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Re: The RHSC (CC/Slash/UC, ADULT) - Chapter 7 - 26 Feb

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 3:41 am
by Tharos
Chapter 8

Standing in the Pod Chamber with a projected holographic communication from Kivar, Liz now knew that not only was she the one who saved the human race and founded the Antarian society but she was the cause of why it was necessary. Her DNA would one day bond with a compound cooking away in a pit in South America and eradicate all plant-life and trees. Effectively decimating the atmosphere, lowering the oxygen levels to a point where nothing could live turning the planet into a wasteland – the Great Disaster.

As she looked at the information Kivar projected to her, she shook her head in disbelief before she closed her eyes and sighed.

“So it is me,” Liz said.

“Yes. Oh fear not, I don’t plan on making you suffer for very long. Just long enough to provide an effective demonstration to those of my people who would still kneel before you,” Kivar said.

Liz then opened her eyes and stared at Kivar. “Actually, no you won’t,” she said.

“It is inevitable,” Kivar said.

“No, actually. You’ve just told me that the way to save Earth is for me not to go to South America,” Liz said.

“Oh my dear if only it was that simple. As I told you, we don’t know how it happens and destiny has many paths in which it fulfils itself. You may donate blood to someone and enough of your legacy remains coherent in the other to still contaminate the compound. My people have already calculated over a thousand methods of how it could happen. Can you stop them all?” Kivar asked.

“Maybe not. But I can still do what I need to,” Liz said.

“And if you come here, I’ll deal with you. Whatever you have planned for Liz...I’ll make sure you can’t do it,” Max said.

“Ah the devoted king. Always in praise of your goddess,” Kivar said.

“That has nothing to do with this. I didn’t even know about that until Zan told us. All I care about is Liz. I love her for her not anything else and I’ll make sure you never get to her,” Max said.

Kivar smiled. “Then we will see whose side destiny is on,” he said.

He shut down the signal and his image faded leaving the group alone.

“Well this sucks,” Maria said.

“What do we do now?” Tess asked.

Liz looked at Max and he nodded, “We continue. We’ll deal with that guy when he shows but for now we live our lives,” she said.

“Speaking of which, we have a date in a couple of hours,” Max said.

“Yes we do,” Liz said.

Together, the two started to dress with all the others just staring or shrugging their shoulders.

“That’s it? End of the world, saving human race and Antarian invasion? Hello?” Maria asked.

“We’ll get to that. Oh Isabel, I need you to link us all into a dreamwalk tonight,” Liz said.

“I remember,” Isabel said.

“I’m still trying to find pictures of him. You could have picked someone who is less of a recluse,” Alex said.

“No, he’s the only option. He’s perfect,” Liz said.

“For?” Kyle asked.

“Going out on a limb,” Liz said while pulled her sweater on over her head.

The rest just shook their heads before grabbing all their clothes and headed out of the chamber.

Much later, Liz emerged from her bathroom. Her body was wrapped in a towel and her soaked hair hanging down over her shoulder. With a black dress laid out on her bed, Liz sat at her dresser and flicked on her hairdryer. She waved it over her head and brushed through her dark hair. Afterward, she stood and dropped the towel to the floor.

She picked up her dress and stepped into it before pulling it up her legs. It was a halter top with no back to it and short hemline. As Liz put the strap behind her neck, she turned around while looking at her reflection in the mirror. A touch of makeup and a short time later she was ready.

Liz stepped out into the living room where her family were sitting around the room, Serena currently had her head in a math book and scratching away at her notebook before bashing her head on the table. Liz moved over and looked over Serena’s shoulder.

“You forgot to carry the three,” Liz said.

“Hmm?” Serena asked as she looked at her sister and then back to her work. “Oh, right. Thank you.”

“Anytime,” Liz said.

“What time is Max due?” Nancy asked.

“Another few minutes,” Liz said.

“Liz?” Jeff asked, looking over his daughter’s outfit.

“Yes dad?” Liz asked.

“Are you wearing underwear?” he asked.

Liz smiled, “Daddy, I’m going on a date with Max...of course I’m not,” she said.

“Well, with a skirt that length, just make sure you’re careful to keep your legs closed at the restaurant. You don’t want to give all those old people a heart attack,” Serena said.

“Sere, there will be people our age there,” Nancy said.

“Yeah...old people,” Serena said.

Nancy turned to her husband, “I think we’ve just been insulted,” she said.

“Oh mommy, it’s okay being old,” Serena said.

“Boy, I can’t wait until you’re my age,” Nancy said. “Okay, Liz, just when you’re in public try to keep it legal.”

“I always do. Besides, I’m not the one who have made a porn film,” Liz said with a smile at her parents and then turned to her sister, “Or had sex with her boyfriend ten feet from nearly every teacher at the school during her lunch break.”

“Excuse me?” Jeff asked.

“He were horny,” Serena said.

“Serena?” Nancy asked. “We’ve always taught both you girls to be very careful.”

“We were really horny. Besides, none of them had a clue. Zan and I were behind a couple of bushes. And before you ask, we weren’t naked so no alien glowy bodies,” Serena said.

With a knock at the door, Liz suddenly smiled and went to open it. Once Max saw Liz, his eyes were all over her.

“Wow,” he said.

“Thank you,” Liz said.

“Are you kids coming back here tonight?” Nancy asked.

“Yes but don’t wait up. We’ll be as quiet as we can be,” Liz said.

All three Parkers sniggered with disbelief.

“What?” Liz asked.

“Quiet is not the first word that comes to mind when describing you two,” Jeff said.

Max and Liz looked at each other with a slight red tinge to their cheeks and then shrugged their shoulders. “True,” both said together.

“Well my dear, care for a night of wining, dining and normal teenage melodrama stuff before we get back to the chaos of our lives?” Max asked.

“Why thank you kind sir. I think we need it before I figure out how I’m going to end the world and save the human race,” Liz said.

“Ah, no. None of that tonight. Tonight is fun,” Max said.

Max held out his arm and Liz took it. With a smile the two of them waved goodbye to her family and headed out. Downstairs, in the alley where Max had parked, he unlocked and opened the door for Liz before she stepped inside. As she did, she had a sly little smile as she slowly brought her legs into the jeep and flashed Max.

Once the door was closed, Max headed around to the rear of the jeep on his way around to the driver’s side. When at the Max, he just had to adjust himself and reached down to his crotch to deal with the strain Liz had caused.

With Max out for the night, and their parents out with some of Philip’s partners, Isabel was left with Alex and Zan in her living room. All of them were knelt around the coffee table that was covered with science journals and tech magazines. Some were on the floor, tossed aside once the three had flicked through the pages.

“This is impossible. The guy isn’t in these,” Isabel said.

“He has to be. Nobody can go without getting their picture taken at least once,” Zan said.

“So where are all the pictures of you then?” Alex asked.

“Hey, I’m the exception. I grew up in virtual isolation,” Zan said.

“Yeah but you are right. There has to be one photo,” Alex said.

“Well people like him aren’t called recluses for nothing,” Isabel said after tossing another magazine over her shoulder.

“Why are you doing this anyway?” Zan asked.

“This is Liz’s stage 2 for whatever little scheme is running through that head of hers. Basically, he’s the money,” Alex said.

“If it’s just money, why not call Laurie?” Isabel asked.

“Who?” Zan asked.

“Michael’s sister...well, granddaughter of the guy the people on our ship used to make Michael look more Earth human than Antarian human,” Isabel said.

“And she’s rich?” Zan asked.

“No, no, no. Laurie isn’t rich...she’s loaded rich, she ‘has more money than god’ rich,” Alex said. “Besides, Michael already called her. She can put up some of the money but she doesn’t have the manufacturing resources that this guy does. Laurie actually gave Liz the name.”

“Oh okay,” Isabel said.

Zan opened another magazine and leaned down over one picture. “Guys? Is this him?” he asked.

Alex and Isabel both moved around the table to lean over Zan’s shoulder. “Where?” Alex asked.

“This guy, here, in the background,” Zan said.

“It’s faint but maybe,” Alex said.

Isabel waved her hand over the image and the area enlarged itself.

“Yeah, that’s Simon Dumont. Is it enough?” Alex asked Isabel.

“Oh yeah. I can work with that. This guy lives in San Diego right? Then we’ll wait until midnight over there before I try to dreamwalk him,” Isabel said.

Isabel ripped the page from the magazine and folded it up into a small square that she popped into her pocket.

“Okay, next,” Isabel said.

“There’s a next?” Alex asked.

“Yeah, how do we stop Liz ending the world? And how do we stop these universal crossovers?” Isabel said.

“Liz, I have no idea. It’s not like we can just put her in a box. Someway, somehow, Kivar might be right. Fate finds a way. For all we know there is someone else out there that can do the same thing,” Alex said.

“As for the universe repairs, we could stop using our powers,” Zan said.

“That also includes all five of us stopping our little glowing sex trysts,” Isabel said.

Zan’s eyes went wide, “Oh, forgot. Okay, bad idea,” he said quickly.

Both the older teens smiled.

“Well, Kivar’s arrival made the degradation worse. I guess could put a band-aid over all the weak spots,” Zan said.

“Say what now?” Alex asked.

“The Granolith. We can use it to patch over the spots and allow the energies to heal naturally. Should take about a century or so. But it does mean we need to avoid any power usage in those areas and absolutely no more time travel arrivals in this time frame,” Zan said.

“Sounds like a plan. I’ll talk to Max in the morning,” Isabel said.

“In the meantime, I think we should get ready for bed,” Alex said.

“Just try not to break the bed this time,” Zan said.

Isabel smiled as she whacked Zan on the back of his head, “Worry about your own sex life junior,” she said.

Both Alex and Isabel left the room, Zan packed up the magazines before he felt his phone buzzing away in his pocket. He pulled it out and smiled when he saw Serena’s name on the caller-ID.

“Hi beautiful,” Zan said after holding the phone to his ear.

While Serena lay on her bed and talked away to her boyfriend, she heard the front door swing open and slam shut before a thud hit her door. When Zan asked what the noise was, Serena simply answered that Max and Liz were going to bed.

And they were. Despite not looking where they were going, due to the fact that their faces were practically fused together, Max and Liz were heading to her bedroom with only the occasional fumble. Eventually they were in the privacy of her room and they walked their way over to the dresser.

Max lifted Liz up and sat her on the varnished wood. Liz immediately wrapped her legs around Max’s waist and pulled him in closer, not once did they break their kiss. Slowly Max’s hands roamed up and down Liz’s arms before slipping around to her back that had been left bare by the design of her dress.

Liz’s feet hooked behind Max, her ankles moved in slow circles against the back of his legs and letting him know that he wasn’t going anywhere. Not that he would have left anyway. Her hands took hold of Max’s shirt and ripped it open to send button flying over the bedroom before moving down to his pants.

It was only then that they stopped kissing, at least Max stopped as he had no choice when Liz’s lips left his to start kissing over his chest. He quickly shrugged his shirt off his body before he took hold of the hem of Liz’s dress. He started to pull it up but Liz stopped him. She loosened the grip of her legs and pushed Max away a few feet before standing again.

With his pants undone, Max quickly divested himself of them before Liz placed her fingertip against his chest and pushed him back until he fell onto her bed. Max propped himself up to watch as Liz pulled off the dress strap on the back. She pulled it over her head and let the front of her dress fall away from her chest before it all fell down her legs, leaving her completely naked.

Together the two young lovers locked eyes before Liz walked over to the bed and climbed on over Max. Her legs straddled his, her hands caressed the sides of her body before she reached down between them. She wrapped her fingers around his dick and softly stroked him, she caused his eyes to roll back into his skull.

Liz angled his dick and sank down onto him, she took him completely into her and immediately his body became engulfed with his alien light that sent energy sparks over Liz’s body. However, she stopped. She didn’t move, she didn’t do anything but stare into his black eyes. She pressed her hand into the light to feel the flesh beneath, the light was so bright and intense that she couldn’t see anything over her hand. Her wrist just looked like it was cut off but that didn’t stop her caressing his muscles.

“What’s wrong?” Max asked.

“I can’t stop thinking about it,” Liz said.

“Liz, it’s okay. We’ll find away to stop it,” Max said.

“No. Not that. I can’t stop thinking...I know what we told your parents but ever since we saw that baby I just can’t stop thinking about it,” Liz said.

“I know. I can’t either. It’s like seeing that kid switched something on in me,” Max said.

“Zan said, Antarians do start families early,” Liz said.

“Yeah, I know. And I want to but there’s so much...,” Max said.

“Kivar,” Liz said.

“Atmosphere collapsing,” Max said.

“End of the world,” they said.

“So why can’t I stop wanting it? I feel like I can’t control it,” Liz said.

“You’ve probably inherited it from me. Our connection,” Max said.

“It’s probably why it’s programmed into you that it’s not just sex that’s needed,” Liz said.

“We need to sleep while I’m inside you...all night long. But we can’t, we shouldn’t,” Max said.

Together they looked into each other’s eyes slowly Liz pushed down that little bit more that was available to her before she rested against Max while closing her eyes. Her head lay down on his chest, his arms wrapped around her and his light enveloped her body while fading to a more tolerable level of her eyes.

They knew they shouldn’t, their brains told them that but their bodies just overrode it. Their instinct flooded every cell in their bodies and told them to do it. With his energy flooding her body with exquisite pleasure, Liz welcomed it and let it seep into her before they both drifted off.

Across town, Michael, Isabel, Zan and Tess all suddenly stood by their windows and looked out in the direction of the Parker’s. They couldn’t see anything but the felt Max’s light as though it were a blinding hot sun caressing their bodies in comfort and contentment. It was something that was fed back into their lovers.

Before long, the entire group was asleep.

Another dreamwalk and another setting. Simon Dumont was tucked up in bed in his penthouse apartment that overlooked the Pacific in San Diego but his mind took him to a small hilltop not too far from his home. As he looked, there was no Pacific, no ocean, no grass and no trees.

The buildings around him were collapsed and ruined with skeletal remains strewn through the streets. Everything was just dust and rubble, all except for a distant light. Simon ran towards it, he couldn’t help himself and just kept going until he could see a shining dome over a city. Seconds later he was standing on the other side of the dome.

“Hello,” Liz said.

Simon turned around to see Liz, flanked by the glowing forms of her alien friends. She sat at her desk and wrote away at the knowledge her brain was spouting out.

“Who are you, what is this?” Simon asked.

“People dead, planet dead...just the usual end of the world. My name is Liz by the way,” Liz said.

“And them?” Simon asked.

“Aliens,” Liz said.

“God, I hate the freaky dreams like this,” Simon mumbled.

“We’re here to help her save you all,” Max said.

“She will need you as well,” Isabel said.

“Why?” Simon asked.

“To build all this. You have what she needs, she has what you need,” Max said.

“Okay, well...fine. I think I want to wake up now,” Simon said.

“That’s okay, there’s just one problem. This isn’t exactly a dream,” Liz said.

She took the paper she had been working on and gave it to Simon. He looked at it and saw a complicated molecular structure written. His work, education, everything he knew told him that the formula he was looking at was impossible. It just couldn’t exist, let alone spark into existence in any mind he knew of.

In a second he was awake, the image still clear in his mind, he shot out of bed and switched on his computer. With a tablet and stylus pen he recreated what was in his mind and the image appeared on the computer screen in front of him. He shook his head, what he was looking at he knew was a metal that could weigh less that a kilogram yet support over sixty tons. With it, if he patented it, he could be richer than Bill Gates before sunrise. Yet he wouldn’t, he couldn’t. He was compelled to run a search on the internet.

And he did. With his computer he scanned the net, and there on some tiny little obscure high school webpage was a post from a student. It was just an update on some of the school’s activities but it was the posters ID that had his attention – LizP. Along with that was the image under her name, it was the same structure he drew.

Five minute of his skilled hacking against a high school’s encryption software brought up the information of the schools pupils and there was Liz’s picture. For the next hour he simply stared at her photo and the formula. He couldn’t look away but once he left his chair, he called the airport, showered, dressed and packed a couple of bags.

The next morning in the Parker home was far quieter than usual. Max and Liz were awake, under the hot spray of her shower and kissed as they held each other close. Serena was currently getting dressed and the girl’s parents were working their way around the kitchen.

“Was it me or were Max and Liz really quiet last night?” Jeff asked.

“Yes. Usually Liz screams through the walls,” Nancy said.

“Like mother, like daughter,” Jeff said.

“Funny. I don’t know. Maybe they just decided to get some sleep,” Nancy said.

Both then stopped what they were doing, looked at each other and just shook their heads. “Nah,” they said together.

“Not from how hot and heavy they came in from their date last night,” Serena said, zipping her skirt as she came out.

“Hi honey. What do you have today?” Jeff said.

“Oh the usual, math, gym, a chemistry test and a club meeting,” Serena said.

“The club? The schools being rebuilt, where could you meet?” Nancy asked.

“Max said there’s a place out in Fraser Woods. Nice, private and a perfect place for a little teenage orgy,” Serena said.

“We’ve told you before Sere, it’s not an orgy,” Liz said.

She emerged with Max, both dressed and looking respectable. They suddenly felt the eyes of their parents on them and pulled back a little.

“What?” Liz asked.

“You look...I don’t know, just different,” Nancy said.

“Yeah, you look almost glowy. And I’m talking alien glow here, I think too much of Zan has rubbed off on me cause you two have this aura thing going on,” Serena said.

“We do?” Max asked.

“Totally. Anyway, what were you saying about the orgy?” Serena asked.

“It’s not an orgy,” Liz said.

“Not exactly,” Max said.

“It’s a class. One that’s just very, very enjoyable, but still just a class,” Liz said.

“Keep telling youself that, sis. Maybe one day you’ll be able to convince everyone else of that,” Serena said.

“Hmm, yes, maybe,” Liz said, staring at her sister.

“Okay, all of you sit down for breakfast before you go to school,” Nancy said.

They did so. They sat and ate before Max helped Liz with the dishes. Afterward, the three teenagers grabbed their things and headed out for school.

The time had come and once more the small group of students that made up the club followed a map made by Liz out into Fraser Woods. They had found a spot in everyone’s schedule, a period they all had free and so wouldn’t be missed when they slipped out of the school grounds, besides they were still technically studying...just not something on the usual curriculum.

One by one, cars arrived and the club members filed out of their rides before disappearing into the woods. They followed Liz’s map and came across a small clearing where light beams streamed through the branches to reflect off a small pond.

They already saw Serena sitting there against Zan as he placed one of the gold bracelets around her wrist. She was only for him and he was only for her. They were also already in their little traditional clothes for the club.

Nearby, Liz, Max and the others were also dressed appropriately while they set up the bowls and blankets on the ground.

“Oh good, you all made it. You can head behind those bushes over there and get changed. We’ll start in a few minutes,” Isabel said.

Quickly the students all disappeared. The sounds of laughing and jokes could be heard as while the groups stripped and redressed.

“Isabel, can I talk to you?” Serena asked.

“Sure, Sere. What’s up?” Isabel asked.

“You’re the one that chooses what we do today right? I mean, the page from the textbook?” Serena asked nervously.

“Well we all take turns but yeah, it’s my turn today. Why? Got something in mind?” Isabel asked.

Serena looked around, her fingers nervously tapped against each other before leaning in against Isabel to whisper in her ear. Isabel smiled.

“Zan and I have talked about trying it. I’m just not sure. Really want to try it, just not sure about actually doing it,” Serena said.

“Relax. Alex and I were a little cautious as well. Your sister and Max...well they’re at it all the time...kind of. It has been a while since we’ve done it here. Leave it to me and I’ll take care of it,” Isabel said.

“Thank you,” Serena said before running back to Zan.

All the students returned and sat in a circle around the clearing.

“Welcome back all of you,” Max said. “Sorry about the location but things will be better just as soon as the new school is built.”

“That being said, all the rules still apply out here. No sneaking off. We keep this here, in front of us all so nothing gets out of hand. Isabel,” Liz said.

“Today, turn to page sixty-one,” Isabel said.

The little alien group looked to each other before looking at Isabel. “I thought page 12 was today?” Alex asked.

“I changed my mind. Liz, Max...stay close to those two,” Isabel said, pointing to Zan and Serena.

They nodded. In the meantime, the club made their selections to find out who their partners were before they opened their books to the correct page and read everything before the girls all either lay on their bellies or knelt on all fours. From the box of supplies, the young men all retrieved tubes of lubricant and started their education.

“Are you two okay with this?” Liz asked Serena and Zan.

“Oh yeah,” Serena said.

“Just nervous,” Zan said.

“Don’t be. Just relax...oh wait, you mean nervous nervous?” Liz asked.

“This would be easier if guys just came with an on switch,” Serena said.

“We do. They’re called women,” Max said. “It just doesn’t always work.”

“I’ll deal with this,” Liz said.

Liz dropped to her knees and fished out Zan’s dick. Gently she licked the underside of his cock before taking him into her mouth.

“Uuuhhhhnnnn...” He moaned.

He watched a good portion of his prick vanish into Liz’s mouth. She drew him as far into her mouth as she could, sucking hard all the time. Liz held him for a long while before backing off a little and then taking him back inside. The brunette set up a steady rhythm of long, slow stokes as her tongue bathed his quickly hardening rod.

“Ognn…god Liz,” Zan groaned.

Liz just slurped; the sound was music to Zan’s ears as the sensations travelled up his body. Then, for without any reason, Liz stopped and stood up.

“I don’t want you popping off too soon,” Liz said. “Serena, is this good enough for you?”

Serena wrapped her hand around her boyfriend’s dick and started to give a few soft strokes. “Oh yeah,” she said.

“Okay. Anal 101, this all the time,” Max said.

He tossed Zan a tube of lubricant but it was Serena to took a small amount and soaked Zan’s dick with it.

“Sere, do you want all fours or lying down?” Liz asked.

“Can’t I try standing up?” Serena asked.

“Oh sure. Just, go against that tree there. Grab onto it and it with Zan can help you stay on your feet,” Liz said.

Together the pair walked over to the tree. Serena kissed Zan before turning her back to him. She bent over slightly and grabbed onto the tree. Zan dripped some lube over Serena’s ass before aiming his dick to her hole.

“Zan, go slow,” Max warned.

Zan ran his hands over her arms; he touched her shoulders, kissed her skin with his fingertips before he pushed her down a little more. He moved closer to her body and her waiting ass, he ran his hand over her back and stroked her luxurious hair.

“Zan, please,” Serena begged.

With moans already beginning from the group around them, he pressed himself up against Serena and took his rampant cock in one hand and pressed it against Serena. He entered her and then came the incredible sensation of her ring giving way and then enveloping the head of his dick in the tightest embrace he’d ever known.

“UGHNNNNNNNN!” They both moaned in unison.

Serena’s cry was slightly higher pitched than Zan’s but it was no less filled with pleasure. Zan eased further in, so very slowly, he wanted to be careful with Serena’s first encounter like this, to make sure she gained as much from it as he already was.

“Zaaan,” Serena strained out.

Zan withdrew a little and then went back inside her tight ass. Once in he stopped and let her adapt it his meat that was filling her. He repeated this as many times as he had to before she could take his entire length.

“Oh Serena…so…so tight…oh god!” Zan groaned.

He began to move faster and faster and faster until both were fully into it. Each time Zan withdrew, Serena’s body went with him a while before being thrust back against the tree. It was no longer only Zan who as thrusting, Serena continued to push her ass back and forth, grinding against his sweat soaked body with her own soaked body. Zan’s heavy balls slapped against her. Serena tossed her head back and screamed wantonly, her hair flying about as she forced herself back into Zan’s groin in an absolute frenzy.

“Ughnnn…oh god…Zan…ugn…yes…yes…oh god yessssssss!” Serena cried over and over, the sensations were intoxicating.

“SERENA…UGHNNNN…GODDD…YOU’RE INCREDIBLE.” Zan howled, he was so close to coming when he was with Serena but what he was feeling was about to make him shoot his load yet again.

“GO ON ZAN…UGNNN…CUM IN ME!” Serena screamed.

They were so excited, both knew they’d cum quickly. With one final thrust, Zan stabbed into Serena and held himself there as he came in her bowels. He couldn’t help but collapse on top of her body, both breathing heavily as Zan wrapped his arms around Serena. Gently Zan kissed her back, hair and the side of her face before pulling out of her. He picked up his lover’s weakened body and eased her onto the ground where he rested next to her.

“That was incredible.” Zan said, “Did you enjoy yourself?”

“Oh yeah.” Serena purred as she snuggled into Zan’s hard chest.

Zan smiled and caressed her hair as they let their breathing went back to normal. They lay in each other’s arms before Serena stood back up. After looking at the pond she couldn’t help herself. She took Zan’s hand and together they stepped into the water where they washed each other.

Before long, all the other couples were separating and relaxing against each other. Each took turns in the pond before Max’s watch alarm went off. Their time was up, if they didn’t leave in the next couple of minutes they wouldn’t make it back to school. Everyone quickly redressed into their street clothes and went back to their cars.

Along the main street of Roswell, the Mayor was walking along the path with his young daughter in hand and swinging on his arm.

“You are getting too heavy for this,” the mayor said.

“Just a little longer daddy,” she said.

“Okay...or how about an alien smoothie and some ice cream?” he asked.

“Yeah!” she said excitedly.

Just then a stretch limo came around the corner and parked alongside the road. The back door opened and Simon Dumont climbed out. The mayor recognised him, a few years back Dumont’s company was looking to open a factory on the outskirts of town. It eventually went to a town, a ‘dump’ as the mayor often referred to it, up north.

“Mr Dumont? It’s been a while. I didn’t think you’d be a UFO tourist,” the mayor said.

“Oh I’m least not until last night,” Simon said.

“Oh, this is my daughter Maddie. I was just about to by her a little snack in the cafe, care to join us?” the mayor asked.

“Hi Maddie. I’d love to join you. I’m actually in town for a reason. I came up with something last night, did a search on the internet for it and it turns out someone here in Roswell already came up with it,” Simon said.

“Oh yeah? You’re not thinking its’ some patent infringement thing are you?” the mayor asked.

