any way is too much for him now.

I see right threw him, I have to go for the gut if this is going to work.

"Zan it's the only way. If you really love me you will go."

I can see the turmoil churning inside him as he caresses my cheek. I've got him and he knows it. I'm asking him to prove his love for me, he has no choice and although he silently agrees he is fighting his instincts every step of the way.

His jaw is clenched, his fists balled up, the powerful muscles in his arms are flexed. The man in him wants to protect his girl at any cost. This is very clear and it worries me.

I can also see the wheels in his mind turning, he's not giving up so easy. I know he's searching for a loop hole, a way of sticking with his promise but making sure I'm save.

I know this is killing him.

Before he leaves he turns and looks down at me with an intensity I haven’t seen from him before.

“If I don’t hear from you by midnight I’m coming back here and I’m not leaving without you, no matter what. This I promise you.”

Nodding quickly I close the door and take one last look at him before facing Max with an explanation I have yet to come up with.

Ordinarily terror would be flowing threw my veins at a moment like this, but for some reason I am overwhelmed with a calming feeling that everything will be alright, that I will find a way to handle this somehow.

Turning the water on in the sink I take a few hand fulls of water and drench my hair letting the droplets fall dripping down my body under the robe.

As I make my way threw the destruction we have caused I pull the robe tighter around my body securing the knot knowing Zan’s scent is all over me.

I take a few deep breaths to prepare myself for sounding like I have been running down the stairs.

Quickly I unlock the door and look up at Max who is very uncharacteristically disheveled.

His always-perfectly slicked back hair is tousled in all directions and his tie is loose hanging to one side with the first three buttons of his shirt opened revealing his white tee shirt underneath.

His jacket is off and on the ground hanging by one of his limp hands as he leans against the house.

His always perfectly starched white shirt is pulled out of his pants at one side hanging over his trousers.

I have never seen him this way since the day I met him.

His angered expression turns to interest as he eyes my lack of attire.

I can tell by his half opened eyes and how he is swaying back and forth on the front step he is stinking drunk. This is highly unusual for Max.

Max is all about control, and at this moment he is as far away from control as he can get.

Still stunned by his appearance I watch as he throws his very expensive briefcase inside the house and stumbles by me.

The stench of scotch is overpowering as he lets his jacket fall to the floor and reaches his hand around the back of my neck beneath my hair.

Just as I am about to close the door I see Zan standing on the grass just below the first step hidden slightly by an oak tree. I believe he has found his loop hole.

I widen my eyes and nod slowly indicating that I am safe before closing the door.

I should’ve known he wouldn’t have just left. I pray silently that he will go but I highly doubt it.

After locking the door I am pulled into Max’s arms and we fall onto the couch due to his unsteady feet.

“Is everything ok Max?”

My voice is calm and controlled as I see him eyeing my thigh and his hand parts my robe revealing my bare skin.

As if a light bulb has gone off in his brain he leans back as anger slowly forms back into his face.

"Hey what took you so long? I was waiting out there forever! And why was the bolt locked, you never use that!"

I run my hand threw my damp hair and try to remain calm. "I was in the shower Max, can't you tell?"

His expression changes back as he becomes satisfied with my answer. His eyes begin to follow the streams of water that have slipped down beneath my robe.

Again his half opened eyes flip back up to me quickly. "What a about the lock?"

"Max you know I don't feel comfortable without you here. I guess I just watched too much news last night. I felt safer with the bolt on today that's all. I wasn't expecting you...remember?"

Nodding he glances down at my breasts again and the smell of the scotch sickens me. Actually everything about him sickens me at this point.

"Ok but I think that's enough news for you. I always thought you were too emotional."

He begins to open my robe as he takes off his tie with his other hand. His eyes never leave my body from this point on and I begin to tremble trying to think quick.

Lifting his chin I force him to look at my face and speak sweetly to him.

“Max what is all this about? Did something happen today at work?”

He lets out a drunken sigh and falls deeper into the couch releasing my leg.

Quickly I pull the robe closed again and watch as he rubs his face with his hands and runs them threw his thick black hair.

“Yes I guess you could say something happened.”

He begins to rub the back of his neck still not noticing the condition of the house.

I feel as if my head is going to explode any minute.

“Liz I need a drink, make yourself useful and get me a vodka and tonic.”

I stand up in front of him blocking the house from his view as he attempts to get off the couch.

"I think you need to lie down Max. You're not used to drinking, I don't want you to fall and get hurt."

He chuckles sarcastically as he concentrates on putting one foot in front of the other.

"What a good wife, always looking out for me. For a second I almost thought you had someone up here! I think even you value your life too much to be that stupid."

His eyes squint from the sun that is pouring in from the large windows in the front room. This always bothered me but at the moment I couldn’t be more grateful than to see the harsh bright sun.

Slurring his words again he stares at me intently threw his bloodshot eyes.

“You look different.”

Trying to appear as innocent as possible I shrug my shoulders and place his arm around my neck.

“I took a shower I told you, I didn't get a chance to comb my hair I’m a mess.”

He shakes his head no and halts his steps to really look at me.

"No you look good, sexy." A perverted smile curls his lips as he examines me closer.

"You're drunk, you don't know what you're talking about."

Hesitating for a moment he whispers in my ear. "My little mouse is gone. You look all flushed, what exactly were you doing in the shower Liz?"

"You're being ridiculous Max."

Holding me close he trials his fingers down the open collar of my robe and skims his hand over my breast.

A harsh cold chill runs threw me.

"Hmm am I?"

The stark realization that his hands don’t belong on me anymore is permeating every cell of my body.

I am no longer his.

I am no longer anyone’s possession.

I am Liz and I choose to only have Zan touch me.

I am flooded with a powerful charge of confidence as I help my inebriated husband up the stairs.

He can barely walk as leans heavily onto me for support and clutches the banister.

I look around and back at him blown away by the fact that he is so bombed he hasn’t spotted any of the destruction of his house.

His eyes are almost closed as he makes great efforts to lift his feet up the stairs.

“The Nelson account.”

As we turn the corner I direct him past the broken glass and shattered frames on the floor of the hallway.

As slickly as I can I guide him to the guest room hoping he won’t even notice.

As we enter the muted tones of mauve and green he lifts his head up suddenly noticing that this is not his bedroom.


“I was changing the sheets today, the bed is bare. This will do for now you really need to lie down Max.”

For a moment he pauses mulling over my explanation until his need to pass out takes precedence over his usual tendency to punish me for my laziness.

I sit him on the bed and pull the comforter down fully aware that I have not heard the loud obvious sound of Zan’s truck start.

Kneeling on the floor I remove his leather shoes and place them neatly against the wall.

“What about the Nelson account?”

I decide to distract him with what has him so distraught hoping he will pass out soon.

Pulling down the comforter I glance out the window trying to locate the old truck down the street but see nothing, he must’ve parked on the other side of the house.

Carefully I lift his legs under the covers as I watch his eyes slam shut then slightly open again watching my cleavage.

“God if I wasn’t so hammered I fuck you good and hard right now.”

I sigh as I close the blinds leaving him in the dark and walk towards the door.

As I take the doorknob in my hand he turns towards me and mumbles his last words before drifting off to sleep.

“I fucked up Liz. I banged our most valuable client's wife and now I might get fired. She looked like a whore who hangs out at the local bar. How was I supposed to know?”

He’s so trashed he has no idea he just confessed his infidelity to his wife.

Before closing the door behind me I whisper to him as if he is a stranger, which is exactly how he feels to me now.

“Don’t worry Max, you’ll figure a way out of this in the morning. You always do, remember you’re Max Evans.”

Throwing his own words back at him was more than cathartic it was down right empowering.

Sure my life was a mess but for the first time in a long time I felt like it was just that.

My life.

Re: Taken (UC,L/Z,Adult) chptr 12 11/15/09

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 3:35 am
by jake17

thank you all for sticking with this story and all your amazing fb!

Everyone I have to explain the reason for this update...

you see I was just about to go to bed, it was around 3 am and I noticed that it is "scorpio6", Andrea's birthday today!! :D So I thought to myself I can stay up a little longer and write an update for someone as sweet and wonderful as her! So everyone take into concideration that this was written very late, please forgive my mistakes... :oops:

I am so deeply sorry you are fighting such a nasty illness and even the thought that my little story can make you feel any kind of better just astounds me. Thank you for making me so happy with your amazing compliment. You can spare your children today and put Janet Jackson's Control away :wink: :lol: This is dedicated to you sweetie! :D I hope so much you feel better and have a wonderful day! :D


Chapter 12.

After I am satisfied that Max is completely passed out I run in the bedroom and pull the sheets off our bed.

Walking past the destruction we have made I am lost as to how I’m going to explain or even try to fix all this by the time he wakes up.

Shaking my head I walk to the laundry room. First things first I have to get rid of Zan’s evidence.

His down right sexy musky scent that is all over the sheets and all over me is driving me crazy, it’s the most intoxicating smell and it’s already making me want him again.

Standing in front of the washing machine I hold up the material to my face and breathe him in.

Memories flash threw my mind.

I can see his hard muscular body raised over mine. I can taste the salty sweat of his skin on my tongue as he takes my mouth possessively with each powerful thrust.

My hand falls to the appliance as I steady myself. I never felt so sexual in my life. I need to have him inside me again, it’s a hunger that is stronger than any need I’ve experienced before.

Struggling for control knowing that he is probably still right outside the house I throw the sheets in the machine and jump in the shower.

As I stand there under the hot steamy water I watch as the soap slides down my bare skin and picture his mouth, his tongue caressing every inch of me.

My eyes slide shut as I brace my hands on the tile shocked as the unexpected orgasm washes over me shaking me to my very core.

What has this man done to me?

Standing in a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt I look over the hallway first.

Doing the best I can I restore the pictures back on the wall, I replace the broken glass with some new frames I had received as presents last year at Christmas.

The downstairs will be harder to conceal.

The marks in the banister, the priceless vase that’s been shattered, I don’t know what to do about that.

Quickly I fix what I can and grab my keys to head for the store hoping to make it home before he wakes.

As I place my hand on the door of my car I feel his hands slide around my waist.

A powerful shiver runs threw me.

“Are you alright?”

His mouth is right at me ear. I can feel his lips kiss my skin gently, longingly.

I nod and my breath quickens turning his concern to want.

“I miss touching you already.”

My eyes slide close as his hand reaches across my ribs to my breast.


“Leave now. Pack your stuff and come with me.”

Slowly I shake my head "no" and turn to face him.

“You have no idea how much I want to do just that, but I have to be smart about this. If I just leave like this he will find me.”

“Liz I will protect you.”

Cupping his face my voice turns to concern.

“It’s not me I’m worried for. Please you have to trust me. I will not have you hurt again. If he believes I am leaving him for you he will go after everything you hold dear. He won’t stop until there is nothing left and you are destroyed.”

“Liz –

“No Zan it has to be done carefully. You have to let me handle him.”

Lowering his head in defeat he pulls me in and holds me tight. His arms feel like a steel cage that can save me from anything. I’ve truly never felt so safe in my life then when I am with him.

After kissing the top of my head he hesitantly releases me.

“Ok Liz we’ll do this your way, but I have to see you again. Can you get away later tonight?”

Running my hands threw my damp hair I wonder just how drunk he is.

“I don’t know I can’t promise you anything, but I’ll call you if I can.”

Before letting me go he kisses my mouth just enough to make me tremble.

“Please be careful, and Liz promise me if anything happens you will call me or better yet just jump in your car and get to me.”

Trying to get myself together I get in the car nodding quickly and close the door.

As I back out of the driveway my heart drops as I look up just in time to make eye contact with Shelby my neighbor who is standing at her front door with her mail in her hands.


