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Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2003 7:37 pm
by dreamangel

Zan parked his motorcycle outside the apartment complex. He got off stiffly, mostly due to the fact that her body pressed up against his had given him quite an arousal, and turned to help her off the bike.

She was sitting straddled over the seat, the little red dress up almost to the top of her thighs. He groaned out loud and was thankful the helmet kept her from hearing.

She took the helmet off, causing her curly hair to come down in a tangle. He smiled as she peered up at him through strands of silky hair, her brown eyes sheepish. He took the helmet and placed it on the back on the bike, then used his powers to make sure the bike wouldn't be stolen.

Zan reached over and picked her up off the bitch pad. Her hands grasped at his shoulders, but slipped off when his leather jacket came up over her hands. His grip was tight enough that he didn't drop her.

Instead he swung her up, hooking her legs up over his other arm and strode forward, content as she wrapped her arms around his neck and snuggled closer to him.

"Zan," she murmured.

"Hmm?" he asked as they entered the elevator.

"I can walk."

"Not in those shoes, you can't," he teased, stepping out as the door opened.

She giggled, "I meant that you don't have to carry me. I don't want you to get tired."

He chuckled and shifted her so he could get his keys. "You ain't that heavy, sweets." His door swung open and he swept her over the threshold. "Think of this as ya honeymoon."

"Are you my new husband?" Her voice was rippling with laughter and he tried not to imagine what that would be like. He didn't need any human crap like that. He had enough shit to deal with when Ava was on one of her “destined mate” trips.

He put her down abruptly and closed the door, a little harder than necessary, and went to the kitchen.

"Zan?" she said, tone apologetic, "I'm sorry, did I say anything wrong?"

"Nah," he replied, "You want a soda?"

"Sure," she said awkwardly. He handed the coke to her and looked her over. She was fiddling with the top of the can and biting her lip.

She looked beautiful standing there, looking overly innocent in his leather jacket, that was several sizes to big for her petite frame.

He felt a sudden streak of possessiveness and another of anger when he thought of that frat boy with his grimy hands all over her...


Roz watched him cautiously as rage blossomed in his eyes. She should feel scared. She was in an unknown apartment with a strange man, who was like a tiger. She remembered his eyes at the club, when Brett had refused to let her go on the dance floor. The violence she had seen in them...

But she was feeling protected, and safe, and she instinctively realized that the anger was not at her, but at something he couldn't control.


"Yeah?" He opened his can of soda and took a swing.

"I like your apartment."

"Thanks." He smiled at her devilishly. "I like it too."


His apartment was a thing of pride and joy to him. He had saved up enough to buy it and furnished it according to his style. Black and gray. His landlord, Dogan, had said as long as he returned the apartment the way he had bought it...It was cool.

It had only taken him five months to get enough to complete it and get his cycle. Now he was working on a place for Ava. He couldn't get her a place in his building cause it was full up with crazy senior citizens, but he needed her close. He needed to make sure he could protect her, she was just a pawn to Lonnie and Rath, and that was dangerous.

"Wanna watch some TV?"

"Sure." She followed him into the main living room and sat down on the couch after laying his jacket on the back. He turned on the TV and grabbed the channel changer. She was sitting with her legs curled under her, shoes under the coffee table.

She looked like she belonged there.

He shrugged and sat down next to her, kinda lounging so that her knees brushed his leather incased legs. "So sweets, how's life been treatin' ya?"

"Pretty good. I'm graduating as valedictorian in a couple days, and I got to opt out of exams. I got into NYU, the only problem is living in the city."

"Wha's so bad 'bout the city?"

"It's big," she pointed out, blushing, "And scary. I'm afraid I might get lost or something."

I got's a deal for you sweets," he propositioned her.

"What?" She leaned forward even as he did and they were nearly nose to nose.

"I shows you 'round da city, so yous can get used to da streets, and you and me hang out some more."

"Deal," Roz responded softly, and she leaned forward more. Zan stifled a moan, her cherry red lips glossy and tempting. Her tiny hand crept in between them, signifying a shake to seal the deal. He laughed, and crossed the distance separating them.

She tasted so sweet. He ran his tongue over her bottom lip and she made a little noise her mouth tentatively opened for him.

But he resisted and pulled back slowly, watching her flushed face. She opened her chocolate brown eyes and stared at him, her gaze slightly dazed and starry.

"Happy birthday, Rosalyn."


Please leave feedback!

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2003 12:50 pm
by dreamangel
Sorry! I meant to post before I left Friday, but Microsoft Word wasn't responding (as I've discovered it is so wont to do lately grr...) I'm posting two parts to make up for it!


Zan woke to the strange combination of cinnamon and cherries. He opened his eyes and looked down. The sweet scent was coming from the small girl curled up at his side, one leg flung over his, her arm wrapped around his chest. He grinned goofily.

They must have fallen asleep last night when watching that movie. He glanced at the TV, and sure enough, snow. He reached out a hand and shut it off. Now that the background noise was gone, he could hear Roz's even breathing.

She was tucked against him, between his body and the back of the couch, and he was on the edge. He moved with practiced ease out from under her body, then adjusted her into a more comfortable position, taking a blanket from his La-Z-Boy and placing it over her so she wouldn't get cold.

He smirked with satisfaction at the smile the smile of contentment on her face. He had known he'd get her nice and relaxed by morning.

Stretching he went to his room and sealed it shut, then headed to the attached bathroom and got ready for the day.


Roz woke up slowly, feeling deliciously safe and warm. She burrowed her nose in the soft blanket, reveling in the scent of his body on it.

"Zan?" she called. She got up, adjusting the red dress so that it wasn't twisted around her body. She folded the blanket back up and looked around. "Zan?"

She rubbed her hands up and down her arms, trying to dispel the sudden abandonment she felt. His jacket was gone. Roz went over to his shut bedroom door and knocked. "Zan?"

No answer.

She headed to the kitchen, maybe-

"Shit!" She looked, up, alarmed as the door opened. Zan was standing there, bags in his hands, hopping up and down on one foot.

"Zan?" she giggled.

"I tripped on that mothafuckin' coat tree," he told her, sending the offending piece of furniture a disgusted glance.

"You weren't here when I woke up," she told him, biting her lip.

"Sorry, sweets, I went ta get breakfast." He held up a Big Apple Bagel bag. "Anyways, I left ya a note on the kitchen table."

Roz flushed, "I haven't been in the kitchen yet."

"Well then," he said, winking at her, "No more lectures. Les' eat!"

"I am kind of hungry," she said slowly, following him.

"Yeah, they's fresh too." He gave her a little look, "I din't know what kinds ya like, so I jus' got plains."

"That's fine," she said quickly, "They're my favorite."

He nodded, "Ya like cream cheese or butta'?"

"Butter, please."

He opened the fridge and got out a plate of butter. "Ya want anythin' ta drink?"

"Orange juice?" she replied hopefully.

"Yeah, I got that." He put everything out on the table and they ate in companionable silence.

"Thank you for breakfast," she told him shyly, once she had finished.

"No prob," he responded, "Ya wanna get cleaned up now?"

"I probably should," she agreed, "No doubt I look like a mess."

"Nah," he said, smiling gently, "Ya beautiful, Rosalyn." She blushed and stared at him, suddenly reminded of that kiss last night. It had sent fire through her veins and her heart had been pumping double time. It was starting to again.

"This way," he said, and led her to his bedroom. They went through it and to a little door just off the side. "Towels are unda' the sink, there's an extra toothbrush ins the cabinet, ya can use my shampoo and stuff. But I doan own that conditiona shit," he offered modestly.

She smiled at him, "Thank you."

