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Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 10:06 pm
by SidneyAce
roswellian love wrote:I was very mixed when it came to this ep
Cate I wanted to hit she treated Baze like crap, she's in love with him her face said it all
Lux annoyed the hell outta me like always
Baze I love when he ran in the burning bar for his daughter that broke my heart he's an amazing guy love him and his dad are connecting.
Oh & behold Ryan is human after all so new co star which he didn't seem so upset about and a chic he lied to his wife bout nice. I said it from the get go ryan was alittle too perfect so now their married his true colors comes out. His skank sister showed up now oh joy. When lux walked in the hospital I was screaming at Cate ground her put your foot down her dad could've died and she like oh im sorry my phone died I was with Bug :roll: . Now a teacher student tryst yeah ok like Baze won't Raise hell.
We shouldn't rush into conclusions. We don't know what is happening with Ryan. Maybe it's all just a misunderstanding. As for the co-host, i wanted him to say he'd quit if they fired Cate but truthfully who does that? Just because Cate blew it with the job, he shouldn't give up his job which he's been doing professionally and perfectly. It's just unfair to ask him to quit. As much as i hate to admit it, Cate deserves to get fired.

I really liked the new episode. It was good. Ryan and Cate rocked the most!I loved their speech. IT reminded me why i like them the most.

Lux was less annoying than ever. I'm glad. I know that cheating is wrong but i understand why she did it. She didn't want to get kicked out of school. It was serious.

Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 9:05 pm
by roswellian love
Im watching ep 3 of season 2 right now
Baze I love - he is trying he is actually the only one really. He takes shit from work, family and Ryan and it was about damn time he told both Cate and ryan off.
Lux- has not tried she picked up a book for like what 2 minutes than quit. I understand she had it hard but she needs to stop throwing it in her parents face Oh wait maybe there's hope for her yet if we was like that as a kid Damn maybe she does have hope still.
Ryan- I cannot stand, every ep he just irritates me more, he always in Baze face for everything P.S. Cate looks miserable in every ep she wanted Baze but he lied so to hurt him and lie again to herself she married Ryan.
Oh Wait Maybe theres hope for this whole family. Their playing B.Ball boys against girls about time their actually having fun.
I stand by what Im seeing Cate&Baze belong together

Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 2:38 pm
by SidneyAce
I liked this episdoe! It wasn't too dramatic. No one annoyed me in this episode. I understand what Lux was going through and i'm glad that they made her more likable this season. Cate is so funny high! Ryan was definsive of his sister and i thought that was cool. Cate and Ryan took sides in this episode but it turned out they were both equally blind and i liked the scene with them drinking at the end of the day. It was nice. They can survive anything, i really believe that. And i was soooo glad to see a scene were Baze and Ryan were being civil and except the fact that they are part of a family. It was a nice basketball game with the guys and girls in different teams. Baze is growing and maturing and that was refreshing!

All in all, a good episode.

Oh, forget to say that Jones was hot in this episode. I like the new look and i'm glad he's back. :D

Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 10:03 pm
by Itzstacie
okay how great was that ''looks like that chic from Roswell" I about fell out of my chair.

Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 3:54 am
by SidneyAce
Itzstacie wrote:okay how great was that ''looks like that chic from Roswell" I about fell out of my chair.
I thought for a second that i imagined she said that. :lol: I miss Roswell and Liz Parker. :(

Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 6:29 am
by dreambeliever
SidneyAce wrote:
Itzstacie wrote:okay how great was that ''looks like that chic from Roswell" I about fell out of my chair.
I thought for a second that i imagined she said that. :lol: I miss Roswell and Liz Parker. :(
I miss it too *sigh* and then the whole, 'big brown eyes...' makes me wonder again if the network people actually go online and read the fanfic and stuff :wink: and maybe the CW were just teasing us, for just a brief moment I thought..oooh maybe they're going to do like a mini series or something....that would be cool! :mrgreen:

Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 6:49 am
by Alien_Friend
That line was the best part of the episode for me! It was an awesome episode. Loved the way they utilized the OTH folks. It makes me want to catch up with season.