My heart pounds as I look out my rear view mirror for a second to see Zan turning the corner down the street.

She saw us.

She had to have.

My knuckles turn white as I connect to her arrogant gaze again.

She holds my stare for a few more seconds before giving me a grin that can be taken a million different ways.

In a flash she disappears into her house leaving me pale and scared to death.

The queen of gossip has caught me. Miss. Perfect everything lives to get her hooks into juicy news like this. If she has seen anything the entire town will be notified within the hour.

Leaning back into the seat I try to remember exactly what we did.

Oh god he was touching me, kissing my neck, my lips.

Think Liz think.

Opening the door I walk up to her house.

If she knows I have to know.

With courage I didn’t know I had I knock on her door and wait trying to steady my hands.

Slowly the door opens.

Shelby is standing there with one hand on her hip and the other holding glass of wine.

“Hello Liz, is there something I can do for you?”

I study her as she shifts from one foot to the other. She has the door only open a tiny bit as if she is trying to hide something.

I'm confused, her house has never been less then perfect.

Something is off.

She cocks her head to the side and takes a sip of her wine.

Her hands are shaking.

I’m taking off guard when she doesn’t invite me in.

Shelby wrote the book on proper etiquette. If the world was falling down around her she would brush off the rumble from her always perfect outfit and put the tea on. That is just who she is whether she likes you or not.

Something’s definitely not right, she should’ve gone in for the kill already. She lives for shit like this.

I wait and watch as she almost downs her glass of wine a little too quickly.

“Liz? Is there something you need ?”

Her voice it’s trembling.

She’s nervous.

Why would she be …

That’s when I spot it sitting in plan sight right on her marble table in her entryway.

I would know that briefcase anywhere but the initials I had engraved on the top cement my suspicions.


She’s fucking Max.

I smile widely and shrug my shoulders.

“The mailman’s been mixing up the addresses lately. Just wondering if you’ve gotten any of ours lately ?”

Looking down at the ground she begins to tap her long fake French manicured nails on her wine glass anxiously.

“No, I don’t have anything of yours.”

Love your choice of words Shelby. Your right he’s not mine and I don’t want him.

Well I guess we're not so perfect after all.

It the mothers at the PTA only knew.

I'm calm now, and actually enjoying this a little.

She didn’t see anything; she was too busy trying to hide her own infidelities.

“Good. Well you have a nice night Shelby.”

Not waiting for a response I run down her stairs and take off in my car.


After returning with a look a like vase and a few other items I will try to get past Max as the real thing I carefully open the door.

It’s after dark and there are no lights on in the house.

I silently wait at the bottom of the stairs until I hear very loud snoring coming from the guest bedroom.

He’s out for the night.

After throwing the sheets in the dryer I begin to do my best to replace the broken pieces with fake ones that in the dark don’t look half bad.

I polish the banister, which slightly helps the marks I made and sit down on the bottom steps exhausted.

I try to go over possible plans for getting out of this marriage, of restoring possibly a life of my own when I hear my phone vibrate in my purse.


Reaching for my cell I open it and stare up the dark stairs.

Whispering I say hello and lean up against the wall struck at the sound of his deep husky voice.

“I need to see you.”

Running my hand threw my hair I look in the mirror and at the clock.

“I’m a mess and it’s late –

“I love you and I need you Liz.”

My body quivers at the thought of him touching me again.

Fuck it.


“I’ll pick you up.”

“No, too risky I have to meet you.”

“Ok go to the garage. I’m staying at the apartment above it.”

I’m already breathing hard when I hang up the phone and run upstairs.

Rummaging threw my closet I pull out a short flowing black skirt and a silky white blouse.

Rushing as fast as I can I fluff out my hair and spray some perfume and smooth some lotion on my legs.

As I drive down the street I apply some pale pink lipstick. Stuck at a red light I pull out my mascara and dark eye shadow.

Pulling into the back of the garage I look into the mirror.

I look so different.

My eyes are smoky and intense, my hair is loose and free, my legs look longer thanks to the black high heels I hardly ever wore.

I feel different.

I feel everything, the cool air, the bright light from the full moon above me, even the sounds around me have changed.

Everything is sharp and clear.


LIfe is beautiful.

With my head held high for the first time in years I walk up the back stairs to his apartment.

I’m wet already knowing what he will do to me.

I feel alive for the very first time in my life.

Before my knuckles hit the door it opens and my heart just about stops.

He is standing in front of me shirtless, chest heaving, worn jeans hung low sitting just below his hipbones.

He’s hard already.

His eyes slowly make their way drinking every inch of me in while his chest rises and falls.

I can hear how heavy he is breathing the ache between my thighs is almost overwhelming.

He takes one step with his bare feet towards me and I am completely breathless.

In one motion he lifts me off the ground and wraps my legs around his waist pulling me inside and slamming the door shut.

His hands slid up my ass, he feels my bare skin and his eyes lock onto mine.

No panties.

“Fuck Liz!”

With one arm he clears the food he had prepared off the counter top and sits me there spreading my legs before stepping back.

He stares me down while he unbuttons his jeans and removes them throwing them to the side leaving him completely naked.

I am speechless

Lips parted clutching the edge of the counter shamelessly begging to be devoured.

Slowly he approaches me and lifts my hair from my neck to whisper in my ear.

“I’m going to make love to you all night Liz …I promise, but right now if it’s ok with you I need to fuck you.”

I gasp as he rips open my blouse and brushes his calloused thumbs across my hard peaks.

His mouth takes over as his hands slide down between my legs and lifts my skirt.

My head falls against his cabinets as he gently flicks my clit back and forth while his lips suck hard taking me right to the edge.

“Oh god Zan!”

With one powerful thrust he enters me hard and fast.

My fingers dig into his thick black hair roughly as he takes me again and again.

I am in heaven.

There is no going back now.

