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Re: My Best Friend, My Love, My Life Ch.: 11- pp 6 4/19/09

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 3:58 pm
by mary mary
Destiny: You could be right ! P.S. Love the new sig. :D
Carolyn: You are so right !
Jan: Thanks... :D :D :D Oh, and LissLou showed me where you transferred my stories...thanks. I'll post this ch. if I can. If not I'll let you know.
JEsSaH: Loved your fb. It's nice to know someone agrees with me!

A/N Sorry, this is just a short one but it's necessary.... :D :D :D

Chapter: 11

The Nut Case

Meanwhile, in another part of town a disheartened young man opened his apartment door and headed straight for his bedroom where he sat down on his bed and proceeded to call his mother.

Jeremy’s mother lived alone in a very large house on the outskirts of town. Her family had been residents of this small town since its inception and the old family homestead was still standing and was a very impressive estate. The Olmstead’s were known as the “old money” of the town.

Jeremy Olmstead was what some people might call a true “Mama’s Boy” in the purest sense of the word. He probably wasn’t weaned until kindergarten. At lease that’s what some of his classmates and acquaintances had said about him.

His mother had always taken care of his every need, right down to choosing the clothes on his back…and did so to this very day.

Jeremy got his mother on the phone and told her that he finally had the courage to ask Liz Parker out on a date and he informed her she was getting married on Saturday.

His mother asked him,

“And you are you calling me with this because?” What did he expect her to do about it?

He told her, “I really like her Mom, and I want to get to know her better.”

His mother stifled a laugh and then started getting a little worried,

“Jeremy, what are you saying? The girl is getting married, get over it.”

She may have coddled her son but she never thought that he was unreasonable.

Then she really stated getting concerned and told her son,

“Jeremy, come to the mansion right now. I need to see you.” She could tell by the tone of his voice that there was something wrong.

Jeremy said “ok” and headed out of his apartment to visit his mother as if he was in a daze.

In the meantime his mother got on the phone to her good friend, Dr. Charles.

Doctor Charles was spending a quiet evening with his wife and grandchildren and really didn’t want to be disturbed but took Mrs. Olmstead’s call anyway; after all they had been friends for years. He was the town’s best-known psychiatrist.

“Hello Sylvia, to what do I owe the honor of a call from you at this hour?” the doctor asked.

“Hello John, I wondered if you might be able to come over and speak with Jeremy. He is on his way over here right now and I am concerned with the way he is dealing with something that really should not be a problem at all.”

John Charles thought for a moment, he trusted Sylvia’s instincts implicitly and he had always been a little concerned about Jeremy.

Jeremy had always been pleasant enough and was very intelligent but there had always been something lurking in the background. John had never been able to put his finger on it but he had noticed on many occasions that Jeremy didn’t seem deal with problems or reprimands as well as he should and the older he got the worse it seemed to be. Thank God Sylvia recognized this as a problem.

John told her he would be there as soon as he helped his wife get the grandkids to bed.

Sylvia apologized profusely for interrupting his evening and then she thanked him and hung up. To say that she was embarrassed and just a little angry at her son was an understatement. Just what was his problem anyway?

When John arrived at the Olmstead mansion he noticed a small green sport car sitting in the driveway as he walked up to the front door and assumed it belonged to Jeremy.

He knocked on the door and the butler answered promptly and escorted the old gentleman into Sylvia’s study immediately.

It was a dark room but cozy, a lot of dark wood, dark paneling and dark leather furniture. ‘More masculine looking than one would expect for a woman’ John thought to himself as he entered. There he found Jeremy and his mother deep in conversation. Sylvia looked as though she could use a stiff drink and Jeremy looked as though his mother was being unreasonable.

Sylvia looked up with relief written on her face and invited John to have a seat, asked him if he would like a cup of tea or something else, and then filled him in on what Jeremy seemed to be having a problem with.

John took in his surroundings, declined the offer of a beverage and then looked at Jeremy and asked him the logical question…

”Why are you finding this to be so difficult? The young woman is getting married in a few days and this does not affect you in anyway. Why do you feel the need to question this?”

Jeremy replied, “Because I want her to date me.” This seemed like a perfectly reasonable answer to Jeremy, why couldn’t they see it?

John looked at Sylvia with more than concern on his face and she looked at him with pleading in her eyes. “Please.” She begged, “Help him.”

John’s heart ached for his old friend…he only wished she had asked for his help many years ago but you can’t turn back the hands of time as the saying goes. So John proceeded.

“Jeremy, when the young woman in question told you she was getting married on Saturday, did this not tell you that she wasn’t interested in you and that she never would be? She has a life besides the one you share with her in your office. Did she ever indicate to you that she was interested in you in any way other than a work colleague?”

Jeremy looked at John and shook his head no.

John continued,

“Jeremy, do you understand that nothing is ever going to happen between you and this young woman and that you need to forget this idea that you will be with her? Do you understand that merely because you want this does not mean it will happen? Do you further understand that if you don’t get this idea out of your head you will just make yourself sick?”

Jeremy looked at John blankly and answered, “But I want her.”

John was getting frustrated as hell here and could see that this conversation was going nowhere fast. He looked at Sylvia and told her that Jeremy needed to spend the night here with her and to please bring him to his office the first thing in the morning. He will make sure that Jeremy’s appointment will be his first appointment of the day.

Sylvia agreed with John and saw him to the door herself. She told him she was so sorry for taking him away from his family this evening but she didn’t know what else to do. John gave her a hug and told her he understood, “You did the right thing Sylvia. He needs help.”

She then asked him, “What do you think you can do for him John?”

John could only tell her to wait until he could look further into Jeremy’s thoughts and try and figure it out. He might be able to hypnotize him and get to the bottom of his problem or he just might need some simple medication for a chemical imbalance or something. He really couldn’t say at this time. John really didn’t know what Jeremy’s problem was…maybe he was just a spoiled brat but he doubted that was the entire problem.

Sylvia agreed to wait. John just hoped he could take care of this quickly…but at this point he doubted it. The boy has definitely gone over the deep end here and may need some extensive therapy among other things, and quickly, John thought to himself.

Sylvia then called Diane at home and told her that Jeremy was at her home and would not be in the office tomorrow. Diane then told Sylvia that she hoped it was nothing serious and that she would be sure to inform the rest of the staff in the morning.

After she hung up the phone with Diane Evans Sylvia made a call to a friend of hers that is in the security business. She told him she would like to hire a body guard for her son and that she would inform him of her reasons in person tomorrow. She set up an appointment with him for the first thing after her appointment with John.

She would wait until then to tell him that she would like to keep a tail on her son and why. She needed to be sure that Jeremy didn’t do something criminal before they could figure out how to help him.

Diane Evans suddenly got an ill feeling about this Jeremy situation but decided to shake it off…’maybe the bug Liz had has caught up with Jeremy’ she thought to herself. She hoped that’s all it was.

Re: My Best Friend, My Love, My Life Ch.: 12- pp 7 4/27/09

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 10:51 pm
by mary mary

Thanks everyone...


Chapter: 12


Wednesday morning Max arrived at Liz’s apartment at the god-awful hour of 4:00 a.m., he wanted to make sure that they had some time together before she had to leave for work. He was really hoping that she could take the rest of the week off but he knew that would put a terrible burden on his mother and it just wouldn’t be fair to her so he took what little time they could sneak in here and there and this seemed like a good time.

He was so excited about the wedding and having her in his life forever that he was just beside himself. He used his key to let himself in just as Liz was putting her alarm on snooze; she heard a rustling in her room and she lifted her head up from her pillow and saw Max taking his scrubs off. She just laid there watching and then gave him a sly, sexy little grin,

“Hey you.” She said slowly looking him up and down.

Max felt like he was melting into a puddle of goo just from looking at her, ‘God she’s beautiful’ he thought to himself as he smiled back.

“What brings you by so early?” Liz asked with a quirky little grin as she lazily stretched and sat up…

“I needed to be with you that’s all. I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind all night.” Max confessed as he stood and looked down on his fiancé sitting there in the bed looking up at him with her knees tucked under her chin with that oh….so…sexy…grin on her face.

“Oh that is so great to hear.” Could he be any sweeter she thought to herself as she scooted over and patted the space next to her on the bed.

She held her arms open to him and he climbed in and scooted down next to her, pulling her to him in one fluid motion, he planted a long, sexy kiss on her mouth and then he started an exploration of her body and rolled into her, full body, and then worked his way over to her neck and down between her shoulders with hot, tiny little kisses while sliding his free hand behind her neck.

Liz just smiled, wrapped in sweet bliss, and pulled his head back up to her and planted a great big noisy kiss on his forehead and gave him a huge grin.

“I want to try something Max.” She informed him

“Maria lent me a tape…a ‘how to’ tape.”

Max eyed her suspiciously and Liz grinned…

“Just relax, it won’t hurt a bit.” She said as she thought to herself ‘I hope it won’t!’.

And on that note she scooted over the top of him and planted her stomach right flush with his gave him a little peck on the mouth and then slid down between his legs with her tiny little body rubbing him along the way. And then she started working her way down his chest with her hands following right along where her body had been. Touching his taut muscles she wondered ‘how does he manage to keep in such great shape?’ She continued down, leaving small little kisses along the way as she worked her way lower and lower.

Max was having an immediate reaction to her ministrations and Liz was beginning to feel very aware of just how happy he was to see her. She continued her journey with her kisses and Max really started to come alive. he didn’t know what she was up to but he knew he was going to like it. ‘This… really… feels... great!’ he thought to himself. And Liz continued to work her way down between his legs …..

Max was watching her through hooded eyes and he was getting hotter by the minute. He could never remember seeing anything this erotic in any of the porn that Michael had brought home while they were in college. Her enthusiasm and inquisitiveness was overpowering. Liz took Max into her mouth and started to work a magic that was driving him right out of his mind…

He needed to see this tape…’Hol-ol-leee Shit!!!’

Max’s eyes felt like they were going to bulge right out of his head…He knew his eyes were crossed and he couldn’t control them, ‘OH. MY. GAWD!!!!’. As Max started his climax Liz reached under him and took hold of his testicles and, just as she had watched the girl on the tape do, when she released him she swallowed all he had to offer…

When Liz released Max from her grip and he had relaxed some she sat back on her heels and gave him a great big smile and asked, “Was it ok?”

Max could only muster an “UH -HUH!” in a breathless whisper.

As she crawled back up Max’s body to lay beside him Liz said,

”Great, because I watched that damn tape six times. The first time in disbelief that Maria had such a thing and then the next five times as an in depth study.”

As soon as Max caught his breath he laughed at her and pulled her into his body for a fierce hug. He could not believe this confession of hers and gave her a nice long happy kiss. God he loved her so much it hurt, and then he started some magic of his own on her and by the time they were finished with each other they were both spent…

But all too soon reality veered its’ ugly head…the alarm… Liz crawled over Max’s body and hit the alarm button and then bent down and gave Max a little kiss on the cheek and said in a sultry voice,

“I hate to eat and run lover, but time’s a wastin.”

Max could only look at her and laugh…’Oh life with her is going to be a great journey’ he thought to himself.
(and the old man smiled at the memory)
Liz got out of bed and threw the covers over Max. “Go to sleep sweet, you’ve had a long night.” And then she headed to the bathroom to get ready for work.

Max could only smile at the figure exiting the room. ‘She has the cutest ass I’ve ever seen and it’s all mine’, and he smiled and hunkered down beneath the covers and went sound asleep.
Liz finished getting ready for work and leaned over the bed and kissed the sleeping Max on the forehead, she stood and looked at him and her heart started to pound in her chest. She reluctantly left him to sleep and headed to the kitchen.

She put the coffee pot on and got the juice out of the refrigerator and put a couple of pieces of bread in the toaster. She made herself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for her lunch and then called Maria.

Maria worked from the apartment but liked to be up and alert before her day began on the computer. She also had a conference call this morning with the ‘powers that be’ and needed to be dressed by 8:00 a.m., at least her upper half, so Liz made sure she was up and about.

“Maria, Max is asleep in my room so try to keep Michael quiet if he gets up first. He needs to be out of here by noon so he can stop by and see Grandma Claudia and then meet me for lunch so we can go get the license.

I’ve left him a note to remind him to pick up the blood test results before coming to the office so just see to it that he has his sexy butt out of here by noon, okay? Sister Margaret has given him the rest of the week off and insisted that he relax and enjoy the festivities.”

“Liz, is there anything I can do for you and also, is there anything on the agenda this evening with the folks that Michael and I should know about?”

“Thanks Maria…there’s nothing you can do but you and Michael will be over at Mom and Dad’s tonight won’t you?” Liz asked as she continued her tour of the kitchen.

“I will Liz, but Michael doesn’t have off until Friday night. I should probably be ready to spend tomorrow evening as well. You never know what the parents have in mind. Any special time?”

Both girls giggled at that one because they knew that was more probable than not. Then Liz had a thought…

“Oh Maria, about Friday…can you spend the night with me at mom and dad’s. We are going to have pictures taken at the house before leaving for the church and with everything going on I think it would be best, no? Max is going to ask Michael to spend the night at the Evans’ as well.”

“Liz, I think that’s a swell idea, of course I will. I know that Michael will also”
Diane was getting ready to leave for the office when she heard a key in the door. She figured it was Max just getting home and when she turned around to greet him she just stood there in shock.


“Oh my God honey, you look so beautiful. I am so glad you’re here sweetheart. Max is going to be so thrilled…Liz is going to be so thrilled…I am so thrilled. Oh Isabelle, come here and let me hug you.”

“Gee mom, you would think you never get to see me the way you’re acting.”

“Well, I don’t get to see you often enough that’s for sure. It’s not like you live down the street.”

“Maybe you can go with me today and get a dress for the wedding…what do you say?” Diane was so excited that she was rattling words and thoughts as fast as they came into her mind.

“Oh mom, I don’t think that will be necessary, wait until you see what I brought with me from Paris. I think you are going to love it, and before you start in about how small this wedding is just let me tell you that the dress is pure elegance in its’ simplicity. It will be perfect…I also brought one for Nancy, after all we can’t have our mothers outdoing each other can we?” Isabelle smiled at her mother…she was as excited as her mom but dog tired from the long trip.

“Oh honey, I am so proud of you, you and your brother are so thoughtful. A mother couldn’t ask for better children.” Diane prattled on.

“Oh I know mom, we’re just the cat’s ass!” And Isabelle winked at her mother and gave her a great big smile…it was great to be home.

“Oh for God’s sake Isabelle, watch your mouth.” Diane grinned…

On that little note Isabelle just had to burst into laughter…

”Always the proper lady mom. Lighten up…and, call that office of yours and tell them you are out for the rest of the week and make sure Liz is as well. Things will still be there when you get back and you told me last week that you don’t have any pending court dates for a couple of weeks.”

So Diane went to the phone and called Liz, she was still home thankfully, and told her that Isabelle had just walked in the front door and that she decided to close the office until next week.

The receptionist would be able to take messages and with Jeremy out they just might as well all take the next couple of days off too. Liz was beside herself with joy and couldn’t thank her enough…then Liz told her to tell Isabelle that she and Max would see her sometime after noon. They had to go get their marriage license but after that the day was hers. Everyone was ecstatic about Isabelle coming home…they decided to surprise Max and to not tell him of his sister’s arrival.

Then Liz told Diane that Max was with her and she would make sure he didn’t find out until they got there. Diane was dancing on cloud nine by this time.

Liz went back into her room and closed the door, took off her clothes and crawled in bed next to Max. ‘God he feels so good’ she thought to herself. Max rolled over in his sleep and pulled Liz in to him and kept right on sleeping. ‘Oh how nice this is’ and she went right back to sleep.

Re: My Best Friend, My Love, My Life Ch.: 13- pp 8 05/03/09

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 3:52 pm
by mary mary
NotYourChick:Thank you so much. :)
Destiny: Ever the student. :)
Carolyn: I decided to post this once a week. I am still working on it even though it's finished it isn't polished. I guess I spoiled everyone with dailies before. :)
Dreamers-fan-believe: I agree, Jeremy is insane! :roll:
Natalie36: They are cute aren't they...a real "dreamer" isn't it? :D
roswell3053: Nice to see you here and thank you...I hope you continue to enjoy. :)
Jan: It's coming my friend!!! :D
jEsSaH: He's lurking Jessah...honest! :(


Chapter: 13

In the meantime Dr. Charles entered his office at his usual 8:00 a.m. only to find his secretary otherwise engaged in a heated conversation with Sylvia Olmstead.

“What is going on here Miss Jacobs?” He asked.

“Doctor, this woman is insisting that you are in your office and that I am preventing her from seeing you.”

Miss Jacobs looked terrified; she couldn’t believe that this strange woman would come into the doctor’s office at this time of the morning and start accusing her of such behavior.

“Please Doctor, just take her away from here.” She pleaded with him, tears starting to take over her otherwise calm looking demeanor. It took a lot to shake up the doctors receptionist so Sylvia must have really been in rare form.

Doctor Charles looked at Sylvia with a raised eyebrow and ushered her into his office on the other side of the receptionist’s desk as quickly as he possibly could without being rude. He managed to get her settled into a chair and offered her a glass of water.

Sylvia eyed the water with some disdain and asked if he had anything stronger. John looked at her and suddenly realized that she was there alone…no Jeremy.

“Sylvia, what is going on? You don’t need anything stronger this early in the morning and where is Jeremy?”

Sylvia slumped down in her chair and looked at John with the look of someone in deep agony. She told him that Jeremy left the house sometime during the night and she had no idea where he went. She also told him about her appointment with the private security firm this morning to hire someone to keep an eye on him. She was terrified that he would do something that he shouldn’t do. At this point she had no idea what that might be but she wanted to prevent him from getting himself into a situation that she would not be able to help him out of. John was in total agreement with her and suggested that they go to the agency together. Sylvia was thankful for the offer and agreed with him, and so her good friend escorted her out of his office and told the receptionist to take messages and cancel the rest of his appointments for that morning.

About the same time across town a little green sport car pulled up to the apartment complex where Liz and Maria lived. The occupant of the car was sitting in the drivers’ seat with a glazed look in his eyes and he couldn’t seem to make up his mind what he wanted to do.

Should he go up and knock on her door or just wait out here and see if she was going to come out. He really wasn’t thinking straight at this moment in time, he had been driving around since 4:30 this morning. Then he checked his watch, it was almost 8:30 a.m.. It slowly dawned on him, ‘she has been at work for the past hour’ so he turned the key in the ignition and started the engine. The sound of the humming seemed to soothe him some, ‘maybe I’ll just sit here and listen for awhile’ he thought to himself.

‘No’, he decided he’d better not be seen here…he knew he didn’t belong here. He pulled out of his parking space and headed on down the road to the Evans’ law offices.

He arrived there about 9:00 a.m. and found the place empty except for Jody, the receptionist.

Jody took one look at him and immediately got frightened. ‘This person does not look like Jeremy’, she thought to herself…something is off, he looks strange.

“Where is everyone Jody?” Jeremy asked with a far away look in his eye.

“Mrs. Evans called earlier and said that she and Liz would be out until next Monday Jeremy. I’ve left a couple of messages for you on your desk. Your mother wants you to call her as soon as possible.” Jody replied, then she added…

“Is everything alright with you Jeremy?”

“Yes, yes it is…why are they all out?”

“I don’t know Jeremy. Mrs. Evans didn’t say.” She was starting to get a really uncomfortable feeling and wished he would just leave. If he didn’t soon get out of here, she thought to herself, she was going to leave.

With that news Jeremy went into his office and removed something from his desk drawer and put it in his breast pocket, then he left. Just as he was exiting the building the phone rang and it is Mrs. Olmstead again wanting to know if her son was there. Jody informed her that he just left and that she had given him the messages that she had left for him. She informed her that the rest of the staff would be out until Monday.

Mrs. Olmstead thanked Jody but not before getting Mrs. Evans’ home address and phone number from her.
Mrs. Olmstead and Doctor Charles arrived at the security offices of James Valenti and Associates together; they entered the offices around 9:20 a.m. and James was able to see them immediately.

Sylvia gave James all of the information she had on her situation and also took a picture of Jeremy from her wallet and gave it to him.

Doctor Charles confirmed the fact that Jeremy was unstable at the present time and they should proceed with extreme caution since they didn’t know exactly how upset he really was and just what he planned on doing.

Then James suggested that they contact Mrs. Evans and make her aware of what was going on and to have her keep an eye out for him. “Make sure she knows what type of vehicle Jeremy drives just in case he shows up there.” James said.

“I don’t want to alarm them.” Sylvia told James and then he told her in a very matter of fact tone,

“Sylvia, right now the Parker girl and the Evans’ should be your main concern because if anything happens to them because of Jeremy you will not be able to help him at all.”

Sylvia finally agreed and then James asked her if she trusted him. She said of course she did and he told her that he was going to notify the police and have them put a stake out at the Evans and Parker’s homes. Sylvia told him, “Liz will be marrying the Evans boy on Saturday and I really didn’t want to cause them any stress” …James said to her,

“Sylvia, a little stress right now is a whole lot better than a lot of grief later, is it not? Wouldn’t it be better to prepare them and let then know what is going on. It is their lives we are talking about here.”

James knew Diane and he also knew that she could be pretty cool in tight situations. He told Sylvia that he would take care of it.

After Doctor Charles and Sylvia Olmstead left James’ office he called Diane Evans and asked her if he could drop by and see her for a minute, she told him of course. They went way back, they were friends before she and Philip had ever met. James asked her if she was alone and she told him that Isabelle had just arrived this morning and was napping after that long overseas flight from England and that Max was with Liz. James told her he would be there as soon as possible. It was about 10:30 a.m. so it shouldn’t be too long. She said fine and hung up.

When James arrived at the Evans’ he noticed a bunch of cars next door at the Parker’s and smiled. ‘Maybe they will be able to nip this problem in the bud before it ever gets off the ground’ he thought to himself. He walked up the front steps and rang the doorbell.
When Diane answered she was really surprised to see who it was and invited her old friend in and offered to take his hat. James just smiled at her and said thanks and then she took him to the kitchen.

“Let’s have some coffee Jim.” She never called him James, although that is practically what everyone that knew him called him.

Jim smiled at Diane and gave her his condolences again…he knew that she was distraught the last time they saw each other which was at Philips’ funeral and Diane smiled her acknowledgement.

James then brought Diane up to date on the Jeremy situation and Diane was just floored. She knew the young man was smitten with Liz but she had no idea he was bordering on insanity, a real ‘nut case’ is what she really thought. Of course she didn’t relate this description to Jim, which would have been perfectly all right by him but not really very professional.

Jim told Diane that he would like to make sure that Liz stayed next door tonight, tomorrow and Friday nights and that Max stayed close to home as well.

Diane said,

“Jim, Liz has a roommate and I think that she should stay away from the apartment and spend her time here as well. Who knows what Jeremy plans on doing.”

Jim agreed with Diane and told her to see to it that both girls stayed here until this situation was resolved.

Diane told James that Max and Liz were both at the apartment right now and gave him the address. She also told him that Max and Liz would be arriving here around noon and then they had errands to run together. Should they wait for police protection? James said “Absolutely” and then he called the police immediately.

It wasn’t twenty minutes later that a strange man with a police badge was knocking on Maria and Liz’s apartment door. He showed Maria his badge and identification and Maria showed him in.

Diane had called the apartment immediately after James Valenti had left her home and told Maria what was going on. To say that Maria was shocked was an understatement.

Maria had just finished her conference with her bosses and told them that she would not be available until Monday due to her roommates’ wedding on Saturday and they were more than happy to give her the time off. She thanked them and signed off for the day.

After the arrival of the policeman Maria went and awakened Max and Liz. She sat on the edge of the bed and told them what was going on and Liz couldn’t believe it. Max just sat there with a dazed look on his face. He pulled Liz close into him and continued to listen to Maria. He rarely went to his mother’s office for any reason unless she requested it so he never met the man and Liz hadn’t mentioned him except for the fact that they hired a new guy. What would possess someone to act like this?

Well, as a doctor he knew insane people acted like this but the man managed to make it through law school with honors and he had an excellent track record in the courtroom. What in the hell happened to him? Then he took a look at his beautiful fiancé and he thought to himself that just maybe she could drive a man nuts.’Just a thought’ and he chuckled to himself silently… After they discussed the situation they decided to just pack their bags now and stay over on Mulberry Lane for the next three nights instead of just one.

“This should be fun…a real slumber party with half of their world in on it.” Maria said.

Both girls giggled and Max just rolled his eyes in disbelief. They were, to say the least, clowns! His life was certainly going to be different from what he’s been used to, that’s for sure!

Little did the girls know that this is what was expected of them from the get go; now they just made everybody else’s jobs easier by deciding to stay at the Parkers’ on their own. Not that they wouldn’t have had they been asked to.

Now that all of the important stuff was decided Max politely asked Maria to leave their room so they could get out of bed. Maria just gave them a wink and a grin and exited… Like they were going to do anything with that strange cop in the other room…but then again, why not.

Max gave Liz a sly look, she gave him a crooked grin and they just snuggled right back down under those blankets like they were the only two people on earth. Jeremy be damned.

About an hour and a half later the girls, Max and the police officer all exited the apartment and headed for their cars. Liz rode with Max and Maria took her car. The police officer followed Max and Liz since they were the ones in jeopardy and they all headed on over to Mulberry Street. The police officer didn’t notice the small SUV following behind him and so he assumed that everyone was safe and sound. He was looking for a small green sport car not an SUV.

There was another vehicle parked across from the Parker's house when they arrived and the officer in charge of Max and Liz acknowledged the occupant of the other vehicle with a nod.

Maria pulled into the Parker's driveway and Max and Liz pulled into the back driveway of Max’s house.

Isabelle was waiting by the kitchen window for her brother to come in until she couldn’t wait any longer and rushed out to greet him. Max just stood there dumb struck. He could not believe that she was here; Liz and Isabelle both let out a loud squeal and ran at each other cackling like two hens and jumping up and down like two fools. Max just looked on in a daze; she really made it! After Liz and Isabelle had their greeting Max slowly walked up to his sister and gave her a great big warm hug and a kiss on the cheek. He was so happy to see her that he was speechless.

All Isabelle could say was “hey little brother, I hear big things are happening this week-end.” Her voice cracking, trying to hold back the tears.

Max just reached up and scratched behind his ear and grinned…he was still speechless.

They finally managed to get into the house, which made the cops happy, and they continued to enjoy the fantastic surprise.

Diane had made lunch for everyone and had asked all of the Parkers to join them. She opened the back door and gave a whistle, this was something she and Nancy had been doing for years and the kids still giggled every time they saw their mother stick her thumb and index finger in her mouth and let go with that god-awful shrill. They never could master the art and although they laughed they were still amazed that she could do this. Liz felt the same way about her mother. She thought it was a riot. Soon Diane heard a response from the Parkers…sounding just like the noise that just left her back door…all three of the young adults laughed at their mothers, some things never changed.

Pretty soon they were all settled around the dining room and kitchen tables eating and talking all at the same time. It’s any wonder that anyone knew what anyone else was saying but they seemed to manage okay.

The detective was watching these people in amazement. You would think that nothing dangerous was going on around them the way they were acting.

Little did he know that these people were all very aware of the existing danger but would not let the danger upset this happy occasion. They had seen a lot of heartache in the past couple of years and they could handle a little more. They had all learned that God never gives you more than you can handle.

Then Diane said to the group at her table,

“You wouldn’t believe what she said. I was appalled at the sight of the prosecuting attorney standing there scratching his balls and his ass”

About this time everyone at the kitchen table shut up to listen to Diane…they had never heard her talk like this, of course the kitchen table is the kids table.

Diane continued, “And Liz pipes up and whispers to me,‘just raise your hand and stop the proceedings and tell him, hey buddy, they sell medicine for crabs you know!’”

Diane had the entire household in stitches with her stories about Liz.

Max couldn’t believe that this sweet little girl would say that to his mother. What he and the rest of them weren’t aware of was Liz was serious as hell and besides, she and Diane had become very good friends since she went to work for her.

Diane told the group she had pretty much decided Liz should not be allowed in the courtroom anymore. She does excellent work and as long as they keep her out of the courtroom they’ll be just fine. Liz’s parents and grandmother were laughing so hard at Diane that their sides ached. They knew she was, after all, a grown woman and they needed to start thinking of her that way. So did Max when you get right down to it; he’s still protective of the little girl next door, but he’s learning quickly that she’s all grown up.
Meanwhile the surveillance cop spotted the SUV that followed Max and Liz to the house; it was circling the block for the third time. He couldn’t see who was driving the vehicle but he was beginning to get suspicious. He radioed a call in to headquarters and requested a black and white to check it out. He gave them a full description of the vehicle and within minutes there were two black and whites and the vehicle was pulled over. The officers approached it with great caution, hands on holsters, and they asked the driver to identify himself; which he did.

It was one of James Valenti’s security men checking things out and looking for the sport car belonging to Jeremy. The police let the man go after trying to explain what surveillance really was and they felt they had failed miserably in getting their message across to him.

The police asked the surveillance cop to call Valenti’s office and tell him what had just happened. Jim Valenti could only roll his eyes in disgust at the stupidity of the man.

So much for hiring untrained help, it was such a simple mission…just stake out the Parkers' and watch for Jeremy Olmstead. Call the police if he showed up. No big deal…unless you were stupid and blew it. Jim recognized the seriousness of the situation and decided to go over to the Parkers’ himself.

After they had lunch and many laughs at Liz’s expense (she really didn’t mind) Max and Liz had to get to the hospital and pick up their blood test results and get over to the courthouse to get their marriage license.

They asked Isabelle if she wanted to tag along and she said she thought she would stay home and get unpacked and organized, she planned on staying for a while since Max would be finishing up his internship in about four weeks.

She wanted to be home for the celebration her mother had planned and she was certain that it was still on the agenda. It was to be a surprise and since Liz was aware of it she knew it was going to be great, the wedding was just the icing on the cake as far as Isabelle was concerned.

Liz and Max arrived at the hospital about 3:00 p.m. and the detective assigned to their protection tried to stay as far away as he could without jeopardizing their safety. Liz and Max told him they didn’t mind if he walked with them and he explained to them that it was not really a good idea for him to be seen with them in case Jeremy was in the vicinity. They apologized to him for not thinking and told him they would try to act normal for all of their benefits.

The officer smiled and thanked them. They certainly are a wonderful young couple the officer thought to himself. He hoped their days together would be as happy as they are right now. They just seemed to radiate love.

After Liz and Max left the lab with their test results the lab technician called upstairs to his friend Dr. Fowler and asked him what was up with Dr. Evans. Dr. Fowler asked him what he meant by that and the lab tech. told Dr. Fowler that Dr. Evans and a gorgeous young woman just left the lab with pre-marital blood test results. Dr. Fowler was in shock.

After hanging up the phone with the lab tech. Fowler immediately got hold of Michael to find out what the story was on Max. Michael tried to feign stupidity and Fowler just sighed and said “bullshit, Guerin. What aren’t you telling us?” Meaning him and the rest of the interns.

With that statement Michael just swallowed big and said, “I’m sworn to secrecy man. That’s all I can tell you.”

Fowler just let out a growl and said, “I’ll find out what’s going on one way or the other Michael.”

“Good luck with that man…but I’m not saying anything.” And on that note Michael went on his merry way.

Meanwhile the ladies auxiliary was in a buzzing session over the kneeler in Father’s office. What does Sister intend doing with this they wondered.

Father came in while they were working on it and they asked him why Sister wanted this thing covered like this. Father told them he had no idea, but whatever it was it certainly looked pretty. They thanked him for his compliment and continued working away on the smocking.

While he was there Father asked them if they knew where he could get a white runner for the floor and the ladies said they thought there was one in the recreation hall. Father thanked them and bid them good afternoon.

The ladies looked at each other and finally one of them said as an after thought,

“You’d think they were having a wedding here or something?”

And then the lights came on!!! I’ll just bet that young doctor Evans is getting married here soon. Dr. Fowler has been asking everyone if they knew anything about him getting a pre marital blood test, and his friend Michael wouldn’t offer any information at all.
Max and Liz left the hospital as soon as they had their test results and headed over to the clerk of courts office to obtain their license. Liz had called her friend that works there earlier and told her to expect them today. She gave her all the information they needed over the phone and all Max and Liz had to do was sign the papers and pay the fee.

When Terry saw her she was so happy to see her and then when she saw Max she could only envy her.

She looked at Liz and said, “Boy aren’t you the lucky one.”

Liz just grinned back at her and winked and said “Terry, I think we’re both lucky.”

She giggled at Liz’s remark; Liz always was one with a quick wit. Max just smiled at the two girls and enjoyed their banter back and forth.

