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Re: The List (Mi/L Teen) Ch 10 4/10

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 12:56 am
by juliecollard87
Ashita- Thank so much for all your feedback it means a lot to me. I understand the overload on personal stuff. School has been kicking my butt as well never taking so many classes again.

A/N- super short but I have been busy with school stuff.

One thing I should say about my Liz is that she is very confused about life like most teenagers. She has gone through a lot and is really a lost soul looking for something.

Chapter 10

“Lizziebeth!” I jerk from my sleep upon hearing my childhood nickname. White bright lights invade my now open eyes forcing them closed. As I was about to drift back off to sleep I smell a smell I haven’t smelled in a long time. My mother’s French toast.

Jerking upright I realize that’s impossible, getting up and walking out of my open bedroom door. Looking down the hallway I notice the old pictures on the walls. The ones my father took down after my mother died.

“Lizziebeth.” My head jerks behind me to a six year old Tess.

“Tessie.” I just stare at her not believing what I am seeing.

Tess wiggles her finger at me, wanting me to follow her. “This way Lizziebeth.”

With that she starts running down the hallway that is much longer than normal. I want to chase after her but I have to see where the smell is coming from.

Walking in the opposite direction toward the kitchen my heart races, it feels like it is about to come out of my chest.

Walking into the kitchen I see her. My mother just how I remember her, prefect in every way.

When I enter she turns to me and smiles, “Lizziebeth, my darling sit down breakfast has been ready for ten minutes. I called you did you not hear me?”

“No.” I say simply while sitting down at the table.

Tess shows up again sitting next to me at the table.

I feel happy, content. This is the way things are suppose to be.

“Hey Liz, were here.” I hear as I am pulled out of my perfect dream. Have you ever had a dream and you know it’s a dream but you don’t want to wake up because everything is so prefect.

Looking over at Michael makes this moment somewhat enjoyable. My silver lining, the one person that I can’t help but be happy around; even though it has been such a short time.

So looking around at my surroundings and realizing there was something missing.

“Where’s the beach or did you just bring me out here to murder me?” I say trying to keep a straight face but failing when I break into a huge smile.

“Nah, I at least want to have sex a few more times before I kill you.” He says with his signature smirk.

“Good to know, I can sleep easier tonight.” I open my door and step out as he does.

“The beach is like five minutes away. Mom couldn’t vacation with all the noise by the beach.” He says leading me toward the front door.

“Oh, so Tess and Max aren’t staying here. Max said they were staying at his place.”

“No, but we can go over there anytime. Is that ok?”

“Yeah, I just haven’t spent a lot of time away from Tess.” Really I just want to spend my time with her.

He opens the front door and leads me into the huge mansion. “I could show you around but there’s only one room I really want you to see.”

“Well I would love to see where all the magic happens.” I say laughing. “But, I want to call
Tess and make sure everything is okay.” I pull out my cell phone to call her.

“Why don’t we just head over it’s just down the street.”

“Yeah, then you can show me that magic room.”

“Your right, that’s going to take all night,” he says with a heavy sigh.

I start to head towards the car when Michael pulls me back. “Hey, I just wanted to do something.” He pulls me into his chest and claims my lips.

Breaking apart, “Maybe we can go over in a little bit.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

Re: The List (Mi/L Teen) Ch 11 4/27

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 10:39 pm
by juliecollard87
Ashita- Thank you so much for reading and leaving feedback. I could never refuse Michael either hehe.

Also thanks to all the lurkers thanks for reading; I too was one of you for a long time.

A/N: This one was really hard for me to write mostly because I know where this story is going to end up. Key plot points have already been outlined. I just don’t know how I’m going to get there but I am figuring out along the way. My favorite part of writing a story is pre writing; finding out what makes my characters tick. Which is why I have 30 pages of back story that will most likely never be used. So now that I have rambled on to the story.

Chapter 11

Life is just a big melting pot of moments; all the moments melt together to make the person you are as well as the person you become. Little moments that may seem insignificant but they make us who we are. Every decision from the smallest to the biggest has consequences in our lives.

Even the decisions that we regret have a way of shaping us into a new person. You could say that if I had never slept with Kyle after my mother’s funeral that I may have never gotten these moments with Michael.

That we both had to be the people we were before we met so we could be perfect for each other now.

Being here with Michael has forced me to look at myself in a new way. I have always looked at myself as someone who had no path in life; I was going to end up alone. Being with Michael has made me feel amazing; like I am prefect just the way I am. Even with my emotional baggage and heart ache; maybe this is where my life was supposed to lead me.

Michael’s arm is holding me tightly to his side as he snoozing soundly next to me. It amazes me how soundly he sleeps; all his past feelings don’t haunt him like they to my own dreams. I find myself jealous of his ability to be okay. Not have to force it for the people he loves most; he just is. He has let go of his past something I wish I could do.

“Do you always think so much?” Michael’s chuckle breaks me from my thoughts.

“How do you know I was thinking?” I roll us over so I am on top of him rubbing the small patch of hair on his chest.

“When you’re deep in thought you bite your bottom lip. It is super sexy.”

“Oh you think you know me so well don’t you Guerin,” slapping his chest playfully.

“I think I’m getting there, you put up a good front but you’re pretty easy to figure out.” His expression is unreadable something in his eyes is different.

“Well as much as I would love to lie here all day and talk about me maybe we should head over to Max’s.”

“Yeah, that’s something I may never understand about you.” He rolls from underneath me pulling on his pants that were thrown to the side hours ago.

“What is that?” Scanning the room for my clothes for the second time in two days.

“How you just can’t relax, let things happen. Everything will be okay if you’re not in control.”

“I’m sorry did I upset you?” I find my clothes thrown in the corner walking across the room to throw them on.

“No I’m not upset, it’s just your still a teenager you don’t have to have everything figured out. We have a lifetime for that. In fact that’s my goal on this trip.” He walks out of the room

Quickly following behind him, “What goal is this you speak of?”

Turning around to face me in the hall way, “For once in your life you’re going to let go and have fun.”

“I am now?!”

“Yep, it’s an order.” Turning back around making our way to the front door and out of it.

“I have never take orders very well; you may just have your work cut out for you Guerin.”

We get back in his car and start our way to Max’s. Like Michael said it is literally down the street; only five houses down.

Wanting to see Tess I throw the door open and try to step out but Michael grabs my arm. “Just for the record Parker; I am not afraid of a challenge.” Letting go of my arm we both step out of the car.

Laughing silently at how cocky he is I almost didn’t notice Tess running up on us.

“Lizzie!” She throws herself in my arm like it has been a life time since we have seen one another instead of merely hours.

“Hi to you to Tess” laughing at her child like behavior that Max seems to bring out in my best friend.

“Come on I have something to tell you. Oh, hi Michael I hope you don’t mind if I steal Lizzie away?”

“Not a problem; as long as you don’t mind me stealing her back later.” He winks at her causing Tess to reddens and giggles.

Tess and I make our way into the house where Tess leads me to a bedroom on the second story.

“Tell me everything!” She squeals as soon as we close the door.

“Nothing really to tell we are just getting to know one another.” I say scanning the huge room.

“He’s the one.” She states almost calmer than I have ever heard her; a complete 180 from the way she has been acting.

“I’m not so sure about that Tess, he’s just a nice guy.”

“He wants to know you, the real you.”

Looking over at her almost puzzled at how she knows all this information that I had not even told her.

She takes a slow breathes in, “It’s written all over his face, and he has been looking for you too.”

“What are you talking about?” Really getting tired of the game she is playing with me a lot lately.

“He’s been looking for someone to complete him too. Liz, I know you better than anyone so I’m going to tell you now; don’t run from this one like you have done so many times before. The connection you have been searching for I think you have found it. Open yourself up to it; you may be surprised.”

“Since when did you become such an expert on love?” I ask her while wiping a tear that had fallen from my watering eyes.

“I am seeing a lot of things more clearly now.” She gives me a small smile before pulling me into a hug. “Now, let’s talk about what crazy thing I want to do next.”

Re: The List (Mi/L Teen) Ch 12 5/27

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 11:07 pm
by juliecollard87
I want to thank everyone for reading and reviewing. I have been a little behind in my writing so I am sorry for the delay. I jumped ahead a little in this part.

