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Re: Forbidden Dreams (UC,Mi/L,ADULT) 10/1/09

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 1:20 pm
by Ashita

“Okay, so I guess we should just meditate and connect with each other and once we do we’ll follow that connection onto the metaphysical plane. Once we’re there, we can see if it can be severed,” I explained, looking up at him to see if he had any questions.

“Think it will work?” he asked, scratching his brow with agitation.

“No idea,” I shrugged weakly. “There’s no science book available for alien bonds, Michael. But we’ve ignored it, waiting to see if it would stop over time and it hasn’t. We tried blocking it, cutting it off and it just reinstates itself when we least expect it. What else can we do?”

“I guess we’ll find out when we get there,” he sighed, sitting in front of me, taking my hands in his, and looking into my eyes, before closing them with a deep breath. “See you on the other side, Parker.”

“Yeah,” I muttered as I closed my eyes and tried to match my breathing to his, taking in long even breaths, searching for that link that connects us to one another. I felt a warm brush against my mind as our connection snapped into place and suddenly his presence surrounded me.

“Liz?” he whispered to my right as I opened my eyes to a flat gray plain, Michael holding my hand and saw what looked like a glowing silver stream running down the plain between us. It pulsed and shimmered, stretching out as far as we both could see.

I swallowed convulsively, staring at the stream in astonished wonder before looking at Michael, finding his eyes wide with amazement. “Think that’s it?” I asked hoarsely.

“You’re the science geek, Parker,” he snorted. “Why are you asking me?”

I looked up with a small measure of annoyance at his quip. “Well, you’re the alien here. It’s not like this is covered in biology 101,” I replied sarcastically.

He smirked at me, letting go of my hand walking along the stream across from me. “Well, we’re here. Now what?” he shrugged impatiently.

Looking over at him with exasperation, I frowned, brow pinching in confusion. To be honest, I had no idea what to do at this point. I didn’t even think we’d make it here let alone actually make it appear. “Uh, I guess we find something to sever it with?” I said helplessly.

Michael looked at me incredulously, then threw his arms out to sweep the barren plains around us and scoffed. “With what, Parker? There are so many things to choose from!”

“Oh for Gods sake, Michael! It’s the metaphysical plain!” I cried with exasperation, feeling my patience with the tetchy alien unraveling rapidly. “It’s in your mind. Why not try using it for once and think something into existence?”

He sent me a withering glare and sighed as he clawed at his eyebrow. “Right. Why didn’t I think of that? Oh, I know! Because I don’t spend all my time with my nose pressed in books looking up useless facts when I could be having a real life!”

“Not so useless now is it, Spaceboy?” I snarked, crossing my arms over my chest and glaring at him. He opened his mouth to argue further, but snapped it closed when he had no quick reply. Sending an annoyed glance my way, he drew a hand through his hair and scowled when he saw my smirk.

“Whatever,” he retorted. “Well here goes nothing.” He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, muttering under his breath about how he couldn’t wait for this to be over. I shielded my eyes as a bright flash of light cut across the plain and when I opened them, Michael was standing there with a broadsword.

“You know, we really need to do something about your Braveheart fixation, Michael,” I snorted, laughing when he glared at me.

“Shut up, Parker,” he griped, grasping the sword in his hands and raising it over his head before looking over at me with a fulminating glance. “Ready?”

“Knock yourself out, Wallace,” I snickered, resting my hands on my hips.

He swung the sword down over the pulsing bond, sparks shooting from the edges of the chink in the stream as the sword cut through the top.

My knees buckled as pain shot through my body, eating away at my nerves like acid on skin, burning me from the inside out. A piercing scream ripped from my throat and my body began to convulse as I fell to the ground, millions of hot prickles searing my skin. I felt like I was burning alive. I clawed at my skin trying to ease the prickling, but nothing stopped the radiating burn that flowed through my veins.

Writhing in agony, I heard Michael cry my name from a distance, as the sword clanged to the ground and hurried footsteps echoed through my head before I mercifully blacked out, the cool darkness enveloping me a welcome change to the aching burn and emptiness that overwhelmed my senses when he hacked into our bond. I was safe here.

“Liz! LIZ! God damn it, Liz, wake up!” Michael screamed in my ear frantically as he shook me forcefully, cutting through the formless, black void. I sucked in a deep breath, chest convulsing as I regained consciousness, crying out a little at the residual burn flowing down my nerves and coughed.

Cracking my eyes open, I expected to find us still on the metaphysical plain and was surprised to find myself back in Michael’s hotel room, in his arms, his face frozen with fear. Groaning, I raised a shaky hand to my throbbing head, my muscles screaming in protest at being used.

“Jesus. Jesus, Liz, don’t ever do that to me again,” he cried breathlessly, crushing me to his chest, pressing his face against my head. “I thought…you weren’t breathing…I thought I had killed…I thought you were dead. Jesus. We shouldn’t have done that. I shouldn’t have…I shouldn’t have pushed us to explore this…God.”

“Michael,” I said weakly, trying to raise my hand to his hair only to have it fall nerveless and limp to the bed, as I hadn’t yet regained my strength. He squeezed my body tighter, pressing me to him as his own trembled around me. “Michael, it’s okay. We didn’t know. We couldn’t have anticipated this.”

“This is my fault,” he choked, voice guilt wracked and breath thready as he ran his hands over my hair. “I shouldn’t have pushed us to sever the bond. We could have easily lived with it. I shouldn’t have…God, Liz.”

“Hey. Hey!” I called to him, grimacing as I attempted to raise my arm again, waves of pain skittering over my nerves. I pushed against his chest, looking up into tortured honey eyes when he leaned back. I cupped his jaw, forcing him to meet my steady gaze. “This is not your fault. I’m fine. We’re fine. We couldn’t have anticipated that reaction.”

He looked at me seriously, fear and pain clouding his eyes, his heart pounding against mine and shook his head imperceptibly. “We’re not doing that again. Ever. I will not risk losing…I won’t risk it. I can live with the bond, I can’t live without…I can’t let you go through that again.”

“We won’t do it again,” I promised, touching his cheek lightly, smiling hesitantly. “We’ll find a way to control it. I can live with you, if you can live with me.”

Re: Forbidden Dreams (UC,Mi/L,ADULT) 10/5/09

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 12:59 pm
by Ashita

“We have to tell them,” she said quietly, picking up another log to add to their growing pile of wood for that night’s campfire.