Terry had them out of there in no time with the document they needed safely tucked away in Liz’s purse. Max teasingly asked her what all she carried in that thing and she told him, “everything that will fit,” He just hugged her and they went on their merry way.

They didn’t notice another pair of eyes watching their every move. He was driving a Jeep Cherokee and was wearing a baseball cap pulled down over his forehead. Jeremy might be a ‘nut case’ but he was nobodies fool.
James Valenti arrived at the Evans’ home later that afternoon and informed Diane of their progress up to now and Diane felt that there wasn’t any progress. Jim had to agree with her but told her he felt better with the kids staying with the parents tonight and tomorrow. At least they were in close proximity to each other and it would be easier to keep watch over them. Diane felt better about it also; she certainly didn’t want anything to happen to any of them. She also felt sorry for Jeremy. The poor thing definitely needed help. It’s just too bad his mother hadn’t recognized his problem sooner; he could have been getting help all along.

Max and Liz headed straight home from the courthouse to visit with all of the relatives that had shown up for the wedding. Max’s grandparents on his mother and father’s side plus Isabelle were all at his house and Michael would be showing up this evening with his suitcase as well. Liz’s house wasn’t much different. They had her mother’s parents and Grandma Claudia as well as Maria. Just about everybody that was attending the wedding was at the two houses.

Max suggested to Liz that they hire a small bus to take everyone over to the hospital on Saturday and Liz kind of recoiled at that one. Max didn’t understand at first but then realized that the groom can’t see the bride before the wedding so he suggested a limo and a bus. She looked up into those honey colored eyes of his and told him “Gee, it doesn’t take you long to look at a horse shoe does it?”

He looked at her and said “Huh?”

She just grinned and said “Never mind. Just an old joke Max…not worth repeating. “

Then he insisted on knowing what she was talking about and she said,

“The village idiot walked into the smithy’s shop at about the same time the smithy threw a hot horse shoe into a bucket of water and the village idiot picked it up to look at it. The horseshoe was hot as hell and the idiot threw the horseshoe back into the bucket. The Smithy said to the idiot, ‘Hot, huh?’ and the idiot said ‘no, it just doesn’t take me long to look at a horse shoe.’”

Max looked at her and started laughing; “are you calling me the village idiot Liz?”

“Oh my God no Max!”

“That’s not what I meant at all.” Her big brown eyes were the size of saucers and her forehead was all wrinkled…she looked horrified…

Max just hugged her closer to him and continued to laugh…the look on her face was priceless.

He can’t say it enough; life is going to be so much fun with this woman.
Everyone congregated at the Parker's home this evening for a big bar-b-que. Tomorrow evening they would have take-out delivered and then Friday night there would be a rehearsal dinner over at the Evans’ home.

They decided to order Chinese to be delivered on Thursday night and the police were there with the deliveryman to make sure that he was who he said he was. This was getting to be too much…they all realized that it was for their own safety but the poor kid was scared to death. What in the hell is going on here anyway? The kid thought to himself.

After everyone was settled around the living room and family room Michael took Max aside and told him the lab tech had called Fowler about the premarital blood test. Max got wide eyed and rubbed behind his ear like he always did when he was nervous.

Michael went on to tell him that Fowler questioned him and although he didn’t tell him anything he thinks he’s putting two and two together. Max just looked at Michael and told him not to tell Liz. She had enough on her mind as it is and this thing with Jeremy wasn’t helping the situation any. All they had to do was make it through Friday and it would be over with, he hoped.

Michael agreed with him but felt he needed to talk to the parents; they needed to make a decision together.

About 11:00 pm they all decided to call it a day and the Evans’ clan headed next door for a well-deserved rest. It had been a long day. As they were leaving Diane motioned to Nancy to call her later, Michael had brought something up in the kitchen while they were cleaning up and she needed to talk to her.

As soon as everyone was situated where they needed to be for the night, Nancy called Diane.

Nancy’s parents were staying in the pool house because they have always enjoyed it there and besides they like their privacy…like to stay up late and watch TV and sleep late in the morning. Claudia had always had her room next to Liz’s and Maria had the spare room. Liz will be sleeping in her old room and everyone was happy.

Diane asked Nancy if there were any other people she would like to invite to the wedding and Nancy told her she couldn’t think of any and then Nancy asked her the same thing. Diane said she felt that she should ask Jody to come to the house for the dinner if they didn’t want her at the chapel and Nancy said there was no reason for her not to go to the chapel as well. Then Diane told Nancy that the photographer is Isabelle’s high-school sweet-heart and since he will be here taking pictures he should surely be allowed to sit down and eat with them…Nancy told her that Liz had already made a place for him and then Diane told her that left seven vacancies at the tables and here this what she had in mind.

Diane told her what Michael told her about Dr. Fowler finding out about Max and Liz’s blood test and started asking questions. Michael told her it was very hard not to tell him about the ceremony being held right there at the hospital and nobody being invited.

Nancy saw where this was going and suggested that Diane tell Michael to tell Dr. Fowler that there was room for seven more guests at the Parkers’ home on Saturday and if he and six of the other interns would like to participate that they would be more than welcome. After all Liz did tell them they could invite whomever they wanted over and above the list they were given. Both of the mothers agreed that this was a fantastic idea. On that note both mothers said good night and went to bed feeling very proud of themselves.

Re: My Best Friend, My Love, My Life Ch.: 14- pp 8 05/10/09

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 2:49 pm
by mary mary
Carolyn: Never fear fluffy's here. :D :) :D
Natalie: Check it out! :D
Destiny: You're right, but he is nuts! :lol:
jEsSaH: You are vicious!!! Let's see what I can do for you, okay? :lol: :D


Happy Mother's Day Everyone. :D


Ch. 14: Thursday

The next day was a very busy day for the whole group. Diane called Jody and told her what was going on and told her she would be more than welcome at the festivities if she would like to come. There would be no presents and it was going to be a simple ceremony in the hospital chapel where Max is interning. Jody was beside herself with happiness. She couldn’t believe that Mrs. Evans would invite her; this is so exciting.

They all got up and got busy with the mornings chores. Grandparents needed to be fed and entertained and Nancy should be checked in on to make sure she didn’t need any help.

Isabelle ran over to Nancy’s to make sure she tried on her dress to see if it fit. Isabelle was a very talented seamstress and wanted to make sure nothing needed altered. Everything was fine and when Nancy put the dress on for her it looked stunning just as they all knew it would.

The dress was a pink silk sheath that came just below the knee. It had a lovely matching jacket that was lined in a rose colored fabric and the lapels were trimmed in a rolled corded satin trim. The color was a match made in heaven for Nancy’s red hair.

Liz couldn’t thank Isabelle enough for thinking of her mother and giving her such a beautiful present, she was almost in tears and Isabelle kept trying to make light of it and finally had to tell them that if they didn’t stop it she would be getting a complex. They all just laughed and went about their business.

After Isabelle left Liz went upstairs to get ready for her long day of running around. She would head to the jewelers first and pick up Max’s ring. That was the most important item on the agenda. Next would be a stop at the bakery to make sure everything was ready and then the flower shop. The florist said they would deliver the flowers to the hospital by 1:00 p.m. on Saturday so she wouldn’t have to worry about a cool storage place to keep them fresh on Friday.

The cake was ready and in the freezer and Trisha took Liz to the back and showed it to her. It was still in two pieces but it looked beautiful and Liz couldn’t thank Trisha enough for doing this on such short notice. Trisha smiled at the young woman and then gave her a huge hug…she was the sweetest person Trisha had ever met.

Trisha had frosted the entire cakes in white frosting and piped a medium sized border around the tops and bottoms of both cakes. She then piped on small peach colored dots randomly around the sides of both cakes and dropped latticework from the tops of the cakes to the base in white frosting. The platform that would hold the columns was decorated already to Liz’s specifications with the peach colored roses lying alongside of the small white columns that would hold the top layer in place. A border of white would be piped around the entire platform after the cake was assembled.

Trisha told Liz that if she had wanted a more elaborate cake they would not have been able to do it but since it was a simple traditional cake there wasn’t any problem at all. Everything was working out just great.

Now for the biggee…the caterer!

Liz arrived at the establishment around 10:00 a.m. and saw Tom, the man she had been dealing with, sitting behind his desk with a seating chart in front of him with seven small tables and one large one drawn on it. Liz asked him if that was her party and he told her “it is”. She could only smile. She asked him if he had come up with a menu yet and he told her of course. She gave him a great big smile and clasped her hands low in front of her body and scrunched up her shoulders…she was really starting to get excited now. Tom looked at her and smiled…then he said,

“The cooks will be preparing the entire meal on your premises on Saturday so they will not have any need for too much refrigerator space.”

She asked him what his menu plans were and he handed her a printed sheet that the cooks would be using for their cooking schedule right down to the allotted time it will take for each item to be prepared and ready to serve in order to insure that everything will be ready at the same time.

He had planned on serving the meal between 5:00 and 5:30 and wanted to know if this was acceptable. She said of course and then scanned the food items. She was very impressed with everything so far.

He planned on serving crab in cream puff shells, shelled shrimp, rumake, stuffed mushrooms, and cocktail sandwiches with different fillings, crackers with various toppings, oysters Rockefeller and for the main course he had chosen fillet mignon floating in a wine sauce, whole main lobster tails with drawn butter, small new potatoes and baby carrots, fresh green beans and summer squash. A salad of romaine lettuce with cherry tomatoes, and baby spinach topped off with raspberry vinaigrette and e.v.o. with a little sugar added to enhance the taste of the vinaigrette. There would be yeast rolls set in silver breadbaskets and fresh creamery butter on the tables in silver butter dishes with crystal insets. The breadbaskets would have peach colored bun warmers placed in them to keep the rolls hot.

A small serving of lemon sorbet would be served before the main course. You may have your choice of salad before or after your meal. Which would you prefer? Liz tells him after and they got on with the table services.

She was very happy with the menu but wanted Tom to make sure that there is more than enough food for everyone.

He told her not to worry, he was certain that an 8 oz. filet and an 8 oz. lobster tail should be more than enough for everyone. She agreed but she wanted him to make sure that he brought the extra meals just in case. He assured her that he would.

“Now Liz, before you go, would it be all right if we set up the tables tomorrow. That way we won’t have to do anything but cook on Saturday.” She told him that would be fine and please remember the silver and china.

And then she remembered, “Do you have enough silver wine buckets for each table?” He smiled and told her of course. She asked him to be sure and bring plenty of wine…both a nice red and a nice white.

She gave him her killer smile and left.

Now she was really getting excited, and it was about damned time. Not only did she have a killer smile but also she had yet to ask how much this was going to cost. It was like she didn’t care.

You would think that if they were only having thirty guests that cost would be her main concern. Oh well…if there is a pool and a fully equipped kitchen on an enclosed porch maybe money is no object Tom thought to himself.
Across town Max headed into the jewelers to pick up Liz’s rings. He couldn’t wait until tomorrow. She is going to be so surprised. He hoped she was as excited as he was. He planned on giving her the engagement ring tonight when they were alone…he hoped they could find some time to be alone…God, it seemed like forever since Tuesday morning.

After that he headed to the vehicle rental place to get the bus and limo ordered. He told them he needed a small bus to accommodate about 20 to 25 people and a white limo. The clerk at the desk asked him when he needed these and Max said Saturday afternoon…the guy looked at Max like he had two heads.

Max looked the kid in the eye and said “what?”

The clerk asked him if he was crazy and Max said,

“No. I see you have those things out there and they can’t all possibly be booked for Saturday.”

The clerk checked his computer and by God he was right. They do have those available on Saturday.

The kid shook his head and asked Max what time would he need them? (Max looked heavenward and said a silent ‘thanks’)

Max told the clerk that he should be at the address he will give him by 1:30 at the latest Saturday afternoon. The clerk then told Max “no problem” and then Max told him maybe they should be there by 1:00 since the bride would not be leaving at the same time as the bus and they will need time to load all of the grandparents. The clerk looked at him and grins…”ok” he says.

Max gave the clerk the address for pick up and then headed over to the photographers to make sure he was still coming.

“Of course” says Alex; “I wouldn’t miss this for the world.” Max didn’t understand that statement but he was definitely happy that Alex would be there as promised.

In the meantime Michael stopped off at the hospital and talked to Fowler. Fowler had already figured out that there will be a wedding in the chapel, he just didn’t know when.

Michael told Fowler that Max and his fiancé did not want to bother people with their wedding and that is why it was so hush-hush. Fowler couldn’t understand this line of thinking but did not question Michael…so Michael told Fowler what Diane told him.

“Liz has made arrangements for a small reception at the home of her parents after the ceremony on Saturday. She told her mother and Max’s mother that there is seven available place settings left for anyone else that they might want to invite besides the people on the list that Liz gave them. The list consisted of family members only and any friends that the parents want to invite are fine with her as long as there are only seven.

Liz’s mother and Max’s mother decided that I should ask you if any of you guys would want to come.”

Fowler took Michael's cheeks in his big hands and just plants a great big kiss on Michaels’ cheek and Michael looks at him like he’d lost his mind.

“Are you nuts Fowler?”

“Hell no Guerin! I thought this was you guys’ way of telling us you didn’t like us or something.”

“Hell no man. You have to appreciate that these two just decided to get married on Sunday morning. It’s only taken them six damned days to put all of this together. There hasn’t been any time at all to make guest lists and the like, and considering the amount of time that has elapsed and the other thing that is going on they have managed to come up with one helluva party. So, are you going to get together with some of the guys and come or not?”

“Hell yes we’re coming…I guess I’ll have to draw straws for the other six but we’ll be there. You say that it’s going to be here in the chapel at 2:00 p.m.?”

“Yeah, that’s right. Why?”

“Do you know if it’s formal?”

“Well, Max is picking up our tuxes as we speak, why?”

“Oh, I was just wondering.”

“Well, ok man. I’ll tell Mrs. Evans and she can let Mrs. Parker know you’ll be there.”

“Right on.”
After Michael left Fowler he called Max and asked him if he could do anything for him before he headed on home and Max told him he could swing by and pick up the tuxes because he got hung up at the car rental place. Michael wanted to know what the hell he was doing renting a car and Max remembered that he had forgotten to tell Michael about the bus.

So after he explained to him that a bus was going to pick all of them up on Saturday at his house because of the seven grandparents and then a limo at Liz’s Michael thought that was a bitchin idea.

He also asked Michael if he thought his and Maria’s parents would like to ride the bus as well and Michael told him he was sure they would because they are planning on coming together anyway. He told Max not to worry, he would call and tell them to come to the Evans’ about 1:00 and Max said great.

Michael called his Mom immediately just in case he might forget to do it later. She was happy as a clam to be included with the family and Michael told her that they all think of them as family and to just be there. He also asked her to call Maria’s folks and tell them what the plan was so they could get to his folks’ house a little earlier. She said ok and they hung up.

Michael headed on over to the tux shop to pick up their rentals and who did he run into…none other than Fowler and six of his fellow interns. Michael asked Fowler what in the hell he was doing here and Fowler informed him that they were planning an honor guard for Liz and Max. Michael started to tear up…he couldn’t believe these guys. Max is going to cry all the damn day if this shit keeps up he thought to himself. And if he thinks Max is going to cry, Christ, they’re going to have to carry Liz out of there.

Michael told the guys that Liz’s color scheme was peach and white and he would stop by the florist and order seven more boutonnieres,

“Just make sure that you catch the florist before Liz does. They will be arriving by bus around 1:30 or 1:45 Saturday afternoon and I’ll have seven peach colored boutonnieres in the box for you.”

They all gave Michael a big grin and he headed on over to the florist with the additional order and made sure they understood that Liz was not to know about this.
When Liz arrived home she found Maria and Grandma Claudia out on the patio sipping a toddy and was told that her mom was next door with Isabelle and Diane. Her father was taking a nap and Michael and Max had not returned home yet.

Liz sat and joined Maria and grandma for a while and had a cherry coke. After an hour or so she decided to head on over to the Evans’ and see the group over there. Grandma and Grandpa O'Reiley were still sleeping and Jeff hadn’t awakened either.

Just as she started through the break in the fence that she and Max had used as kids Max was headed her way. He pointed to the pool house on the other side of their yard and Liz just made a quick turn and headed that way.

Max soon caught up with her and when they were safely out of sight he took her into his arms and slowly kissed her sweet lips. God, it seemed like forever since they had a chance to be alone and it was only two days ago that they were together. Liz just melted in his arms. She just couldn’t seem to get enough of him. She only hoped it was always like this.