I wish someone would write a crossover fic with Roswell. Since we can't have the show back as delightful as that would be. I think it totally could work. Future Max disappearing to Life Unexpected's universe as punishment for changing the future. I could so see the Granolith having a twist like that. He sees "Liz" (but it's not Liz) married with a kid. It would be sad but of course ends happy. I can't see Ryan and Kate lasting very long in the show. Oh the possibilities.

For me it was my favourite episode yet this season.

Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 8:40 am
by Earth2Mama
I wouldn't so much call it my favorite episode of the season, as much as it was the beginning of the end - as far as I'm concerned - between Cate & Ryan. They've already got so many chinks in their relationship, it'll only take a few more well knocked taps to have the whole thing crumble and fall apart.

Having children? Isn't that something that you should discuss with your partner before you get married ... or maybe I'm wrong :roll: Seriously? These two had no business in getting married. They are not on the same page about a lot of important issues that couples face today.

Last night just showed me how ill equipped not only Cate is at being in a stable, loving relationship but how unprepared Ryan is as well. Let's face facts here - Cate has lied at every turn about important stuff (i.e. sleeping with Baze and the mother of them all ... secretly taking birth control pills when she told her husband she wanted to start a family). I'm sorry, but telling your husband what he wants to hear just so that he won't leave you? Ugh ... I'm seriously not liking Cate - AT ALL.

And Ryan isn't that much better, but he isn't as worse. Ryan is still hiding the truth about just who the hell Julia is - and I have a feeling that that will implode in his face as well. Also, he knows that Cate is a liar and quite a good one at that. She's got him believing her at every turn and then when he finds out the truth later, he has the nerve to be pissed. Ugh ... dude! Seriously? How f**king gullible are you?! :x I laughed my ass off when he stated last night that he "couldn't stay with someone he doesn't trust". DUDE!!! You are - cause your wife is a liar and you just eat it up like Christmas cookies. They must taste real good (those lies), well either that or the SEX is just that friggin' mind blowing :twisted: But really, after that wears off - what the hell are you going to have to build on?

When you lie to someone - you are showing an utter lack of respect for that person and it's so obvious from the lies and half truths being told that neither Cate or Ryan value each in any regard - not as husband and wife, not a friends, not even a people. I've said it before ... and I'll say it again - THESE TWO SHOULD NEVER HAVE GOTTEN MARRIED.

And we as a society wonder why the divorce rate is so damn high in this country?

Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 3:50 pm
by FSU/MSW-94
you tell 'em Earth2Mama!Grr! I was thinking the same thing when Ryan caught Cate lying again. I was surprised he caught her birth control pills so soon, I though it would have happened later into the season or something :roll:

Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 9:36 am
by Earth2Mama
FSU/MSW-94 wrote:you tell 'em Earth2Mama!Grr! I was thinking the same thing when Ryan caught Cate lying again. I was surprised he caught her birth control pills so soon, I though it would have happened later into the season or something :roll:
Nah ... that really didn't surprise me, sorry to say.

What gets me is this mad desire to have a kid all of a sudden. Uhm ... hello?! YOU JUST GOT MARRIED! How about you settle into that relationship first and iron out all the kinks before you bring another person into an already tense and non-harmonious union? Does no one thing beyond their own selfish needs and desires?

I get that Ryan wants kids. And that's fine, however, that should have been discussed prior to marriage. You just don't bring it up after being married for a few weeks. The same thing goes with finances. In this day and age, the old way of doing things just isn't feasible any longer.

In today's society, you and your partner need separate accounts as well as joint account. I've seen too many woman get shafted by an ex when they've pooled all their money into a joint account and have nothing left over for themselves.

What really made my evening was Baze trying to prove to Tasha and Lux that he too can move on from his feelings for Cate. And while he gave it a valiant effort, I can't help but think that 1) he was trying too damn hard, 2) his heart really wasn't in it, and 3) he made the decision to do it once he found out about Cate/Ryan trying to make a baby.

At the end of the episode, did you notice Cate's face when she went to talk to Baze about her decision to have a baby with Ryan? Uh ... HELLO?! You don't share the decisions you make in your marriage with an ex! You don't involve other people in your marriage except your partner. Baze ... isn't Cate's partner. He should not get a vote in any decision that she makes with regards to her marriage choices with Ryan. That vote should only go to Ryan.

Like I said before - trouble already and a recipe for divorce - soon. Or at least by the end of this season :wink: