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Re: Shall We Never Get Older (AU,CC,Adult) A/N - 04/22/11

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 9:30 pm
by The Mad Hatters
Author’s Note:

SURPRISE, SURPRISE! We're back. Thank you so much for the feedback and kind bumps, especially with our crazy, crazy month. It means so much!

So we have some good news and bad news. Good news is that we're going to try to post every week for a while, bad news is, we don't know when in the week we will be post since our schedules are even busier than before, and so instead of giving you set dates and in turn potentially letting you down, we're just going to be posting as we can.

Thanks so much for the feedback once again.












The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and I think for the first time today, I’m genuinely feeling considerably much better than before. And as much as I hate to admit it, Michael’s talk really helped. I hate that he can see through me so clearly sometimes but a part of me feels like a weight has finally been lifted off my shoulders now that he knows about my Harvard acceptance and even more, my fears that Max is going to pull out on me. I don’t think I realized how much I actually needed to tell someone about it until Michael turned all my questions around on me.

I take a seat outside on one of the wooden benches while balancing two coffee cups in my hand. One, is a very hot, black coffee with some cream, two sugars and even a sprinkle of cinnamon that I know Max loves but always forgets to put on, and another is a very cold Frappachino that I refuse to take a sip of until Max gets here.

I spot his BMW as soon as he pulls into the parking lot and suddenly, I feel my heart take off in a flurry. This is it, the moment of truth. If he has two coffees in his hands like he normally does, then that means that he’s not as angry as I thought he would be and if doesn’t… well, I can only hope that my peace offering and an apology will make it up to him.

It only takes a minute before I see him heading my way and I try to put a smile on my face, but when I notice his empty hands, I know that I’ve failed. He walks right past me and heads towards the doors… but I’m not letting us start work like this, especially when we have a really big job ahead of us. “Max!”

He turns around slowly and I hurry to grab my things before meeting up with him. “What is it Liz?” His voice is cold and he sounds agitated.

“Uh… do you mind if we talk for a second? Before we start work?” I can hear my voice trembling and I hate it, but I wasn’t expecting Max to be so cold towards me. I know I acted out of line, but shouldn’t he at least meet me half way? I’m really trying here. He finally nods before walking towards one of the benches and sitting down.

I hand him the coffee and smile. “Here, I thought it might be nice if I supplied the caffeine for once.”

I see a small smile cross his face that he’s trying to hide and I can’t help but smile too because now I know that things are going to be okay. “Thanks.”

“No problem.” I turn towards him. “Listen Max, about this afternoon, I’m sorry. I was out of line. I had no right to go off you the way I did and I feel awful. I’ve been torturing myself this whole day over the look on your face and I’m really sorry Max. It’s just that Ava… she rubs me the wrong way and I didn’t mean to take my frustration of the night before out on you or her.”

He nods but doesn’t say a word and I’m starting to feel discouraged again.

“So... I just wanted to say that I’m sorry. I mean, you’re friends with her and it’s not fair to put you in a situation where you have to choose between me and her.”

He nods again and this time, I’m not sure if things are really going in the direction I want. “So… we’re cool right? Still friends?”

He looks up at me and smiles. “Yeah, Liz, still friends.” He then stands up and makes to walk past me, but this time he brushes against me slightly, causing me to smile because I know that that’s his way of letting me know that he’s forgiven me and everything is good between us again.

I follow him into the hotel, my mood much lighter and freer now that things between us are okay again. I’m feeling so happy right now that I think I’m ready to take on Kris Pyne and anyone else that Garrison could throw at me right now. The first thing we do is head up to the room Garrison let us use as our base for the night. We didn’t get a chance to look at it the night before, so this time, I’m practically bubbling with joy. What? You can’t honestly blame me can you? I mean, have you seen the hotel rooms here? It’s like heaven, the softest sheets and the fluffiest pillows and the softest bathrobes anywhere in this area. And did I mention that the shampoos and soaps come in Vanilla and Chocolate scented delights? Did you hear me? Chocolate! I roll my eyes and giggle at myself, not that we would really be using all of that while we’re working but still, I can’t help but be a little excited.

Max leads the way to the third floor and as soon as he opens the door, I practically blow past him and run into the room to check everything out. It’s the master suite and is one of the best rooms in the hotel and it doesn’t take me anymore than a few minutes to admire everything before I twirl around and flop onto the bed while hugging a pillow to me, wishing my own pillow was as soft as this. God, did I mention I love these rooms?

“Excited much?” Max smirks at me before dropping his keys on one of the tables and picking up the phone to call Garrison.

Right, work. I sigh and sit up, and then frown when I notice a long list sitting on one of the tables with our names on it. Grabbing it, my mouth drops open when I realize that it’s a list of things Kris wants us to pick up for him. Um… what the heck? Does he know what time it is?

“What’s up? I apparently must look as shocked as I feel because Max is gauging me as if something terrible just happened. I look back down at the list and shake my head, not only is it extremely long, but half of these things won’t be available to get until the morning… well, with the exceptions of a few groceries and some movie rentals. “I guess it’s going to be a long night.” I hand Max the list and sigh. “You wouldn’t happen to know anyone that owns a department store by chance, would you?”

I watch as Max reads through the list, his expression changing from slight agitation to annoyance, and then finally to resignation. “One of the members of my mom’s book club owns the local Macy’s right down the corner. “ Max shrugs, “I might be able to talk her into opening the store for us, especially if she finds outs why and who it’s for.” He sighs, “might…”

“Do you really think she will?” I ask. Max’s mom has always been pretty snooty and I’d imagine that most of her friends act the same way.

“She might, she’s pretty nice. It just depends on if she’s awake or not.” Max shrugs again. “It’s worth a shot since the only other alternative would be to go to Walmart and I doubt that Kris would appreciate that. The rest of the stuff is pretty easy.”

I nod, silently wishing Max is right and watch as he pulls out his cell phone and carrying out a conversation with his Mom’s friend. “Yeah, thanks Brenda. I really appreciate it… tutor your daughter… yeah… of course. Alright, I’ll be there as soon as I can. Thanks again.”

“She’ll do it?” I ask as soon as he pulls the phone away from his ear and ends it.

“Yeah, I guess her daughter is taking some computer drafting class and needs some help with an upcoming exam, so we’re trading favors.”

I giggle. “She bribed you?”

He shrugs. “Yeah, but I would have done it anyways.”

“Aw, you big softy.”

He rolls his eyes and smirks before grabbing his keys and making his way towards the door. “So… my car or yours?”

I start bouncing on my toes. Max’s BMW is my dream car and I’m constantly trying to get him to let me drive it - not that he ever does - but either way, I love riding in it, especially with the top down and at night. My truck really just doesn’t compare and it always makes me envious of Max’s wallet. “Yours! Can I drive the Beemer?”

“Not on your life.” He shakes his head at me and I stop my bouncing. What, it’s not like I’m a bad driver. I pout but Max just smirks as he opens the door for me. “C’mon, let’s go.”

Sighing in defeat, I grab my purse before heading out the door and following Max towards the parking lot. It only takes us a few minutes before we’re both buckled in and heading towards the Mall. Half way there, Max leans forward and turns on the radio before singing along to U2’s ‘I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For.” He’s got such a soothing voice and he doesn’t even know it. Leaning back against the seat, I close my eyes, fighting the urge not to fall asleep.

I fail miserably when Max’s phone suddenly pierces the air, jarring me out of my sleepy haze. Grumbling a little, I shift and watch out of the corner of my eyes as Max looks down at the Caller ID, a small smile coming over his face before he picks up. “Hello?”

“Hey.” I see his eyes light up a little, his face taking on a happy look that makes me wonder who he’s talking to.

“Uh-huh? Really? No, that’s great. I mean, I haven’t seen your parents in a while so a drive up to Santa Fe this weekend wouldn’t be a bad thing.” He laughs at something and I reach over and turn the radio down, I’m having—I mean, he’s probably having trouble hearing the other person on the line, what with the music so loud and all. I roll my eyes at myself, okay, it’s not really loud, I’m just being nosey.

“I know… yeah.” He nods his head and I can barely make out that it’s a female voice on the other line. Female? Who would that be? Isabel? “Well, you did look great in that skirt…” He trails off and I actually see a small blush form on his cheeks causing me to look away. Oh God, definitely not Isabel. And eww… is Max really talking up some girl while he’s in the car with me? I look over at him again, crossing my arms across my chest before I realize that I probably look like a possessive demon. Shit, letting my hands fall down to my lap again, I try to look out the window and tune out the conversation but it doesn’t work well when Max suddenly laughs like he’s having the time of his life. Suddenly, I don’t feel so good.

“Well, I don’t get off work till about seven, so say I drop by the café around seven-thirty… eight, and maybe we can grab some breakfast together before your first class? Sure… okay, yeah… alright, I’ll see you in the morning then, okay, yeah, bye.” He hangs up and makes a left turn before looking over at me. “Tired?”

I guess I must look sleepy, but no, I’m anything but. I want to know who he was talking to. “No… just quiet.” I give him a small smile, wondering if he’s going to mention the phone conversation. He nods his head and makes another left turn before we stop at a traffic light.. “So, who was that?”

He turns his head towards me slightly and clears his throat. Wow, Is it me, or does he look nervous all of a sudden? “Um… that was Ava.” He answers just as the traffic starts moving again.

“Oh,” I nod my head a little, feeling a bit confused. He’s taking Ava out to breakfast tomorrow?

“Yeah… um… well, uh.” He looks over at me and smiles. “We’re ah… sorta back together again.”

“Oh.” My heart stops in my chest before it starts to beat loudly again. He’s going out with Ava again? What? When did this happen?

“Yeah, you know after this morning, I actually ended up hanging out with her for a little while and I kinda realized that I really miss being in a relationship with someone, you know? And it’s like you said, Ava’s perfect for me. I care about her a lot and we both come from similar backgrounds, my parents love her and she’s really a great person.”

“A-huh.” Why is he explaining it? The last thing I want to hear about is how perfect Ava is for him.

“Yeah, so we just got to talking and one thing lead to another and I asked if she wanted to try again and she does, so… we’re dating again.”

“That’s great Max.” I say, trying to be supportive so that we don’t end up having another fight like we had had earlier. I clench my eyes shut not knowing how to grasp everything I’m feeling right now. I don’t really like Ava, but then, it doesn’t really matter what I want, it matters what Max wants and if he wants Ava then I guess I should be happy for him, but the truth is I’m not and the worst part is, I can already see Harvard kissing me goodbye. I turn around and face the window, trying desperately to control all the emotions that are currently running through me. God, I just want to go home right now, but I can’t. I need the money too bad and I can’t just leave Max to do everything while I call in sick.

Reaching out, I turn the radio back up to full volume – Max going back to singing and me sinking down into my seat. We drive the rest of the way in silence with me getting lost in my own thoughts.


The whole shopping trip was a bust. Liz just walked around quietly as we got everything on Kris’ list which was pretty surprising in itself as Liz usually has an opinion on practically everything. She didn’t even crack a joke at the extra slim condoms we had to get and that was… pretty crack worthy.

I feel bad knowing I’m the reason for Liz’s silence. I hadn’t had any intention of telling her about Ava, in fact, I’m not even sure what happened with me and Ava. One second I’m seriously thinking over Michael’s advice and the next, I’m calling Ava.

Michael was right when he said I wasn’t being fair to Liz. She doesn’t know what’s going on in my life, she doesn’t know how I feel about her, but I’m pretty sure if she did, it wouldn’t make much of a difference. Liz sees me as her friend, that’s all, and I can’t spend the rest of my life waiting for her to suddenly see me as anything more, it’s not fair to expect her to or for me to. So I’m going to try to move on, for both of us.

We quickly drop our things off to Kris’ room, graciously accepting the generous tip he gives us and the compliments on getting everything to him so quickly. I think he was really impressed by us today, but I bet it probably had more to do with the fact that he had a “lady-friend” in there with him than anything else.

Liz surprisingly still hasn’t said much. I’m not really sure what’s going on with her, even Kris was surprised that she wasn’t as bubbly as she had been like the other two times he had met her.

We go back to our room and Liz immediately slumps down on the bed, her face in the pillow. I frown and throw the keys onto the counter before walking up to her. “You alright?”

“Uh-huh…” she nods her head but doesn’t pick up from the pillow.

“You sure? You’ve been pretty quite all night.” I sit down next to her wondering what’s really going on with her. I know Liz. Something must be up for her to be like this. Either she’s getting sick, which I don’t think is the case because otherwise she’d be whining right now, or it’s something else. It can’t be the Ava thing can it? No, ‘cause usually she just gets mad and isn’t afraid to tell me how she feels, so what’s up with her now?

“Yeah… just have a headache is all.”

I’m not quite sure I believe her, Liz is the biggest baby when it comes to pain and she acts like she’s dying when she gets a small cold. I walk over to her and put my hand on her back. “Here, sit up.”

She whines but then rolls onto her back with a small groan before sitting up cross-legged. I reach out my hands, grasping her around the waist and pulling her back to lean against me. “C’mere.”

“I don’t think sitting on you is going to help.”

“Shut up.” I roll my eyes even though she can’t see me. I bring my hands to up to her head, my fingers tangling in her soft brown locks while I slowly start to massage her scalp. “That helping?”

“Mhm.” She mumbles, titling her head back a little to give me better access.

“Good, glad I could be of service.”

Liz lets out a small chuckle, adjusting herself against me to get more comfortable and I can finally feel her body starting to relax more into mine. It’s quiet for a few minutes yet I can see that she’s really thinking about something. After a few more moments of waiting to see if she’ll say anything, I decide to break the silence. “So, are you going to tell me what’s bothering you or are you just going to use me for my magic fingers?”

It’s only when she laughs and turns her head towards me do I realize that that I left myself wide open for that one. “Well, they are all you’re good for Max.”

“Ha-ha! Very funny Liz”

“Hey Max?” She asks me quietly, adjusting her shoulders again to get more comfortable.


“Are you happy?” She asks even more quietly.

I look down at her curiously, wondering about the strangeness of the question. But at seeing her eyes starting to close and her breathing starting to get heavier, I decide not push it. Wrapping my arms tighter around her waist, I smile. “Yeah Liz… I'm happy.”


Re: Shall We Never Get Older (AU,CC,Adult) Chapter 11 - 05/0

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 9:45 pm
by The Mad Hatters
keepsmiling– Thanks for the feedback. I know, we totally leave you hanging, shame on us. Why didn't Liz tell Max? The timing of a deeper conversation just wasn't right at that time and Max being cold towards Liz didn't help any. Though, that's not to say they won't talk in the future... but regardless, Liz still has to figure out exactly how she feels about everything to be able to talk to Max and that is still coming. Hope you like this next chapter.


Mad says: “Hey Hat, did you know we have a master plan?”

Hat says: “Why no Mad, when did that happen?”

Mad says: “Last Tuesday. Alien_Friend informed us.”

Hat says: “Really? I always knew I liked her.”

Mad says: “Me too and look, now we this book to tell us what direction to go in!”

Hat says: “Sweet! That’s totally awesome dude.”

Mad says: “Yeah, it’s like totally gnarly man.”

LOL. Thank you for the master plan and the feedback. I know, Liz is really struggling with her feelings right now, though hopefully soon things will be a little clearer for her and all of you… but we can’t promise that someone else will just confuse you more. ;) And thank you for the kind compliment – we do really make sure that despite everything going on, they’re relationships and how much they care about each other is always present. Hope you like the new chapter.

begonia9508 – Thanks. You are so right. You should never lose yourself in a friendship, no matter how good of friend it is. A little distance might not be bad for either of them. Hope you like this next chapter.

Earth2Mama – Thanks. Frustrating isn’t it? But there is a whole lot more to come and it might shed some light on why they think the way they do, be it right or wrong. Hope you like the next one.

Roswell_Dreamer – Thanks. And it just might, a little competition never hurt anyone. :wink: As for the extra slim condoms, you probably won’t find them on the shelves of any pharmacy – they were specially made. Hope you like this next part.

nibbles2 – That is something Liz will be asking herself in the future and you’ll just have to wait and see how it effects their relationship. The timing of this fic is slow, so even though it seems like it’s taking forever for them to talk, in their realty it’s not. But you’ll get more insight in the upcoming chapters. Thanks for the feedback and hope you like the next chapter.

sarammlover – Thanks. Michael only gave them their advice a couple hours ago and both of them probably need time to think it over before making any moves. We know it seems like it's taking longer since we have so many chapters covering such a small time frame but their talk is coming. It has only been two days in their world, so it might take a while, but hope you like this chapter.

angiebrenna – Woot! Thanks! Glad to see that you’re enjoying the fic and loving the frustration. We promise more to come before things start to cool down. Hope you like the next chapter.

LovelyPOM83 – Welcome and aww, thank you. Really glad to hear that you’re enjoying the fic, and more Max and Liz soon, but for now here’s some M/M. Hope you enjoy.



I slowly open the door to Maria’s apartment, entering surreptitiously. It’s five-thirty and knowing DeLuca, she’s most likely still sleeping… but too bad baby, ‘cause today’s the first day of November and the weather outside is just perfect to head down to the hot-springs in Carlsbad. This is really the best time of year to go. It’s getting cold outside, but at the same time, the last of the hot weather is still lingering in the air so that we’re not freezing our asses off.

As soon as I enter her living room, I notice all of Maria’s blinds are closed and I shake my head in disapproval. She’s got the best view since her apartment over-looks a part of the Frasier Woods yet she keeps them closed most of the time. Man if I lived here, those babies would never be closed.

I quickly head to the windows and pull open the blinds to get some light into the dark living room before heading to the kitchen and making a pot of coffee and some toast. Knowing Maria, she’ll never wake up otherwise and since I really can’t cook anything other than hamburgers and stuff on the grill, this will have to do.