She started to play with the hem of his shirt and slid her hand under to touch his bare chest. He pulled away and just looked into her eyes and smiled.

She looked up at him and said, “What?”

He couldn’t stop smiling and then he got down on one knee and she really looked puzzled. .

“Max? Are you all right?”

He looked up at her and said with a shy grin…

”I know you’ve already said yes, and I know this has been a real whirl wind the past couple of days…hell, it’s been a cyclone…but Liz, I wanted you to have this before Saturday.”

And he reached into his pocket and pulled out a little black box and took out her engagement ring and placed a kiss on it and then he took her left hand and placed the most beautiful diamond ring on her wedding finger that she had ever seen.

She could only stand there and cry…she cried so hard that she couldn’t see through the tears. Max finally got concerned and asked her,

“Liz, are you all right?” and she could only smile and sob and nod her head yes.

Between getting everything ready and the Jeremy issue she was just a big bundle of nerves and now this. He was still doing wonderful things in spite of everything, she was just overwhelmed.

He took her in his arms and held her, he brushed her tears away like he had been doing for so many years and the more he wiped the more she cried. He grabbed his handkerchief from his pocket and wipes her nose and told her to blow …

He finally said, “Liz if you don’t stop it I am going to have to tickle you.”

She barely had enough breath in her to laugh but she managed to let a little giggle escape and he continued to hold her.

The mothers and Isabelle watched them go into the pool house when they saw Max leave the house and they could see Liz crying all the way into the kitchen…they were getting concerned and wondered if something was wrong, Liz was not a weeper…finally it was Nancy who calmed them all down.

“Max has been taking care of Liz since she was a baby and he’ll know what to do for her, whatever the problem is.”

They all agreed and got on with minding their own business.

Max finally got her calmed down and wanted to know if she was unhappy about something and she just looked up at him and said

“Max, I don’t think there is a word in the entire English dictionary to describe just how happy I am. Unhappy, hell no!”

With that he finally relaxed, gave her a kiss on the nose and said,

“It’s time to join the families.”

They headed toward the Evans kitchen and Liz couldn’t take her eyes off her ring. She looked up at Max and said,

“I love it Max but don’t you think it’s a bit much?” He looked down at her with a big smile on his face and said,

”Nothing is too much for you.”

She walked into the kitchen with her left hand sticking out in front of her prominently displaying the “rock” Max just placed there and the entire room full of ladies just gasped,

“It’s beautiful.” She laughed again and the world was good.

Re: My Best Friend, My Love, My Life Ch.: 15 & 16 pp 9 05/17/09

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 12:29 pm
by mary mary
Destiny: Hey, I wish I had known someone like that. As for Jeremy, he's really got problems.
Natalie: Thank you... :D
Carolyn: Thank you... :D


Ch.: 15 Friday

Liz woke up late Friday morning to a lot of humdrum going on down stairs on the main floor and grabbed her robe to run down and check it out. It sure seemed like a lot of commotion.

There they were, the cleaning people were there en masse. There was a crew of four women making short work of cleaning windows, polishing furniture scrubbing and mopping the marble reception hall and vacuuming everything in sight including the draperies.

She found a note tacked to the refrigerator from her mother.

“This fiasco was your idea and we are all over at the Evans…you can get your little ass over there and join us or you can grab a mop, it’s your choice. Mom”

Liz went back upstairs and brushed her teeth, took a quick shower, put on a pair of jeans and a tank top, put her hair in a pony tail, stuck her feet into her bunny slippers and went next door. Be damned if she was going to scrub anything with this ring on…hell no!

Liz was curled up on the living room couch watching out the window when she saw the catering company pull up, there were two deliverymen and two women dressed in white uniforms getting out of the van.

She couldn’t stand it any longer and went next door to check things out.

The deliverymen talked to the cleaning crew and then started moving furniture out of the living room and dining room and taking it to the basement. The rooms were empty in no time and then they started bringing in the tables from the delivery van. One by one they had them set up.

They put the large table in the center of the dining room facing the French doors leading into the living room and the other tables were placed around the living room in such a way that the bride’s table could be viewed by everyone. They had a printed schematic to follow and things just seemed to fall into place.

The women then started taking ironed linens out of these large boxes and placing them on the tables with a precision that would have put Buckingham palace to shame. After the linens were laid they went to work with the silver chargers, plates, cups, saucers, bread and butters and the crystal stemware, which were very nice for rented dishes, then came the silver flatware, it looked lovely.

The chandelier in the dining room had never looked so impressive, the cleaning crew had used some kind of spray on it to clean it and it shined like twinkling stars in a bright night sky.

Liz sat on the stairway and watched all of this action through the banisters; all in wide-eyed wander like a small child at Christmas watching a twinkling tree, awaiting the arrival of Santa.

After the ladies had set the bride’s table she went in and gave them the silver and crystal candelabra of her mothers; the candle holders gave the table a beautiful look of exquisite elegance.

Liz then went upstairs to her room and came downstairs with seven smaller candle holders that she had purchased for herself over the years. She had eight total and she kept them in her room for the day she had her own home.

She placed one on each of the other seven tables and when her grandmother and Maria came in they couldn’t believe how beautiful everything looked. Her grandmother told her that there was just enough room for everyone. Liz told her she figured they would be able to fit thirty in here comfortably and that is why she planned the party for thirty. Maria and Claudia just looked at each other and smiled,

"the girl just never quits thinking does she?” Does she grandma. Claudia smiled at the young girl and shook her head in wander and answered Maria. “No, I don’t think she does.”

Max and Michael came over just as the catering truck was pulling out. They had been helping Max’s mom and Isabelle get ready for the rehearsal dinner tonight. They were really surprised to see the caterers there today so the two decided to go check it out.

When they walked in the front door they were amazed at the transformation that had taken place. Max was speechless and Michael just smiled and shook his head.

Liz and Maria came into the reception hall and saw the two young men staring into the living room and Liz walked up to Max and asked, “You like?”

Max could only put his arm around her waist and pull her close to him. He looked down at her with the most loving look and whispered, “I love you.” She gave him a huge smile and said, “I love you too.”

Michael, Maria and Claudia just stood there with big smiles on their faces. They couldn’t be happier.

About that time Nancy, Diane and Isabelle came in to see the handy work and they too were speechless. Nancy would have never dreamed that the rooms could be transformed so effortlessly. As Liz pointed out, she left it to the experts and those catering guys really were big bruisers. You could tell they were furniture movers.

Then Nancy asked the big question that was on her mind…”Where is my furniture Liz?”

In a very little girl whisper and lowered eyes Liz said, “In the basement?”

Everyone laughed at her, it was priceless and Max bent down and kissed the top of her head letting her know it was alright.


Chapter: 16

Meanwhile, across town a ‘nut case’ had somehow found out about the wedding that was being planned at the hospital tomorrow and put two and two together. He must go over there and wait for her to show up. He had no plan mapped out as to what he would do once she arrived but he would figure it out when he saw her. ‘Why doesn’t she want me?’ He just couldn’t understand this. So he drove over to the hospital and parked in the lot facing the main entrance.

Meanwhile in the downtown police station the duty officer was getting extremely worried. They had found Jeremy’s sport car abandoned but for the life of them they couldn’t figure out what Jeremy could be driving. They had checked all of the car rental places and he hadn’t rented anything locally. Then one of the rookie cops asked if Jeremy’s mother had more than one vehicle and if they were all accounted for.

The chief inspector sent a black and white to the Olmstead estate immediately to check this out.

Mrs. Olmsted was only to happy to cooperate with the police, she didn’t want her son getting into any more trouble than he already was so she took the officers out to her garage and lo and behold the Jeep Cherokee was missing. The officers wanted to know if she had the registration in the house or in the jeep. She told them that she kept the originals in a safe in the house and to come with her, she would get it for them.

They used her fax machine to send the information to the main precinct and got back in the car and radioed the chief of detectives and informed him that Jeremy was presumed to be in possession of his mother’s Jeep Cherokee and the information was being faxed over as they spoke.

The chief got hold of the dispatcher who radioed all vehicles to download the information and to look for the jeep STAT. ”Start with the Evans law firm, and then go over to the Parker girl’s apartment, hit the hospital parking lot and check out Mulberry Street.” The dispatcher announced to all units involved in the case. They started a massive search, this was the first break they’d had since this all started. Thank God Mrs. Olmstead was as cooperative as she was otherwise they could have a couple of dead people on their hands as easily as not.

At 6:30 Max, Liz, Michael and Maria all headed out to the chapel for their rehearsal at the same time that Father O’Brien had entered his office. Dr. Fowler was waiting for him by the door. Father looked at the young intern and grinned, “What’s up John?”

John Fowler returned Father’s knowing grin and said to him.

“Father, we know about the wedding and six other guys and I have been invited by the parents of the happy couple to attend. Max and Liz are not aware of the invitation and the guys want to form an honor guard…so, if you would just give us some idea of the entrance we can take care of the rest.”

Father O’Brien told John that Liz and her father will be coming through the side door about 1:50 p.m. tomorrow. John smiled and thanked the old priest.

Father thought to himself ‘for someone who wanted it simple it is certainly turning into quite a production.’ He could hardly wait for the festivities to begin.

The old priest was totally unaware that Jeremy Olmstead was on the loose.


Jeremy had stationed himself out in the parking lot by the main entrance of the hospital keeping a close watch on everyone who came and went and then he noticed a police car coming into view. The car seemed to be checking out all of the vehicles in the parking lot; Jeremy decided he’d better leave. He had no idea what was going on but he'd best get out of there now. He was a bit insane but definitely not stupid.

Max, Liz, Michael and Maria pulled up to the side entrance just as Jeremy was pulling out of the front entrance, they just missed each other and since the kids were letting the search up to the police they don’t even notice him.

They headed into the chapel and found Father waiting for them in one of the front pews. Father didn’t want them to see the kneeler that Sister had brought in and had decorated for them so he made sure they didn’t get into his office.

They all said their hellos’ and Father asked them if they were going to use traditional wedding vows or some of their own and Liz said absolutely traditional…lets go with the tried and true. Max said that worked for him and so Father quickly went through the procedures for the kids.

Max and Michael will come out through the sacristy door, Maria will precede Liz down the aisle from the rear of the chapel and then Liz and her father will follow after Maria takes her place at the left side of the altar. After Max and Liz recite their wedding vows Maria and Michael will take their seats in the front pews, Maria on the left and Michael on the right. When mass is over Max and Liz will leave the chapel first, followed by Michael and Maria and then the rest of the congregation will follow.

“Are there any questions?”

“None Father, it seems pretty simple to me.”

Father thinks to himself…’let’s just wait and see how simple this simple wedding is.’

“Well kids, if that’s all then I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon. Oh Max, do you have the license?”

Max looked at Liz and she just smiled…she carried everything in that purse, remember.

Liz reached over her shoulder and reached into her purse and pulled out the manila envelope that Terry had given her and handed it over to the old priest who just smiled…’women! What a gift they are.’

Max gave her a happy smile and they bid Father good night again and were on their way.

No one noticed the organ sitting off to the side of the altar.

When they arrive back at the Evans’ about 8:00 p.m. the party is in full swing. Diane had ordered a complete buffet dinner delivered by the same caterer that Liz was using for the wedding dinner and the food was out of this world.

There was chicken, beef, ham, lasagna, vegetables, salads, breads and desserts. Both Michael and Maria’s parents were there and Max and Liz were really surprised that Diane went to all of this trouble for them; it really made them feel very special. They could only smile at everyone, they were speechless.

Everything was positively delicious and the grandparents were just delightful. They were singing and dancing and carrying on like a bunch of teenagers and Liz and Max were totally enjoying the entire group.

Max and Liz took a plate of food out to the officers on duty and invited them into the house but the officers declined and explained to them that they were on duty. As Max and Liz pointed out, if he shows up you can watch from inside in a whole lot more comfort than you can outside and then the police explained to them, it wouldn’t be easier because of the lack of noise out here. Max and Liz told the officer’s they understood and with that they headed back in for the evening.

Later, when Max walked Liz home, he stopped her on her front porch and held her tight.

“Max, I am so sorry!” She said with a hint of tears as she looked up into his loving eyes.

“Why? What are you sorry for Liz?” Max was so concerned.

“I am so sorry for Jeremy making such a fuss and putting such a damper on things.”

Max smiled down at her loving face and told her, “Stop it Liz. Stop it right now. None of this is your fault. Jeremy has problems and he will be dealt with and please, relax. Tomorrow is our big day and nothing nor no one is going to turn it sour.”

Liz could only smile back at the beautiful man she loved more than life and stood on her tiptoes and gave him a great big noisy kiss on the mouth.

Max just laughed at her and asked,

“what was that?” and she replied,

“We can’t start something we can’t finish out here on the porch with the whole world watching us, so lets just say goodnight and I will see you at 2:00 p.m. tomorrow at the hospital chapel. BE THERE MAX.”

“Yes maam.” Max replied and with that he leaned down and kissed her on the forehead and headed next door, he felt like he was six years old and it was the night before Christmas, he was bouncing off the walls with excitement.


Re: My Best Friend, My Love, My Life Ch.: 17 pp 9 05/24/09

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 2:58 pm
by mary mary
Carolyn: Hope you're all rested up from your vacation because the big day is here !!! :D
Destiny: So glad you have your sleeves all rolled up and you're ready for some ass kicking ! :lol: Sorry I didn't beat the tar out of him but he has been dealt with....civilly??? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Jan: Thank you, you forgot to mention that you were sick also. Hope you're feeling better. :)
jEsSaH: This one's all for you Jessah...enjoy. :)


Chapter: 17


Early Saturday morning Liz woke up to a bunch of commotion going on in the backyard and as she poked her head out of her bedroom window she saw all of these men putting boards over the swimming pool and another guy setting up a bunch of speakers on the patio. Liz grabbed her robe and ran downstairs and as she rounded the landing she bumped right into her grandmother.

“What’s going on out there Grandma?” Claudia just looked at Liz and said,

“They are making a dance floor outside.” Just as though it was an every day occurrence. Liz couldn’t believe it. For something that was supposed to be a private, intimate affair it was turning into a full-blown fiasco. But she loved it, she just stood there and smiled at her grandmother, scrunched up her shoulders in disbelief and gave her grandmother a big hug and went out into the kitchen only to find her mother cooking breakfast for everyone.

Without a word she went over to the cupboard and pulled out plates and napkins and set them out on the island. She got the flatware from the drawer and placed them next to the plates...she grabbed a pan from under the sink and a cloth out of the pantry and headed out to the patio to wash off the tables and chairs for everyone. Her mother just shook her head and smiled, she may be the bride but she’s still plain old Liz at heart.

At about 9:00 a.m. everyone was outside enjoying breakfast and each other’s company and watching the carpenters complete their task. You would never have known a swimming pool existed in their back yard. It had been totally transformed into this huge gazebo and it looked positively grand. Liz could hardly speak she was so overwhelmed.

Her mother and father were so happy that they finally found something they could do for her that they were beside themselves. She had managed to make everything so beautiful in such a short time and it took so little effort; they were all happy that everything had come together so nicely.

Just as the carpenters were finishing up the gardener showed up to give the lawn a quick manicure and to place some potted plants around the gazebo just to add some extra beauty. By 11:00 a.m. everything was in place and people started to excuse themselves to get ready. There were a lot of bodies to get ready today and they may only be headed to the hospital chapel but it just might as well have been St. Peters in Rome as far as they were all concerned. Thank God all of the bedrooms had their own baths…it would really be a mess trying to get everyone ready with only a couple of bathrooms.

At 11:30 the bakery showed up with the cake and Liz showed them where to set it up. The caterer had already gotten the table ready with a floor length skirt atop it and the plates, napkins, and a cake cutter was on it as well and it was ready to be taken outside, Liz had a sudden change of plans though and told the caterers that she wanted the wedding cake to be taken to the pool house and set up in front of the French doors. They would cut the cake out there, but before they could move everything she had to make sure her grandparents were decent…She was sure they wouldn’t have appreciated all of these strangers traipsing around while they were in their skivvies. She had to giggle at the thought…enough to scare everyone away she thought to herself. Then she mentally reprimanded herself for such an awful thought and giggled some more.

The fountain, punch bowl and cups were still to be set up on the other table in the reception area. It all looked like a beautiful banquet hall but yet so cozy and intimate.

Liz was very pleased with the way everything looked and made a quick call to the florist to make sure the flowers were being delivered to the hospital chapel…and to give them specific instructions to take everything through the side entrance. She was assured that everything was on its way as they spoke and then Liz headed upstairs; IT’S TIME!!!

Liz found the new bottle of shower gel and matching shampoo fragrance she had just purchased this week at the boutique in the mall, strawberry vanilla, and she headed to the shower off her bedroom. Maria had already taken her shower and was in her room getting herself ready, Liz could hear her hair dryer running.

After taking her shower and getting her hair dry Maria popped her head into Liz’s room wearing nothing but her robe and underwear. She had her makeup on already and her hair looked positively radiant.

Liz looked at her and gave her this huge cheesy grin, she just couldn’t keep the smile off her face and Maria matched her expression as they looked at each other with tears welling up in their eyes. Liz said “ DON’T,” and Maria just shook her head and picked up Liz’s hair dryer and started drying her hair.

After the hair was dry and Maria worked her magic with the curling iron Liz applied what little makeup she intended to wear as she had never worn much but Maria took over and applied a slight foundation and then a light chocolate eye shadow. Just enough that you could barely see but enough to accent those gorgeous big brown eyes…then she applied a little blush on the cheeks and some strawberry lip gloss and then she handed Liz the mascara wand and looked her right in the eyes and said, “yes!” Liz obliged her and used the mascara…she had to admit it did look nice. Maria looked at her friend and said, “Liz, you look like an angel!” Liz looked at her friend and smiled and tried very hard not to cry.

Right at 12:00 noon the photographer had arrived next door to take the Evans pictures and would be at the Parker’s very shortly.

This was when Liz opened her closet door and revealed Grandma Claudia’s wedding dress to Maria. It was hanging from the ceiling light fixture because of its length, Maria almost passed out. She grabbed her chest and gasped for air, always the drama queen, and Liz took hold of her and lead her over to her bed and made her sit down and put her head between her knees and told her to breathe.

“Maria, what’s wrong with you?” Liz asked sternly…the last thing she needed was for Maria to get sick.

“Liz, I knew you had something up your sleeve but I never dreamed it was this. Where did you get it?”

“It was Grandma Claudia’s…now it’s mine. I will save it for my granddaughter just as it was saved for me.”

“Oh Liz, it is the most beautiful dress I have ever seen. No wonder you didn’t look at dresses in the bridal shop, I wouldn’t have either.”

With that conversation over Liz put on her white strapless long line bra, her white lacy garter belt over her matching lace panties and white lace stockings and pulled on the blue garter that Maria had made for her on Tuesday evening. She put on Grandma Claudia’s diamond earrings that she borrowed and they taped a penny in her shoe. The dress was old so now all bases were covered. Now for that monster of a petticoat that grandma brought with her.

Those petticoats in the “King and I” had nothing on this thing. Maria helped Liz step into it and pulled it up from the back and zipped it closed, then the buskets came next…Maria gave Liz a look and Liz just giggled at her…”Grandma said I need to accentuate my hips”…Maria said “holy shit Liz, you’re kidding, right?” As she hooked the buskets in the back and then she proceeded to the dress.

Liz put a scarf over her head and Maria stood on the vanity stool and put the dress over Liz’s head trying not to mess her hair. It wasn’t working so the girls decided to lay the dress over the petticoat and pull it up from the floor…Liz pulled the buskets up and held it over the slip that worked much better.

Both girls rolled their eyes at the buskets but used them anyway. Then Maria started working on the buttons…what a job, but the finished effect was stunning. Liz grabbed her veil to take downstairs for her mother to help her put on and waited for Maria to come out of her room.

Maria slipped into her dress and Liz zipped her up and put the matching silk flower they had purchased in Maria’s hair and then Liz stepped back and looked at her and smiled.

“Maria, you look positively gorgeous.” Liz smiled at her friend and they headed downstairs.

Everyone was waiting for the girls including the photographer. They all went into the family room for a formal family portrait and then the photographer took some pictures of Liz with her mother helping her put on her veil. They all started to tear up again…what a crying bunch of people.

Alex didn’t think he had ever seen a more beautiful bride. This girl was positively stunning and she had the most contagious laugh he had ever heard. Her personality was every bit as beautiful as she was and everyone in that room adored her. It was just so obvious.

The grandparents had left immediately after their portraits were taken and headed for the bus parked next door at the Evans. Alex asked Liz what made them think of it and she told him that it was Max’s idea. Since everyone was here at the two houses it just seemed like a good idea. Alex thought it was a great idea. He asked her how she was getting to the chapel and she told him, “A limo will be picking me up around 1:30, which is just about now.” And, just as she predicted, there it was. Her mother, dad and Maria rode with her in the limo since the bus had already left with the Evans’ and all the grandparents.


Meanwhile, back at the hospital Sister Margaret had maintenance clear a passage to allow Liz and her father to pass by comfortably and to allow enough room for any of the staff who could get away from their duties to watch the young bride make her entrance. They would keep this as private as they could but there would be audience participation, that was for certain.

The interns had tracked down the florist, as Michael had instructed, and retrieved their boutonnières and were all decked out in their tuxes. The young men looked positively dashing. Michael made sure that he and Max entered the hospital from the employee’s entrance so that Max would not suspect anything and when they got to the back door of Father’s office the florist was there waiting for them with their boutonnières and strict instructions for them to stay put until Father summoned them.

In the meantime another of the florists personnel greeted the parents and grandparents in the side lobby and pinned their corsages to their dresses before they were ushered into the chapel by the interns.

When they entered the chapel they all were amazed at the transformation that had taken place. The altar was banked on both sides with huge baskets of fern all tied off in large white ribbons. There were large candelabra behind the tall baskets holding long white tapered candles. There was a white runner from the doorway of the chapel right up to the altar where a kneeler had been placed all covered in white satin and smocked with white and peach colored silk roses. There was a white satin brocade covered bench for the bride and groom to sit on and father had placed a statue of our lady off to the left on a large pedestal for the brides private prayer.

The pews were marked off for the bride and grooms families with a green garland of fern and huge white bows; the front pew on either side was for Michael and Maria. The two back pews were left vacant for the honor guard. The other pews would hold the parents and grandparents and Michael and Maria’s parents.

Alex couldn’t believe that they had done all of this planning in six days. Everything was just beyond anyone’s imagination. Most people don’t come up with this in a years worth of planning. He just had to take pictures of the chapel before anything even got started.


Meanwhile, out in the main lobby a lone figure sat with his head down and a baseball cap on…he had on a blue denim jacket and sloppy slacks and looked like he hadn’t slept or bathed in days. He just sat there waiting.

One of the auxiliary ladies mentioned to the receptionist that the gentlemen over there was also there yesterday when she came in and asked if she knew who he was. The young girl looked over and said “No” but he looked familiar for some reason. Then she picked up the photograph that security had left with the front desk yesterday and immediately called the security guard and told him that the guy in the photo was sitting in the lobby. Security immediately called the dispatcher at the police station who in turn radioed the detectives on duty that were following Liz and Max. They all met out in front of the hospital and decided to just walk in and calmly go over to Jeremy and escort him out the front door without any fuss to anyone in the lobby. It worked like magic.

Much to their surprise they discovered a gun stuck in Jeremy’s jacket pocket. They had no idea what he intended to do with it but it was immediately confiscated of course and Jeremy was handcuffed and hauled off in a black and white.

Now that the crisis was over the detectives wanted to get a glimpse of Max and Liz since they had been watching them since Tuesday and had formed a genuine like for them. They would just like to share in a little happiness after the past few days.

They walked into the chapel and took a seat in the empty pew behind the bride’s family. Diane turned around and looked at them with a questioning expression and they smiled and gave her a thumbs up…she knew immediately that everything was all right and she turned around and relaxed. She had no idea just how tense she was over all of this until this very minute.

As the black and white was headed out of the front parking lot the limo was driving into the side parking lot with the happy bride and her family.

Liz’s mother and Maria exited the car first and went in to get their flowers. Both women were awe struck at the chapel when they entered. It was absolutely beautiful. Max and Liz were going to be so surprised.

Sister had used the rheostat to dim the lights just enough to allow the correct atmosphere for such a happy occasion. The choir had been practicing a song for the school play that the organist thought would be appropriate for this occasion and couldn’t wait for the right time to spring the surprise on everyone. “Oh this was going to be so good!” she thought to herself. The young choir was now standing behind the organ and all of the kids were dressed in their white cassocks and they looked like little angels. They were all spit shined and polished and they all seemed very happy to be there. All of the candles were lit and the chapel looked like something out of a post card. Sister Margaret was as pleased as punch.

Since Max and Liz had not expected to have a full blown choir and this was going to be a total surprise the organist chose to sing “Ave Maria” during the communion procession. It wasn’t a very long song and since there was only thirty some people in the chapel it only seemed fitting. The organist had a beautiful soprano voice and that is why Sister Margaret had chosen her to play for the ceremony.

Father gave the nod to Maria who exited the chapel with Liz’s bouquet in her hands and went to the side door to tell Liz and her Dad it was time to come in.

The young interns positioned themselves on either side of the white runner in the chapel.

Maria was beaming by this time and couldn’t wait to see Liz’s face.

Father in the meantime went to his office to get Max and Michael. Max had given Michael Liz’s wedding band earlier and Michael was wearing it on the tip of his little finger.

Max begged Michael not to lose the ring and Michael told him to just relax. Max just gave him a grin and they headed out into the chapel following Father who had on his white vestments. Father looked like a big old-fashioned Santa Claus.

Max was the last to go through the sacristy door and his legs almost buckled under him when he saw the chapel. He did not recognize the place and there, on either side of the aisle, were his friends and fellow interns all dressed in tuxes with matching boutonnières forming an honor guard for his beautiful wife to be.

He was really very close to tears…and then he noticed the choir, the organ and the organist and he all but lost it. This was becoming too much for him to handle. Michael just reached over and grabbed his shoulder and gave him a little squeeze. It’s a good thing to realize just how much people think of you and the lengths they are willing to go in order to make you happy.

It was just a short minute later that Maria entered the chapel and walked down the aisle and took her place on the other side of the altar and turned to wait for her best friend.

Michael looked over at Maria and thought she looked like a vision…he was so proud of her and he almost started to cry.

When Father saw a bit of white lace peek around the corner he nodded to the organist who started playing her special surprise, there was nothing traditional about this wedding so she took matters into her own hands, everyone stood and watched for her entrance. Liz looked up at her dad with huge eyes and her dad just patted her hand that was resting on his arm and smiled down at her.

“People love you Lizzie, just enjoy the moment and remember it forever.”

Alex was so busy snapping pictures that he almost forgot to get out of the way.

When Liz and her dad had entered the chapel neither could believe the sight before them.
There on either side of a white runner were Max’s fellow doctors all dressed in matching tuxedos and wearing boutonnières and ahead of them was the children’s choir from their parish as well as the organist, she wanted to cry but then her mascara would run and she would look like a circus clown instead of a bride. Damn that Maria…

Father looked amazing in his white vestments and then she saw him…he was crying…’oh Max, I love you so much she thought. Look at what all of these people have done for us’…she didn’t need to say the words; Max could see it on her face, even through the veil that was covering her. He thought she was the most beautiful vision he had ever laid his eyes on.

And then the children started their beautiful little chant. Jeff heard the first sentence and that was all it took, he started to cry and Liz’s eyes were as big as saucers as she tried not to cry. She had never heard anything more beautiful in her life and when she looked at their family and friends they were all in tears. What was happening? This was beyond her comprehension.

And it started to sink in…it was like a voice from heaven.
Is this the little girl I carried,
Is this the little boy at play?

I don't remember growing older,
when did they?

When did she get to be a beauty,
When did he grow to be so tall?

wasn't it yesterday when they were small?

Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
swiftly flow the days.

Seedlings turn overnight to sunflowers,
blossoming even as we gaze.

Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
swiftly fly the years,
one season following another,
laiden with happiness and tears.

What words of wisdom can I give them,
how can I help to ease their way?

Now they must learn from one another,
day by day.

They look so natural together.

Just like two newlyweds should be.

Is there a canopy in store for me?

Sunrise, sunset
sunrise, sunset
swiftly fly the years,
one season following another,
laiden with happiness,
and tears

From: Fiddler on the Roof
As she came up to the front of the chapel she and her father waited for the choir to finish and then the priest asked

“who gives this woman in marriage?” and her father answered through tear stained eyes and without hesitation,

“Her mother and I do.” He patted Liz’s hand and bent over and kissed it before placing it in Max’s hand and then in a very unconventional maneuver he reached over and hugged Max then he took his seat next to Nancy who was also teary eyed.

Max raised her small hand to his lips and kissed the top of her knuckles ever so lightly before turning and facing the priest. Liz removed her engagement ring and placed it on her right hand for the moment…

They then began the traditional ceremony and Michael managed to not lose the ring and gave it to Max at the appropriate time. Max took the ring from Michael and kissed it before placing it on Liz’s finger…she just looked at him through teary eyes and smiled.

Then it was Liz’s turn.

Maria had Max’s ring on her thumb and it was still too big so she and Liz had run a small peach colored ribbon between her thumb and the ring and then tied the ribbon to her wrist with a tiny bow, it almost looked like a piece of jewelry on her wrist. Liz just reached over and pulled the tail of the bow, which released it, and Maria removed the ring and handed it to Liz.

They had rehearsed this move for fifteen minutes last night until they had it down perfect. Both girls grinned and then high-fived each other; it lightened everyone’s mood and after that song they really needed it.

Grandma Claudia didn’t miss the exchange and thought it quite cute.

Liz then kissed Max’s ring before placing it on his finger and they turned toward Father again to wait their instructions.

The interns were completely enthralled with Liz and Maria and couldn’t help but think how lucky Max and Michael were to have found these two gems. Max and Michael couldn’t help but think that they were in for one helluva ride with these two gems.

After the marriage ceremony Liz went over to the statue of Our Lady and said a silent prayer asking her to keep her husband safe from all harm and to make his every waking moment as happy as he is right now. She placed her bouquet at the foot of the statue and took her place next to Max.

Then Maria and Michael took their places in the front pews and Max and Liz stood in front of the kneeler while Father O’Brien began the Kyrie and the Children’s choir chanted the Kyrie in three voices. It was heavenly. They sat on the bench and held hands during the readings, which Dr. Fowler gave. Liz started to tear up again and Max just took her hand and kissed it. She was so overwhelmed that she couldn’t even give him a smile. Her lower lip started to quiver and he just patted her hand and said “shhh.” She just laid her head on his shoulder for a second and went back to paying attention to Father who couldn’t take his eyes off the young couple. There was just something that drew you to them like a magnet.

The mass continued with the choir and Father singing the Gregorian chant, back and forth in perfect harmony, and Liz and Max were overwhelmed at the beauty of it all and then, when it came time for the communion hymn, the organist started singing the Ave Maria. There wasn’t a dry eye in the place again. It brought chills to all in attendance. Amy DeLuca was all but sobbing and Sister Margaret didn’t think the organist had ever performed that song with that much heart in her life and she had heard her sing it many times before.

After mass was over Father introduced the young bride and groom to the congregation as Mr. And Mrs. Maxwell Evans and told Max to kiss his bride, which he did.

He kissed her and kissed her and kissed her. The crowd started laughing and Max started to grin into Liz’s mouth and then they both started blushing profusely.

The interns took their places on either side of the white runner again and Max and Liz exited the chapel followed by Michael and Maria and then their family and friends.

When they got outside half of the hospital was there waiting for them. So much for secrets…they were speechless again.

They smiled at the large group and Max started shaking hands with everyone and began introducing Liz to all of his colleagues. When they had greeted everyone, and they made sure they greeted everyone, they thanked all of them and proceeded to the side of the hospital to head back to the house. Michael saw to it that the interns took the bus back to the house with everyone else, and Maria and Michael rode with Max and Liz in the limo to insure there was enough room on the bus.

The detectives took Michael to the side and told him that Jeremy had been taken into custody in the lobby of the hospital just before Liz arrived and the couple was now safe. Michael told Max and Liz and then Liz grabbed one of the detectives and told him to come by the house for dinner. He asked her if she was sure and she told him absolutely, she had made arrangements for them to attend and if they wanted to bring their spouses they were welcome as well. They declined that part of the invitation because they were still officially on duty but told her they would be more than glad to come for dinner.