Michael huffed in exasperation, growing impatient with the circular argument they’d been having the past three days over whether to tell Max and Maria about their mental connection. It’d been two weeks since it snapped in place and they’d been hoping that it was a fluke, something that would fade over time.

Instead it’d grown to the point he was now feeling her emotions and could sense her presence even when she wasn’t in the camp. It was like…alien radar. Shoving a hand through his disheveled tawny waves, he shook his head in negation.

“I say we don’t until we absolutely have to,” he grunted, sighing unhappily, all too aware of the maelstrom that would erupt once their secret was known. Especially since they had to failed to mention it right away to his royal highness. That in itself would be viewed an act of treason by the would-be king. “Unlike you, I’m not a glutton for punishment, Parker.”

“Michael, we can’t keep it a secret for much longer,” Liz pointed out, exasperated by his refusal to see reason. “They’re bound to find out sooner or later.”

“Then I say later,” he stated mulishly. “I like my peace.”

“They’re already watching us suspiciously,” she argued, brow creased with frustration as she pinched the bridge of her nose and began to pace back and forth. Her head ached from the constant strain of pretending everything was peachy for Max’s benefit when that was far from the case. “What if they think…?”

“Think what, Parker?” he grunted, wrestling with a log that was caught in some hedges, needing a way to work off his growing irritation before it sparked his powers.

“What if they think that…we…um….that we…you know…are doing something?” she asked weakly, a blush staining her cheeks as she shifted uncomfortably.

“Doing something?” he replied, looking back at her, a perplexed expression sliding across his face. Comprehension dawned when he noted the deep rose hue tingeing her cheeks and her lip firmly clenched between her teeth. “Why on Earth would they think that?”

“Well it’s not gone unnoticed that we’re always talking and do all our chores together these days,” she growled in exasperation. “Especially when we rarely spent more than 10 minutes together prior to the connection.”

“Please, they can’t be that obtuse,” he snickered.

“Why?” she asked, slightly hurt by his dismissal. “Is it so unbelievable?

“Yes!” he fairly shouted, pinching the bridge of his nose when she jerked back as if she’d been slapped at his proclamation. “I mean, anyone can see you follow Max around like a puppy dog. It’s pretty damn sickening actually.”

“I do not!” she cried hotly, crossing her arms and glaring at the tactless alien.

“Spare me the denial, Parker,” Michael griped, growing increasingly agitated with where their latest argument was headed. “You might as well stamp doormat on your forehead!”

“How dare you!” the outraged girl cried, jaw dropping as she stomped over to him, tipping her head back to glare into the tall man’s eyes. He watched her with derisive amusement and snorting, walked around her, all too aware of the malevolent gaze burning into his back.

“Oh, what Max? Rob a convenience store? Hold a gun on the clerk so you can blithely skip off to find your space ship and I can take the full blame?” he snarked. “Anything for you, Max! You’re my hero!”

Snagging the log he’d been trying to dislodge earlier, he yanked it from the hedges violently and tossed it on growing stack of wood, looking back at his companion in time to see her flinch.

Pressing his hand to his face, he sighed and tried to cool his irritation before he said something he regretted. True, he was irritated by her blind acceptance of Max’s foibles, but it really wasn’t any of his concern. Looking up, he had just opened his mouth to apologize when her next words left him dumbfounded.

“I did it out of love,” she whispered softly, her back stiff.

“Love! You call that love?” he exclaimed, completely aghast that she’d even go there. Max might be blind, but he thought she had some common sense running around in her head. “That’s not love, Liz! That’s codependency! If he really loved you, he never would have put you in that situation! There wouldn’t have been a baby in the first place!”

Michael paced the length clearing, anger coursing through his body, although why he was so annoyed by her words he didn’t know. Looking back at Liz, he caught the stunned tears from his bitter tirade filling her eyes before she ducked her head.

“What? Truth hurt, Parker?” he asked snidely, staring at the brunette the Gods chained him to in a perverse fit of humor. “Hit the nail on the head? A little too close to home?”

“You’re an ass,” she said heatedly, a tear sliding over her cheek. “Maybe I give into Max too often. And yes, I blindly accept his faults at times. And maybe it seems like I follow him around like a puppy dog, but at least I allow myself to fall that deeply. At least I don’t run like a scared little boy every time someone gets too close for comfort. And at least I make an effort not to take my frustration out on a friend when I don’t understand what’s happening.”

He flinched as if struck, his turn to feel the stinging bite of hurtful words. Taking a shuddering breath, he hung his head and stared at his toes, unable to conjure a response to her accusations, knowing full well that he deserved them.

“What? Truth hurt, Guerin?” she mocked. “Hit the nail on the head?”

His head snapped up long enough to fix her with a fiery glare. Message received. He watched as she turned her back on him and walked away, his heart pinching at the subtle closing out. The last thing he wanted was to watch her hit autopilot again. Not when they had just started to know each other and he was beginning to appreciate her presence.

Besides, she was right. This whole argument did stem from his fear at her being too close for comfort and because he had no clue what was happening. But that wasn’t her fault. She was just as imbued in this mess as he.

“Parker,” he called softly, then getting impatient again when she didn’t turn around and stalked after her, grabbing her arm. “Liz!”

Liz stopped walking but didn’t turn around, still hurt from his hatefully flung words no matter how true they were. Those were painful truths she would only admit to herself because to voice them would mean she had been wrong about Max all along and she wasn’t ready to face that particular truth yet.

Michael stared at her rigid back regretting his hastily spoken words. He knew she didn’t need a reminder of how less than perfect her relationship was. She faced that every night before she went to bed. Instead he focused on the question that had started the argument in the first place.

“Liz, anyone who really knows you, would never believe that you’d have an affair,” he stated quietly. “That’s why it’s unbelievable.”

“He did before,” she whispered softly, rubbing her arms to stave off the approaching night chill. “What’s to stop him from believing the worst this time?”

“What?” Michael asked, momentarily perplexed. “You mean the Kyle thing?”

She nodded her head slowly, turning around to face him and fixed her gaze somewhere over his shoulder, hurt lingering in her eyes. Michael gently grasped her chin and forced her to meet his eyes.

“Max is an idiot,” he softly replied. “Anyone with half a brain would have sensed a set up. I never believed that BS from the beginning.”

She gave him a tentative smile and ducked her head, hiding behind her hair to keep him from seeing how ridiculously pleased his words left her. He crooked the side of his mouth knowing her ploy but didn’t call her on it.

“Although I probably would have acted mad at first just to see the midget sweat,” he snickered envisioning Kyle running down the street stark naked. “It would have been worth risking your wrath just to hear him scream like a little girl.”

Liz snorted, rolling her eyes and desperately tried not to laugh at the image he conjured.

“Truce?” he asked softly.

“Truce,” she agreed, nodding her head.

“Ok, then we better get back to camp before they really do think we went off for a quickie,” he teased as he gathered up the logs.

“Michael!” she admonished, smacking him on the shoulder.

“You shouldn’t have placed the idea in my head, Parker,” the tall alien snorted as he headed off to camp. “It’s way too tempting to tweak Max’s buttons on that one. How many shades of red do you think I can get his ears to turn this time?”

“Oh God,” Liz cried, her exasperated groan sending the perverse man into a fit of laughter. “I should have just kept my mouth shut.”

Re: Forbidden Dreams (UC,Mi/L,ADULT) 10/6/09

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 10:55 pm
by Ashita

Michael hovered over her shoulder, absently brushing glossy chestnut locks back as they studied the map they had managed to wrest from Max’s possession for once. Often, Max jealously guarded the map as if it were his only lifeline in the disaster that had become their existence.

Let’s face it – what they had now couldn’t be mistaken as an actual life.

Licking his lips distractedly, he turned to Liz to comment on her suggested route, when he caught the heated amber gaze of their fearless leader staring at them thoughtfully, a fierce frown pinching his face. Smirking amusedly, he remembered his and his companion’s discussion last week and couldn’t resist poking at the would-be king’s insecurities.

Watching him out of the corner of his eye, he bent closer to the brunette, caging her in between his arms as he leaned onto the table and nearly fell over laughing as the other man huffed, a telltale red burning the tips of his ears. Dipping his lips close to her ear, he turned back to the map and finally responded to her question.

“We could head this way, stop over in New Orleans,” he replied in a warm, low voice, knowing Max caught the husky tone but not his words when the red deepened another shade. Letting dancing caramel eyes drift over her lazily, he cocked a brow when he caught a slight shudder coursing through her body as his breath whispered over her ear and filed it away for later inspection since she had unwittingly played right into his game.

“That might be nice,” she murmured softly, sitting up slightly, inadvertently pressing her back into his chest, jolting in surprise as she noticed his proximity, sending Max’s ears up another fiery notch. Schooling her face in a blank façade, she turned around and looked at him questioningly as he rarely let anyone into his personal space, especially her.

He couldn’t help the slight hitch in his breath to find her lips inches from his. He may not have thought about her much in the past two years but he was only human – well half human – and their argument had stirred up feelings he had buried long ago for his own sanity. He stared at her lips; startled at what he was feeling when he heard her voice in his head, snapping him out of his daze.

You want to move back a bit?

Nope,” he smirked, not bothering to elaborate on why as she couldn’t act to save her life when it came to Max and he knew she’d halt his mischief to spare herself another night of whining. Not that he blamed her. He wouldn’t want to listen to Max gripe all night either.

No?” she asked, brow furrowing with confusion as she unwittingly continued to stare into his eyes, licking her lips unconsciously, their faces still pressed together intimately. “Why not?

Having too much fun at the king’s expense,” he laughed, drawing a finger over her shoulder firm enough to seem a friendly gesture, yet soft enough to send another shiver over her spine. Curiouser and curiouser. “By the way, I counted fifty-three.”

Fifty-three?” she queried, still staring at him, now completely confused and completely oblivious to their techno-color observer. If he continued on the way he was going, he’d run out of shades of red and cross over into the purple realm. “What are you babbling about?

Shades of red,” he smirked, flicking shining bourbon eyes over her shoulder subtly. “You might want to stop staring at me before the king snaps.”

Shades of…oh, damn it, Michael!” she cursed, whipping her head around and seeing Max for the first time. Didn't say much for him. Turning back to him, she glared at him softly, her brow pinched with annoyance. “Now, I’m going to have to listen to him whine all night. Thanks a lot.

No problem, Parker, always happy to be of service,” he snorted, schooling his face into a blank mask despite the traces of humor lurking in his eyes. Looking back over at his pseudo brother, he started to pull away, but not before he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. “Sucks to be you.

Really?” she inquired, cocking her brow at him mockingly, a calculating gleam shining in dark chocolate orbs. Crooking her finger, she smirked when he dipped his head back down to her, shuddering himself when she leaned in and whispered softly. “So, the fact that this is going to cause waves doesn’t bother you in the least?”

“Nope,” he whispered back, swallowing thickly when her breath whispered against his skin and just barely kept his body from reacting to the tickling caress.

Not even a little?” she asked, returning to their mental patter as she looked over his shoulder subtly, her eyes settling on the blond that had just returned from grocery shopping.

Nope,” he said again, his turn to wonder if he was missing something vital and not understanding what she was getting at. It’s not like he has to share a tent with his royal highness.

That’s good to hear since you’re in for hurricane force winds tonight,” she smirked, meeting his confused brandy eyes with amusement, then glancing over his shoulder pointedly.

What?” he asked, perplexed as he casually looked over his shoulder into a glacial green gaze and cringed, the fine hairs on his neck rising as Maria stood by their tent tapping her foot impatiently, her arms crossed over her chest. “Fuck!

Yup! At least I’ll only get a cold shoulder, you on the other hand are doomed,” the brunette snorted, turning back to the map with a grin and giggled under her breath as her companion continued to curse softly in his head. “Sucks to be you, Guerin.

Re: Forbidden Dreams (UC,Mi/L,ADULT) 10/8/09

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 12:19 pm
by Ashita

Tapping her finger against her lips, Liz cocked her head to the side and studied the skeins of yarn in quiet contemplation, trying to decide which shade of pink would best suit her friend. Isabel’s birthday was coming up in a month and she was planning to make her a sweater since funds were always short and they couldn’t afford the luxury of new clothes.

Looking over her shoulder, she smiled when she saw Michael was still looking over the art supplies covetously despite his initial reluctance to come with her. They had come into town on their weekly grocery run when she saw the craft store and he let her drag him in, complaining the whole way.

Looking him over, she realized Isabel wasn’t the only one that would benefit from a new sweater. As touched as she is that he continues to wear the sweater she made for him last Christmas, the poor thing was definitely showing signs of wear.

Michael looked up, feeling her dark chocolate eyes on him and tearing himself away from the art supplies he could never afford, he walked over, following her as she moved around the corner to study more yarn.

“What’s up, Parker?” he asked as he caught up with her.