He shrugged, "Well, I'll jus' leave ya to it." He walked out and she shut the door behind him. She leaned against the cool door and let out a breath.

The bathroom was like nothing she'd ever seen before. It was all metallic black, silver, and mirrored walls. She opened the cabinet beneath the sink and got out two fluffy black towels. Then she opened the upper cabinet and checked, there was a red toothbrush and a black one, the red hadn't been used.

Roz placed the towels on the black toilet seat and shimmied out of her dress. She turned on the water in the shower, adjusting the temperature until it was just the right warmth for her, then stepped in.


Zan listened to the shower, in immediate need of attention. His erection was huge, just thinking about her and her supple, tight body all naked and wet in his shower.

He wondered what she'd do if he joined her. He could picture it in his head, kissing her sweet neck, licking the water from her breasts, using his hands to soap every inch of her...And then taking her long and slow against the wall...

Zan groaned and got up, pacing the room, growling at himself and trying to prevent himself from opening the bathroom door.

Finally, when he caught himself staring at the door leading to her, he smacked himself hard. "Snap outta it, man," he whispered harshly to himself, "Find sumthin' ta occupy yourself with."

He could pleasure himself he knew, and get done with it before she got out of the shower as he was near combustion, but it wouldn't feel right. He wanted her walls convulsing around him when he came...He needed...

He needed something else to think about!

It suddenly came to pass that he had a thought. She didn't have anything to wear. She couldn't very well wear the dress, it was sweaty and those shoes would kill her walking to the subway. And towels weren't appropriate for walking outside. It would offend people's morals.

Not his, but...

He could "fix" some of his things. She'd probably look real cute wearing his clothes, but then he remembered the gift he had gotten for Ava.

They were about the same size...He went to his closet and pulled out the big box on the top shelf. He opened it and judged the contents.

Ava'd never actually wear cornball crap like this, he didn't exactly know what he'd been thinking when he had bought them...Okay, so he'd actually been thinking of the Mary he'd just met, but that wasn't the point. The point was they'd come in handy now.

The water shut off. And Zan allowed himself to walk to the door and knock. "Hey Roz?"

The door opened a second or two later and she peered out, her eyes curious. She was standing halfway behind the door, as if protecting herself from view, but he saw enough. The black towel was making her skin glow.

"Clothes," he managed to get out, handing the box to her. She took them without a word and shut the door again.


She opened the box with surprise. More surprised even when she pulled out the silky red underwear. Just her size... "Zan?" she called through the door, "When did you get these?"

"A coupl'a months ago," he responded, "Do they's fit?"


"Though so, you looked Ava's size."

"Ava?" she questioned, "Is she your girlfriend?" Please no, she prayed.

"Nah, more like my sista'. Those were fer her birthday."

"Oh!" She suddenly felt really guilty, "Zan, I don't want to take your sister's gift."

"She ain't my sister, and she wouldn't wear 'em anyways," he told her.

"Wait, what?"

"Ava don't wear stuff like that, she inta leather and miniskirts."

"No, no, I thought you said she was your sister?"

"I said she was like my sister. We's grew up ta'gether."

"Oh," she said doubtfully. She brushed her teeth, and didn't say another word.

"I ain't got a hair dryer," he said suddenly, "But ya can use my brush."

"Thanks. Where is it?" she asked, not seeing it.

"Out here, on my dresser."

"Oh." She opened the door and walked out, holding her red dress in one hand, and the towels looped over the other.


Zan smiled as she shifted under his gaze. She looked just like he'd imagined her to, the wine red halter top went perfectly with the khaki capris. "You look nice," he complimented.

"Thank you." She blushed and went to his dresser. He watched her intently as she brushed her hair until the brush ran through easily.

Finally he was galvanized into action and he snatched up her towels, and threw them in his dirty hamper. "What should I do wit' the dress?"

She met his gaze in the mirror and smiled. "Leave it, it'll fold up small enough to fit in my purse."

He nodded and went back to watching her, feeling that there was something very intimate about this whole act.

She was so beautiful...


They were walking to the subway. Why? Number one cuz he couldn't very well drive his motorcycle down the tunnels. Number two cuz this way Roz would get some street experience. And number three cuz he was going to see the other three once she left for her school in Long Island.

They weren't really talking, occasionally one would say something to the other and they'd comment, but mostly they just walked silently, content in the other's presence. Somewhere along the way Roz had slipped her hand into his and he squeezed it lightly as she pointed out some street performers.

He laughed as she tugged him forward, the sneakers he had "fixed" pounding against the pavement as she ran to get a closer look. Zan shook his head and went after her. They listened for a while before he put a couple dollars in the guitar case and grabbed Roz's hand to lead her away.

"Zan," she whined, "I wanted to watch!"

"You'll see more later, sweets, we gonna be hangin' out a lot, 'member?"

She blushed, "I wasn't sure you really meant it."

He stopped her and turned her to face him. The crowd of pedestrians was forced to walk around them, shooting them dirty looks. Zan tilted her chin up so that their eyes met and he leaned down so that his forehead was resting gently against hers.

"I doan say nothin' I doan mean, Roz." She blushed and nodded, licking her lips. He gave her a sexy little smirk and brushed his lips over hers, making her sigh. "C'mon, sweets, ya gotta get back ta that Mary school of ya's 'fore Red goes mad crazy."

She sighed again, this time regretfully. "You're right, Joss is probably wondering where I went."

"Fer some reason, sweets, I think she knows where you been."


Roz followed Zan down the subway steps and to the ticket counter. "Long Island," she said. The ticket girl gave her a pass.

"11:00 should be by in a fifteen minutes."

"Thanks," she said, smiling.

The girl cracked her gum, "And for you?"

"Nothin' I got a season pass."

They through the turn-styles and headed forward to Roz's platform. She was feeling a little sad that their interlude would have to end, but he had promised to see her again, and she trusted him to his word.

The train pulled up early and they stared at it as the announcement was made over the P.A.

"Well," she started, "I guess this is good-bye."

"Not good-bye, sweets, just a see ya later," he corrected her. She smiled at him and stepped closer, hinting to him. Again he smirked down at her.

Their lips met slowly, and Zan pulled her more tightly against his body, causing the kiss to deepen. She rose on tiptoe, sliding her arms around his broad shoulders and opening her mouth. His tongue slipped in and touched hers.

Roz shivered when the heat coursed down her body. She felt his hand cupping her head, tilting her back to give him more access. His other hand traced the top of her capris, dipping down into them slightly.

"Zan!" she gasped, and felt him smile against her lips.

"Ya better go, sweets, 'fore I can't let'cha," he told her, voice husky. Tingles went down her spine and she leaned into him. "I means it Roz. Yous doan go now, I'm gonna take you on one of them benches."

She met his intense eyes and realized he was serious, so she nodded and stepped away, her body chilled without his warmth. "We'll see each other again?"

"I promised, din't I?"

They smiled again and Roz went to take a seat on the train. Settling in she gazed out the window at him. As the train took off she sent him a wave and he returned it, winking at her. Then he blew her a kiss and she suddenly felt a little better.


Zan waited until the train was out of sight before he headed to the abandoned track that led to his old home. He walked through the sewer fast, trying not to get his feet too wet.

He knew he was getting close because he could hear the music Lonnie listened to bouncing of the cement walls.

He entered the lair to see Rath and Lonnie making out on the couch. He walked past them and to Ava and his old room. "Hey Aves."

"Zan!" She jumped off her bed and ran to him, hugging him close. "I was startin' ta think ya weren't comin' back."

"Ah, Aves, I's told ya I'd be stoppin' by this week. Here." He took some money out of his pocket. "This is fer groceries an' stuff, a'ight? Doan let Lonnie know ya got it, she'd jus' take it."

"Got it."