When Liz got into the limo she asked Max if he had his cell on him and he said sure…she asked him to let her have it for a minute and she made a quick call to the house. She asked to speak to Tom the caterer…Tom got on the phone and she told him to set two more place settings at the brides table for Father O’Brien and Sister Margaret…there would be two more for dinner. Tom just laughed at her and told her it would be taken care of and what were the names of the two additional guests. She told him the names and then told him to check with the local precinct to verify the spelling. She then thanked him and handed Max his phone back. Max looked down at his lovely wife and told her,

“You’re amazing, you know that?” She just looked at him and said

“What?” He said,

“Never mind!”

When they got back to the house the waiters and waitresses had trays of appetizers ready to start serving to the entire group and the champagne fountain was up and running. The house smelled delicious, the aroma coming from the kitchen was permeating the entire house.

Max told Liz that he didn’t think there was ever a more beautiful wedding on earth. She couldn’t agree more, only because she got to marry him. He was just beaming. He asked her how she had time to plan all of this and she told him she did it Monday afternoon. He just looked at her in disbelief.

She explained that the first thing they did was to get Maria’s dress, the dress determined what the colors of everything else should be. And she just went from there, a trip to the bakery, the florist and then to the caterer. She told the caterer how many people to prepare for and what she wanted. She left the menu entirely up to him; she just wanted it to be good.

As for the chapel, the only thing she had anything to do with was the baskets of fern and the bows along with the candelabra. The rest came as a total shock. The choir, the organist the kneeler and the white satin brocaded bench were all a surprise. And as far as the honor guard, she had no idea how that happened nor did she have anything to do with the choices of songs.

Michael popped up about this time and told her that her and Max’s parents told him there were seven vacancies for invitations and could he think of anyone that might want to come.

Michael then told Max about the lab tech telling Fowler about the blood tests and Fowler asking him what was going on. Michael told him that he told Fowler that he couldn’t divulge any information because he was sworn to secrecy…but then when Diane approached him and told him what she and Nancy decided then he felt that Fowler should be included since he was aware of something going on anyway.

Fowler then held a short straw drawing among the guys. Then the six winners and Fowler came up with the honor guard idea and all went to the tux shop on their own. I then contacted the florist and added the extra seven boutonnières to the order. Finally word got out to the rest of the staff and that is how everyone met outside of the chapel to meet and greet.

Liz and Max just stood there in amazement. How everything escalated into this huge extravaganza in just six days was overwhelming. The young interns all gathered around Max and Liz to wish them well and to tell them how impressed they were with everything.

They told Liz that she had missed her calling. If she could pull something like this off in just six days can you imagine what she would be able to do in six months or a year?
Max just continued to smile…he was so proud of her and she couldn’t understand why everyone was so damned impressed. It’s just a party for God’s sake. There were no invitations to send out, no big hotels or halls to rent; just a simple party for family and a few friends.

Of course a lot of people chipped in to make it a little more elaborate than she had planned and she managed to give credit where credit was due. She still was not sure who to thank for the choir and the kneeler and white runner for the aisle at the chapel. She would find out though and make sure that they were properly thanked as well as the organist and the children who sang. She mentioned that she had never heard the choir sing like that and everyone agreed…it was beautiful. Maybe it was because of the smaller space instead of the huge church but their little voices were spectacular.

Soon Tom informed Max and Liz that it was time to sit down for dinner… “There are place cards at all of the tables and many of the grandparents have already found their seats.” He informed them. The two detectives were amazed that their names were also placed at one of the tables; they had been included with the young interns from the hospital. For someone who didn’t know who would be attending in the spare seats Liz managed to promptly tell Tom the names of the interns and he immediately took care of it. Father led the group in prayer and they all sat down in preparation of their meal.

The food surpassed Liz’s expectations by miles. She only hoped that everyone’s steak and lobster were as good as hers, she could only imagine that they were. Michael and Maria gave their toasts and everyone raised a glass to salute the bride and groom.

Michael and Maria had prepared a joint toast for the occasion since they both had known Max and Liz for so many years and it was short, funny and beautiful all at the same time. Both Michael and Maria expressing their love for their two friends and wishing them years of happiness. It was very fitting for the occasion and Max and Liz got all teary eyed once again.

Everyone in the room seemed very impressed with the menu choices and Max just kept on smiling. It was the only thing he could do…no amount of words could ever express the pride he felt for this beautiful young woman. “She just keeps on amazing me.” He thought to himself.

After the meal was over everyone headed out to the back yard for some dancing and entertainment, Max asked Liz when they had the pool covered and she told him she had no idea that this was going to happen…”Mom and Dad had it done this morning.” He just scratched his ear and kept on smiling.

Michael asked Liz if it would be all right for the guys to call their wives and/or girlfriends to come over and join them and she told him absolutely…why didn’t he tell them to bring them in the first place and Michael said he knew she only made arrangements for thirty people…she then looked at him and winked and told him she ordered an extra ten dinners just in case. Michael wished he would have known that sooner and Liz told him to tell the ‘guys’ to tell their partners not to eat and she would tell Tom to expect seven more people to be fed. “There is no problem here Michael, just go for it.”

The patio kitchen was set up for an open bar and more appetizers were being served while the couple prepared to have their wedding dance. Since they had not been together as a couple long enough to have a song of their own they chose one that they both enjoyed when Liz was a senior in high school. “I Shall Believe” started playing and they took their place in the temporary gazebo and danced like there was no one else on earth. It was beautiful.

Max finally asked Liz where she was able to find a dress that fit her so perfectly and she told him that it was Grandma Claudia’s wedding gown. He looked at her in absolute shock…and wanted to know if Isabelle altered it and she looked up at him and smiled and said

“Take a look at Grandma Max, that’s me in fifty years.”

Max looked over at grandma and said,

“Really, no alterations at all?” and Liz said

“Nope, none at all.” Max just shook his head again and looked down at Liz and smiled, the dress had been made for her. God must certainly like them a lot he thought…the way good things just keep happening to them.

It wasn’t but an hour later when the young interns’ better halves showed up all dressed in their finest and Liz and Max made their way over to greet the young ladies.

Liz apologized profusely to them for her lack of knowledge about the young doctors coming to the wedding. They certainly would have been invited had she known sooner. The women all just smiled and told her that they understood perfectly, they were totally aware of the situation and under the circumstances they did not feel slighted in the least.

On that note Max and Liz led the interns and their partners into the dining room, which Tom had set up by pushing the smaller tables together to make one long banquet table with eight seats placed at each side. The ladies sat down one side of the table and their partners directly across from them. Max and Liz sat right in the center of each group of guests and Tom had the waiters start serving the girls their meals. There was serving platters of appetizers placed down the center of the table for those that had already eaten and coffee pots and teapots as well. The young ladies had exactly the same food as everyone else and the young interns could not believe this. How did she know to order the extra food?

Max, Liz and the young doctors all sat and talked while the young women enjoyed their meal and they didn’t feel the least bit awkward about it. As a matter of fact this was a whole lot more intimate than the formal dinner they had a few hours ago and they could only admire Max and Liz. The young bride and groom sat and talked with them as though they were the only people at the party. Max was a very lucky young man, that’s for sure.

After all the girls finished their meal they headed out to the patio for some more introductions and dancing.

Father O’Brien and Sister Margaret were enjoying the party as much as the next person and could only praise the parents for the fine young people they had raised. The parents couldn’t be prouder. They explained that Max lived right next door and they have all been friends since before Max and Liz were ever born.

Father then asked why the kids were in such a god-awful hurry to get married and the parents looked at each other and smiled. They explained to Father that up until their first date last Saturday they had no idea they were in love, and once they discovered how they felt about each other they didn’t see any reason to wait to start their lives together. Then Nancy said, “Of course we all knew it was just a matter of time but the speed in which it all took place was as big of a shock to us as it was to anybody. It was a bit overwhelming to say the least Father.”

It all made sense to the old priest now and he could see that this was a match made in heaven. Anyone that looked at the two of them could see it.

After a reasonable amount of time Tom opened the French doors to the pool house and motioned to Max and Liz. They promptly went over to where he was waiting and then they got Alex’s attention…they were beginning to wonder if they would have any wedding pictures at all with Alex’s preoccupation with Isabelle. Max forgot about Isabelle’s high school boyfriend being named Alex…who would have thought it would wind up being the same person they hired for their wedding pictures.

Alex had Max and Liz put their marriage license on the table with the cake and had them lay their left hands on the license and he took a very pretty picture before allowing them to cut the cake. They finally got the cake cut and nobody pushed anybody’s face into it. Both Max and Liz felt this was a very tacky tradition and it was just as well forgotten.

Alex then had Max and Liz go to the family room to take a few posed pictures of just the two of them. Then he had the two of them embrace and look at each other…he could have snapped these two in this pose all night. They looked absolutely enthralled with each other…he only hoped the camera picked up on it. He didn’t feel the traditional ‘looking into the camera and smiling’ was necessary after what he just witnessed but he asked the kids to pose for it anyway, which they did of course. It was nothing compared to the ones looking at each other but he would let them decide.

After all the pictures and cake cutting was over Max told Liz that it was time for them to get changed and head out. Liz asked him if they were going to her apartment and he told her,

“No, I have another surprise for you.” She just smiled up at him and said “ok.”

She went over to her mom and dad who were still talking to Father and Sister Margaret and told them that Max and she would be leaving in a little bit and to have everyone stay and enjoy the party as long as they wanted to. “Tom knows that he is not to leave until the last guest has gone and everything is cleaned and put back.”

Father just continued to be amazed at this young woman and her attention to detail and her concern for everyone around her. The young interns had all expressed the same sentiments.

Liz finally caught Max before he headed next door and asked him what she needed to take. He told her they would be gone until Monday afternoon and to be very casual but bring one dress for dinner tomorrow. She said “ok”, gave him a quick peck on the cheek and headed upstairs.

She grabbed her overnight bag out of the closet and threw in some toiletries, her tooth brush a couple of changes of underwear a couple pairs of jeans, some tank tops a sweater and her new cocktail dress she bought just on a whim when she and Maria were out running around yesterday. A few accessories and shoes that she would need and decided she didn’t need any nighties this weekend and she was ready to go.

When she got downstairs everyone was waiting for her including Max. She handed Max her suitcase and the whole group followed them out to their car. They were being bombarded with rice as they made their way down the sidewalk. They turned and smiled at all of these lovely people who had shared in their very special day and told all of them thank you from the bottom of their hearts. With that they waved and drive off.

Everyone headed back into the house and they all just smiled. What a lovely day this has been. It’s hard to believe that it is all over…it’s kind of like Christmas; all that money time and effort and in a short span of one day it’s over. But Max and Liz didn’t feel like it was over, for them it was just beginning.


Re: My Best Friend, My Love, My Life Ch.: 18 pp 9 05/31/09

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 7:41 pm
by mary mary
Chapter: 18

Carolyn: Thanks. The Chapel: I attended Mass at the Catholic hospital here in town for years and it often reminded me of the chapel that was at the academy for girls I attended high school at. It had 6 pews down each side that held about 8 people comfortably. The one at the hospital is about the same size and it is used for daily mass at 12:15 for the staff and patients so the aisle is wide enough to get a gurney or wheel chairs down the center and the altar area or dais is also very spacious. There is also a stained glass window behind the altar area but it is lit from behind with a light of some sort because it doesn't have any outside light passing through it. I would often sit there and imagine what a quaint place for a small wedding so I made one up. I can't explain my just works in weird ways i guess. I dream of scenarios when I should be praying...strange woman, I know!!! :oops: :P :oops:

Destiny: My Dear, the next two chapters are all yours ! :lol: :lol: :lol:

jEsSaH: So glad you liked the wedding...the next two chapters will cover the rest of the week-end but there is a honeymoon planned in the not so distant future...Hang in there and I will try and cover it all.
:D :D :D


Chapter: 18

The Regency

A short time later Max pulled into the parking lot of the Hyatt Regency and Liz let out a gasp…Max looked over at her and smiled…”Happy?” he asked. She looked back at him and said with the biggest smile he had ever seen on her face, “You know it sweetie!”

They headed on into the hotel lobby and Max went over to the desk to check in while Liz checked out the shops off the lobby. The desk clerk took his credit card and then handed Max the keys to the honeymoon suite and rang for a bellboy. The bellboy took their luggage and lead them to the elevator around the corner from the main desk and they were on their way.

the honeymoon suite was on the top floor of the hotel; it consisted of three large rooms. There was a huge sauna right off the massive bedroom and the entire suite faced the skyline of the city. It was a solid wall of glass with remote controlled draperies. The living room was immense and was furnished in mauve satin brocade upholstered couches and chairs. The wood was all a dark mahogany and the accessories were all muted shades of pink and mauve. The entire suite was beautiful beyond words. Liz was again struck speechless. This whole day had been one surprise after another and the young woman didn’t know if her heart could stand any more wonderful events.

“Max, I feel totally underdressed for this place.” She said as she looked around in wide eyed wonder.

Max walked up behind her and nuzzled her neck and chuckled,

“You don’t have to worry about that sweet, you’re going to be very undressed in a very short time.” He whispered into her ear as she leaned back and rested against his chest and sighed a big sigh. She stood there and shivered with goose bumps running up and down her spine and she could hardly wait.


No one back at the house knew what Max’s plans were for this evening, not even Michael, so there was no reason for anyone to try and pry information out of him, not even Maria. Not that they wanted to do something sneaky or underhanded, none of them would dream of doing anything like that, never…

In the meantime Tom had his moving crew come back to the house around 11:00 p.m. and they moved all of the tables and chairs back to the van and moved all of the furniture from the basement back into the main rooms of the house. None of the guests were even aware that any of this was going on inside the house since the sliding doors to the pool house had been open all evening and the lounge and bathroom in there had been used by the guests.

Tom’s crew managed to have the entire downstairs put back to its original condition within the matter of an hour.

There was very little food left over so Tom asked Nancy if there were some serving trays she would like them to put the appetizers on to take out to the patio and she told him where he could find them and headed back out to her guests. She didn’t remember ever having anything as organized as this with so little effort on her part. Where did Liz learn how to do all of this? She must make a note to always have Liz plan their parties from now on.


Meanwhile, back at the Regency, Max had called for room service and ordered a midnight snack since it was rapidly approaching 12:00. He asked Liz what she would like and she looked up at him with those big brown eyes and smiled…he looked at that grin on her face and said “no way!” and she just giggled.

“Ok, only because I love you, peanut butter and jelly it is. Liz, you know you really should try something else once in a while.”

“Don’t forget to tell them strawberry Max.”

She just looked up at him and smiled…”you didn’t have to eat peanut butter and jelly for dinner did you?” She walked over and straddled his lap as he called room service…

Max grinned…”No sweetheart; you outdid yourself on that menu. How did you come up with it in the first place?”

“Oh I didn’t. I told Tom how many to prepare for and to make it elegant. He asked me how much I wanted to spend and I told him not to worry about the cost just make it nice and he did.” She whispered seductively into his ear as she played with the hair at the nape of his neck.

“He certainly did, do you know how much it all came to?” Max answered, shifting a little on the couch to relieve some pressure that was rapidly growing in his jeans.

She looked at him with those big brown eyes of hers again, raised an eyebrow and gave him a look he didn’t recognize and said “Max, I’ll tell you what I told Tom, don’t worry about it.” And she continued to unconsciously play with the soft hairs at the back of his neck as she gazed into those honey eyes she loved so much.

Max squeezed her bottom a little before he said anything as he thought to himself… ‘she knows the value of money, why would she be so careless now.’ Liz wrapped her hands in Max’s and told him to listen to her for a minute and so he did as she settled back on his thighs with her arms lightly resting on his shoulders.

“You know Maria has a degree in business.” Max nodded in agreement as he listened.

“And we both took finance classes as electives in college.” And max nodded again, watching her as she spoke, God she’s gorgeous he thought to himself…

“Well… we learned how to invest and how to save. Both of us have been investing small amounts of money for the past five years and in the past year we have had more to invest because we are now employed. Max, we have managed to really expand our portfolios and trust me…we don’t have to worry about the cost of the food we had for dinner. We did not decorate our apartment on a shoestring because we couldn’t afford to buy new stuff, we did it that way because we knew it wasn’t going to be permanent, and then it escalated into a challenge and it became fun.” She looked into her husbands hazel eyes and smiled like there wasn’t a problem in the world.

Max was now really dumbstruck; why in the hell didn’t he know she was doing this when he got his inheritance. This is something he will have to discuss with her next week, but right now they had more important things to think about.