“What?” she murmured absently, selecting a skein of azure yarn and holding it up to him in contemplation before shaking her head and setting it back down. Grabbing another in forest green, she cocked her head and shrugged her shoulders, setting that one down too.

“Why do you keep doing that?” he asked cautiously as he cocked a brow.

“Hmmm?” she asked, still distracted as she studied the colors before her. “Oh, I noticed that you need a new sweater and I’m trying to decide on a color.”

“Black works,” he replied, looking down at the sweater. True, it had seen better days, but it had been the first time someone had put so much effort into a gift for him and he cherishes it for that reason.

“Yeah, but you need some more color in your life,” she smirked.

“Trust me, Parker, with Maria, I have all the color I can handle,” he snorted.

She laughed and reached up, grabbing several rolls of cotton candy pink yarn and placed them in her basket, finally deciding which shade she liked best for Isabel. She was about to reach for the black, when Michael cleared his throat and drew her gaze to him.

“Uh, Liz, I don’t really think I’m a pink man,” he stuttered, a slightly panicked expression gracing his face as he stared at her basket in trepidation. Cherished or not, there was no way in hell he was going to wear anything pink no matter how cute she was.

“They’re not for you, you dolt,” she snickered, shaking her head and doubling over in laughter at his relieved sigh. Reaching up, she grabbed several skeins of black yarn as well. “They’re for Isabel’s birthday present. Although…”

Looking up at him, Liz fingered the pink yarn thoughtfully and eyes sparkling with mischief, walked over. Michael watched her approach warily, breath catching as she laid a hand on his chest and stood up on tiptoe to whisper in his ear. “I think you look great in pink.”

Patting him on the chest, she looked at his sweater and snickered as she turned, heading for the register.

Perplexed, Michael looked down at his sweater and let out a grunt of outrage when he noted that she had changed it to the same cotton candy pink as the yarn in her basket with her powers. Looking around to make sure no one saw anything, he quickly changed back to its previous black as he glared at the laughing brunette and growled. “You’re dead, Parker!”



She’s dying a little every day. He doesn’t see it. Just as when Alex died, she’s built an impenetrable wall around herself, stronger than ever.

I do. I know something about walls after all, and even if I didn’t, I’d still know.

I can’t help but witness the demise that comes with every premonition, every flash because of our bond. It’s killing me too. Not the visions themselves, but the way they strip her soul, dull that shining luster I had always admired, envied.

Does he even realize what he’s done to her?

Wait, of course not, the boy king is oblivious to anything that doesn’t fit according to his whim. Instead he lies in wait, like a vulture over carrion, for her next vision so he actually has some usefulness and can plan our escape.

She’s dying and I can’t take it anymore. I have to save her. I just don’t know how yet.

Re: Forbidden Dreams (UC,Mi/L,ADULT) 10/11/09

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 11:54 pm
by Ashita

Sitting in the kitchen window seat, she sipped a cup of rich, dark cocoa as she stared out at the driving rain, wincing as the steaming liquid singed the tip of her tongue and sighed, shivering slightly when a cool winter draft slid along her spine. It was another cold, lonely night, her companions scattered to the four winds, either working or enjoying a rare moment of respite from this endless chase across the country.

Huddling in her quilt, she wishes she had taken the girls up on their invitation and joined their girls only night of pampering and partying since all the men were working. She had bowed out, looking forward to an evening of silence and the chance to spill out the dark, muddled thoughts whispering tauntingly through head in the journal she’s avoided for months, only to find the well dry.

Despite once being refuge to her most secret thoughts, she has had a difficult time putting them into words over the past few months. Or maybe she just doesn’t want to share what are sure to be seen as treasonous feelings. If Max were to ever glimpse the dark, silent void where her love for him once resided, their castle of broken promises and empty words would crumble, like sand monuments under the constant wash of waves.

Or maybe she didn’t want to face the hopeful dreams of a girl that died years ago, can’t bear the reminder, the slivers of pain that stab at her heart like splintered glass, cementing the crushing ache of hopelessness that she sees entrenched in her once clear eyes.

She shivered again as the wind picked up, whipping the trees standing watch outside their temporary shelter into a frenzy as it howled mournfully through leaves, echoing the silent cry of her heavy heart. She hadn’t expected to feel the cold, dark night press around her so oppressively, leaving her screaming for something, anything to assuage the icy void that envelopes what’s left of her tattered soul.

Pressing her forehead to the chilled, fogged glass, she watches rivulets of water slide over it, much like tears cascading from the heavens, tears she dares not release herself for the fear that once she starts, they’ll never end and she envies the night sky its release. Clenching her eyes shut to quell the prickling behind them, her breath hitches and she bleakly wonders if she’ll ever know what is to feel alive once more.

A gust of cold, damp air billowed through the room, shaking her from her dark thoughts and she tensed as one of her wayward roommates entered the kitchen door. Straightening up, she pasted a fake smile on her face and turned to meet curiously blank dark whiskey eyes as he stepped out of the night, tawny waves clinging damply to his cheeks and forehead.

“You’re home early,” she murmured, tossing him that bright smile in the hopes of keeping any questions over her mood at bay.

“Slow night. We closed early,” he replied stoically, noting the smile, all too aware of the brittle edges she was desperately trying to conceal. It might have fooled him once as he wouldn’t have looked at her twice as he strode past to the sanctuary of his room, but that was before he knew her. “Besides, it was kind of hard to concentrate with your emotions raining all over me.”

He stared down at her, cocking his brow in challenge as he watched the smile falter, daring her to deny what they both knew to be truth. He smirked as she dipped her head, seemingly fascinated with the dark liquid swirling in her cup before she turned to stare out the window, unwilling to either confirm or deny his words.

“Not going to deny it?” he queried softly, flicking a brooding gaze over her back, walking to stand behind her as she studiously avoided meeting his eyes. He had been jumpy all night feeling the dark emotions radiating through their bond. It had been palpable enough that his boss sent him home, sensing that his mind was far from work.

“Why bother?” she shrugged, keeping her eyes trained unseeingly out at the rainy night, shuddering softly as another draft whispered over her neck. Daring a glance at him, she was caught by his moody depths and cursed at not having a better handle on her control. This was the last thing she needed tonight. “After all, you have a front row seat to my every thought and feeling. It’s pointless.”

“Never stopped you before,” he muttered, pursing his lips as she shrugged once again, quickly growing annoyed with her cavalier attitude when he knew the maelstrom that was raging just under the surface. Clenching his fists, he was determined to get a reaction out of her if it killed him.

“Guess I’m just too tired to fight you,” she replied wearily, setting her cup down on the window sill and pressing her fingers to her temples to ward off the throbbing that threatened behind her eyes. Damn him, why wouldn’t he just go away and leave her in peace. “Just leave me alone, Michael. I not in the mood to deal with you tonight.”

“Not gonna happen, Parker,” he retorted softly, pushing at her through their bond, feeling her irritation with him building, but anything was better than the absolute devastation that was pouring through earlier. “So, suck it up and deal.”

“Back off, Michael,” she snapped, whipping her head around to glare at the man with aggravation, her eyes crackling with suppressed fire, lips thinned mutinously. She clenched hands to keep the fine tremors running through her body from showing. “I don’t know what crawled up your ass, but I said I’m in no mood to cater to your asshole ways tonight.”

“And I told you to deal,” he spat, towering over her menacingly, his own caramel eyes smoldering, challenging her to either put up or shut up. His breath came in short, ragged pants as he remembered the dark thoughts she hadn’t given name to circling around her head. Damned if he was going to allow that to happen.

“Ugh! What the hell is your problem?” she hissed, jumping from her perch to stand toe-to-toe with him, her eyes flashing angrily, meeting his equally fiery gaze unflinchingly. “Are you hard of hearing? I told you to back off!”

“And I said, that’s not going to happen,” he growled, dipping his head down as he grabbed her upper arms and raised her to her tiptoes, pressing his nose to hers, watching as her tongue flitted over her lips nervously, her aggravated breath fanning his face. “So get over it!”

“Arrgh! God, you piss me off!” she screamed, yanking at her arms, trying to pull away and put distance between the two of them before she did something she regretted. But he was having none of it, holding her firmly in his grip while he made his next point.

“Good! Be mad at me! Scream! Rant! Rage! Call me an asshole if you want!” he yelled back at her, happy to take the abuse if meant keeping her safe for one more night. Crowding her, he watched her glittering eyes steadily as he continued with steely determination. “I’d rather have you go to bed fuming than to wake up in the morning and find your cold, lifeless body lying in a pool of blood, wrists slashed because you couldn’t take it anymore!”

“W-what?” she whispered, blanching as her body went limp under his hands, shaking like the leaves just outside their window, lips parted in astonishment and softly trembling. Her eyes darted around the room nervously as he set her back on her feet, mouth moving soundlessly, her breath stuttering, body swaying dizzily. “I…I w-wasn’t….”

“Spare me the denial, Parker!” he rasped, disbelief coloring his tone and continued to watch her as the reality of her unspoken thoughts crashed down around her, pointing to his head. “Front row seat to your every thought and feeling, remember?”

Reeling, she staggered back and sat down on the window seat heavily, resting her head in her hands, her breath coming in raspy pants and shuddered in quiet apprehension, fear chilling her blood as she realized the validity of his words. Thoughts she hadn’t even recognized until that very moment.

Kneeling before her, he took her hands in his, pulling them away from her face and transferring them into one hand, reached up to grasp her chin softly, raising her eyes to his, inhaling sharply at the sheen of tears glossing her eyes. His features softened at the pained confusion dancing in that wet gaze, her soul laid bare before him and pulled her into his lap, wrapping his arms around her as she sobbed quietly.

“I…I d-didn’t mean,” she choked between sobs, burrowing her face into his chest as she clutched onto him as if he were her lifeline, the only person that stood between her and the dark. And he was. “I d-didn’t r-realize….”

“I know,” he murmured, his heart pounding as he stroked soft molasses strands back from her face, warm vanilla teasing his nose as she shifted in his arms and pressed her cheek to his chest. Taking a deep breath, he squeezed her lightly before pulling back to look down into her face. “Promise me something.”

She met his stoic gaze and nodded quietly, waiting for him to continue, tears still slipping over her cheeks silently as she took a shuddering breath. He nodded in acknowledgement, looking away for a moment to gather his thoughts and then flicked his eyes back to hers.

“Promise me you’ll talk to me before it gets this bad again,” he whispered, his voice hitching slightly as he tried to keep his own emotions in check. “No matter what time of day or night, no matter the place.”

“Okay,” she whispered back as she laid her head against his chest once more. Sighing softly, she began to relax against him, the warm circle of his arms melting the icy cold that surrounded her earlier.

“Promise,” he demanded softly, not about to let her off with a simple okay. Not after the hell she put him through this evening.

“I promise,” she said, tipping her face to meet his concerned bourbon gaze seriously, sending him her first genuine smile of the evening, shaky as it was.

“Okay,” he replied, nodding his head in acceptance as he pulled the two of them up, sitting on the bench and grabbed her quilt before pulling her between his legs, wrapping them up in it as she settled against his chest. Resting his head on the top of her head, he sighed as they stared out the window, watching the softening rain as the storm passed – at least for tonight.

Re: Forbidden Dreams (UC,Mi/L,ADULT) 10/11/09

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 12:00 am
by Ashita

“Are you sure you didn’t get a vision about this?” Max asked for the dozenth time since we arrived to our latest hiding place deep in the Rocky Mountain peaks. He’d been hounding Liz ever since our near capture by the FBI two days ago and it was quickly wearing on my nerves.

“No, Max,” she admitted quietly, sighing wearily as long ebony tresses slid over her slumped shoulders, masking the misery etched on her face.

“But you’re usually so on top of this, Liz, I don’t understand how you didn’t get a vision,” Max spluttered, pacing back and forth as I feel her crawl deeper into herself, shielding herself from the pain and defeat of failure. Not that I needed the bond to tell me that.

“Maybe you got one and just didn’t understand…” Max continued patiently as if he were speaking to a willful five-year-old child opposed to an adult woman who has a complete grasp over her powers. I swear, he gets more pompous and condescending every day.

“Jesus, Maxwell!” I finally cut in with irritation, drowning in the waves of self-defeat and worthlessness coming off of Liz. If he didn’t stop his tirade, I was going to kill him myself. “She said she didn’t get a premonition! Stop treating her like a trained monkey and drop it!”

Max whipped his head up, annoyed frustration creasing his face. “I’m just trying to understand where things went wrong, Michael.”

“There is nothing to understand!” I growled, my protective instincts going into overdrive as I watch this vibrant woman turn into a pale shadow of her former self. “She didn’t get one! End of story! Do us all a favor and stop belaboring a moot point!”

“But…” Max stuttered, unable to grasp why one of the tools in his arsenal had failed. His arrogance never ceases to amaze me.

“But nothing!” I bellowed, pinching the bridge of my nose, trying to reign in my rapidly slipping patience. Lifting my head and fixing him with a pointed glare, I gestured to the woman cowering near the lake, her body curling into herself as if she was trying to disappear from sight. “Did you even notice how this has affected her? She’s beating herself up enough over it, she doesn’t need you to add to it!”

Snapping his head to Liz, he shook his head imperceptibly in denial, always oblivious to his actions. “I didn’t mean….”

“Yeah, we know, Max. You never mean it and yet some how it always happens. Screw this!” I griped. Striding over to Liz determinedly, I lean down, clasping her hand in mine, giving a gentle tug and pull her to her feet, tucking her firmly into my side. “Come on, Parker, we’re going for a walk.”

Breathing a sigh of relief when she didn’t resist, I realized she must have been hurting more than she let on and was blocking me. It’s not going to work

Max’s disapproving eyes bore a hole in my back as I lead her from the site. Like I care. I had reached my peak and if Maxwell wasn’t careful, he’d be short two significant members of his little army because I’ll be damned if I watch her wither away under his negligent care.



We walk cloaked in silence as I watch the woman at my side from the corner of my eye, tempted to open our link and figure out what has her gnawing through her bottom lip. But how could I go against the boundaries I myself set at the outset of this bond; boundaries that include keeping uninvited treks through each other’s psyche to a minimum.

Pushing her into the grove of trees before us, we approach an overhang jutting over a deep valley. I watch as her face relaxes in quiet appreciation at the beauty surrounding us, dark eyes traveling over the rugged snow-capped peaks dotted with evergreens in the distance. Her breath rushed out softly, the vapor a soft plume as it froze in the cold, December air.

“This is where you went yesterday,” she commented rhetorically, voice filled with hushed awe, a small shiver coursing over her body when a cool breeze sent her chestnut hair dancing. She looked up at me, the faintest hint of a smile touching her lips.

“Yeah,” I replied with a slight shrug of my shoulders, pushing a small strand of hair behind her ear before I could stop myself. Her eyes brightened a touch at the soft gesture and smile widening as she took my hand, making me glad I had given into the impulse.

“It’s beautiful, Michael,” she whispered. “Thank you.”

“Come here,” I whispered huskily, throat constricting as I tried to shrug off her gratitude and lead her to a bed of pine needles to sit down, pulling her between my legs. “Let me heal your headache.”

“Oh…uh, no, it’s okay,” she protested softly trying to move away. “It doesn’t hurt that much.”

“Liar,” I accused without heat, yanking her back against me. “Now stop being a martyr and let me take care of it.”

“But, Michael, it could make the bond take a deeper hold…” she trailed off, worrying her bottom lip between her teeth.

“Don’t care,” I grunted, already placing my hands to her temples, massaging as I sent soothing warmth through my fingers. She sighed with soft contentment, tension melting from her shoulders as she rested her head against my shoulder, pressing her face into my neck as the healing took hold.

My breath hitched as her breath whispered against my jaw and sliding my eyes shut, I suppressed a groan, resting my chin on her head. It was getting harder every day to deny how she affected me. Opening my eyes, I sighed with soft resignation and wrapped my arms around her waist.

The trees creaked through the stillness as the wind picked up, the light dimming as dove gray clouds rolled in, casting an eerie glow over the scene before us. Shivering, I snuggled closer to her as the first lazy snowflakes began to drift around us.

“Michael, look.” Hushed wonder encased her words as a delighted smile broke across her face and she tipped her head back, dancing eyes meeting mine. “It’s snowing.”

I smiled down at her, happy to see that twinkle that had been missing all too often lately. She settled against me, smiling softly and I tightened my arms around her as we continued to watch the snow falling around us.

“I wish we could stay this way forever,” she whispered wistfully. “I always feel so safe and at peace with you.”

I swallowed hard, breath caught in my throat at her admission and silently agreed, realizing I could hold her in my arms forever if things were different.

Re: Forbidden Dreams (UC,Mi/L,ADULT) 10/13/09

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 3:49 pm
by Ashita

He sits quietly on the grass, reveling in the feel of the sun beating across his skin, wrapping its heat around him like a down comforter. Lying back, he shades his eyes from the sun’s glare and can’t remember the last time he’s let his guard down enough to relax and just enjoy something so simple. Life on the run has been hell.

But luckily, here in the remote fields of – well he has no idea where they are at the moment – they finally had a little down time. When Liz saw this place, she smiled for the first time in weeks having seen it in a dream or vision and declared it would be a safe haven for a little while. We desperately needed it.

Looking over at his friend (that was still weird to him), he saw a soft dreamy smile touch her lips as she gazed out over the meadow and smiled in response to see her indolent posture. He’d been worried about how closed off she’s been lately. Even the Max channel had been quiet for the past month.

A year had passed since the bond formed and he and Liz were finally starting to get some control over it, but being constantly on the run meant that they couldn’t focus on containing it as much as they’d like. Unwanted tidbits still had a way of leaking through. And he couldn’t help but notice that she thought of Max less and less.

Shaking his worries off, he closed his eyes; sighing as he emptied his mind of everything, content to float as the warm current circulated around him. The sun beat over his closed eyelids, causing a red haze as he sank deeper into his lethargy. He was hovering on the edge of slumber when a scene flickered to life across his vision.

Soft, wet lips pressed to his as the tip of a warm, pink tongue slid over his lips teasingly before darting between them to languidly stroke the folds of his mouth in an ancient erotic dance. Groaning against her lips, he crushed her against him, wrapping her right leg over his hip and pressed her against the wall, rocking against the damp heat of her core.

Grabbing her other leg, he lifted her up easily; hitching it to his other hip, pressing between her thighs, her arms wrapping around his neck to tease the waves kissing his nape as he pulled her bottom lip between his teeth to nibble on it softly. She gasped against his lips, dragging air into her starving lungs and flexed her hips against him, making his own breath hitch as electricity shot through his body at the friction.

Smiling against his lips, she rubbed against him again, making him growl low in his throat, tearing his lips away to trail rough kisses against her neck, biting the tender flesh over her pulse, marking her before sucking on the sweet, salty skin above it.

She threaded her fingers into his hair and tugged on it, pulling his head back up to hers and captured his mouth once more, their tongues dueling for dominance. He pulled back and looked down into her flushed face, staring into Liz’s smoky ebony eyes.

Wait, Liz? Why was he fantasizing about Liz? She was his brother’s pseudo-wife.

Gazing at him through hooded eyes, she lowered her head to his neck, lightly licking the skin up to his earlobe, eliciting a small shiver of want along his body as she pulled the soft skin into her mouth, nibbling lightly. He hissed, shoving his hands into her long silky strands, as her lips nibbled down the line of his jaw.

Oh God, it’s not his fantasy! It’s hers! She was fantasizing about Max again. And he was being drug along for the joy ride. He mentally groaned as his own body tightened with desire at the phantom lips trailing over his neck. Someone shoot him now.

Pulling her away from his neck, he crushed his lips to hers, plunging his tongue into the sweet, damp cavern of her mouth. Sucking her tongue into his mouth, he bit down on it before massaging the sting away. She dragged her hands through dark blond locks, her moan swallowed down his throat.

Wait, Max isn’t blond. What…!

His hand crept up under her shirt, sliding against smooth, silky skin to cup her breast, palming the soft, moldable flesh and kneaded it gently, dragging the tips of his fingers across her nipple, feeling it pebble under his fingers in response. Tipping her head back, she arched against him, demanding more pressure as a breathy moan slipped from her parted lips.

Oh God, he has to stop this now before…god. His body hummed with need, his hands tingling with warmth as if her skin was really beneath them.

“Parker!” he choked, jumping up as if scalded. The images of their shared reverie shattering around him as she startled and snapped her head to him, her cheeks flushed. Was that flush from the sun or her heated thoughts? Is that how she looks when…oh, god, he shouldn’t be thinking that.

“Michael?” she looked at him hesitantly, watching as he shoved his hands through his hair, breath ragged, trying to quell the images of her laid before him in passion and god, her taste still lingering on his tongue.

“I’m going for a walk,” he said breathlessly, needing to get away before he acted on the fire coursing through his blood and grabbed to her to see if she really tasted like spearmint and vanilla. “Tell the others I went to the lake.”

He heard a faint affirmative whisper as he strode away trying to forget how beautiful she looked flushed with passion and how her skin felt under his hands. Trying not to wonder why the man in her fantasy was not Max, but somehow reminded him of himself.

Re: Forbidden Dreams (UC,Mi/L,ADULT) 10/16/09

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 6:58 pm
by Ashita

My head hanging in defeat, I wearily cling to Liz’s hand, her dispassionate countenance belying the rapid thrumming of her heart as we watch black vans swarm us on all sides. Maria cries hysterically in the background, clinging to Kyle and Isabel while Ava and Max stand stoically, shoulders tense, chins tipped defiantly as agents pile out, taking cover behind their vans.

We’re trapped and too tired, ragged, defeated to put up another fight. After two years of evasion, it comes down to this, our final showdown on the outskirts of Austin, Texas. Max steps into the circle’s center, facing the agents with his shoulders squared, me beside him as we shove Liz and Ava behind us, ready to stare death in its face.

There was no way we could survive this attack and with the wear of the road and endless running staining our souls, we didn’t care any longer.

A man steps to the fore, obviously the head of the team, his piercing blue eyes watching us with quiet apprehension, before striding purposefully forward. Time came to a standstill as we faced each other, neither wanting to make the first move, at an impasse.

Suspicion and apprehension wars in our hearts as he held out his hand in a gesture of friendship, a white flag rising above their trenches. Was it another ploy to yank us into their web? Then he said something we never expected to hear.

Khivar has contacted Earth’s governments and gave them an ultimatum – either turn us over to him and submit to his rule or face extinction when he brings our war to humanity. Apparently they didn’t care for that ultimatum, so they were willing to contact and work with us as an alternative. We were the lesser of the evils.

A bitter laugh passed my lips before I could help it, the irony striking me – for years they’d been trying to eliminate us and now we’re the only ones standing between them and their extinction. Karma bites you on the ass when you least expect it.

Re: Forbidden Dreams (UC,Mi/L,ADULT) 10/21/09

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 3:27 pm
by Ashita

“What the hell was that?” he demanded, stalking after the petite brunette as she hedged past him without a word, her cheeks flushed with discomfit.

“What?” she murmured absently, biting her lip as she pressed chilled fingers to her cheeks to cool the fire burning beneath her skin.

“That!” he cried, gesturing to his smirking twin who was looking far too smug after trying to steal a kiss. Glowering at his dupe, he grit his teeth and swung his attention back to the woman who had been haunting his thoughts far too often lately.

“Can you be a little more specific, Michael?” she asked, annoyance shading her voice, the pink slowly draining from her still hot cheeks. Smoothing back the fly away strands teasing her face, she stared at the open door blankly, mind whirling over the implications of the conversation she’d had. Could he be right?

“The kiss?” he growled as he crossed his arms, heart sinking as he watches her continued distraction.

“Kiss?” Her brow furrowed, confusion clouding her eyes as she ripped them away from the door and met his annoyed bourbon-colored eyes. Clarity dawned in hers and she shrugged dismissively, still floored by Rath’s comments. “Oh. That. Ummm…it was nothing.”

“It didn’t look like nothing from where I was standing, Parker!” Michael griped, jealousy tearing at his gut as he tried to tamp down the power building in his body. Scowling at his faux brother’s obvious amusement, his heart pinched at her indifference towards Rath’s actions.

Shaking her head to clear it, Liz focused on the scowling man in front of her, rubbing her temples as she wonders if Rath was right in his assessment of Michael’s feelings. “It was just Rath…being Rath. He was teasing. Why does it matter, Michael?” she queried distractedly.

“Why does it matter?” he grit out, frustration lacing his voice. Surely she couldn’t be that blind, could she? Stalking over to her, he yanked her to him, fist tangling in silky molasses strands as his lips crashed against hers, moving against them urgently as he pressed her into the wall behind them.

A surprised gasp bubbled over her lips, which he used to his advantage and deepened the kiss, snaking his tongue into her mouth, exploring the sweet heat feverishly. Her eyes slid shut as she got lost in the caress and fit her body to his, sliding her hands into sandy waves, her breathy moan lost against his scorching lips.

He cupped the back of her head, crushing her to him harder, pouring months of frustrated desire into a devouring kiss that was all teeth, tongues, fire, and blinding passion. Ripping his mouth from hers, molten caramel stared down into hazy coffee orbs, noses pressed together as both dragged air back into their starving lungs.

“Why does it matter?” he panted, setting her away from him, dragging his hands through his hair in agitation. “Think about it, Parker.”

Michael backed away and stormed out of the diner, leaving a gaping, dazed Liz in his wake. She licked her lips; unconsciously seeking the last rich, decadent dark chocolate and spice taste of him. Letting out a shaky breath, she stared after the tall alien, a perplexed sigh passing over her still tingling lips. “Well.”

Turning to her right, she saw Rath shaking his head in amusement and snickering. “Told ya sweets! Duke’s hot for you.”



Her lips are soft beneath mine, damp breaths mingling as I sink deeper into her mouth, lightly stroking my tongue against her bottom lip. She sighs and lips part allowing me to deepen the kiss, sliding my tongue languorously against hers.

She tastes of vanilla and strawberry, cinnamon and spice, of whispered promises, new discoveries and potential dreams, of everything forbidden; yet everything I’ve ever wanted. She tastes of…salvation.

God, she’s so sweet and I can happily live a thousand lives and die a thousand deaths as long as it’s in her arms.

How could I have not seen this before?



This can’t be happening. She told herself she wouldn’t go here again. Not with one of them. Not with him. This complicates everything.

“You can’t deny it,” he whispers against her lips, lightly brushing his against hers. Their softness surprises her.

“We can’t,” she whispers back, heart racing as he trails butterfly kisses along her jaw.

“Yes, we can,” he affirms, running fingers through her chocolate strands, wrapping them around his fist. Trailing the other hand along the small of her back, he presses her against him.

Eyes fluttering shut, her breath hitches when he continues his assault on her neck. Lips parting, she flicks her tongue over them, nervously gulping.

“It’s not right…” she stutters, gripping his shoulders, head tilting back unconsciously to allow him better access. Her mind may be in turmoil but her body knows this is exactly what she wants.

“Nothing can be more right,” he refutes, pulling back abruptly.

Her eyes fly open at the movement and he stares down into them, molten caramel searching smoky ebony, grunting in satisfaction at whatever he finds.

“But…” her weak protests are cut off as he captures her lips again, sliding his tongue along the seam of her lips, parting them to deepen their kiss.

“Deny it all you want to them. Lie to yourself if you must,” he says firmly, mouth hovering over hers, eyes glittering with passion. “But don’t lie to me. Never with me.”

Re: Forbidden Dreams (UC,Mi/L,ADULT) 10/21/09

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 3:18 pm
by Ashita

She was weaving up the driveway, having been dropped off by her co-workers, singing off key to God only knows what. Stumbling over the uneven sidewalk, she threw her arms out for balance as she swayed unevenly and giggled, clamping a hand over her mouth to muffle the sound as she tossed a wary look over at the apartments. It can’t be.

I strode down the walk and took her arm gently, peering into her flushed face, her glazed eyes confirming my suspicions. “Are you drunk, Parker?”

Her eyes widened and she shook her head swiftly, molasses locks swinging, setting off another round of swaying and giggling.

“Sure,” I snorted, putting an arm around her waist to keep her from falling over. “I believe you. How many did you have tonight?”

“S’only a sip or two,” she slurred, holding up three fingers.

I snickered knowing that was more than enough due to her changed status. Holding her up, I started walking towards her apartment. “Come on Princess, let’s get you to bed.”

She followed me on unsteady feet, swaying off balance when her foot slid off the curb and she fell against me, arms wrapping around my waist for support. She giggled once more and finding her face planted in my chest, nuzzled it softly, making my body tighten with desire. Repressing a soft groan, I clenched my eyes shut, damning my body’s response to her innocent movements.

Sighing, I moved to start walking again, but was stopped in my tracks when she pressed against my body tighter, purring deep in her throat and tipped her head back to look at me, smiling hazily. “I love you, Michael!”

I let out a helpless groan and my lips quirked as I stared down at the tipsy woman, running my hand over her hair, my heart constricting at her words. It’d figure that Parker was an I-love-you drunk.

But knowing she was drunk and wouldn't remember this anyway, I smirked into her flushed face and played it off lightly. “Of course you do, Parker. What’s not to love?”

“Well…” she drawled, giggling at my scowl. Even drunk the woman was a smart ass.

Bending at the waist, I grabbed her legs and cradled her in my arms, figuring we’d make better progress this way and was about to start walking again when she grabbed my attention once more.

She peered at me through her lashes, grasping my cheek and brought my face down to hers, her breath feathering over my lips softly. My breath hitched as those fathomless chocolate eyes gazed at me intently, crystal clear for the moment.

“I do, you know,” she whispered against my lips. “I just never had the courage to tell you.” Lifting her head up, she brushed her lips against mine, tracing my bottom lip with a light flick of her tongue, sending my heart racing before her eyes fluttered and she promptly passed out.

Swallowing hard, I looked at the woman in my arms, still tasting sweet mint as I tried to control my erratic breath and vowed she and I were going to have a long talk tomorrow. Tightening my hold on her, I carried her into the apartment, closing the door with my foot.



She loved him. He couldn’t believe it. Wouldn’t have believed it if he hadn’t heard the words from her lips. He had no choice but to embrace this confession because Liz may lie to the world to keep their secrets, but she would never lie to him, drunk or not.

And truthfully, he didn’t want to deny her love. He’d been hoping for those words to slip past her lips since their confrontation three weeks ago. Dreamed of this moment for months. Of course, it would have been nice if she had actually stayed awake after her declaration, but well, nothing’s perfect.

Looking back at the woman curled up on her bed, he crept over to lie on the bed facing her, careful not to stir her slumber. Running his fingers through the soft, chestnut locks splayed on her pillow, he can’t help but wonder how he got this lucky; what he had done to be worthy, deserving of her love.

Yet he’s terrified to let her in. Life has never been easy for him and love fleeting or finite, restricted within certain bounds. He’d never been on the receiving end of a true unconditional love. Even Maria, who had come close, wanted him to change. He can’t help but fear that by opening his heart once more, he’s setting himself up for heartache.

It’s an irrational fear, but a habit he has a hard time breaking. He knows she sees him, can’t help but see him because of their bond. She knows him inside and out, has seen the good, the bad and the ugly and not once has she expected him to be anyone other than himself. Not once has she run.

Running his hand over her hair, he smiles tenderly as she crinkles her nose and snuggles into his chest, placing her hand over his heart protectively, murmuring his name softly. Seems she could read him even while she’s sleeping.

Throat constricting, he trailed his hand through hair, down to the small of her back and pulled her into his arms, relishing how her body fit so perfectly to his, breathing in her warm vanilla scent. God, he could stay this way forever.

And brushing a soft kiss against her forehead, he sighed as his eyes slid shut, content for once in his highly restrictive life and ready to embrace that it held infinite possibilities.