Another Life(HLDR,XO,CC,Mature)COMPLETE 8/11/09

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Addicted Roswellian
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Re: Another Life (HLDR, CC, Mature)

Post by thumper1942 »

Another Life Part 11
On her 6th Day at the clinic Liz was finding it very hard to make it through all the training Jimmy and Duncan were putting her through. She was now spending 4hrs running on the treadmill and stretching and starting to work the weight machines. Then an hour with Duncan in the morning and an hour in the afternoon all added up to 6 hrs a day. True she was used to getting up at 5AM and usually did not hit bed until 9PM or so but it took a while for her to recover from each session so that did not leave much of a day to do anything else. Even her immortal ability did not do a lot to help her recover all that fast from exhaustion. Duncan explained that while muscle pulls and the like were healed quickly, just plain exhaustion due to exertion was not something that the immortal quickening seemed to do much with. So an immortal had to build up their stamina in order to defend themselves. Liz was also wondering how she was going to be able to train much after she got home. Once she was home and “recovered” there was just no way she could spend 4-6 hrs a day doing her training. She could probably figure on at best 2 hrs a day-especially once school started again. Duncan let her know that one way would be to increase the weights she was wearing-Liz wanted to throw her soaking wet towel at him for that. Duncan did give her some good news: Immortals seemed to be able to build strength and endurance much quicker then mortals.
Dr Levins had just returned from his first good look at the new clinic. It was almost ready to open; already most of the people for the staff were there and moving in to the offices and clinic area. All the necessary equipment was in place, and the state board had approved all the technicians, nurses and himself as the doctor on site. Just some minor details needed to be ironed out. He had decided that the next day they would transfer Liz to the new clinic-it would technically open the day after but he felt there should be no problem with it.
Cynthia was finding it very hard to be impartial about chronicling Liz Parker= she really like the young woman. Liz was bright and cheerful, incredibly intelligent and sharp, and was one of the most decent and kindest people Cynthia had ever meant. There really was nothing not to like about Liz Parker. And the more she saw of Duncan Mcleod, the more she understood why so many Watchers and Immortals had such respect for him. He truly tried to be the epitome of Honor. This all worried her a little, so she screwed up her courage and called Joe Dawson to ask him how he was able to be impartial with Duncan McLeod. His answer startled her a little.
“I do not have a hard time because I do not try and be all that impartial. Duncan is hardly ever in the wrong so it is not something that comes up very often. When he is he quite often quickly admits it. I can give him the benefit of the doubt because over the years he has conclusively shown that he deserves it. It sounds to me that Liz Parker is cut from the very same cloth; and therefore I would not worry about the impartial part- just write down what you see as it happens= I would recommend you get a small recorder and just speak your words quietly into it. Then transcribe it as you said it originally. As long as you leave nothing else you will have done your job.”
Cynthia chewed on all that for a while and finally came to the conclusion that she would just write it as she saw it and leave the interpretations to someone else.
Liz was quite happy to be on her way back to Roswell on the 7th day. The only down side to it was that they had waited until after her last training session ended at 4 PM before getting things ready to go. Which meant they would not be in Roswell until around 8 PM. The upside was that she could rest and nap on the way.
Duncan and Dr Levins were in the new clinic making sure everything was ready for Liz’s arrival. They wanted to make certain that any visitors would not be suspicious. Liz would be put into one of the two rooms made up for patients staying over night. The rest of the clinic was strictly for out patients. The plan was to have Liz stay there for at least 3-4 days then sent home for semi bed rest with daily visits to the clinic (where she could train for at least a while). They would continue that for at least a week before she was declared cured. The Hollywood special make up technician Dr Levins had found would be there the next week and before Liz left the clinic the fake scar would be in place. It was put together so that Liz could keep it on for 3-4 days before she had to replace the adhesive. Or after every shower if she got it too wet.
Once they got to the clinic Liz was taken in on a gurney just in case anyone was watching. No one seemed to be but the Watchers and Duncan were taking no chances. In a short while she was established in the room and ready for visitors. Who came very quickly once Dr Levins informed the Parkers that their daughter was now back in town.
Jeff and Nancy were over to the clinic within half an hour of Liz arriving.
“Liz you look so much better than during our last visit. Dr Levins says your recovery is going very quickly” Nancy was very happy to see Liz looking so well. One never would have thought that she had been so close to death just a week earlier.
“That is what he keeps telling me mom. I am just happy to be back in Roswell and if things go well I will be back home in 3-4 days. Then mostly bed rest for the next week while the Doc here checks that there are no problems. I should be able to go back to work the week after that for short shifts, then full shifts the week after that.”
“Honey we have told you NOT to worry about that. And we do not want you over doing it and having a relapse” Jeff was being very firm about that. His daughter was a notorious over achiever and this was one case when they were going to put their foot down..
Liz sighed. Not like this surprised her at all; she had been expecting it. Though it would help her to do more training this way.
The Parkers stayed for half and hour and only left when Maria and Alex arrived. Admonished by the Parkers not to stay long as it was getting late and Liz needed her rest, the somewhat abashed pair promised to make their visit short.
Once the door was closed Maria as expected jumped right in.
“so chicka how does the stomach look. Can we see?”
“Oh come on Alex you try and tell me that you are not curious?”
“Of course I am but I can wait unlike someone we all know and occasionally suffer with”
Liz had to smile- Maria was Maria and nothing would ever change that and Liz somehow liked that steady constant of an unpredictable Maria in her life. She suddenly had gotten an appreciation of that sort of thing in the last week.
“No you are not going to get to see it for a while since the Doctor just rebandaged it before we left and he wants to check it again tomorrow- he is hoping to take out the stitches in the next few days. Once he does that I will be going home.”
Alex was very happy to hear that but was surprised how fast the stitches would be coming out and said so.
“Well I was very lucky and during the emergency surgery here at Roswell the doctor doing it made a relatively small incision. And the doctor at the clinic who got the bullet out used the same one for that so I will have only one scar about 4 inches long. Since I seem to be healing relatively fast it seems I will be home sooner than anyone would have thought last week at this time.”
Joe Dawson had just gotten around to reading Dr Levins account of Liz Parkers operation to get out the bullet and was startled by it. For a newbie immortal less then a day old her healing factor was VERY high. Added to Duncans account at how quickly Liz had revived after her first death, this made her a very unusual immortal. Newbie’s with this strong a quickening this early was just unheard of. He pondered on this for a while and was thinking about sending an enquiry to the Watchers Research division when Methos walked into the Seacover Jazz bar that Joe would be leaving the next day for Roswell.
“Well Joe what is this I hear about Duncan getting a new student in Roswell of all places?”
Joe chuckled at that. Of course the official researcher of Methos for the Watchers, Adam Pierson, would find a way to keep up with all the latest gossip.
“You heard right and I will be down running a Jazz Café there starting tomorrow so your cheap beer tab is going to end here at the same time. Sam has made it clear he is cutting NO one any slack.”
Methos pouted- which made Joe laugh all the more.
“ Well then I guess I am going to have to tramp down to Roswell myself if for no other reason to bother the Boy Scout by sitting in the corner and laughing as he tries to train the newbie. A young woman if the gossip is correct. I know he has never taken on a woman as a student- he always had either Cassandra or Amanda do it. Which is usually the best since women usually fight different from men and they also can sympathize with her better then a man can anyway. Do you know why?”
“Probably because she has the chance to continue her old life for several years or maybe more depending on her luck. He realizes how rare that is and wants to make sure as much as possible that she can have that. Lets face it there is no way Amanda would stay in Roswell for any time at all and Cassandra would draw too much attention with her lifestyle. Duncan already has an in as the director of the new clinic that she will be staying in for a few days and going in for checkups for a while. He has set up a training room that can be hidden in the clinic so that should also help.”
Methos frowned. “While I can understand doing that for a while, she is going to have to come to grips with leaving all she has known no matter what. These few years of false security in the end will be of no real help if she is going to cope with an immortals life. Like tearing a band aid right off instead of peeling it, it will be better for her in the long run”
Joe rolled his eyes. “Can always count on you to take the most pessimistic and dark look at things.”
Methos was unmoved. “ I like to call it being practical and realistic”
“Ok mr Practical and Realistic, read this. This is Dr Levins account of his operation on Liz to get the bullet out. Add to this the fact that Duncan is sure that Liz revived only a couple of hours after she died.”
Methos raised an eyebrow at that- that was very quick for coming back after a first death. Most immortals took at least 12 hours; with some taking as long as 18-24. He took the account from Joe and read it.
Joe sat back and waited in anticipation. Methos was actually a very good researcher and quite good at ferreting out things. Add to his 5000+ years of actual experience and Joe figured that he would get as good an answer to the unusually strong quickening that Liz Parker seemed to have.
Methos read the account with increasing disbelief. This kind of a strong quickening so soon after a first death in someone this young was like nothing he had ever heard of. He put down the account and sat back in his chair, turning and staring at a wall for several minutes.
Joe leaned forward in increasing interest. Methos was clearly startled by the account and seeing the ancient immortal like this was very rare indeed.
Methos was thinking very hard. This was as unusual as he had ever seen and his curiosity was increasing by the minute. He looked over at Joe.
“I will be in Roswell tomorrow as well. I really want to meet Miss Parker.”
He said nothing else and got up and walked out the door, leaving an astonished Joe Dawson in his wake. This kind of reaction from Methos was very unlike him. He had not even stopped to get a beer.
Addicted Roswellian
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Re: Another Life (HLDR, CC, Mature)

Post by thumper1942 »