I head towards her bedroom and slowly open the door. Now pay attention folks, because this right here, this is my favorite part. As quietly as I can, I sneak inside and slowly shut the door without making too much noise. Not that it would matter too much since the girl sleeps like the dead but this is November 1st, and you really can’t be too careful. Gathering all my speed, I take a running leap and jump onto the bed, landing straight on top of her. I hear a soft grunt before feeling her moving beneath me. “Morning Sunshine.”

She groans again, mumbling something indecipherable. I try to make it out but then I feel her body begin to relax underneath me again – almost as if she’s trying to go back to sleep – and causing me to shake my head before moving my fingers up to her sides. “Not going to happen Goldilocks. Come on, time to wake up.” I start to tickle her.

“Go ‘way.” She whines half-heartedly and tries to push me away. Yeah right, like that’ll stop me, she should know me better than this by now.

I move my hands down to her sides and start to tickle her again. “Come on Peepsqueak, the sun is shining and the Prince has come to wake Sleeping Beauty from her slumber – to rescue her from the prison and show her the light of day.”

“I hate you.” She grumbles, turning away from me and yanking the covers back on top of her. “And you’re screwing up your fairytales.” I chuckle and tickle her again; even in her sleep she can’t resist arguing with me.

“No you don’t, you love me. Now, c’mon, I made coffee.” I pull her around again and stare down at her, waiting for the words to sink in.

And as if by magic, she pulls the covers down and turns towards me slowly. “Coffee?”

“Yes sleepyhead, coffee, and the hazelnut kind too.” I watch as she perks up and smiles. It takes so little to please her sometimes.

“Really?” She sits up and stretches and suddenly I notice the covers falling around her waist. Whoa… whoa… whoa … when did the Luca get boobies? First the butt, now the boobs… where the hell have I been?

“Nice bra. Is it of the aqua kind too?” I smirk and watch as Maria flushes red, a giant pillow being whacked at me as she tries to quickly cover herself up.

“MICHAEL!” She yanks the blankets up to her neck and pushes me away. “Oh my God, why the hell didn’t you say anything?” She reaches down to pick up one of her shirts from the floor and tires to put it on while making sure that the covers are still in place. I don’t know why really, it’s nothing I haven’t seen before… that and we’re going swimming soon. I mean, what’s the difference between a bathing suit top and a bra? Hell, some of the ones I know Maria has that she never wears in front of me shouldn’t even be considered clothing. I frown, wondering who she does wear them for, probably that stupid doctor she’s got a crush on now.

I move off of the bed and shrug. “It was a nice view.” I give her a wink and head back to the kitchen to give her a little privacy.

It’s about six-thirty and Maria is still not out of her bedroom, bathroom, wherever. What the hell is taking so long? I’m a little tempted to go back in there and check, but I did that once and well… let’s just say that Maria didn’t let me back inside her apartment for a two whole weeks after and I really don’t think I have it in me to risk it again. It’s currently football seasons and I’d rather spend my time watching the games here instead of my crappy apartment like I had to last year. “MARRIIAA!” I yell, hoping that she doesn’t answer so that I have a valid excuse to check on her this time.

“MARIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” I pour another cup of coffee for myself, eating one of Maria’s pieces of toast along with it when she finally steps into the living room.

“What?” She’s in the process of pulling up her hair and I can’t help but stare at the outfit she’s wearing. It’s a summer dress, pink, extremely shimmery, and so sheer that I can see her bathing suit underneath. I raise my eyebrows as she walks up to me, grabbing the toast right out of my mouth before moving to sit next to me.

Shaking my head, I turn my attention back to the stolen piece of toast and try to protest before she can take a bite. “Hey! That’s mine.”

“Mine now.” She smirks as she sinks her teeth into it, taking a huge bite. “Mmm… so good, thanks.”

“Yeah,” I roll my eyes, putting two more slices of bread into the toaster. “You’re welcome thief.”

“I can’t believe you woke me up this early just to go to the hot springs. “ She grumbles and I shake my head. We do this every year, yet it’s always been the same… complain, complain until we get there to which she then admits it’s her favorite day of the year, well, besides Christmas. “I have to work tonight.” She makes a face.

“Don’t worry I’ll get you home in time so that you can take a nap before you have to go listen to all of Roswell whine about their boo-boos.” I reassure her.

“You better. It takes a lot of sleep and coffee to put up with those babies.” She rolls her eyes and pouts before taking a sip of her coffee.

“A-huh, and to flirt with the doctors.” I tease and watch as her face turns a nice shade of red.

“I don’t flirt with doctors.” She denies emphatically even though the sudden blush on her face says otherwise. “Wes is just… he… he’s—“

“He just wants to bone you?” I finish the sentence for her and laugh at the sudden horrified look on her face.

“No! Shut up! No, he’s totally not like that… or… I mean I hope he’s not, because if that’s all he wants then…” She trails off before getting up from the stool and pulling open the cabinets and getting out various snacks that we can take with us.

“Then what?” I get up and put the dishes in the sink, tipping Maria’s coffee off with what was left in the pot before helping her.

“Then nothing…” She shrugs before lifting up three bags of chips for my approval. I nod my head and she shakes her head and laughs before piling them onto the counter and opening the fridge.

“No,” I shake my head and grab the stash of cookies I know Maria keeps at the back of her pantry that she doesn’t like anyone else touching and add it onto the pile. “You obviously meant something and now I want to know what it is.” I cross my arms and try to give her the very serious “tell-Michael-now-look,” which is really synonymous to my poker face… but we don’t really need to go into the logistics of it all right now.

“No… I meant nothing. Like nothing to everything. I mean, if the only reason Wes asked me out is to “bone” me, then I he'll be majorly disappointed when he finds out that I don't give it up on the first date.”

I watch as she avoids my eyes and frown. Touchy subject but I don’t really want to get into it now. It’s 6:50 and if we don’t leave in the next ten minutes, our five year tradition will be ruined forever.

Grabbing the picnic basket that Maria had insisted on buying last year, I pile all the food and drinks in there before carrying it towards the door. “I’m gonna put this in the car, meet you out in five?”

She nods, finishing up her coffee before getting up and going back into her room.

Five minutes later, I pull my jeep up in front of her apartment and almost choke when I see that her dress is almost see-through in the sun.

She smiles at me and hops into the passenger seat, dropping her stuff into the back, seemingly unaware at the fact that she’s practically naked. “What the hell are you wearing?” The words come out before I can stop them, but seriously, does even know what she’s wearing?

“What?” She frowns and then the looks down at her dress. “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”

“Well, aside from the fact that Harry and Sally over there just gave you the once over,” I point over to two guys mowing the lawn before looking back at Maria, “I can see right through it.”

“Yeah so, it’s a summer dress and we’re going swimming. It’s not like I’m not going to be taking it off and wearing even more of nothing. Besides, half my clothes get wet at the springs anyway. They still all become see-through.”

“Yeah,” I scratch my eyebrow. Damnit, why the hell is this bothering me now? I’ve seen her wear less than this before and she does look incredibly cute and sexy in it. “But… you wouldn’t wear that out on a date would you?”

Maria raises her eyebrow at me and gives me a sly smile. “What’s the matter Michael, does my dress bother you for some reason?” She smirks.

“What? No. Of course not.” I say quickly, trying to play it off. If she knew that this was bugging me, she’d never let me live it down.

“Really? Because you know I can always take it off.” She inches the bottom of her sun-dress up her thighs a little.

I really hope she’s teasing. I drive a jeep-wrangler and the tops down; anyone could see her stripping if they really wanted to. “That’s okay.”

“You sure.” She raises her eyebrows a little higher. “Because it would be really easy… all I’d have to do is…” She trails off and starts lowering the thin straps of her dress down her shoulders.

“Maria.” I warn her. The last thing I need is to get pulled over for indecent exposure and make a name for myself at the Roswell P.D. before I even get started there.

“What?” She asks innocently. “You don’t like it?” She almost pouts. “Besides, I’m wearing a bikini, it’s not like I’m naked or anything.” She smiles as she slides her left arm of the strap all the way, letting it fall down so that I can see glimpses of the green bathing-suit she’s wearing underneath.

I look in the rearview mirror to make sure that there aren’t any cops around us. “I think I like the dress better.” I grumble; sneaking a glance towards her and instead see a car to our left, full of teenage boys gawking at the woman undressing in my passenger seat. “You’re becoming a teenager’s wet dream.”

“Really?” She stops what she’s doing and turns to look out the window, sounding somewhat intrigued and excited by the prospect. I watch as she giggles and I scowl when I notice one of the dweebs motioning for her to pull the dress the rest of the way down.

“Sorry boys.” She laughs as she slides her arm back through the strap, pulling it up the rest of the way and waving off the boys as they honk their horn in disappointment. “Wow, it’s like they’ve never seen a half-naked woman before.”

I glance at the boys briefly before looking back to the road again. “Maria, they’re like sixteen. Chances are, they’ve probably seen a naked woman at least a few times by now… and if they haven’t, trust me, they’ve at least seen some porn.”

She doesn’t say anything for a minute – making me wonder what she’s thinking about. “But I didn’t lose my virginity until I was eighteen. I thought that was the norm.”

I chuckle and shake my head in disbelief causing her to turn towards me with a frown on her face. “What? That’s not the norm?”

“No.” I shake my head. “This generation is more like sixteen, maybe even fourteen. C’mon, haven’t talk shows taught you anything?”

“You watch talk shows?” She giggles.

“Hey now, don’t make fun. Besides there’s only so much on day time television; it's either that or One Life To Live."

“One Life To Live?” She raises her eyebrows at me and giggles a little bit harder.

Arghh… I shouldn’t have opened my mouth. Shut up Maria.”

She continues her giggle fit. “Hey if you watch soap operas, it’s none of my business. I mean, I too followed the dramatic lives of the Buchannans’ and the Cramers’ once upon a time. I was like sixteen and Todd was still considered hot so I have an excuse, but whatever floats your boat.”

I sulk lower in the driver’s seat, wishing she’d just change the subject. So what if I like some things that aren’t exactly masculine. I mean, it’s not like I use to tease her for being a tom-boy when she was younger. Okay, I did, but that’s beside the point.”

“So when did you lose your virginity Michael?”

I look over and see her smiling at me. Where the hell did that question come from? “Um… what?”

“Oh don’t give me that, when did you lose your virginity and with who?” She leans back against the door so that she’s facing me and props her feet in my lap. I hate when she does that. Actually, I secretly like it, but I hate it at the same time because she always moves around so much that I end up getting hard and then have to make some sort of excuse to move her feet away or get up a leave.

“I don’t know.” What was her question again? I’m already distracted be her feet. She went with the red and white nail polish this time. Nice.

“Michael! C’mon… pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee.” She whines and gives me her lip in a pout. “You already know mine, so why can’t you tell me yours?”

Because I don’t remember. All I know is that it was sophomore year, I went to a party, got pissed drunk and when I woke up, I was naked, with some chick on top of me and I had a massive hangover.

“Fine, don’t tell me then!” She sits up straighter and crosses her arms across her chest, her face in a frown. Great, now she’s mad – which I don’t really know why as it isn’t really any of her business. What the hell does it matter who I lost my virginity to? I don’t remember and it doesn’t bother me so why should it bother her?

“Ah… c’mon Maria. I was sixteen. Who cares when I lost it? I look over at her and give her a small smile – trying to defuse the conversation a little, but I don’t think it worked.

“Who cares?” She looks at me curiously before shaking her head and looking out window on the other side.

Okay, what just happened here? She actually looks upset at that answer, but why? Why would she care who I lost my virginity with. She shouldn’t, it’s my body, my v-card. You don’t see me getting hell bent over her losing it with that loser Vinny do you? He didn’t even treat her right and what’s more, she had ended up calling me to pick her up after. It wasn’t exactly a secret at what had happened between them when I had showed up to get her, what with the obvious smell of sex and her clothes only half on. We actually haven’t talked about that night to this day. In fact, that whole car ride back to her place was pretty much in silence. The only thing I asked her was if he took advantage of her. She had said no and that was it. “Yeah, who cares?”

“I CARE!” She spins around and looks at me angrily and I wonder what I did or say to piss her off like this. “I care, she cares… that girl, whoever you fucked cares. It could’ve have been her first time, hell it was your first time.” She shakes her head at me. “I mean, don’t you even care?”

I sigh. She’s not going to let this go is she? “Look I don’t know, okay? I didn’t know her, I was drunk off my ass, we passed out together, we woke up together, I only got to see her face once before she got her stuff and left, I hadn’t seen her before, I haven’t seen her since, I don’t what her name is, I don’t know how old she was, and I don’t know if it was her first time. Is that okay with you?” I wasn’t pissed when I had first opened my mouth, but honestly, it’s none of her business and I have no idea why she seems to be getting so upset over this.

“Oh,” she says it quietly, losing all the previous anger from her voice. I turn towards her and see that she’s frowning and for once, she’s keeping her feet perfectly still in my lap. There’s tension filling the jeep and I can’t help but wonder what she’s thinking about – if she’s disappointed in me, or if she hates me now. Waking up that morning wasn’t exactly one of my proudest moments.

“I’m sorry.” She says it so quietly that I almost didn’t hear her above the wind whipping into the jeep.

“For what?” I shrug, wondering if she’s apologizing because I lost my virginity and can’t remember or if it's because she managed to strike a nerve with me.

“That I over reacted… It wasn’t any of my business.”

I nod. “It wasn’t.” I park the jeep in the parking lot close the entrance of the trail and turn off the ignition. “Look, can we just forget about it? I was an idiot teenager who fucked up and I don’t really have an excuse for myself. But whatever the case, I’m pretty sure that I didn’t take advantage of her. I’m sorry if it doesn’t live up to your fairytale of first times and burst your perfect little bubble, but that rarely happens in real life anyways.”

I don’t mean to come across as being harsh, but this conversation has totally turned a perfectly good day of hanging out and playing with Maria to one of deep conversations and talking about our feelings.

She gives me a nod before removing her feet off of my lap and getting out of the car quietly. Too quietly. Fuck!

Re: Shall We Never Get Older (AU,CC,Adult) Chapter 12 - 05/1

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 7:49 pm
by The Mad Hatters
begonia9508 – Thanks. These two have two totally different views on sex which is where a lot of the arguments come from. More will be explained in this part. Hope you like it.

Earth2Mama – Thanks. As much as we want to say that it’s insane jealousy that Maria feels, it’s actually not and you’ll get more insight into Maria’s thoughts and feelings in this chapter. She just has strong opinions on what a relationship should be like and Michael doesn’t seem to share the same sentiments… or maybe he does? ;) Thanks for reading and hope you like the next one.

nibbles2 – Thanks. That's a very good idea but unfortunately they still have a ways to go before they reach that point. Maria projecting? Maybe. You'll see more of why she reacted the way she did in this next part. Hope you like it.

sarammlover – Thank you. Yes these two love big and fight big, but it’s all in good fun. We’re definitely aiming to show a strong friendship with these two and that includes tough parts where everything isn’t just roses and fun & games – it’ll be interesting when we actually move them into an actual relationship and see how they are there. Thanks for reading. Hope you like the next one.

keepsmiling7 – Thanks. You're right, unfortunately, it’s a no win situation, but they both could've handled it a lot better. You want more huh? Well ask and you shall receive. Hope you like it.

Alien_Friend – Thank you. It really means a lot and never ceases to surprise us when our readers say how unique and special the friendship is. It’s amazing since we’re not trying to make it that way – it just is. And nope, Maria’s first time wasn’t that special and it ended up leaving a lasting impression on her. You’ll get to see more of her views when it comes to relationships in this part and Michael’s views too. Thanks for reading, hope you like the next one too.

Roswell_Dreamer – Thank you. And we're sorry to have kept you waiting so long. Hope this part makes up for it.



I want to crawl into a hole and just die. I quickly shut the jeep door before walking to the back, waiting for Michael so that he can open the latch so that I can grab some of our stuff. I’m not even sure if we’ll be able to have fun anymore, the mood has kinda shifted and really, I don’t think I can look at Michael in the eye right now.

I wait a few moments before I see Michael making his way towards me and I take a step back as he opens the latch and lifts the door before grabbing our stuff. He takes his backpack and the picnic basket and hands me my backpack and one of the rafters before closing and locking the door again.

We walk in silence as we make our way towards the hot springs. The one we usually go to is actually off the main path and is harder to find since it’s so secluded but it’s really the best one out here and there is no point in coming unless you go to that one. We pick up the speed and are soon so deep in the woods that I can’t even make out how far we are away from the main trail.

I look over at Michael who seems to be fixated on some point far away. I’m not really sure what Michael’s thinking now. I pissed him off and I got angry at him when I shouldn’t have, it was none of my business, and he was right, but I couldn’t help it and now I feel ashamed because I made him talk about something that he obviously didn’t want to talk about. And I should’ve known since my first time isn’t on my top ten-list of memorable experiences either.

We get closer to the stream and suddenly I can hear voices and laughter coming through the trees as we get closer and closer. I shift my backpack on my shoulders and look up to see two blondes in bikinis there and frown. Great, what happened to seclusion?

I look over and notice that Michael’s eyes are glued to them and now feel even smaller. I really hope this doesn’t turn into a squeal fest of two bimbos hovering over Michael while I’m left out wanting to be anywhere but here at the moment.

We arrive at the springs and the blondes immediately both lock eyes with Michael before whispering something into each other’s ears and giggling. I roll my eyes. November 1st will never be the same again.

Michael just merely nods at them before leading the way to the other side of the springs where it’s deeper and rougher. Dropping his backpack on the ground, he spreads a blanket out and takes off his shoes and shirt.

I follow the same route, dropping my backpack and the rafter on the ground but instead, keep my sundress on and sit down. The whole time, I can feel his eyes on me and I want to run. Why the hell is he looking at me? Shouldn’t his eyes be at the opposite side of the bank?

“Got some sun block?” He quirks an eyebrow at me in question.

I look up quickly, surprised that he’s talking to me but quickly riffle through my backpack, finding the sun block and handing it to him. “Yeah, here.”

He nods and takes the sun block before opening the cap and squeezing some on to his palms before throwing down the bottle and applying it to his face, neck, and shoulders. The whole time he’s standing in front of me and I can see a small smirk on his face as he watches me.

I try to ignore him, but I can see him smiling and it’s really starting to piss me off. Is he laughing at me? “What?”

“Nothing,” he shrugs.

“Okay.” I lay back into the grass behind me, closing my eyes to the sun and letting the warmth sink into my bones.

I sense him more than feel him as he lays down next to me and then brushes a piece of hair away from my face. “You need to lighten up DeLuca.”

“Hmm?” I open my eyes and look up at him.

“So we fought, it’s not the end of the world is it?” He looks down at me and smiles.

“You’re not mad at me?” I ask, genuinely surprised at how gentle Michael’s being right now.

“No,” He answers and rolls on top of me so that he’s hovering over me. “Well, you did piss me off but… it was in the moment.” He shrugs, “and that moment’s gone...” He trails off before smiling down at me again. “Let’s just get in the water and have a little fun, okay?”

He smiles before getting up and giving me a hand, a small smirk playing on his lips. I shake my head and try to hide a smile before taking his hand and standing up, moving away to take my sundress off but am surprised when Michael instead moves closer to me and lifts my dress up himself – raising it up over my legs, hips and up my body. I lift my hands up, allowing Michael to do it and our eyes lock for a moment as he lifts the dress up over my head and arms. “Thanks,” I whisper, a soft shiver passing though my body.

He nods before moving back slightly, his eyes for some reason darker than they usually are. “Yeah.”

“Yeah,” I find myself echoing as I follow Michael up to edge of the bank. “It looks rough…” I comment, noticing the soft waves and rising bubbles. “I don’t remember it being like this last year, do you?”

Michael looks at me and smirks. “What’s the matter Deluca, you scared?”

“No!” I make a face and pout. “I just said it looks rough,” I roll my eyes and stick my toes in the water, testing how hot it is. Not too bad, actually it feels really good.

“Good, ‘cause then I don’t have to feel bad about doing this.” Michael grabs me by the waist and jumps in the water feet first while holding on to me tight. I try to scramble away from him, but I’m too late and instead scream when we break the surface of the water – me just barely managing to close my eyes and take a huge gulp of air before we both go under.

I can feel Michael’s arms around me as we both try to swim up to the surface and just as I’m about break the surface, Michael pulls me back down, his fingers moving up to my hip and my heart starts beating loudly Shit! No, no, no, no… I know what that is. I open my eyes in a panic and try to make a break for it, but Michael locks his arms tighter around me before attempting to tickle me under water.

I squeal – my arms and legs flailing as we both come spurting up the water, me chocking and him laughing.

"I hate you!" I grumble and attempt to push him back down before moving back and tucking my hair behind my ears.

“Awe, no you don’t, you looooooooooooooooooove me.” Michael splashes me with some water, musing up my hair before dunking back down again and then making a few laps around me.

I shake my head and straighten my bathing suit before swimming to the other side of one of the uprooting rocks and lean back against it. It’s one of my favorite things to do because the water always tends to heat the rock and so when you lean against it, it just feels amazingly awesome.

I close my eyes and lean back, enjoying the warmth when I suddenly feel Michael’s hands on my hips. “Michael, what are you—“

He grabs my legs and wraps them around his waist, careful to hold me up so that I don’t sink down into the water before he attempts to lean back. I hate when he does this, I feel like I’m going to kill him somehow by being on top of him anytime he does this, but for some reason, Michael really loves it. Deep down, I think he just enjoys scaring the shit outta me.

I quickly wrap my arms around his neck as he starts to lean back – he’s attempting to float on his back with me on top of him. I don’t know why he likes doing this… but it’s always been the same. He’s never been able to do it fully, usually just half way, but still he tries.

We flounder in the water a couple of times with Michael sinking down and chocking several times before he finally gives up and becomes upright again. “Damnit, I really thought I had it there for a second.” He lifts my legs higher around him, chuckling, before dunking me backwards.

ARRGH!!!!! I choke as I come spurting up again. “ARHGGG…damnit Michael, why do you always have to do that? I hate it!”

Michael smirks while he shakes his head, looking like a wet dog trying to get rid of the water. “Ahh… don’t kid yourself there girly, I know you secretly like it.” He wiggles his eyebrows, “Just like you secretly like me,” he sticks his tongue out and wiggles it at me.

“Urgh,” I roll my eyes and start to make my way towards the bank.

“Uh-uh-uhhhhh,” he comes up behind me and hugs me from behind. “Admit it DeLuca, you love me.”

“Nope, not even if you were the last man on earth.” I grumble as we reach the shore, trying to get him to loosen his arms around me. “Now, get off me.”

“Nope,” he spins me around and locks me between his arms, trapping me there. “Not until you admit it first.”

“Admit what? That you’re mentally challenged?” I ask, struggling to get out of his hold but the water’s causing us to stick together and I can’t seem to get free.

“Ah, c’mon now is that any way to treat your future husband? I thought you wanted to be the future Mrs. Guerin?” He squeezes me tighter and tilts back, causing my feet to lift off the ground.

“Michael!” I screech. I was planning on elbowing him in the gut but if I were to do that, we’d both end up probably tumbling back into the springs, and with my luck, we’d probably hit a few rocks on the way down too.

He ignores me again as he twirls me in a circle, making me feel a little dizzy and lightheaded in the process. After three or four spins, I’m guessing Michael must have started to feel dizzy too because he suddenly stops and staggers before flopping down onto the grass, taking me with him. I fall on top of him in a giant “umph,” his arms coming out and bracing me so that I don’t completely crash into him before he pulls me down against him where we both lay exhausted, trying to catch our breaths. “I’m going to be so tired tonight.” I complain.

“Nah, you’ll be okay.” I feel Michael shrug beneath me. “You’ll have your doctor friend there to help you stay awake.”

“Nuh uh. He works swing.” All the doctors pretty much have steady shifts unless they really need someone to come in, but normally unless there’s some sort of epidemic, we just work short staffed.

“Here sit up,” Michael shifts a little, un-wrapping his arms from around my waist and pushing on my shoulders to try to get me to move. Instead of sitting up though, I just roll over and lay in the grass, feeling too tired to really move. I feel him brush against me as he sits up and then hear him as he rustles around in the picnic basket for something to munch on while I close my eyes. “Chips and dip?”

“Mmm sounds tasty.” I smile as I turn around and rest my head in my arms, watching him as he opens the items

“So what you want to do now? He asks with his mouth full. Gross. Didn't his mother ever teach him to swallow his food before opening his mouth to talk? “Truth or dare?”

I shake my head and snort. “That’s a lame game Michael.”

“What do you mean— we just played last month.” He sounds insulted, like he can’t possibly believe that I wouldn’t like his idea of a game.

“Yeah, but there was alcohol involved and besides, Monk was there and he ate dryer lint. It’s a kid’s game without booze or Monk.”

“Fine.” He sounds exasperated and it reminds me of Liz when she doesn’t get her way. I’m sure if I were to open my eyes, he’d be pouting right now too.

“21 Questions?”

“I love you like a fat kid love cake.” I sing. I can’t help it, every time someone mentions that game I get that line of the 50 cent song stuck in my head.

I open my eyes and look up at him. He’s smirking at me with his eyebrow raised and I realize that I actually just sang that aloud. “Uhhhh…” I quickly look away from him, feeling a blush come to my cheeks. “21 Questions is fine.”

Michael nods his head and grabs two beers, handing me one before sinking down next to me and plopping his head onto my stomach. “Alright, um… let’s see. Ever been skinny dipping before?”

I roll my eyes. Of course his first question would be either about sex, nakedness, or something illegal that involves both. “No.” I answer, sitting up slightly and causing Michael’s head to fall into my lap instead.

He makes a face of distress at the abrupt movement before pillowing his head against my lap to get more comfortable. Only Michael. “My turn,” I take a sip of my beer, wracking my brain for a good question. “Okay, first crush?”

Michael laughs and smirks. “Ohh… second grade and Nurse Susan. Oh yeah, she was a hottie.” My mouth drops open and I smack Michael on the head.

“MICHAEL! Nurse Susan? The school nurse Susan from Roswell Elementary that you always managed to weasel two lollipops from while everyone else only got one? Nurse Susan who was like a gazillion years older than us Nurse Susan?

Michael scrunches up his nose. “She wasn’t a gazillion years ago, she was hot, and yeah that’s her.”

I shake my head. I can’t believe it, only Michael would have his first crush be some older, unattainable woman. Fucking crazy.

“My turn… how many just-sex relationships have you had?”

“Specify?” I ask feeling confused. Does he mean how many guys I’ve slept with or does he mean something else entirely?

Michael rolls his eyes. “It’s a simple question Deluca. How many relationships have you had that have solely been about sex, mutual fucking, friends with benefits, yada yada yada?”

I think about it for a minute and wonder how many relationships have I had that have been solely based on sex. I lost my virginity to Vince and we stopped seeing each other a couple months later, but even before that I had thought it was something more so it was never solely about the sex for me. And the only other guy I’ve ever slept with was Jason and we dated for a good two months before we actually got to that point.

So I guess the answer would be… ”None.”

“None?” I'm pretty sure he doesn't believe me because he suddenly raises his eyebrows at me.

“Yup, none.” I answer again.

“You mean to tell me you’ve never just had a fling?”

I nod. “Every time I’ve had sex with a person I’ve been in a relationship with them, or well at least I thought I had been.” I shrug, grabbing a chip from the bag and putting a huge dollop of dip on it before quickly taking a bite. If I’m eating I can’t talk.

“How many guys have you had sex with?” He looks up at me as if expecting me to answer. Is he kidding? There’s no way I’m going to answer that.

“Nope, my turn. You’ve already asked your questions, you‘re only allowed one.” I scold him and can’t help but smile when he makes a face at me. Hmm... Okay let’s see... “How many serious relationships have you had?”


“Two?” Now it’s my turn to be the disbeliever. Michael’s a great guy. He’s attractive, he’s sweet, he’s funny, and sure he’s a party-boy who’s hardly ever serious about anything and only just recently figured out what to do with his life, but he’s actually got a lot to offer a woman. And I know I’ve seen him hang around more than just two girls for a prolonged period of time.

“Yup.” He responds like it’s the simplest thing in the world and my mouth drops open in shock. How can it be? He’s 26. Shouldn't that number be a lot higher? I mean, even I’ve had more serious relationships than that and I'm 22; and not to mention that I don’t date nearly half as much as Michael does.

“By choice?”

“No uh-uh.” He tsks his finger at me like I’m a small child “You wouldn’t let me ask two so you don’t get to ask two.”

“But it’s part of the same question.” I protest, pouting at him. Hopefully he’ll cave and just tell me anyway. Partly because I'm really curious, but mostly so that he won't ask me how many guys I've slept with again.

“No, it’s a separate question with a separate answer. How many guys have you slept with?”

Damnit! He just can’t let things go, can he? But to be honest, I’m just as bad as I have every intention of asking mine as soon as I get the chance. If he wants to pry, then I can pry too. I eat another chip, chewing it slowly so that he has to suffer and wait a bit longer for my answer but it doesn’t work because he doesn’t even seem to be phased. He just sits there, waiting patiently for my answer. "Two."

“Okay so following the rule of three,” he closes his eyes and starts doing math on his fingers as if multiplication really works that way “So six?”

I shake my head. “No just two. I don’t know where that movie came up with that whole rule of three thing. It’s stupid and I don’t know anyone who actually does that.”

I grab another chip but Michael steals it right before I can take a bite and quickly shoves it in his mouth. “So only two, damn, but you date all the time and I know you’ve had more than two serious boyfriends.”

I look down at him and make a face. “So? What? Am I supposed to sleep with every guy I go out with?”

“No…” He shrugs and looks at me. “It’s just weird is all.”

I roll my eyes. “Well excuse me for not being a slut and giving it up to every guy I go out with.” I shift uncomfortably and focus my attention on the water. Why does he have to make me feel bad about it? Most of my boyfriends do and I don’t want to hear it from Michael too. It’s not like I’m a prude, I do have sex and I love it, I just rather it be meaningful and with someone I care about. Is that so hard to see?

Michael looks at me with a puzzled look on his face. “No, that’s not what I meant. It’s just…” He opens his mouth but then closes it, seemingly struggling for words as if he doesn’t know what to say.

“It’s alright Michael. I guess I’m just weird then. Most guys expect their girlfriends to have sex with them from the beginning… so whatever.” I shrug and reach over and grab another bottle of beer, more to distract myself than anything.

“It’s not weird,” Michael frowns and sits up. “It’s just… I don’t know. I just haven’t met that many girls that don’t want to have sex. I mean I can name quite a few “serious” relationships that you’ve had and you’re telling me that you never… that… all those guys you went out with – that you guys didn’t do anything? I mean… like nothing? Didn’t you want to have sex?”

My mouth drops open as I watch Michael turn a slight shade of red, looking guilty. I can’t believe he just said that. “Wow.. I guess I really am weird then huh?” I shake my head and roll over onto my stomach, partly so I don’t have to look at him and partly so that I can get a tan on my back. “And for your information, it’s not that I don’t want to have sex, I just don’t want to have sex with every freaking Tom and Harry that comes along. But I guess you wouldn’t know anything about that huh?” I look over at him in disbelief and scowl. “I bet if we were dating and I told you that I wanted to wait, you would drop me right on the first date. It’s not really a secret that you usually date to fuck.” I turn my head and look away from him. I don’t care if I’m being mean. Why is it that every guy automatically thinks like Michael? And it’s the truth too, because the simple fact of the matter is that the reason why half of my relationships didn’t work out in the past is because I didn’t want to have sex so early on.

“Well, look who’s making assumptions now then.” Michael scowls angrily before moving abruptly and rolling onto his side so that he’s next to me instead of half on top of me “And I don’t date just to fuck.”

Michael scowls at me and lies down so that he’s on his stomach too, facing me and giving me a mean glare. “And I don’t just date to fuck.”

“You don’t?” I raise my eyebrows. News to me. “Fine, then this leads perfectly back to my next question. How come you’ve only had two serious relationships?

He’s quiet for a minute as if he’s trying to figure out what to say leaving me waiting impatiently. I’m really curious to find out if this is just a personal choice or if he just has bad taste in girls.

Finally he shrugs, the glare disappearing off his face. "I guess I've only met two people with whom I've ever felt serious about. I mean, why bother getting into a serious relationship with someone if I can't ever see myself being with them for the long haul? Somebody’s just going to get hurt in the end and I don’t know want to hurt anyone.”

Wait, is he being serious? I can’t believe he just said that?! The second you have sex with someone, it should be serious - there are feelings involved. “So you think that just screwing someone until you get sick of them isn’t going to hurt anyone?

He glares at me again and I turn my head to look at the ground. I may be acting like a bitch but he deserves it. Would he want someone treating Liz like that? “If they know what they’re getting into, then no, I don’t think it’s going to hurt them. I never pretend to be someone I’m not Maria. I’m not an asshole.”

Okay, so he’s got a point. The problem is just that Michael and I have opposite views when it comes to sex, and we most likely are never going to come to an agreement.

“My turn. Why do you assume that if I were to date you, it’d be just to fuck?” He spits it out like he’s hurt, causing me to turn around and look at him in shock. “I mean come on, we’ve been friends for years, and I’ve known you my entire life. Do you really think that I’d be willing to throw our friendship away over something like sex?”

I drop my face into my hands and hold back the urge to scream. No, that's not what I meant to say.
I never meant to say that Michael would ever use me like that. I just used myself as an example and I shouldn’t have. I know Michael wouldn’t hurt me – not like that. He’s always been there and he’ll always be there for me. “I’m sorry… no, that’s not what I had meant to say. I didn’t mean it like that… I know you would never do that.”

“Do you?” His voice sounds hurt, and when I turn my head to the side to look at him, I can see it there – and I know that it's my fault for putting it there. “I would never hurt you like that.”

“I know. It’s just that I don’t view sex as something casual and I was upset because you were making me feel like a freak and I don’t know, I just snapped.”

He nods, the hurt quickly fleeing his eyes as he turns to lay his head down on his arm. “I’m sorry if I made you feel that way.”

“I’m sorry I made you out to be a man-whore.” I reciprocate and lay my head down just like him – copying his actions – and wonder if everything is really okay between us again.

“I’m sorry I made you out to be a man-whore.” I lay my head down and stare into his eyes, looking for any sign to see if he’s still angry with me.

It’s made apparent though when he gives a little snort. “I’m definitely not a man-whore. I mean, I’ve never been paid for it, but you know, I could probably make a decent living off it.” He grins, and I roll my eyes and shove him away with my free hand, giggling and feeling happy again now that we’re back to just joking around.

Re: Shall We Never Get Older (AU,CC,Adult) Chapter 13 - 06/0

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 8:39 pm
by The Mad Hatters
Earth2Mama – Thank you. Maria… it’s not that she’s not taking Michael seriously, it’s just that she doesn’t know any other side of Michael. All the flirtatious behavior has always been a part of their relationship along with the supportiveness and the joking around. So to Maria, Michael has always been the same. But she is starting to see a more mature side of Michael and you’ll start seeing that pretty soon on some levels. We’re not completely done with our questions and you’ll get more of that soon. Thanks for reading and hope you like the next one.

keepsmiling7 – Thanks for reading. Yup, Michael is not a man-whore. We know that on the surface, he may appear to be, but it’s like we’ve said before: Michael is an onion, he’s got layers. And we’re hoping to slowly reveal those layers as we go on. Sooner or later, you’ll see the true Michael Guerin and it may actually make you wonder if Michael truly ever was/is a man-whore to begin with. Hope you like this next part.

mary mary – Thanks. Don’t worry, Michael and Maria are still both on a road of discovery. You are partly right, M/M still have much to learn about each other but that doesn’t mean they don’t know who each other deep down. Michael & Maria have never shared their relationships with each other; mainly because Maria is so much younger than Michael that to share that part of his life with her before now would have been inappropriate. Now, they’re both at an age where they can share this part of their life with each other and with it will come even more things they never knew about each other.

Alien_Friend – Thank you. We think we'll leave you curious here. We don't want to give away all of Michael's secrets. But we will admit that you're right about one thing. He is certainly seeing a new side of her just as she's seeing a new side of him. Hope you like the next part as much as you liked this one.

nibbles2 – Thank you. LOL you want M/M doing the deed soon huh? We don’t know how soon, but we can definitely see it on the horizon. And yep, it’ll be interesting but we have something awesome up our sleeves and hopefully it’ll be worth it. Thanks for reading, hope you like the next one.

begonia9508 - Thanks. You're right. It is hard to go from friend for life to boyfriend, and because their relationship is so strong and bonded, we have to make sure that, that transition not only comes out naturally, but that it's done with great care. As far as Maria not knowing that Michael is explaining how he feels about her to him... well, are you sure that Michael knows that he's revealing how he truly feels about her when he’s talking? Thanks for reading. Hope you like the next chapter.

sarammlover – Thanks. We agree. That is something we really love about writing these two - they face their problems head on. We're really glad that you liked the heat in this part. In the future we might spice things up a little bit more, but for now, we wanted a little sexy without being too sexy. Hope you like this next part.




I lift my hand up and swat it in the air. Stupid alarm, doesn’t it know that I’m sleeping? I turn when I finally hear it stop buzzing and snuggle deeper into the colossal warmth to my right. Finally, happiness… I smile when the faint smell of Acqua Di Gio meets my nose. Hmm… Max smells like that. I wonder if he left his jacket on my bed again. I snuggle deeper to inhale more when I suddenly feel two strong arms tighten around me.


I open my eyes and find myself in Max’s arms. Wow… how, where… I lift my head up and squint a little and notice that we’re in the hotel room. Fuck. We must have fallen asleep after last night. Turning my head to read the clock, I notice that its 7:15. Great, our shift ended fifteen minutes ago and we’re still here.

Resting my head back down on the pillow – not really caring too much one way or another – since I’m feeling too comfortable right now to really move, I turn my head to look at Max. He’s sleeping and he’s so fucking adorable. His hair is all messy and sticking up in odd places. His eyes are closed but at the same time, I can see faint movement beneath them like he’s dreaming about something.

I wonder what it is. Probably something amazing, because Max is amazing. I lift a finger and slowly trail it down his cheek, feeling his rough whiskers kiss my finger as I bring it down to stop on his lips. Max’s got perfect lips. It’s true. He even won a contest for it back in high school during our senior year. That slut, it was really only because he dated Tess Harding and she was like the envy of every girl at the time.

I stick my tongue out at Max before falling into giggles at my silliness. He’s here sleeping so adorably cute and I’m sticking my tongue out him. Oh well, he deserves it. I move closer to him, snuggling deeper and fully intending to take advantage of his warmth when I feel Max stir.

I almost wish he wouldn’t wake up so that I can just go back to sleep, cuddled up next to him all day with his arms wrapped tightly around me. Wait what the hell am I thinking? This is Max Evans - my friend, my best friend. When did having his arms around me start to feel so good?

Before I can contemplate it much further, the insistent ringing sound starts again and I realize that it’s Max’s cell phone and apparently so does he, because his eyes slowly flutter open and lock on mine. “Liz?” He asks sleepily and I can tell he’s confused. He’s so cute when he’s confused with his face all scrunched up and his eyes all hazy. What is wrong with me today?

“Good morning.”

“Am I dreaming?” He asks, wrapping his arm around me tighter, making me want to snuggle further into his chest.

I give a little giggle feeling perfectly content. “No, we accidentally feel asleep, but we should get up, we both have class this morning.”

“What time is it? And what is that ringing?” He asks while stretching and looking around the room for the source of the noise.

“I think it’s your phone.”

“Oh.” He un-wraps his arms from around me which make me feel a little bit colder and a little less snug at the loss of them. He pulls out his phone and looks at it. “It’s Ava.”

I groan. Of all the people who could've called, it had to be Ava. I close my eyes, having no intention of moving regardless of who’s on the phone. “Ignore it,” I mumble, scooting closer to him.

“Ava!” He repeats, before disentangling himself from me and jumping out of the bed, all the while looking at his phone as if it just bit him. And suddenly, the events from last night come flying back to me in a heartbeat... he’s dating Ava again... he's meeting her for breakfast…. he’s going to Santa Fe to meet her parent. I feel a tumble of butterflies flutter through my stomach. I think I’m going to throw up. "I'm supposed to meet her in 20 minutes.”

“Right.” I say, lying back on the bed, feeling completely awkward and wanting to cry. I want him to stay here with me, or go out to breakfast with me. I don't want him with her, I don't want to share Max with her.


I left Liz in the hotel room before quickly grabbing my stuff and rushing out the door. I’m going to be late and Ava’s class starts at nine and it’s already half past seven. Fuck, I really hope I get there in time. She sounded really excited on the phone last night and we’ve just gotten back together. The last thing I want to do is make her upset for any reason. Luckily, I know Ava will understand.

I’m not so sure she’ll be understanding about how Liz and I ended up sleeping cuddled up together so I don’t think I’ll mention that part. It’s not like anything happened between Liz and I that I need to hide this from her… but, I don’t think she would appreciate the fact either.

Liz. I really need to distance myself from her. I can’t think of her the way I use to because I can’t be with her in the way I want to. Waking up this morning with her in my arms was too real, and too painful. She’s perfect, her button nose, sleepy doe like eyes, and her perfect pout at being woken up too early for her tastes. She’s perfect, but perfect for someone else, not me.

I press my foot on the gas, speeding up so that I can get through the traffic light before it turns red when my cell phone starts ringing. Looking to my right, I grab it, it’s probably Ava.

“Ava… look I’m running late—“ I answer only to be interrupted by another voice. Harsher.


“Dad?” I breathe and slowly let my foot of the gas. Shit, shit, shit. Why didn’t I check the caller I.D first?

“Hello son,” He answers and I can hear him shuffling papers in the background. “Expecting Ava?”

I sigh and close my eyes for a moment. “Uh… yeah, sorry about that.”

“Oh, no need to apologize about that son. I heard from Ava’s father last night that you two are once again an item, I just wanted to call and find out if this was true and give you my congratulations if it is.”

Right. Ava’s father… fuck. Of course my dad would already know about us. It’s not like Ava and I just got back together yesterday. I roll my eyes and make a left turn, finally seeing the café. “Uh, yeah dad, it’s true. Ava and I are back together.” I can practically here the glee and triumph that is most likely going through him. My dad’s been pushing me to marry Ava from the first time I brought her home and that was literally two weeks after I first met her.

He doesn’t care about me, he doesn’t care about Ava. The only thing he cares about is about is Kent Harper, Ava’s father, the multibillionaire business man whose company my father’s law firm has been trying to acquire onto its lists of clients. “Well congratulations son, I’m proud of you, I knew you’d come to your senses one of these days.”

I roll my eyes. The last time my father said he was proud of me was… well, I really couldn’t tell you since he’s never really said that to me. “Right, thanks Dad.”

“Well, it’s good to know you’re not out wasting your life on those stupid computers, trinkets and gadgets that you go to school for.”

“Information Technology and Computer Science Dad, it’s not gadgets and trinkets.” I sigh and pull into the parking lot in front of the café, rubbing my temples at my father’s lack of interest in anything that I ever do.

“Right, a low-man’s job, something you are way too smart for. But since you seem to be hell-bent on destroying any working brain cells in that mind of yours by hanging out with that moron Parker, partying the nights away and drinking, I’m just hoping Ava can knock some sense into you. God knows your mother and I have tried.”

I grit my teeth and I can feel my face turning red. “Listen Dad… I gotta go, so—“

“So, I’ll see you at dinner this Sunday. I’m having a business meeting with some clients and your mother is making her famous pot roast. Be there 7:30 sharp and bring Ava.”

“No, Dad, I can’t, I’ve—“

“Maxamillion, you listen to me son, when I tell you to do something, you don’t say no or argue. Haven’t your mother and I taught you anything? Where the hell did your manners go? It's only been three years since you moved out of this house and you think that just because you don't live here anymore you can just disrespect me? I thought cutting you off financially would knock some sense into that stupid little head of yours, but you’re still dumber than ever, aren’t you? Now you listen here, I’m having an important meeting with some very important clients on Sunday, you better be there in you finest clothes at 7:30 sharp, or you’re going get it, do you understand me?”

I close my eyes and I can feel my body starting to shake from the inside out. “Yes sir.” I manage to croak out before the tremors start.

”Good.” He clicks off the phone, leaving me with angry blood in my veins and salty tears on my face.

I take a minute to compose myself before going into meet Ava. It’s our first date and I don’t need to go in there already upset over my phone conversation with my father. Not that Ava wouldn’t understand; she’s had front-row center seats to plenty of shows of Dad’s beratement - never his worst because he wouldn’t want Ava to tell her father, but he’s never on his best behavior when I’m around. He should’ve had more kids. All Isabel and I are to him is disappointments; her for her model lifestyle and guitar playing husband, and me because I choose not to follow in his footsteps.

I walk in the door and spot Ava’s sitting at a table, waiting patiently for me with a smile on her face. It must be nice to have the trust fund and loving parents to boot. Not that I mind making my own way, but it’d be nice not to worry about how I’m going to afford next semesters books, car payment, and insurance for once.

“Hey. You’re late.” She pouts at me when I get to the table, standing to greet me. She’s not mad, or even upset, just perfectly polite and sweet and it feels like we’ve never broken up in the first place.

“Hey. Sorry.” I give her a quick kiss before taking my own seat, to which I see my usual already waiting for me on the table.

“I went ahead and ordered for you so it might be a little cold.” She warns before taking a bite of her own food – a vegetable omelet, no cheese – that I can’t help the grimace as she takes a bite. If it were Liz, she'd be sitting across from me eating a gigantic cinnamon roll by now. I shake my head; it’s a wonder how I know two people so completely different - one that will refuse to eat anything that's deemed good for her and another that will refuse to eat anything that has even a bit more fat than what is required for a healthy diet.

“Thank you and a little cold never hurt anyone.” I smile taking a bite of the quite cool bacon and grimacing; wishing I hadn’t accidentally fallen asleep last night so that maybe then my meal would’ve actually been warm instead of cold. Even so, I can’t seem stop thinking about how it felt so comfortable just lying there with Liz.

“So where were you?” She asks, genuinely interested that I find myself hesitating on what to really say. I don’t believe in lying but at the same time, I can’t tell her the full truth.

“Work… got held up with a last minute job that Garrison needed so…” I shrug, busying myself with getting a waitress to give me a fresh cup of coffee. Cold food I can handle, cold coffee, not so much. “Sorry, I was going to call you, but I got sidetracked and then...” I trail off again.

“Oh, no need to apologize,” she waves it off and smiles. “I figured it was something like that. You’re usually always on time, so...” She shrugs and takes a sip of her herbal tea. “Unless you’ve since changed on me and are now a late comer?” She raises a flirty eyebrow that’s meant to be serious and I find myself laughing.

“Oh yeah, that’s it Ava. My new thing is to be late to everything from now on. I’m a changed man you see, so totally not like when we use to go out.” I smirk at her, playing along.

“Oh is that so Mr. Evans?” She puts her tea cup down before coming over and sitting next to me. “That’s pretty interesting, but you see,” She lifts a hand a trails it down my chest before giving me a seductive smile, “You’re not the only whose changed. I’ve changed too.”

Now it’s my turn to raise an eyebrow. “You have?”

“Uh huh” she nods, “I now sleep on the right side of the bed.” She gives me two shocked eyes and I gasp. Ava hates sleeping on the right side of the bed… even in her sleep she would somehow gravitate to the left, it was the weirdest thing.

“Since when have you being doing that?”

I see a momentarily hurt expression cross her eyes before she smiles. “Since we broke up.”

“Oh,” I nod. Damnit, why did I have to bring this up? I knew Ava had a hard time after we broke up. It wasn’t a mutual breakup. She still wanted an “us,” but I wanted a “Liz” instead. I hate this, how did everything get so messed up. Ava, she’s amazing. I mean, even four months after and she’s still this amazing person and what the hell did I give her up for? “Listen Ava… I know that I hurt you when I wanted to break up, I just… I just…” I just needed to know if there was anything between Liz and me.

She shakes her head. “You don’t have to say anything Max. It’s over and we’re back together now, everything is good between us again, right?” She looks at me with those hopeful eyes and somehow, even though I know in my mind that this is what I want right now, I can’t help but get this dreadful feeling that I’m going to hurt Ava again. And when I do, it could possibly destroy our relationship so completely that we won’t even be able to remain friends anymore.

“Yeah, everything’s good.” I smile at her, raising my thumbs and tracing her lips. I hope that’s not the case. I’m determined to make sure that it’s not the case. “I’m sorry I hurt you before. I was… I was just being stupid.”

“No!” Ava backs away from me and shakes her head. “Max, you weren’t stupid okay. You broke up with me because you needed to find out who you were. That’s not stupid, it’s brave. I mean, yes you hurt me, and yes I wish that it didn’t have to happen, but it doesn’t matter because you found out who you were and now we’re back together again. There are no more questions, no more doubts.” She shakes her head and moves closer to me. “You’re not stupid; I don’t ever want you to think that okay?” She smiles at me and now I know why I fell for Ava in the first place. And in place for a response, I instead move in and capture her lips, hoping to show her that this is for real. Me and her, together, finally.

Re: Shall We Never Get Older (AU,CC,Adult) Chapter 14 - 06/1

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 5:44 pm
by The Mad Hatters

mary mary









Hello, lovelies. We have an UPDATE!!! I know, shocker, but we're both so busy at the moment with life that we're taking this fic as it comes, slowly but surely. Hope you guys are having a great summer and even better day. Thank you so much for all the wonderful feedback and kind bumps, we really appreciate it.

And so, without further ado...



As soon as we get back to Maria’s, I flop onto the sofa feeling completely exhausted. Who would have ever thought that a day hanging out at the springs could be exhausting? Most people would probably consider it relaxing, but most people aren’t me and Maria. Instead of swimming and just soaking up the hot water, we spend our time goofing off and trying to dunk each other.

“Heads up.” I look up just in time to see Maria toss me a bottle of water. I catch it easily and give her a smirk as she sits down next to me, picking up the remote from the coffee table and turning the T.V. on to ESPN. I swear I love this girl. While she doesn’t hate sports, I know there are probably a million other things she would rather be watching. I wrap my arms around and her and give her a quick squeeze, slightly taken aback when she suddenly grimaces and flinches away from me.

“Maria?” I frown when she quickly scoots up to the edge of the couch and arches her back. And that’s when I notice how red Maria is. Holy shit. “Maria! Holly hell, what you’d do, make love to a fire truck?”

“No!” She makes a face and tries to sit up straighter but then whimpers and then slouches down again. “I hate you. This is all your fault.”

“Glad I can still make you miserable.” I retort back but then move closer to really inspect her back. “You don’t look so good.”

“I’ll be fine. It’s just a little too much sun.”

She’s lying of course. We go through this every time she decides to sit in the sun too long and forgets to put any sun-block on. She says she’s fine now but she’ll start whining as soon as her skin starts to peel. “Got any aloe?” I don’t know why I even bother to ask, or course she does. Being a nurse, Maria always has a fully stocked medicine cabinet so she can inflict torture the second anyone she knows gets so much as a paper cut. Heaven forbid she ever uses it to take care of herself though.

“Michael.” She says grumpily, dragging out the syllables with a long whine.

“Maria.” I warn.

She lets out a long sigh and rolls her eyes. “Fine, medicine cabinet, top shelf, on the right.”

I nod, grabbing the remote from her and turning off the T.V. Guess I won’t be watching any sports any time soon. “Go lay down. I’ll be there in a sec.”

She groans before testily standing up, careful to not make any sudden movements before reluctantly heading to the bedroom. I stand up too, watching to make sure that she lays down before heading to the bathroom for the aloe. It only takes a minute before I find it and head back to her bedroom. Maria’s lying on her stomach, her head slightly turned to the side with her eyes closed that it almost makes me wonder if she’s fallen asleep, but then I see her eyes slowly flutter open to look at me, an honest smile on her face.

“Tired?” I ask as I walk over to the bed and straddle her waist, being mindful of her burns. Opening the bottle, I drop a huge dollop of aloe on to her back before starting to massage it onto her skin.

“Coooolllldddddd.” She whines and I feel bad for not warming it up first. I shrug it off knowing that I’m doing this for her own good and instead continue running my hands gently down her back. Her muscles slowly start to relax under my fingers and she lets out a soft sigh. “That feels good.”

“That’s ‘cause I have magic fingers.” I brag, letting my fingers run down to her rib cage and tickle her ‘till I have her giggling.

“Yeah you do.” She laughs and reaches behind her, pulling on one of the loose strings of her top and letting them tumble down and exposing the side of her breasts. Again, I find myself wondering when the little shortstop actually grew up and became an actual game changer. Either she’s a late bloomer, I’m really oblivious, or… “Did you get a boob job?”

She opens her eyes and twists her head to look at me. “What?”

“Did you pay for these?” I ask, running my hands along the side of her breasts, causing her to jump and slap my hands away.

“No I didn’t pay for them!” She huffs looking offended and causing me to laugh. “Do I look like Brittney Spears to you?”

“Well you’re both blonde.” I turn around so that I can start working on her legs.

“Not all blondes get boob jobs.” She shifts beneath me, trying to get comfortable again.

“No, but I wish they would.” I smirk, thinking about how much better the world would be with a population full of big-breasted blondes.

“Right” She mumbles underneath me and shifts a little as I run my fingers along her calves, working her muscles softly. “So typical male. All you guys ever care about is if she’s got the biggest boobs and a pretty face, you don’t care about her personality or anything else.”

I raise my eyebrows and wonder how we got back to this. All day it’s been one thing after another and I’m beginning to wonder if Maria really thinks this stuff about me as well. And yeah, maybe I provoke her into thinking some of these things but really, she knows me better than that. She should know it’s a joke. “That’s not true.” I venture a few words. I really don’t want to have another fight.

She just shrugs her shoulders and I’m surprised that she didn’t say anything. So in an effort to have a little more fun with her, I pick up her foot and slowly start massaging it before adding: “we also care about how tall they are and if they have good knees, you know, to make sure that they’re the perfect height once they kneel down.”

She yanks her foot out of my hands and I laugh when she attempts to kick me. “Oh My God, you’re such a pervert.” She turns around onto her back and shakes her head at me before securing her bathing suit top once again. “And once again, you just proved my point of how guys think about nothing but sex and themselves.”

I scoot myself up and straddle her waist, lifting one of her arms. She looks at me curiously for a second, almost as if she thinks I’m going to bite her arm off. Rolling my eyes, I grab some more aloe and slowly start to massage it into her arms thoroughly. “Well that’s because it’s true.” I quip and smirk when she arches her eyebrows up at me. “Most guys think about sex… hmm… probably a good 10 hours out of the day. And as far as only caring about ourselves… well, everything in the world is in one-to-one relation to you at any given time… so, really, there is no escaping that part either.” I shrug my shoulders and bite when I see her mind working furiously at my answer.

“Oh God,” she giggles and shakes her head before looking at me curiously. “10 hours? So what do the other 14 hours consist of?”

“Are we playing 21 questions again?” I ask her before moving my hands to her stomach, slowly working her muscles. Maria’s really got the softest skin. I wonder what she uses because it really does feel like baby’s bottom. She giggles when I reach her sides which only make me tickle her some more. There we go. Finally she’s getting a smile on her face again.

“Yep,” she nods, batting my hands away. “Now answer my question!” She gives me her famous pout and now I know for sure that I’ve finally gotten my Maria back. I’m not really sure what today was but I have a feeling that whatever it was, it’s most likely something that had been bothering her for a while.

I nod my head, lifting me hands higher ‘till I reach her baiting suit top. I run my fingers just below the hem, slowly tickling my fingers there before moving up to her chest, not really touching her but just working to massage her shoulders. “Well… we of course have the typical five hours that is dedicated to sleep,” she nods her head agreeing with me and I trail my fingers down her arms again ‘till I reach her hands. “Then we have two hours that deal with food and nothing but food.” I interlock our fingers together and smile when she squeezes them, pulling me down a little more so that I’m hovering over her. “Then we have an hour for personal grooming, two hours for socialization, and another three hours fully dedicated to thinking about work/survivalism.” I finish and she scrunches her face up at me like she’s thinking about something.

“Wait, that’s…that’s.” She lets go of my hand and starts counting. “That’s only thirteen hours, you’re still missing one.”

I smile at her, “yeah, well that’s ‘cause the last hour is always going to be me sitting here hanging out with you.” I flop down next to her on the bed, turning to look at her. I watch as her face lights up and a goofy grin explodes across her face.

“Aww really?” She turns onto her side and looks at me like I just made her day. So typical DeLuca, one minute I can piss her off, the next I can make her all weepy and happy. I love it.

“Yeah,” I nod before lifting a hand and moving a strand of hair behind her ears. “So, you’re okay now?” I ask her.

“Okay?” She looks at me with a confused expression and shakes her head like she doesn’t know what I’m talking about.

“Yeah… you’ve been on edge all day for some reason.” I turn onto my side so that we’re even now, moving that stubborn piece of hair back behind her ear.

“I’m fine.” She looks uncomfortable with the subject and shrugs it off. I’m not going to push, the last thing I want is another argument and I was already pushing it with the boob job question.

For a few moments we just lay there in quiet bedroom without saying a word. I watch as her eyes slowly start to drift shut and can tell she’s trying hard to fight it. I feel bad, I know she’s exhausted but I don’t want today to be over quite yet.

"When you were little, what did you think you were going to be when you grew up?" I ask her softly, watching as she shifts around a bit get more comfortable. For a moment, I wonder if she's actually going to answer me or surrender to the dream world instead. But after a moment, I hear her giggle, making me wonder if she was one of those kids that wanted to be something impossible, like a flower, or knowing Maria, maybe a lion.

“I wanted to be a rock star.” She giggles again and shakes her head at the memory. “Mom was obsessed with The Go-Go‘s. I think she owns every album they’ve ever made - on vinyl. Anyway, she would dress me up in these totally 80’s outfits and we’d make music videos. She used to tell me I sang better than Belinda Carlisle, which for Mom was like the biggest compliment ever.

I think about it for a bit and smile when I remember Maria's obsession with The Go-Go's and the whole 80's phase that she had gone through. On the first day of kindergarten, when Liz wore a puffy dress with cupcakes on it that Mom had made for her, Maria had worn a pair of jeans with legwarmers instead – always marching to the beat of her own drum.

I stay quiet for a few minutes afterwards trying to remember when that all changed, when she started to grow up and dress like the rest of the kids, the only thing I can remember is shortly after her Dad left was the first time she ever borrowed clothes from Liz’s closet coming downstairs for dinner wearing a normal pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I snuggle closer to her and wrap my arms around her in comfort wondering if maybe she’s thinking about it too.

I stay quiet for a few minutes, trying to remember when that all changed, when she started acting and dressing like the rest of the kids. I remember the first time Maria borrowed clothes from Liz’s closet. It was a few days after her dad left and I remember her coming downstairs for dinner for the first time wearing nothing but an ordinary pair of jeans and a pink t-shirt… a few days after her dad left. I sigh, wrapping my arms around her in comfort, wondering if she’s remembering that day too.


I turn my head when Michael spoons closer to me, his hands coming out and pulling me into him before he wraps them around me, hugging me tightly. Well this is new…I find myself thinking as his fingers find their way to mine. I shift slightly before turning around in his arms so that I can look at him and smile.

“What?” He looks at me like I’m about to attack him…and really, that’s really not a bad thought right now. I really wish other people could see Michael the way he is now, how he’s more than just the goof-ball or womanizer.

I shrug my shoulders and shake my head. “Nothing,” I smile before reaching out and musing up his hair. He hates when I do that, though he never makes a move to stop me, which just makes me think that he secretly likes it but is too damn stubborn to admit it. I wonder if he lets his girlfriends muse his hair up like I do. Probably, Michael’s got perfect boyfriend hair. It’s thick and the prettiest color of caramel and it’s never in the same spot twice, so much fun to play with.

I hear him growl, but he also ends up rubbing his head along my fingers so I know that he definitely likes it. I look up at Michael for a moment and purse my lips in curiosity. “Where do you see yourself in five years?” I don’t really know why I want to know, the question just came to me, but really, the more I think about it, the more I find myself genuinely curious. Michael and I have never talked past our upcoming birthdays; in fact we’ve never really talked about the future but I realize that thirty is only four years away for Michael. Does he see himself as a bachelor, renting out his parent’s garage still trying to find his place in the world or does he want more?

Michael shuts his eyes for a moment and I wonder if it’s too personal of a question for him but he opens them a moment later, still rubbing his hair across the palm of my hands so I know he’s doesn’t mind. “Married.” He looks at me with an unreadable expression and I actually find the air hitching a notch in my lungs.

Michael moves down and lays his head on the bed again and I can see a smile on his face and it’s the type of smile that I don’t think I’ve ever seen Michael wear. “With a couple of rugrats, one boy and one girl.” He chuckles and I move closer to him so I can hear. “And all of us going fishing and playing out in the woods close to Eagle Lake.” Suddenly he lifts his head and looks at me. “Do you know that piece of property near Frasier woods, the one with that huge brick house?”

I nod my head. Everyone knows that house; it’s one of the biggest and oldest houses located right on the outskirts of Roswell, right in-between Eagle Lake and the Frasier woods, though it’s been abandoned for years when the old guy who use to live there moved. It’s a shame that he didn’t sell it, since it’s just been sitting there for years collecting dust.

“Yeah, well that’s the house I want to buy and restore once I can afford it. I’ve been saving up for that house for years now.”

Wait… what? I shake my head trying to comprehend what he just said. Michael’s been saving up to buy a house for years? What? How? Since when? “But…how, that house is not even for sale, I mean it’s not even out on the market…how?”

“I’ve been talking to the old man who owns it. He actually still comes down here to check on the house every now and then and once when Max and I went joyriding along the woods with our four-wheelers, we ran into him. I don’t really think he wanted to sell it at the time, but I was helped him fix some stuff up at one, and I don’t know… he brought it up one day and I jumped. I mean, nothing’s official or anything, but hopefully… it will be. I was originally going to use the money I had saved to buy one of those new condos Brody Davis built when he first moved to town, but I figured I might as well wait to buy, especially if there’s a chance that I can get this one.”

“Wow…” I say, feeling completely surprised. I never thought Michael would stay the way he is now forever, but I didn’t expect him to already be planning out his perfect future to the extent that he already has.

“Not what you expected is it?” He raises an eyebrow and smirks.

“No.” I tell him honestly. “But I can see it. You’d make a great dad, a fun one.”

“I hope so.” He shrugs, “but I learned from the best.”

I nod, knowing Jeff Parker to be the best possible dad a person could ask for. He might not be my father biologically, but honestly he’s a father to me in every way that counts and I feel honored that he considers me to be one of his children too.

“So… what about you?”

“What about me?” I brush my hair behind my ear so I can see him better.

“Where do you see yourself in five years?”

That’s an easy one for me. I’ve had my life planned out ever since I stepped foot in the emergency room. “Hopefully, I’ll have a medical residency at one of the top hospitals along the East Coast.”

Michael looks at me surprised. “You want to go to med school?”

“That’s the plan.” I nod. “I’ve been applying to a few schools … John Hopkins, University of Washington, and Emory University. Still waiting to hear back.”

“You’re going to leave?” He voice sounds strained, almost like he’s upset. I frown and wonder why, I mean, it’s practically common knowledge that I’ve never wanted to stay stuck in Roswell.

“If I get accepted, I mean who really knows, I might get stuck at the University of New Mexico for another four years.” I shrug, not liking that thought. I want to go somewhere great, be someone great, do something great.

He’s quiet for a moment and I can tell that he’s thinking about something. “Would you ever come back?” He almost whispers it as if he thinks that I’d just leave and forget about him.

“Of course I’d come back. My mom’s here, my friends are here. I could never leave forever.” Plus, I don’t really think I could. No matter where I end up or what I end up doing, Roswell will always pull me back.

“Good,” he nods before lying back down. “’Cause I’d miss you.”

“Aww,” I smile and move up closer to Michael. “Are you sure?” I raise myself up on both hands and look down at him. “’Cause just last week, you exiled me to Guatemala when I took the last cup of coffee.”

Michael chuckles and yanks me down causing me to fall on top of him with a giant “umpf.”

“Yeah, well, that’s ‘cause you were being a giant pain in the ass.” He pulls me into a head lock and proceeds giving me a noogie. Uhg, I hate when he does that, he always has to mess with the hair. Why the hair? He should know better than anyone at how long it takes to do the hair. He’s a hair-whore for Christ’s sakes.

“Michaeeeeeeel,” I whine as I pry myself away from him and pin his arms to his side. “I hate when you do that!” I look down at him angrily and narrow my eyes. “And for your information, I was not being a giant pain in the ass, YOU were.” I stick my tongue out him and quickly dodge out of the way when he moves forward and grabs my tongue between his fingers.

“Oh, Oh… what’s that Maria? Huh? Michael’s got your tongue?” He chuckles and attempts to move back from the bed causing me to move forward.

“MITHAAAAAAAAEL” I scream while he holds my tongue. “Lettttthgo” He just smirks before moving further back. Oh God, knowing Michael, he would probably end up making me walk all across my apartment like this, and so mustering up all my strength, I blow the biggest raspberry there is, probably spewing spit all over him.

“UGhhhhhhh,” Michael lets go of me before shielding his face and growling. Laughing, I scramble to get away from him and stick my tongue out back him; screaming when he charges towards me to retaliate, I quickly make a run for my bathroom and lock the door.

HA! One point Maria, Zero points Michael. I smile as I turn the shower on and work to brush the knots out of my hair. I can hear Michael grumbling outside my door, followed by the T.V. coming to life. I roll my eyes. Knowing him, he’s probably going to end up spending the night here, enjoying my food and all my shows while I’m at work. So not fair. I stick my tongue back out him through the door before taking off my bathing suit and stepping into the shower.


Re: Shall We Never Get Older (AU,CC,Adult) Chapter 15 - 08/1

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 7:48 pm
by The Mad Hatters
:cry: We're sorry for keeping you guys waiting for so long.





– You’re not the only one. We had to re-write the chapter two times because no matter what we did, Michael and Maria would end up making out or something… I think this was our “Heat Wave” chapter. It was so hard not to give into the temptation.

Alien_Friend – You’re right. It needs to be told and we don’t have any intentions of letting you down. Thank you.





Michael in LA
– Welcome to the fic. Yes, we try to make it as much Dreamer as Candy but there will be times where one couple outshines the other. But don’t worry, Max’s story is coming to head soon and then you’ll wonder about Michael and Maria. ;)




The mood in the house is solemn right now. Somber, serious, apathetic, anxious, uneasy … all SAT words running through my mind as I watch my mother pace back and forth across the kitchen floor for what feels like the millionth time.

Her face is pale and there’s a tension about her that I can tell is making Dad nervous. Whatever Michael has done this time, it’s bad. Very, very bad.

I glance over at Dad who sitting across from me, his hands drumming across a thick envelope lying flat on the table. His foot is tapping the floor and if I’m not mistaken, his watching the clock every few seconds. I honestly can’t believe it, Michael has finally done the ultimate deed. He's dug himself a spacious grave, I just know it.

I take a sip of my coffee trying not to look at the envelope on the table that concealed by Dad's hands. I’m not exactly sure what is going on, but I’m pretty sure I saw the word “police” and “correctional institute” on there and it’s enough to make me shudder at what Mom and Dad are going to do when Michael walks into the door. I almost feel sorry for him, I mean, Michael’s isn’t someone who does things lightly and I’m pretty sure that if Michael ever got into serious trouble, it wouldn’t be for something minor. It would be huge and there would be no turning back for him, and that probably includes his relationship with Mom and Dad. It’s a shame really, because Michael’s smart. I mean he’s always going to be stupid if you'd ask me, but just between you and me, underneath all that thick skull of his is a brain that could rival my own. I mean, take James Joyce for example. Michael has read ALL of Joyce’s stuff, even his essays, and I’m pretty sure he reads Ulysses at least once a year. Ulysses. Even I, Liz Parker can’t get through Ulysses without help – it’s a book that’s equivalent to Mayan Civilization, something that is so old, long, and deep, that we're still finding out the secrets to, but Michael? No, Michael can read Joyce's Ulysses and understand every nuance, can see the significant in even the tiniest shift in tone, and what’s more, he can pick a re-printed book and can tell if they’ve skipped passages or missed a word. No, he’s not stupid; he’s just never found that one thing that has truly interested him. Well, other than hockey, girls … and an unhealthy relationship with I Dream of Jeannie.

I shake my head before spying my Mom biting her nails. Oh God, this must bad. Mom never bites her nails, in fact she always scolds me and Michael and one year, even went so far as to dip our fingers in cayenne pepper when we didn’t listen to her. And then I hear it – the door. Mom stops pacing and Dad actually turns in his chair to look.

“Good Morning.” Michael smiles before heading straight to the coffee pot. He looks disheveled, but rested at the same time making me wonder where he spent the night last night. He wasn’t here when I got home last night and I would have heard him if he came later. He turns around and leans against the counter before taking a sip, completely unaware of the biting tension in the room.

“Michael, can you come sit down for a moment please?” Mom pipes up.

He nods before making his way to the table, sitting down at his usual spot, and giving me a quick wink which only causes me to stick out my tongue at him. “What’s up?” He raises his eyebrows at me as if I know what’s going on before looking at Mom and Dad and frowning.

Wordlessly, Dad takes the envelope and pushes it towards Michael. “Mind explaining this son?”

Michael looks at it with a smirk before shaking his head. What!? He’s smirking? Why? And is it me, or did Dad just smile too. Uh hello? Serious situation here folks? I look at Michael and watch as he pushes the envelope back towards Dad. “Well, I couldn’t really tell you. It’s not addressed to me.”

Mom and Dad share a curious look together before turning back to the envelope in question. Instead of their earlier nervousness however, they both now seem excited. Uh… what the heck? Did they not see the word “police” and “correctional institute” on there? That can only be bad news, right? But before I get to think about it, Mom rips the envelope of Dad's hands and quickly breaks the seal, pulling out a white card from the inside. A card?
We are proud to announce that
Officer Michael Parker Guerin
Has graduated from the
Roswell Police Academy & Correctional Institute

Please join us on Saturday, November 14th, 2012 to honor Michael on his outstanding accomplishment at our 54th Annual Graduation Ceremony, held at the

Roswell Police Academy & Correctional Institute
453 Babson Park Road
Roswell, New Mexico

Mom finishes reading the card and my eyes must have literally popped out of my head because there is absolutely no way that I’m truly seeing the scene in front of me.