Soon their food arrived and they had the waiter put it in the dining area … they had even served Liz’s peanut butter and jelly sandwich atop a lace doily on a silver platter with a silver lid over it and her milk was in a footed crystal goblet. Max could only smile at the entire situation, it was starting to border on ridiculous. Liz looked up at Max from her place at the table and asked in giggly voice…

“Max, do I eat this thing or take a picture of it?” They both laughed.

When they finished their snack they headed on into the bedroom and pulled the drapes closed and started to unpack.

Liz grabbed her cosmetic bag and headed for the bathroom and then asked Max if he was coming, he looked at her with a sly grin and said “Right behind you angel.” He grabbed his ditty bag and was right on her heels.

When she was finished with brushing her teeth she asked him if he wanted the Jacuzzi or a shower…he thought about that for a minute, ‘did he want romance or speed?’…so he asked her what she wanted…She looked at the Jacuzzi, which looked like fun, and then at the shower which also had it’s possibilities and decided on the shower.

She went over and turned the water on in the shower and he looked at her and told her “great minds think alike.” She couldn’t have agreed more.

She then turned on the stereo in the bathroom and found a nice soft rock music station to give the room a little more of a romantic flair and Max was getting hard just watching her. The realization had finally hit him, ‘we are married and we are finally alone and safe!’

Then they both reached over to each others remaining clothing and Liz slid her fingers under the waistband of Max’s boxers and he did the same with her panties…they both pushed the remainder of their clothing off each other and headed to the shower, which had been waiting for them throughout the entire ritual .

They stepped into the warm spray and Max took the shower gel Liz had brought with her and squeezed a generous amount into a sponge that he had in his hand and started to rub it all over her body. He was rock hard by now but he continued to bathe Liz with the care you would give a newborn baby. He leaned in and kissed her shoulder gently as he rubbed her neck and back and she was starting to come alive as well and her body wanted more than just a nice rub down with soap. She turned towards her beautiful husband, stood on her tip toes and gently kissed his soft lips and then reached down between their bodies… She found his erection and started to massage it with slow, easy strokes while watching Max’s eyes as they grew dark with passion. Max dropped the sponge to the floor of the shower and pulled Liz in close.

He looked so engrossed in what was going on and it was all so erotic that she could hardly wait for him. Max was having the same problem…He found her happy spot and started with a little massage of a different kind …Soon Max had started to move his hips in unison with Liz’s ministrations and Liz was moving with Max’s as well and each of them reached their climax together. Max placed gentle kisses on his wife’s face and lips and then he whispered softly in her ear that he was sorry it was so quick.

Liz looked up at him and took his face between her hands and whispered,

“Why are you apologizing Max? I’m not going to apologize to you for having enjoyed what you have just given me. Besides, I have a confession to make to you…” She wrinkled her nose and looked at him shyly, “I bought a book on the art of lovemaking and it was suggested that mutual masturbation was a good thing when there has been a lot of sexual tension in the air. Now, I’m not sure if the tension we have been experiencing for the last few days could be considered ‘sexual tension’, but it certainly was tense to say the least.”

Max continued to hold her close to him and rub little circles on her back and shoulders. He could only agree with her and so he just leaned over and gently planted a kiss on her nose. He wondered just how many of these books and tapes she had managed to read and watch. She was taking this all very seriously that’s for certain. He may have to watch some porn and read some of these books as well in order to keep up with her.

Her little confession sort of broke the ice for better things to come and on that note Max suggested that they get into bed and she was in total agreement.

They finished up their shower and found terry robes hanging on the back of the bathroom door and put them on. They headed to the bedroom where the drapes were still slightly open so as Liz went looking for the remote Max went to the door of the suite and hung the “Do Not Disturb” sign on the knob then went back to help Liz find the remote for the drapes…they found it laying on the top of the nightstand along with 2 other remotes which could only be the TV and probably the stereo. They finally managed to get the drapes closed this time. The bellhop had already turned the bed down for them and they took their robes off and crawled between the sheets. This was their time and they fully intended to enjoy it.

Max pulled Liz over to him and told her they needed to have a little talk as he hugged her gently…she looked up at him with a shocked expression on her face and said,

“If you insist on talking then hurry up, we have better things on the agenda than idle chit-chat.” And Liz propped herself up against the headboard of the bed and waited with a little smirk on her face.

Max just had to laugh at her; will their whole life be like this?

He pulled her in close to him again and rubbed her arm while he thought for a minute she crawled onto his lap and sighed…he got the hint and then asked, “How do you feel about children?”

Liz sat straight up and looked at him straight on with both hands on his shoulders and said, “Max Evans, we haven’t been married for twelve hours yet and you want to discuss having children!?!”

Max looked at her and said with a chuckle, “Liz, that’s not what I’m getting at here…listen…do you want me to use protection or not?” He could hardly keep a straight face she looked so cute…

Liz looked up at him and said in a low voice, “I really hadn’t thought about it Max, but no, I guess I don’t. I was so busy doing everything else that the thought never crossed my mind. I will go on the pill but it doesn’t start to work for what, a month?”

Max told her he wasn’t really sure how they worked, that’s Michael’s expertise, but they need to make a decision right now and so she asked him how he felt about it. He told her he had mixed emotions…he would rather not use anything but they should really think seriously about their future before bringing a child into the world.

Liz agreed with him but on the other hand it wasn’t like they didn’t have the means and the love to care for a baby…Max agreed with her on that one and he asked one more time, “Yes on the protection or no?”

She looked at him and he could tell she was getting a little bent out of shape…then she said, “We could get a calendar and calculate my last period and go from there, but Max…I don’t want this to be a clinical experience and right now it’s starting to turn pretty shitty!” She was starting to sound a little determined for lack of a better term…

Max started to chuckle at that statement and asked again, “Yes or no?” as he hugged her closer to his body…

Liz replied, “No.” With that Max smiled and turned off the light.

Liz scooted back down under the covers and whispered in Max’s ear, “Let the fun begin.”

Max could only laugh at her. Will his life be this way forever? God he hoped so.

And so it begins!


Re: My Best Friend, My Love, My Life Ch.: 19 pp 10 06/06/09

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:38 am
by mary mary
Destiny: This one's for you :lol:
Carolyn: Thank you so much...the Pb&J on the silver tray...actually happened, unreal. :)
jEsSaH: I'm So glad you are enjoying this :D
Jan: Thank you so much..."fluffy" tries. As for Jeremy, I really couldn't decide how to deal with him so I chose not to take any literal action and just leave it up to the authorities. He definitely needs professional help but other than that I had to let it go. I really didn't want to do him any bodily harm, but I think his intentions were to harm Max in his twisted way. The more I thought about it the more I wanted to let it go. Sorry! :wink:


Chapter: 19

Let the Fun Begin

Liz wriggled under the covers and whispered in Max’s ear, “Let the fun begin!” Her eyes were practically dancing out of her head with glee as she sidled up his body with hers, she was shivering with excitement…

Max was laying on his side with his head on his bent arm, and with a sly grin on his face he pulled her to him and looked down into those beautiful brown eyes that he had loved forever and his heart wanted to leap right out of his body, the grin turning to a smile as he looked at her, drinking in her sweetness and love… He loved her so much it was hard to think of anything else, he felt as though he could just pull her right inside of him he was so overwhelmed with happiness.

He reached up and pushed her hair away from her forehead and placed a soft kiss there and then moved to her eyes and then her nose, leaving soft gentle little kisses as he worked his way to her lips. He whispered to her

“Liz, I love you so much.”

Liz was laying there, her body slightly turned into his and her left hand resting on his chest. She had her eyes wide open, watching him. When he smiled at her she shuddered…she couldn’t take her eyes off of him nor did she want to. He was so beautiful it took her breath away…and he belonged to her. Her heart wanted to burst she was so happy, she wanted to please him so much. She thought to herself “How did I ever get so lucky?” She wanted to stay in his arms forever.

Max slowly touched her lips with his fingers …mesmerized by their beauty: Liz slowly and tenderly caressed his body, then took hold of his hand and kissed the fingertips that had been so gently tracing her lips, she smiled as she took his index finger into her mouth; she started sucking on it while massaging it with her tongue as she moved her hand up to the side of his cheek, she rested the palm of her hand on his cheek, gently caressing it while she continued to suck on his finger, then she slowly worked her way around to the back of his neck, running her fingers through the soft hair at the nape of his neck. “God he feels good.” She thought to herself, she wanted to explore every inch of him.

Max never took his eyes off of her; his body started to react instantly and he started to come alive all over…from his feet clear up to his ears…he started to feel warm. Liz automatically arched her body closer into his…she wanted to take him inside of her, body and soul. She couldn’t seem to get close enough to him, she continued watching him as she worked her magic; ‘he feels so perfect’ she thought to herself, she felt as though she was floating on a cloud and the only reality in this place was Max, if she was worried about her performance it had long since left her mind…everything she felt in her heart was showing in the way her body was working.

Max slowly pulled his finger from her mouth and started to kiss Liz tenderly on her lips, tracing her bottom lip with his tongue, Liz immediately opened to him allowing him entrance. She automatically arched her body into his further, searching, demanding more.

Max moved his hand to her breast, her nipples were already erect and he started massaging between his thumb and forefinger ever so slowly…he couldn’t seem to concentrate on anything but the love he felt for this beautiful woman.

As Liz moaned softly into his mouth she could hardly keep her legs still, she wrapped one around Max’s body drawing him closer to her. Max gently moved from her mouth to her neck while blowing soft wisps of air as he worked his way down to her breast, he took it into his mouth…he sucked on her erect nipple causing wonderful sensations in her lower body and she began to feel more alive by the minute. He then moved to her other breast, giving it the same attention as the first; slowly kneading the whole time he was sucking and feeling the wonderful warmth of her body next to his. He was overwhelmed by her acceptance of his ministrations…she was intoxicating.

Liz slowly wrapped her left arm around Max’s shoulder, working her way down his arm, feeling every taut muscle along the way. Then she inched her way back up, working toward the back of his neck again where she gently ran her fingers through his hair as she sucked on his ear lobe, he felt so soft and taut at the same time.

He felt so warm and smooth, his body was a work of art, she could hardly wait for him…she took her leg and pulled him closer to her center and Max moved his knee between her legs moving his thigh closer to her core where she was more than ready for him.

Max then started to move his hand farther down her body and slowly worked past her belly button and as he got closer to her nub Liz turned slightly toward his body, watching him all the while. Max then took his middle finger and inserted it into her wet core, he slid his wet finger up to her nub and back down to her center in long easy strokes bringing her more alive than she ever thought possible. She started to rock with his movements and this started to turn Max’s body into a heated frenzy. She reached down between their bodies and took Max’s erection close to her entrance while moving Max’s hand away from her core. Max understood immediately what she wanted and slowly moved between Liz’s legs and entered her with slow easy movements; she was so tight that he was almost afraid of hurting her. Liz looked at Max and could only smile…this is so beautiful…Max placed his hands on either side of her head while resting on his forearms and he gazed into those beautiful brown eyes. She looked at him and sighed as he started a steady pace, in and out, in and out, and Liz began to rock in a steady motion in tune with him, they never took their eyes off of each other. They were so wrapped up in each other at that moment that nothing else on earth existed around them. Max could not believe how wonderful it felt to be inside of her…it was so warm and smooth and tight, it went beyond his wildest dreams; he now knew what the meaning of making love was all about. He wanted to stay like this forever, buried inside of her, loving her, bringing her to the brink of ecstasy, making them one with each other. There was nothing else like this on earth. He reached down and kissed her with an intensity that he couldn’t control…they moaned into each others mouths and as they begin to feel their ends approach Max increased his pace…he needed to hold on until Liz had reached her climax and it didn’t take her long…her legs started to quiver and straighten, her bottom bowed up even higher into him, then she wrapped her legs around his waist, lifting closer to him and causing him to go deeper…Max’s eyes were close to crossing on him as Liz started to shudder all over…Liz clamped down tighter on his stiff erection and he couldn’t believe that she could get any tighter, but she did, and then he felt her juices start to encompass him and he let go…he climaxed for what seemed like forever …Liz continued to contract, continued to milk him of his juices. He couldn’t believe the feelings of love that was emanating from him…he continued to plant his seed farther and deeper into Liz ‘til it seemed it would never end, he literally tried to climb inside of her. Liz was still shuddering right along with him and finally they released their grip on each other as they started to breathe in a normal rhythm… neither able say anything, they were both spent.

Liz looked into Max’s beautiful honey colored eyes and grasped his head with both of her hands and kissed him ever so softly on the mouth and said “thank you” in a breathless whisper…and Max could only smile at her…he was too overwhelmed to say anything. He just rolled over onto his back, taking her with him and he held onto her and rubbed her back softly as he held her close to him. Life just didn’t get any better than this.

Max wondered if it would always be this wonderful…God, he hoped so!

After awhile Max had finally calmed his body down enough to lift Liz’s head up toward his, he cupped her under the chin, smiled at her and said, “you are the most beautiful person on God’s green earth and I want you to know that I will love you with every fiber of my being my entire life.”

She smiled back at him and said “I love you so much and I will spend my entire life making you happy…I will not try to Max, I will succeed…that’s a promise.”

And on that note Max reached down and pulled the covers over their cooling bodies, kissed Liz on the top of her head, and our two lovers fell asleep in each other’s arms.

Very early the next morning Max wake up to find Liz all but sleeping on top of him…it was like she couldn’t get close enough. Max smiled down at her sleeping form and his heart started to swell with love. She is so beautiful, inside and out…he felt like the luckiest man on earth. Why did it take him so long to realize that she was the one? As he lay there watching her she started to stir, like she sensed he was awake, and pretty soon they were smiling at each other. They give each other a quick little kiss on the mouth and headed for the bathroom.

Liz used the bathroom first and then washed her hands and grabbed her toothbrush. Max followed suit and wanted to know if she was hungry…she gave him a sly little smile and said,

“Only for you Lover.” She didn’t know where this playfulness had come from, she had never felt like this before…this feeling of happiness had taken over her and she couldn’t seem to settle herself.

Max grinned right back at her and pulled her close and said, “Bed or shower?” as he held her close. He was so happy right now that he was overwhelmed…he couldn’t get enough of her.

Liz looked up at him and said, “Oh, definitely bed!” with a little wiggle of her tush and with that Max chuckled to himself and lifted her up into his arms and they headed right back to the bedroom to repeat last nights ritual…two more times… before ordering room service for breakfast, then a quick shower and back to bed.

Lunch time came around and they order room service again…another episode in the shower before heading back to bed for a little nap and then they repeated the ritual again and then Max asked Liz where she would like to go for dinner…she told him,

“I like it here just fine…how about you?”

Max gave her a little chuckle and then he propped himself up against the headboard and pulled Liz in between his legs, bending the left one at the knee to make a cushion for her body then he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in close, her back to his front. He rested his chin on top of her head and asked,

“Liz, isn’t there anyplace you would like to go or anything you want to do?”

“Nope…I like it right here where I am. Why? Is there someplace you want to go or something you want to do?”

“No, not really, but we could do something else if you want to.”

Liz turned slightly around so that she faced him a little and gave him a little kiss on the cheek and said to her gorgeous hubby…”I like it right here better than anyplace else on earth.”

Max kissed her forehead and chuckled to himself and said, “Good…then here’s where we’ll stay.”

She gave a little shiver and started running her hands slowly up the inside of his leg as she talked.

Max was becoming very aware of what Liz was doing as he started to take control of his senses, she had now worked her way up to the middle of his thigh, and he thought to himself, ’it’s starting to get very warm in here’…

Max rolled her over on her back and planted a great big kiss on her then he suddenly had an epiphany “they are going to need a stretcher to get me out of this room.” Then he got a big cheesy grin on his face…’that’s my girl’; he turned slowly and pulled her closer into his arms and growled in her ear, “God how I love you.”

Liz fell into the folds of Max’s arms and melted…she just couldn’t get enough of him; he felt so good and fit so nicely; her mind went blank except for his touch, which filled her body and soul.

After they finished their round of lovemaking they showered and ordered room service for dinner. The skyline was breathtaking as they ate in silence wearing only their terry robes and a smile, enjoying the view …it was spectacular with the sun setting against the backdrop of the city.

That evening was a repeat of the evening before and when the sun came up on Monday morning they were still wrapped in each other’s arms and dreading having to go home. The thought of getting up was weighing on Max something fierce…he didn’t know that it took so many muscles to make love or that so many orgasms could cause such a discomfort. It felt like, if he had to walk one step, he was going to bust wide open. He would smile at his condition if he wasn’t so sore…what a way to go, yes, definitely stretcher time.

