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Re: Doomsday - (All CC/AU/Adult) - Ch2B - Pg 9 - 7/4/12

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 1:12 pm
by candysteffi
keepsmiling7: Thanks! Yeah Liz is worried considering her long history with her Mom and hospitals.

begonia9508: Thanks for reading!

Alien_Friend: And you love it even more when you update after you get back, lol.

Yeah no doubt, Maria, Tess and Liz are totally different, but they stick together.

True, it won’t take long for Maria to sense something is not right. The question is how she will handle it.

Thanks, I had a super amazing vacation.

mary mary: Thanks, I DID enjoy it VERY much. ;)

Chapter 2C

Alex Whitman glanced out through the tinted window, amazed when they turned a corner and drove up the long driveway to the White House. He could see the tourists, taking their pictures while they were lined up along the huge fence which protected the property. His arrival had some people suspicious and he could see a few of them move around to take pictures of the car he was sitting in. A chuckle escaped his lips, if they knew it was only me, they wouldn’t be all that excited.

A black limousine had picked him up from the Washington DC airport immediately after his plane had landed. He had been surprised when a man, wearing a black suit, had been waiting for him at the steps that lead to the debarkation area, and had told him he was there to pick him up. He hadn’t needed to go through all the typical airport security checks, which were so annoying at times, and the limousine had taken him out of the airport in no time through an exit that was probably only used by really important people and maybe staff.

“Mr. Whitman…”

Alex’ head snapped up. He hadn’t even realized that the car had come to a stop and the chauffeur was holding the door open for him. “Oh, right,” he said and hurried to grab his briefcase before he stepped out of the limousine. He glanced around the area and frowned when secret service agents came up from both sides to rush him inside so the photographers at the fence couldn’t get a good shot. Not that they would know me anyway, he thought, irritated.

A side door of the building was opened as soon as they reached it and within a few seconds he was inside the White House being greeted by the President himself.

“Mr. Whitman,” Philip Evans said, his tone friendly as he shook hands with him, his grip tight and confident. “I wish we could have met for the first time under better conditions.”

“Mr. President,” Alex said with a polite nod, wondering if this was some kind of standard greeting the man before him tossed at all new people he met in a crisis. “Indeed, the circumstances could be better,” he agreed though.

They walked along the long corridor of the building. “I know you must be tired from the flight. I expect you didn’t get much sleep in the last 24 hours?”

“Not at all, no,” Alex agreed. His last decent night of sleep had been the afternoon of December 31st, before his night shift had started. After that his life had been turned upside down between detecting the asteroid, contacting the Secretary of Defence and being rushed to Washington.

They stopped when the hallway separated in two directions. “Mary will show you to your room,” Jeff gestured at the woman waiting for them.

“I’m sleeping here?” he asked in surprise.

“We’ve set up a meeting for tonight, so I figured a room here would be the easiest and most comfortable way for you to get settled in without being rushed around even more. And this way we can also prevent the press from getting too much information. They’re already suspicious and we don’t want to feed them with more, do we?”

“Of course not.”


“Fuckin’ sand,” Kyle kicked a stone across the ground in frustration, following it with his eyes until it hit a nearby tree with a hollow sound before it fell back to the dirt again.

He had gone back to the accident site that morning, checking the location where Michael had been seen last and had followed the jeep tracks that led away from it. Time was working against him through, since the constant, albeit slight wind and the loose sand on the ground were doing their best to erase the light tracks of tires. Not to mention he had no clue how far they had gone or if these tracks really belonged to the car Michael had been kidnapped in.

Night would fall soon and then it would be almost impossible to see anything. He hadn’t thought about making camp or eaten yet either. “It’s like looking for a needle in a damn haystack,” he muttered to himself and crouched down to run his hand over the ground where the grass had been flattened. A bit of relief washed over him when it seemed like he at least was still walking in the right direction. His head lifted to follow the landscape where there was more flat grass and he sighed when it led to the foot of the mountain. “Of course you’re gonna hide in the fuckin’ mountains,” he cursed under his breath and took out his field glasses.

He scanned the area along the tracks, taking his time to make sure he didn’t miss any clue nature offered. His slow moves stopped when he detected a small cabin, hidden by trees and loose woods around it. “Bingo,” he said, but the word almost stuck in his throat when his observation went on and he could see a single man sitting on the ground nearby, obviously preparing his dinner. “What’re you doin’ out here in the middle of nowhere, huh?”

Kyle pushed his glasses back into his pack and checked the best way to get to the cabin undetected. He had no clue if there were others hiding in the shadows the trees and mountain offered, but he knew he was running out of options. If he was lucky enough and Michael was still alive, then he couldn’t lose any time getting to wherever they were hiding him.


Alex stepped out of his room after he had taken a shower, trying to remember the directions Mary had given him to find the guest kitchen, where she had promised him the best food in Washington. He turned left in the hallway and frowned when he found three doors, where he had expected only one. Maybe it was the next hallway left, he thought to himself and went back.

Two doors, he sighed, unable to remember the maid’s words earlier. His brain was just too tired right now and he was considering just going back to his room, when someone spoke up from behind.

“Gotten lost?” Isabel grinned at the stranger in the hallway, thinking that it was kind of cute how he looked so irritated by all the different doors in the house.

He turned around and felt his cheeks flush slightly when he came face to face with the daughter of the president. He had read a few articles about the family and knew that she was pretty, but she looked even better in the person. “Kinda yeah…” he replied with a cheeky grin. “I was looking for the kitchen.”

“You’re totally going the wrong way,” she said, amused, and walked over to him, hooking an arm in the crook of his. “The kitchen’s at the other end of the house,” she told him while they started walking.

He was annoyed by her charming behavior, but followed her with a nod. “Thank God you found me before I stumbled into a room where I have absolutely no right to be.”

“Yeah I saved you from that,” Isabel said, amused. “So…” she glanced at him questioningly.


“Alex, why are you here?”

“I, oh, um…” he stuttered.

She laughed when he blushed again. “You can’t tell me, am I right?”

“Yeah,” he said, relieved when it didn’t seem to be a problem for her.

“Always the same with my father’s guests.”

“There’re a lot of new people here during the day, huh?”

Isabel nodded and let go of him when they reached their destination. “There are, not a lot get to stay at our house though.” She leaned forward to open the door, making an inviting gesture for him until she turned to leave him alone again. “You must be something special I guess.” Her tone was teasing and she didn’t wait for a reply from him.

Alex stared after her, not really knowing what to think about the little encounter. Had she been flirting with him?


It almost took an hour for Kyle to get to the little cabin near the mountain. He had to make twists and turns to stay out of sight of the man he was aiming for. Darkness was slowly but surely falling over them, which made it easier to hide, but more difficult to see potential threats.

His breath and heartbeat was lowered to the bare minimum as training over the years had taught him, while he was crouched down behind high grass only a few feet away from the Arab man. A machine-gun was sitting against a rock next to him and the movements, body language, and the way he handled dinner made it easy for Kyle to identify him as one of the bad guys.

It would be easy enough to kill him quietly before the guy would recognize him, but the problem was that he needed answers and a dead man would not give him those. Interrogating him in an open field was dangerous, but he had no choice but to risk it. They were in the middle of nowhere, not really any possibilities to get answer without being obvious.

He got up from his position noiselessly and took a few steps forwards. With two quick moves he kicked the machine gun up and turned it to press it against the man’s back firmly. “Get up!”

The other man started to mumble something in Arab and though Kyle did know parts of the language due to his missions, he couldn’t understand what he was saying. He pressed the weapon against him more firmly to get him to stand up. His left hand came to rest on his shoulder, squeezing it tightly as he guided him to the little cabin, which he had already checked before going after the man.

“Sit down,” he growled and forced his enemy down to the single chair in the room.

Again the other man started to mumble in his native language but this time he understood some but not all of what he was saying. Kyle growled and stood up in front of him after he had tied his arms and legs to the furniture. He used his left arm to tip the chair backwards until the backrest crashed to the wall. “Where did you take our man?”

Again the man mumbled in his language, something about not understanding anything.

“Don’t give me that shit,” Kyle barked and rammed the machine gun into his side. “You fuckin’ understand what I’m saying! Where. Have. You. Taken. Our. Man?”

His eyes betrayed him, the trained solider noticed. Every time he had mentioned Michael, there was just the slightest reaction in them, not visible to most people, but they had learned to get answers without people even answering at all.

The Al Qaeda agent stayed silent, which was no surprise for Kyle. His gaze roamed over the man in front of him and he froze when something in his breast pocket drew his attention. He jerked it open, almost ripping it off with the move and pulled the item out. It was Michael’s cell, he realized and felt a wave of sickness wash over him.

He got his emotions under control in the time it took to blink and turned his sharp gaze back to the man’s face. “You have no fuckin’ clue what I’m talking about, huh?” His voice was a dangerous whisper. He pushed the half-damaged cell into his own pocket and used his foot to kick the chair hard until it fell back on all four legs.

“He’s probably long dead,” the man suddenly said with an Arab dialect.

Kyle answered with a hard slap of the machine gun across the other guy’s face. “Who has him?”

The reaction was just a snort and a spit of fresh blood at his shoes.

It took everything in him to not cry out in frustration. He hated this place! They had been so close to going back home, away from all this shit, the terrorists, the sand, the heat, assholes like… His thoughts almost tumbled over each other suddenly. “Ibrahim,” he said matter-of-factly, his eyes locked on the other man.

Kyle nodded to himself when his opponent’s pupils widened for a second at the mention of the name. Yes, he was sure he was right. The question was if that was good or bad news.

Re: Doomsday - (All CC/AU/Adult) - Ch2C - Pg 9 - 8/9/12

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 4:59 pm
by candysteffi
keepsmiling7: Definitely trouble! ;) But it stays out of it mostly in this part.

mary mary: Lol. We will keep the violence out of this following part.

begonia9508: Cool! Don’t worry, it is not necessary to know any of those movies.

ZC70: Thanks. ;)

A bit of M&M background will be revealed soon.

Alien_Friend: Thanks girl!

Hm, we will see if Kyle can do that on his own or not. Not it this part though, hehe.

Rodney: Hey Rod, yay you are back. ;)

Isabel has her way to charm the men, lol.

Chapter 3


Chapter 3A

Liz yawned widely and stretched out on her stomach on the bed, trying to find a more comfy position after sitting at her desk for the last three hours, where she had worked on a paper for her online class.

“Assholes,” she mumbled, when there was still no email from her other two teammates for this special class. It was already after 10 pm and she needed their information before she could continue with her own part.It’s gonna be a long night, she thought tiredly when she experienced once more the downside of online classes instead of attending college classes on campus.

E-X-A-M: Hey Brownie! You’re still online so it must be that you’re still stuck on homework?!

She smiled when William’s new message showed on the screen in front of her. At least some distraction until my stupid teammates decide to cooperate.

BostonGirl: Yeah, *sigh*. Did I tell you how much I hate to working on teams for online classes?

E-X-A-M: Not in the last hour, no. ;)

BostonGirl: Haha! Funny, Willi.

Max made a face when she reminded him about his lie. William! How had he come up with that name? It sounded… old and …. He wasn’t a William.

E-X-A-M: They’re keeping you up late again, huh? That sucks.

BostonGirl: It does!!!!

BostonGirl: Fuck them!

BostonGirl: :(

E-X-A-M: At least you have me! I’ll keep you company until they send ya their work.

BostonGirl: You better! I am so tired.

E-X-A-M: Lol, is that a threat?

BostonGirl: Does it work?

E-X-A-M: You don’t need to force me, I’m staying at my own risk! ;)

Liz smiled to herself. It was fun to talk nonsense with him, time always passed so quickly while they talked.

BostonGirl: I envy you for being able to have REAL classes, ya know? I wish I could too, but with my Mom… I need to be here in Boston.

If you knew, Max thought. Normal classes really weren’t an option for him either. At least they had that much in common.

E-X-A-M: Real classes can suck too! At least you don’t have to worry if you’ll sleep through one. ;)

You are such a liar, Evans!

E-X-A-M: How is your Mom, btw? She been better the last few days?

BostonGirl: Yeah, just very tired. The meds they gave her were knocking her out. Now she’s got new ones, but they beat her ass as well and she sleeps a lot. Doc said it might get better after a few days though.

E-X-A-M: I’ll cross my fingers for her.

BostonGirl: Thx. :)

BostonGirl: How was dinner with your parents?

She knew from the things he said, that the relationship with his parents wasn’t the best, but he didn’t talk much about it.

E-X-A-M: Boring and starched like expected. *eye roll*

It had been a nightmare, he thought. Dinner with his folks was usually painful, but now with a guest in the house for the past few days everything was even more awkward. No personal talks around that Whitman guy. It was hard enough to think about everything he said in public before, but now the parade was going on INSIDE his home as well.

BostonGirl: Come on! Can’t be that bad!

Liz was sure he was just overacting. He probably had nice parents, maybe boring, but at least they both seemed healthy and…. Alive!

E-X-A-M: Believe me! It can be THAT bad!

BostonGirl: You know what can be bad?

E-X-A-M: Classmates?

E-X-A-M: Dirty Dancing movie?

E-X-A-M: Every other dance movie?

BostonGirl: Shut up!

Max laughed at her response. Yeah, Liz had a thing for dance movies and he made fun of it all the time.

E-X-A-M: Drooled over Channing Tatum lately? What was the name of that movie? “Stamp On?”

BostonGirl: It’s “Step Up” and don’t pretend you don’t know it. *eye roll*

E-X-A-M: So what can be really bad then, hmm?

BostonGirl: I don’t know if I still wanna talk with you now.

Liz wiggled around and grabbed the glass of water from the floor to take a sip while she grinned at their conversation. The constant back and forth was fun and distracting.

E-X-A-M: I know you want to. :) So what’s bad? Want me to guess again?

BostonGirl: NO!!!

BostonGirl: I’ll tell you, if you let me for once.

E-X-A-M: …

BostonGirl: Well, besides my classmates… there’s this party this weekend. Tess’ Dad is going to be 50. Of course she invited us girls as well – and I’m almost sure she just does it to annoy us, because it’ll be totally boring.

Max straightened up at that while his mind ran over the possibilities. He knew from their chats that Tess’ father was involved in some kind of politics and that he was a busy man. Liz had never told him what exactly he was doing at all though. But how many important people in Boston would turn 50 this weekend?

E-X-A-M: Ah, Tess’ Dad? Isn’t he some kinda politician?

He pretended cluelessness even though he was sure she had mentioned it once or twice.

BostonGirl: Yeah, in some way.

E-X-A-M: What does he do?

BostonGirl: Can’t tell you, remember? Special job… so nothing to talk about in public if you’re a friend of his daughter.

No, he hadn’t forgotten. He was just looking for confirmation. If he wasn’t wrong then Tess’ father had to be Ed Harding, the Secretary of Defence.

E-X-A-M: Okay, well if he’s some kind of politician then you’re probably right… Parties like that ARE bad.

BostonGirl: See? There will be snobs only.

E-X-A-M: At least you got Tess there! Oh, and Maria I guess. So it could be fun in the end.

No matter how much she complained about the girls now and then, he had a feeling the three stuck together no matter what.

BostonGirl: Yeah… true. I love them, but shhhh! Don’t tell them.

E-X-A-M: How would I? lol

Again! If she knew! How things looked now, his family was going to that special party as well. Which meant that he and Liz would meet again. Unfortunately she wouldn’t know that she was actually meeting HIM. He could feel his excitement about the night though.

BostonGirl: You never know! ;) What’re ya gonna do over the weekend?

E-X-A-M: Need to be at some stupid b-day party as well. Won’t be any fun either.

He hated lying to her, but what choice did he have? Either he told her the truth and his father would kill him because things like that wouldn’t be a secret for long. Or he could tell her the truth and she’d send him right to her blacklist. Liz had made it clear more than once that she wasn’t into any rich, spoiled or snobbish people. And while he didn’t call himself anything like that, she would totally think he was all of that.

BostonGirl: Guess we both don’t have any luck this weekend then. :)

E-X-A-M: Ah, you never know! Maybe you’ll meet someone at the party.

E-X-A-M: It could be!

BostonGirl: Doubtful! I’m not interested in those kinda people!

Max sighed when she gave him the proof he had NOT needed.

E-X-A-M: But you like Tess?! Don’t you?

BostonGirl: Yeah, but she’s different. Plus we’ve known each other such a long time. It was different when we were younger. And she’s not trying to impress anyone with her family’s money.

E-X-A-M: So? Maybe there’ll be others like her at the party.

BostonGirl: Want to pawn me on someone else, huh?

E-X-A-M: Never! ;)

E-X-A-M: Just saying… ya know…

Liz frowned at the screen. What was wrong with him? His answers were just a bit weird.

BostonGirl: I’ll keep my eyes open! ;)

Max stared at the messenger when her answer got through to him. His lips turned into a slight smirk before he sighed and rubbed his hands over his face. “We’ll find out, I guess.”

Chapter 3B

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 2:21 pm
by candysteffi
mary mary: I might change that today again, LOL.

Yeah at least he can be himself at the computer (only that he can’t admit his name yet, lol).

Natalie: Thanks. ;)

keepsmiling7: True, but we know one day truth comes always out. ;)

begonia9508: Lol, ya know how things go with prejudices…. But maybe he can convince Liz, that not everyone is the same?!

Alien_Friend: I hope I won’t. ;)

They are comfortable with each other on the laptop…. Let’s see how thing are going in real life, huh?


Chapter 3B

He had lost track of time some time ago. Was it day or night? Thursday, Friday? He couldn’t tell since he had spend the last few days in a dark room, which didn’t contain much more than dirt, an auxiliary toilet, and a stinky mattress on the ground. Michael had tried to take care of the open wound on his calf as good as possible, but there wasn’t much more to use than his dirty clothes to clean and bandage it.

His head was hurting badly from fluid depletion. It was hard to concentrate or think straight, which he knew was also a result from the little bit of water they gave them. Too little to gain strength and just enough to prevent him from dying.

He coughed slightly and it felt like he had swallowed a truckload of sand, which was now rasping the inside of his throat. The sitting and waiting for his death was driving him insane, but the worst part was the thought about his mistake of telling Maria he would be home. How much time had passed since then? Was she already worried out of her mind? He was pretty sure no one had told her about what had happened and the guilt about what he had done to her with his message was eating him up slowly.

A sound from outside caught his dazed mind. He hadn’t seen Ibrahim again since their meeting after the attack and a part of him was hoping that he was finally back to put an end to this and just kill him.

The heavy door to his dungeon was opened with a squeaking, dragging sound. Michael was sitting against the opposite wall, back to it, and his arms resting on his bent legs. He lifted his hanging head slightly to see who was bothering him this time. His eyes hurt from the contact with the light, but he kept his blurry gaze on the door.

“Michael, Michael, Michael…”

He would recognize that voice anywhere. Ibrahim was finally making an appearance again. His heartbeat increased but he played it cool and tipped his head back to rest against the wall.
“Ahmad,” Michael said dryly, his voice rough from the lack of water.

“How did you like your all inclusive package this week?”

“Room service could’ve been better.”

Ibrahim snorted and stood back while two other men came inside, moving to stand at either side of Michael to bring him to his feet. “I am glad you haven’t lost your sense of humor. We all know you have a lot of it, right?”

It was hard to stand on his feet. His injured leg was giving in and the dizziness was getting the best of him as well. He hated to be weak like this. Being wounded was one thing, being killed quickly would have been okay, but slowly losing his senses in front of the enemy was the worst.

Ibrahim gestured to a chair at the end of the room and waited until his men had dragged their victim over to it. He ordered them to shackle his arms behind the backrest in their language.

Michael didn’t fight it, knowing that his actions would be senseless in his state. He probably wouldn’t make it to the door without blacking out.

“Give him water,” Ibrahim said and threw a canteen at the man on the left.

He obeyed, opening the cap and guiding the opening to Michael’s mouth. He flipped the canteen roughly to bring the water up so that more if it ran along the skin than actually landing where it was supposed to.

“More,” the leader said and made a rolling gesture with his hand, but quickly grew impatient and went to take the bottle from his man to do it himself. He pointed to the door and waited until everyone has left the room. “Open your mouth, Guerin, we don’t want you to perish yet.”

“Fuck you,” the other man answered and spit a bit of water at him. He drank though, but slowly. Take too much at once after so long and he would find himself throwing up quickly.

Ahmad just chuckled and finally put the bottle away. “Still rebellious in your state? I like that.” He circled the chair, his gaze sharp. “You know who was like this as well?”

“The women and children you killed in Mazari Sharif?” Michael snarled, but kept his gaze forward instead of following the man.

“My brother,” Ibrahim growled in his ear from behind and gave the crossed, shackled arms a hard tug before one hand grabbed a bunch of hair to pull his head back. “The brother YOU killed.”

“If it hadn’t been me, it would’ve been someone else,” the soldier grated out.

“Oh no, Guerin, the credit goes to you and you will atone for it.”

Taliban normally didn’t single one man out for punishment, so this was just a personal thing, Michael realized. He didn’t want information and he wasn’t looking for a way to get back at his whole unit. This was just about revenge.

Every man had a breaking point, something or someone who would allow them do things that he or she wouldn’t normally do. Something that brought the weakness out of you and showed everyone your weak side. For Ibrahim, that key person had obviously been his brother. The murder on Tahir Ibrahim had finally made him do unusual, uncharacteristic things.

Men who said they weren’t breakable, lied. There was always something what would drive them up the wall and make them forget who they were or what their original task was. Once you had that information, you could make them tell you their every hidden secret.

Michael could only hope that Ibrahim was either not clever enough to figure it out or let him die before he found out what the key to his soul was… Maria.

From the first time he had met her, he had known that she was going to change his life in every possible way.

~ ~ ~ ~

“Ungh, are you sure ya wanna go here?” Maria made a face when they stepped into the bar filled with smoke and 90% male patrons.

“Yep,” Tess grinned and went further inside.

The other girl rolled her eyes and followed her friend. “Ya know, when you said we were going to celebrate your 17th birthday differently, I hadn’t thought about something like this. Who knows what we could catch here.”

“C’mon M’ria,” she begged. “I just wanna have some fun without all the fancy stuff.

“There’re other non-fancy things we could do without being in a nasty place like this,” Maria complained but followed her to a table at the very end. “I thought you liked your new fancy house, the fancy pool, the garden…”

“I do,” Tess agreed and ordered two cokes when a waitress stopped by. “But since my father is involved with the White House and the government I’ve experienced a lot of restrictions and today I just wanna be normal.”

“Restrictions all right,” Maria snorted. “Only you would call more money, more space, and a nice car a restriction.”

“You know what I mean, I have to watch what I do in public and people always look at me.”

“And you think this’ll help the situation?”

“No, but the bar’s pretty unknown and we’re not doing anything forbidden.”


Tess laughed. “Planning something?”

Maria glanced around the room, ignoring the looks a few much older men gave them. “What about a round of pool?” she asked and pointed at the table that had just been cleared by others.

“Sure, why not. I’ll block it and you wait for the drinks.”

Tess got up and walked over to put a few quarters into the slot at the side of the pool table, pushing them inside and listening as the balls clacked against each other as they came out. “DeLuca, you want the black or the white cue?” she asked loud enough for half of the bar to hear it.

“She’ll take black,” someone called and a bunch of them started to laugh when he grabbed his dick.

Maria made a face and placed the drinks on the edge of the billiard table. “Jeez, could you be any louder if you tried?”

The other girl just laughed and gave her the black cue. “Not my fault there’re some perverts here.”

“As soon as this game’s over, we’re going,” she told her friend strictly and leaned forward to break, ignoring a whistle from the generous man behind her.

“Not bad,” Tess admitted and walked around the table to get the best angle for her first shot.

“Now you’re dragging it out,” Maria complained when her friend circled the table for the second time.

“I’m just weighing my options.”

“Whatever,” she rolled her eyes and took a sip of her drink.

“It’s my birthday. You could be a bit more fun,” the curly blonde complained and made her play.

“Finally.” Maria crossed the room to get to the other end of the table and crouched down to draw an imaginary line between the white and the blue ball then nodded to herself and got up again. Just when she was ready to make her move, her eyes collided with someone else, who was obviously watching her. He leaned against the wall across the room, his posture relaxed, while he smoked a cigarette.

“Girlfriend,” Tess showed up next to her and bumped her slightly. “Why don’t you finish your shot before you flirt with that fellow over there?” she teased.

“I am not,” Maria denied, but looked back at him. Her stomach turned upside down when he smirked at her and blew out the smoke though his lips.

“Sure you are.”

“Whatever,” she shook the feeling off and concentrated on the game again, but the ball missed its intended goal this time.

Tess laughed slightly when she passed her. “He’s cute, but really Maria… he’s already getting to you from afar?”

“Why don’t ya just shut your cute birthday mouth and go on?”


The game went on for another half hour as they slowly neared the end. Maria had been distracted by the guy but she had managed to get a decent lead. “Too bad he doesn’t have a cute friend. That could’ve been fun,” Tess said with a wink.

“He has a friend with him.”

“You mean that skeleton next to him?” She snorted.

“Not your type?”

“Not anyone’s type.”

“Alright,” Maria mumbled and walked around the table. “Get ready to lose, Harding.”

“You are such a drama queen,” Tess rolled her eyes.

The other girl laughed and lifted her gaze just slightly to look at the boy who had been watching her all night long, disappointed when he was gone. She was leaning forward as far as she could since the ball was far from the edge and she was ready to make her move when a hand landed on her ass. Quickly, she straightened up and whirled around to meet the eyes of the man who had dared to touch her. “What the hell are you thinking?”

He gave her a cheeky grin and held a beer out to her.

“No thanks,” she dismissed him and tried to leave, but he stepped in her way.

“Why’re you all pissy, blondie? You’ve been showing off your ass all night and you expected to not get a reaction?”

“I’m not showing off my ass to anyone, especially not to you.”

Tess watched the scene and was about to help her friend when she noticed someone else that might do the job for her.

“Piss off, Buck,” someone said and grabbed the beer before he gave the man in front of Maria a shove backwards.

She shot a glance to her right and felt her heartbeat rising when she saw that the man next to her was the guy who had been watching her.

“Guerin, don’t get in my way,” Buck warned and reached for his beer. “You’re not even old enough to order that.”

“Neither is she,” he growled and pushed the beer back to its owner, satisfied when he finally left. “Sorry, you have to excuse him. He’s only got about one brain cell left by now.”

“I see,” Maria said with a slight smile and studied his handsome face. His features were soft, but when you looked at the whole picture he didn’t seem to be a good boy by any meaning.

He stared down at her, thinking about how sexy her lips were and already imagining them on his body.

“So this’s Maria… and you are?” Tess interrupted when she got sick of the staring contest.

With a slight blink he looked at her before his gaze went back to the girl in front of him. “Michael.”

“So, what’re you up to, Michael?”

“Tess,” Maria hissed.

He smirked and nodded behind them. “You in for another round of pool? Seems like you know what to do with a cue” He lifted his hands when her look turned offended.” And I mean that in a totally neutral way.”

“Excuse us for a moment, will ya?” Tess said and dragged her friend with her to the ladies room.

Kyle waited until the girls had left before he joined the other man. “Told you those women wouldn’t talk to us.”

Michael glanced at the closed restroom door. His instincts were telling him the hot little blonde was interested, but maybe his buddy was right. Why would a girl like her hang out with someone like him? He could tell from the way she looked and dressed that she came from a nice family with no financial problems. Both were things that didn’t count for him. “We’ll see,” he answered, unwilling to believe yet that they were just leaving.

“They ran off to the bathroom, what’s to prove?”

He shrugged and just hoped he was right and Maria would convince her friend to stay. Just because she was probably way too good for him didn’t mean she would just back off.

“I bet they don’t come back,” Kyle shook his head.


“What the hell…” Maria muttered and got rid of the hand gripping her arm.

“Let’s go home,” Tess said when the door closed behind them.

“What? Why?”

“Um, because you wanted to? Remember when you said you wanted to leave right after the game?”

“But that was before a handsome guy talked to me,” Maria protested and turned to look in the mirror to check her eye makeup.

“Handsome? I’ll go with you and admit that he has the looks, but M’ria the guy smells like trouble. You really don’t wanna get involved with him. Who knows if you can trust him at all?”

“If I remember right, it was you who wanted to come here,” her friend said. “And now that I’m actually enjoying myself, you wanna leave? I know it’s your birthday, but can’t we stay a bit longer?” She put on the puppy eyes. “Pretty please?”

Tess studied her face for a moment and groaned. There was something about that guy outside, that got to Maria. “Him, of all people!” She threw her hands in the air dramatically. “Fine, but you owe me. And just so you know, I won’t leave you alone with him and I’m not putting on a nice show for his skinny friend just because of your hormones.”

The other girl grinned and hugged her. “Thanks, and I sure as hell hope you won’t leave me alone with him.” She glanced at the closed door. “I don’t know, he’s a bit scary, but also very interesting…”

“Only you could find a guy in this bar,” Tess teased and rolled her eyes.

The other girl snorted. “You’re just saying that because he’s interested in me and not you.”


Maria laughed. “Come on. We both know you’d flirt your way through the bar if there was anyone worth the time in your eyes.”

“One game,” Tess said, ignoring the rest. “After that, we’re going home.”

“Maybe,” she pushed the door open and they walked back to the pool table. Her eyes connected with Michael’s again. “We’re in for a game. Maybe we can make it a double?” she asked when she saw his friend had joined him.

“Sure,” he leaned forward, relief washing over him as he rested his weigh on the cue in his hands. “I’m afraid my buddy isn’t a genius when it comes to pool,” he whispered.

Maria shivered when his breath ghosted over her neck. She turned slightly to look at him, their faces only a few inches apart. “Neither’s mine.”

He grinned and nodded, shifting back again and holding the cue out to her. “Wanna finish your last game? Think you got interrupted.”

Tess went ahead and dropped the black ball into the pocket when she overheard him.


“Come on, DeLuca. You would’ve won anyway, no need to drag it out so you can have a blast over it.”

“She’s not always like that,” Maria rolled her eyes and turned to Michael. “Guess we’re ready for the game then.”

“Alright,” he said, making a sign to his friend. “This’s Kyle. Kyle, this’s Maria an’…”

“Tess,” she introduced herself.

“Hi,” the other boy greeted shortly, still thinking that Michael was wasting his time with the girls.


Re: Doomsday - (All CC/AU/Adult) - Ch3B - Pg 11 - 8/30/12

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 10:56 am
by candysteffi
mary mary: Lol, these young people these days, huh? :lol:

keepsmiling7: Thanks!

Alien_Friend: We will see more about their first encounter today. ;)

Yep, there might be a reason why they both joined the army, it will be explained later.

Thanks for the compliment. *hugs*

begonie9508: It is a drastic change to their former lifes, we will see more of it today. Thanks!

Chapter 3C

One pool game had quickly become three and neither of them had noticed how fast time has passed. "You won’t be successful with it," Maria said, amused as she watched her girlfriend at the table. She was planning to loop the cue ball over another to hit one of hers, but chances were pretty slim that it would work out for her.

"Shut up," Tess said, grinning. She wouldn't admit it, but the boys had actually turned out to be good company and they’d had a lot of fun. She stuck the tip of her tongue out while she aimed for the ball, her eyes growing wide when she pushed too hard and the cue ball hopped too high and jumped the edge of the table, landing with a loud thud on the floor.

Michael had just managed to jump to the side so he wouldn't get hit, the small side-effect of that move putting him right behind Maria a welcome accident. "Tryin' to kill me?"

"Tempting," Tess said and sipped on her coke while she smirked over the edge of the glass.

Kyle snorted and went to pick the ball up, running his foot a few times over the floor where the thing had damaged it slightly. He was pretty surprised that the evening had turned out so well. Though he knew that hitting on the curly blond girl wasn’t going to work, he enjoyed hanging out with them. They had learned that Tess was from a wealthy family, while Maria was more middle class, but for up-town girls they were both pretty cool and didn't have too much prejudice towards them.

"We should tell your dad to set up a pool table at your house, so you can practice," Maria said, amused. It was hard to concentrate with Michael being so close behind her. His arms rested on each side of her at the edge of the table, while his chest was brushing up against her on occasion. She was sure he could feel the increasing heat in her body.

"I’m good at other things," the other girl said cheeky.

I bet, Kyle thought, but kept it to himself.

"Seems like Kyle an' I are winning again," Michael noticed, his tone teasing.

"The eight ball isn’t in yet," Maria denied.

"Just a matter of seconds," he replied and reached around her to take the cue from her. His large hand settled over hers very deliberately and he squeezed it slightly. She automatically turned her head to look at him, but was unable to say anything. His brown eyes were staring down at her softly, his gaze almost feeling like a caress to her.

Tess watched them attentively. She didn't know how this had happened, but somehow she had a feeling that this night was only the beginning of a very long story for them.

A small smile played around Maria's lips when he winked at her before he finally took the cue out of her hands to make his final play. As expected he sent the eight ball into the right pocket easily and then grinned at his friend triumphantly.

"I know you’re gonna hate what I’m about to say, but my father’s already send me a text message twice to ask why we’re still not home and it’s getting hard to come up with things to make him believe we were in town to see a movie," Tess approached her friend and talked to her quietly. "We need to go soon."

"Okay," Maria agreed. She had known it was gonna happen eventually and she was surprised the other girl had played along for such a long time. Her gaze wandered to Michael. Would she see him again? Until now he hadn't asked for a date or her cell number and she wasn't sure if she was brave enough to take the first step.

"I'll distract the skinny friend for a minute, so make the best of it, hmm?"

"Yeah," she sighed heavily and watched her leave before she looked at the man in question and forced herself towards him. "So... we kinda need to leave."

Michael nodded. He had already expected it, but his heart sank when she really said it. What now? Should he ask her out for a date? For her cell number? But he didn't even have a cell to call her, nor did he have the money to invite her to dinner or the movies. Wouldn't she just disappear anyway, once she had learned more about him and his background? He wanted to see her again badly, but there was nothing he could offer for a real date and girls like her wanted real dates. "Okay," he said and felt stupid.

"Okay," she replied hesitantly. Was he really not asking for another meeting? Her disappointment grew with each passing second. "Guess I’ll see you around then," she told him, hurt as she lowered her gaze to avoid eye contact any longer. She had been so sure he had felt the same way and he didn't strike her as the type who was to shy to ask for a date if he really wanted to.

"Get home safe." He hadn't missed the hurt in her eyes and he felt like a total asshole.

"Bye," she said quickly and turned to leave, waving at his friend before she hurried to Tess, who was already waiting at the door for her.

"You spent the whole night flirting with her and now you just let her go like that? Seriously?" Kyle asked in disbelief.

Michael stared after her, well aware of the glare he got from her best friend before they disappeared through the door. He forced his gaze back to his buddy. "What should I do? We both know I have nothing to offer. Man, I can't even invite her for dinner without digging my hole deeper. I’m still behind with the rent from last month."


Tess followed her friend outside, who suddenly couldn't get away fast enough. "Um, Maria? What’s going on?" They stopped in front of the bar.

"He didn't say anything," the other girl exploded. "All the flirting back and forth and he just lets me walk away without a phone number or another date?"

"He didn't say anything?" Okay, she hadn’t expected that after tonight. "Did you ask him for his number?"

"No," Maria frowned, irritated.

"Why not?"

"Well, because... I don't know. He started it! He was supposed to ask me!"

Tess groaned. "We live in the 21st century, ya know? Go back and ask him to meet you at Boston Common tomorrow."

"Why Boston Common?"

"Because there’s that benefit open air festival where my family’s supposed to be..."

"And I already told you I’m not going. It’s gonna be boring."

"Uh-huh, and you owe me for tonight. I had to hang out with you lovebirds and Mr. Skinny, so we’re going, DeLuca."

"You could be a bit nicer to Kyle, ya know? He was nice to you all night."

"I didn't say he wasn't. He’s just so thin, Maria."

"You are totally exaggerating."

Tess snort. "Please, if he was any thinner you could look right through him, but anyway," she waved her hand in front of her, "get yourself together and ask him out, DeLuca."

"What if he says no?" Her eyes wandered to the entrance uncertainly.

"Then at least you don't have to punish yourself later for not trying and we both know you will if ya chicken out now. Besides that, he won't say no." She reached out to give her friend a slight shove towards the door.

Maria could feel her stomach twist at the thought, but she knew Tess was right. If she just walked away now her thoughts would run over the what-ifs forever. "Okay," she agreed with determination and pushed the door open, walking back inside with strong steps before she could think twice about it. Her gaze wandered over the people inside, but she couldn't see him yet.

Kyle bumped his friend slightly and nodded at the entrance. "Think she's lookin' for you, man."

Michael turned in his seat on the barstool and looked in the direction of his friend’s gesture. He almost lost the hold of the unlit cigarette hanging from his lips when he recognized the girl standing there, looking a bit helpless. "I'll be right back."

"Yeah, whatever."

Finally her eyes collided with his when he was already making his way towards her. It was a good sign, right? Her knees felt weak when he got closer and took her hand to guide her to a semi-quiet corner of the bar. He didn't let go of her hand when they stopped and turned to look at each other.

Maria's gaze dropped down at their intertwined hands and she thought about how right it felt. A shiver ran down her back when his thumb stretched out to caress her skin. It had to mean something, she told herself and straightened up to meet his eyes. "Would you meet me at Boston Common tomorrow?" she asked and her own voice sounded foreign to her ears. "There’s this open air festival where Tess an' I are going. Not really any good music," she rolled her eyes, "but I had to promise her to go there." Okay, it was out, she thought nervously.

He wanted so badly to meet her again, but he had 20 dollars left for the whole next week and there was absolutely no way to spend the money on a festival if he wanted to eat anything.

"I can't," he started regretfully and held her hand tightly when she wanted to back off. A sigh escaped his lips while he tried to figure out what to tell her and though he was tempted to avoid her eyes, he didn't. Go with the truth, it's the only way things will work out in case she doesn't run away screaming. "It's not that I don't want to, but... Look, maybe we can meet somewhere else later?"

She frowned. "Why?"

Of course she would ask! "Because I don't have the money," he mumbled, embarrassed that he had to admit it.

"Oh," she said and wondered if she sounded as relieved as she felt. "You don't have to worry about that. Tess' parents are from the organization-team, so we get a free pass, free drinks and free food. Just meet me at the main entrance at 4pm?"

It didn't feel right to not offer her a real date, but he nodded anyway. "I’ll be there."

Maria smiled brightly when he agreed. "Cool, now at least there’s something to look forward to."

He smirked and agreed with a nod, using their still intertwined hands to bring her closer to him. Would she protest if he tried anything? he wondered.

"How come you’re short on money but can afford this?" she asked suspiciously and pulled the cigarette from where it was stuck behind his ear. His body felt nice against her, but it was too soon to give in.

"Stole 'em from that loser Buck earlier," he told her with a wink. "He deserves worse."

"Probably," she said thoughtfully and glanced from the cigarette back to his eyes before she destroyed it by rubbing her fingers together until the tobacco fell out and the paper was ripped apart. His actions gave her more confidence now, so she leaned in closer until her lips almost brushed his cheek. "Tell ya what, Michael. If ya stop smoking, I’ll allow you to kiss me next time."

He almost had to laugh at her sassiness, which was good, because it forced his focus away from certain other body parts that had come to life. "I’m very lucky if that's all I have to do." He let her free slowly and took a step back to give her more room. Wait for another day? Yeah he could do that.

"You'll stop smoking, just like that?" Maria asked, surprised.

“The sacrifices I make for you, M,” he said, playfully dramatic. Honestly, he doubted that it counted as a sacrifice at all.

~ ~ ~ ~

And he had kept his promise and never smoked another cigarette again since that day. It was just one of many things he had done for her willingly without a second thought.

“Punish me as much as you want, Ahmad,” Michael grated out. “It won’t bring Tahir back and it won’t me make regret a thing.”

Ibrahim chuckled deeply and walked around to stand in front of him again. He bent down just enough to look straight into his victim’s eyes, hands resting flat on his thighs. “I will sure as hell make you regret, Guerin.”


“Don’t be too sure about that,” he said coldly. “You might be a tough man, but you have a weak spot.” He nodded knowingly. “It’s always the same, Guerin. Family, friends, lovers… you western people think you are so smart, but you are not able to stay unaffected.”

Michael didn’t like where the conversation was going. He was trying to push the right buttons by mentioning people he cared about. Probably, he was just bluffing. But what if not?

“Take Valenti… what would you say if I told you he’s rotting to death in a little dirty hole right now, only a few kilometres from here?”

“You’re lying,” the other man grated out and forced his mind to stay away from those thoughts.

“Maybe,” Ibrahim shrugged. “Or maybe I’m not. Hard to say from your position, huh?” He laughed coldly. “What about back home, Michael, hmm? We both know you’ve been away a lot during the last few years, but maybe there is someone waiting?”

“Yeah, your sister’s waiting for me, gonna kill ’er?” Michael spit out. He knew he had a sister who had done the unholy and fled to the west. He hated her for betraying the family, but he wasn’t able to kill her either.

Ahmad kicked his wounded leg hard at the mention of a family member before he laughed again. “Still playing games with me. I appreciate your bravery. I really do.” He started to pace the room again, but kept his eyes focused on his prisoner. “I wonder how much of it will be left when I am done with you, Guerin. You think you know it all and pretend to be the fearless hero, but I am gonna break you.” He stood and his eyes darkened. “Too bad you won’t make it back home before they start to worry about you, huh? But maybe we can bring someone here? What do you say? A little company is always nice, right?”

Michael tried to stay unaffected. There hadn’t been any hint that Ibrahim knew anything. He was just bluffing.

The other man in the musty room pulled out a little paper and turned it in his hands. “Not my type, I like dark hair more,” he walked over to his shackled victim, leaning forward slowly. “But I can see why you like her. Those lips…” Ibrahim turned the picture he was looking at until it faced away from him.

There wasn’t a doubt the Arab wasn’t just making things up when Michael saw the bleached picture of his girlfriend in the man’s hands. It had been in the sack of his personal things in the Hummer. Even though he didn’t want to show how it affected him, he had to close his eyes for a few moments to gain control. His worst nightmares were coming true and he was powerless to prevent anything. Panic crept up, but he forced it to the background again.

Ahmad nodded to himself in satisfaction when it was obvious that the woman in the photo was someone special in his prisoner’s eyes. “Don’t worry,” he said almost gently, but with a cruel grin, “you will see her again.”

Suddenly he straightened up and pushed the picture back into his pocket before he turned to head for the exit. “I might be generous and let you watch when I kill her, Michael. You can hold her hand, what do you say?”


Chapter 4A

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:26 am
by candysteffi
Alien_Friend: Yeah, Michael’s brave, but his total weak spot is Maria, so that’s not gonna be easy for him to deal with.

We will see more of the Candy past. ;)


mary mary: Yeah, in some ways at least… Sad world.

begonia9508: It is low! And cruel, but sadly some people just think this way.

thumper1942: Well, for me the question is: What differs good guys from bad guys, if they would do the same things to them?

Chapter 4


Chapter 4A

“You are in way too good a mood for someone getting dragged to a political party,” Isabel observed her brother from across the aisle. She put her seatbelt on and crossed her long slim legs over each other, smoothing the red dress with both hands.

Max just shrugged and looked out the window at the landscape that passed by fast. He swallowed a few times when Air Force One took off to get rid of the pressure in his ears and the dizzy feeling in his head. “Had nothing better to do anyway. Plus, I like Boston.”

She narrowed her eyes at him. Her brother was NEVER excited about a trip like this. Matter of fact, he hated parties that only involved snobs and politicians. “Excited about seeing Tess Harding maybe?” she guessed. They were the same age and from what she had seen in magazines, she was good looking. Though, she didn’t strike her as her brother’s type – and she seemed to be way too loud and crazy for a girl fitting for him.

He snorted. “Yeah, why not?”

“I’m gonna find out eventually.”

“There’s nothing to find out, Iz. If it’ll make you feel better, I’ll put on the moody look again.” Damn, he was really way too obvious, but he couldn’t control his excitement over meeting Liz again, even if it was hard to say if he would get the chance to talk to her. When they had met that one day in college, she hadn’t seemed to be all that pleased with his personality. Anyway, however the night turned out, he had to be careful that his sister didn’t get any more ideas. If she found out he would never hear the end of it. Not to mention that the truth about him and Liz would come out with her big mouth.

“Feel free not to,” she warned. “That smile fits you better.”

“Whatever,” he said with an eye roll and glanced around the airplane. “Who’s that?” He nodded at the group behind him, not really interested, but it would get her off of his back for now. There was a guy sitting there who he had noticed hanging around the house lately.

“His name’s Alex Whitman,” Isabel whispered so they wouldn’t be overheard. She leaned around a passing crew member to look at her brother. “I googled him and found out that he works at an observatory in Arizona. Not sure why he’s here, but he seems to know Ed too.”

“Probably here to spy on some country for biological weapons or something,” he shrugged. “You know they have those satellites everywhere.”

Isabel looked at the man in question and bit her lip. “He doesn’t look like someone who fights terror or whatever.”

“Most people don’t look like that, Iz. Dad doesn’t look to me like a president either.”

“Well… Alex definitely looks better than most of our guests though, don’t ya think? And he’s still young.”

Max made a face. “Why would you ask ME about that?”

“Because no one else is around, dump head.”

“Do you need anything?” a woman from the crew stopped by and asked with a polite smile.

“I’ll take a water,” Isabel said.

“Nothing for me,” her brother denied and opened his seatbelt so he could slouch down when they reached their cruising altitude. Maybe if he closed his eyes his sister would stop bothering him.


Pure darkness surrounded him when he ducked behind a rock formation, wincing when the gravel under his boots crunched with his last step. He pressed his back against the largest of the rocks and peered around it to make sure the sentries hadn’t heard anything.

His breath was shallow to make as little sound as possible when he pushed himself forward again. Exhaustion was making him more and more unaware – the past few days alone out in the middle of nowhere were slowly revealing their affects on his body and he knew he couldn’t go at the same pace for much longer.

Clouds in the sky made it hard to see anything in the rare moonlight that broke through them, but he knew this place from memory, better than he knew his apartment back home. With large strides across the sand he walked towards one of the bigger tents set up around the camp. He stopped behind it and focused his hearing as he tried to hear any sound inside or near it.

There wasn’t anything despite the nocturnal sounds made in the middle of nowhere, so he circled around the tent and slipped into it after making sure all the sentries had their backs to him. You’re doing a poor piss job guys, he thought.

He didn’t know what hit him, but he was suddenly thrown to the ground under a heavy weight. His throat was strangled by a large hand and every effort to push it away failed. “I don’t know who you are, but I hope you’ve already made your last will,” a deep male voice growled.

“Co…” the man on the ground tried, but ended up coughing when his throat was still wrapped in a strong hold. A lantern was switched on and held directly in front of his face, so that he had to squeeze his eyes shut. Immediately, his antagonist let go of him and walked a few feet away to light an oil lamp hanging from the roof of the tent.

“Valenti, what the fuck do you think you’re doin’?”

Kyle sat up and held one hand around his throat while he tried to compensate for the lack of oxygen a few seconds ago. He didn’t fight it when the other man helped him up and roughly shoved him back down on a chair in front of the desk.

“Valenti? I don’t think I stuttered.”

Maybe it hadn’t been a good idea to come here, he thought, but he knew it was his only option. The last few days he had tried to find another clue about Michael’s current whereabouts, but he was running in circles and the distance was just getting too great for a single man. “Let me use our computers, Commander,” he finally said.

Sullivan snorted and stood in front of him, leaning in close so no one would overhear their conversation. “I told you, you’re on your own on this. As far as I’m concerned, you’re on leave and not expected to be back for the next two months.”

“I got no chance alone,” Kyle shook his head.

“We both knew that before.” The Commander could see the exhaustion in the young solider in front of him. A week had passed and he wasn’t surprised that he hadn’t been successful. Although his sympathy went out to him, he knew he couldn’t do anything without getting everyone here in trouble. “Go home – there’s nothing you can do for your friend.”

“No! I came here to ask for help, not to give up.”

“And I’m telling you there’s no help I can offer.”

Kyle glanced around the tent. “Let me use the computer, you don’t have to be involved in it.”

“I cannot allow that. What do you think you’ll find there anyway?”

“Ahmad Ibrahim.”

Sullivan froze in place and stared down at the other man coldly. “Ibrahim,” he said painfully dragged out. “Why?”

“He’s the one responsible for the kidnapping. Guerin’s with him.” He wiped his sweaty face with the sleeve of his uniform, unaware that he was only spreading the dirt across his skin.

“You sure about that?” The Commander stood tall while his brain was running over so many thoughts at once that it hurt. Ibrahim was a monster, a cruel bastard with no conscience. If it was true, then the kidnapping of one of his best man was probably just the tip of a very ugly iceberg.

“Positive,” Kyle nodded and looked directly into his superior’s eyes. “Ahmad won’t just do a silent job.”

There was no doubt he was right, but as long as there was no proof the man was up to something, his hands were tied.

He could see the discord in Sullivan’s eyes and pushed further. “Ibrahim is one of our most wanted targets. Nobody will be suspicious if you contact a few people to find out about his current location. I know we have a few contact men as well as spies around the world, a few months ago we were even able to locate a few organizations here that work for him.” He stood to come face-to-face with the other man. “Commander, I know I have no right to ask, but information could help to find my friend… your friend, and if someone asks you can always say you were just checking for possible new missions here. Nobody needs to know that looking for Guerin is the reason you’re talking to the contact people.”

The Commander started to pace through his tent while he weighed the options, and Kyle watched him patiently in hope that his words had been enough to convince him since he didn’t have a Plan B. “You don’t know what you’re asking,” Sullivan muttered and then stopped in his tracks. “I’m just doin’ this because Guerin an’ you have risked you life more than once to save all of asses and it’s the only thing I’m gonna do for you.”

Relief washed over Kyle in uncontrollable waves. “Of course.”

“You stay out of sight while I do this,” the older man ordered and pointed at a spot behind the desk. “And I’m gonna kill you myself if you don’t obey this order.”


Liz' eyes turned to the door when a knock pulled her gaze from the TV screen. "Come in," she said and sat up.

Lucy Parker opened the door quietly and stood in the doorway. "Aren't you getting dressed?"

Liz glanced at her watch and shrugged wordlessly. "Are you feeling okay?" she asked. Her mother looked pretty pale to her.

"No, I’m okay," she denied and walked further into the room to sit on the edge of the bed. "I’m not allowing you to stay home because of me."

Liz snorted. "I don' t have to ask you, Mom. I’m old enough to make my own decisions." The girl didn’t have to hear her mother’s agreement to know that the older woman was not feeling good – something that happened all too often. Her hair was lifeless, her eyes had no shine – a very good sign that something was wrong.

"And you’re still young enough to enjoy life, so get dressed and have fun with the girls at the party."

"It's not like it’ll be a cool party. It’ll mostly be old people."

"Liz, don't try to find reasons to stay home to mother me. I am YOUR mother, don't forget that."

"I’m not," she denied. "I’m just worried, can't you understand?"

Lucy sighed sadly. Her daughter was missing so much in her life because of her. "I do understand and I’m telling you I’m fine to be alone."

"You always say that," Liz snorted.

"Go, Lizzie," Lucy said seriously. “Silvie said she would stop by tonight or in the morning anyway, so I won’t be alone all the time.”

Her daughter looked at her for a few moments before she gave in. "Okay, but just because you’re forcing me out and tomorrow I’ll complain about it again after some snobbish man wants to whisk me away to Italy or wherever."

"I’ll listen to it with delight."

Liz smirked and got on her knees to hug her mother. "Love you, Mom."

"I love you too," she got up again and moved to leave the room, but turned in the door frame. "Now get dressed before Tess shows up in person to get you."

"Doubtful. She texted me earlier and said I should come up with a plan to distract Maria. So obviously she's already over there and Michael hasn’t shown up yet."

"The girls’ night will do her good. You should wear the olive dress I gave your for Christmas. You never know who’ll be there…" Lucy smiled. She wanted to see her daughter with a man who cared about her and who was able to support her.

"Maybe... I’ll be back for breakfast." The dress her mother was talking about was a real eye-catcher, but she was waiting for a special moment to wear it. A political party didn’t seem to be special at all.

"Don't rush on my account."

Liz got up from her bed after Lucy had left and opened her closet to get the tight black dress out that she had bought a while back. The green one just had to wait.

Chapter 4B

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:06 am
by candysteffi
keepsmiling7: She will wear it eventually!

Yep lol, Isabel is always up for trouble.

Rodney: I will forgive you this time, considering your busy real life, lol.

Well, why doesn’t this surprise me at all? Lol You will get your K&T fix, just wait. ;)

begonia9508: Yeah, for now they don’t even know what is waiting for them in the universe…

mary mary: Indeed, sometimes mother’s are right. ;)

Let’s see how lucky Kyle and the Commander are…

Alien_Friend: Yeah, it would have been really bad luck if Max had been in Boston and Liz won’t show up. I won’t let that happen. :)

The Commander will definitely be a help… we will see more today.

Marsis: Hey girlfriend, how is it going? ;)

Oh those peanut butter M&M’s, I miss them. Too bad they are not available here (but probably better for me lol).

Lady in Red, huh? Yeah, I can totally see that too. :)

Max is very private, because his life is already dragged to public in some degree considering his father’s job. Poor guy has to lie about his identity when he talks to Liz, that’s not a easy thing for him to do.

Thanks for the compliment, I am glad you could picture the Kyle/Commander scene. We will see more if it today.

Liz and her mom are close and thought to Lucy’s sickness, she tries to let her daughter enjoy her life as much as possible.

Okay, hands shacking is over, here we go… lol.

Chapter 4B

Kyle’s head snapped up when the position he had been dozing in on a chair became too uncomfortable. The Commander had been sitting in front of the computer for almost two hours now, talking to different people and ordering them to contact other people. He glanced at the younger man when he almost fell out of his chair from exhaustion.

“Alright, if that’s all,” Sullivan sighed and rubbed his face while resting his head on one bent arm on the desk.

“Your chosen are a hard case to crack, Commander,” the woman on the other end of the video said with an encouraging smile.

“Didn’t have much of a chance to choose anything,” he muttered with a shrug.

“I bet,” she nodded with sympathy and glanced at her computer. “I think there’s something coming in from one of our contacts. Hold on,” she lifted a hand and stood up to walk to her printer.

Kyle sat up when he heard the woman’s voice even though he couldn’t see her. He nodded when the Commander gestured for him to stay where he was.

Jody Sims appeared back on the screen and looked into the camera. “Seems like Ibrahim or one of his closest men was looking for someone situated in the States. We have no name yet though.” She frowned at the photo she was holding in front of her.

“At least it could be something,” Sullivan leaned forward to turn his printer on. “Can you send the information to me?”

“Sure,” Jody nodded and pressed a few buttons on her keyboard. “Sorry I don’t have more for you, Sullivan.”

He smiled. “Maybe next time, huh?” He checked his mail and nodded when her message came though. “Got it, thanks Miss Sims.”

“No problem. I’ll stay on the ball and see if I can get you a name soon.”

“Thanks,” he reached for the power button on the camera. “Until later.”

She nodded and smiled at the camera before the connection went off. Sullivan opened the information up and pressed the print button. Immediately the small machine next to him started to make a few annoying sounds before it pulled in the first paper.

Kyle stood up and walked over to stand next to his superior. His muscles hurt and were longing for a few hours of rest, but he refused to give in yet. He was hoping that the little bit of information they had gotten would be enough to interpret something into it. A small sign where to look for Michael in this goddamn huge country.

“This thing takes forever,” Sullivan groaned when the printer took its time pulling the first page through. He frowned when it suddenly stopped, paper stuck in the middle, half way printed, half way empty. “What now?”

“Don’t ya just hate western technology,” Kyle said ironically, giving the machine a light smack with his palm and grinning when it continued its work.

A few minutes later the last page fell to the desk and the Commander lifted the papers up, spreading them in front of them on the desk. “Let’s see what we have…” his eyes danced over the photograph and he wondered if the person on it could really have anything to do with his operation or if maybe it was just false information. There wasn’t much written text considering the lack of details they could offer him yet. “Not much I guess.” He turned to look at the solider next to him. “Sorry, I wish there was something-“

The rest of his sentence stuck in his throat when he recognized the pale look on the other man’s face. “Valenti?”

“This’s a nightmare,” Kyle muttered and felt the sweat breaking out on his back.

“Do you know her?” Sullivan lifted up the photograph of a woman who was probably in her early twenties.

“Yeah,” the younger man next to him said hoarsely and met the Commander’s eyes with a horrified look. “Her name’s Maria DeLuca. She’s Michael’s girlfriend.”

“His….” he looked at the picture again, his expression indicating shock for a moment, but then his brain started to work again and he stood up. “Well, Guerin’s just one lucky guy.”

“Excuse me?” Kyle asked. He wasn’t thinking straight right now, but what could possibly be good about this situation.

“If Ibrahim is looking for her,” Sullivan held Maria’s picture up, “and we can prove a connection between Michael’s abduction and the bastard’s interest in her, then we’ll be able to send troops out to find our man before worse happens and innocent people become involved.”

“It won’t be hard to prove a connection between Michael and Maria,” the solider said and finally felt a spark of hope again.

The older man nodded. “Exactly.”


“You know, other families in our situation would have a nanny for this,” Tess complained when her mother walked into her room to tell her that her little brother needed to be put down for the night and she was too busy with the party going on to do it herself.

“Tess,” Lisa Harding sighed, “I told you before I won’t let a nanny rear my kids. Daniel’s tired; you won’t have a lot of work with him.”

“Come on T.” Maria got up from the chair in front of the desk. “We’ll put the little troublemaker down for the night.”

“You don’t have to be on my mother’s side all the time, ya know?” Tess complained when the women smirked at each other.

“I’m not, I just like him and he’s really no work at all.”

“Thank you, Maria,” Lisa smiled at her. “I’m really glad you decided to stay in Boston when Amy moved to Roswell. My daughter would be even more trouble without you here.”


“No problem,” Maria waved her of. “Oh, I forgot. She wanted me to say hi to you and asked me to remind you that you promised to come out to the desert this year.”

“We will, we will,” Lisa assured her. “How’s she doing in that little town?”

“Good,” the girl rolled her eyes. “Too good if you ask me. She’s getting the hippie vibe again.”

The older woman laughed. “It’ll be fun to visit. It sounds like she made the right decision.”

“Yeah,” Maria smiled. She was happy that her mother was getting along very well in the Alien-themed town.

“And Michael?” Lisa asked carefully.

“That’s the wrong question, Mom,” Tess insisted and rushed her out. “No need to ruin her mood even more,” she hissed when they were alone in the room.

“Darling?” Ed appeared in the hallway. “Where are you? Everyone’s waiting for you.”

“I’m coming,” she said and turned to her daughter again. “You girls should distract her as much as you can.”

“Is Parker here yet?”

“I’ll have a look,” Lisa promised and walked off to the party.

Tess turned and looked into her room again, sighing when she saw her friend was staring out the window with a sad face again. “My mother really doesn’t know when it’s better to silent.”

Maria turned to face her. “Don’t blame her. “

“Come on, M. We’ll put my brother down and then we’ll drown your worries with a lot of wine and Jäger.” She walked into the room and grabbed her hand to drag her. “He’ll come home to you. It’s just taking a bit longer this time.”

“Yeah,” the other girl agreed and got up to follow Tess into her brother’s room.

“Hey, what’re you doin’?” Tess shrieked and hurried over when the little boy was about to play Tarzan and use the curtains as his vine to climb out of his crib. “He gets the wildest ideas,” she said, her tone a bit amused when she wrapped her arms around him to peel him off of the fabric before he could pull down the whole pole.

“Wow, look at those strong arms, huh?” Maria said and pinched the little boy gently on his right one.

Daniel forgot all about complaining about the disturbance and giggled happily. “M.” He leaned forward as much as Tess allowed him.

“Come here, D.” she took him from his sister and kissed his temple.

Tess smiled when her brother hugged Maria tightly and rested his head against her shoulder. “Mom was right, he’s tired.”

“Yeah,” her friend agreed and rocked him in her arms slightly.

A soft knock was heard and a moment later Liz stuck her head into the room. “Hey, girls.”

“Hey E.” Tess waved her in. “What took you so long?”

“Just couldn’t decide what to wear,” she lied, not really wanting to talk about her worries for her mom right now.

“You look good,” Maria told her quietly, since Daniel was already beginning to drift off. “Seen any worthy men outside yet?”

“Just got here and came to you girls since Lisa told me you were here, but I guess there’s not one really worthy around anyway.”

“Don’t say that,” Tess complained. “I heard the President’s son is here…”

“Max Evans?” Liz asked, surprised.

“That’s the one, E.”

“He looks nice, I read an article about him in a magazine recently,” Maria thought aloud.

Liz didn’t reply to that. The girls didn’t know that the two of them had already had a little encounter at the university a while back and though she did think he looked okay, she wouldn’t admit it in front of Tess. She would try to get them together from the moment she knew and she could really spare herself that embarrassment. Seriously, the President’s son would have more interesting women to date and she really didn’t want a boy who had no time for her anyway.

Chapter 4C

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:50 am
by candysteffi
keepsmiling7: You will find something in this part then. ;)

mary mary: Looks a bit hopeless for all of them right now huh? Well, let’s see how much time M&L are wasting today. ;)

Alien_Friend: Thanks! :)

What they tell Maria and well stays my secret for now, lol.

Oh yeah, Tess’ parents are both pretty cool.

I am glad you enjoy Doomsday, thank you!

begonia9508: Lol yep. I took that story from real life, hehe.

Chapter 4C

The sound of a spoon tapping against a wine glass drew the attention of everyone in the huge dining hall, making them stop their current conversations and look up. They all looked to the man of the evening when he got up.

Ed Harding smiled at his guests. “Welcome everyone,” he opened his speech. “Well, it seems like I’m getting old, huh?”

A few chuckles and laughter could be heard among the crowd. Tess glanced at her two best friends next to her at the table and rolled her eyes. “I hope he’s not planning to drag this out, I’m starving.”

“Shhh,” Maria slapped her shoulder to make her shut up.

Ed continued his speech and once it turned into a political theme all three girls lost interest. “M,” Tess called to get her attention. “I got the feeling E’s been watched all night,” she nodded over the table.

The other girl followed the direction of her gaze and saw the President’s son. He was staring down at his plate, obviously just as bored with the speech as they were, but now and then his gaze would lift up for a second. “Yeah seems like,” she agreed when he was definitely looking in Liz’ direction most of the times.

“Well, he’s definitely candy for the eye,” Tess said, amused. “Not my type, but could be hers.”

Since the brunette had never really had a boyfriend at all in her life it was hard to say what her type really was. She had always been too worried and focused on the health of her mom to really allow anyone close enough.

“What’re you guys talking about?” Liz leaned in and whispered. She really hoped that Ed would put an end to it soon. The food smelled delicious and politics were really boring.

“Nothing,” they said at the same time.

“Uh-huh,” she lifted an eyebrow. “And you don’t think I think that’s suspicious?”

They were interrupted when everyone stood, holding up their glasses towards the birthday man. “Finally,” Tess said, relieved.

“Thank you all for coming and let’s enjoy dinner and the night together.”

“Cheers,” everyone said, a few louder than the others.

The three girls turned to each other and touched their glasses together. “Cheers ladies,” the curly blonde said. “To a hopefully enjoyable night.”

“That has yet to be seen,” Liz snorted.

“Don’t be so negative, Parker.”

“Shut up, both of you,” Maria said. “Your job is to distract me.”

“Copy that,” Tess said and saluted playfully. She dragged her friends with her. “Come on, let’s get something from the buffet before the President does.” She lowered her voice. “I’ve heard he’s always very hungry.”

Liz rolled her eyes – she really had a story for everything and everyone, she thought, amused as she fell back a bit so Tess wouldn’t make her eat any of the gross seafood again, which she thought was so delicious.

She took one of the smaller plates from a stack and went along the set up tables to glance over the sumptuous amount of food Ed had ordered for the party. This must have cost a few thousand dollars, what a waste, considering probably half of it would be thrown away the next day.

At a platter of small nibbles of different meat, vegetables and cheese, combined with baguette, she stopped and put a few of them on her plate. She tried to use the tongs to grab it, but soon grew tired of it when it kept falling down and quickly used her own hands. Once she was satisfied with what she had, she brought her index finger to her mouth and licked it to remove a little spot of butter.

Max quickly looked away, worrying that his body would show too much of a reaction to that gesture. Damn, what had he been thinking following right behind her at the buffet?

“Nice,” Liz muttered when she saw a watermelon on the table, shaped like a little sculpture of Ed. People obviously spent a lot of time with that buffet. She reached out for a napkin to take with her and cursed when she accidently grabbed two and one slowly glided to the floor.

While she balanced her full plate in one hand, she bent down to get it. Her eyes grew wide when her ass bumped into someone behind her though. Quickly, she grabbed the napkin and straightened up. For a moment she considered just walking off and pretending she hadn’t noticed it, but that would be really rude.

Max swallowed hard when she slowly turned around and thanked God he had chosen to wear tight boxers under his tux this afternoon. Play it cool, he told himself. “Seems like history repeats itself, huh?” he asked her with a wink, remembering their little encounter at the university. The similarities were almost ridiculous.

Liz’ face turned red when she noticed that it was the second time she had bumped her ass right into Max Evans. Now he’s gonna think you’re insulting him sexually, she immediately thought. Great, Parker.

The fact that she was looking so uncomfortable actually made him more comfortable and he smirked. “You know what they say. After the third time you gotta buy me a drink.”

She wasn’t sure what to think about him. He definitely wasn’t mad at her for bumping him, but what exactly was he? Was he trying to flirt with her or was it just arrogance? “I’m sorry,” she said with a slight smile.

He watched, amazed at the way her features turned from embarrassed, to confused, and finally to a bit flirtatious.

“I guess I’d better hurry then and do that tonight, this way the drink will be free for me as well.”

“Just let me know when to follow you,” he said, amused and glad things weren’t as awkward as he expected.

“Okay,” Liz chuckled and walked to her seat again, rolling her eyes when she realized the girls had watched every second of the show and started to ask questions as soon as she sat down.


It was shortly after 9:30pm when the president walked up behind Ed’s chair and squeezed his shoulder. “Can I talk to you for a minute?” He nodded towards the hallway off of the dining hall.

The other man frowned at his serious expression, but nodded. “Sure.” He followed Philip wordlessly, almost sure that it had to do with their newest discovery in the universe. They stopped at the end of the hallway, where it separated into two different directions. “What’s going on?”

“It just seems like disturbing dispatches continue to occur these days,” Philip wiped his face.

“Something new about the asteroid?”

“No, that’s not it this time.”

Ed frowned, not liking that it was obviously a new problem. “Alright, just bring it on, I guess.”

“We have news out of Afghanistan about the missing solider.”

That couldn’t be good news, the Secretary of Defence thought and prayed slightly that they wouldn’t have to bring a message of Michael Guerin’s death to the girl at his party. Slowly, he nodded and straightened his body to be prepared for whatever it was.

“It seems like he’s been taken by Ahmad Ibrahim.”

“Good God,” Ed muttered and brought both hands over his face for a moment. On the one hand he was relieved that they obviously hadn’t found him dead, but being with Ibrahim was probably as good as dead. “Some higher power seems to be against us these days.”

Philip looked down the corridor to make sure no one had followed them. “We have experience from encounters with that man and we know they’ve all turned out ugly for us.”

“That bastard’s definitely high on my list of people I’d like to see in hell.”

“I’m not quite sure how Commander Sullivan got that information, but as much as I hate to disturb your birthday party, Ed, I need you to get a few of your men stationed here in Boston.”

“Of course.” The other man frowned. “But what should their orders be?”

“Their order will be to find Michael Guerin’s girlfriend and give her personal protection until we figure out where to hide her. We have grounds to believe that Ibrahim is coming after her as well.”

Panic rose up in the Secretary as he took in all the new information. If Maria was a potential target for that bastard, then his own daughter would be in danger as well. “We don’t have to look far for her.”

“Excuse me?” Philip asked, puzzled.

“Miss DeLuca is here. She’s my daughter’s best friend.”

The president could easily see the worry in Ed’s eyes. He rested both of his hands on the other man’s shoulder and made him look at him. “That’s good. We have the best men here for protection and I came here with a few more people from the Secret Service than I usually have on my detail, so you show me who she is and I’ll let my men know to look after her and your daughter for the night. We’ll figure out more once everyone else is gone.”

“Alright. What do we tell Maria?”

“Nothing for now. We don’t want other people to get suspicious, so just let her enjoy the party. Is she staying at your house for the night?”

“I assume she is.”

“Good. In the morning we’ll figure out how much we’ll tell her and what we’re gonna do with her as long as she’s in potential danger.”

“Alright,” Ed agreed, but was sure he couldn’t enjoy another second of his party now. “We should speak to the Commander and his unit again. If this is true, we should start to look for Corporal Guerin. As long as Ibrahim has him, we have to consider everything.”

“Those orders are already out.” He smiled encouragingly when his friend looked at him in surprise. “I might not be a genius in military tactics, but that wasn’t hard to figure out, and if I remember right, you think very highly of Commander Sullivan. So let him do his job at the other end of the world and we’ll do ours here.”

A door was opened fully when the men started to walk back to the party and Tess stepped out. She hadn’t understood a lot of the conversation considering the distance, but she had heard a few words like military, army and also… Maria’s name. Did that have something to do with Michael staying away? And more important, should she tell her best friend about it?

Chapter 4D

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 11:30 am
by candysteffi
Alien_Friend: Tess will wait and not till Maria immediately. ;)

For now, Liz is safe. Well as safe as you can be with that thing in the universe I guess. ;)

Yeah, Liz has her reservations against him, but I am sure he will be able to prove her wrong. ;)

keepsmiling7: Lol, I am glad I did. Let’s see if there is some development between those two today?!

mary mary: That’s true. More uncertainty will kill Maria.

Marsis: Lol thanks! This would totally happen to me too, girl! ;)

M&L work good together, Liz just needs a bit of realization first, hehe.

The uncertainty is really hard to take, right? It makes you wonder all the time. Tess won’t say anything to her friend yet, but we know she will check on her soon, to make sure she’s okay. ;)

We will see more about the background of Maria/Michael/Kyle soon.

Thanks and on to more! ;)

Okay, I am a bit late with the uppy this week! Sorry, I had some busy days but here we go now…

Chapter 4D

Liz sipped her wine while she stared at nothing in particular. She could feel the affects of the alcohol on her body even though she’d only had three glasses. Her cheeks felt like they were glowing and her head felt just the slightest bit dizzy.

“Parker?” Tess asked for the third time and bumped her shoulder to get her attention.

“Huh?” She looked puzzled. “What?”

“Are you done staring holes in the air?” the blonde rolled her eyes. “Where’s Maria? She said she wanted to go to the bathroom but that was half an hour ago.”

“I don’t know,” Liz frowned and tried to think straight. “Pr-aybe outside?” She guessed, not even realizing she mixed to words up. “You know she’s down because of Michael, so she might’ve just needed some air.”

“Praybe, huh?” Tess said amused. “You should watch your liquor, E.”

“Shut up, Harding.” She got up from her seat and placed her glass aside, frowning when the floor under her moved for a second. The lack of food today was obviously showing its affects, she thought and shook her head. “I’m gonna get some air an’ see if she’s in the backyard.”

“Okay. Get me if she’s fallen into a depressed mood again, okay? We can’t let that happen again.” Especially not after what I might or might not have overheard, she added in her thoughts worriedly.

“Sure,” Liz agreed and made her way through the big dining hall, carefully taking each step in her high heels to not get into any awful embarrassing situation, like falling flat on her face in front of everyone.

She shivered slightly when she opened the double doors in the living room that led to the garden. The cold breeze immediately invaded her body but she decided that it could only be good to get sober again. Her feet carried her over to the pool and she looked around to see if her friend was there. “M’ria?”

“’s nobody out here,” came from behind her.

Liz whirled around quickly, startled by the male voice she hadn’t expected to hear. She automatically took a slight step backwards, but teetered when one of the spiked heels of her shoes got caught in the drain grate around the pool.

Max yelped and reacted quickly, reaching out to wrap his arms around her before she could take a less-than-delicate dive into the cold pool. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.”

Her arms came around him to steady herself and as soon as the first moment of surprise was over, she started to laugh at the situation. “Damn, that was tense, huh?”

He smirked as well, relieved that she wasn’t mad at him. “You can say that again.” His eyes gave her the once over. “You okay?”

“Yeah,” she nodded, “I think I’m good.”

Reluctantly, he let go of her and took a step back to give her space. “Isn’t it too cold out for this?” He gestured at her short dress, his eyes lingering just a moment too long on her slim, bare legs.

She immediately shivered, but couldn’t decide if it was because of the wind or his heated gaze on her. He’s the presidents son, she reminded herself. “It is a bit cold,” she agreed and wrapped her arms around herself. “I was looking for a friend, but obviously she’s not here.”

“The blonde with the green dress?” he guessed. If he wasn’t mistaken, this should be Maria – the girl with the boyfriend who hasn’t gotten home yet.

“Yeah,” she frowned and felt the little jealousy in her when he immediately knew who she meant.

“She was out here when I came out,” he pointed at one of the deck chairs. “Looked a bit upset but I could be wrong.” He hated to pretend that he had no clue of what was going on, when in truth, he knew so much about the woman in front of him and her friends.

Liz nodded, not really surprised by the news. “And what’re you doing out here? The weather really isn’t the best.” Her teeth chattered slightly while she spoke.

Max bit his lips. All he wanted to do in that moment was to wrap his arms around her again to warm her up, but that would be a bit too weird, right? “Needed some air…” he shrugged and glanced back at the door before he looked at her again with a slight smirk. “To be honest, I needed a break from all the snobs and their political crap,” he whispered.

“Yeah,” she laughed at his confession, surprised to hear words like that out of his mouth. “I know what you mean.”

I am going straight to hell, he thought to himself when he used his knowledge of her to make jokes and get some sympathy points in her book. There was no way around it though. Liz Parker had something that attracted him in every way.

She saw his eyes moving over her again and while she would have felt insulted by other men, she felt kind of worshipped by him. His gaze was dark and sensual, but at the same not too intrusive.

I should have brought my coat with me, he thought, annoyed when he had nothing to offer to keep her warmer.

“E,” Tess opened the door and called for her friend, biting her lip when she recognized what she had interrupted. “Have you found her?”

“She was here, but she’s gone now. Not sure where she went.”

“Alright. I’ll look for her. Go on with what you were doing.” She made a waving gestured and disappeared again.

Liz rolled her eyes at her friend’s less than subtle remark. “You must excuse her; she’s got a big mouth.”

“I see,” Max said, amused since he already knew that. “But guess she can’t be all that bad since you seem to be friends.”

“She has her moments,” she agreed. It was really freaking cold without a jacket, but on the other hand she really didn’t want to go inside again just yet.

He could see her shivering badly and tried to come up with a solution that would warm her and at the same time would make her stay with him a bit longer. All night she had pretty much ignored him after their dinner encounter and he was sure that it would be over again if she decided to go back inside. Think, Evans! “Do the Harding’s have blankets in their pool house?”

“I think so, we can look,” she agreed, glad that he had suggested finding something to get warm again.

He released the breath he didn’t know he was holding. “You can walk on your own over there?” His voice was teasing.

Liz rolled her eyes and slapped his shoulder with a laugh. “Thank you, I’m perfectly fine.”


Tess walked into the direction of her room, almost certain that she would find her missing friend there. The thoughts in her head were spinning around like crazy as she tried to decide if she should mention her father’s and the president’s conversation earlier. It wasn’t really that she knew anything considering that she had only heard a few fragments, but she was almost sure that it had been about her friend and Michael.

Quietly and slowly, she opened the door to her room, just in case Maria had been falling asleep. She nodded to herself when the swath of light from the hallway fell into the room right over her friend’s slim frame on the bed.

It hurt to see her like this and there wasn’t anything she could do to make it better. She closed the door just as quietly, kicked her pumps off and crawled on the bed. “Hey M,” she greeted gently when the illuminated cell phone on the mattress indicated that Maria wasn’t sleeping. “Hiding out here?” She brushed some of her girlfriend’s long blonde hair out of her face and leaned over her body from behind to look at her.

“Sorry,” the other girl answered quietly and turned her upper body slightly to look at Tess. “I don’t wanna be mean, but I’m really not in a party mood.”

“I know, but being alone in here will just add more fuel to the fire because you’re thinking too much, M.”

“Two people have already asked me about Michael and how he’s doing, ya know?” She swallowed. “I can’t take the questions anymore. What am I supposed to say?”

“Well, that he’ll be home soon maybe?” Tess suggested, trying to encourage her, but the truth was her own doubts had already started. She wouldn’t admit that in front of her though.

Maria sighed deeply and looked at her friend. “I can’t.” She rolled her eyes. “I think I’m starting to get paranoid, ya know? I felt like I was being watched, as if someone’s following me. Stupid!”

Maybe it wasn’t that stupid, Tess thought to herself. More proof that she wasn’t totally wrong about her suspicion that something was going on. “What were you looking at?” she asked to distract her and leaned over her to glance at the cell.

“Some pictures,” Maria answered and lifted it up to show her. “Do you remember this one?” Her face lit up with a smile.

Tess snorted. “How could I forget that? You stretched my nerves to take it that night at the bar.”

“I had to have a pic of him.”

“Uh-huh, and instead of going the easy way and just asking him you had me pretending to take a pic of you while I tried to catch him in the background.”

“We weren’t together at the time. I couldn’t just ask him for a pic. We had only just met, so how weird would that have been?”

“Oh please, that whole night was weird. The pic would’ve been the most normal thing compared to the creepy bar we were at.”

“A bar you chose,” Maria reminded her.

“That’s right. And have you thanked me yet for making such a significantly important choice that had led to a milestone in your life?” She looked at her, amused. “Nope, I don’t think so.”

“Of course I did. Like a thousand times, but somehow you just think I should worship you until the end of the world.”

“Shut up,” Tess laughed and took her cell, hitting the touch screen to look at the next picture. “Where’s this?” she asked and showed Maria a picture of her and Michael that was obviously one of the older ones.

“You don’t know that? It was taken on our first date. Ya know, when you dragged me to Boston Common to that stupid benefit thing your parents were having and I met Michael there.”

“Thanks to me. AGAIN.”

“You are so generous, Tess.”

“I know,” she waved her off and looked at the picture again. “Doesn’t look like Boston Common.”

“No, it was taken at Yacht Harbour. We went there later that day.”

Tess snorted. “I remember the little you mentioned it back then.” She rolled her eyes when Maria looked confused. “I was kidding. Please! I can still tell every detail of your first date, because you told me like two hundred times afterwards.”

Chapter 4E

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 2:15 pm
by candysteffi
keepsmiling7: I am sure they will use the blankets to warm up…. ;).

mary mary: We will see what Maria will be faced with. ;)

lizzy_koh: Thanks! ;) Glad you like it. There will be more A&I as the fic develops.

Chapter 4E

~ ~ ~ ~

“DeLuca, relax, will ya?” Tess rolled her eyes when her friend’s figure was tensed like a bow. “It’s only 3:50, he’ll be here.”

“What makes you so sure?” Maria wiped her sweaty hands on her tight bleached blue jeans while they stood on the main entrance of Boston Common’s benefit festival. The weather wasn’t pleasant at all. Temperatures were pretty low on the spring day in April of 2007 and it had been rainy pretty much all day.

“The looks he gave you last night maybe?”

“Could’ve just been some heat of the moment thing.” She had been sure about their date last night as well, but things always looked different after you had slept a night and the doubts came with the morning. It wasn’t like a dismissal from him would be the end of the world, but she really wanted to meet him again badly.

“He’ll come,” Tess said, her voice leaving no room for another option.

Maria just nodded and wrapped her arms around herself to get warmer. Maybe she should have worn her windbreaker, but the thing really didn’t flatter her figure and this was casual, she had wanted to look good on her first official date with him.

“I think that’s him, hmm?” Tess said, amused as she nodded ahead of them.

Her friend’s head snapped up and she scanned the place full of people until her eyes focused on a guy, still about 100 feet away from them. “Yeah,” she smiled, relieved.

Michael had already noticed her the moment he had come around the corner. Her slim figure looked just a bit nervous, but it could also be the cold wind, he decided. Relaxation washed over him when he noticed her clothes were casual just like his. He had wondered for half an hour what to wear to a benefit festival, but since his options had been pretty limited anyway, he had decided on a pair of comfortable jeans, sneakers, a back t-shirt and his black jacket with the high collar when it was zipped up.

With every step he took, he wondered what to say or do when he finally reached the girls, but nothing came to mind, so he decided to just come up with something spontaneously.

“Oh my god, you already look like twins,” Tess muttered and rolled her eyes when she realized they both wore sneakers, jeans, and a jacket combo, all in the same colors.

“Blue jeans and black jackets aren’t really rare,” Maria said and didn’t admit that she had just thought the same a few second ago.

“Get the stick outta your ass and loosen up,” the other girl muttered when Michael was only a few feet away.

“Shut up,” she hissed back and smiled at him, her heart beating a mile a minute those last few seconds before he greeted her.

His worries flew away when he noticed her nervousness. He had never really participated in dating, but he wasn’t a total loser with the ladies either. “Hey M,” he greeted her with a slight smirk on his lips. He stood and waited to see what her body language would tell him to do.

I like what he calls me, she decided. “Hey, Michael,” she replied with a soft voice, her arms at her sides.

Okay, body contact would be welcome, he realized and leaned in to hug her before awkwardness had a chance to break out. “You look a bit cold,” he said quietly and rubbed his hands up and down her arms.

“Yeah, the weather could be better for an open air festival I guess,” she replied, though she didn’t feel the slightest bit cold in that moment.

Michael took the offered opportunity and one of his arms remained around her, while he turned to face her friend. “Tess.”

“Hi, Michael,” she greeted him.

“We’re about to have company,” Maria told her, her tone not one of excitement, and nodded behind her. “Brian Clayton on his way…”

Tess grinned saucily. “I knew he couldn’t stay away for long.” She had been flirting back and forth with him on several occasions now and while he tried to play it cool, she knew he was interested. The guy was one of the hottest guys in school, although she had no intention of hooking up with him for anything real. He was pretty snobbish and self-centred to be honest, but there was nothing wrong with some flirting.

“Michael, meet the biggest tinhorn in Boston,” she whispered quietly and leaned her body against his lightly.

He just snorted and watched the scene, tightening his grip around her when she sought his body heat.

Brian smiled smugly when he stopped close to them. “Harding,” he greeted Tess and leaned in to kiss her cheek. “I like your tight jeans,” he whispered in her ear.

He was so easy, she thought, amused. “I know you like them, Clayton. Every male does.”

“Wanna show me what’s under them?” he growled. “Maybe tonight?”

“Hmm, depends I guess.”

“Depends on what?”

“On the supply of hot men around here today.”

Brian snorted and held his arms away from his sides. “Baby, I am the hottest guy around here.”

Maria couldn’t help but snort loudly at that, earning a glare from him immediately.

“Got a problem, DeLuca?”

Michael didn’t like the way he talked to her or looked at her, but he had a feeling she could hold her own against him pretty well, so he stayed quiet for now. No need to fuck everything up just a few seconds after his arrival, he thought.

“You mean other than you?” she countered.

“Um-hmm, we’re not getting into that,” Tess decided. She knew her friend and Brian hated each other and it could get ugly if they weren’t separated. “Why don’t we go and get a hot drink, Clayton?”

He grinned and hugged one arm around her. “Sure, Sexy. Let’s go.”

She smiled and got rid of his arm for a moment to walk to Maria. “I’m gonna distract him for a while and we’ll meet in front of the stage in an hour, okay? Here’s the VIP ticket. Free entry, free food, and free drinks. ”

Maria nodded and made a face. “I really don’t know what you want from the guy, Tess.”

“Just sex,” she admitted with a smirk and walked off.

Michael almost laughed at that, but fought it and it ended up as a snort instead. He lifted his hand in excuse, when Maria looked at him suspiciously. “Well, at least she’s honest I guess.”

“She’s exaggerating.” Even though Tess mostly went after the things she wanted, she doubted she was really planning to have sex with Clayton. He was just too much of a self-centred prick.

He shrugged. “Couldn’t care less as long as that dick stays away from you.” His grip around her tightened just a tiny bit as he spoke.

She smirked at his slightly possessive tone. “Wanna go and get something to drink too? I’ve heard they sell hot chocolate and something hot really sounds good right now.”

“Already got something hot,” he teased and laughed at her blush. His arms came around her for a moment to warm her up when he felt her shivering.

Maria smiled to herself at his gesture and held her arms in front of herself between both of them to get warmer.

“Come on”, he released her after a few seconds and grabbed one of her cold tiny hands, which totally disappeared in his. “Let’s go and find a hot chocolate for you, M.”

“Sounds good,” she agreed. Things between them had started out pretty good and Michael made it really easy for her to fall for him.

~ ~ ~ ~

“Got one,” Liz held up a blanket triumphantly after they had looked around for about 10 minutes. “Just one, but it’s a big one.”

Max nodded with a grin and walked over to take it from her. They walked back outside to the pool and he used his free hand to drag one deck chair next to another. “Wait, I saw some cushions inside,” he said and hurried back inside the pool house to get them.

“Sure,” she waited patiently, even though the cold wind was creeping into every part of her body right now and it would be really hard to get warm again.

“Here ya go,” Max placed the cushions on the chairs and motioned for her to take a seat. “I’m gonna get a drink. Want me to get ya something too?” After she had gotten comfortable, he spread the blanket and wrapped it around her.

“Do they have anything warm?”

“I don’t know. I can check.”

Liz nodded. “Thanks.”

“Anything else?”

“No, I guess I’m good.” She watched him leave, his pace a bit hurried. What am I doing here? she wondered. I’m making small talk with the president’s son and we’re hanging out in the fucking cold. Although, he seemed to be pretty nice and uncomplicated – something she hadn’t expected from him. Her hand wandered under her blanket to get her cell out of the tiny clasp she had with her. While he was still inside, she took the chance to check her emails, to see if William might have left a message. Her disappointment was right there when there was no new message in her box or on the messenger, but she convinced herself that it was only because he was busy tonight as well.

