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Re: The Wrong Decision (Ma/Mx Ma/Mi) Adult Ch. 10 12/6

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 8:02 pm
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 11

August 2007

Maria's POV

New York City—LaGuardia Airport. That's what the ticket in my hand says. I hope I’m doing the right thing. Who the hell am I kidding. Going to New York is the very definition of wrong, but I cannot help myself any longer.

"So, I'll be back on Tuesday," I say to Michael, pushing the top of my suitcase down to zip it up. Things have been going better between us the last few weeks. Ever since I booked my ticked to New York, I have to admit that I’ve been easier to live with. My mood is lighter and I can tell he notices it.

"Say hi to your mom for me." Michael says, kissing my lightly on the lips. Of course he thinks I am going to Phoenix to see my mom. I obviously couldn’t tell him where I was really going.

"I will," I say and kiss back. "Are you sure you can take care of Ally while I’m gone?" I ask. I'm still a little worried. She is four and a half and stubborn, just like her mother.

"I will be fine. You just have fun and relax." Michael says smiling at me. I trust him to take care of her, I’m just a worried mother. I haven’t spent a night away from her since she was born.

I give them both another kiss before grabbing my bag and heading out the door to catch my cab. Off to New York City, only, hopefully, I’ll get to enjoy it this time.

Max's POV

I feel Maria very strongly today for some reason. I feel her presence every once in a while. I don’t know why, but I have a feeling its tied to her mood. From correspondence, I’ve discovered that, when her mood is up, I feel her more strongly. That is good. It means she is having a good day today.

I, on the other hand, am working a double shift at the restaurant where I got a job. New York is interesting, to say the least. I’d only been here that one time when the dupes showed up, and I didn’t get much of a feel for the city then. It’s huge. It’s totally different from Roswell, NM, that is for sure. At least I have school. I really enjoy medical school. I know most people are overwhelmed, but I think it’s my niche.

The only other things I knew about New York came from stories from Maria about her short time here. I’ve got to stop thinking about her. It’s so much harder to get through the work day when she’s on my mind.

Maria's POV

Max works at a place called ‘Michael’s’ bar. How ironic is that? I take a deep breath before I climb out of the cab in front of the restaurant. I stopped by my hotel first to put my stuff down and collect myself. When I landed in NYC I almost had a full on panic attack worrying about what it would be like to see Max again.

The host at the front of the restaurant smiles at me, "Just one?” he asks. “What’s a pretty girl like you doing eating alone?"

I just smile at him. He is flirting, but I don't care. I’ve got too many things on my mind right now.
He directs me to a small table near the back of the restaurant. I sit down and look around. It’s mostly empty, probably because 3 o’clock, not exactly prime eating time. It’s a nice place. I am glad to know that Max isn’t working as tome dive. At least he must be getting good tips here.

I know Max is here today. In one of the many letters he has sent me, he told me his work and school schedule. I’m not sure why, but it’s a good thing he did because I really wanted to surprise him. Of course, now I wish I had called him. I'm half tempted to run out of here right now. What if he doesn’t want to see me? I know he says he does, but what if that isn’t what he really wants?

"May I help you?" An attractive waiter asks, pulling me out of my daze.

"Yeah, I'll just have a Vodka Tonic." I say with a small smile.

Before he turns to leave I ask him, "Is Max Evans working here today?"

The waiter smiles and nods, "Yeah. Who should I tell him is here?"

"Don't tell him anything about me. I want to surprise him. Just point him over here," I say. He winks at me and leaves. I take a few more deep breaths and feel the butterflies bubbling up in my stomach. You can do this Maria. You need to do this.

Oh, I’m being stupid. You'd think I was in high school. Not the 23 year-old mother of a 4 year old. I feel someone walking toward me. Then I hear a sharp intake of breath. I wait a moment before looking up into the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen.

Max's POV

Maria. I blink a few times to make sure my eyes are not deceiving me. It wouldn’t be the firs time that I’ve imagined her being with me.

Nope, she is really here, in New York. I'm not dreaming. My heart skips a beat and my eyes become moist. I can’t help my emotions. Its been 5 years. "Maria..." is all I can manage to get out as I make my way over to her.

She looks up at me with a tentative smile. There are tears in her eyes as well. "Hello Max," she says. She’s is so nervous her voice is shaking slightly. I hate that I’m having that effect on her.

I take the opportunity to sit down at the table and take her hands in mine. "my God, Maria. I can't believe you are really here," I say. I know I can’t think of anything to say. I’m so in shock right now. Once I get over the fact she is really here, we will have a lot to catch up on.

God she is so beautiful. She is even more beautiful l than she was five years ago, if that is possible. I feel my heart racing just being close to her.

Maria's POV

"Yeah," I smile, fighting back tears, "I'm really here." I don’t want to spend the whole weekend crying, but Max seems to have that effect on me. At least they are tears of joy.

"Where are you staying? What are you doing here? How long are you going to be here? Where does Michael think you are?" he asked me all at once, his words running together.

I chuckle lightly at his eager questions. "I'm at the Embassy Suites by Central Park." I tell him, "I came to see you. I'm here until Tuesday. And Michael thinks I’m in Phoenix with my mother." I answer in order, "So, when do you get off. I'm sorry for just showing up like this."

"No! I'm so glad you are here. It’s the best surprise ever." His eyes were wide and excited, and I was so happy to have had that effect ton him.

"I get off in like 3 hrs." He said as he looked down at his watch. He was pouting. It was adorable.
"Pouting was never a good look for you," I say with a smile. I’m flirting, and I love it. "Well, since I came to see you, do you want to come to my room when you get off?"

He nods at me emphatically, squeezing my hands in his before pulling out his order pad and a pen. "Yeah, what room? I'll be there."

I tell him my room number and he scribbles it down before giving me a quick kiss on the lips and heading back to the kitchen. Sparks fly as his lips touch mine, and I could never regret coming to see him now.


Kyle's POV

The phone is loud as it pulls me out of my Isabel-inspired daydream. “Deputy Valinti,” I answer, trying to clear the sleep from my throat.

"Kyle, what do I do. Am I completely nuts?" Maria's frantic voice greets me.

I have to laugh. One time Alex told me that you have to put everything Maria says through the Maria filter. I still haven’t mastered understanding her when she is frantic, but I’m getting better, "What's wrong?" I ask.

"I...I'm in New York, Kyle. I'm here to see Max, obviously. I saw him where he works. He’s coming to my hotel room after he gets off work. What do I do?" She asked, her voice getting more frantic with each word.

"Well, if you have a child and you still don't know what to do, I’d say you are a slow learner," I joke. I needed her to lighten up. This could be the chance they have both been waiting for. I have to say I’m pretty stunned that she flew out to New York. She’d been pretty clear that she and Max were over. I guess she decided to stop lying to herself.

"This is serious Kyle. Tell me I did the right thing. Tell me it is okay to be here." She begs. And there is the reason she called. She wants validation. I know its technically wrong for her to cheat on Michael, but I also know that lying to herself has been killing her.

"Maria. You did the right thing. You and Max love each other. You should be together." I tell her honestly. My hope is that she realizes this before she leaves New York.

"Thanks, Kyle.” She says, and I can hear her voice calming down.

"Bye. Have fun." I say and hang up the phone.

I can't believe it. She went to NYC. Maybe she will leave Michael for Max like she should have a long time ago. Who knows? That would be great though. Then they could both move back here and save me from my eternal loneliness. Okay, maybe not eternal. Isabel and I have been getting closer, but still I miss them. I know everything will work out in the end, but I just wish things were not so wound up in all of this soap opera-like drama.

Max's POV

I'm running a little late but I had to go home and shower and change. There was no way that I was going to show up and Maria's hotel in my waiter's uniform smelling of the grill. It's been five years since we’ve been together. I want to look my best when she opens the door.

I grabbed a bouquet of flowers on my way to her apartment. It’s not nearly enough to show her how I feel about her, but I thought it would be at least a little romantic. I want there to be no confusion about my feelings for her. Not that there could be. I’ve told her a hundred times over the course of 2 years, in letter, that she is the only woman for me.

