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Re: How was your day?

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 12:24 am
by Earth2Mama
RosDude wrote:
Earth2Mama wrote:I like this topic, so - here's how I spent my day:

...turned my computer on...
...played on the computer for a bit...
...went back into the kitchen to drink my coffee and brought it back to the living room and the computer...
...Took breakfast to the living room and played for a bit on the computer.
...Turned off the computer...
...turned computer back on.
...Turned computer off I'm back on the computer.
lol. Spent a lot of time at the computer, huh? :lol:
LMAO Yes, I've been told I spend way too much time on the computer. But in my defense ... it wasn't all fun and games. :wink: I guess I could have clarified a bit more on what I was doing on computer: Paying bills, attempting to re-read a Roswell fic I wrote a while ago that I had abandoned & trying to complete it, playing the Sims, reading some fan fiction.

Australia is one of my vacation destinations, however, I keep thinking about the 22 hour flight to get there I don't quite know if I could do that. The 10 hour flight to Hawaii just about killed me. There's only so much entertainment I can handle in such a closed and confined space (reading, listening to my IPod, watching a movie). I eventually do want to get my ass out there, I'll just probably need some help in doing it (DRUGS, lots and lost of 'em :lol: ).

Re: How was your day?

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 12:33 am
by Roswellian117
So watching celebrity rehab. LOL. I am so into it right now!!!!

I want to go to Australlia but I am terrified of flying. I don't know why. I can fly to Texas to visit my Dad but it is still scary! I wanna travel.

Re: How was your day?

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 1:51 am
by valentinebaby
Hmm woke up with that unfulfilled, tired feeling at about 1pm and it made me very cranky. I think it was one of those rare cases of too much sleep, hung out online, played with my son, enjoyed nap time cause it is my absolute favorite time of the day, went to the mall, went to Fred Meyer's/Kroger's and bought light bulbs, I found this really cool battery operated stick on the wall light that I bought, it's not very pretty but it'll get the job done, then I bought a loaf of french bread, I have no idea why, my friend was like don't you want garlic bread and I was like um no I grabbed french bread didn't I. So I came home with every intention of making meat loaf, but because I had a whole baguette of french bread I decided to make spaghetti and garlic bread which was so nummy I ate too much and now I'm not feeling so hot, I added like two spoonfuls of garlic to the butter mmmmmm. Then I did the one thing I've promised myself I would never do, I watched Planet of the Apes!!! And the saddest part of it all was that I liked it, and now want the sequel to come out. Then I watched Sahara which Matthew McConaughey very very very NUMMY. I think I drooled throughout the entire movie. So between Mark and Matthew I had a very very good day.

Re: How was your day?

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 3:42 am
by OrangeSky
Rowedog wrote:
RosDude wrote:lucky wench.
Roswellian117 wrote:Lucky! I bet it is beautiful!!
Oh yeah, lucky me. Bushfires, flies, sweat and sunburn.
Just so you know, I have all of those in California. :lol: I sunburn like...well...someone with unfairly fair skin. I've resented it ever since I was a kid. Can't really lose yourself out on the water when you have to think about whether it's time to reapply. :roll:

However, Australia is home to nearly all of the world's deadliest creatures, so you do have that one on us.

What I did today, in no particular order:
->Played with my dog. A lot.
->Read about 80 pages in The Heart is a Lonely Hunter.
->Finished Rats Saw God.
->Picked which graded essay to use as a writing sample for my transfer apps.
->Watched roughly 2 1/2 episodes of Law and Order: Criminal Intent.
->Watched roughly 3 1/2 episodes of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit.
->Took a shower.
->Disassembled and cleaned the p-trap in my bathroom sink.
->Shredded old paperwork.
->Made potatoes for lunch.
->Watched about 45 minutes of The Longest Yard with my dad. Original version. Just can't touch Burt Reynolds and his fabulous 70s do.
->Flipped through latest issue of Sunset magazine.
->Sent birthday card to grandma.
->Got irritated at the FAFSA people because I can't send mine in yet, since I don't have my W2s for the last year.

Re: How was your day?

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 4:02 am
by Roswellian117
Currently listening to the best of 1998 on my windows media player and I am back in 8th grade!!!! LOL!!! I feel kinda old but damn I was soooooo into the Backstreet Boys and N'Sync and many other's and it's so awesome to hear that music on a crappy night like this and writing to it. WOOOOO.

Re: How was your day?

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 1:36 pm
by Earth2Mama
O.k. Just got back from running some errands and grocery shopping. Currently here, perusing the board and will have to get off line soon as I still haven't had a decent cup of coffee as of yet.

I still need to:

1. Do laundry - I hate this chore!
2. Cook for the work week - both breakfast & lunch as I don't cook during the week, too tired after coming home from work to do so
3. Set clothes out for tomorrow
4. Complete a new outline for my Roswell fan fic that I started years ago

Yeah, that's about it. I think you can tell how my day is going to go by that ...

Re: How was your day?

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 12:43 am
by valentinebaby
My day was pretty good, up until the moment that I went to go put something in the kitchen and slammed my toe into into corner of the wall. It's really pink and about twice the size a pinky toe should be, and it hurts to put pressure on it. I'm pretty sure it's broken, and having a swollen little toe feels kinda cool, so I guess maybe the weird swollen feeling could be a good thing since it is a new experience after all. Hmmmmm.

Re: How was your day?

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 1:11 am
by Roswellian117
My day was really great UNTIL........ (breaths out in an annoyed way) I drove 30 minutes to a mall that had a certain store that I needed to go to and realized when I had gotten there that I forgot my WALLET!!!!!!!! My sister got some stuff but not me because I forgot my wallet but NOT my purse or my CELL PHONE!!!!!!!! UGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! :x :cry: :twisted:

Re: How was your day?

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 8:50 am
by killjoy
Ohhh mine was so much fun.....worked a 12 hr shift....six pm to six am.I'm about to drop I'm so damn tired

Re: How was your day?

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 12:37 am
by RosDude
My day was crap.

Mikey had a hard time sleeping last night, so I didn’t get to bed until really late. My sister came over at 5am to watch him while I went to the airport to pick up Mack. Her flight was an hour late, and she was tired and kinda bitchy. I had to go to work right after I dropped her off. A patron is stalking one of my shelvers so we had to have him escorted out of the Library. After work Mack and I went to a farewell party for some lady at her firm that’s moving, or retiring, or something, hell I don’t know. Which sucked because, with the exception of maybe three people, I hate everyone that she works with. I drank a lot of wine, which I don’t like because it gives me headaches, but lawyers are very boring people with very dull senses of humor, who require copious amounts of alcohol when being dealt with in high dosages. We just got home maybe an hour ago, and my head feels like someone took a sledge hammer to it.

So right now I’m going to take a shower and go lay down. Maybe read a book…watch some tv…pass out. Whatever comes naturally. Hopefully tomorrow won’t be as crappy.