I know this is a little short but seems to be a good place to stop

Another Life Part 12
Liz had just finished her morning workout with Jimmy and had taken her shower in the new clinic (she liked that she got more privacy this way) when she was told Kyle was here to see her. She sighed at that- she was really hoping she would have more time to figure out what to say to him. Luckily she had a hair dryer and had finished drying her hair as she walked out the back of the building to move to the rear entrance of the clinic. She had told Cynthia who had let her know to wait for her call from her room when she was ready.
Kyle paced impatiently in the lobby of the new clinic. It had sure opened fast which he was grateful for since it got Liz back in Roswell faster. He was in one way really glad and in another worried because he had a feeling Liz was about to break up with him. And he was conflicted about that. He thought Liz was a great girl and a great person but he had to admit that he did not love her. They had had a good time together but he doubted it was going to go anywhere. And he thought that Liz was probably feeling the same. But he also knew that she would be reluctant to take any action she thought would hurt someone else-preferring to take the pain on herself if possible. And there was no way Kyle was going to go along with that-so he had determined to lay it all out as soon as possible.
Liz sat back in her bed and let Cynthia know she was ready. She was trying to rehearse what she wanted to say to Kyle in her head but she could not seem to get the words right. This was tough since she really hated to hurt anyone and Kyle was a real nice guy. She hoped that the inkling she got that maybe Kyle realized they were not meant to last was correct.
Kyle walked into Liz’s room and saw that she was sitting up in bed and looking real good for someone who had almost died just a week ago. That made him feel a little better about the decision he had made.
“Liz- you look great for someone who got shot only a week ago and just barely made it. You must heal real fast. “
Liz smiled at that- pretty much the same thing people either said or she was pretty sure they thought when they saw her.
“That is what people seem to say to me lately. I guess its better then the alternative.”
Kyle sat down in the chair next to the bed and took Liz’s hand. Ok Valenti its time to bite the bullet and get it done.
“Liz. I am not sure how to say this but I kind of think you know what its about.”
He stopped, obviously trying to find the right words. Liz decided that she needed to save him from having to spell it out.
“Well I guess this is either coincidence or maybe we do know each other better then we thought. I really like you Kyle and think you are a great guy but I do not think you are the guy for me. Is that pretty much the same thing you wanted to say to me except of course I would be pissed a little if you called me a guy.” Then she quietly smiled at him.
Kyle shook his head. He knew that Liz had wanted to save him any embarrassment and she had to a certain extent. He owed it to her to be as equally honest and forthright.
“Pretty much, Liz. And I would never call you a guy. We had some good times and I have no regrets except that I did hope it would end up being more. I really do not think there is a better girl or better person in Roswell.”
Liz blushed. “That is about the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me, Kyle, and I really thank you. But I disagree about no better girls -or if I want to be really honest at least as good as I am- I do have something of an ego you know. You just have to look around some more. They are out there and if you ever need a character reference send them to me. You are a great guy and a great person.”
Kyle blushed a little himself, and was a little annoyed at doing so. “Well I hope I do not have to do that Liz, since it would be a little awkward. But right back at you if some guy wonders about you- but then if he does then he is definitely not the guy for you since anyone who cannot see how great you are is really deaf dumb and blind.”
Liz grinned at him. “OK, lets stop with saying things that make each other turn red. While it is kind of nice its kind of awkward since we are breaking up and this is really not the way it usually goes. Which I am certainly not complaining about, but…” she trailed off, not able to really find the words.
Kyle nodded. “Yeah maybe we should cut this off now before it gets really awkward and weirder then it already is.
“Yeah its not like Roswell is not weird enough as it stands.” Liz smiled back at him and gave a squeeze to his hand.
Kyle let go of her hand and stood up. “Liz I hope to stay your friend and anytime you need something you let me know.”
“Right back at you Kyle. Any time any place. I like to keep my friends.”
Addicted Roswellian
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Re: Another Life (HLDR, CC, Mature)

Post by thumper1942 »

Another Life Part 13
Over the next 3 days Liz alternated with training and being visited by her friends and family. Claudia came by the next day with Dad and Mom. They had a nice visit early in the morning. Claudia was impressed by how quickly Liz was healing. Nancy and Jeff were just happy she was. They were busy planning for Liz to be home that Friday. Dr Levins stopped by during their visit and indicated that Liz was doing very well indeed and that she should be able to move around some once she got home. Liz was a little frustrated since she knew that her training would have to be cut back once she was home and on semi bed rest. She was going to visit the clinic each day and she was able to find a way to stay a little longer by saying she had made some real good friends there, especially Jimmy and Cynthia. And then she got the bright idea of saying that physiotherapy would be much easier there. Dr Levins picked right up on that and said that he would have no trouble certifying to the insurance company that it was needed. He thought that 2 hrs a day slowly lengthening would be the way to go. Liz then knew that she would be able to convince her parents to let her start working out after that by saying that while she had never done it before that she found she liked doing it. She decided that she would get a membership to a local gym and do some working out there while then slipping over to the clinic for workouts with Duncan.
Maria and Alex came over each evening and that was usually a fun time since they could now relax as regards Liz being almost home and clearly healing fast.
Liz had of course told Maria of the breakup with Kyle, so Maria had wasted no time in telling Max.
The next morning Max came in for his daily update on Liz (he felt it would be pushing it to try and see Liz while she was at the clinic). Maria to a certain extent agreed with that, and she was glad to see that Max was eager to see Liz. She was very glad to let him know the news.
“Well Max you’re up.” Were here words to him.
Max got a puzzled look on his face. “What do you mean Maria?”
“Liz gave Kyle the heave ho yesterday, though actually it turned out to be a mutual thing. Kyle had been thinking it over as well and came to the realization that they were better off as friends the same way Liz had. So the parting was a friendly one”
“I am glad about that, so I can try and see Liz without feeling guilty I was taking advantage of the situation.”
Maria snorted. “Of course you are taking advantage of the situation. All is fair in love and war, remember?”
Max blinked. “Maria you seem awfully eager to put Liz and I together?”
Now Maria got serious. “I think that you and Liz could be a real good match. You are both a lot alike in a lot of ways. I think you two would mesh pretty well. I want Liz to be happy and I think you both could be happy together.”
Max looked at her. “Thank you Maria, I will try and not let you down”
Maria smiled at him in a way that suddenly sent chills down his spine.
“Just make sure you don’t hurt her or I will get you for it. Remember that.”

Joe Dawson was not surprised that Methos was in his new spot the same day he took over. His curiosity about Liz Parker was definitely out of the ordinary, and for the 5000 year old Immortal to show interest like that openly spoke volumes. That had prodded Joe into asking the Watcher Research division for an average on the time of a immortal reviving after their first death. While the actual data was somewhat sparse, all indications were that Liz Parker was an unusual case. Richie Ryan had revived 11 hours after his first death, and that was considered fairly fast. For Liz Parker to come back at 2 hrs was extremely out of the norm. For all his above average return to life the first time, all other indications were that he was a normal Immortal. There was no data indicating that those that revived quickly had anything else out of the ordinary. However when you coupled that to the extreme power of Liz’s healing shown during the operation to remove the bullet, you got a different picture. THAT certainly indicated that Liz had a stronger than usual quickening. Joe was very interested in seeing Methos’s first meeting with Liz Parker. Methos had indicated in the past that he could tell the differences in a Immortals quickening, being able to tell a newbie from an old one; or one that had taken a lot of heads.
Methos had a back door into the Watchers Main computer system that he had put in when he first got access to it. That had come in very handy indeed after the whole Hunters fiasco. The watcher council decreed that blocks and restrictions on data on immortals would be increased greatly to prevent most Watchers from being able to learn much about other immortals without a very good reason and approval from supervisors. The Council was certain that there were still Hunter sympathizers in the society despite their very ruthless and thorough clean up after the last hunter had been executed. A special section, patterned after the Internal Affairs divisions of most police departments, was now a permanent part of the Society. Their job would be to constantly be looking for those sympathizers.
Over the last two days Methos had scoured the data base on immortals with strong quickenings that had not come from taking heads. The data he found was very scarce. There just were no real examples of what Liz Parker had shown. Her very fast revival coupled with such an aggressive healing system less then one day later was unprecedented. Very little surprised the old Immortal any more, and even less startled him. But this did. Having encountered literally hundreds if not more than a thousand Immortals in all his years, he had also never encountered someone so young with such a strong quickening. He found himself very eager indeed to meet this young woman.
Liz Parker was looking forward in one way to getting back home; the familiar surroundings and sleeping in her own bed was definitely something to look forward to. However it was going to cut down on her training time(not that she really objected to that, seeing how exhausted and painful the sessions with both Jimmy and Duncan were) and she knew that that was NOT a good thing for someone who had to quickly learn how to defend herself from sword wielding head hunters. She was still wearing her wrist and ankle weights, and had been somewhat startled when she realized that the extra weight had become second nature. She had examined herself carefully in the mirror and was unable to be sure that she saw any visible signs that she was getting stronger, but she knew she was. 10 days into her training, and she was now able to lift weight that she had not been able to the first day. It was not a great increase, but it definitely was there.
Dr Levins was surprised to get the request from Adam Pierson to see Liz Parker. The head researcher (actually the only researcher, but Dr Levins did not know that) of the fabled “Methos”, supposedly a reclusive and illusive immortal that was supposed to be over 5000 years old, by far the oldest Immortal still with his head attached to his body. There was a great deal of skepticism by a lot of Watchers that Methos even existed, but the search still went on. Why Pierson wanted to see Liz Parker was something he asked him: Piersons response interested him. He had read of Liz’s quick revival and more importantly of her aggressive healing indicating an unusually strong quickening for such a young immortal. Methos reportedly had a very strong quickening due to his age at the very least, and so it did seem somewhat to the point that Pierson would want to meet an immortal with apparently a strong quickening.
Dr Levins had to carefully think about how he would introduce Adam to Liz; Liz did not know about the Watchers, so a reason for Adam to see her had to be found. He decided on a little half truth=he would say that those in the know about Immortals naturally were curious about them, and that Adam was one who actually did research as much as possible on them. He would be put in the mold of the absent minded professor into pure research in the quest for knowledge, making him appear non threatening.
Liz was indeed curious about Adam Pierson when told of his wanting to meet her. She thought that it must be hard to do any research on Immortals considering how well they seemed to be able to hide. She wanted to ask him some things as well about Immortals since he seemed to know a lot more then she did, and she had found that outside of the basics Duncan seemed somewhat reticent to speak about Immortals, unless it was to teach her things he felt she needed to know to survive the Game.
Methos walked into Liz Parkers room for his first glimpse of this unusual immortal. Her quickening did indeed seem much stronger then a newbie with no heads to her credit should be. His perusal of all data and what was known about Liz Parker in every way indicated that there was nothing hidden about her past. A foundling, as all Immortals were, and her background was an open book. In a relatively small city like Roswell, it would have been impossible to hide anything extreme about her.
So the notion that she was an older immortal posing as a newbie just did not fly. Plus Duncan had mentioned to Joe that the first buzz he got from Liz before her death was normal for a pre immortal. So something had happened to her as she died and revived. BUT What could that be? Her death was caused by a normal shooting; nothing unusual there= most pre immortals seemed to die violent or sudden deaths. This was a mystery that he really wanted to examine. Liz Parker at first glance did not seem remarkable. A very pretty girl, physically small and slight, but clearly very intelligent and sharp. Observant as well. Her eyes had gotten very wide at the realization that another Immortal was here to see her= and she had the quickness of mind to take the pad and paper she had on her nightstand and write this: “Do you want to speak openly about being an Immortal- I kind of have the feeling that anything I say in this room is monitored”. She thought that was a logical move on the clinics part so that anything that suddenly came up of if she called for help someone would know. And while the people at the clinic knew about Immortals, maybe they did not know Adam was one of them. Methos was a little amused at what she did, but at the same time gave her full marks for not being a patsy and too trusting. Something he had constantly ragged on the Boy Scout for being that way for years. He wrote below her writing “No, I would prefer that they did not know about me”
Methos started things out simply. “I try and do research on Immortals because they fascinate me. But its hard to find that many to talk to me. Duncan Mcleod has helped me on occasion to talk to some and I am glad to be able to talk to you, since I have not had the chance to talk to someone so new to the Immortal ranks.”
Liz liked Adam. He was clearly an intelligent and sharp person, and not bad looking at all. Since she had a vested interest in finding out all she could about Immortals, she thought that they could help each other.
“Sounds OK to me. And I have some questions about Immortals as well. Duncan is quite willing to teach me how to survive the Game, but he is somewhat reluctant to talk about other immortals. So being able to talk to some one who knows a lot more then I do about them is something I am looking forward to. So fire away”
Methos carefully considered how to go about this. He really could not say too much, since he knew this was all being taped and anything suspicious would get back to the council. He had found that being a watcher had helped him avoid Immortal entanglements over the years, and he had always found it amusing being the researcher on the “Methos” project.
“If you please could tell me everything you remember about the shooting and what you felt when you woke up in the hospital”
“Not a whole lot about the shooting. Just felt the impact in my stomach and falling to the floor, and passing out pretty much right after. I have been told that Max Evans, who is a classmate of mine and was my lab partner in Biology last year, got to me first and was trying to apply pressure to the wound. I think I remember him touching my stomach, and feeling something warm there, but maybe that is my imagination working over time. The next thing I remember is waking up in the hospital that night, feeling a whole lot better than anyone with a bullet in their stomach should feel. My curiosity got the better of me and I took off my bandage when I felt no pain or discomfort. Imagine my feelings when I found no wound, and the thread from my stitches laying there with the unneeded bandage. Not long after that as I was trying to figure out what was going on Duncan showed up and I got this terrible sudden headache. That went away when I looked at him as he told me to. Then he explained that I was now an Immortal. I would have liked to argue with him, but the evidence was pretty definite that something very strange was going on, and his story of what had happened to me fit the way I was feeling and the fact that I had no wound.”
Methos listened attentively. So far nothing unusual at all there, except for that possible thing with Max Evans. Probably nothing, but he would check him out as well. You never knew where leads in a story might take you.
Liz then asked him about what he knew about Immortals as a whole. Methos used his centuries (if not millenniums) of telling half truths and leading suggestions to give her a fairly accurate picture of Immortals as a whole. He told her that no one knew just how many were around (which was indeed true) and that they had no real idea of the actual numbers (which was not true). He thought there were probably several thousand of them, but had no idea if he was right. He mentioned that they were in many ways like most people, some good some bad and most in the middle. The headhunters were a relatively small number, and he thought the good ones were somewhat more representeted. Though he doubted that many were as overall as good a person as Duncan Mcleod was.
Liz listened carefully. She was sure that Adam was leaving a lot out, since he was an immortal himself and clearly did not want anyone at the clinic to know about that. So she made plans to make sure that he came to see her, or if he could not she wanted to go see him while he was in town so that they could talk openly.
She wrote that down on her pad and showed it to him. He nodded. He was also eager to talk to her a little more and felt that giving her more of an honest opinion of immortals as a whole then the Boy Scout would tell her was to her advantage as well.

Duncan Mcleod came into Joe’s new place the second night it was open and was very surprised to see Methos there as well. Nodding to Joe he sat down next to Methos at the bar and cocked his eye at him.
Methos was working on his second beer and was amused at Duncan’s demeanor. The Boy Scout was in normal curious mode and at the same time wondering if methos was going to be talking to his new student. Methos was going to enjoy this.
“I have already been to see Liz Parker in my Adam Pierson guise as regards the Watchers and as someone who has tried to research Immortals to Liz. So I told her a watered down version of things and she played along. As soon as she got the buzz she was writing down on her pad asking if I wanted it kept quiet about being an Immortal since she was sure the room was being monitored. Of course she thought the bugging was because they wanted to be able to respond if they heard anyone in the room asking for help or in audible distress. She has no idea about Watchers.”
Duncan was skeptical. Methos was rarely interested in new immortals.
“Come on, you have shown little curiosity about new immortals in the past. Why are you so curious about Liz Parker? “
Methos grinned. It was always fun tweaking the Boy Scout.
“Surely you noticed that her quickening is stronger then the average Newbie?”
Duncan frowned. “Well it does seem so but so what? That is not THAT unusual.”
“Not that her quickening is so strong so quickly so much is that her aggressive healing is. I guess Dr Levins did not give details about her operation to remove the bullet?”
Duncan shook his head. “He said nothing to me about it.”
Methos sighed. Sometimes Duncan was a little naïve.
“Of course he said nothing. He is a Watcher and he is not going to say anything to another Immortal about something like that unless he had to.”
“So what was so unusual?” sometimes prying information out of Methos was like removing teeth the old fashioned way- with pliers.
“He almost had his hand sealed to her wound her healing was so aggressive. I have never heard of that kind of strength in someone only one day an immortal without taking any heads.”
Duncan sat back, a little shocked. THAT was very unusual. That added to what was indeed a much stronger quickening in a new immortal, which now as he thought about it was stronger then any he had felt from a newbie every before, startled him. He looked at Methos.
“Do you have any theories or speculations?”
“Nothing at this time. Liz’s account of everything seems pretty typical except for the speed of her revival. The only thing that might possible stand out is that she THINKS that the young man who tried to help her right after she was shot when he put his hand on her wound she felt a strange warmth of some kind. That may be nothing but her imagination coming from the shock of the incident but it is the only thing that is not normal. I am going to check out that young man anyway.”
“What is his name?”
“Max Evans.
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Re: Another Life (HLDR, CC, Mature)

Post by thumper1942 »

Another Life Part 14
Methos first found out what he could on Max Evans. And some of that was interesting. Found as foundlings wandering in the desert by the Evans at the age of 6 with his sister Isabel. No trace of parents or relatives found, they were adopted by the Evans. That made him even more interested. So he first got their address and drove by the house. Simple and unpretentious in a good neighborhood. He was lucky that as he drove by Max came out and got in his Jeep and headed towards the town center. Methos followed at a distance, not wanting to spook his target. Max headed towards the Crashdown Café where he parked nearby and headed in. Methos decided to follow him in. He was lucky again in that he was able to slide into the booth next to Max. Even luckier to overhear the waitress who wore the name tag Maria tell Max that Liz would be home the next day. Methos figured that the waitress was Maria Delucca, Liz’s best friend. Max did not stay long. Methos waited until he had left to leave himself. Max had gotten close enough for Methos to be sure that he was neither an immortal nor a Pre immortal, but he did get a twitch of some kind from him; like nothing he had ever felt before. It was just barely there, but it was something. Methos was beginning to think that Liz’s recollection of Max’s hand being warm and doing something to her was correct. THAT would explain her unusually quick revival and quickening. Of course HOW that could happen was a whole other story. Nothing in Methos’s long life had ever indicated there was a way to strengthen a quickening other than by age or taking heads. He had on a few occasions run into healers that did seem to be able to speed the process by psychic means- always doubtful of that sort of thing he had still seen enough to know it was possible. BUT he failed to see how that could affect the quickening, and none of the healers had given off any kind of buzz or vibe or anything; not like Max. So he was once again left with more questions than answers.

Max left the Crashdown encouraged by the news that Liz would be home the next day. He was determined to talk to her; he felt for some reason he could not define that he had to act now or forever lose any chance with her. He did not know why he felt that way, but he did. He decided as well that he had to tell Isabel and Michael about his plans. He knew that that would not be easy and that they would not really accept him trying to start a relationship with someone outside of them. But he was determined that he would try.
As was to be expected, he told them that evening and their reaction pretty much followed what he thought it would be. Isabel was dismissive and hostile to it, but said as usual he would do what he wanted no matter what they said. Michael just rolled his eyes- he was not surprised at all. But he felt the same way-nothing good would come of it. Max told them that if they wanted to spend their lives alone that was up to them; he wanted to have more out of life then the paranoid go it alone life they had led since coming out of the pods.
Liz had just finished up the last training session of the day with Duncan. And she was worn out. Duncan had started her on doing Kata’s with the wooden practice sword he had gotten for her. It was a series of exercises that had to be done very precisely and repeated over and over again. Liz was a little surprised that she did as well as she did. Duncan was encouraged as well. Liz seemed to have a natural grace and sense of timing that would stand her in good stead in her training. Liz was worn out though. While her immortal healing would have her recovered by morning, at the moment she was dragging. But she perked up again when Adam Pierson stopped by and they went into the Training room to talk. Adam looked around and decided they needed to get outside the building if they really wanted to talk openly. So they went over to his car and drove out of town with Liz staying low in the seat so as not to be seen. Once outside of town they found a quiet spot.
Liz decided that she needed to know some things.
“Well, lets get started and if you do not mind I want to begin.” She looked at Adam expectantly.
Methos shrugged and leaned back in the seat with a gesture of fire away.
Liz pulled out a list. She always tried to be prepared when she could be. Methos got a small smile at that. He was not surprised- he figured she was the type to be as organized as possible.
“Ok, first off how old are you. I can sense that your quickening is a little stronger then Duncans and that means usually greater age, right?”
Methos was very surprised that she could tell the difference- that ability usually only came to those immortals over a 1000 years old, and some not even then. Amanda could not, but Cassandra could. That an immortal less than 2 weeks old could tell that difference was just one more clue that there was more to Liz Parker then anyone including herself knew. He decided to deflect her somewhat by answering her questions his way.
“Not all the time; some immortals have a stronger quickening from the start; others get stronger by taking more heads. Duncan has taken quite a few over the years, some of them very strong. I will admit that I am older then Duncan, but I try and keep a low profile in the immortal community. It usually means you keep your head longer.”
Liz frowned. He was not going to tell her his age but then that was his right, wasn’t it? Not really that important but it was just something she wanted to know. BUT his comment about Duncan brought up question #2.
“Duncan Mcleod seems to have a reputation as one of the really good guys as Immortals go but you just said that he has taken a number of heads. Does that not contradict his image; or has he made a specialty of taking out bad guys?”
Methos smirked. “There is a reason I like to call him a Boy Scout, Liz. Duncan has this mania about honor and fighting the good fight. Its gotten him in a lot of trouble over the years and many times could have cost him his head. If he has a guardian angel I hope he gets overtime and bonuses, because he certainly earns it.”
Liz nodded. OK that relieved her mind a little bit but she had to admit she had pegged Duncan as a good guy from the first minute she saw him in the hospital. She once again realized just how lucky she was that Duncan had found her.
“OK next question. Are there any concentrations of Immortals or are they mostly loners?”
“Mostly loaners. There have been a few married couples that lasted centuries, one that has lasted over 300 years so far. Usually though they eventually break up and sometimes one of them loses their head. As regards other kinds of relationships and such its very rare.”
Liz was trying to rap her mind around a 300 year old relationship. Shrugging her shoulders, she put that off to wonder about another time.
“From what Duncan and some at the clinic have said they think that Roswell has been pretty much avoided by the Immortal crowd. Is that because of the circus of UFO that we have become or is it just a part of the US they just do not seem interested in.”
“I think its both. The Southwest is usually pretty sparse of Immortals anyway. Most go to either extreme- big cities to hide in or out in the country with few people around.”
“What is the oldest immortal known, and how long do you think they have been around?”
“There are rumors of one called Methos that is supposed to be over 5000 years old but that is thought by many to be just legend. No one has a clue how long we have been around. Probably thousands of years before that anyway. No one really knows.”
Liz blinked at that, but the answer did not surprise her. She would love to talk to someone 5000 years old- what things he could tell her!

Cynthia had followed Liz and Adam Pierson to the edge of town but had to drop back once they got on a side road. She turned off her lights and got out of the car and followed on foot. She got close enough to overhear some of the conversation, but it was a clear night with a full moon so she did not dare get any closer. She had asked for one of the parabolic mikes that would enable her to overhear conversations at a distance but it had not come in yet. Liz seemed to be asking generic questions for the most part. Cynthia figured that Liz knew anything she said could be recorded in the clinic, and that was fair. Liz had to be a little paranoid after what had happened to her in the last couple of weeks. It did surprise her that Adam was being so open with her- but then Liz seemed to have that effect on most people she met. Liz Parker was someone you just naturally trusted.
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Re: Another Life (HLDR, CC, Mature)

Post by thumper1942 »

Another Life Part 15
On Liz’s last day at the clinic the Hollywood special make up technician that Dr Levins had arranged to come and do a scar for her showed up. He was not part of the watchers or in the know so they had had to concoct a story that would fly. It was decided that a rich uncle was indulging his favorite niece by letting her get this scar to play some practical jokes on her friends. Liz proceeded to play the ditzy air head role to a T and fooled the technician totally, who was heard to mutter that clearly Hollywood had no exclusive patent to the classic air head. Liz was very interested in the whole process but managed to do a good job of hiding it. Cynthia was there with her and promised to remind her if she forgot something. The technician thought that she would really have her work cut out for her. But he was being well paid for a days work so he really did not care much.
Liz examined the scar closely once the technician left. She poked and prodded it and asked Cynthia what it looked like.
“It’s a scar just like anyone else who had an operation has. Which is exactly what you want. BUT you are going to have to remember to keep it on. That will get kind of old after a while but there you are.”
Liz nodded. It would get to be a drag but that was a minor detail if it let her live her life the way she wanted to.

It had been decided that Liz would leave the clinic to the Crashdown in her parents van that they normally used to pick up supplies for the Crashdown. It was big and roomy and it would thus be a good transport for someone supposedly still recovering from a gunshot wound. Dr Levins had talked to Liz about how she had to move slow and seem somewhat weak still. She had to play her part to make sure no one got suspicious. Liz knew this but she understood that Dr Levins was just playing it safe and she got it.
Jeff and Nancy were eager to get their daughter back at home where she had belonged. They had not realized how much they had missed her at home- this was the longest time they had ever been apart. Even the last few days while Liz had been in the Roswell Clinic it had not been the same. They were getting an idea of what it would be like in a few years when Liz went off to college. Liz had expressed a strong desire to attend Harvard and had been working on getting a scholarship there. Since she was already on the Honor role after her first year in Roswell High, she had a good chance to end up valedictorian = which would be a big step towards getting one. They knew that any way it happened Liz would be going away to some top college somewhere a long way from Roswell.
Liz had also been thinking about college as well. She would need to leave Roswell anyway after a time when it got more and more clear she was not aging. College, especially a major university, would be a lot easier to hide that. She still wanted to go to Harvard, but she was also realizing that she would NOT be able to go into research of Microbiology as she had wanted. Researchers stayed in the same place for many years usually, and a young looking one that does not age would draw too much attention. Leaving every five to seven years would not look good on her resume, and that would have to change everytime making her look like a newly graduated researcher, which would also mean she would never be doing any more then the scut work that newbies always did. AND if she did discover something that would draw more attention then she could afford. She had thought about teaching but for many of the same reasons that was out now as well. She was getting a little depressed about it all-all the plans she had ever made were going up in smoke. What would she do that would occupy her enough not to get into a rut-which would also be a bad thing as that could end up making her get careless about the game and then ending up a head shorter. She decided she needed to talk to both Adam and Duncan about this- they clearly had a lot more experience about this sort of thing.

Liz had just settled into bed back in her room and managed to convince her mother and father that she was fine and they did not need to fuss about her. She just wanted to relax back in familiar surroundings and rest. That did make them leave, with promises to check on her now and then. She tried to make them realize that that would not be every 15 minutes or so. They promised, but she had her doubts. She waited for a few minutes then dug out her diary from its hiding place under a loose board in her closet. She had been keeping a diary since she was 10 and put down everything in it. She had just picked up her pencil to start updating it when it hit her= she could no longer put down EVERYTHING. Anything that hinted at Immortality would have to be left out and her cover story left in. That, almost as much as anything else, really brought Liz to where she finally realized just how much her life had changed, and how much more complicated it had become. She was also now realizing just why immortals from all accounts were generally loners. Just how much could you trust anyone that had a motive for wanting you dead? As for mortals, they would notice you did not age in a few years. And watching friends and maybe loved ones grow old, get sick and die just had to be torture. Liz hated the thought of watching Maria and Alex get old, and fade away; or get sick and die.
She knew that she would be long gone from Roswell before that ever occurred, and she was still determined to tell them, but that would not change the basic truth that as long as she kept her head, she could live for centuries. While they would not. The unfairness of it all got to her, and slowly tears wound down her face as the bitter truth of her existence slowly surrounded and consumed her.
Just then a knock on her door came and her mother poked her head in.
“I know we promised to not bother you but Maria is here. Do you want to see her or are you too tired?” Luckily Liz had quickly wiped her face and in the relatively dim room (Liz only had on her night stand lamp) she did not see the tear streaks or red eyes.
Liz for a minute wanted to just be alone, but at the same time realized that she had been going into a depression and that was NOT a good thing. And she just then decided that it was time to tell Maria. Maybe not the smartest thing to do but it was something she needed to do- she needed to be able to talk to her best friend about EVERYTHING.
“I am fine, mom, and I really want to be able to talk to Maria about the last couple of weeks and what has happened, and I really could not anywhere else but here.”
Nancy nodded and left.
Liz took a deep breath and tried to decide how to go about this. She felt that Maria would need a lot of convincing and knew just how to do it.
Maria opened the door and came in, seeing Liz sitting on the bed.
“How are you Chicka- you know if you are tired just let me know and we can talk tomorrow.”
Liz smiled at Maria, once again thinking how lucky she was to have a friend like her. Now to prove just how much of a friend she considered her to be.
“Sit down Maria = I have some really big news for you- as in humongous.”
Maria blinked at that- what in the world could Liz have to say that was that big?
Liz pulled up her shirt where the bandage was and slowly peeled it off.
Maria leaned forward “Well is the scar that bad, I thought it was fairly small.”
Liz smiled at her as she finished taking the bandage off, showing the still red and somewhat angry looking scar. The Technician had left her with two- one like this and one that was a permanent type.
Maria shrugged”chicka, its not that bad and it will fade. I mean you will not really be able to wear a bikini without people asking about it but then you don’t like bikini’s anyway,”
Then Liz peeled off the scar, showing a completely unmarked and undamaged stomach.
Maria’s eyes widened until they took up her whole face as her jaw dropped and she blinked. Then shook her head and closed her eyes, opened them and looked again and closed them. Then she pinched her arm so hard she yelped. Then she looked again. At Liz’s completely unmarked stomach.
Liz knew that Maria was about to go off so she forestalled that by standing up and taking an unresisting and shocked best friend and went out the other door to her room out to the balcony that was on top of the second floor of the Crashdown, where in good weather Liz liked to sit outside and look at the stars.
She then sat Maria down in her accustomed chair next to hers.
Maria slowly came out of her shock and stared at Liz.
“What in HELL is going on, Liz?
“I died that day at the hospital, Maria. Apparently the bullet shifted and nicked an artery and I bled out and died. A airhead nurse hooked up the monitor wrong and it did not sound an alarm. And I died. Only to come back to life again a couple of hours later. With no trace that anything every happened. And every scar I ever had is gone. Remember that time I cut myself when I was twelve on the leg- its gone too. And virtually nothing can kill me permanently. I can die, but I will almost always come back to life. And I will not age. I will look the same way as I do right now for as long as I live, which could be centuries or even millenniums. I am Immortal.”
Maria just sat there and stared at Liz.
Liz sighed- this was a little tougher then she thought it would be. So she decided to put on a little show. She went back into her room and pulled out the practice sword that she had hidden in her bag she brought back with her from the clinic. The balcony could not be seen from anywhere else since no building around the crashdown was any taller. She had convinced Duncan that she could practice her Kata’s and sword movements there and no one would be any wiser. She went back out onto the balcony and Maria was still there staring at where Liz had been sitting.
Liz started her Kata, slowly at first then speeding it up until she was going full speed. She had just learned in the last few days how to do that and she realized it was almost becoming second nature. She stopped it at the end of the 15 minute routine, breathing a little heavier but nowhere near as exhausted as she used to be- her conditioning was beginning to kick in.
Maria was totally dazed. Liz was an Immortal-whatever that meant. No wound, and she doing some kind of strange exercise or routine and she was getting faster and faster as the sword almost started to sing so fast was it moving. There was no way Liz had been injured- but Maria had seen the blood and had been sure her best friend had been dying. And even the Liz pre wound could not have done what she had just done.
Liz put down the sword and sat next to Maria. The color, or as near as she could see in the fading sunlight, had started to return to her face. At least she did not scream or faint, Liz thought.
Maria slowly sat back in her chair, never taking her eyes off of Liz’s face.
“Liz I really do not know what to say. This is so big I cannot even get my brain around it.”
Liz grinned at her. “Maria without anything to say. Stop the presses- world wide scoop. Time to call a press conference.”
Maria narrowed her eyes at Liz. “OK chicka that is enough. No insults allowed tonight. I am entitled to at least one piercing scream and probably two to three rants. But at the moment I really am in shock.”
Liz sobered. While Maria was taking this better then she had hoped, she understood the shock part- she was a pro in that already.
“If you think you are shocked, look at me. I woke up in the hospital feeling a lot better than anyone should feel only a few hours after being shot and almost dying. I feel so good that despite my better judgment I decide to unwrap my bandage since I am feeling literally no pain or discomfort anywhere at all. And what do I find? No wound. Not only no wound but the threads from my stitches are laying on the bandage- apparently falling out once I healed. I sat there thinking what nightmare was this- if anyone found out at best I am a circus side show and at worst I become a lab rat somewhere.”
Maria shook her head. “Liz this is so bizarre but how did you know about immortals- did you have some kind of inkling or hint before this?”
Liz shook her head now”Not a hint at all. I was sitting there trying to figure out how to get out without anyone finding out and could not think of anything except either just sneaking out or letting my parents know somehow- which would be fun right there in ICU with all the nurses and doctors wandering about. Then all of a sudden I get this terrible headache. Felt like a migraine must feel- like a knife right in my forhead.”
Forgetting her shock, Maria leaned forward, engrossed in her friends narrative. “OK, what was THAT all about?”
Liz smiled. “That is when tall dark and handsome showed up.”
Maria jerked upright “WHAT?”
He said “Look at me and the headache will go away. I did and it did. He then introduced himself as Duncan Mcleod, and now I was like him- an Immortal.”
Maria blinked. “An Immortal. Who just happened to be around?”
Liz nodded. “By coincidence, or maybe my guardian angel working overtime, Duncan was in his car passing through Roswell after buying some antiques in El Paso= that is part of his cover, an antique dealer. He also owns and runs a gym and dojo in Seacover. He was passing through Roswell out of curiosity. The ambulance taking me to the hospital went right by him- and he could just barely tell that a pre immortal- one who has not had her or his first death- which is what kicks the whole thing off-had just passed him. I was lucky enough to get the attention of what is apparently one of the real good guys of the immortal community. So he turned right around and followed the ambulance to the hospital. And snuck in later one. If an immortal is old enough he can sense a pre immortals Quickening- it’s the energy or power that heals us. It gets a lot stronger once we revive. And apparently I start out with one that is a lot stronger then normal.”
Maria fixated on that. “What do you mean a lot stronger then normal?”
Liz grimaced a little. Adam had been very forthcoming about that and how that made Liz very unusual and also was a threat to her- she felt alike a much more experienced immortal, or one a lot older and therefore had a quickening that the headhunters would want to get. His recounting of her operation to get the bullet out of her had really shook her up.
“I revived in only a couple of hours. It usually takes 12-81, and can be as long as 24 hours. And when they operated on me at the Deming Clinic, I was healing so fast that the wound almost closed around the doctors hand and trapped it in my stomach. And five minutes after they stopped the anesthesia I was already coming around.”
Maria just stared at her, her mouth open again.
Liz sighed- then decided more evidence was needed. She went back into her room and pulled out the small antique knife that Claudia had given her years ago and she used as a letter opener.
She walked out to the balcony and showed Maria the knife, which of course she was familiar with. Then Liz used it to slice her hand open.
That jolted Maria out of her daze to stand up and cry “Liz what are you doing”
Liz held up her bleeding hand and Maria gasped.
Blue sparks were arching across the knife slash that was healing as Maria stared at it. In less then a minute the wound was gone and there was no trace except for the blood.
Maria blinked, shook her head, and then fainted.
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Re: Another Life (HLDR, CC, Mature)