I breathe in and out slowly before I enter the hotel lobby. Room 684. I'm just 6 floors away from the love of my life. I hope she has the same intentions as I do tonight because I’ve been waiting for this for five years. I still can't believe she is here. .

Maria's POV

I'm pacing the room. I mean, I’m literally, about to break a sweat, pacing. I wish I had my cedar oil with me. It always makes me feel more calm. I feel in my heart that I’m doing the right thing I just wish my head would catch up to it.

I can't wait to be in Max's arms again. Of that, I am totally sure. When he gets here I’m going to…(Knock Knock)

Oh, God, that’s him. I have to stop myself from racing to the door. When I open the door, I see him standing there with flowers in hand. He looks beautiful. Now I know why he was late. He obviously went home a pour himself into the sexiest outfit I’ve ever seen him wear, tight jeans and all.

"Hello," I say with a sweet smile. My nerves are dissipating.

Max's POV

Maria looks even better than she did at the restaurant. Her hair is up in one of those messy buns. And she has a jean skirt on and a tight white button down shirt. God, if she wants me to go nuts, she is succeeding. My hormones are already on overdrive since I haven’t had sex in five years, but with Maria standing in front of me I can barely control myself.

"Hey, baby." I finally get out. I enter the room and quickly pull her into my arms, capturing her lips in mine. She opens her mouth and I slip my tongue in. God, she feels perfect.

I hear her moan, softly, against my mouth, "Beautiful," she mutters against my lips. Boy has she got it backward. I feel her move in closer to me. Her body is pressed against mine, now.

"Oh god, I missed you." she says, finally breaking the kiss to get some air. There are tears shining in her eyes again. I’m starting to get the feeling that all I do is make her cry.

"Oh, baby, don’t cry." I say, sitting on the bed and pulling her down with me. "I love you, no matter what.” I assure her.

"I missed you so much. You are the only man I love." her tears are gone now and she’s looking up at me with love in her eyes.

"I know, baby. I know." I tell her. "I love you too." I understand her better than she thinks I do.

Maria's POV

I feel stupid for breaking down, but there were just too many emotions involved in that kiss. These emotions I have kept hidden for years now. I only scratch the surface of them when I write to Max and in my journal. Having him right in front of me makes everything real and so much stronger.

I feel comfortable expressing these emotions freely with Max though. He doesn’t judge me. That is one of the most beautiful things about Max. I know that no matter what he doesn’t judge.

I lean in and kiss him again. This time, we take our time. We kiss and touch each other softly and gently. We meld into one another and it is absolutely beautiful.

Max's POV

Maria's body feels amazing under my fingers. I can't believe it's been five years since we have done this. On one hand it seems like its been forever since we’ve held each other. On the other hand, it seems like just yesterday. It’s hard to explain.

I slowly lift her shirt over her head and she doesn't stop me. I don’t want to move too fast, but then again, we have been moving toward this point for years. She reacts positively to my touch so I know she wants this as much as I do.

Her kisses are eager and hungry now as she rips my shirt over my head. She scraps her nails down my chest, and I can't help but moan at the sensation. It sends chills down my body and I throw my head back as she plants kisses on my chest.

Maria's POV

I can't get his clothes off fast enough. There are too many boundaries between us. I'm sick of boundaries. I love Max. I want to feel his skin against mine. I want to feel him moving inside me like I only have once before.

I tear open his pants and push them off of him. He is working diligently at my clothes. I guess I could have worn something easier for him to get off, but I actually hadn’t even thought about that. I help him with my clothes once he rids me of mine.

Finally we lay on the bed naked together. There are no more walls, no more boundaries. We are finally together. I kiss him gently and his tongue slips into my mouth. Everything feels so natural between us. Age has made us more sure of ourselves. He doesn’t touch me in the tentative way he did when we were eighteen. Now he touches me the way a man touches the woman he loves.

He flips me over so he is on top. I don’t care what position we are in, I just need him. "Please..." I beg, pulling his face down to mine.

He kisses me again and again before positioning the tip of his cock at my dripping entrance. He teases me only for a moment before he plunges inside me. It’s perfect.

Max's POV

I moan at the sensation of her around me. She is so tight and wet I think I’m going to go insane. I feel like I’ve died and gone to heaven. I slowly move in and out of her. I want to prolong the experience.

Her eyes look directly into mine as we move in synchronicity. I feel alive for the first time in a long time and I never want to leave the warmth of her embrace.

I am trying to make this last, but I don’t know how much longer I can hold on. I shift my hips and enter her from a different angle, deeper this time. I know I’m going to come any second.

I move my thumb to the edge of her clit applying gentle pressure. Her body immediately responds. She goes stiff in my arms before her legs begin to convulse with her building orgasm.

I plunge into her deeper and faster and she is moaning my name. “Come for me, baby,” I moan, desperate to come with her.

Maria's POV

I’m so close. Any minute…”Oh Max!” I scream plunging over the edge to oblivion. It’s beautiful. I see stars, literally. After everything we’ve been through, this is the first flash I’ve ever received from Max.

He comes with me, groaning something unintelligible. I feel his cock pulse and I know that it was right to come here. This moment here, the afterglow, makes it all worth it. We are in love. I've never felt more perfect than at this moment right now. I wish I could stay in Max's arms forever.

Max's POV

I wake up with my arms wrapped around a very naked Maria. I was almost expecting last night to be a dream. Maria and I literally made love all night long, sleeping only for short periods in between. It could have very easily been a dream. But it wasn’t. She’s here in my arms and I smile, snuggling into her again.

I watch her for several minutes before she stirs. "Morning," I say with a smile as she wakes up.

She smiles and stretches her arms over her head. "Morning," she says. "Don't you have to be at work?" she asks looking at the clock.

"No. I called in sick. I'm off until Tuesday." I say. No way in hell am I going to miss out on time with Maria to wait tables.

Maria's POV

It will be nice to be able to be with him and only him for the next three days. Well, I guess its two and a half now because it’s already noon.

I slept like a brick. Having a four year old doesn't allow you to catch up on your sleep. I haven’t felt this refreshed since high school.

"You’re so amazing," he says to me out of the blue.

"No, Max." I say seriously, "I'm not amazing. I'm a terrible person.” Not only was I cheating on my husband, but I was lying to Max about his daughter, I’ve screwed up three lives. I’m not amazing.

Max pulls me closer to him and lifts my chin to look him in the eyes. "No, Maria. Stop saying that. You are amazing. You are beautiful both inside and out." he says.

"But, Max, I'm serious. I don’t think you are seeing me. Here I am in NYC cheating on my husband with his once best friend. And then before that, I broke your heart because I couldn't come clean with Michael. I am a horrible person." Not to mention the fact that I’m keeping you away from your daughter, I add silently.

Max seriously needed to pull me down from the pedestal he had me on. I am not perfect. I am not amazing. I am traitorous.

Max's POV

I don’t care what she says, Maria is amazing in my eyes and always will be. "Maria, I love you, and if being with you right now is wrong, then so be it. We deserve this." I tell her. She is right that we are cheating on Michael, but I cannot bring myself to care.

"I know," she says, "It feels so right being here. I just don't want you to put me up on a pedestal because I’m far from perfect."

I'll try, but it is kind of hard when she is the center of my universe. Nothing she does can make me stop loving her. I don’t say anything, I just wrap my arms around her.

Apparently, Maria has other plans, though, because I feel her long fingers wrap around my cock, "Oh god," I groan. "We are never going to eat if you keep that up."

"We can eat any day. We've got a lot of time to make up for." she says and then descends on my cock.


Maria's POV

It's been an amazing three days. Max and I have barely gotten out of bed. Making love to him is addictive. It is beautiful, and raw, and passionate. It is so hard to let him go.

But alas, I have to leave. I never planned on stay past Tuesday, and I have to go to the airport. I'm sure Michael has his hands full with Ally. Besides I know Ally misses me. I can feel it. I miss her too. That was the only downside to this trip to see Max. I miss my daughter horribly.

I look down at Max as he sleeps in the bed we’ve shared for the last three days. He looks so peaceful and happy. I know that when he wakes up he won’t be so happy. I have to leave, and I have to do it before he wakes up.

I can't say goodbye. It would be too hard. I'm have to him a note. I know he will try to talk me into staying, and truth be told I’m afraid I’ll do it. As much as I love Max, I can’t stay here. I’ve got a family in Indianapolis.

I begin writing on the hotel stationary:


My love, I have gone. We knew this was coming and it was just too hard for me to wake you up. I've never been good at goodbyes. You know that better than anyone.

I had the most amazing long weekend. Making love to you again was a dream come true, and I will remember this for the rest of my life. The whole weekend was amazing, but I have to go back. I can't leave Michael or Ally.

I do love you. You know that. I haven’t always shown it well, and this may not seem like an act of love, but never think that you aren't the only man for me. I will think about the feel of your hands on me, the feel of you moving inside me, and the feel of your lips on mine everyday.

Please keep writing me. It helps me get though the day more than you know. I’ll be missing you.

All of my Love,

I place the letter on the pillow next to my love and kiss Max lightly on the lips before I grab my suitcase and walk out the door.

Max's POV

I wake up to an empty bed. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't know Maria would bolt while I was asleep. She knows that I would try to talk her into staying.

I wish I could have seen her one more time, but I can't say that I blame her. She’s really not good with goodbye.

But she did leave a note. She wants me to keep writing. Hell. I'll write her a letter everyday—four a day if she wants. I love writing to her. I'm not giving up on her. I think we can still be together. I just need to make her see that. But I can't push. This has to be surgical and precise. Letters are a good start.


Re: The Wrong Decision (Ma/Mx Ma/Mi) Adult Ch. 11 12/7

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 8:26 pm
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 12

Maria's POV

I really miss Ally. I mean, I had an amazing weekend., but I missed my little girl while I was gone. She is so much of my life now, that it is hard to imagine a time when she didn't exist. I'm sad to leave Max, but I’m excited to see Ally again. I bet she is driving Michael insane.

As I walk to the baggage claim where Michael and Ally are meeting me, I am both excited and scared. I’m excited to get back to both of them. I've obviously missed Ally, but I also missed Michael a little bit. I know I’m a bitch to him sometimes, and I know that I just betrayed him...again...but we were best friends once. He is an important part of my life.

I see him standing there with Ally in his arms, so noble. It's true that Michael has a temper and my bad moods tend to set him off, but he really is a good man. Ally sees me and squirms in his arms. "Mommy!" she yells from across the baggage claim.

A huge, goofy, grin spreads across my face before I can stop it. Michael looks up and smiles. I cross the distance between us. He sets Ally down and she runs to me. "Mommy. I missed ya." Ally says hugging me as tightly as she can.

"Oh, baby. I missed you to. Did you have fun while I was gone?" I ask her looking at Michael. He darts his eyes away from me. I know he has let her eat junk food and stay up late, but I don’t care. It's good that they had time to bond alone. Ally hasn't really attached to Michael as well as she has to me. Maybe she can sense that her mother doesn’t love him the way she is supposed to.

I place Ally on my hip and move into Michael. "You have fun, babe?" Michael asks me.

I smile at him as he wraps his arm around my shoulders. "Yeah, I had fun." I say. God, I feel guilty. I mean I did have fun. But I had fun at the expense of cheating on Michael and my family. I've just got to forget about that and get on with my life. I can still write Max though. I know he will still write to me.

Michael’s POV

Thank God Maria is home. As much as we have our ups and downs, I missed her. Its hard to sleep in an empty bed when you have been used to sleeping next to someone for five years.

Having more time alone with Ally was nice though. I think we really bonded this weekend. I know our daughter loves me, but she’s always been closer to Maria than me. To tell you the truth, it made me a little jealous. Of course, it’s not Maria’s fault. Because Maria stays home with Ally, they just have more time together. I love my job, but the hours are long and I don’t get to be with my family as much as I’d like.

I slip my hand in Maria’s and lead her out to the car. I think the time away did her some good. She is glowing. And she looks like she’s ready to take on the world. I kiss her temple and send out a silent prayer of thanks for my family.

May 2008

Max's POV

Maria and I keep writing back and forth. I feel like our letters are even more intimate now, after her trip to New York. Of course, I can’t keep that trip out of my mind. It was awesome. That was officially the best three days of my life.

Maybe she will come visit again. Kyle tells me not to hold my breath, and know I shouldn't. It took her five years to make the first trip. It could take her ten to make another one.

Until then, I keep writing to her.


I miss you so much. I think about you all the time. I hope you still think about me.

I had a dream last night. We were together, of course. We were in the desert, at our special spot, just staring at the stars. Our bodies were wrapped around each other for warmth. It was beautiful. You are beautiful.

I'm doing well in school. I've just got one more week and then it's summer break again. I’m still working at the bar. As much as it sucks, the money is good. My classes are going really well. I really love medicine. You know, I’ve always felt the need to help people. I guess it comes from who and what I am. Now, I get to do it a legitimate way. I think it’s, maybe, my calling. I love it. I don’t really know how to describe it, I’m just really glad that I went this route. And it’s only two more years until I’m an actual resident.

I hate to cut this letter short, but I really got to get back to studying if I want to do that. So, as much as it pains me I have to go. I love you will all of my heart. Never forget that for one second.


Maria's POV

Dearest Max,

I'm glad classes are going well for you. I think you are right. It is your calling to help people. You are so good at it even without your powers. You are an understanding and terribly kind man. You will be a fantastic doctor. I know it with every cell in my body.

I hope you have a fun summer. Mine will be spent getting Ally ready to start school. I know she doesn't want to go. She is clinging to me more than usual. I have three months to get her used to the idea of her being away from me. I guess I’m a little nervous about her going to school as well. We are very attached to each other.

I'm starting school in the fall at Indiana University—Indianapolis. I'm looking into a major in Music. Maybe I’ll be a music teacher. I always did love sharing music with others, and I love children. I don’t know. I don’t have to declare a major yet. All I know is that I’m really excited to go back to school. I feel like, now, I’ll be able to contribute something to society.

I miss you too, baby. I will be thinking about you this week while you take your finals. I know you will do well.

Much Love,

I skipped out the door and down to the mail box. I felt pretty good as I walked back into the apartment. Things have been better with Michael for the last few months.

He’s probably reacting to my mood. I'm not being such a bitch because I’m so excited about school and Max writes nearly everyday. Besides, I’ve been doing a good job of not letting my issues with myself get deflected onto Michael anymore. Sometimes it's hard, but I’m trying.

February 2009

Maria's POV

"Why don't you talk to me, Maria?" Michael asks me in desperation. I’ve been so stressed out lately and I’ve been taking it out on Michael. I know I shouldn’t, but sometimes I can’t help myself. He’s had enough, I can tell.

"What do you want to talk about?" I shoot back a little cooler than I planned. As much as I may know he’s not the problem, it doesn’t stop me from reverting to my old habits. Besides, I can’t talk to him about the things that are bothering me because most of them have to do with Max.

"I want to talk about you. Ally is about to be six years old and you haven’t been the same since you got pregnant with her. We don’t talk. We rarely make love, and when we do it never seems like you are into it." Michael explains to me. And he is right about everything.

"I don’t know what to say Michael. I'm fine. We are fine. I'm just tired. I’ve got a lot going on right now. Midterms are coming up, and Ally's birthday..." I tell him. Good, excuse Maria. As long as I put Ally’s needs in my explanation I know Michael won’t question it. It’s deceitful, but I don’t want to talk about this anymore.

Michael backs down a little. I know he doesn't buy my excuse, fully. It doesn't explain away a lot of things, but at the same time, Michael knows that, that is the best he is going to get from me right now.

"Baby, I just want us to be like we were before." he says. He’s almost pleading with me and it breaks my heart.

