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Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2003 4:20 am
by nicola
Okay here it is, enjoy :oops: :D :shock:

Episode Twelve

Elizabeth lay in bed for the whole of Tuesday, refusing to take any messages or have any guests. The maids continued to level their sympathetic eyes on her which only made her feel worse.

She did not want to think about the situation she had gotten herself into.

It was all her fault.

She was a married woman and should have acted in a more respectable way. All she could offer Maxwell was moments when breath was short and moans filled the air. He deserved much more then that.

She tried to be furious with him but only succeeded in getting angrier with herself. He was a spinster and it was only fair that he should get married. She had known that in the beginning—how quickly she had forgotten her morals!

On Wednesday afternoon she received a note from Tessa. It invited her to Austen Park again. Elizabeth wrote back that she could not make it but congratulated her on the upcoming wedding ceremony.

She was too old for games, she knew that now, and she was finished. Finished with Maxwell. Finished.

On Thursday she told Nathaniel she wished to leave and stay with her family for a week. He supported her decision and, Elizabeth thought resignedly, he even seemed happy to have her go. He prepared her departure for Saturday.

After the maids had packed her things Elizabeth took a moment to sit down and write a letter to Isabel. She sat, and sat…but could not do it. Maybe another time.

In the carriage she was positively joyous compared to the mood she had endured in the previous few days. She had a new optimism; she was going to see Samantha and Katrina, and her brother Timothy. She would see Maria and her mother and her father…

She could scarcely stay still while she waited.

“Ah Elizabeth,” Timothy could not keep the smirk away from his face when he greeted her. He pursed his lips and licked his teeth but as much of a gentleman he was, when he was around Elizabeth he seemed to forget all else!

“Oh do not bother,” she told him when she sensed his strained and unnatural courteous façade. “You can not alter my judgment of your unripe, juvenile character now. Perhaps if you desire me to regard you as grown, you will loose your awful habit of being tardy.”

They laughed loudly and hugged as they always did.

“It is good to see you dear sister,” Timothy said. “Maria will be here in an hour. Samantha is away in the city with father and Katrina is in the garden with mother.”

“And what of your young wife, Colleen? Where is she?” They walked, arm in arm, around the house to the garden.

“I am afraid she had prior engagements. However she looks forward to having you for dinner tomorrow? If you are not busy.”

“I should enjoy that very much.” Elizabeth felt the package inside of her open up and let her spirit out to soar. To be around her family and loved ones—this was faithfully what she required to feel better.

“You are positively glowing,” Timothy commented. “Absolutely stunning.”

She saw no harm in confiding in her family. “Well, that is for the reason that I am expecting.”

His mouth dropped open and his eyes bulged. “Truly? You are assured?”

“I am quite certain,” Elizabeth answered quietly.

“Expecting!” She wondered if he could have exclaimed it any louder? He paused and then added, “We were under the impression Nathaniel was incapable of—?”

“Wonders never cease to amaze,” she said simply. She could not tell him of her insecurities about the father. She could not tell him she did not know who it was?

“You are with child?” A voice suddenly called from a distance. “Oh my!”

Elizabeth smiled. “Mother! Katrina! Hello.”

Katrina ran to her and gave her a fierce hug. “Sister!”

“Katrina, how are you dear?” Katrina was sixteen and Timothy, older then Elizabeth, was twenty-five.

Katrina’s soft brown hair seemed gold under the sunlight. “I am well, is it true? Pregnant?” she asked animatedly.

Elizabeth nodded. “It is true. Mother, no need to get up.” She leaned down and hugged Nancy. “I pray you are well?” she asked kindly.

“As well as could be expected for a woman of my age.” She smiled. “My child will finally have a child of her own. This is great news. Nathaniel must be ecstatic. Congratulations daughter.”

Elizabeth shuddered when her mother mentioned Nathaniel. “Nathaniel—yes…I’m sure he would be if he knew.”

“You have not told him?” Katrina asked.

Elizabeth watched her mothers face. She stopped smiling and was seemed thoughtful. “I have not told him,” she confessed. “But I will.”

“Katrina, go inside and help the maids unpack Elizabeth’s belongings. I wish to go for a walk with her.”

“But mother!” she protested. “She just got here and I want to come too.”

“Go,” Nancy demanded. “Timothy we will be back in a short while. Have Louise prepare tea.”

“Of course,” Timothy said. “Come along Katrina.”

Nancy and Elizabeth strolled together through the ample woods in silence.

“What is wrong?” Elizabeth finally asked.

“Tell me,” Nancy said without looking at her daughter.

How did her mother know her so well? They were in each others company less than twenty-minutes and already Nancy knew she had secrets.

“I have done wrong by my husband,” Elizabeth said brokenly. She sounded so lost and defeated the words she had spoken did not even come into the picture. The happy moments were quickly gone. It didn’t matter. “I am not sorry for it but I want to stop now before I am found out.”

Nancy stopped walking. “My dear! I did not expect this! I thought you had diverse thoughts of your husband not this!”

Elizabeth shook her head tearfully. “I know, I know. But Nathaniel is not the father.”

“Oh Elizabeth, how could you do this?” It wasn’t angry. It was only slightly disappointed…most of it was shockingly surprised.

“I love Maxwell,” she said. “And he loves me.”

Nancy sighed and started to walk away. “I know it is hard Elizabeth, to be married to man you do not love. Nevertheless we have a standard as women to abide by. You should not have done this daughter.”

“I am already certain of this!” Elizabeth cried and headed after her. “I have already punished myself for my bad decisions. Why must you too? You are my mother, please do not be mad.”

Nancy stopped briefly but did not turn around. “I am not angry at you daughter. I am envious.” With that, she sped off towards the house leaving Elizabeth staring at the grass underneath her feet.


“Elizabeth, you got here just in time! Pamela is throwing a ball tomorrow night.”

Elizabeth did not return her enthusiasm. “Maria I need to tell you something.” Nancy was sitting across from them silently sipping her tea.

“What is it?” Maria asked softly.

“The baby…”

“What of the baby?” she asked panicky.

“I do not think it is Nathaniel’s,” she said straightforwardly.

Maria gasped but was smiling quickly afterwards. “You’ve found him haven’t you? Your soul mate?”

How had Elizabeth known that Maria would be supportive? It had been one of Maria’s best qualities.

“Oh finally!” Maria suddenly exclaimed. She glanced at Nancy. “You know of this?” she asked and, not waiting for a reply, turned back to Elizabeth. “Oh no! I always told you, you would regret marrying Nathaniel—did I not?! What are we going to do? You will leave him…I know it will ruin your reputation and his but its love, you will be together! This is all that is important.”

“Maria,” Elizabeth said evenly. “I will not leave Nathaniel.”

Maria’s face instantly fell. “Lizzie, he is bound to find out.”

“He will not.” Elizabeth glanced at her mother but Nancy was staring out the window. “Do you not wish to know who the father is?”

“Oh my, I did not presume I knew him! So I do? Then heavens, yes! You must tell.”

Elizabeth breathed in deeply, preparing herself. Whenever she mentioned his name her heart speed up. “Mr. Evans.”

Somehow, Maria did not seem overly surprised. “I knew it!” she hissed. “You sneaky nymph! I always knew something was there.”

“Maria calm yourself, I beg of you. My nerves,” Nancy said.

“My apologies Nancy,” Maria hastily said.

“Indeed, there was something between Maxwell and I.”

Maria became worried. “Was?

Elizabeth looked away and sniffled so they would not see her tears. “I am afraid he no longer wishes to be in company,” she said weakly. Her chest felt tight. “He is to be wed.”

Nancy and Maria both gasped. “Why that—” Maria started…

“To Tessa Harding,” Elizabeth continued. “It really is a good idea. I cannot offer him anything and Miss Tessa…”

“I am not hearing these words. I am not! You will eat your tongue. You silly fool.”

Elizabeth curled into herself. This was very hard for her.

“I thought of Maxwell as a kind soul. You are certain your sources are correct? Did he not love you? No—I can not fathom the idea. I am certain he did.”

“He claimed he did. I am certain he did. At one time at least…”

“Did you talk with him about leaving Nathaniel?”

“He would not allow me to destroy my life. Maria, you are not mad at me for keeping this from you?” Elizabeth knitted her fingers together on her lap and straightened her shoulders.

“No dear,” Maria said. “I understand your need for secrecy. I was briefly disappointed but that moment passed before it began. I am not mad—”

“All of your things are unpacked,” Katrina said as she entered the room.

Maria silently asked Elizabeth if Katrina knew. Elizabeth shook her head. They dropped the subject.

“Why should you be mad?” Katrina asked innocently.

“I should be mad at Lizzie for staying away so long,” Maria said quickly. “Do you not agree?”

Katrina nodded vigorously. “Oh indeed! For that you deserve to be severely punished.”

Elizabeth smiled softly. “Why are father and Samantha in town? Could they not stay, even for me?”

“They shall be back in three days. You will see them before you go,” Nancy answered. “Katrina, where is Nathaniel?”

“Outside with the horses, heaven knows why. He’ll be back shortly.”


“Tessa must have bribed him,” Maria concluded. She lay with her head on Elizabeth’s stomach, patting it as if the baby was already here. She was staying at the Parker residence while Elizabeth was there. “You tell me he loathed her and she wanted to be his wife. She must have known about you two. There is no other explanation, it is so obvious.”

“Well, no,” Elizabeth said. “I do not see how she could have known…”

“She must have,” Maria demanded.

“I do not see how all this could come about by just a suspicion. Surely she would have to know for certain or she would not approach him about it.” If Maxwell had done this to save her reputation it brought small release but it also made her livid. How could he sacrifice himself to a marriage with a woman he detested? Especially when he saw so clearly how it did not work. She was living evidence of that. Surely he would not do such a thing—for her?

Her heart swelled.

“He must love you dearly, Lizzie,” Maria said. She got up and gathered her robe tightly around her. “I will leave you now. Do not give up hope sweetheart. Love finds a way. I am a firm believer of that.”

“Oh my!” Elizabeth suddenly cried. “All of this evening has been about me. What of Mr. Guerin Maria? Have you kept in touch?”

Maria blushed. “I will gibe you only a simple, yes. The rest can wait. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight. Sweet dreams.”

Two days later, on the Wednesday evening, she was slipping into bed when there was a frantic knock on her door. “Yes?” she called.

“Miss?” the door opened. “A carriage has arrived. He says he is looking for you. Your mother is frantic.”

Elizabeth’s eyes widened in horror. “Who is it?” she demanded.

“A Mr. Evans,” the girl answered. “That is all I know.”

Elizabeth covered her mouth with her hands. “Oh my, that fool! What is he doing here? Dear, tell my mother to remain calm will you? I shall deal with this.”

“Indeed Miss.” The girl hurried from the room and, beside herself, Elizabeth ran to the mirror and racked her fingers through her hair. She pinched her cheeks and licked her lips, snatched her robe, tied it in place, stepped into her slippers and was out the door in two minutes.

As she hurried down the stairs she could see and hear her mother. “Who are you and what right do you have to disturb this house at this time in the evening?”

“I ask for forgiveness, Mrs. Parker,” came Maxwell’s reply. “I should not intrude if it were not wholly imperative—Elizabeth!”

“Mr. Evans are you out of your mind?” she asked angrily.

He swallowed. “Entirely, I assure you.”

She was surprised by this. She glanced at her mother who, thankfully was not in her nightgowns yet. Nancy crossed her arms over her chest. “Elizabeth,” she said. “Take this man into the drawing room and shut the doors before he wakes up Maria and Katrina.”

“I will mother,” Elizabeth promised. “I apologize.” Speedily she descended down the remainder of stairs and motioned Maxwell to follow her. Before the doors were closed he was reaching for her.

“Do not—” she snapped and stepped as far away from him as possible. “Mr. Evans do not come any closer,” she demanded.


“Maxwell, what are you doing here?

“I came to see you. I had to see you and give explanation…”

“I believe there is little to explain,” Elizabeth retorted sharply. “Does Tessa know of this visit? I imagine she would not approve.”

He winced. “Liz…why are you acting like this? Please…” he tried to come closer with his palms outstretched to her.

She flinched. “Maxwell…” Softer. It would be so easy to go into his arms and feel him again. How she longed to feel him. All her memories were of vulgar Nathaniel having his way with her. She needed Maxwell to heal that repulsion.

Stay strong. She thought. You need to clear this chaos up.

“Surely you cannot believe I want this?” Maxwell asked brokenly. “You know how I feel for you.”

“I believed I did,” Elizabeth whispered back just as brokenly. “I do not admit to believe so now.” She looked at the floor.

He swallowed. “Please allow me to come near you.”

She shook her head. “I beg of you to explain yourself. On several occasions you have acquainted me with one belief and unexpectedly you are betrothed. What am I to believe?”

“That I could not damage your fine situation,” he said. “That I would not forfeit your respect for a requirement of my own.”

“A requirement of YOUR own?” she yelled expressively. “I am not to be trifled with. You have forgotten, Mr. Evans. Do you pretend to be ignorant of the reality that I am apart of this too? You are the alike of my husband. Do I not have the option of choosing?”

Maxwell’s eyes flared with suppressed anger and desire.

“Why are you here? To further my distress? To see me squirm and weep? Will it make you better to know that I will miss you? I will not give you the contentment. You have made your decision and I am not included in it.”

“You cannot be at lose, Elizabeth, to understand the reason of my journey. I can not begin to consider what I am hearing,” he said. “I must pray that you tell me—how you can say this?”

“I do not know.”

“Liz, I have done this for you. Tessa has apprehended our situation and I had the resolution to either devastate your life or blemish mine, I opted for mine—for you!”

“You believed that this would be my preference? I have told you I am not troubled by losing my respect. You sincerely trust that I would favor living a secure existence with Nathaniel when I could be in this world contentedly…with you?”

They stared at each other in silence for many minutes. Their love and regret was in their eyes.

“Many happy returns to you Mr. Evans. You have accomplished your objective, you have spared me humiliation. Now I ask you again,” she said, “why have you come here?”

He breathed out loudly. “I intended to notify you of the truth.”

“Oh Maxwell.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “May you tell me what the truth is?”

“I believe you know. If not you have forgotten?”

“I have not; I only now have trouble seeing the truth in my recollections.”