“No, no, nothing like that. I would just like to meet her. Actually, I’m hoping you could point me in her direction,” Simon said.

“I can try, what’s her name?” the mayor asked.

“Liz, Liz Parker,” Simon said.

The mayor stopped dead and looked at him. “Yes, I know her. I met her a couple of days ago,” he said.

“Great. I’m hoping she can help me dream a little dream. Well, maybe a great big one actually,” Simon said.

“A dream of a great big dome?” the mayor asked.

The two men looked at each other. “I guess we should talk,” Simon said.

“I guess so. Anyway, this is the Crashdown. Liz’s parents own it,” the mayor said.

He opened the door and Maddie ran inside to the counter. It was during school so Liz, Maria and Michael weren’t working but Jeff was there with a few others.

“Hi Maddie, what can I get for you?” Jeff asked.

“Daddy said I could have an Alien smoothie and ice cream,” Maddy said.

“Ice cream? Does your mother know?” Jeff asked.

Maddie giggled, shook her head and smiled.

“What would you like? Vanilla, chocolate...oh I know strawberry with sprinkles,” Jeff said.

Maddie nodded very fast while her father came over with Simon.

“Mr Mayor, coffee?” Jeff asked.

“Please. Jeff Parker, this is Simon Dumont. He’s in town to talk to your daughter,” the mayor said.

“Mr Dumon, pleased to meet you. What can my daughter do for you?” Jeff asked.

Liz had already mentioned the name to her family so they knew not to worry when someone came asking about her. Still, he knew that Liz wasn’t telling him everything and that had Jeff worrying.

“Her schools webpage has a few posts from Liz. She has a picture of a molecule and I came up with something similar and I’m looking into getting her perspective into turning into something tangible,” Simon said.

“Oh well, she’s at school now. She won’t be home until well after three,” Jeff said.

“It’ll give me time to sit and think for a while. Some of my best work comes from sitting in a quiet corner for a few hours,” Simon said.

“That we can certainly help with,” Jeff said as he wiped down the counter before handing Maddie her ice cream. “And speaking of Liz, she seems to be leaving these notebooks of hers everywhere these days. Her brain just wont stop.”

Jeff picked up the book and a few pages fell out. Simon saw one page and picked it up. He looked over the intricate designs with wide eyes and gulped. In his hands was either the complete collapse of the economy, or something priceless that would have its creators’ name spoken for generations.

“Problem?” Jeff asked.

“I may be a businessman now...god help me, but I am an engineer at my heart. If I’m reading this right, then this is the basis for an engine and fuel that produces zero pollution. Mr Parker, just how smart is your daughter?” Simon asked.

“She has some game,” Jeff said.

To Be Continued...

Re: The RHSC (CC/Slash/UC, ADULT) - Chapter 8 - 28 Mar

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 4:23 am
by Tharos
Chapter 9

The clock above the counter in the Crashdown ticked away and as the hands hit 3:20 the door swung open and a dozen or so high school students all came pouring inside. Simon Dumont sat in the corner and his eyes went wide when he saw the cafe fill up so quickly. He quickly flipped closed his notebook and put it away in his briefcase just before a second group entered the cafe.

Just then, the door into the backroom swung open and Liz waved to her dad before trying to dart back in but Jeff stopped her. He left a waitress in charge while he slipped into the kitchen and out through to join Liz in the main dining space.

“Liz, this is Mr Dumont. He’s come in from San Diego,” Jeff said.

“Oh hi. What can I do for you?” Liz asked, holding back her smile at getting him out to Roswell so quickly. She honestly didn’t think he’d come for another couple of days. She sat down at the table across from Simon.

“Miss Parker...this is a little odd. Last night I came up with something revolutionary but as it turns out you beat me too it,” Simon said.

He pulled out his little doodle of the molecule he dreamt of and slid it across the table so Liz could see.

“Oh yeah, that’s been floating around in my head for ages. If I’m right about it, then the metal produced could make a Boeing 747 weight less than a few bags of sugar...well, not including any chairs, equipment or people. But still really light,” Liz said.

“I’ll say. Something like this metal could weigh very little yet support vast weights without any strain,” Simon said.

“Like my dome idea,” Liz said.

“Dome?” Simon asked quickly.

“Yeah, I’ve been thinking about creating a sort great big dome. This metal could make the framework...hell I could put it up myself single handed if it’s as light as I think. The weight of the main dome material, really not planning on using glass by the way, would easily be held up without any problems,” Liz said.

“Why would you create a dome anyway? It’s not like there’s rampant chaos out there that you’d need to keep people out,” Simon said.

“Yeah well you never know what the future holds. Given the environmental problems today, we may need self contained biospheres for people to survive,” Liz said.

Simon looked at her. “You’ve had the dreams as well haven’t you?” he asked.

“Dreams?” Liz asked.

“You, working away at a desk, with five...don’t believe I’m saying this out loud...five aliens nearby in a dome with the outside world in ruins,” Simon said.

“I’ve had a dream, kind of. They said I could save the human race. It’s why I’ve been filling up my notebooks lately. Every idea I get that might or might not help, I just write it all down,” Liz said.

“I saw one. You have an idea to create an engine and fuel with would cut pollution right down,” Simon said.

“Self contained domes. The internal life support systems working in conjunction with enclosed forests and plants, they wouldn’t really be able to cope with the levels of pollution we have in cities today. They’d need to be maintained below a very tight level,” Liz said.

“Not to mention keeping contaminants out of the water supply,” Simon said.

“Water supply? Oh...idea,” Liz said.

She quickly ran to the counter and grabbed some paper and a pen before sketching an aqueduct network along with a pumping system. Simon watched on, seeing how her mind just sparked off an idea as she put it down on paper.

“You have ideas that detailed just like that?” Simon asked.

“Sometimes,” Liz said.

If he only knew the extent of the information that was unspooling in her brain, he’d probably go insane. When Liz finished, Simon looked at the design that included a sprinkler system built into the dome to simulate rain. He just smiled and shook his head.

“Miss Parker...”

“Liz,” she said.

“Liz, I want to help you to bring every idea you have into reality,” Simon said.

“Oh come on. The development of the molecule alone could take millions of dollars,” Liz said.

“That’s the good think about owning a company without shareholders. I get to spend my money and follow whatever research the way I want to,” Simon said with a wink.

“Really? Cool. But I can’t leave Roswell. My parents, sister, boyfriend,” Liz said.

“Boyfriend?” Simon asked.

“Yeah. Max Evans, he likes photography,” Liz said.

“Wait? Max Evans...the photographer? I have a dozen examples of his work in my house and office. I love them. Are you expecting him here soon?” Simon asked with an excited smile.

Liz too smiled, “Uh no. He’s with his younger brother and my sister working on a new little project of his out in the desert. But he’ll be here later. I’ll introduce you,” Liz said.

“Way cool,” Simon said.

“Okay then. I have to go upstairs and get out of these clothes. I think you have some other people to see, don’t you?” Liz said.

“Yes, your mayor and town council. You wont have to leave your home. I’ll put everything in town here where you need them,” Simon said.

“Thank you,” Liz said.

With that she slipped away. Simon packed up his things and walked out. He called into his office and his board of directors before he walked down the street to the town hall.

After school, Zan and Max, along with Serena, took a drive out into the desert to where their little creation was sitting. After stopping, Max waved his hand and the rocky formation before them pulled back into the ground and revealed the Granolith nestled among the winding metal spires. Now that it was exposed to the light once more, the swirls of colour and energy appeared once more.

Together the two aliens climbed inside, moving carefully between the spires until they reached the Granolith. They rested their hands on the black surface.

“Will this work?” Max asked.

“Uh...sure,” Zan said.

“Zan...” Max said.

“Look, it’s a splint for a broken leg. So long as nothing else happens to disrupt the energies of the universe in this area then it can heal on its own,” Zan said.

“Now that you’ve said that you just know something’s going to happen,” Serena said.

“Yeah, kind of regretting saying it,” Zan said.

“So what exactly will happen?” Serena asked.

“Tonight, once everyone in town is asleep, all those little weak spots will start to glow. The Granolith will lock on to them and cover them in a similar energy to what’s been weakened. Twenty minutes later, it’ll all be over,” Max said.

“Well, here’s to a successful glowy event,” Serena said.

She took a step forward to pat the young men on their backs but as she did so, the Granolith powered up and a hum filled the area. Suddenly Serena’s entire body glowed in the white alien light of Zan and Max’s other forms.

“Oh what the hell?” Serena said with her arms outstretched and looked them over.

“That’s new,” Zan said.

“Sere?” Max asked.

“I’m fine. Just really tingly...and suddenly even more horny,” Serena said.

“Well that can wait,” Max said before turning to Zan. “Shut it down.”

“I didn’t start it up,” Zan said.

“Then I’m gonna go with Serena and say...what the hell?” Max asked.

Zan quickly turned its attention to the Granolith and tapped his fingers against the surface. “What the hell?” he asked.

“That’s the common thought. How about answering it?” Serena said.

“It’s detecting new Antarian bloodline DNA in Roswell and somehow it’s connecting it to Serena,” Zan said.

“Could it be one of Kivar’s people?” Max asked.

“’s almost like...OH you got Liz pregnant,” Zan said quickly.

“WHAT?” Serena asked.

“It’s Antarian DNA connecting to you. Liz is pregnant with Max’s kid, you’re her sister so you share that DNA, so it’s reacting to you like it would her,” Zan said.

Serena looked at Max, “Oh you are so gonna die. Mom and dad will totally kill you and leave you out here for buzzards,” she said.

“ Okay, we did that but still...” Max stammered.

“So that’s what I felt the other night. Nacedo told me any Antarian within twenty miles would know when it happened. Strange feeling,” Zan said.

“You felt it?” Max asked.

“Yes, and Isabel, Michael and Tess,” Zan said.

“Well that’s not a conversation I’m looking forward to,” Max said.

“Forget them. Our parents? Max, you and Liz are officially on death row,” Serena said.

“Yes...look we couldn’t help ourselves. The need to do it was just, overwhelming,” Max said.

“Yeah, go with that excuse. Mr Parker will really not use the gun,” Zan said.

“Okay, okay, but let’s just fix Serena before he decides to kill us both,” Max said.

“Yes, that’s good,” Serena said.

“Uh...Sere, take a step back,” Zan said.

“Huh? Okay,” Serena said.

Serena did so, nothing. So she stepped back again and again, and eventually the light faded from her body. Once more she looked human again.

“Yeah...I’m me,” Serena said.

“Okay this is set. I say we leave here before she glows again and you figure out what you’re going to tell her parents,” Zan said.

“Good plan,” Max said.

And with that, they piled into the car and drove off back to town.

Back at the Parkers, while Serena went for a walk with Zan, Max entered the apartment and found Liz laying back on the sofa with her feet up. However she was doing anything but relaxing. Held above her head was her notebook, or at least her latest one, and was writing down hundreds of lines of programming code. By the side of the sofa was the dozen or so pens she’d bled dry just in the last half hour alone.

“Hi honey,” Liz said.

“Hi,” Max said pensively.

Liz looked up at her boyfriend and saw the look on his face. “What?” she asked.

“The machine reacted and...well long story short, Serena and Zan know what we did the other night,” Max said.

Liz dropped the book and sat straight up, “What? How? I mean...oh god,” she said.

“It just reacted, there was nothing I could do,” Max said.

“No, no. It’s okay. I guess we should just be thankful it was them. At least it does confirm that I am pregnant,” Liz said.

“WHAT?!” came a voice from the door.

Max closed his eyes tightly and shook his head slowly before turning around to see not only Liz’s parents but his own. All four just looked at the pair with stunned faces, wide eyes and just a little hint of anger that was being pushed deep, deep down without much success.

“Please tell me that you were talking about some euphemism or something. That you were meaning something else?” Diane asked.

Liz quickly stood from the sofa and joined her boyfriend on the other side of it before taking his hand. “No. I am...well, you know,” Liz said.

“I thought you two were always careful, and then what Zan said about it being a conscious decision?” Nancy asked.

“We were. We chose this. Sort of, you just couldn’t help ourselves,” Max said.

“How the hell could you two be so stupid?” Jeff asked.

“What were you thinking?” Philip asked.

“We weren’t, kind of. We came home from a date as usual and we just had to do it,” Liz said.

“Of all the things you’ve told us. What is about to happen? This plan of yours and trying to get a multi-billionaire onboard? An invasion fleet...honestly how do you expect to raise a baby at the end of the freaking world?” Jeff asked.

“We’ll do it together. Just like everything else we do,” Max said.

“Okay, this is just insane. You two of all people...” Diane said.

“Look, I know this is earlier than we all expected but it’s not like we didn’t know this was going to happen,” Liz said.

“Liz, you’re in high school. We always figured you’d be done with college at least,” Nancy said.

“I was personally hoping for mid to late twenties,” Philip said.

“Okay, you two sit down right now. Liz, I don’t care what you have on tonight, we aren’t leaving until we’ve fully talked about this,” Jeff said.

They nodded and sat down. The sooner they let their parents rant and rave the sooner it would be over for now. Then they could get down to some real planning. Each of the parents sat around the room, and each stared at the teens. For the first time that they could remember, Max and Liz both felt like running and huddled close to each other.

When Kyle left school that day he noticed a distinct lack of Tess. Usually, even on days like today when she had a free period at the end of the day, she’d be there so they could drive home together. However, today she wasn’t anywhere to be seen. Kyle even waited by his car for a few minutes to see if she appeared before turning to his cell phone.

The moment he held it in his hand, really to call his girlfriend, his phone buzzed away with Tess’s name coming up on the caller ID. A second later it stopped and Kyle had a new text message waiting that simply said “Soap Factory, now,” along with a smiley face.

Kyle unlocked his car and quickly drove off. If it wasn’t for the smiley face on the message he would be worried but the fact that she wanted to meet at the Soap Factory was new. After driving through the streets, he pulled off the main road and went out toward the factory where he found the gate opened.

Before long he was walking inside the abandoned building. It was dark, he couldn’t see much at all. When he flicked the switch on the fuse box nothing happened.

“Tess? You here?” Kyle called out.

“Oh course I’m here,” Tess answered back.

“Then...where the hell are you?” Kyle asked.

Suddenly the lights came on. Shades of red, blue and yellow all lit up the area. At a table adorned with a single long white candle, Tess stood leaning against it. She was wearing a small silk robe that didn’t fully cover her body and one she hadn’t fully closed at the front exposing a long length of flesh from the sash up to the throat. Her hair practically sparkled in the light, she had it in curls and draped over one shoulder. Behind the table, a large open pit that once contained much of the equipment was now filled with water right to the brim.

“I’m feeling very overdressed,” Kyle said with a smile.

“I feel that way all the time,” Tess said.

“How did you do all this?” Kyle asked as he walked closer to her.

“Advantages of a free period,” Tess said.

He closed the gap between them and they stood staring into each other’s eyes with smiled that just echoed their desires. Tess reached down and cupped his pants.

“Not hard yet? Do I need to give you anymore inspiration?” she asked.

“No. I’m just resisting everything so that I don’t put you down on that floor and rip this thing off you,” Kyle said.

“Oh well. You wouldn’t be resisting earlier. I changed into this at your house. I walked all the way down here wearing nothing but this. God, I love my mindwarps. They can let me hide anything I want,” she said.

“I hate you sometimes,” Kyle groaned.

“Come on. I made us dinner...well, I bought us take out,” Tess said.

Tess moved away and waved her hand to light the candle and fully illuminating the table. Kyle smiled and moved to Tess’s chair, he pulled it back. Tess walked forward.

“Aren’t you going to dress me for dinner?” she asked.

Kyle reached out and tugged on the sash of her robe to let it fall open. His hands glided up and brushed the light fabric from her shoulders and Tess let it fall down to reveal her glorious naked body to him. Kyle immediately pulled off his shirt while Tess worked to unfasten his pants. He kicked off his sneakers and then his pants until he was as naked as her. Kyle quickly noticed that it wasn’t cold in here and knew Tess must have tweaked the air with her powers to keep it just warm enough.

Only then did Tess sit down and Kyle pushed her chair in against the table. He sat opposite her and immediately he felt her feet seek out his under the table. Before them was his favourite Chinese meal but as they started to eat all they did was look into each other’s eyes. All the time they ate, their feet brushed together and they remained almost serenely quiet.

After a while though, Tess put her fork down. “You know, this isn’t filling me up,” she said.

“It is Chinese food,” Kyle said.

“I have an idea,” Tess said.

She immediately slid off her chair and moved under the table. Kyle quickly felt her hands on his dick followed by a gentle kiss of her lips. A flick of her tongue and she took Kyle’s cock into her mouth and began a gentle rhythm as she bobbed her head up and down. It didn’t take long for the sensations to Kyle’s head leaning back as he sighed. His eyes closed as her moist lips and tongue brought him pleasure but his hand had moved into her hair. Tess felt his hand as it glided through her soft golden hair and reached her hand up to take hold of the base of his dick.

As she began to move her hand up and down, pumping the part of his shaft that her mouth could not cover. This action brought an intense reaction from Kyle who lifted his hips slightly and both his hands grabbed onto the sides of her head.

“Ughnn Tess, that feels…ohhhh…incredible,” Kyle moaned.

He rested his ass back onto the chair. Tess had slightly increased her tempo and as she felt that he was going to cum, she sucked harder. In seconds her mouth was filled with his cum and she swallowed it all down.

“Now that’s what I needed,” Tess sighed.

Kyle opened his eyes and she looked up from under the table. Their gaze locked and quickly they pushed the table away. Tess climbed up and straddled his lap. She ran her hand along his head and down to his chest. Kyle could feel his erection rub against her pussy. She trailed her hand down her body, between her breasts, down across her belly and straight to his dick where she took a firm hold of him.

She pointed his hard-on into the air and raised herself above it. The two lovers held each other’s gaze as Tess slowly sat down, allowing his dick to enter her and with it her body became alive with her alien light as the energy crackled over his body. Slowly she pulled back up so that he was almost out of her and then plunged back down so that he was buried as far inside her as he could go. Kyle was about to moan out loud but Tess planted her finger across his lips.

“Shhhh Baby, just enjoy it,” she whispered.

“I thought you liked it when you made me grunt?” Kyle asked.

“Not as much as you like hearing me. But tonight I just want you to completely relax,” Tess said.

She loved the feeling of him inside her and just sat there for a moment and when she decided to start moving she ran her hands along his torso and down his arms where they clasped their hands tightly. Tess moved slightly forward and then up, grinding her hips against his body before dropping back down. She continued this, as slowly as she could, squeezing her muscles in her lower regions to bring Kyle to his own climax.

Unfortunately she couldn’t keep this going forever. She was practically in heat and her lust for Kyle was growing by the second and with it so went her pace. It took nearly twenty minutes of Kyle gently caressing her clit before she started to bounce up and down, rising and falling with each breath she took. All Tess wanted to do right now was scream, scream to the world that Kyle was making her feel incredible but she had to settle for biting her lower lip to maintain her silence.

Kyle could feel that she was as close to coming as he was and wanted to see her coming apart before he did. Seeing Tess climax was always special to Kyle, he felt that it was the most erotically beautiful thing in the world to him and whatever it took he would see that before he shot his load. He unclasped his hands from hers and placed them on Tess’s waist at which point he pushed himself up. Her legs wrapped around his back while he carried her over to the table. He swept his arm over the surface and tossed everything off before resting her on it.

Tess kept her long legs around his butt and brought what of his length had slipped out of her back inside. Tess lay sprawled out on the table and Kyle climbed on top of her. Kyle rested his full weight on her body when he put his hands behind her head and kissed her. He thrust in and out of her, pushing his hips against her soaked core. Over and over Kyle made her whimper and sigh, it was all she could do with their mouths locked together.

However, if Kyle wanted to watch her cum then he would have to break the kiss off. He pulled his head back to see her eyes her tightly sealed together and her teeth once again back on her lower lip. Her skin was flushed and covered in the fine layer of sweat that had become common to their trysts together.

“Tess,” he whispered hoarsely, “Cum for me! Let me see you cum.”

She couldn’t last anymore and moaned, “Ughnnnnnnnnn.”

It was quiet as she could make it and Kyle cut it off once again with a hard, passionate kiss. Almost immediately he gave her one last, powerful thrust and held his dick inside her as he shot his hot, white lava into her body.

They continued to kiss for a few minutes before Kyle pulled out of her. They were exhausted, covered in sweat and eagerly ready for more. One look to their side and they saw Tess’s makeshift pool.

“You thought of everything didn’t you?” Kyle asked.

“Well there isn’t exactly a shower nearby. I figured a bath together might be nice,” Tess said.

Before long, the young lovers climbed off the table and jumped into Tess’s little pool. They swam around but always didn’t move much more than a meter from each other. The two of them entwined their bodies and kissed while caressing each other.


Re: The RHSC (CC/Slash/UC, ADULT) - Chapter 8 - 28 Mar

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 4:25 am
by Tharos

Meanwhile, over on East 4th Street in the KOBR television station, a local reporter had received a call about a limo pulling up in front of the Crashdown. Not exactly an everyday occurrence in the small town. Needless to say it peaked Melody Coates attention and started making a few phones calls.

After an hour of scribbling notes, she stacked up her papers and attached them to a clipboard before leaving to search out her boss. With the local news report about to go live, she slipped across the studio behind the cameras that were aimed at the anchors.

“Mr Garrett?” Melody asked.

“Yes Melody, what’s up? And be quick we’re on in three minutes,” Garrett asked.

“Simon Dumont is in town,” Melody asked.


“Simon Dumont, from Dumont Technologies,” Melody said.

Garrett looked at her, “The Simon Dumont, industrialist, inventor, innovator and more money than god?”

Melody nodded.

“What’s he doing back here? Roswell lost that investment over a year ago,” Garrett asked.

“I don’t know but he filed his flight plan last night, twenty minutes before the flight took off. He landed in Albuquerque and took a chopper straight to Roswell before a limo dropped him off at the Crashdown,” Melody said.

“I didn’t think their onion rings were that good,” Garrett said.

“Well they are pretty great but he came here to speak to a kid, Liz Parker. Specifically her and I’ve called the cafe, her parents aren’t talking,” Melody said.

“Curious. Anything special about her?” Garrett asked.

“She’s Roswell High’s rising star. High expectations from all her teachers oh and you know that kid that takes the photos that we did a piece on last month?” Melody asked.

“Max Evans, yeah. You were able to get a ton of research on him. What did he make last year $150,000?” Garrett asked.

“No, uh, slightly less but his parents put it all in his college fund. Anyway, Liz is Max’s girlfriend,” Melody said with a smile.

“Still, the parents wouldn’t let you near the girl. You’ll need a way in,” Garrett said.

“Oh I have one already. Max is my little cousin, on our mother’s side...kind of. He is adopted by her and Uncle Philip,” Melody said.

Garrett smiled, “Go,” he said.

“Yes boss,” Melody said.

“Mel, pull this off and you can forget about going back to that research desk. I’ll put you in front of a camera,” Garrett said.

Melody smiled and quickly returned to her desk before heading out. As she walked out of the building, she pulled out her cell phone and called her Aunt’s home number but didn’t get an answer.

The Crashdown had been closed for the evening but it was by no means empty. Simon Dumont along with the town council were all there. All with cups of coffee, mostly decaf, the group had been talking about their dreams. Each agreed that it wasn’t the usual type of conversation to be having but the simple fact that they were all pretty much identical had them concerned to the point they were considering what they had seen and heard.

“So what do we do? Just tell people we’re afraid the world is about to go to hell?” a councillor asked.

“No, no. We do...I don’t know,” Simon said.

“But we have to do something,” the mayor said.

“Do we? We’re talking about dreams. For all we know we all caught the same thing on TV and it stuck in our heads,” another councillor asked.

“I don’t watch TV,” Simon said.

“Really?” the mayor asked.

“Yeah, too many of my favourite shows being cancelled in favour of what’s complete crap. That so called rating system is just nonsense,” Simon said.

“Tell me about it,” Liz said after coming in through the door. “Sorry I’m late. Awkward conversation with my parents.”

“Everything ok?” the mayor asked.

“It’s fine. I just had to get them to calm down, let them relax and convince them this is something I want. In the meantime...” Liz said.

“Yes, we were just talking about dreams and hopes,” Simon said.

“More like nightmares,” a councillor said.

“So you’ve all had dream with the glowy people?” Liz asked.

“Pretty much. You are always in them, working away. What have you seen from your perspective?” the mayor asked.

“Walking around a dome...usually naked along with everyone else. Also building a spaceship to send people up to Mars that I’ve already terraformed into supporting life,” Liz said.

They all just blinked.

“Maybe some of it are just dreams?” one of the group said.

“Look I don’t know what you’re all expecting from me but this is how I see it. If this is all true, and you’re all here so I think you all believe it, then we need to do something. I have ideas, technology, materials, plans but they all need to be researched and developed. Obviously, that’ll take money and infrastructure that I just don’t have,” Liz said.

“I can do and can easily do it,” Simon said.

“Starting soon could give us more time before the event. But that isn’t enough. There needs to be a place that can implement it. A place that can act as an experiment publically,” Liz said.

“Roswell,” the mayor said.

“That level of investment in the town, we could see it to the people through jobs, improved...well, everything,” a councillor said.

“Do you think you can sell living in a bubble to people?” Simon asked.

“They can, but if it doesn’t work...I can,” Liz said.

“How?” the mayor asked.

“We’ve been seeing aliens in our dreams, you think that’s just our mind playing tricks? If it comes to it, I’ll ask for a little help with that,” Liz said.

“We’d need to hold a vote on it, a referendum. Everyone in town will need to choose this. I’m thinking...70% majority,” a councillor said.

“I’d prefer 90%. Nobody should be forced into this,” Liz said.

“How would we handle the train lines and roadways? A dome would kind of cut them off,” the mayor asked.

“Effectively it would be airlocks. But vehicle transport in town would be cut down to minimal levels. The air recycling system wouldn’t be able to handle much more than what it is right now,” Liz said.