"We can't, Michael. I mean we were kids before Ally was born. We don’t have the time or energy to be like we were before. Things change." I tell him. That is a nice way to explain things.

Michael concedes. He wants to be done with this conversation as much as I do. "Ok, well have fun at school today.” he says kissing me on the cheek.

"I will. And good luck with the gallery." I say kissing him on the lips. We go our separate ways, another disaster averted.

Max's POV

School is pretty stressful right now. I'm writing a Thesis on ADHD diagnoses. It's basically taken over my life. I haven’t been able to write to Maria lately, but that hasn’t stopped her from writing to me. That's a good sign. Besides, her letters keep me from pulling my hair out while I try to finish up my education.

I just got a new one today. My day always looks brighter when a letter from Maria comes.


I've missed you writing. I know you are busy. You’re in the home stretch now, aren’t you. I can’t believe you are going to be a doctor. I mean, I always knew you could be great. But, I guess it just makes me feel old. I’ve got a six-year-old at home and you are about to be a doctor. Seems like Roswell was a millennium away.

Michael and I have been getting into more fights lately. I think we are both just stressed out. School is great. It's hard after being off for so long, but I love it. Though I feel like the old lady in the classes. Everyone is like eighteen years old.

Ally is doing well in school too. She is the teacher's favorite, which she obviously doesn't get from me. Teachers hated me. I miss her while she is at school. I wonder if it is normal for me to be this attached to her.

Anyway, I’ve got class in ten minutes, so I’ve got to go. I'll write more soon.


I really should write her back. I'll do that tonight. I feel bad that she and Michael are having problems. I might not want her to be with him, but I want her to be happy.

Kyle would laugh at me, but I can’t help it. I’m never giving up on Maria. Not going to happen.

February 2010

Maria's POV

Can you believe that Ally is seven years old? Let alone the fact that I’m twenty-six now. Where the hell did the time go? Its been almost eight years since I’ve been home and sometimes it seems like it was only yesterday.

It amazes me that its been eight years since I’ve seen Kyle and Liz. I’ve seen my mother only twice since leaving Roswell. She was doing well in Phoenix and we kept in regular contact, but our relationship had been strained by the distance long before I left home.

I miss my friends, even Liz, though I don’t remember her caring about what was going on with me after the aliens invaded.

"Momma. Can I ask you something?" Ally asks as she plops down on the couch next to me.

"What is it baby?" I ask, pulling her long hair off her neck and beginning to braid it. Her hair was thick and curly like mine, and braiding it seemed to be the best way to keep knots out of it.

"Why do you and daddy yell at each other?" She asks me. I take a deep breath. I guess I never thought about the fact that my arguing with Michael was affecting Ally. I guess it’s only logical that Ally would sense problems between us. She was a smart and intuitive girl.

"Well, honey, sometimes grown-ups get upset and argue with each other." I try to explain. This issue is way to complicated for a seven-year-old to understand.

"Oh," she says. That’s all. She doesn’t ask anything else. She’s always been an easy child to raise, and I suspect she knows something isn’t right between Michael and me, but she doesn’t press any further.

Kyle's POV

Liz called me today. It was kind of surprising because she never calls. Ever since she left for college, she’s sort of distanced herself from everyone. I think when Max finally made it clear that they would never be together it was just too hard for her to be around Roswell or anyone that reminded her of the life she could have had with him.

She wants to see Maria. And of course, she knows that I know where she is. I have no idea why she’s decided to reconnect now, but I think it would be a good idea if that meet-and-greet had a moderator present.

I told her that I would go with her to Indianapolis. I'm not telling Maria. I don’t want to give her the chance to back out or make up an excuse. This is the prefect opportunity for me to see my dear friend. I probably should have done this years ago, but better lat than never.

I have to admit I’m pretty nervous. As close as Maria and I have stayed, it has been a long time since we’ve seen each other. That does prey on a relationship, no matter how close it might be. That doesn’t mean I am not happy to have an excuse to see Maria again.


Maria's POV

I left class early today. My head is aching and I’m tired. Ally was up all night last night, and I just can't sit in one more lecture or I might go postal.

My cell phone rings the minute is start my car. "Hello?" I answer, turning the car off.

"Maria! What’s up?" Kyle says on the other line.

"Nothin’. I just cut out of class early. What are you doing?" I say. Kyle usually doesn't call me during the day. He waits until after work. Mostly, because he knows I like to hear all the Roswell gossip he’s picked up at work.

"Actually Liz and I are in town." He says casually. I like how he says it as if it’s no big deal. He and Liz are in town. It sounds like the strangest sentence I’ve ever heard.

"Oh. Well where are you? Do you need me to get you at the airport?" I ask. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t expected Kyle to pull a stunt like this at some point. I’ll admit I thought it would happens sooner. He knows what city I’m in, after all. But why the hell was he with Liz? I literally haven’t talked to her since I left Roswell.

"No, we are getting a cab. We just need your address." Kyle says. I can tell he’s relieved that I’m not putting up a fight. What does he expect? They are here, and I can’t just send them away.

I give him the address and hang up the phone. This couldn't be a worse time for them to come. Michael and I have been at each other’s throats lately. Ally is getting sick.

On the other hand, I’m so excited to see Kyle. Actually I’m excited to see Liz too. I might not have been close to her by the time I left Roswell, but she is a big part of my past and I am interested to know why she wanted to see me all of a sudden.

Kyle's POV

I can tell Maria is nervous. I knew she would be. Plus, with the addition of Liz to the equation she’s probably concerned that this visit has larger implications. "So, what made you decided to come out here?" I ask, trying to get the lay of the land. Liz and I hadn’t really spoken about why she decided to see Maria, finally. To tell you the truth, I wanted to get out to Indianapolis before I dared ask the question.

"I haven’t seen Maria in eight years. I miss her. I want to see Michael and the baby too." Liz said. "I mean I should have done this along time ago." She looked down at her hands. I could see the regret behind her eyes. We’d all grown up a lot since high school. Maybe she felt guilty for pushing Maria aside after a lifetime of friendship to peruse a relationship with a man who didn’t want her.

Either way, Liz seemed genuine enough that I don’t think Maria has anything to worry about. Liz feels like she was in the wrong. She won’t make any fuss in Indianapolis but to grovel for forgiveness. I don’t know what I had expected from Liz. Even when she became a shitty friend she wasn’t mean or spiteful. Why would she be any different now?

She’s right that she should have made the trip sooner. We all should have. We should have come to Indianapolis and gotten Maria before she made this ridiculous mess of her life. But we didn't. None of us did. And I blame myself most. I was her best friend, and I just let her leave her friends and family behind because of some misplaced loyalty to Michael.

Maria's POV

I race home and start to clean up. It's not too bad, but with my classes I’ve gotten a little behind on the housework. I call Michael on the way, "Hey, baby," he answers.

"Hey. I was going to tell you that Kyle and Liz just called me. They are in town." I tell him.

"Wow, well I’ll be home early, around 5:00, is that okay?” he asks. He sounds happier than I would have thought. He never cared much for Liz or Kyle when we were in high school.

"Love you too," I say as the door bell rings. I take a couple of deep breaths and try not to worry about how this visit could go wrong. Everything will be fine. They are not the enemy.

I greet them and tell them to come inside. The house is spotless, thanks to my quick work.

Liz looks totally different than she did in high school. She has super short hair and glasses now. Not to mention, that whole virginal, doe-eyed thing is completely gone. I wonder how I look to her. "Hello," I say and she lunges at me and pulls me into a giant bear hug. At least that is a very food sign.

Kyle looks exactly the same as I remember. He’s a little older, but basically the same. I hug him tightly and I don’t want to let go. I’ve missed him so much.

We sit in the living room and catch up for hours. Not much has happened in Roswell, but that is to be expected. Liz is currently working on her PhD thesis in molecular biology. It was nice to know that she had gotten back to following her dreams. She’s engaged to a lawyer in Chicago. Things were going well for her, and I couldn’t be happier.