“Oh honey!” I watch as mom jumps up from her chair and runs to Michael, throwing her arms around him and planting kisses on his cheek. “How…when…oh, I don’t know what to do, oh, I’m so proud of you.” She kisses him again before straightening up and looking back at me and dad with a stern face. “Okay, did you two know about this? You did didn’t you?” She looks at my Dad like she's contemplating weather or not to put salt in his coffee.

“No,” Dad shakes his head as he laughs and gets up from the chair before pulling Michael into a tight hug. “What the hell son, when did you do this?”

“Jeff honey, don’t curse in this house.” Mom dabs her eyes with a napkin before beaming proudly at Michael again, her hands on her face as if in shock.

“Uh." And to my horror I watch as Michael Emmert Parker, the bad boy of Roswell and three counties over actually blushes. "Umm.. uh. well, a…its’ been about a year since I enrolled and got into the police Academy and I... And I just finished my last class last week and ..." He blows the air out of his lungs and then smirks, "and well, now…you’re now looking at Roswell’s newest, finniest, baddest and damn handsomest police officer.” He smiles proudly before yanking me and pulling me into a hug. “Well, Whacha’ think Lizard?”

“Uh…” I struggle for words and the unjust of it all. Michael, a cop? That’s not just wrong. It’s morally wrong. It goes against the karmic laws of life. The universal balance. The cosmic force that keeps our world sane[/i]. I shake my head before looking up at Michael. “I really think there must be a gas leak in the house and I’m hallucinating because there is just no way that you’re a cop.”

Michael laughs before pulling me into a headlock and giving me a noogie. “Ahck, you’re just mad because now I can actually arrest you and throw you in jail when you piss me off.”

“Uh,” I pull away from Michael before making a disgusting face. “If anything, I bet the sheriffs going to throw you into jail on your first day at the job for uh... well, for being YOU.” I shake my head, giving Michael a scathing look before my grin breaks out and I hug him again. “Aww, congrats Michael.” I know, I know, Michael’s a big doofus, he doesn’t deserve half the things that happen to him, and he’s a moron too and I know I complain about him like crazy, but despite being the biggest pain in the butt ever, he’s my brother and I’m his sister. The world would be right if I didn’t think annoying, bratty, evil things about him. It’s what we do. But this…this deserves actual congratulations and a momentary slip of my sanity so that I can be the loving, doting sister that he deserves right now. He deserves my love-hate. “I’m so proud of you,” I move back so I can take his pinch his cheeks affectionately. “But tell me, what did you have to do to graduate? Sleep with the female sergeant?”

“LIZ!” My mom looks at me in shock causing me to perch my lips. Oops, forgot about mom and dad for a second.

“No, I didn’t sleep with anyone, thank you very much,” Michael moves and grabs a plate before piling a stack full of pancakes and bacon onto his plate. “I actually studied and passed the exam. I even managed to land a job at the police station. Come next Monday and I’ll be in uniform.”

“You already got hired by the station?” My dad grabs another plate and piles his food high just like Michael’s before sitting down onto the table in front of him.

“Yeah,” Michael mumbles while popping a piece of bacon into his mouth. “Had an interview with Sheriff Jim Valenti about two weeks ago.” He swallows and I can’t help but grimace in disgust as he takes another bite before opening his mouth to talk. “He was actually really impressed with my scores for all my physical training courses. And he showed me around the station and what I would be doing and everyone there liked me. Just as long as I get my certificate in hand and pass all my background checks and screenings, he’s looking to hire me straight after. So next Monday.” He smiles and he really looks happy. I have to admit that, I’m really proud of him. Up until now, Michael’s really hasn’t found anything that he’s wanted to really pursue. Heck, he’s most responsible job so far had been doggie daycare for our neighbor’s beloved Pomeranian.

“Michael, don’t talk with your mouth full.” Mom scolds and I can’t help but laugh. It’s always the same tune. Michael with his food and Dad when he slips and curses.

“Sorry Mom.”

I shake my head and roll my eyes. He’s not really sorry he’ll just go back to doing it again the next time he eats with us.

“So how’s work Liz?” Mom asks me as she gets up from the table to get her own plate, while I follow close behind.

“Pretty good, we’ve had a Hollywood hot shot here for a few days and he’s been, well, pretty demanding, but it’s given me and Max a chance to get out of the hotel, so that’s kind of nice.”

“Who is it anyways?” Michael asks.

“Uh-uh-uh,” I wag my finger at him. “Can’t tell, I had to sign a non-disclosure agreement. The last thing I need is, you going over there, drooling all over her and costing me my job.” I joke, letting Michael think it’s some hot celebrity. What? A little fun couldn’t hurt, can it? I sit back down at the table and begin the long and very important process of coating my pancakes with a thick layer of maple syrup.

“Please, like anyone that “hot” would stay in Roswell. It’s probably someone lame like Carrot Top.” I roll my eyes. Hey, I happen to like Carrot Top. He’d probably be pretty fun to have around the hotel, not that I’m not enjoying drooling over Kris, but…

“That’s great Liz.” Dad cuts in, ignoring Michael. “So how is Max? We haven‘t seen him in a while.”

Ugh…not the topic I want to broach right now. “Good, I guess. He’s dating Ava again.” I shrug, trying to look unaffected before shoveling a big bite of syrupy, yummy, pancake into my mouth so I wouldn’t have to talk. But it tastes like dust. Just like Max. I hate it, I hate him, and I hate that I really can’t stop thinking about Max and the fact that he’s going out with Ava again. I know should be happy for him, I keep telling myself that, but I just can’t and the truth is I don’t want to be happy about it.

And it has already started. That thing that always manges to drive apart, where I become second on his priority list, the oops, I shouldn't be hanging out with you because Ava would be sad over it, the last-second thought, the kind like this morning when he practically ran out the door as soon as Ava called. He literally jumped up and ran out the door, he didn't even say Bye. And this time, this time I have a feeling that he and Ava are serious. It’s not like the last time where I could talk Max into hanging out with me for an extra five minutes or have him break his date with Ava so he could help me with with whatever I needed. The tone has shifted between and I can't help but think that some time soon, Max may not be my friend any more.

“He’s what!?” Michael looks at me with a shocked expression. “When the fuck did that happen?”

“MICHAEL! Language!” Mom shakes her head and exchanges frowns with dad.

“I dunno, sometime this week probably.” I shrug before pushing my plate away. Pathetically, I didn’t even eat half of my pancakes, but I’m just not so hungry anymore.

Michael frowns at me before apologizing to mom. “And you’re okay?” He looks at me with concern.

“Yeah, I’m fine, why wouldn’t I be?” I make a face at Michael before stealing dad’s coffee and taking a sip, just so I have something to do. I don’t want him reading anything into my expression because I’m pretty sure, he and Max talk about me all the time.

Michael doesn’t answer, he just goes back to eating his food like the conversation never even happened.

“Well…Ava’s a nice girl, much better than that Serena girl he was dating for a while there.” Mom smiles and looks at Michael with knowing eyes. Oh God, not this again. Mom swears that Serena had a thing for Michael when she was dating Max…but considering that Serena now bats for the other team…I think everyone in this town has Serena wrong.

“Yeah,” I mumble before looking and dad and changing the subject. So do not want to talk about Max right now. “So dad, what’re you doing today? Mom told me you’re let Luis open the Crash down today.”

Dad nods, “yeah, your Mom is dragging me to doctor’s appointment because she says my blood pressure is too high but I think it’s just a guise so she can drag me to go see that new Nicholas Sparks movie.” He shoots her a small smile and mom rolls her eyes.

“Oh please, if it’s not the movies I want to see, it’s how I’m making you got to my sister’s house for Thanksgiving.” Her cheeks color a crimson red before before she busies herself stacking up the plates form the table.

“But you do make me go!” Dad argues, leaning over and giving Mom a kiss on the lips, then saying softly. “But you already know that I’d go anywhere with you, don't you?” He smiles when Mon blushes. Awww…how…totally…gross. Michael sticks his finger in his mouth while he looks at me and I snicker.

“Oh, stop it you two.” Mom pushes Michael slightly causing Michael to chuckle and lean over and kiss her on the cheek too, making mom laugh.

“But that reminds me. This Thursday… I will need the both of you to meet us at Phillip Evan’s law firm at 2 pm.” He looks at both of us with a serious expression and a sharp eye, telling us that he’s not kidding around. “We checked with you guys about this two weeks ago, so no excuses.”

“Max’s dad?” Michael raises an eyebrow and frowns. “Why are we meeting with him?”

“Yeah, why?” I frown. I always feel out of place anytime I’m around Max’s Dad. I mean, he’s always been polite and courteous, but at the same time, I can’t help but feel that if it wasn’t for the fact that my grandfather was Charles Dupree who basically helped start the Evan’s law firm, he wouldn’t give me or my family the time of day.

“We’re meeting to go over our will. Your mom and I are drawing up a new one and so we just want to go over details of it with the both of you in case something ever happens to us. You guys are getting older and I the restaurant has gone up in value ever since Brody Davis moved in across the streets, so your mom and I think it would be good to update it.”

Mom starts clearing the table and Dad looks at us both. “So, 2 o’clock, Thursday?”

Michael and I both nod. Yeah, Dad’s got his serious look and there’s no point in arguing with him.

“Good,” Dad gets up from the table and picks up the morning paper. “Oh and Liz, let Maria know as well. There are some things we would like to include her in as well if she would like.”

“Maria?” I shake my head. “But why?” Okay…so Maria’s practically family, she’s like my sister, more blood related that Michael will ever be, but I never would have thought that mom and dad would ever want to include her in something like this.

“Because she’s family,” Mom says proudly, “and we’d like her to have something to remember us by, God forbid something should ever happen to us, but especially that Medric painting she loves so much. I think it would be nice.”

“Cool.” I manage to say before frowning.


Re: Shall We Never Get Older (AU,CC,Adult) Chapter 16 - 05/0

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 6:25 pm
by The Mad Hatters
Mddk98 – Thank you.

Earth2Mama – No, Michael isn’t adopted. He changed his last name which happened in the first two chapters of this fic. Thanks for reading!

Alien_Friend – Gracias, we’re glad to be back too!

Begonia9508 – Thank you. And you say Liz should find a boyfriend? Hmmm… another fantastic idea that you’ve given us. ;)

Keepsmiling – Gracias for reading!

Natalie36 – Thank you.

Cjensen2 – Thanks and welcome to the fic. I know, they’re a frustrating bunch and it’s just going to get messier before it gets any better. Max, yes, Max seems like a jerk and you may even come to dislike him more in the next couple chapters, but he’s struggling and hurting and he doesn’t know what he’s feeling. It doesn’t excuse his behavior but hopefully more will be explained in upcoming chapters and things will be clearer. We love this Max, so if he does get Liz, he’s going to have to work for it. :)



I can tell as soon as Michael and I get dropped off in the parking lot of the sports bar that it’s going to be a long night. Apparently some buddy of his is having a birthday party and Michael didn’t want to go alone. I can only assume that him dragging me along for the ride means that all the girls in his cell phone are either busy or he got bored with them all.

“So I take it that I’m here on official wing-man capacity?” I ask as we walk through the doors only to be greeted with the sounds of heavy hard-rock blasting through the speakers. Oh wow, hopefully the jukebox isn't queued up for too long because I don't know if I can really stand listening to this all night. I like rock but I like my music a little bit quieter than this.

“Unless you want me to be yours, but I hear you don’t need one anymore.” He glances at me and I gather that Liz must have already delivered the news about Ava.

“Uh, yeah.” I shift uncomfortably on my feet. I don’t know if I really feel comfortable talking to Michael about Ava since he knows about my crush on his sister. We’ve never butted heads about it before but I really don’t want to take the chance on it either.

Michael grins at a red head that’s obviously checking him out on the way to the bar. I have to wonder why girls tend to flock to Michael and not me. He talked me into a number contest a few times and he always seems to come out with more.

“So you want to explain to me how you jump from considering talking to Liz to dating Ava again.”

“Not really.” I tell him honestly. Ava and I are good. Why give up something that works, that makes me feel safe?

He nods and I breathe a sigh of relief that' she's not going to push. Michael’s always been good like that, he won’t push but if I ever do want to talk to him I know he’ll listen. “Just Ava seems like a nice girl. Don’t hurt her by trying to convince yourself that you want something you don’t.”

“And what exactly do I want?” I bite out harshly.

He shrugs. “I don’t know, I’m not you.” He smiles and slaps me on the back, his way of telling me that he's dropping the subject and we're on cool territory again. "Come on."

I nod and follow him to the bar where he introduces me to the birthday boy and we make small talk for a few seconds before he orders us a couple of jagerbombs. I grimace as I watch the bartender dump a nice shot of alcohol into a glass of red bull. God, that’s got to be disgusting, I normally try to stick with beer especially since I'm usually the one driving but this time Michael insisted we take a taxi so we could both have a little fun tonight.

Michael picks up the shot glass closest to him and nudges the other one towards me, clinking our glasses together. “Drink up Max, it’s going to be one hell of a night tonight. I can feel it.”

Michael downs the entire shot while I hesitatingly bring mine to my lips and take a small sip. I’m pleasantly surprised when the flavor hits my taste buds, exploding like fireworks. It tastes like candy and I can easily see Liz or Ava drink these quite happily. I smile and down the whole shot while signaling the bartender for another while Michael smirks at me.

“Good isn’t it?” Michael asks still chuckling. “Careful though, it’ll sneak up on you when you least expect it, especially if you down em’ like that.”

“Please there can’t be that much alcohol in there.” I look at him dubiously. I could probably drink these all night without a problem. Hell Liz could probably drink these all night without a problem.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you. I bought one for Maria once on her 21st birthday. She had three and couldn’t remember anything the next morning.”

Maria must be a light weight, she certainly looks like it. Nah, I doubt they’ll affect me like they did her. I take another shot.

“So cricket?” Michael asks, taking his darts out of his back pocket. He’s the only person I know who actually has a set of his own, but then again I know Michael’s made a decent amount of money off people playing darts; it must be a family thing because Liz is exactly the same way with pool.

“Sure.” I follow him on his way to the dart-board in the back of the room. “But I’m not playing for money.” I curse when Michael snickers. Bastard.

The first things we see by the darts-board is a group of four girls…and one of them is Ally Weston. Michael’s ex. Not many girls hold that title, in fact, in all of the time that I have known Michael, only two hold that title. The first was Stacy Madison and the second, Ally.

I watch as Michael falters in his step when he first sees her, his jaw slightly clenching. Ally was one of the few girls that Michael has ever been serious about but the only problem was that Ally was never that serious about Michael. They went out for two years, on and off, never for more than three weeks at a time before they would break up again and then get back together.

“You wanna go play pool or something instead?” I ask Michael when locks eyes with Ally and nods his head in greeting. Sometimes, I wonder if Michael’s ever gotten over Ally, he’s hasn’t had a serious girlfriend since they broke up over a year ago and if I’m not mistaken, I think Michael still has some of her stuff over at his apartment.


“Huh?” Michael looks at me distractedly, before laying the darts out on a nearby table and getting out his pocket knife before walking over to the wall and carving a small line in the wall. Michael records every single game we play; of all the ones he wins, he carves a small slash through his line and if you look at the wall, the only other person that’s got just as many if not more slashes than Michael is Maria. It’s completely nonsensical and crazy considering that Maria’s like the worst darts and pool player ever. Half the shots she makes, she does them with her eyes closed but yet somehow, she still manages to out beat all her opponents.

It drives Michael crazy, but for some reason he seems not only determined to play against her, but he actually attempts to try to teach her the rules of the game and the proper way to aim… Honesty, I don’t think Michael will ever rest until Maria at least learns to shoot with her eyes open.

“I just asked if you rather play pool or something…considering…” I nod over to Ally who is now eyeing the both of us with a smile on her face. If this was two years ago, I would have killed to have gotten a look like that from a girl like her, especially Ally, but…after seeing what Michael went through with her, it could easily put me off women forever.

“Nah,” Michael shakes his head. “That’s over and done with, side’s we’re here to have fun.” Michael calls for more shots before he looks at me. “Aright, three rounds, loser buys all the drinks tonight.” He quirks and eyebrow at me and I shake my head. Fuck no, that’s translation for, Max you’re paying tonight.

“Heck no, losers gotta make out with Big Bertha.” I point over the corner of the bar where sits a self-proclaimed biker ‘babe’ in her early forties. She’s got whiskers, a mullet, leather in places that should be illegal and a huge crush on Michael. Luckily for me, Big Bertha hates my guts after I once threw up on her after a late night of drinking, so even if I lose, I know that there is no way that Big Bertha and I would ever get jiggy with it.

Michael laughs before throwing a gracious salute to Big Bertha who actually blushes. What a bastard. “Deal,” he moves in front of the dart board, holding his dart out and trying to aim for the bulls-eye. He takes a step back, just about getting ready to throw when suddenly Ally moves in front of him.

“Michael!” She smiles her California smile, bright and perky, flirty but deadly.

“Ally,” He answers back sounding uncomfortable. The poor guy looks like he just got a cup of cold water dumped on his head. I don’t think he realized that Ally would actually come up to him.

“So, what’s up? I haven’t seen you around in a while.” She asks, completely oblivious to his discomfort as she stands on her tip-toes and puts her arms around his neck. I watch him hesitate before putting his hands on her waist.

“Pretty good.” He shifts slightly and even I find myself shifting uncomfortably at the whole situation. “I uh, just graduated from the police academy.”

“Really? The police academy?” She looks surprised as she leans back so that she can peer at him. “Hmm…I never would have guessed, you were always a rule breaker, or at least you were, while we were going out.” She smiled at him and now even my palms are sweaty. Wow, she’s good…she’s really good.

Michael shrugs. “I guess some things change.”

“I hope everything hasn’t changed.” She gives him the once over. “You can still make my head spin when you enter a room.”

He turns his head around and gives me a pleading look and I figure it’s my duty to save him from the ex. I walk up closer to the two hoping to remind Ally that they’re more people in the room. “Hey Ally.”