"And Aves, buy yerself sumthin' nice, a'ight?"

"Sure, Zan," she said, clutching the money to her chest.

"Good, now I's bouncin'. Be good." He kissed her forehead and went out the way he came, sending Lonnie and Rath a look of disgust as he went past them.


Ava sat back down on her bed and looked at the cash Zan had just given her. She knew he was working, she just didn't know where.

He was making a lot of money, though, and stopped by once a week to give her some for provisions. He wasn't living here anymore and she didn't know if he had his own place or if he was shacked up with some that he met.

He did smell awful girly today, like cherries and cinnamon...

She shook her head, keeping her thoughts away from that subject. She didn't need to know who else he was doing, she just needed to know when he was getting her out of here.


"Back so soon?"

"Can the sarcasm Joss, I don't need it."

"Tell me he at least used a condom?" she pleaded.

"Joss! We didn't have sex!" she hissed, "We watched a movie and fell asleep, okay?"

"Nothing happened?" she asked suspiciously.

"Nothing happened," Roz assured her, "Well..." Roz blushed.

"Tell me!"

"It's none of your business, Joss."

"Rosalyn Braver, you dish this instant or else!"

She stamped her foot and glared at the red head. "We kissed, all right! We kissed!"

"Oh." Green eyes watched her closely. "Was it good?" Roz sighed and flopped onto her bed. "Ooh, sigh-worthy."

"It was amazing Joss, I got dizzy and weak and...It was absolutely perfect."

"Well, I guess it's good it was nice, now you won't have any regrets when you never see him again."

"Joss," she sighed, exasperated with her friend's biased opinion, "I'm seeing him again."

"When?" Joss demanded.

She shrugged, "I don't know, he just said we'd hang out."

"And you believed him?" she inquired disbelieving.

"Of course, Zan wouldn't lie to me Joss," she told her confidently. "He'll find me again, I know it."

Joss just shook her head, "Sometimes I think you're way too innocent to be my friend, Roz."

"And sometimes, Joss, you're way too outgoing to be mine. What you did was really mean, and I'm not forgiving you for a really long time," she said seriously, hurt.

"I'm sorry!"


"All right, I'll make it up to you. Roz? Lovey? You know you can't stay mad at me for long..." She went on her knees in front of her, begging and pouting, making puppy eyes.

Rosalyn gave a sigh and then grinned, "Get up, Joss!" Her friend bounced up and swept her into a hug. They fell, laughing onto the floor.

"I still don't trust him, Roz," Joss said in the breathless aftermath of the tickle fight.

"Doesn't matter Joss, I do."


Do you forgive me? :wink: Please leave feedback!

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2003 9:11 pm
by dreamangel
Wow! So much feedback! Thank you all! I'm back from yet another vacation, and it should be two weeks before another one, so you'll get a few updates before I pull another disappearing act. :wink:


Zan leaned leisurely against a tree, watching the proceedings with an air of amused disinterest. He wasn't listening to Roz's valedictorian speech, he was just studying her.

The St. Cecilia's girls were lined up on folding chairs in front of the parents, facing the dais with the speaker's podium. They were all wearing wicked ugly gray robes and were all staring at their valedictorian with rapt attention.

The parents were also focused on the girl at the podium, two of them wearing expressions of distinct pride. Zan smirked, this must be Mummy and Daddy dearest. He could see the resemblance in the blending of eyes and face. Roz had inherited her father's hair and coloring, and her mother's size and body.

Applause resounded through the field and Roz gave a blushing smile and sat back down. Then the head nun came up and gave a short speech and then caps went flying.

He waited until everyone was milling around, chattering excitedly, before slowly wandering away from the tree. He spotted Joss with a redheaded couple, smirked, and looked away, his eyes finding Roz.

The robe was hooked over her arm, folded, and she was wearing a white, knee-length dress with spaghetti straps. It had a fold-over lacy-scalloped thing with powder pink flowers and pale green leaves embroidered around the holes. Her soft brown hair was down, held back from her face with two clips, shining in the sun. And she was wearing those damn glasses again.

He made his way toward her and her parents and paused right behind her. The 'rents gave him a funny look and he ignored them.

"Congrats, Mary."


The husky voice made her shiver harder, and the hyper-awareness from before started making sense as she turned to him.

"Zan," she breathed, surprised.

Then she stared, stunned at the change in appearance eight days had wrought. His hair was shorter, his face clean of all but the ring in his eyebrow. He was wearing a black suit with a gray button-down shirt and silk tie, his jacket flung over his shoulder in a deceptively casual manner, and he looked positively scrumptious.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, happy, but confused.

He shrugged and smiled at her, but then he frowned. "You needs those?" he inquired.


"The frames, sweets, ya need 'em?"

"My glasses? No..." she trailed off as he reached up and pulled them off gently, tucking them into one of his pockets.

"Rosalyn?" her mother's well cultured voice intruded, "Who is your charming friend?" She turned around and caught her mother eyeing Zan. She groaned inwardly.

"Mom, Dad, this is Zan. Zan, these are my parents."

"Yo," he said, "It's nice ta meet ya, Mista Braver, Missus Braver." He nodded coolly.

"Oh please, Zan," her mom said, effecting a laugh, "It's Catalina Voigt, but you may call me Cat." Her mom stepped closer, practically purring.

Roz could not believe it. She was hitting on him! Lord's sake, she was 46 and Zan was like...21! It was ridiculous.

He nodded again. "'Kay. And I jus' dropped by ta take yous out for a congratulatory dinner, Roz, but if yous busy..." he let it trail off.

"We were taking our daughter out for dinner, young man-" her father started, but them mom interrupted.

"Would you care to join us?" Her dad glared at her mother.

"Sure. Where we goin'?"

"Olive Garden."

"Mountain Jack's."

Roz sighed heavily as they both spoke at the same time. They obviously hadn't talked about this earlier, and now were going to cause a big scene fighting over it. She met Zan's eyes sadly.

"This could take awhile," she told him quietly, looking back at her parents.

"Yo!" Zan cried. Her parents stopped. "Why's don't ya ask Roz where she wants ta go? It is kinda her day." He parents blinked at him and she gave him a grateful smile.

"Very well," her mother said, "Rosalyn, sweetheart, where would you like to go for dinner?"

Roz looked between the tow of them , and then at Zan, who nodded encouragingly. "I'm kind of in the mood for Chinese," she offered.

"That okay wit' you guys?" Zan asked. They nodded. "Good, we's can head over to Chang Way's over in Manhattan. They's got the best food in the city."

"I've never heard of it," her father commented.

"Din't think ya would've Duke," Zan replied, "Yous ain't from that neck of da woods."

"And you are?" her dad asked suspiciously. Roz could tell he didn't like Zan.

"Sure thing, Mista B. Born and raised out there I was, so, le's go 'fore the crowds come."


Please leave me feedback.

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2003 5:15 pm
by dreamangel

Zan was riding to the restaurant with Mr. Richard Braver. He had taken the subway and then a taxi to St. Cecilia's, and since Richie lived in the city too, they decided to double up. This was not to Zan's liking.

Roz was riding with her mother. Zan grinned as he stared out the window. Cat looked 26, but she had to be much older to have an 18 year-old daughter. But that was a model for you, never looked their age. From what he recalled from Ava's babbling about fashion 'zines over the years, Catalina Voigt was a big name over in Europe.

And she had hit on him.

He found that too funny for words. Granted, she was abnormally hot for a woman this side of fifty, but he was eighteen, and he had his sights set on a different target.

Roz had looked so adorable jealous. Her nose had done this cute little crinkling thing and her eyes had been flashing with indignation...

Well, at least now he knew she felt something for him...If he hadn't already known from the kisses they'd shared...