“That’ll be a sticking point,” the mayor said.

“But I do have a few ideas to make it work, especially to get supplies in. Bear in mind that the domes are supposed to be self sufficient,” Liz said.

“Well then, we have a lot to start on,” Simon said.

They all stood up, Simon and the Mayor shook hands before going to the door. Once they opened it, a television camera caught them from across the street. From the window, Liz saw it and stepped outside.

“Hi Lizzie,” Melody said.

“Oh hi. Melody right? You’re Max’s cousin?” Liz asked.

“Yes. So...what was all that in there? Secret meetings, quiet agreements? Some people could get worried about that,” Melody said.

“Oh it’s nothing really,” Simon said, walking up to them. “I just plan on investing $32 billion here in Roswell, and in young Miss Parker here.”

“What did you just say?” Melody asked with wide eyes.

In the Oval Office, the President had just been briefed on the incoming alien signal that SETI picked up. Now, military personnel were coming and going at a brisk walking pace as they handed papers over to their superiors.

“Any word on what exactly is coming?” the President asked.

“Not yet. All we can detect is the signal. Whatever is generating it is still outside our visual range and it’s too far to get an accurate picture from Hubble,” a general said.

“And they’re moving closer?” the president asked.

“Yes sir. Best estimation based on their speed it arrival at roughly three days,” an admiral said.

“Three days,” the president pondered. “Contact Ambassador Moyer at the UN, get him here now and have a flight back to New York ready to take him back. He’ll need to be back to brief the other ambassadors there.”

“You’re going to tell them?”

“Only every nation with an army, navy or an air force. Right now, this is not a matter of national security, this is planetary security. Nuclear weapons preferable but not necessary. Now, is there any good news today?” the president asked.

“Uh a report on the wire said that Simon Dumont is going to invest $32 billion in some kid. Apparently he thinks she’s the next Einstein,” an aide said.

“Yeah...I think we might want to look into institutionalising the good Mr Dumont,” the president said. “Maybe we should look into her for help in our latest problem. Where does she live?”

“Out in Roswell, New Mexico,” the aide said.

“Odd coincidence. Alien fleet coming, and the site of a supposed alien crash site,” a general said.

Just then the directors of the CIA, FBI and NSA looked at each other and cringed.

“What?” the president asked.

“Uh...Mr President, that thing about Roswell...” the CIA director said.

“Yes?” the president asked.

With all eyes in the room looking at them...

“Weather balloon and anthropomorphic dummies...not so much,” the FBI director added.

The president blinked, “could you repeat that?” he asked.

Elsewhere, in a long-term hotel room in a grubby back street of Santa Fe, a man walked in and tossed a pizza box onto a chair before putting his jacket onto a hook behind the door. He walked around the room, flicking on the television and lighting up a cigarette before he sat back to eat his dinner. While he chewed on a slice, a held his cigarette in his fingers and used the remote to switch channels.

It was then that he saw a face on the screen. He quickly flicked back to see a news report on what was happening in Roswell. They were a series of photos of Liz, mostly with her friends and it was one of them he recognised. Then came the report of Dumont’s investment in Roswell and his eyes lit up.

He quickly packed up his pizza, put his jacket back on and walked back down to the street where his old red truck was packed. He put the pizza on the passenger seat and drove off.

In the Deluca house a few hours later, Maria had just finished setting the table when her mother came out with a couple of plates of steak and roast potato. As the two of them sat down, Amy turned to her daughter.

“So how’s Michael?” she asked.

“He’s good. And no, he’s not spending the night tonight,” Maria said.

“So you’re going to him?” Amy asked.

“No. We’re having a night apart. We’re seeing if we can resist temptation and quite frankly, I doubt we could last very long,” Maria said.

“Why would you? I mean I know you have a lot on tomorrow but seriously, you can’t spend all day in bed,” Amy said.

“Oh believe me, we could,” Maria said.

“Maria, nobody has that good a sex life. There’s just no way it’s that good,” Amy said.

“Mom, if Michael were here right now, you here or not, I’d have him put me on this table. He’d cut my dress of with this knife right here and take me. Hell, I don’t have an orgasm, with Michael it’s one on top of the other and it keeps going for as long as he can keep going. Let me tell ya, he’s like the battery bunny. He keeps going and going and going,” Maria said.

“I don’t suppose there’s an alien around in my age group is there?” Amy asked hopefully.

“Oh hell I’d just let you borrow Michael now and then,” Maria said.

“Really, I might just take you up on that,” Amy said before both mother and daughter laughed. “But seriously, Michael does treat you right?”

“He loves me. We get a little playful at times but he’d never hurt me...unless I ask,” Maria said.

“Maria,” Amy said.

“What? It’s just a riding crop,” Maria said.

“Maria!” Amy said.

“Mommy, you’re just too easy. But we do experiment a lot with a wide variety of very fun stuff. Just last might not want details,” Maria said.

“Uh, I do. I would like to make sure my little girl isn’t into something dangerous...other than being involved with an alien,” Amy said.

Maria leaned forward. “Okay then. I wore the BDSM thing. It was nothing more than leather straps all over my body that showed everything...and Michael looked so cute wearing his little puppy dog collar and leash. Of course the next night he locked me in shackles attached to his coffee table that he had against the wall. And I, his poor innocent little prisoner was subject to all his horrible carnal desires,” she said.

“You two are a pair of freaks,” Amy said.

“At times,” Maria nodded.

“The one thing that really gets us off...making love to each other in bed. Him on top, me on top, it doesn’t matter. We just can’t stop,” Maria said.

Just then there was a ding dong from the door bell.

“I’ll get it,” Maria said.

She jumped up and went to the door.

“Hi can I help you?” Maria asked.

“Maria, you’ve grown,” the man on the other side said.

“Do I know you?” Maria asked.

“Of course you do,” he said.

“Maria who is it?” Amy asked as she came over. “Holy fu...what the hell are you doing here?”

“Mom, who is this guy?” Maria asked.

“I’m your dad Maria,” he said.

To Be Continued...

Re: The RHSC (CC/Slash/UC, ADULT) - Chapter 9 - 24 Apr

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 3:22 am
by Tharos
Chapter 10

Amy didn’t wait for her Ex to say another word. She pulled Maria away from the door and slammed it shut before locking it with every lock she had on the door. With that, Gerry Deluca smiled as he turned from the door and walked to his van. Within minutes he was on the road and heading toward the nearest motel.

However, as he drove, the flashing blue and red lights of a police cruiser came up behind him. Gerry just shook his head and pulled over before stepping out of the car. The police car stopped behind him and Valenti climbed out.

“I figured she’d call you,” Gerry said.

“I told you not to come back here,” Valenti said.

“Well I have some business in the area. A big pay day,” Gerry said.

“No you son of a bitch, you leave my town right now,” Valenti said.

“Or what? You’ll take me out to the mile marker again and put your gun to my head?” Gerry asked.

“Worked last time. I remember you pissed yourself while you begged me not to shoot you,” Valenti said.

“Yes it did. But then I didn’t know then that you wouldn’t have done it. That and people these days are so much into holding their police officers to account for abuse of power. I’d like to see you winning the next sheriff’s election with that little incident hanging over your head,” Gerry said.

“Maybe. But believe me, I would have done it,” Valenti said.

“Why? Because you wanted to bang my wife? How’s that going for you? It’s been, what, ten years?” Gerry asked.

“No, I would have done it because you beat Amy so hard you put her in hospital for over a month. You pushed Maria so hard against the kitchen wall she doesn’t even remember, all she knows is that she lived with her best friend for that month. All because you couldn’t couldn’t get it up anymore. Those surgeons did a number on all those nerves down there but then cutting out an infection like that...damn lucky to still have left what you have. But then you did have to visit every hooker between here and Vegas didn’t you,” Valenti said.

“If I did do could never prove it. And I’ll admit, my condition caused a lot of frustration. Bound to bite me in the ass at some point and it did,” Gerry said.

“I’m telling you this once more. Leave town now,” Valenti said.

“I’ll leave, don’t worry. But only when I get the money that’s coming to me,” Gerry said.

He climbed back into his vehicle and Valenti watched him drive off. Quickly he pulled out his phone and called around those who knew what happened that Gerry was back in town.

The next morning, Maria was walking through the streets on the way to meet everyone at the Crash. However, ever since she stepped outside of her home she instantly felt uncomfortable. Every step she took, she felt as though she was being watched. Normally she liked being watched, with or without her clothes on, but never in her life had she felt this freaked out.

Eventually she reached the Crash and walked inside to see her friends all sitting around the room with Zan and Serena in the back corner booth kissing each other. She smiled and went over to where Michael sat.

“Do those two do anything else?” Maria asked.

“Not since they met. They’ll calm it eventually,” Michael said.

Maria looked at her boyfriend with a raised eyebrow. “I’m sorry but you have seen this little group we’re apart of?” she asked.

“Point taken,” Michael said.

“So what’s on the cards today?” Maria asked.

“Alex has some school project to finish. Tess and Kyle...believe it or not while Kyle is at practice, Tess is trying out for the cheerleading squad,” Michael said.

Maria sniggered and quickly fought to hold back her laughter when Tess turned to look at her.

“Maria, is there something wrong with me cheering my boyfriend when he’s on the field?” Tess asked.

“No, no...of course not. But seriously Tess, there are easier ways of getting cheerleader outfits for your sex games than joining a squad,” Maria said.

“That’s so not...I’m supporting Kyle. Anything else is a very nice bonus,” Tess said with a smirk.

“Yeah, anyway, they’ll be doing that. Zan and Sere...I think they’ve settled in to do that all day and Max is going to yell at his cousin,” Michael said.

“Cool. Oh by the way, my dad showed up last night,” Maria said.

With stunned eyes, everyone looked at her...even Zan and Serena.

“Relax, he showed up. Mom slammed the door and he left,” Maria said.

“Are you okay?” Michael asked.

“Yeah, yeah...I’m fine,” Maria said.

“Maria...” Michael started but didn’t know what to say.

“So what are you doing?” Maria asked.

“Hanging around my place. Isabel’s coming around...something about decorating the walls with paper,” Michael said.

“About damn time,” Maria mumbled.

“Huh?” Michael asked.

“Nothing, just thinking that your apartment needs a little bit of a makeover and...well a carpet would be nice, a little colour and don’t worry I’m sure Isabel wouldn’t suggest putting up flowery wallpaper,” Maria said.

“Wanna bet?” Isabel asked, passing them.

“Iz...” Michael warned.

“Relax, it’s your choice. Just so long as you stay away from anything dark,” Isabel said.

“Yeah, right, fine...wait, how did we get on to this. So...your dad, he’s gone?” Michael asked.

“Yes,” Maria said. “And I’m off to the library. I need that book for class. I’ll stop by later to make sure Isabel hasn’t killed you.”

“You mean me killing Isabel right?” Michael asked.

“Uh, no babe. She’s definitely the killer among you starry people,” Maria said.

Maria kissed her boyfriend goodbye and waved to everyone else before leaving. Then it hit her again. An instant wave of creeps that made her skin crawl and the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end washed over her. She took a moment, she scanned her eyes over the nearby windows, the people on the street and the cars on the road. She couldn’t see anything. Maria quickly headed off in the direction of the library.

Over at KOBR TV, Melody was editing her story but every so often her eyes would just glance at the number of billions Dumont was going to invest in Roswell and just simply gulped. All those tiny little zeros, all in a straight line with a few comas in-between. Still she had to focus, and so she did.

“Hey, Mel?” someone called over.

“Yeah?” Melody asked.

“Front desk just called up. They said some guy just barged passed security mumbling your name.”

“Oh crap. 5,4,3,2, and...” Melody said.

“Melody what the bloody hell did you think you were doing?” Max yelled.

“Max, calm down,” Melody said.

“Calm down? You ambushed my girlfriend on the street,” Max said.

“I’m a reporter. I just asked a couple of questions,” Melody said.

“Mel, you don’t ask Liz anything. She’s not a story for you to make your career on,” Max said.

“Uh, yeah, she is. Simon Dumont just declared her to be the Einstein of the 21st century and is backing it up with $32billion. I just found out that he’s sent surveyors to the Soap Factory with a mind to turn it into a production centre for what your girlfriend dreams up. Oh and Eagle Rock, that military base?” Melody asked.

“I know what it is,” Max said.

“He’s been out there all morning with some Pentagon guy. He’s thinking of turning the base into Liz’s personal Research and Development department with her in charge of 80 of his top researchers that he’s having relocated from half his company’s holdings around the country,” Melody said.

“And you think that that’s enough to talk to my girlfriend? Who I should add is only 17 like me, making her underage and that her parents should have been present,” Max said.

“That’s not a rule,” Melody said.

“It’s not?” Max asked.

“No. Police can’t ask underage people without a parent or child advocate present but we’re free and clear,” Melody said.

“Oh. I didn’t know that. Okay, well...What the HELL were you doing asking Liz questions?” Max asked.

“Max, chill,” Melody said.

“No. This is as bad as when you started asking questions when my damned photos started selling. Mom told your mom to make sure you didn’t do it again,” Max said.

“I’m trying to build a career here,” Melody said.

“So selling out your family is the way to do it?” Max asked.

“No, of course not. And besides, Liz isn’t family,” Melody said.

“Uh god, I give up. Mel, you go near Liz again without so much of a phone call to her parents and you’ll regret it,” Max said.

“Oh yeah? How?” Melody asked.

Max smiled. He held his hand to his side but subtly waved it. Instantly all the computers in the room shut down and restarted with the skull and crossbones on the screens laughing away but since this was Roswell, the skull looked a little more alien. The lights soon flickered constantly and the air-conditioning switched to ‘one-mile deep in the middle of Antarctica’ bloody freezing cold. When they tried to call tech-support, a high pitched tone shrieked through the earpiece.

“How did you...?” Melody asked.

“Me? I did nothing. You asked questions of my girlfriend when you knew you shouldn’t have and she...well all of our friends are very protective and hold grudges like you wouldn’t believe,” Max said.

Max turned and walked away while the people tried to get their systems back online. However, once he was at the door he suddenly felt a little guilty. Not a lot, just enough to cause some hesitance when he tried to open the door. He turned around waved his hand and the building went back to normal. With that he left, but left a warning on Melody’s terminal.

With Kivar on the way, Nacedo couldn’t remain idle in New York. Before long he was in the back of a semi-trailer loaded with computers that connected to satellites. They monitored literally everything that moved on the planet. They didn’t want any surprises and with their technology they hacked into every government system they could identify.

It was how they learned of a certain redeployment of a high-tech company to a small desert town, an event that certainly peaked their interests when Liz’s name was mentioned. With their access they monitored the company and copied the information sent. Two minutes of reading the file, Nacedo stood before a holographic transmission from Kivar.

“What?” Kivar asked.

“Kivar, we’ve received information. Liz Parker is gathering resources. She’s attempting to accelerate the timeline of the protective technologies used in the days after the Great Disaster,” Nacedo said.

“Explain. What has she done?” Kivar asked.

“Based on the transmission...she’s already designing a dome structure using technologies more advanced than she has access to. I’m sending you the information now,” Nacedo said, and nodded to one of the others in the trailer.

Kivar looked at the information he received. “This can’t be. This substance won’t be developed for another six centuries from this point in time. Somehow Zan has given her the knowledge. This is wonderful,” Kivar said.

“My lord?” Nacedo asked.

“She will begin to put humans to work. Believing they will save themselves, they will build a basis for our new empire,” Kivar said.

“But if she has other knowledge, she could help in the defence of the humans against us,” Nacedo said.

“Then ensure she doesn’t,” Kivar said.

Kivar shut down his transmission. Nacedo turned to one of the others and asked, “How long until we reach Roswell?”

“If we stay on the road, 2 days,” was the response.

“Go faster,” Nacedo said.

From there the truck picked up speed and rolled over the road well above the speed limit. Any attempt for the highway patrol to pull them over, or anyone else interfering with them, was met by a dozen skins mindwarping the brains of their obstacles.

At Michael’s apartment, the coffee table was covered with wallpaper samples and swatches of carpet. He and Isabel had gone over everything she brought and after two hours of getting nowhere with Michael, she claimed a recess and decided that a nice hot shower was called for. She left Michael who grabbed a coke from the fridge and lay back on his sofa to watch a little TV.

When Maria entered his home, Michael quickly noticed that she was shaking and sweating. Looking around, she could still feel that someone was watching her. She couldn’t shake it, and of course she was right. Across the street on a rooftop, her father was armed with a pair of binoculars and stared right at her through the window.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Michael asked.

“Just been feeling weird all day,” Maria said.

“Since he showed up,” Michael said.

“Michael, don’t,” Maria said.

“Hey, people can be jerks but there’s no excuse good enough for him being gone for ten years and just showing up,” Michael said.

Michael hugged her, holding her close as they sat on the sofa. Still, has he held her he felt her shaking grow a little more.

“Maria, when did you last have your clothes off?” he asked.

“Not since last night,” Maria said.

“Jes...Maria, you know you need to be naked when you feel this way,” Michael said.

She smiled, “Yeah, quirky biology. Thanks for that by the way,” she said.

Michael didn’t even wait. He pulled the straps of her dress over her shoulders and stripped her of her dress before removing her underwear. Normally he greatly enjoyed this task but not now, now he just wanted her to feel better and almost immediately from having her panties pulled down her legs did the shaking stop. Her breathing slowed and she visibly relaxed.

“Better?” Michael asked.

“Much,” Maria said.

Then she felt it again, she knew someone was watching her somewhere in her mind. She’d never felt this bashful, certainly not in Michael’s presence.

“You need to chill. You’re safe here, you know that,” Michael said.

“Yes, I know,” Maria said.

She looked down and saw Michael’s hand draw small caressing circles over her leg. When she looked back up at his face, their eyes locked before he leaned down and kissed her thigh. Without any urging, except for Michael kissing higher on her skin, Maria spread her legs for her lover.

Each inch he covered Maria spread her legs just that little bit further until he was moving between them and working his way up her inner thighs. Maria tilted her head back and collapsed back onto the soft cushions. Her thighs were on fire and Michael was felt the heat. He moved up to her pussy and looked over her incredible body from that angle and kissed her slit. Maria’s hands roamed over her thighs, one then headed up to massage and squeeze her breasts while the other dipped between her legs.

Michael latched his mouth onto her core, his tongue flicking across her clit rapidly. He was driving her insane as he ate her out. He sucked on her clit, pierced deeply into her body and swirled his warm tongue around. Maria arched her back again and again as she pushed her pussy into Michael’s face.

“Ahhhhh, god…Michael,” Maria moaned. He plunged his tongue as far into her as he could go. “More…PLEASE,” she begged loudly.

Michael slowed his movements right down, making her squirm just as she made him squirm with her initial advances. This was his payback and Maria smiled, she could sense what Michael was going and looked lustily at the pair as her own fingers penetrated deep into her pussy. Maria looked up at her and moaned deeply before having to close her eyes again. Then with a final kiss on her pussy he backed off.

Isabel, who had been in the bathroom, heard Maria moan and felt her discomfort she’d felt over the day. She came out to find Michael’s face deep between her legs. She smiled and walked over to the pair wearing nothing but a towel around her body. Once Maria saw her, she smiled and beckoned her closer with her finger. Isabel didn’t wait and soon found Maria’s hand sliding up her body to the top of her towel before she pulled it off.

Maria’s hand caressed Isabel’s body before the two girls leaned in closer and kissed. While their tongues duelled, Michael leaned back to enjoy the view as he removed his clothes.

He smiled at Maria and once more moved between her legs. He held them and playfully pulled them so Maria slid down the sofa. He knelt on his knees and angled his dick so he could slide into her. With Isabel’s tongue wrapped around her own, Maria moaned as each inch filled her pussy. She was breathing heavily, their bodies were in full contact as Maria used the inside of her legs to caress the sides of his body. Isabel also took the chance to have a little fun. Her fingers roamed over Maria’s body and down to her spread pussy. She fingered Maria while feeling Michael’s dick saw into her.

Maria closed her eyes as Michael’s thick length slowly filled her, causing her to moan and gripped tightly onto his body as each millimetre of Michael dick slipped inside. Gently Michael withdrew until only the tip of his hard rod was still inside her and then he pushed back inside. He moved slowly in Maria, fuelling the desires of them both but making sure Maria felt as loved as she deserved to be. Maria’s hand was slowly moving in time with Michael’s thrusts into the body of her girlfriend. Isabel pressed her body up against them both and never stopped pleasuring Maria with her fingers.

“Hmmm…hmmmmm…uhnmmmmm…yeah…hhnnmmmmm…” Maria moaned,

His pace quickly increased until he was ploughing in and out of her. Maria’s arms loosened their grip and allowed Michael to bend his head down to capture one of her nipples with his teeth and Isabel took his lead and nibbled down on the other one. Gently he pulled back, taking the sensitive flesh with him before he released it causing the flesh of her breast to ripple slightly and a moan escape from her lips. With each thrust into her body, Michael’s pushes sent Maria’s body jerking back and caused her breasts to shake. Quickly he bent back down and began to suck on her breast again.

“Ugn Michael,” Maria moaned as sweat began to run down her forehead.

Isabel’s hands were all over her body, gasping for breath, as she got hotter and hotter. Still she couldn’t deny letting Isabel know how much she was enjoying this. Maria caressed, nibbled and sucked all over Isabel’s body. Their moans filled the apartment.

Maria rocked her hips, grinding against Michael and eager to make him cum hard inside her. Just the feeling of him between her legs was a godsend. Michael reached up and captured a nipple, he sucked and licked before she pulled his face from her breast and kissed him. Michael continued to move in and out of her as their bodies slid against each other. Their bodies were inseparable, both holding onto the other as they looked into each other’s eyes and then kissed.

Meanwhile, across the street on a rooftop, Maria’s dad had a pair of binocular and had been watching, and continued to watch, what his daughter was doing in her boyfriend’s apartment.

Every one of her senses was heightened and was close to her climax, she knew she couldn’t take much more. Neither could Isabel, she was sweating profusely and her hand was a blur between her legs along with Maria’s and soon Michael’s. Her moaned mixed with her lovers and not once did she take her eyes of the pair of aliens that made her body explode. In an attempt to get Michael to move faster she pulled on him so that he was above her again and locked her legs around him. She reached her hands round to grab his ass and scrapped her fingernails over his skin. She started to push and Michael went along with it. His hips thrust against her, his cock beginning to swell, as he grew closer to his own climax.

“Ugh, ughh, Oh Michael, so gooooooooood,” Isabel yelled.


“Gnnn…GNNNN…gnnnnnnn…gnnnnnn…ugnnnnnnnnnn…GNNNNNNN…” Michael grunted with each deep thrust.

“Yeah…OH god, baby…cum in me Michael…ughnnn…yesss…give me your cum…ughnnnn…I want it…cum for me Michael…UGHNNNNNNNNNNN!” Maria yelled as she came on his hardened rod


The contractions of Maria’s cunt proved more than he could take and shot deeply into her body. He held himself still over her until he was completely drained of his seed. Maria and Michael looked into each other’s eyes and kissed, then Maria and Isabel kissed before Michael joined in.

Just as Michael pulled out of Maria and gave Isabel one last kiss, the door to the apartment burst inward. Michael instinctively moved in front of Maria and both he and Isabel raised their hands. From the other side, Maria’s dad came charging in and Maria quickly reached out to force the hands of her companions lower.

“Dad, what are you doing...?” Maria started to ask.

However, Gerry went straight to his daughter and slapped her before she could say another word. Michael instantly saw red and grabbed Gerry before he could do anything else but Maria’s dad just balled his fist and slammed it into Michael’s stomach. The Antarians’ eyes turned a shade of black but changed back before he looked up.

Michael growled, Isabel saw the energy building in Michael’s hand. Quite frankly she was amazed that he hadn’t let all that power loose before now but she acted quickly and raised her own hand. Gerry went flying across the room and his back landed against the wall so hard he was instantly knocked out. Isabel grabbed Michael’s hand, immediately everything in the room floated up as she redirected his energy into a less destructive purpose. She even repaired the door.

When Michael nodded that the charge had gone, Isabel released him and he immediately embraced Maria and kissed her.

Isabel had called Valenti, and when the Sheriff showed up he cuffed Deluca before he dragged him off to jail before he woke up. Deluca soon found himself sitting in the interrogation room, his wrists chaffing against the cold steel of the cuffs and a video camera pointed down at him. Valenti walked into the room and sat down on the other side of the desk but just before he did he pressed the button on a little toy Liz put together quickly. From the moment he did, all that the camera picked up and sent to the recorder was static. The Sheriff didn’t want anything said in there to come back and haunt the kids.

“So, you get your jollies by watching your daughter with her boyfriend? I knew you were screwed up in the head but this...” Valenti said.

“That bitch raised nothing but a whore. I’ll have to deal with that,” Deluca said.

“I’d be more careful about calling either of them that. Maria is a girl in love with her boyfriend,” Valenti said.

“Oh yeah, that explains their little threesome,” Deluca said.

“Well I can’t comment on that. What I do know is that breaking into Michael’s, slapping your daughter and punching Michael in his gut wasn’t the way to deal with it,” Valenti said.

“Other fathers do worse,” Deluca said.

Valenti sniggered, “Biologically Maria’s father you may be. But don’t even think about describing yourself like that. And yes, other fathers have done worse but they wouldn’t be stupid enough to do what you did to Michael. Before Maria, that boy would have taken your head off and then gone to work on you. Besides, even if Michael still does nothing to you, all their friends are very protective. You’ve been marked and believe me I do not want to be you,” he said.

“They’re just kids,” Deluca said.

“You’re mistake. I told you to get out of town. You leave now and that’s it. Michael, charges. You stay out of Maria’s life permanently and I let you get back to your car right now. If you stay in town for so much as a second, I’ll charge you with assault and whatever else I can think of,” Valenti said.

“Fine,” Deluca said quietly.

“I’m sorry, say that again?” Valenti asked.

“I said I will leave,” Deluca said.

