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Prisoners of the Past (CC, A/U, Adult) Part 10 - 1/22/12

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 1:42 am
by ArchAngel1973
mary mary: Perhaps… given the right incentive she might share.

begonia9508: Max will keep working on her. He hasn’t changed her opinions but he has given her something to think about.

DJ is a unique individual.

Liz will get to a place where that happens.

Max is going to keep her on her toes. She isn’t used to dealing with anyone like him so it should be interesting to watch.


dreamon: School has a way of doing that… I’m familiar with that dilemma. Glad you enjoyed the parts!

No, Hunter isn’t their biological child, but you wouldn’t know the difference, huh?

Liz did need that reality check and it’s been coming for a long time.

I love DJ too! Every girl should have a guy friend like him!

It’s funny you mentioned a scene with Liz teaching Max to swim, lol. I saw that when I wrote the scene where she attempted to drown the poor man.

Eva: DJ’s a great guy. Liz doesn’t realize what she has in her friends and even in her parents. She takes for granted that they’ll be there when she needs them.

Max has been kicked around by life but he’s a scrapper and he doesn’t know how to just quit. Being in prison gave him something to work for and he wants more out of life than he ever knew. Don’t worry, he’ll keep working on Liz.

angiebrenna: Liz does need a wakeup call and Max will be happy to give it to her.

Alien_Friend: Max will continue trying to get through to Liz. She’s hardheaded but there’s a part of her who wants someone to reach her. The Liz whisperer, huh? Lol, that’s great. We will be seeing more of DJ.

We’ll get them started hopefully on the right foot for their date.

Max is going to make the effort with her. He already knows she’ll be difficult and challenging but something about her draws him in so he’ll keep working on chipping away at those walls.

Liz will get to that place with Maria.

Michelle in LA: Thanks, I’m glad you like DJ. He does blow the stereotype out of the water, lol. But he’s a unique individual and certainly stands apart from the wealthy crowd in spite of being one of them.

It’s fun to play with the characters, put them in different situations and see how they react. I’m really enjoying this one.

It is difficult to understand how Liz can have any friends, much less friends like Maria and DJ. But they’ve stuck with her through thick and thin and will continue to do so until she can be honest with them and herself.

Liz has been painfully unfair to Max and he’s been a lot more patient than she deserves. He sees something in her though and for that he’ll try to reach her and understand why she acts the way she does. Perhaps in understanding he’ll be able to help her.

No, there’s no excuse for the way she acted towards/treated her friends. She does have a lot of love and support but until she opens up it can’t really help.

MP: Thanks, more on the way!

Part 10

Kyle braced one hand on the open refrigerator door and wrapped his left arm around his ribs as he bent over to examine the contents. He made a face and straightened up just as McKenzie came into the kitchen. Her green eyes flashed with annoyance when she saw that he was the first to be up and moving around. He knew Patrick had relieved her at 4am, taking over the watch and letting her catch a few hours of sleep, but she didn’t look like she had gotten a minute of rest.

“What’re you into now?” she asked grumpily.

“Just checkin’ out the options for breakfast. Figured it’s the least I could do since I’m takin’ up space but I’m not on the clock.” He gestured at the open refrigerator. “Kinda seems a little on the slim side.”

“We’re not runnin’ a catering service here, Valenti.”

“You know, it wouldn’t hurt to treat her – “

“Spare me the bleeding heart routine,” she said with a snort. “My job is to protect her and keep her alive. Nowhere in the job description did I read a single requirement for making friends with these people.”

“I’ll assume it hasn’t escaped your notice that your witness is pregnant.”

“And I’ll assume you have a point.”

“She needs to eat better than this. Considering the lack of food in the place I’m guessing you guys must eat a lot of takeout.”

“So now you’re an expert on pregnant women? Well, hell, Officer Valenti, maybe we should just put you in charge.”

“Detective,” he corrected her. “And what’s the big deal with lettin’ her know how her friend is?” He turned to lean back against the counter as he elbowed the door shut.

She narrowed her eyes at him. “Don’t question the way I do my job, Detective Valenti.”

He shook his head. “I wasn’t. You handle the job just fine from what I’ve seen. I have no doubt that anyone who comes after her will regret it. It’s your lack of compassion I question.”

“Compassion for criminals. Uh-huh, you must be the laughingstock of the NYPD.” She filled a mug with coffee, grabbed a day-old bagel, and left the room.

“You’re battin’ a thousand,” Patrick said, his tone amused.

Kyle turned his head to look at the agent. “Yeah, well, it’s not a popular concept and it has to be taken in context.”

The other man studied him as he went after the coffee. “It’s certainly an odd concept for someone in law enforcement.” He grabbed the sugar and dumped several teaspoons into the dark liquid. “I can’t say I understand it.” He sipped his coffee and nodded to himself before shrugging. “That kinda naïve thinkin’ might be understandable for a rookie, but you’ve been on the force long enough to know better.”

“At what point do we just throw in the towel? No, I don’t believe we can save every one of them but I do think if more effort was put into it we could actually make a difference.”

“I think you’re reachin’, kid, but you’re entitled to your opinion. You’re never gonna convince Mac though.”

“Just hear me out. The majority of offenders you deal with have a history of criminal behavior, right?”

Patrick nodded. “Sure.”

“They probably have rap sheets that go back to their teens and even further back in some cases. And in most cases there’s something that triggers their actions whether it’s abuse, neglect – “

“You’re dangerously close to excusing them.”

Kyle shook his head. “No, I believe people should be held accountable for their actions. But I also believe if we were more proactive with juvenile offenders we could decrease the number of adult offenders. How often do these kids get into trouble and instead of trying to reach them, guide them in the right direction, we just let them slip through the cracks and accept that the only future they have is behind bars?”

“Man, I see what you’re sayin’ but I don’t really see a way around it. By the time we deal with ‘em they’re either career criminals or they’re in too deep to ever really get out. These kids need more than a few hours of therapy or a few weeks in a rehabilitation program, and there just isn’t enough money to fund the kind of programs that would give them the intensive one-on-one time they really need.”

“I refuse to believe that.” He grinned. “There’s an answer out there and I’m workin’ on it. Maybe it won’t change the face of criminal justice but it might just save some kids from throwin’ their lives away on a life of crime.”

“Good luck with that. Word of advice though?”


“Don’t try to recruit Mac to your cause.” His eyes flicked to the doorway his partner had disappeared through. “Her first partner was killed by a 15-year-old gangbanger. She doesn’t have a lot of sympathy for criminals of any age.”

Her dislike seemed to go deeper than that, he thought but didn’t say it out loud. “That’s tough.”

Patrick made a sound of agreement before straightening up. “I’ll have to make a run to the store later today so I’ll make you a deal.”

Kyle’s eyebrow quirked in interest.

“I’ll pick up whatever you put together on a list but you’ve gotta do the cooking.” His cooking depended on whether or not there was a microwave available and Mac lived on takeout. “And me an’ Mac, we don’t do dishes.”

“Fair enough.” He shifted to look behind him. “The dishwasher work?”

“Far as I know.”

He grinned and nodded. “Sounds like we’ve got a deal. Now, for the hard part…”

“You don’t know when to quit do you?” Patrick asked. He knew what was coming. He had overheard the conversation between his partner and the detective.

“Get her the information she asked about for her friend. It’ll settle her down. She didn’t ask to have him informed about her whereabouts or what’s going on with her. She simply asked that someone let her know that he got out and he’s okay.”

“I’ll see if I can get anything but just outta curiosity… what’s it matter to you? You don’t even know this woman.”

Kyle just shrugged and changed the subject. “I’m hungry. Think I’m gonna make some pancakes.” He didn’t really understand it himself and until it made sense to him he sure wasn’t going to try to explain it to anyone else.

“Well, I’ll leave you to it then.” He drained his coffee and placed the cup in the sink. “I’m gonna catch some shuteye so try not to piss Mac off too bad.”

He chuckled. “No promises but I’ll do my best.”


Alex glanced up when the doorbell chimed and Isabel rested a hand on his shoulder as she got up. He nodded when she said she’d check on it and be right back. Absentmindedly he wondered why she was going to check when Elena would be at the door before the echoes from the doorbell even had the chance to fall silent.

“Well, first off, there’s no indication that she ever got custody of the boy after he went into the system,” Devon said. “If he spent time in the foster system then her claim that he was in trouble a lot may be true but her having to bail him out?” he shook his head. “I wouldn’t take that to the bank.”

“Considering her attempt to warn us off I’d say she doesn’t want us to find him.” He scratched his shadowed jaw.

“My guess would be that’s the last thing she wants.” He pursed his lips as he made more notations in the small pocket notebook he carried everywhere. “Now, she said she and Mr. Evans were separated at one point and she was involved with another man?”

“Yeah, she said they got back together and Max was born the following year. Apparently there were some problems and she changed the father’s name several times on the birth certificate. I think it was the other guy’s name, then Philip’s name, and after they broke up she had her name put on the birth certificate.” He shook his head. “She wouldn’t give up the first guy’s name though.”

“That’s okay. We have a time frame to work with and trust me, there’s always someone around who’s willin’ to talk. I’ll find someone who remembers.”

“She insisted that Philip was his father, but I knew him, Devon. The man would not have left any child of his with that woman.”

Devon smiled. “You’ve told me before that Isabel’s father was a stickler for details. That’s a good thing and it definitely works in our favor. You’re absolutely certain he wouldn’t have left the boy – “

“My dad would’ve never left him with that woman,” Isabel insisted as she rejoined them. “The only way he left Max there was if he didn’t have a legal leg to stand on, which means he couldn’t have been Max’s father.”

“Then I’d bet good money he had a paternity test done.”

“Something like that won’t be a matter of public record though,” Isabel mused.

“No, but if your father had a paternity test done my guess is he kept the results.” He looked at her. “You’re certain that it had to be negative for him to leave the boy with his mother so that won’t necessarily do us any good. It also won’t help us locate him. But don’t let that discourage you. I’ll start backtracking, dig around and see what I can find on the boy’s father.”

“Last time you stopped by you said you had some leads… has anything panned out there?”

Devon shook his head. “There’s no point pursuing those leads until we have more to narrow the list down.” He flipped the cover over on his notebook and held it up. “We’ve got a little more to go on than we did before your visit with your…” he nodded when her eyes narrowed, “with Ms. Richards,” he corrected himself. “I’ll start looking in that direction and see what turns up.” He stood and pocketed the notebook. “You can expect a call later in the week unless I run across somethin’ sooner.”

Alex looked at his fiancé after Devon had taken his leave. “Who was at the door?”

“Company for brunch.”

His brow furrowed. “I thought we were just having a late breakfast?”

“We are, but some friends called last night to say they were in town so I invited them over.”

He glanced down at himself. He was wearing a pair of loose-fitting jeans and a comfortable but worn shirt. “I’m not dressed for company.”

“I don’t think they’ll care how you’re dressed,” she said with a smile and stood. “C’mon in, guys.”

His eyes widened when conversation suddenly erupted and three guys burst into the room, shoving each other and pulling him to his feet for a round of back-slapping and manly hugs. “What’re you guys doin’ here?” he asked as they carefully lowered him back to the couch. It’s the middle of the tour.”

Shane Owens, tall with long blonde hair and green eyes, and sporting a three-day growth of beard threw himself down on the couch next to Alex. “Man, we had a couple days free between shows and decided to drop in on your gimpy ass.”

Isabel rolled her eyes and got up, excusing herself to check on brunch and giving the men some time alone. The first time any of them had made a comment like that she had come unglued. But she had quickly learned that it was how they dealt with their friend’s injuries. And ultimately, it kept things normal between them. They didn’t try to talk around Alex’s limitations, openly accepting them and including them in jesting.

“So how’re the legs?” George Stafford sat down in the chair facing them, his expressive features showing curiosity. He wasn’t quite as tall as Shane, and he had brown eyes and short dark hair that was graying at the temples.

“Getting stronger every day,” Alex answered.

The third man sat on the arm of the couch and leaned over to slap Alex on the shoulder. Dean Capriotti shook his shaggy blonde head. “So you’re getting upright and mobile, huh?” He picked up one of the crutches and studied it, his blue eyes tracing over the lightweight aluminum. “Are you up on your feet without ‘em yet?”

“Not for very long but at least I’m out of the wheelchair and Josh says I’m continuing to show improvement.”

“You been practicing?” Shane asked.

“When I can. We’ve been pretty busy here lately.”

Dean snorted and picked up the second crutch, slipping his arms through the cuffs and leaning his weight into them. “He’s got a hot babe at home,” he said, taking a few practice steps. “You think he’s practicing his music or his moves?”

Alex chuckled. “Don’t ever let Isabel hear you call her a hot babe.” He grinned and shook his head when the guys just looked at him. “Hey, I’m not denying that she is, just saying if she ever hears one of you say it out loud you’ll get an earful.” He sobered when he caught the look that passed between Shane and George. “You know, if you guys came to tell me my replacement’s become permanent you can just put it out there. I’ll understand.” It would hurt, but he would understand. He had been part of the large group for five years prior to the accident, enjoying the challenge of rock opera and the thrill of playing to packed venues. The shows were physically demanding and an amazing adrenaline rush and while he could still play he couldn’t give it everything with the physical limitations currently imposed on him. His replacement was doing a great job and he knew it was a possibility that at some point the guy would become a permanent fixture within the group.

“Told you guys he’d know somethin’ was up,” Dean said.

George elbowed him. “Jerry’s a gifted bassist but he’s not you. Brent isn’t interested in givin’ him your spot permanently,” he said, referring to the group’s founder.

“Yeah, besides,” Shane said as he stretched his long legs out, “Brent would never expect anyone to deliver that kind of news for him. The guy’s got too much class and he respects you too much.”

“So what’s going on if it’s not band-related?”

“Well, it is related to the band in a way,” Dean said as he hopped around on the crutches.

Shane cracked his knuckles. “I’m gonna need a best man and I wanted to know if you’d stand up for me.”

Alex felt his jaw drop in surprise. “You finally asked Emma to marry you?” His head snapped to the side when he heard an excited squeal and there was a flurry of activity and talking as two women rushed into the room and he was helped to his feet for another round of hugs. Emma Halstead, tall with long blonde hair, ice blue eyes, and sporting a large diamond engagement ring was a singer in the group. Lauren Brady, one of the keyboardists, was short with red hair, striking green eyes, and a bubbly personality. The women were talking rapidly, finishing each other’s sentences, and his head was turning back and forth as he tried to keep up with them.

Isabel stood in the doorway and smiled as she watched her fiancé, surrounded by friends and having a good time. He had spent most of his childhood and teen years studying classical music and he loved it but when he had been approached by Brent Owens about joining the group his passion for music had really emerged. Blending classical and rock music had pushed his talent to new heights and his love for it was obvious.

“Is he gonna recover enough to ever hit the road with us again?”

She turned her head to look at Dean when he paused beside her, his weight balanced on the crutches. “How old are you?”

He grinned unrepentantly and shook his head to get his hair out of his eyes. “Not that old.” He nodded over at the others. “Whatcha think?”

“I think if anyone can do it it’s Alex.” She believed that he would walk again, but she didn’t know if he would ever be able to handle the rigors of touring and performing several nights a week for months at a time. She hoped and prayed he would be able to return to the career he loved because she knew what it meant to him.

“I think you’re right,” he said quietly. “I know the food’s almost ready so I’m gonna go flirt with Elena.”

Isabel snorted softly and took the crutches from him. Elena enjoyed flirting with the attractive drummer so who was she to tell him no? They were a rowdy group but they were good people and she had gotten to know them very well in the time she and Alex had been together. They had spent plenty of time in their home since the accident, catching up with him between shows and on their downtime. She knew before the day was over the instruments would come out and for a few hours Alex would enjoy an evening where he didn’t think about his limitations. Afterwards, when the others had gone home, he would be contemplative for a while, musing over what he was missing by his inability to do what he loved. And then, once his doubts had surfaced and he faced them, they would be put away and his determination would take over again. She smiled and pushed away from the doorframe when he motioned for her to come over and join them.


Max rolled over and wrapped his arms around his pillow, enjoying the feeling of the crisp sheets against his skin. He was reluctant to get up but knew he needed to shower, do a load of laundry, and make something to eat before he met Liz for their walk. Date, he corrected himself. At least she had called it a date. She’d probably laugh until she made herself sick if she knew he’d never been out on a date.

He walked into the living room and threw the patio doors open, walking outside to inhale the cool morning air. Since this side of the house faced the privacy fence and he was virtually unseen by anyone at the house he had no qualms about stepping outside before getting dressed. He stood there for several minutes, enjoying the sun on his skin and watching a couple of squirrels chasing each other around a tree. A third squirrel was at the base of the tree, digging to bury or unbury something. He looked up when movement caught his eye and he frowned at the cat creeping along the top of the privacy fence that bordered the backyard. He stepped off of the porch to pick up one of the white rocks that were arranged around the flowers that had been planted to border the porch. He flicked his wrist, sending the small rock flying to smack against the fence and scare the cat off.

He supposed it was survival of the fittest but he hated seeing anyone bigger and stronger preying on those who were smaller and weaker. The squirrel had scurried up the tree, stopping halfway up and turning so it was facing the ground. It chattered angrily at the unknown source of the disturbance and after determining that the threat was gone it returned to the base of the tree and resumed digging.

Max smiled and turned to go back inside, stopping short when he found Liz standing so close.

“I’m on my way out for breakfast but I’ll be back at noon.” Her gaze traveled over him and she smiled in approval as she ran the tip of her forefinger over the waistband of his boxers. “It’s a shame you’ll have to cover all that skin up when we go out.”

His eyes dropped when her finger hooked in his waistband and gave it a tug. His eyebrows lifted at the piece of folded paper that she pressed against his abdomen before releasing his waistband to snap back against his body and hold the paper in place.

“See you at noon.”

He watched her walk away and wondered what was going on. She had changed tactics on him, which made him suspicious. He started to walk inside and felt the paper shift against his skin. He used his foot to shut the door and removed the paper, unfolding it and looking it over. He smiled as he read it over and stuck it to the refrigerator using one of the magnets stuck to the door.

He started walking to the bedroom to grab his clothes to toss them in the washer when he paused and turned, going back and pulling the paper off of the refrigerator. No need to leave that where her father or his parole officer could find it, he thought as he folded over the recent lab results that gave her a clean bill of health. That would just be difficult to explain. He put it in a safe place and went to start a load of laundry.

When the clothes were in the washer he considered his options for breakfast, finally deciding on a bowl of cereal that he ate while studying the list he had been sketching out. He was still trying to figure out where Ava could be and so far everything pointed to Damon. The condition of the apartment, the money stashed in the bathroom wall, her missing visits and not being there when he was released, it all suggested the man’s involvement. He had been back to the apartment, had pulled the money out, counted out the roll of hundred dollar bills, and put it back again. He just knew she had gotten involved too deeply with Damon, whether it was running drugs or… he swallowed with difficulty. God, he hoped it wasn’t anything worse than that.

She had become so withdrawn over time but she had refused to tell him what was going on. Part of it he knew was because their conversations had been monitored but that wasn’t the only reason. Something in her eyes had dulled and he knew the life she had been living had taken part of her soul the way she had told him it would. She had either seen or done something that was more than she could deal with. He had tried to ask the right questions, tried to get her to confide in him, but that last few months when she had visited him she had consistently steered the conversation away from her.

He finished his breakfast, tossed the clothes in the dryer, and went to take a shower. When he came back out wearing just a towel he wasn’t surprised to see Liz sitting at the kitchen table. He walked over to grab the notebook when he saw her flip the cover open and he carried it back to his room to put it away before going back to the kitchen. “You wanna break in here, go right ahead, but don’t go through my personal things.”

She tipped her head back to look up at him. “Who’s Ava?”

“None of your business.”

“Old girlfriend?” She studied his body language as he moved around the kitchen, straightening up. “Old lover?” She frowned when he continued to ignore her and she could see his jaw tightening. “Did she leave you when you went to prison?”

He slapped his palm down on the counter when she continued to question him. “What part of it’s none of your business do you not understand?” he bit out.

“Why don’t you want to talk about her?”

“Because it’s personal and again, none of your business.” He went to get his clothes out of the dryer and carried them into the bedroom so he could get dressed. She was asking questions he wasn’t prepared to answer and he didn’t want to spend the day pissed off so he took a few minutes to calm down before going back and facing her.

Liz got up and started to move around the kitchen. She wondered why he was so sensitive about some girl. Maybe they had been together and she had dumped him when he was sentenced. She had to take a different approach with him, give him space and let him come to her. The night before she had found herself really listening to what he was saying and while he hadn’t changed her opinion he had made her stop and think. She wouldn’t have stayed long enough for any other man to say so much and she wasn’t exactly sure why she had taken it from him.

She leaned back against the sink when she heard him coming down the hallway from the bedroom and her eyes traveled over him. The jeans he was wearing fit him better and the gray tee shirt was loose but clung to him just enough to hint at the muscles beneath the soft material.

“We can go,” he said as he waited near the doorway.

“Look, I know I can be too direct and sometimes people don’t like that.”

“You’re not direct,” he said with a shake of his head. “You’re rude and invasive. I don’t care if you ask questions but you have to be willing to let it go if I tell you to back off.”

“It’s just a question.”

He nodded and approached her, placing his hands on the counter on either side of her body. He watched her eyes darken and her breathing quicken. “And if I ask you why you’re on the verge of panicking anytime I get close like this… you gonna give me an answer?”


“Why not?”

“Because it’s none of your business!” Her hands clenched into fists against his chest.

“Exactly,” he said softly. He stared into her eyes. “How can you want to have sex with me when the very thought of me near you like this sends you into a panic?” He slipped his arms around her and reversed their positions, holding her against him but keeping his grip loose as he linked his hands at the small of her back.

“It’s not panic,” she denied, hearing the way her voice jumped with the adrenaline pumping through her system. Liz hated the feeling of panic that set in every time someone cornered her. It was something she couldn’t control no matter how hard she tried and it made her feel weak. It made her feel powerless. It made her feel like a victim all over again.

“Tell me one thing, Liz.”

Her hands were still fisted but they had loosened when she realized that he was holding her but there was no pressure in his embrace. “Tell you what?” she asked carefully.

“Did someone assault you?” He pressed a finger to her lips before she could answer. “It’s just a question and you don’t have to explain. Just a simple yes or no.”

She didn’t understand why she felt compelled to be honest with him. She could say it was because it was the only way she was ever going to get him into bed but she was honest enough with herself to know that wasn’t it. She struggled with the word as it stuck in her throat and her eyes watered as she looked away and gave a single nod.

Max felt something twist inside of him at the sight of the tears she was trying so hard to hold in and he reached up to gently brush away one that managed to escape. “Now ask me a question.”

“What?” she asked, her surprised gaze flying up to stare at him.

“Ask me a question.”

“A question… about what?”


“Is Ava your girlfriend?”


“Now what?”

He smiled at her. He wouldn’t push for information. He had a feeling getting that single nod out of her was more than anyone else had gotten so he called it a win and dropped the subject for now. She wasn’t going to respond well to him pushing about that topic so he decided to take it slowly and see what she would willingly reveal. “Now we go for a walk through Central Park like we planned.”

It wasn’t until that moment that Liz realized one of his hands rested on her hip and the other was massaging the back of her neck. She didn’t even know when he had moved them, when his arms had stopped caging her. Instead of pushing the way she normally would she decided to follow his lead and see where it would take them.

Prisoners of the Past (CC, A/U, Adult) Part 11 - 1/30/12

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 4:51 pm
by ArchAngel1973
mary mary: Max is making a solid effort to make something good out of what has been a bad situation.

Michelle in LA: Lol, that can be frustrating.

Yeah, Liz has some major learning to do. Another form of obnoxious… well, we’ll have to wait and see what else she has up her sleeve.

True, it does present a double standard.

Lol, there are locks on the doors at the guesthouse but after being in prison for so long he’s reluctant to use them. He’s made it a point to use them a few times but he tries to avoid the locks.

Chances are good that Max will turn the tables on her more than once. What does he see in her? Something the rest of us haven’t seen yet.

Without hope, what’s left? Hope is what keeps these characters going.

The ability to turn this type of situation around is an amazing gift. It’s often easier to turn back to what is already known rather than forge a new path.

itsme69: Hi! Glad you’re enjoying the story! I’m doing my best to update every week, usually on Sunday night, but occasionally on Monday evening.

begonia9508: Thanks!

Alex catches up with his band mates as often as he can, but with them on tour it’s been a while between visits. He does still practice though.

Max will continue taking her by surprise and pushing her to be better than she is.

You’re so right! She has to deal with what’s happened and move beyond it because she’s hurting not only others but herself as well.

dreamon: Thanks for reading!

MP: Lol, hey, any reason to like a Monday! Max has his job cut out for him with Liz but he doesn’t easily give up.

keepsmiling7: Thanks! There is a serious relationship between guys and the refrigerator.

Liz is definitely pushing things with Max. But, the good thing is he’s not a pushover, he pushes back.

angiebrenna: She is, yes. Liz isn’t about to accept that what he’s said is beginning to make her stop and think about the way she sees things.

Alien_Friend: He didn’t think she would either. Slowly but surely Max will do his best to get her to a better place.

It’s quite possible that there’s more to the story with Agent McKenzie. Patrick is pretty easygoing.

Kyle’s a great guy and he’s going to help Ava.

The pregnancy is part of the reason for Ava’s change in behavior.

Alex and Isabel will continue to be fascinating.

Part 11

Ava rolled over and stretched her arms over her head before bringing her hands down to rest on her belly. She lay unmoving for several minutes, waiting for the first morning kick to let her know everything was alright. She sighed when the kick finally came and just a few minutes later a second one followed. “I can’t wait to finally meet you,” she whispered. She smiled as she thought about the day she had found out she was pregnant. It had been terrifying at first because she was alone but as the hours had passed she had realized what a wonderful gift she had been given.

She had been halfway through her second trimester before she’d discovered she was pregnant and she had wanted so badly to talk to Max about it. But she had known it was dangerous to reveal that information when she knew for a fact that Damon had eyes and ears inside the prison walls. She couldn’t risk him knowing about the pregnancy. He would see her as more of a liability than she already was to him and his organization.

She stared at the door across the room as the pressure on her bladder increased. She started the process of getting out of bed and wondered how much bigger she was going to get. She hadn’t started to show until she was well into her sixth month and then her belly hadn’t seemed to want to stop growing. The doctor had assured her that was normal and he had insisted she wasn’t as large as she felt but it hadn’t made her feel any better.

When the doctor had surprised her with the news that she was pregnant she had known she had to get away from Damon and everything associated with him. If her child was going to have a chance at a decent life she had to start a new life and she had to do it the right way. She had gone to the baby’s father first because he deserved to know she was pregnant with his child.

Seth Mitchell hadn’t been a particularly kind man but by allying herself with him it had given her a certain amount of protection. He had started as a soldier in Damon’s organization and by the time Max had gone to prison Seth had worked himself up to the position of a lieutenant. He oversaw the gambling division for the organization and he had been over quite a few soldiers. He had been the preferential choice over the other lieutenants.

She had needed a man who was high enough in the organization to have a certain amount of authority and the man who ranked above Seth was Damon’s right-hand man. Pascal was a vicious man. She didn’t believe he had a conscience and she wasn’t sure if he or Damon was the man who should be feared most. Not that she had ever seen the head of the organization exhibit an ounce of conscience but she had seen what Pascal was capable in person.