After they showered and got ready to leave the suite Liz remarked that they should have just stuck their toothbrushes in their back pockets and left the rest of their stuff at home. Max definitely agreed with her as he picked up their bags and headed to the elevator. Liz literally bounced out of the room…she felt great. Max just smiled and shook his head as he followed her through the lobby feeling like he had been used for football practice, him being the football. Yep, life was going to be an adventure that’s for sure.

He wondered if he would be able to make it to the car without a rest.


Re: My Best Friend, My Love, My Life Ch.: 20 pp 10 06/14/09

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 6:14 pm
by mary mary
Carolyn: Good, I'm glad you're into fluff...At my age I've had all of the angst I need. :)
Destiny: I'm so happy you liked it! :D
jEsSaH: I'm glad you're enjoying should be romantic. I'm just an old fool who believes that sex and love go hand in hand. Oh, and I just read the poem you left over at "Notorious", it's one of my favorites. :)


Chapter: 20

Wedding presents and more

When the newlyweds arrived back at the Parker’s home mid-afternoon after having stopped for brunch on the way, they found all of the family, the DeLuca’s, Maria, Michael and the Guerin’s on the Parker patio waiting for them and they had no idea what was about to happen.

The grandparents were going to leave right after dinner so everyone was anxiously waiting for Max and Liz to join them but the newlyweds were not really sure what was going on so Michael and Maria sort of took them in tow and sat them down in a place of honor next to a table full of cards and a few wrapped packages.

Max and Liz looked at each other quizzically and then Michael informed them that the “no presents” stipulation was sort of ignored and started handing them a stack of envelopes. The two just looked at each other and both their eyes started to fill with tears. Max took hold of Liz’s hand, placed a kiss on her knuckles and smiled at her, she just nodded and took an envelope from him and stared at it. It was addressed to Mr. And Mrs. Maxwell Evans and she got goose bumps up and down her arms as she read it and then she showed it to Max and he smiled from ear to ear as he read it. He had no idea that suck a small little thing could mean so much.

Liz ripped the envelope open and it was a beautiful card to a daughter and her husband on their wedding day…she read the heart-warming message and removed a smaller envelope from the opened card and as she took the folded paper from the envelope she read “$25,000.00” written on a cashiers check made payable to Maxwell and Elizabeth Evans…she lost the ability to breathe…Max looked at her and then at what she was holding and he couldn’t believe his eyes. This was not supposed to happen. They both looked at Nancy and Jeff Parker who could only smile at them through tears as they nodded to both of them to signify their love.

Nancy told them that a wedding would have cost a whole lot more than the check was made out for and that she and Jeff hoped they would accept it with their love because it wasn’t nearly enough to cover the love and pride that they felt for them. Both Max and Liz got up and walked over and hugged both parents through tear filled eyes, they weren’t able to speak so the hug had to convey everything that was in their hearts.

Soon they sat back down in their chairs, Max wiped Liz’s eyes for her with his thumbs, and they moved on to the next envelope and it was from Grandma Claudia. Her envelope contained another cashiers check…$10,000.00 and a note that read, “For a honeymoon anywhere you want to go.”, there was a gift certificate as well, made out to her travel agent for another $5000.00 to cover anywhere in the world, be it land, sea or air. The kids were speechless again and Liz hugged her grandmother so hard she took her breath away. Max just squeezed Liz’s hand and led her back to their chairs.

They moved on to the next envelope and it was from Philips’ parents, Grandma and Grandpa Evans…it was the deed to some very prime property next to the hospital. The grandparents had owned this property for years and finally found a way to put it to good use knowing that Max and Michael wanted to open a medical practice together this would give them a good start. Now Max was speechless…he showed the deed to Michael who could only choke at the sight of it. Both men hugged each other and then Grandma and Grandpa Evans got a hug from four very appreciative youngsters. Max, Liz, Michael and Maria were all speechless by now. Diane could only sit there and let the tears flow; Philip would have been so proud of all of them. How she wished he could have been here to see all of this. Max and Isabelle both hugged their mother; they knew exactly what she was feeling at this time and Nancy gave them a little nod and a smile…this was truly a tough time for all of them.

Max and Liz again sat and took their places of honor and opened their next envelope and it too was addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Evans. This one was from Diane and it contained another cashier’s check for $25,000.00. This was beginning to feel like the twilight zone. They wanted to spare everyone the expense of a wedding and instead it was beginning to look as though they only added burdens on all of them. Liz started crying outright and Max was having a very hard time not doing the same. They both looked at Diane and when they stood to give her a hug she came over to them and held them both around their waists and whispered that she loved them too. They nodded and sat back down. This was getting too hard on them…they wished they could stop right now and leave but it was started and they had to continue.

The next card was from Liz’s Grandmother and Grandfather O’Reilly and it was another deed. This time it was for some property in the hills overlooking the city. They had purchased it years ago and never knew what to do with it…the kids could either build on it or sell it and get something somewhere else. Liz and Max just shook their heads at each other and, again, many hugs and thanks were extended. The grandparents could only smile at the two who were so overwhelmed that they could only cry and smile.

Mr. And Mrs. DeLuca and Mr. And Mrs. Guerin each gave them a check for $1000.00 and Liz was getting weak in the knees by now…she told them she loved them like her parents and couldn’t thank them enough. They smiled at both of the kids and told them they felt like they were a part of their family as well.

There was a $5000.00 check from the hospital employees and one from Isabelle for another $5000.00 and then the really big surprise…Mrs. Olmstead had sent a card of well wishes and an apology for her son’s actions along with a check for $1000.00. This came as a total shock to everyone. Then there was one from officer’s O’Rourke and Daniels for $100.00. The two wanted to take the opportunity to wish the young couple well and to let them know that they thought they were very lucky to have found each other. Max and Liz said that it had been written in the stars, they were meant to be. All of the people there couldn’t agree more.

Now came the wrapped presents…there was a beautiful crucifix and a papal blessing from the pope from Father O’Brien and a beautiful statue from Sister Margaret which the young couple thought was positively wonderful and then the final envelope was a gift card from Jody to one of the local linen shops in the mall. She wrote that, even though she was told not to bring a gift she felt she wanted to because she liked Liz and Diane so much. This got an “ah” from Liz and everyone just laughed at her.

It was now getting late and time for Max and Michael to take off for work. Max hugged all the grandparents and then took his beautiful wife by the hand and led her to the car where Michael was waiting. He kissed her goodnight and told her he would see her tomorrow morning some time. She gave him a great big smile and put her arms around his waist and looked up at him with loving eyes and told him to be sure to wake her up if she was asleep…he assured her he would and then got into the car after one final peck on the forehead and took off with Michael.

Liz went back into the house only to find everyone waiting for her. The grandparents wanted to get started before it got too late so they all lined up to give the young bride her hugs and bid her farewell.

Grandma Claudia was going to hang around until Max’s graduation party so she gave Liz a hug “just for the hell of it”. Liz just laughed at her and they all went back to the patio for some sandwiches and leftover wedding cake.

A little after 7:00 p.m. Maria and Liz told everyone that tomorrow was another workday and they hated to leave but felt they really should so they bid their farewells and headed on home.

Max had already loaded his backseat with clothes he would need so Liz didn’t have to be concerned over anything except getting home.


Liz took Max’s car since Max went with Michael and while driving down the highway Maria looked over to her best friend, raised one eyebrow and said just a little too eagerly…


Liz looked over to Maria confused and said,

“Well what?”

Maria said,

“You know ‘well what’, out with it.”

Liz replied,

“Out with what Maria?”

With that Maria said,

“Boy, you’re not going to make this easy are you? Where did you go, what did you do and HOW WAS IT?”

Liz started laughing…

“We went to the Regency Saturday night, we left the Regency at 11:00 am this morning and the rest is none of your business.”

“What do you mean the rest is none of my business? Didn’t you go anywhere yesterday?”


“Well, what did you do all day?”

“Maria, what in the hell do you think we did all day?”

“All day Liz?”

“Yes Maria, all day…and that is all you need to know. What did you and Michael do this week-end?” Liz asked with a scowl on her face,

“Well, that’s all you need to know too…” Marie flipped back,

“I thought so.” Liz answered.

“Well, tell me then, how was it?” Maria said with a grin, she was going to get something out of her…


“Oh well, you old party pooper.”

“Maria, you have never, and I mean never, told me how it was with Michael…”

“You’re right Liz, out of line here…you look happy though.”

“Oh Maria, you have no idea.” Liz sighed and drove on with the dreamiest look on her face and Maria just laughed at her friend.


Re: My Best Friend, My Love, My Life Ch.: 21 pp 11 06/21/09

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 12:35 pm
by mary mary
Destiny: Thanks, I think the rest of the story might be boring...I don't know what I'm going to do to jazz it up, everytime I think of some kind of turmoil my ulcers start and I stop. (and that's no joke, honest.) :roll: :roll: :roll:
jEsSaH: It is so nice to see someone else appreciates where I'm coming from...thank you. :) :) :)
Carolyn: In today's age it's the safest way to go! :lol: :D :lol:
Natalie: Thank you so much. :D


Chapter 21: moving on…

Michael and Max got to the hospital about a half an hour before their shift was to start and were in the locker room getting ready for work when Fowler and a group of young doctors came in to join them. Max thanked all of them for their well wishes and for the honor guard and everything they did for Liz and him on Saturday. He told them that it was really a wonderful gesture and it meant a lot to both of them. They all smiled at him and told him it was their pleasure and they were only sorry they hadn’t known sooner because they would have made a bigger display for him.

Max assured them the display they set up was more than enough and totally unnecessary. The young doctors just smiled at him and said they were happy to have been able to take part and they felt that Liz was a beautiful woman from the inside out. Max had to agree with them there. “She definitely is one of a kind.” They all smiled at that remark and on that note Max excused himself because he wanted to call Liz before he went upstairs to pediatrics to check on his little patients.

He took out his cell and picked number one on his dial and it rang a minute before Maria answered…she and Liz were still in the car on their way home. They had to stop for some groceries for in the morning, they didn’t want to take a chance on the milk and bread that had been sitting there untouched for the past 5 days. Maria said hi to Max and then handed the phone to Liz who said hello, she melted at the sound of his voice…she told him to call her on his break, that it didn’t matter what time it was, and she would talk to him then. Max smiled to himself and told her he loved her and she repeated the same and hung up. She handed her phone over to Maria and headed on home with a great big cheesy grin on her face. She couldn’t wait to talk to him.

Maria just smiled, ‘ain’t love grand?’


Max and Michael finished their shifts about 3:00 a.m. and headed straight home wearing their scrubs, it had been a long night, the small talk had been minimal and it was nice that they were both headed to the same place…at least they could save money on commuting most of the time since Max would be living with Liz until they could find a place of their own.

Max thought ‘a place of their own; that really sounded great’, he hoped his mom would be okay alone. He wondered how long it would take them to find something and if they should buy immediately or just rent. A lot of decisions to make but there was time, his tired mind kept running through all of the various scenarios as he was thankful that Michael was doing the driving. Liz really wore him out this week-end, it was a very tense week but the end result was perfect and Max’s mind continued to wander as they drove through the dark streets without a sound between them. Michael was just as excited as Max was about getting home, even if he had been with Maria longer than Max had been with Liz she still caused a rumble when he thought about her.

When they finally got home Max opened the door to the apartment and went straight in and Michael followed his lead…both men headed to their respective rooms where Max found a small lamp with a low wattage light burning on Liz’s dresser with a note hanging from it. He walked over to it and opened it up…

"Max, sweetheart, please don’t forget to wake me up. Love you, Liz."

Max’s heart swelled, a lump formed in his throat as he took his scrubs off and threw them in the general direction of the clothes hamper, he quietly walked over to his side of the bed and crawled in next to his wife. He slowly turned toward her and she automatically moved into him and snuggled up like it was the most natural action in the world. He lay there for a minute, soaking in her beauty, and then he started to blow on her eyelids as he pushed her hair behind her ear. She took her hand and swiped at her eyes and Max blew again…then she started to come around. She opened her eyes and looked up at him and gave him a smile that would put sunshine to shame. He melted, no other word could describe it, he was simply a puddle of goo. He reached his arm around her and pulled her into him as close as he could get her and gave her the longest, sweetest kiss he could muster. He didn’t know he could feel so happy to see someone; it was beyond his wildest imagination. He was tingling from his head to his toes and it wasn’t an erotic feeling…it went beyond eroticism…it was heavenly. That was the only word that he could think of to describe how he was feeling at this moment in time, heavenly. Liz felt the emotion in his kiss and was having the same reaction Max was having. She wondered if it would always be this way, God she could only hope so.

She looked up at him when they came up for air, smiled and said,

“How was your night?”

“Well, the guys met Mike and me in the locker room when we got to the hospital and told me how impressed they were with you and congratulated us again.” He said as he ran his fingers down the side of her cheek. “Fowler said that Father O’Brien was responsible for the white runner in the chapel and Sister Margaret took care of the organ, choir, kneeler and bench.” He kept talking to her as his eyes roamed over her face. “I hadn’t seen Father. Or. Sister (kiss on the forehead) but I..(Kiss the eyelids)… . will … make … a … (kiss the nose) special…effort..toseethemmy…nextdayshift (arrive at the mouth).” He was having some difficulty keeping his mind on a conversation…

“Oh, I will be sending out formal thank you notes, that’s for sure, but we need to talk about what you would like. (she tried to say as her toes started to curl from Max’s playing around) I think a personal note on something printed would be nice. (She shivered as she spoke) How do you feel about monogrammed stationary on a nice paper? (Her voice went up an octave) We also need to send announcements. (She shivered again as she spoke…Max smiled) Mom said that our relatives would be very disappointed if they didn’t hear from us personally, so I thought-we-could-include-a-wedding-picture. What do you think?” She shrieked…as Max worked his way down her stomach with his right hand as he caressed her cheek with his left hand.

“I think the monogram sounds great and I trust you to find something nice, but if you want me to go with you I will be glad to.” Max absentmindedly planted a kiss on her nose again…

“Mmmm please, go with me. I think this is something we should both choose. ( she squeaked) We will probably use whatever we choose for a very long time so it needs to be a joint effort, no? Max, stop it for a minute, I can’t think straight.” She practically begged…

“You’re right, a joint effort it is. C’mere!” And Max chuckled at the reaction he was having on her.

And so she did… because by this time it was almost 5:00 a.m. and getting close to her alarm going off so the two didn’t waste anymore time talking…they could do that later this evening.


When Liz got out of the shower she found Max sound asleep so she quietly got dressed and headed for the kitchen. She made a pot of coffee, her P, B and J sandwich and then went and quietly tapped on Maria’s bedroom door. Maria acknowledged with an “ok” and then proceeded to head for the bathroom. Back to the old routine…the party’s over.

“So, is the groom asleep already?”

“Yeah, he was conked out before I got out of the bathroom…how about Michael?”

“He’s sawing logs too.”

“Poor babies…I wonder how long it will take them to be able to work regular hours?”

“Don’t know, but I think it will be harder on us than for them, they’re used to it.” Maria said in a groggy tone as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

“You’re right. But it’s nice being awakened a person instead of that damned alarm clock. I never realized that before.” Liz said to her roomy and best friend. “And it doesn’t hurt that the person is the man you love either.” She added with a grin.

“I know what you mean. I never really gave it much thought before because you have always woke me up…an alarm is going to be the pits.” Maria said as she sat down at the bar in the middle of the kitchen.

“What do you mean?” Liz sounded just a little puzzled at Maria’s remark.

“Liz, aren’t you going to find a place of your own?” Maria questioned…

“Yeah, I guess we are…I just didn’t think about you not being there too.” Liz hadn’t thought this far ahead…

“Oh Liz, you’re kidding, right?” Maria didn’t know whether to laugh or cry…

“No, not really, but you’re right. It’s going to be weird Maria; we’ve been together for 5 years now…this is going to be strange.” Liz got a strange look on her face…

“For sure Liz.” Maria wondered just what in the hell her friends’ intentions were, or if she even had any.

“Oh well, it all goes with growing up I guess. Maybe we can find places next door to each other…what do you think?” Liz asked.

“Let’s talk about it with the guys later, okay?” It was too early for Maria to do any serious thinking…she hadn’t even had her shower yet.

“Yeah, let’s.”

Liz headed on out to work and Maria prepared herself for a days worth of conferences on the computer…it had been a long five days and her bosses were understanding only to a point. She will be glad when she didn’t have to do this anymore…she needed to seriously start thinking about a new career.