That last time in the subway had been hard, seeing her leave when all he wanted to do was keep her in his arms...his bed...

He shook his head, suddenly aware that he was thinking like a cornball. She was just a piece of ass, nothing more.

But she was so much more...

"So Zan..."

"Yea, Mista B?" he replied, bored. He already knew where the man was heading with that great conversation starter.

"How'd you meet my daughter?" Ah, he was taking the subtle approach.

"We met at the subway station."

"When was that?"

"January," he said shortly, not bothering to mention he had only seen her once since January.

"Ah..." Richie trailed off, unable to lead in a solid direction with such a curt reply. "You are aware that Rosalyn is only 18, correct?"

"Yeah," was his response, then he added, "We was tagetha' for her party," just to throw him off balance.

"What party?"

"It was a private get-tagetha', you wouldn'ta been invited."

"Private?" he demanded. Zan smirked as he watched Richie's hands turn white from his tight grip on the steering wheel.

"Uh-huh," he concluded, not offering any more.

"How old are you, Zan?" he asked, anger in his voice.

"My license says 21."

"And you birth certificate?"

Time for a lie, seeing as he didn't actually have a birth certificate. "21."

"You don't look your age."

"Hey, thanks, man. Neitha' does ya wife."

Roz's dad glanced at him. "We're divorced," he said tersely.

"Oh yeah? Why? 'Cause she hot, man."

"Religious differences."

"Too bad." There was a long pause in which Zan stared out the window some more and smirked some more, and waited for Richie-boy to continue.

"I want you to stay away from my daughter."

And there it was. The ultimatum.

"I knows, Duke. Problem is...I likes her a lot, and she likes me, so I doan think that's gonna happen."

"She's a good girl. She has a bright future."

"I knows."

"And who are you? Some kid from the city, probably stole those clothes-"

"Hey!" he cried, insulted, "I's paid for these same way I's paid for my 'cycle and my apartment. From hard work."

"Oh yeah, and what do you do? Sell drugs?"

"Nah," he dismissed, "I's work at a club."

"As a stripper?" he accused derisively.

"The Haze ain't that kinda club, Duke, I work behind the bar."

"A bar? You don't make money from that?"

"Yeah, I's do. I's make alotta money doin's that."

"Be that as it may...You aren't the kind of guy I want to see my daughter with."

"Why?" And he really wanted to know, he was feeling strangely hurt at the thought that he wasn't good enough for his Roz.

"Because you're going nowhere in life, and Rosalyn deserves better than that. She's going to become a prominent attorney in one of New York's most trustworthy firms. I don't need her to throw that away because of some punk guy who's decided to take advantage of her innocence!"

Zan stared at him. "I thinks you needs ta have a talk wit' Roz, Richie, 'cause she ain't gonna be no lawyer."

"What are you talking about?" he protested, "She got accepted to Hoffstra, she's following in my footsteps."

He shook his head and looked sidelong at Mr. Braver. "Jus' cause she got accepted doan mean she's goin'."

"What? What are you talking about?!"

"She tol' me she and Red are goin' to NYU. They's got it all worked out."

"NYU? She didn't even apply there. They don't have a good law program, why would she want to go there? I think you're mixed up young man."

"Nah, I think you should pay attention ta ya daughter, 'cause she ain't gonna be a lawyer. She gonna be a writer for those fancy newspapers. Prob'ly the New York Times or The Wall Street Journal or sumthin'."



"He's cute."

"I realize that Mom."

"How old did you say he was?"

"Twenty-one, Mom."



"What, sweetie?"

"Could you not flirt with Zan? Please."

"Why ever not?" she pouted.

"Because I like him, and you're my mother for the Lord's sake. It's just...There’s a high eww factor in the thought, all right?"

"Oh, all right Rosalyn. I'm sorry I offended your morals."

"Forget it, Mom." And by her silence, it was. Roz was a little relieved by the quiet. She'd been listening to her mom talk about her trip to Japan and her complaints about Dad's driving the whole way to the city.

"So, have you decided to start your career yet?"

"Mom, I'm not going to be a model!"

"But why not?" Cat whined, "We could have such fun!" Roz shook her head. "Fine...But you're still coming to France with me this summer, right?"

"Yeah, Mom, of course I am. I'm not going to give up Paris for Albany or being stranded at a hotel while Dad's at some business meeting. Besides, we haven't had serious girl time in years."

"Oh, I know sweetie. My career’s just been starting up again, and I've been awful busy- Why is you father driving like that? He's all over the road!"

Roz let her mom change the subject, and focused on her dad's car in front of them, which was sort of swaying erratically. "Doesn't matter," she said as the blinker came on. She glanced out her window at the tiny building. "We're here."


Please leave feedback! I'll check back in next week. NYC, here I come! :D


Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2003 6:49 pm
by dreamangel
Thanks for the feedback! And no, Zan doesn't know yet.


Roz got out of the car slowly, adjusting the hem of her dress, and grabbed her purse before shutting the passenger side door. She walked around the front and stood with her mother, waiting for her dad and Zan.

She frowned slightly as she watched them approach. Zan's face was inscrutable, and her father had that vein in his forehead throbbing, which meant something had seriously ticked him off.

She looked at Zan, alarmed, wondering what had happened in the car. He just shook his head and hooked an arm around her shoulders, leading her into the restaurant and away from her parents.

"Zan?" she asked, whispering. She glanced back at her parents, where her dad was reluctantly holding the door for Mom.

"Doan sweat, Roz, jus' let me handle it."


"I's says fa'get it, sweets, okay?"

"Okay," she agreed."

"How many?" the small Asian woman behind the counter demanded.

"Four," Zan said, looking around nonchalantly.

"Zan? Zan! It is you! Look at you..." Her curt demeanor suddenly changed into that of a seductress. "You look really, really good." She ran a tongue along her bottom lip and leaned toward him, the tight silk of her dress clinging even closer.

Roz frowned and snuggled into him. "May we be seated please?" she asked icily.

Black eyes blinked at her. There was a general look over on both sides, and both girls glared with mutual dislike. Roz didn't like what she saw. This woman was slender, pretty in an exotic way, with her long black hair and snapping eyes and perfect complexion...And she obviously had a lot more experience than Roz, and some of it seemed to be with Zan.

The woman sniffed at her with distaste. "And who is this?" she asked, "Your little sister?"

Roz stiffened, and had a wicked comeback ready, but her parents came up behind them and she stifled the spiteful comment, knowing her dad would blow a gasket at the language she was using in her head.

"Nah. This is Rosalyn Braver, Roz this is Song. Nows, can wes get a table?"

She simpered and stepped past them, brushing way too close to Zan for Roz's pleasure. "You know I'd do anything for you Zan."


Zan pulled Roz's chair out and she seated herself, still shooting daggers at Song. He wanted to laugh she looked so cute.

He'd gone out with Song a couple times in the past. She was nice, and a good fuck, but she was nothing to him. He knew she'd love to rekindle whatever they had, and so would a lot of his other one night stands, but you can't win 'em all, and he wasn't a double-dipper.

'Cept when it came to his Roz.

It was fact he had come to accept, that if he actually went for it with Rosalyn, there would be more to it then sex. It would get complicated, but it would last. He knew that just looking at her. She wasn't one to jump into a relationship that wasn't going to go anywhere. He and Roz would be together for a long time.

That was why he was taking it slow, because no woman had ever been more than a piece of ass to him, unless you counted Ava, which he didn't 'cause she was like a sister to him. Roz was cherry, and he had to be careful.

"Are you ready to order?" Song asked, smiling at him.

Zan glanced at the Bravers, and then at Song. "I thinks so. Mr. B, ya wanna start us off?"