Re: Taken (UC,L/Z,Adult) chptr 13 11/22/09

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 3:15 pm
by jake17
thank you so much for all your amazing fb!!

Andrea my thoughts are with you, please take care of yourself.

This update was written to save Andrea's children from Duran Duran... :wink: hope you like it sweetie.

Chapter 13.

Laying on my stomach my tired eyes drift shut as I feel his soft tongue sweep down my spine.

Biting my lip hard I clutch the pillow as the hands of a workingman gently grip my thighs spreading them wide.

I start to tremble knowing what is going to come next, I can feel the tips of his black hair graze against my sensitive skin as he breathes hard alongside my body and ignites my senses.

I stifle a moan as the tips of his fingers play teasingly with my clit.


With a throaty whisper he answers the question he knows I’m asking.

“Not yet.”

I can feel myself rushing towards that moment, my stomach is tight my breath locked in my lungs my body shaking uncontrollably…

This is when I feel his steel hard body cover mine, he lifts the back of my hair away from my neck and kisses my hot skin.

I scream as my orgasm hits and he thrusts deep inside me.

Each move is deliberate and perfect hitting that spot that makes me shiver with insane pleasure.

His hands reach over mine and hold me there, while he works his magic on me.

Hearing his erratic breath he feathers his lips to my ear and whispers the words he’s been telling me all night.

“I love you.”

As his moves become less controlled and more animalistic I cry out for more.

“Faster, harder.”

He does not disappoint.

My body stiffens as I reach the edge, he reaches around my hip between my legs.

He wants it to last as long as possible.

Not being able to hold on himself he groans loudly and collapses on the bed beside me.

He flips on his back and pulls me close resting my head on his chest.

I hear his big heart racing,

I feel safe.

I feel loved.

Reluctantly I raise my head to see his alarm clock on his nightstand.

4:23 am

Lying back down on his smooth skin I sigh sadly.

“I have to go.”

“No, you need to stay.”

“Zan we’ve talked about this.”

Sitting up I reach for my blouse and try to button it realizing that he ripped the buttons out.

I turn tucking my hair behind my ear and smile at him.

“Look what you did.”

His face is serious as he takes my hand and places it on his heart.

“Look what you did.”

My eyes lower lost as to what to say.

Standing I find my skirt and go to the window watching the moon surrounded by thousands of stars.

I hear rustling from the bed but I don’t look back.

My eyes close as I feel him behind me.

He lovingly runs his hands up and down my arms before engulfing me tightly.

“Marry me.”

My eyes fill with tears as I choke out the truth.

“Already married.”

“Divorce him.”


“Please Liz, talk to me. You can’t tell me there is no possible way out of this. I don’t believe it. “

Turning to face him I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him.

“You’re right. There has to be a way, but until I can think of one I have to stay with him.”

Frustration covers his face as he presses his forehead to mine.

“I cannot let him hurt you Zan. I won’t do it. You’ve been through too much.”

His deep voice warms my heart as he whispers to me.

“Nothing he can do to me can compare to the pain I feel when we’re apart.”

Shaking my head I try to make him understand.

“You say that now, but you don’t know him like I do. He is ruthless, especially when he feels threatened.”

I watch as his expression changes drastically.

Slowly he sits at his small kitchen table and runs his fingers threw his hair.

“I know him better than you think I do Liz.”

His voice is so quiet I can barely make out what he’s saying.

“I have something to tell you. Something I’ve never told a living soul before.”

Concerned I walk towards him and place my hands on his shoulders.

He is incredibly tense and shaking.

“Can you pour me a drink?”

Nodding I go to the cabinet and fill a small glass up with some whiskey.

I place it in front of him and sit giving him my full attention.

Sighing he takes the drink completely down and puts it back on the table.

Restlessly he begins to move the glass back and forth.

“Liz did you ever wonder why Max and I don’t get along? Why we haven’t spoken in years?”

Softly I answer afraid of hurting his feelings.

“Well, I assumed it was because you two are so different. I know what a pretentious snob he is, I just figured he was being …well… himself.”

“That’s not why.”

I reach out and stop the glass. Holding his hand he still refuses to look at me.

Another emotion takes over …something darker.

Regret …anger.

So foreign to see this in his warm eyes, my concern grows even more.

“Remember I told you about that accident that happened when I was fourteen?”

Squeezing his hand my heart breaks at just the mention of this story.

“Of course.”

“Well it didn’t happen the way I told you it did.”

“Zan –

“Please let me finish.”

Stroking his hand I nod quickly.

“I’m sorry …go ahead.”

“You see I wasn’t alone in the car that night, Max was with me.”


“He showed up at my house drunk, he’s jock friends dropped him off. He didn’t want to go home wasted so he thought he’d hang out with me until he sobered up. My house was different then his. His parents were quiet decent people. My folks, well they fought a lot. My mom did her best she took a lot of his shit but still managed to take care of me. She was a sweet woman. She didn’t deserve him.”

I am blown away as I see him so vulnerable and broken.

“Anyway he knew no one at my house would notice his state. You see we we’re close back then. He was different, kinder. He was four years older then me, a football star. I guess I looked up to him.”

He points to the glass and looks in the direction of the whiskey.


Immediately I pour him another and sit back down hanging on his every word.

“He had a girlfriend that he wanted to see, said she had a friend for me. What did I know, I was just a kid, just a stupid kid.”

Again he downs the drink and pushes it away from him.

“He convinced me to let him take my dad’s car. My mom was asleep and my dad was passed out on the couch. I would’ve done anything he asked. I wanted to be around him…to be like him.”

Taking a deep breath he hesitates as his eyes begin to water.

“I asked him over and over if he was ok to drive and he swore to me he was, but as we started down the road I could see he was far too drunk. He had the radio blaring and was telling me all about the big touch down he made at Friday’s game. He was swerving all over the road. I was so scared I begged him to stop, but he wouldn’t …kept calling me a pussy.”