Ally finally wakes up from her nap and wanders in. "Momma. I'm thirsty." she says. Her hair is askew and her lips are set in a fixed pout. My poor baby is sick. Its starting to worry me. She’s never sick.

I pick her up into my arms and go into the kitchen to get her a glass of water. Then I go to lay her back down. I rub her back until she falls asleep, she likes that.

I see Kyle has followed me into her room. He watches me put her to sleep, and when I’m done, he pulls me aside, closing Ally’s door behind us.

"Maria, Ally isn't Michael's daughter, is she?" he whispers immediately. I can’t help the look of shocked panic that crosses my face. How could he possibly know? I never told him. I’ve never told anyone. I just look at him. What can I say? She isn't Michael's.

Kyle holds me close, "Oh God, Maria. You have been living with this for seven years. Why didn't you tell Max?"

I look at the floor. He has to know why I haven’t told Max. Because I don’t want him to know. "I couldn't. I couldn't take Ally away from Michael, and I couldn't burden Max with a child while he is trying to become a doctor." I say. It sounds so stupid when I say it out loud, but in my mind it makes perfect sense.

"You know, this puts me in a very tough position. You and Max are my best friends, and if I don’t tell him, it will be kind of a betrayal. but if I do tell him, I’m betraying you. Promise me that you will tell him." he says finally, sighing. I know he doesn’t understand why I’ve done this. I can’t explain it to him.

On the other hand, I need to tell Max eventually. I just don’t know when and how. "I promise that I will tell Max eventually," is all I can manage.

That seems to be good enough for Kyle because he puts his arm around me and we walk back to the living room.

Kyle's POV

Michael makes dinner and I can cut the tension between Maria and Michael with a knife. It's ridiculous. I can see that Michael still cares about Maria very much, and in her way she cares about him, but they are not the happy couple that they once were, or even what they once pretended to be.

We talk about Michael's artwork. We talk about Ally and Roswell and school and work. And the longer we talk the more I can see how miserable they both are, but especially Maria. They are two strangers living under the same roof.

I wish I was here alone. Then Maria and I could talk about Max and she could get it out there, but somehow I don’t think it is smart to talk about Max in front of Liz and Michael.

Finally, when we are ready to leave, I pull Maria aside yet again. "Everything will be ok, Maria. Max still loves you and he will love you no matter what" she smiles and we board the plane. I hope she really takes what I’ve said to heart.


Re: The Wrong Decision (Ma/Mx Ma/Mi) Adult Ch. 12 12/8

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 3:26 pm
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 13

April 2011

Maria’s POV

Dearest Maria,

I treated this patient today who had lost his entire family in a house fire. He was badly burned and begged me to let him die. I felt so bad for him. I have a duty to save lives, but this man had been through so much.. Didn’t he deserve to be with his family again? He had lost the only people that meant anything to him. I would want to die too.

It made me so grateful that I still have you in my life. I may not have you the way that I want you, but I do have you. You are living and breathing and I can write to you everyday. I still pray that one day we can be together again. I will never stop believing that that can happen for us.

It breaks my heart day in and day out to see these people who have no one to love. There are some very lonely people who pass through this hospital. Then I think about us. I’m so grateful that I have been given the chance to know you—to love you—and I do love you. I can’t wait until I can see you again.

With All My Love,

I brush the tears from my eyes as I fold the letter up and put it in the special box that I keep all of Max’s letters. Just as I put the box away I get a phone call. “Hello.” I answer.

“Mrs. Deluca-Guerin?” the voice on the other line says.

“This is,” I reply.

“Your daughter, Ally, is here in the nurse’s office. She has a fever,” The vice principle says.

“I’ll be right there,” I say grabbing my keys. I panic the whole drive to her school. This is getting worse. For the first eight years of Ally’s life she never so much as got a cough. For the last year she’s had a different illness every month. It’s getting worse though. We can’t take her to the hospital, for fear of any alien DNA she might have. I’m really starting to freak out. If anything happened to Ally, I wouldn’t know what to do.

When I get there, she is already asleep on the nurse’s couch. I pick her up in my arms and carry her to the car. She doesn’t even stir in my arms. I can feel how hot her skin is through her clothes. This is not good.

At home I put her in bed and wrap some cold cloths around her head. I call Michael immediately and he rushes home. “What’s wrong?” he asks just as worried as I am.

“She is sick again. There has to be something wrong.” I say trying to keep my emotions in check. Getting upset was not going to help the situation. He wraps his arms around me. And kisses the top of my head. I know he’s thinking about what to do. He has always been someone concerned with self-preservation, but I can tell he is half tempted to throw the rules out the window and take Ally to the hospital. He loves her that much.

“Momma!” I hear her fearful voice cry from her room. We run into the bedroom as fast as we can hoping that she is okay. She is sitting up, straight in her bed. green sparks flying from her fingers. I remembered this. She looked just like Liz did nine years ago.

“Oh, God, Michael.” I say as I go to her side. “Baby, it’s going to be okay. Does it hurt?” I ask her. I try to remain calm for Ally’s sake. I know I’m not doing the best job of it.

She nods at me and whimpers up at me. Michael and I never really discussed the alien issue after Ally was born because she seemed to be completely human. Obviously our assessment was wrong. I look at Michael who is now pacing the room. All I can do is hold Ally until the flashes stop. With Liz they just went away by themselves. I really don’t want to have to sit by and wait, though.

“Momma, am I gonna die?” she asks me. My heart breaks for my eight year old daughter. She should not be wondering if she is going to die. We should have had this conversation with her a long time ago. Neither one of us know how to bring it up since she’d had no “symptoms” of other-worldliness.

“No, baby. You aren’t going to die.” I say. No matter what was have to do, Ally will be protected.

“We have something to tell you,” I say, looking up at Michael. He joins me next to Ally on the bed, and over the course of the next two hours, Michael and I explain to Ally her heritage. Well, minus the part that her real father is the King of Antar, not the Second in Command. For an eight-year-old, she grasps the concept pretty easily. Maybe she’s felt different for a while and we never noticed.

Finally the sparks die down and Ally begins to nod off in my arms. Michael and I let her get some sleep. In the living room I break down while Michael hold me like a baby. He whispers soothing words to me and I feel better.

Max’s POV

I’ve been a little under the weather for the last week. I’ve had a high fever for the past four days. I never get sick, so maybe it’s just stress. My residency has my on my feet 100 hours a week. At least I’m still functional, and it isn’t like a can go to the doctor. I guess I am a doctor, I guess that is good enough.

I’m just glad I got a letter today. Maria hasn’t written in a couple of days. That usually means she is busy.


I’m sorry to hear about that man that you treated. I too am grateful to have you in my life. I am grateful to have Ally too. I’m so blessed. I know that I sometimes get down, but the truth is, that we have it pretty well compared to some.

Ally has been sick a lot lately. Michael and I were very worried until we realized what was wrong with her. Apparently she is half alien. Don’t worry, everything is okay. The flashes stopped and we explained to her about you guys being aliens.

Her powers so far are the ability to read auras and blow things up. Michael is working with her to control them. We wouldn’t want her to expose herself at school. She’s so smart, and such a quick learner. I think it frustrates Michael that she has more control over her powers than he does sometimes.

I love you and I miss you, but I have to go. Please write me back soon.


I’m glad things are okay with Ally. I know that if anything happened to her, Maria would loose it. And who could blame her. Those two had a bond that not even I could break.

It does make me curious about Ally being sick at the same time I am. Maybe because I’m the leader of the group I have a link to Ally because I have a link to Michael. I don’t know. Of course, there is no one I can ask about this. It’s just a theory.

May 2012

Maria's POV

Things have been going relatively well at home. Michael and I make it a point to fight less and Ally is getting really good at controlling her powers. It's so funny how she can read auras. You can't lie to her because she can tell. She sees so much more than any of us see. It’s amazing.

I can't believe she is finishing the 3rd grade. She is nine-years-old going on twenty-five. I hope she continues to be this low maintenance through her adolescent years, which are fast approaching.