Valenti switched off Liz’s toy and the camera went back to normal while he went behind Deluca and uncuffed him. Valenti took him out to his SUV and drove Deluca back to where his car was parked. The sheriff wasn’t going to take any chances, he was going to see Deluca all the back to the city limits and make sure he was out of his town.

At his small truck, Deluca pulled out his keys and unlocked the almost rundown heap. He climbed inside and tried to start the engine a few times before giving up and popping the hood. He went back around to the front and started looking at the engine.

“What’s the problem?” Valenti asked.

“Loose wire. Happens all the time,” Deluca said.

The sheriff walked up closer to take a look for himself. That was when Deluca allowed a pipe to slide down the inside of his shirt sleeve. He’d put it there while in the front seat of his truck and with it firmly gripped in his hand he swung it toward Valenti’s jaw. With wide eyes the sheriff acted fast and unclipped his gun from its holder and drew it but wasn’t fast enough to aim it let alone take off the safety.

Valenti went flying to the side. A spray of blood flew across the wall and he fell to the ground. Deluca quickly pulled Valenti behind a dumpster, grabbed his gun and put a round through the radio before grabbing the spark plugs from the engine.

Back in his truck, Deluca put the gun on the passenger seat and turned the key. They engine started without so much as a splutter. Soon he was driving away to a destination not very distant.

With red eyes Maria showed up at her best friends’ home and Liz quickly let her in. Together the two girls moved to Liz’s bedroom where Maria told Liz what had happened and Liz provided the ice-cream. Maria still couldn’t believe what had happened with her dad and right now just hoped that he’d disappear for at least another 10 years.

“He just...I can’t believe he actually slapped me,” Maria said.

“Just forget about him. Kyle’s dad will deal with him and that will be that. What I can’t believe is that Michael didn’t take his head off,” Liz said.

“Oh he wanted to. Believe me, I could feel it coming off him. Hell his hand was doing that glowy crackly thing he does when he’s about to blow up rocks. Isabel was closer to going psycho on him,” Maria said.

“He’s in jail now. And if he doesn’t leave town, they’ll all have fun at his expense,” Liz said.

“They may be pissed Liz, but they’re not that far into the Dark Side,” Maria said.

“Maria, he hurt you. You know how protective they are,” Liz said.

It was then that the door swung open. Serena, dressed in nothing but a pair of black lace shorts and matching bra, entered with Zan behind her in his boxers. His body was pressed tight against her back and kissed her neck while letting his hand roam over her.

“L...Liz, could we borrow your video camera?” Serena asked between delirious gasps.

“Sure, it’s right there,” Liz said.

“Tha...oh my god, thanks,” Serena said.

She quickly grabbed the camera.

“Don’t put anything on tape I wouldn’t,” Liz said.

“You said you and Max already filmed yourselves?” Zan asked.

“I’m talking about a certain glow that happens. Zan, either wrap it up or keep something clothed,” Liz said.

“Oh right,” Serena said.

“In fact...” Liz said.

She reached into her bedside cabinet and pulled out a condom before tossing it to her sister. Both younger teens quickly fled to Serena’s bedroom, leaving Maria with a smile. It was something she needed. Then, a few minutes later, there was a knock at the door. Liz invited the person in and when it opened Melody was on the other side.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Liz asked.

“Your mom let me in. Max came to see me today...and he was right. I shouldn’t have jumped you like it did,” Melody said.

“No you shouldn’t have. But apology accepted,” Liz said with a smile.

“Aw how sweet.”

All three girls turned to see Maria’s dad pointing a gun at them from the window.

“Dad...what the...?” Maria said.

“Shut up you little...try keeping your clothes on for a change,” Garry said.

He looked at the others. He’d only seen Liz once, briefly on the news report and here were two brunettes.

“All of you, out here. Try to run and I’ll just start shooting,” he said.

He guided the three of them over to the fire escape and kept a gun pointed at them while they climbed down but stayed up there.

“You two,” he said while aiming at Liz and Melody. “Take those cuffs and put them on your wrist and get inside the truck,” he said.

The two did so. The cuffs locked around Liz’s right wrist, and Melody’s left before the moved inside the truck. Mentally, Liz and Maria called out to their boyfriends and where quickly trying to cross town. However, Maria saw an opportunity when her dad looked at the ladder and ran. He quickly turned back and fired at her. The bullet hit a dumpster and sparks rained from it before he pocketed the gun and climbed down the ladders as fast as he could.

The shot had rang out and already people left the Crash to see what was going on. By the time Liz’s dad was on the scene the truck was speeding away from the area. The only thing left was Liz’s bracelet and the bullet hole.

“Oh my god,” he said.

It was impossible to dial 911 any faster.

On the road, Garry Deluca drove with one hand on the wheel and another holding the gun aimed at Liz and Melody.

“Why are you doing this?” Liz asked.

“Because that guy is putting a hell of a lot of money behind you. I’m just asking for a small amount. Two mil should cover it,” Deluca said.

“But it’s nothing. I mean it’s not like we have a contract or anything. He hasn’t spent anything,” Liz said.

“Yes, please, let us go,” Melody said.

“Not a chance,” Deluca said.

He stepped on the gas and the truck sped south toward the border.

“Wait, where are you taking us?” Liz asked, suddenly worried.

“Into Mexico, probably won’t stop. Don’t want the FBI stopping the fun now do we,” Deluca said.

“No, you can’t. I can’t go south. Please, just keep me away from there,” Liz said.

“What’s with you?” Melody asked.

“I can’t explain but please, not south,” Liz said.

“Tough. It’s the closest border,” Deluca said.

And with that, he went faster.

To Be Continued...

Re: The RHSC (CC/Slash/UC, ADULT) - Chapter 10- 25 May

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:10 am
by Tharos
Chapter 11

Unknown to Max as he walked along the street with Kyle and Tess with cokes in their hands, Liz and his cousin were being driven out of town. Then, all of his skin went cold and he dropped the can he was holding. When they heard the metal hit the ground, Kyle and Tess both stopped.

“What’s up?” Kyle asked.

“I don’t...I just felt... I just afraid but like seriously horror movie real life afraid. I’ve never felt that before. Something is very wrong,” Max said.

“Liz?” Tess asked.

“What?” Kyle asked.

“Know anyone else that can cause him to react like that?” Tess asked.

Max looked at them and quickly turned back to the Crash. Then it was Kyle’s turn to stop. He heard a groan from behind a dumpster down an alley and saw his father’s very family shiny shoes sticking out.

“Max!” Kyle called out.

He ran down the alley, Tess and Max quickly behind him. They found the sheriff on the ground, his jaw badly dislocated from his face. In truth, if it wasn’t for the flesh keeping it there, his jaw would have been hanging loose.

“Dad...oh crap...” Kyle said.

“Kyle, back up,” Tess said.

She pulled her boyfriend away to let Max in. The sheriff opened his eyes to nothing but searing pain.

“Sheriff...this is really going to hurt,” Max said.

Max put his hands on the Sheriff’s face and closed his eyes. Max concentrated, his hands glowed brightly as he tried to repair the massive damage. There was a loud crunch and the occasional squelch as the bone was forced back into position. The muscles and sinew knitted together and the sheriff’s face looked like a face again.

When Max pulled his hands away, he held the Sheriff sit up.

“Tha...uhhhn,” the Sheriff said before grabbing his face in pain.

“Easy. It’ll be a while before you can speak properly again,” Max said.

“Dad, what happened?” Kyle asked.

The sheriff was about to speak again before he remembered and went for his traffic ticket pad. He took out his pen and wrote, “Deluca attacked. Took gun.”

“Jesus,” Max said.

Max took off faster than he’d ever ran before, even from the FBI special unit. His leg muscles pumped furiously down the path towards the Crashdown.

At the Parkers, the Deputies, well a couple of them, were already there taking notes. The rest were heading south in the hopes of catching Maria’s dad before the State Police had to take over who were on their way. When the door burst open and Max came in he saw Liz’s parents talking with the Deputies while Serena huddled close to Zan with his arm around her.

“What happened?” Max asked.

“Maria’s dad...he kidnapped Liz,” Philip said.

“He what?” Max asked.

Maria came over, “Max, I’m so sorry,” she said.

“It’s not your fault,” Max said.

“No, I mean...Max, he took your cousin as well,” Maria said.

Max closed his eyes.

“Max, tell me there’s something you can do?” Nancy asked.

Max looked at Zan and they both nodded. “Yeah, there’s something I can do...but...” Max said.

“Do what you need to,” Maria said sternly without batting an eye.

“Zan, call the others. Kyle and Tess are downstairs,” Max said.

“Excuse me, but what are you thinking about doing?” a deputy asked.

“You don’t want to know,” Max said.

“No, you all stay right here. Do not do something stupid,” the deputy said.

“Too late,” Max said.

He held up his hand and a bright flash beamed over the deputies causing them to fall to the ground unconscious.

“Are they...?” Serena asked.

“They’ll wake up in three hours,” Max said.

He went to the door, Maria, Zan and Serena following behind.

“Wait, what do we tell them when they wake up?” Nancy asked.

“Not to get in my way. Not today,” Max said.

Together, they marched out of the room and headed towards the jeep.

Meanwhile, Garry Deluca didn’t spend much time on the roads. When he could, he went off-road thanks to a little conversion he made to his truck and headed south over the desert. It was bumpy but he figured if anyone was giving chase by now, they wouldn’t be looking for him in the middle off a wasteland. As they approached the border into Mexico, Liz looked around at her captor.

“You can’t get across the border. Hell I don’t even have a passport. And all I need to do is scream,” Liz said.

“Oh kid, if you scream your boyfriend’s cousin gets a bullet in her stomach. She’ll suffer a lot before I get around to putting one in her brain,” Garry said.

“Stop talking,” Melody whispered and begged.

“Besides, we’re not crossing at the official border,” Garry said.

Garry drove and for another twenty minutes he kept the gas pedal hard against the floor until they came to a small series of hills. He drove up to them and parked. From his glove compartment he pulled out a garage-door opener and clicked it. Promptly a concealed door in the side of the hill opened up and he drove into a series of tunnels.

“What is this?” Melody asked.

“Old mines shafts. Smugglers use these to cross the border. Drugs, immigrants...they all come through one of these tunnels,” Garry said.

“How’d you know about them?” Liz asked.

He looked at her and smiled.

“Oh nice,” Liz said, shaking her head. “I’m sure Maria would be so proud.”

With that, Garry swung the back of his hand into Liz’s face. “Don’t talk to me about that little whore,” he yelled.

She stared at him. “You should’ve let me go,” Liz said.

“And why would I let me little cash cow go?” he asked.

“Trust me. You don’t know what’s coming after me,” Liz said.

He chuckled, he thought she was just putting up a brave front, then he looked at her eyes. He shrugged off the chill running down his spine and focused on the winding dark tunnels ahead of him. Pretty soon, they emerged at the other end on a dirt track nearly five miles over the border. From there, they found their way onto the main road.

At the site where the Antarians built their little machine that bonded with the Granolith and uploaded information into Liz’s mind, Max and the others walked straight to it. With a wave of his hand, the rocks mass concealing the machine pulled back into the ground and it powered up.

“So what’s the plan?” Kyle asked.

“This was built for Liz, it’s connected to her brain and we can follow it to her,” Zan said.

“And then what?” Serena asked. “She’s still not going to be here.”

“We do what we need to,” Max said. “All of you take off your clothes.”

“Uh Max, normally I’m all for that but...really not the time for this,” Tess said.

“What? Oh, no. If we wear anything they’ll probably be incinerated. So unless you want to get back into town naked then...” Max said.

Quickly everyone took off their clothes. Isabel and Alex grabbed them all up and put them in the cars before going back to the group. Max guided Serena to the machine and asked her to put her hands on it. The DNA of the two sisters was close enough to act as a conduit, through which the Antarians could connect into that part of the machine that was linked with Liz.

Each placed their hands on the younger girl’s body and effectively hacked into the machine’s programming. Instantly, their Antarian bodies burst into the bright light that usually only came when they were making love. The radiance spread over the area and flooded into Serena, Maria, Kyle and Alex. It was an instant high, pleasure washing over their bodies like water and soon even they themselves glowed.

“Wow,” Serena said.

“Can you guys feel her yet?” Isabel asked.

“No...yes...there. She’s heading south. Liz...LIZ!” Max said.

The reaction in Liz was almost immediate. Her vision blurred before her head was cast back and her eyes glowed brightly before becoming jet black. Garry saw her, his reaction was to swerve the truck into the oncoming lane before he straightened it out. Melody just stared with wide eyes.

“What the fu...what are you?” Garry asked.

“I told you, you should have let us go,” Liz said.

Then she looked forward. Garry looked forward, and then Melody did only to see five glowing aliens on the road.

“Jesus!” Garry yelled before slamming on the brakes.

“Trust me when I say, you’ve pissed off the wrong people,” Liz said.

The truck shrieked to a stop. The aliens before them each marched toward the car. This time Garry slammed on the gas and the truck took off down the road. Garry was intent on ramming the aliens, and he did. At over 60mph, the truck flew toward the aliens but instead of an impact, the truck passed right through them before they vanished.

“What are you doing this?” Garry asked.

“I’m not. They are,” Liz said.

Garry looked forward again to see them down the road again. He rammed them again, and once again they appeared down the road.

“They won’t stop. They’ll keep coming and coming. All they need is time and they won’t stop until they get me back. And when they’re ready, you won’t just walk away,” Liz said.

“Who are they?” Melody asked.

“They’re called Antarians. And they are very protective of me,” Liz said.

Garry didn’t stop he just went faster and faster through each of the apparitions as they appeared.

At the Granolith, Max and the others focused on Liz.

“The projections are not working. He just keeps going faster,” Max said.

“You’d think seeing aliens would get people running the other way, not trying to hit them,” Michael said.

“There has to be a way to get there,” Maria said.

“There is,” Zan said.

“You think they’ll mind if we borrow it?” Max asked.

“Borrow it? It’s ours, they technically stole it,” Zan said.

“Salvaged it,” Max corrected.

“What are you two talking about?” Isabel asked.

Across the desert to the west, in the heart of Nevada, a small military base sat yet didn’t appear on any maps. Even so, everyone knew where it was. The world’s worst kept secret. The problem was, Area 51 wasn’t a military base. That was just the cover. The real Area 51 was a small cabin half a mile north surrounded by a mesh fence and nothing but desert that, according to all the signs, were used to monitor weather.

Deep below, where all the work was done, was a facility of 20 floors filled with soldiers and scientists. Each floor handled study of a different aspect or piece of technology they were able to research. The source was the ship from the crash, located on the very bottom floor at the bottom of an old missile silo.

Within the ship, a small light started to flash. As Max concentrated on the Granolith, his mind was linked into the ship’s systems and slowly it began to switch back on. From all over the base, salvaged pieces of technology started to activate and glow. The scientists all stepped back and look at each other.


After 60 years of dormancy, something was actually happening and they couldn’t explain it. Seconds later, the fragments levitated from the workbenches and slammed down through the floor. Going layer by layer they ship called the pieces back to it and reintegrated them back into its systems before fully powering up.

All over the base, alarms were blazing as the soldiers ran with the biggest guns they could find down to the hanger. When they saw the ship glow, they gulped. Slowly the saucer shaped vessel span around. Quickly, the scientists onboard tried to run and most did make it out before the hatch, well...the hole made by the crash, closed over.

Soon the vessel started to float in mid-air and the military opened fire with everything they had. There wasn’t so much as a scratch. The ship them glowed and shot straight up, flying up the silo and bashing through the roof leaving a massive hole in the desert floor. The cabin on the surface was blown away in a shower of splinters leaving only the security guard, sitting on the toilet with a newspaper in hand that he’d quickly put over his head as some makeshift shield.

The ship flew to the east, hovered over the Granolith for a moment before sending down an intense beam of light over Max and the others. Seconds later, they were onboard.

“Way cool,” Serena said.

“Uh, guys,” Kyle said.

They looked over to where Kyle looked and saw the last remaining scientist onboard. He was shaking as he looked at the nine naked teenagers who had stopped glowing. He held up his hands before parting his middle fingers on one hand.

“Isn’t that...?” Serena asked.

“The Vulcan handshake thing. Dude, that’s so lame,” Alex said.

“Should we drop him off?” Tess asked.

“No time,” Max said.

From the floor, several chairs each raised from the ground, one for each of the passengers. They all sat down and Max placed his hands on a pair of handprints that allowed him to pilot. Seconds later they were heading south.

“What...what...what?” the scientist asked.

“Easy now, let it all sink in. Let the words just form a sentence,” Alex said.

“What do you want?” he asked.

“Right now...I want to save my girlfriend,” Max said.

“My father really sucks and kidnapped her. So he’s going to pay big time,” Maria said.

In mere seconds, the ship was over the border and tracking Liz’s location.

Far to the south, Mexico was almost a memory as the truck sped toward the country’s southern most border and the terrain was now dense forest. Garry wasn’t thinking of a destination anymore, he just wanted to get as far away as possible before he made his ransom call. Still, Max’s projections of his family’s alien forms did have some effect.

Each time Garry rammed through them, the molecular structure of his truck was disrupted. Normally it wouldn’t be much of a problem but Deluca did it often and the effect was cumulative. Before long, the engine started to splutter and a line carrying the fuel degraded to the point it leaked. Within another minute, the truck just stopped.

“Both of you...out,” Deluca said.

He looked around, through the trees he could see an old farmhouse and guided his prisoners to it where they saw the building sitting by a small river with a boat moored on the bank. Garry went straight to it, he looked around to see if the aliens were nearby but saw nothing. He quickly untied it and put the girls onboard.

“What are you?” Melody asked Liz quietly.

Liz looked at her, “I’m human, why what are you?” she asked.

“Then what the hell was with the eyes?” Melody asked.

“They were trying to find me. I’m linked to them,” Liz said.

“Shut up. Get on,” Garry said.

They quickly started down the river, allowing the flow to carry them as they passed through the jungle.

“Now, answer the question. What are they?” Garry asked.

“They’re my friends and they don’t like people who mess with their friends,” Liz said.

“I said, who are they?” Garry asked, this time putting the gun against her forehead.

“They’re called Antarians. They came here to find me because this world is about to end. A virus is going to attack all plant-life and destroy the biosphere of the planet. Basically, no more oxygen in the air. I’m supposed to be the one that saves the human race,” Liz said.

“What?” both Garry and Melody asked.

“You want to know the kicker. The virus was supposed to start around here,” Liz said.

Down stream, Garry guided the boat to the other side of the river near what appeared to be an old abandoned building of corrugated iron walls but it had a satellite dish on the roof. They pushed through a few trees to get to it, unfortunately what they found on the other side was a small glowing green orb floating around a large puddle of goo.

“Damn it,” Liz said.

“Liz, is that...?” Melody asked.

“Yes. I think...Nacedo’s people must have left that here to monitor the puddle,” Liz said.

“Nacedo?” Melody asked.

“A very bad Antarian...but not the worst. His boss is still on his way,” Liz said. She turned to Garry, “Still want to hold me for ransom? You really won’t have much time to enjoy that money.”

“I’ll take my chances,” Garry said.

“You are so thick it’s not funny,” Liz said.

In moments, the ship pulled to a stop over the area and a beam of light streamed down over Liz.

“Oh wow,” Liz said.

“, no, no, no,” Garry said.

He aimed his gun and just started to fire at the hull of the ship. One bullet ricocheted off the metal and bounced down. It flew through the air, and hit Liz. The bullet went through her shoulder and as she fell it landed on the surface of the thick slime before it slowly started to sink, taking Liz’s blood with it.

Melody caught Liz and eased her to the ground before a blast of red light fired from the ship and blew Deluca against the shack, it also had the advantage of clearing enough land for the ship to land. Soon it opened and Max and the others came running out.

“Woah...what? Max...why are you on an alien way. No, no, no freaking way,” Melody said quickly and then paused. “Why are you all naked?” she asked.

“We like it that way,” Isabel said.

Max didn’t say anything. He ran to Liz and knelt by her side before putting his hand over her wound. He looked into her eyes and he healed the bullet hole. Melody looked on as Max wiped away the blood to show that there wasn’t even a blemish where the bullet had hit.

“Biggest story ever,” Melody said. “And I can’t talk about it. Damn it.”

“Really? You wouldn’t talk about it?” Isabel asked.

“Not without setting off a nuke under the family. Forget your parents, mine would never talk to me again,” Melody said.

“Oh god, Max. It happened,” Liz said.

“I know,” Max said.

“But it’s too soon. Kivar said it would be on a gap year after I graduated. The Great Disaster is going to happen,” Liz said.

“Then we’ll work faster,” Max said.

Max helped Liz to her feet and with Melody in tow the boarded the ship. Kyle picked up Garry, with Maria staring daggers at her father while Michael took a pair of handcuffs and melted them around Garry’s wrists. They became a single piece of fused metal that wouldn’t be coming off anytime soon. Once they were inside the door sealed and it took off back to Roswell. Down a few corridors, Michael locked Garry inside a room. When he returned to the command room of the ship, he noticed a slight intermittent hum.

“Is anyone else hearing that?” Michael asked.

“Hearing what?” Max asked before they all noticed the hum.

“Why does that sound familiar?” Isabel asked.

“Yeah I’ve heard that before,” Tess said.

“ know how the ship crashed in ’47?” Zan asked.

“Yeah?” everyone asked.

“Slight malfunction that hasn’t been repaired apparently,” Zan said.

It was night in Roswell. As people were out enjoying themselves, a streaking circle of light crossed the sky over town and everyone saw it come down too fast just outside of town.

To Be Continued...

Re: The RHSC (CC/Slash/UC, ADULT) - Chapter 11 - 15 Jun

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:37 am
by Tharos
Chapter 12

It was almost as if the people of Roswell had been waiting for a second crash in their neighbourhood. Every vehicle, cars, trucks and even the school buses had been loaded with locals as they sped out of town in a massive line. A few people even sat on their bicycles, put their hand on a wing mirror or any other hand hold and held on as they were towed.

Their headlights blazed in the night and soon the flashing red and blue of Valenti and his deputies joined the line and did what they could to overtake the lead cars. As they went they noticed the makeshift signs and banners.

‘MIB, Hands Off This Time!’

‘ET Phone Home’

‘Bring Back Elvis’

Even the local pizza delivery guy came with his friends sticking out of the sunroof and holding onto a pie just for the aliens, actually it was for the school principal but he was a few cars behind and didn’t even remember ordering it now.

At the crash-site, well the newest one at any rate, Max and the others came stumbling out of a hole that was cut into the side of the ship by the rock-face. The ship hadn’t been moving anywhere near as fast as it had the last time it plunged into the ground, and as such there wasn’t much more than a few cuts and bruises that Max took care of.

Zan shook his head and stumbled a little before he could find his footing. Serena moved to him and helped steady him.

“Are you okay?” Serena asked.

“Yeah. I’m...oh spiny head,” Zan said.

“Zan?” Serena asked.

“That was! Where’s the hole, I wanna do that again,” Zan said.

He tried to turned around back to the ship but Serena stopped him and Max quickly helped him sit down.

“I think we better stop him from hitting his head in the future,” Isabel said.

“Mel, are you okay?” Max asked.

“Fine. You guys do this often?” Melody asked.

“You kidding? Every week it’s something new,” Maria said.

“Technically...this is only new for half of us,” Liz said.

“Oh come on that doesn’t count. We don’t remember that,” Tess said.

“Uh guys,” Kyle said.

Kyle looked off into the distance and once the others looked in the same direction they saw a long string of headlights coming in their direction.

“Oh crap,” Liz said.

“And you guys are kind of naked,” Melody said.

“Like I said...oh crap,” Liz said.

“Well...hide,” Max said.

“Where?” Melody asked.

Everyone ran held themselves close to the rock and Melody followed them. Max through his hand up and a sprouting of burst out of the ground and covered the others before he ran back into the ship. There was still a couple of people onboard. One was the scientist who had been stranded when Max reactivated the ship and the other, the person responsible for doing it in the first place. Maria’s dad was currently locked in a room and thanks to the crash was out cold. Max pulled them both out and hid Deluca nearby before he joined the others behind the rock. The scientist he left out in the open, kneeling on the ground looking up at the stars and with a little help from Tess, he didn’t remember a thing that happened after the group boarded the ship.

Soon afterward, the convoy had stopped suddenly and sent a cloud of dust over the area. Once it cleared, they sat there in their cars dumbfounded. All the cheering had stopped and silently waited as the mass became clear while the dust settled. More than a few balls of chewing gum fell right out of mouths to the floor.

One by one, they people of Roswell left their cars and walked toward the ship. Valenti and the deputies quickly set up a perimeter around the vessel. The sheriff just spouted off anything he could think off to keep them at least some distance from the ship, radiation from the damage, alien viruses, machines programmed to find any orifice and probe inside...that one won.

All the while, the sheriff looked over the area in an attempt to find his son or the others. It was when he felt a little tingle in his head that he looked over to the rock where Max and the others were hiding. He told one Deputy to dive his SUV over to the area and leave the keys in the ignition. He’d been around the alien block once or twice and knew to leave a few emergency supplies under his back seat.

Max sneaked inside and pulled out some backpacks. Inside were a few dresses, pants and t-shirts. There was something for all of them, including flashlights, energy bars and bottled water but those weren’t needed right now. At any rate, the teens could leave the shelter of their hiding place and disappear into the crowd once they were ready.

“This is so cool. Biggest story ever...and I can’t tell anyone. I know I’ve said that before but this sucks,” Melody said.

“Well you can’t talk about all of it. But there is a crashed ship right there,” Max said.

Melody swung her head around and looked at her cousin. “Seriously?” she asked.

“Protect the family, but with that there...take your big break,” Max said.

Melody wrapped her arms around Max before reaching into her own backpack and pulled out a video camera. It came with its own uplink straight to the news van from her station which was further down the line of cars. Once she was out in the open, with Max and the others quietly walking away and with the ship in the background, she had one of the crowd hold the camera.

“This is Melody Coates, live from just outside Roswell New Mexico where for the second time in this small town’s history and alien craft has crashed. This time, however, we have it on film with the entire town as witnesses...”

As she continued her report, several lights in the sky heralded the approach of army helicopters. The military was well on its way, along with damned near every branch of the federal government that had three letter acronyms. They just had one problem...the local police the people listened to, the FEDs they told to take a hike. The people weren’t letting them make this ship disappear and pretend it’s a weather balloon.

To make matters worse for them, it was all broadcast live to every corner of the planet.

In one of the lower floors of the Pentagon, while one screen continually monitored the approaching of the fleet everything else was monitoring what just happened at Roswell. Right now the screen in front of a General was showing Melody’s report from the crash-site, he sat there with his eyes wide open and his hand over his mouth.

“Sir,” an aide said.

“Yes Lieutenant?” the general asked.

“The...uh...the White House called. The President wants to see you ASAP,” the lieutenant said.

“Please just tell me that ship is secured,” the general said.

“Afraid not. The local police are on site but the civilians are not letting the military or the FBI...or anyone else for that matter get close,” the lieutenant said.

“You have reminded the commander there that he and his troops come complete with nice big guns that fire lots of bullets very fast?” the general asked.

“They have pressed the issue. The local Sheriff...uh Valenti I think it is, has said any discharge of a weapon at what is a peaceful gathering of US civilians will be met with returned fire from himself and his deputies,” the lieutenant said.

“They’re armed with what, Smith & Wesson’s?” the general asked.

“Yes and Valenti did make a point of smiling at the reporter and camera she’s in front of,” the lieutenant said.

“Gnn...I hate reporters,” the general said.

“We do have one thing. Given the biological threat, the people are going to let the Centre for Disease Control passed them. I’ve talked to them. We can get a couple of our people inside,” the lieutenant said.

“What biological threat? We’ve had people inside that ship for sixty years. We just want it back in its hanger, along with whatever switched it back on,” the general said.

“That might not be happening now. We have had’s not just Roswell checking out the crash. Nearby towns are flooding into the area. All flights and trains have reported a huge spike in ticket sales for anything heading to the area. To make matters worse...this Melody Coates isn’t going to be the only reporter at the site. CNN, FOX, every media agency is flying their choppers to the area,” the lieutenant said.

“’s official. The president is so going to fire my ass,” the general said.

“Sir, speaking of...” the lieutenant said.

“Yes, yes. I better be going,” the General said.

The General picked up his things, put on his hat and grabbed his briefcase before walking out of the bunker.

The only people who hadn’t gone out to see the ship were the parents of those who were on board it. The Parkers had waited patiently for any news on their abducted daughter, they had sat on the sofa, Nancy’s hand held reassuringly by her husband. In truth, they hadn’t been that worried. They knew Max would tear the planet apart to search for Liz and he wouldn’t come home without her. That changed when the shining bright light passed over the town and word spread of the crash.

When the door opened and Liz came in, the two parents leapt from the sofa and grabbed her into a hug before pulling Serena in as well. They were so glad to have their daughters back, the entire world was forgotten for a while.

“Are you okay?” Nancy asked.

“I’m fine. He’s over now,” Liz said.

“What about...?” Nancy asked.

“We’re both okay,” Liz said, holding a hand over her abdomen.

“Max...all of you, thank you,” Jeff said and put his hand on Max’s shoulder.

“So what happened out there?” Philip asked.

“We took back our old ship and used it to get Liz back but there was a glitch and’s on the news now,” Isabel said.

“Thankfully you aren’t,” Diane said.

“Yeah, that was too close. Even for us,” Tess said.

“You all should look at the news,” Philip said.

“Why? We were in it,” Alex said.

“Because out there, the people are protecting the ship. They’re not letting the government get close. Hell, they’re hoping the pilots come out and saw something and more people are on their way. They’re not afraid, they not running for the hills or calling for nukes. They’re honestly trying to go for peaceful contact without military guns or politicians and their ego,” Diane said.

“Who knew the human race would grow up so quickly,” Maria said.

“Well, I know we’d all like a quiet night to put this behind us but it looks like we all have work to do,” Liz said.

“Liz?” Isabel asked.

“The mutation has started, the Great Disaster can’t be stopped anymore. It’ll wipe out all plant life on Earth. I have to deal with that. You have people to talk to,” Liz said.

“You can’t be serious?” Michael said.

“I’m completely serious. Just one thing, I don’t want any of you too close,” Liz said.

“I’ll handle that,” Tess said.

“Can you mindwarp that many people?” Max asked.

“Oh hell no. I’ll give myself a stroke, but I can create something and use the Granolith to project it so that even the TV cameras pick it up,” Tess said.

“Okay, that’s a plan,” Liz said.

“Just what are you going to be doing?” Nancy asked her daughter.

“I’ll be at my desk with my notebook and a phone call to the money behind our little project. Oh, yeah and sorry about the phone bill this month,” Liz said.

“Just how bad?” Jeff asked.

“Bad enough so that you’d know you’re helping save the world,” Liz said.

“Ouch,” nearly every adult in the room said.

“Yeah but didn’t he tell you?” Alex asked.

“Who tell me what?” Liz asked.

“Simon Dumant, he’s covering all your expenses,” Alex said.

“Oh cool. Forgot what I said about the phone bill then,” Liz said.

“Uh one thing though...Maria what happened to your dad?” Jeff asked.

They all smiled.

Locked inside a room in the soap factory where they had deposited Garry Deluca and soundproofed the building, he screamed and screamed. He lay flat on his belly but as far as his mind was telling him, that wasn’t all that was happening thanks to a mindwarp from Tess.

In his mind, Deluca saw himself strapped naked to a cold metal table. Light white lights moved around his body and he couldn’t move. Two glowing aliens approached him, and talked in an incoherent language before one of them laughed and the other smiled. One alien reached over to a consol and pulled out a cylindrical rod with a domed head. As the alien held it, several prongs stabbed out and sent tendrils out before pulling them back in.

The other alien went over to a table and pulled a small bottle. He walked over to the first alien and held the bottle over the rod. A small drop of lubricating fluid came out and dropped onto the rod before the first alien stopped the other one.

Deluca saw the two aliens arguing before the second just shook his head, he could have sworn he saw the second alien look sympathetically at him.

Then the first alien pulled the rod behind the table, behind Deluca, where he couldn’t see what was going on. Then he felt the cold metal touch the skin of his ass and his eyes went wide. Seconds later, the probe was forcefully shoved inside him and he screamed as he felt the prongs and tendrils start to explore.

The General was quickly ushered into the Oval Office and away from as much press as possible. While officers and flag officers were nothing new to these halls, the press were looking for a uniform and latching onto them for dear life in the hopes of even a scrap of a quote.

With the President sitting behind his desk signing papers and reading reports, he looked up at the general in charge of their little alien project.

“Okay, so just to get this right. That crashed ship in Roswell is the one that crashed in Roswell before?” the president asked.

“Yes sir. One second it was dormant, the next it was active and flying away. The scientist stranded on board doesn’t remember anything,” the general said.

“Nothing?” the president asked.

“We’ve tried everything, even a few bouts of hypnosis but those few hours are completely blank,” the general said.

“And the reason why we don’t have it back in its hanger and having complete deniability which has been the policy of the government for as long as anyone can remember?” the president asked.

“The locals, and a reporter, beat us to it. Sometimes, we just lose,” the general said.

“General, you are not paid to lose. You’re paid to win. It’s what you were trained for, its what we spent millions of dollars on with every soldier, airman and sailor in the military and now you’re saying you just weren’t fast enough. We have an alien fleet in coming, the shape of those ships are similar to the one you just lost and now because of the locals...we can’t get it back,” the president said.

“Yes sir. Not without using force,” the general said.

“Then use it. Get that ship on the back of a truck and get it out of sight,” the president said.

“Yes Mr President,” the general said before he walked out of the office.

As he did, he reached into his pocket and switched off the recording function on his phone. With everything that was going on, he didn’t want to end up in front of a Congressional Hearing without proof to cover his own ass.

On his way out of the building to return to his own office, he locked eyes with a reporter who soon followed the General. Both of them headed out, with their phones against their ears as a cover for their conversation.

“Sandra,” the general greeted.

“General, got something for me?” Sandra asked.

“Of course not,” the general said.

“Well, a girl can always dream,” Sandra said.

“What do you know about this kid, Melody Coates?” the general asked.

“A researched down in Roswell looking to make her big break. Boy did she get it,” Sandra said.

“Lucky girl?” the General asked.

“Or it could be that the ship went down close to the town and not in the middle of no-where. Right time, right place. Damn near every media outlet is going to try and hire her. She’s broken the biggest story. She can name her price. So what happened in the Oval?” Sandra asked.

“Had my ass chewed out. The president has ordered me to take control of the ship,” the general said.

“Yeah, that’ll happen. Have you watched the news? The locals are in control down there,” Sandra said.

The General just looked at her.

“Really? He’s ordered the use of force?” Sandra asked.

“People in Roswell may be open to this but the rest of the country might not be. It’s better to look in control and appear strong for them than one little desert town,” the general said.

“His approval ratings do suck these days. How long can you give me?” Sandra asked.

“I’ll be back in the Pentagon in 20 minutes. Make whatever calls you need to do to report this very fast,” the general said.

“You know you could call him you know,” Sandra said.

“Sandra...” the general warned.

“God you military men. Stubborn til the days you die. He’s your son, I love him and I know this is killing him so if the world is going to go alien apocalypse then call him,” Sandra said.


“You know I’m right. I’m always right and your wife agrees with me,” Sandra said.

“You talked to Millicent about this?” the general asked, instantly afraid.

“Uh huh,” Sandra smiled.

The General shook his head and put away his phone. “Yeah, you’ll definitely be able to keep my son on his toes,” he said.

“I intend long as the world doesn’t end. Look, here give me your phone,” Sandra said.

“What? No,” the general said.

Sandra just squinted her eyes at him and he handed over the phone. She dialled and tossed it back to the General as it rang.

“That should buy me what? Another five/ten minutes before you get to the Pentagon?” Sandra asked.

“Clever girl,” the General said.

“Talk to him,” Sandra said.

“Hello?” a muffled voice said from the phone.

“Hi...son, it’s me. I guess we should talk...” the general said.

Sandra quickly pulled out her phone and called her editor as she walked away. The general made his way to his car and soon headed back to his own office.

Despite the government trying to seal off the airspace around Roswell, Simon Dumont’s plane managed to get close enough so that he could land and drive into town. Never had he seen any street so alive as these ones were, not even Time Square at New Years. People were everywhere and few were local, they were already out at the ship and these people were on their way. The only locals still there were those opening up all the cafés, including Jeff opening the Crash, and the stores. Hell even some of the local Starbucks was opened with the knowledge that people maybe hyped and buzzed enough to stay awake right now but sooner or later they’ll need all the caffeine they can provide.

When Simon reached the Crash he immediately went inside and Jeff showed him up to his home and knocked on Liz’s door. She called her guest inside and once inside, he saw Liz sitting at her desk with large sheets of paper strewn all over the room. Each sheet was covered with etchings and notations.

“Uh...Liz?” Simon asked.

“Mr Dumont, hi. Sorry about the mess,” Liz said.

“What is all this?” Simon asked.

“I’m having to work faster. How long would it take you to make a particle accelerator out at Eagle Rock?” Liz asked.

“With the parts, which I have on order thanks to looking at your notebook last time I was here, I can have it installed inside of a month,” Simon said.

“What would it take to have it done by the end of next week?” Liz asked.

“Uh, not much really but the safety checks are what will take the most time,” Simon said.

“Right, of course. I’ll also need about a dozen pieces of equipment. I’ll need them at Eagle Rock as soon as possible. Um...this one...this, this...and this oh and this too,” Liz said and she scrambled over her drawing to find specific ones.

“Liz, what’s going on?” Simon asked.

“It’s happening. The Great Disaster is happening now,” Liz said.

“What? How?” Simon asked.

“The source of the plague thing. We found it, it’s down south but the mutations have started. It’ll start spreading through the soil into the roots and vines. It’ll be over a mile from the start within three days, twenty miles by the end of the week. Right now, it’s not affecting much but it’ll spread and the mutation will continue. It’ll change, and change until one day...” Liz said.

“The Great Disaster,” Simon said.

“Plants and trees will be dead and our oxygen supply will be gone. I thought there would be more time. I wasn’t supposed to be out there until after graduation but now...,” Liz said.

“Liz, you’ve already saved lives. These domes you’ve designed, they can save millions,” Simon said.

“Not unless I work faster. I need to perfect the life support designs and the power systems. The Mars colony ship needs to start construction within a year of the Disaster going public if the people being sent are to have a chance and for them to leave I need to start the terra-forming inside of six months. And I just don’t know, I have it in my head but I just can’t access it yet,” Liz said.

“Liz, Liz, just stop. Breathe. You’ll get this. Now, I’ll get my people started on all of these. In the meantime,” Simon said.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small ingot of shining metal marked with his company logo.

“The fruits of your brain,” Simon said.

“This is...?” Liz asked.

“The first bar of your special little molecule, times a billion. That’s incredible,” Simon said.

Liz held the bar in her hand and ran her fingers over it. She then looked around for something and eventually settled on her bedroom wall. She went over to the sport where she hid her journal and pulled out the brick used to cover the hole. She rested it on the floor and slammed the edge of the bar into the brick.

It cut though the brick, a crack formed and continued to split the brick through to the other side. The metal on the other hand was unblemished. It was as shiny as ever and not even dinged in the slightest way. Liz looked over the ingot and smiled.

“It’s perfect,” Liz said.

“That’s the first of many,” Simon said.

“We’ll need twelve tons of bars like these to make a dome-frame around Roswell,” Liz said.

“It took three days of constant work at my particle accelerator to produce enough of your molecules to make that one bar,” Simon said.

“That’s where you’re new accelerator at Eagle Rock comes in. Combined with these designs I’ve given you it’ll operate...hopefully, a thousand times more efficiently and faster. We should be able to make enough,” Liz said.

“Liz, I know you’re good but that is impossible. It’ll not technically possible to get that level of improvement at this level of technology,” Simon said.

“Yeah that’s why the Antarians built a machine that had some fun in my brain. We’re out of time Mr Dumont. We can either get this done or we’re screwed. We need to live just long enough for the backup plan to kick in,” Liz said.

“I’m sorry? What backup plan?” Simon asked.

“Something my friends worked on before they sent the ship to Earth. A way for Earth to recover with plants that are immune to the Disaster,” Liz said.

“If they’re immune why don’t we use them now?” Simon asked.

“Cause if people take one look at them, they’ll realise they aren’t from earth and probably freak before they destroy them without them doing any good. It’s the other reason for the domes. Keeping people were there is air for them to breathe is the main one but them not seeing what’s going on outside the dome,” Liz said.

“Well then...let’s get on with saving this planet,” Simon said.

“Right,” Liz said.

Together the two of them went to work. Liz designed, and Simon did his best to keep up with all that she was doing.

The crash-site was now firmly divided into two camps and more and more people were coming in to reinforce the ranks. On one side were the civilians intent in keeping the craft safe and on the other was the military looking to get that ship back to where they thought it belonged. Valenti kept the people from his town, and those coming in from outlying areas, away from the big guys with guns and behind himself and the deputies.

Melody was getting everything on camera. She’d found the perfect vantage point and through her, the world watched.

After a while, two dozen armed helicopters came flying over the horizon and shined their lights down on the people. They weren’t alone however, they were the vanguard of a great many tanks, rocket launchers and enough infantry to invade a small country. All parked themselves in the area and aimed in the general vicinity of the ship...basically close enough to incinerate every last person there.

“Holy crap,” Melody whispered just quietly enough to avoid being picked up by the microphones..

“Attention! Under presidential order you will vacate this area immediately. Martial Law is hereby in effect,” the colonel in charge of the area called out through his megaphone.

“Bite me!” someone from the crowd called out.

“Okay Max...step in at anytime,” Melody whispered.

“This is your last warning. The vessel must be secured. Leave now,” the colonel yelled.

With no response, the colonel gave the order and all the guns were pointed over the crowd. He waited for any sign they were going to leave but without one he gave the order for a warning shot to be fired. The soldiers along the front line, all fifty of them opened fire. Yes they aimed over the crown but the crowd all still ducked, yet they didn’t run.

When the second volley came it was far lower. This time though, when the people ducked, they looked up to see a bright green glow surrounding them. Max’s shield created a barrier between the crowd and the military. The colonel in charge stared at the shield and gulped before it faded. Then everyone turned to stare at the ship to see a bright white glow coming from the hole in the side of the ship and five masses became distinct.

“Oh what the hell are you guys doing?” both Valenti and Melody mumbled separately but at the same time.

Silence spread throughout the area. Not one person dared utter a sound, hell their breathing was almost non-existent as they watched the aliens appear from their ship...

At the Granolith, as Max and the others each linked with Tess who had her hands on the Granolith to project their presence to the crash-site.

“If even one of them does that Vulcan thing like that scientist guy did, I’m really going to lose faith in humanity,” Michael said.

Valenti, and the mayor who had just arrived at the Crash to see the first shots being fired, approached the aliens through the crowd of civilians. They walked closer and closer with everyone in the area just looking at them.

Then, in his head, Jim heard, “Just go along with it,” in Tess’s voice.

“Uh...hello,” Valenti said.

The lead alien, Max’s projection, held out his hand and Valenti took it. There, on international television, a local sheriff was shaking hands with an alien.

“Thank you,” Max said in a distorted, slightly higher-pitched voice.

“You’re welcome,” Jim said. “Oh this is our mayor...ah, a local leader we’ve elected.”

“Uh...hi,” the mayor said and held his hand up to wave.

Max bowed his head and lifted it back up. “Greetings,” he said.

Just then, a bright light streaked across the night sky and stopped above them. Then an even brighter light beamed down over the area and the five aliens were swept up. While the crowd looked up, the ground below the ship collapsed and it was buried. There wasn’t even a dust cloud and soon the area looked like very little had happened at all. Once done, the light in the sky shot up.

They entire crowd erupted into celebratory cheers and mass of claps. Tess disconnected herself from the Granolith and it was over.

Too bad that right above them, Kivar’s fleet just arrived in orbit.

To Be Continued...

Re: The RHSC (CC/Slash/UC, ADULT) - Chapter 12 - 17 Jul

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 4:59 am
by Tharos
Chapter 13

With every television screen showing the massive street parties in Roswell with more and more arriving every minute, and the occasional clips of the standoff between the people of Roswell and the military followed by the alien’s departure, the president held his head in his hand while those around him blocked phone calls. Most were from the senate and congress but the sheer number from other nations had damn near every one of the assistance staff tied up.

Each call was a demand for answers, and they didn’t have very many to give. Still, the lack of communication wasn’t stopping the New Mexico delegation from leaving their offices to head to the White House. They very badly wanted to know just what the hell the president was thinking in ordering the army to open fire on Roswell’s citizens.

At any rate, he was stuck in his office.

“So just so I’m on the right page...” the president said.

“Yes Mr President?” a general asked.

“The alien, and empty, ship we had locked up in a desert hanger suddenly just pulled all the pieces back into itself and conducted repairs. It took off and at some point hovered over Roswell before crashing down. Aliens then come out of the supposedly empty ship, get beamed up by a second ship that didn’t appear on radar and now everyone thinks they’re some sort of heroes while a massive fleet that we can detect gathers in orbit. Is that about it?” the president asked.

“Yes Mr President, that covers it,” the general said.

“Tell Jack that I’m going to need one hell of a speech. Include everything that we know, including the fleet. Might as well let those idiots in Roswell know that their celebrating the end of the world, not first contact,” the president said.

“Of course sir. That being said Mr President, there are a number of issues to be addressed,” the general said.

“Such as?” the president asked.

“The first Roswell incident, the fact that we’ve had that ship since the 40s and informed no one. If it wasn’t for this incident you wouldn’t have even been informed,” the general said.

“Other nations have had their own UFO investigations, we had one crash into our laps. Just because they weren’t so lucky doesn’t mean we have to tell them anything. Oh and by the way. The fact that the military knew and I didn’t...that’s my get out of jail free card,” the president said.

He stood up from his desk and patted the general on his back before he headed over to the residence for a sandwich. The general himself suddenly felt the sword of Damocles swinging over his head, now he had some phone calls of his own to make.

From the doors leading into the backroom of the Crash, Serena stood with crossed arms and leaned against the doorframe as she watched the people dancing in the streets. Television cameras were everywhere catching every moment of the celebrations and to make matters worse, as far as Valenti was concerned, the Sheriff’s department couldn’t do a damn thing.

The station was surrounded by people calling on the Sheriff to come out and greet the crowd. As far as the world knew, he was the only one ever to shake the hand of an alien.

“Are they still going crazy?” Zan asked as he came up behind her and slipped his arms around her.

“Totally crazy. And there seems to be an odd love fest going on with the Sheriff, all because of a handshake,” Serena said.

“Could you imagine how they’d treat you?” Zan asked.

“What do you mean?” Serena asked.

“The sheriff did a hand shake with an alien. I seem to recall a very gorgeous brunette human giving this fairly handsome alien a blowjob earlier,” Zan said.

Serena smiled and rolled her eyes before turning around in his arms. “What can I say? I’m addicted,” she said as her hand brushed over his crotch.

“You and me both,” Zan said.

Suddenly the two of their pressed their bodies together and kissed passionately while pawing at each other’s clothes. Together they walked toward the couch but Serena’s attempt to unzip Zan’s pants was stopped with the sound of braking glass. Instantly they were alert and looked toward the stockroom.

Zan walked toward the door and kept his hand ready to fire. He quickly pulled the door open but lower his hand. Kyle and Tess were in there with a broken bottle of ketchup on the floor. Kyle had Tess up against the back shelves with her legs wrapped around him while he pounded into her moaning body.

Serena quickly looked into the room when she heard the latest moan and smiled at the pair.

“Oh hi guys,” Tess said when she noticed them and smiled when she saw Zan’s zipper down.

Tess tapped on Kyle’s back and he looked around. He stopped thrusting and kissed Tess before he pulled out of her so she could get to the ground again.

“Oh don’t stop. We didn’t mean to interrupt,” Serena said.

“You’re not. We’re just reliving a lot of stress. Care to join?” Kyle asked.

“You’re kidding, right?” Serena asked.

“Hmm, teenagers these days. No sense of fun,” Tess said.

“Tess!” Serena said.

“Guy’s, seriously, have you two been with anyone else since you got together?” Tess asked.

“No, why? I’m happy with Zan,” Serena said.

“Of course you are. Never said you weren’t but we are all close. And you two need to spread yourselves among our little family group before you do a Max and Liz,” Tess said.

“I still can’t believe Max went and knocked her up,” Kyle said.

“Hey, it takes two to tango. In this case literally given the fact there’s only one way to do the job for us,” Zan said.

Tess took a step forward toward Serena and brushed her fingers over the younger girl’s cheek. “Care to have a little fun? I know you can’t stop staring at Kyle’s dick,” she said.

“He is still hard,” Serena said and licked her lips before looking at Zan.

Both the younger couple stared at each other, having a silent conversation with nothing but looks but they couldn’t resist their own desires. Zan stepped up behind his girlfriend and took hold of the shoulder straps of her dress. He pulled them off her arms and let the dress float to the floor around her ankles to reveal her naked body.

She turned around and kissed him.

“Aw don’t they look so cute together?” Tess said.

“I hope you teach junior over there very well,” Kyle said.

“Count on it,” Tess said.

She marched forward and separated the two by putting her hand on Zan’s chest and guiding him to the door. She closed it with a wave of her hand and pressed Zan against it. Kyle came up behind Serena and allowed his hands to roam up her arms before sliding over to her belly.

Kyle wrapped his arms around her, holding her body tightly against his own. As they looked at each other, Kyle snaked his hand down to her pussy. Kyle pushed the brunette against the wall and span her around before he lifted her leg to his waist. As he pressed his groin to Serena, he aimed his dick and gently eased himself inside her while Zan curiously danced his fingertips over Tess’s flesh. She eagerly guided in his exploration of her body and all the while they both watched their lovers together across the room.

“Hmmmm…Kyle. Please…harder,” Serena begged.

But Kyle denied her. He continued his gentle pace, occasionally glancing back at Tess who nodded for him to continue. However, Tess was rapidly becoming assaulted with her own emotions of lust and pleasure. She wanted to see Kyle pound into Serena. Meanwhile, as she stroked Zan’s dick slowly before she wrapped her legs around him and pulled him into her body.

Serena turned her head to look at Zan and the two smiled at each other. She then gasped as Kyle thrust into her so hard that she could feel it in the deepest recesses of her body. Then he did it again and soon he was taking her as hard as he could. Still, she watched her boyfriend with Tess as Tess continued to grind her hips against Zan as he pushed his length inside her.

“UGHNNNNN…COME ON KYLE…PLEASE MAKE ME CUM,” Serena yelled out, her body bouncing on Kyle as she leaned back against the wall.

“CUM FOR BABY…LET IT GO,” Kyle said as his throbbing dick swelled and shot his seed into Serena.

“UGHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN,” Serena screamed out as Kyle held her up before they slumped to the ground.

Kyle continued to caress Serena’s shaking body as they watched their beloveds enjoy each other.

Zan pulled back, leaving little more than the head still in her pussy, before he pushed back in. He could actually hear his cock slamming into her pussy; she was so wet that her pussy actually made sloshing sounds. As he pulled back again, she tightened her muscles, gripping him hard.

“’re gonna make me come,” Maria cooed in his ear.

“That’s the idea,” Zan said.

Zan was on cloud 9 and then went to 10 as Tess pushed him back to sit on a stool while she rode his dick. She bounced on top of him as she took his hands in her and guided them up to her tits.

Soon, he was ramming into her so hard; she closed her eyes, smiling as she felt a firestorm rise up through her. She began to burn, and she tightened her legs around his waist while he held onto her.

Zan and Tess began to fuck each other even faster. He felt her juices coating his balls and thighs as they slid against each other frantically. He felt her chest heaving against his. She began to moan in time with his thrusts.

“Oh Zan…Zan…ZAAAN,” Tess cried out before Zan latched onto her mouth with his.

Practically shrieking into his warm mouth, she thrust her tongue into him forcefully. He felt her pussy constrict around him and he felt a burning run up and down both sides of his cock. He began to thrust into her harder and deeper, completely forgetting about where they were. Still kissing, he groaned loudly into her mouth. His balls tightened and he blasted her insides with his hot semen. He continued to fuck her, his quivering and throbbing cock still sliding in and out of her now much-wetter snatch.

His actions finally slowed down, until he was just standing on the balls of his feet and leaning up into her, his cock still buried deep in her.

“Gnnnnn…I needed that,” Tess said, kissing him on his cheek, “Thank you.”

“That was just…wow,” Zan said.

As the boys separated from the girls too cool down a little, Serena and Tess sat on the cold cement floor opposite each other with their legs apart. As they looked at each other they couldn’t help themselves and laughed joyously while wiping their sweat soaked hair from their faces.

Tess looked over Serena’s body and slowly stretched out one leg. Her foot gently slid over Serena’s thigh before going down to her pussy and then even more softly she slid her big toe inside Serena. Serena gasped as she felt Tess wiggle inside her, her fingernails scraped along the floor but her other hand reached up and clutched onto a shelf.

With her breathing heavy and laboured, Serena locked her heated eyes onto Tess’s and stretched out her own leg. In seconds she was doing to the Antarian what was being done to her and they both loved it. Kyle and Zan just sat back and enjoyed watching them but neither girl was content to just sit there.

It took merely a look and both pulled their legs back and swung them around to kneel. They moved closer, their bodies were pressed against each other and their arms moved around their bodies. Thigh moved in between thigh and slowly they started to grind themselves against the other.

Their sighs became deeper, heavier. Soon they were moaning and when they pressed their lips together they were moaning into each other’s mouths.

As they watched the scene in front of them, neither Zan or Kyle could stop their dicks from hardening again. Soon they were almost painfully erect and begging for release. They stood and moved to their girls. Zan kneeling behind Serena, Kyle behind Tess. Their hands roamed over the two girls. As the girls rubbed together and with their boys pressed up tight against them, their dicks were being teased to the point of madness.

“What are you waiting for?” Tess asked as she pulled her face away from Serena.

Kyle growled and both boys reached down to their dicks. The girls stopped for a moment, just long enough for their lovers to aim their dicks and slide back inside their bodies. This time, as the guys thrust in and back out, the girls moved against each other. Pretty soon all four had their own rhythm going, rutting away to release themselves into each other.

After so much pleasure over the last hour, their bodies were quite simply tingling. Their bodies strained to last just a little longer but eventually all their muscles trembled and quaked before their bodies seized up as they all came together. Moment later they collapsed to the floor.

Zan held Serena, gently caressing her face while Tess mounted Kyle and kissed him passionately.

“Okay, if we don’t get home and get some sleep your dad will kill us,” Tess said.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Kyle said.

Both climbed to their feet and dug through the pile of fabric for their own clothes and dressed. As they put their clothes on, they glanced occasionally at the other couple as they touched and kissed each other.

“So what about you two?” Kyle asked.

“We’re staying here for a while. I think Zan has a few more rounds left in him,” Serena said.

“Maybe one or two,” Zan said.

“Yeah, well don’t end up falling asleep down here. You have a nice warm bed where you can put yourselves into a coma,” Tess said.

“We’ll get up there soon enough,” Serena said.

As Kyle and Tess left the store room, they caught Serena straddling Zan once again and heard soft purring after the door closed. Hand in hand, the older couple left and exited onto the crowd filled street to fight their way through to their home.

At sunrise, the party was now five times larger than it was when it started. Buses just kept pouring in, even with the ship gone they just didn’t care, everyone wanted to be part of the event. Aliens had landed and shook a sheriff’s hand live on TV, now it was viral over the entire planet.

So while that was going on, Max and Liz took a road trip up to Eagle Rock. Max swore to himself that he’d never set foot back on this base but things were different now. Besides, as they drove up toward the gates, they saw one of the outer buildings being ripped down and that made him smile.

At the gate, there were guards with big guns. Dumont’s company protects their investments and the last thing Liz wanted was for other companies trying to steal the technology for their own use. What was unfolding in her mind was specific and she didn’t need any problems from others trying to use her knowledge.

The main guard waved the jeep down and approached the driver side.

“Sorry kids, you can’t come here. You’ll have to turn arou...oh Miss Parker, sorry I didn’t recognise you there for a second,” the guard said.

“You’ve been expecting me?” Liz asked.

“Of course Miss. Mr Dumont has given you complete access to the facility, probably the only one besides him. Anyway, you’ll need these,” the guard said and handed them Ids to go around their necks before he put a sticker on the top right hand side of their windscreen. “Keep these on at all times, and that sticker will let you bypass security to get in.”

“Thankyou,” Max said.

“Mr Dumont is expecting you inside,” the guard said.

He signalled his partner and a button was pressed that pulled back the gates. Max and Liz drove in and pulled up in front of the main building. Simon met them at the door and the tour began. He walked them through the entire building, showing each lab where Liz’s designs were being implemented and researched.

Down in the basement, a relatively small particle accelerator was being put together while at the rear of the base a new power generator was being installed. There were over a hundred engineers and builders on site working to get everything up and ready.

The last thing on the tour was an office that used to belong to the old base commander. Even his old, and still very comfortable, leather chair still sat behind the desk. Cleaners had already dealt with the dust and cobwebs.

“So what do you think? Big, roomy. Air conditioning that’ll add a few layers of permafrost to the Arctic and it will have a computer linked to every lab that’ll keep tabs on projects,” Simon said.

“It’s great. I’m sure you’ll love it,” Liz said.

“Oh no, no Liz this isn’t my office. It’s yours,” Simon said.

“Say what now?” Liz asked.

“This is your office. You come here, see what everyone is doing and there is enough room in here for you to keep those designs and ideas flowing,” Simon said.

“Way cool,” Liz said.

“So how long until production starts?” Max asked.

“Middle of next week. Assuming structural tests hold up that is. Once we start we’ll be making enough of Liz’s metal to build the dome around Roswell. What we need is permission to build the thing,” Simon said.

“Right now everyone’s in party mode because someone failed their UFO driving test,” Liz said.

“Hey, it crashed. I doubt any of us could have done better,” Max said.

“Still it must have been one hell of a ride,” Simon said.

“Oh it was,” Max and Liz said together.

Simon looked at the pair.

“Anyway, as soon as the commotion dies a little the mayor will make an announcement with you and my alien friends will deal with the yes vote,” Liz said.

“Excellent. Not that I like taking free will from people but better than for once choice than their lives,” Simon said.

“Agreed but let us just make sure nobody ever finds out about it,” Max said.

“Got that right,” Simon said.

“Of course you do realise that if you work here...” Max said.

“Relax I’ll still be going to school. Just wont be there as much,” Liz said.

“Good to know. You never know, with you out here and me there. Pam Troy and the vultures will be circling,” Max said.

Liz sharply turned her head to her boyfriend, “Not funny,” she said while jabbing finger into his chest.

“Then I’ll guess you will have to keep making an appearance then, even if right now you could teach at the school...hmm,” Max said.

“Do you honestly think I’d miss our regular club meetings?” Liz asked with a glint in her eye.

Simon looked back and forth between them. “Okay then. I’ll let you two get back to town and do whatever you kids do these days and I’ else,” he said as they didn’t break eye contact with each other. “Okay, Liz, this is the key to your door...i ahve a feeling you’ll be locking it often.”

“Thank you,” Liz said.

Simon left and quickly the door slammed shut with the click as the lock turned.

“Teenagers,” Simon said while shaking his head.

With Serena sunbathing nude on a nice large and cool rock, Zan had removed the Granolith and the machine it was tied to from its hiding place. As it glowed, he circled the machine and every so often tapped onto its controls to gauge the results. Soon after, he banged his head against the device.

“You’ll get brain damage if you keep doing that,” Serena said.

“I don’t get it. What the hell are you made for??” Zan yelled at the machine.

“Uploading info into my sister,” Serena said.

“Yeah, and changing people, holding the timelines in place but with everything that’s in its database...there’s more. Why won’t you let me know you shiny piece of Antarian junk?” Zan asked.

“Zan, you are well on your way to insane,” Serena said.

“Oh I’ve been there and gone. This is just nuts, I mean if we can figure this out then Liz can at least know and stop worrying about a few things,” Zan said.

“Babe, that won’t happen. Liz is going to worry until everything is done,” Serena said.

“Yeah and then some but you and I are going to be an aunt and uncle in nine months...just lifting a little from her plate might be a good thing,” Zan said.

“She knew what was coming when she decided this but yes you’re right...uh Zan...are you hearing that?” Serena asked.

“Hearing what?” Zan asked.

He stopped what he was doing and heard a low hum that seemed to be coming from all around them. He recognised it and quickly threw his hand up. The Granolith was once more contained within rock and he moved to his girlfriend just as a massive beam of light beamed down around them.

From high above, a ship lowered down and stopped just above the mountain the couple were at. Zan wrapped his arms around Serena and held her close, protectively. The turbulence sent dust and small rocks flying all around them.

“Ah, Zan. I’ve been looking for you,” Kivar said.

The winds and dust died down and from the other side of the cloud and smiled at the pair.

“Kivar...what do you want?” Zan asked.

“One of my associates raised you. You were supposed to be ready to command the Granolith, to take its power and use it for our people to colonise this world. Now I can see why you aren’t,” Kivar said as he looked over Serena.

“Stay away from her,” Zan said.

“Aside from this primitive being related to Her, I have no interest in this one. Except for the fact that she is distracting you,” Kivar said.

Kivar thrust out his hand and a blast of light charged toward Serena. In response, the Granolith threw out a shield that covered the couple and absorbed the energy. Kivar looked around, and smiled.

“The Granolith is close then? I should have known it was programmed to protect her bloodline. Good. Give it to me now,” Kivar said.

“Like hell,” Serena said.

“Keep your mouth shut human. With it we shall take this world. Our people will make this it’s home and send those who were our ancestors to Antar. A new Antar that with our benevolence will become stronger and correct the mistakes of your beloved goddess,” Kivar said.

“Liz will do what she needs to do. She’ll make it better,” Zan said.

“Still have faith in your goddess. How is that going? She created the Disaster, she is the Disaster. And she ultimately doomed our world,” Kivar said.

“My sister bought you time and she did it with her own life. Just because she wasn’t everything you nutjobs thought she was...that’s down to you,” Serena shot back.

“Hmm...your little girlfriend doesn’t know when to shut up does she?” Kivar asked.

“Hey, you Antarians may be further down the whole evolution thing but I know you still have balls and I’ll put them up into your throat,” Serena said.

Zan looked around at her and Kivar felt a slight twinge.

“Charming,” Kivar said.

“Get out of here. I made my choices a long time ago. I’m with Liz and Max, as far as I’m concerned you can go blow yourself up,” Zan said.

Kivar smiled, “We’ll see. One way or the other, I will have what I want and this world is top of the list,” he said.

“Yeah, we’ll see,” Zan said.

With that Kivar was pulled up into his ship which flew back into space.

Twenty seconds after the ship was once again safe in space, Kivar decided on a slightly less personal approach with his next appointment. He ordered his ship to relocate above Washington D.C. and while the President was walking with his advisors to the Situation Room, a bright light flooded the hallway.

The President’s guards surrounded him, they could barely see through the light but they had their guns drawn and were ready to fire. Still, as they ran the President down the hallway to the nearest secure room, the light followed until it darted in front of them and formed into a human shape.

Kivar took a few steps forward only to be met with a hail of bullets that passed straight through him and into the wall behind him. Although the humans couldn’t see it, Kivar’s image smirked.

“Human, step forward,” Kivar ordered.

The President did but a couple of his guards stayed just close enough to cover him. “Who are you? What do you want?” he asked.

“This world, of course,” Kivar said.

“Why?” The President asked.

“None of your concern. This world is about to die. A disease, created by this planet’s own nature, is about to spread. All plantlife will die, this planet’s oxygen atmosphere will collapse and all life will die. We intend to stop it,” Kivar said.

The President looked at him, “Then we thank you,” he said.

“I care nothing for your thanks. My people need a home, we are coming here. You...well most of your people are unnecessary. They will be irradiated. Only the chosen will remain,” Kivar said.

“We’ll fight,” the president said.

“That’ll just make our task easier. Killing you with our weapons is far easier than doing it painlessly. You will speak for us. The forum for the other nations of this planet is within your borders. You will go there and tell them. Tell them they have one day from this moment to surrender to my people or they will suffer far more than what the Disaster will do to you,” Kivar said.

“Like hell. We won’t line up so we can commit suicide. If we fire every weapon we have we’ll pick up rocks and use them to save us,” the president said.

“There are only a few people on this planet that can save you, even then they can only do so through the efforts of one. She will not be alive much longer,” Kivar said.

“She? She who?” the president asked.

“The false goddess, she who would have been our saviour but was nothing more than our doom. She couldn’t save us. She won’t save you,” Kivar said.

With that Kivar vanished and moments later his fleet became visible to every method of detection on the planet.

“Call the U.N...tell them I have to address the ambassadors,” the President said.

Nobody knew what to do, they wanted to do anything, everything to win this but they just didn’t know how. All they could do was hope that someone somewhere had a plan.

Back at the Machine, everyone gathered and Zan filled them in on his conversation with Kivar and how the device reacted to the attack. When Zan and Serena described the shield that formed, Liz walked up to the machine and ran her hand along it’s smooth surface.

“So this thing is to keep Kivar away from us?” Tess asked.

“No, it would have activated the shield the moment Kivar appeared. This was specific. It reacted to his attack,” Liz said.

“Well, apparently we made this thing for you. To upload the information into your brain and god knows what else. What if it recognised Serena as your sister?” Max asked.

“I guess it’s possible,” Liz said.

“It was protecting me?” Serena asked. With a bright smile she walked up to the device and hugged it. “Thank you alien toy.”

“You refer to the uber powerful pinnacle of Antarian technology as a toy?” Alex asked.

“Uh...yeah,” Serena said.

“Zan, by any chance have you banged some of my sister’s braincells out of her head?” Liz asked.

“Funny,” Zan said.

“Well the headboard does get a bit of a workout lately,” Serena said.

“So, while we’re all here. I’m thinking about activating the program on that turns the ancestors of the Antarians, into Antarians,” Liz said.

“Uh, no,” Isabel said.

“Liz, you can’t,” Maria said.

“You can’t be serious. Messing with people for a yes vote that going to save their lives, that’s one thing. This will be changing their biology on Earth, with everyone else around them. Doing that to people without their consent...” Max said.

“I know, I know. But there’s not much choice. I have to have a ship ready and Mars terraformed soon,” Liz said.

“Lizzie, according to Zan the world survived for decades inside the domes before you even started building the ship. There’s time,” Maria said.

“And you did say that your lack of time and hurrying is what ultimately caused the instability of Antar,” Serena said.

“All of which has changed now. The Disaster is happening now. The makeup of that compound would be different, if even just a little. It might cause it to happen slower, or faster, we just don’t know. For all we know it could start killing plants and trees next week,” Liz said.

Everyone looked concerned, not just for their situation, but for Liz as well.

“Liz, none of this is your fault. You saved us. You gave the world more time,” Max said.

“No, I ended it is what I did. And not just Earth but Antar as well. I may have been rushed but I made mistakes that...” Liz said.

“You made mistakes because you didn’t have the correct information and you couldn’t get it. The information from the Granolith has given you everything you need,” Max said.

“Then I need to use it,” Liz said.

“You will,” Isabel said. “But you don’t need to do it all at once. Some things will take time no matter how much money Dumont throws at it. Before people become Antarian, you need to have Antar and you need to have a way to get them there. Let’s have that before the people of Earth find themselves living with glowing people and start asking dangerous questions.”

“I suppose,” Liz said.

“I still don’t get why it’s programmed just for all your ancestors. I mean, history has changed right? Not everything is going to happen the way it did,” Kyle said.

“That’s why the Granolith is here. It’ll program the people and pass it down through the generations. People will meet who they met. They’ll marry who they were supposed to marry and have kids when their originally did. The granolith is here to make sure Antar has the history it’s supposed to until Max’s generation, except on a safe planet or with the knowledge they’ll need to fix my mistakes if I can’t,” Liz said.

“Okay, that’s impossible. What did you guys do? Record every aspect of everyone’s lives since you arrived on Mars?” Maria asked.

“Actually...yeah,” Zan said.

“Oh. Okay,” Maria said.

“We were creating a new life, a new history. We wanted to know everything was there for coming generations and it just kept going like a tradition,” Zan said.

“Then it looks like the information is going to good use,” Tess said.

“Still, we have a lot of work to do before that. And there’s Kivar,” Max said.

“Speaking of his tall glowy darkness, what do you think he’s doing right now?” Serena asked.

Everyone looked up at the sky. Although they couldn’t see the ships, they knew they were there.

On board his command ship, Kivar walked the halls down to an area of the ship that was nothing more than a large transparent dome that allowed the occupants to view the space around them. Right now that view was Earth and as Kivar entered he found it occupied by Nacedo.

“Welcome back,” Kivar said.

“Thank you my lord. I was surprised to receive your summons. I thought you wanted me to remain on Earth?” Nacedo said.

“The situation with the boy, Zan, it’s difficult. He has mated with the sister,” Kivar said.

“Unexpected and unfortunate but not surprising that he would ally himself with the others,” Nacedo said.

“No, no I suppose not,” Kivar said.

“My lord, just out of curiosity, how long did you give the humans?” Nacedo asked.

“A day,” Kivar said.

“Ah so we attack in...” Nacedo said.

“6 hours. But it wont be us that do the attacking,” Kivar said.

“I don’t understand? You want me back on Earth?” Nacedo asked.

“In a manner of speaking, yes,” Kivar said.

Kivar held up his hand and waved it over a handprint on the wall. A cylinder rose up from the floor and encased Kivar while the dome seals split. The dome pulled away and Nacedo was sucked out into space before it closed over again.

“You had one job to do. Secure one of them. Mission failed,” Kivar said.

Once the dome sealed again, the cylinder retracted and Kivar watched on as Nacedo’s rapidly frozen body was pulled down by the planet’s gravity. As Nacedo was pulled down, the atmosphere took hold and a plume of flame engulfed the body. In less than a second, the friction heat left nothing of Nacedo.

To Be Continued...

Re: The RHSC (CC/Slash/UC, ADULT) - Chapter 13 - 20 Aug

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 4:35 pm
by Tharos
Hmm?? :shock: Oh this site's all working again, yeah. :mrgreen:

Anyway, this chapter was supposed to be posted a while back. The next one...well, i kinda fell behind but don't worry it will be up soon.

Chapter 14

With Nacedo’s atoms now drifting in the upper atmosphere of the planet, Kivar walked back into the command centre of his ship. He sat in his chair and pressed a button causing a hologram of Earth to appear before him. Another few buttons and most of the world’s major cities were highlighted.

“All ships reporting in My Lord. They are prepared,” a soldier said.

“Then let us begin,” Kivar said.

He slammed his finger down on one button and a signal was sent. The fleet spread apart and moved all around the globe, several ships soon hovered above the cities Kivar selected. Each vessel moved so that the undersides of the hulls were perfectly aligned with the ground. Pulses of blue started to flow from the rim into the centre. The light built up in the centre.

Each pulse grew the light until it reached critical mass and when it did, a massive shaft of beamed down over the cities. With so many ships, there wasn’t an inch in each city not hit. There wasn’t any damage. The ground didn’t shake. The buildings didn’t topple.

People ran like mad for any shelter they could. Despite the recent celebrations going on in Roswell due to their very public alien encounter, right now people didn’t know what to think and they ran. Many climbed into their cars and headed straight for the main roads leading out of the cities onto to be caught in a traffic jam. At the edge of the light, nothing could pass through. The crumpled engine blocks from the cars that tried were evidence of that.

While chaos was spreading, an oblivious Serena and Zan were walking up to the Granolith’s new hiding place. Each step they took was pensive as they looked around to make sure they weren’t being followed. Once they reached the rock mass, Zan waved his hands and the slabs pulled back into the ground and exposed the device to the sunlight.

“Are you sure about this?” Zan asked.

“What would you prefer, society being saved as is or a teeny tiny alteration that gets fed into everyone along with the desire to vote yes to Liz’s domes?” Serena asked.

“An alteration that lets everyone forget to wear clothes without anyone batting an eye,” Zan said.

Serena smiled at her boyfriend as she inched closer to him. “Don’t you want to spend more time with me naked?” she asked.

Zan’s eyes shifted back and forth for a minute before turning back to the machine. “Okay then. The program is fairly simple. I mean the early Antarians pretty much lived that way anyway and that history is programmed into the Granolith. We just need to add it into Liz’s program,” he said.

“Something tells me that’s easier said than done. But, that’s okay. Let’s make the world naked,” Serena said.

“Excuse me?” Liz said from behind them.

Both younger teenagers cringed. “Busted,” they whispered together before turning around to see Max and Liz with their arms crossed.

“Liz, hi. How’s tricks?” Serena asked.

“Sere, what the hell?” Liz asked.

“It was just a little idea,” Serena said.

“Adjusting people’s attitudes to Not little, huge,” Liz said.

“No, it’s’s tiny and oh good thing it blocks people doing anything negative when it comes to sex so those freaks and perverts out there just can’t,” Serena said.

“Sere!” Liz said.

“Look, you’re the smart one right? Why did people all those kazillion years ago start to wear clothes?” Serena asked.

“Easy, protection from the elements. Cold, heat...all that,” Liz said.

“Right cause we don’t have our own fur or shells or whatever,” Serena said.

“Thank heaven,” Zan said.

“Anyway...with the domes clothes aren’t really needed now are they? The dome is the protection that comes with its own internal weather making system for growing stuff,” Serena said.

“You know...I think she’s right,” Max said.

“Still, you don’t go around futzing with people’s brains or other people’s brain futzing programs,” Liz said.

“This is true but we just wanted to take your mind off one thing,” Zan said.

“You just wanted to be together whenever, where ever you wanted,” Max said.

“Wait, take my mind off what thing?” Liz asked.

“Well Antar, when you create it, is going to have all the social things implanted into it to create the empire that it is supposed to be...well attitudes down here will be the same and they’ll probably interfere with it,” Serena said.

“So a change down here now, takes some of the burden from Liz when she’d have to make it later,” Max said.

“And we all know you’d have to do it and you’ll tear yourself up over it,” Serena said.

“True,” Max and Zan said.

“Hey, I’m not that bad,” Liz said.

“You are honey. And it’s one of the many reasons I love you,” Max said.

“Alright, we’ll do it. But cautiously, slowly. We’ll make it so that it’ll unravel in them at a rate they’ll adjust to and accept without too much concern,” Liz said.

“Well duh. That was always the plan,” Serena said.

“Huh? It was?” Zan asked.

“Shh,” Serena said.

“Uh huh,” Max said. “Alright you two. Away from the Granolith and no more messing around with it unless we’re here. Next thing you two come up with is ritual orgies in the classroom.”

Both Zan and Serena visibly tensed and glanced at each other.

“Oh you weren’t?” Liz asked.

“It was just a thought,” Zan said.

Suddenly the Granolith was beeping loudly and rapidly.

“Was that me?” Serena asked.

Max moved up to the Granolith and touched the surface. Instantly he pulled his hand away. “We need to get back to town. Now,” he said.

“What’s going on?” Liz asked.

“Kivar’s attacking,” Max said.

“Where?” Zan asked.

“Everywhere,” Max said.

The two couples, after concealing the Granolith, ran back to their cars and drove back to town.

At the Parkers, everyone was huddled around the television with their eyes stuck to the news when Max, Liz and the others arrived.

“What the hell is going on? The granolith just went off like someone hit a fire alarm,” Serena asked.

“They might as well have. The news just started reporting massive beams of light over cities,” Nancy said.

“Kivar,” Max said.

“People are trying to leave but the light wont let them out. It’s like some kind of bubble,” Jeff said.

“Okay then...suggestions are welcome,” Maria said.

Just then the station switched to a camera angle reporting from within the field. They focused on a single man whose car was stuck in the long line of traffic as he tried to get his family out. His arms were outstretched in front of him. He’d felt a tingle and now his limbs were luminous before they outright glowed. Shortly it wasn’t just him, it was his entire family.

“What the hell?” Max asked.

“I thought only the Granolith could convert?” Isabel asked.

“It is. He’s not converting, he’s identifying. He’s picking out the ancestors,” Liz said.

“And again, I thought only the Granolith could do that?” Isabel asked.

“The Granolith contains the family tree and genetic profiles of every Antarian, but we had a limited gene pool to start with so...” Zan said.

“So, all he needed to do was take blood samples from every one of his followers and he’ll have a pretty comprehensive map,” Liz said. “Smart.”

“He’ll pick out the people he needs to keep alive. Isolate them, wipe out everyone else and he’ll have a slave race he can use to rebuild. Guild them and breed them when it’s time to make each generation he has to. He’ll make Antar on Earth,” Max said.

“Uh...isn’t that our plan? Minus the genocide and stuff?” Alex asked.

“Kind of, yes,” Tess said.

“So how do we stop him? Uh...Liz?” Kyle asked.

They all looked back at Liz whose eyes were closed tightly as she rubbed the bridge of her nose. A stabbing pain speared through her brain as millions of equations and schematics unspooled inside her mind. Each new piece of information flashed away behind her eyes and in less than a minute Liz knew the Antarian ships as though she’d built them herself.

Once it stopped, she opened her eyes.

“Are you okay?” Max asked.

“Yeah. I think so,” Liz said before planting a massive kiss on her boyfriend.

“Uh Liz, apocalypse first, nakedness later,” Maria said.

“What was that for?” Max asked when Liz came up for air.