Post by thumper1942 »

Another Life Part 16
Liz was able to wake up Maria after only a few minutes using some ammonia from the laundry room. Sputtering and coughing, Maria just blinked at Liz.
“Please tell me I did not faint!”
“Sorry but you did.”
“OK, but at least I had a good reason.”
“And that is.”
“My Best Friend is now immortal.”
“OK, sounds like a good reason.”
“Glad you agree. Now I need to find a place to scream and rant for the next 17 minutes.”
“Sorry no place like that around here. You are just going to have to cope.”
“Easy for you to say. You can wait for 500 years if you have to. My life span is a little shorter. And with shocks like this its probably going to be shorter yet.”
“Well its not all peaches and cream on this side. I will never age which means I will look as I am forever. And I just found out that Immortals cannot have children.”
“What! Why?”
“Think about it Maria. How would you like to have children, then watch them get sick, get old, and die while you did not. I cannot think of many worse things to have to go through.”
“When you put it that way it does suck. But you always wanted to have kids one day Liz, so don’t tell me it does not hurt like hell.”
“Of course it does but what good does it do to dwell on it. It’s a fact and I have to live with it. Just like I will have to live with the fact that every 5-7 years I will have to leave wherever I am and move on.”
“Because people will notice that I am not aging. And that could lead to other bad things like becoming a lab rat.”
“Oh. BUT there is makeup and things like that- in this day and age look what they can do on TV and in the movies. We just have to figure out how to do that so that no one notices it.”
Liz sat back and thought about it. Maybe. But it would be hard to maintain such a image. Never leaving home without making sure you look older then you really look. Being careful to not let it get smudged or altered so someone notices.
“I guess its possible but it would be pretty stressful and there is just so much you can do before it becomes kind of obvious and people start to get curious.”
“yeah but then you should be able to stay in places maybe 10-12 years instead of 5-7.”
Liz was cheered up by that possibility. Maybe things down the road did not need to be as bleak as she had thought.
“Thanks Maria= I was really kind of down just before you got here. I know I can make it through high school and probably college, but my dream of being a microbiological researcher is over. Even if I could find a way to look 30 or so, I would still be so junior in any research institution that I would never be able to really get the projects that time would normally get to. And no matter where I moved I would have to start as a young researcher again, and they always do the scut work.”
“OK, Chicka then you have to find a new dream. You can still go to Harvard if you want- you just have to find something else that you want to do afterwards.”
“Actually Harvard is probably no longer a good idea. TOO high profile a sheepskin. And that is something no Immortal can afford. I am probably better off going to New Mexico State, a fairly large campus in a very non descript university.”
Maria knew that Liz had always dreamed of going to Harvard and that was another dream that this immortal thing had just destroyed. It was sounding more and more that Liz had not exactly hit the jackpot of life here. And she had an idea that Liz was leaving something out, now that she had had a chance to sit down and start coming to grips with it. She looked at liz with a very searching eye that had Liz raising and eyebrow and asking” What now Maria, you are giving me the hairy eyeball and I want to know why?”
”I know you too well Liz. There is something and its something big that you are not telling me about the whole crazy Immortal thing.”
Liz leaned back with a sigh and thought about it. Was now the time to tell Maria about the Game. She sent a searching look back at her.
“I know that look. You are trying to figure out if I will go off again when you tell me the next big thing about being Immortal- which I can guess is another big minus to the whole thing. More and more Liz this looks like a “gift” you should find a way to return.”
“I know Maria, but without this gift I would be dead and buried now.”
Maria sighed. And nodded. “Yeah.”
Liz decided that it was as good a time as any. Maria just folded her arms and sat back in her chair.
“Let me have it Liz. Just spit it out.”
“OK. As far as I can find out Immortals have been around for thousands of years- maybe as much as 10,000 years-maybe more. No one knows for sure- not the immortals anyway. They think there maybe one as old as 5000, but no one is sure if this guy, supposedly called Methos, exists. I do know that there are some 2000 years old.”
Maria blinked and shook her head. “5000 years old. Imagine what he must have seen in all that time.”
Liz grimaced. “Yeah all the death and suffering and wondering around watching any mortals you know get old and die. Then move to the next place and go through the same.”
Maria looked at her friend closely. Liz appeared to be getting depressed again. This would not do.
“For someone that loves science and seeing progress and such you are forgetting that you will be around to see us reach the stars and go beyond. You will someday get a chance to do that yourself.”
Liz slowly nodded. She had not thought about that. Maria had a point. Maybe there were some plusses as well. Well time to let her know the real downside.
“I wondered if they had been around so long and could not die why there were not tens of thousands of them around and why had they not become known. I had never heard of them no matter what crazy magazine or National Enquirer cover story you read. That is when Duncan told me about the game and what it meant.”
“The Game? What Game?”
“Maria all immortals have a quickening- it’s the energy that allows us to heal and revive. I appear to have an unusually strong quickening for a newbie. And there is one way for an Immortal to permanently die- if we lose our heads- decapitation.”
Maria made a horrid face. “Yuck. But I guess it makes sense – you cannot heal if your head is rolling around on the ground.”
“Guess what happens if another Immortal is around if you lose your head?”
Maria looked at Liz closely. She had a nasty feeling the bad news was coming.
“OK, chicka what happens?”
“Your quickening goes to the immortal. I understand its like a lightning storm. And the more powerful the quickening the more the immortal gets high and gains strength to his quickening. He also gets the knowledge and wisdom of that immortal.”
Maria felt a big dred coming on. “So some immortals probably hunt others to get stronger and get high- right?”
“Yeah. And that is not all. There is a long standing rumor, that has been around for as long as any immortal can remember, that in the end there will only be a few immortals left. They will feel a pull to assemble into what is called the Gathering- where the last of them will fight until only one will be left. That person will have all the quickening of all the immortals that have ever lived. The legend is that that will give that person the power to rule the world. That is what is called the Prize of the Game.”
Maria blanched and her mouth dropped open. She shuddered.
“Oh. My. God.”
Maria sat back and thought about it while Liz leaned back and looked at the stars. After a few minutes Maria sat up and looked at Liz.
“Hey. What do you mean fight? Fight how? With What?”
“Yep. Swords. Still the best thing after all these centuries for taking off a head in a fight.”
Maria thought about that. “That means that you have to learn how to use a sword to defend yourself.”
Liz nodded= Maria was really getting into this and getting it all pretty quick.
“I have already started to train and get stronger and Duncan gave me that wooden sword to use until he can get me a special one that he is having a master swordmaker in Japan make for me.”
Liz then showed the wrist and ankle weights that she had been wearing under her clothes for the past 10 days.
”The new clinic has a special workout room that I will be using to train with Duncan. And I am going to become a member of a gym in town so that I can openly work out on my strength and endurance.”
Maria narrowed her eyes. “This Duncan Mcleod is sure doing a lot for you Liz. Are you sure you can trust him?”
Liz nodded. “I have gotten a fair amount of information on him. He is a real Knight in Shining Armor- a real Boy Scout as some call him. I was real lucky in that the Immortal that found me is probably one of the best there is.”
Maria was curious. “Where did you get this information? Who knows about these Immortals if they are so secretive?”
Liz shrugged. “Duncan is hundreds of years old himself- I think around 400 or so. In all that time he has helped a lot of people, many of them mortal. And in some cases they have passed down quietly that information. So he has a fair number of people around the world that know of him and count on him as family. The Deming Clinic was one that he started and founded for people he knew. So all of them there know he was immortal. Just like they now know that I am immortal. There is also this guy named Adam Pierson who researches – quietly of course- Immortals. I have talked to him as well. The new clinic here in Roswell is also filled with people in the know. They are very careful to keep this quiet.”
Maria sat back and digested all this. “Well chicka one thing for sure. Your life is NEVER going to be boring- no matter what you think. Because you are a lot like this Duncan Mcleod. You are someone that just cannot help it – you will be a Girl Scout yourself for sure.”
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Re: Another Life(HLDR,XO,CC,Mature)Part16 7/26/09

Post by thumper1942 »

Another Life Part 16
Max decided that since Liz was now home the next day he would try and see here. From what Maria had said she was up and around just not ready to do much more. He had no idea what he was going to say; he just knew he had to see her.
Liz had managed to convince her parents that she did not need any special attention since she was healing so well. So they were not popping in on her every half hour or so. She went into the living room of the apartment and read a book, reassuring them that her life was getting back to normal (if they only knew, she thought).
Maria had seemed to take the news of her immortality fairly well all things considered. Maria had laid it out that she had to tell Alex right away- it was not fair that Maria knew and he did not. Liz had promised before Maria left that she would do it either today or tomorrow. Liz figured that Alex would take it better then Maria did= probably would not faint anyway.
She was figuring that since it was only 9AM that she would convince them that she had to go for therapy at the clinic around 11 or so; then again around 4. Jeff had made it a point that either He or Maria would drive Liz over there- no walking yet. Liz had agreed that she probably needed a day or two to be able to walk over there without tiring herself out (rolling her eyes).
Nancy was checking supplies by the counter when Max Evans came in and talked to Maria. Nancy heard him ask about Liz; and she turned and looked at him. Max Evans having a crush on Liz was not news to Nancy; she had seen it years ago. She wondered if Max would ever get up the nerve to actually get something started. She thought about that. She thought that while Kyle was nice enough that he was just not a good fit for Liz and was pleased that the breakup had been amicable. Max Evans just might be better for Liz; he was quiet and very intelligent, just like Liz. Nancy had never believed in the opposites attract and you are better of BS. Likes counted more in her book.