There was nothing romantic about her relationship with Seth. It was a matter of convenience, a matter of providing herself with protection from other men in the organization. She knew how easily a woman could become a piece of property and she knew without a certain level of protection she could also end up being passed around between some of the men. The entire time she and Max had been involved with Damon’s organization she had been careful to keep her head down and study the other players involved.

Seth had been decent to her for the most part but there had been times when he hadn’t been interested in the word no. He had never physically forced her but she had quickly learned that saying no wasn’t a good idea. The threat that he might turn her loose had been enough incentive to give in. There had been a couple of times she had been backhanded for disagreeing with him about something and she knew it would destroy Max if she told him what was going on. They had both served their time and the news that she was pregnant had been her light at the end of that long dark tunnel. She knew Seth wouldn’t want the baby, she had no illusions about that. But there was a good chance he would help her get out. At least she had hoped he would.

He had been going over the reports of his soldiers’ activities when she had arrived at his house. She had spent time gauging his mood while she made dinner and by the time the dishes were washed she had determined he was in as good a mood as he ever was. He had been getting his information together for a meeting with Damon when she had approached him.


He had looked up at her, his green eyes expressing interest when she placed a Jack and Coke on the desk before him. “What’s up?”

“I need to talk to you.”

“I’m busy. Keep it short.” He turned back to his work.

She pushed down the hurt at his impatience even though she had known better than to expect anything else. “You said if I ever got pregnant – “

His head shot up and he reached for the glass. “Are you?”

She nodded. “I found out today.”

“You want to keep it.” He sighed heavily at her uneasy nod. “You can’t stay here.”

“No, I know that. You made it clear that you didn’t want ties and I respect that. But I can’t… I can’t have a baby and live this life.”

“You know what you’re askin’ me to do.” He shook his head. “You don’t just leave the organization. Damon won’t allow it.”

“He doesn’t have to know you helped me.” She dropped to her knees beside his chair and her hands gripped his forearm. “I would never tell anyone.” She had seen the slight softening in his eyes.

“You wouldn’t need to. Damon knows everything that goes on anywhere in his organization.”

“It’s my chance, Seth. I don’t want my baby to grow up living in fear. I want to have this baby and do regular mom stuff with him or her. I can’t do that living this life.”

He chewed on the inside of his cheek while he weighed his options. “If I agree to do this you know you can never come back.”

Ava shook her head. “I never wanted this life.”

“You would have to leave and get as far away from here as possible.”

“I know.”

He drummed his fingers on the blotter as his thoughts shot back and forth. “Can I assume you’ll be wantin’ to take Evans with you?”

“He’ll be out in two months. I know I can’t tell him what’s going on but he’ll go with me,” she said with certainty.

“How much time do we have before you start showing?”

Hope had soared at his question. The only reason he would ask is if he was considering helping her. “I don’t know. I’m already five months. The doctor said I probably hadn’t noticed the signs because of stress. He said it could be soon or it could even be a couple more months, it all depends on my body.”

“Then your body had better cooperate because we’ll only get one shot at pullin’ this off.” He lifted the glass to his lips. “You need me to sign anything to give you full custody or whatever?”

She shook her head and forced back the tears that wanted to fall at his easy dismissal of the life they had created together. “No.”

“Keep this to yourself and I’ll see what I can do.”

She squeezed her eyes shut because she didn’t want to remember what had happened after that but the memories rushed through her mind anyway.

It had been two weeks after she had gone to Seth and asked for his help. She had been at home in her own apartment when he had shown up and she had known immediately that something was very wrong.

“We need to go now. Damon’s on his way here.”

“What?” She had thrown a handful of clothes in a bag and followed him out the door. “Why?”

“He found out I’ve been working on a way to get you out. I made a mistake, trusted the wrong person.” He had put her in his car and slid in behind the wheel, gunning the engine and taking off. “I can get you to the docks.” He had outlined the plan, telling her where to go and who to meet but before they could reach the docks Damon’s men had cut them off.

They had been taken to one of the warehouses used by the organization and for the next few hours she had been forced to watch as Damon exacted revenge for Seth’s betrayal. He had died slowly, painfully, and she had been terrified when the head of the organization had finally turned to look at her, his ice cold eyes boring holes through her.

He had paused next to Seth’s lifeless body to wipe the blade of his knife clean against what was left of the shirt the man had been wearing. He straightened up and stepped over the body to stand before her and she swallowed hard when she felt the cold steel rest against her cheek for a moment.

“All this time I’ve kept Evans safe and this is how you repay that debt?”

“I repaid my debt by getting so deep in – “

The back of his hand landed against her cheek so hard she had seen stars. “You will never repay that debt!” he roared. “You think I won’t have him killed for this? I will have that street rat carved up into a thousand pieces and fed to my dogs.”

“No! No, he doesn’t know anything about this! I swear to you, Max knows nothing!”

His lips curled up in a snarling smile. “Do you understand what it means to bite the hand that feeds you?” He pressed the tip of the knife against the pad of his thumb. “I took your ungrateful homeless ass in off of the streets! I gave you jobs when no one else would so much as look at you! And you repay me by turning on me?!”

“I just wanted out, Damon. I’m…” she couldn’t tell him about the baby. So far he hadn’t said a word about her pregnancy and she didn’t want to risk it if he didn’t know. “I’m tired of living like this.”

“That’s a problem we can settle in a way that benefits both of us.”

Before he had been able to carry his threat out wailing sirens had started to come closer and flashing red and blue lights had shown through the high windows. Gunfire had broken out as cops had burst into the warehouse and in the chaos Damon and his men had scattered. They had managed to escape capture and amid all the confusion she had disappeared into the night.

She was brought out of her thoughts when someone knocked on the door and she cleared her throat as she hurried to dry her eyes. The agents had a habit of opening the door whether or not she called out to give her consent and she didn’t want them to see her looking like she was upset. She frowned when the knock came again, not insistent but sounding more like a hesitant request. It had to be the cop. With a little creative maneuvering she was able to get up and she crossed the room to open the door.

And it was the cop. Blue eyes, shaggy hair, and a scruffy not-quite-beard, it was an attractive package. But it was the compassion, the quiet unassuming way he had of caring for a woman he didn’t even know, and the gentle way he had of showing concern that spoke to her. She didn’t know why he kept making an effort with her because she had done nothing to encourage it. The agents who had been handling her had never gone out of their way to be more than professional, the district attorney who came out to go over her testimony was distant, and she had gotten used to being treated like she was beneath them because of her past.

“Hey, thought you might like some pancakes,” he said with an affable grin. “Although if she’s not in the mood for pancakes I can always try to come up with somethin’ else.”

Ava tried not to smile at him but it broke through anyway. “Do you actually know how to make anything else?” He had made pancakes for dinner the night before and she had enjoyed them.

“Sure, there’re one or two other things I know how to make.”

“Well, you’ve already made the pancakes and they seemed to make her happy so there’s no need to go to more work.”

Kyle’s eyebrows lifted in interest. “She liked ‘em? How do you know?”

She shrugged and her hands settled on her belly, covering it protectively. “She moves a certain way when she’s happy. Just like she jumps when a loud sound startles her.”

“She can really hear things in there?”

Ava smiled softly. “Yeah. I was reading a book about that and it said she can probably hear male voices better because of the pitch. It also said she’d be able to recognize different voices.” She sighed and rubbed her belly. “I think that’s just amazing.”

“I heard that you can play music for babies.”

Her eyes lit up with excitement. “Yes! She loves rock. She gets really active, or she used to before she started getting bigger, but that’s when she really gets active with music. Classical puts her to sleep, which makes sense because it puts me to sleep too.” She made a face. “I’ve tried exposing her to different kinds of music just to see how she reacts.”

“What’s she think about country?”

“She kicked a lot.”

“Maybe she’s gonna be a country dancer.”

She snorted. “I think she was kicking because she was objecting to the wailing racket.”

He laughed. “Well, it’s not everybody’s preferred taste in music.” He hooked his thumb over his shoulder. “I’d better get breakfast on the table. I had Patrick make a quick run to the store so there’s milk too.” He paused and turned his head to look at her as he stood in the doorway. “Oh, and he put a call in to his home office, made a request to get information about your friend so maybe you’ll hear somethin’ soon.” He rapped his knuckles against the frame and nodded at the hallway. “Breakfast is ready when you are.”

She gnawed on her bottom lip for a moment before calling out to him.


“Thanks for checking.”

He smiled. “Ah, I just asked him to look into it.”

“Yeah, well, that’s more than anyone else has done, so… thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”


Central Park was active as Liz walked beside Max and they followed one of the paths that wound through the park. He pointed out specific attractions throughout the park and told her everything he knew about them. She was surprised that he knew so much about the park. “How do you know all that?”

He shrugged. “I did a lot of reading in prison.”

“You have an interest in parks in general or just this one?”

“I never really thought about it one way or the other until I was on the inside. You don’t really give all this much thought until it’s taken away.” He inhaled deeply and nodded up ahead. “Ice cream?”

“Sure, why not?”

“Favorite flavor?” he asked as he turned to walk backwards.


“Really? Somehow I would’ve pegged you for having a preference for some exotic flavor.”

“No, just plain old vanilla.”

He grinned when he heard the defensive edge that crept into her voice. “I’ll grab a couple cones and be right back.”

Liz couldn’t decide if he had been making fun of her or not and she hated not knowing something like that. She was watching him as he talked to the vendor and ordered the ice cream when someone called her name and she turned, one slow step at a time as she sought out the owner of the voice. She smiled when she spotted the man with the athletic build jogging towards her.

“What’re you doing out here?” he asked.

“Taking a walk in the park,” she answered, her tone disinterested.

“Uh-huh, I seem to recall you had a preference for indoor activities,” he said with a laugh as he wrapped his arm around her waist and swung her around.

“Stop, Scott,” she laughed and pushed against his chest.

His smile slipped when a man approached them clearing his throat. He frowned, not liking the way the guy was looking at them. He was so caught up in the menacing expression on the man’s face that he didn’t even notice the ice cream cones in his hands. “Maybe we should take off.”

“What?” She turned to follow his gaze. “That’s just Max. He’s…” she caught herself before she could say he was harmless. She didn’t know him that well but she didn’t believe he was harmless.


“We were just taking a walk, that’s all.”

His features expressed disbelief. “Liz,” his gaze slid over Max dismissively, “this guy’s way out of your class.”

Max held the vanilla cone out to Liz when he reached them and he motioned to the man holding her, waiting for an introduction. His amber eyes held an unspoken challenge as he stared the intruder down.

“Max, this’s Scott Fitzgerald.”

Scott straightened up and held his right hand out. “Max. Are you two… on a date?” he asked, his tone indicating the absurdity of such a thing.

“We’re just going for a walk, Scott.” Liz looked away to avoid the look she could feel being leveled at her from both directions.

“So where did the two of you meet?”

“You’re familiar with the program Mr. and Mrs. Evans run?” He was pissed that Liz was acting like he was a second class citizen.

“Oh, you’re one of those people,” Scott said, withdrawing his hand and wiping it on his pants.

“Yeah, fresh out of prison. You might wanna back away before you catch somethin’.”

“I need to get back to the guys.” He looked at Liz. “Call me.”

Liz was furious. “I can’t believe you just said that to him!”

“You shouldn’t have agreed to go out in public with me if you were gonna act like that!” he snapped.

“I would’ve been perfectly content to keep it behind closed doors but that wasn’t good enough for you.”

“What’d you want me to say, Liz? Did you want me to stand there and wait while you came up with some reason for bein’ with me?”

“Do you even have any friends?”

“That guy isn’t your friend!” He threw his ice cream in a nearby trash receptacle. “I do have a friend, and you know what? She wouldn’t like you. Matter of fact, she’d wanna give me a fuckin’ earful about even associating with you because you’re a snotty little bitch! But you know what? She wouldn’t treat you the way you just treated me.”

“You didn’t need to announce you had just gotten out of prison! Do you have any idea how humiliating that was for me?”

“Why the hell should it be humiliating for you? You’re not the one who was behind bars. If it’s that big of a deal for you then just go home right now before your reputation gets tarnished because I am who I am, Liz. I’ve made my mistakes and I’ve paid for them. I know society will judge me probably for the rest of my life for what I did in the past but I’m not interested in bein’ with a woman who’s gonna expect me to defend myself to her and her uppity friends.”

“You’re the one who told Scott you’re an ex-con.”

He fell silent at that. “The guy asked if we were out on a date and you looked like you wanted to crawl under a rock rather than say yes. If it’s that much of an embarrassment to you then let’s just put an end to this right now.”

“You don’t want people to judge you for your mistakes and I don’t want people to judge me either. You have to live with your past – “

“I can live with mine.” Max pressed his forefinger to her lips. “And you have to live with yours. You might be from a family that’s better than well off; you might have the right education, drive the right car, and know all the right people, but none of it’s made you happy, has it?”

“You don’t know anything about me,” she protested.

“Tell me you’re happy.”

“I am happy,” she insisted.

He nodded. “Now say it like you mean it. Money might make life a helluva lot easier but I ain’t ever seen it make anybody really happy.”

“That’s the kind of thing people who don’t have money say to make them feel better.”

“And that’s the kind of narrow-minded thing people with money say because they’ve never had to worry about where their next meal’s coming from.” He shook his head at her undignified snort. “You don’t know what that’s like.”

She rolled her eyes and started walking again, tossing her own ice cream in the trash and wiping her hands off before sending the napkin in the same direction. “And I suppose you do.”

“I know what it’s like to go days without eating.”

“Where were your parents?”

“I have no idea who my father is and my mother took off when I was six.”

“She took off?” She stopped walking and turned around to look at him. “What, you mean she left you with relatives?”

“No, I mean she left me in our apartment alone. No one to watch me or feed me or anything else. She just took off and left me there. And she never came back. More than a week passed before anyone even realized I was there.”

“I’m sorry,” she said quietly. “I didn’t know.”

“How could you? You like to think you know everything about everyone after taking a single look at them.” He held his arms out at his sides. “What do you see when you look at me?”

“I don’t know.” She shrugged. “An ex-con who says he wants to go straight.”

He slowly lowered his arms and nodded. “You don’t see a man, you see an ex-con.” He slapped his hands against his chest. “You don’t see me. And you never will unless you make an effort to see beyond my record. Obviously you wanna get laid and I’ll be more than happy to take you up on that offer but I’m not interested in a one-night stand with you.”

Liz couldn’t control the look of confusion on her face. “Why? I don’t think you even really like me.”

He shrugged. “But I’m willing to get to know you if you’ll quit bein’ so damn stubborn and just open up.”

“You want to get to know me,” she said slowly.

“So take a risk and get to know me. Maybe you’ll find out that I’m actually a pretty good guy.”

“You mean, go out on actual dates. Do the things normal couples would do.” She toyed with that idea, her interest at war with the part of her that saw him as nothing more than a criminal. “My parents would find out.”

“I’d rather your parents know if it’s all the same to you. They took a big chance taking me in like they’ve done. Hell, they’re still taking a big chance on me. I don’t want to start out sneaking around behind their backs.”

“Are you willing to let me pick up the check once in a while?”

He shifted uncomfortably. He might not know a lot about dating protocol but he wasn’t very comfortable with letting her pay for dinner or whatever.

“Look, you want me to give this a shot, get to know you for who you are, right? Well, sometimes I like to go out to nice restaurants or clubs, and while I know my dad pays his employees well I also know how expensive some of my tastes are. So, sometimes I think I should be allowed to pick what we’re doing or where we’re going and if it’s something more expensive you should just suck it up and let me pick up the check.”

“Alright,” he said finally. “I guess that’s only fair. It’s what you’re used to and I probably can’t afford your preferences.”

“You can’t,” she said honestly. “But I don’t go out like that every night either.”

“Then I think I can live with that.” They resumed walking again. “But I’m serious about tellin’ your parents and I should probably be the one to talk to them.”

Liz didn’t bother telling him that her parents would probably try to warn him away from her rather than the other way around. She didn’t know how this thing would work out. She was used to having money and he was used to having nothing. She wasn’t even sure what she wanted out of this thing other than getting into his bed. “So where should we go on our first official date?”

He smiled. “I was thinkin’ maybe we could double with Maria and Michael.”

“Max,” she huffed.

“You don’t want to fix things with her?”

“Not in public.”

“Maria would probably be willing to meet you so you could apologize and explain yourself.” He scratched his chin. “Your parents do have a pretty fancy barbecue area and Michael does like to grill.”

“What, like invite them over?”

“Why not? You’ve had them over before haven’t you?” His eyebrows lifted when she looked away. “I thought you said she was your friend?”

“She is. Michael and I don’t get along though so I never really saw the point.”

“The point is she’s your friend and at the very least you should make an effort with the guy she’s with. Not for him, but for her. The guy treats her right, he seems to be a decent guy, he works hard, and whether you like him or not really isn’t relevant. I don’t think Maria’s askin’ you to like him, just respect the fact that she likes him.”

“Just the four of us?”

“Surprise her and invite Hunter too. Make the effort, Liz. She’s not the only one who needs it.”

Liz was quiet as they continued walking, thinking over what he had said. Maybe she could invite them over. It would be easier than waiting for his parole officer to approve another visit out of the city. Although they would be on her turf and Michael might say no to that offer on the spot. But if Maria was willing to talk to her she knew he would listen to her. He usually did. She sighed. She didn’t really have a choice if she wanted to try to salvage her friendship with Maria.

Prisoners of the Past (CC, A/U, Adult) Part 12 - 2/7/12

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 2:33 am
by ArchAngel1973
MP: Thanks! It’s been a bit hectic, but I’m back!

mary mary: I appreciate your determination. Timely… I’m doing my best to keep up with that, lol.

angiebrenna: Kyle’s pretty great. Ava did make a narrow escape. Max isn’t very good at sugarcoating things, which is good because Liz needs to hear it like it is. Liz does react without thinking.

begonia9508: Liz has some learning to do.

There is a reason for her attitude, but not an excuse.

We’ll have to wait and see if Damon has any luck in that department.

Seth and Ava were both involved in Damon’s organization.

Michelle in LA: Max is showing remarkable restraint with Liz. She’s slowly learning from him and will continue to do so. Max’s mother did have many options at her disposal and the choice she made has had long-reaching repercussions.

Kyle has an interesting view and it isn’t one that many in his field have or support. He’ll be good for Ava. The agents who have been protecting her do their job and nothing more, nothing less. Her cooperation... well, we’ll have to wait and see.

keepsmiling7: The situation between Max and Liz is unusual for sure. This is new territory for him and he knows he isn’t prepared for a woman like Liz so he’s trying his best to do things right.

clueless: Thanks for reading!

Eva: I’m glad you’re enjoying Max here. He has a unique way of seeing things and he’s been through enough that he knows better than to take things at face value. He does have a tendency of saying exactly what he things and that is something that could be very good for Liz.

Ava faced a tough choice but she did what was right for her and her baby. Kyle does live by a code of honor and unfortunately his beliefs are not shared by many in his field. Ava and Kyle are going to be good for each other.

Alien_Friend: Liz does want to make things right but she has no idea how to begin fixing what she’s broken. She’ll have to take it one step at a time.

Ava has been through a lot and she has more of her story to tell. Seth definitely paid the ultimate price by trying to help Ava out of that life.

Part 12

On Wednesday morning it started to rain and it continued to pour well into the afternoon. Max stepped out of the restaurant and waited under the cover of the entrance to see if the rain would lighten up. It was warm outside and he knew once the rain stopped and the sun came out it would be miserably humid.

“Hey, handsome, need a lift?”

He looked down at Dottie, the 47-year-old woman who worked as the restaurant’s pastry chef. She was a small woman who held her age well. She was intelligent, witty, and she had kept her distance from him since he had started working for Jeff. “No, I’m just gonna head over to the – “

“Nonsense. Come with me and I’ll give you a ride home.” Not taking no for an answer she handed him her umbrella and led the way to her car.

Max hurried to follow her, holding the umbrella over her head so she wouldn’t get soaked. Once they were safely tucked away inside her car, the closed umbrella resting on the floor between his feet he turned his head to glance at her. “This really isn’t necessary.”

“I think maybe I’ve given you the wrong impression.”

He shrugged one shoulder. “Not everyone’s comfortable bein’ around someone fresh outta prison. I can respect that.”

She smiled and started the car. “I’ve been dealing with some personal things and didn’t really realize that I hadn’t even given you much of a welcome until Jeff asked me if there was a problem the other night.” She pulled out onto the street and merged into the busy traffic. “So I thought the least I could do in light of that oversight was to get you in out of the rain.”

“It’s just rain. It doesn’t bother me if I get a little wet.”

“I don’t mind a little rain myself but this,” she gestured at the wipers that were struggling to keep up with the rain, “this is a bit more than I care for when I’m out walking.”

“Well, I appreciate it.”

They talked throughout the drive and he quickly realized that she was actually very friendly… and very lonely. He had heard talk around the kitchen that she was divorced but it wasn’t until talking to her that he learned how recent it was. She had two children who were well into adulthood now and even though she excused their absence in her life, claiming they were busy with hectic careers, he could hear the sadness in her voice.

“Have you ever been to a Broadway show, Max?”

“Broadway, like a musical?”

“I’ll take that as a no,” Dottie laughed. “Would you be interested in taking in a show with a woman who’s more than old enough to be your mother?”

“Is it expensive?”

“Well, I’ve had the tickets for a while.” She glanced at him and smiled. “I just love the Lion King and it’s not much fun to go alone.”

He scratched his neck. He had no idea what to expect from a Broadway show but what would it hurt to spend an evening out with a co-worker who was lonely? “Okay, but on one condition.”

“Really?” She smiled brightly but a moment later it faded. “Are you sure? It’s on Friday night and you probably already have plans.”

“I’m sure.”

“Alright, what’s your condition?”

“I pay for dinner.”

She pulled up in the circular drive in front of the Parker residence. “I think that sounds more than fair.”

They made their plans and set up a time to meet before saying their goodbyes. Max got out of the car and ran around to the back, running into the gate when he tried to unlatch it without stopping. He cursed under his breath and ran the rest of the way to the guesthouse, pounding up onto the porch and coming up short when he saw the man sitting in one of the chairs set up on either side of the window that faced the main house.

“Officer Valenti,” he said, trying to control the surprise in his voice.

“Max, how’s everything going?”

“Um, things are good.” He dug around in his front pocket to get his keys. “Did we have an appointment?”

“No, just droppin’ in to see how things are going with the job. Thought maybe we could sit down and talk for a bit and I could get a feel for how you’re settling into life.”

“Okay.” He knew his parole officer could drop by anytime and anywhere but he hadn’t expected him to show up today.

James watched the younger man as he unlocked the front door and then stepped aside, waiting for him to enter first. “Your place, Max, I’m just here to take a look around and check on you.” He motioned for him to go inside and then he followed him.

“Right.” He walked into the house and flipped the light switch on since the overcast afternoon didn’t provide much in the way of light. He stood back while Officer Valenti moved through the rooms, opening up drawers, cabinets, and closets as he inspected the residence.

“I spoke with Jeff and he says you seem to be adjusting fairly well. You’ve settled into the job at the restaurant and you’re taking it seriously.”

Max nodded. “It’s a good job.”

James settled into one of the chairs in the living room and balanced his clipboard on his right knee. “So what’re you doing in your spare time?”

“I spend a lot of time in Central Park, spend time with Michael and Maria, you know, the couple I requested permission to…” he trailed off when his parole officer nodded. “Yeah, um, once in a while I spend some time with the Parker’s daughter, Liz.”

The older man raised an eyebrow at that. “You’re dating?”

“Yeah… well, no… I mean, I don’t really know what we’re doin’.” He rubbed his temples. “I talked to her about it recently and I told her I would talk to Jeff about it.”

“That’s a rather ambitious move.”

“Ambitious?” He tried not to squirm when the man stared at him. “I don’t understand.”

“Sleeping with the Parker’s daughter probably isn’t the wisest thing you could do.”

“Well, we’re not uh… I mean, we haven’t…”

James held a hand up and bit back a grin at the younger man’s nervous stuttering. “You don’t have to explain what you do in that area of your life, Max. It’s just a little friendly advice. Most parolees don’t have this kind of opportunity. The Parkers have provided you with a place to stay, they’ve put you into a job and included job training, and they pay a decent wage. You don’t want to screw this up.”

“That’s why I wanted to speak with Jeff.”

“And if he tells you to stay away from his daughter?”

Max gritted his back teeth together. “I’ll respect his wishes.” He had no idea how he would manage that but he couldn’t risk screwing up his parole either.

James nodded. “That’s a smart decision.” He leaned forward and tapped the brochures lying on the coffee table. “You’re looking into some college courses. That’s good. Got anything lined up yet?”

“I thought maybe I’d start with just one class and ease myself into it. I can combine online learning and attending classes on campus. I was thinking about maybe taking a psychology class.”

“Well, that’s a course that’ll require some serious study.” He chuckled to himself. “That’s probably a good course to take. You’ll be jumping in with both feet for sure.” If Max was serious about this he would have to buckle down and work hard to earn good grades. He slapped his clipboard against his thigh as he stood up. “I’ll be getting back to the office now.” He shook the younger man’s hand when he followed him to the door. “Take care of yourself, Max, and I’ll see you next time.”

“So… I’m okay?”

“Keep doing what you’re doing, Max. You’re doing well and I’d rather not see that change.”

Max slumped back against the door when he was left alone and he sighed in relief. God, what if Liz had paid one of her surprise visits and been naked in his bed when Officer Valenti had showed up? He was sure the man had walked in on similar situations more than once in his career but Liz wasn’t just some girl. She was Jeff and Nancy Parker’s daughter and without them he had no idea where he would be right now.

He jumped when the door thumped against his back as someone knocked on the door and he jerked around to pull it open. His gaze slid over Liz as she stood there soaking wet and waiting impatiently to be invited inside.


He stepped back, surprised that she had actually stayed on the other side of the door. “Look, maybe this isn’t the best time. My parole officer was just here…”

“I saw James on my way back here.”

He winced. Of course, she was on a first-name basis with the man. “Right, I forgot, you know him.”

“Um-hmm, my parents have been involved in the program for a long time, Max.” She leaned in close to him. “Have you talked to my dad yet?”

“No, I was gonna catch up with him at lunchtime but one of the freezers went down so he was pretty tied up. I asked him if I could catch up with him after my shift tomorrow and he said barring any further equipment malfunction he’d make sure he set some time aside.”

“You ride to work with him every morning, Max!”

“Yeah, and I’m not gonna start the day off by askin’ your dad if he has any problems with me dating his daughter. Because if he does have a problem with it that’ll set the tone for the whole day.”

“I don’t see why you need to ask my dad if you can date me. I am an adult and we’re not living in the dark ages.”

“I don’t have to ask your dad but it’s a matter of respect. After everything he’s done for me it’s the least I can do.”

She sighed in frustration. “But you still won’t get naked with me until you’ve talked to him.” She looked up at him through her eyelashes. “Unless you’ve changed your mind…”

His eyes wandered down over the shirt clinging to her wetly like a second skin and he shook his head as he swallowed hard. “No, I haven’t changed my mind. You certainly aren’t making it easy but it’s important to me that we wait.”

She grumbled under her breath. “Do you have something dry I can change into?”

He gestured to the hall that led to the bedroom. “Go for it.” As soon as she disappeared from sight he walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator, staring at the contents for a moment before shutting that door and opening the freezer. He groaned in frustration and dropped his head forward to rest against a frozen pizza. God, he was never gonna make it that long!

“So if you talk to my dad tomorrow…” she hollered from his bedroom.