“I assure you it was all truth.”

Elizabeth swallowed. “Then enlighten me. Could you not have come to the resolution to spare me disgrace before you first pursued me? Had you not shadowed me I should not have had to deal with disgrace.”

“You have on no account spoken to me in this way,” he said. The hurt was evident on his face.

“You warrant it at this instant.”

He was hushed once more. The crickets were shrilling outside. “I will depart now,” he finally said. “I am regretful that my notions disgust you so. I will trespass no longer. Except my well wishes for your health and happiness.”

She did not want him to go. She wanted to tell him she was going to have his child.

“Farewell,” he said simply.

Elizabeth remained rooted in place as she watched him leave. As his carriage disappeared down the road she pressed her head to the window and watched him go.

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2003 2:26 am
by nicola
Ah here it is, after much delay. Thank you for being so patient and FB, bumps etc...tell me what you think,

Episode Thirteen

His finger tips trailed the line of her hip. Her skin was hot and welcomed relief from the chilly dark room.

“What are you thinking?” he asked breathlessly.

“I fear that if I tell you I will no longer be capable of looking at you in public.” A smile touched her mouth. “I can scarcely look at you now.”

Taking her chin his large hand, he whispered devotedly, “Think of me as a mere fantasy—an illusion, a dream. Would your cheeks flush so furiously like this in your reverie?”

“Oh, most certainly,” she replied. “How would you feel if were to whisper it to you?”

“Most delighted,” he said and laughed. She liked his laugh, it was husky and deep. “Come now.”

She pressed her lips to his ear and her tongue darted out to trace the lines and moulds it consisted of.

He shuddered.

“Are you listening?” she whispered.

“I am listening, how could I not?” he smiled. She was so extraordinary. She was perfection. His insides liquefied.

“I imagine you,” she continued to whisper softly, “and I. In quite a…hmm, compromising situation…against the wall.”

The corners of his mouth perked upwards. “My dear, that sounds like a plan.”


Maria walked with Elizabeth into town. “Will you recover well enough?”

“I will,” Elizabeth lied. She was not considering recovering when living was her largest challenge presently.

She felt Maria’s hand settle on her forearm. “I will take care of you.”

Elizabeth looked at her. “I know.”

Maria smiled. “Now, we just have to conduct a scheme to convince Nathaniel that the child is his. If that is what you would still like?”

“I have no other option,” Elizabeth replied quietly. “I believe it shall not be difficult to persuade him of the child’s origins. For we never researched certainly into our inability to have children together. We always presupposed there was a hitch. Nathaniel did not want to see a doctor on this issue. He has this peculiar notion that if we do not speak of it perhaps one day a phenomenon will happen. He will be too contented to learn of the child to question its basis. He always longed for an inheritor.”

Maria nodded. “How convenient.”

“Yes,” Elizabeth said. “I just want this to be over. I need to forget Maxwell and do what is best for this child.” This baby will save my life, she thought.

“I understand.”

She let out a loud breath. “Here we are,” she said, “I been rather self-absorbed these past few days. I plead with you to forgive me. Please, tell me of Michael. Have you corresponded with him?”

Maria’s eyes lit up. “I have indeed.”

“Oh my! I shall presume by your content and dreamy expression that you have more to announce.”

“Lizzie I do not wish to upset you with my happy situation. Not when you are enduring such wretchedness.”

“One of us must be happy, shall we not?” supposed Elizabeth.

Maria could not stop smiling. “Michael and I are engaged.”

“That is quite the surprise!” Elizabeth gasped. “I am ecstatic, of course! When did all of this come about?”

“Earlier this week, prior to your arrival.”

The two women hugged one another tightly. “Finally! Maria—you have found your love—is he the one from your childhood dreams?”

Maria was thoughtful. “He is close enough.”


Elizabeth returned to Birkbeck Park one week later. Nathaniel greeted her warmly, well, as warmly as Nathaniel could be. Would Elizabeth ever be capable of enduring his touches without recoiling again? She did not think so.

“Nathaniel I have delightful news,” she said. She would tell him right away, maybe if he knew he would stop making love to her. “I believe you will be exceedingly enthused.”

“My love, you are home, I am already exceedingly enthused.”

“You are too kind. However, this is a great deal more thrilling.”

“Well my dear, spit it out.”

“We are going to have a child. Finally, Nathaniel—you with have an heir!”

Nathaniel’s mouth dropped open.

“I know we constantly assumed there was a problem but we must have been incorrect,” she said, “for it has happened and you will have a child.”

“A son?”

“It is too soon to know my dear,” Elizabeth explained.

“Well! This is fantastic news indeed! You were right, this is absolutely thrilling!” His delight was evident. He took her hands in his own. “Elizabeth, thank you. I can not tell you how glad this has made me. It is my largest dream—”

She smiled. “There is no need to—”

He cut her off, “I have to go inform everyone. My parents will be delighted. Oh Elizabeth!” He let go of her and walked from the room.

Elizabeth frowned. He did not want to be with her on this happy occasion? He would rather go out? She slumped pitifully down onto the divan by the fire.

She had always known what the rest of her life would be like. Parties, dinners, balls and celebrations. What she hadn’t originally planned was how empty it would make her feel. As if they were the most meaningless and trivial ways of passing time.

She now saw that by telling Nathaniel of this child, she had surrendered her whole existence to others. To doing things for others. It now did not matter what she thought or wanted, her life was about pleasing and attending to others expectations of her.

Realizing this made her less angry at Maxwell, for he had done the exact same thing…only for her. Suddenly she felt a profound emptiness so physically grueling that she could no longer continuing sitting up straight.

“Oh Maxwell, what have we done?” she said in despair. The longing for his comfort was strong, so demanding on her weak and ill-equipped heart that she fell into a fitful sleep and did not wake up for two days.

Nathaniel stood over her bed. “The doctor has informed me that you are under too much strain,” he said and paced back and forth with his hands joined behind his back, “that it is not good for the child. What you have to strain over I am ignorant of. Clearly I am unacquainted with your life of sewing circles, balls, and tea parties so excuse me if I fail to see what the reasons for your nervous tension are.”


“Do not speak love, you have just woken. You must be kind to yourself.” He placed his cold hand on her forehead. “Be kind to yourself that is all I ask— I will do the rest. Now,” his Adam’s apple moved up and down as he swallowed the saliva in his mouth, “evidently I will have to become stricter on your extracurricular activities. You will walk no more then twice a week for no longer then one hour, do you hear me?”

“Indeed,” Elizabeth said quietly. She wished she could fall asleep again and not have to see his venomous face. He had shaven off his beard and without the hair surrounding his face his lips seemed tighter and more rubbery. His eyes more piercing and accusing, his cheeks sunken and the lines in his face more dined.

“You will have a set diet,” he continued, “there will be no guests to bother you on more then three circumstances during the week and you shall venture off the property only in my company.”

She blinked. Suddenly she was an adolescent of ten years old once more.

“I will also…” he looked away, “avoid making love to you. It is for your own wellbeing. I will leave you now,” he said.

Elizabeth did not say anything when he left the room. She laid on her side and put her hand on her abdomen. What kind of life am I bringing you into, she wondered?


What did it take to veil your cheerless eyes from the world? Did it entail coaching yourself to disregard the last few months? Did it involve destroying all contact with the person who had caused those wounds?

Did it involve burning a note that arrived from him on Saturday morning?

Elizabeth decided that, yes, it did. But how could these efforts hide those hands, his palpitating heart, and those soft, sensual lips upon hers? His breathless voice played over in her head in the dark… “Do you feel that Liz?

“Do you like that Liz?”

She pressed the rough paper to her chest and swallowed. She was only a small thing; she could only take so much. Could she turn herself so completely away? Could she deny him so totally?

She would have to.

With a heavy heart, she threw the unopened note on the fire and looked away.

He had told her his wishes loudly and clearly, he would have to deal with them just as she had been.

Her life was so dreary now. She could not leave the house, could not have guests. Time passed and she did not register it.

“Mam?” there was a knock on the door, she did not know at what point of the day it was.

“Yes, Georgina?”

“A guest has arrived. Mr. Evans.”

Elizabeth’s head snapped to the side. “Please do not—”

It was too late to tell him to leave. He was already in the room and closing the door behind Georgina. He bowed his head but she did not do it back.

“You are not welcome here,” Elizabeth said coldly, “I demand you leave.”

Maxwell shook his head. “Oh stop,” he replied, “your attempts at hatred fail when I can see clearly how you feel in your eyes.”

She swallowed and looked away.

“You are pregn—” his voice cracked, “I heard that you are expecting.”

“That is right,” she said, “why would that concern you?”

“Is the child mine?” he asked simply.

She stared him right in the face when she replied, “The child is mine.”

He gritted his teeth and turned away.

Her hurt was coming out as anger. Inside she was pleading with herself to tell him the truth.

Suddenly he spun around and strode towards her. Startled, she fell back into the divan. He put his hands on either side of her body and pressed himself so close to her that her heaving chest brushed his.

His face hovered close to hers. “I insist you stop talking so callously or I warn you that I will give into my temper.”

She blinked back her tears and turned her face away. “Do not lay your hand on me.”

“Inform me, dear Eliza, of would you do if I were to… brush your face?” his hand hovered next to her cheek. He did not touch her. “Taste your lips?” he leaned forward but did not kiss her. “Feel your breasts?”

She could not believe him to be her Maxwell. “You would confirm my current suspicions that you care only for your needs and for your wants. You do not recognize that your touches are torture. You do not discern that when you talk to me, it is painful!” she yelled the last part. “You do not care about me. You do not know or desire to know what you do to this heart of mine.” She was trembling.

Maxwell swallowed. Hurt was in his eyes. “I cannot comprehend that you accept that as true.”

She waited for him to say something else.

“Everything that I have done in the previous weeks is for the reason that I love you,” he said. Elizabeth’s eyes softened.

“I beg of you,” she whispered, “leave this home.”

“Elizabeth,” he said, ignoring her plea, “do you carry on loving me?”

“Oh Maxwell,” she cried, “Why do you persist in hurting me?”

His hand touched her cheek and she twitched beneath him. “I can not leave you unaided. Your husband does not—”

“Nathaniel does not concern you,” she said, “I do not require your assistance.”

They were silent as they stared at one another in the darkening room. Maxwell leaned forward and kissed her lips passionately and furiously. Elizabeth kissed him back; she was unable to deny what her heart was so blatantly screaming.

When he pulled away he laid his forehead softly against hers. “I miss you,” he said, “I love you so very much.”

Tears fell from Elizabeth’s eyes. “And I, you.”

“We may in no way breathe the life we both relentlessly dream of but I will fear I will not loose my hope. He has your evenings, your mornings, and your daytimes. In the past I was fortunate to occasionally be graced with moments in between. I on no account get to see your handsome face in the morning light.” He blinked to clear his swimming eyes. “When I have the pleasure of being unaccompanied with you, you have acquainted me with your love; you have told me you need me that you believe in me. Although pray dear Liz—how am I to know whether you think of him when you are with me? When I am holding you—like this? He is the one you gave your life to. Do you love him like I have been loving you?” he held her closer. “Do you whisper your fantasies in his ear as you have been with me?”

Elizabeth was crying.

“Come now,” he said wiping her tears.

“Maxwell,” she whimpered, “this child is yours. I have not confirmed my suspicions for certain nevertheless I believe it, because I already worship them so, the way I feel for you.”

Maxwell pressed his face to her hair; she thought she heard him crying. “This is supplementary motive for me to leave you in your situation. If we—ran, it would not be a fine life for you or this child.” He stood up and straightened his coat.

“Maxwell no…I plead with you. I will not survive I will not—”

His placed his warm, large hand on her face. His expression was grim. “This is how it must be, lovely, beatific Liz. I will see my child grow from a distance, perhaps one day our time will come. I do not wish for it to be this way—”

“Then do not let it,” Elizabeth cried.

“I must, I love you too much to sacrifice your security.”

Elizabeth’s face was red with hurt and stinging with tears. “Why did you come here?”

“I had to know,” he said simply, “Now I do and I am sorry for upsetting you.”

Elizabeth wanted to scream at him. She wanted to tell him she hated him for this.

She could not watch him leave.

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2003 11:22 pm
by nicola
Wow it's awesome to have such as positive response to The Talented miss Parker sequel. I'll have to get it out quick then. Thank you for everything and I apologize for this part being so short.

Episode Fourteen Eight Months Later

Words are a poor
substitute for a loving heart
which silently reaches out to say;
I care, I understand.

Nathaniel stared out the large windows in the library. One of his hands rested on his hip and the other against the wall. His eyes were focused on the snow white lawn and the jagged icicles that were carried by the bitter wind.

The cries from down the hall were piercing. They had been continuous for many hours. He closed his eyes briefly and then opened them half an hour later when someone spoke behind him.

“Master,” Rochelle stood in the doorway, “Miss will see you now.”

Nathaniel nodded his head and turned to walk towards the door. Before entering his wife’s chamber, he rapped softly on the white door. She called him in and hesitantly he came, slipping into the dark room and closing the door softly behind him.

Elizabeth sat on the large bed wrapped in blankets. Her hair was hanging long around her shoulders; it seemed to glow in the candle light.

She looked up from the bundle she was holding in her arms and smiled the beaten smile of a woman who had been in labor for hours. “A boy,” she said quietly, “just as you wanted.”

He walked towards her and sat unsurely on the side of the bed.

“Would you like to hold him?” she said and leaned out to hand the precious thing over.

Nathaniel held him as best as he could. “What a shame,” he said, “he got your dark hair instead of my blonde.”

She was thankful that he did not notice that the brown was a tad darker then her color.

She smiled dimly and he patted her hand. “I am speechlessly glad that you are fine.”

“You are too kind.”

His eyes scanned her face. “I should allow you to rest. You appear fatigued.”

Elizabeth was exhausted. “Will you write my parents to declare the birth? I should like to do it but I fear I may sleep for a lengthy period.” She paused. “I wish for them to know rapidly.”

“Why of course,” he accepted, “I shall do it at this instant.”

He stood up and left the room without touching her. Seconds later the maids came in to take the baby to his crib. Elizabeth was reluctant to let him go.

“You must sleep,” Rochelle coaxed, “he will be here when you awake.”