Maria came up to Nancy. “Mrs Parker, Max would like to see Liz. DO you think its OK?”
Nancy thought about it some- why not?
“OK, but only for a while- she needs her rest”
She walked up to Max. “OK Max I will ask her if she wants to talk to you. If you do you will NOT stay for long- she has to go to therapy at 11 and I do not want her tired out before she even goes.”
Max was hopeful. “Mrs Parker if you need someone to take Liz to the clinic I can do that. Its not like I have much else to do.”
Nancy was touched= and not surprised. “I will talk to Jeff= it would help us some since without Liz we are a little short handed around here.”
Liz was surprised that Max had gotten up the nerve to actually try and talk to her alone. Maybe he was actually willing to do something about the crush he apparently had had on her for quite a while. At the least this should be interesting.
Max walked up the stairs into the apartments above the Crashdown and knocked on the main door. Liz told him to come in. He found her sitting in an easy chair reading a book. She looked just fine- not pale or tired= she actually looked just like she did before the shooting.
Max took a deep breath- then asked “How are you Liz?”
Liz grinned at him. Seeing how nervous he was she realized that this was a big step for him and she should not take advantage of it to make him squirm.
“Pretty good for being gut shot less then two weeks ago.”
Max blanched at that. “I wish I could have done more for you but I could not.”
Liz sobered. She was not going to let Max feel any guilt about anything.
“Max you kept pressure on the wound until the paramedics arrived- who knows that might have just made the difference.” Liz then thought about something and decided to risk a little bit.
“I think I remember you putting your hand on my stomach and it felt almost hot, really warm anyway. But I was pretty much out of it so that might have made a difference.” She was watching Max closely while trying not to make it appear so and she definitely saw a reaction to that. SO there was something there after all- she had wondered after Adam had asked about that same thing that he had thought there might be a connection between that and her apparently supercharged quickening. So it looked like maybe Max Evans was not as normal as he appeared.
Max was worried now. He had to get Liz off of that track- though he was relieved that apparently he had been able to make some difference after all. His healing only worked when the person was conscious or so he had always thought.
“Well I just put pressure over the wound and maybe that made it feel like there was some heat there or something.”
Liz nodded while thinking-Max you definitely thought that something more would happen- just who and what are you?
Max then thought that a change of subject was BADLY needed.
“Your mother seemed to be open to the thought of me taking you to your therapy session this morning- I do not start working at the UFO museum until 1 so there is no problem if I do it.”
Liz was actually touched a little by this. She smiled at Max.
“Since they will not let me walk the few blocks there and I know they are shorthanded while I am out that actually would help. All you have to do is drop me off and then come back in an hour. I will be waiting.”
Max was relieved. Liz seemed to have lost interest in talking about the shooting (big surprise there).

Promptly at 11 Max was waiting downstairs and so was Liz. They got into the Jeep and it took only about a couple of minutes to get to the clinic. Liz leaned over towards him and said “Thanks for the ride Max- like I said wait an hour and be back and I will be waiting.”
Max nodded and then drove off. Liz went into the clinic to find Cynthia waiting for her.
Cynthia had noted that Max Evans (she had gotten a rundown on him from Liz in one of their talks) had dropped her off. She looked at the door then at Liz and raised an eyebrow.
Liz grinned at Cynthia, who she really liked and was beginning to count on as a real friend.
“Yeah Max finally got off the pot and made – or at least is attempting to make- a move. It only took me nearly dying to get him that far.”
Cynthia chuckled at that. “Wonder what it will take to get him to ask you out on a date?”
Liz shook her head. “God knows.”
She then headed out the back door of the clinic to go in the side entrance to the workout room. Duncan was waiting for her with a package. She looked at it and he handed it to her. It was about the size of a shoe box and pretty heavy. She put it on the workout bench and opened it up. Inside she found more wrist and ankle weights- and she knew that these were heavier than the current ones. She grimaced at them and glared at Duncan. He grinned at her. “Since you will not for a while be able to work out as much as you have been, these will take up some of the slack.”
Liz sighed, She had just gotten used to the first set and now he was loading her up even more. But she had to concede he was right about her having less training time now. And she was well aware that she needed to increase her strength a great deal if she was to survive the game.
While Liz was being put through the paces (Duncan had gotten an extra wooden sword so that Liz could practice both there and at home) Methos was walking up to the clinic rear so that he could get into the workout room. He had been unable to find out any more about Max Evans= though he had found out that he apparently had never been sick and had never visited a doctor as far as he could find out= just like his sister. Methos was now looking to see if there was a way he could get close enough to her to see if she had the same faint signature that Max had. In the meantime he was going to see if Liz had been able to learn anything about Max herself- he had seen Max drive her up to the clinic so he knew that they had had some kind of conversation and Liz had seemed to think that finding out if Max had anything to do with her unusual quickening was a good idea.
Liz was matching Duncan move for move as he taught her the basic blocking moves of sword fighting. Since she had the Kata down quite well, he had decided to move into the basics of defense first. He was taking it fairly easy on her but the blows to the swords were still fairly jarring and Liz was getting a little tired after doing it for almost 20 minutes. So when Adam Pierson entered the room- both Duncan and Liz turning toward the door as the Buzz hit them- she took this as an opportunity to rest a little. Duncan frowned, but he thought that Liz had done pretty well and he had to remember that she was not really in condition to work out really hard. So he grinned at Methos and said” Well look at what the cat drug in. Adam Pierson the researcher. Curious about our new immortal right?” He was going to go along with the cover story just in case the Watchers had bugged the training room- which he had to think they had.
Methos rolled his eyes at the Boy Scout. Duncan trying to be funny was always pretty sad.
“I am curious of course. One does not get the chance to talk to one so new very often. The more data you get the better if you are a researcher. Liz and I can talk later. Please continue the workout= Its always fun to see someone else sweat.”
Liz glared at him. “And here I was thinking I could get a nice rest.”
Duncan shook his head. “Liz you need to continue the workout but I can see that you are not yet in the condition to really profit at too much more. Just continue the movements I just taught you here and at home. They MUST become second nature to you. These are just the basic block and parry moves. They will form the foundation of your defense. Now go and take your shower and then head over to the clinic. “
Liz smiled at him and fairly bounced out the door-until he reminded her to take her new wrist and ankle weights with her- which got him a dirty glance as she left with the box.
Methos grinned at Duncan. “If looks could kill Duncan you would be beyond any immortal healing at this point.”
Duncan shook his head. “I am glad she gets the purpose but I forgot what it was like trying to teach a teenager- even one with a pretty level head on her shoulders. Trying to see to it that it stays there will not be easy for her. I never had a female student and I am beginning to see why not. Richie was a pain but Liz could be more of a challenge.”
Methos nodded. “It’s a lot different with women than men; and add teenager to the mix always makes it worse. But she sees the need for it- a lot of that is just posturing and her need to try and go along with what is a pretty extraordinary situation for her and make it acceptable for herself.”
Duncan nodded towards the door. Methos nodded as well as they left the building. Both realizing that anything more they said to each other needed to be said outside.
Methos started it. “I was able to get close enough to Max Evans to feel a faint signature of something. Whatever it is I have never felt the like before. I have run into some psychic healers before but none of them had anything like that. I also found out that neither Max nor his sister has apparently ever been sick and have never visited a doctor as far as I can find out. And they were found wandering in the desert outside of Roswell at the age of six- and no trace of their family was ever found.”
Duncan looked thoughtful. “ Interesting. Liz told me quietly that she talked to Max today and that when she mentioned him touching the wound and it feeling very warm, he definitely reacted to that and tried to change the subject.”
Methos nodded. Another piece to the puzzle.
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Re: Another Life(HLDR,XO,CC,Mature)Part18 7/29/09

Post by thumper1942 »

This part has been beta'd by LizzyBug

Another Life part 18

So far, being home had been somewhat relaxing after all the training she had been doing the last few days, but Liz was starting to feel caged up. Having to appear once again to be healing from a major wound was hard to deal with after working so hard and being able to move around as she wanted. Luckily, her parents did seem to realize that she was healing quickly and had slacked off on the hovering and pampering that had started to drive Liz up the wall the first day. Maria had stopped by as often as she could, and that helped. Liz was surprised how well Maria was coping with the Immortal revelations—though Liz had a hunch that despite everything, it had still not sunken into Maria just how Liz had changed. Now for the next fun part: telling Alex. Maria had gotten a hold of him and told him to see Liz around 2 PM; that would give her more than an hour to talk to him before she had to get ready for her afternoon “therapy session.”

Alex was a little puzzled by what Maria had told him. She wanted him to see Liz at around 2 PM, and that the talk would be pretty big and pretty wild. He had no idea what she was talking about. He had to think it had something to do with her injury—but she was clearly healing and getting better, so what could it be? Maybe Maria was over reacting as usual. He walked up the stairs after getting the high sign from Maria that Liz’s parents were out. He knocked on the door and came in as Liz was waiting for him.

Liz was figuring that while it might be easier to talk to Alex about all this, he would almost certainly have a lot more questions that she probably did not have answers too—and maybe no one did. Well, here goes.

Alex saw that Liz was very nervous and yet very determined. He had never seen her like this, so his hunch that Maria might have been exaggerating did a full 180, and he wondered if maybe for once Maria was downplaying something.

“Alex, sit down and be prepared to have your world view knocked on its rear end.”

Alex blinked then did as she had told him to.

Liz paced the room for a minute gathering her thoughts. Alex looked at her with growing worry.

“Come on, Liz, just spit it out. The way you are acting means it’s really big, so let it go.”

Liz turned and faced him.

“OK. I died that afternoon and came back to life as an Immortal.”

Maybe that was not the way she wanted to do it, but there it was.

Alex sat there with his mouth open. “Whaaaaa?” was all he got out.

“The bullet in my stomach shifted and apparently nicked the right renal artery, and I bled to death. An airhead nurse hooked the ECG up wrong, so it did not sound off when my heart stopped. About two hours later, I woke up with no wound at all.”

Liz had taken off the fake scar just for this purpose. She raised her shirt and showed off her unmarked stomach to Alex.

“Not only was there no wound or scar, but the threads from the stitches were just laying there on the bandage. I felt fine with no after effects at all.”

Alex was still sitting there but he had managed to close his mouth, and he leaned forward to look closer at Liz’s stomach. He reached out a hand and hesitated, but when Liz nodded, he touched her stomach and felt the smooth, unbroken, unblemished skin. He then sat back and thought about it.

*OK, this is crazy. No way could that heal in less than two weeks, and then there WOULD be a scar. So Liz has got to be telling the truth as regards the healing. BUT Immortal?* He looked up at her face.

“The healing part is clear to see, but what is that about being Immortal? How do you know?”

“Right after I woke up and was trying to figure out what to do, I knew this could not get out, or I would end up a circus side show freak or being dissected in some lab somewhere. Suddenly, I felt a terrible headache—like someone had poked my forehead with a knife. I grabbed my head, and then I heard someone approach. He said, ‘Look at me, and the pain will go away.’ I did, and it did. The man is named Duncan McLeod, and he is immortal too.”

Alex considered this. “What was the headache about?”

“All immortals have an energy in them that they call the Quickening. It heals them and lets them come back from all kinds of death except for one. Decapitation means permanent death for an immortal.”

Alex nodded. That made sense—cutting off the head just has to be something no one could recover from no matter what.

Liz picked up her knife/letter opener and showed it to Alex. He looked at it and nodded. Then his eyes grew wider as Liz deliberately cut open her palm and showed it to him. He watched the blood drip, then diminish, and blue sparks cascade around the wound as it closed while he watched. In less than one minute, it was gone with no trace except the blood. He sat back again transfixed.

“God, Liz, this is incredible. Did this Duncan McLeod have any explanation for how the Immortals have come to be?”

Liz shook her head. “They think Immortals have been around for around 10,000 years at least—there is one that is supposed to be 5000 years old, but he is more of a legend to many. Duncan is around 400 or so. He mentioned that he has friends that one is over 1000 and another is over 2000.”

Alex goggled at that. “5000 years old? 2000 years old? This is mind-blowing!”

Liz smiled at him, glad to see he was taking it pretty well. “I told you this would change your world view. Imagine what it has done to me!”

Alex narrowed his eyes and looked at Liz. He knew there had to be a catch somewhere, somehow.

“OK Liz, this saved your life and will allow you to live a long time. I see a big BUT somewhere around though—there is always some kind of balance to nature and energy and everything else. So what are the downsides?”

Liz looked at Alex sadly. He had gotten that right away. No flies on him.

“For one, no Immortal can ever have children. Makes sense, not only for balance, but can you imagine having children and watching them get sick, get old and die while you do not?”

Alex slowly nodded. Yeah that makes sense, but it certainly sucks for Liz. She would have been a great mother. And I know she had always wanted a family.

He looked up at her again. “That is not all, right?”

Liz nodded again. “Yeah, and this one is the biggie. Do you wonder why no one has ever brought this up in the National Enquirer or other rags like that—the same ones that harp on Aliens among us all the time? Or why, if there are new immortals all the time, there are not so many that the word got out somehow?”

Alex thought about that. That made sense as well. If immortals had been around for 10,000 years old why is only one that is supposedly a legend only 5000? And more and more of them would have seen to it that sooner or later word got out.

“OK decapitation is the only thing that kills them, so clearly…” Alex paused. Then did some more thinking.

“Someone or some group make it a point to find and kill them?” He asked.

Liz shook her head. “Nope.”

Alex thought about it, and then his eyes widened. “They kill themselves and cut their heads off?”

Liz nodded. “You got it. When you kill another immortal by cutting off his head, his energy, his quickening, goes to you. You gain his knowledge, and it strengthens your quickening. I understand it gets you high for a while as well.”

Alex blanched. “Ouch. I guess that explains why the bad ones go for headhunting. But if Immortals are psychologically like normal people, that should mean that only a small percentage of them are like that. Or is this quickening incredibly addicting?”

“I guess it is, but the real reason is the Game.”

“The Game?”

“Legend has it that sometime—who knows when—new immortals will stop coming, and the battles between Immortals will escalate until only a few are left. They will form what is called the Gathering, and they will fight till only one is left. That person will have all the quickening of all immortals of all time. Enough power to rule the world, says the legend. That is the PRIZE of the GAME.”

As shocked as Alex had been about everything else, this was the kicker. Liz was involved in something that could possibly end up with someone ruling the world with absolute power. This was so far out that the whole Roswell Crash and Alien thing paled in comparison. And he never thought he would think that after living his whole life here.

Liz decided to fill in some details for Alex.

“Since Duncan was passing by the Crashdown as I was being transported to the hospital, he was just barely able to pick up on my pre-immortal buzz—apparently you have to be at least several hundred years old to be able to do that. So he followed me into the hospital and just happened to be able to get to me not long after I woke up. He is the one that arranged for me to go to the Deming Clinic; he mostly supports it financially, and they all there know about Immortals. Over the time he has been immortal, he has been somewhat—and I get this from everyone who knows him—a real Knight in Shining Armor, a Boy Scout. He makes it a point to help out any new immortals he finds, and other mortals as well. I guess he has built up a lot of favors over the years that somehow get passed down the generations. So he can call on help a lot. He has started training me—the new clinic is where I go for that. He had the building modified so that there is a separate training room, but no one can get to from the Clinic.”

Alex raised an eyebrow. “What kind of training?”

Liz looked right at him. “On how to defend myself with a sword and if necessary cut off someone’s head.”


“Yep swords. The only quick and sure way to cut off someone’s head, right?”

“I guess. But can you do it Liz?”

“If I want to survive, I will have to. I will try and avoid it, but that is the way it is. The only other alternative is just not acceptable to me.”

Alex looked at her. “What is the alternative?”

Liz shook her head. “There are some Rules to the Game. It’s by sword and person to person, though a few do cheat, but not many. But the real rule that no one no matter how evil will break is that there will never be a fight on hollowed or holy ground of any religion anywhere.”

“Why is that?”

“Duncan told me that two immortals fought on holy ground a long time ago. The result was Pompeii.”


“Yeah. That is the legend, and it seems to be one that NO one will doubt. Holy ground is off limits for fighting. So I could join a convent as many have and be safe. NO WAY.”

Alex had to smile at that. Liz was not a noisy person by any means, certainly did not drink and party much, and so on, but her in a Convent just would not in any way ever happen.

“Wow Liz, this is so far out there that I am hanging off the edge. Gonna have to do some thinking about that. Hey, how did Maria take it?”

Liz smirked. “She fainted.”

“NO WAY! Did you get pictures?”
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Re: Another Life(HLDR,XO,CC,Mature)Part20 7/30/09

Post by thumper1942 »

Another Life Part 19

Methos had not been able to find anything more about Max Evans despite turning over every rock he could think of. He had thought back hard to all the psychic healers he had met over the millennia and was sure he had never felt any kind of buzz or inkling or anything like that from any of them like he had from Max. So that made Max unique—especially since Methos had never felt anything from another person like that no matter who or what they were. For someone who had a great deal of natural curiosity about the unusual (though he hid it very well), this was almost irresistible. He had long since realized that the key to his being able to cope with living for 5000 years was his ability to stay interested in the world and in life. If that had not been the case, he would never have survived his first 1000 years. So now he had a new puzzle to solve.

Duncan looked up at the entrance to the apartment as he felt the buzz that he had gradually over the years been able to identify as Methos. Usually, only very old immortals were able to tell one from another, but Duncan had shown in the past that he had more of a sensitivity to the buzz then most his age or older. He looked over at Joe who had come by that evening to talk about Liz Parker and her watcher. Joe would not have taken this step usually, but since he knew Duncan had already figured out who Liz’s watcher was by now, he wanted to see what Duncan thought of Cynthia. Joe was more and more of the opinion that maybe Liz finding a way to keep them together might be best for all of them. It was a feeling than anything else, and he wanted to sound Duncan out on it.

Methos was a little surprised to see Joe there, and wondered what was going on. He knew that Joe visited Duncan on occasion at his Dojo in Seacouver, but since moving here in the last few days, he had been very busy getting used to the new place he would be running while Duncan was training Liz. Methos knew that Joe was under some pressure to back off a little bit from his relationship with Duncan, or at least to make it somewhat less obvious. And it was not like there weren’t plenty of watchers around to report on him there at the clinic.

Duncan reached into the small refrigerator he kept in the apartment and handed Methos a beer; might as well do it right away, or Methos would bother him until he did. He sat back down and grinned at Joe who said, “Well, at least the first beer is not on me.”

Methos ignored this and leaned forward towards Duncan. “I have been unable to find anything more out about Max Evans. There is nothing there that is unusual except for never going to a doctor and being found wandering in the desert at age 6 with his sister. And yet there is that faint something I feel every time I am close to him. I think I need to see if his sister tweaks me the same way, though it will be hard to get close to her since she seems to stay either at home or sometimes shops at the mall, and there is no pattern there since I have spent the last few days watching their home.”

Joe looked at Methos with some surprise. He had not realized just how fascinated he was about figuring out Max Evans—curious, yes, but this went way beyond that. He had to think that the question of Liz Parkers unusually strong quickening had started him down that road, but finding Max Evans had interested him even more.

Duncan was a little worried about Methos starting to stalk the Evans’. “Don’t you think that is a little much right now. You really shouldn’t be staking out someones’ home in a relatively small community like this one. It will attract attention.”

Methos grimaced. “It is not staking out. I am careful, and I think I know how to not attract attention unlike some I could mention. But if Isabel Evans is like Max Evans, then that makes two people with the same buzz supposedly in the same family unlike anything I have ever come across before.”