He jerked and smacked the back of his head against the inside of the freezer. “Damn it!” he snarled as he rubbed the throbbing spot.

“Tomorrow’s Thursday so we should go out Friday night.”

He walked out of the kitchen and walked into the living room, swallowing hard when he saw her coming in from the hallway. “Yeah, um, I’ve already got plans for Friday night.” He did his best to ignore the bare skin below the hem of the tee shirt she had gotten from his closet.

Liz froze halfway to the kitchen, slowly turning to look at him. “Wait, what do you mean you have plans?”

“I meant exactly what I said.” He left her standing there gaping at him while he went to change his clothes.

She snapped her mouth closed when she realized she was staring after him with what had to be an unattractive expression on her face. She threw her clothes into the dryer and took a moment to pull herself together. Who could he have plans with? She wasn’t going to ask. That would imply that she was jealous. Which was just ridiculous, she thought with a snort. He was free to see whoever he wanted. She was only going along with this dating thing because it was the only way to get him where she wanted him. She hadn’t seriously dated anyone since… well, since DJ. She dated on occasion but it was more for show than anything else.

She went back into the living room and leaned in the doorway, watching him as he carried a book to the chair he favored and dropped it on the cushion. He had changed into a plain white tee shirt and a pair of worn jeans that fit him comfortably. She wrinkled her nose. He had obviously been shopping at the local thrift shop again.

“Why don’t you buy new clothes?” she asked when he came into the kitchen and started pulling things out of the refrigerator.

He shrugged. “Tee shirt’s new.”

She reached out to tug on one of the belt loops that had been torn loose from the jeans. “These are… they’re old.”

“They’re comfortable,” he countered. “And I only paid five bucks for ‘em.”

“But someone else wore them.”

He glanced at her over his shoulder as he reached for the carton of eggs. “So? I do know how to use the washing machine, Liz. There’s nothing wrong with buying clothes that’re second-hand.”

“I guess,” she said but her tone clearly indicated that she didn’t understand why anyone would shop at a thrift store. She hopped up to sit on the counter and watched him pull things out of the refrigerator and set them on the counter. “What do you have to drink?”

“Juice, milk, water, oh, and root beer.”

“Nothing alcoholic?”

He shook his head. “I don’t keep anything alcoholic in the house. My P.O. didn’t say I couldn’t drink but he suggested if I do I keep it in moderation. If I want a drink I can go out.”

“Are you an alcoholic?”

He snorted and grabbed a bowl from the cabinet. “No, I’m not.”

She tilted her head to one side as she studied him. “But you have some sort of addiction,” she guessed. “Drugs?”

“Yeah, cocaine specifically since I’m sure that’s your next question.”

“Why would you get involved with drugs?”

“Why do you sleep around?” he shot back.

“I do not sleep around,” she said and crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m selective.”

“Uh-huh. And you just happen to keep a copy of your test results – “

“That just happens to be good common sense.” She dropped her arms when she realized how defensive her posture was. “Why should I apologize for enjoying sex?”

“I wasn’t suggesting you should.” He cracked several eggs into the bowl and tossed the shells. “I do think you should probably be more discriminating.”

“You think I just sleep with any guy who crosses my path?”

He smirked at her offended tone. “You knew me how well when you came onto me the first time? And how much better did you know me when you planted yourself in my bed practically naked?”

“Most guys would’ve just gone for it.”

“Yeah, well, I’m not most guys. And I know that anything that seems too easy or too good to be true usually is. You might’ve been lookin’ to get laid but you were gunnin’ for me before you ever even set eyes on me. I hadn’t done anything to you or even crossed your path and you came at me with both barrels.” He shook his head. “If I had to guess I’d say you intended to sleep with me and then accuse me of – “

“What, you think I would’ve accused you of rape?”

“Wouldn’t you?” He moved to stand in front of her, keeping his arms at his sides. “You’ve got somethin’ against ex-cons and I’m an ex-con, so what other reason would you have had for having sex with me? You barely even know my name before you started feelin’ me up and I’ve got a newsflash for you, Liz. If the tables had been turned and I’d had my hands all over you like that my ass would’ve been right back behind bars.” His eyes bore into hers. “And you would’ve had every right to file a complaint and press charges because that kind of behavior crosses all kinds of lines.”

“I do have issues with ex-cons, I’ll give you that one. But,” she shook her head, “it was never my intention to accuse you of rape or have you arrested for it.” She looked down at the floor. “I figured you’d be well on your way back to prison without my help. I just wanted a piece of you before that happened.”

“Good to know.” One side of his mouth lifted in a half-smile. “You know, I’m an ex-con and nothin’ I do will ever change that but you might just be surprised if you actually focus on who I am rather than what I’ve done.” He brushed his fingertips against her jaw and tipped her chin up so he could look into her eyes. “Respect is a two-way street.”

“Respect,” she muttered. “You insist on having my dad’s permission before we can date but you’ve already made plans with someone else for Friday night.”

The grin erupted before he could stop it and he laughed at the annoyed look on her face. She was jealous! “I agreed to go out with a co-worker because she seemed lonely and at the time I didn’t have any other plans.”

“Which co-worker?”

“Does it matter? If my intention is to ask your dad about dating you I’m obviously not gonna be screwin’ around on you.”

“But you have a date,” she gritted out.

“No, I said I had plans. With Dottie.” He moved back to the bowl before temptation got the best of him. “And while I have no problems with the older woman/younger man relationships, she’s old enough to be my mother.”

“You’re going out with Dottie? I mean, she’s nice but what could you have in common?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“What’re you making?”

“I’m attempting an omelet.”

“Isn’t that what you were making the other day?”

“I like omelets and one of these days I’m gonna get it right.”

Liz dropped to her feet and nudged him out of the way. “You’re doing it wrong.” She motioned for him to stand beside her.

“You can cook.”

“Don’t sound so surprised.” She rolled her eyes. “I grew up in a restaurant. Here, watch me.” She went through the process of cooking the egg and spreading the ingredients over it before folding it over and then sliding it onto a plate. “And that is how you do it.” She searched the drawers for a fork and cut into the omelet, spearing the bite and offering it to him.

His eyebrows lifted and he nodded. “That’s good.”

“Of course it is.” She backed away with the fork and plate before he could swipe another bite. “Nope.” She pointed at the bowl. “You want one, you make it.”

“That’s cruel.” He frowned at the perfectly-shaped omelet on her plate, the filling all nicely tucked inside. Somehow his always ended up falling apart and everything that was supposed to be on the inside ended up as a scrambled mess. “The egg always falls apart, like it’s too soft or something.”

“You’re using too much milk in the egg mixture. You want just enough to thin it, but you don’t want to overdo it.”

He followed her instructions as she walked him through the process, sharing bites of her own omelet while he worked. She tried not to laugh when he turned the omelet and the egg tore in half but the look of disgust on his face was more than she could ignore. “I told you,” he growled.

“You’re a lot closer than you normally are. At least it’s still omelet-shaped. It’s just two mini omelets instead of one full-sized omelet. And I’m sure it’ll taste just as good as it would if it was all one piece.”

He slid his mini omelets onto her empty plate and set it on the counter before resting his hands on the counter on either side of her. “I’m gonna go eat this sad excuse for an omelet while I read the next chapter of my book.”

“My clothes are still drying.” She bit the inside of her cheek while she waited to see if he would say anything about the dryer that had been silent for a while now. “Do you care if I watch TV for a while?”

He grabbed a couple pieces of bread and dropped them on the plate before picking it up. “Nope, just as long as you don’t care that I’ll have my nose stuck in a book.”

Liz dropped down onto the floor and went into the living room, taking up residence in the corner of the couch and grabbing the remote. She flipped channels aimlessly with the volume turned down when he came in and picked his book up. She wasn’t expecting it when he sat down on the couch, settling into the opposite corner and cleaning his plate before setting it aside. When he was finished he slouched down and propped his bare feet up on the coffee table, propping his open book on his stomach and starting to read.

There was something oddly comforting about his presence. She didn’t understand his insistence that they do things the ‘right’ way. She had done nothing to make him like her but he was treating her like she mattered to him. She didn’t realize he was aware of her staring at him until he lowered his book to glance at her. Wordlessly he held his hand out to her and after a moment she took it, scooting over to sit next to him. She leaned against his side and turned her gaze back to the television. After a few minutes she shifted around and settled more comfortably against him, surprised when he draped his arm around her shoulders. She could feel the tension in him but he continued to read his book and carefully maintained the boundaries he had set. She really hoped her dad wouldn’t do something unexpected when Max talked to him the next day. She was certain he would warn Max away from her and somehow she believed the man sitting beside her would listen to her dad, consider his advice, and then do what he felt was right for him.

Prisoners of the Past (CC, A/U, Adult) Part 13 - 2/12/12

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 1:51 am
by ArchAngel1973
mary mary: You just never know what might happen!

begonia9508: Thanks!

Liz knows that her dad is aware of some of her behavior and he’s already warned her to leave Max alone once.

She does have her narrow-minded moments.

Nope, you’re right. But she is judging all of them based on one experience.

keepsmiling7: Thanks! Max should enjoy himself.

Liz is definitely used to getting everything she wants so Max should be an interesting change for her.

James wants to see Max succeed.

angiebrenna: Thanks, it was good for them to have a moment where they weren’t challenging each other.

itsme69: Thanks! One update, coming up!

dreamon: Thanks! Glad you enjoyed that scene. We’ll find out what Jeff has to say in this part.

Alien_Friend: Liz is slowly starting to come around. Jeff will let us know what he thinks in this part. You’re right about Max.

James wants Max to succeed and to go on to have a good life.

Max should have a good time with Dottie. And it’s a good thing for Liz to learn that he is a man with a mind of his own who won’t be catering to her every whim.

MP: Awesome!

Max is fighting hard to make sure his life turns out better than it has been in the past. We will find out what Jeff thinks about his daughter and Max dating in this part and we’ll be getting back to Max and Liz in the next update.

Part 13

Patrick pushed back from the table and patted his full stomach. “That wasn’t half bad, Valenti,” he said and stood to carry his plate over to the sink. “If my last girlfriend had been able to cook that well we might still be together.” He mulled over that for a moment and then shook his head. “Nah, even that wouldn’t have kept that one around.”

Kyle snorted. “Spaghetti isn’t that hard to make.”

“Maybe not for most people.” He nodded at the doorway. “I’m gonna see if Mac wants to break for dinner. He paused when he stepped into the hallway, listening to the quiet conversation that picked up as soon as he was out of sight. He wasn’t paying any attention to the content of the conversation. He was more interested in the fact that their witness seemed more at ease with Valenti than anyone else.

He walked outside, glancing around and looking for his partner. They had just started working together a few months back and Mac was hard to read. She didn’t let people in. It was one of the first things he had noticed about her. She didn’t open up and he knew very little about her that she had told him herself. She tended to be suspicious of everyone and everything and he knew some of the other agents thought she was paranoid.

He finally decided she must be walking the perimeter so he stepped down off of the porch, careful to avoid the worst of the steps. He moved stealthily, his sharp gaze searching the area as he rounded the corner of the house. His eyes locked on a small flash of light that faded quickly and his hand automatically shifted to rest on his weapon. He had only taken a couple more steps when he realized it was his partner and he lowered his hand to rest at his side.

“Hey, Mac,” he called so he wouldn’t startle her.

She turned to look at him, slipping her cell phone into her pocket so that her hand was free by the time she faced him. “Finished making friends with the cop?”

He just laughed and shrugged. “He’s a decent guy and with him here I don’t have to cook.” He nodded at her. “Callin’ to check in?”


“Thought I saw your phone when I came out here.”

She shook her head. “Just checking messages.” She looked at him. “What’re you doing out here?”

“Oh, I thought you might wanna grab a bite to eat. I can finish the perimeter check.”

“The food any good?” She didn’t like him questioning her or trying to take over the perimeter check. She also didn’t like the last-minute addition to their group. She preferred to know all the players on any field and she had no knowledge of Detective Valenti. She had made a few inquiries but she had to be careful who she spoke with. “How long is he supposed to be here?”

“Originally he was expected to stay for a few days, maybe a week. I’m thinking we should see about extending that time if his people will agree to it.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Why would we want him to stay here?” She shook her head. “I don’t like it, Patrick. We don’t know anything about him. He could be on the take for all we know.”

“He’s good for the witness. She relaxes when he’s around and that’ll make the boss and the DA happy. If she’s relaxed she’s bound to be more cooperative.” He sighed. “Look, I know you don’t trust him but the guy’s done nothin’ to warrant that mistrust and honestly, if the guy was on the take wouldn’t he have already tried to take our witness out?”

“Or he’s biding his time, building trust before making his move.”

“The guy didn’t even know he was coming out here, Mac. It was his captain’s idea and it went up through the chain of command for approval.”

She shook her head. “You can put the request in, Patrick, but you might as well know that I’ll be requesting that he remain in the city when you take him back in a couple of days.” She sighed and looked around the quiet neighborhood. She wouldn’t be surprised if his request was granted. The witness didn’t trust anyone she had come into contact with but even she could see the change in the woman since the cop had shown up.

He nodded. “Fair enough.” He pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his shirt pocket. “Go on inside and get something to eat. I’ll finish the perimeter check.” He lit the cigarette and watched her go around the side of the house, wondering who she had been on the phone with. She didn’t have much in the way of family and what she did have she didn’t really maintain any contact to speak of. As much time as she spent on the job he knew there wasn’t a man in her life. Who else could she have been talking to? If it was work-related she would’ve passed that on, so it had to be something else. He made a note to keep an eye out for any other out of character behavior and started to walk the perimeter.


Maria kicked the front tire and stood back to shoot a baleful glare at the car. She supposed she should be grateful it hadn’t decided to die and strand her the day before when it had been raining.

“Hey, Ms. Deluca, you need some help?”

She turned her head to look at one of her coworkers when he waved and jogged across the parking lot towards her. He was four years younger than her but since discovering she had a boyfriend and a baby at home she had been ‘Ms. Deluca’.

Enrique Ramirez was a sweet guy and he liked to be helpful but he wasn’t mechanically inclined. He had helped one of the girls in the accounting department when she had left her lights on and killed her battery and that really hadn’t ended well. When he had attempted to jump the car off he had switched the positive and negative cables by mistake.

“Hi, Ricky. I’ve already called my boyfriend.”

He glanced around the parking lot that was quickly emptying out. “Will he be here soon?”

“Yeah, it won’t be too long.” She smiled. “Go on, I’ll be fine until he gets here.” She knew he shouldered a lot of responsibility at home and he was juggling night school as well. And if he stayed he would try to be helpful, she thought with an internal grimace.

He smiled and waved as he headed for the exit and she leaned back against the car. She hit the first number on her speed dial and waited for Michael to pick up.

Michael double checked his harness and the tether line before clipping the carabiner onto the line and stepping out onto the bridge that was under construction. He was checking over the work that had been done that day when his phone started to vibrate. He pulled it out and answered without checking the caller ID. He wasn’t all that social so it could only be one of a handful of people.


Maria ignored the barked greeting and she was off and running before he could get a word in.

He tipped the phone away from his mouth to yell at one of the guys when he saw him walking around unsecured.

Maria paused and looked at her phone before putting it back up to her ear. “Michael, are you listening to me?”

“Yeah, babe, I heard you. Did you use the boosters? Try to jump it off?”

She bit her tongue. She loved him but some days she could happily choke him. “Yeah, and it won’t start.”

Michael rolled his eyes when she tried to mimic the sounds the engine had made when she had tried to start the car.

“And then it just… died,” she finished, easily picturing his expression as she explained things.

“Alright, call and have the car towed to the house.” He pinched the bridge of his nose as he went over possible reasons for the car’s newest issue. “Can your mom pick you up? I can swing by and get you and Hunter at your parents’ place so she won’t have to deal with the traffic.”

“I’m sure she can. Alright, I’ll call Mom. Be careful and I’ll see you soon.”

He frowned. “Maria?”


“Everything okay?”

The question, asked in that low gruff tone that said he had caught something in her voice that concerned him made her want to curl up in his strong arms and have a good cry. “It’s just been a long shitty day.” She sighed. “And it’s more than you need to know while you’re still on the clock. I’m okay, Michael. Just tired and I’d like to forget today ever happened.”

He stared at the phone for several minutes after the call ended. He didn’t always pick up on the more subtle signals but when he did he knew she appreciated it. Her boss was an ass and Hunter had been fussier than usual the past few nights. Then there was that mess with Liz. And then the car breaking down just as she was all set to escape her job for the day.

“Your old lady crackin’ the whip, Guerin?”

He glanced up at Ryan Thomas when he spoke up, drawing him out of his thoughts. They had been working together for a couple of years and the guy enjoyed teasing him about Maria. He snorted and pocketed his phone. “Damn car crapped out on ‘er.”

“Two words, Guerin: New car.”

Michael just shook his head. He could fix whatever was wrong with the car. It might take him the better part of the night but he could do it. A new car was tempting. Especially when something like this happened, but they were waiting on that. They were doing good, staying above water financially, but they had agreed to have a certain amount set aside before sinking money into an expense like that.

His mind shifted back to his conversation with Maria and his thoughts that had followed about the difficulties of the past week. His girl needed a break, he decided.


Liz pulled into the driveway of Maria’s house and glanced around, frowning when she didn’t see either of the cars. She checked the time and drummed her fingers on the steering wheel impatiently. Maria was usually home by now. She got off work and went to pick Hunter up at her mom’s house and then ran to the store or whatever it was she had to do before coming home to make dinner.

If the car wasn’t there then she knew Maria wasn’t home yet so there was no point getting out and going up to knock on the door. She was putting the car in reverse to back out of the drive when she heard someone honk their horn behind her. She shook her head when she saw the tow truck… and right behind it the piece of crap car that Maria drove every day. She moved out of the way and parked on the street while the man unloaded the car in the driveway, getting out and walking up to him once he was finished.

“Excuse me,” she called loud enough to be heard over the noise of gears grinding.

“Yes ma’am,” he answered as he tipped his greasy baseball cap back to look at her.

She gritted her teeth when she recognized the man. He had towed Maria’s car more than once and she had met him on several occasions. He and Michael knew each other and she knew they had a shared criminal history. “Do you know where Maria is?”

“Maybe.” He shrugged. “Maybe not.”

She hated him. She really did. “Could you be more specific?”

“Why don’t you call her?”

She was certain he was being difficult because he was Michael’s friend. “I don’t think that’s any of your business.” It wasn’t like she was some random person off of the street. He knew perfectly well that she and Maria were friends. “Nevermind, I’ll find her myself.” She didn’t bother trying to decipher whatever it was he said over his shoulder as he went back to work.

She decided against calling Maria since it was quite possible the other girl would ignore the call or hang up on her. She drove back to the city, going over the options and finally coming to the conclusion that Maria was most likely at her mom’s house. She knew Amy picked Hunter up from the daycare early every afternoon when she left the shop in her assistant’s hands and kept him until Maria came by to pick him up.

It took almost an hour to navigate the traffic and get back into the city. She turned onto the street where Amy and Jim lived and she tensed up when she saw the car in the driveway. She parked behind the little red car and got out, rolling her shoulders as she walked up to the front porch. She drew in a deep breath and rang the doorbell, stepping back and waiting for someone to answer the door.

“Liz, how are you, honey?” Amy asked as she pushed the screen door open and gestured for the girl to come inside.

“I’m fine, thank you. I was wondering if Maria was here?”

“She’s in the backyard with Hunter. She’s had a pretty rough day and she’s trying to relax.”

Liz bit her lip uncertainly. “Maybe I should catch up with her some other time.”

Amy reached out to touch the girl’s arm, feeling how taut she was. “Liz, are you sure you’re alright?”

“I’m fine, really. I just… I said some things to Maria last weekend and I hurt her. I didn’t mean to say them but they came out and I can’t take them back.”

“You know, you and Maria are opposites, but the two of you have made it past some pretty intense disagreements.” She smiled and rubbed the girl’s arm. “Sometimes you have to fight things out to clear the air. That’s not always a bad thing.”

“We’ve argued and we’ve fought before, but it’s the first time she’s ever told me to leave. She said she was finished with me. I don’t know if she can forgive me for what I said.”

Amy cupped the girl’s face in her hands and brushed a couple of tears away as they spilled over to run down her cheeks. “There’s only one way to find out, isn’t there?” she asked gently.


Maria was lying on the grass, soaking up the early evening sunlight and watching Hunter as he braced his weight on a toy lawn mower and pushed it across the yard. She smiled as she watched him, remembering the night Michael had shown up at her parents’ front door carrying the car seat and looking more lost than she had ever seen him. They had only been living together for a few months at the time and she had been at her parents’ house after an argument that had ended with both of them storming out of the house. They hadn’t talked since the night before and she had sworn that the moment she saw him she was going to finish the argument he had started and then refused to finish. It had been a stupid argument and now she couldn’t even remember what it had been about.

She stepped out onto the front porch, her confused gaze bouncing between him and the infant in the car seat gripped in his white-knuckled hand. “Michael, what’s going on?”

“Excuse me,” a female voice interrupted.

Maria had frowned in irritation but it had quickly switched to worry when the woman presented her badge and asked to speak with Jim. She had ushered them into the house and called for her dad to join them. He had appeared with her mom about the time the infant had woken up and started to cry.

Mom had been quick to relieve Michael of the baby, releasing him from the car seat and taking him in her arms to soothe him. The social worker had disappeared into the kitchen with Jim and Mom to discuss the arrangements that had been made and Maria had taken Michael’s hand, pulling him into the living room.

“Michael, what’s going on?” she asked again as she took him into her arms. His arms came around her in a crushing grip but she hadn’t uttered a single complaint, feeling the shaking in his taut frame. “Why do you have Hunter?”

“Mason and Mandy,” he choked out finally. “They’re gone. Shot during a robbery while they were at the store buying formula or something.”

“Oh, Michael, I’m so sorry,” she murmured, combing her fingers through his hair and wishing she could take his pain away.

“They left their kid to me, Maria. How do you leave your kid to someone? It’s not like leaving a CD collection or a car. It’s a little person. I don’t know what to do with a kid. We’re just getting our own lives figured out.”

The changes a baby would make flew through her mind and made her dizzy. Having a baby changed everything. They were still adjusting to living together. A baby would be dependent on them for everything, would require constant attention, and they would be responsible for raising him, keeping him healthy and happy. What a terrifying thought!

“What do we do, Maria?”

And that question had given her the answer. He hadn’t asked what he should do, he had asked what they should do. He had included her in the decision. She leaned back in his arms and reached up to take his face in her hands. “He needs us, Michael.” It wasn’t until later that they had learned that Maria had been named in the will as one of Hunter’s guardians. An addition made by the baby’s parents not long before their deaths.

That hadn’t erased the fear because Hunter had brought a whole new set of responsibilities into their lives, but it had anchored both of them. It had taken time to settle into their new life and she was so thankful for her family because she knew without them she and Michael might not have made it through those first few months with an infant in the house. Neither of them had known what to expect and they hadn’t been ready for the amount of work that went into having a baby in their lives.


The feeling of being relaxed slipped out of her grasp when she heard Liz call her name. She pushed herself up to rest her weight on her elbows and she met Liz’s hesitant gaze. “What’re you doing here?”

“I came to say I’m sorry and to ask you to forgive me.” She crossed the lawn and sat down next to Maria. “I know I don’t have any right to ask you for that but I’m asking anyway. I know what I said was mean and thoughtless, and I wish I could take it back.”

“I can’t make you like Michael and I can’t make you accept him as part of my life, Liz, but I can’t allow you to continue treating me the way you have. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about it over the past week and I realized I’ve let you walk all over me with your opinions. People all have different opinions but that doesn’t mean they can’t respect the boundaries of friendship. You don’t agree with my relationship with Michael and that’s fine, I don’t need your permission or your okay to be with him. I’ve never needed that from you, Liz. I don’t agree with the way you behave a lot of the time but I don’t go around trying to change you. I don’t interject my opinions into every conversation about your lifestyle.” She sighed and turned her head to the side when Hunter stumbled into her and reached out to grab her shirt to keep from falling.

“Mama,” he said, smiling widely and reaching up to touch her face.

Maria took his hand and kissed it. After all the time Michael had worked with him trying to get him to say Dada, his first word had been Mama.

“He talks?” She shook her head when she heard Maria sigh. “No, I just never realized that with all those sounds he makes there were actual words mixed in there.” She held her hands up. “God, Maria, I don’t know anything about kids.”

“You don’t know because you’ve never bothered to learn.”

“Okay, you’re right. Give me a chance, Maria. I can change. I can’t promise that I’ll ever like Michael, but I can try to do better about accepting him as part of your life and try to be more supportive.”

Maria turned her head to look at her. “What’s going on with you?”

Liz shrugged and looked away. “It’s recently been pointed out to me that I’m selfish, self-centered, careless of other people’s feelings, and generally a bitch. Perhaps not in so many words, but I got the point. So, I want to change some things, and since you’re my best friend, or at least you were before I screwed up, I wanted to start with you.” She raised her eyes to meet Maria’s. “If you’ll let me.”

“We can work on it,” Maria said after a moment. It had to be Max, she decided. For some reason he was getting through to Liz when no one else had been able to crack the surface. “If you’re serious.”

“I am,” she stated sincerely. “I thought if you didn’t have any other plans this Sunday maybe you and Michael and Hunter could come over and we could barbecue.”

“Come over… to your parents’ house?”

“Well, they’ve got a great barbecue area and the pool if you wanna swim. I can leave Diablo at home.” She bit her bottom lip. “Please, Maria? I know you deserve more of an explanation about my behavior, and I promise I’ll get to it. I just, I need some more time before I can tell you everything.”

Maria nodded. “Okay,” she said slowly. “We’ll work on it and take our time getting things back on track. It’ll be good for both of us to take it slow and get where we need to be with each other.”

“Okay.” She released a relieved breath. “I’d better go. I’m sure it’s about time for you to go home and I should get home too. I need to feed Diablo and do a few other things. I’ll call you tomorrow to find out what time’s good for you guys on Sunday?”

“Sure, that sounds good.” Maria sat there for a while after Liz had gone, wondering just what Max had said to get her to this point. She smiled and lifted Hunter up. “Looks like today’s gonna be a good day after all, huh?”

He grinned widely and made happy sounds as he clapped his hands together.

“We should go get cleaned up before Daddy gets here.”

“Da,” he mumbled and picked up a toy.

Maria scooped him up and kissed his cheek loudly. “Say that again, Hunter!”


She rolled her eyes and settled him against her side as she headed up to the house. “We need to work on Dada before you give Daddy a complex.” She shook her head and smiled, suddenly feeling a hundred times better than she had just an hour ago.


Jeff dried his hands on the apron he had put on to protect his clothes and then pulled it off, tossing it in the bin that would be picked up by the linen company for cleaning. He glanced at the clock and sighed. He’d had to put Max off again when the younger man had come looking for him after his shift and he hoped nothing was wrong. The day had started off with several call-ins and he’d been running like crazy all day.

He had told him to stick around until things slowed down but that had been hours ago. Now that the dinner rush was slowing and he had a few minutes he wondered if he should leave a little bit early and stop by the guesthouse. That thought was cut short when he turned down the hallway that led to his office and he saw the light spilling out into the hallway. His eyebrows lifted when he stepped inside and saw Max sitting in the chair across from his desk, his nose buried in a book. “I didn’t expect you to still be here,” he said as he took his seat. “I was just thinking about leaving early and swinging by the guesthouse.”

Max bookmarked his page and shifted to slide the paperback into his back pocket. “You said I could wait so I did.”

Jeff chuckled, not commenting on the fact that Max had been waiting for more than six hours. “I guess whatever you need to talk about must be serious.” He nodded at the door. “Why don’t you close that door and let’s have that conversation?”

He did as the man had requested and sat down again, suddenly finding himself at a loss for words.

“Is everything going okay, Max?”

“Yeah, yeah, everything’s good.” He scratched the back of his neck. “The thing is, I wanted to talk to you about Liz.”

Jeff leaned back in his chair, surprised at the topic. “Has she been giving you trouble?”

Max shook his head at the man’s worried tone. “No. Well, nothing I can’t handle,” he amended when he saw Jeff narrow his eyes slightly.

“As a rule she doesn’t interfere with the parolees we work with but I’ll admit I had a feeling she could cause you some grief that night the two of you ran into each other here.”

“To be honest she can be a handful.” His gaze shot to Jeff when he realized what he had just said to the man about his daughter. He cleared his throat. “That was a little more blunt than I intended, but it’s true.”

Jeff surprised him by laughing. “I’m aware of how challenging my daughter can be, Max.” His expression sobered. “I can talk to her if she’s – “

“No, no, that’s not necessary. What I wanted to talk to you about was dating her.” He scratched his chin. “I don’t know how well it’ll work out but I think it’s worth giving it a shot.”

“And you’ve talked to her about this?”

“We’ve talked about it and I told her that considering my situation I didn’t feel it was right for us to get involved unless you were okay with it.”

Jeff opened the top right drawer and pulled a pack of gum out, peeling the wrapping off of a piece and popping it in his mouth. “Max, I don’t know everything about your past but I know enough to know that things could get kinda sticky with Liz. She’s used to a certain…”

“She’s used to guys with money,” Max said when the man seemed to be searching for the right words.

“Yeah, that’s basically it.” He stretched his arms over his head. “She’s spoiled and she normally dates guys with money because she has certain expectations. She’s only ever dated one guy seriously and in the end it didn’t really go anywhere. Since then she’s been pretty careless when it comes to dating and I don’t know why.”

“Maybe she had a bad experience with one of those guys.”

Jeff sighed heavily. “I haven’t discounted that. Nancy and I have both tried to talk to her about it but she won’t open up at all.” He was quiet for several minutes as he thought about his daughter. There had been a time when she had come to him about anything and everything. Now she talked to him but that closeness wasn’t there anymore. She had been slipping away from him for some time and he didn’t know how to stop it.

“I know she’s used to guys with money and I’ve talked to her about that because I’m not anticipating a lottery win anytime soon. I wouldn’t be surprised if money caused more than one argument between us but I’m not worried about fighting with her.”

“She doesn’t always show her best side, Max.” He leaned forward and rested his forearms on his desk. “She’s a grown woman and if she wants to pursue something with you I have no problem with that. Only as long as you’re serious about her, and that’s as much for your sake as hers. She can be selfish, she can be a little pain in the ass at times, and she’ll try your patience but if you have what it takes to stick with her and get through those walls you’ll discover a woman who has a heart with a lot of love to give.”

Max nodded and breathed a little easier.

“You have to remember what your goal is though. Lose sight of that and you’re gonna set your progress back.”

“I won’t forget. I have no idea what might happen with Liz. I know I wanna spend time with her and get to know her better. I know there are some pretty significant differences between us and that’s gonna require an effort on my part as well as hers. I also know she’s got some major hang-ups where ex-cons are concerned and it’s gonna take some work to get past that because I don’t wanna be lumped in with every other guy with a record.”

They looked up when someone knocked on the door.

“Enter,” Jeff called. He smiled at Denise, the woman who managed the dining area, and waved her in. “What’s up?”

“Hey, boss, the Judge Kensington and his wife are out front and they wanted to talk to you about reserving the restaurant for their daughter’s engagement party.”

He smiled and nodded. “Have them seated in the reserved section, table 23. Serve them our best wine and tell them I’ll be right there.” He glanced at Max when they were left alone again. “Judge Kensington isn’t the type of man you keep waiting,” he said as he stood. “I appreciate your candor, Max, and I wish you and Liz the best of luck.” He extended his hand to the younger man.

Max shook Jeff’s hand. “Thanks for taking a chance on me.”

Jeff tightened his hand before Max could pull his back. “While she’s a grown woman and she has the right to make her own choices… she’s still my daughter, Max. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

Max met the man’s gaze head on. “Yes sir, I understand.”

“Alright,” he released Max’s hand and rounded his desk to open the door. “Oh, and Max?”


“You’ve had a long day. Tomorrow’s Friday, why don’t you take the day off? I understand you have a ‘date’ for tomorrow night so I’ll just drop your check in your mailbox either when I get in tonight or before I leave for work in the morning.” He smiled and slapped the younger man on the back. “You’ll enjoy the show,” he assured him.

Max left the restaurant and headed for the bus stop, knowing if he hurried he could catch the next one and be home before very long. The talk with Jeff had gone so much better than he had dared to hope and the man had just given him a three-day weekend. And now there was a certain little brunette he needed to talk to.

Prisoners of the Past (CC, A/U, Adult) Part 14 - 2/20/12

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:18 am
by ArchAngel1973
begonia9508: Max has gone through a lot to make it this far. Liz is getting there. Jeff knows that something happened to his daughter, but she won’t open up and let him or anyone else help her deal with it.

MP: Thanks! We’ll be getting back to Max and Liz in this part. Jeff sees something in Max that he likes. Liz is making an effort to work things out with Maria.

Real life, yup…

Eva: Michael and Maria have a very strong bond and having Hunter in their lives helped them to grow up too. Having him has helped to strengthen their relationship as well.

There’s nothing like those first words!

Alien_Friend: That moment was one both girls needed.

Having Hunter in their lives helped to stabilize Michael and Maria.

Jeff sees something in Max that he likes and he feels like he can trust him.

keepsmiling7: Car trouble is never a good thing… never!

Becoming instant parents was a major adjustment but it was good for them and really helped stabilize them.

That talk was good for both girls and it came at a time when they both really needed it.

Lol, Jeff sees something in Max that he believes is worth trusting. He isn’t this candid with all of the people in the program and this isn’t something he would normally allow.

angiebrenna: Liz is at a point where she’s really coming to understand the give and take of friendship… of any relationship really. Max has had his difficulties but he’s determined to make a better life for himself than what he’s had in the past.

dreamon: Thanks! It’ll take time, but the girls are on the right track. I’m glad you’re liking Max here. Jeff can see the depth to Max’s character and while this isn’t something he would normally allow, he feels he can trust Max with Liz.

itsme69: Updating!!

Part 14

Kyle slouched down on the couch, dozing while the television droned on in the background. There wasn’t much to watch on the handful of local channels unless he was interested in talk shows or soap operas, and he wasn’t inclined to waste his time on either one. He cracked one eyes open when he felt the cushion next to him dip down and he smiled sleepily at Ava. “Hey, what’s up?”

She shrugged and shifted around in an effort to find a comfortable spot. “You’re leaving,” she stated quietly.

“Yeah. They’ve made an arrest on the case I was working so I can go back home.” He watched her, recognizing the signs of stress in her features.

“So you won’t be assigned to my case?”

He shook his head. “No, it’s a federal case. I’m not here in any kind of official capacity.”

Ava thought about that for a minute. “What if I made it a condition of my cooperation? Would they have to assign you to my case then?”

“That’s not how it works.” He caught her lower legs when she raised them to lift them up on the couch and he turned so she could put her feet in his lap. “I could try suggesting it to Patrick and Mac but that’s likely to be shot down pretty fast. The feds don’t like it when local law enforcement interferes in their business.”

“Couldn’t you stay… unofficially?” She stared at his hands when he started to massage her aching feet.

“Only if they agreed to it. It’s not exactly standard operating procedure.” He had been toying with the idea for several days because something about the entire situation didn’t feel right. “I’d still have to go back and take care of some things with my last case and then speak to my captain and see if there’s any way to work this out.”

She glanced at the doorway that led into the kitchen where the agents were going over a report or something. “I don’t trust them,” she confided in him. “Damon’s stayed out of prison because he has connections. Evidence goes missing, witnesses disappear or end up dead, and he winds up walking because they can’t make a case against him.”

“That could change with your testimony.” He looked up at her. “Ava, you went to the DA because you wanted out of that life. You wanted something better for your baby girl. You chose DA McCarthy because the guy’s honest and he’s not afraid to go after the tough convictions, but you’re not giving the guy a lot to go on.”

She looked away and stared unseeingly at the television. “When he goes after Damon he’ll become a target.” She sighed. “I don’t want someone else to die because of me.”

“Honey, he knows the risk associated with his job. Doing the right thing isn’t always the safest thing. Don’t hold back on whatever evidence you have for that reason.”

“I’m scared once I give him everything it’s over for me.” She looked at him again. “I’ve had to rely on my instincts for so long that I don’t question them anymore and they’re screaming at me.” She was quiet for several minutes. “You feel it too,” she said finally. ‘I’ve seen the way you study everything that’s going on. You know something isn’t right.”

“I don’t know that I’ll be allowed to come back.” He rubbed his face and sighed as he went over his options. “I’ll do everything I can, Ava.”

She looked into his eyes, gauging his sincerity. “I believe you,” she said finally.

“How’d you get mixed up with Knight?” He held his hands up and shook his head when he saw her assessing gaze. “I’m not judging, just curious.”

“He was there at the right time.”


Max was half asleep when someone knocked on his door a little after ten that night. He started to ignore it and changed his mind when he realized it might be Liz. He rolled out of bed and pulled a pair of jeans on before stumbling to the front door. He pulled it open and leaned against it as he blinked in an effort to clear his blurry vision.

Liz stared at him as he stood there trying to wake up. She started to joke about him being asleep at such an early hour when she remembered that he was up and out the door every morning by 4am. He was bare from the waist up and she couldn’t stop herself from checking him out. “I brought donuts,” she said lamely and held the bakery sack up.

His gaze traveled over her and he wrapped an arm around her waist so he could haul her up against his body. He froze and looked down when he heard the warning growl and he sighed when he saw her dog sitting there.

“Diablo,” Liz said quietly and the dog immediately relaxed at the tone in her voice. “He won’t hurt you, Max.”

“Uh-huh,” he said, his tone clearly indicating that he wasn’t so sure about that.

“He won’t, I promise.”

He studied the dog, uncomfortable with the way it stared at him as if it knew exactly what he was thinking. He finally decided she was testing him, trying to determine if she could trust him. He shrugged. “Alright.” He looked at her. “Would your feelings be hurt if we saved them for later?”

Her breath caught in her throat. “You’ve got something better in mind?”

He backed into the house, pulling her with him. He ignored Diablo when he came inside and stretched out on the rug in front of the dormant fireplace. “I was thinking you could make dinner.”

“Make dinner?” she repeated incredulously. “I didn’t come over to cook for you.”

“But would you if I asked you to?” he asked quietly.

She didn’t understand this game he was playing. “Is that what you want?”

He could hear the confusion in her voice and he smiled. “I just want to know if you would.”

“Well… I guess. I mean, if that’s what you really want.”

He chuckled and shook his head, taking the bakery sack from her and tossing it on the coffee table. “I finally got a chance to talk to your dad tonight.”

“I stopped by after talking to Maria but you weren’t here.”

“I had to wait around for quite a while.” He paused, seeing the impatience building in her features. “But it was worth the wait.”

“Worth the…”

He watched her as she watched him and he knew the moment she realized she was pinned between him and the door. He backed off enough to allow her to relax and he tipped her chin up so he could look into her eyes.

“We don’t need to talk about this,” she insisted, shaking her head. “It’ll pass.”

“What the hell kinda guys do you usually sleep with?” He backed away and sat on the arm of the chair. “You think we should just go ahead and have sex and forget about the fact that – “

“It’s my problem,” she snapped.

Diablo’s head came up and his sharp eyes locked on them.

Max rubbed his face and shook his head. “It’s not just your problem, Liz, and I don’t know how you can’t see that. I’m not even sure what we’re doing but if we’re gonna do it then we’re gonna have to deal with this.”

She shoved him away and crossed the room to put some distance between them. “There’s nothing to deal with!”

“Someone assaulted you.”

It pissed her off that he felt like he had any right to remind her of that. “That has nothing to do with you.”

“The assault doesn’t have anything to do with me directly but if we’re gonna try this then it does affect me.”

“So, what, next you want something from a shrink that says I’m not crazy?” She started to pace because she was too wired to sit still.

“I didn’t say you were crazy.” He forced his temper to stay in check. “So if we do this your way we just get in bed and get down to business and you’ll work through these moments of panic by forcing yourself to have sex with me? That’s the way this works?”

“I’m not completely forcing myself. I just sometimes have to push through it when things get a little bit out of hand.”

“And the guys you’ve been with have been okay with that?”

“It’s not like they’re forcing me to do anything I don’t want to do.”

He shook his head in disgust. “Any guy who has sex with a woman who’s forcing herself to do it is a lousy excuse for a man. And if you’re honest with yourself you’ll admit that you don’t enjoy being with a guy like that.”

“I don’t need you to tell me what I do and do not enjoy when it comes to sex.”

He hadn’t been laid in six years and he’d managed to get himself involved with a woman who was going to be as difficult as possible. “Explain to me how you get any enjoyment out of it when you’re forcing yourself to have sex.”

“I don’t have to explain anything to you.”

“No, you don’t,” he said agreeably. “But I’m telling you right here and now that I have no interest in having sex with a woman who has to force herself to get through it.” The more he thought about it the more it pissed him off. “What the hell are you trying to prove anyway?”

“I’m not gonna be controlled by anyone or anything,” she bit out.

“Sex isn’t about control,” he disagreed. “Not when it’s between consenting adults.” Okay, he hadn’t exactly been around the block like most guys his age if all the talk he’d heard was true. His experience was pretty limited, but he was sure he was right about this. “Or at least it shouldn’t be.”

Liz shook her head and sat down on the couch. Of all the guys she could’ve picked she’d chosen an ex-con with a damn Boy Scout complex. “Why does what I do matter to you?”

“I don’t know,” he answered honestly.

“So what you’re telling me is we’re not having sex tonight even though my dad gave you the green light?”

“When’s the last time you just slept next to someone?” he asked.

Her mouth dropped open and she stared at him for several seconds before she caught herself. “What?” Sometimes she had the hardest time keeping up with him and it unsettled her. She shook her head. “I don’t stay the night. Ever.”

“Because you don’t trust them.”

“No, I don’t.”

“You never invite them back to your place do you?”


“Then why risk having sex with them?” Because she thinks she can control it, he answered his own question silently before she had the opportunity to respond. “Tell me what happened to you.”

“I don’t want to talk about that.”

He nodded, accepting her decision. He shifted his weight and slipped off of the arm of the chair to settle into it with his legs hanging over the side. “You said you talked to Maria?”

Liz leaned forward and grabbed the bakery sack, opening it up and reaching for one of the chocolate covered donuts with the thick pudding filling. “I went to see her,” she said finally.

He smiled but remained silent, knowing she was expecting him to continue questioning her. He had realized she was more inclined to respond to him honestly if he kept her off balance.

She got up and went into the kitchen, tossing the sack to him as she passed him. “Milk or coffee?” she asked.

“Whatever you’re having’s fine.”

He pulled out a donut and turned to drop the sack on the coffee table behind him, freezing when he turned back and realized Diablo had moved to sit right in front of him. He frowned when the dog’s lips curled back to show off gleaming white fangs. He was on the verge of just handing over his donut when he heard Liz laughing. “You think this’s funny?”

“Don’t give him anything chocolate.”

“Then maybe you should call him off because he looks like he’s about to go for the donut or my throat. I’m not sure which.”

“He’s smiling at you so you’ll give him a treat.”

Max made a face at the dog’s bared teeth. “Smiling?”

“Yeah, I taught him to do that,” she said as she set a glass down on the end table and scratched the dog’s head. “You can give him a piece of the pastry, but no chocolate and none of the filling.” She went back to the couch and sat down, kicking her shoes off and pulling her legs up on the cushion. “Hold it in your palm otherwise he might get your fingers by mistake.”

He picked a piece of the donut off and offered it to the dog, tensing when he felt the wet nose brush against his hand. He wiped his hand on his jeans and held it out again, letting the dog sniff it before reaching out to run his hand over the smooth coat. “Maybe you’re not that bad,” he said. The dog’s lips curled back again. “Although I’m not convinced that’s a smile.” But he offered the dog another small bite of the pastry just to be safe.

Liz watched him with Diablo while she finished off her own donut. She was surprised the dog had approached Max and made a play for a treat. Diablo was friendly with DJ but even he hadn’t gotten this kind of attention from the dog. “I’m supposed to call Maria tomorrow to see what time will work for them on Sunday.”

Max glanced up at her. “So you guys talked things out?”

“We talked. Maria said we could work on our friendship, try to get things back on track.”

He nodded. “That’s a good start.” He gave the dog a final pat. “Go lay down.” He smiled to himself when Diablo went back over to his spot in front of the fireplace and stretched out again.

“I don’t know how to deal with Michael.”

“Just treat him like a human being instead of someone who’s not good enough to breathe the same air you breathe. I know I don’t know him very well but it seems to me if Maria’s being treated right that’ll go a long way to making a difference with him.”

“Maybe.” She sighed tiredly and dropped her head back to rest against the couch. The clock on the wall chimed quietly and with her eyes closed she counted each chime. “I didn’t know it was so late,” she said as the twelfth chime rang out. “You must be tired.” She sat up and reached for her shoes. “You’ve been up since before four this morning.”

He shrugged one shoulder. “It does make for a long day.”

“I’ve kept you up and you have to be ready for work in four hours.”

Max glanced at her. “You can stay if you’d like. I know that’s a big step but if you’d like to stay,” he smiled, “I wouldn’t mind.”

“Is this like what we do with the questions?”

He frowned. “What?”

“You ask me something personal and if I answer I get to ask you something personal.”

“Oh, right.” He scratched his jaw. “Sure, why not? What would you like me to do?”

She bit her lip as she thought about it. “Let me teach you to swim.”


She snorted. “Because as I recall you aren’t very good at it and I enjoy swimming.”

“Fair enough.” He hauled himself to his feet. “I’m not sharing a bed with your dog though. He can have the couch or the floor, but he’s not getting in bed with me.”

Liz tried not to laugh. “He won’t attack in the middle of the night.”

“Maybe not, but I’m not sleeping with him.”

“Fine, hurt his feelings.” She snapped her fingers to get Diablo’s attention. “I just need to let him out for a few minutes.”

He nodded and yawned. “I’m going to bed. Feel free to snag a shirt out of the closet if you’ll sleep more comfortably.” He paused at the doorway. “And no, naked is not an option,” he said when she opened her mouth to respond. He grinned as soon as he turned his back to her again. “At least not yet.”

Max stripped out of his jeans and grabbed a pair of boxers to pull on before climbing into bed. He reached over to turn his alarm off when he remembered that he had no reason to be up before the sun the next morning. He was exhausted and his eyes slid closed as soon as he was settled under the covers.

Liz stood on the porch while she waited for Diablo, wondering what she was doing. When was the last time she had spent an entire night with a man? She was selective about the men she chose to have sex with but it required trust to actually sleep with them. And when it all boiled right down to it, she just didn’t trust them.

She had known Max a matter of weeks and he was asking her to trust him when she was at her most vulnerable. She couldn’t explain it but she didn’t believe he would ever hurt her intentionally. There was something about him that made her want to trust him. Something about him that made her want to set her convictions about ex-cons aside and get to know him beyond his criminal record. It was something she had never expected when she had first set her sights on him and she wasn’t sure what to do about it.

Max pushed her to go beyond her self-imposed boundaries, he challenged her to set aside her jaded view of people and to see them for who they were rather than what they had done, and while part of her rebelled another part wanted to reach out and grab onto the person he seemed to think she was beneath the surface. He wasn’t anything like she had expected him to be. She didn’t know much about his past beyond the few things he had shared with her but she knew she was looking at him differently.

For the first time in a long time she was genuinely interested in a man and he was unlike anyone she had ever known. She had known plenty of guys who were wealthy, intelligent, knew exactly what they wanted out of life, and had the means to buy it. There were a few who had put in a token effort at earning what they wanted but for the most part the crowd she was used to bought their way into success. He had integrity and he made her believe that he wanted to do what was right.

It was unlikely he was ever going to be listed among the wealthy. The strange thing was that she didn’t think that was anywhere on his list of goals. And stranger than that, she still found herself attracted to him. When she had first started to pursue him she hadn’t been interested in anything beyond getting into his bed. And now? Now she was seriously contemplating getting into bed with him to do nothing more than sleep.

She could probably push his buttons, get him worked up until he gave in. He was a man and he hadn’t been sexually active in six years. Even Maria had said if she continued to push he would eventually give in. But she had a feeling if she managed to do that she would end up regretting it. That if she succeeded it would only put distance between them because it was important to him that she not do anything that made her uncomfortable. He would be pissed at her, but somehow she knew he would be angrier at himself.

She hadn’t expected him to be a man of conviction or to have such a strict view of what was right and wrong. He had been in prison for something drug related and yet he had such strong beliefs. He was a contradiction and she had to admit, if only to herself, that he intrigued her. She lifted her head to look for Diablo, surprised to find him sitting at her feet. How long had she been standing there lost in thought?

She went inside and locked up before turning the lights off and following the dim light down the hall. She chewed on her bottom lip as she stood in the doorway to his bedroom, studying Max as he slept. He wasn’t relaxed. His body was taut and he slept with his back to the wall, arms crossed over his chest. She decided to forego his offer of a shirt and crept across the floor to sit on the edge of the bed, keeping an eye on him the whole time. She wondered if he was always this tense when he slept.

Diablo whined, drawing her attention to him and she motioned to the floor next to her. He settled down and rested his muzzle on his front paws, his dark eyes locked on her while she tried to decide if she could do this. Maybe this was a bad idea, she thought. What if he had some sort of post-traumatic thing from being in prison? What if she brushed up against him and he flipped out in the middle of the night? She was freaking herself out but she couldn’t control it. Maybe she should just go back to her apartment where it was safe. She was on the verge of doing just that when he suddenly shifted and rolled over onto his back.

Her eyes followed the blanket when his movements pulled it down to reveal his beautifully sculpted chest and abdomen. Her gaze landed on the scar and without her permission she reached out to trace her forefinger over it. She jumped and nearly screamed when his hand clamped around her wrist but less than a second later he released her.

“Sorry,” he mumbled.

“Where’d you get that scar?”

He lifted his head from the pillow, frowning down at himself for a moment. “Wrong place, wrong time. One of those times when I almost got myself in more trouble than I could handle.”

“It must’ve hurt,” she mused quietly as she traced over it again, the brush of her fingertips gentle.

“It did at the time.” He shook his head. “It’s in the past.”

“Who took care of you?”

“Ava. She always took care of me.”

She felt jealous when she saw the soft smile that settled on his features at the mention of the woman’s name. She didn’t understand it. Jealousy was new for her. She had never seen the point and out of nowhere she was experiencing the unwanted emotion over a woman she had never even met.

“You should get some sleep,” she said, not wanting to hear anything else about the mysterious Ava. He had told her recently that she wasn’t his girlfriend but she was important to him and she wasn’t sure she wanted to know why.

Max smiled sleepily and held his hand out to her as he rolled onto his side. “So should you.” He was ridiculously pleased to hear the note of jealousy in her voice but it was too soon to tease her about it. He closed his eyes and waited to see if she’d take his hand. He felt a sense of triumph when her hand slid into his and without opening his eyes, he tugged her down into his arms. He had no idea what was waiting for them in the morning and as eager as he was to find out all he wanted right now was sleep.

Liz shifted around to get comfortable and stared at the wall. She was certain she would spend most of the night lying awake. Max was already asleep again, his arm lying across her waist heavily. She was still trying to decide if she could handle literally sleeping with him when her eyes closed and every reason for getting up and going home slipped from her grasp.

Prisoners of the Past (CC, A/U, Adult) Part 15 - 2/28/12

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:55 pm
by ArchAngel1973
begonia9508: Thanks!

Liz is growing and learning from Max. He will push her to look beyond the preconceived notions she has about many things.

Diablo’s a very smart dog… Liz could learn a thing or two from him.

mary mary: Glad you’re caught up again! There’s plenty more to come.

MP: Thanks, glad you enjoyed it! Real life can be a major pain sometimes! Especially when it keeps you away from ficland!

keepsmiling7: Liz lucked out with Max, lol. She’s likely to stay jealous of Ava for a while.

dreamon: Thanks! Liz definitely struck gold when she discovered Max. Kyle will do everything he can to make sure that happens.

Diablo’s a great side character and I just love him. Isn’t that smile great?

Alien_Friend: Max is a good guy and he pushes Liz to face things she’d rather not face and set aside preconceived notions and think for herself. He’ll continue to give her things to think about. She’s in completely new territory here but she’s taking his challenges head on and trying to figure out how to take him. He’s definitely not what she’s used to. Thanks!

Kyle will do everything he can to get back to Ava.

clueless: Thanks for reading!

Part 15

It was still dark as Patrick drove into the city on Friday morning. The radio played quietly in the background as Kyle stared sightlessly at the street ahead of them. It wouldn’t be long before they reached the precinct and then they would go their separate ways.

“I appreciate you being willing to come back if your captain and my director approve it.” Patrick glanced at him. “Mac was pretty hard on you when you brought it up but you stuck to your guns and that’s important.” He ran a hand through his hair. “She’s a damn good agent but she has a bad habit of getting tunnel vision.”

“She’s also got some trust issues.” He shrugged one shoulder tiredly. He had been up most of the night arguing his case and in the end it hadn’t mattered because she had refused to see his point.

“Yeah, she does.”

“I know there’s always tension between different law enforcement departments but that’s usually more like territorial disputes over jurisdiction. There a reason for her distrust of other LEOs or is it just cops in general?”

“We’ve only been working together for a few months but it doesn’t seem centralized to just cops.”

Kyle shifted to look at Patrick. “She doesn’t trust you either.”

“Not implicitly, no. I’m not sure there’s anyone she has complete trust in.”

“It’s gotta be hell to work with someone like that.”

“It can be at times.” He flipped the turn signal on and took a right at the next stoplight. “In her defense though she’s right to be suspicious with this situation. What our witness could do with her testimony…” he shook his head. “She could bring down Knight’s organization if we can keep her alive and she actually hands over the evidence she claims to have.”

“Why do you think she’s holding back?” Kyle asked curiously.

“Probably to give herself a safety net. She’s the one who approached the DA but so far she’s given very little up beyond the promise of delivering enough evidence to give him a conviction.”

“You don’t believe she really has the evidence?”

Patrick rolled his shoulders. “Oh, I’m sure she has evidence. With her background and the time she’s spent in the organization I’d be surprised if she didn’t. She narrowly missed execution when she tried to escape the first time. She has something on him. Word on the street is he’s got feelers out looking to get information on her whereabouts.”

Kyle nodded. “And the only way to get him off the street is for her to cooperate with the DA, who can’t file charges until he knows he has a solid case.”

“She seems to have formed a connection with you. That’s why I’m hoping you’ll be allowed to come back and work with her. And hey, don’t take what Mac said personally. Once she sees that our witness is cooperating with your help she’ll lighten up.” He shrugged with a grin. “Or maybe not.”

“I highly doubt it.” The building that housed his precinct came into view and his hand shifted to rest over the door handle. “I guess the captain will be in touch with your director and we’ll see where it goes from there.”

Patrick pulled up in front of the building and put the brakes on, shifting in the seat to hold his hand out to the other man. “Hope we’ll get a chance to work together.”

Kyle shook his hand and grinned. “In an unofficial capacity of course.”

He smirked. “Well, you are just a cop and Mac won’t let you forget it.”

“I can live with that.” He leaned over the seat to grab his bag. “Whichever way it goes, thanks for throwing your support my way.”

He walked inside and headed for the locker room, not expecting the captain to be in so early. He figured he’d run home, grab a couple hours sleep, have a quick breakfast and head back in to meet with the captain. He sat on the bench in front of the row of lockers and sighed tiredly as he dropped his bag on the floor.

“Hey, Kyle, Captain wants to see you.”

He turned his head when he heard a familiar voice and he nodded at Officer Paul Fields. “What’s the captain doing in at this hour?”

“Hell if I know, man.” He shrugged and opened up his own locker. “She got here about an hour ago and she’s been on the phone behind closed doors most of that time. Said anyone who saw you should let you know she wanted to see you.”

“Okay, thanks, Paul.” He picked his bag up and hooked the strap over his shoulder as he crossed to the door. He walked through the squad room, nodding at a few of his fellow officers that were seated at various desks. When he reached the captain’s office he rapped his knuckles on the closed door and when the woman waved him in he turned the knob and stepped inside.

“You’ve caused quite a stir with the Feds, Valenti.”

He dropped his bag on the floor and sat when she motioned to one of the chairs across from her desk. “I just offered to give them a hand with their witness, ma’am.”

“Don’t bullshit a bullshitter, Detective.”

He grinned and slouched down in his seat. “Agent McKenzie took an instant disliking to me for no other reason than I’m a cop.” He shrugged. “Permission to speak freely?”

She waved her hand in a ‘speak’ gesture.

“I did connect with the witness and she trusts me. I kept my eyes and ears open while I was there and something isn’t right.”

“You think the witness is in danger?”

“I think it’s possible. Something isn’t right. The witness knows it and that’s part of the reason why she hasn’t fully cooperated with the DA even though she’s the one who approached him. She’s certain once she turns over all the evidence and tells him everything she knows her life and the life of her baby will be forfeit.”

Captain Anita Stone leaned back in her chair as she considered the ramifications of what her detective was telling her. “I’ve already been on the phone with the DA and Director Channing at the FBI and they would like our cooperation but not only would you be there unofficially, you’d be out of your jurisdiction.”

“I know and I can accept that. Ava needs someone on her side, Captain, and she trusts me. We’ve already established a rapport.”

“You’re on a first-name basis with the witness?”

“Well, I was there in an unofficial capacity,” he reminded her.

She smiled and shook her head. “You’re walking a fine line, Detective. I’m going to approve the request because bringing Damon Knight’s organization to its knees will benefit all of us and even though she hasn’t given much up yet the DA seems to think she holds the key.”

“I believe she’s sincere. She wants out of that life and she took a big risk going to the DA. She made herself a target and that takes guts.”

Captain Stone watched him for a moment. “You do realize you’re probably the most unorthodox cop I’ve ever worked with.”

“Hell, I figure she’s got enough people judging her for what she’s done in her past.”

“Um-hmm, and you’re one of those rare people who sees beyond the choices.”

“I just think choices aren’t always black and white, Captain. What’s it hurt to look a little deeper before making a judgment?” He rubbed the back of his neck. “When do I go back?”

“You’ll go back Sunday night. How’re the ribs?”

“Better. Still a little tender if I move too fast but they’re healing.”

“Have them checked and I want your doctor to fax a copy of your progress to me.” She leaned back and rubbed her face tiredly. “From my understanding Agent McKenzie was quite verbal in her protest against your returning to the safe house. Tread lightly with her because I do not want to have to deal with complaints from the FBI.”

“Any complaints she has with me would be of a personal nature. It wouldn’t be professional.”

“Go home and get some rest. Come back this afternoon and we’ll get everything in order so your cases are being handled while you’re gone. Spend some time with your family over the weekend and it goes without saying but I’m gonna say it anyway: Don’t discuss the case with them.”

“Understood. Luckily they understand that my job can take me away for extended periods of time and while I’m gone there’s no communication.” He grabbed his bag and stood. “I’ll see you later, Captain.” He had nearly two days to spend with his family after getting things sorted out later that afternoon. But first he was going home and sleeping in his own bed for several uninterrupted hours.


Liz woke up as the sun began to break through the blinds that were angled up towards the ceiling. She started to roll over and froze when she felt something heavy pinning her down. Her heart started to pound and her breathing became shallow as she fought against the panic clawing at her. She squeezed her eyes shut as the memory of that night tried to push to the surface and she fought to keep it away. She glanced at the man beside her and even though she recognized Max through the haze of fear she was having trouble controlling her response to being held down. As her mind pulled in on itself in an effort to avoid the memories she couldn’t stop herself from pushing at the male body pressed against her.

She had come in late after clubbing with friends and she had been feeling damn good. She had taken the elevator to her floor, deciding that her coordination wasn’t good enough to tackle four flights of stairs. She hadn’t been drunk but she had been far enough from sober that she hadn’t risked getting behind the wheel of her car. She had fumbled for her keys as she stood at her door, trying to insert the key into the lock.

“Insert slot A into tab B,” she said, laughing to herself. She paused, key hovering in front of the lock as she mulled that over. “Or is it tab B into slot A?” She finally shook her head and leaned in slowly, deciding that if she was at eye level with that lock the key would cooperate. Her efforts were finally rewarded and she did a little dance of triumph when the door swung inward and she weaved inside.

She dropped the keys and leaned back against the closed door to slide down and grab them. She carefully placed them in the dish on the low shelf next to the door and congratulated herself when they stayed there. She lifted her gaze to the mirror over the shelf and it took a moment for her foggy brain to identify the shadowed figure standing behind her. For the span of a few seconds every muscle in her body locked up and her heart seemed to stop beating.

When it started again it pounded so fast it felt like it would burst free from the confines of her chest. Adrenaline had flooded her veins, temporarily pushing her awareness of danger to the forefront of her mind. The man stood between her and the front door. The only other option was the fire escape and she knew she would never get there before he got to her. Her hand clenched around the keys she had just dropped and she turned to face him, holding them tightly so he wouldn’t notice them.

Quite a few of the people in the building had protested when he had been allowed to move in, stating that he was a threat to the safety of the residents. She hadn’t paid much attention once she had discovered that he had done time for robbery. He didn’t live on her floor and the few times their paths had crossed he had been unpleasant but she had discounted it, deciding it was probably because most of the building’s occupants had made it plain they didn’t want him there.

“What’re you doing in here?” she asked, chastising herself when she heard the slight tremble in her voice.

Without answering he moved closer to her, his steps slow and the expression on his face menacing. His eyes raked over her body and the look there made her skin crawl. She couldn’t back away from him because she was pressed against the shelf, the edge of it digging into her lower back.

“There’s nowhere for you to go.”

His voice was chillingly level and his features were flushed with an emotion she didn’t want to examine too closely as he began to move towards her. There was no mistaking what he planned to do to her. She waited until he was close enough and she struck out, missing her target when he caught her wrist and held it tightly. How many times had she watched similar scenarios on television or in movies? He was nothing like the rapists they portrayed. Her mind was running over possibilities and every scenario ended badly for her. He had approached her face to face and made no effort to disguise himself.

Max jerked awake when he felt something digging into his skin and he pulled back when he was shoved dangerously close to the edge of the bed. He was trying to understand what was going on when the bed shifted as Liz scrambled back, making herself as small as she could as she pushed herself against the headboard.

“Liz…” He shot a glance at Diablo, hoping the dog wouldn’t mistakenly think he was hurting her in some way. He studied her panicked expression and knew right away that wherever she was, it wasn’t with him. He wasn’t sure what to do. He had seen people with post traumatic stress disorder react badly to being touched when something flipped that trigger and sent them back to their personal hell. She had been assaulted so he had a feeling touching might make it even worse for her. He rubbed his arm, absentmindedly noting the stinging feeling when his hand brushed over the red welts where her nails had clawed him.

“Liz…” he tried again, raising his voice. He frowned when she recoiled at the sound. What the hell should he do? He was nearly certain her parents didn’t know about this and Maria wasn’t aware of it. She had been surprised the day he had asked her if Liz had ever been assaulted.

DJ, he thought suddenly. There was an undeniable bond between him and Liz. He hadn’t spent much time with the two of them but that closeness was obvious. He got up off of the bed and went out into the living room to find her phone. It was lying in plain sight on the coffee table and he snatched it up. He turned it over twice looking for a keypad and not finding one.

“What the hell,” he muttered. He pressed the two buttons at the bottom and the screen came to life. He scratched his chin when he pressed an arrow on the right side of the screen and nothing happened. He tried pressing harder and the screen jumped when his thumb slipped. He cocked his head to one side as he pressed the arrow and then pushed the pad of his thumb across the screen. The background suddenly changed and a dozen or more tiny icons appeared. “Good grief, what happened to just punching in a damn phone number?” He scanned over the options and mashed his thumb against the little icon for contacts.

Another screen appeared, an alphabetic listing of her contacts, and he pushed his thumb against the screen and slid it down. He cursed under his breath when it opened up another screen with contact information for someone named… he frowned. Well, whoever it was couldn’t be one of her favorite people if they were listed under Bitch instead of an actual name. He finally gave up when he kept opening up different contact names without managing to get below B in the contact list. He turned and hurried back to the bedroom, deciding he was going to have to handle the situation on his own. Maybe she had reacted to his voice because it had been raised the second time he called her.

He settled on the bed, leaning back against the headboard but leaving a significant amount of space between them. “I wish I knew what to say or do to help you,” he said, careful to keep his voice low and even. “So maybe I’ll just sit here and talk until you come back from wherever you’ve gone.” He glanced at her and felt his own heart turn over painfully at the distraught look on her face. Her eyes were vacant and she had wrapped her arms tightly around herself, rocking slightly without making a sound.

“You know, I don’t know what you’re going through or what you’ve been through, but I can guess and probably be fairly close. I went to prison when I was barely 18 years old and just in case you’ve ever wondered whether or not it’s a scary place… don’t ever let anyone tell you it’s not. Maybe that’s just because I was only 18 but even at 23 I’ll be happy to never go back.” He crossed his arms over his chest and shifted down in the bed to get comfortable. “I went in and I got my ass kicked a few times right off the bat. I can hold my own in a fight but it’s hard to hang on when you’ve got a group of guys trying to take you down. I ended up with a cellmate who was pretty cool. As far as inmates go,” he added with a chuckle. “Guy was in for stuff a lot more serious than what I was in for but he made sure the other prisoners knew I was off limits.” He had suspected for a long time that he had Damon to thank for the placement of Garrett Sands.

Liz could hear the murmured words but they were too far away to distinguish. She tried to pull away from the memories, tried to find her way to the voice but she couldn’t break free.

Her fear escalated when he suddenly moved closer, pushing her back against the shelf and pinning her there. She started to struggle against him and only succeeded in wearing herself out. The alcohol in her system worked against her, making her movements sluggish and keeping her from being as coordinated as she needed to be to get away from him. Somewhere in the recesses of her mind she could hear countless voices from different television shows telling the victims who questioned what had happened to them, who blamed themselves for not fighting back that they had done what was necessary to survive.

Fuck that, she thought. She refused to just let him rape her and then be grateful afterwards that she had survived it. Maybe that was what some women needed to do to survive but she could never look herself in the mirror again if she didn’t fight back. She was no one’s victim. The keys she was gripping bit into the palm of her free hand and she brought it up, slashing the key across his face and hoping against hope that the pain would be enough to make him let her go.

The pain surprised him and he brought his hand up to cover the bleeding gash as he stared at her in disbelief. The shock only lasted a moment before he dropped her hand but before she could make her move he brought his hand up and backhanded her so hard she nearly blacked out. She hit her head on the corner of the shelf as she fell and it momentarily stunned her, giving him just enough time to recover.

It was his weight holding her down, forcing her breath from her lungs that brought her back to awareness and she fought against him with everything she had. She wasn’t strong enough to overpower him and she couldn’t break free of his hold. He pinned both of her hands with one of his and cursed as he fought with her jeans. She struggled to breathe and she did everything in her power to keep him from accomplishing what he had set out to do. Their struggling upset a large vase on the shelf and it fell to the floor, shattering into thousands of tiny pieces.

Someone knocked on the door and his hand shot up to cover her mouth.

“One word and I’ll kill you.”

She studied his eyes as they glittered in the darkness and courage suddenly welled up inside of her and she bit the hand covering her mouth. He reared up and punched her before she could scream. He landed several more punches to her face and scrambled to his feet, kicking her hard just as the door opened.

“I discovered that I have a genuine interest in so many things when I was in prison. I love to walk in Central Park and history… I could read about history all day and never get enough of it.”

Liz blinked as Max’s voice filtered in, chasing away the memories and filling that space with comforting warmth. He was lying close by but he had left enough space between them to avoid stressing her further. She listened to him and slowly uncurled from her position. He wasn’t anything like the man who had attacked her. He was genuinely warm and caring and he had a past that she didn’t know much about, but he hadn’t tried to hide it from her.

He was willing to answer her questions and she believed he had been honest on the few occasions when he had opened up to her. He was a man who knew what he wanted and he was willing to work hard to get it. What she didn’t understand was why he was interested in her. She had been pursued by men before but he definitely didn’t fall in that category. He seemed to honestly care about her and he had put up with a lot more from her than most men would. She was attracted to him and he intrigued her but she couldn’t figure out why he was putting up with her.

“I’ve always wanted to go out on the ocean. I’ll be damned if I know why because as you know, I can’t swim. But there’s something about it that just fascinates me.”

He was talking about random things, just talking for no other reason than… He was trying to draw her out, she realized and felt tears threatening. She glanced at his hands and watched him as he turned her phone over and over.

Max was aware that she had moved but she still hadn’t said anything. He held her phone up. “I’m no stranger to cell phones,” he said, “but trying to use this thing is confusing. No keypad, you push the stupid thing and something you don’t even want opens up.” He demonstrated and shook his head.

She reached out and covered his hand and he gently brushed his fingers against her skin before releasing the phone. “You don’t have to press hard. Just a touch of your fingertip and it’ll do what you want it to do. Brush your finger like this and it’ll go to the next screen. Tap this icon here and it’ll open up the menu… contacts, IM, email, it’s all here.”

He tapped the screen and pulled up the contact list. “So who’s Bitch?”

“My cousin Samantha. She’s a pain in the ass but you can’t exactly just ignore family because you don’t like them. She calls all the time for this or that but all she wants is someone to listen to her bitch about, well, everything.”

He laughed quietly, the sound washing over her and chasing the last of the old specters back into the recesses of her mind. “Do you?”

“Do I what?”

“Listen to her bitch?”

Liz shrugged. “Most of the time.”

As much as he wanted to ask her about what had caused that episode he decided to let her come to him with it. Or at least until he had some time to do a little research and figure out how to approach her about the assault. “Wanna show me how to work this thing?”

She glanced up at him. His expression was inquisitive as he looked at her and after a moment she scooted closer, letting her weight rest against his side. She tensed slightly when he lifted his arm and rested it across her shoulders. He rubbed her arm before pointing at the screen and she automatically moved to follow his finger.

“So what’s an angry bird?”

“It’s a game.” She opened up the application to show him. She demonstrated launching a red bird across the screen and then handed the phone to him. “Here, try it.” It was easy to see he wasn’t used to using the touch screen and his bird didn’t make it very far. She leaned further into him and laughed when he tried again and got the same result.

“Okay, laugh it up. Just wait until I get good at it.”

She snorted against his shoulder when his third launch was mildly successful. “Your bird isn’t getting much distance.”

“Hell, it’s better than it was the first time.”

She made a face. “Your birds are just pissed because they’re barely getting off the ground.”

He held the phone out to her. “Here, show me again.” His eyes followed her movements as her fingertip moved over the screen and a moment later the bird went flying, arcing through the air and colliding with the target. The game might be fun if he could get the hang of it but he could sit there and send the stupid birds bouncing across the bottom of the screen all day if it kept her thoughts from going back to the past. She would tell him eventually. He felt that it was important that it come from her rather than anyone else. The only reason he had tried to call DJ was because if anyone had dealt with her in that state it was probably him. But now that it had passed he didn’t want the story from the other man. He wanted it from her.

Liz looked up at him. “I just realized what time it is.” She lifted an eyebrow. “You’re not at work.”

“Wow, you are observant.” He grinned when she elbowed him and launched another bird. “I’ve got the day off.”

“Until your big date tonight,” she teased and slouched down a little further.

Max rolled his eyes. “Hey, what do you wear to go to a Broadway thing?”

“You and Dottie are seeing a Broadway show?”

He shrugged. “Yeah, I think she said the Lion King.”

“Oh, Max, that’s a wonderful show! I’ve seen it several times. I love it!”

“Good to know.” He took a turn launching a bird. “So what’s a guy wear to that sorta thing?”

“Nothing you’ll have in your closet.” She shifted, bracing her forearm on his stomach as she looked up at him. “You have to let me take you shopping.”

He shook his head. “No way. I’m capable of buying my own clothes.” He tried to focus on the screen instead of the decidedly female body pressing against him.

“I don’t want to buy your clothes for you. Just let me help you pick something suitable out.” She wrinkled her nose. “I’m sure we can find something. Not at the thrift store though, okay? Let’s at least go to a store where no one has worn the clothes before they were put out for sale.”

“Alright, but I don’t wanna hear a single snotty word about the store I choose.”

“I can’t make any promises there,” she said with a grin. “But I can try.”

“That’s a start. After breakfast we can head out. First I’m gonna knock that damn pig out.”

She laughed. “We could be here all day if that’s what we’re waiting for.”

He shot a look at her before making another attempt. Well, that damn bird was getting a little farther out.

Prisoners of the Past (CC, A/U, Adult) Part 16 - 3/5/12

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 2:40 am
by ArchAngel1973
dreamon: Someone did get there in time to stop that from happening.

Life did keep moving and technology really kept on moving. Max has some catching up to do. Like most guys he’s not that excited about turning a quick run for something decent to wear into a shopping excursion, lol.

MP: And finally we get a look into Liz’s past. She does have a reason for her viewpoint.

Max is mature for his age, but what he’s been through in his young life is largely responsible for that.

Trying to figure those phones out when you’ve never used one can be a real pain, lol. Shopping could be interesting.

begonia9508: Thanks!

Fear left from a traumatic experience can stick with you if you never deal with it. Trauma marks a person for life, it can change the way you do things, make you hyper aware of your surroundings, and it can affect the way you handle people and situations. Thankfully Max was able to deal with Liz and help her through it.

Those new phones can be intimidating if you don’t know how to use them, lol.

Oh, Max isn’t about to be forced to shop somewhere he doesn’t want to go.

keepsmiling7: Thanks!

The trauma of that night has stuck with her.

Technology has changed a bit since Max went to prison.

She’ll open up to him at some point. He’ll get the truth out of her.

Lol, he’s so sure he’s just gonna run in, grab something decent, and run right back out.

Alien_Friend: It isn’t in her to not fight back. And no, it didn’t go farther than that but the incident left its scars. Max did the only thing he knew to do in that situation. Lol, it’ll take him a little bit of time to get used to the changes in technology.

Ava will be relieved to see Kyle come back. The weekend will be interesting.

Max isn’t that excited about spending time clothes shopping.

angiebrenna: Finally, Liz lets us in on what happened. Max will work on getting her to open up with him. She does need to talk to someone. She’s held that in for so long that all its done was build up inside of her without an outlet.

clueless: Thanks! I’m glad you’re enjoying the story and Max!

Part 16

Max stepped out of the dressing room and stared at his reflection in the full-length mirror. Liz had wandered off to talk to the woman who was apparently in charge of the area and probably had another request for several more shirts in his size. He frowned at the pinstriped shirt he was wearing with a pair of black slacks and shook his head. He lifted his head and his eyes locked with Liz’s in the mirror as she came up behind him.

“I may not be the expert on fashion here, but,” he gestured to himself as he turned to face her, “this isn’t happening.”

Liz had to agree with him. “Alright, take it off.”

“Gladly,” he muttered as he turned back to the dressing room.

“I’ll be right back with a couple more shirts.” She went back to find the clerk and collected the shirts she had asked for, holding them up one at a time to examine them. “Okay, Max, try this one next,” she said as she stood outside the dressing room once more. She glanced up when the door opened and did a double take when she got a look at him.

He had stripped off the pinstripe button-down leaving him in the black slacks with a white tee shirt he wore tucked in. He was shrugging into the black blazer, his head ducked down as he reached back to straighten the collar.

“You said this thing’s not formal, right? That casual is perfectly acceptable?”

“Yes, but…” Her gaze raked over him. There was no way he could go out looking like that! “You can’t go like that.” He looked good enough to eat!

Max looked up and caught her gaze and he smiled slowly. “Why not?”

His voice was silky smooth and it awakened every hot spot in her body. “You know damn well why not,” she snapped.

“Dottie’s old enough to be my mother.”

“She’s 47, Max, she’s not dead.”

He tried not to laugh but it turned into a snort. “Maybe not but we’re just two coworkers going out together for the evening. It’s nothing more than that.” He glanced at his reflection once more. “Besides, even if I was interested in a considerably older woman, I’ve already committed to giving this dating thing a shot with you.”

“You haven’t been laid in six years and you won’t have sex with me.”

He rolled his eyes and turned around to face her. “You wanna say that a little louder? There might be a couple of shoppers who didn’t hear you.”

“I’m just saying…”

“You’re gonna have to do better than that because I’m not a mind reader.” He moved closer to her and tipped her chin up so he could look into her eyes. “So…?”

“I’m just saying we’re not having sex and at some point you’re gonna lose interest in dating someone you’re not doing.”

“There are so many things wrong with that statement I don’t even know where to start.” He took the shirts out of her hand and sorted through them, pulling out a deep blue one and draping the rest over a nearby rack. He shrugged out of the jacket and handed it to her while he slid his arms into the sleeves of the shirt. “This dating thing’s new for me,” he said as he lined the panels up and started to button the shirt. “I grew up on the streets, I didn’t have an average childhood, I didn’t go to high school dances, and make out with girls in the backseat of my dad’s car, but that doesn’t mean I’m some kinda animal. We’re not gonna just ignore what happened to you and screw our way through it. Do I want to get laid?” He glanced around, making sure they were alone before unfastening the pants so he could tuck the shirt in. “Yeah, I’d like to get laid but if it takes a while for us to get there it won’t kill me.” It might feel like it but he was pretty sure it wouldn’t actually put him six feet under. He zipped up again and ran his hands over the shirt before turning to look at her. “If I haven’t lost interest in you by this point I think we can safely say I’m not goin’ anywhere.”

Liz stared at him as he spoke. She knew plenty of men who had grown up with everything and she could only name one who would even come close to exhibiting the kind of patience Max was exhibiting.

He moved closer and his right hand lifted, his fingers sliding around her neck and gently massaging her soft skin. “I may not know all the rules that so-called normal people play by, but I do have my own belief system when it comes to right and wrong.”

“So you want us to be exclusive?”

“If one partner’s sleeping around then they’re basically both sleeping around and I’m not interested in that. If I was I wouldn’t have said I wanted to give dating a shot.” He leaned in even closer and his lips brushed against hers in a whisper soft kiss. “I want you,” he murmured, his voice low. He took his time deepening the kiss, not rushing her and being careful to not crowd her.

Liz brought her own hands up, sliding the right up his over chest, gliding along his shoulder, and finally coming to rest against his neck. Her other hand, still holding the blazer, settled against his chest as she leaned into him.

They pulled apart slowly, reluctantly, when they were interrupted by the clerk clearing her throat rather loudly.

“I think we have everything we need,” Liz said, barely glancing at the woman.

Max took a step back and gave the clerk his attention. “We appreciate your time,” he said with a grateful smile. He held his hand out to accept the pale yellow shirt she was holding. “I think we’re pretty close to making a decision.”

“I’ll just be over there,” she indicated the small counter where she monitored the dressing rooms. “If you need anything else be sure to let me know.”

“We’ll do that, thanks.”

“Busybody,” Liz grumbled under her breath when the woman went back to her post.

“She’s just doing her job.” He stood back and held his arms out at his sides. “What do you think? Casual tee shirt or dress-up blue button down?”

She took the yellow shirt from him and held the blazer up. “Here, put this on.” She stood back and watched him as he slipped his arms into the sleeves and the jacket settled into place on his shoulders. She reached up to brush away a piece of nonexistent lint and then studied him. After a moment she shook her head and sighed.

“What? You don’t like this one either?”

She had gone through at least a dozen shirts; different colors, solids, stripes, silk, cotton, tee shirts, button downs, with a tie, without a tie… Damn it, there was just no way to ugly the man up! No matter what he put on he looked good. “No, I do like it.”

“Uh-huh, well, if this is how you look when you like it I’d hate to see your expression if you hated it.” He shook his head. “It’s getting later and pretty soon we’re gonna run out of clothes for me to try on. Pick one you like or I’m gonna go shirtless.”

Her right eyebrow quirked and she shook her head at him. “I’d pay to see that. But not when you’re out with someone who isn’t me. And not when you’re spending an evening at a Broadway show. They’re not quite that casual.”

She walked around him once, twice, before finally came to a stop in front of him. She reached up to undo the top button and fussed with the collar for a moment. “Alright, I think you should wear the blue one. No tie, open at the throat.”

He sighed when he saw the way she was watching him. “Liz, people are only as good as their word.”

“You may have no intention of jumping anyone’s bones but trust me, you won’t go unnoticed tonight.”

“What does it matter if some random woman looks at me and decides I’m worth a second look? I’m not goin’ out to get laid,” he reminded her.

“You’ll be noticed by more than one woman,” she insisted.

“I’ve already told you I won’t be sneakin’ around behind your back.” He started unbuttoning the shirt. “I’m okay with a little jealousy, but if it reaches a point where you can’t trust me to go out on my own that’s gonna be a problem.”

“I’d just be happier if I wasn’t spending the night alone while you’re out on a date.”

“It’s not a date.” He smirked and shook his head. “You know where I live.” He shrugged out of the jacket and shirt and handed both to her. “I’m not sure what time I’ll be home but we could order pizza and watch a movie. You can even pick it out.”

She bit her bottom lip. “Really?”

“You’ll be a lot more knowledgeable about what’s good than I will,” he said with a teasing smile. He hooked his thumb over his shoulder to indicate the dressing room. “I’m gonna run change back into my clothes and then we can go.”

“Um, no, not yet.”

He frowned. “Not yet?”

“You need new shoes.”

“I’ve got shoes I can wear tonight.”

“The ones you wear to work?” she asked, shaking her head when he nodded. “No, no, no, you can’t wear those things.”

He walked up to her and leaned in for a quick kiss. “Liz, I’m done shoppin’ for the day. We’ve been in this damn store for the past three hours and I’ve been a good sport about trying on just about everything you’ve suggested. The shoes I wear for work will be fine. Just give ‘em a little spit polish shine and they’ll be good as new.”

She huffed in indignation. “Fine.” She put the shirt and jacket on their hangers and then started to collect the shirts he had tried on. “I know you’ll have to start getting ready pretty soon but you wanna stop for a coffee on the way back home?”

“Sure,” he answered, his voice slightly muffled through the dressing room door, “as long as they’ve got regular coffee. I don’t drink any of those half-this, half-that, non-fat, decaf, hold-the-whatever coffees that’re so popular these days. I like basic coffee, nothing fancy, and nothing that’s gonna require me to stand in line for twenty minutes because the person in front of me can’t decide what they want.”

“Have you ever had a latte or a macchiato?” She rolled her eyes. “Have you ever even tried anything that wasn’t plain old regular everyday coffee?” she asked.

“No, and I have no intention of starting now.”

“One trip to a gourmet coffee shop and I could turn you into a coffee snob.”

“You can try.”

“I can try,” she mumbled under her breath. “Whatever. If I buy you something that isn’t just coffee, will you try it?”

“Yeah, if it means that much to you I’ll try it.” He wouldn’t like it, but he’d try it if she just had her heart set on it.

Liz smiled in satisfaction. “I’m gonna run these clothes over to the clerk and then we can get out of here.”

“Alright.” How could it take three hours to settle on a shirt and jacket? He could’ve been in and out in under twenty minutes if he’d been alone. He rubbed his bottom lip thoughtfully. They’d had their first kiss right here in the men’s clothing department and he wouldn’t trade that for anything. Even if he’d had to spend the entire day trying on a hundred different shirts for her he would’ve done it.


Isabel stood in front of the door to her father’s study. The palm of her hand felt clammy as she reached for the doorknob and turned it. The familiar creak of the hinges was loud as the heavy oak door was pushed inward and her steps faltered for a moment as she crossed the threshold. She rounded the large mahogany desk and sank into the comfortable leather chair, running her hands over the arms and feeling the slight impressions where her father’s arms had rested.

She could remember climbing up to sit in the chair when she was a little girl, using the toes of her shoes against the desk for leverage as she would push herself and send the chair spinning. She lifted her bare feet up to rest on the edge of the seat and closed her eyes as she reached out, grabbing the edge of the desk and giving herself a push. She smiled sadly as the chair made one full rotation before coming to rest in its original position.

After his death she had kept the room closed because it was just too hard to see the study where he had spent so much time. Later it had become her escape when she needed to feel close to him. It was the one room in the house that had captured his essence and it was where she felt him the most even though he was gone. For a long time she had been able to smell his aftershave, catch the slightest whiff of the light cologne he had worn, but as time had passed it had started to fade.

She shifted and the chair squeaked in protest. She squeezed her eyes shut and propped her elbows against her raised knees, using the palms of her hands to press against her closed eyes. He had tried so many times to get rid of that annoying squeak but the source had continually eluded him. There was a spot on the carpet beneath the chair where he had spilled the oil and no amount of scrubbing had ever gotten it out.

“Why didn’t you ever tell me about him, Dad?” she whispered as she leaned her head back to rest against the chair. “You must’ve looked for him as he got older. I just can’t imagine you simply letting him go. Maybe he wasn’t yours by birth, but if nothing else he’s part of me and I deserved the chance to get to know him. We’re both adults now. We should’ve been allowed to make the decision for ourselves.”

She sighed and rolled her head along the back of the chair to look at the wall that held a dozen hand-crafted mahogany filing cabinets. They were empty now, all of his files having been transferred to other firms as arranged prior to his death. He had been careful to make sure his clients were cared for in that event, he had meticulously provided for his only child, and he had made sure that everyone who worked for him was justly rewarded.

“What about Max, Dad?” Even if he hadn’t told her about him she refused to believe that somehow, somewhere, he hadn't collected information to share with her at a later date. There was just no way he’d have simply forgotten about the little boy. Maybe he hadn’t been able to take custody of Max, but her father had been a very caring man and leaving the little boy with that woman was just unconscionable.

Alex slowly made his way down the hall, knowing where he would find Isabel. They had heard from Devon at lunchtime and she had been in a pensive mood since then. He was just calling in to check in, let them know that there was nothing new to report. It was a frustrating process and he knew it was weighing heavily on her mind.


She wiped at a few stray tears before looking up at him and forcing a smile. “I just thought I’d drop in on Dad to see if he had any advice for me.”

He nodded and made his way across the room. “You know, I’ve been thinking about this, and maybe we’ve been looking in the wrong place.”

“What?” She frowned at him. “We’ve checked his files, his bedroom, his safe deposit box, the wall safe, his desk, and there was nothing in his will about Max.” She looked up at him when he leaned back against the edge of the desk in front of her. “Where else can we look?”

“Do you think he would’ve talked to Diane about Max?”

“Yeah, I mean, they talked about everything.”

“Did she have a safe deposit box in her name?”

“Not that I know of. Nothing was ever said about it that I remember and I’ve never seen a statement for one.”

“You’ve never seen a statement for your father’s safe deposit box either, Isabel. Your accountant takes care of all that for you.”

“But if she had one I’d be able to access it now,” she mused.

“It’s possible,” he said softly as he reached out to brush his fingers over her cheeks. “Maybe he kept whatever he had about Max in her safety deposit box.”

She glanced up at the clock on the mantle above the fireplace on the far wall. “And it’s too late to check that out today.”

“It’s too late for that but it’s not too late to get ready to go out,” he said with a smile. “C’mon, we have dinner reservations at seven and then we can catch a movie. That new romantic comedy you wanted to see opened last weekend.” He leaned forward, using his upper body strength to push himself to his feet. “We’ll go over to the bank first thing in the morning, okay?”

Isabel smiled at him. Alex had a gift for being positive and seeing the good in things even when everything seemed to be going wrong. She closed the door behind them and her hand rested against it for a moment before she turned away. “Let’s get ready to go and if you’re good maybe I’ll let you pick the movie.”

He grinned at her as they walked down the hallway. “Just how good would I have to be?” It felt good to be able to tease each other like this. It felt even better to know that he was able to follow through. After the accident he had faced the very real possibility of never having a sexual relationship again. But over time as his body had started to heal and the paralysis had slowly begun to reverse itself he had regained feeling in all of his lower extremities. His mobility was still limited but they were creative and determined and even though things had been a bit awkward at first their love for each other had helped them figure things out.


Liz was pacing back and forth in the living room while she waited for Max to get ready. He was taking his time and it was driving her crazy. She picked up her phone when it rang, recognizing Maria’s ringtone without even consciously thinking about it.

“Hey, Maria.”

“Hi, Liz. Sorry I didn’t call earlier. Had a minor emergency that ended up taking most of the day to take care of.”

She frowned. “Are you okay?”

“Oh, yeah, I’m fine. Just a plumbing issue that had to be addressed.”

Liz wrinkled her nose but quickly reminded herself that she was trying to be a better friend. “Did you get it handled?”

“Yeah, with a lot of creative cursing and some brute strength Michael was able to fix it.” She tried uselessly to stifle a yawn. “Anyway, I was calling about Sunday.”

“Will you guys be able to come over?”

“I talked to Michael about it and he said we could make it around two.”

Liz swallowed down the automatic comment that wanted to break free. “Two would be great,” she said instead.

For the next ten minutes they discussed who was bringing what and then they ended the call. She frowned at the phone before tossing it on the coffee table.

“What’s that look for?” Max asked when he came into the living room.

“I just think it’s ridiculous that she has to ask his permission to come over.”

“What’re you talkin’ about?” He sat down on the couch to shine his shoes and he glanced up at her when she continued to pace back and forth.

“Maria. She just called to say she had talked to him and he said they could come over around two on Sunday.”

“Liz, they’re a couple. When one of them wants to make plans for them as a couple it only stands to reason that they would need to check with the other person before setting anything in stone. You’re gonna have to relax this attitude about him otherwise you’re just wasting your time and hers trying to fix things.”

She sat on the arm of the couch and frowned at a white scuff mark on the shoe he was working on. “I told you to get new shoes.”

“Uh-huh, and I told you these are fine.” He leaned over and grabbed a black marker off of the end table, pulling the cap off and running the felt tip over the scuff mark. “See?” He held the shoe up. “Good as new.”

“Well, that’s one way to look at it.”

“No reason to spend all that money when a little black ink and some spit shines ‘em up like new.” He shot a sideways glance at her. “Figure out what you’re gonna do tonight?”

Liz watched him as he leaned over to put his shoes on. “I’m going out for drinks with DJ.” She shrugged. “He said he could keep me company for a while. He has a date later so I’ll probably just head over here when he leaves.”

He stood up and brushed his hands over his thighs. “Do I look presentable?” he asked as he held his arms out at his sides.

She stopped in her tracks and looked at him. “You look better than presentable,” she said with a smile. She let her gaze wander over him slowly before she crossed the room to stand before him. She ran her hands over his chest, smoothing the jacket as she looked up at him. “You’ll enjoy yourself tonight. Dottie’s good company, you’re going to a good show, and – “

He pressed his forefinger to her lips, silencing her. “And at the end of the evening I’ll be comin’ back here to spend the rest of the night with you.” He smiled and replaced his finger with his lips. “But only if you’re comfortable with that.”

Liz nodded. “I’ll wait for you at the main house if I get back here before you.”

“That’s not necessary. You can come inside and wait.”

“Alright,” she murmured against his lips. She sighed when the clock chimed, announcing the hour.

“I’d better go. Dottie said she’d pick me up at six and I don’t want to keep her waiting.”

“I’ll walk out with you. Do you care if Diablo stays over?” she asked as they walked outside.

“As long as I don’t have to sleep with him.”

She chuckled and slipped her hand into his without thinking. “He seemed to be fine on the floor last night.” She paused when they reached the gate and she saw Dottie’s car parked in the driveway. No reason to be jealous, she reminded herself. He might be going out with Dottie but he was coming back to her at the end of the night. “I’ll see you later, Max.”

He turned to face her. “I’ll see you tonight,” he said and leaned in to brush his lips against hers. “Don’t forget, we’ve got a date for pizza and a movie.” He opened the gate and winked as he backed out and closed it again. “See you in a few hours.”

Prisoners of the Past (CC, A/U, Adult) Part 17 - 3/11/12

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 9:36 pm
by ArchAngel1973
Eva: Liz has avoided relationships for quite a while and she’s lost the ability to see beyond her own prejudices. She does have a lot to learn about people but she’ll be getting some help on that front.

MP: Thanks! True, and Liz is well aware of that fact. Well, we’ll get two of the three in this part.

begonia9508: Lol, right?!

Max didn’t terribly enjoy the shopping excursion but he was patient with it. And most importantly he’s being patient with Liz.

keepsmiling7: No, she had no luck in that department.

Oh, she’s definitely jealous.

mary mary: Yeah, that’s just not gonna happen, is it.

Glad you enjoyed having a couple parts to read!

We’ll be getting Kyle back to Ava soon. Isabel will keep looking even though right now she keeps running into walls. And Max… the man does have a way with Liz.

Alien_Friend: Thanks!

Liz did have reason to be jealous, lol. Max is going to keep her on her toes. He’s doing his best to make her understand that he’s not going anywhere.

Broadway should be a good experience for Max. And Liz certainly did fuss over him… she might not admit it just yet, but she enjoyed it.

We’ll find out in time what Philip did to locate Max. Alex is doing his best to help Isabel find any clues that might lead them to Max. Max’s reaction to finding out he has family… that should be good.

angiebrenna: Glad you enjoyed that part so much!

dreamon: Thanks! Not sure where you can find a guy like Max… there seems to be an extreme shortage of them!

Part 17

DJ sauntered into the apartment when Liz opened the door, his gaze sweeping over her briefly. His right eyebrow arched at her choice of clothes. “Not on the prowl tonight?” he asked as he leaned against the entertainment center.

“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”

He hid a smile at the defensive note that had crept into her voice. “Not a thing. Just not what you normally wear when you’re looking to get laid.” He shrugged one shoulder dismissively.

“How would you even know?”

He gave her a droll stare.

“Fine, maybe I’m just not in the mood.”

“Huh.” He straightened up and walked into the kitchen. “I guess that means you’ve got Max right where you wanted him. Guess it’d explain where you were when I stopped by last night to see if you wanted to hit up that new club.” He opened the refrigerator door just to have something to do while he waited for her to confirm his suspicions.

Liz snorted. “No, we haven’t had sex.” She narrowed her eyes on his back as she waited for him to comment. “How do you even remember his name? You never remember the name of any other guy.”

“They’re usually not worth remembering,” he said dismissively.

“And he is?”

“Girl, you don’t know whether you’re coming or going with him.” He shot a glance at her over his shoulder as he closed the refrigerator. “Don’t give me some smartass play on words either. This is me you’re talking to. I see right through your bullshit and you know it.”

Liz made a face but didn’t bother arguing with him.

DJ leaned back against the refrigerator and crossed his arms over his chest. “So where’s he at tonight?”

“He went out with a coworker. They’re having dinner and seeing a show on Broadway.”

“So that would be a female coworker,” he guessed.

“It’s not like that.” She rolled her eyes. “He went out with Dottie.”

He smiled. “She’s a very nice lady but she’s gotta be on the other side of 50.”

“I know how old she is, DJ.”

“And yet you sound jealous.”

“You didn’t see him.”

He snorted. “Even if I had it wouldn’t have made a difference to me one way or the other what he looked like.” He adjusted his watch band. “So the two of you haven’t had sex but you weren’t home last night.”

Liz rolled her eyes when she realized he was fishing for information. “Just ask before you burst a blood vessel or something.” She huffed an annoyed breath when he just continued to stare at her. “Yes, alright? I spent the night with him.”

“Without incident?” he asked carefully.

She turned away, fussing with a placemat on the breakfast bar. “We should get going before it’s pointless to bother going out.”

“Parker,” he said, his tone one of quiet warning.

“No,” she snapped, “it didn’t go without incident. I woke up and freaked out because his damn arm was wrapped around me.”

“It’s not a weakness to react so strongly when something reminds you of that night.”

His gentle voice grated on her nerves. “Easy for you to say. You’re not the one who can’t spend the night with someone because waking up with them causes you to freak out.”

“Honey, you’ve never dealt with what happened and until you do you’re not gonna be able to let it go.”

“I don’t want to discuss this any further.”

It was a topic she never wanted to discuss. He prodded on occasion, tried to get her to open up, and every once in a while he would get her to talk a little bit, but it was never enough to allow her to begin to heal. She had stubbornly bottled up what had happened and she believed if she just ignored it then it would eventually go away. “Alright. What’re you doing with Max? Since the night you were attacked you’ve spent the entire night with a guy what, once or twice? And on those occasions you’ve woken up the next morning and you’ve reacted badly.”

“Do you have a point?”

“Did you talk to him at all about what happened this morning?”

“He didn’t ask,” she answered shortly.

“He will at some point and when he does what’re you gonna tell him?” He leaned forward and tipped her chin up. “You seem to really like him and based on you taking such a big step and spending the night with him without having sex… the guy must like you too.”

“What makes you think that was his decision?”

He chuckled. “He sees past the surface and it makes you uncomfortable. I think he’s got your number and as much as that bothers you there’s something about him that you’re drawn to.” He saw her start to disagree and a split second later her features settled into acceptance. “So… the two of you are what, exactly?”

“Dating,” she answered slowly.

“And are your parents okay with that?”

“Yeah, well, before we could date or anything else he had to talk to Dad.”

DJ snickered. “He talked to your dad and what, asked permission or something?”

“Yeah, that’s exactly what he did.” She rolled her eyes when he laughed. “It’s not funny, DJ.”

“Sorry,” he mumbled as he tried not to laugh. “I think it was a smart move on his part but that had to make you crazy.”

She pushed him to get him to move from in front of the refrigerator so she could reach inside for a drink. It was quickly becoming apparent that they weren’t going anywhere and she was thirsty.

“It says a lot about his character that he’s taking the time to really get to know you.”

“Isn’t that what you advised him to do?”

“Yeah, but just because I pass along my advice doesn’t mean people always take it. Where’s Diablo?” he asked when he realized he hadn’t seen the dog since his arrival.

“I left him over at my parents’ house since I was planning to go out and it would save me the time coming back to get him later.”

DJ nodded. “You two not spending the night at home?”

“No.” She shrugged. “Max said he doesn’t mind if Diablo stays over with me. And no, before you ask, I do not want to talk about it.”

He leaned past her to snag a beer from the open refrigerator door. “Alright, changing the topic. Have you talked to Maria?” He unscrewed the cap and tossed it in the trash, ignoring the look she shot at him. “What? Would you rather talk about Max? Because I’ll be happy to discuss either topic.” He rested his back against the counter behind him. “I’ve got all night… or at least until it’s time for you to meet up with Max.”

“I apologized and we talked. I think it’s gonna take time to fix things.” She sighed. “Max thought it’d be a good idea to invite them over for a barbecue on Sunday.”

“Did you?”

“Yes, I did.”

“Then what’s the problem?” he asked, sensing that there was something she wasn’t saying.

“I think the only way I’m ever really gonna fix things between us is if I make peace with Michael and I don’t know how to do that. When she called earlier today to confirm that they could make it tomorrow she said she had talked to Michael about it and he said they could make it around two.”

He shrugged. “So?”

“See, I say that to you and it means nothing. I say it to Max and it means nothing. But she says it to me and I can’t see past her asking him if they can go.”

“Honey, I know Michael has a rather strong personality, but Maria… the girl’s got a pretty damn strong personality of her own. The two of them are matched pretty evenly; hot-blooded, hot-tempered, and loyal to a fault. Michael doesn’t walk all over her and if he ever tried she wouldn’t allow it. They have a mutual respect for each other but you don’t see it because you didn’t like him from the start. When you and I were dating and one of us got invited to do something what’d we do?”

She shrugged. “Whoever got the invitation talked to the other person to find out if we had any other plans and if not, were they interested in going.”

“So why do you assume Maria was waiting for Michael to give his permission?” He took a drink of his beer and then set it aside. “They’re in a relationship and it’s just respectful of the other person to ask what they’re doing before making plans for them as a couple. You’ve been there, you know that. You’re just gonna have to let go of that attitude you’ve got about him.”

“I know.” She sighed and nodded. “He’s just not the easiest guy to get along with.”

“Well, he’d probably be easier to get along with if you’d given him a chance 10 years ago. But hey,” he grinned and slapped her arm playfully, “you get to spend Sunday afternoon with him.”

“My dream come true,” she muttered. “Well, if nothing else Max gets along with him.”

“Make the effort, Liz.” He moved to stand beside her and hooked his right arm over her shoulders to hug her to his side. “The guy might be a bit… abrasive, but I think if you give him a chance you’ll see that he’s not as bad as you think he is.” He looked down at her. “If you want to salvage your relationship with Maria then I’d suggest you make the effort and don’t do it half-assed.”

She leaned against him. “I don’t suppose you have nothing to do on Sunday.”

“I have practice in the morning but I should be finished up at the stables by noon. I could swing by in the afternoon if you want, liven things up a bit in case you’ve stuck your foot in your mouth by then.” He just laughed when she stuck her tongue out at him and elbowed him.


Kyle was enveloped in a warm hug the moment the front door of his parents’ home opened. Amy leaned back and looked at him, studying his features for any sign that anything was wrong with him. He was ushered into the house as soon as she had decided he was alright and he sighed happily when the scent of fried chicken hit his nostrils.

“That smells good,” he said with a grin.

“You know Mom always puts out a big spread when you get back from one of your super secret undercover missions,” Maria said as she joined them.

He rolled his eyes and hugged her, snorting at her colorful description of his job. “Yeah, well, I’ll be going out again on Sunday night so you’d better enjoy my presence while you’ve got it.”

“You’re going back out so soon?” Amy asked as she led the way back to the kitchen.

“That sucks,” Maria said as she opened the refrigerator to pull a couple of beers out.

Kyle accepted one of the bottles. “Nah, it’ll be okay.”

“No, I mean Michael and I won’t be around tomorrow. We’re leaving tonight and we won’t be back until Sunday morning.”

“Where’re you guys going?”

“I don’t know, he won’t tell me.”

“Romantic getaway? Maybe a camping trip where it rains the whole time?”

She stuck her tongue out at him. “Hey, at least he tried. And okay, maybe camping isn’t really my thing but it was a really pretty area that he picked out. Admittedly it would’ve been nicer if it hadn’t rained the whole time.” And to be honest she really hoped he wasn’t taking her camping again. She appreciated the effort he had put into it and they had made good use of their time while they were stuck in their tent, but she didn’t care for a repeat of that experience. At least not the camping part. “And he’s gotten better at picking out places for us to go.”

“Yeah, that beer brewery tour was pretty fascinating as I recall.” He crossed his arms over his chest and waited for her to deny it.

“Okay, it wasn’t on my personal top ten list of things to do but if you’ll recall, smartass, he picked out a nice little bed and breakfast inn the next time we went out for an overnight trip.”

His right eyebrow lifted and his right hand paused over the snack tray Mom had just put out on the counter. “Wait, you’re saying he picked that fluffy place out?” He grinned when he saw her wince at the unintentional slip. Michael had played it like she had picked it out and he’d had no reason to doubt him when she’d shown pictures of the place.

“Do not say one word to him about that, Kyle, I’m warning you.”

He picked up a slice of hard salami and a piece of pepper jack cheese, folding them together and biting into it. “You know… having that kind of kinda information at my disposal is really too good to pass up. I don’t know that I can just forget it.”

“You two take that snack tray and go out on the back deck,” Amy said as she shooed them out of the kitchen. She knew Kyle would continue to wind her up until one of them managed to let the cat out of the bag right in front of Michael. Maria’s boyfriend liked doing things for her but the nicer the gesture the more it embarrassed him if anyone knew what he had done.

Kyle handed the tray to Maria. “I’ll catch up with you in just a minute.”

Maria rolled her eyes at him. “Don’t say anything to him, Kyle,” she warned him once more before heading outside.

“I’m not gonna say anything,” he said when he caught the look Mom shot at him. “Hey, one of the detectives is trying to figure out what he can do for his wife and I was wondering if maybe you could give me some ideas I could pass on. She’s pregnant and kinda seems miserable most of the time. He said she’s happy about the pregnancy but she’s just tired and achy a lot.”

“How far along is she?”

“Uh, seven months, maybe a little more.”

“Well, she probably isn’t feeling very pretty right now. When you’re that far along you start waddling instead of walking, swollen ankles, and some women experience trouble sleeping; none of those things makes you feel particularly attractive.”

He considered that for a moment. “So, he should… tell her she’s pretty or something?”

“That never hurts, especially when you’re talking to the woman carrying your child, but tell him to show her. Pick up something pretty for her to wear. There are a lot of maternity stores in the city and they usually have a really good selection of clothing. They also make maternity pillows, they look sort of like a horseshoe, but if he asks someone who works there they’ll be able to show him what they have in stock.”

“A maternity pillow?”

“Um-hmm, it provides support and it’ll give her relief for her lower back, her legs, and her tummy.” She tasted something from a pot on the back of the stove before shaking her head and adding more seasoning. “Massage is also very helpful and it’ll make her feel better.”

“Okay, cool, thanks. I’ll let him know.” He shoved his hands in his pockets. “You need help with anything?”

“You could make a pot of coffee and then go out back and relax. Your dad’ll be home soon and we’ll have dinner.”

After finishing the coffee he wandered outside and shook hands with Michael before stretching out on the porch swing. “Maria says you guys are gonna be gone until Sunday.”

Michael took a drink of his beer and nodded. “Yep.”

“Got any plans on Sunday? We could get together in the afternoon or something.”

He watched his girlfriend as she pushed Hunter in the baby swing Jim had put up in the backyard. “Barbecue over at the Parker’s place.” He glanced at Kyle. “Wanna go? Couldn’t hurt to have another guy there and your company’s usually tolerable.”

Kyle snorted. “It makes me feel all fuzzy when you say stuff like that, Guerin.”

“Maria and Liz got into it and I guess this barbecue’s supposed to be her tryin’ to make up for at least some of it. Plus she’s datin’ one of the guys in the program her parents are involved in – “ He laughed when Kyle nearly spit out the mouthful of beer he had just taken.

“Are you kidding?”

“No, dead serious.” He took a drink of his beer. “Poor guy hasn’t even been out that long but he’s into her. Maria invited him out to the house and he got the okay from his P.O. to spend the day with us. Max invited Liz to come along and she got her back up about somethin’ and her and Maria got into it.”

“The girl’s got issues with ex-cons and now she’s datin’ one?” Kyle asked. “How the hell did that happen?”

“Guy’s got a hard-on for her and the feeling’s obviously mutual.” He leaned forward to hold his hands out when Hunter crawled up the steps to walk to him.

“Michael must be telling you about Max,” Maria said, sitting down on the top step when her boyfriend picked Hunter up. “He’s a really nice guy.”

“I was just sayin’ he should come over to the Parker’s place on Sunday.”

“That’s a good idea.” She reached out to poke him when he stretched his arms over his head and shifted around to get comfortable.

Kyle slapped her hand away. “Alright, I’ll come by for some barbecue but it’d better be worth the drive over. “You guys leavin’ the squirt with the parents while you’re gone?”

“Yeah, so they can spoil him until we get back.”

Michael looked down at Hunter when the little boy started to chew on the bill of his baseball cap. “That’s gotta taste good. Babe, where’s his teething ring?”

“In the freezer where it usually is.”

“Well, he’s slobbering all over my hat.”

Kyle rolled his eyes when the two of them stared at each other. He could sit there all night waiting to see which one of them would get up to go get the teething ring. It would be a different story if their son started getting fussy, but right now when it was simply a matter of rescuing Michael’s hat, they would wait each other out.

“Looks like we’ve got a full house tonight,” Jim said as he joined them on the deck. He had been in the kitchen listening to the conversation between the kids and he had chuckled under his breath and retrieved the teething ring before walking outside. He handed the frog shaped teething ring to his grandson and ran a hand over the boy’s head when he smiled widely at him.

He settled into the rocking chair in the corner and easily fell into a conversation with them. He got up every once in a while to give his wife a hand with dinner and get swatted when he snuck a bite or two. The evening was comfortable, the conversation pleasant, and they were all together for the first time in a couple of weeks. He stretched his legs out and crossed them at the ankles. This was the way life should be, he thought.


Max looked down at Dottie when she linked her arm through his as they walked along the sidewalk. She was a colorful woman and an entertaining companion. “Thank you for inviting me out tonight. I’ve really enjoyed myself.”

She patted his arm and smiled at him. “I’m so glad.”

“The show was great. It’s very energetic, very… alive. And the story it tells is something I can relate to.”

“How so? If you don’t mind me asking.”

“Well, Simba’s story… he has a tragedy early in life and he deals with it by running away. He ends up with a couple of good friends along the way but eventually his past catches up with him. He has to go back to where it all started and face his demons because it’s the only thing that can set him free so he can have the life that’s rightfully his. It’s a good story and it’s very well told.”

She was curious about his past but she didn’t want to pry. “I’m happy you liked it.” She motioned to a coffee shop just ahead. “Would you care for a cup before the evening comes to an end?”

“You talked me into it,” he said with a grin. “But just one.”

They sat down at a small table a few minutes later, steaming mugs of coffee between them. The buzz of multiple conversations merged with the sounds the baristas made as they worked behind the counter.

“Have you seen the Lion King many times?” he asked.

“Oh, yes,” she said as she mixed sugar and creamer in her coffee. “I really enjoy it. When my kids were younger I would take them to different shows and we would catch the Lion King at least once each year. My son and his family are supposed to visit this summer and my daughter said if they have time she and her husband would come by.”

“You have grandkids?”

She smiled. “I have a granddaughter,” she said with a small nod. “She’s only two so she’s not old enough to enjoy Broadway yet. But I hope to take her one day.”

“I bet she’ll love it.”

“She loves the animated version so I hope so.” She chuckled and shook her head. “Maybe they’ll make it this summer.”

“Do they visit often?”

“No, my son and daughter both have demanding careers so usually I fly out to see them since it’s easier for me to get away.” She wiped a drop of coffee from the rim of the cup and sighed sadly. “Last year we never could seem to get a time sorted out so I haven’t seen them since the year before.”

Her kids sounded pretty selfish to him but he kept that opinion to himself.

“What about you? Do you see your parents often?”

“I was little when my dad took off and I haven’t seen my mom since my sixth birthday.”

“Oh, that’s terrible! What happened to her?”

“Nothing tragic,” he said with a shrug and looked down at his coffee. “She just took off.”

Abandoned not once, but twice, she thought as she studied him. “There’s a special place in hell for people who abandon their children.”

He lifted his head just enough to look up at her. “You think so?”

“Yes, I do. Children are a blessing, they’re a gift, and for some people they’re an unattainable dream. They should be cherished. Oh, they can be little pains when they want to be and they can break your heart at times, but there’s no greater gift than that of a child.”

Max stared at her hand where it had moved to cover his while she spoke and he reached over to place his free hand over hers. “Your kids are fools to waste the gift they were given, Dottie.” He smiled when he saw the moisture building in her eyes. “I don’t have any kids, but I do know what I would’ve given to have a mother who loved me.”

They enjoyed their coffee in companionable silence, an understanding between them that required no further explanation. It was almost 11pm by the time Dottie dropped him off and he watched her drive away with a thoughtful expression on his face. How could people be so careless with those who loved them? How could they squander their time with their families? Didn’t they understand that something so precious could be taken away without a moments’ notice? People just assumed there would be time later to say things, share things, or just simply spend time together. People were fools, he decided as the taillights disappeared into the night and he turned to go up to the house.

Prisoners of the Past (CC, A/U, Adult) Part 18 - 3/19/12

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:28 pm
by ArchAngel1973
MP: Thanks! A double dose of Max and Liz, huh? Let’s see how it goes. I know why you’re here, lol… now guess why I’m here!

begonia9508: Thanks!

They’re all connected in one way or another.

Max did have a good time and he had the opportunity to enjoy something he’s missing in his life.

Lol, yeah, Kyle was asking for Ava.

DJ knows how to deal with Liz but he’s had years of experience.

Barbecue’s coming soon!

mary mary: Thanks! I think Sunday will be good for all of them.

keepsmiling7: Nope, Liz was hanging out at home with her friend.

Liz hasn’t dealt with what happened that night, at all. But Max will do his best to help her.

AlysLuv: He is, isn’t he? She will get around to that… maybe sooner than we think.

dreamon: Thanks for reading!

Alien_Friend: Dottie could very well become an important part of Max’s life.

The barbecue will bring quite a few of the characters together.

It’s a great thing to have that appreciation for what you have with your loved ones.

Michelle in LA: I hate it when that happens, lol, but glad you got to catch up on several parts at once.

Thanks! Max has had his hands full with Liz and she’s definitely taking some steps forward and changing. Teaching her boundaries has taken time and patience but it’s finally paying off. Making Liz understand why he wants to wait hasn’t been easy either but she’s finally at a place where she’s stopped pushing.

This line here:
"If I wag my jigglies at him, he'll be eating out of my hand."
This made me laugh so hard!

Aww… I’ve never seen the Broadway production either.

Part 18

Max unlocked his front door and stepped inside. The television was on, providing the only light and the sound was turned down low. Movement drew his attention to the dog lying on the floor in front of the couch and for a moment he froze in place. He relaxed when Diablo stood and stretched before crossing the floor to sit in front of him.

“What’s up?” he asked quietly. He tipped his head to the side when the dog raised his right paw and he caught it, giving it a shake before releasing it again. “Good to see you too.” He rubbed Diablo’s head and then patted his side. He moved to lean over the back of the couch, looking down at the woman sleeping there. She was facing the television, her back braced against the couch and her arms folded protectively across her chest.

He straightened up and went into the kitchen, switching on the light over the sink and pulling a glass down out of the cabinet. He filled it with water and took a long drink, pausing with the rim of the glass resting against his lips when he felt someone staring at him. He slowly lowered the glass and dropped his gaze to the dog sitting in the doorway.

“I’m guessing you’re not here to ask how my night was,” he said, his lips quirking in a small smile. “I have no idea what you want.” He followed Diablo when the dog suddenly stood and turned, disappearing from sight. Before he reached the doorway the animal was back, a stainless steel bowl clamped between his teeth. The dog sat once more and Max glanced at the water in his hand when he saw several clear drops fall from the rim of the bowl. “You want water,” he guessed and leaned forward to see if Diablo would release the bowl. “Okay, so this dog thing isn’t all that difficult,” he said as he rinsed the bowl out and filled it with fresh water.

He carried it back out of the kitchen, glancing around to see if he could figure out where Liz had set it up. He didn’t have to look far because Diablo passed him and went right to the mat shaped like a giant dog bone lying on the floor in a corner that was close to the kitchen and safely out of the way. He set it down next to the food bowl that looked like it had been recently empties and gave the dog another pat before going back to the kitchen. He finished his water, put the glass in the sink, and flipped the light off once more.

He went into the bedroom to turn the bedside lamp on before going back to the living room and switching on a lamp. He wasn’t sure if it was safe to touch her while she was sleeping or if it would startle her and send her into another episode like she had experienced just that morning. He crouched down in front of her and then decided that might frighten her if she woke up and saw him before her brain could identify him. He stood back up and moved away from her, turning the television off and calling her name quietly.

“Hey, Liz, you wanna sleep in here on the couch?” he asked when she stirred. He chuckled and shook his head when she mumbled something he didn’t have a prayer of understanding, and he called her again before she could go right back to sleep. “Liz…”

“Hmm… Max…” she smiled sleepily and shifted to wrap her arms around the pillow beneath her head.

“Hell,” he groaned when she stretched, her lithe body reminding him of a cat waking from a nap on a lazy afternoon. “You wanna go to bed?”


“You’re on your way back to sleep,” he said when she snuggled down and closed her eyes again. He crouched down next to her and his hand rested on her hip as he shook her lightly. “I can carry you if that’s okay.” He took her mumbled response and the hand she held out to him as an affirmative. He shifted her around and scooped her up in his arms, carefully standing and carrying her into the bedroom.

It wasn’t until he lay her down that he realized that while she was still fully dressed like she had been the night before she was wearing one of his tee shirts. A quick glance around the room and he noticed her shirt hanging in the closet and he smiled slightly when he saw the bra hooked over the hanger. It was a sign of trust and he was going to make sure she never regretted it.


“Yeah, whatcha need, Liz?”

“Diablo, he’ll need to go out before bed.”

“You want me to take him for a walk?”

“Just let him out for about 10 minutes.”

He shrugged. “Okay.”

“Thanks,” she breathed and shifted around to get comfortable.

Max watched her for a few minutes before he got up and went to take care of the dog. He sat on the deck chair and leaned forward to untie his shoes while the dog took care of his business. He wondered if Liz had plans for Saturday already. He wanted to make a trip to the bookstore to see if he could find a book that would help him with Liz. He didn’t know what had happened when she was assaulted but he wanted to do whatever he could to help her through it. Next time she experienced one of those episodes like she’d had that morning he wanted to know how to know how to handle it properly. They had managed alright but if there was something he could do that might be more effective he wanted to know what it was.

He leaned back and braced his hands flat on the porch as he looked up at the sky. Ava would love this, he thought. Little house like this one, a quiet place that was cool in the summer, warm in the winter, bug-free, and didn’t have patches in the walls where previous tenants had knocked holes in the sheetrock. He had to find the time to get away for a while so he could snoop around and see if he could find any information that might tell him what had happened to her. His mind continually went back to the last time she had visited him in prison.

They had sat there, facing each other across a table and he had watched her as her eyes scanned the room. Her eyes lacked the life that had once been so prominent and it worried him. He knew something had happened but she either couldn’t or wouldn’t tell him about it. She had to watch what she said when she was visiting him and he understood that but usually they found a way to get their point across without alerting the guards to what they were talking about.

“So, you okay?” he had asked finally.

“Yeah.” She had finally shifted her gaze to him. “Work’s just… it’s been a bitch lately.” She had forced a smile. “What’s new, right?”

“Ava, I’m almost outta here. Things’ll be better. I’ll get a decent job like a normal person and we’ll get away from that other life.” He had given her a smile and a shrug. “Got my GED now.” Okay, he wasn’t sure how much that really counted for out in the real world. He knew guys in Damon’s organization that had better and higher education than that and it hadn’t kept them honest. “You can work on getting yours while I’m workin’.” His thumbnail followed a crack in the surface of the table as he glanced up at her. “You’re not bringing any questions for me to help with and you didn’t say you took your test so I’m guessing you stopped workin’ on yours.”

She had shrugged. “Just had some other things to take care of.”

“Just eight more weeks and I’m outta this corner of hell.” He reached over to touch her arm, grateful for the human contact. “Maybe we can get outta the city if you want.”

“You’re gonna be on parole for a while.”

“We’ll figure it out.” He ducked his head in an attempt to catch her eyes. “Hey, you’d tell me if somethin’ was wrong, right?”

“I’d tell you if I was free to tell you.”

His attention was pulled back to the present when Diablo flopped down on the porch beside him. Ava’s answer had never set well with him but he hadn’t been in a position to push for more information. Now he wished he had pushed at least a little. He had known something wasn’t right but he had been counting down the days until he would be a free man and he could talk to her without restriction.

“Soon, Ava,” he said quietly. “I guess we should call it a night, Diablo. I don’t know about you, but I’m beat.”

The dog followed him inside and without waiting for him went straight to the bedroom. Max just rolled his eyes and placed his shoes on the floor next to the door. “Well, I suppose you come by that honestly.” After a quick shower he toweled off, pulled on a pair of boxers, and walked into the bedroom. He shook his head when he saw that Liz had managed to wiggle her way to his side of the bed and he placed a hand on her arm, careful not to let it rest heavily on her as he gave her a gentle shake.

Liz grumbled and wiggled further into his spot.

“You want that spot, you’re gonna have to share it,” he said and hooked his thumb in a belt loop to pull her back across the bed. He didn’t realize she was awake until she scrambled back to his side of the bed. He smacked her ass, which startled her just enough to make her roll over to face him and he used the opportunity to hop over her and take his spot. He laughed when she slapped his arm and shot him an annoyed look. He wasn’t expecting it when she pounced, grabbing his wrists and pinning them to the pillow on either side of his head.

She stared down at him and her grip loosened when she felt him tense beneath her. “Sorry,” she mumbled and started to back off.

His hands caught hers in an easy grip to stop before she could climb off of him. “For what?”

“You don’t like to be held down. I felt you tense.”

“I’m practically naked with a hot woman on top of me. Trust me, tensing had nothing to do with dislike.” He released her hands and trailed his fingers over hers arms, down over her shoulders and coming to rest at her sides. He watched her eyes, taking in every change as he let his hands slide to meet each other at the small of her back. “This okay?”

She focused on the weight of his hands holding her against him, giving it serious thought before she nodded. “Yeah, it’s okay. Just… sometimes it isn’t.”

“Liz, look at me.” He waited until she had complied to speak. “I don’t care how small it is, if somethin’ makes you uncomfortable – especially if it’s somethin’ I’m doin’, I want you to promise me you’ll tell me.”

She looked away. “Unless it’s something I can work through.”

“No.” His right hand came up to catch her chin and turn her gaze back to him. “No, I don’t care how insignificant you think it is, if it makes you uncomfortable I need to know. Maybe there are things you can work through, but if you push ahead with something and misjudge your ability to handle it and I don’t know what’s going on I could unintentionally hurt you.” He shook his head. “I don’t wanna do that. And I don’t want you to put yourself in that position. Not ever, and certainly not with me.”

“I don’t know how else to…”

“Have you been with a guy since you were assaulted when you didn’t force yourself to go through with it at some point during sex?” His touch was gentle but he didn’t allow her to look away. “Be honest with me, Liz.”

She sat up and her eyes blazed with defiance. “Why does it matter?”

“It matters to me,” he said quietly. He refused to let her goad him into an argument because he knew they would lose sight of the real issue. His hands dropped to her thighs and he rubbed his palms over them as he held her angry gaze. “Tell me about the assault.”

“What? No.” She tried to get up, expecting him to try to prevent it and surprised when he let her go. “It was nothing.”

“If it was nothing you’d be fine and you’re anything but fine. Oh, you play a good game, you put on a good face, and you make people believe you’re having more fun than anyone else, but you’re miserable, Liz! You’re so broken on the inside and you think if you pretend it didn’t happen and refuse to tell anyone then eventually it’ll go away. But it won’t!”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about!” she shouted.

“I know exactly what I’m talking about,” he bit out as he got to his feet and faced her. “I was a cocky little shit when I went into prison. I had an attitude, I knew how to fight, and I figured I could hold my own with no problem. And not every guy behind bars is an animal, but you know what? There were guys there who wanted nothin’ more than to get a piece of my ass. Do you think they cared that I was 18 years old or that I wasn’t interested? Hell no! All they cared about was what they wanted and a couple of them nearly got it one night in the showers.”

He swallowed down the bile that rose up in his throat at the memory. He wanted to look away but he refused. It wasn’t the kind of story any guy wanted to share, and definitely not with the girl he was interested in.

“There were two of them and they tore me up pretty good. Oh, I didn’t go down without a fight but in the end I was bruised, cut, and bleeding everywhere. I had three broken ribs, a busted nose, a dislocated shoulder, and a concussion, and they had me cornered. I had nowhere to go, Liz, and they didn’t give a rat’s ass that I was barely conscious.” He cleared his throat. “If it hadn’t been for another prisoner named Garrett Sands they would’ve raped me that night. Yeah, I managed to get out without that ever happening to me and I’m thankful it didn’t, but I also remember the shame, the anger, and the humiliation I dealt with after that. Nothing about it was my fault, and those guys never felt an ounce of remorse for what they had done and what they would’ve done, but I’m the one who was left with those feelings.”

Liz stared at him, shocked not only by the story but by his willingness to share something so personal with her. “His name was Dennis Rhoads,” she said, feeling her heartbeat accelerate at just the mention of his name. “He was an ex-con who moved into the building where I lived while I was in college. No one wanted him there and they didn’t make a secret of it. Me, I didn’t care so much. I grew up with the belief that if you served your time you had earned a second chance.” She shrugged and moved around the room restlessly. “He had done his time and he’d been paroled so as far as I was concerned live and let live, right?”

He watched her as she picked up the book he had been reading, her fingers playing over the binding as she continued moving, her erratic footsteps taking her around Diablo.

“Even though he was on parole I did some checking to make sure he wasn’t a registered sex offender. He wasn’t, just convicted for burglary. I lived on the fourth floor and he didn’t live anywhere close to my apartment so I didn’t really give it a second thought. I’d run across him picking up the mail or stopping in to talk to the super and I always said hi and went on my way. He was rude but I blew it off, thinking he was just pissed because people weren’t willing to give him a second chance.” She shrugged. “I just… I never expected to come home late one night to find him in my apartment.”

Max sat on the foot of the bed to give her space. She couldn’t seem to stand still and he didn’t want to add to her agitation.

“I had been drinking and while I wasn’t pass-out drunk I was far from being sober. Realizing he was in my apartment didn’t sober me up. I’ve heard people say adrenaline sobers you up, but it doesn’t. It’s like it heightens your awareness of what’s going on but the alcohol’s still in your bloodstream and there’s no way to filter that out with adrenaline. The funny thing is the alcohol didn’t block the memories of that night. I remember the fear when I realized he was there, and I remember the look in his eyes while he watched me, and I knew in that moment that he was going to hurt me…” she struggled to get the words out. “He was going to rape me,” she choked the words past her tight throat and she brushed at the tears that came with it.

He nearly had to sit on his hands to keep from reaching for her. She was lost in that moment and he knew touching her while she was there could be disastrous. He took note of the angry movement and he knew without asking that she viewed the tears as a weakness.

“I wasn’t gonna be a victim. I tried to fight him. God, I tried.” She closed her eyes, mindless of the tears slipping down over her cheeks. “I managed to get hold of my keys somehow and I got him good right across the face. It stopped him but only for a minute and then he hit me so hard and knocked me backwards.” She reached up to touch her face as the feeling surfaced. “I hit my head on the corner of a shelf and it dazed me. I may have been unconscious for a few minutes, I’m not sure. The next thing I remember is him on top of me.” Her arms crossed over her chest, the book held protectively against her. “He wasn’t a particularly big man but his weight…” she squeezed her eyes shut. “It was suffocating me and I couldn’t move. He was holding me down and he had my hands pinned so he could get my clothes off.” She shook her head as the scene came to life behind her eyelids. “You get a picture in your head of what a rapist looks like, what he smells like… most TV shows or movies portray them as guys who haven’t showered in too long, they’re poorly dressed, and they reek of cigarette smoke and alcohol, but he was nothing like that.” She shuddered. “I almost wish he had been because I felt safer when the bad guys looked bad.”

Max could understand that. The bad guys didn’t always wear a black hat and they didn’t always look the part of the stereotype driven into the minds of society. Too many of the bad guys were cleverly disguised to look like the good guys; they hid in plain sight as upstanding citizens, they were members or affiliates of organizations that held positions of power within the community, and were often the last person anyone would suspect of being involved in anything illegal. He wished it was that simple but things were rarely that black and white.

“I still tried to fight him but I was sluggish from the alcohol and banging my head on the shelf. I remember we knocked a vase over. It was a piece my grandmother had given me. I hated it because it really didn’t go with my décor but it was old and a collector’s piece that she had wanted me to have so I displayed it.” She frowned. “It shattered and I remember hearing someone knocking on the door. That’s when he put his hand over my mouth and told me if I said anything he’d kill me. I couldn’t breathe and out of nowhere the panic fell back and I bit the hell out of him. I thought it was enough for me to escape because he suddenly moved and I felt like I could breathe again but… that’s when he punched me. I don’t even know how many times he hit me and kicked me before the door opened and he was stopped.”

“Someone called the cops?” he asked quietly so he wouldn’t startle her.

She shook her head and slowly. “You’d think so, wouldn’t you? But no, the police came later.” She sighed as she remembered the door opening and a blurry figure charging her attacker.

They had struggled and fought, twisting and turning, grunting and cursing, and even though her front door had been wide open she had been frozen to the spot. She had watched the combatants battling to get the upper hand and she had curled up tighter and covered her ears with her hands when they tripped and crashed through the beveled glass coffee table. She had seen Dennis grab a long, thin shard of glass and slice it through the air towards the man he was fighting with.

Blood had spurted from a wound and she had bitten the back of her hand to muffle her scream, certain that he had injured the other man and he would be coming for her now. Time had seemed to stand still as silence fell over the apartment and she had watched in horror as Dennis moved, standing almost drunkenly before looking down at the piece of glass embedded in his abdomen. His expression had been one of disbelief rather than pain or anger and he had stood there for a moment, swaying, before he suddenly pitched forward and landed on the floor where he remained unmoving.

Her eyes had darted to the other man when he grunted and pushed himself to his feet. He ignored the bleeding cuts on his arms from his impact with the coffee table and leaned over Dennis to check his pulse before stepping over his prone body and moving to crouch down in front of her.

“You’re okay, Parker,” he assured her softly. “You’re gonna be okay, honey.”

She had already started withdrawing into herself and she shrank back when he started to touch her.

“I’ve gotta call the police but when I get them off the phone I’ll call your parents.”

“No,” she had shaken her head stubbornly. “I don’t want anyone to know about this. You have to promise, DJ.”

“He promised but I knew he didn’t think it was the right thing to do.”

Max had suspected DJ would be the one person who knew what had happened to her and now he had his proof. “He’s never told anyone.”

“No, DJ is a man of his word. He didn’t agree with me but he made a promise.”

“That had to make the news, there would be reports, people talk…”

“You don’t understand, Max.” She looked at him. “There’s nothing in the reports to indicate I was even home at the time of the attempted robbery.”

His eyebrows lifted. “But if you didn’t file assault charges against the guy how do you know – “

“He died that night. If he hadn’t I don’t know what I would’ve done. Someone who does something like that, it’s not a one-time thing and he would’ve only been a matter of time before he did it again. I don’t like to think of myself as a coward but…” she shrugged and moved to put the book down when she realized she was holding it. “I don’t know if I could’ve faced him in court.”

“Liz,” he shifted so he was facing her and he reached for her hands, stopping and looking up at her before he could make contact. “Can I?”

She studied him for a moment before nodding and sliding her hands into his.

“Being afraid doesn’t make you a coward. Do you know what a coward is? The guy who assaulted you, he was a coward. You don’t know what would’ve happened if he’d lived and you’d been faced with the fact that not speaking up would mean putting other women at risk.”

“How’d you get over what happened to you?” she asked quietly.

“I don’t know that I’m over it. I’m not sure you can get over somethin’ like that. I think the best you can do is find a way to deal with what happened and hopefully move past it. I buried myself in books, I threw myself into my studies to earn my GED, and I ended up taking the substance abuse course they forced me to take pretty seriously. I still sleep with my back to the wall, I still shower with my back to the wall, I wake up pretty regularly throughout the night, and I wake up stiff as a board sometimes because I tense up when I sleep.” He shrugged one shoulder. “I’d like to forget it ever happened but I can’t.”

“You didn’t talk to anyone?”

“Did you?” he countered with a smile and a gentle tug on her hands to bring her closer. He shook his head. “No, until tonight I’ve never talked to anyone about what happened to me. It’s not somethin’ I like to think about but it’s always gonna be there in the back of my mind.”

Liz traced her thumb over his knuckles. “Do you have nightmares about it?”

“It’s rare these days. When it happened they were pretty regular but over time they started to ease up. I’ve had six years to start getting past that incident.”

“It’s only been a couple of years for me. It was my last year of college.” She inhaled deeply. “I tried to bury it but every time I feel trapped it’s like it’s happening again.”

“That’s what happened this morning?”

“It wasn’t you, Max. When I woke up and your arm was around me it triggered the memory. It’s why I never spend the night with anyone. I don’t want the awkward explanations and I don’t want to have people look at me like I’m damaged or like I’m a victim. I fought back.” For some reason she didn’t understand those three words pushed the tears to the surface so fast she couldn’t stop them. “I fought back,” she cried and took a stumbling step towards him.

Max gathered her in his arms and grabbed both pillows to stack them against the headboard. He carefully leaned back, pulling her down with him since it was a position that didn’t seem to feel threatening to her. He held her loosely, running his hands over her back and reminding himself over and over not to hold her too tight.

“There’s no shame in being a victim, Liz,” he murmured against her hair. “It happens to all of us at one time or another.”

Liz knotted her right hand in the bedspread and shook her head. Her body was shaking with every sob as emotions she had buried for so long broke free. As the tears began to slow and the sobs eased into hiccupping cries she found herself clinging to Max. She couldn’t remember the last time she had allowed anyone but DJ to comfort her and she knew she had never broken down like this in front of another person.

Max could feel her trying to pull herself together and he stretched his arm out to snag the box of tissues off of the nightstand. “Every once in a while a situation puts us in a position where we fight like hell and even if we escape intact there’s a part of us inside and maybe even outside that’s left torn open and bleeding but I promise you, in time those wounds on the inside scar over too. But sometimes a wound doesn’t heal right and that scar tissue has to be ripped away so you can get the poison out and allow it to heal properly. Trust me on this, it hurts like hell but it’s not necessarily a bad thing.”

She pulled several tissues out of the box to dab at her eyes and blow her nose. “I just want it to go away so I don’t have to think about it anymore,” she said tiredly.

“I wish it worked that way.” He rubbed her back in long sweeping strokes. “Maybe now that demon’s out of the box and you’ve faced him he won’t be as scary the next time. It’s a process but eventually you’ll get there.”

“What about you?”

His right hand cupped the back of her neck and he rubbed at the knotted tension he could feel there. “Same thing. That’s one demon I haven’t dealt with either. Intimidating bastards, aren’t they?” He chuckled and kissed her forehead.

Liz sighed and settled against him, tucking her head up under his chin and listening to the strong, reassuring beat of his heart. “Did you have a good time with Dottie?” she asked when she realized she had no idea how his evening had gone.

“Yeah, I had a good time.” He tipped his head to the side in an effort to see her face when he felt her getting heavier against him. “What about you?”

“S’okay,” she murmured. “Just stayed home and talked to DJ for a while.” She was too tired to care what she had just revealed with that statement. “I’m glad you had fun tonight.”

Max smiled and tightened his hold on her for just a moment before relaxing it again. He hadn’t expected this when he came home. The most he had been hoping for was a solid night of sleep with Liz comfortable enough to spend the night with him again. He didn’t know if their conversation would unlock the nightmares for one or both of them but if it did he had a feeling they could deal with it. He made a mental note to look for a book that might help him as well. It wasn’t fair to expect Liz to deal with her assault if he wasn’t willing to do the same.

He felt her breath brush against his chest and he could tell from the even rhythm that she was asleep. He stretched his arm out to snap the lamp off and stared up at the ceiling for a few minutes, watching the patterns on the ceiling from the pool lights reflecting off of the water. Their chests rose and fell gently, their breathing falling into sync as he followed her into a dreamless sleep.

Prisoners of the Past (CC, A/U, Adult) Part 19 - 3/25/12

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:21 pm
by ArchAngel1973
mary mary: Thanks!

Michelle in LA: Lol, Diablo wants to be a part of whatever’s going on.

The situation with Ava will be heating up soon.

It’s a terrible thing and as you said, it has become a cultural cliché. For many of these monsters it’s about power more than anything else and they’re unconcerned about the damage they do or the mess they make of another person’s life.

Liz did take a big step and hopefully she’ll continue to open up and face her past.

Natalie36: They’re making some good progress.

IceQueenMay: Thanks! Liz’s past has played a large role in her current behavior.

We’ll get a little bit of a look into Liz and Michael’s ‘relationship’ with this update.

Alien_Friend: Max and Liz have both suffered physical assaults in their past and hopefully it’ll allow them to be open with each other and begin to heal. Max opening up the way he did and trusting Liz with that information really gave her the courage to share her own history.

Unfortunately, that is sometimes a necessary action for someone to truly begin to heal. Surprisingly enough, Max wouldn’t be opposed to that idea.

We’ll get a chance to find out how DJ dealt with the aftermath of that situation in this part. Liz will get to a place where she can share her past with her parents and Maria.

Max has been through too much and he’s seen too much to think that if they ignore their problems they’ll go away.

His last meeting with Ava took place after she had talked to Seth but before his death. She was trying to protect Max by not telling him what was really going on. In many ways she’s shielded him the way he has her… they both think they’re protecting each other by keeping the truth about what they’ve been through hidden inside themselves.

Max and Diablo are working their way to a great friendship.

Thanks so much!

begonia9508: Dogs are very intuitive creatures.

Both of them getting their stories out is going to be an important part of their recovery.

I’m so glad someone came along and that person took off! Things like that leave a mark on us even if we manage to come away physically unharmed.

MP: Thanks!

Lol, there’s more M/L in this next part but not exclusively. Opening up to each other like that will allow them to begin to heal.

Unfortunately, I can’t promise no trouble when he starts searching for Ava.

keepsmiling7: Thanks!

Diablo is making himself right at home and now that he’s decided Max is okay he wants to be friends.

Max is being very careful to handle Liz in a way that’s non-threatening and that will allow her to open up. Sharing his own assault also helped her to feel safe enough to tell him about her past.

DJ’s a great guy and while he was there he’s also paid a price.

Helen of Roswell: Hey! Believe me, I understand the time crunch! School doesn’t leave a lot of time for the more important things in life like reading, writing, and reviewing fics!

Hunter… hmm, let me think… You won’t discover much about Hunter until you’re a few chapters in.

As for Ben… well, his secret identity’s been revealed, lol. And there’s only one more part to that fic

dreamon: Thanks!

Max and Liz are making good progress and opening up to each other.

Part 19

Kyle wandered through the store, his hands gripping the cart as he pushed it around. He had no idea what he was looking for but he wanted to take something back to Ava when he left after the barbecue. He had been running over the numbers in his head and decided that she was closer to eight months pregnant. He hadn’t seen any indication that she was ready for her baby to come and he had a feeling if she went into labor while she was under protection she was going to have to take whatever they made available for her. He shook his head and wandered into a world of pink clothing, decorated with frills and ruffles.

If circumstances were different he would’ve asked Maria to give him a hand picking something out. She would’ve had a ball plowing through the racks of cotton candy pink fabric. He paused next to a rack and shook his head at the ruffles that were everywhere. The poor kid would suffocate, he mused to himself. He moved on. The baby would be a little bitty thing so stuff like those one-piece things would probably be best. He glanced up at the signs hanging overhead and indicating sizes for the different areas. Locating the section for the newborns he wandered over and started poking through the racks.

“Is there anything I can help you with, sir?”

He turned his head when a saleswoman approached him with a friendly smile. “Uh, well, just browsing for now.”

“You look a little lost.”

He glanced around. He was a single guy surrounded by a sea of frothy pink. Yeah, he was lost. “I really don’t know what I’m looking for,” he admitted with a shrug.

“You’re looking for your… wife? Girlfriend?”

He grinned when she started fishing. She was interested and as a rule he was happy to oblige but he didn’t start flirting the way he normally would. “I was told that you guys would carry some sorta maternity pillow?”

She sighed and nodded with a smile. He was obviously off the market. Her gaze moved over him once more. What a shame, she thought. “Yes, we do carry a variety of them. Different colors and sizes.”

“You got something that’s more like a travel size?” He scratched his jaw. Mom had showed him what the pillows looked like the night before, browsing through a few pages of an online catalog. A few minutes later, the pillow he’d requested packed into the basket, he meandered back over to the baby clothes and stared at the intimidating racks once more. Okay, Valenti, you can do this. Just grab a couple things that you can stuff in your bag and get outta here because it’s almost time to head out for the barbecue.

He finally found a couple of little outfits that weren’t too over-the-top girly and tucked them into the cart. One was pink and the other white because the other colors he’d found were even worse than the pink. How it was possible to make green and blue unacceptable was beyond him but they were. He’d picked out two outfits with the little feet attached, one had a little gray elephant on it and proudly proclaimed ‘I love Mommy’, and the other was white with tiny roses on it and came with a little hat.

He held them up and looked them over once more before deciding that they would be perfect. He snagged a little towel with a hood on it on his way out of the department. The Cookie Monster was much cooler but the Minnie Mouse was pink and probably suited a girl better. He took a couple of steps before backtracking and snatching up the blue one. He tossed it in the cart and headed to the front of the store.

He slowed as he passed the women’s maternity clothing section and while he was glancing over the signs he was accosted by another saleswoman. He was cringing when she came around the cart to face him and she smiled up at him. She was diminutive with white hair and faded blue eyes behind glasses that would’ve been considered large in the ‘70s.

“You look lost, honey.”

“Seems to be an ongoing issue today,” he said with a smile. “I wanted to get something for a friend but I don’t know much about women’s styles or what’s in.” He shrugged helplessly. “To be honest, we haven’t known each other very long but my mom suggested that something new to wear might make her feel kinda pretty and maybe it’d put a smile on her face. But I really have no idea what she might like.” It was so much easier to say such things to someone who was older. It was kinda like talking to his grandmother.

She smiled kindly and took pity on him. She helped him navigate the department, determined his friend’s size based on the expressly male method of holding his hands so far apart to give her measurements, and made the selection process much easier by narrowing it down for him. She put several outfits together and waited patiently for him to select one. He finally narrowed it down to two and in the end walked away with both.

Satisfied with his choices he had the baby’s items gift-wrapped and on a whim decided to do the same for the outfits he’d picked out for Ava. He didn’t know if she’d appreciate the gesture or if she might be offended that he’d taken it upon himself to make purchases for them. He hoped it would be the first. When he got back to his apartment he tucked the wrapped gifts into his bag and shoved the pillow thing into a second bag that held the bulk of his clothes. It took some creative pushing and pulling to make it fit but he finally succeeded in achieving his goal.

He checked his bags one more time, making sure he had packed everything he would need for an extended stay out of town. Deciding he was covered he grabbed a quick shower and changed into a fresh set of clothes. He was ready for a few hours of just kicking back and enjoying an afternoon barbecue with family and friends.


DJ picked up the Frisbee and sent it flying across the yard with Diablo in hot pursuit. The dog jumped, launching himself into the air and clamping his teeth on the bright green disc. He landed on the ground and turned neatly before running back to DJ and releasing the Frisbee when the man reached for it. He laughed and patted the dog’s side. “C’mon, let’s go see if we can talk Emily out of a snack.”

When the dog barked loudly and fell into step beside him he glanced over at the guesthouse. He smiled when he saw Liz step out onto the porch, laughing at something Max said as he came out behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He nodded in approval and opened the screen door, stepping inside and sniffing the air appreciatively.

“Emily, what’re you baking?”

The woman shooed him away from the oven before he could open the door. “You touch that door and it’ll be the last thing you do,” she warned.

He flashed his perfect smile at her sister when she came into the kitchen. She was older than Emily by a good 10 years and she had a soft spot for him. “Lilah, Diablo and I thought we’d come see if you’d save us from starving.”

Emily didn’t give her sister the chance to answer. “Then I’d suggest you get out there and fire up that grill.”

He put on his best wounded look and ignored her. “Lilah, you know you love me and if I wait for Liz to get around to the grill…”

“Young man, you’ve been coming around this house since you were no bigger than a minute,” Emily scolded him. “If you’re in such an all-fired hurry to eat you know how to use the hands God gave you.”

“Oh, Emily, leave the boy alone. Miss Liz is a bit preoccupied with her young man right now.”

“She is,” DJ said with a nod and rubbed his stomach. “And I’m hungry.”

Lilah bustled past her sister and opened a covered dish to lift out one of the beautifully decorated cupcakes she had made and brought over that morning. She handed it to him and presented her cheek for a kiss.

He leaned over and kissed her creased cheek. “I don’t know why you’ve never gone into business for yourself. You could make a mint with these things.”

“Oh,” she brushed him off. “No one’s gonna pay good money for a few cupcakes.”

DJ smiled as he peeled the paper wrapper from around the bottom half of the cupcake. “You couldn’t be more wrong, love. You ever change your mind I’d be happy to put a business proposal together and back you.” He winked at her as he took a bite and held the cupcake up. “I’ve got a pretty serious sweet tooth, which you know, so who’d know better than me?”

“You’re a good boy, Daniel, but you must have other things to throw your money away on.”

He smiled and shook his head. Lilah was the only woman other than his mother who called him by his given name. “Other things maybe,” he said as he finished off the cupcake. “Certainly nothing and no one better.” He lifted the lid off of the cookie jar where they kept the homemade treats Emily made for Diablo and fished out a couple. “I can see it, ladies.” He backed towards the door and snapped his fingers to get the dog’s attention. “Cupcakes at one end of the counter… homemade dog treats at the other. You two would have it made.”

Diablo took the treat that was held out to him and ran out the door ahead of DJ. He threw himself down on the deck and munched on his treat, his eyes following the man as he took the steps two at a time and loped across the yard.


Max watched Liz as she moved the platters of meat they had prepared and tucked into the refrigerator to the side so she could get to the tomatoes he had stuck on the shelf behind them. They had spent Saturday morning lounging around in bed putting together a list for the barbecue and then taken their time at the supermarket in the afternoon. He had enjoyed just spending time with her and they had both made an effort to pay attention to anything that made the other one uncomfortable.

“Hey, Parker, think we can get that grill fired up before you starve me to death?”

Liz turned from the waist to shoot a look at him. “That grill’s primed and ready to go. We’re waiting to put the food on when the others get here. Oh, I’ve gotta go up to the house and get a few things that we’re gonna need.” She motioned to the tomatoes she had just finished washing and set on the counter. “These need to be sliced. Not too thick and not too thin.”

Max nodded. “Okay, I’ve got it handled.”

She stretched up on her tiptoes to give him a quick kiss. “Be right back.”

DJ remained silent until she was out of the house. He leaned back against the counter and reached over to snag one of the sliced cucumbers she had marinating in vinegar. He shook it over the sink, sprinkled salt on it, and bit into it. “She told you.”

“Told me what?” Max asked as he concentrated on slicing the tomatoes. He stopped to look at the other man when he remained silent. “Yeah, she told me.” He went back to work. “How’d you know?”

“She’s more relaxed around you than she has been with any guy since it happened.” He smiled slightly. “I hope you’re planning to stick around, Max, because she needs a guy who isn’t scared off by her… less than attractive qualities.”

“I have no intention of going anywhere.” He finished slicing the first tomato and reached for the next. “The night she was assaulted, she said there’s nothing that indicates she was there…”

He shrugged. “There’s not.”

“You made it disappear.”

He tipped his head to the side as he tried to determine if the words were a statement, a question, or an accusation. He finally decided on the second option. “Max, with enough money even the truth can be bought. Nobody cared about Rhoads and with my statement it tied everything up nice and tidy. No loose ends.”

Max nodded, knowing it was true. “Are you… okay?”

DJ cleared his throat. “I was pretty screwed up over it for a while. I saw a therapist every week for nearly a year and now I’m… I’m better. The guy was scum and he deserved to be taken out like the rabid dog he was but that doesn’t mean I wanted to be the one to do it. It’s not easy to live with even though it was self defense and I had every right to protect myself and Liz. I didn’t even intend to do it; he came at me and I reacted.”

He rinsed the knife off and set it aside so he could arrange the tomatoes on a plate. “So the therapist… he helped you deal with what happened?”

“She did, yeah. Her name’s Dr. Mason Kendrick. I didn’t make much progress at first and she knew I was holding back. As a rule I’m not the kinda guy who hides the truth. I’m pretty straightforward so that was hindering my recovery. Once she got it through my thick skull that doctor/patient confidentiality protected me I started to open up. I didn’t realize that holding back was keeping me from recovering and moving forward.”

“I guess it’d be a safe bet that you’ve tried to get Liz to talk to someone,” Max mused.

“Oh, I’ve tried.” He rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Sometimes I ask myself if I did her any favors by doing what I did that night. I may have crippled her by removing her from the equation.”

“In some ways I’d imagine it contributed to her current issues. It’s allowed her to bury what happened and refuse to deal with it but I can’t say I wouldn’t have done the same thing.” He looked at DJ and after a moment they exchanged a nod.

“How are you at grilling?”

“Can’t be much different than what I’ve done in the past.” He glanced out through the window and shook his head. “Well, okay, the equipment’s a lot more intimidating than anything I’ve ever used.” He stared at the fancy outdoor grill that had been built on the other side of the pool. It was a covered area and Jeff had used native stone to offset the stainless steel grill and other appliances that formed a wide U. In the center there was a large table surrounded by comfortable chairs and according to Liz there was a large flat screen television behind one of the cabinets that could be revealed at the push of a button.

DJ followed the other man’s gaze and he slapped him on the back and laughed as he pushed away from the counter. “C’mon, I’ll give you a hand hauling this stuff out there.”


Michael opened the back door and leaned in to release Hunter from the car seat. The little boy had woken up from his nap right about the time they had stopped by to pick Kyle up and he had refused to go back to sleep. “When he gets cranky later on he’s all yours, Valenti.”

Kyle just grinned as he climbed out of the car when Maria finally managed to yank the back door open. The door on that side didn’t open from the inside and only sometimes from the outside. “I can handle the little guy if he starts acting like you do on a practically hourly basis.” He snickered when his sister smacked him with the back of her hand. “So you guys ever gonna tell anyone where you spent the last couple nights?”

Maria just smiled and took Hunter from her boyfriend so he could grab their little boy’s things. “Make yourself useful and grab that covered dish,” she said with a nod at the blue glass dish she had set on top of the car so she could let him out.

“What’s in here?” he asked, leaning in so he could lift the edge of the foil cover and sniff. “Is this Mom’s pineapple upside down cake?”

“Yes, it is, and no, you can’t have any right now.”

He stuck his tongue out at her. “Did you make it?”

She took the diaper bag from Michael so he could grab the beer he had picked up and they started to walk up the driveway to the gate that opened into the backyard. “No, Mom made it this morning.”

Water splashed as they walked around the house and they laughed when they saw DJ in the pool, fully clothed and treading water as he avoided Emily. She was following him as he swam back and forth avoiding her as she unleashed a scathing tongue-lashing on him.

Maria crossed the yard and stood next to the pool, shaking her head as she looked down at him. “What’ve you done now?”

“Nothing,” he denied but the smile on his face said otherwise.

Liz caught Michael’s gaze as he looked around the yard. “Diablo’s in the guesthouse.”

He looked surprised when she spoke to him civilly but he just nodded.

“Oh, he’s getting so big!” Emily said, forgetting about DJ when she set her eyes on Hunter. “Just look at you!” She reached for the little boy and held him up, laughing in response to his happy expression. She disappeared into the house, talking up a storm as she gushed over the baby in her arms.

Michael and Kyle leaned over to give DJ a hand getting out of the pool.

He grinned and shrugged as water poured off of him onto the cement. “The woman takes her cooking too seriously,” he said as he pulled his shirt over his head and attempted to wring it out. “And considering how fast she moved I think she’s been working out.” He turned to look at Liz. “Something I really think you should’ve warned me about.”

“You started poking around, messing with the dishes she’s preparing for my parents’ dinner party tonight,” Liz said as she glanced over at Kyle. He was setting a dish down on the table and scoping the locations of the chairs, trying to determine which one would put him closest to the food no doubt.

“What’s up, Parker?” he asked when he felt the weight of her stare. “Got a beer for me?”

“Do I look like your girlfriend?”

“Not anymore.”

She narrowed her eyes at him and glanced over at Max when he stood from his crouched position in front of the cooling unit built into the wall next to the grill. “I did not date him.” She turned back to Maria’s brother. “If I had any intention of fetching anyone a beer it’d be Max and he hasn’t asked for one.”

“A good girlfriend anticipates so we don’t have to ask.”

She just snorted. “Which would explain why you’re terminally single.”

“So, does your lack of manners extend to introducing me to your new boyfriend?”

Maria watched them with interest. Would Liz admit Max meant that much to her? That they were involved to that degree? She turned her head when DJ stopped beside her.

“Just don’t let him push too hard,” he said quietly. “She’s still figuring this out and she’s finally getting her feet under her.” He winked. “I’d better go change so I can get back out here.”

“Get your own girl to flirt with, Callahan,” Michael growled.

DJ grinned and went up to the main house.

Liz took the few steps necessary to bring her next to Max and she reached for his hand. “Max, I’d like you to meet Maria’s brother, Kyle Valenti.”

Max extended his hand. “Valenti, huh? You wouldn’t happen to be related to a James Valenti, would you?”

“Parole officer?” Kyle asked as he shook the other man’s hand. “Yeah, that’s my grandpa.” He shot a glance over at Maria. “You hear that? Grandpa’s his P.O. Small world. Been out long?”

“No, not really.” Max shrugged and hooked his thumb over his shoulder. “I’ve gotta get started on the grill.”

“What’re you doing?” Liz hissed as soon as Max had retreated to the grill.

“I’m just making conversation. Look, Parker, people invariably find out that ex-cons have a past and it’s better if he isn’t forced to act like he has to keep it inside like it’s a big secret. If he wants to talk about it, cool, and if not, that’s cool too.”

Max popped a chip into his mouth and chewed it while listening to the conversation.

“Hey, need a hand?”

He looked up and grinned when he saw Michael standing next to him. “Sure. He’s a cop, isn’t he?”

“Runs in the Valenti blood. Cut ‘em and they bleed blue. Every man in that family’s been in law enforcement in some capacity all the way back. If you can believe Grandpa we’re talkin’ wild west days.” He shrugged and grabbed a handful of chips. “It’s probably true.” He checked the grill. “He’s a good guy though. They all are really, just takes some time to get past the fact that they’re cops. Kyle’s a detective, works narcotics. His dad Jim, he’s a cop. Grandpa James, he’s a parole officer, which you already know. Maria’s cousin Sean, he’s gotten in on it too. He’s a cop with SWAT.”

“You’re surrounded by cops.”

He nodded. “I’ve known them since before I got into the trouble that landed me behind bars, but between you an’ me, it was intimidating getting out and facing them. Kyle’s just nosing around, bein’ his usual curious dumbass self, but he doesn’t mean any harm.” He reached out and slapped Max on the back. “You’re not used to bein’ out yet so you’re still at the place where cops make you nervous. Kyle’s cool.” He looked over the selection of meat when Max retrieved it from the cooler. “Good choices. Got any beer?”

“Do I look like your girlfriend?” Max deadpanned.

Michael laughed. “Good answer.” He turned to find his girlfriend. “Maria – “

“Unlike Max, I am your girlfriend but you don’t have a single physical impairment that prevents you from retrieving a beer for yourself.”

He rolled his eyes. “Sure you wanna go the relationship route?” he muttered as he walked over to the table and picked up the two six-packs and put one of them in the cooler. “This’s what’s waitin’ for you.”

“Looks pretty good to me,” Max said, shaking his head when Michael held up a bottle.

“Don’t like beer?”

He shrugged. “Just wanna make sure I’ve got all my shit in order before I loosen up.”

“Understood.” He stood and tossed a bottle to Kyle and one to DJ when he came back outside dressed in dry clothes. He held the six-pack up and nodded when Maria shook her head and waved him off. She and Liz were sitting next to the pool talking so he decided to leave them alone and settled down across from Kyle. “You know I’m missin’ the game for this.”

Kyle uncapped his beer and took a long swallow. “Yeah, same here.” He stretched out and linked his hands behind his head.

DJ slapped Michael on the back as he passed him. “No need to miss the game, boys.” He walked around to the counter next to Max and reached up, opening a trapdoor that dropped down to reveal a control panel. He pushed a button and a cabinet over the grilling area slid open to reveal the TV. He pulled the remote out and went to join the guys at the table.

Maria shook her head as she watched the guys. “They get older but they really don’t change all that much. Give them a beer, put a television with sports in front of them, sex when they’re not otherwise occupied, and they’re completely happy.” She snorted and dropped her head back against the cushioned chaise. “It’s fascinating how complex such simple creatures can be at times.”

“Max prefers a good book over sports,” Liz said as she glanced at him. “He’s not really into television.”

“Give him time. It won’t take long for them to corrupt him.”

“I’m not sure I want him corrupted.”

Maria snorted. “It’ll be good for him to have some good guys to hang out with. Yes, it can be aggravating when sports seem to override your existence except when they realize they’re out of beer and snacks, but it’s not a completely bad thing.”

“Maria, name one month out of the year when Michael isn’t watching sports.”

She wrinkled her nose and shrugged. “No such thing. Football, hockey, baseball, basketball… although that last one is the easiest to distract him from. With baseball there’s the possibility of distracting him, but with football and hockey I might as well be on another planet.”

“Unless he needs more beer and snacks.”

“Yeah, basically.” She closed her eyes and turned her face up to the sun. “But that’s not a Michael thing, that’s a guy thing.”

“I didn’t mean it like that.” Liz brought her legs up, hugging her knees to her chest. “I’ve been a terrible friend, Maria. Why have you put up with me?”

Maria cracked one eye open and studied Liz for a moment. “Because I know you and I know there’s a reason for your behavior.”

“Yeah, but let’s be honest, I took issue with Michael from the very beginning. You had every right to put an end to our friendship.”

“Michael will be the first one to admit that you were right to warn me about him. No, you didn’t know what he was involved in and you didn’t dislike him because he was a criminal. The two of you took an instant dislike to each other… helped along on his part by that first conversation where you accused him of statutory rape.” She sat up straighter when she saw Liz’s eyes widen in surprise. “Oh, yeah, I knew about that. Not until years later, but I knew.”

“I’m sorry. I never should’ve said that, even if it was technically true.”

“It would’ve been true if we had been having sex when I was 15, Liz. But whether it would’ve applied to our situation or not was irrelevant because we weren’t having sex at the time.” She reached over to take her friend’s hand. “Looking out for me’s one thing. Making accusations because you didn’t like him is another.”

“I didn’t like him, I admit that.” She turned her head to watch the guys when there was a break in the game and they swarmed the grill. “It wasn’t all about jealousy either though. Even you admit he had a bad reputation and he was into trouble back then.”

Michael had been into things that were illegal and she didn’t deny that. Everything he had done, right and wrong, had served to make him the man he was today. “He was but what you don’t know is he wanted so much more than the life he knew growing up. He was involved in things that were illegal and he’d been in trouble a lot, but he was raised by a father who taught him those things were acceptable and that he couldn’t trust the law.”

“He was 17, Maria.” She shook her head. “I’m not trying to start a fight, just pointing out a fact. He was old enough to make his own choices about right and wrong.”

“His father was manipulative and breaking away from what he had known his whole life wasn’t something he was able to do overnight. You don’t know the whole story, Liz. Yeah, he was old enough to know right from wrong, but he was also trying to get away from the only life he knew. His father made sure he didn’t think anyone would ever want him around and trust me, by the time he came into my life he believed it.”

“All he had to do was go to someone and ask for help. You’ve got a lot of people in your family who could’ve helped.”

Maria shook her head. “He didn’t get along with my dad back then because he had major issues with authority figures, especially if they were cops. And well, in my family I have very few relatives who aren’t in law enforcement. That’s a different story today.” She glanced over at him, smiling when he high-fived Kyle before slouching back in his chair and reaching for his beer.

“The past few years I’ve lost sight of what a relationship is… the give and take especially. I’ve accused you of letting him walk all over you, of him trapping you with a baby, and basically made the assumption that you’ve lost your identity.”

“I’m surprised you still talk to me if you think I’m so spineless.” Maria made a face. “I wouldn’t wanna hang out with me.”

“I was talking to DJ, not about you being spineless, but about the way I always feel like you’re waiting for his permission to do things. And then he pointed out that I was looking at it all wrong.”

“Thank God for DJ,” she muttered.

“Guerin, I might have to steal your girl,” DJ yelled over his shoulder as he passed the girls. “She knows a good thing when she sees it.”

Michael flipped him off without taking his eyes from the action on the screen. “I know, that’s why she’s got me.”

He winked at her when he turned to walk backwards to the house. “You girls want anything?”

“Margarita,” they answered at the same time.

“Anyway, he said some things that really made sense and made me think about the way I’ve been judging your relationship with Michael. I just wanted to tell you that I’m gonna do better.” She sighed. “I don’t really see us ever being friends or anything but I’d like to maybe smooth things over so we’re not so antagonistic. I’m gonna make the effort.”

Maria smiled. “That’d be nice.”

DJ came back outside a few minutes later carrying Hunter. The little boy’s face was scrunched up and he was gnawing on his fingers. “Think this little guy wants his mommy,” he said as he handed him over to Maria. “Be right back with your drinks.”

“Better make your escape now because he’s getting ready to be very noisy.”

“You want me to get something for him?”

Maria’s mouth opened and closed several times before she caught herself. “Yeah, if you could grab the diaper bag that’d be great.” Her expression was thoughtful as she watched Liz get up and move across the yard to retrieve the bag from the deck.


Max flopped down on the couch and stretched his legs out, propping his feet up on the coffee table and sighing tiredly. He yawned widely and tipped his head to the side when he heard the screen door snap shut. Everyone had left to go home nearly an hour ago and he and Liz had spent that time cleaning up. He had come inside to wash up while she was outside with Diablo and he slouched down a little further when the dog ran over to his water dish for a drink.

He glanced up when Liz lifted her right foot to step over his legs and he caught her hand. She stopped and looked at him for a moment before allowing him to tug her down so she was straddling his lap. He let one hand rest on her hip and tugged her closer. “You have fun today?”

She smiled and nodded. “Yeah.”

“You and Maria looked like you were having a good time today.”

“Talking to her without Michael between us as a barrier made a big difference. I’ve spent so much time treating their relationship like it was insignificant, like he was insignificant, that I didn’t see what I was doing to her. Maybe he’s not as bad as I thought he was. She didn’t really give me any specifics but it sounds like his childhood was pretty bad.”

“Well, you didn’t say a single thing to him that could be considered rude so I’d say that’s a pretty good start.”

“Let’s not talk about that right now.” Liz shifted in his lap, pressing her lower body against him.

“You really think we’re ready for this?”

“It’s just sex, Max.”

He shook his head. “I’m not interested in just sex.” He caught her chin and brought her gaze level with his. “And I don’t think you are either.”

She growled and slumped against him, her hands clenched in his shirt and her forehead on his shoulder. “Why do you have to be such a damn boy scout?”

“I’m not. I just don’t want either of us to regret it when it happens.”

She leaned back and sighed in frustration. “And we’re never gonna know one way or the other if we don’t do it. I know it’s been six years and change for you so you’ve gotten used to not getting laid but that doesn’t mean you don’t have needs.” She rocked against him. “I have needs too and it’d just be really nice if for once you wouldn’t think so much.”

His hands bit into her hips as he pulled her down against him. “You think I don’t want to say to hell with it and take what you’re offering? Does that feel like rejection to you? We both need to be ready and not just physically.” His hands relaxed and he slid them up to link loosely at the small of her back. “You’re gonna have to be patient.”

She studied him. “Are you nervous about having sex? I mean, since those guys attacked you when you were in prison?”

“There’s a little nervousness,” he admitted and shrugged. “I didn’t give it much thought until I told you about what happened to me. I don’t know if that could become an issue but I think it has to be considered. Have you ever thought about talking to someone?”

She gave him a slight smile. “I’m talking to you.”

“No, I mean a professional.” He held her when she started to get up. “Liz, don’t shut the door in my face. This isn’t some kinda personal attack, it’s just a question. I’m glad you’re talking to me and I want you to keep doing that. I’m just wondering if you’d benefit from talking to a professional, someone who really knows what they’re talking about.” He dropped his gaze for a moment and drew in a deep breath. “Maybe I’m wondering if I’d benefit from it too.”

“You want me to see a shrink for you?”

He snorted. “No. Well, if it helped you it’d help both of us but that’s not what I meant. What would you think about both of us seeing one?”

“I don’t know. I’m not that interested in baring my soul like that. Talking to some stranger and having all of my faults picked apart?” She made a face. “No, I don’t want to do that.”

He nodded. “Alright.” He wouldn’t push it. For now he would just keep doing what he’d been doing and hope it helped. He fought back a yawn and smiled at her. “Back to work tomorrow.”

“Do you want us to see each other during the week?”


“Just for the record there’s a serious drawback to us not having sex.”

“Something outside of the not having sex?” he asked with a lazy grin.

“Yeah, outside of that. I tend to get bitchy when I’m not getting it on a regular basis.”

“Uh-huh, so that’s your excuse for your mood since we first met?” He laughed when she made a sound of indignation and smacked his shoulder. He caught her hand and pulled her closer. “I’m not going anywhere, Liz. We’re not gonna tear the sheets up just to improve your mood. We’re gonna do this the right way. For both of us.”

She sighed and nodded. “You’re sure you were never a boy scout?”

He just chuckled and shifted around until he could lie back on the couch with her on top of him.