“For thinking of everything,” Liz said.

“We have a plan?” Alex asked.

“We have a plan. Mom, we might be a little late for dinner,” Liz said.

“What else is new,” Nancy said.

Once more the kids left the room and headed out to save the world. However, once they were in their cars and driving away, Liz took Max’s hand and Tess’s while Kyle drove them.

Kivar’s ship remained high over Roswell, the only one not to generate a field down onto the planet. Kivar watched on as each bloodline was identified on the computer screens.

“My lord, we still have no treatment to prevent the Great Disaster,” a lieutenant said.

“I am aware of that. Fortunately, our great king and the rest of those pathetic followers of the false god, would have. They have a plan in place for her to use when the time comes,” Kivar said.

“My Lord...we’re picking up a signal,” another officer said.

“Ah the humans wish to negotiate. How quaint,” Kivar said.

“No my Lord, it’s on a mental frequency. The transmission is telepathic,” the officer said.

“Put it through,” Kivar said.

The signal was filtered through the ships computers and Max’s image appeared before Kivar’s chair.

“Ah, my king. What can I do for you?” Kivar asked.

“You can leave this planet and return through the black hole,” Max said.

“I’m sorry my king but no. You have betrayed your people for the benefit of these primitives, for her,” Kivar said.

“I’ve betrayed nobody. I’m trying to save us all. You don’t like how things were going because of a mistake Liz made. That’s no reason to turn your back on everything, to rally our people against everything we were raised on. You betrayed our people Kivar. You started this nightmare while I and my family sacrificed ourselves to save our world and that of our ancestors. You will stop Kivar,” Max said.

“I BETRAYED NO ONE. No one except you. From Earth our people will begin a new empire. All those races that challenged us in our history wont make it to try in the new history of things to come. And our people will no longer bow before Liz Parker,” Kivar said.

“Good,” Liz said as her image appeared.

Everyone on the bridge stopped and looked at her.

“I never would have wanted that. I didn’t found a new civilisation, I tried to save some lives,” Liz said.

“Well you killed billions,” Kivar said.

“And thanks to Max and the others I have a chance to correct that mistake,” Liz said.

“You see, all of you, can you see it now. She admits that she is nothing but a human,” Kivar said.

“Uh, duh!” Liz said.

“Listen. If you continue with this I will stop you. I know how to. If you continue with this then we have no choice to do what we need to,” Liz said.

Kivar looked around his command deck at his crew and he smiled before turning back to Liz and Max.

“You see, my people are loyal and committed to the new order,” Kivar said.

“Then this is on you,” Liz said. “If any of you change your minds, you’ll be safe with us. Come down to Earth and you will be safe.”

With that, Max and Liz disappeared.

“Signal discontinued,” the officer said.

“All of you, back to work and tell all ships to continue,” Kivar said.

As his officers did, a few slipped off the bridge and word spread through the fleet about Max and Liz’s message. It was kept as nothing more than whispers but a few made their way to the escape pods. Of a total of six thousand people, twenty in a handful of escape pods drifted down toward Earth once the ship’s ability to detect them was disconnected.

Back at the Granolith, a few cars pulled up and everyone climbed out. Led by Max and Liz, they walked up to the rock and brought their machine back into the light.

“It’s time,” Liz said.

“To do what, exactly?” Tess asked.

Liz held her hand against the cold black surface and instantly five white beams of light shot out into the eyes of all the Antarians. None of them blinked for five minutes, they couldn’t. Their gaze was fixed in front of them until the light stopped. At which point they all pulled back and closed their eyes and clutched their heads in pain.

“Damn it Liz...warnings are good,” Michael said.

“What the hell was that?” Isabel asked.

“Wait for it,” Liz said.

Immediately new knowledge flowed into their minds. It wasn’t even remotely close to what Liz had in her head but it did tell them how to use all the functions of the Granolith. With it, each Antarian moved to the device and put their hands on it. In an instant, their bodies were engulfed with light as their Antarian bodies appeared.

Their power joined with that of the Granolith. It flowed from them into the device and the whole thing started to vibrate.

Then it was Liz’s turn. He pressed both hands against the machine and guided what was happening. A blast of light surrounded them and shot straight up into the sky.

The beam travelled through the clouds, continuing up into space and impacted Kivar’s ship. From there, arcs of energy travelled over his hull and leapt to the nearby ships. From those ships it went on and on until the fleet was affected. From the ground, anyone who looked up saw the saw alight with a web of light.

On board Kivar’s ship, every light, every computer, any system that there was had started to flicker on and off. Even the artificial gravity was intermittent and floating off the ground before crashing back down repeatedly was having an effect on their stomachs, not to mention their bones.

“What’s going on?” Kivar boomed.

“I have no idea. All systems are experiencing massive disruption,” an officer said.

“Move us back into a higher orbit,” Kivar said.

“I can’t, we have no control over the ship. Engines are unresponsive, weapons are offline, shields are offline. My lord we’re vulnerable,” he said.

“How long before life support completely fails?” Kivar asked.

“There’s no way to know. It could be days or hours,” he said.

“My lord, we’re trapped here. The escape pods aren’t functioning,” another officer said.

Just then, Liz’s face appeared on every monitor. “I warned you,” she said before disappearing.

Deep beneath the White House in the President’s Bunker, information from global telescopes were coming in live via the Pentagon. The pictures showed the alien ships being hit and their external lights starting to flicker.

“Does anyone have an idea just what the hell is going on?” the President asked.

“The analysis and tech guys have no idea. They do think they’re under attack but how or who...” a general said.

“We do know that it isn’t us,” an admiral said.

“No it’s not. It’s me,” Liz said as she appeared in the middle of the room.

Instantly every gun there was aimed at her.

“Yeah, that won’t work. This is actually pretty cool. My name is Liz Parker, I’ve kinda tapped into systems on those ships and this communications network is holographic,” Liz said.

“What do you want?” the president asked.

“Well right now I’m sending this message to every government with missiles that can get into orbit. Fire them right now,” Liz said.

“I’m sorry, you expect me to believe a teenager has disabled an entire alien fleet?” the general asked.

“Uh, yes. Case in point,” Liz said, pointing to the screens. “I made a machine that hacked their signals. Their control systems are screwed up and their shields are weakened. You can get through them if you fire now and trust me, delaying isn’t a good thing.”

And they did. Within minutes ground based missiles launched high into space leaving trails of smoke in their wake. From there, explosion after explosion was monitored as the missiles hit their targets. There were over a dozen impacts per ship and without their shields they were little more than metal shells that soon had gaping holes in them.

Air was sucked out, along with a few of the crews before the areas were sealed off but that didn’t stop the chain reaction of the power systems which were blowing up relay after relay. Fire blasted down the corridors, shrapnel blew from the walls and impacted members of the crew and cracks spread over the hull.

In a final blast of blazing light, all the ships exploded sending debris down to Earth.

“It’s done Mr President,” the general said.

Liz smiled at them before her image faded away.

“I want everyone on the girl and I want it now,” the president said.

With a smile of relief and satisfaction on saving the planet, from Kivar at least, the group returned to town. As the sun set on the day and under the light of a full moon, they all split into their couples and disappeared to do their own thing.

In the Evans’ backyard, Alex stood in his girlfriend’s swimming pool as Isabel herself walked up to the edge of the water. With each step she took, she untied the sash of her bathrobe and pulled it off to reveal her swimsuit. While neither couldn’t look anywhere but their lover’s eyes, Alex couldn’t help notice the rainbow patterns appearing as the moonlight reflected off the silvery lycra.

Her parents were at dinner with the Parkers, still she was warned to be as discrete as possible due to the neighbours. Isabel reached the water and stepped in. Immediately they were in each others arms and kissed each other while they submerged beneath the rippling water. Without a care in the world, the two let their souls make love through nothing but a kiss. Their hands simply held each other close and her breasts were squeezed against his chest.

Eventually though, they needed to come up for air. With heavy, laboured breathes they let oxygen back into their bodies but soon they calmed. Isabel bit her lower lip as her hand reached up to her shoulder and pulled her swimsuit off. Alex watched on eagerly as her other hand pulled off the other strap and slowly pulled the front away from her chest. She lifted herself up just enough to have her breasts over the waterline.

Alex swam back in closer and kissed her gently before his lips made their down her chest toward her chest. Isabel held his head there as he sucked and licked on her nipple. Her mouth opened as a gasp escaped her lips and the corners of her mouth curled up into a smile. Slowly Alex’s hand slide down between her legs and he stroked her through the lycra.

She continued to hold his head against her breast before he lifted up to apply the same treatment to its twin. Isabel tilted her head back, letting her wet hair fall back as her eyes rolled up while she rocked her hips against Alex’s hand. Alex continued to hold her close as gasps became moans the closer to an orgasm she became.

He brushed her clit, his fingers pushed the material aside and penetrated her with them. Everything he knew that she liked, he did. Then, with a whimper, she bit the side of her cheek as her body thrashed against Alex’s and her boyfriend made her cum. Soon she straightened her back and kissed him hard before sinking beneath the water.

Alex could feel her breasts press against his thighs as she knelt on the tiled pool floor, Isabel reached out and pressed her palm against the dick concealed behind his shorts. At the same time Alex took the side of her head in his palm, her fingers wrapped around his length and she stroked up and down, her hand was moving and releasing wave after wave of sensual energy through his body. She pulled down his shorts and Alex lifted his legs one by one to help her get rid of them. He was glad Isabel could hold her breath for so long.

Isabel leaned forward and kissed the tip of his cock eliciting a sigh from Alex, both gave themselves over to their emotions and each other. She licked the length of his dick before taking it into her mouth. As her head bobbed up and down slowly, Isabel began to suck and twirl her tongue, swivelling it over Alex’s length. Alex groaned over and over again as his beloved girlfriend took his entire length into his mouth, her head continued to move up and down, gently sucking on it and sending wave after wave of pleasure into him that cause his toes to curl back.

“I…Izzzzzz…oh fuuuuuuuuu…” Alex groaned.

Isabel moaned contentedly, the vibrations and bubbles added to the sensations already tingling over Alex’s erection. Her own skin was tingling at the anticipation of what their bodies were going to be feeling over the next hour…or seven. Alex pulled Isabel’s head from his dick and pulled her back up to the surface. Alex placed his hand on the small of Isabel’s back and guided her over to the side of the pool where they would have a little more stability. This time he ran his hands over her luxuriously smooth thighs, his fingers teasing her naked flesh as he crept up to her groin. Alex disappeared underwater, parted her legs and moved in. He kissed his way up her inner thighs.

Isabel bit her lip to keep from crying out, her flesh was so sensitive and Alex knew just exactly how and where to touch her. She brought her legs up and placed them on Alex’s shoulders. Soon he reached her sex and licked the length of her lower lips with his tongue and she gasped out for air. Isabel’s back arched as she gripped the wall, her nipples became harder and her breasts heaved as Alex continued to work her pussy with his tongue. Each touch brought Isabel’s back off of the edge of the pool and as she lowered it she licked again, causing the same reaction until her body was writhing. He ran it over and over her lips in one continuing circle. On every pass he pressed his tongue against her clit.

“Aghhhhhh…Oh…ughhhhhhhh…yesss…yesssss…ughnnnnnnnnn…” Isabel moaned.

His hands continued to hold her thighs but then one snaked up her body, caressing every inch between her thighs and her breasts. He moved his hand up and cupped a large heaving mound. Alex played with the nipple; Isabel pressed her chest harder into Alex’s grip. Alex’s tongue darted in and out of her pussy, going as deep as possible and all the while he was feeling her in his mind and began feeling her.

Alex kept going and going, sending his tongue deep into her and then sucked on her clit. Her body writhed and twisted under his touch until he needed air. She grabbed hold of his arms and pulled his body up and away from her cunt to kiss each other while letting air fill both their lungs. Both could feel that his dick was close to her pussy, they were aroused and desperate to feel their bodies connect. He didn’t move from being between her legs and they stared into each other’s eyes as Isabel reached down between them. She took hold of his hard cock and pulled him in closer until his cock at her wet core. Her other hand reached down and pulled the crotch of her swimsuit away before she let go and Alex sank into her, both opened their mouths and sighed the further he pushed in. Alex pulled back slightly and then pushed back in, Isabel wrapped her arms around him before he pulled back again. Alex thrust in, using his whole body as he slid over Isabel’s, feeling her nipples scrape his hard chest. Isabel’s legs were spread wide and cradled his body, her inner thighs pressing against him as he moved between them.

“Al…Alex…oh god…so…good…I need you…ughnn I love you…Ughnnnnnnnnn,” Isabel moaned.

“Gnnnn…you feel wonderful…uhhhhh…baby…oh yeah…ughnnnnnnn…IZ…” Alex sighed.

His dick sawed in and out of Isabel, their bodies moving together perfectly in time with each other as the ripples of the water around them became more turbulent. As their hands moved over each other, their skin quivered in delight from the sensation as they pleasured each other with their bodies, hearts and minds. Each caress sent a torrent of pleasure into the other and caused a loud moan of bliss from deep inside them.





In and out, his hips circled around and around pushing deeper and deeper into Isabel. They kissed between cries and moans; Alex ran his hand up from Isabel’s breast, across her shoulder and down her arm. Their hands clasped tightly as he continued to thrust, Isabel pushed her hips down and clenched her inner muscles tightly each time he buried himself completely inside.



Every thrust brought a new cry of bliss; they loved how they made each other feel when they were together. Their flesh caressed as they slid their bodies together, both moving to pleasure the other in incredible ways as their hands gripped together tighter and tighter each time Alex filled her pussy with his dick.

“Oh god…ughhhhhh…ALEX…ughnnnnnnnn,” Isabel growled out, scraping her fingernails down his back and leaving long red trails


“Please Alex…Ughnnnnnn. Aghnnnn…I want you…uhmmmmmm…hmmm…cum in me,” Isabel sighed.

“Ughnnnn…oh god…Isabel…ugnnnnnn…ISABEL…so good. Soooo…goooooood,” Alex grunted knowing that he was close.

“Ughnnnnn…Alex…yes…” Isabel cried.

“Ugnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn…yessssssssssssssss…Izzzzzzzzzzzzzz!” Alex cried as his thrusts became harder.

He knew he wouldn’t last much longer and from the feel it Isabel was close as well.

“Ughnnnnnn…right there…ughnhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…yessssss…Al…Ale…Alex…”

“That’s it baby…uhgnnnnnnn…YESSSSSS…UGHNNNN…YESSSS…”



The two lovers came together. Their bodies stiffened as Alex buried himself in her on his last thrust and let his seed pour into Isabel’s body as every one of her muscles trembled with bliss. Her lower lip shook until Alex kissed her tenderly. The kiss was almost unending as they held each other. They stayed together like that, neither moving but continuing to hold onto each other.

“Too bad your neighbours are around. I would have loved to let you glow tonight,” Alex said.

“Me too. But they are here so at least one of us had to keep wearing something,” Isabel said.

“Well, no matter what. Out here, inside, I am going to make love to you all night,” Alex said.

They then suddenly looked up when a helicopter came flying over head. Then another came, then several more. In total twenty helicopters flew over Roswell. Both teen quickly pulled themselves out of the water, Alex scrambled for his swimsuit while Isabel pulled hers back up over her body.

Running inside, they went to the front window of the living room and looked out to see jeeps and troop transports rolling along the street. The army was back in town.

“Okay, I think we might have to put a pin into the rest of tonight,” Isabel said.

To Be Continued...

Re: The RHSC (CC/Slash/UC, ADULT) - Chapter 14 - 21 Oct

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 8:55 am
by Tharos
Chapter 15

With the destruction of Kivar’s fleet, the couples all decided to celebrate in their own pleasurable ways. As far as Max and Liz had gotten in that regard was simply through the front door of her home. The two wrapped themselves up in each other before Liz leaped up to wrap her legs around her boyfriend but ended up knocking the two of them onto the ground.

They didn’t stop kissing and simply crawled their way along the floor to the sofa. They climbed their way up onto it where Max took hold of Liz’s dress and ripped it open down the middle. Immediately he latched his lips onto a bare breast and Liz gasped while arching her back, pressing her chest further against Max’s face.

Max smiled before he let go enough to kiss her lips. Soon some of their clothes were lying in two piles on the floor as they rolled around on the sofa. Max ran his hand down the length of her body to her panties and quickly tore them from her. The couple rolled around until Liz was on her back. Max inched Liz’s legs apart with his own legs before kneeling between them.

“I love you,” Max said.

“I love you,” Liz repeated.

Max pushed forward, his rock hard dick slipped easily into his lover’s waiting cunt. Both lovers took a sharp intake of air as they held onto each other’s bodies. Slowly Max pulled back and then thrust deep back inside, causing Liz to moan as his length filled her core.

Looking up at Max, Liz tossed them around so that Max was sitting up and she straddled his lap with his dick still firmly lodged up inside of her. She looked into his eyes before taking hold of his hands. Liz placed them over her breasts and he lovingly caressed them.

“Hmmm…Max,” she gasped.

“Liz…”Max groaned.

Liz then pushed his hands down over her body and held them against her belly. Instantly both felt a spark as a connection formed. Max looked and saw a tiny light deep within her body.

“That’s our baby, Max. I can feel it as it grows,” Liz whispered with a smile.

“Do you know if it’s a boy or girl?” Max asked.

“Not yet,” Liz shook her head.

Slowly she started to rock her hips, grinding against Max as he caressed her body. In and out, over and over they moved against each other. Liz’s nipples burned into Max’s chest before she lifted herself up enough for his mouth to latch on. Liz used her arms to lock Max in place while her fingers ran through his hair; out of sheer need and instinct she kept her mate close to her body. In response, Max thrust up and each time he picked up the pace, Liz went faster.

“OH GOD LIZ,” Max cried out.

He slowly moved inside her, straining to keep a slow pace to make love to Liz and not simply fuck her.

“Ma…MAX…YESSS…UHMMMM…PLEASE…OH GOD…UGHN,” Liz moaned over and over again.

Max lifted her legs further up, feeling the silken smooth skin of her inner thighs against his own body. Their hands held onto multiple parts of their bodies, sliding over their sweating and flushed skin.

Suddenly the room was flooded by light coming through the window. The sound of dozens of helicopters buzzed through the ceiling as their spotlights fixed upon every window or door out of the apartment. From behind the door, the sound of boots coming up the stairs thundered through.

Liz quickly pulled off Max just as Serena and Zan came out of her room and their parents soon following from the master bedroom.

“Liz, your dress,” Nancy said.

She hadn’t even thought about it and quickly refastened the buttons up the front just as the door burst open.

“What the hell is this?” Jeff yelled as dozens of armed soldiers charged inside.

“Elizabeth Parker, you will come with us right now,” the lead soldier said.

“Screw that,” Max said as he stepped forward.

Liz quickly took hold of his hand, both to keep him near her and to keep him from blasting away at the soldiers.

“Who sent you?” Liz asked.

“I’m acting on orders from the President and the Joint Chiefs to get you to the White House asap,” the soldier said.

“And the reason for the military doing this, breaking into our home and trying to strong-arm my teenage daughter out?” Jeff asked.

“Miss Parker, we’re leaving now,” the soldier said.

“Uh, no. Last I heard the military are forbidden from the whole domestic thing and martial law hasn’t been declared,” Max said.

“See having a dad as a lawyer is handy,” Liz whispered.

“Speaking of which,” Max said.

Max pulled out his cell phone intent on calling his dad, “Actually...who should I call first? My dad or my cousin? After the whole crashed alien ship thing any story she runs would get national attention just because she’s reporting it,” Max asked.

As a response, the nozzle of a rifle was aimed directly at Max’s head.

Liz let go of Max’s hand and put it over his phone. Gently she eased it down. “Max, why don’t you call once we’re gone,” Liz said.

“What?” Serena asked. “You’re nuts.”

“No, I’m going to go with these nice people since they asked so nicely,” Liz said.

She turned and embraced Max, while giving his cheek a kiss she whispered into his ear. Max glanced to the soldiers to make sure they couldn’t hear but when Liz stepped away, he nodded. His eyes locked with Zan and Serena and both knew not to interfere.

“Daddy, I’ll be fine,” Liz said. “Trust Max with what he has to do,” she whispered next.

“No, we’re coming too,” Nancy said.

“We’re only here for your daughter,” the soldier said.

“Bullshit. She’s a minor. We’re going,” Jeff said.

“I don’t give a damn. We’re here for her and her alone. This way Miss Parker,” the soldier said.

“I know the way dumb ass. I live here. Come on soldier boys,” Liz said.

Liz marched out of the room and down the stairs. A helicopter landed in a nearby parking lot and Liz was loaded on board to fly out to a nearby base where she’d be flown to Washington.

“Max, you call your dad. I’ll call your cousin,” Jeff said.

“Got that right,” Max said as he scribbled down his cousin’s phone number before dialling his fathers.

About a couple of minutes later, Alex, Isabel, Kyle, Tess, Michael and Maria all came charging up the stairs and stopped when they saw the door off its hinges.

“Uh...what happened?” Maria asked.

“Short story...the government just really pissed off Liz and Max,” Serena said.

“Oh crap,” the new arrivals all said.

“We need to go to the Granolith now,” Max said.

“Max,” Jeff called out.

“Yes sir?” Max asked.

“As much as I might want it, no body count,” Jeff said.

“No promises,” Max said.

Five house, and an exhausting flight later, Liz was driven in a black unmarked sedan to the gates of the White House and from there she was ushered in through what was basically the back door where nobody could see her entering. Pennsylvania Avenue was one large crowd who wanted answers about the lights that encased their cities. They just didn’t know the people they were demanding answers from didn’t have very many.

It was the Mural room where Liz was asked to wait, and by asked she had a hand on her shoulder guiding her every step. Once she was inside the room, the soldiers stood to attention in front of every window and the doors were locked from the outside.

“You do know that those guns...not really going to be effective,” Liz said.

“Oh really? And why is that?” the president asked as he entered.

“It’s like chess, you don’t plan the next move. You plan the next five, ten, fifteen moves ahead...besides if you use them against me, you’d need the Devil’s PR guru to get out of the hole you’d be in. And don’t think about locking me up for whatever reason you’ve got in your head right now. I’ll be found and out before you can blink,” Liz said.

“My, my. Confident aren’t we,” the president said.

“I’ve been through a lot,” Liz said.

“I can see that. And planning moves ahead? Against the government?” the president asked.

“Uh...I’m in high school. And no, I’m planning for whatever might happen. God, does paranoia come with the job or do you pick that up with the whole political career?” Liz asked.

“You know, most people tend to speak to me with a little more respect than that,” the president said.

“Most people aren’t taken from their homes during the night at gunpoint, effectively abducted by the soldiers who broke into the house. And oh yeah, I was having sex with my boyfriend at the time. I’m allowed to be a little pissed,” Liz said.

“Miss Parker, Liz...”

“Miss Parker is fine Mr President,” Liz said.

“Well Miss Parker, none of that really does matter. After all, given your current attitude I highly doubt you’ll be seeing him again. At least not until you’ve told my intelligence chiefs everything you know about the alien threat this planet is facing,” the president said.

“There is no threat. The hostile ones have been dealt with. I know because I screwed up their computers and made it possible for you to blow them out of the sky,” Liz said.

“And that is something we’re very interested in. How did you do that? What are these projects you’re involved with in Roswell? Everything you know, you better believe we’ll know it before you leave here,” the president said.

“Oh crap,” Liz said.

“Now you begin to understand the magnitude of the situation you’re in,” the president said.

“I understood that months ago, I was just hoping it was kind of a mutual thing here but you have no clue,” Liz said.

“Then consider this your chance to educate me. But no matter how long it takes, we will learn everything,” the president said.

Liz quickly looked down at her watch.

“Somewhere to be Miss Parker?” the president asked.

“A great many places. Fine, let’s chat about the end of the world,” Liz said.

“This way,” the president said.

He stood up from the antique chair he was in and walked Liz, escorted by secret service and soldiers through the halls of power. People working there stood when the President walked passed and were a little taken aback by when they saw this young teenage girl under the escort of some very big guns. Once gone, the sat again and the halls were filled with whispered speculations.

Down the hall, down some stairs, Liz came to a door with a brass plaque that said ‘Situation Room’. The President put his hand against the scanner and the door unlocked. Behind it were the Joint Chief’s of Staff, several staff from their Intelligence Offices and the monitors were filled with information on Liz, her family and friends. A quick bit of speed reading told her at least there was nothing alien mentioned about Max or the others.

Once inside, the door closed and locked behind her.

The Granolith stood in the sunlight, charging and beginning to hum. The rings of multicoloured light moved up and down over the device, and soon began to move faster. All the while, Max continued to tap away at the surface of the device as he made the changes Liz requested of him.

“This is going to take hours,” Zan said.

“What do you mean hours? She’s already been gone for over five,” Max asked.

“A charge to reach all the way to Washington? We’d be lucky to cover the entire state right now let alone get up there,” Zan said.

“Are you sure about this Max?” Tess asked.

“Liz wanted it,” Max said.

“She doesn’t know what’s going to happen but the least she could do was make sure she’d get back home,” Max said.

“And the whole other thing?” Michael asked.

“Actions have consequences, certain people seem like they need to learn that lesson,” Max said.

“And here I thought you were the one with the temper,” Maria mumbled to Michael.

“Me? I thought it was you,” Michael said.

“Oh I should point out that Zan and I were making a few alterations in the program,” Serena said.

“Liz told me,” Max said.

“What did you do?” Kyle asked.

“Just some fun stuff,” Serena said.

“Really fun stuff,” Zan said.

“Should’ve figured,” Kyle said.

“At least what Liz wanted is now in the system,” Max said.

“Which is what exactly?” Isabel asked.

“Consequences,” Max said.

“Max, looking for a little bit of info here. We’re changing the thoughts of millions of people. I’d just like to know what I’m complicate in, even if it is to save as many lives as possible,” Isabel asked.

Max smiled.

“Max?” Isabel asked.

He continued to smile.

“Okay I don’t like Max with the evil psycho smile,” Serena said.

“Max???” Isabel asked.

“We’re just going to be have a little fun at the expense of the careers of people who should know better,” Max said.

“Hmm, well, okay. I guess. It’s still going to take a few hours, unless we charge it up ourselves,” Zan said.

“We can do that?” Max asked.

“Oh sure. All we need is an intense bolt of energy,” Zan said.

“How?” Tess asked.

“The fun way. We just need a couple of us who haven’t had sex within the last 12 hours so that there’s enough of a boost,” Zan said.

“Uh, damn it,” Isabel said.

“Oh please, we’ve been at each other constantly,” Kyle said.

“Uh...” Maria said and put her hand up.

“Say what now?” Isabel asked.

“We haven’t been with each other all day and we were having dinner when the troops came rolling into town,” Michael said.

“Damn I thought you’d have been the first to rip her clothes off when we all left tonight,” Kyle said.

“We almost did. Choose dinner instead,” Maria said.

“Uh huh...who are you and what have you done with Michael and Maria?” Alex asked.

“Isabel, slap your boy on the back of his head,” Maria said.

“Actually, kinda thinking the same thing,” Isabel said.

“Okay forget all that. You two front and centre,” Max said.

Michael stepped forward and pulled his t-shirt over his head as Maria started unzipping her skirt. “The things we do for this family,” Michael said.

“Tell me about it,” Maria said.

Liz was seated in the Situation Room at the opposite end of the table to the President. Everyone else around the table just simply stared at this teenage girl who made it possible to save themselves and who currently had a multi-billionaire financially backing her little science projects in Roswell.

With the intelligence department’s most apt analysts present, they held files on everything they had.

“Elizabeth Parker,” the CIA analyst said.

“Yes that’s my name,” Liz answered.

“How, in detail, did you corrupt the systems of the alien fleet?” he asked.

“Why?” Liz asked.

“Why? In case more of their kind come back. We need to defend ourselves,” he said.

“Well they wont,” Liz said.

“Miss Parker...” the president said.

“Fine. The ships utilised a complicated network of frequencies for communications and their sensor systems., had been toying with a device for a while now. When the aliens arrived it picked up those frequencies which I was able to futz with,” Liz said.

“Surely it wasn’t that easy? Other advanced races would be able to defeat them easier than we did,” the NSA analyst asked.

“The frequencies have multi-layered encryption and multiple redundancies to prevent that from happening. I broke the encryption coding; don’t ask me how I did, I just did. The device I have attacked all the frequencies at once allowing me to access key sub-routines of their computer programming,” Liz said.

“And this device, where is it now?”

“Hidden where you won’t be able to find it. Trust me,” Liz said.

“Miss Parker, that device will either be handed over or you will build a new one,” the president said.

Liz once again looked at her watch.

“Miss Parker? Where is the device now?”

“Oh what the hell, it wont matter soon. It’s in the middle of the desert outside of Roswell. Approximately one and a half miles from a certain location I’m sure you’re all now very well acquainted with,” Liz said, completely false but it would keep them busy and a way from Max for a while.

“The crash site. Send some troops out there. Search within that radius and report any findings. Actually...wait a second...the 47 crash site or the new one? I’m assuming that was you as well,” the president said.

“Oh hell no. The ones in that ship are my friends. They came to warn me about a situation. Told me I was the only one who could do anything about it,” Liz said.

“That’s a hell of a responsibility,” the CIA analyst said.

“Tell me about it,” Liz said.

“But you have saved us. So why the lack of co-operation?” the NSA analyst said.

“I didn’t say the problem we had was alien. It’s very terrestrial and still happening,” Liz said.

With that, everyone around the table looked at each other.

“Excuse me?” the president asked.

Maria had her hands pressed against the Granolith, Michael stepped up behind her and slowly ran his hands over her back and ass before he stroked his dick into an erection. She looked over her shoulder and looked at her lover as he slipped into her. She sighed deeply and smiled as he filled her.

Michael’s body erupted with light into his Antarian form while the energy continued into Maria’s body and caused her body to tingle all over while their friends watched.

“Uhaaaaaaaa,” Maria gasped.

“Ghnnnnnnnnn,” Michael sighed as her walls clamped down on him.

Slowly Michael pulled back and Maria, not wanting him to completely leave her body, pushed her pelvis back. He pushed back in and Maria tightened her grip, as Michael deepened his contact Maria arched her back and pressed her breasts against the Granolith. Michael leaned down and kissed her upper back and shoulders.

“Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,” Maria gasped.

“Uhn…ugnnn…ugnnnnnn,” Michael groaned as he moved in and out of Maria.

“Oh god.”


“Michael…oh yessss…more…harder,” Maria begged.

Michael went faster, grinding his body rapidly against the lithe human goddess who was giving herself to him completely. “Maria,” he groaned out.

In and out, over and over again he plunged his dick into her. Her inner walls gripped him tightly, pumping his dick firmly as they approached their orgasm. His energy soaked over Maria in huge bolts of light that in turn went into the Granolith.



“MICHAEL, GOD,” She screamed out, using her legs to pull him into her harder.


Both were grinding against each other at lightning pace, Michael slid a hand up her arm and their fingers interlocked. Their hands gripped each other tightly as neither wanted to let each other go as they rode out their passion. Then Maria stiffened and then became a trembling mass of flesh.


With a furious grunt, Michael thrust deep into Maria and released his seed along with his energy. The bolts of energy arched over Maria one last time before channelling through her into the Granolith. The machine became white and glowed so brightly it was difficult to look at.

Liz sighed and looked at each of the people around the table. So she filled them in. She told them of the pit of organic sludge in South America that was currently mutating into a disease that’ll wipe out all plant-life. The silence in the room was very noticeable.

“You can’t be serious. These aliens...”

“It wasn’t the aliens. This is Earth, 100%. The ones that attacked rebelled against their authority. Their home was dying and they were scared. They tried to make Earth their new home because they could do something about it. You can’t stop it, you can’t even see it under a microscope, believe me I’ve tried. However, their ruling group...that little incident in Roswell a little while back you probably remember sending in the army to badly deal with,” Liz said.

The uncomfortable looks she was getting made her smile just a little.

“Anyway, they told me that I could deal with the problem,” Liz said.

“How?” the president asked.

“Initially, by keeping the human race alive. I’ve been working on a project to construct domes around as many cities globally as I possibly can. As well as building smaller domes to keep as many animals alive as I can,” Liz said.

“But if the environment collapses...”

“We’d be stuck in those domes forever,” Liz said. “Which is why the other part of the plan is to introduce new species of plant that is immune to the disease.”

“And you’re sure you can do this?” The NSA analyst asked.

“Oh not even remotely close. I’m still learning. But the others believe in me,” Liz said.

“The aliens? You are working with aliens?” the president asked.

“And now comes the part where you threaten to lock me up again until I tell you where they are...tough. I’m going home now,” Liz said.

“No you aren’t,” the president said.

“I’ve told you all I intend to. You now know what’s coming and you are all powerless. Locking me up means the death of every living thing on this planet. And just what exactly would you tell my parents and the rest of the world when they find out you have a minor unlawfully detained,” Liz said.

“I think we can handle it,” the president said.

“Oh wow you really don’t know what you’re dealing with do you. Okay!” Liz said.

Max, while focusing all his energy onto Liz, heard her. He walked up to the Granolith hand rested his hand on the surface. Immediately, it activated and a blast of energy shot out.

All of a sudden, on the wall of screens around the room, a bleeping sounded as the imaged shifted to an area outside Roswell. Liz recognised the spot immediately. Everyone watched on as the satellite orbiting over New Mexico caught side of a ripple spreading over the area shown on the screen and registering energy on a massive, nuclear, scale.

“What the hell is going on?” the president asked.

“This would be a lesson on keeping your ego in check, and being nice to people who try to help,” Liz said.

“I asked what was going on,” the president demanded angrily.

It wasn’t long after that, that everyone in the room stood frozen like statues. It wasn’t just them though; everyone on both American continents had frozen. Although nobody glowed, that part of the program hadn’t been activated, within them changes were being made deep within their brains. Neurons and synaptic pathways were being formed or moved around.

Across a massive chunk of the western hemisphere, which was still at night so there were very few car accidents from people no longer being in control, nobody so much as blinked as invisible waves of energy from the granolith washed over them for thirty seconds. And then they blinked again.

There wasn’t enough aspirin on the planet to deal with the collective headache suffered by people in that moment.

“Aurrrnnn, what was that?” the president asked.

“Insurance. Anyway, I’ll be going home now,” Liz said.

“Of course Miss Parker. Air Force One is at your disposal and will have you back in Roswell in no time,” the president said with smile.

“And my projects?” Liz asked.

“You’ve convinced us. We wont interfere and will help cut through the political red tape that comes up,” the president said.

“Thank you...hmm. A little more of a dramatic change than I expected,” Liz said.

“I’m sorry?” the president asked.

“Oh nothing. Just wondering what exactly my sister and her boyfriend have been up to,” Liz said.

“Lieutenant, please take Miss Parker to the car and escort her back home,” the president ordered.

“Yes sir,” the lieutenant saluted.

He guided Liz out of the room and together they walked back up the stairs. Soon they were walking passed some offices and Liz noticed that some of the secretaries were unbuttoning an additional four buttons on their blouses.

“Sere,” Liz mumbled and shook her head.

To Be Continued...

Re: The RHSC (CC/Slash/UC, ADULT) - Chapter 15 - 3 Nov

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 4:30 am
by Tharos
Chapter 16

On Air Force One, it took a fraction of the time for Liz to return home. At Albuquerque airport she was met by everyone but the second she saw Max, she ran to him and leapt up into his arms before wrapping her legs around him. The two simply kissed and smiled as they held each other.

Around them, not one person so much as batted an eye.

It took a few minutes before everyone else started to look at their watches and start to clear their throats. Still, they didn’t separate until Maria grabbed the back of Liz’s shirt and pulled her off her boyfriend.

“Maria...what the hell? Can’t a girl say hello to her boyfriend?” Liz asked.

“Yes but your kind of hellos can’t exactly be counted even as a quicky and we don’t have that kind of time,” Maria said.

Max and Liz looked sheepishly at each other before each shrugged their shoulders, “True,” they said.

“Okay, Sere. You, me and Zan are sitting down and talking,” Liz said.

“About?” Serena asked.

“About whatever else you put into that program,” Liz said.

This time it was their younger siblings turn to look sheepish, even though they smiled at each other.

“Why? What’s going on?” Isabel asked.

“Is, in case you haven’t noticed, there are a few dozen blouses undone down to the navel. There are guys here not wearing shirts at all,” Liz said.

They all looked around at the people.

“Huh,” they all said.

Max took Liz’s hand and as they others continued to look around, they all walked out of the airport and to their cars. As they walked, they noticed more and more amorous activity. It wasn’t anything extreme, just far more people engaging in public displays of affection with clothing levels showing much more skin.

“Oh hey, what did you and Max mean by ‘consequences’, cause I’m not noticing anything,” Tess asked.

“Yeah, what did you guys do?” Zan asked.

In the White House the President was walking with his advisors back into the Oval Office as he signed authorisations to everything Liz was requiring, including giving her a wide birth from the military and federal agencies. With the stack of signed papers rising, his hand was beginning to hurt but he couldn’t stop.

It was once the last document was signed that he stopped. Everyone in the country just stopped. It lasted of less than a minute but once everything started again, the president looked around.

“What the...? Where...? Why the hell did I let that girl go?” the president asked with wide and stunned eyes.

All of a sudden everyone around him looked concerned and called for the Secret Service. The agents burst into the room and upon seeing the man behind the desk, they drew their guns and aimed at the president.

“Identify yourself,” the lead agent demanded.

“What the hell are you talking about? I’m the president. Put that down right now,” the president ordered.

“This is Agent Francis. I have an unidentified male in the Oval claiming to be the president. We are detaining,” the agent said into his mic.

The agents moved in, each keeping their guns on the man they did not recognise. Of course, the president tried to resist but the agents twisted his arm behind his back, through him to the ground and knelt on his back while they cuffed him.

“What the hell is this? I’m the president. I AM THE PRESIDENT!” he yelled over and over as he was hauled away.

Even as he was tossed into a rubber lined room with a large steel door he yelled his title to groups of people that were near yet had no recognition of his face. They just stared at him blankly as they locked him away.

“That’s a coup d’etat. In this country you’ve just pulled off a coup d’etat?” Alex said.

“Yeah, but only technically,” Liz said.

“What’s technical about it...wait, who’s the President now?” Kyle asked.

“Well you know how the last guy got in because he knew how to play the politics game,” Liz said.

“Yeah,” Tess said.

“Well, he chose a Vice President who was known for being ethical. He wanted a nice guy to soften his hard-line image. To be the personable person that he has to fake being,” Liz said.

“So you’ve made the boy scout V.P. the President because the other guy pissed you off?” Alex asked.

“Nobody takes my girlfriend at gun point,” Max said flatly.

After a few hours of being welcomed back by all the parents and a nice dinner, Liz stepped out onto her balcony where she found Serena and Zan laying back under the stars. When Liz came out, both looked up and immediately sat up as they realised it was time to talk. Liz glanced to her window, a little mental signal to her boyfriend and soon Max came out with the others of their little group.

“Okay Sere, what did you add to the program?” Liz asked.

“Well it’s simple really. We just added a little bit of Post Earth/Pre Antar culture into the mix,” Serena said.

“Wait, how does that work? Post Earth is Antar,” Tess said.

“Not entirely. There is a small time frame before our people did rename Mars to Antar,” Zan said.

“Oh right, so how much did you add in. Five years? Ten?” Liz asked.

Serena pointed up.

“Twenty?” Liz asked cautiously.

Both Serena and Zan pointed up further.

“Oh god,” Liz said.

“Funny, you should use that word,” Zan said.

“Oh you didn’t,” Isabel said.

“We added about a century of the colony which point Liz was well on the way to being seen as our goddess,” Zan said.

“Not a lot, just a teeny tiny little bit,” Serena said. “Right now you’ve got some totally cool respect mojo working.”

“Sere...!” Liz said.

“What? Like any of us would let that pass you by, especially since it gives you some protection,” Serena said.

“I can live with that,” Max said.

Liz looked up at him.

“What? I want you to be safe,” Max said.

Liz sighed, “Okay, what else did you add?” she asked.


The Boscoli Fashion House was setting up their latest line for Milan when their lead designer marched into the main design floor that was covered in drawings with models standing trying on the latest work. She walked straight to the model and looked her over.

“No!” she said.

Immediately she ripped the cloth from the model before turning to the designs and tearing up the paper before throwing them over her shoulder.

“This is unacceptable. Making people wear these...these sacks,” the designer said as she pulled off her own dress. “Skin, you must show skin. The body is beautiful.”

The same thing was happening anywhere clothes were designed.

Liz just blinked. “Okay,” she said cautiously.

“What? I mean the height of modesty is practically going to be like a one piece swimsuit with a thong back. Under the dome it’s not like other clothes are going to be needed,” Serena said.

“Serena...honesty the only thing I can say to that is this...our history teacher Mr Rutland,” Max said.

Instantly Tess put her hand over her mouth as her cheeks bulged out.

“You okay?” Kyle asked.

“I think I just threw up a little,” Tess said.

“No, no, that’s okay. Took care of that,” Zan said.

“Meaning?” Liz asked.

“Meaning I used the program to correct physical and some psychological quirks. Nobody will over eat. Glandular problems gone and people will work to keep healthy,” Zan said.

“’s not that simple. You can’t fix things like that just by pressing a button,” Isabel said.

“Uh...that’s why we made the Granolith,” Zan said.

“What else?” Liz asked.

“Well, you know that nutty mom and dad threw when they found out you were pregnant?” Serena asked.

“Uh huh,” Liz said.

“Anyone our age or older...not going to happen?” Serena said.

“You’ve made teenage pregnancy socially acceptable?” Alex asked.

“Why? Why, why, why would you do that?” Liz asked.

“I’m not the one that chose teenagers to be a sizable chunk of being the first colonists,” Serena said.

“That’s not the reason why though. We...well...okay. The older a couple gets, there’s a greater chance of birth defects. True?” Zan asked.

“There’s a risk, yes, but it’s one factor out of god knows how many,” Liz said.

“Okay, I take your point but still more women are choosing career first and having kids later, yes?” Zan asked.

“I a degree,” Liz said.

“Well this way, they have kids younger and have the full support of family while going through school and getting the careers. Oh we also included a whole ‘I’ll always make time for the kids’ thing along with mating for life instinct like we all have,” Zan said.

“People will understand it. They wont know why they understand it but they just do so they wont go bed hopping or having one night stands. Well no, they’ll still be one night stands but there wont be any going all the way without birth control. It’ll be instinct, unless both know certain bodily functions wouldn’t switch on if you know what I mean,” Serena said.

“This is going to get confusing,” Isabel said.

“Tell me about it,” Maria said.

“And you did all of this because?” Michael asked.

“It would help Antar when it gets founded if Earth isn’t looking at them like they’ve gone nuts,” Zan said.

“What about the rest of the world when they find out we’re all stripping off over night?” Max asked.

“Because they’ll be affected as well. The whole world. The Granolith needed a charge up to cover the US with the initial pulse but it since it was fired, it’s been spreading over the planet. The world now has a new consciousness,” Liz said.

“I guess we’ve just got to get used to it,” Max said.

Several months later, a lot had been gotten used to. Most notably was Liz’s swelling belly and the apartment she and Max moved into that they, their family and friends spent most of their time kitting out, especially the nursery. Yet despite getting ready to becoming parents, Liz’s focus was split between their child and making sure there was a world the baby could come into.

Despite her best efforts, Serena’s hopes of a new fashion sense hadn’t taken as quickly as she’d hoped. Personal levels of modesty still held some sway, albeit limited. Men’s trousers were still there, although there were few if anyone wearing shirts. For women, skirts became sarongs that revealed almost the entire length of their legs while their tops were little more that halter tops.

Inside her lab up at Eagle Rock, Liz’s designs covered the walls and desks. As she sat there, her hand gently rubbing her belly, a light on her desk suddenly beamed red and a monitor nearby came on. Liz immediately dropped her pen and turned her attention to the flood of readings that appeared on screen.

Within another nearby room, the particle accelerator was firing and flew atoms together. The energy streamed around and around sending flashes of light in a great big circle. In moments, tiny flakes glinting in the light were being sucked out of the tubes and funnelled into another room. It took ten minutes to fill containers roughly the size of a coffee jar, without Liz’s modifications to the accelerator it would have taken five years to fill just one.

The army of lab techs now under her employ carried cases of the jars through to various labs were the powder was placed into machines. They were melted, turning into solid ingots of a new metal that could do what Liz needed. From there the bars were fashioned into the various components of the dome’s framework.

Once the accelerator was powered down to let it cool and Liz stopped monitoring it, she turned back to her work on her little Mars project.

“Son of a...that’s it. I screwed up because of a decimal point?” Liz said, shaking her head.

“Liz!” Max yelled as he came running in out of breath.

“Easy Max, you’ll give yourself a heart attack,” Liz said.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah...these halls are long,” Max said. “The vote result was just announced. It’s a yes. Roswell has 98% approval on building the dome.”

“Good. We can start clearing out the storage area of all those parts we’ve been building,” Liz said.

“What is it? I thought you’d have been happier?” Max asked.

“Oh I am. I just figured out why Antar started to destabilise in your time. I took shortcuts because of the time constraints but they would cause problems that your people couldn’t solve,” Liz said.

“So what happened?” Max asked.

“Basically...I didn’t check my homework. I put a decimal point in the wrong place in the math causing a progressive deterioration in the resulting environment on Antar,” Liz said.

“So you’ve solved it? You can create Antar now?” Max asked.

“Well not now. I know what to do, it’ll just take a long time to build the device. I’ve still got a lot of information decompiling in my brain,” Liz said.

“I knew you’d do it. Now, lunch time,” Max said.

“Max, I have work to do,” Liz said.

“No, you’re eating for two and you need to take a break,” Max said.

He waved his hand and forced Liz up onto her feet before sending her chair flying under the desk before they left to walk down the hall.

“You know if you were any good sort of boyfriend you would have just brought lunch to me instead of me to lunch,” Liz said with a wicked little glint in her eye.

“Don’t start or I’ll have to punish you,” Max said.

“Oh promises, promises,” Liz said.

“You’re the one who told me to make sure you get up for lunch,” Max said.

“I know Sweetie, I’m just teasing,” Liz said before giving him a peck on his cheek. “You’re a good boyfriend.”

“Nah, not really. If I was a good boyfriend I would have married you like your dad wants,” Max said.

“Yes but it’s fun messing with them. Besides...why haven’t you?” Liz asked.

“Because it’s fun making you wait,” Max said.

His remark was promptly met with a punch to his arm.

“You are lucky I don’t have any powers mister,” Liz said. “I’d throw you through twenty brick walls just on principle alone.”

“Well, then...I guess I’m pretty lucky then,” Max said.

“Why? Cause I don’t have any powers?” Liz asked.

“No,” Max said.

He opened the doors to the cafeteria and the lights flicked on to illuminate a single table decked out like a fancy restaurant and a banner above it saying ‘turn around’. Liz did so to find Max down on one knee and a ring box in his hand. Liz’s hands moved up to cover her mouth as her eyes went wide.

“Will you marry me?” Max asked.

Liz couldn’t help but smile as she nodded and apparently lost the ability to speak. Max slipped the ring on her finger before she pulled him up to his feet and kissed him.

From the moment the vote results were announced, things moved fast. The group had spent several months preparing for it after all. However, it was less than a week later that a few hundred feet from the furthest building in the town that the ground breaking ceremony was happening.

Everyone in town turned out for the event. They were all there surrounding the area with the town council in the middle along with Max, Liz, their friends and family. The press was in full attendance and the place lit up with flashes as the photographers clicked away when the Mayor pushed the ornamental golden shovel into the ground.

The cheers were everywhere and while the heavy construction gear moved in, everyone moved to the local park where the party began. The town celebrated their new endeavour with fireworks, bonfires and a feast like no other. Still, as Max and Liz sat at a table and watched their friends, they smiled and laughed as they all tried to dance among the crowd.

They also watched the way Serena danced with Zan, as she moved seductively around him, there was no denying the intent she had. It wasn’t a surprise when she grabbed her boyfriend’s hand and slipped away from the people to behind the audience stand.

They kissed, their hands traced every line of each other’s bodies and with each loving caress there was a shudder of excitement. Zan slowly reached his hands down the length of Serena and round to her ass. Serena’s body moulded into Zan’s, she jumped slightly as Zan tightened his grip.

“Ughhhhhaaaa…Zan,” Serena sighed.

Their breathing was heavy and their chests rubbed against each other with each inhale and exhale. Zan looked into her eyes but the connection was fully opened to each other, it was her soul he was seeing into. Their minds touched and gave just as much stimulation was their bodies were receiving. It took mere seconds for Zan to be fully hard and for Serena to be just as ready to have him inside her.

Serena pushed herself up and Zan caught her, wrapping his arms around her as she wrapped her slender legs around him. Their locked gaze never broke, Serena’s fingers trailed light circles over Zan’s chest and paying special attention to his nipples. Teasingly slow Serena dropped her hand between her legs and into his pants where wrapped her fingers around his length.

“God, I want you naked,” Serena said.

“We can’t. Out in public remember,” Zan whispered into her ear before nibbling on it.

“Pity,” Serena said before giving a gentle squeeze on his dick.

“Grnnnnnnnnn…” Zan groaned as his eyes shut tightly.

“A little sensitive today aren’t we?” Serena asked.

“You have no idea,” Zan said.

“Actually I do,” Serena said.

Serena pulled the strap from her shoulder, they may not have been able to be with each other naked but that didn’t mean she couldn’t expose as much flesh as possible. Delicately she used her other hand to make a trail over her breast and flicked a nipple, all of which Zan felt all too clearly. Then she returned her attention to the swelling rod in her hand, Serena stroked him a few times before positioning him at the entrance to her body. Zan reached down and slowly fingered her before moving aside the fabric. As Serena sank down on to him, Zan gently pushed his hips forward, sending his cock up into her. Serena’s mouth hung open as he filled her completely.

“Oh god Zan,” she breathed out.

They stayed still for a long time, just revelling in the fire that was ignited by the simple fact he was inside her. As their eyes drifted open their mouths latched together and let their tongues caress each other as their hands did.

Then Serena lifted herself up a little before sinking back down.

“Ghnnnnnnnnnnn…” Both lovers groaned together.

Serena then did it again, clenching her muscles around Zan’s dick and causing him to groan again.

“Zan…oh yes,” Serena sighed.

“God…Serena…oh…so good…” Zan groaned.

Before long Zan was thrusting up into Serena, meeting each of her downward strokes. Her arms locked behind Zan’s head as tightly as her legs were behind his ass.



Zan moved in and out of his lover, reaching into her as much as he could with his long and swollen manhood. With each thrust there was a push against the metal framework of the audience stands, causing it to rattle.

Soon Zan couldn’t take anymore of the position they were in, as much as he liked it Zan wrapped his arms around Serena’s back and carried her down to the ground. He pulled out of her, much to her hatred, and Serena turned around. She moved onto her hands and knees, looked back at Zan and he entered her. With soft, shallow strokes he started to rock his hips, pushing in and out of her flushed body.

Then soft and shallow became a little faster and deeper, their bodies moved together with perfect synchronism. All too soon he was pounding into Serena and with each stab of his dick he sent a wave of his love to her mind, which she promptly returned.

“UGN…ZAN…OH GOD KEEP GOING…DON’T…DON’T STOP!” Serena cried out, the bed shaking beneath them with each thrust.




The movement of their bodies was an utter frenzy; the passion in their senses overtook them yet they remained in tandem with each other. Their bodies were apart of each other just as their minds and souls were.




Serena’s body seized up before every muscle in her trembled as her orgasm hit her at the same time as Zan thrust if dick deep inside her and shot his cum into her. Together the pair of them collapsed to the ground, panting for each breath.