Quickly she opened a new email and typed in a small message for him to read later, when he got home.

Hey Willi,

How’s your evening going?

Mine’s okay, pretty boring party as I told you.

She considered for a moment mentioning that she was actually enjoying the presence of a young man, but then decided that it was probably nothing she should tell HIM. Quickly, she hit the send button and shoved her cell back into the small bag because Max was already on his way outside again, carrying two drinks.

“They only had hot glogg. I didn’t know if you’d like it, but I brought one anyway.”

“I guess it’s better than nothing,” she shrugged and took one fuming mug from him, wrapping both of her hands around it. Hopefully this won’t totally knock me out, she thought when she remembered the affects of the alcohol earlier.

“It’s not that bad,” he agreed when he sipped on it before he took a seat on the deck chair next to her.

“You want some blanket?” Liz asked when he didn’t move to get under it right away.

Max looked at her with his chocolate brown eyes, hardly able to suppress his reaction to her invitation. “If it’s okay with you?” he rasped.

The tone of his voice sent a slight electric shock right to her heart and though she tried to ignore the feeling, she knew pretty well that her attraction to him was growing with every passing minute they spent together. He’s the president’s son, she reminded herself, he’s not interested in normal boring girls like you and you don’t want someone like him. “I’m good,” she finally agreed after leaving a weird interval of silence between her answer and his question.

“Okay,” he hoped she couldn’t tell how happy and nervous he was about that.

“Despite the chance that a camera team could show up as soon as you do and tomorrow I’ll see my face in one of the newspapers with the headline: “Who’s the girl next to Max Evans?” She used her free hand to underline the words with a wave through the air.

He snorted and lifted the blanket to crawl under it, liking the fact that it brought them automatically closer together. “As long as here’s so many secret service agents around there’ll be no one with a camera closer than 300 feet. My father makes sure of that.”


She really wasn’t comfortable with a lot of attention, he noticed. It was too bad though, because she was beautiful like hell and while she cared so much about others, she forgot herself most of the time. “Also I’d enjoy finding out what they’d read into it,” he said with a wink.

“I don’t know. The press can be a bitch and it might be something like: What does Max Evans want from a girl like her?”

He shook his head and leaned his back against the raised backrest of the chair. “More like: Who’s the mysterious beauty next to Evans?” Her slight blush didn’t slip his notice after what he said and he turned to look at her with a shrug. “There are worse things than being in a newspaper with a girl who looks like you.”

The heat in her cheeks got worse when his eyes wandered over her face in a slow move. “Think so? Was there ever anything about you in the press that you were embarrassed about?” she asked to take the attention away from her.

Re: Doomsday - (All CC/AU/Adult) - Ch4E - Pg 14 - 10/20/12

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 11:30 am
by candysteffi
xilaj: Thanks and welcome on board! ;)

Yeah, that might hurt, to read Liz' text. We will see what Max's gonna say to that. :)

mary mary: Thanks, ginger! Lol yep, we could give him that name.

keepsmiling7: Lol yep, the situation is up for some snuggling huh? But maybe it is just a bit too early for that yet. ;)

lizzy_koh: Yeah, there is a rocky road for everyone here, but we will get them through this. ;) Thanks!

Alien_Friend: Max's definitely making an attempt to impress Liz, lol. And from what we can see, he is not doin' all that bad, huh? Let's see how he does today... ;)

We gotta long deeper into the M&M date today as well... this was not all, hehe.

No worries, girl! ;) Thanks!

sarammlover: Hey Sara, welcome on board! ;)

Thanks you! Yeah, M&M as well as Kyle are really not in a good situation and it will still take a bit to get them out of it, but we will get there. ;)

Lol, M&L really play a nice game and Liz doesn't even know about it yet. :lol:

Chapter 4F

“Was there…” Max snorted. “Don’t tell me ya didn’t read any newspapers last summer.”

Liz shrugged. She had never really cared about the news, well not the celebrity news anyway. “Can’t remember anything, but want to refresh my memory maybe?” She sipped her hot drink and enjoyed it when the liquid caused a warm feeling in her stomach.

“Well, considering that you’re probably the only human being in the world who obviously doesn’t know about it, I think I’ll just keeping it to myself,” he smirked teasingly.

“Oh, come on,” she bumped him with her shoulder. “That’s not fair. Besides that, google know everything, so all I have to do is take out my cell and start the research. I am sure there are pics as well…”

He sighed and stopped her hand before she could take it out – his touch resting on her just a moment longer than necessary. “Fine, I’m gonna tell you if that means you won’t google it later.”

She lifted two fingers. “I swear.” Although, she would decide later if it was worth googling.

“Alright,” he straightened up. “Last summer my family and I went to Orange County. My father bought a house there a few years ago. It’s not very large, but it is set on a small hill above the ocean and I think it’s much nicer than the White House, but you got a lot more privacy there.”

“Sounds like a good domicile for the summer,” she agreed. “Must be nice to have like multiple places where you can live.”

Max shrugged, knowing her attitude towards rich people. “It is nice, but you don’t really have time to enjoy it. I’d prefer one quiet house where no one would bother me when I’m in the garden or whatever. Anyway, my sister hates the house in Orange County because she just has a small room, she has to share her bathroom with everyone, and it’s too quiet for her up there.”

“Yeah, she strikes me as a party queen,” Liz snorted and then realized her ironic tone. “Uh, sorry, no offense.”

He laughed. “None taken. And I love her, but she can be a pain in the ass. She likes to play around with the press and wants to be in as many newspapers as possible, while I avoid them.”

“So… there’s nothing embarrassing yet,” Liz pushed.

“Impatient?” He chuckled. “We were up there for over a week or so already and you could tell Isabel was slowly but surely going crazy. She was bored like hell and ran around complaining about everything and everyone. Dad doesn’t want us to drive in the city a lot. We don’t have as much secret service with us up there and it just wouldn’t be really safe. I’m fine with it, but my sister… whole different story. The problem is, when she is bored, she gets a lotta stupid ideas.” He rolled his eyes. “One morning we had a fight about whatever during breakfast and afterwards she blocked the bathroom for hours, so I gave up yelling from outside the door and went to use the small bathroom with the shower in the pool house.”

“Uh-huh. Is this where the embarrassing thing starts?”

“Not yet,” he made a face. “The house is built with four walls, two of them are glass and totally moveable as well as half of the roof. So when there’s bad weather or overnight we have an indoor pool within those four walls and during the day we can open it up on two sides so the pool is outside.”

“Very practical,” she commented.

“Yeah… most times.” He shook his head. “Anyway, long story short, I went to shower and my sister thought it’d be funny to open the house up and steal my clothes.”

“Ouch,” Liz giggled and almost choked on her drink.

“When I stepped out, I really had no clue, so I didn’t bother to… ya know, hide anything with a towel.”

Her eyes grew wide when she pictured it. “Oh…”

“Yeah… A few photographers had made it up the hill to the borders of our property, but they have those telescopic lenses and I stood there… naked and without anything to wear, trying to make sense to what had happened. I really hadn’t expected the pool house to be open and I had to run about 30 feet to get into the house.”

Liz couldn’t help but laugh hard at the image. “Sorry,” she tried to get control back, but every time she looked at him, laughter broke out again.

“You think that’s funny huh?” He tried to act insulted, though he thought how wonderful her careless laugh sounded in his ears. “Bad thing was, it wasn’t only in the newspaper, no, it was on TV as well.”

“Really?” Liz laughed even harder. “That’s bad. Really bad.”

Max snorted. “Ya think? Humiliating would fit better. And ya know what really sucked?”

“What?” she asked.

“That my parents were mad at ME…. ME, ya know. Not Isabel, no.”

“Talk about unfair, huh?” She wiggled around to wrap her feet into the blanket even more.

“Yeah, best day of my life,” he told her with sarcasm and relaxed on the chair again, enjoying the chance to talk to Liz carelessly, even though she had no clue who he was. Or better yet, who he ALSO was.


“Okay, you’re off of girlfriend duty today,” Tess said to her best friend. It was already after 7pm and the benefit concert was coming to an end slowly.

“You sure?” Maria’s gaze wandered to Michael, who was standing a few feet away from them; the side of his body rested against a tree, while his hands were shoved into his pants pockets. They had been together for the whole afternoon and she wasn’t looking forward to ending their first date yet. And he hadn’t said anything about hanging out after the concert yet and she was really starting to wonder why. He had to like her, right? The last few hours he had tried to make body contact in more than one way, but the conversation was lacking now and then.

“Yeah, go ahead and make the rest of the day a real date,” Tess encouraged her. “I’ll be outta here soon too.”

“Not with Clayton I hope.”

The other girl laughed at the gagging sound her friend made. “No, no. I pawned him off on Michelle Davis when I couldn’t handle his narcissism anymore.”

“Thank God. He’s really unbearable.”

“But sexy,” Tess threw in.

“Well, maybe, but he really lacks in all the other ways.” Her eyes wandered back to her date.

Tess followed her view and rolled her eyes. “And Michael is prince charming, huh?”

“Didn’t say that, but at least he’s not as self-important.”

“You trust him enough to spend the rest of the day alone with him?” He seemed more harmless in the daylight, thought there was something mysterious about him, she had to admit that much.

“I think I’m good,” Maria nodded. Maybe he’s not even planning to hang out with me any longer anyway.

“Alright, then go and enjoy the night and later you’ll call me and give me the details.”

“I could do that.”

“Not could,” Tess denied. “You will!”

“Alright fine. I’m gonna call you,” Maria agreed and hugged her friend before she left to go back to Michael.

“You were right,” he said, when she came back.

“About what?”

“The music’s really bad.” His eyes wandered down to meet hers and he smirked. “So, so bad.”

She shrugged with a smile. “Told you so. But you can relax, the concert’s as good as over. No more bad stuff to listen to.”

“Can’t say I’m sorry about that,” he snorted and pushed himself from the tree to walk towards her. “Got any plans for the rest of the day?”

He’s so huge, she thought when he stopped right in front of her. Last night the height difference had been less because of the high heels she had worn, but now her face was only at the height of his chest. Her head fell back when she looked up at him. “Was hoping I had plans with you,” she said quietly.

A smiled played around his lips when he grasped her hands and guided her arms behind her own back while he leaned down to rest his forehead against hers. “Well, if that’s so, I guess I’ll stay.”

Maria could feel her knees weaken in response to his closeness. “What do ya want to do?”

He lifted his head again and looked around while he thought about something. His eyes met hers again after a minute. “You up for some walking?” Michael was glad she still wanted to stay with him. All afternoon he hadn’t been very talkative and if they had talked, it had been all about her. He knew if he wanted to have a chance of keeping her, he had to reveal who he really was and the sooner he did, the sooner he would know if she could live with it or not. He didn’t like the thought of talking to her about his life and the circumstances in it, but it was probably better to get the rejection from her now than later.

“Sure,” she nodded.

“There’s a place I wanna show you, it’s about a 20-minute walk from here, I think.”

“Let’s go then,” Maria agreed without hesitation, wondering where he wanted to go.

He looked down at her. Was this the right decision, he wondered and then decided that it was the right thing to do. If he was going to reveal a bit of himself, then at least it should be at a place that actually meant something to him.

“Let’s get something to east first though,” she considered. “I’m starving and we get it for free here.”

“Sure,” he agreed. It wasn’t like he had any money to BUY her something anyway, so he should be glad that she just went with the logical way. “What do ya want?”

“I’d die for some fries with the creamy cheese sauce and the little pieces of roasted bacon on top.” Her mouth watered at the thought of it.

He laughed and was glad when she didn’t consider some of the healthy salad crap most girls seem to favour. “Very good choice, M.” He dropped one of his arms, but kept holding one of her hands in his with the other. “Lead the way.”

“I think they have them over there,” she pointed at a small stand across the lawn. “I think they have burgers there too. I know you guys need meat.”

“Not really hungry at all,” he said with a shrug. Okay, that was a lie, but it felt wrong to let her buy the food, even though she wasn’t buying at all with the VIP card she had.

“Really?” She didn’t believe him. They hadn’t eaten anything yet and if he was like every other guy then he could eat all day. “I guess I’ll just order a few to go in case ya get hungry later.”

What could he say against that? ”Okay,” he agreed and followed her, but the weird feeling in his chest stayed.