Grudgingly Elizabeth slept. She dreamt of a world where her son’s true father was there by her bed. Nathaniel’s enthusiasm showed only in his eyes, not his touch, not in his voice… Maxwell would not have been able to keep his hands off her. Hugging her, maybe even crying with joy. He should have been there. He would have shown her the love she and this baby deserved. The love she felt already, the attachment.

Today was his wedding day. This child had already saved her from one disagreeable suffering. Imagine! Born on the day Maxwell was to walk down the isle.

It was his fault that it was this way. She had grieved too long over his ill decisions.

When she woke she was ignorant of the day. She lay in bed staring at the sweet crib until she could no longer endure not touching her child. Unsteadily, she pattered across the small distance. She was quite sore but ignored the pains and their unyielding protests to her movement.

The room was shadowy but she could see her son resting serenely with his miniature fists clenched tightly. She reached down and stroked his cherry soft cheeks and his dark mop of hair. “I love you exceedingly already my redeemer of upset,” she whispered. Her trembling fingers touched his heart through his white night dress. “He loves you by now as much as I do, I am sure.”

Unable to help herself, she scooped him up into her arms. He cried in protest, stridently—surely deafening her! She jumped in surprise and then laughed at herself. “Come now,” she said, “come now little one—all this! And over what? Come now sweet thing.”

She sat on the side of her bed and ignored her discomfort. “We need to find you a name do we not?” she held him to her shoulder. “What ever shall it be? After your father? Maxwell?” she laughed, “I am sure Nathaniel would scowl when I suggested that, no? Perhaps only in private.”

Her hands frantically massaged his back. His tiny body was so delicate, so dependant on her to treat him with unlimited care. “I will always need you and love you,” her lips were blue in the chilly room, “and you shall save me from being distressed. You and I shall be the closest of friends. One day your father may well decide he requires us, I am convinced he will. In anticipation of then, we will be well.”

Elizabeth pulled the warm blankets around them both and pressed her mouth to the babies head. “Pray cease weeping; I am acquainted with your sadness in his absence. I must give explanation to a small number of things that you are expected to be perplexed about. In relation to Nathaniel—many will identify him as your father and though he is not, you shall be required to be of the same opinion as them. Maxwell has decided it would be best for the community to believe Nathaniel is your father. Though I disagree…I must do what is best for our security.”

The chamber door opened and Georgina hurried in. “Mam—I heard cries!”

“Indeed, it is the little one,” Elizabeth told her, “I am afraid he will not stop his tears, not even for me.”

“He could be hungry,” Georgina offered.

“That is likely,” Elizabeth agreed and a smile graced her face—brighter then that of any other for the past year.


“I asked after Maxwell and Tessa’s wedding,” Nathaniel announced over dinner some evenings later.

“Oh yes,” Elizabeth said. There was not a twitch in her face. “I trust you apologized for our absence?”

“Indeed,” Nathaniel mumbled as he sipped his bitter wine, “you will be pleased to be informed all went well and the couple is in London, most likely receiving vast pleasure from their matrimony.” He laughed as if he’d told a joke.

Elizabeth asked sharply, “What ever is funny?”

Nathaniel looked surprised, not at her, at himself. Elizabeth watched his face as he realized what he had said, realized that she would not understand his meaning, that she was too naïve to understand his meaning.

He wiped his mouth with his white napkin and then put it messily down on the table. “Oh nothing,” he said and then added, just to make sure, “I was merely recalling the satisfaction of being newly-wed. I trust you remember our delight when we were first married?”

Elizabeth did not say anything.

Nathaniel stood. “Indeed. Well…I will be off.”

She was surprised. “You are leaving? Pray—where are you going?”

He suddenly seemed fidgeting and unwilling to be in her company. “To have a brandy at the club room with Thompson and possibly Harlot. Have a good evening.”

Why was it he kept leaving her hastily? She finished her dinner in silence and then went upstairs to her son. Her savior. She sat by his sleeping figure smiling. He was only little and was not well defined as an individual this early but she could see Maxwell in him. She did not know where the familiarity came from but she recognized it as being there.

Damian Dawson Samson. He would be a strong and honorable man. He would marry a worthy woman and they would have beautiful children. They would love and have the life Elizabeth only recently knew she was missing out on.

She smiled and touched his nose. That was enough for her.


“Hello Eliza,” Tessa said cheerily.

Elizabeth jumped in surprise. “Tessa, what an unforeseen surprise.”

“I would prefer if you now called me Mrs. Evans.”

“Why of course, Mrs. Evans.” Those words left a bitter taste in her mouth. “I was unaware you were back from London.” She did not stare into Tessa’s face as she spoke—the cobblestone pavement seemed to offer more warmth then her piercing blue eyes.

“Indeed, Maxwell and I arrived home yesterday sunrise,” Tessa replied curtly, “what brings you out into the wintry cold this morning? I see you have brought your new son.”

Elizabeth stared down at her son who was sleeping in his extravagant pram. “I was in dire need of fresh air and exercise, you will understand.” She did not want to talk about her son with Tessa.

“Indeed,” Tessa said, her eyes were glued on Damian, “may I ask, what his name is?”

“Damian Dawson,” Elizabeth replied.

Tessa went to stroke his face but Elizabeth’s hand quickly reached to stop her.

Tessa jumped in surprise and looked at her coldly.

“He does not like to be touched when he is sleeping, I beg you to forgive me,” Elizabeth lied; really she just did not want Tessa’s icy claws on her precious son.

There were footsteps behind her and Elizabeth was too frightened to turn around and discover who was now standing there.

“Maxwell,” Tessa said overly cheerful, “I was on my way but I was held up. How could I not stop to see Eliza’s new son?”

Elizabeth held her breath waiting for his reply.

Finally his deep voice rumbled across the air and dribbled down her spine. “Indeed, how could you not?” he walked around Elizabeth and her pram so he was standing facing her and could see the tiny figure sleeping. “Elizabeth, it has been quite a while, has it not? I trust you are well?”

“I am,” Elizabeth said and looked into his eyes bravely, “very well. You are too kind.” She was not afraid of his eyes. She wanted to show him she was not so besotted with his charms any longer.

“I was just about to say,” Tessa said, “that it was a shame you could not be present at the wedding.” She looped her arm possessively through Maxwell’s.

Elizabeth nodded. “I asked Nathaniel to give my apologies.”

“Yes, we received them,” Maxwell said. His eyes were trained on Damian but he looked up and caught Elizabeth’s gaze. She nearly drowned in the depth of emotion she saw dying to get out. His eyes were dancing with excitement and happiness. “Your son,” he spoke, “is very handsome.”

“Incredibly so,” Elizabeth agreed, “he could scarcely be more agreeable.”

They smiled at one another. “I trust he is in excellent health?”

“Indeed,” Elizabeth answered, “the best.”

Tessa, suddenly not as smug as she had been, said, “He has very dark hair,” and stared at the two of them warningly. “He must have got it from his fath—oh pardon me,” she without a doubt intentionally chose her words, “from you, Elizabeth.”

Maxwell looked at his feet.

Elizabeth stared at Tessa hard and did not break her gaze.

Finally, unable to take her eyes, Tessa looked away. “Oh well, we should be off.”

“Pardon me,” Elizabeth said, now feeling controlling, “I must ask after one thing.”

“Indeed,” Maxwell instantly replied.

“Maria has kept me incessantly posted on her circumstances with Mr. Guerin. I must ask after him?”

“He is very fine,” Maxwell said, “he has obtained a residence in London for the two of them to live in after their marriage ceremony.”

“She will be delighted.”

“We really must go,” Tessa was impatient, “goodbye Eliza.”

“Goodbye,” Maxwell said, “please allow me to offer you the best of wishes for you and your son.”

“Thank you.”


Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2003 3:26 am
by nicola
I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry!!! I haven't been well, that's my excuse. In fact, I have laryngitis(is that how you spell it? :oops:) My glands are all swollen don't want to know. You just want the part right? Here you go! And thank you for being so patient *kisskiss*

Episode Fifteen

On May the thirteenth many residents from Leicester arrived in Coventry for Miss Maria Deluca and Mr. Michael Guerin’s wedding. The carriages were lined up outside the large stone church for miles.

Elizabeth and Nathaniel had arrived four days prior to the event. Elizabeth wanted to offer Maria as much support as she could. She was with her mere minutes before she was to walk down the isle holding her hands, fixing her hair, offering kind words.

“I am terribly scared,” Maria repeated for what seemed like the hundredth time. She looked absolutely beautiful in her white gown. Her hair had little flowers strung through it with white lace.

Elizabeth smiled. “You can imagine my nerves when I was in your situation.”

“I remember,” Maria smiled too. “You were only eighteen and your cheeks were awfully colorless.”

“Let us hope that your marriage is subsequently happier then mine has been,” Elizabeth commented dryly. She lifted herself out of her wood and velvet chair. “I must go out into the church and await the ceremony as a meager guest now. I am sure Damian will be getting restless in the company of Katrina and Samantha.”

“Indeed, go,” Maria agreed. “Wish me good fortune.”

“I do every day dear.” Elizabeth kissed her cheek and left the room with the close of a door.

Standing in the lobby she saw Maxwell and Tessa with an older man and woman she had never met before. He looked indescribably handsome. Her stomach lurched.

He spotted her as she neared and his eyes glared intensely into hers. “Elizabeth.”

“Maxwell.” She nodded her head respectfully, as did he.

“You must allow me to introduce you to my parents,” he said.

Elizabeth’s heart sped up. His parents!

“Mother, father,” he said. “This is Elizabeth Samson. Elizabeth is resided in Leicester at Birkbeck Park. Right next door my Austen Park. I work along side her husband, Nathaniel Samson.” He paused and studied her face admirably. “Elizabeth, I believe I have told you before that my parents are from Nottingham.”

“Indeed,” Elizabeth replied tearing her eyes away from Tessa. “It is a pleasure to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Evans. Your son speaks very admirably of you on countless occasions. It is clear you mean a great deal to him.”

“Well that is always very good to know,” his mother smiled.

His father added, “It is very nice to meet you dear.”

Maxwell was staring observably at her but she would not catch his eyes. “I wish sincerely that I could stay and speak but I am afraid I have to get back to my son.” Your grandson. “Please forgive me.”

“Why of course. Please go, we will not keep you.”

“Thank you.” Elizabeth looked at Maxwell and then turned and walked towards the seats.

Her seat was between Nathaniel and her father but apparently they had decided to chat so she was stuck right against the isle with no one to talk to. She sighed to herself and then, seeing Michael, smiled encouraging at him. He smiled back.

The ceremony was extremely handsome. Elizabeth could tell that as soon as Maria was standing next to Michael her nerves disappeared. It was the same priest from her wedding, her brothers wedding, her mothers wedding, her aunties wedding and he would be the priest for Samantha and Katrina’s weddings too. Elizabeth knew the verses he read from the bible off by heart. She closed her eyes and mouthed the words.

Finally when they were announced husband and wife Maria hugged her mother and Elizabeth then waved goodbye and drove off in her decorated carriage. Elizabeth put Damian in his pram and stood watching until they were only a speck in the distance, even when others began to disperse.

She felt a hand on her shoulder. “Come now love,” Nathaniel said. “We shall go back to the house. You will see her in two weeks in London.”

Elizabeth smiled. “I am so very happy for her.”

“As am I,” he agreed.

In the carriage Elizabeth watched Nathaniel fight with himself. She found it amusing. “So speak up,” she finally said.

He glanced at her, surprised. “You know me astoundingly well. I am afraid that next week when you are to go and stay with Maria, I will be unable to accompany you.”

Elizabeth hoped he could not see the burst of happiness through her eyes. “Oh my, why ever not?”

“I have a client I must visit, it will only require three days of my time and then I shall join you,” he clarified.

“Will I travel alone to London?” Elizabeth wondered.

“Well, no,” Nathaniel smiled. “You will travel with Damian.”

“Indeed,” she said and shot a look at her sleeping son.

“Also,” Nathaniel continued. “You will take your maid Rochelle with you so she may help you take care of him.”

Elizabeth nodded. “Thank you.”

She pretended to sleep for the rest of the journey. Nathaniel shifted about in his seat, unconscious of the sinful fantasies she was conjuring up in her mind. At one point of the trip she found that she was about to moan out loud.

She wanted Maxwell. For the first time in many months, she wanted him not only for his presence, but for that grand release, that beautiful climax, that heart pounding orgasm. So she could feel his large, warm hands on her bare body. She wanted him only so he could make wild, passionate love to her.

Her body tingled with want. What she wouldn’t give for his mouth on her at that very moment…

“Elizabeth,” Nathaniel broke her train of thoughts. “My dear, what ever is the matter?”

Her eyes shot open. “Nothing, whatever gave you that idea?”

“You were breathing loudly and shifting around recklessly,” Nathaniel commented.

“Was I?” she asked embarrassed. “It was unintentional I assure you.”

Nathaniel fell asleep ten minutes later and Elizabeth sat awake and uncomfortable in silence. Twenty minutes before they were to arrive Damian woke up fitfully and was so loud he woke Nathaniel too.

“Oh what a nuisance,” Nathaniel was grumpy. “Will you not make him stop?”

“I cannot just stop him,” Elizabeth commented.

“Well try harder,” Nathaniel said.

Elizabeth rocked Damian back and forth in her arms and when they got home she gave him a bath and fed him. It was late in the evening when Nathaniel popped his head into the nursery and said he was going to bed.

“Goodnight,” Elizabeth replied.



“Lizzie!” Maria screeched. “Thank goodness! I have scarcely thought of anything other then your arrival for the past week! Michael will tell you, I must have been such a bother! How is Damian?”

Elizabeth embraced her tightly. “Damian is perfect. You look exceedingly well Maria; Michael must be taking the best of care with you.”

Maria winked suggestively. “Indeed.” She paused for a moment and whispered, “We have so much to talk about dear Lizzie.” She smiled at Rochelle. “Welcome.”

She nodded respectfully.

“Will you not allow me to take off my coat first?” Elizabeth asked.

“Maria, dear,” Michael called from his position at the doorway. “Are you going to keep her all to yourself?”

Maria looped her arm through Elizabeth’s.

“Rochelle,” Elizabeth called over her shoulder as she was dragged towards the door. “Will you take Damian upstairs for a rest?”

“Indeed, mam.”

“I have something I must speedily tell you,” Maria whispered. “Maxwell is here.”

Elizabeth blinked. “Oh no, that would mean Tessa—”

“No,” Maria shook her head. “He is alone. Tessa has gone to stay with her parents Northampton.”

“Ah, Elizabeth,” Michael took her hand and kissed it. “Welcome.”

She smiled. “You are too kind for allowing me into your house Mr. Guerin.” Behind him, coming down the grand staircase was Maxwell. His hand ran along the polished railing and his steps were quick.

“I pray that Damian is in the best of health?” Michael asked.

“Indeed, the best,” Elizabeth answered, tearing her eyes away from Maxwell.

Maria took Damian from Rochelle and showed her husband. “Is he not the most charmingly handsome youngster you have ever seen?”

Michael smiled. “Why, yes.”

Maxwell took Elizabeth’s hand and kissed it. “It is splendid to see you again, Elizabeth.”

She blushed, despite herself. “As it is you,” she whispered.

They stared at each other for a moment too long before turning and walking into the house behind Michael and Maria.


Elizabeth knew what she wanted and she would do anything to get it. This was the perfect opportunity to get Maxwell alone. She did not care if their situation was not bettered, just as long as she had an hour or two of feeling his wet mouth and his capable hands on her once more. She was desperate.

Elizabeth learnt on her first night in the new Guerin dwelling what Maria had been so anxious to talk to her about. Her new ‘experiences’ with the male body, to put it extremely kindly. “I know it is rather unseemly of me to talk this way,” she said. “But I simply must share my delight with someone.”

Elizabeth smiled knowingly. “It would appear that you have undeniably not been neglected.”

“Oh no,” Maria shook her head and giggled like a self-conscious fifteen-year-old. She glanced over her shoulder to check no one was listening. “Michael is quite…what should I say …generous?”

It was Elizabeth’s turn to laugh now. “Well that is dreadfully good to know.”

Maria was silent for a moment. “I do not suppose…no, never mind.”

“Pray, tell me.”

“Alright. Although only for the reason that you asked, is Nathaniel generous?” Maria spoke in a loud whisper.

Elizabeth sighed and stared out the window at the twirling night sky. “No. What should I say to illustrate Nathaniel…self-centered?”

Maria stared despondently at her. “Oh my poor Lizzie. No wonder you—”

Elizabeth turned around abruptly. “Please do not say it. They may hear you.”

“I apologize.”

Reluctantly Elizabeth asked, “Will you be of assistance to me?”

“In whatever way I am capable of,” Maria replied instantly.

“Tomorrow,” Elizabeth started. “I would love so very much to have the day…”

“Indeed!” Maria cried before she finished. The two males looked up from there drinks surprised. Maria and Elizabeth laughed to themselves. “I assume you were going to solicit privacy with…” Maria lowered her voice, “Maxwell?”

Elizabeth nodded silently.

“I will do all I can,” Maria said helpfully. “Although…I give you my word that you will have your moments.”

Maxwell and Michael finished their glasses of brandy and prepared to retire for the evening. “What do you suppose has the ladies in such high spirits?”

“I should not like to guess,” Michael admitted. He got up from his chair and walked over to Maria. She looked up at him when his hand touched her shoulder.

“Do you wish to retire or shall I tell Cassandra to make another round of tea?”

“No,” Maria answered. “I am tired. Elizabeth, Maxwell?”

“Yes, I shall see you in the morning. Goodnight,” Maxwell said.

Elizabeth touched Maria’s hand fondly. “Goodnight.” She watched the couple adoringly as they left the room and then put her hand over her chest. She was speechlessly happy for her friend.

Maxwell headed for the door and she turned her face to look at him. “Goodnight,” she said simply.

He stared at her for a brief moment, then nodded his head and left the room.

Upstairs, after checking on Damian and thanking Rochelle for taking such good care of him, Elizabeth finally headed for her bedroom. She lingered outside her door to stare at Maxwell’s chamber door longingly. “Oh Maxwell,” she whispered…maybe she could…

Suddenly his door flung open and it gave her the fright of her life. He came out of his room and his white shirt was open and untidy. His jacket was off but his boots were still on his feet.

She frantically pushed on the door handle to go into her room.

Liz,” he called softly.

She froze when she felt his hand touch her neck. “Maxwell, I…”

He reached around her and opened the door. Together they walked in and closed the door behind them.

Before she knew it, he pressed her up against the end of the bed. “I—”

She pulled one of her hands from his grip and pressed her finger to his lips. “Do not say anything…”

He bit his lip. He was fighting with himself.

She leaned forward and put his hand on the top of her breast. “Please…”

Finally they kissed. Their lips hadn’t touched for nearly a year.

Maxwell felt exactly how Elizabeth remembered him, better—if that was possible.

They kissed as if they were starving and when they pulled away they were panting quietly into one another’s faces. Elizabeth touched his face, running her fingers along his strong jaw and shaped cheek bones. She felt like crying.

With a loud, happy sigh Maxwell reached behind her and started undoing the little pearl buttons on her dress.

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2003 11:51 pm
by nicola
Episode Sixteen

Elizabeth unzipped his boots shakily and pulled them off his legs. It was hard to see him wholly in the moon-lit room but his adoring, liquid eyes were very visible to her. The flames in the fire place were slowly burning out although the bright embers added vaguely to the light in the room.

They did not talk as he lifted his hips to pull off his pants. The thick, black material joined his boots and her dress on the floor, messily entwined and creased.

Elizabeth sat in-between his legs so he could unthread the strong ties on her corset. His lips brushed her bare shoulders, kissing her soft skin and inhaling her scent. She wasn’t the only one who felt like crying. He was finding it hard to keep himself together.

She stood up and slipped off the remainder of her satin and lace undergarments, leaving her bare in front of him. He reached for her, running his hands over her hips and up her back. A soft hum came from his mouth…“Liz…”

Their lips brushed and as he lay back and eased her on top of him her tongue dove into his mouth.

It felt inconceivably incredible to have his unclothed, warm skin against hers once more. Her breasts were pressed against his toned chest and her shapely, feminine legs were plaited securely through his masculine ones. Together they kissed, making up for, and feeling what they hadn’t had for so long.

Max well’s arms went around her back and they rolled over so he had the upper hand. Her hands were on his hips until his mouth latched onto her neck. Then her fingers wove through his hair, scrunching it against her palm. It felt longer then she remembered.

One of his hands ran down her thigh, spreading it outwards so he could fit between her legs. An expectant yelp parted her lips.

“Shh…” he murmured quietly against her ear.

His long, throbbing arousal pierced her opening, sending shudders dancing through them both. Elizabeth’s left foot came up to curve over his ankles and his mouth covered hers—the sensations were surreal.

She opened her eyes and stared up into his face, not wanting to miss any flicker of sensation. He looked right back, even as he raised his hips and then lowered them again.

A quiet moan sounded in the room, neither knew who it had come from, nor cared. Elizabeth wanted to tell him she required instant relief but could not get her voice to work. She tried to be strong and not show how much he was affecting her but she could not. Tears dripped from the corners of her eyes and down her temples, onto the pillow and through her hair.

He kissed them away continuing to rock back and forth inside of her. As he neared release his kisses became more impassioned and urgent. His lips parted hers hungrily and his hip thrusts sped up.

“Maxwell…” Elizabeth whispered ardently against his lips. It was too much, she could not take it.

When he came, they pressed their foreheads together and looked into one another’s eyes. Maxwell let out a little relieved sigh and slumped tenderly against her body.

They were silent for a long time, Elizabeth was unrelieved. He knew this, so soon after he’d recovered his own pleasure, he kissed down her body and then pressed his wet mouth to her dampness. She did not take long after his dexterous tongue poked out of his mouth and massaged her pleasure point.

She was trembling when he fell back beside her. Unable to keep from touching one another, they clasped hands.

Somewhere in the depth of the darkness she heard him say tenderly, “I attempted to remember that feeling, I fear I did not quite capture it accurately, in all its wonder.”

She smiled and rolled her head to the side to look at him. He reached out and brushed a strand of hair that had fallen from its clasp.

“I am positively convinced that you were born to do that,” she added, “to me.”

They kissed passionately, savoring each others tastes.

When they pulled away they were silent for a long time.

Maxwell finally said, “Too much to say.”

“Yes,” Elizabeth agreed. They stared at one another. “Would you forgive me,” she whispered. “If I were to tell you…that I still adamantly love you.”

Tears were in his eyes. “Indeed.”

She broke down and they sat up and hugged one another furiously, gripping onto one another tightly. Her tears were loud, whereas his were silent—but there nevertheless. “Oh Elizabeth,” he mourned as if she were dead.

“Never leave me,” she begged. “I plead with you.”

His body shook with the effort to stay mildly composed. All he could repeat was, “My Liz…my dear, dear, beautiful Liz…”


They had a lot to talk about. They lay underneath the warm covers on the bed and tried to say everything. However it was impossible to acquaint the other with all that had been expressed and experienced in the long time.

Elizabeth’s first enquiry was of Tessa. “Maxwell…” she said softly. “You never informed me of how Miss Tessa knew of…of us.”

He sucked in a grief-stricken breath. “Do you recall that afternoon. Tessa invited you over for afternoon tea?”

Elizabeth thought back. “I do.”

He touched her temple with his lips. “I was there. She was called from the room and we…”

“Yes…” she trailed off. “As I recall not a great deal of speaking took place.”

He nodded. “It was a set up, she was at the entrance listening.”

Elizabeth tried to remember what they had said to one another.

“I love you. I have wanted to say that so much.”

“And I love you dear Maxwell,” she said. They kissed once more, neither of them willing to let go. They hung on for several minutes.

“You must allow me to come and see you tonight,” he begged.

Elizabeth wanted to say yes. “You can not,” she said. “We can not…it is not safe at my house any longer.”

“Oh no,” she murmured.

He agreed.

“Oh my, what ever did she say to you?” she prayed.

Maxwell swallowed. “It went like this, not a soul was around…”

Tessa had been shooting her little mischievous looks at him all morning. It was almost as if she had something to tell him but was waiting for the right moment. It was bothering him, when would she go home? Could she not tell that no one enjoyed her presence?

“Maxwell,” she finally said and stopped and stood facing him. “What is your interest in Mrs. Samson?”

“I beg your pardon?” he asked, trying not to show his surprise at her mentioning his angelic Liz.

She smiled, snake-like. “I am merely giving you the opportunity to tell the honest truth.”

He swallowed. “I am afraid I do not understand.”

She laughed. “Oh indeed you do!” she seemed almost excited. “Oh, well, if you refuse to admit the truth I will just admit that I know.”

He looked at her sternly. “Miss Tessa, you are forgetting yourself. I must ask you to leave my company.”

“I do not have to do any such thing,” she said angrily. “Mr. Evans do not pretend to be ignorant of Elizabeth’s unfaithfulness to her husband…with you. I am well acquainted with your attempts at innocence.”

Maxwell looked at the ground and clenched his teeth. “You will not notify anyone?”

“I may choose to keep it furtive,” she said. “I may not.”

Maxwell glared at her with all his hatred. She did not flinch.

“Do you wish for your acts to remain concealed?” she asked with her chin upwards.

“I would like nothing more,” he replied honestly.

“Then I must ask something in return for my silence.”

That was what he had been afraid of. He waited for her to continue.

“You will walk down the aisle with me and you will be my husband until death does us part.”

Maxwell opened his mouth to yell at her. To tell her nothing could make him commit himself to her for life. He would rather rot then see her face every day. But then Elizabeth’s face flashed before his eyes and he stumbled backwards. “I would not…” he said. “Ever…”

“Not even for your ‘dear’ Elizabeth?”

Maxwell gritted his teeth. Damn her. He considered his options. He could allow her to let the public know of his affair and he should have to move once more and her reputation would forever be gone. But at least they would be together. His heart was torn. What kind of a life could he build for them, when they would be treated despicably wherever they went? It was selfish of him to sacrifice her reputation merely because he did not want to be with Tessa.

“Well?” Tessa asked smugly.

Maxwell snarled and walked away.

Elizabeth closed her eyes. “You were precisely correct about her.”

Suddenly Damien started to weep in the next room and Elizabeth jumped up from the bed and ran to the adjoining doors. Maxwell watched as she lifted their son onto her chest and patted his back. He felt a swell of raw heart ache.

Elizabeth looked up at him. “Come,” she said. “Hold your son.”

Maxwell didn’t know if he could. He stumbled across the room and as she reached out with the squirming baby tears filled his eyes. “I cannot,” he said and turned his head away.

“Please,” she begged. Damian laid his soft, fragile hand on his father’s bare chest. “He is educated on you,” Elizabeth informed him.

Maxwell let out a loud breath and scooped him into his arms. “Like this,” Elizabeth whispered and held his head up.

She stepped back and stared at them both. There were no words.

Maxwell looked down at the soft, long-limbed boy crying in his arms. “Come now,” he said. “Stop with your tears.”

When he looked up Elizabeth was crying silently with her hand over her mouth. Maxwell tried to control the emotion, the pure joy. “My son,” he whispered.

“You see he has many of your features,” Elizabeth said. “Your eyes.”

He ran his hand through Damian’s clean clump of hair and touched his cheeks. He kissed his forehead and his cheeks and his one tear landed on Damian’s skin.

Elizabeth hoped that now he was holding his son, he would never be able to let him go and he would see that they were meant to be together. She stepped close to them and wrapped her arms around them both. “We are your family,” she whispered. “Not Tessa, not any one else. We are.”

Maxwell looked up at her. “I never thought any differently.”

She wanted to ask him if he had been with Tessa, if he had made love to her. Had he warmed to her, grown to love her? Perhaps he was content in his wedlock.

Maxwell asked, “His name. May I ask why you chose the name of my most hated brother?”

“I did not choose his name,” Elizabeth answered. “Nathaniel did. It was his grandfather’s given name and he would have it no other way.”

She had told him she still loved him but he had not told her. She needed to hear it, needed to feel and see in his eyes that he felt the same way. She needed to know that the distant memory she had of him begging her not to stop touching him, begging her to never let go was true.

Maxwell did not let go of their son until he fell asleep once more. Elizabeth went and put a robe on, she felt too bare in front of him. She suddenly felt uncomfortable and unsure.

He closed the doors to the baby room and walked towards her sitting on the bed. She had dreamed of his bare body and his hands and lips for months and months…but now, she was vexed.

He touched her and she shifted away. “Maxwell…”

“What is wrong?”

She wanted him to say it.

“Liz,” he whispered. “Pray, have I done something wrong?”

“Indeed you have,” she replied.

“I cannot bear to see you this way,” he said. “You must advise me what I can do.”

She looked down. “Have you fallen for Tessa? Are you in love with her?”

He stared at her in shock. “My, you are exceedingly misguided. Whatever gave you that idea?”

“You have not—” she looked up at him. “Told me otherwise.”


I hope you liked the new part, I thought it would be rather cruel to leave you much longer. Thank you all for the FB, it is so incredible and appreciated.

Oh and Chelle thank you for registering to leave me FB! Wow! I hope I am good enough for your kindness.

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2003 2:36 am
by nicola

Episode seventeen

“It has been a considerable amount of time ever since our last…joining,” Elizabeth reminded him. “I am acquainted only with the past.” She crawled backwards onto the bed and dug her heals and palms into the ruffled blankets. “I am acquainted only with your negative response to my pleas to meet more regularly.”

Maxwell stood with his palms reaching towards her. His fingers rolled into fists. “Elizabeth…our situation is that of the most atrocious manner, all the same, that could not influence the quantity of sentiment I have for you.” Seeing her sweet face did not soften, he continued, “I love you, as I have for what seems an eternity.”

Elizabeth’s cheeks dyed red. “I am obliged to inquire after your relationship with Tessa. I pray you tell me have you—have you—”

He came after her and before she could move away, she was in his arms. “Oh my no,” he said. “She desired it, but I would not.”

“Please,” Elizabeth tried to shift away. “You must comprehend my discomfort.”

“I do not,” he said, begging her with his eyes. “I identify only with what I suffer and distinguish as true. Liz, I cannot endure you wasting our precious moments in this way.”

“Wasting?” Elizabeth spat in disgust. “It is exceedingly simple for you to make love to me and then head to your residence with your striking little consort waiting for you. It is not, however, as unproblematic for me—”

Trying to keep his voice even, he said, “Liz my existence is in no way unproblematic.”

“Illustrate this for me,” Elizabeth begged. “How is it probable for me to maintain trusting a love I cannot identify?”

He covered her mouth with his, kissing her passionately to no end. She did not push him away.

“I beg that you do not sit there and strive to persuade you and me”—he pulled away slightly and panted into the air—“that you cannot identify our love. I will not stand for it.” His lips sucked hers, making them ripe and swollen. “You can,” he said, “I know that. Just look right here.” His hand went over her heart.

Elizabeth had nothing to say in reply. She moaned loudly and pressed her chest further into his.

“We have but moments,” he reminded her. “Our problems are not trifling, I assure you I do not begin to assume that, but I would to a great extent rather utilize our time conversing happier issues.” He smiled.

Elizabeth looked straight back at him. “I am quite certain conversation is not your chief precedence presently.”

“Would you be angered if it was not?” he asked. “I have not touched you in a year.”

“I love you too much,” she told him. “I cannot seem to make it grow fainter, even with time.” Her boney fingers grasped at his bare arms, needing them around her. “I, in the darkest moments of night could not envisage anything more distressing then you failing to remember those times when we were together. I could not tolerate it.” She bit her lip to keep from being upset. “I apologize; I require something for the future, something that, for when this is over will console me when I can not see you.”

Maxwell cupped her cheeks. “I understand.” He kissed her lips and her eyes and her cheeks. “I can tell you right now, and this you may keep with you eternally, when ever you may need it, that nothing, [/i]not anything[/i], will impede me from loving and yearning for you.”

She kissed him ardently then, drawing his lips roughly against her mouth. “I love you too Maxwell. Please touch me,” she whispered. “I must have you feel me all over.”

Her knelt on the floor and ran his hands up her bare ankles to her calves. She lay back on the soft mattress with her eyes closed and clutched her robe to her chest. Maxwell couldn’t believe he was here with her, touching her. She was his dream.

He pressed his lips to her knee while massaging her bare thighs with his hands. Elizabeth breathed loudly and repeatedly moaned, “Maxwell…” when he did something that crazed her. His hands roved upwards, kneading and clutching her skin gently, while his mouth kissed further towards her centre.

Finally his lips parted her folds and she arched into him, letting out noises that sounded like impatient whimpers. He closed his eyes and opened his mouth, touching her dripping centre with his tongue. “Oh Liz…” he murmured. “ You taste…I cannot comprehend it…”

Elizabeth’s hands forcefully clenched at the sides on the bed. “Maxwell…” she moaned once more. “Oh…”

He kissed and ran his teeth over her nub before dipping lower and poking his tongue against her entrance. She cried out so loudly, passionately and urgently Maxwell almost had his own release.

Falling back onto the back, he had to catch his breath before he could touch her again. “Liz,” he said. “You cannot understand what you do to me.”

She forced herself up into a sitting position and then leaned down to kiss his mouth. “I understand,” she whispered. “I know very well.” She wanted to taste herself on him.

Before she knew it, he was touching her again, moving his mouth over her right hip bone and his hands over her pasty stomach. His movements were unhurried but unrelenting and completely hypnotic.

Elizabeth imagined that they were in a sunlit room, happily married and able to touch each other like this way whenever they wished. She imagined growing old with him, having him hold her with those arms and touch her with those hands that could drive her insane with want.

Maxwell untied her robe and split it open to reveal her heaving chest. He wanted to fondle and kiss her. “You have marvelous breasts,” he groaned.

“Come inside of me,” she offered. “Fill me.”

He did not; he sat up and dangled his legs over the end of the bed. “Liz I…”

Liz,,” she sat up, also. “You still adamantly call me that. Why?”

Her hands touched his shoulders and she kissed his neck. “It is for you and me only,” he said simply. “I understand no one else calls you Liz?”

“No one else calls me Liz,” she confirmed. “Does it make you feel nearer to me?”

He snaked his arms around her waist and drew her onto his lap. Her inner thighs now pressed into his hips and she was facing him. “Indeed, it does,” he said.

She eased down onto his arousal and involuntarily stretched to accommodate him. They stared into each others eyes. “What is troubling you, dear?” Elizabeth asked while cupping and stroking his cheeks. “Feel me.”

“I feel you,” he said. They moved together, making love to one another, never tearing their eyes away. She felt so warm and wet and inviting…and all for him. As they neared release, Maxwell spoke in-between pants, “In the morning I will wake up alongside you.”

Elizabeth kissed him and in concert they rode towards heaven. “In the morning,” she gasped, “I will be unable to leave your embrace.”


When the sun streamed through the thin crack in the thick curtains, Maxwell was already awake. He had been watching her sleep. She was infinitely beautiful.

Several more moments of placid stillness passed before he heard the door to the next room open and who he supposed was Rochelle, walk in to tend to the baby.

The movement woke Elizabeth up with a sigh. She reached up and rubbed her eyes with clenched fists. He watched her, unsure yet completely at peace.

“Good morning,” he whispered. She was startled and then—delighted.

“Good morning,” she said back just as hushed. “Pray—hold me tighter.”

He did as he was told, squeezing her more firmly into his embrace. “I cannot seem to hold you close enough.”

“Indeed,” she said, smiling. “You cannot.”

They stared at each other in the bleak light. “Rochelle will arrive to assist me dress following bathing the little one,” Elizabeth finally said.

“I shall have to leave,” he replied regretfully.

“I do not wish you to.” She touched his cheek with her fingers.

He smiled. “I suppose your maid would get quite the fright to discover me here.”

She watched the muscles play in his back as he got up and search for his clothing. “She knows of us.” He was exceptionally sculptured with thick, muscular thighs and a flat stomach. She smiled to herself.

“She does?” he asked.

Elizabeth nodded. She was lying on her stomach with her head bent to the side. “I tried to advise you once that all of my husbands hired help regrettably…heard us in the dark room.” She was too happy; Maxwell noticed the large smile that would not leave her lips.

He stopped what he was doing and scratched behind his ear. “They heard us? Are you not vexed they will notify Nathaniel?”

She laughed loudly. “I had him grant them with higher revenue.”

Maxwell was surprised.

Elizabeth rested her chin on her arms. “I love you,” she said, needing to hear him say it once more.

“I love you,” he replied instantly. “I will see you at breakfast?” he tugged his shirt onto his shoulders.

“Indeed.” She paused. “Maxwell?”

He walked towards her.

“Perhaps today you would like to spend time with your son?”

“I,” he said and kissed her lips, savoring her, “Would take pleasure from nothing more.”

Elizabeth had Rochelle keep the bath warm for her and then she spent the good part of an hour soaking. She closed her eyes and wriggled her toes, feeling the warmth flutter around her ankles.

“Oh,” she moaned contently.

Maria, Michael and Maxwell were all seated at the table waiting for her when she walked fresh and glowing into the room. Maxwell and Michael stood respectfully and the maid pulled her chair out for her.

“Good morning,” she said, catching Maria’s eyes.

Maria smiled. “Good morning Lizzie. You look breathtaking.”

“You are too kind, dear Maria.” Elizabeth glanced at Maxwell and saw the delighted sparkle in his eye. She would spend tonight with him also, every night until Nathaniel arrived. She was so excited she could barely continue sitting still.

“I had the horses prepared for you,” Michael said. “Maria expressed an interest in riding today; I imagine you would like to join her Elizabeth?”

“Indeed,” she replied. “I would enjoy that very much. Perhaps you and Mr. Evans would be so kind as to take care of Damien for me?”

“I admit I do not know what is required when looking after a child, although I am sure it would be amusing to try. Maxwell?”

Maxwell nodded. “Indeed, we will take the best care of him.”

“Thank you.”

Elizabeth and Maria rode for over an hour under the grey sky. “You must tell me of your evening after Michael and I retired last night,” Maria said.

Elizabeth blushed and that was all Maria needed as confirmation for her earlier suspicions. “I knew nothing else could have caused you to glow as you are!” she cried.

“Oh Maria,” Elizabeth said. “This is the way it is supposed to be, both of us happy…if only he could see that.”

“He does,” Maria promised. “He is just being juvenile.”

“I am inclined to agree.”

Maria felt a drip of water on her nose. “You must be contented for the reason that he is having moments with your son.”

“Oh, indeed,” Elizabeth said, also feeling the start of rain.

Rochelle came running across the lawn holding up her petticoats. “Miss! Miss! You must come in; we shall not do well to have you return to the master with a cold.”

Maria looked across the field to where a carriage was pulling up outside the front entrance to the house. “Whoever is that?” she wondered aloud.

Elizabeth looked in the same direction. “Oh my, please…no…”

Sure enough, her husbands head first appeared from in the carriage followed by his masculine frame. He removed his top hat once his feet hit the gravel and turned to look in her direction, a large smile painting his face.

“He is early,” Maria stated the observable horror.

Elizabeth’s face drained. “Yes,” she said. The rain started to pour harder on them.

“We must go in Miss,” Rochelle said. The three of them went back to the house in silence and clumsily entered through the back. Wet and sticky, they scrambled down the hall way towards the drawing room where Maxwell, Michael and Damien were. As they went Maria said, “Lizzie, I am deeply grievous for you…”

Elizabeth blinked. “I beg of you, do not…”

They opened the door and were greeted by the men, all standing together awaiting their entrance.

“Ah,” Nathaniel said. “There you are, surprised, my love?”

“Oh Maria, you shall catch a cold!” Michael hissed.

Maxwell said nothing.

“Nathaniel,” Elizabeth started, trying not to show her disappointment with a fake smile. “You are here…”

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 5:50 pm
by nicola
Episode Eighteen

Tessa arrived the next day and everyone’s spirits were dampened. Maria made it very clear to Elizabeth that no one wanted Tessa there, continuously making fun of her and giving snide remarks. No one wanted Nathaniel there either—especially Elizabeth who had to share a bed with him and endure his hands throughout the night.

Life continued as it had previously and dinners were a formal, unhappy occasion. Elizabeth decided she would spend all the time she could with her son and Maria for they made her feel at peace more frequently.

A couple of days before they were to return to Leicester on a beautiful summer night the group attended a ball that only the most distinguished citizens were invited to. Much to Elizabeth’s protests, Rochelle remained home and took care of the baby

It was one of the most fine-looking gatherings either Maria or Elizabeth had ever seen. They expressed their surprise and delight openly only to have Tessa laugh at them. “Poor you,” she said overdramatically while fanning herself and clutching Maxwell’s arm. “One would not expect you two small town girls to have been in such fine surroundings. I feel pity for you.”

Elizabeth smiled stiffly. “I presume you are well acquainted with ballrooms of this enormity?” Maria snarled at Tessa and then sauntered away with Michael.

“Why indeed!” Tessa replied. “As is Maxwell—that is why we are such a find match! Two high class individuals, no?” she nudged Maxwell gently. “Do you not agree sweetheart?”

Maxwell looked at her bemusedly and did not say anything.

Elizabeth smiled brightly at him and felt her heart shake with laughter. Tessa may have Maxwell’s surname but she would never ever have his heart. She saw that so clearly now. “I should vastly take pleasure in a dance,” she said. “Nathaniel, love, shall we?”

Nathaniel seemed uninterested. “I would rather not,” he replied. Elizabeth noticed his eyes’ roaming for what she bet was a group of businessmen with cigars and brandy. “Perhaps Maxwell will give you the pleasure? Maxwell, would you be so kind? Elizabeth is such an active type—I admit with my age I find it hard to keep up.”

Maxwell held his bent arm out towards Elizabeth. “It would be an honor,” he said.

“Thank you good friend, I am off to find some brandy,” Nathaniel poked his nose up and walked away. Elizabeth silently congratulated herself on being so accurate at reading her husbands mind.

Tessa huffed. “Well what shall I do?!”

“Well Tessa, considering you are so accustomed to great gatherings I am to presume you know a large array of people? Surely you will locate someone you know,” Maxwell said and then headed towards the dance floor with Elizabeth in toe. She dared a glance back at Tessa and saw the ominous, ill-tempered expression her face. Elizabeth grinned haughtily at her—letting her know that she’d won this round. Tessa looked back challenging.

“Maxwell, where on earth are we going?” she asked looking up at him.