Richie gave him a glare and then turned to the waitress. "Three checks please," he said, "And you can put my daughter on mine. Now, I would like-"

"Richard," Cat interrupted, "I thought I would pay for Rosalyn's dinner."

He heard Roz give a small, suffering sigh beside him as the two adults got into a hissy fit. "YO!" he bellowed, and they stopped, mid-yell, and looked at him, "Puts Roz on my check, 'kay, Song?"

"Yeah, sure, baby. But your orders?"

"I'll have vegetable fried rice," Richie said, closing his menu and handing it to Song.

"I think I'll have the sweet and sour pork," Cat ordered sweetly, giving her ex a tight smile. He glowered back. Zan smirked, Catalina was good, he'd give her that.

"All right." Song wrote down their orders and then turned to Zan. "And for you?"

He looked down at Roz, who was still deciding. "Roz?" he inquired.

She glanced up, blushing, "What's good here?"

He grinned. "We'll split a dish of sesame chicken, and bring some egg rolls would'ya?"

Song nodded, "And to drink?"

"Water. With lemon, one twist," from Cat.

"Bud Light," from Richard.

"Gimme two cherry cokes," Zan told her, leaning back and draping his arm over Roz's chair.

"I'll be right back with your drinks."


Roz dug into her meal happily. This was the best Chinese she'd ever had. She couldn't say much for the waitress though.

Song kept bopping up every few minutes to check on them. Normally, this would be good, but Roz had a feeling it was more to rub up against Zan than to see how they were doing. And she swore that Song had dropped the rice in her lap on purpose! In any case, she wasn't getting a big tip.

"So, Rosalyn," her dad started.

"Yeah Dad?"

"You haven't told us where you planned on attending college." Roz froze and put her forkful of food down. Her dad's voice had a slight edge to it.

"Hmm, yes sweetie," her mom joined in, "If you're not going to be a model, what are your plans?"

"Hofstra?" her dad demanded.

She trembled, afraid to disagree with him, but she felt a large hand slip over hers under the table, and she looked at Zan. He gave her a small, encouraging smile, and squeezed her hand. She smiled back in gratitude.

"I'm going to NYU, Dad, to become a journalist."

Her dad's grip on his silverware seemed way too tight, and the spoon began bending under the pressure. "What happened to law, Rosalyn? I thought we agreed you'd take over the company."

She shook her head, holding Zan's hand tighter. "No Dad, you never asked me what I wanted. You just assumed I'd want to live your life." She felt tears prick her eyes and she looked him in the eye. "I didn't want to disappoint you...But I don't want to be you Daddy, I want to be me, and I want to do what I'm good at. What I enjoy doing, and that's writing. And I don't care what you say, because I'm going to do it anyway!

She waited, tense, for either God to smote her or for her father to blow up.

Neither happened.

"Very well," he said, and she looked at him incredulously. "I can't say I'm happy with your decision, but I will support you in it."

"Oh, thank you Daddy!" She got up quickly and gave him an impulsive hug. "Thank you!"

He gave her a small smile and said gruffly, "Next time inform me a bit sooner, though..."

"I promise," she said, and sat back down, feeling like she had whenever Zan kissed her...all glowy and happy.


"I's proud'a ya for standin' up ta ya father like that," he told her as they stood outside. Richard had already left, and Catalina was waiting for Roz in the car. He was going to walk home.

"Thank you," she replied, a smile lighting up her face. He felt his own smile appear, content to see her happy.

"How's about yous come over dis weekend and hang out?" he offered.

"I can't," she said.

"Oh." He scuffled his feet and looked away from her, at the ground. "Daddy doan want you fraternizin' wit' me, huh?" he asked harshly.

"No!" she exclaimed, sounding hurt. He immediately felt bad. He shouldn't have just assumed something like that... "I'm leaving in two days, for France."

"France?" he repeated.

"Uh-huh, I'm spending the summer with my mom, and she's touring Europe for photo shoots. But we'll be in Paris most of the time."

"Oh." He clicked his tongue ring on the roof of his mouth. Then he rooted around in his pocket and found a toothpick, he changed it to a pen. "Here," he said, and wrote his address on her hand, "Send mes a postcard, a'ight?"

"A'ight," she agreed, giggling. He grinned at her.

"Ya promise?"

"Cross my heart."

He pulled her against him, and traced over her heart. "That's good enough," he told her, and kissed her.

She responded as he knew she would, warm and eager. Her arms swept around his waist and he dragged his tongue over hers, sucking gently. "Zan," she breathed, rising on her tiptoes for more. But he grinned and stepped back, letting her hands fall from his body.

"I's sees ya 'round, sweets."

"Bye, Zan!" she called after him as he disappeared into the night, a smile, and the taste of cherries, fixed on his lips.


Quick note: People of the Jewish faith don't normally eat pork as it isn't kosher, so Cat managed a small jab at her ex-hubby there.

Feedback's always appreciated!

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2003 1:26 pm
by dreamangel
Quick gonna post. Busy, busy day... Thanks for all the feedbak!


Zan waited, kinda nervous, in the airport terminal. He and Roz had started e-mailing and IMing each other while she was away. She also sent letters, and he had a whole stack back at his apartment, she wrote him one almost every day.

When she had IMed him a couple nights ago, she had informed him that she was coming home in two days, today, and he had offered to pick her up at the airport as her father was in Albany until September and Catalina wasn't coming back because a French designer had offered her the spotlight in a Fall show.

Roz had told him she was going to stay at her father's home until school started. He had asked why she was coming back so soon, but she had fall, freshmen orientation and housing situations to work out.

He wasn't planning on letting her stay in an empty house though, there was no point when he had a perfectly good apartment. He just had to bring up the suggestion with Roz.

An announcement was made over the PA system, stating that the 5:45 from Paris, France was arriving, and Zan stood, watching as the large jet plane came taxiing down the runway to come to a slow halt outside the window.

He moved so that he was standing a little to the side of the exiting gateway, and clutched the rose he had brought. It suddenly seemed such a paltry welcome home gift amid the balloons and signs surrounding him, but he didn't have time to contemplate it further because Roz had just came out of the ramp.

She hadn't noticed him yet, and he grinned, feeling abnormally giddy at the sight of her. He watched her from behind, letting her bounce up and down on her toes for a while, searching for him, before he reached for her.


Roz gasped as the tingling sensation ran up her arm and spread throughout her entire body. "Lookin' for someone, sweets?"

She turned and allowed him to pull her out of the crowd and to a quieter spot a few yards away. "I think I found him," she replied, tone light and teasing.

He grinned and leaned down to kiss her. An overture she accepted willingly. When they finally broke apart he presented her with a red rose, which were her favorites, and whispered, "Welcome homes, Rosalyn."

She took the rose gingerly and sniffed it, before smiling up at him shyly. "Thank you."

"You likes it?" he asked, sounding anxious.

"I love it," she assured him, "Red roses are my favorite." He gave a sigh of relief and relaxed, slipping back into his cool guy 'tude.

"C'mon," he said, tugging her toward baggage claim. She adjusted her large, carry-on purse, and followed, keeping her hand in his.

They waited, watching as the bags came up and started going around the conveyor belt. (Roz had a sudden, childish urge to get on it and ride it around, but she managed to suppress it.) Zan picked up her luggage when she pointed it out, and soon they had a pile of bags packed for two and a half months, and various clothes and souvenirs her mom had bought for her.

"I don't think all this is going to fit on your bike," she told him.

"That's why we's takin' a cab." He grabbed some bags, and Roz took a few, and they headed for the exit. When they got outside Roz hailed a taxi, and they climbed in.