“Max, hey,” she smiles brightly, untangling herself from Michael before giving me a hug. “Uh, how have you been, haven’t seen you in forever either. But I did hear that you’re going out with Ava again.”

“Uh, yeah…thanks.” I look at Michael and he looks just as confused as I am as to how she knew about me and Ava. “Yeah, we just got back together.”

She nods before smiling knowingly. “Yeah, I figured. I don’t know why you two really broke up in the first place. I always thought guys were perfect for each other.” She smiles at me before two more girls call her name, causing her to wave at them.

“Anyways, I have to go, but it was great seeing you Max,” she turns around and faces Michael, “and you too, Michael.” She smiles before flicking Michael’s collar up, it’s something she always did when they were going out. “We should go out sometime. Catch up.”

“As friends?” He asks nervously and I wonder if he’d date her again if she was interested.

She shakes her head moving her arms back around his neck and leaning in close to him. “You know that we could never be just friends Michael.” She gives him knowing look before leaning and pressing her lips to his. “I miss you.” With that she gives me one last wave and a promising look to Michael before heading back over to her friends.

I clear my throat and look at Michael whose still watching her walk away. “So…uh, Ally huh? See still seems nice.”

Michael turns around and shrugs his shoulders before picking up one of the darts. “Yeah, but she’s always been nice.” He hits the bull-eyes and he pushes a drink towards me. “Drink up, Cinderella, I’m gonna make sure that Big Bertha knows exactly how charming you can be when you’ve got a couple drinks in you.”

I roll my eyes before we both down a shot. Just as we drop the glasses back on the pool table we hear a round of girly screams and just like always, it’s Ally that’s in the middle. She’s on the dance floor, her arms around another guy, singing and dancing like the carefree spirit that she is. I think that’s what really attracted Michael to Ally more than anything, it’s that she was wild, free, different. She had this laid back attitude that it didn’t matter where she was, or who she was with, she could always have a good time. But sometimes…it was also that same thing that would make them fight more than anything.

Michael would get insanely jealous when she would dance with another guy or flirt with them in front of him, even though that was all she did. Ally didn’t see it as anything but harmless fun, but Michael’s never been able to share, not girls and not his beloved Ducati motorcycle.

“How can she do that?” I watch as Michael grits his teeth before picking up another shot and downing it before pointing to another one for me. I guess the dart game is out of the question now?

I pick it up, downing it as well. “Ally?” I ask even though I know it is. But if there is one thing I know about Michael it’s that it’s better to let him talk it out. Whenever he gets into one of these rants…it’s usually when his guard is down and I know that if I try interjecting too much, he’ll close up and think he’s said too much. Crazy private people, Liz is the same way, except I know how to defuse her. Chocolate or anything sugary. Michael on the other hand, I have to be more careful with.

“Yeah…look at her!” He waves his arms in the air, his eyes trained on her as she moves to the beat of the music like she’s meant to be in there. “How can she just have kissed me and said that she’ missed me before being all over that guy?”

That guy is Robbie, I think he’s gay. It’s never been proven, he’s never been outted, he might claim to like women and rave over Liz and Maria, but I once heard some questionable tapping in the men’s restroom and I’m sticking to my theory. “I think she’s just dancing with him.” And if I’m being completely honest, it’s the truth. Ally’s always been that way. She sees dancing and flirting with other guys as no big deal, just as long as there is no kissing or anything sexual, she doesn’t see the problem with it. And I’ve never once caught Ally being unfaithful to Michael, but I do have to admit, if my girlfriend was all over some guy, I would be pretty pissed off and jealous too.

“I hate her.” I look over at Michael and I can see that he’s really hurting. I’ve never ever heard Michael say that about anyone, least of all a girl he’s dated, and especially not Ally, definitely not Ally. To Michael, she’s everything…or she was. “I really thought that me and her…that…we…” Michael shakes his head before downing another shot and taking another, downing it the same before pointing at two in front of me.

“That you what?” I ask before scrunching my face up at the too sweet aftertaste of the two shots. Damnit, never mind, I don’t think I can drink these all night. I already feel slightly sick and think I’ll just stick with the regular bourbon the next time. I look over at Michael and have to brace myself onto the table when I see double for a second.

Michael pauses looking thoroughly dejected. “That we would go all the way. Have the house, the kids. I thought she was the one man. But she…” he stops and looks down at the remaining shots before grabbing another, downing it, and pushing one more at me. “She’s never going to grow up. I’m never going to be good enough for her it doesn’t matter that I’m going to be a cop, or if I was going to be a pilot, or a lawyer, or a a a…”

I obliging take the next shot knowing that right now Michael needs someone to be just as drunk as he is. He’s rambling which means he’s already probably most of the way there or will be soon. The funny thing is I thought I was going to be sick if I kept drinking these but that one I could hardly even taste.

“I could even be an alien,” Michael continues and I nod helpfully “you know the one’s that you bop on the head and pull on their ears to make them longer and thicker but I’d still fall short.”

I can’t help it, I know it’s a serious moment, but it’s an Alex joke and I find it funny because Alex is always saying that we’re too weird to be human, much funnier now than I did when I first heard it for some reason, but one thing I know for sure, Michael and I have no reached the point where a few more shots and we’re going to be forcibly cut off. I know it but for some reason I don’t care as I take one of the last two shots in front of me and pushing the other towards Michael, after all what could it hurt, right?


Re: Shall We Never Get Older (AU,CC,Adult) Chapter 17 - 05/2

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 7:12 pm
by The Mad Hatters
Earth2Mama - Wonderfully said and completely true. And Michael's eyes are definitely opening. The future for him is closer than even he or anyone else realizes. ;) Thank you for reading.

keepsmiling7 - Safe. Safe is an extremely important word for Max. It drives a lot for him and Max is getting to the point where he may no longer be able to bottle things up as he has.

Alien_Friend -
Alien_Friend wrote:What could it hurt? That doesn't sound good.
Nope, it doesn't. :?

And you're completely right. For a guy like Michael, especially this Michael, it's an all or nothing deal and Michael is just starting to realize that. And you hit the nail on the head with your observation on Ally. For her to see Ava as perfect for Max just shows how out-of-tune she is with this gang's dynamics.

And yup, you're right. You can't be happy with safe, and Max is going to realize this very soon. Painfully soon. He's slowly coming to a place where he is forced to make a choice. Let's just hope it's the right one.

Begonia9508 - Another key phrase. Security Blanket... well, we do promise to rip this band-aid that Max seems to have pretty soon. And Liz, Liz is definitely going to have some truths revealed to her... things may not be as they seem.

Natalie36 - Are you giving up on Max? :shock: :lol: No, say it ain't so. I don't blame you - we made them so frustrating but we do promise to make it worth your while. We couldn't put you guys through all of this without giving you serene happiness in the end right? right? I think you guys are losing faith...

IceQueenMay - You guys are all on a roll with seeing underneath all the layers this update. Does Max love Liz, well... you'll find out the answer to that question in this update. It may not be what you want to hear but it's what Max knows at this point in time. Love is tricky in this scenario for Max. He definitely feels it... he just doesn't know how to interpret it.

Roswell_Dreamer - Awesome. Thanks for always coming back to this fic and bumping it. You always make us smile. We shall not disappoint.

Author's Note: Oh My GeE! We feel like you guys are losing faith in MAX! Can it be true? It's so interesting to see your responses to the characters, especially Max. Gosh, one thing we definitely wanted to do with this fic was make you fall madly in love with our characters, then make you fall out of love with them, before making you guys re-fall in love with them again even deeper than before. And it's actually happening with Max. We don't blame you, we've made them so frustrating and all your responses for Max's behavior is right on.

And we wish we could say this fic is going to get easier but it's not. Instead, fasten your seat belts and hold on to your hats folks because this fic is about to hit turbulence and is going to get bumpy soon. Lots of ups and downs and more of that f word. Frustration. But we're finally hitting the middle ground where all the friendships are about to be tested. We know you're struggling with Max, but just know that things may not be the way they seem and that there is a definite reasoning as to why Max not only thinks the way he does but make decisions the way he does. The initial push to take that step towards the right direction is often the hardest and most painful. Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far and thank you so much for leaving such awesome feed, you guys rock. :D



“All by myself!" I sing as I walk along the rocks to the quarry pausing every now and again to take another drink of the bottle of JD sitting in my hand. “Don’t wanna be all by myself anymore!!!”

“Shut up!” Max whines putting his hands over his ears and shutting his eyes. “My ears are bleeding.”

I walk closer to him so that I’m right next to his face and sing at the top of my lungs. “Don’t wanna be all by myself anymore!!!”

He reaches out his hand to push me and I can’t help it as I end up falling over backwards with a laugh, narrowly missing a prickly cactus. Ha! It’s funny. Prickly cactus! I’m not even sure how we got to the quarry. We left the party early after the bartender told us it was time to go but instead of taking a taxi back home, we took one to the liquor store and then here. It’s probably a good thing though; I’m not ready to call it a night.

“Does your Dad still think I’m a delinquent?” I ask from my place in the dirt after checking to make sure that none of my JD has spilled.

Max takes a quick drink of his bourbon – sissy - and looks over at me curiously. “Why would you care?”

“Because I’ve got an appointment with him on Thursday and I want to know if I should dress like a punk or if I should actually try to make a good impression.” I nod seriously. Oh yeah, I’ve found a great pleasure over the years in pissing Phillip Evans off.

“Wear a suit and tie. It might even cause him to have a heart attack and die.” Max says seriously. “And hey, it would be for the good of the entire world so take one for the team, Batman.”

Okay I know I’m drunk and I know Max is drunk. I’m not far gone enough to actually think either of us are sober despite what I told the bartender earlier but I’ve never once heard Max wish death on anyone, ever.

“What?” I ask him, putting my hands on the ground next to me and propping myself back up so that I’m sitting and can take a good look at him, but it’s kind of hard considering my vision’s been fuzzy since we left the bar.

“I said take one for the team Batman.” He grabs a rock and throws it past me and into the water.

I shake my head trying to clear it. What the hell does Batman have to do with Phillip Evans? Shrugging, I figure Max must be drunk because Batman ain’t got one iota to do with Phillip Evans. “He must be thrilled that you’re dating Ava again. He just lovvvveeesssss her.” I tell him.

“I think he’s actually in love with her father and if I get into bed with Ava, then he gets to stay in bed with her father and dream about dollar signs.” He throws another rock into the water. “He’s such a jackass.”

I can feel my eyes growing wide and I have to catch myself to keep from falling backwards again. I’ve never heard Max talk like this. I know he’s got issues with his dad, hell I have issues with his dad, but despite what Mr. Evans thinks I’ve never heard Max actually say anything disrespectful about either of his parents, not even when he’s complaining about some insane thing they want him to do to promote their image.

“Where is all this,” I wave my arms loudly to show Max the magnitude of his shocking statement, “coming from?” I ask and scrunch up my nose before narrowing my eyes at Max and the bottle of bourbon in his hands. “No more bourbon for you!” I snatch the bottle out of his hands before Max makes a lunge for it, grabbing it and causing me to fall off the quarry rocks again.

Hmm…too much work to get up again, so I decide to just lay there and take another swig before looking over at Max. He’s just sitting there looking pitiful. I can’t really see his face cause it’s dark, not that I would want to anyways cause there are three Maxwells next to me right now and I don’t know which one’s real but I’m pretty sure it’s not the one with the clown nose.

“He called me yesterday.” Max looks over at me before standing up and jumping on the large rock to my left. “He called me a fucking loser, he told me I was a pathetic piece of flying sheep poo stuck to a donkey’s ass and that he wants me to come to dinner Sunday night.”

Poo. Ha! Max said poo. Hee! I chuckle before shaking my head; I’m supposed to be his soscioparropist right now. “Why would he do that? Does he know that I don’t like him? I mean you! Does he know that you don’t like him?”

“He wants to make a bootycall to Trent Harper but he can only do it if Ava’s at the mansion with him cause he knows Trent doesn’t to personal phone calls.” Max looks at me and I swear he’s gonna cry, either that piss in the grass for talking the way he’s talking.

“Well what did Ava say?” I pick myself up from the grass and sit up on the rocks once again before downing the last of my Mrs. Jack Daniels, she’s much prettier than Ally.

“I haven’t told her.” Max picks up a rock and throws it in the water and I throw my hands up in air when it makes it past our farthest throw line. Score! “She’s not going to like it cause she knows my father and if it was up to her, she’ll tell me that she thinks we shouldn’t go.”

“Well then, you shouldn’t go,” I tell him before standing up and putting my hands on Max’s shoulder. “You my friend don’t need to put up with his poodleshit.”

Max shrugs off my hands before picking up his bourbon and taking a huge swallow before falling to the ground. He was attempting to sit back on the rock but missed by about thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissss much and fell on his ass on the grass. I snicker. “I can’t.”

“Why?” I look at him and now I wish I had alien powers so that I could just zap Philliip Evans off this Earth. Max has always been like this. He outs, he been out, he’s so far out, he can’t even see the starting point. He doesn’t need to put up with Queen Philippines pompous ass, he doesn’t live there, he makes his own money, he’s good, all good. “Maxwell, I’d tell you to shove it if I was you and you was Queen Phillipine.”

Max looks at me like I just said a bad word. Opps…did I? I look away looking guilty. For some reason it feels like the time when Mrs. Hendricks caught me saying the F word back in fourth grade. “You can’t tell me to shove it.” He pushes me and shakes his head. “He didn’t give me an option.”

“What? What do you mean he didn‘t?” I look at him in disbelief, and not just because there’s a few of him. “You are no longer chained to his checkbook Maxwell. You know what, I’m going to call him.” I nod while searching my pockets for my phone. “I’m gonna tell him to go shove it.”

“Michael no!” I hear him call out to me, but I ignore him. If Max doesn’t have the balls to stick up for himself I’ll do it. Phillipine needs to be put in his place and learn that just because he has sperm…wait…made kids with his sperm that he can control them.

I pull my cell phone out of my purse and scroll through the list of numbers. “Ally, hell no. Courtney, no. Daniella, no. Erin, no.”

I feel the cell phone go flying out of my hands and let out a yell. “What the hell, that’s an iphone! You don’t jack someone’s iphone. How would you feel if I stole your crack berry?” I shout at Max’s hands that now hold one of the most expensive things I’d ever owned.

I hear the sounds of my cell phone beeping. “Hey, what are you doing? Give that back.”

“There. You don’t even have Dad’s number anymore.” He says tossing my phone back at me. That was rude. Poor iphone. I pet it gently before putting it back in my pocket.

“No worries Maxwell. I have it. It’s up here.” I tell him pointing to my head. “I remember everything.” I don’t really but I’ll just steal Max’s crack berry when he’s not looking, maybe I’ll break it too, crack berries are bad, they cause cancer.

“No. I just have to put up with his crap until the day he dies. I’ll be buried under Phillipine poo until he dies and then I’ll probably still be buried under it.” Max grabs another rock throwing it into the water. I can actually hear it when it connects. Plop, splisssshhhhh, dip.

“Just because he gave birth to you doesn’t make him your dad.” I tell Max seriously, although I don’t think that’s quite right. Hmm… Oh well.

Max is quiet for a while and I hope he’s thinking about what I said. I lie back down and let my eyes close feeling the world spin. It’s such a nice cozy feeling and I could totally go to sleep here even with the rock that’s jabbing into my ass.

“I don’t think he’s ever once told me he’s loved me. He only ever really paid attention to me when it made him look good, and he expects me to be just like him. Who the hell would want to be just like him? He’s a miserable asshole who’s only happy if he’s got money in his pockets, I doubt even orgasms make him happy. He probably just had sex so he could create a couple of heirs and then he was probably done.”

“That’s gross Maxes.” I really don’t want to think about anyone my parents age having sex, it’s just wrong. Well unless it’s Betty White and that’s just because she’s one awesome lady and it grosses out Maria. Maria now there’s another chick I know that’s better than Ally, much better than Ally, and prettier too. Stupid Ally.

Plop! Splish! Maxes are throwing rocks again.

“Why can’t he just love me for me?” I can feel the ground vibrate as Max plops down next to me. “My life sucks.”

I sigh opening my eyes and turning around to try and get a better look at Max, unfortunately it’s really hard to tell which one’s the actual Max and which ones are the fakes. “No it doesn’t. You have a stable job. You’re going to college to do something you love. You’ve got a girlfriend that wants to be with you and only you.” Even if I think it’s the wrong choice in girlfriend, but I won’t tell him that right now.

“I think I’m going to ask Ava to marry me.” He states rather blankly and I have to blink a couple times and swat the air by ears. Did he just say he’s going to ask Ava to marry him?


Max looks over at me before fishing around in his pocket for something and I watch as Max pulls out a black box and opens it to show me a flipping huge ring. Wowa buddy, somebody call the Dali lama, Maxane just looted the prince of fucking Persia. “Wow…is that…is that for Liz?” I don’t know why I said Liz, damnit Ava, AVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AVAKADAVRA! Like magic.

Max looks at me shocked before closing the box and stuffing it in his pocket. “No!”

“I mean Ava,” I look at Max seriously for a second. Normally I would have poked fun at Max and his flat out denial that he cares about Liz in that way while he’s with Ava but that ring's not for Liz and Max is not going to be my brother and he’s about to make the biggest mistake of his life.

“Yeah,” Max looks at me hesitantly for a second before continuing. “I think I’m going to ask her on Sunday.”

Sunday. He means daddy-day. “Why?”

“Huh?” He makes a face at me and I make a face right back at him. “Because it’s right and I’ve been really thinking and I mean, me and Ava really work. She gets me and she knows my parents and how I feel, so why the hell not.

“You’ve only been dating her for a little over three days, in fact, right before, you were hell bent over Liz and how to get her to like you but now… now you suddenly know that you want to spend your whole life with Mrs. Susie Home Maker herself?”