I hear Max is doing well. He is still resident at a hospital in New York. From what he tells me, it is very crazy, but I know he can handle it. Luckily, he’s got a little magic on his side to help him keep up.

Michael's POV

I pull down my old shirts from the closet and a big, heavy box falls down on my head. What the hell? I wonder, rubbing my head where the box made contact. Maria must have put this here. I have to admit, curiosity gets the better of me and I lift the lid of the box. Maybe just a peek.

There is a journal inside, and about a thousand letters. Who could they be from, and why was she saving them, I wonder? This could be the perfect way for me to understand what it going on in her head.

I know it isn't right, but if Maria would just give me a clue as to why she shuts me out all the time then I wouldn’t feel the need to snoop. Oh to hell with it! She’s my wife. If she has secrets, I ought to know them anyway, right?

I open the journal quickly. I leaf through pages upon pages of beautiful hand writing, never reading any of it. Finally I stop on a random page. I take a deep breath and read it. Maybe just a little insight will help things.

"It hurts so bad to be parted from him. I know I’m hurting Michael as well. He may not know it, but I am hurting him. Every time Michael and make love, I go back in my mind and pretend I’m making love to Max. I think about him plunging into me again and again, the way he did before, the only time I’ve felt truly at home."

What the hell? This can't be right. She's like writing a book or something. Max? She can’t mean my Max. I come to another page and read. Hoping to get some clarity.

"Michael is driving me insane. I knew that I was getting myself into this when I stupidly agreed to marry him. But I can't help it. Whenever he touches me I just want to scream “Get off me!.” Doesn't he understand that the only man that I want to touch me is Max? I need him. He is my life."

I stop there before reading the rest of the page. I feel sick to my stomach. But I can't look away. It's like I want to get hurt because I turn to another page and begin reading.

"I wish I could just tell him. I wish I could tell everyone. Ally looks so much like Max. How can he not see it? If he would just accuse me, or guess I wouldn’t have to keep this secret anymore. I've wanted to tell Max and Michael for so long. But what the hell can I do now? Ally knows Michael as her father. As much as I hate to admit it, Michael has been a great father to her. But at the same time I want Max to meet his daughter. I want me, Max, and Ally to be a family, the way is was meant to be."

My heart stops. Ally is not my daughter? She is Max's? My daughter belongs to my ex-best friend. He got everything. It looks like he stole my family as well.

Before I can stop myself I take out the huge stack of letters.

"Dearest Maria,

I love you so much. I can't wait until the day that we can be together, free from these obligations and well, for lack of a better word, bullshit. I want you to know that I’m never going to have sex with anyone but you. Everyone would be a distant second, besides, you are the only woman I want to make love to. You are the best thing in my life. I love you.

Your Max."

I think I’m going to vomit. When the hell did all of this happen? I'm sure I could read the whole damn journal and find out. I’m such an idiot. How could this have happened? How could I not have known?

Then I pick up yet another letter. I can't stop. This is fueling my anger. And one thing I need right now is to be angry. It seems to be all I have.


Thank you for visiting me. I had the most amazing time. I know why you left without waking me. I understand that you had to go back and waking me might have stopped you. . I hate it, but it’s the truth.

I wish you could stay with me forever. I wish that we could lay naked and wrapped up in each other always. I felt at home. I knew that as we made love over and over that you were my soul mate.

The feeling of your body clinging to me is still fresh in my mind, and I hope I never lose that. It will probably be the thing that sustains me in your absence. I love you always.

Your Max."

I look at the postmark on the letter. So that’s where she went when she said she was visiting her mother. I can’t believe any of this. Part of me hopes that all of this is some sick joke, or a misunderstanding, or that I’m dreaming.

I hear a gasp at the door. Maria has found me, going though her secret stash. She’s staring at me with horror on her face.

"What are you doing?" she asks me, as if she has a right to be mad at me.

Maria’s POV

Oh my God. I wonder how much he knows. He looks pretty pissed which means he must know enough. "What am I doing?” he snaps. “I was getting a shirt down and this box fell out so I opened it, and yeah, I read it. Because I can never seem to understand what is going on with you.” He sighed and dropped the box on the floor, “I understand, now. I understand all too well." Michael says. I can almost see the steam coming out of his ears.

"Michael..." I start, but I’m interrupted.

"No. I don’t want to hear it. I can't believe you. First, you cheat on me with my best friend. Then you allow me to believe that his child is mine.” Michael says. “Then you lied to me and went to see him in New York.” When he says it out loud I sound like the most horrible person in the world. Who am I kidding. I am.

"Michael, it wasn't planned. I didn't go out to hurt you. And I didn't know about Ally until she was born." I replied. My argument was weak and stupid, but it was the only one I had.

"Whatever. I can't talk to you right now." Michael said as he brushed past me. When he doesn't want to talk, that is a very bad sign.

I need to call Max, because I have a feeling this is going to get ugly. He needs to hear the truth from me.

Max's POV

As I run into my apartment I catch the phone that is ringing. "Hello?" I say, my breath coming out in pants.

"Hello," Maria’s crying voice greets me on the other line.

"Oh what's that matter, baby?" I ask. She sounds terrible. I’m actually extremely worried. She never calls me. It’s too risky. Something must me seriously wrong.

"He knows. He knows everything. He found my journal and the letters.” She cried. I take a minute to interpret what she is saying. Obviously Michael knows the truth now.

Michael knows. I can't help but be happy. We don’t have to put on this charade anymore. Maria and I can finally be together. It might sound selfish to feel joy at Michael’s misery, but I can’t help myself.

"Maria, it's going to be alright. I'm coming there right now." I say already reaching for my keys. She shouldn’t' have to deal with this on her own. I'm just as much to blame as she. Besides, I don’t like the idea of an angry Michael with Maria. I’m sure he wouldn’t hurt her, but there is not telling what his powers could do.

"You don’t have to." she says.

"Shhh. I'm coming. Just tell me where you are." I have to laugh inside at the fact that I still don't know her real address.

"Just go to the Indianapolis International Airport. I'll pick you up. Call me when you find out your arrival time." Maria says. We say goodbye and I go book my flight.

My flight leaves in two hours, I need to get to the airport as soon as possibly I so run out the door while calling Maria to tell her I’ll be there at 6:00.

Maria's POV

After I hang up with Max for the second time, Ally walks in, just home from school. Where did the day go?

"What's wrong momma?" she asks. I know she can read in my aura that something has gone seriously wrong. I have no idea how to explain the truth to my daughter. She’s very smart and precocious, but how can she possibly process this deceit?

"Honey. We need to talk." I say sitting her down on the couch next to me. "Ally, I have something very important to tell you., Daddy he isn't your real daddy." I finally spit out. I really don’t know any other way to say it.

I wait for her to digest this, fully expecting her to “freak out.” My daughter is very much like me. She has her very own hurricane DeLuca mode, though we don’t see it all that often. But she didn't say anything.

She just looked at me and finally said, "I know." I have no idea how she could possibly know or why she never said anything.

"What do you mean, baby? How do you know?" I ask.

"I can read it in your colors, momma." she says.

I begin to cry. I can't help it. Tears flow down my cheeks. My daughter hugs me tight to her. "It's okay momma. I love you." she says. Then she looks me in the eye, "Am I ever going to meet my real daddy?"

I take a deep breath. "He is on his way here, actually. I want you to know that I love him very much, Ally. I've always loved him. Things were just complicated. I'll explain it all to you one day. But right now, you need to know that we aren’t going to be living with Michael anymore." I say. Now that the truth was out, there was no use staying here. I don’t know where we are going to go, but I imagine it will be near Max.

"I'll miss him.”Ally says. There are tears welling up in her eyes and I pull her into a hug. I don’t know what to say. I hope there is some way that she can stay connected to Michael somehow.

"Does my daddy know about me?" Ally asked. That's the tough one.

"Yes, he knows you are alive. But he doesn’t know that you are his.” I explain. I can’t believe I’m having such a grown up conversation with my nine-year-old.

I can see the wheels turning in her mind, "Do you think he will like me, momma?" she asks.

I smile back at her, "He will love you,. He is a great man, and you will love him too."

"If he loves you, then I will love him." she said hugging me tighter.

Just then Michael walks in the house. "Hi Michael," Ally says running to him. She doesn't understand that that isn’t' a good idea to rub in the fact that Michael isn’t her father.

Michael looks at me. I can see heartbreak in his eyes."I guess you finally told your daughter the truth." Michael said picking Ally up as she ran into his arms.

"Yeah, I did. Look. Just so you know, Max is on his way. We are going to leave with him." I tell him. I assume that is what Max has in mind, I really don’t know for sure.

"Oh, so you make me believe I have a family, and then you take it away?" Michael yesll. I can tell he is hurt and that he really cares about Ally. I don’t want to take her form him, but she is Max’s daughter. I’ve kept her from him for too long.

"That's not what I’m trying to do. But Ally is my daughter, and Max's. He deserves the right to know her. It's my fault he doesn't anyway. It is stupid for us to stay here and play house, when we both know that we don’t love each other." I tell him. I said it just like I should have said it ten years ago.

"So Max is on his way hear?” Michael asks incredulously. “That’s' great, cause I have a few things to say to him as well." Michael is pacing the floor with Ally still in his arms.

"Look, Ally shouldn’t be here for this." I say as I take Ally from his arms. “I'm going to take her to the Becker's. I'll get her when we are done. And you can spend time with her when I go get Max." I say. Ally really doesn’t need to see what’s about to go down between us. This is ten years in the making.


Maria’s POV


Max should be here any minute. Oh God. I can feel myself about to hyperventilate. This is not going to go well. I’m freaking out right now. I’ve got to tell him the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. It could end disastrously.

I see him running toward me with a huge smile. He throws his arms around me when “Oh, baby, I’ve missed you so much.” He says before crashing his lips to mine.

I kiss him back. It feels so good, but I know things are going to get painful very quickly. Now is not the time to catch up. I need to talk to Max. I’m pretty sure that when I’m done, Max isn’t going to be kissing me like that again.

“Max, we need to talk before we go back to my apartment.” I say, pulling out of his arms.

Max’s POV

Maria looks really worried. I hope Michael didn’t step out of line. He has the right to be mad, but he doesn’t have the right to hurt Maria. “Ok.” I say leading her to the nearest coffee shop in the airport.

She takes a deep breath and looks back up at me before she starts, “Max, I’ve kept a secret from you for nine years. I need to tell you the truth. I’ve wanted to tell you this from day one, but I was scared and stupid. Of course, that is not excuse. I know that. I thought I was doing the right thing, but I just fucked everything up…again.” She rambles. I don’t know what she is talking about. She’s worrying me. I didn’t know we had any secrets from each other.

“Maria, just tell me. I promise we will work through it.” I say. Nothing she says could make me stop loving her. I know that much.

She has tears in the corners of her eyes now, “Max…I don’t know how to say this…Ally, she is your daughter.”

I feel like all the air has been sucked out of the room. How could Maria not tell me? Why would she do that to me? My mind is racing. I can’t think.

Maria’s POV

Max’s face has “freak out” written all over it. I would understand if he never spoke to me again. This betrayal is beyond unforgivable.

“Why didn’t you tell me? How long have you known?” Max asks more calmly than I expect. He’s not happy, by any means, but he’s not screaming. I hope that’s a good sign.

“I’ve known since she was born. I got flashes of when she was conceived. I wanted to tell you. I tried. I wrote thousands of letters trying to tell you the truth, but I couldn't send them. I know that I should have told you from the beginning. But I was scared and I didn’t want you to give up your dreams.” I tell him. I’m full on sobbing now.

Max is still trying to come to terms with this. He’s silently steaming. I hope he can forgive me, even though I don’t deserve it.

Max’s POV

How could she do this to me? I mean, she kept my child away from me for nine years. That is nine birthdays and Christmases and life events that I’ve completely been shut out on. Not to mention, the one obstacle to Maria and I being together was Ally. To find out that she was my daughter all along, it makes the time apart harder to bear.

On the other hand, I do understand why she did what she did. I don’t agree with it. It was the wrong decision, but I know Maria’s heart was in the right place, no matter how screwed up her actions were.

I love Maria. Our love in unconditional. We’ve both made mistakes along the way. I should have come to Indianapolis a long time ago and made her see reason. I’m just as much to blame for us being apart as she is.

“Maria, I’m not going to lie, lying to me about this is inexcusable. I can’t believe you lied about something so important” I know she’s worried I’m going to leave her, and I don’t want her to. She belongs to me, and I belong to her, no matter what. “I’m not leaving you, Maria. And I’m not leaving our child. You are my world. You always will be.” I tell her.

I can see her features soften and her breath even out. “Does she know about me?” I ask finally ask.

Maria wipes her eyes, “Yeah. I told her about you today. The girl is so smart. She knew that Michael wasn’t her father. She read it in my aura. She was actually worried you wouldn’t like her.” Maria tells me with a laugh.

How could I not love my own daughter? “I know that I will love her.” I say.

Maria nodded, “That’s what I told her. But there is something else we need to talk about. Ally is close to Michael for obvious reasons. It’s going to be hard to move her away from him. Not to mention, Michael just found out today that she wasn’t his daughter.”

I nod unsure what to do about the situation. I know she is right. I don’t know what to do about it, but I know she is right.

“We better get back there, Michael is waiting.” Maria says. Bring it on.


Maria’s POV

“Michael!” I yell into the apartment, as I shut the door behind me. He comes stalking out of the bedroom with Ally in his arms.

He set Ally down, and immediately she ran to Max. I smile as he hugs her to him. It’s a beautiful sight, but I know that its about to set Michael off.

I turn my attention back to him and see him seething. He’s staring down Max like they are mortal enemies.

“Look, Michael, I don’t want to fight anymore.” I say. “Ally and I are leaving with Max.”

“Like hell you are.” Michael growls at us. He is staring daggers into Max.

Max sets Ally down and kneels in front of her, “Ally, can you go into your room and shut the door, and not come out until we come and get you?” He is so good with her. It’s amazing. It’s like he has been a father to her forever. Ally does as she is told and Max stands back up.

“I can’t believe you. You were my brother. You were supposed to be my best friend. How could you do this to me?” Michael asks walking toward Max. I hold onto Max’s arm pulling him back. I don’t want this to erupt into a fight.

“I love her.” Max says, “She is my soul mate.”

“So, Liz wasn’t enough. You had to take my wife. God, you get everything. You got the comfy house, the great parents, you are the King. I had one thing. Maria was the only thing that I had that you didn’t, and you had to have that too.” Michael said getting angrier and angrier. I can’t to anything but watch. It breaks my heart to see him so upset. This is exactly why I never told him in the first place. But I guess, looking back this moment was always inevitable, sooner or later.

“It’s not like that Michael. I love her. We are meant to be together. I can’t control how I feel.” Max said. I feel great pride and happiness at his confession. He has such a beautiful spirit.

“How long? How long have you been doing this?” Michael asks us both.

“Since the end of senior year.” I answer before Max can.

“Unbelievable.” Michael says throwing his hands in the air with frustration“And what about Ally? I just help raise her. I get to think of her as a daughter, and she leaves and I never see her again? Is that it?” Michael asks.

He’s hit the nail on the head. Michael and I haven’t been in love for a long time. Neither one of us have been happy for years. I know he felt hurt, deceived, and jealous, but the real issue was that Michael would miss Ally and didn’t want to be cut out of her life.

Max’s POV

I’ve been thinking about that very thing. “Look, Michael, if it is alright with Maria, I was thinking that we could keep Ally for a year. It will give me a chance o get to know my daughter. Then we can work something out. Like, maybe she can stay with you every other weekend and holiday. I know that you love Ally. I don’t want to take her from you. It wouldn’t be right. But she is my daughter.”

I look at Maria to asses what she thinks of my plan. She is smiling. That is a good sign. Then I look at Michael. He just looks shocked. I’m pretty sure he hadn’t expected to get anything out of us. I want him to understand that my feelings are not “anti-Michael” they are just “pro-Maria.”

“You would really do that?” Michael asks me finally.

“Yeah, I mean if it is alright with Maria. Ally can’t have too many people in her life that love her. I know that you love her, and she loves you.” I tell him.

Then Michael smiles, slightly, for the first time since I got here. I can tell that the biggest thing he was worried about was loosing Ally. He was pissed about me and Maria, but he was scared of loosing his daughter more than anything.

“It’s fine with me. I want Ally to stay close to Michael.” Maria says. She squeezes my hand and I squeeze it back. We might just make it out of this with no blood shed.

Michael looks at us. “Look, I’m not happy about the two of you. You lied to me. You deceived me. But I can’t stop you. You are adults, and I wouldn’t want a woman to stay with me if she didn’t want to anyway. But thank you for letting me stay close to Ally.” He says. God, I can tell Michael has grown up a lot since high school. He would have never been this calm about something like this ten years ago.

“I’m gonna go get Ally, so you can say goodbye,” Maria says to Michael.

She comes back with Ally in her arms. “Okay, Ally. You need to say goodbye to Michael. Me, you, and daddy are going to leave in a little while.” She says.

Ally begins to cry and runs to Michael. “Am I ever going to see you again?” she asks him. My heart breaks. It is going to be hard for her to leave the man she has grown up with.

“Yes, baby. You are going to spend some time with Mommy and your daddy, then you are going to come back here to Indianapolis to see me any time you want.” Michael says.

He looks up at us. “Can I have a minute?” he asks with tears in his eyes.

Maria and I nod and go out to the hallway. He deserves a proper goodbye.

Maria’s POV

“Thank you.” I say to Max as we wait in the hallway for Michael and Ally to say goodbye.

“For what?” he asks wrapping his arms around me.

“Everything. Thank you for loving me” I don’t need to say anymore. Max understands. He always understands.

A few minutes later, Michael comes out to get us. “Okay, she is ready.” He says. I can tell he has been crying. It does break my heart to see him like that. No matter what happened between us, he is my husband, and we have lived together for ten years. I do still care about him.

I go into the bedroom and quickly gather my bags as well as Ally’s. It’s time to leave—time to move on. It’s finally time for my to be completely happy.

Michael will be ok. I know he will. Everything will work out. I have to believe that.


May 18, 2012,

My name is Maria Deluca-Guerin and as I look at my driving companion as he takes me and my sleeping child away from the past, I cannot help but smile. I should be shaken up, but I’m not. I'm in love.

He is the love of my life. My rock. The only man I love or will ever love. Age has changed him, and yet he still maintains the boyish good-looks and swagger that he had 10 years ago, when I first fell for him. I remember it so completely. He made me alive. He loved me as completely as I love him. He still does.

As I lean back and relax, I know he will keep us safe. He is ever mindful of the road ahead of him. He keeps both hands on the wheel. He is so different than the man I’m used to. Yes, he is different than my husband. He doesn't yell. In fact he had never raised his voice to me. My love is an open book, despite his attempts to close himself off. Not at all like my husband who built up stonewalls that I had only begun to knock down.

How can I describe in words what this man means to me? How much I love him? It is impossible. All my body and soul I have given to him, but that is not nearly enough. Our love has sustained ears of heartache and miles of separation. But in words on this page, I cannot tell you what Max Evans means to me. So I will end this journal and begin my new life with the man of dreams. My love.




February 2019

Maria’s POV

As I look at my daughter I cannot believe she is already sixteen. She is going to start driving soon. She will start driving away from me. It is only inevitable. However, we have stayed rather close for mother and adolescent daughter. I just don’t know if I’m ready for her to grow up.

Since it is her birthday, we are having the whole family over before she goes out with her friends. She didn’t complain too much about having to spend time with us old people, and for that I’m grateful.

There is a knock on the door. My wonderful husband walks into the hallway from the nursery. I smile at him. No matter how much time goes by, he just gets sexier and sexier.

“I’ll get it.” He says kissing my cheek on his way to the door. It is Michael. He smiles and walks into the house, handing Max his portion of Ally’s special birthday present.

“Hi, Michael.” I say smiling warmly. Our relationship has done a complete 180. We have even become friends again. Of course, there is still some hesitance there, which is to be expected, but we have really come a long way.

He and Max are still not there, but they are civil with each other for the sake of Ally. She loves them both dearly, and they know it. Neither of them would do anything to put Ally in the middle or make life more complicated for her.

“Hey,” he says taking off his coat. I take it from him and hang it in the closet.

“Kyle and Isabel are in the living room with my mom and Jim.” I tell Michael pointing the way to the main room of the house. “Liz should be here any minute.”

Almost as if she heard me, the doorbell rang again and there was Liz and her husband Brad. I took their coats and led her to the living room as well. I was amazed at how well Liz took the news of me and Max. She admitted she was hurt that we got together when I knew that she still had feelings for him, but she also admitted that she hadn’t been a great friend back then either. She was happy with her husband, so she was just happy I’d found someone to make me happy too.

Max’s POV

Maria is radiant. She is so beautiful working around the kitchen. She’s the perfect hostess. I don’t have a clue how she has time for it. On top of being a fantastic mother to Ally, Max, Kyle, and Michelle, she works full time at the Music Conservatory, and teaches voice lessons. I’d go crazy with those kind of hours.

“Waaa Waaa” I hear on the baby monitor. Michelle must need to be fed. I just laid her down, but I probably should have fed her first. I better get to it. She likes it better when mommy does it, but mommy is busy.

Things have been going very well for us. Michael and I actually talk to each other now. Maria and I got married and then had three more kids. Ally is doing well in school. I think she might just follow in my footsteps to being a doctor. I couldn’t be more proud.


Kyle’s POV

“Happy Birthday, baby.” Maria says to Ally as she blew out her candles. I can tell that Ally is just appeasing her mother with this. Its adorable, honestly.

“Ok, we have a surprise for you. This is from Me, Dad, and Michael.” She said leading Ally outside. Ally’s eyes light up because she knows where this is going.

There stood a brand new, 5 series BMW. I’d be shocked but they already told me they were getting it for her. Ally almost jumps out of her skin with excitement. She jumps up and down and pulls Max, Michael, and Maria into a giant group hug. They smile at her, happy that she is happy.

This gift is going to make mine look stupid. I got her money, as usual. Isabel read me the riot act about it, but I couldn’t think of anything else. Of course, Isabel got her some girly stuff, but I couldn’t put my name on that stuff.

I’m just so happy. Maria and Max are together and happy, with a family. Isabel finally noticed me. We’ve been married for five years now. We moved to New York to be closer to Max and Maria. Liz still lives in Chicago, but she visits all the time. Michael had gotten over the shock of not being a father with grace and has been great to Ally. We were actually a family again.

Michael’s POV


I’m glad Ally likes the gift. But what sixteen-year-old wouldn’t. I’m glad Maria, and Max and I went in together on this. It means something. I mean, we all raised her. I can’t blame Maria. Yeah, she made some mistakes, but what good does it do for any of us to hold grudges?

I’m just so glad they have allowed me to be a part of Ally’s life. She is the best thing in my life.

Max’s POV

We let Ally stay the night at a friend’s and took the rest of the kids to the babysitter. It’s time for some alone time. “I love you so much.” I say to my beautiful wife as I lay her down on the bed.

“You’re just trying to get into my pants, Mr. Evans.” She says to me with a smirk.

I can’t help but laugh, “And amazingly, it always seems to work, Mrs. Evans.” I say to her. She giggles and I attack her mouth with my lips.

Maria’s POV

“Thank you for loving me,” Max says looking into my eyes.

“Right back at you,” I say. That’s all I need to say. We have been through so much, but we will always have love. I will never stop loving him and Max will always love me. And knowing that, we will always be happy, no matter what life throws our way.

The End.