She gave the driver directions and snuggled close to Zan. After a few minutes, in which they got stuck in traffic, she noticed Zan was being incredibly quiet.

"Is something wrong?" she asked.

He shook his head, "Nah, sweets, I's just wonderin'..."

"Wondering what?"

"Why don't you stay wit' me 'til ya start school?"

She froze, looking at him wide-eyes, but he seemed completely serious. Roz thought about it for a few moments. She wasn't even sure if they were dating, and living together was a big step. She studied him, he wasn't looking at her, as if afraid of her rejection, and she considered what it would be like to wake up every morning knowing he was around, that they'd be sharing everything...

It'd be heaven.

She grinned, "Okay."

He looked up sharply, as if not believing his ears. "You jus' said 'okay', right?"

She nodded, "Right. Let's do it."

Grinning he called to the driver and gave him the new directions. The guy shrugged and said 'whatever'.


Zan put down Roz's bags and then looked up at her. She was standing in the middle of the living room, looking around.

Not much had changed since she had been gone, he had put a few paintings and pictures up, but that was just minor.

Roz was different though. She had grown up over the summer. She appeared more mature and confident. And very, very sexy in that sheath dress, but her bottomless brown eyes were still innocent, untouched.

He stared at her, standing in his home, and he got a sudden rush of contentment. She belonged here with him.

It was her home.

He was her home.


Hope that reunion was memorable enough tobascobehr! :wink: Thanks again to those of you who continue to read this fic! Pretty please leave feedback.

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 9:36 pm
by dreamangel
Wow! :shock: Thanks for all the feedback! I'm glad everyone likes the living situation, this part delves a bit more into it. As for Roz's dad's reaction, he still doesn't know, so ssh...


"Can you believe it?" she demanded of him as she entered their apartment.

"Believe what?" he asked as she grabbed a soda and joined him at the kitchen table.

"The college had housing problems, which basically means Joss is rooming with somebody else and I don't even have a room assignment. I'm homeless!" she exclaimed.

Zan just grinned at her, amused, and she scowled back. "I's thought yous was gonna get a apartment wit' Red if da roomin' din't work out," he finally said.

"I was, but the college rules state that first years must live on campus, in a dorm room."

"So why's doan they kick some other mutha' outta the room and gives it ta ya?"

She sighed heavily. "I'm technically a sophomore, because I took enough advanced placement courses at St. Cecilia's to complete the credits for freshman year. They're using that as an excuse for the mix-up." Stupid college people, she thought.

"So's you can lives off campus?" he asked, not looking at her.

"Yeah, as long as it's within commuting distance," she agreed, "Problem is I don't want to live with my dad. He'd be all: These things never happen at Hofstra, blah blah...And plus I wanted to live in the dorms to get away from my parents! This is just so unfair!" she wailed.

"Roz..." He was chuckling now, mouth curved in that perfect smile of his.

"So you're laughing at me now," she said angrily.

"Nah, sweets, not at yous," he told her, calming down.

"Then at what?" she asked, confused.

"Why doan you just stay here, wit' me?"

She froze, kinda shocked, and gazed at him. He was being serious again. She could see it in his golden-brown eyes. He wanted to make their temporary living arrangement permanent.

She could deal with that.


Zan vegged on the couch, watching TV and waiting for Roz to get out of the shower. He felt a streak of intense contentment course through him.

She was staying.

He could hardly believe his luck when she came home all pissy and sexy looking, complaining about the college. He had finally had a valid reason to broach the subject of her staying with him on a more permanent level.

He liked having her around. It wasn’t like it had been in the sewers, with him doing all the work and the others just fucking around. Roz helped out around the apartment, cleaning, making breakfast, even getting groceries. She never even harped on the amount of Tabasco sauce he consumed. She accepted everything about him and the way he chose to live.

He wondered if he could tell her the truth…

Shaking his head, he stared at the bedroom door, wanting to go in and drag her out of the shower all naked and wet…They hadn’t really done anything yet, there was kissing and the occasional groping, but Roz was cherry and he was going slow because of that. He had even given her his bed and slept on the couch.

They shared the closet space though, and the dresser, and the bathroom, and just about everything else around the place. She had started putting her own little touches around though, there were roses on the table (which he spruced up using his powers whenever they looked wilty, she always thought he went out and bought new ones…), a poster of the Pieta hanging above the bed, and various knick-knacks on shelves and such.

His favorite new addition was hanging above the TV, and he often stared at it more than at the screen. He had opened the door one day to see her struggling in with the 20x30 frame and picture. They had spent a large amount of time arguing about where to put it, and then she had criticized his hanging abilities.

But when it was finally up, he had to admit it looked pretty good. The single red rose on a black and white background of leaves and other roses. It kinda reminded him of him and Roz.

She was the color in his dull world.

She was the life.


Hope it wasn't too corny! Please leave some feedback, and I'll update again in a few days! Thanks all!

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 2:50 pm
by dreamangel

“I cannot believe you are still living with that guy!” Joss exclaimed before sipping her mocha latté.

“Why?” Roz inquired, closing her book. She looked questioningly at her friend. Joss rolled her eyes and stole a piece of Rosalyn’s cinnamon scone.

“Why?” she mocked, “Because he’s just using you for sex. Which, by the way, you have not told me about, and when he gets tired of that, he’ll kick you out.”

Roz shook her head, brown curls flying. “We haven’t made love yet Josselin,” she whispered, eyeing the other patrons of the small Barnes and Nobles’ Café.

Her friend sucked in air and stared at her, green eyes wide. She leaned forward, red hair brushing the tabletop. “You’ve been living together for three months and you haven’t done it?” she demanded.

Rosalyn frowned. Joss was such a hypocrite. One second she was spouting off about the evils of a physical relationship, and then in the very next breath she was expecting Roz to be having one! “No Joss, we haven’t,” she responded coldly, but then immediately lost her aloofness, “But I want to.”

“What?” Joss asked incredulously.

Roz blushed and lowered her voice. “I want to know what it’s like Joss. I want to feel him inside of me, to be one with him-” she broke off, staring starry-eyed into the distance, imagining…

“It’s not all that great,” Joss told her sadly, “It’s not comfortable, it’s not perfect, and there’s no joining of souls Rosalyn. It’s just sweaty bodies crashing into one another.”

Her frown grew. “Joss, just because you’ve had bad experiences doesn’t mean it’s like that with everyone,” she scolded.

“Roz…” she sighed, “Guys don’t care whether or not the girl is okay. All they care about is an orgasm.” Roz didn’t reply, she just sipped some of her now drinkable “hot” cocoa (Godiva style) and fingered the copy of Tanya Huff’s Wizard of the Grove, which she was contemplating buying.

“That’s not true,” she protested softly.

“Yes,” Joss said decisively, “It is. The only guy a girl can depend on is her da, so don’t expect moonlight and roses from Zan.”

Roz didn’t reply, she was tired of the whole Joss hating Zan thing. Zan wasn’t any better about it though. Whenever Joss was around Zan slipped into his nonchalant, screw-the-world façade, and Joss just got riled up even more. After one time Roz had wailed at him to tell her why. All he had done was shrugged and gave her the sexy smirk of his and said he thought it was funny. When she started to chew him out he kissed her, and them he kissed her again, and again, and again…


Rath walked down the sewer toward the subway and freedom. Lonnie was fucking that rat-faced Skin, Nicholas, and the retard had left halfway through the meeting. He shook his head when his thoughts drifted back to Nicky-boy.

There was a Summit coming up and he was saying how Zan had to be there. He knew Zan wouldn’t be so peachy-keen about the whole thing, but their planet was in deep shit, his boy would step up, he knew it.

The problem was, Lonnie and Nicky didn’t seem so sure. There were making noise about how Lonnie’d take care of him if he didn’t play by they’re rules. Rath shook his head again, trying to clear it. Zan wasn’t gonna like his sis flexin’ on him. He wouldn’t like it one little bit…

“What are you going to do?” a voice asked.

He spun, hand outstretched, toward the melodious voice in the shadows. A musical laugh floated down and a girl jumped down off an abandoned platform. “You lost lil’ girl?” he asked, lowering his hand. She didn’t look like she belonged here, not with that Aeropostale purple tank and low-cut jeans. There was no way.

“I’m right where I should be…Rath.”

Immediately his hand was up again. “How the fuck you know my name?” he demanded.

She laughed again and played with one of her blonde braids. She walked toward him fearlessly. “It’s my job,” she told him cryptically.

“Who the fuck are you?” he whispered as a beam of light illuminated her violet eyes.

“Veronica Hariss,” she stated, holding out her manicured hand for him to shake, “But you can call me Ronna.”

“Ronna,” he repeated, staring at her slender hand and then looking back up at her suspiciously.

“Rhymes with Donna,” she said cheekily, giving him a perfect smile, “Now then, on to business.”


She quirked her head to the side and looked him over. “There’s a plot against your King, you’re his Second, his protector, what are you going to do about it?”

And just like that everything hit home. Zan was in trouble, and he was the one who had to step up.


Wowies, thanks for all the FB! Things are gonna start happening soon, and after part 25, it ain't gonna be pretty. But I'm not gonna spoil it, ya'll just gonna hafta read and find out.


P.S. Please leave feedback, it's highly appreciated. :D

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2003 7:43 am
by dreamangel


Roz looked up and then back down to remove her key from the lock. “Hi Zan, have a good time at the gym?”

He shrugged, “Got a good work-out if that’s wha’ ya mean, how ‘bout you?” He rubbed the towel over his head, obviously having just got out of the shower. Roz bit her lip as she watched him, her conversation with Joss still burning in her ears.

“I got a new book,” she offered, deciding to ease into the topic.

“Really?” Zan smirked, “Neva’ woulda guessed.”

“It’s just one,” she said defensively.

“Thanks God for that, we’s gonna hafta get a ’nother bookshelf the rate yous is goin’.” She shut the door and sauntered past him, feeling a little miffed. So what if she liked to read? At least she had a hobby. “Hey, now, sweets.” He grabbed her arm gently and pulled her around to face him, causing her to be backed into the wall. “I’s was just teasin’ ya.”

She looked up at him from beneath her eyelashes, doing a little teasing herself. He grinned, and moved forward more, pressing her body between him and the wall. His hands drifted over her bare arms and she shivered, tilting her chin up so that he had easy access to her lips.

Luckily, he was a man who took advantage of opportunities that presented themselves to him, and he accessed.

Roz gave a muffled moan, rising up on her tiptoes as her book fell to the floor. She felt him smirk as he brushed his lips over hers, teasing again. “Zan,” she pleaded as he ran his tongue over her jaw line.

“What Rosalyn?” he murmured into her ear, his warm breath making her squirm some more. Giving a frustrated shriek she pushed him off of her. “Roz?” he asked, looking confused, and more than a bit surprised.

She took a deep breath and smoothed out her clothes, then she sent him a prim look and picked up her book, bringing it to the already full bookshelf he had bought her.


Now she turned to him and gestured toward the kitchen. “We need to talk.”


Talk? Where the hell had that come from? What was wrong with the making out? Why’d they have to ‘talk’? And he wasn’t liking the tone she’d said it in either… ‘We need to talk.’ About what was what he wanted to know.

He paused suddenly on his way to the kitchen and stared at her slim form wide-eyed. What if she met some smart-talking college guy and thought she had more in common with him? What if she was going to break it off between them? What if she was going to move out? He couldn’t deal with that. There was no way, and if some guy had the nerve to try and make off with Zan’s Roz, well, he had another thing coming!

“What-” he cleared his throat because he was sounding a little unsure of himself, and that was not Da Man’s style. “What’s up Roz?” There. That was better, more authoritative and king-like. More Zan.

She looked up at him, brown eyes hesitant. On shit, this was gonna be bad. “I had a talk with Josselin today.”

A sigh of relief managed to escape his tight control and he sunk into a chair, a smirk on his face. “And what did Red say ‘bout me today? Sumthin’ scathin’ no doubt.”

“She said you were just using me for sex.”

That wiped the grin off his face and he looked at her, frowning, “But we ain’t sleepin’ tagether.”

“I know, I told her so.”

“Well good.”

But the look she was giving him told him it wasn’t good. She was looking at him, those big brown eyes of hers sad and reproachful. She looked away from him, playing with a strand of her silky hair.

“Roz, you wanna tell me wha’s really botherin’ ya?” Please, he begged in his head. He hated seeing her like this.

“Why aren’t we?” she asked in a small voice.

“Why aren’t we?” he echoed, staring at her incredulously, “Because you’re a virgin!”

“Well what if I don’t want to be anymore!” she cried, standing up abruptly and staring at him fiercely, “What if I want our relationship to go further? What then Zan?”


“Don’t you Roz me,” she said, obviously on a roll, “We’ve been living together for three months. Three months! And you’ve never once tried to go past second base. What’s the matter with you? Honestly, what guy in their right mind wouldn't try something on an innocent girl like me?-”


“No!” she shouted, “Don’t you interrupt me, you…you…” She started pacing around the kitchen, and even though she was yelling at him, she looked incredibly sexy… “Well, whatever euphemism is used for guys like you…Spineless! Yeah, and cowardly, and pathetic-”

“Hold up, just a minute there, Miss Rosalyn Braver,” he yelled, standing up and getting in her pacing path so that she was forced to stop and glare at him. “You’s callin’ me a coward jus’ cause I won’t take advantage of you?!”

She opened her mouth, and then closed it and then made a little huffing noise and crossed her arms. “Well…” She pursed her lips and gave him the evil eye. He just smirked. “If you put it that way, then…Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying.”

His mouth dropped open and he stared at her, and she stared back, and when he didn’t come up with a response fast enough she threw up her hands and pushed past him, stalking towards her room.

Zan shook his head to clear it and suddenly went into motion. He tore after her just as she reached the door, and seized her before she could slam the door shut. “What do you want from me?” he demanded.

She looked up at him, chocolate eyes melting. “I want you to make love to me Zan.”


Okay, responses to feedback: This fic will go through MTD, and maybe even MITC, I haven't decided if I want to complicate it that much... I don't want to give away anything, because I have a feeling you will all *hate* me! :twisted: Thanks everybody for the feedback!! I appreciate a lot, so hugs to all!


Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2003 1:32 pm
by dreamangel
Bubbles: MTD=Meet the Dupes, and MITC=Max in the City

tobascobehr: I am evil! :evil:

Zan's girl: Welcome! And don't worry, Max is Liz's. :wink:

This part is rated ADULT for an episode of cementing. Now, there will only be three of so parts with tasteful lovemaking, and I'll warn everyone before hand so that it won't put anyone off.


She had just seriously demanded that. He could feel his jaw drop again, and he stared down at her, amazed. “But, yous cherry, Roz.”

Her gaze was candid, ablaze with self-righteousness, “We already went over this, Zan. I don’t want to be a virgin anymore.” She enunciated the last sentence so that every word seemed like there was a period after it.

He started shaking his head, back and forth. “Nuh-uh, I ain’t gonna do it,” he said, and he felt justified in the response. He wasn’t gonna do her just ‘cause she didn’t feel like being a virgin no more.

She drew herself up and slipped away from him, she turned to him after a few steps, face serene, eyes indignant, and a very un-Roz-like smirk crossed her pouty lips. He frowned, he didn’t like that smirk. “Fine,” she said calmly, “If that’s the way you feel about it…” She trailed off.

“Tha’s the way I feel ‘bout it,” he confirmed.

Roz gave a shrug and grabbed her coat, “Then I guess I’ll have to find someone who doesn’t feel that way.” She placed her hand on the knob of the door as he was still processing her words, “You know,” and she turned back, expression thoughtful, “I think that Brett guy gave me his number…” She nodded and fury started burning in his brain. “I’m sure he wouldn’t mind relieving me of my burden of virginity, after all, he was all ready to just a few months ago…”

“No fucking way!” Zan exploded, seeing red. The memory was vivid, even after half a year. He could see that jack off’s hands wrapped around his Roz, grinding into her petite body, and he just wanted to kill someone. He took off after her, slamming shut the door she had just opened and trapping her between him and it.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” she demanded, but her voice had gone soft, and he could tell the fire in her eyes was no longer anger.

“Yous think I’m gonna let some asshole touch my girl?” he asked, his own voice had lost it’s edge, and her brown eyes were locked on his. “That ain’t gonna happen Rosalyn. Yous wants ta’ do this, then we gonna do it right.”

He took her mouth fiercely, hands moving from the door to her waist, compelling her closer to him. Roz wrapped her arms around his neck, her coat falling forgotten to the floor. The kiss grew in intensity, the force nearly bruising. They came together, her body soft against his. She clung to him as the kiss gentled and Zan swore softly when he realized he had played straight into her hands.

Zan scooped her up, carrying her as he had that first night. Their lips met again as he walked them slowly to the bedroom.

Once there, he shut the door with his foot and placed her on the bed. The kiss finally broke, and they stared at each other, breathing heavily. She looked tousled. Her hair was mussed, her lips swollen from his hard kisses… He felt a brief flare of shame for using her so harshly. She was so small and sweet…

He didn’t deserve her.

But, she wanted him. She didn’t want a self-important college guy, or a suit-and-tie rich boy with Daddy’s money. She wanted him. Roz wanted Zan.

And, by God, he wanted her.

She stood up on the bed when it became apparent all he was going to do was stare down at her. His gaze followed her movement so that he was now staring up at her. Roz smiled at him and pressed a kiss to his forehead. Zan closed his eyes as her cool, soft lips swept whisper-light across his eyelids, his nose, his cheeks…

And then her little hands were divesting him of his shirt, and he opened his eyes. Her mouth was working at the skin that had been revealed, her fingers nimbly opening the button of his jeans, tugging them away from his body… And soon enough, he stood nude before her.

Heat coursed along his veins as her chocolate eyes ran down the length of his body, his member stirred, and he fought the unbidden urge to take her then, hard and fast. He couldn’t do that to her. He had to be careful.

Zan reached out, almost hesitantly, and lifted her tank top up. The skin of her stomach was smooth and milky white. He swallowed hard and met her eyes, asking silent permission. She lifted her arms above her head and he slid the top off completely. Her small, firm breasts bounced slightly as they were released from the built-in bra of the top.

His hands cupped them gently, thumbs tracing the fast-hardening peaks, and then his arms slipped around, fingers running featherlike up and down the dip of her spine. She shivered against him, her own arms circling his neck and drawing his closer. He closed his eyes again and rested his head against her chest, breathing in the aroma that was his Roz.

They had been this far before, but this time… It was different. Everything seemed so fragile. There was a reverent stillness in the atmosphere. Zan kissed the hollow of her throat tenderly, then trailed a string of kisses downward, ending where the fabric of her skirt hindered continuation.

He stared up at her again as his hands came round and undid the clasp, the skirt unwrapped and went the same direction as the forgotten top. He could smell the scent of her arousal through the scrap of fabric she called panties. Zan’s fingers hooked around the sides of the undergarments and slowly he pulled them downward, over her shapely legs. Her hands tangled in his hair, steadying her self as she stepped out of the red silk.

He tossed the panties onto the floor, and then ran his hands whimsically up the back of her legs, tracing patterns on her skin, tickling the back of her knees. She trembled, hands tightening in his hair. Zan looked up at her face. Her eyes were closed, and her tongue darted out between her lips as his fingers skimmed her buttocks.

Zan was kneeling, face now even with her core. His breath cool against her fevered skin as he pressed a kiss to her folds, his tongue escaping to dash a wicked lick to her clit. He heard her give a surprised gasp and her knees buckled. Zan caught her, lowering her gently to the bed.

He moved up between her thighs, which she spread wider to accommodate him, and he laid his hands on her abdomen, staring down at her as she lay back, trusting him. His breath caught in his throat and fire raced through him. Her skin was white as cream, her eyes as dark as the night, but filled with stars. He could hardly think for wanting her, and he said the only thing that had managed to form coherently in his awed brain.

“Yous beautiful, Rosalyn.”

A blush stole from her cheeks down throughout her petite body, and a wistful half-smile crossed his face. She was his. She was trusting him with her innocence, giving herself to him completely and unremorsefully…

And he couldn’t do the same.

He had known it from the start, that Rosalyn Braver wasn’t just another piece of ass to warm his bed at night or get his rocks off on. She had become everything to him in such a short amount of time. He was in love with her, and it made the act of making love so much harder.

He should tell her, he thought, he should tell her he was an alien king. That he had a destined bride, and a whole planet depending on him, waiting for him. She’d understand, she’d stay with him. She’d still love him.

But he couldn’t bring himself to say the words. He couldn’t take the risk that she might leave him before he could have her, just one night in her arms… He needed that, whatever happened after, he wanted one night, this night, in Roz’s arms, lost in her sweet body, before she had the chance to reject him and everything he was.


She was biting her lip and watching him questioningly with her big brown eyes. He gave her a smile and let his hands wander up her flesh and wrap themselves into her silky hair as he lowered himself down.

“I ain’t never made love to no one before, Rosalyn,” he told her.

“Then I guess it’ll be the first time for both of us,” she returned quietly.

A slow, achingly sweet smile flashed into existence on her face, and her arms slid up his back, holding him close, his hardness lying beside her smooth thigh, stirring with desire. His kissed her softly, wondering eyes never leaving hers, and he slowly, so slowly, began to penetrate her virgin defenses.

She was wet for him, for wanting him, and it made it easier, but only slightly. She was so tight, and he could feel her walls clenching down on him, trying to halt his progress, but he kept on in his steady invasion. Roz clung to him, and he knew it was painful to her, but he was trying to be careful, he really was, the last thing he wanted to do was hurt her.

He broke through the barrier of her hymen with one swift thrust, immediately healing the damage without her knowledge. Zan paused for a long moment, letting her adjust to his presence in her body, adapt to welcome it. Roz gazed up at him, not accusing, but there were tears in her beautiful eyes. He promised her wordlessly that it would get better.

And he was true to his word. He started to move within her again, slow and easy, creating a friction that made her writhe for a release. She was hot around him, liquid gold, her hands were suddenly everywhere, her lips fastened on his skin, she was begging for him to complete her, and he was all to happy to oblige.

Her climax hit unexpectedly, arching up into him, she cried his name, nails digging unfelt into his shoulder blades.

Zan felt her spasm all-around him, and his name rung in his ears, spurring him to follow her, to catch her… His thrusts became wild, unfettered, and relentless, until he felt himself dive into oblivion, exploding into her…

“Roz!” Her name was torn from him as the star-filled velvet of her eyes overtook him.

His eyelashes fluttered as sleep came. He could feel her beneath him as sleep came, her arms holding him to her. “I love you,” she whispered over and over.

“Love…” he echoed as he fell asleep.



Hope it lived up to expectations! Please leave feedback!