Carrie- Thank you so much for wishing my husband well he is back at work now thank god haha. I am so glad you like the relationship between Michael and Liz.

Whimsicality- I am glad you like the balance between Michael and Liz. I wanted Michael to be her rock even if she didn’t want him to be.

Ashita- Michael will hve a challenge with Liz in coming part; let’s see if he will step up to it.

Chapter 12

Being on vacation is something new to me as well as Tess. We have never really sat back and watched life go by. It’s always been more about preparing for the next tragedy that is going to strike our lives. So the first week we were at the beach with Max and Michael we did just that; sat back and relaxed.

As I sat back and relaxed like Michael had told me he was going to make me do. I really saw Max Evans in a way I had never seen him; a genuine person with a good heart.

However, the closer Max and Tess got on our trip the more distant Tess and I became. As much as I tried to like Max I just couldn’t shake the feeling that he was taking Tess away from me.

“I think I’m going to miss when I’m gone.” I open my eyes and look over at Tess who is lying on a beach towel next to me staring out at the ocean. We are alone together for the first time since the beach trip began.

“What the ocean?” I am surprised to hear her talk about her impending death that she has been avoiding since we found out about her diagnosis and even more so since she and Max slept together.

She laughs, “No. Although I am very glad I got to see the ocean. I’m going to miss Spanish soap operas.” Her eyes are still fixed on the horizon line.

Thinking of the right thing to say to her has become harder and harder because I just don’t want to regret anything I say to her. “I’m going to miss staying up all night talking about everything and nothing all at the same time.” It’s one of the million things I’m going to miss about her.

“I’m going to miss Jeff singing bad 80’s songs on Saturday mornings.” She pulls the list that I still haven’t seen the contents of out of the bag next to her.

“I’m going to miss being woken up in the middle of the night by your snoring.” She laughs at that one which is what I wanted.

“I’m going to miss you the most of everything.” She looks back down at the list before putting it back in her beach bag.

“There is no scale that can measure how much I’m going to miss you Tess.” I tell her tying to hold back the tears that are treating to escape.

She looks over at me and smiles before pulling herself up to her feet. “Let’s head back to the house I’m sure the boys should be back from shopping by now.”

I smile at her before grabbing our towels and heading back toward Michael’s car. He told me I could drive his baby as long as I drove the Michaels recommended speed of 25 mph.

The two block back to Max’s house is spent in silence once again as Tess seems to be deep in thought. Pulling into Max’s driveway I notice a new car parked on the street. Getting out of the car Tess and I make our way to the house and inside.

“I think I hear someone in the kitchen but I didn’t see Max’s car.” Tess says as soon as we enter the house.

“I’m sure he just pulled around the back he doesn’t know anyone here.” Tess and I walk in the way of the kitchen when we hear the voice neither of us wanted to hear.

“Oh god is that Maria’s voice.” Tess asks me with wide eyes.

“I sure hope not.”

“Well well, look who it is it’s a couple of trespassers. What should we do Isabel?” Maria says as her and Isabel make their way into the living room from the kitchen.

“I don’t know maybe call the police? What are you doing here?” Isabel asks with her Ice princess attitude still intact.

“Were here will Max,” Tess tells them.

“Well, I knew Liz was a slut but I didn’t know you had it in you Tess. Tell me what does God think about pre marital sex?”

It kills me how Maria just puts down the only thing that Tess holds true in her life and how Tess just takes it.

“You know Maria I use to think you just enjoyed being a Bitch but now I see it you followed Tess and I down here because your jealous.”

“Jealous of what; your track record with men or your STD count?” Maria fires back her words dripping with more venom than a rattle snake.

“You’re jealous of the fact that Michael wants me now and not you.” Trying to make my words cut her like she has to Tess and I so many times before.

“Right now but he will get tired of you soon enough.” Maria turns to Isabel who looks bored with this little show Maria is pulling on.

“Maria, let’s go this show is getting boring,” Isabel says while inspecting her nails.

“Ok, it’s going to be nice vacationing with you guys.” Maria smiles as both her and Isabel make their way up the stairs.

Once they are out of ear shot, “Are you sure you don’t want to head home early?”

“No, this is my life. I refuse to let Maria run it for me.”

It seems my peaceful vacation is now over replaced with one I’m sure is going to be a roller coaster.

Re: The List (Mi/L Teen) Ch 12 5/27

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 12:35 am
by juliecollard87
A Huge Thanks to everyone that reads and to those who review. Each and every word means the world to me.

Whimsicality- Max and Michael are going to be finding out very soon. We will also be finding out more about what’s going on in Tess’s mind.

Ashita- Maria and Isabel are what I like to call the catalyst you will see why in the next chapter.

AN: I have been working on the story of a while but every time I think I have it right I see something I want to change or fix so this is why its been so long between updates.

I found a great quote that I think describes Liz in the story to a T.

I try to take one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me at once.- Ashleigh Brilliant

This story has maybe 4 chapters left and I am working on them to finish thing up.

Chapter 13

I have wondered my whole life why things happen the way that they do. If there is some force that we cannot see that guides our lives. Throwing obstacles at us that are meant to break us so we can becoming a stronger person or if we are really just alone in this world and things just happen.

“I swear do you ever sleep?” Michael asks me while pulling me closer to his naked body. “Or are you always thinking so hard that you never let yourself relax.” He says with a laugh.

“No, I just can’t sleep like twelve hours like some people.” I say tickling his sides causing him to roll on top of me and pin my arms above my head.

“I won’t have any of that lady.” He says before bending down to kiss me. I am surprised with how gentle the kiss is compared to our usual blinding passion, but I push the questions away of now just letting him take control of me. He pulls away and smiles. “I am so disappointed I’m going to have to give you back to the real world in just two short days.”

“Yeah, but I’m sure you are tired of me now.” I wiggle out from his grip.

“I don’t think I could ever tire of you.” He tells me while bending down to kiss my neck.

“Michael…” I am about to ask him what he meant by that when a bang on the door snaps me out of my Michael haze.

“Mikey, you are supposed to help me and Isabel today remember for the party tonight?” I hear Maria’s voice through the door causing me to lose my good mood.

Ever since Maria and Isabel showed up a week ago they have gone out of their way to throw themselves between Michael and me. Michael groans into my neck causing me to giggle.

“I’ll be over at the house in thirty minutes Maria.” He yells at the door.

“But Michael we have so many things to do…”

“I’ll be there in thirty minutes Maria.” He yells back cutting her off which I can’t help but secretly love. We both hear her huff down the hall.

“I swear she wasn’t this annoying before we started going out. I guess she just doesn’t understand how big of a turn off it is.” He rolls off me with a sigh.

“That’s good to know.” I hear myself say in a whisper cursing myself because I didn’t mean to say it out loud.

“What?” He asks getting out of bed giving me a great view.

“Nothing,” I say still watching the masterpiece in front of me.

“I actually wanted to ask you something?” He says before walking into the bathroom to take a shower.

“Ask away.” I say while throwing myself back on my pillow cursing Maria silently in my head for showing up before Michael and I got to the good stuff.

“We all have our own demons that seem to follow us around but it’s important that we face them at some point.” Michael says while coming out of the bathroom.

“Spit it out Michael, what’s going on?”

“Well Max really wanted me to ask but is Tess anorexic?” He says coming to stand in front of the bed once more.

“What? Why would Max ever think anything like?” I ask in full disbelief what I am hearing.

“Max just told me that he has started to notice that she doesn’t eat much and that he thought he heard her throwing up the other day.”

I wonder if he can see my heart pounding. “No, Tess just has a really weak stomach. She gets sick a lot.”

“Oh okay, Max was just worried. I think he’s really falling for her.” He pulls me up by arm; crushing my body tightly to his. He places his lips on mine kissing me like I’m the most precious thing in the world. He pulls away looking me in the eyes, “I think maybe we should have a talk later you know before we head back to Roswell.”

“Okay.” Is all I say before he is placing me back on the bed and is back in the bathroom before I can blink.

Once he’s gone I let myself go into full panic mode cursing myself for not seeing the signs that Tess had been getting sick. I let myself lie back on the pillows once again. I lie there hoping for the emotions to overcome me but they stay balled up deep inside of me. Part of me wants to tell Michael when he gets out of the shower so I can finally be free from the pain. The bigger part of me however knows that this isn’t my secret to tell no matter how badly I want all of this to go away.