Max doesn’t say anything so I figure I’ll continue. I’m on a roll. I haven’t confused any words in my thought processes yet. Well except for that Ava and Liz bit. But I bet that was a real Freudian slip instead of good ole’ Jack Daniels talking. “Do you love her?”

“Who?” Max looks at me like I just asked him if Mushupishu was a real place or not. Mashupishu, Moshopishu…mashimashi, you fucking know what I mean!

“Do you love her?”

Max looks at me and I know he’s not going to lie to me about this, we’ve been friends for far too long and one thing we have always done has been to make sure we’re straight forward with feelings about family and girls and football, and hockey too, but Max’s is pansy girl when it comes to Hockey.

“I guess. Ava’s, she’s everything, she’s—“

“No,” I shake my head. “Not Ava, Liz. Do you love Liz.”

Max looks like I just dumped a gallon of cold water on his head and he doesn’t answer. I lie back down onto the grass and look at the stars. It shouldn’t be that hard to answer that question and Max, Max doesn’t deserve Liz.

Max lies down next to me and silence drops between us. We’re just lying there when finally I hear Max say something. It’s barely a whisper but it's enough I can’t help the fucking cold that takes over my body once the words are spoken.

“I don’t want to.”

I shake my head. “She deserves way better than you.” I get up from the ground and move a few feet away ‘cause I’m about this close to punching the lights out of him but I once made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t. “And YOU, you don’t fucking deserve her.” I growl.

“So you know what Max?” I look at him. “You can go and marry Ava, make a pretty little house with her and make Mom and Dad happy but don’t kid yourself because one day, you’re going to wake up and wonder how you ended up breaking two girls by shattering their hearts into pieces. Because you wanna know something? Ava’s too good for you and you don’t fucking deserve her either.”

With that, I start walking back home. I don’t give a fuck if it’s one am and I’m in the middle of nowhere. I just can’t be around Max right now.


Re: Shall We Never Get Older (AU,CC,Adult) Chapter 18 - 06/0

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 7:29 pm
by The Mad Hatters
Earth2Mama - Yes, slightly nutty. I concur.

Keepsmiling7 - Is he really going to ask Ava to marry him? You'll have to keep reading to find out!

Alien_Friend - Yeah, Max is definitely hurting. But there is strength in Liz and if he decides to lean on her, trust her, he might find that himself in the process.

Begonia9508 - Whatever this fic inspires, definitely share, it's those responses that are the best. Yes, Max is definitely acting cowardly where his father is concerned. He's having a hard time closing the door, but there is more to that story down the road.

Natalie36 - Yeah... lots of idiotic things going on this part... it's not over yet.

Angiebrenna - Awesome. Glad you liked it!! :)

Ah, hope you guys are having an awesome night. It's raining here and it's totally gloomy and my day sucked, but I have fresh homemade bread with butter and tea, and my night's looking brighter. On to chapter 19, hope you enjoy.



I can feel the sweat beading up on my skin as I dance sandwiched between two of the hottest guys I’ve ever laid eyes on. Or I think… it’s pretty dark in here so I could be dancing with Doug Sohn and would never even know. I twist away from the guy and try to shake some pizazz into myself but it's just not happening. Normally I live for nights like this, where I can just let my hair down and relax, letting myself get lost in the music around me. But tonight just feels off for some reason, I can’t seem to lose myself in the music and there seem to be a million thoughts constantly running through my mind.

I look over at Maria and sigh. At least one of us seems to have forgotten about the world today. She can’t seem to stop laughing at her partner’s horrible attempt to do the merengue, but at least they both seem to be having fun. She turns her head and catches my eye with a wink.

The song ends and I motion back towards the bar. She gives a little nod and then leans into whisper something into her partner’s ear while I wave at the two guys I was just dancing with and start heading off the floor.

Maria catches up to me with a laugh, putting her hands on my shoulders with a wicked grin. “Two guys Liz? Naughty.”

I roll my eyes. “We were just dancing.” I say coyly, then smile as she moves next to me wrapping one arm around my shoulder and letting the other drop by her side.

“Yeah ah-huh, if a threesome with clothes on could be considered dancing.” I gasp and smack her in the arm as we approach the bar. We’ve already had a few drinks so we just order water and head upstairs to the loft where there are a ton of couches for those that want a break from the floor for a while.

I spot my favorite red couch and immediately flop down, stretching my body along the length of it while closing my eyes. God, it should be illegal for it to be 87 degrees outside when it’s November. The upstairs loft opens up to a large open balcony and while the night air feels good, it’s also undeniably warm and humid. I open my eyes and spot Maria standing over the balcony edge looking down at the dance floor. She’s singing and she’s dancing and she seems to be really having a good time tonight. “So who was the guy breaking your feet?” I ask her. “He looked like he was having a heated argument with your toes.”

She throws her head back and laughs before peering down to see if she can spot him on the dance floor. “He wasn’t that bad.” She turns around and flops down next to me. “In fact, Barbara and I had quite a decent conversation about football.”

I choke on my water and Maria has to thump me a couple times on my back before I can calm down some. “Barbara?” I look at Maria trying to figure out if she’s lying or not. “You’re kidding me right?”

“Liz,” Maria gives me a stern look. “It’s his name.” But even as she says that, I watch as she turns bright red and starts laughing. Yeah, it’s just his name alright.

“Maybe he’s a girl in a guy’s body.” I venture slowly then smile secretly at an even better thoery. "Are you sure you weren't dancing with a girl Maria?" I tease.

“Liz!” Maria swats me on the arm and I have to muffle my laughter. It’s European,” She states like that explains everything and excuses the world of its fault. Maria’s got an obsession with all things Europe and while that’s great, no amount of Starbucks Frapachinos would make me ever name my son Barbara.

“So what’s up with you?” She turns to me and gives me her look. The look that I know she’s knows something’s up with me and she’s not going to stop until I tell her.

“Nothing,” I whisper and I quickly turn away. Okay something…nothing… no… nothing. “It’s nothing.”

“Well that’s very convincing,” Maria rolls her eyes before turning towards me and sitting Indian style on the couch. “Seriously, I know something’s up, so spill or I’ll go get Barbara and have him serenade you with “I Want To Know What Love Is”, and trust me, as someone who just heard him sing, you don’t want that.”

"He did not." I gasp

"Did too, once in English and another in Italian." Maria says rather proudly.

I laugh then bite my lip. Maybe it would help if I talk to Maria about this. “Okay, so do you ever feel like things are changing? Like... I don't know, like for the longest time it used to be summer in Roswell but now all of a sudden it’s winter? Or like what you thought was summer wasn’t really summer, it was really something else?”

“Something else, meaning… winter?”

“Maybe, or it could’ve been autumn or maybe spring.”

“Hmm… I'm not sure I follow. Is this supposed to be a bad thing?”

“Yeah… well no, I don’t know. I just mean that it’s not the same or wasn’t the same. You know? Like what you thought you saw in summer was the hot heat and the sun shining, but now if you take a closer look, you realize that it’s not just the hot heat and the sun, it’s also the summer showers, and the ugly muggy clouds, and horrible mosquitoes, and the yellow flowers… and… and the butterflies.”


“Yeah, butterflies that you’ve never felt before. The kind that tingle up your spin, leaving a trace of warmth and then zap to your toes and fingers like magic, making you feel... feel like you're in heaven?"

I see Maria's eyes soften a bit and I wonder if she knows.“And these butterflies are they, say a certain kind?” She asks.

I catch her eyes and can see the small smile twisting on her face. “Like a certain shade of dark brown… like,” she shrugs her shoulders and looks for an answer, “like a Max Evans Butterfly?”

I roll my eyes and laugh. “Yeah,” I nod before looking up. She knows me. “We spent the night together last night.”

I see Maria’s eyes grow wide and I immediate try to correct what she's thinking. “No, no that. I mean, we fell asleep together but nothing like that.” I quickly state. “It was, it was just different for some reason. I mean Max and I have fallen asleep together like this a million times, but this was, it was … I’ve never felt like this before.”

“How did you feel?”

“Comfortable, warm, protected…happy. Butterflies.” I look up at her and smile, “Like me and Max could’ve have slipped into something more. And I wanted to.”

I see the shocked expression on Maria's face and wonder if I'm being stupid, but I can't help it. There was something there, they way he looked at me. The way he tightening his arms around me, or pulled me closer the night before. The way his eyes studied my face, like he wanted to kiss me... the way I wanted to kiss him.

“Liz,” Maria shakes her head.

“I know, I know. It’s stupid. I mean, what am I saying; I have feelings for my best friend? For Max Evans? I just, it’s just that last night I felt something… something I shouldn’t have and I can’t seem to shake it out of my system.”

“Liz, honey—“

“No, no don’t worry. I’ve already decided that I’m not going to say or do anything. I mean to be honest, I don’t really know how I feel about Max… plus he’s with Ava. He made that pretty clear this morning. Trust me.”

Maria pulls back and frowns. “What do you mean he made it clear this morning?”

"Ava called in the morning and God Maria, I wish you could've see him him this morning. He like bolted, like literally ran out of the room. He didn't even say goodbye." I shrug. "If that doesn't tell me that he's head over heels for her and willing to bend backwards for her, I don't know what will."

“I’m sorry Liz.” Maria rubs my back, trying to comfort me.

I shrug not knowing what else to say. I don’t want to spend too much time analyzing what’s going on with Max, because even if I felt something, he obviously didn’t and he’s with Ava now and if that’s who he wants I don’t want to do anything to ruin that for him. Not after our last fight. It was just a feeling anyway.

“Hey! Come dance with me. All these hot guys around tonight and I’ve hardly gotten to dance with you tonight.” She grabs my wrist and starts pulling me towards the stairs, causing me to laugh. I know exactly what she’s doing, she’s going to make me have fun and forget a little while instead of dwelling on these thoughts and what everything means.

"This will take your mind of Max Evans for a while."

“Alright.” I tell her downing the last of my water and following her down the stairs and back to the dance floor


She’s hot, she’s sexy and she’s one fine dancing machine. I pull Liz closer to me and as we move to the beat of the music, our bodies swaying and our minds totally lost in the moment.

She’s laughing and she’s smiling, and she’s got a healthy pink glow on her cheeks which just confirms that Liz is okay right now and is finally having a good time. It’s a wonder how she doesn’t realize how much Max affects her and I feel really bad at the same time because I think for the first time, Liz is finally starting to see how much Max is a part of her. I really hope that this thing with Ava is nothing serious, because it’s really going to crush Liz when it finally dawns on her that she doesn’t just view Max as her best friend, but something more instead. She's starting to see her real feelings for him and it won't take long before she realizes that she probably loves him too. I booty bump her when I notice Liz close her eyes and she throws her head back and laughs before giving me a sexy look and moving closer to me. We put our arms around each other and start dancing and even though it’s complete innocent fun, a group forms around us and start to cheer us on.

“Feeling better?” I ask her once the music slows down and the song ends. We make a break for it before we get roped into dancing another tempting song and hit the bar for some drinks. “Two vodka martinis and two strawberry daiquiris please,” I tell the bartender before plopping down on the stool next to Liz.

“Yeah, much… we haven’t danced like that in months Maria, months…we so need to do this more often. I can’t believe I forgot how much fun this is.”

“I know,” I nod my head to the bartender when he puts our martinis in front of us. “We haven’t had a proper girl’s night in forever, just me and you, talking about boys and dancing the night away.”

Liz nods her head before slurping the olive out of her drink before downing half of it, “Yeah, especially since the last one I had to bail on you for work.” She rolls her eyes and I wave her off.

“Whatever girly, we all know that you and work are having a passionate love affair at the moment and that I’m not invited. It’s too bad me and my job can’t have that kind of relationship, usually my work days end with me covered in gross throw up or other bodily fluids not mentionable in polite company.” I lick the salt from my glass before looking at Liz. “Though, did I tell you I have a date this Friday?”

“What?!” Liz looks at me and almost drops her glass. “Since when?”

“Since Monday when Dr. Wesley Saiter asked me out.” I give Liz a look and smirk proudly when I see her eyes bulge out in shock.

“Dr. Sexy?” She whispers, “You’re kidding me right? Dr. Sexy Mc hot, hot, asked you?” She shakes her before reaching over and thumping me on the back of my head.

“Hey!” I grumble and back away from Liz, “what the hell did I do?”

“I can’t believe you spent all night, hell all week with this information and didn’t tell me about it. Uh…I’m so cutting you of on best-friend status.” She pouts and sticks her tooth pick at me threateningly.

Evil. Liz’s being violent. I move over and give her smooching kiss on the cheek. “Aww, you know I would have, but I wanted to tell you in person and not over the phone.”

“Hmm…yeah, I guess, so how did it happen. I mean this is huge Maria, Dr. Wes, he’s like third on my list of whose babies I want to have. I’m so jealous.” She pouts at me before moving for her daiquiri.

I shake my head and finish my martini and slam in the table before fixing Liz with a look. “Believe it or not, Michael!”


“Uh-huh,” I nod my head, “he totally came to see me at work on Monday and I was just having lunch with Wes….which by the way, he totally offered and bought for me,” I see Liz’s eyes light up and I smile happily, “but, yeah, Michael was being rude and obnoxious again, but in some odd way, he and Wes hit it off and I’m not really sure how, but he asked me and we’re all going to the Spiked Saucer on Friday…and you totally have to come too.”

Liz’s looks at me shocked expression. “What? Don’t you think you two should I don’t know go somewhere alone, just the two of you.”

I shrug. “Maybe. But Michael sort of invited him so it ended being a group thing.” I shrug, sure it would be nice to spend time with him one on one, but still, at least this way it will let us get to know each in a more casual environment. “Besides I’m sure they’ll be other dates after this, so I’m okay with it. So you coming?”

Liz laughs. “Yeah, why not? Looking at your date will be almost as good as going out with him myself.”

I gasp in surprise. “Back off sister. He’s mine.”

“Awww come on Maria, we’ve shared everything since forever. What’s one guy?”

I can’t help but laugh. She sounds so serious but I know she’s only joking. Liz and I would never let a guy come between us. “Fine you can look, but no touching.”

“Alright I’ll keep my hands to myself.” She sticks her hands up in surrender.

“Good.” I take another sip of my drink making this one last since I know I still have to drive home tonight.

“But I want to know what he’s like in bed.” She points her finger at me threatening. “ALL the details.”

Please, like I’d hold out on her. “Sure if we make it that far, I’ll call you right afterwards and I’ll leave him in bed while we go get ice cream and meet at that fountain by the Crashdown.” I laugh remembering the night our junior year when we both thought that we were going to lose our virginity during the summer months. We had made a pact to meet at the water fountain to discuss the details but instead ended up high-fiving each other in relief when we bother realized that we were still virgins.

“Deal.” She says, polishing off the rest of her daiquiri. “So did you hear about Michael getting a job as a cop?”

I nod, deciding not to tell her that I helped him study. I doubt Liz would be too happy to know that I knew before she did.

“It’s so weird. I never imagined him as a cop. He didn’t even tell us, we got the invitations in the mail and mom and dad just sat quietly at the table waiting for him to come home, and all I could see on the envelope was police. I thought he did something horrible.”

I choke on the sip of daiquiri I had just taken. Michael’s gotten into some minor trouble like putting sugar in Derrick Taltson’s gas tank after he called Liz a prude but he hardly ever got caught and even if he had, it would never be for something serious.

“I don’t know. Just the tension coming from Mom and Dad totally got me worried. It’s good though they’re really proud of him.”

“Just them?” I give her a secret smile. They’ve got the sibling hate thing down to an art but it’s easy to see they both totally love each other and would be there in a heartbeat if the other one needed anything.

“Okay, so maybe I am too.” She pauses. “A little.” She grins.

“Oh speaking of my family…” Liz says letting the last word linger and my ears automatically perk up. She’s got something. “We’re all supposed to meet up at Mr. Evan’s office at two on Thursday, you too.”

I raise my eyebrow looking at her curiously, but before I can think about it too much about it, I feel my cell vibrating in my pocket. “Uh one sec.” I look at Liz apologetically as I pull it out of my pocket and look at the caller id, frowning when I see that it's Michael.“Hello.”

“Meria?” He slurs, and I’m pretty sure he’s drunk.

“Uh yeah.”

“I need a ride.” I hear him say on the other line and I can’t help but be confused. Michael has never called and asked me for a ride before. Normally when he goes drinking he’s almost always got a bunch of friends who can be his designated driver anytime he needs one.

“Um…okay,” I look over at Liz and I can tell she’s curious too, although I’m pretty sure she has no idea who I’m talking to. And since Michael actually sounds drunk and not like his normally happy drunk self, she wouldn't even recognize his voice right now. “Where are you?”

“I’m at the quarry, walking home.”

“What? What are you doing there?” As far as I know there’s no party’s going on there tonight, not that any of the ones that happen there normally involve people our age anymore. It’s where all the parties in high school had been, far enough away from town where the police wouldn’t normally show up to break it up.

“Just come get me.” He grumbles and then I hear a click as he hangs up.

I look at the phone for a quick second before looking up at Liz who has her eyebrows raised. I think about asking her to pick up Michael since she’ll be heading that way anyways, but he called me and I can’t just pawn him off on someone else.

I give her an apologetic look. “I think I have to cut things short girly. I’m sorry.”

She looks at me and waves her hand in the air. “It’s fine. It’s probably almost last call for the bar here anyways.”

I check the clock on my phone and sure enough it’s 1:30. “Yeah,” I say standing up to give her a quick hug before leaving. “But I’ll see you later?”

She hugs me back. “Yep, everything okay?”

“Yeah just got to help a friend.” I say breaking away from her. For some reason, I'm hesitant to tell her that was Michael. “Call me later?”

“Yeah, but don’t forget. Thursday at two. Phillip Evan’s office.”

“I won’t.” I give her a quick smile before making my way to the exit. I really hope Michael’s okay.