Zan lowers his head even more trying to hide from me as a tear slips from his eye.

“That’s when I saw that guy, I tried to grab the wheel but Max pushed me away. I yelled at him to try and warn him but he wouldn’t listen.”

“We stood at the edge of the road just staring down at him… blood was everywhere. Max was crying. Kept talking about his life being ruined, about college and his full ride. I was in shock I think. It just didn’t seem real.”

“Zan, oh my god.”

“It was then that he grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me hard.”

“Zan you’re underage they can’t touch you. You have to say you took the car out by yourself. I’m eighteen Zan! They’ll put me in jail for the rest of my life. You know I didn’t mean it! You know it was a mistake! Zan you have to do this, I swear they can’t touch you you’re just a kid!”

Finally he raised his weary eyes up at me, tears were flowing freely down my face.

“He was wrong…they did arrest me. They took me away from my home and threw me in that place. That hellhole.”

I could see that there was more, I could see the indescribable pain in his eyes.

“Zan what happened there?”

His eyes closed as if he were trying to escape the memory.

“Think of the worst thing that can happen and you’ll be right.”

I stood up and threw myself into his arms and cried.

Holding me tight for several minutes he cleared his throat and pulled away.

Sitting me back down he disappeared and came back with an old tattered box.

“Liz there’s a reason why I told you all of this. There is a way for you to get away from him. There is a way that he’ll let you leave with me and never bother us again.”

Confused I watched as he pulled out an old flannel shirt. It was stained and ripped in places.

“Max tore his shirt on a metal barrier when he ran to that guy. It cut his skin too. That’s his blood and this right here... is that man's blood.”

“Zan I don’t understand.”

“Liz this proves he was there that night. They have my confession it’s too late for justice, but just think for a minute what would happen to his pristine reputation if this story got out.”

I whisper staring down at the shirt.

“He would be ruined, no one would hire him.”

“Liz his reputation is his world. All we have to do is threaten to go to the press with this.”

We both jumped as my cell began to ring.

With my heart pounding I looked down at my phone and back up to Zan.

“It’s him.”

Re: Taken (UC,L/Z,Adult) chpt 14 1/4/10

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 6:24 am
by jake17
Black Bird Fly x2

Wow...I can't thank you all enough for all of your amazing fb...

seriously thank you. :)

Chapter 14.

“It’s him.”

Immediately Zan reaches for my phone.

Defiantly I turn before he can get to me and walk towards the door.

Stepping outside I take a deep breath and answer.

“Hello Max”

He almost sounds shocked at my directness, my recent findings have left me less afraid of Max. I guess anger is a more powerful emotion then fear.

I feel different, stronger. Somehow knowing the truth about Max has changed things.

“Where are you!”

I can hear the affects of what I can only assume is the aftermath of a night spent on the bathroom floor.

“I’m on my way home.”

I feel Zan’s hand on my back silently urging me to stay.

“That’s not what I asked you!”

His voice has escalated to a furious roar, which Zan can now easily hear.

“I have to go, I’ll be home soon.”

My voice is unusually calm and steady throwing him off completely. I can almost hear the wheels turning in his mind trying to figure me out.

“But- “

Closing the phone I realize I’ve just hung up on him. I can only imagine his face right now.

Immediately my phone lights up again.

Rushing back into the house I shut it off and shove it in my purse.

A million thoughts race through my mind as I collect my things.

“You can’t go back there.”

Looking down at my blouse that is hanging wide open from Zan’s handy work I ignore him as I search his closet for a shirt.

“Liz, please be reasonable. It’s almost dawn you’ve been out all night. What are you going to say to him?”

Finding a plain blue sweatshirt I pull it over my head and stop for a minute as I breathe his scent in.

Before I can do anything he has me in his big strong arms.

“Liz. Wait, just wait a second.”

Holding my face in his hands he tries hard to capture my attention.

He reaches his goal easily as his golden amber eyes peer down through his long dark eyelashes.

Whispering he reminds me what we’ve been doing all night.

“Liz you can't go home like this. Just stay with me.”

The sensation of his gentle hands gliding across my skin is almost enough to persuade me.


I can’t ignore the growing change that is happening deep within me.

I have to face him and I have to do it alone. I’ve been afraid too long, somewhere along the way I lost myself, I need to find what has been missing for far too long.

Pulling his big hands from me I rise up on my toes and lock into his mesmerizing gaze.

“I’m not afraid.”

Walking backwards and out of his grasp I grab my keys.

With my head down and my thoughts racing I walk towards the front door and straight into his solid chest.

Closing my eyes I see a frightening picture in my head.

A scared boy cowering within Max’s towering teenage grip.

I whisper as I fight away tears that come to the surface faster then I anticipate.

“Please. Let me go”

I feel his lips against my neck, his mouth slides against my skin as he pleads for me to stay.

“You’re killing me.”

I think about his words and envision him in an institution made of cement and bars. I wonder if those are the words he used as his innocence was being ripped away.

Again his deep silky voice drifts against my tired mind.

“You’re crying. I know you want to stay. Please Liz.”

I can’t look at him. I want to wrap him in my arms and protect him forever.

What Max has done to me is nothing compared to the nightmare he has sentenced Zan to.

A childhood forever lost because of his carelessness, his selfish cowardly ego.

Without looking up at Zan I breathe out the only truth I know before I leave.

“I love you.”

Driving down the road I feel like I can actually hear my blood pumping through my veins.

They’re no words for the pain I want to inflict on that man.

All of a sudden all the suffering he has caused me seems trivial.

I think about what Zan has gone through and I am lost as to how he became the gentle kind man that I know.

The rough exterior that is as see through as glass to the warmth that resides underneath is now very understandable.

Survival, it’s what he had to do to make it through.

Still I can’t help but wonder…

How did he not turn cold and mean? How did all that bitterness not eat him up inside till there was nothing left?

Looking up I find myself turning into my driveway. I don’t even remember navigating my way home.

I already feel the sharp sting from the loss of his touch.

I have to somehow make this right.

Walking up the stairs it hits me.

I don’t have a plan, an excuse for where I’ve been or why I hung up on him.

I’m too tired and emotionally drained to care at this point.

The house is dark and for a moment I wonder if he has left or passed out again.

The moment passes when my head is suddenly jerked backwards.

I scream in pain as he twists my hair tight around his fingers and pulls hard.

Tripping I fall to my knees and feel myself being dragged quickly across the floor.

My hands struggle to free myself from him but he is just too strong.

“Who is he!”

Before I am even able to think he fists my shirt and pulls me to my feet so I am now looking into his hateful glare.

"I fucking knew it! You stupid bitch! Did you really think I wouldn't notice? Did you really think you could get away with it? "

Shoving me back my head slams against the wall as his hand connects to my face.

“Now I asked you a question! Who is it!"

I expect to feel pain but to my surprise all I am is numb.

Tasting the metallic liquid as it fills my mouth I stare back at him frightened but changed.

“Does it matter?”

My voice is small but holds a strength it hadn’t before.

He notices.

His eyes narrow as he begins to nod his head.

Gritting his teeth he begins to shake. He feels his control slipping over me. I’m not sure he ever thought that would happen. He’s thinking so hard it’s almost amusing.

His grip on me gets tighter as he pushes me once again against the wall.

“You think this guy actually cares about you don’t you?”

He’s laughing at me now as he searches for just the right words to crush me. He’s usually so quick the alcohol must be slowing him down.

Suddenly he comes closer, his mouth hovers over mine as I attempt to look away.

A strong shove against the wall warns me against doing that again.

That’s when I feel it, the ice-cold rough grip of his hand on the inside of my thigh.

I close my eyes unwilling to give him the satisfaction of seeing the fear in me.

“Do you think this asshole loves you?”

The laughing gets louder and more disturbing as he pulls my skirt up to my waist.

“I know he does.”

As the words left my mouth I heard them for the first time like it was coming from someone else. It was more of a surprise to me than it was to Max I think.

It was something that he couldn’t take away from me no matter what he did and I needed to say it, i needed to hear it.

But it was a mistake.

Ironclad fingers curl around my throat, my panties are ripped from my body as the stench of his breath pulses against my ear.

“You pathetic piece of shit! No one could ever love you! Tell me who he is!”

Slowly I open my eyes and stare up at him.

My silence enrages him to the point of no return. I have never defied him this way; the loss of control is beyond his comprehension.

I can feel it.

He wants it back.

Hearing the sound of his zipper I can only hope it will be quick.

Staring off into the corner of the room I try to remove myself from this place, from this moment in time as I’ve done so often.

Hanging on the wall is a picture of a field with tall grass and purple flowers. I am there with Zan. I can see his hand reaching out to me. I am safe.

He knows what I’m doing, it’s unacceptable he’s teaching me a lesson. I need to pay attention.

“Look at me!”

My eyes slam shut refusing to give in.

His fingers dig into my thighs spreading them apart the numbness is fading I can feel everything now.

Gripping the skin behind my knee he hooks it around his hip and presses his mouth to my ear again.

“Ask yourself this question while I fuck you good and hard. If his guy loves you so much where is he? Why did he let you come back to me?! Where the fuck is he Liz!”

“He’s right here.”

My eyes flutter open as a blurry image of Zan appears before me.

"Let her go."

I watch as Zan's fist smashes hard into the side of Max's head instantly releasing his grip from my neck and knee.

The shock covering Max's face as he stares at his cousin slowly turns blank as his eyes close and his unconscious body falls limp to the ground.

Before I can process what has just happened I am lifted into his arms and held protectively against his chest.

Quickly he takes me out of the house and places me in the worn seat of the old truck I love so much.

My eyes slide shut from pure relief as I feel his lips against my forehead.

"My sweet girl...are you ok?"

Clutching his shirt I move as close as I can to him wondering if this is just a dream.

"You came."

I feel his gentle hands over my face as he inspects Max's damage.

"Would've been here sooner but the damn truck wouldn't start. I'm so sorry baby... I am so sorry."

Shaking my head I push his dark hair away from his sad eyes that stare down at me with such concern.

"It's my fault, you were right. I should've known better. Let's just get out of here."

Easing me back carefully against the seat he reaches in the back of his truck for a blanket and places it over me.

"Just try and relax I'll be right back."

My eyes widen as I sit up wondering what he means.

"No, please Zan lets just get out of here."

Quietly he stares back at the house as years of resentment and pain cover the growing intensity of his darkened eyes.

His voice is full of resolve, he's going to make him pay.

"I can't walk away."

He stares back at me running his thumb gently over my split puffy lip. I know he blames himself.

"Not this time."

Re: Taken (UC,L/Z,Adult) chpt 15 1/26/10

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:40 pm
by jake17
Earth2Mama: Ellie, thank you so much for my message on my authors page :) I love how you yelled at Zan to stay in the f>car :lol: your the best sweetie! :)
roswell3053: HI so happy you found this! thanks so much for reading! hope you like this part :)
keepsmiling7: Carolyn!! Congratulations on your win!!!! I"m so so happy for you!! thanks for always giving me such amazing fb!! :)
Jan: I know you were waiting for this part! hope you like what's coming.So proud of you and all your wins my love!! So excited for you!! :)
roswellian117: Vanessa I know you want to punch him too! :wink: You are so sweet! Thank you so much for reading my stories!! :)
darkmoon: has SEki come down from his high yet? :lol: thanks for the amazing fb love you! :)
gracia88: So happy you like this Kris!Thank you for being here! :)
angelina: thank you so much for your always sweet fb! I hope your doing ok, you know I"m thinking of you always! :)
Monica: congratulations on your Edward win!!!!!! :) :) love that story!! You rock my precious! by the way I hate Max here too :wink: :P love you!
roswellian love: So happy how you noticed that Liz is changing! thanks so much! :)
Black Bird Fly: Thanks for the bump! So hope you like this! :)
mercy7783: So happy you think this is amazing! thank you ! :)
scorpio6: Hello! this is for you! I hope you are feeling better today, my thoughts are always with you! thank you for everything :)

I just want to thank everyone who voted for this story... although it didn't win I am so happy that so many people felt for this character and her fight to escape Max. This story means a lot to me so I am really honored It was runner up for so many catagories... thanks again. :)

runner up:
Best Villian, Best Unconventional Couple Fanfiction. Best Dupe Fanfiction, Come Back! You Can't Leave it There! Best Cliffhangers

thank you! thank you! thank you! :)

Chapter 15.

Fear rips through my bruised body as I watch helplessly as Zan makes his way up the stairs.

Struggling to move against the injuries Max has caused I throw the blanket off of me and run into the house.

The sight before me leaves me stunned for a moment as a rush of uncontrollable satisfaction flows through my veins.

Max is pinned up against the wall unable to move like a lifeless rag doll as Zan stands towering over him with one fist curled in his shirt against his chest and the other high in the air ready to strike.

Max is thrashing about still confused as to the fact that it’s Zan standing before him.

Suddenly the door creaks and they are both alerted to the fact that I’m there.

“Liz please, get back in the truck.”

Pleading with him I hold my hand outward. “Come with me!”

His eyes flicker for a moment from blackness to the soft glow of amber as he looks at my injuries.

The guilt is almost palpable.

“Liz please I need to do this.”

Witnessing our obvious affection Max is completely blown away. An affair was one thing but love that was something unimaginable to him.

“Oh my god! You stupid bitch actually think he cares about you?!”

Laughing he glances over at me standing in the doorway and back up into the frenzied dark eyes of the man crushing his chest.

“No, not you…I don’t believe it…. you don’t have the balls to fuck my wife!”

My eyes widened as I watch Zan’s fist smash like steel into the bloody flesh of Max’s face.

“NO!” running to his side I place my hands on Zan’s back and try to calm him down.

“Please let’s just go... he’s not worth it …please Zan!”

A menace grin rises on Max’s disfigured face as he spits blood onto the floor and coughs up his discomfort.

“Too late baby, your man will be sitting in a prison cell by morning. Something he’s use to Liz or didn’t you know you were fucking a killer.”

I feel a shiver run through Zan as he lifts Max higher in the air and growls with a fury I didn’t know he possessed.

“Fuck you!”

I stumble back as Zan throws Max easily to the ground and begins to punch him to a bloody pulp.

Before he gets the fifth blow in Max lifts his limp hand in the air resting it against Zan’s chest.

“She isn’t worth it trust me cousin.” Turning his head to look at me Max winks and nods “just ask her dad, he didn’t stick around as I recall and once you get to know her neither will you.”

“Don’t look at her!”

Zan’s furious growl snaps me out of Max’s manipulating grip and brings my attention back to him.

I watch as he pulls a dark cloth from his back pocket and holds it in front of Max’s face.

“Do you know what this is?”

I see Max try to widen his swollen eyes to focus in on the plaid shirt in front of him.

It takes a minute for the dots to connect but when they do his expression quickly changes.

“That’s impossible …where did you get that!”

Knowing the truth now I can see them as they were all those years ago standing over that man.

Tears fall from my eyes as I look down into Max’s startled face.

“How could you? He was just a boy.”

Max glares at Zan as rage takes over his body causing him to momentarily attempt to fight back.

“ What did you tell her!”

A swift shove back on the hard slate floor lets him know not to try it again.

Zan is no longer a little boy defenseless and scared.

“What everyone’s going to know if you don’t leave her alone …the truth!”

I can almost feel Max’s heart pounding out his chest as he fights to get himself out of this mess that he thought was buried in the past.

“What is this about? Revenge?! Money? Fine! I’ll give you whatever you want just get the fuck out of here and don’t ever come back!”

Zan edges in closer as his jaw clenches with hatred.

“I don’t want your fucking money! I’m getting Liz away from here…away from you!”

I move slowly behind Zan as I watch Max gaze up at me.

“What are you going to do when he leaves you Liz? Where are you going to go then? You think he’s going to stay with you after all this is over? You think all this is about you? Do you really think anyone could ever love you – “

His words are cut off by Zan’s powerful fist as he knocks a couple of teeth loose from the smirk on his mouth.

“I said don’t talk to her! It’s me your dealing with now Max and there is only one way out of this!”

Panting in pain he settles on the ground and pries his eyes open.

“Tomorrow I will be back to get her stuff and then you will never ever speak or see her again. You let her go …forever or Friday the name Evans will be all over the evening news. Do we understand each other!?”

Max hesitates for a moment as he glares back at me.

I can see how badly he wants to hurt me. I can see him actually weighing his reputation against retribution.

No one blackmails Max Evans …he doesn’t say it but I can feel his warning.


Pulling now on Zan’s arm I am begging for us to leave.

Calmly he releases Max and stuffs the shirt back in his pocket and lifts me in his arms again.

Before we leave Zan turns and looks down at his mangled body.

His low deep voice spells out the seriousness of his next few words so there is no room for confusion.

“If you ever touch her again... I will kill you.”

As we walk out the door I can hear Max screaming from the house.

“He will never love you! No one will ever love you Liz! You know its true! You fucking know I’m right!”

I cling to Zan and bury my face in his chest.

I hear the poison in his voice.

I know now that he's used this as control over me for years.

I know it's all empty ...that none of it is true.

His hold on me is gone.

Curling up to Zan's warm body I whisper words that I wanted to say for so long.

“Please get me out of here.”

In the cracked mirror of the old Ford Truck I see my prison fading into the night.

Closing my eyes I try to breathe.

Sighing a feeling of peace comforts me.

It's not the future of Zan beside me.

Or Max that is now my past.

It's something deeper within me.

I am free.




Re: Taken (UC,L/Z,Adult) chpt 16 ~ complete ~ 2/13/10

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 2:47 am
by jake17

I want to give a huge thank you for everyone that stuck with this story for so long. You have no idea how much your amazing sweet encouraging fb has meant to me. Big hugs to all of you!

Chapter 16

As Zan carried me into his apartment the shock of everything that had happened had begun to wear off and the pain was setting in.

A few cracked ribs for sure I thought to myself as he gently placed me down on his bed.

The look on his face was more agonizing to watch though.

I could tell he blamed himself for not making it there sooner.

No matter what I said it didn’t make a difference, not that he let me say all that much.

“Rest…baby rest” is all his husky low voice kept repeating to me.

Closing my swollen eyes I could hear the bath water running.

“Zan I’m too exhausted. I don’t even think I can get undressed.”

Seeing his kind face coming towards me he held his fingers to my mouth.

“Shh angel…I’m going to do everything, just relax.”

Handing me a glass of water and some pills he waited till I swallowed them down and began to undress me.

With each breath I took searing pain shot through my side as my face throbbed in agony.

As if I were made of glass he peeled off the rest of my blood stained clothes and with great care lifted me in his strong arms and eased my broken body into the steamy bath water.

My eyes slowly closed as I felt the soothing hot water soak into my bruised skin.

Sighing I felt myself let go of all the stress and tension as his gentle hands carefully washed my hair.

I could feel the love he had for me come through in every touch, every whisper of his tender sweet words.

“Beautiful girl…

“My angel…

“So lucky to have found you…

“I love you…

Soaping up the dark green washcloth he took away not only the dried blood and tracks of mascara stained tears but the imprint of Max’s hands on me.

I felt cleansed and pure…warm and loved.

Lifting me from the aftermath of my suffering I watched as the dirty water swirled down the drain.

Carefully he sat me on his lap making sure every part of me was supported.

Wrapping a thick towel around me he encased me in his strong arms and held me close to his chest.

I could hear the strong rhythm of his heartbeat against my ear. It was the most beautiful sound I have ever heard.

As if I was being lulled to sleep I yawned snuggling into the nape of his neck.

My hands clutched his shirt tight as I let the rest of myself rest in his arms.

I was so exhausted I barely felt him as he dried me off and placed one of his tee shirts over me and tucked me into his bed.

The last thing I remember was a soft kiss on my cheek and his deep sweet voice telling me how much he loved me.

When I woke the next morning the first thing I noticed was the manly sexy scent of his shirt against my clean skin.

A strange feeling flushed up from my toes to my head leaving me warm and calm.

It took me a few seconds before I realized what this feeling was.

Then it struck me.

I was happy.

Turning over I reached for him and felt a piece of paper taped to his pillow.

Sitting up quickly I cringed from the injuries he had temporarily made me forget.

A horrible sinking feeling stirred in the pit of my stomach as I reached for the note.

My sweet girl,

I held you all night long and watched you sleep. I couldn’t stop thinking of our future together. As I drove home last night I wanted nothing more than revenge. I wanted to make him suffer for all the pain he has caused you.

As the night went on and I kissed you and held you in my arms I realized I was given a gift. You are my gift, so sweet and beautiful inside and out. So accepting of me blind to all my faults. I know all that matters now is making you happy and being by your side.

I packed everything I own. Well everything that’s important which really isn’t all that much now that I have you. It’s all waiting in the truck. I talked to my dad told him he needed to find someone else to run the garage.

So you see it’s all up to you. If you want we can be in Florida in two days to start our new life. Babe this is your decision but I want to take you away from all this. I want to give you new memories happy memories. I want to show you what it’s like to be loved. Because my sweet beautiful girl I love you.

You were sleeping so peacefully I couldn’t wake you up. Coffee is ready in the kitchen. Just relax. I’m going to get your things. Please don’t worry no matter what happens I will not lose my temper. You mean too much to me.

If you want to know the truth…you mean everything to me.

I will be back to get you soon.

Please come away with me

Love you always


I have never read anything so amazing in my life. I couldn’t believe he was talking about me.

Although the thought of a new life in Florida with him sounded like heaven I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was very …wrong.

Hearing the doorknob turn I jumped out of bed as relief washed over me that he was back.

Stepping quickly in his oversized shirt I could feel the coolness of the winter air on the bottom of my bare feet.

It’s strange how you recall the simple pleasures of life when it is taken from you.

Pulling the door open my eyes focused quickly on the steel grey of the gun that was pointed to my head.

“You seriously didn’t think I would just let you go.”

One thought entered my mind as I watched the evil grin rise on Max’s face.

“Please tell me you didn’t hurt him.”

As he released the safety on the gun his smile grew.

“Not a chance. Why would I give him a quick death when I can make him suffer for the rest of his life knowing that he was the one that left you all alone. That he is the reason you are gone.”

Closing my eyes I strangely felt at peace. I knew someone as wonderful as Zan would find love again. I knew eventually he would find happiness and that’s all I cared about.

I realized at that moment it wasn’t Zan who was given a gift… it was me.

All I ever wanted was to know what it felt like to be loved and thanks to Zan I have that.

I was loved

I am loved

In case you’re wondering it was painless… life hurt much more.

Please don’t be upset or sad about the end of my story.

Although it may seem as if Max won if you think about it he really didn’t.

Max spent the rest of his life in a very small cell alone and bitter.

And as for Zan…

It took six years before his found his wife.

He never wanted to open his heart again after my death but I made sure she found him.

A part of him will always be for me but I wouldn’t allow him to be alone. His soul was so kind and selfless he deserved to love and be loved.

He lived a long happy life with Jessica and his two children Erika and Elizabeth.


Well I’ll tell you a secret.

Your heart stays with you long after your body dies.

And mine… is full of love.

Thank you Zan

I will always love you

~ I wont say the end because as you know never ends ~