Joe sat back and pondered that. For Methos to put that out there, it was pretty big, and he had to admit that finding something like this after 5000 years was pretty interesting and could also possibly lead to answering some questions that Watchers had been asking themselves for centuries as regards just how unique Immortals were. For only one type of person of such extraordinary abilities to exist alongside normal people for thousands of years, that just did not make any kind of logical sense and ignored the scientific odds. Where you had one very different type, there not being other types just did not add up. The psychics like Cassandra and some others who were mortal had been indeed noted over the millennia by some watchers when they interacted with Immortals. But their abilities were usually quite limited in many respects. They certainly did not stack up as anywhere near the impact that immortals had on the way you looked at humanity. As regards healers and others with supposed unique abilities, there was very little that had been proven one way or another. Methos indicated that he had indeed met a few that he did consider real healers using only the power of the mind, but that had been a small handful over thousands of years. BUT even that was a lot compared to finding just ONE like Max Evans.

Duncan had also been thinking about Max Evans and his possible impact on Liz Parker’s quickening. But at the same time, he realized that keeping a low profile was the smart thing to do right now and hoped that Methos for once would listen to him. He doubted that would happen since Methos rarely missed an opportunity to remind Duncan just how young and inexperienced (and foolish and impulsive) he was compared to the ancient Immortal.

“You are a stranger in town and showing interest in some teenagers. That is not a great idea. And you ought to remember that the Sherriff here knows them quite well and would notice anyone nearby if he saw him more than once or twice. It’s not like this has to be found out right now; we have time. For once, you are the one that is being impulsive and careless.”

Joe grinned at Methos. “Wonder how long Duncan has wanted to be able to say that to you?”

Methos glared at Duncan. “The Boy Scout probably has been counting the days.”

Duncan shook his head. “There is no reason to rush anything. And it would be a good idea to let everything settle down before starting an intensive investigation. Now I admit that I think that Max could very well have had an impact on Liz’s quickening, but we also have to face the fact that it’s much more likely he had nothing at all to do with it. We need to sit back and just think about things and make plans that are logical and NOT attract any unwarranted attention.”

Methos smirked. “Duncan McLeod, the voice of reason and caution. Did not think I would ever live to see the day.”

“Well, I guess now you can say you have seen everything. So what is the point of continuing on?”

Duncan snarked right back at him.

Joe was quietly laughing to himself. It was usually pretty entertaining seeing Duncan and Methos go at it. Then he thought about what they were getting at.

“You two need to think about this. The Watchers are keeping a close eye on Liz and not just with her official watcher. They will possibly be watching Max as well for the time being. If they see Adam Pierson hanging around, they will start asking why. And if he starts following Isabel Evans around, that will make it worse. I think it would be a good idea for both of you to back off and keep a low profile for a while.”

Duncan and Methos looked at each other then at Joe. Simultaneously, they shrugged and leaned back in their respective chairs.

Joe looked at them and laughed out loud.
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Re: Another Life(HLDR,XO,CC,Mature)Part18 7/29/09

Post by thumper1942 »

Unless otherwise mentioned Lizzybug is betaing everything from here on out

Another Life Part 20

Methos left Duncan’s apartment still determined to get close enough to Isabel Evans to see if she had the same faint buzz that her brother did. However, he had to admit to himself that the boy scout and Joe were correct in that it would not be a good idea to be seen hanging around any of the principals, but he could still accomplish what he wanted just by going to the mall and sitting outside of one of the trendier boutiques that young women seemed to frequent. He might have to wait for a couple of days, and it would be boring as all get out, but one thing he had learned the hard way over the last 5000 years is that sometimes patience is priceless.

Joe and Duncan in the meantime had gotten down to discussing Liz Parker’s watcher. Duncan was very surprised that Joe was taking this step but realized that he would not be doing so if he was not really interested in Duncan’s input. Still, Duncan asked him why this seemed to be so important that he had to ask.

Joe pondered the question for a couple of minutes. He was surprised at himself to some extent in that he felt he needed to talk to Duncan, but he just had this niggling feeling that it was important that he get Duncan’s input.

“I have had this feeling that it’s important that Cynthia stay on as Liz’s Watcher even after she leaves Roswell. I know that if that happens, there is no way that Liz would not figure out something is off if she keeps seeing Cynthia, and from all indications, Liz is the type of person who is very aware of her surroundings and would spot her sooner or later. I also know that it’s quite likely that this question will not even come up for several years. I really don’t know why I feel this way, but I do.”

Duncan was very surprised at this. Joe was not the kind of man to go this route, with hunches and feelings and going against custom and tradition like that. Now of course, being friends with Duncan certainly tromped all over the Watchers millennia old customs of never letting Immortals know they were being watched, but that had really come about because of extraordinary circumstances, and really did not count. And once they knew each other, what was the point of trying to go back? In many ways, Joe was quite conservative and set in his ways; this was a true departure for him. So Duncan thought it over for a few minutes.

“Liz Parker is a very observant person; you are absolutely right that she would pick up Cynthia’s presence pretty quickly and wonder why she was around. It would simply be a matter of time before she probably figured out most of the reason. She is much too sharp and logical not to work it out that if there have been immortals around for 10,000 years, SOMEONE would notice, and if there had never been anything really said or printed, then there is some kind of reason why. The reason would be that those that find out do not say anything—and that in itself begs the question why would that hold so well for so long? Then the next step is that someone or some organization is working to make sure that it is NOT known. And why is that? One question leads to another. But if you feel that it is important, then you have to accept that Liz will figure it out and know about the Watchers sooner or later. If she does, then actually it will make things simpler if Cynthia is her watcher since she is already a friend. Liz clearly treasures her friendships. And she will more so in the future since she inevitably loses them through either time, circumstance, or her having to move on. If you think tying Liz more closely into the watcher family is important for some reason, then it makes sense. Other than that it does not.”

Joe slowly nodded. That pretty much fit in with what he had thought. And he still felt the same way. It was somehow important that Liz Parker and Cynthia somehow stay acquainted, and he could not for the life of him figure out why. And so he looked at Duncan and said, “Somehow, someway, for some reason, this is the way it needs to be. I have never let something like this really affect a decision I have ever made. So this is pretty strange for me.”

Duncan leaned forward and fixed Joe with the gimlet eye.

“I was still very young when I first met Cassandra. She was incredibly beautiful and exotic, and I was smitten and totally bowled over by her. And even more so as she showed me her gifts as regards being psychic. So at a relatively young age, I got affected by powers that were seemingly magical in nature and so totally beyond my small experience that I was powerfully changed for the rest of my life. So maybe in some ways, I am a little more open to extreme possibilities. Still in many ways, I am a Highland Scot—conservative and careful and skeptical. I have tried not to let hunches and feelings change the way I reason and think and make me go out on a limb if there is no logical reason to. Yet, I have done so on occasion, so I cannot discount it completely. I have always felt that I needed to do all I could for every young immortal I have come across, and every pre immortal as well. Some call me a boy scout, and honestly, I do not object to that. It’s a fine thing to be, frankly. But that need—calling—whatever—to do this has always been with me. If you truly believe that you need to do this, then I will certainly not try and talk you out of it.”

Isabel Evans felt a need for some therapeutic shopping. Max was going to try and date Liz Parker, and there was nothing that either she or Michael were going to be able to do about it. She felt that it would not come to a good end and probably force her and her cohorts to go on the run sooner or later. It was not that she thought Liz would be personally any kind of a threat; even to herself she admitted that Liz was a good person and would never deliberately harm anyone. Still, she was a very smart and observant person, and sooner or later, Max would do something that would bring out Ms. Scientist. And that was a threat no matter how well-intentioned or innocent. They could not stand close scrutiny over time. Even though they tried to hide their powers, on occasion they used them without thinking, and anyone closely watching would notice. And one problem with Liz Parker is that Maria DeLuca was her best friend, and there was no way that scatter-brained ditz would ever be able to keep a secret to save her life. And it was well known that sooner or later, Liz told Maria everything. Still, a very small part of her deep down envied Max the courage of trying to make a connection outside of their very small circle... to try and have some kind of life... to have more then what they had now.

Methos had been sitting in the mall for several hours—occasionally moving around to not attract too much attention, and also making sure that he did not seem to be watching any particular store. His patience was rewarded as he spotted Isabel Evans heading towards the boutique. He promptly got up and walked away as she walked into the store. He moved down the mall and occupied himself with a jewelry store and checking out rings with a salesclerk while keeping an eye on the boutique, which fortunately had a fairly open front. After about 20 minutes, he left the jewelry store with a small relatively inexpensive ring just as Isabel Evans had just bought something and was leaving the boutique. Methos was able to fairly quickly pass right by her and catch the exact same faint buzz that Max Evans had. Isabel Evans never even noticed him.

Michael had caught a ride with Max and Isabel to the mall. Normally, he would avoid it like a plague, but he had to check out the department store which had had a sale on clothes. His status as an emancipated minor meant that he was on a pretty strict budget. His job at a local gas station barely paid his bills, so he had to scrimp and save as much as he could. He had noticed that the Crashdown was wanting another short order cook and was willing to train, and he had thought about it; since Max was determined to try and date Liz Parker, he felt that he needed to be around to at least try and restrain him. Not to mention the Crashdown would pay better. He was still mulling that over when he almost collided with a man walking quickly through the mall. He mumbled a sorry and moved towards the department store.

Methos was stunned. The young man he had almost run into had the same faint buzz as Max and Isabel Evans. He went over and sat down on a bench while, from the corner of his eye, he saw the teenager go into the department store. He had to find out who this was. This was getting extremely strange even for a 5000 year old immortal.

Max was sitting in the food court nursing a drink. He had nothing to shop for and knew that Isabel would be at least an hour going the rounds. Michael would not take long to do what he needed to do and would meet him there. So far he had been able to take Liz to the clinic three times for her therapy and bring her back. She seemed to be doing very well, and he really did not see why she needed to keep going. But he did not object since it gave him time to get to know her. And it was almost everything he had ever hoped for. Liz was sweet and funny and could be startlingly sharp and observant. So he knew that in some respects, Isabel and Michael were right about what kind of threat she COULD be. But Max had always somehow known that deep down, Liz Parker was as good a person as he would ever meet. And every minute he spent with her just reinforced that. And he knew that someday he would tell Liz his secret. It was just a matter of time. He thought that Liz was starting to like him more, but whether it would lead to where he hoped it would was still an open question. Luckily her parents seemed to like him—Jeff for one had made it clear that Max trying to save Liz and going right to her while everyone else was ducking for cover had made a big impression on him, even though he had not been there to see it. Maria had been very forthright on her graphic description of the events of that day.

Methos was able to follow the teen down the mall without him noticing—it was getting towards evening, and the crowd there had been getting heavier. He was stunned when he went into the food court and sat next to Max Evans. Who was this kid? Nothing in his background checks on the Evans had mentioned anyone else. The Evans had adopted Max and Isabel after finding them in the desert wandering around, and no one had ever come forward to claim them, and no information had ever been found out about their origins. Certainly nothing about a third teen. He was going to have to dig deeper since from all appearances they were of the same age. What was going on here? In 5000 years, he had never run into anyone like them, and now three of them inside of a week.
Last edited by thumper1942 on Thu Jul 30, 2009 6:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.