His face showed his gentle contentment at having her so close. “Why, to the dance floor.”

“Why should we go there?” Elizabeth whispered in his ear. “There are numerous other concealed places if only we can discover the imagination to conjure them up.”

Looking around frantically Maxwell seemed desperate to fulfill her request.

“Perhaps you would prefer a turn about the gardens?” Elizabeth offered.

He smiled brightly. “What an inventive idea, Miss Elizabeth.”

“You are too kind.”

The crickets were chirping stridently outside and the stars twinkling. It was very dark bar the bright lights coming from the enormous windows in the ball room. Elizabeth walked closely next to Maxwell on the stone path with her arm clutching his possessively.

“It is very serene out here,” Maxwell commented. “Do you agree?”

Elizabeth looked up at him happily. “Indeed, it is more than usually handsome.”

The crisp, fresh air attacked their lungs. It was hard to believe anything could be bad in the world when there was so much beauty to discover, so much love to feel. “I believe I neglected to tell you tonight,” Maxwell started, “that you look saintly.”

“You did not neglect to,” Elizabeth told him. “I saw it in your eyes.”

They rounded a corner out of the view and kissed passionately, clutching one another tightly. “This can not go on any longer,” Maxwell said firmly. “I can not endure it another second.”

“Do you mean it?” Elizabeth asked looking up at him hopefully—holding his shoulders in her palms. Her heart stopped—was this it? Was what she had been waiting for ever since she met him about to happen?

Maxwell held her so desperately she felt herself being pressed up against the leafy bushes behind her. She held her breath, her eyes searching his urgently. “Pray,” she begged. “Tell me what you are saying.”

“I am”—he swallowed—“saying that we should no longer participate in this shamble of a life we are living.”

Elizabeth felt pin pricks of satisfying pain in the corners of her eyes.

“Those few days ago—that seem much akin to an eternity now—when I clasped our son and subsequently you all night…I found it illusory. Liz, I have had days to reflect on what it may perhaps be like and I am acquainted with how surreal a life like that would be. I covet it; I find I simply can not go my life without having it. I at all times wanted it, always but now…Liz, we have to get that. We have to abscond, disappear, we warrant such an act. This life is not meant to be exhausted attending to others—the only people I want to see to is you and our son.”

Elizabeth could not say anything, she started to cry openly.

“You must recognize what we will be sacrificing however,” Maxwell continued. “Your life, your position in society—you must decide whether an existence with me will merit renouncing such a title.”

Elizabeth cupped his cheeks. “In a second,” she said frantically. “I would seize a life with you over any other existence.”

Maxwell closed his eyes; as if allowing her words to seep to his brain—as if he couldn’t quite comprehend them.

“I love you.” Elizabeth whispered harshly. “More then anyone could ever love another person. We must be together as soon as achievable. Now if probable.”

He opened his eyes. “Elizabeth—no—you must allow me to do this appropriately. You must remain with Nathaniel long enough for me to acquire a residence and place of employment. I will not take you away from Leicester without a promise of security. Will you allow me a small number of weeks?”

Elizabeth nodded. “Indeed, of course.”

They looked at each other excitedly and then hugged hysterically. “Oh Maxwell!”

“I love you so very much,” Maxwell said. “I give you my word to look after you for our entire lives.”

“I have no doubt that you will not disappoint me,” Elizabeth replied, smiling tearfully.


When Elizabeth returned with Nathaniel to Leicester two days afterwards she was blissful and at ease. Maxwell had promised to some how get in touch with her through the new few weeks and keep her updated with the situation. She held Damien securely on her lap across from Nathaniel with a smile on her face.

“You seem rather contented,” Nathaniel accused her. “I presumed you would be vexed to leave Miss Maria.”

“She has adamantly given her word that she will write,” Elizabeth answered. “She seems incredibly comfortable with Mr. Guerin, I am exceedingly happy for her.”

Nathaniel out stretched his index finger and stroked Damien’s petite foot languidly.

“Do you wish to hold him?” Elizabeth asked.

Nathaniel shook his head. “No, he is contented with you.”

Elizabeth knew her conscience would weigh hard on her when it came to leave poor, unsuspecting Nathaniel. His behavior throughout their marriage was commendable and his continuous kindness was observable.

She reached out and took his hand in hers affectionately. “You are a fine man,” she said.

He smiled. “You are a fine woman that is why we make such a first-class pair.”

The next few days Elizabeth was very giddy with thoughts of the future. She wondered what her life would be like.

“Now Damien,” she spoke to her son one evening as she sat by his crib. “I informed you that your legitimate father would declare us one day and that moment in time is nearing. You will be happy to be with him. I will—exceedingly.”

Her son had large round eyes that watched her unblinkingly. She kissed his forehead. “I love you and I will need you to be a good boy for when it comes time to leave.”

Two long weeks of waiting passed and Elizabeth could barely be civil she was so jumpy. She found waiting to be very tedious and wished she had ways to pass the time.

Suddenly something happened that she had not been expecting that set off little alarms inside of her. She had been withdrawn and all for herself lately and because of this, she had missed a sequence of events that would keep her plans from taking place. One night she was sitting with Nathaniel over dinner and he was extremely pale.

“Nathaniel?” she asked softly. “My dear is something the matter?”

His head swayed slightly and a slight wet film covered the skin above his top lip. “Elizabeth, I am in poor health…I believe I may require a doctor.”

“Oh my,” she said. “Maids! Angela!” Angela hurried towards Elizabeth. “Please, call on the physician immediately, Nathaniel is unwell and needs help.”

“Yes mam.”

Elizabeth got up from her seat and walked around to her husband. She put her hand on his forehead and studied his watery eyes. “You must go to your bed,” she demanded. “Come now, I will help you.”

Nathaniel stumbled to his feet, clutching at Elizabeth tightly. As they made their way towards his chamber Elizabeth asked affectionately, “Where are you in pain?”

Nathaniel coughed. “My chest.”

Elizabeth did not know anything about illnesses and hoped the doctor would arrive within the hour. Nathaniel seemed very week. The maid pulled back the covers on his bed and helped Elizabeth lay him down. “Nathaniel, sweet heart, close your eyes.” Once he was comfortably under the covers Elizabeth sat by his side and stroked his face. “Have you felt poorly long?”

Nathaniel clutched her hands. “My upper torso has been aching for a small number of days.”

“Why did you not inform me?” she asked. “You are significantly unwell dear.”

Elizabeth departed the room when the physician arrived and paced awkwardly outside the door with her arms across her chest. After twenty minutes she had to attend to Damien.

The physician was waiting for her when she got back. “I am afraid I have dire information,” he said. “You may wish to take a seat.”

Elizabeth lowered herself stiffly to the silk divan against the wall. “I beg of you, tell me—will Nathaniel recover?”

“Mr. Samson has a rather severe case of pneumonitis,” he said. “This is an inflammation of the lung. It is also called pneumococcal pneumonia.”

Elizabeth rubbed her forehead and stared worriedly at the floor.

“The pneumococcus germ which causes the condition enters the body by means of the mouth or nose and finds means to get to the lungs where it produces an inflammation confined to one lobe.”

He recognized her confusion at what he was saying. He tried to explain, “The right lung consists of three lobes, and at the left of the two lobes there is a small additional piece of tissue.”

“What will come about from this?” Elizabeth asked.

“The result is fever combined with cough. You can expect to often find he will have rust–colored sputum and his chest will be painful due to pleurisy. It is possible he will be vomiting and his rate of breathing will increase. Some patients develop a patch of herpes on the upper lip.”

Elizabeth stood up. “I plead of you to do all you can to facilitate him.”

“I admit there are not a large variety of treatments,” he said. “However I give you my word that I will be of as much help as possible.”

“Thank you,” Elizabeth replied.

She sat by herself in the garden for a long time considering what this meant. She was not the best wife; in fact on her first test look what she had done—sinned with a local. Now that Nathaniel was very sick she could not very well run off and leave him to die on his own. She would have to stay with him through his illness and offer the support he deserved. She had always considered herself a good hearted person and right now her heart was telling her she had duties to attend to before she pleased herself.

With a sigh she vowed she would do this for Nathaniel—even if she did just want to be with Maxwell.


Maxwell was not pleased by her announcement when he came to visit her three days later. “I understand you are upset,” Elizabeth stood close to him with her hand on his chest. “Maxwell, our arrangements will take place, however a little later then planned. I apologize but I cannot leave Nathaniel while he has a terminal condition. You must appreciate my reasons.”

Maxwell sighed. “How is it that this was to come to pass now?” he clenched his teeth. “I find it cruelly ironic that such a thing could happen at this moment.”

Elizabeth agreed.

“How are we to know whether this will last years?” Maxwell asked.

“His condition is not one that has a record of long duration,” Elizabeth answered. “Oh Maxwell it is unmerited I know, but—”

“I understand,” he said. “I do not want to—nevertheless…” He took her hands in his and kissed them. “All we can do is pray it will not last a substantial time.”

“Indeed,” Elizabeth replied. “Although you are not a believer in the high power so I shall have to be the one to.”

Maxwell smiled. “Indeed, I suppose you must.” He kissed her gently. “I have one query for you.”

She looked up at him expectantly.

“Where is it you desire to reside?” he asked. “London, perhaps?”

“Yes,” she said, suddenly smiling brightly. “London would be ideal.”


I know, I know, I should be shot...I'll try get a new part up as soon as possible guys--thank you for you patience and your feedback! You are wonderful!


Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2003 2:01 pm
by nicola
Hi everyone, I'd just like to say without your help I wouldn't be in any catergories for the round three awards so thank you so much! this story is nominated on best AU fic without aliens and that is amazing! You are all so kind!

I hope you like the new part!

Episode Nineteen

Elizabeth sat on her bed with her legs crossed underneath her and Rochelle brushed her long shiny hair down her back. The room was dim with only two candles flickering.

“How was your master when you left him this evening?” Rochelle asked quietly.

Elizabeth swallowed. “Worse then ever, I am afraid.”

Rochelle was silent for a moment, as if contemplating the appropriate thing to say. Finally she sighed and threw caution in the wind. “Should he pass away,” she said. “It would be a great deal easier for Mr. Evans and yourself.”

Elizabeth needed someone to confide in so she did not scold Rochelle for her forwardness. “Indeed it would.” They looked at one another silently both knowing the question that lingered in the air.

Rochelle was brave enough to voice it. “Do you wish for his death?”

She did not expect her to reply until Elizabeth released a loud unattractive groan. “I feel I am the worst of people!” she burst out. “To sacrifice my husband’s life for my own happiness is…is revolting! I shall putrefy in the sweltering depths of despair for my sins.”

“I believe that what you have done is not as punishable as you believe. Mam, forgive me for my boorishness but may I offer my opinion? I am aware that I have wrongfully used yours and Mr. Evans situation to better my own in the past, and for that I am deeply apologetic…”

“Indeed, Indeed. That is in the past. I have forgiven and forgotten dear.” Elizabeth put her soft white hand on Rochelle’s arm.

“I am inclined to believe you deserve Mr. Evans. I wish you both great happiness.”

Elizabeth’s mouth trembled; she was on the verge of tears. “Thank you, you are kind. However you may saw your opinions when you learn of my newest predicament.” Rochelle waited expectantly. “I am with child once more!”

“Oh my!” Rochelle breathed. “Well then you should be contented, not distressed.”

“If only,” Elizabeth moaned. “I cannot believe what I am intrusting you with but I feel I must…”

“You have my word of silence.”

Elizabeth pursed her lips and unfolded her legs. “Mr. Evans is coming to see me tonight.” Her heart started to pound just by saying his name. “I am to meet him in the dark room.”

Rochelle nodded. “You must be enthused.”

“I have to inform him of the new baby,” she said. “It is vexing me strangely…I fear he will be displeased.”

“Displeased!” Rochelle spat. “However could someone be displeased with such a blessing? I find that to be quite hard to comprehend.”

Elizabeth laid her hands over her abdomen unconsciously. “You do not understand. He will fear for the safety of us should it come time to leave with him. I do not desire him to change his mind and push me away again.”

“I do not understand such a man who could act so coldheartedly.”

“He wants what is preeminent for me,” Elizabeth explained. “He seems to have difficulty accepting that he is what I require mainly.”

“I am convinced you will teach him of that.” Rochelle got up to leave. “I trust you will benefit from your evening with him.”

“Thank you.” Elizabeth watched her leave and then sighed to herself. Surely Maxwell would not see this new child as a worry? Not when she saw it as such a blessing. Anything she and Maxwell created together was not a mistake. Silently she prayed to herself that all would go well.


He was kissing her passionately. It had been that way since the second he flew in the door, his hair all wind blown and his cheeks faintly dyed. She clenched her fingers around his neck and held him closely against her.

“Oh my Liz, I have required you entirely too long…” his lips parted hers hungrily, devouring them with his tongue. Elizabeth almost felt faint with the strength of his fervor.

“Maxwell I must…” Where were the words? She could not stop him when he was touching her so ardently. Her thin fingers ran down his shoulders and arms enticingly. She would tell him afterwards.

Her nightgown was easily removed but his boots and pants and shirts were much harder to quit from. She worked frantically, often stumbling only to have him help her. When he noticed her hands shaking as she worked at the tiny white buttons on his shirt he cupped them in his palms and kissed her knuckles. “Shhh…” he breathed. “It is alright…”

“I know…” she could not find strength in her voice.

“Shh…” he purred. “My love, calm yourself.” His lips rested on her neck and she found herself drifting backwards at the extraordinary feeling.

Finally she managed to rid him of his bothersome shirt. He stood bare and exposed in front of her, bare and beautiful. She raised her eyes to his and waited expectantly for him to lift her up in his arms and carry her to the bed.

When she felt the cold, unused blankets against her stripped behind she shuddered. Maxwell quickly detained her in his arms and kissed her lips.

Maxwell…I need you…

They moaned together at the feel of their bodies together. They would feel it from many different angles and positions that evening but right now they wanted to see into one another’s eyes. Maxwell’s knee slid in-between her thighs to spread them and she gladly shifted to accommodate his warm, hard body.

Like a branch bending in the breeze, Elizabeth wrapped herself around him, feeling him. Her arms enveloped him like vines—trapping him, keeping him in place. She was ready, she wanted him now. His hands snuck down to cup her soft bottom and lift her into the air so he could take her easily.

“Argh…” he hissed as he pierced her with his arousal. Her head fell back and her eyes closed in ecstasy…

They swayed together, moving with the fantasy melody. Kissing, touching, fondling, stroking…they did it all. Elizabeth found herself very malleable when he needed her to be. She pressed her mouth to his and kissed him as he drove within her.

“Maxwell!” she cried loudly as they both neared completion. He rocked harder against her, nothing stopping him, no barriers holding him back.

At last they slumped against one another and panted breathlessly into the crisp darkness.

Maxwell wrapped his arms around her little, supple body and breathed in her scent—it made him as drunk as brandy. She looked gorgeous and she was all his.

“I must admit,” she finally said. “That took me quite by surprise, dear.”

“I did not intend to be so…rough,” he apologized. “I admit I was thinking of my own needs for some time.”

“Shhh,” she kissed the freckle next to his ear and then his cheeks. “You have done nothing displeasing.” Her arms remained tight around him. “Maxwell I have much to tell you…”

“I find myself wondering and not for selfish reasons, how Nathaniel is?” Maxwell asked. He looked into her unfathomable eyes.

“He is not well I am afraid,” Elizabeth said. She could not tell him a part of her hoped for his death, not when he was so kind hearted that the thought had probably never entered his mind. She wanted Maxwell and she was getting tired of waiting. “The doctor visited today, he is not optimistic.”

“I am remorseful to hear that,” Maxwell told her. “Nathaniel is a kind man and does not deserve death.”

Elizabeth did not know what to say in reply to that. She closed her eyes and then a second later opened then again. “How are you?”

His expression quickly changed to carefree and smiling. “I am very well, exceptional in this very moment.”

She cupped his cheeks and caressed them lovingly. “Has Tessa been treating you well?”

Maxwell sighed. “She is relatively self-assured that she has me trapped in her web and I will never leave her. It is, to a certain extent, sad that she has no idea that her reputation will be ruined by our divorce.” He did not smile. “She deserves what will happen to her.”

“Maxwell I have something I must tell you.”

“Tell me anything, I love you.” He brushed his nose against hers. “You are infinitely handsome.”

She smiled. “I…I…”

“Is something the matter? Are you ill? I was afraid your being around Nathaniel would endanger your health…” Maxwell’s face became serious.

“I am very well,” she said. “I am…with child.”

His eyes widened in surprise. “Once more?”

She nodded. “Once more.” She waited for his response with worry, expecting horror to pass through his eyes.

“Wow!” he cried. “This is wonderful news!”

“Pardon me?” she stopped touching him and stared at him shocked. “I anticipated resentment.”

“Resentment?” he asked puzzled. “Why on earth would I feel that way? I am delighted. This time I give you my word I will be there for every moment of it’s growing up.”

She was tearful. “Oh Maxwell…you are so wonderful!” They hugged tightly. “I was so vexed.”

“You were unnecessarily vexed,” Maxwell whispered. “Resentment, my, my, what were you thinking, lovely, kind, Liz?”

Elizabeth blushed. “I am sorry.”

She felt his hands on her stomach and her insides bubbled with happiness. “I love you,” he said. “This child is a wonderful gift, a signal that we are destined to be together.”

“I love you.”


“Good morning love.”

Nathaniel looked up at his wife from his position on the bed. His eyes were glossy and his chest hurt. “Good morning,” he breathed out.

“How are you feeling?” She sat down beside him and produced a warm, wet towel to put on his head. “I had the maids prepare you a breakfast and—”

“No food,” he said helplessly. “I do not require food.”

Her brow crinkled with disapproval. “I believe you are misleading yourself. You will not get recover if you do not eat.” She put her cold hands in his. “You have no strength. Pray—does your chest still hurt? I will bring in Damien so you may see him.”

“No,” Nathaniel argued. “I do not wish to make him ill. You should not be in here also.”


“That is an order,” he said as sternly as he could. “I could not forgive myself if you were to suffer what I am enduring…”

Elizabeth sighed. “Who is to look after you now?”

“I am not concerned,” he told her. “As long as it is not you. I love you Elizabeth and your health is of great importance to me.”

Elizabeth left her husbands chamber as he requested. She was thankful for his decision, she was fond of Nathaniel and it was distressing seeing him so ill.

As she was heading to Damien’s bed Georgina approached her, “Mam, a carriage has just arrived,”

“Thank you,” Elizabeth replied. She wondered who it could be and collected her son before going to the drawing room to wait.

“Mrs. Evans, mam,” Georgina said as she opened the door. Tessa entered the room proudly and snobbishly with her chin in the air.

“What—what a surprise,” Elizabeth tried to be cheerful and polite. In the crib next to her she grasped Damien’s little fingers desperately. Give me strength, she begged.

“I assure you Mrs. Samson, this visit is not well received on both accounts.” Tessa made her objective of their meeting very obvious.

“Please, take a seat,” Elizabeth told her stiffly with pursed lips.

“No, I wish to stand for this. I do not plan to keep you long,” Tessa stood at a distance but close enough to make Elizabeth uneasy. “I demand you discontinue your relations with my husband. If you believe I am ignorant enough not to identify that when he runs off in all hours of the morning it is to come here, I assure you, you are mistaken.”

Elizabeth pushed herself to her feet so she would be eye to eye with her rival. “I am afraid I cannot do that Miss Tessa.”

Tessa huffed. “I am afraid you will stop. Maxwell is my husband and in marrying me he has certain obligations that you are keeping him from.”

“Your matrimony was a disgrace!” spat out Elizabeth. “You recognized his despondency towards the union and you are a conniving fiend for how you have treated him.”

Tessa gasped loudly.

“You give the pretense of being fine and polite but more accurately you are the most disagreeable woman of my acquaintance!” Elizabeth knew she was acting out of character but this woman had hurt someone she loved more then life itself and in the process hurt her, too. “If you have arrived here to advise me against seeing a gentleman who does not feel affection for you or desire you, I am afraid my response to you is a guileless no!”

“You are married!” Tessa hissed. “I do not feel I have to enlighten you that I have the greater hand in this miserable state of affairs. I can and I will notify your husband of your unfaithfulness!”

“That is the only threat you have,” Elizabeth retorted. “And I am apologetic when I confess to you Tessa that I no longer care for it! Now good day.”

“Elizabeth you will regret how you have treated me today.”

Elizabeth walked towards the door and called for her maids. “I assure you Tessa, I most certainly will not in the near future or in the years to come.” Georgina arrived in the doorway. “Miss Tessa will be leaving now, please show her to the door.”

They did not share pleasantries as they passed by one another. Elizabeth went back over to her couch to sit with her son and watched distressed as Tessa’s carriage trotted away.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 3:01 am
by nicola
Ah! It's new part! Shock horror! :roll: I hope you guys enjoy it!
English exam tomorrow! *runs away screaming*

Episode Twenty

Elizabeth stood outside the house on a beautiful, sunny afternoon. She was saying goodbye to her last guest who was about to leave. “Thank you Cynthia, it is wonderful to have your support.”

“Not to worry,” Cynthia said. “Oh! I almost forgot.” She laid her hand on Elizabeth’s arm. “You will be at the annual picnic tomorrow will you not?”

“Why of course,” Elizabeth reassured her. “I would be sad to miss it.”

“Will Nathaniel be joining you?”

Elizabeth’s smile faltered. “We will see if he is feeling up to it. His health has improved drastically. It appears he may just pull through this.”

“You must be ecstatic,” Cynthia cried. “That is the best of news.”

“Indeed it is. The doctor has told me he is very fortunate.” Elizabeth clenched her hands together. “Not many people survive as long as he has.”

“Well Nathaniel is a strong man,” Cynthia told her. “And this is extraordinary news. I must admit, we all feared for the worst.”

“I admit I did too,” Elizabeth said shamefully. “Never mind, I know this is for the best. God obviously believes he has time left in this world.”

“Clearly,” Cynthia climbed into her carriage and her driver shut the door. “Well, I will see you tomorrow then.”

“Tomorrow,” Elizabeth confirmed. “Take care.”

“You too Eliza.”

Elizabeth held her hands over her abdomen feeling the familiar swirl of nausea that came with being almost three months pregnant. She took a moment to collect herself emotionally and then turned and re-entered the house. The maids were cleaning up from her tea party so Elizabeth went straight to Nathaniel’s office to check on him.

Rapping quietly on the door, she waited for permission to enter before intruding on his privacy.

“Come in,” his voice came loudly and Elizabeth noted, healthily. He we recovering very well.

He smiled when she entered. “Ah Elizabeth, my beautiful wife. I have been entertaining Damien.”

“Oh, so I see,” she nodded. “He would very much enjoy that. I just said farewell to Cynthia.”

“Ah yes,” Damien stood from his chair, swaying slightly because he was still not completely fit. “I trust you enjoyed your guests?”

“Very much indeed,” Elizabeth fidgeted and then, unable to stay still, approached her son who was perched in his high chair. He was getting bigger and bigger by the day. It was obvious he would be a tall man. “She inquired after you. She wanted to know if you would be joining us for the annual church picnic tomorrow.”

“You told her I would?” Nathaniel asked.

“I informed her of your health and told her it was likely you would come.” She lifted Damien into her arms and he cooed loudly. “I was right in doing so, was I not?”

“Yes.” Nathaniel pulled a book from its shelf space. “The fresh air will be enjoyable, no doubt.”

The next morning, full of anxiety, Elizabeth rose and prepared for the picnic. She knew Maxwell and Tessa would be at the gathering and though Tessa had in no way taken action concerning the threats she had given, Elizabeth was still nervous that she was just waiting for the right moment.

She hungered to lay her eyes on Maxwell or just to talk to him for a few moments, but she wouldn’t today, just to be safe. Nathaniel needed her attention and she would give it to him. If all went to plan Maxwell would have the rest of her life.

Damien was coming to the picnic too. She pushed him in his pram around the grounds when they got to the park. Nathaniel was talkative as he walked along beside her. He seemed to be rather animated lately.

She pursed her lips in disgust when she witnessed Tessa and Maxwell walking privately by the lake, deep in conversation. She wondered only briefly about what they could be talking about before Nathaniel had her take a seat with Cynthia. Rochelle and Marie lay out the food they had prepared for their masters and then joined the other ‘hired help’ in their own picnic spot.

“Nathaniel, how grand it is to see you out and about,” George stopped by to chat. “My wife and I are thrilled you are well.”

Elizabeth tuned out now, scanning the area for her dark-haired love and his blonde fiend of a wife. She could not place them anywhere. “Elizabeth!” Cynthia wanted her attention. “How has your art work been coming together? I have not seen any paintings on display at the church in quite some time.”

“Oh, well I have been rather preoccupied lately, I have not accomplished much.” Her paintings were nothing but red swirls of emotion from her passionate encounters with Maxwell. To her they meant secrets, arousal, and love but to the ignorant they would symbolize nothing—therefore losing their appeal.

“That is a shame.”

Nathaniel was chatting away with George and Cynthia turned her attention to a young girl whom she had brought along. Elizabeth supposed she was a cousin but did not waste too much thought on the issue, she was too busy trying to spot Maxwell. She could not believe how much she missed him, she was sure she would burst if they did not have moments again soon.

“Oh look, Eliza, there are Tessa and Maxwell,” Cynthia leaned in close to her. “Do you suppose they are happy in their wedlock?”

Elizabeth swallowed. “I do not. Look how Maxwell distances himself from her touch.”

“Oh, I suppose you are right,” Cynthia giggled. “My goodness! How wrong it is of us to discuss them in such a way.”

“Perhaps we should go say good morning?” Elizabeth asked Nathaniel. His reluctance was extremely apparent. This surprised Elizabeth.

“Must we?” Nathaniel spoke openly. “I am fond of Mr. Evans but I find Mrs. Evans to be disagreeable.”

Surprised even more! “We do not, but you shall be polite if they are to come over?” asked Elizabeth.

“Why indeed! I would be nothing but,” Nathaniel smiled at Cynthia. “I must enquire, for what is your judgment on Mrs. Evans?”

“Oh I indisputably agree with you Mr. Samson,” she nodded furiously. “I have found her to be rather forthright and objectionable in my company.”

Elizabeth was enjoying this conversation. So much that she missed Tessa arguing loudly with Maxwell by the carriages then come bounding in their direction.

“I believe Mr. Evans to be of much higher class then her,” Cynthia continued.

“On occasion, she is frightfully discourteous to my Elizabeth,” Nathaniel commented.

Elizabeth stared at him, shocked and delighted. He’d noticed!

“You will pardon me!” Tessa barked as she approached them.

Everyone’s head snapped up, wondering if they’d been caught but pretty sure they had! “Mrs. Evans…we are deeply apologe—”

“You will allow me to take Miss. Samson from your company,” Tessa looked at Nathaniel for permission. Nathaniel glanced at Elizabeth and she silently shook her head at him.

Being the good husband he is, he clenched his jaw and turned his attention back to Tessa. “In fact, I am inclined to say no, I am afraid I can not allow her to leave. My wife and I are having an important discussion with our good friends here and we do not wish to be interrupted. Anything you desire to say shall have to be spoken to the whole group.”

Oh no, Elizabeth thought. You were doing so wonderful and then you had to add on that last little snippet of a sentence.

“Very well!” Tessa said. “Elizabeth, Maxwell is MY—”

Suddenly Maxwell’s hand slapped over Tessa’s mouth loudly. “Ah! There you are DEAR. I have been looking for you, I simply must talk to you. Good morning everyone, Nathaniel, Cynthia, George, Elizabeth. I am sorry my wife interrupted your discussion. Please enjoy your day, I hope we will get a moment this afternoon.”

Nathaniel smiled fondly at Maxwell. “Thank you Mr. Evans.”

Tessa tried to rip his hand away friskily. Maxwell managed to restrain her further. “You are welcome,” he said to Nathaniel. “May I express my well wishes for your health; it is splendid to see you have re-entered society.”

“You are very kind,” Nathaniel said.

Elizabeth watched with her hand over her mouth as Maxwell practically had to lift Tessa over his shoulder and carry her away kicking and screaming. Her heart was still pounding furiously in her chest.

“Oh my!” George voiced everyone’s thoughts.

“Did I not tell you?” Cynthia said. “Thank goodness Maxwell is stronger then she is. How horrible—just disrupting us like that! How shameful!”

“Elizabeth, dear, do you have any idea what she could have wanted?” Nathaniel asked.

“No,” Elizabeth said and then realized she still had her hand over her mouth. She removed it and swallowed to refresh her dry throat. “Not at all, love.”


“There is only a matter of time before she”—Elizabeth tried to speak in-between kisses—“informs my husband”—how could she talk when he was touching her this way?—“I am very worried Maxwell”—his tongue dipped into her mouth—“she will not always have you to restrain her.”

Maxwell broke away and smiled down at her. “How can I kiss you when you will not stop talking? I know all of what you are saying to be true.” His warm hand stroked her soft cheek. “This is why we must leave now.”

The candle light flickered across his sculptured face. “We can not leave now.”

“Why on earth not?” his mouth covered hers again and she wrapped her bare legs around his thighs. A groan escaped him. It was early in the morning and the dark room smelt like sex.

“Maxwell…” she purred. “I assure you…by the end of the week we will leave.”

His hands moved to caress her now swelling tummy. It was only slightly obvious but unquestionable as to its origins. “But our child…”

“I know,” she kissed his forehead. “I know…”

“Why not now?” he pressed his face against her neck. “I love you so much Elizabeth…It is so hard to be good…without you.”

She laughed. “You find it hard to be good?” she teased. “Come now, not much longer.”

“If you say that you will curse us once more,” he promised.

She laughed again. “Oh you…shhh.”

“Shhh? What would you prefer I do with my mouth if not talk?” his eyes glittered mischievously.

“I am sure I can think of one or two things…” Elizabeth ran her fingers through his feathery hair. “Do you wish for me to show you and then you repeat it?”

He rolled onto his back. “Indeed I do. You may be my teacher.”

Elizabeth crawled down his body and prepped herself up in-between his thighs—rubbing her breasts against his arousal. “All right, I shall show you…but you must pay close attention so you may repeat it.”

“I will do my absolute best.”

“You will not close your eyes?” she grinned and took his head into her mouth. He moaned loudly and—she pulled away. “You closed your eyes!” she hissed.

He laughed. “Alright, I will not. I will watch.”

“Good, good. You must do as I do.”


“Mr. and Mrs. Samson,” Rochelle arrived in the doorway to the drawing room. “A guest has arrived.”

“Why, who on earth…?” Nathaniel rose from his seat. “We have not invited any guests over. Elizabeth, you have not—?”

“No Nathaniel,” Elizabeth looked worriedly out the doorway.

“It is Mrs. Evans.”

Tessa walked in through the door and Rochelle offered her a beverage.”

“No thank you,” Tessa replied.

Nathaniel motioned to a seat. “Please…”

“I am quite fine standing.”

Nathaniel opened his mouth to argue but Elizabeth stopped him and he sat down once more. “What can we do for you this afternoon Mrs. Evans?”

“I have come to put an end to the travesty your wife and my husband are playing,” Tessa was frank as expected. “Nathaniel, I trust you are unaware that Elizabeth has been having relations with Maxwell. She is being unfaithful to you as he is being unfaithful to me.”

Elizabeth watched Nathaniel’s face for his reaction, her hands in tightly clenched fists.

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 3:50 pm
by nicola
Episode Twenty-One

“I beg your pardon?” Nathaniel stared angrily across the room at Tessa. “How dare you accuse my wife of such a thing!”

“I imagine this is difficult for you to listen to, however I assure you…”

“You have entered Birkbeck Park as a guest and I will not tolerate you accusing my wife of such a reprehensible act. I have detected your discourteous approach to Elizabeth in the past—you have been nothing short of uncouth and you persist on my nerves once more by your observable contempt. You are a disgrace.”

Tessa’s face was a shocking bright red. Elizabeth put her head in her hands and prayed for it all to be over.

“My wife has been chivalrous and respectful in your company and this is your repayment!” Nathaniel was positively fuming. “Pray, of what do you foresee will come from your falsehood?” Elizabeth felt his burning love for her and it caused her heart havoc.

“Mr. Samson, I do not lie to you,” Tessa hissed. “My words are wholly truthful.”

“What is your proof of this so-called relationship?”

“Well, I am convinced—he himself has told me!”

Nathaniel laughed without hilarity then walked towards the door. While holding it open he said, “You’re presence has expired. I bid you farewell.”

Tessa turned to Elizabeth angrily. “I am positive you two are planning something!” she hissed. “I know it.”

“Mrs. Evans, please…” Elizabeth started.

“Your coming together will be a disgrace!” Tessa said. “No one will associate with either of you!”

“MRS. EVANS,” Nathaniel yelled. “I demand you leave NOW. You are no longer welcome in my home.”

Tessa finally left, very unhappily. Nathaniel came and sat down next to his wife on the couch and put his hands on top of hers. “My poor Elizabeth. That must have been very distressing for you. She will be punished, I assure you.”

Elizabeth looked into his eyes. Now would be the perfect opportunity to tell him the truth and then it would all be over. She could tell him that she loved him but she was learning that there was much more to life then what he could offer her. That Maxwell and her were very troubled by their dishonesty but had been unable to maintain a polite distance from one another.

What she saw in Nathaniel’s eyes was more then she could take. It kept her from telling him the truth when she knew it would have been best.

In his eyes there was a burning of complete faith and she saw that he trusted her completely. She could not do it.

“I am fine,” she said stiffly. “I apologize for the trouble I have caused…”

“Do not apologize, my love!” Nathaniel hissed. “Mrs. Evans is the one who should be begging for forgiveness. I will speak with Mr. Evans over her behavior tomorrow at work.”

“Do you assume you are well enough to go back to work?” Elizabeth asked.

“Why indeed, I feel almost one hundred percent.”


Nathaniel did not feel one hundred percent in the morning. In fact he was quite horrendously ill once more. Elizabeth could not tend to him however, for she herself was experiencing sickness due to the baby and preferred he not learn of it. He did not even know of the existence of the child.

They sent for the doctor once more and he first went to Nathaniel and then to Elizabeth. “I am afraid he must be experiencing a type of re-lapse,” he told her. “It is most unfortunate.”

Elizabeth was seated outside, she had the notion that the fresh, clean air would help ease her stomach. “He will feel better once more, no?”

“Well that can not be certain.” The doctor refused to sit; he stood with his hands on his cane. “He is previously weakened from the prior few weeks; it may be harder to conquer it once more.”

When he left, Elizabeth remained outside. The mail came and there was a note from Maxwell, Rochelle made sure to get it to her quickly. “From your love,” she said.

“Please do not be so very bold,” Elizabeth told her.

Her face fell. “I apologize mam.”

She opened the letter and read it silently to herself. Maxwell wrote to tell her that Tessa had informed him of her trip to Birkbeck Park yesterday but did not, however, inform him of how Nathaniel had reacted. He had been driving himself insane all evening with thoughts of worst case scenarios and did not know whether he should make an appearance or not. He feared he would make the situation worse for her if he arrived and Nathaniel threatened him.

She decided to go and see him to ease his worries but when she got back inside the manor one of the maids informed her that Nathaniel was asking for her. She took off her sunhat and climbed the stair case to his chamber.

After rapping quietly on the door Nathaniel called for her to enter. He was so unwell he could not sit up and lay reclined on his back. She pulled a chair up beside him and grasped his hand in hers. “My poor husband,” she said. “I only wish I could remove some of your discomfort.” She meant what she said.

“Oh Elizabeth, I fear this is it of me,” he alleged.

“Shhh, my love.” Her hands stroked his gently. “You will feel well once more.”

He shook his head. “No Eliza.”

Her face crinkled with concern. “Come now.”

“Will you forgive me for widowing you at such a youthful age?” he asked. “Dear, I feel I have neglected you in our marriage but I must tell you something now.”

Elizabeth had tears in her eyes. “Nathaniel, you are worrying me deeply. Do not speak as if this is our last moment.”

He stared at her understandingly. “You are the love of my life,” he managed to say. “From the first moment I lay my eyes on you, I believed you to be an angel. You in your deep sapphire ball gown.”

She started to cry silently. “I recall that night vividly.”

“So do I,” he smiled. “I’ll take it with me to heaven. You are the only woman I have ever felt such a profound need for, do you realize this?”

It was so shameful of her, she thought. Her hands held his tighter.

“I recognize the possibility of you loving someone else or perhaps, not loving me as I do you and I…”

At that moment she vowed that he would die ignorantly without knowing the truth of her unfaithfulness. “No my husband, I love only you,” she said.

A soft smile touched his lips. “I have enjoyed every moment of being with you.” He touched her cheeks, wiping away the tears that had rolled down like pebbles down a cliff. “Will you bring me our son? I wish to spend a few moments alone with him.”

“Indeed.” She pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead. “I will be back in one moment.”

Out in the hallway she took a moment to collect herself before getting her son. He was playing in his nursery with Amanda, the new girl, looking after him. “How is the master?” she asked.

Elizabeth swallowed; she was in no state to talk about it so she ignored the question. Picking up Damien, she exited the room briskly. Nathaniel rested Damien on the bed beside him and she left the room, leaving them alone as he wished.

She did not know what he spoke to Damien about when they were alone in there, but a good hour passed before she could take it no more, and opened the chamber door.

“Nathaniel, dear?” she asked.

When there was no reply she approached the bed, only to find Damien asleep with his head on his tiny hands and Nathaniel dead with his eyes wide open, staring up at the ceiling. On his lips there was a tiny smile that chilled Elizabeth. She began weeping loudly and held her hand over her mouth, her knees bent in horror.

The maids must have heard her cries for they came running down the hall and into the room. They collected Damien, closed Nathaniel’s eyes and ushered Elizabeth out of the room.

“Oh Miss,” Trudy said. “What a terrible loss. I am deeply apologetic.”

Elizabeth did not talk, she simply went and sat on the rocking chair at her window and stared out onto the gardens. She took Damien with her and rested him on her lap, stroking his hair absentmindedly.

She was unsure if Nathaniel had truly known the truth of her and Maxwell and protected her nevertheless, or if he had been delightfully uninformed. She hoped it was the second one, and thought it probably was. Nathaniel was such a sweet man, that was why she had married him to begin with, but she felt as if she had taken advantage of his kindness in the last year. She felt ashamed of herself and certainly did not allow any peace in her mind.

Rochelle offered to write the letters informing everyone of his death, so she would not have to endure it, but Elizabeth decided against it. People, especially his parents, would prefer to learn of the news from her.

“It is just such a shock,” Amanda said. “He was fine but yesterday!”

“Amanda!” Rochelle scolded. Did the girl know nothing of how to act around the mourning? She shook her head. “Mam, if you need anything, please ask.”

“I will,” Elizabeth said.

Maxwell arrived in the afternoon; he must have decided that he could no longer bear not knowing the events of yesterday. Elizabeth was in no state to see him, but the maids allowed him in without her permission. Perhaps in hopes to console her.

“Nathaniel is dead,” she simply said.

Maxwell stood in the doorway for a long time, unsure of what to say. His hands rested at his sides, his face like a stone. She did not watch him, she stared out the window.

After what must have been at least ten minutes he begun approaching her, but stayed at a reasonable distance. “Liz, I am so very sorry.”

With all the effort to stay composed, Elizabeth’s nose and cheeks crinkled. Her lips pursed and her eyes watered.

“Oh my love…” he could see she was torn up and was there to embrace her quickly.

She clung to him as she cried, and he held her securely in his arms. “He was so good to me Maxwell,” she said. “So good. I did not deserve his love.”

He kissed her forehead. “Indeed you did, Liz. He was fortunate to have been blessed with you.”

Elizabeth did not know how long they remained like that. But when she pulled away she was embarrassed. “I have a funeral to organize and letters to write.”

“I understand, I ought to depart,” he said. He got up from his squatting position. Elizabeth noticed he was kind enough not to mention anything to do with their plans because he knew she could not discuss it. He also did not press for information on Tessa’s visit yesterday; he knew she would tell him in the future.

He kissed her very chastely on the lips and touched her cheek. “Will you be alright?”

“I will,” she answered. “No doubt BirkBeck Park will be rather busy throughout the next week.”

“I love you,” he said.

Nathaniel’s parent’s arrived the following morning and soon after Nathaniel’s friends started stopping by to offer their commiserations. Elizabeth and her son were made very busy. Finally, after several days of needing her, Maria arrived on the door step dying to give her hugs. Mrs. Parker and Mr. Parker and all of Elizabeth’s brothers and sisters all arrived for the funeral too.

The memorial service was held on a rainy Wednesday morning and there were many people there. Maxwell came, but Tessa did not. Elizabeth sat at the front of the church with Nathaniel’s parents and comforted them throughout the ceremony. Afterwards there was to be a get together at Birkbeck Park for tea and scones.

Nathaniel’s lawyers were eager to discuss with Elizabeth the fortune he had left behind but she was unwilling. Thoughts of the estate and his money were not present in her mind. Maria and her sisters kept her busy and her parents looked after the baby.

“Darling,” Maria came into her room to speak to her the night after the funeral. “I am left unsure as to what you will do now. You know you are welcome in London with Michael and I…”

Elizabeth folded back the covers on her bed. “I will live with Maxwell,” she said simply.

“So soon after Nathaniel’s death…” Maria sat down. “Will not suspicions arise should you and Maxwell marry following so closely to Nathaniel’s death? And what of Tessa?”

“What of Tessa?” Elizabeth snarled. “I do not begin to care what should happen to her.”

“You are not being kind,” Maria said.

“She was not good to Nathaniel or Maxwell or me!” Elizabeth cried. “Why should I offer her any thing other then what she has placed upon me?”

“You are the superior person,” Maria explained. “I do not perceive of this part of you.”

Elizabeth fell back onto her bed with a huff. “What do you suppose I do?”

“That is for you to decide,” Maria stood up again. “Think of Nathaniel, sweetheart.”

“I do nothing but think of Nathaniel,” Elizabeth mumbled.


:!: :idea: :!: :idea: :!: :idea: :!: :idea: :!: :idea:

:shock: What did you think?I hoped you enjoyed the part, I thought I better inform all of you that there will only be a couple of parts left, if not one! We'll see how I go. Thank you so much for the fb!
